« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

262. Andy, Kyle "The Captain" Creek, Sal & DJ CTI: Mike Tyson Vs. Armed Man, Colin Kaepernick NFL Comeback & North Korea Missile

2022-03-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined in the studio by author and creator Kyle Creek. They discuss the tense video of an armed man pulling a gun on Iron Mike Tyson, Colin Kaepernick's trainer claiming multiple NFL teams are interested in signing him and the United States condemning North Korea's new intercontinental ballistics missile launch.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know headshot case closed. What is that god's eternity for so at? This is the show for the realist say goodbye to the wise, the fitness and delusions of modern society and welcome the motherfucker reality. Guys today is a very special day. Do we have? Any cell kyle, the captain bill whose them the fucking internet. Now I know that was a lot of names there who was married, so they got dj. Hey we got dr sal, Dr Dr and then you guys should know- and you definitely will know my good buddy, kyle creek guys, probably known as the captain
as in all around bad ass mother fucker he's the author of a number of books. They use. My favorite were books. One of the books is fucking history. The next one is feel free to quote me in the new one that just came out by the way that you are sending it to me. The reach therapy, cows, american or true patriot, and he is well known for his commedia committed in cyprus and on his thoughts on a variety of topics somewhere us. So basically you're full of shit I'll watch, I'm pretty sure you have of me. I later wrote that script that has defined me very well yeah you're welcome friends. All you know that we have done that lobby. We build kidney on line for a while now, two years, tuna fears at them so it's internet as and when the whirlwind crazy. that was right when it happened. So it's interesting, my friend was obsessed with nfc your project. I morose visit her in vegas one time pride, two thousand and sixteen and she was playing an episode and so
was familiar with your voice and then, when you re posted something of mine like right towards the begin of lockdown yeah, she was a static she forward it to me. She's like this is that Andy guy, the qb shared your shit, and I think I wrote like a thank. You know that I am and then we started talking started talking about old house, it's old I say to my book. Your show me give me a tour of your place and we started talking about everything was all fucked and narrow. Just now turned away a lot of mutual friends as well, a map morgan, all those guys here, yeah match your body. yeah. I met one of my really good and that's one of the reasons why I moved to miami yeah cause. I was already looking at miami, then Matt was there. I was visiting him. Come now to now. You should I do with a fork. I look every day nor, I posted that house that I learned that wage role yes and you are seeing you looked at the abbe- didn't have right, boat talk, yo and while the bridge came right, right on his right now, that's what it was, but it is the most beautiful when I sell that house, I think they did yeah. It was like a dallas land developer, built it for his young twenty something wife. They got divorced and he sold it dude. I like houses
have character. I do too, I think houses have to care actually prefer people have character I think that it's easier to find a house for characters, yeah, obviously, shops for sale. You see that yeah I did. Who Epstein is I his fucking? new mass house for sale to the round? Her, though what made canada, is about one thousand. I certainly got character has got an ultra from oh, my god. I think about that. Like I've been, I've been down there not to his island, but only answered I know I in the water in front of his island on a boat, and I said the island from from the water to be concern our work scientists are fucking cryptic, just the kind of qualifying cause? There's some road, you're fuckin brain but anyhow the fuck. You amazing, like it's like the cause.
Can place on dude. It's it's our total compound how they built. It was crazy because they had a theory. the tractors, non materials and all the shit like it was a huge deal and I was they could like man. I saw the listing and man dude be fuckin sweet to own that island, but the problem is, as we talk about some duties gotta be filled with all kinds of energy you'd. Never one alexei like shit yeah, it's the with his town home in new york, like if your new yorker, that town would be like, probably the coolest home to own data because what's attached to it, you can never lived there and feel ok with your. So now and you probably, like you, said the energy wise thing. Some shit is going to happen. You live in there. I I used to not believe in that kind of stuff till the past couple of years, when I started opening myself up to it, but it is very reassured through there. It's real real, like due to I I took the I told you about, but we have. I tell you that we have
in our property. No, but I imagine you know yeah bro, I got him on video. Like I got video proof. I've tried for years to get haunted because for awhile I was a hotel consultants. I worked on a lot of hotel projects. Now a go stay at historic properties and out have them put me in the rooms were like you know, people might have killed themselves, hung themselves, yeah. Never nothing ever happened to me and then I was told because I was trying too hard, and so because I was trying so hard. I was putting like the wrong vibe out to where they were like now we're not even going to reveal ourselves and it pisses me off, because I'm one of those people that really wants to believe, but I am fortunately need to like see it. Dude I'll show you a video it'll change, it'll change your life. I am down to see you shouldn't, have you'll, have you as if We think of it. It's definite creepy who had a win win. What's his boots, the guy's name, you know the guy shall fucking been learn at all. You are on your priority area, exact about I'm so do, so rob a bank robber, dakota dj and I are going to a hundred ghosts house in Montana. You should come I'd, love to
aren't DJ's going to lead us through a tour that a creepy ass photo in that fucking hotel. It's like somebody's missing eyeballs, it's fucking knows he has a picture of a ghost right in front of him like with a knows broke out your fucking real armchair anyway, since I believe it I saw a real. Why do you eat those Adam? I still did yeah, I'm actually not big on that stuff. I used to be really big on all that kind of ship and I found it give me more exciting anything I used to do, except that it was good for my brain on microdosing mushrooms and all that, and then I found out that just being stone, cold sober has been the best thing ever. Where do you live in Miami south? many of the jungle area. I didn't wanna variety. It's the homes are old, historic earnings, overgrown with spanish mossy, not the trees, I've peacocks, my neighborhood, my dog chases iguanas all day. I love that. That's us! It's twenty minutes from downtown fifteen is to be right on traffic down by we
Mars is bad, is maybe it's not bad at all. I'm right on the border of coral gables and there they have. You lost all show some homes and south there. Some have even elect pine crest, her the homes and pine crest or your style, meaning there very fuckin expense. I have had that that bought the homes, I've seen and pine crucial drive by them and not lying there. The size of resorts like you'd be like that is a resort that looks like it has a hundred rooms, and then you look at the listing it's like fifty eight million. it is crazy, but there are some people in iran on the water and areas. All overgrown lush you have three acres. Do could be called a habit like a regular size house just on the one. Yes, like your home like this This house that I'm living in now is my first. I like the house, I lived that I moved in before with bit like technically bigger, but this is like a fucking whole state, yeah and bro. It's a fucking shit show why can t taken care of in this area? There's people wherever this is totally first world fucking problem.
