« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

273. Andy & DJ CTI: Trump Endorses Dr. Oz, USPS Stops Deliveries In CA & Pfizer Hires 600 Employees

2022-04-12 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss former President Donald Trump's endorsement of Dr. Oz, USPS stopping its deliveries to California neighborhoods after repeated attacks on mail carriers, and Pfizer hiring 600 employees due to a large increase of adverse event reports.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know headshot case club? What is that gaza standing for silva- and this is the chauffeur the realistic about our lives, that the same delusion a modern society welcomed the motherfucker reality guys today we have Dj J proves the mother fucking it that's right. This is where we take the headlines of? crazy shit and we make fun of it, raise yet and then yell a little bit overdue, sauce thousands anyway, we got a couple of reform. It's on the show of your friends hold you to come to the shock which were break now. If we require this, a city I which stands for crews, the internet, which is basically a current event, breakdown her crazy shit and world that we q and I thank you in advance,
is where you bring the cares and bring the day s work. They submit their questions if they want to be on the issue. Those questions into ask andean, eighty four for so email you I will answer your question, ah there, real talk, which I am done. While I wish a prime sharp doing no more regularly, which has made getting on with the microphone in having a therapy session that you are here to listen to I got my very great and then we have fallen. which is where we bring in interesting guests that have to go. You know, have a great story to tell, and- and we would talk about that- sometimes it's personal development- sometimes it's current events. Sometimes it's just fucking around, but whatever it is, it's entertainment. So, If you love the show shall show if you think it sucks OSHA, that's our feet. by the way, those on all run out on the show due document. Eight figures selling on the show with where it ranks and everything but I'll do that, because it's fuckin annoying and am blessed.
enough to be successful in other areas of life to where that it's more important me to actually build a quality product for you guys. So if you think we're doing that, show the show, if you don't think so, don't show show atrophy ccc eyes. Basically, like I feel like they're going to marcus I welcome the member, then, is a bit like where that we're opposite of innocent, we're. Still. You are because you're you re, yeah yeah. I know you hate yourself. We you in a mere now now now I of myself, you do you have that's what you told me to do so. dj the blackest, the the most ways on wiser amazon, most races person in the room. Jesus effect. Oh man, we've got some good ones where I'm sure it's fucking awesome yeah, like I've. I've been like I've been like taking a little break from current events. The last couple of days cause we had a bunch of people in town and it was
fuck him. I was having a good time anyone's oil I'm not basilicus we're over the last pretty much. What we talk about the whole time, but it was you know I didn't know what was currently happening this right? I think this is gonna, be. sure I don't really know what is going on it is usually, as I am I already have you seen- is like our folks autumn with fire. have your day in it as as this one. Well, let's see, let's see why I'm getting something on the breaking news. Guys news came out. I know what this is, I know I just said what I said- and I already know this is Kim gardner. Oh fuck yeah, I fucking knew it. You know how I knew it There is already saw Breaking news. Obregon news. Was this not even breaking just fuckin news
I saw her la reads: soros funded circuit attorney, walks came, gardener faces no consequences after she admits to wrong doing in air guidance case. The record shows that she lad seventy two time. Those dig into this little bit. So this is a little bit of a misleading headlong over here. a little bit of endlessly headline does now. Is the guy whereupon it ok, guys awesome you guys are the sun? and you get so far out, there will be right, gotta bring in nazarite. The supreme court decide the consequence ryan. They got thirty. Yes, so, this review our backyard nice see that I'm farewell it's my years, though yeah throw your job, offer gimme a hundred mill they're gonna get briscoe the fucking radius will go through the roof. Bro. You want to bring back cnn hire my ass and oh shit I'll come in and tell the truth. You might, you might be beating fox tomorrow, you might have to dye your hair. You know
I do me I'm going to convert their whole thing to the truth. They were wondering how to get their ship back well. You've got put somebody like me out there. I wouldn't do it, though cause I hate, those my fuckers, but it's somebody like me and er right right, but they are the guys. This is so. If you're, not me we're in Saint louis, this is in our backyard. The Missouri supreme court ruled this past friday that the far left saint louis seconds, Kimberly gardener. Must return or communications with soros operatives, amen, very political insiders related to her false case against former Missouri governor Eric greitens. Now, that's a win right, various immense, I looks, observed her sorrows funding and how this works right. The court unanimously rule Kim gardener failed to file a timely response. The reported john solomon from just a news for Information, her communications with political insiders, source artist, the court last year,
found, the kim gardener engaged in sixty two acts of misconduct and seventy nine false representations in her prosecution of air guidance. On Monday today, when this was recorded, very office of disciplinary council ruled that Kim gardener will face no disciplinary action for her loss. Lawlessness, that resulted in the removal of popular Missouri governor brightens single circuit circular. Turning him garda has reached Remember the missouri office of disciplinary, very council, She had now just ass. She made mistakes in the handling of her prosecution of former missouri governor grounds, but won't face severe penalties for those mistakes. We don't know that it still up yeah. We all know that listen. I appreciate the fact that they want this woman who go to jail today, cause she she should be in jail. A long time. Ok, you remove actual. governor air, grinds used. Down. The show from office based on fucking lies and then, when those lies far too come out, they made up more lies.
