« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

270. American Revival Part 1 Ft. Eric Greitens

2022-04-06 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined in the studio by former Missouri Governor and Senatorial Candidate Eric Greitens. They discuss what most Americans are concerned about in today's society, including the government's massive theft when dealing with taxpayers' money, the federal legality of marijuana, and the corruption in the health care system.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one jewelry number for the county, millions in kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What is up guys it's eighty per seller- and this is the show for the riddler- say goodbye to realize that these delusions modern society welcome to the mother fucking reality guys. Today we have one of the four episodes guy. So we do feel like that associate with what we're gonna do today. Sometimes we come on we're ready, real talk, which is basically where I call you out of your bullshit sometimes we do see tee. I, which is crews, the internet were dj, and I- one of the entire world and then colorado in their boats, and then we have two and a half. We are trying to help. You guys know like we ve got a little bit like identify the problem and solve the problem, that's what we're doing a rear. So this. First time listening, we do have a fee for the show
I can tell sell you anything. I'm not gonna run adds halfway through the show. You know I can make a figures running ads on showing your ears, and I would never have I too, am I don't do that to you, because it's annoying as far groundless now the people, so in lieu of that sort of income. For me I would ask for some. Word of mouth income, or, if you like to show, The major laugh, major think, but taught you something or if you just want to support your body anti show right now, we do have a very special yesterday, and I it's definitely not dj vu all right. So, what's our dj, so we got DR sal. What's going on everybody, I thought I was the special guest that I'd be. I know you
you are well, I think they think I now we just down the hall, I will say in boxes, neighbours shows where europe the shows ominous administered tagging you and all. I know that this agreement should be a mule sire. You know that, but the thing is, if you're on the shore the time, then you, what they want to see your highlight real. They know you like a dumb ass, a boy acts, go point or extremely funding but they saw you do they know my extremely handsome wow. You know it's got like you. And on your gliders? I disagree magazine deodorant I'm in a day, so there it is what it should be pointed out. I mean how tired, but it's amazing I do it and We have a very special guess for you, former gum a missouri united states Senate candidate. in future, senator in future, a lot of things and a good friend of mine air great.
What somebody's going all man. How are ya good, it's good to be on here with you how the J, thanks for having me guys, yeah, it's really cool to have you here, yeah do oh god, I wanted to bring Aragon because As you know, I've brought on a couple of other people that I believe in and who, I think are have good solutions and good answers for the country and we're gonna talk about those today. So what I would like to talk about is just like Eric. You know like what the fuck and now you're gonna have a lot of conversations about about this. So this could very well go on for a week. I would try to keep it what size for young, but I manage the good, and we do. We can come back if we need zoo diversions, two and three in our work with where people people are down heavily down a bigger studio, ample time gas, the bathroom you know, one thing about you can either as friends is that I really appreciate on one citizen face like we don't actually agree on everything right right right. We we have healthy debates and were great
friends afterwards? Yes- and you know it- the way it really should be. I was supposed to be tat an end. I think you know four, I was thinking about this on the drive in the morning. You know everybody go into the extremes at the extreme laughter the extreme right and if you don't agree with, You know one of the other you're the extreme other, and the truth is we all agree with all of tat hearing you. You know. Don't agree with the fort full left general europe extremist right. If you hold agree with the, right agenda, which I don't know. I don't you know that That is what europe Mac from Missouri were the park, but you know the truth of the matter. Is ban most of the country is regular people. regular people man they want they want to. I mean I see you are overdue, it's all over the country talking to people all the time. The one thing I do have in common is that do we are strong freedom for people and america, first people and we
No, it's actually does a really interesting thing. I was thinkin about on the drive and one The reasons for that like so what I want. I am out one of the things that always happens. Is people come up to me and the question then, is: how is it that then, usually they say the laughed. How is it that the left is so stupid? no, it's a real question. They see. How is it that they look at defending the police? they see the thousands of murders that have increased and they don't know that it's happening. How is it that they look at the open border and they see everything that's happening in that they ask themselves as questions in part of the reason is that the difference between real people and the people who talk about and engage in politics? Is it real people do real things they do so With their hands and so here's what happens when you are solving a real problem, It has a reality. Ok, if you and I are working on an engine right and you say to me a man. I think it's the spark plugs. I can
dude you're a racist, yeah? Okay, I have to say I have to say you know what actually I already checked that I think they're working, maybe it's the fuel and whatever, but you have to solve a problem that has a reality, one of the problems in our society. Eighty right now is that so many especially on the left, so many of the people who is talking about politics, everything is for them in their heads. And it's why you see things coming out of their mousing, that they say that seem complete madness and their completely detached from reality. And which also why I always found, when at whether I was a navy seal, do in humanitarian work in government. If I was working with people who really cared about a problem, you could work together It did not matter what their background was. If you disagreed on philosophy, your politics or whatever, if they were dealing with, The reality of the problem in front of you, it's ok cool! Will it let us work on. That's figure out what does help homeless veterans? What does
kids in school. If you ask a real problem about the reality, you can deal with it right now. now we literally have a political class that is detached from reality dude. I was noticing that exact same thing. It's getting, you will unite no for a moment, our yesterday house, the the sacramento shooting right did you did you see that The idea that if there was there was a mass shootings, six people got killed every dream, injured and engines, our common on sunday, like Saturday night, I warn you big fight people brought our guns or shoot and shit. and the next day you know the msm is on on record. You know, they're on t v, saying, gun laws, Biden's out, gun laws, gun laws, gun laws and that's a perfect example of this they're, not even asking the question word These laws have prevented rise from happening in the answer is no right and that's a constant its it.
To me? It feels like it. Do it like an hour know what you think about this out of we talked about this or not, but I can't remember but like dude in almost feels like there? they're, using technology in the media in all of these things to prop these people up to make them seem like, therefore, more powerful than they really are yes, but the people on the left extremist right, we're bending over backwards for all these crazy, you know more or less viewpoints and that are, quite frankly, un american, like you know, let's just be real and they're amplifying by the use of technology. The actual resistance that regular americans were commonsense face because the truth is due and you ve done a lot more than me, but even when I go like I told you how I went to california right- and I say everybody was with the message by everybody,
and it was a mate and you were there, it was mainly latino crowd, ok and they will create see about like the american values and end the four very pro freedom talking like they understand moralism. They understand how crazy this shit is in rome, anywhere. I've actually gone in real life. The p while the show up that are with this line of thinking are not only in very small numbers, but like you can visit, We look at him and say duties. People are flocking whacked jobs and amazon. So clear- and this is the really deep point that so so so many times conservatism. Patriots miss what's also clear, is how cruel they are yeah it, because if you really care about people, then you care about the results that you're getting for them. If you really care about people than you asked the question, what, change in laws actually help. If you really care about people you'd ask yourself: does this policy actually work? And why
if the things that I found, you know, I- and I found this actually early in my life. This is before I was in the seal teams. I was doing humanitarian work overseas, so I worked in. in bosnia in refugee camps. I worked in rwanda in refugee camps. I work with kids in Cambodia who lost limbs to landmines and what you find and was it a lotta times the policies that sounded good, we're going to create a centre for orphaned children? Were do acts we're gonna. Do I didn't actually work I found the same thing when I was working with veterans after I was hit by a suicide truck bomb, and I started the mission continues. Resolved language around like well, we're gonna help these guys and we're gonna make sure that they get this charter. program, we're gonna, make sure that they get lots of disability pay, we're gonna, make sure that they get the right drugs. But if you really care about people you have who again look at the reality? Do these programmes work? Do they actually
work and what you're saying there in your pointing out in its why people feel like the whole discourse in the country is off? Is that its cleared the people who are talking not really care If you really love people, then you're gonna dig in and you're gonna, What works yeah and then I knew also realise that, like what works here might not work, there were bulwarks for this person might not work for that that person and you really dig in and that's part of why people so upset with all of politics. Is it its clear most of the people most of the elected officials, and this is true- both parties right most of the other the officials and a lot of the people were talking? They don't really care. No! It's about sex. Preservation, building a career and furthering their establishment. Better, it's right, our ability to fund money into their writer little? What what george Balfour? We call ral right right right! That's that's what it is
That's what you know. The message that I've been on for ever now is like: do we need real people? Yes, we are now people new action. A real experience has gone real places, ass, some real things, and you ve done that yeah. You know most of these but that I see in office right now and I think, from my point of view, the biggest problem that we have in america is that we have people who have been in for a long time. They've established. You know they don't listen. they were established. True, fascist relationships, ok, which means they're, taking corporate money in and that the government branch and the corporation, branch are united together to form a certain. of tyranny against the people and that's what's been happening in its in and we have a bunch of people in our government. Now who care way more about themselves will certainly right now. Who cares way more about himself and his family. His wealth, then the betterment and and success of the
average person in america by others room true, but I'm gonna do that. So so we you guys see that hungary's president elected Oh I didn't know you visited entice orally guy jedo, I know source everybody, he was driving times and then he was driving a lot of the globalist knots YAP actually in europe, and there was this huge attack, the global attack against him. He wants it. Actually, you guys, I did not order. No one like it was major landslide everybody's pissed. Now with by all our friends right right, there, man right eye Oh yeah up a servant came out right. I'm gonna pull up the top pressing issues facing american. How we fix okay, so there's eleven topics we just open conversations about them dig into them, but I think first, we gotta do a little honorable mention. These are topics that did not make the list so on. There's no such thing as an roman chabrol. There is first place you'll like this one woman as it so things that didn't make the list
racism dynamic list. So these with this was a survey of american citizens when they are actually care about what they actually got a bus or the Zanu imagine is things did make it It's not our dj. I know you get accused of being a racist. All the time mean. I think that my age are the most racist gatherer yeah, but if you only knew what I'm saying but other things I didn't care about, the blue or gold dress, knock it down, didn't make it immigration did not make the less surprising that surprising me, that's a major issue. It's a major issue. Nancy Pelosi didn't make the list cause she's going to die it will it will smith's mac did not make the list and then, as Colin kaepernick wider black dynamic, So, let's get on with the release the. How and cabinet has come here as the repair princely right there. Ro. I wish I had a flow. That's real! So
Well, we're gonna go ahead, start this list of grandma from from the bottom up, essentially so number eleven. This is the eleventh most concerning topic, oppressing americans, taxation. Okay, this is number eleven. Okay, you guys know the the federal tax rates he says just from the rates here, and you know you get fucking slammed yeah. We have no lube, will loop ever. How do we fix it? What what? What were? What were we out on taxes? I think people, the the majority consensus that we're giving tax way too way too much. Okay, had twenty twenty one. It was four trillion dollars in taxes, taxes, federal taxes that was taken from the american citizens and we're spending about six trillion on on average per year. What's the what's the solution, so I think one of the things you have to look at in re. Member, that's very important when you think about this is the massive theft that is happening inside the governor, the massive theft and specifically, a lot of it.
Is legalise fat failure, One of the reasons why I was attacked as governor was because I went nine zero out these completely corrupt tax credit programmes. I'll give you just one missouri example came in Missouri they have something called the low income, housing tax credit and they always do this, sounds nice alone. come housing in dax credit who could be opposed that will what that means is every year, but a hundred and Fifty million dollars of tax payers money, taxes paid by the people of Missouri is given away to people in this tax credit programme? And you go back audit after on it over over the course of a decade, showed that only about forty two cents of every dollar actually went to anything close to low income housing. So you do. The quick math over the last as the last ten years. One point: five, billion dollars? Fifty eight percent, seven hundred and fifty million dollars, that's being stolen and given away to insiders,
and then to understand how the scheme works, because it happens in the same way the federal government with the law. income housing tax credit guys. Do they turn around and take that taxpayers money that seven hundred fifty million and they give out lots of political donations? Okay, so now their pay. And all of the politicians toward the politicians. Do they keep the low income housing tax credit programme going and what happens the politicians fattened happy all of the insiders fat b and everybody who is listening to this right now whose working your pants for and it is a complete scan. In? That's that's why I'm yeah that's one small example, and it happens again and again and again and at the federal level. What happens? Is these big companies higher obvious. Those lobbyists go in and they are right things into an extraordinarily complicated tax code which creates spam show bonuses, incentives, the ways for
massive companies that then too, around and take those gains and use them to give donations to politicians. So what's happened is the entire system is broken it's not just about what level of taxation and obviously it's too high, but the fact is it is Gee, rigged and unfair system. and where you need to get too is to get all of the unfairness out and make it incredibly simple right now, the time ex code, is so massive- literally intentional about, and that is intentional. They intentionally make it complicated. They intentionally make it hard for people to comply with and they put all of these special bonuses in there all these special bonuses for their friends and who loses everybody who is listening right now every hour as person who's out there and then combine that with the fact that they spend