And this is why you guys should fucking support this. Do Alright. Why are they lying about him? Why, creating things. Why are they doing these things because he's gonna go in and he's gonna break up what the fuck is going on? Ok,. Now that being said, this article is factually accurate about the lies, the laws and regulations. These people completely fabricated things they completely light. It was total pollution and what I'd like you to think about no matter what your opinion is very guidance is what, if that, were you? What, if thou, you. What are you where someone that Somebody or a group of people just didn't like and they made up lies and they made up stories and they made up evidence to git. You remove from your position and potentially face jail time. which some of the other characters in this little play our calling for for air guidance, that's fucking crazy.
So imagine if that were you bro. This is this is you'll communist type, shit like hope. You guys understand like a. We could take a person they just like, because quite honestly, this purse represents the fuckin values of everyday american as it is a threat to their needs and not a part of their establishment is not willing to go on the fucking payroll of all these fuckers. so they made up there. Made up a case again Some were made applies to git him remove and he was the most popular governor without fuckin had my far so this for you as this is a candidate that I support as it kinda. You should also support Eric smart Eric can go a long way, and I know there's people out there that don't care for Eric, but the reason they don't care for him is because he's dedicated the fuckin mission over everything
well with that bro nine times out of ten is because they're still believing all the bullshit they drum up about it. That's right! You know what I'm saying same thing with trump's exact same it's the same thing they did with trump. They made Russia collusion, ok for forfeit can years. While he was in office, they made almost impossible for him to have a positive. Story at all in the news. The guy rig artless wall, that poorly transformed our com. The country into the strongest economy. We are fuckin head and then they killed it with the other shit. They brought up the cupboard, shit right and You guys are paying the price, like you your literally paying the price. Wouldn't you look look away how thirty dollars you ve done a complete one. Eighty no brought look yeah The sort of running the other idea like that, like that's how bad it is right now listen. This is treasonous shit or doing it's if people want to say that, because, like they feel like this one, it is just this
guys are anti america and are colluding against america. They're they're colluding for their best, their personal best interests, which are not yours, they're, not mine and they're, not ours, and we have to support candidates that are going to go in and fight for the everyday american without just going there to two fuckin. You know play a part they want you to play the give me some money to fuckin. Do it like. We can't do that. That's not how this country supposed to work are sick. it was not broken. You guys think our system is broken. It's not. The system is the way the system is being run and who is running it. It's broken right people. I had a lot of people after air guidance, both So we had him on the rock, where you guys. Don't agree on everything like how do you? How would you solve that? While we would argue in front of people, and then who have voted for the fuckin answer. The best solution will win. That's what our government supposed to do. We be able to do that and still be on the same team. Hey you believe in and pro life I believe, approach
we're going to on the floor. We argued the fuck out, And then they're to vote and we have to be willing to accept those votes without mill im down and fucking burning our country down shit, that's how the system is supposed to work, even within the same party, yeah right. Well, I mean cause: that's how it's supposed to be man like you gotta, you gotta think we both live in Missouri right, but you live in a different part of Missouri you're supposed to be represented. The people in your neighborhood history, s right right and whatever they collectively, that's not happening at all is not how it hasn't been happening to the last. When you know its entire group think that people get plugged into the system was is about my belief, that's right when it's not even about beliefs, it's about their beliefs that and you making your vote so that that you can take care of and get your part of the fucking pie. It's completely corrupted fucked up yeah, and so that's people ask like you know? Oh well what about this? What about that? When it comes to certain candidates- and I'm like you know what
at the end of the day. What matters to me is that we're going to get some people in there that are going to fight for us. I don't care about their whatever their personal issues are. What I care about is: will they do the fucking job when they get it right and that's what we fucking need. So why am I just out of the headlines this? Why don't you go to jail? She should like, for a long time she's done more damage to the city of Saint Louis there than anybody in my life from us. The key points not just aired ryan situation are gonna hundreds fucking militias and, and here, the oath of office with antibiotics, olive trees, I wonder, is more response. She's. She is responsible for more lack death and coy bushes well by the women. Are we respond? well for more deaths in the black community than any fucking person in the history of this city period. That's a fact that process, prosecute any crime they let ever I go they try to get in there. They don't do anything. It's defined. The police make your neighborhood.
less safe crimes. Ok, you know they ruining one hundred the people. voter form their totally betraying an end and discuss me to be completely honest. True ma'am man What, like you said, the headline was a little miss misleading right, but the boy does have thirty days. to make the be interesting to see what happens there. I think she'll be held either she will be held accountable, which is why I think they're not trying to make such a big. I do not think it'll be held accountable to the level of that she deserves she might lose your law licence. Something like that. She might be. down to her position, but she deserves to go to jail yeah, it's a triborough yeah. I agree what does it think is losing a law licence should just moved to another fucking boost blue city and do the same thing there. I'm like like you, if you, if you think, there's like that's gonna, stop their little fucking playing you stupid. You know while we are has a second and third pillars, similarity to go.