wildly and recklessly on things that everybody agrees. Are nonsense right this? This one point: two trillion dollars: they just spent on the green new deal. They called it an infrastructure bill, You ask anybody, would listen you right now like? What's it what's infrastructure, it's a road! It's a bridge support like those things are infringed sure. The green new deal that in infrastructure, but they take your money and they spend it on things like that and then tax you more wall of their friends get off yet in those people that the that get the money. This is a another way they make money, your guy s, they almost stock in the people's companies that that are getting the money on top of it, so that companies there money directly, their cut their friends are getting rich,
and doing better then they're, getting paid again off the stock increase that they own these companies? Okay, and so it's not that I'm I'm I'm explaining this, because it's very important that regular people understand that. Not only are we being taxed too much money, but it's being scammed to look as if we're trying to problems were doing the good thing and we're good people and we care when in reality they are spending problem. We have a collection problem and We have a a no interest in the people problem. The reason this country so far, technologically behind some of these other countries, which case you haven't understood yet we are- is because these people are continuing still our money back and you know in the old days. People are Guarantee in the harbour for such tax- yes, you know all said and done in California. You know
these do japan and the sixty percent I'll. That means are working for sixty percent of the year for the government. Your govern employ broke out of you, you're, not an entrepreneur. Sonia may organ for the government monday and tuesday. And a wednesday, and then you get to work for yourself on thursday and friday and weaken this these systems, these systems, overtime, collapse, well, I miss tim's overtime collapse. It there's there's a couple of ways: look at it! You're throwing money at that issue doesn't solve that issue. If you take somebody who makes you and we do we- we have. You know lots of young people who work here and teaching them. Fiscal responsibility is one of our roles, which is why we do a really good, very good job of keeping young people, because we teach them things that the world does not. If you have a spending problem, when you make Where money you just increase the spending issue you know, and so like in this particular environment, no amount of money that we continue to throw it. That problem is gonna fix. It somewhat also broke that when they come at you,
in this light, binds right now saying: hey we're gonna tax on realise gains. We're gonna tax, this weren't when they raise the tax there is. The average person does not understand the residual intention that benefit coming the eat like there is not it's not like. All we screwed up or this, let it inside gay There were all it on We're say: hey! You know what thirty two, The percent sign enough. I'm going to have you mate, I'm going to bump you up that thirty five right and then I'm just going to take that money myself. Well, I think, there's sorry to it the way to fix that too, and going back to Eric's point. You know where there's mystery, there's margin! That's that's! Whenever the deals, It is too confusing. It's it's hard to figure out. There's they're, hiding money, that's the whole game! So there's I mean in the sales process. That's the goal when they, when a deal comes to you and it's way too fucking complicated, they're, just trying to hide money. That's Oh, is that fine print on the commercial, not its enemies, that it's the whole union yang of that situation, but in my
I opinion. Just from the you know, I I I love fiscal structure and you start looking at Israel. You can make a flat tax on the front end and consumable taxes on the back end and and we've fitted. We base it off of that. It's hey! We all pay this on what we make, no matter what it is, the more you make, the more they actually get paid and if you want to spend that money on stupid shit, while that's your choice, because we're going to increase the tax across the board based off those things. Now these are things that people who make fifty thousand dollars. Your cat probably could not afford we're. Gonna increase that tax, and it's now you have a judgment to make based off what you want to buy to consumable tax, we're in and to go even deeper, the big problem in almost all political discourse right is that politicians and insiders talk about how much money their spending. so they'll say we're two hundred dollars this year or two hundred million dollars this year or one trillion dollars this year in the real world. What people? interested in air results. What are you
adding for the money that you are spending? And you look back over the course of american history? What did we get for the war on poverty? how big of a reduction did we get? It didn't work so people ask themselves, and they should be asking the question that that that politicians. Love to talk about is well organ. Spend more on x. Ok, the question that they should be asking is: what results did you get for the money you already spent? That's the question. Well, knit and less they spend all of the money. They don't get it budget increase right to I twenty two there. Now they have to go frivolously spending the end of the year on whatever they can so they make sure they get their actual twelve percent. Here. Is my child said man, it's a big club and you ain't in it now and that's it down like that, has to change a four hour I argue all the time you know I've talked about this many times. It's now a government model. That's messed up what it is. It's just the people that are in the mock, correct moral structure,
I'll covering for each other, they all come out dude exploit. Here's explains the average person. When you you'll, learn this one. One day when you have when sir you or you decide you going to sue some you're gonna go to an attorney and you're gonna say hey, you know, I want to sue this. Guy he's gonna, ok, we'll do! That is awesome. before prefer, let's get on and they get your height right now call up the guys attorneys, hey I've got this guy he's really hungry to see this guy, oh yeah yeah. Let's how about we go on? Let's have around a golf and talk about see we can do gaming dollars, they got they go out on the golf course right, and they say I don't think my guy's going to quit and I until he gets what he wants like, but I think I'd get him to go for this. Other guy says well, let's We are proud you this well, let's you know was dragged on. Let's keep it going like a nation
acting in their own interests. Okay, and this is what attorneys do, and this is why get guess who's in the legislature. The mostly returning to this common practice for them to do that. Now, right you you had this, you have an experience with the same in what I hear your exact wait you're exactly right, because what happens is- and I I've always talked about this- if you want to identify somebody who's going to become a sell out in office. It's very very clear. You ask yourself: is this office there going to be in the most impressive thing, they've ever done in their lightened and here's? Why? Because if they get it, then they don't want to lose it. Ok, they are not there to serve other people if somebody comes into office and they ve got it. Incredible background, they built a great business, they were a fantastic teacher. There were great architect, they did something if they come into government because they want to accomplish something. That's very different than someone who wants to be a government official right
So then they get in and then what happens is all and you see it, it's disgusting all of the lobbyists descend on them, the minute that they get elected and they start workin emanating well, we can get you. For your re election here, we can do this well, don't say that because that's gonna get in trouble, etc, etc, and what they do is people who who don't want to lose the office are the ones who become sellouts, which is why you need to have back in that those day, you think about george Washington. You think about Thomas jefferson, you think about Alexander Hamilton, you think about Benjamin franklin. You think about all think, while SAM Adams thing all of these people who are part of the rebel and they were incredibly capable people who had achieved things outside of government. So when they said we're, gonna play our lives, our fortunes and ours. sacred honour on the line. They were putting something on the line today, you have all
these people who are running for office or who are in office, and this is the most important thing they ever done their part of that club and that's. Why That's why they are there and that's why they don't they don't take any risk to change things. True or not true, if we eliminate lobbying would eliminate at least eighty percent of the problems yeah, it's a huge Peace is not at issue in that regard. We would have no corruption and at scale there a huge part of the crew option and one of the ways you could do it, and this is one of the things. So so one of the reasons why I was always hated by the lobbyists was it the first day I was governor the first day I signed an executive order. That said any who worked for me could now. Our turn around and lobby me because this is how the whole government structure works. If you ve got guys we're in the senate offices or who are centres, congressional officers who are congressmen and what do they do they work. For a while and the elected site, and then they know their gonna leave and go get paid by the lobbyists to who do you,
there are serving when they're in office and it's a very simple rule, which is that, yes, you ve been in office, you cannot become A lobbyists in the rule I proposed was that you can't be a lobbyist for as many years as you served you for one year then call you can't become a lobbyist for a year. But if you ve been a career politician, you ve, sir, for twenty years, then you can become a lobbyist for twenty years. If you ve worked in congress for five years, you can become a lobbyist for five years and when I said this and when I also said we're gonna ban all lobbyists gifts, they went crazy, absolute crazy so what do you do? Yeah look when we get when I was gonna we banned all lobbyists gives to the executive branch
and the minute I was gone. You know what they said. Well, we'll take loud ass. They doubts at this. Is it's it's a scientifically for people to understand and it's difficult to over overstate how incredibly corrupt the whole system is, how corrupt and how cowardly, tremendous corruption, tremendous cowardice in your exact, their rights out. If you said you cannot leave to become a lobbyists or then that ends. There that ends there. Gravy train the whole run right, Now here I was only eleven. We got me on a low level issues and five level. My vote is fifteen percent tax. Make everybody pay tax on care if he makes one dollar or if you make a trillion dollars and with it. I don't know, Since I d write the letter, I should be as my vote, where the battle over that, what we the truth of the matter of that situation without getting two point ten, as we would probably generate more revenue, we would
Now that you know how much more successful businesses will be able to hide the of how they tax businesses as well as its base on this, this is almost a greeting to take on a monday themselves, so we ought to take it from that's their fuckin. when in reality, if we Ok, I agree that some business owners are greedy, they want more money and they not get more money, you know you get more money, but how people a groan, company and guess what that does not create jobs. It creates communities It contributes to all kinds of good shit and their very a business. Persons green is actually a good thing in most cases because it requires to serve other people to get where they want to Gaza and but what they did, what they don't do. Look man
what it comes down. Do you trust politicians to do the right thing, or do you trust business owners to create jobs in their own interests and and have people? I mean it right. What would you rather have me now, my brain spinning that we could we could fiscally fix the whole goddamn thing about for ninety minutes. Your student loan debt, like, if you just press it onto a company and said, hey, listen, you can hire it. You have to relieve their debt by getting a tax incentive to do it. We could relieve the employees. Debt after x amount of years will pay for it. The government will get their money back in the employer. We get the tax incentive. the student, would get relieved that everybody thought whence they would never touch that. You think that the that the amount like dollar isn't it weird the date they unlimited amounts to loans to eighteen, ok, debt, and don't you think, it's weird that why, when They make the amount of students on relative to the actual pay scale of the degrees they want to give you. If you really wanted to change things young wanted, fraud and radically. Now, let's keep in mind for student loans that it's the only debt you can never get rid of the and it shock
those young people, that's what they. Why do? Yes, there are. They are shackled, yegg, kids, who were graduating with degrees. Recreation management who have a who have eight thousand dollars in school that so here's a from the strong if the university truly believes that their adding value, due to the student. If they're saying were taken you at eighteen and we're gonna, make you this much more valuable by the time, Twenty two, then you know what the way that we will take our pay is that will take acts per cent of your income for the first five years do you graduate, because we ve made you into an incredible engineer. We ve made you into a fantastic chemist. We ve done. We ve done This thing, but instead again you have, this collusion, our powerful interests, including the high. add lobby everyone whose in government- and who loses regular people right.
here in the state of Missouri. Also, ok, you think about a vocational education. We ve got places here where kids king go. They can spend five thousand dollars a year right for a couple of years. They can graduate with a fantastic vocational degree. they can go out and immediately there and more money and ten years later there. and more money than kids who are graduating from four year universe. You know it's great about that to row. Is that the last twenty so years. You know they ve kind of You know, like society has been my all technology technology technology dude you stuck at any people now do construction, you're still gonna need people too well you're stupid of me people to do everything with your hands everything that has be done here. We're all your hand and think about this. All that pay that pace it is going away up because they're so few people per
doing that now that the people who have those skills are making way more money. I we talk about this all the time like duke if I was a young man right now- and I wasn't sure what I was, do I would at least the time to go, get some skill like that. Yes, while I'm too, figure it out because you're guaranteed some so having company rest, your life. You can also your own boss. Yeah. You only herself- and this is again very big picture. If you think about the american republic, one of the reasons why we were and have been a free country was because we always had a middle. class of people, farmers and artisans, who were their own boss. Okay, if We have a nation of people who are their own boss. That is the ingredients for having a free country. That is freedom. You know what I mean as it's driven in principle. Yes, I heard a point number two in ten minutes:
My word you wanted ones, as is the best ones, or maybe we I tracked russia taxes in this regard. Go was guys just rose a lot of migration tunas, Andy's favorite, marijuana, one of my favorites, but this is not my least favorite marijuana marijuana, the big Right. Marijuana is a big right now, as of April. Twenty twenty two we have thirty seven states have legalise the medicinal use of cannabis, right now, there's roughly about eighteen states that have legalise the recreational use of marijuana, but is still a big fight on the federal level on them. Oh just past and and and and allows representatives moved to send it probably thrown down, was to take on a marijuana. Yeah, I mean there's that you know I actually I remember thinking about marijuana alot recently I mean I've been there about f.
Understand the border areas. Others of I will tell you this, though here's years, one thing that you have to be very thoughtful about his that- and it doesn't get enough attention is that marijuana clearly also has lots of negative effects for young people until the prefrontal we're taxes fully developed, and that is that is, and that one hundred percent per hundred percent clear. Yes, what it would. This is especially so so in in young men and young women, especially for four for young men, the ages about twenty five until your prefrontal cortex is fully developed writing in theirs. There is, as you said, lots of evidence to suggest. The marijuana use has a very negative and permanent, in fact, that then that our aim in talks rhiannon, and so we have to we have to. We have to recognise no again, if you care about people, we have to deal with the facts of what's of what's happening and
one of the things that you also have to be thoughtful about. Is that any time you get big corporations involved in in anything they will also push things to two to profit from people, even if it's not healthy for them the right to do so so so right, So so you find places now where their selling marijuana ring pops, whose whose use marijuana rio Joe Joe, camel their rights rights right right in Oh so I'm to their future audience, yes and I think its view very, very important that we be very cognisance of the damage that can be done to people.
and we also have to have a rational system. If this is going to be legal, then it can't be a cash business where all of these dudes can't like put money in the bank, it doesn't make, it doesn't make sense for other bigger. I think the biggest the biggest issue I see with with marijuana users. If the last forty years, a lot of people have been criminalize done, massive amounts of jail time for weed use, while people do more jail time for weed use in there for violent yeah, and so so that we're ever going to do it. We gotta who got it. We got. I somehow take her those people these now that I've been stained or no permanent, especially in on us as nine, especially when you have now a situation where you have george soros, fonda prosecutors and around the country won't prosecute murderers. They won't prosecute people involved and arson, they won't prosecute
People were involved in assaults. It is massive with a judge, Ozzy's officers, yeah and very big picture. I mean what this points to also, if you, if you take a step back and you think about historically, where we're at one of the real threats to the united states of america right now- is that people don't trust in the justice system. Now any justice system is built by human things, which means that any justice system is imperfect and we ve had lots of you know terrible things happen plus verses ferguson, which the people were unequal happened right here in the state of Missouri. Ok, right, that's happened. Historically, we have to recognise that, but there had always been in the united aids, a sense that we are moving towards justice, what happened now is that justice has been belatedly politicize. Lately, politicize, so that certain people with certain political beliefs are very clearly targeted, and that is dangerous, peep forget that one of the reasons why the roman republic fell was because they had had a corrupted justice.