at the end of the day, we're getting to a point where, if people in the court system? Don't standing up start standing up for? What's right, there's going to be people that take the law into their own hands for real? It's a I'm just speaking from a historical perspective, that's what happens You now was a moment of people rely little if these people she started it oh fuck, nervous because people are dumb with them now, because people are gonna uses, fucking little system, they created the outer them. If I was her, I'd be nervous fuck if I was fuckin these soros connected people I'd be nervous, fuck. You, is commandeered and you better. Ok, you're held accountable by the law because of your not theirs. Fucking people out there that you, ruin their families. There's people out there that you know a convicted murderer or a murderer that you didn't even decide to prosecute, went out and killed. Other people like you, you guys have fucked a lot of people up. They don't
I know they don't care, but its becoming I its becoming starting to become, If the law is not in force, there will be no law and people will take the shit in their own hands you're. The only thing pretence things. People right now is the fear that people will go to jail. For the rest of our lives and like bessie to be less and less about concern for almost any crime committed any person, anybody on so when that law goes away, which is what she's fighting for she's the most vulnerable. You're saying that budget ignoble protector, not least of all the police officers least didn't play hater. You know what I'm saying that, like the police are out there doing their job and she's just throwing him back in the street, not having a fucking that that's why the police are in danger. That's why the police are having to work. That's why people are leaving the police force, which makes the communities less safe like these people. This is this I know we say this all the time when it's a legitimate plan to two deconstruct, the entire country
and you guys are suffering because, but we're all you know we I, I hope, she's held accountable for both for both heard her safety and ours. So we'll see what happens, thousand. My dad's is given to the rest. These airlines, we got our official headline number one reads: drop gambles geo peking maker status with doktor eyes. Endorsement so far tromp, surprise, surprise, endorsement of tvs, doktor eyes on saturday and the republican. U s than a primary and pennsylvania is a gamble and substance she'll test of his endorsement power, matters of mehmet eyes, chief right or for the nomination Dave Mccormick winds anyway, on may seventeenth, people will say the words tromp hates most. He did it without tromp behind the scenes. Mccord Mccormick twice with tromp immoral argo, including last wednesday, hoping for his endorsement where LISA neutrality, tragedy, the endorse
would have meant a lot to Mccormick and his wife, Dana pow, I'm whose deputy national security adviser fortress are. The big picture. Chop has already made some failed endorsements the cycle each time. One of the candidates fail his or a phase as geo maker. Some charms advisors are worried about him, taking such a risk on us who recent poll suggests a fairly weak unbeatable, canada road now it's hard, from a cormac, a former headshot ceo, an official I'm a present george bush's administration. Mccormick still could win. Good I've been saying is day was ass. He came out announces raise out alive I'm sorry about your ass. You, I think you a trojan horse for the fucking republican party- and I think was trying think he's. GonNA, they're gonna use them to infiltrate the fucker, but the right No, that none of the really part of mines really really matter but Just someone abounded, I'm not with them.
Wear them. It's on my religion. Where does make you feel that way? For me Stands our guns right like he's on guard restriction. My though those bears documented evidence, we have receipts. I'll, tell you what I didn't like nope, I agree with you or trump yet zombie, honest. I don't know enough about both these candidates to really have an opinion. You know I see doctor oz on tv and shit, but that doesn't mean to me. I can tell you this in the fitness industry and health industries for shit a lot of times, okay and he's awesome some good things eyes also write about some things. So you know, I don't know of about boy. I didn't like yours. I like I saw a picture of him in that maria abramovich, who does the spirit, cooking dinners with all these fucking satanic, fuckers and them together? I didn't like that like like, I don't and then I started looking at like who he's had pictures with over the years and who it's weird is like it really shows you like it's important fuckin, be aware
who the fuck your buddy buddy with you know what I'm saying, and I dunno. If that was the right name that will you know that woman I'm talking about yeah? I think that's her name, yeah she's, a performance artist, yeah, I'm not a like. I think these people are evil? That's my personal opinion. I dont know how you could urge fact after seeing what they ve done over time and in how they look. The other way on on these pedophilia issues and all these things which it'd be a major issue for people right now. It really should- and I feel like people are very quiet about it, because they think that, like they're going to get criticized, fuck We should be proud of criticized by someone who's pro pedophilia, dumb asses, say: like that's a good thing to have enemies like the aggressor grow point yeah, Don't you want those can. I want those enemies how I'm fucked with aid. We all had that attitude the shit when exist, but by you. Keeping silent again, it's becoming more more prevalent
You're letting it happen by by being a little fucking. Bitch wishes be true: when it comes to this guy, I don't know, I don't know his deal. Is I don't narrow the other guy mccormick. You know he was affiliated with bush. I bushes, fuckin, partly part the bad guys and, like I dont, have savage mc guire. I bet that's why trump one given the fuckin endorsement, but Sometimes maybe you should get a endorsement. Psmith endorsements us yeah, I tell you this. You know trump, a really fucked, himself. He doesn't endorse guidance. I can tell you that right here, but he thinks he thinks he's. you know I don't know what he thinks, but I can tell you this. The people Missouri are behind guidance and of trump fuckin fuck set up he's going problem and they will be saying he did it without trump yeah yeah, oh yeah cause he's going to do it yeah so on our man now.