System in Julius Caesar was basically given a choice by a corrupt senate, he could come back and he could face a corrupt prosecutor or you could bring his armies and you know it decided- he was gonna- bring his armies, and that was the end of the roman republic, when the very big is is of the united states of america is that people are going to be treated equally before the law and now because of what's happened with soros, funded prosecutors because of political prosecutions. Because of things like this, it seemed completely unjust that frost in that idea, has been rapidly deteriorating, and this is what also is really scary. When people do- I believe that the law is fair when they dont believe that the law can protect them, they will find other ways to protect themselves. Only there was room after sure. I agree with you on marijuana thing. You know that's a difficult road to crass coming,
for someone who is in the cannabis business and who enjoys marijuana and am facts, soccer testing, this I am a lot better human without our goal and with marijuana. and- and I have a personal believe that the reason that our group has been allowed and pushed and and put into our culture for the last. However? Many years? The way there society is sort of built around the consumption of alcohol and am now I I after I see all the corruption that's going on. I have to ask like myself, you know what why do they? shall call. Why do they allow alcohol? Why do they? Why are they build culture around alcohol? And then not legalised this over here when it's, actually something that comes from the earth, its natural. It definitely does not cause the same issues that alcohol does but then it also does affect younger people much differently.
Me for you, young guys, listening. I do not smoke We during those years, my life, a occasionally no experiment highschool stuff, but You are now more regular marijuana user and I win I was older and established in I've gotten. Shit together, so to speak, because at the time I'm competing and trying to make sure I get to a certain place life. You know when they making ring pop edibles. That's that that's not morally good thing!
you know. I I see that is no different than when we were growing up. You know the cartoons they used to have around cigarettes. Remember that yeah yeah yeah there was- and there was this this this push, and I think that we will we have to do with. All of these. Things is just be to recognize that any policy right is going to have benefits and drawbacks, and you have to be very clear and very honest, especially when it when it can potentially hurt kids yeah and so, let's, let's, if we're going to do this, then let's build a system. That's going to minimize the harm that is going to be done. Sure for sure or I will. I will do my best to be the number. Nine is just healthcare, but yeah. We want to number eight everybody. Can we just say on the healthcare thing, though cause? I think this is incredibly important to two things on this. One is that we do not have a healthcare system. In america we have a disease, profit system, gay and it's variant.
worn for people to understand this and again, no one who's running for office is willing to say things like this. Why? Because, as a huge healthcare industry that dumb tens of millions of dollars in the campaigns and keeps it there and profits from it, and you ask yourself: does the house does that These profits system make money off of you if you are completely healthy during a year. The answer is no Do they make money off of you when you are sick? The answer is yes. Now again, this is not to. We have incredible doctors and nurses and all these folks who, who who who were there to help people and to make them healthier, and they do but this system, as it exists in the united states of america, with the collusion between government and the health care industries. Their interest is in their profit.
In your health and the reason why you know that's the case. Is it you ask yourself: there are some very basic things that we know about human health that simply aren't addressed things like fasting when things like how people breathe, how people walk exercise to call many of the food that they all of these things, are essential to addressing the chronic conditions which affect tens of millions of americans and they're not part of the health care conversation, because it's not a health care conversation its. discussion, that's really driven by the disease profit system in america and anyway, can see? When I talk about things like this, why I'm so unpopular?
all of the lobbyists, because, because what we react, but what we have to expose, we have two again: if you really care about people, you have to say like what's really at stake, and finally one of the things it's also really important to recognise here is that we are an aim of increasingly become a very unhealthy country. So you ask yourself: you look at everything. That's happening right now in the world. Well, you know, I think you are schopenhauer, said like ninety percent of help, ninety four Son of happiness is health. When people are healthy, they are happier- and you look around the united states of america right now. What do you see lots and lots and lots of incredibly unhappy people? A lot of that has to do with the fact that we aren't healthy. Imagine this to do a thought: experiment, Imagine if every man in america every man in america right now.
made in every man from aged fifteen sets to sixty two could put on a twenty five pound pack and do a ten mile ten mile rock, there's a super super basic soldiering seal super basic dino testament to health. Can you put on twenty five pounds and walked ten miles? Ok, imagine just think about the different kinds country you'd have if every man in america was that healthy yeah, ok, incorrect, think about the sense of vitality, think about the sense of energy. Think about mademoiselle health were self worth. These fell. Would harith, yes capable? I can do things and change, and let me and so, and thus also look again government policy. Ok, you look back at the nineteen. Seventy is right in the end, I don't wanna go super. We could go crazy deep on this. the green revolution, etc. They started to use all these fertilizers and chemicals I in food etc. But my point is what the what the These profit industry would have, you believe, was that in the end,
nineteen seventies suddenly there was a massive collapse the will of americans at the reason why people are fat and reason why people are out of and the reason why there's all of these chronic conditions is just because people make bad decisions. Gay or you can say. Actually you look back at what happened in agriculture when the government, the government pushed the food pyramid The government pushed the full appeared where who did hey, stop beating all of that meet stop eating all of their protein. What we want you to do is eat all of these grains, etc is derisory. Yet in you look back at the explosion in chronic conditions, a lot of it was tied to government policy which again in a lot of that, government policy was tied to industry policy and you know, take a look back at pictures of but on a beach in nineteen, seventy in the united states of america and then you, ask yourself. Ok is the difference between nineteen, seventy and twenty twenty was a difference over the course of the
fifty years was suddenly that the american character change and suddenly, like everybody, got incredibly lazy or that it actually have to do with something that was fundamental to the food that we were eating and that in the system that the health care slash disease profit system, there were a part of europe I was super obvious during covered to you what realising it I have to remember and remember how much they talked about. You know, eighty eighty, what was it eighty five percent of we're dead, we're all bees and they did not say one thing about in healthy in say one thing about exercise down dams dude they now that's days. you said on social media, hey if it's a statistically fucking true. If you are not obese, your rate of die from covert goes it out and you actually said
the data on instagram. They will take the should often instrument they were forcing people to stay inside and not go to the gym. Ok, you need. I am indeed you get outside you exercise all of those things make for a much healthier society and much healthier people men. I think they look at me. These topics were to talk about an if you follow The money train on where it goes, you're, probably going to find that the the problem in which it exists or the lobbying sits. You know we. We live the health and wellness industry. It is what we do every day I won't get in hard. Do they make it to get people healthy, wound, romania, fucking heart, there's no profit in the education of of wellness. That's the loans taken. If we are to have them less right, while they don't understand like there's, you know, there's no profit. New education, so we again when these mysteries march, if there are no They don't know war, they don't know so they don't there's no accountability and that's the biggest thing is you know when you talk about weena, we changed hundreds of thousands of people's lives at this point. What what happens?
wait in the life back, get off, their medications are able to Well, you know what I mean like their lives increasingly become better they're, not as you know what they did in what they did it. You know what they do to counteract that they create a pro fat movement. They created they listen. This is a two prong approach. yeah they're messing with the food, the little what they put on tv. The message they send out we're gonna live in us. ah they're trying to shame people for being fit? Ok, are you just back phobic, yet are fat, yeah, you're, fuckin right eye, I don't wanna be bad rambles. Three and fifty four compounds, I'm definitely phobic. And if you don't like it, then I don't fucking care Thank you. It is what it is, but the point is is that they put the shit down through. You know: dude, it's a fuck the cost, an attack on a more regular people, s and again when it comes back toward fundamentally what it comes back to fundamentally is cruelty on there party, our lack of compassion. They don't look good Ro, let you were people right. If you love someone, if you lie,
If someone, then you know what you want them to be healthier if you will love somebody, you want them to be happier yet right, loveday. They allow you to hear that left has figured out that people really care about what you just said, because people do care about people and these people on the left. lot of emerges really good people that haven't dug in no, what's actually going on there. actually have a lot of empathy for other people and they re either moral high horse. On that empathy I was born and raised, and I was a Democrat for a very simple reason when I was eleanor's, because I was told when I was young, that Democrats are the ones who care about people on a whim. I care about people from a number now. All of that I was over because I was black. I was yeah, but then you wake up and you realize and again from used during the humanitarian work you've seen with the villa was doing to my fellow veterans, who'd stabled, who was running a business. All of these things made. not initially necessary, I wasn't political, not necessarily more conservative, but it woke me up that wages
and their saying one thing. But when you actually look at the facts, they don't really care. Why? I think you you hit that point in the head. You know it's like with the affordable care act right was that what was called now savings? But As matters, let you get down with the affordable will help and I want to unite all help. Somebody obama going around when they make it sound good. That's right, you make it sound good, but then the little housing, tax credits etc. But then you, actually look at it and you ask yourself: is this really helping people and then what they do? and then what they do. You guys is when you figure out what they're doing they play like they're, just beethoven were they swear? They call you re these there that there are these methods, while others are threatening switch to another sub yeah yeah yeah, it's not in an hour, I want you really think about this. How evil do you have to be? to pretend intentionally make people unhealthy, sick
and dependent on your system for your own profit and greet how evil does that have to be a really think about that? really think, and then not only do that, but the claim you're. Actually, the good guy for supporting. that's what we're dealing with here let's not left and right. It's established rivers non stabbing when I also think that you have to. We have to recognise the nature of the fight that were in the air I didn't use the word. Evil related the politics even six years ago. Ok, but I think I'm incredibly rational person and I look at what people are doing. I've been down The border and if we want arrogant talk about what's happened, the worst human trafficking opera she's in the world right now, aided and abetted by Joe Biden in the mexican drug gangs and cartels the impact on violence, impact on the economy all of these things, then we could talk in detail about that. But you look at the open border. You get the thousands of murders that have happened, history,
rise and murders because of the defined the police movement. You look at the covert tyranny, taking kids, who are disabled keeping them out of school for a year. You look at all of these things and you have to recognise this is cruelty, and it's not because they have a difference in political philosophy. The lack of is actively trying to destroy the country. Their systems, strictly dismantling and out I'll. Tell you one, just one one super quick storage is to just to to you know. I drive this. All young people comic spirited there, conspiracy all fucking day long, because I say that all the time this is intentional. A today. It is the only rational conclusion that you can come to and I'll give you I'll give you one super quit demonstration of this right. So I think you know the story. I when I was governor, we defeated black, lives matter and antifa when they came to Missouri people. Remember before I was governor, Missouri was home of the anti police movement. Ferguson happened here, that's where this all started. So when I was governor we had,
incident in the state of Missouri. Were a white man had killed a black man on duty and we had black lives matter and antigua came to Missouri and they said we're gonna burn this place down. Is it we're gonna, make it worse then it even was during during ferguson. Now long story short, we defeated them. We defeated him with compassion. We defeated him with clarity, we defeated. With courage? And very briefly, you know, I said, look as a navy seal. I fought for everybody's constitutional rights. I said everyone has the right to freedom of speech. Everyone has the right to pay, I just I said no matter what happens when the verdict comes down. People are going to be upset, and I said if you were out peacefully protesting, you will find that the police are there to protect but as a don't brick through a window is not free speech. That's right! You assault along forced master you gonna go to jail, and I said in the past. In ferguson, you had you have people
said that they wanted to give people a safe space to loot into burn. I said if you loot and you burn when I'm governor you're going to jail. I said I'd super clear: we had we had the backs of our police officers, we supported them. We brought everybody together. We had a strategic, operational and tactical plan for how we're going to communicate. How we can execute. Are we to do this? Should a long story short after three days we defeated by a lemon and they laughed they laughed after having broken a few windows and overturn some potter plants, so come back to Missouri and the difference between the common sense encourage of normal people and the evil that we see in the world. I told this on Tucker karlsson show. This was in the summer of twenty two after the show I come out and I'm sitting at lynn, lynn, grand which is in saint Louis missouri for people who know what it's one of the four nice corners in the city. He got the palace symphony hall, yet the fox theatre, saint louis universe. It's all right there, I'm sitting with
my body and we hear fifteen to twenty five automatic gunshots go off. Ok sounds just like iraq, Afghanistan. I carry a pistol, I've, gotta, med kit, my car, my buddy, is a special operations. Fire fighter medic is a much better medic than may right we ve jump in the cart in my car. Together we drive about fifty yards up to the scene or the first two guys air the scene. There are two young men who had been shot multiple times and we start working on both of them and Unfortunately, both of those young men died that night, and these were good kids. Nineteen. In twenty years old. Not a parking ticket between these two, these two kids, both of whom died, and I went to see their families because their families obviously want to know what their brothers, what their sons last words were like So I'm talking with them and in the bags be family. For example, there is a young kid. Jason bags be who's the brother of one of the kids, who is John killed- and you know it- he decides- who decide