it doesn't seem like either of those candidates would like. If I were Tromp, I don't know that I endorse either one of those you're just because the candidate doesn't mean you have to endorse them right. You don't mean that I mean that's right now. You just came out with a fucking stance of neutrality and say yeah we'll try if trump doesn't like being wrong and he should probably endorse greitens who's, be a real, oh shit, like it's the truth yeah, so I dunno man we'll see you know. I I think I I think People should feel the way you feel by doug Ross. I actually did see the story to not a break your heart you know I actually did see the story of something I caught over the weekend and I saw a lot of the can serving voters like the mainstream conservatives, meaning there there aligned with every conservative issue they I do not like this move at all like. I actually saw Paul and one of the big conservative pages. Eighty per cent said they did not approve, so you know
the day is a really matter. If all trumps people get in I mean do we really want all trumps people again. want some independent thought right now we want some fuckin something loop thing happens, That's what I'm saying I don't. We want some people that I got by the way if its, if its trump and fuckin whoever else at the beach I'm voting for trump. He. What I'm saying like we fucking country, fixed but at the same time you know, I think we still need some. I think it's healthy to have candidate in office, impositions that are willing to stand on their own beliefs and values that are not. Just all I with one thing, because the reason our government is working right now is because everybody on the left is, is no matter what their personal beliefs, with the exception of cinema, fuckin mansion, they are voting a one party lines on everything in it. Having the same on the right for the most part to teach kids sex granada. right on ya, know what's wrong and did the demo
that's gonna ruin the whole party with this pedophilia should and it you can not sympathise with the pedophilia shit. We're not going to accept it. it's now part of lgbtq, whatever the fuck else, and it's not going to happen bro and by the way I follow quite a few big gay accounts and oh yeah there yeah, I do are friends of mine actually What was it like? Look dude, I'm cool gay people like I don't have a fucking recreational waters, but also due to their they're, all fuckin good people. They dislike different things than we like, but- and this point is, is it they're getting their culture hijacked by this pedophilia thing in the people who should be most concerned of those people, the regular people who are gay. Lesbian, gay, bisexual who are not in this fuckin crazy, ass way, further shit, You guys are getting your shit hijack you don't say it's getting how'd you and eventually the dumb motherfuckers remit are going to start believing
it's the whole premise? Yes and It's it's dangerous. Do miss fucking dangerous, as I do believe in gay rights, and I do believe in fuckin equality for those people, and I do believe that they deserve to be happy and who they are and live. You know a comfortable life and they shouldn't be shunned or made fun of or bullied. I believe, all those things but they are in danger of losing their because they're they're they're, not being vote enough money in resisting this pedophilia them, because I'm a tell you right now, every mother fucker nepalese, where I believe, if you all understand at they're, going to fuck your their enemy now and you'll, be mine too. I am with that shit that shit. That's the line, bro, that's the fucking why did I will be held? There will still be absolute, we'll dies headline number two. He needs of self policing in that moment right now, though, it's the same thing where black lives matter like when, like when all were brought up, but what blm has been hired.
I know, and we would always naval hijacked by the fuckin trance works, is shit all of it. Yes, you are I'm saying all of it like everybody's. Looking for this fucking umbrella, the guys matter has not that they hate black men by the way yeah. I hate them got ano yo anyhow, you know guys I'm feeling right now. We know that for a fucking fact, yeah, ok, we'll just say that yeah I I am. I am I made a promise to not talk about certain conversations that were made, and now I'm not talking about people that you guys know from having on the show I'm talking about other people, but the protect my sources, that's right: blood, black and I'll have a place in the b alarm, actual movement right now, no in the black lives matter cause not organization yeah, of course, yeah. Well, I did it. Everything has been hijacked by this crazy shit. Do it sad man is really.
yeah, and indeed I really wish we would gets himself policing. Were people stand up and say and I've seen it cause. I have I been tagged by a lot of a lot of gay people who are, who are? seeing what I'm seeing in terms of it being hijacked tell me in the post right in their like brahma fuckin, with this in anybody like it's, it's kind of fucked up because, like these people who are normal americans, you're, gay lesbian and bisexual or whatever they decided they are, are having to like, say I'm not into kids. Like think about that, but think about how fuckin fucked up life has to be resettled publicly announced like I don't fuck kids, that's fuckin wrong. The fact, or even having a discussion shows the regression of our societal norms. To appoint of. nearly no return receded I look like this. I think that is necessary because he's a thing this division culture, this fuckin, polarizing, it's either left or right,
is he the white or black? It's either ophir down it's either fuckin bluegrass goal dress right like, It's all or nothing mentality. The narrative that they're trying to push down on people is causes that as a fucking byproduct, nothing, that's a fucking, great thing, because once that starts to happen, breaks that your yeah yeah, you're, right and out is de zones. I mean. I look at a good point: I'm I'm I'm I'm happy with, and I'm fine with that people need to be speaking out. Yeah they do Well, I'm just kind of put a warning out there like. I hope that, if you're, if you listen to show in your normal human europe realize two things one you need to get involved in that conversation now in to your everyday, gay lesbian person that you know in real life is not there, not internship yards shit and nor does it make them child like this different in all why people erases- I guess I know like dude around people- are so fucking group- think