I dunno know what man I don't want this to happen to anybody else, and so he decides that he's going to become a ST louis police officer. So he goes to the training command it. The training command and as we're sitting here, he is out protecting the people of ST louis as a police officer. That's the common sense encourage of good people. Here's the evil, the police worked on that case. They worked on it for a year and what did they find? Eventually, they found the car that was used in the killing. They found the fingerprints of the killer in the car, then they found the killer He gave a videotaped confession to every element of the crime and all of the elements of his confession, matched of the video tapes evidence from the scene. They then took all of this information, the car, the fingerprints, the confession, the video evidence they take it all to the george shores, funded I ask you in the city of saint Louis any nor she says not gonna prosecute. Now that my rational conclusion is like that is not a difference in political philosophy. Now that is
I thought when you decide that you are going to turn a murderer loose onto the streets is going to do the same thing again. That is evil. So what does that mean? We have to be clear about. The nature of the enemy that we're facing, and we have to be clear about the threat which also means that we have to be clear in ourselves about what the tools are that are going to get us out of this. And it's gonna. Take a tremendous amount of courage tremendous amount of people all over the country stepping forward if we're gonna, take our country back, because that is with the people who we are facing are actively trying, many of them to destroy the country. As you know, it is pretty obvious yeah. I mean this point if you're still hanging onto these people are just like, not very smart. You might be run along with some people that that's what I've been saying people s house and is like you're on the sidelines you're on the, side. Yeah is time,
if you're listening to this in your not involve you're, not gauge and have to be in part of my campaign, but figure out get envy, than your school board do. What is right for you to do but get out raise your voice and say I'm gonna be part of this, because you know people Is this a lot, but I have seen it. I saw it in bosnia. I've seen it in rwanda we're seeing it now in the united states of america. The only thing that it takes for evil to succeed is good people to do nothing, and so there are far more of us are far more courageous people than there are these leftist bullies, but we have to everybody who is listening right now. This is your mission, it just mine and Andy's, and these indeed this is your mission. This is your country and you we have to find a way to step up, and one, the things I always said to the wounded and disabled veterans, who I work with when I came back from Iraq, what they said. You know you're real mission when it scares you, ok an end
when you look at the country now people are afraid, they're afraid to put something pro police on their social media. Bro people were afraid right now, honestly to fly the flag of run their house exactly that is bullshit, and so we have to you have to, But you have to be courageous and your mission, your mission as an american. Your mission as a patriot, your mission is one who loves freedom is defined. in this moment, whatever your personal gifts are whatever your personal, buildings are figure out how to use them to help us to take the country back. Let's talk about that for once. I ok because their it, the left is very organised. Ok, and as you know, I discuss this all the time. The matter and the right is not ok, not as warden. Everyone who is worse than that not only is. Are we not organise the coup option and the coward s altering within the rhinos of the republican party. Consistently
undermines true patriot, yet I'll drive in what by like, when you say organize? What do you mean by that like? Well, I mean the sense of like what look man I think it's pretty clear that a small minority of people is is creating most of the disruption in the country. Right now, most people that I've talked to- are there answer. Is I want to do something when I don't know what to do or were they let me say it: they set out a lot. That's just a courage thing! That's! it's an illusion that they use technology to create so that it's political correctness basically expanded upon where they put this? This idea into the society where, where people become afraid to speak, so the signs themselves right in what we're dealing with here. So where did you know? I get asked all the time, as you know like why you know, and I really do get asked all the time
yeah? I liked the instagram story. Hey guys, I've got a bunch of questions today on how awesome how awesome I am so I'd like to answer those questions, but you'd be surprised. How often I get that question so the the the point of what trying to get to on this. Is that? How do the average people who who want to be applied our or, let's just say they want to vote for the right person right because It is very confusing if you're looking at it surface level, if you buy into the idea that there's left and right it's if it does, the system will never correct itself. You have to look at the individual candidate what who they are where they come from and, like you said what is their purpose from going into government? Is it back
they that's a career for them, or is it because they're trying to contributing sir? What would you give advice to like? Whose did we have people all over the country? Listening right? Now, that won't do their good people they want to help. They want to do more, but you're, just not sure exactly what to do The short answer is yes, it's just take action, yeah, ok and that can take a whole bunch of different forms. Can be sharing your part guest with people. Right then, This is where I'm getting my information and also I found this great news side. Reading. Just the news I go out to reverse over news. I go out to you, know this other site and start sharing information, because people are consistently every single day being lied to buy the mainstream media. I guess what one quick, example. On this: freedom. Conway came through Missouri. Ok, I went We had a rally with the freedom convoy and then I was honour I jumped in my personal truck and lead them for forty miles through Missouri, and then we had another rally. I had a friend
who is standing in the crowd. While I was on stage speaking to hundreds of people and they googled what's happening with the freedom rally in the first, seven stories of freedom, conway in the first seven story said that it was shutting down. Nobody was shut, showing up, etc. There literally lies all so. One thing that you can do is is figure out how to like not just consume the truth, but also spread the truth takes in it takes some car urge and you can do it on email. You can do it with friends. You can do with others, but starts spreading the truth and then also find a way to get involved and not just involved in politics. Okay, This is what the politicians would have. You believe the politicians would have you believe,
this is gonna get solved by people voting just for the right people. This is a cultural movement, ass right, we have to win culturally, and that means people need this stand up on behalf of freedom or means that people need to stand up and in of course, it their school board, of course, that the local city in county level, but beyond politics, people have to be willing to stand up for what they believe in and here's the thing again. We are, the patriots. Are people who believe in freedom? Are the vast majority of the country's right, but bullies work by intimidating people and its how every time Tell a regime works, they come in and you look at porn pond Cambodia. Mao in China saw sullen and russia. What do they do? Somebody raises their voice and they come in and they literally grab them out of a classroom they grab. Them out of an office in the matter.