on both sides that it makes me feel like we're gonna get to that point in like I don't want to get to that point. This is not right that, through its roma, that's her Land number two headline reads: u S, pierre stops deliveries to california, neighbourhood after repeated attacks on male carries weight, says in seeing this out. Ok. Now I got one. So I got into this or the united states postal service has suspended. So services in one neighbourhood of santa monica California, because of repeated attacks on milk areas since january. According to a report. The first is that have non january nineteenth twenty twenty two. When a rest, living near the intersection of fourteenth street in arizona avenue, allegedly swung a broomstick at one. Carrier delivering mail in the early hour early evening hour. Cbs news report at the carrier reportedly was not injured in it
The month later, residents received a recently received notices from the EU sps, informing them that the delivery service has hereby been suspended to all addresses, located in the thirteenth hundred block of fourteenth street the notice, explaining that, while multiple carriers have been subjected to assault and threats and of assault from innovator It has not been located or apprehended, and still only one assault has been officially reported and the victim in that incident declined to have been to have the case prosecuted spokesperson for the santa Monica police farmer told the outlet that the suspect is well known among officers. Who've had several issues with him in the past. Mostly related to domestic incidents, it's not clear when the suspension sets end and despite the note, as u s, p, s still has been delivering packages in the neighborhood, but paper mail delivery has halted and residents have been instructed to pick up their mail in person at the post office on seventh,
You ve got no mail. You know the sad state in america. Where we're to this point like for real and we're to the point where you know certain stores are rationing. Certain supplies I mean you guys voted for the ship or I went to target yesterday- is zero fuckin baby. Now there's a huge four zero. They have killed fifteen million fucking or some such crazy I was sixteen, but I don't remember what the data was. I don't want to save millions of chickens under the guise bert or manufacturing a food crisis and dude This is the shit that your fuckin voted for. Your fuckin voted for it. Ok, you listen. There's a lot of people trying to tell you don't do that? Don't do that that- and you thought I would never effect you and I'm seeing this now they're, so many people there. They are totally. They still don't believe that there is an actual food shortage happening. It's to happen, is going to happen quick, and
remember, who told you first back and forth in october, that were people we fight norfolk and beans. Exactly my exact quote, and here it is happening in regarding this male issue, I think that's the least of our problems, that was my point is shown much bigger, fucking down is right to the person. it's affecting the neighborhoods mail. I would probably get people together and take care of that problem. That's the best way to go about it at this point If the police can't do anything and they won't do anything- I mean, what's the point, the lock them up and they fucking segment about songs right back out, meow or so like when you you guys are going to have to start policing your own neighborhoods. You know like get involved. Fucking make it your business all it's none of my business, making your fucking business. You know I'm? Sorry, that's, but that's where we're headed in the motion. one things do get completely out of control, you're going to have to you're going to have to establish some order in your own neighborhood. You know what I mean so.
Like many of my neighborhood, was having a problem with the fucking male, because one of my crazy neighbours would be the city ass loosen the ship. Will I like sleep, a pic someone has obviously, my dear I like stephen, said you have here, but but I'm just saying jake any I don't care your ass, I, a beat your ass to my mail starts happening again: oh ok, over and over again, if I have to be worse than being your ass, I don't care but I'm not having degeneracy my fucking neighbourhood and mine, There's one allowed either so a move to a place where your neighbors that won't allow it or give, people together Henry fuckin problems, because The idea, like you, know, everybody's on their fucking video game. Much better with america. Beef issue were like that. The way better used to be like opera, while you're you're you're too young to remember yeah. That was how it was, though that's how it was Joe, you run around your foot, crazy shit when you were a kid, was gay
but did you know there was a risk of you get your fuckin ass beat for exactly this as my mom, it's only stories I wish she was grown up her. She did something jeering at your ass beat you You deserve it, did you deserve it to everyone I got my sb for doing dumb shit. I deserved every fucking time do this, for my mom would tell me this. She was telling these stories like like she would know she did something stupid. The neighborhood right in the neighbor call her the name Where would we operate? Do that's how used in english gown doubt or pursue a browser? That is how that's how I grew up: adults, adults I urge the village together do like we gotta get back to that. We have to end like the problem. Is all these attorneys are over litigious and they want to sue everybody for doing every fuckin thing and What they're doing their robbing people of the ring in that solving any problems we have overly litigious legal system. That is crippling america right now like. If, if you catch a kid,
like criminal video. I sent you of that of that baby or another baby, but that kid thrown tell an adult shut. The fuck up. after throw issue on the floor and stand in morocco bank that kismet fuckin ass, that's what I can't needed. You know what I'm saying like dude. We have to get back to that as as as a community like when you someone else's kid. Do some shit. You need stepping fuck and stop it because those kids remember that shit morn, they remember their own parents. They need to learn that like yeah, maybe your parents won't do anything more fucker, but you do an issue here and we have to get back to having a backbone in a community and people to get back to understanding that they're doing for your own families, while being right, they're trying to raise your kid in a proper way. You know do the bottom line- is we're too many pussy society, its own
We, our society is so fucking pussy. You can't even say the word pussy as fucking real man as real, but real man know anyway, finest dude give him the broomstick treatment back or until he shots as real as real as you. Ain't gonna go he'll, be hadn't, three, yeah. Well, there was a meg file, good man like a good bike that you know what I'm saying those miss sherwin flown fifth, twenty twenty years ago, bro fifteen years you wouldn't fuck and flown it's a iter, its degradation and an retraction of or societal norms and values. You stand there and it's not progression. They call it progressive ism, but that's actually nights regress seeing there. There were exactly how they wanted you exactly exactly the only way for this dubious ass. We were four hundred percent erratic.
the third and final headline for you headlines that you aggressor, no, not because, like I'd, probably do more than beat his ass for me, yeah, not fucking. Real thing is fine yeah! I don't care. If it is it's, how should be That's real me you'd! Unless there's natural, do you look at nature? Bro, you look at a fuckin pride of lions. Are you look at a fucking pack of wool? Anything inertia fucking pecking order and it is based on fucking violence? That's nature! Bro through ma'am. I can tell you this come fuck with me. That's what I believe in yeah I, like my mil it's fuck, no, no fuck with him. I'm just saying like I I like I like living the way, I like being me in a world of fucking, not nice, it's fun because it freaks the fuck out of people. Man they're, like holy fuck student, play you're right. I don't fucking play through
as real guys, our third and final headline for you shouldn't play either. No none of you listening shit, real fucking, backbone, dude do the right thing. Sometimes the right thing is stepping into shit that needs to be fucking stepped into headline number. Three, the right thing, passengers runaway now, when you know something's wrong, do nothing about it. That's fucking wrong!. I'll leave. Unease is good men and another or gap, and I'm three gotta bombshell for euro progress. I have three reads:. Pfizer hired six hundred employees due to large increase of adverse event. Reports documents show. you see it sooner. I like it smiling because it just like no shit, outta, murder.
Should I mean my post yesterday, where said my tinfoil hat became a crown of knowledge, yeah, I'm wearing that motherfucker fucker crown of knowledge, bitch we're proud, broad fucking told you mother, fuckers man. This is scary, shit if is really really scary, so I talked to so many people. They had the vaccine. They're scared shitless. They should. I do not Literally in this weekend, I had very people tell me they got it and tell me they were haven't fuckin adverse reactions of fluttering, or I like anxiety if they were freaked the fuck out bro like they think I dunno man. This shit is fucking scary right about again, oh No such thing that roof reactions so far as to say man I mean like you, you have to be a little more on like lead mummy, be real. Ok
Last fuckin how many years you been alive, you watch tv, then you ve watched pharmaceutical commercials, wash them with all any kind of attention. There's always a long statement at the end about side effects and what could have but in this and that then they rush this by the fact to market and fucking, eight months or nine months, k in fuckers lined up to fucking get stuck in your dumbest fuck, like I'm sorry, you're done you're done. That was the worst part is a lot of people and even they just lack courage, because they didn't want to fuck and state that in one stand up to their employer or their position and then they say why was forced to what are you if you had a decision and when it comes out and all these people all this adverse shit starts coming out like it is now they're going to. During the not going? We had a choice. You chose you volunteered. Your choice
well yeah, but as long as you know how long I've I, like the amount of time that I felt bad like I'm like damn, I feel bad for the people that got the vaccine yeah legitimately about three days not that I'm, I know that's a fucking decision. There are also the same people that saying it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated and that the m baxi were murdering people and that they were issued. fired, and then she got a fucking concentration camps in, and they lose everything they on the shoulder bank accounts raided. So it's hard to have sympathy for allow these people. I agreed move, but I can told you, so they were reader S, social, pfizer, hired, six hundred employees in the months after its coordinating vaccine He was authorized the united states due to the quote large increase of reports of side effects linked to the vaccine according to a document prepared by The company pfizer has quote taking a multiple actions, too, alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports according to a document. This includes significant technology, enhancements and process,
and workflow solutions, as well as increasing the number of data entry and case processing. Colleagues and we've all seen the foyer requests release right. There there's hundreds of thousands of documents that were supposed to be. There was ordered to be these by pfizer, wrote arming nor the halls and takes every five years courts, but about this is one of those documents it came out. Yet there, the releasing of what ten fifteen thousand pages per month or something like that which why the fuck would they not just bring it all out to bring it all out because they want people to fucking author frustration and anger, and now that they're gonna had all the crazy, crazy shit to the area, your arms and what are they or in hopes of begging flooded with so many fucking dogmas that people Mr Cyprus. Now these are the people who should be really scare agreed It's the time when the dog at the vet, not the people, they're fucking, not the people that took the vaccine until about my first made it yeah. No, at a time when the document from which is the documents from the first quarter of twenty twenty one
kay with sense of the? U s: food and drug administration pfizer has had on board it about six hundred extra full time workers to deal with this. don't vote more adjoining each month with an expected photo of more than eighteen hundred additional resources by the end of june twenty twenty one pfizer said. The document was titled quote: cumulative analysis of post authorization, adverse events, reports, a pfizer's vaccine received through february twenty eighth, twenty twenty one. It was approved by the fd a on April thirtieth, twenty twenty one. The document was not made public and until the public health and medical professionals for transparency sued, the fd a after the agency claimed it needed decades to produce all the documents related to the emergency use granted to the company.