it is not just to take that person out. They want everybody to see. There are consequences for raising your voice, ass, Roy, you know If everybody starts raising their voice, we are far more powerful than them. They are bullies. We can beat them with courage, they work through fear. we courage is rooted in love. Ok, if you love something then you're willing to fight. And if you love your country, you of your community. You love your family, you love your neighbors, all of which might be for dinner, ass right, no wrong perfect, but you stand up with courage and fight for it. That's the antidote to their fear. He I think these are they. Those are all some points. Man you know, I would just like to add on that too. You know you guys were for people who are speaking up is not enough right. It's not and one that will get what that will get us if that doesn't change, which I think it is changing a little bit
that's gonna. Kick your favorite personalities put in jail. Ok, though, people there, your rooting for what will be selected out. You already see this like you see how they went after your rogan. These targets yes, a threats. Yes, it is a defined and clear methodology that tyrants always use people who are three. That's our targeted as rise, while there will always be, though the good thing we see is that it's not harmful right now, We are still in the window where we are free to speak. That is closing right. When you look at rowan, you saw everybody come out and and go against him, The show is higher rank now than it was then arise right now, you're being rewarded to be courageous, and we have a heavy entrepreneur listener ship here and you guys can lead the trial. With this guy, Get your business pro freedom under present
by say hey, we we do not buy into this. This politically correct agenda We believe that our employees and customers and our people are free and we stand for freedom, and once businesses start standing for freedom that matters you guys might not think it does. here, is the best part about it: you're gonna. More money because people what to support that they are hungry to support that So when you actually have some courage, you could be the company, in your little space this you know what we don't apologize believing in the american flag, we don't apologize for believing in the constitution. We don't apologize, for, believing in freedom in individual thought and individual progression, and if you do that. You're gonna stand out right now and and perhaps more importantly, we can be proud of yourself. That's right,
at the end of the day. As far as we know, we all only get one shot here. Yeah, ok and you're gonna have to ask your question that the end of your days. What did I stand for this? right in Winston churchill, said teddy Roosevelt set a similar thing. Ulysses grants at a similar thing that any person, any man who stands for something will have enemies, and if you stand up. You are why you, absolutely people are going to that you're gonna, face consequences for people are gonna attack you if you really stand up, but at the end of the day You can be proud of yourself for having stood up and done what's right. I think those consequences are far overblown. I you know Everybody I see that gets, cancel does better. Everybody I see that gets tat does better. And, what's that tell you that tells you that people are tired of that shit? There ready for a different message: there ready for freedom, they're ready for you know not like this this this thing,
what we have gone on society, where you get your life totally destroyed, because you made a mistake or said the thing the long way off you said something that I just didn't agree with. People are tired of an animal are sick of it before and I don't like people care, whether or not that person that is getting a tat. Actually, greece, with their personal views. I think people recognise it as tyrannical deep, deep down. People now we will be cancelled by the people. They supported them because it not stand of what the fuck me. the latter, that's it. You re pointed out I'll get cancer by the care in the jail in that you should never fucking supported you to begin with. Anyway, it's when Ben support them back and say I'm sorry, people who don't shop at my business ever I'm sorry it up out, create my whole business plan around customers that aren't even my customers then they don't contribute anything financially and dont really drive my business I'll make
My policies around you. Let me tell you you: if you watch you you're you're, not a very good business on a guy. You have to know your audience. You have to know. that you're the leader you're. You guys are letting that the tale wag the dot com just telling you I've been out there. I don't know anybody besides. Maybe ten people who have been his outspoken outspokenness me. Ok, that's the truth. Yes, what. we're growing everything. I'm doing everything I'm associated with is on fire right asylum stake. That's me if people say you know what I like, what he says: and even if I don't like what he says, I like these courageous enough to say exactly and people respect that a lot of you guys out there who are looking for a way to two too. You know Mrs something I'm missing, that is the one you're missing is the understanding. That is very simple for me to understand. Fifty percent of the people have propensity to like you. Percent of the people have a propensity to not like you. Your job is,
at the cater to the fifty percent of people who aren't gonna like you, no matter what the fuck you do. Your job is to take the fifty percent of the people that have a propensity to like you and make them laugh. And if you can understand that you will be successful but the more you ride your fence and the more you are afraid to speak up. Not only will you be nobody in business, but you you you're. A bow in your obligation as an amount in my opinion, too, actually do what's right because this does not survive without our voices. This freedom it's not exist without exercising freedom and the political correctness our society has, design intentionally to get you to? self sensor if you sell censoring you're afraid to fly your american flag in europe right to say that you love america, you're afraid to say to you of freedom in your phrase say there all the ship or on the world's bullshit guess what, if you're free say: you're wrong, get more
more more more more more and we will eventually looked round. Holy shit. Some was doing right now, all this shit. What just happened wow! This is crazy. I am in it's, not what you want. You not surprise in a good way, you're like focused concepts. I wish I would send centre and there come a time were there now be an opportunity to speak up, and so I hope you I realise that started twenty. something years ago. The start, We were moving the flag from the classroom started with seventeen place trophies. this started with mediocre is okay. Now, it's everything is Ok, it doesn't matter what you do. It's ok, in fact, you have a moral standard of any kind or standards of any kind continuity, evil person, that's what I've taken it in. You guys do how do people say why do we get back? Allow me to say anything: no less Not true, you are choosing do not say something nobody's, not allowing you your choice
Did I say something? That's what you have to understand. All you you're you're europe Sister laws gonna get upset curse. You yourself, sensory. Can ass self sensor, we will lose freedom. you have you have to get to the point in life. I I believe yeah we say you know what I'm not gonna shrink. That's it We should be proud of the fact that I have the right enemies. Personally, I am proud of the fact that George soros comes after me. Yeah. I'm proud of the fact that I was sued by the satanic temple proud of the fact that I get attacked by the mainstream media. The I'm proud of attacked a fact that Mitch, Mcconnell and cholera come after me, because you know what that means. I'm standing for people, s right, you ve got an eye. I sometimes say this one it when I'm our campaign as a guys. You know I have all the right enemies, yeah right and if, rose is coming after me and this idiotic temple in the rhinos in the mainstream media like it's, because I'm doing some right, I wasn't a threat to them. They do
Leave you alone, so you have to look at people. They leveller. Yes, yes, gay they So what does says it when you break it, our guys is up. I scared of that guy on my school to that guy in moscow to that guy. We gotta fuck with that guy cause he's a problem for us hurts yeah, but people are not connecting the dots yet yeah or more people are yet more moderate louts. I'll tell you. This is a big difference between twenty sixteen and twenty twenty, two really yet huge back and twenty sixteen people knew like ok, cnn and MSNBC, like they're kind of like out there on the lack of bias, thereby by they thoughts. CBS Nbc a b c, like they're kind of shooting. You shoot new straight, no more No one trust the mainstream India is a real over the real people get hundreds. Thousands of really thousands and thousands of them no one trust the mains jimmy. I do in fact listen the means that there is what happened.
All the elite is always underestimate how intelligent real people are. Okay, and the fact is now when Real people see that the mainstream Media is. Writing a nasty Sorry about someone, the aim- media, reflective assumption. Is that man or woman- must be doing some right. That is, the immediate reflective assumption, because why? Because they ve seen at their smart, they look time and time and time and time again. What do they do? they should all of these lies out and they attack people who are threats, and so no one trust the mainstream media anymore, and it's one of reasons why, frankly, like podcast like this, do incredibly well again they underestimate the intelligence of real people. Real people who are listened to this, though, spend ninety minutes till spend a hundred twenty minutes, having an intelligent, deep, historically informed, philosophically thoughtful, compassionate, conversation about the issues that are in front of us and they will speak
an hour and a half two hours of their day. Doing that, because people are smart in are onto their games? I figured it out good, that's good to hear. Madam commissioner, you talk to me on the street attire. All that time did. I was down in dumpling, county missouri last saturday, okay, this is if you're looking at this nationally. This is the boot heal sorry, it's one of my favorites but spots and misery, passionate, courageous strong people and everyone down their nose. Everyone, if you done a survey, is like ninety eight percent believe that the main media lies. They get it about everything, but everything, your honor the point now- and this is where I tell people unlike dude, if they're saying that there is a likely that there is a legitimate operate, a legitimate chance, that the exact opposite is action. Not words
Emily legitimate like if you watch cnn and you take their fuckin headline in you, flip it around the other way. That's actually what's going on, but in most cases sleeping on a small number from vogel's book is still counted in the code. They teach buddhist smoke got all kinds of doses, no shots case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.