the vaccine. Here's is some stomachs from the actual document itself. One want quote a quote due to the large numbers of spontaneous adverse event. Reports received for the product they are age has prioritized the processing of serious cases. In order to me, explore that regulatory reporting timelines and ensure these reports are available for signal detection and evaluation activity. Here's another quote, hope. Pfizer has also taken a multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of avarice event reports. This includes significant technology enhancements process. Workforce solution as well as increasing the number of data entry in case processing. Colleagues to date, pfizer has onboard at approximately six hundred additional full time employees more joining each month. When the expected it expect a total of more than eighteen hundred additional resources. Gods is all there
It's all there s, always any of these articles. Links you'll find the money for solid aka. These companies it'll be dissolved. Completely founders should be put in jail, they should start. They should start farmer companies completely over it's it's. It's the only way to fix it. We don't have any trust in them anymore, zero! There's, no trust like I don't want to take a, my flock in any of these companies. Anything yeah like I don't want to go to the doktor, the support these companies and what I don't the whole medical system is compromise. Now I don't trust anyone I put it. That was why I waited fucking three months to get my cert my surgery. On my shoulder. I waited three months cause I just I was super fucking nervous about all of the shit going on, and I just don't. I've lost our trust. These people,
You know it's crazy should be able to fuck a trust. Those companies, though they dated there's, wrote their the richest people in the fuckin planet. They control fucking everything, and now it's about taking more and more and more and more, for these people. I brought these people. These companies should be regulated founders. In the owners and the people make decisions you go to jail. The money should be distributed, fucking back into the fucking economy, to regular people, to the victim to the victims, yeah and and and we should start fuck over bro cause. You know it's funny. You talk about those commercials I I'll take this drug, you know, and it shows always shows the happy person and then they speed through there will fucking fine french in what always happens. Ten years after that, fucking commercial, there's, fucking sue, there's fuckin commercials by attorneys right saying if you took this drugs call me is that were low yeah, but see here is the problem most. People don't understand that pharmaceutical companies, when it comes to vaccines, cannot be held accountable right. So there
and not be any fucking lawsuits for them unless it is shown that they had a breach of contract, which would be basically saying if they knew was fraudulent going into it and they can prove that than they can be held accountable. So In that evidence exists one year, these things exist. I think it's just going to take time for it to come out and you don't We can't let these issues die. Like you know you you, you guys out there who have had people get sick or die from these vaccines, which at this point you know, I know like three or four people myself. so, I'm sure, there's a lot of other people out there who know people and they're not report Many things hiding a man like all steve how to tat while shovelling snow, the eye he's, got them seeing thirty days ago, shit like that and our soccer guy, there's all kinds of exhaustion, young If athletic people who were
literally dying in the middle of sporting events and shit and stopping covered at all, and that's not conspiracy, That's actual fucking reality do raffia. While nadal has having fucking problems with it like these are some of the some of these people are the biggest athletes in the world, and you know these People operate with immunity and and do things maliciously that literally fucking kill people and they get rich off of it. Like super rich, it's not like kinda rich. Ridiculous, rich and they're so powerful that it's like when it says one show your day, Michael yet yoda was on, show and used, I came out yeah like they, they gotta pay a couple of billion dollars, but they made one hundred exactly that's good business. I do so finding them in all that she is not the solution. They have to be deregulated, dismantle the money should be put back like their purse.
Oh well should be seized and it should be put to the victims of the focus of this others: crimes against humanity, which is what it is Zachary movement. So I mean if I were president, why would you, but that's also why they will triumph and kill me first, so I mean you know. Bobby and african. Do you know about like I'm just saying I did. I don't give a fuck fuck guys for how got real quick side note, how crazy would it be fuckin? You know this. Twenty, twenty, four and fuck intellectual go in and of itself the guy written in the fuck. You got millions of other votes. We have you fuckin very pretty fucking, while Well, I mean us our reality. Like the reality. Is I don't. I look at those things. I look at that. Position as service, and I feel like the only people that should be doing a job or people that the people call for two
Do that job. I would never be someone that we step up and say I want to be president. It would be a kind of situation where people would have to demand it and because I have a good life. I, like my life, very influential with what I do now. In fact, I think I'm more influential what how do things now than I could be as president or or as as a political. Figure of any sort at any level. You know what that the cultural influence that we have been the show you know, and so, We have to think about where your best useful- and I think I'm best use for here, which is why haven't decided do any of the running. But this is a wise, also important support people that I tell you to support, because I can promise you therein lie with my fucking accountable. My main, my main goal with putting the helping people get elected, is accountability and to break up there. Corruption and that's really all our fuckin goal should be. We have to have it. There has to be termed limits. There has to be
fuckin. Rules on lobbying there has to be You know the government has to be held to the same standards of the people. They don't give special praise Jesus! I don't get special trading info. They dont get special fucking anything diplomatic immunity. None of that shit like did. This is supposed to be for the people by the people in it You motherfuckers we're making laws that they had actually obey. Then they wouldn't flow. different laws, right, ok, there's all kinds of things: bro, bribes, personally, I, like all that she should be completely transparent, going in office like luxury requirement, you know, there's a number of other things. I've covered it a covered up, one show at the end of the acute now think of something somebody asked me what I would. What shows that? Not what would you do of your presidency? What was it brought anyway? I sat down on a show I'll I'll say here when he finds it, but you know there's a lot of changes need to be made, and no one of them is is is taken care of these fuckin crew
piece of shit, who are literally fucking, impoverishing and killing our own people see the average. Person can't really relate to this, because they don't really bull, they believe If there is no way, someone would be that evil to fucking like want to hurt their own people, but only because they would not do less right, but these people, what these people look at. You like you're a fucking parasites and once you understand that completely a change, your perspective, they don't care about you. You don't care about your family I don't care about your ability, succeed. They don't care by anything. You know we I was thinking about this on the way to work. You know so much. harder for a young entrepreneurs, meaning in the entrepreneur game, not physically your age. so so hard to get started now because they ve they ve made the they made the pay scale go up so high that, like there's very few product like like these stars companies are having a hard time offering their employees any
of real pay, because they they can't make margins they need to make because of the cost of goods and, in all kinds of reasons, the cost of goods the relation the value of the dollar taxes like do made it impossible for fucking people to actually go out and build shit. When you do that you're taken away, you know. the american dream- and that's happening right now right now is really fuckin hard for small business like it's really high, to get along its really hard to get things going, because you can't afford it because they're hitting you attack The hearing you with inflation, their hitting you with supply chain issues, you're hitting you a cost of. so going up there hidden you greece, marketing, caused by dude mammalian impossible to be a producer to get in the game in its working extremely hard right now, should be that way like this is why so passion about these things, because I was that guy I was that person who started off, which A thousand dollars in built it into something: you know that
a lot of people know and we provide thousands of fucking jobs and careers, and we did that in america, for real, it's not a fucking bullshit story and. for that story to be able to happen for you all, these corrupt people have to go like this system has to be reset, because it's got to the point where the corruption is he not so much of it is taken away, the opportunity for people at the bottom in a really get ahead in a real way. Misinterprets the is intentional hundred percent they're trying to make a producer there try and make hasn't glass of people. Ok, there cut everybody off from opera. middle class and below and make them fuckin poor shit in and peasants. Ok, that's the goal. So We should all unite to stop that shit and break it up its episode, two or three episode, two or three third question. I think right so you got listen what I would do vice president, in a very brief
without me having like go through every point, maybe I'll do that! Maybe I'll make a video or something shows like what I would do me got you basically have arose guard. We therefore that we should do it. State of the union from the earth from our front yard there. We should be fucking flared up a meme big eyes. It's me, how to do alright refunding row. We can. They could play my press conferences along right next to your binds press conferences. I just attack every issue that he attacks. but such a good idea. The boy ran about yeah that's a good idea: bro yeah, I'm fuck, it my yard here about order, the ban I don't know what I'm saying like my group. I could literally do that and it would show people the the difference between someone who knows shit and some who doesn't know shit. It's real, it's real, and maybe I should you want to do it.
State state state stay the ma, fuckin union yeah once once a once a week, or so maybe funchal garbage Can you do that exclusively on? You too can grab your genes? Are a peep saki psyche is out of Y know: I'm place russia she's intentionally devices. You know that what we do in scope for hosting brother. I know zero transparency. I note a fuckin, they voted present that's what they say to us. Fuck you peasant you'll, like it fuck you wrong. Blue knows fucking, it's you. The average american doesn't have five hundred extra fucking dollars in a bank account it's fucking wrong. Dude. We are supposed to be a country of prosperity, we're supposed to be a country of wealth and winning. We are not there right now, it's not that that is a lie right now and we need to fuckin
it can be fixed and can be used for a long time. What we were that country- and we could be that country again, but it's going Take us getting wise to whom it loud we sent us and and getting a little involved a little uncomfortable in situations that are norm to deal with you guys. Our found segment of the show you ve been waiting for. the thumbs up. Second, russia headlines: you don't get to thumbs up or two terms in the butt and with that being said, our thumbs, hello reads mike tyson kit sale, ear, shaped cannabis. Dummies in colorado. Stay law prohibits marijuana, edibles from beings like humans, animals, fruit or other. midges that can attract children suffer the farmer boxing champs new edibles are shaped like ears, with a bite out of them, which is a reference to that time in nineteen. Ninety seven, when MIKE tyson,
Amanda abandoned fulfils ear during the w b, a heavyweight championship, sizes, cannabis company thyssen to point out, can't sell this airship. He edibles in colorado, because state law prohibits it thyssen to point. I was still plans to sell the, was but will modify their shape from a been ear to the letter t before they debut in this internal state, later the sheer tyson has been in the pot business since suite twenty. Sixteen and reportedly earns more than six hundred and fifty three thousand per month from it according to marca dot com. Here's an image of the the gummies What other revenue? That's a fucking genius fuckin this funny has. But I also see their point. I do see that yet like, if I think of like ryan came across your daughter came across like a little thing like candy, you know what I'm sandra like I get that that's you know
the fuck, and it is genius yeah it's funny, but you know they make a good point idea for your support. I I think it's important for us to to take things didn't, consider rational up a bro for sure. Like you know fun, But anybody who uses cannabis knows that the fuckin by I was in the badger fucking impossible. Our wish for a two hundred and sixty pounds, fucking man so like there more than kid, prove I'll, kill you if the shit out like I'm like man, I did all this shit. My life, I can open- I forget back like so I dunno, but you know I get where they come from, and I I think that's it you don't you is a genius idea by its also you now. I can see why they think that I'd, say I'd say it's pride to thumbs up there, based on like hey, we we do need to be responsible about you know,
thing is like when cigarettes were out- and you know they were making cartoon reels and all the cartoon character smoke cigarettes. But that's not that's. Grooming screaming and not the way these people are talking about grooming, that's what's hot news, but it still grooming now and we do that agreement sounds library what eddie target yeah, so guys. That's that's the show if you like to show have made you laugh image, dank if it gave you some info and please pay the fee to you and- and I also get involved location enough for what's right, fucking make yourself comfortable brow by we're. Gonna have to fly
If stand up to fix this world is going to take you two alright, so as to show sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box froze the fucker stole countless millions. In kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row. Kang ball doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-30.