there are people there every mother fucking day. Are there not every day their ship? It has to be done to keep the property in like I'm, like I walk out the fuckin house and, unlike I've, just kind of don't see people you're insane like south my amazon. Now it's got me to where I want to go back to like a kind. when I go to a regular house just like in That's exactly what I did. I wouldn't fire weird the house that was way too big for us in vegas we are renting. Then we moved miami we downsize got. A single four plan. Has enough yard for the dog relieves you maintain the landscaper comes every two weeks. That's about all! It requires yeah and it just allows you open your mind about everything else, you want to focus on your life, how you like living in a big motherfucker. You just got now Now you want to keep a secret now minded lucky I mean it's a nice home go home. How do I like that?
It's nice don't get me wrong. Big homes are great. I would love to have big victorian mansion, something like that, but I agree there's a lot of work, yeah, alright, I'm more in the farm side. I like see, I I'm I'm almost it's funny when you think Missouri has the best farms do yeah. I liked the yard maintenance to me is something I appreciate so for for it's kind of like I listen to it and it's by peace zone. The way you were like doing my jar in all that shit, there's no fucking way. Bro Yomi got big fucking yard yeah. My fucking big but I like it, I'm a tractor like russia too. Would I like breaking shit with the tractor like I'm a fucking break out like a lunch at the turn out our territory more like the foot, the actuator type, a guy
I don't know why you would say they're, happy, they're, all fucking dead on the back of your excavator at my farmer, told me that somebody flipped it. I didn't flip that one yeah that was a tree dunno, a little birdie told me, you might have slowed it down a hill or something I did sliding downhill in, but it hit the tree. I dig attracted this is the one I had to repair out of the undersized admire. My ears went up like what are you? What do you mean? What do you mean you had to repair? Do you want to know the best story about that? What it was fucking, ten minutes after I got it The guy's dome of other join us laughable, either com. I too call him back and be like. I just bought. It that's greater to tear down the woods, it's like a bill. My garage, which is now bill and reggie home, is like fuckin. Ten grandma saw my fucking album once when tat year and then sell it and it'll be all right in so I gave a sigh
the whole time. Zionism picturing that walking phoenix walked, the line movie area arose a fit and since the tragic Actually, my picture you down the same something dubious it was a new is used, brings for the machine and alcohol right. The machine ass, What are clearly yeah? So I get it. I started to go down the fucking hole and I and I didn't realize you know when I flipped it. one time same for conveying up and I went in and it was kind of muddy and indeed I went down the hall the mud fucking gave out. I see it down the hill and there's a big ass fucking tree I hit the tree broke the window out, I'd call them one fucker, I bet forget it, I'm like hey. Can you come get them? he came back and end he's like ordered, it's not that we see worse than this every day. It's like I'll, send my guy out tomorrow. They sent a guy out tomorrow and he gave like a new door glass and shit yeah. I had so. I got them all service there. I think I came out nice. Oh yeah,
Since the wonder was the european year? This you know I can't go up. The deal should never going to shame. We're gonna be like there's this guy or them of utter erected anyway. You know how the show works right, okay, We're basal gonna, make fun of the entire earth is based guardians of number tuna, yes and hopefully, dj. Did his homework came off some good shit on it? I think I got some good stuff. Ok, if you fucked it up, you're, pretty shitty, because there's lots of great material out there, or I mean that's the best part about it, some of them in the concert. Alright, gasol got three of them guys and always, if you want to see these pitches articles links videos whatever it is, go to any facility dot com check them out there and with that being said, let's knock this out. Man headline number one. Headline reads:. since video shows mike tyson hugging armed man who threatened him. Also on my shoulders: softer side when he hung out with a man who is who accosted him. An economy shown hollywood, John of them to a fight the fifty five year old,
former heavyweight champ was in attendance. attitudes a. I show on a rooftop when an audience member begin heckling him. and the man pulled out a gun from his waistband. I got video for you guys. Alright,
what about friends excuse a salad, so I'm torn on this. I am too. I am too it's somewhat angle. I like the way he showed restrain hug and the guy actually gets a bigger flex move at that point and it kind of goes to show it's like that. Quarter like it it's a dangerous man. He can control himself that actually is most dangerous man, but if it were me, I don't think I would emile to resist one to go after that guy, especially knowing what mike tyson's capable of I give you would hit the guy. I completely understand I mean the guy pulled his gun before it was any in a confrontation. He was saying whether he was well as things I don't think we saw the whole story. I don't think we know what happened he kept saying. I was joking, but who knows what? What Personally, I think the jokes over when you ve got up you know, yeah. I want. I want all the more necessary today, though they did, it
You know what that's where I was gonna. Take this its here's. What bothers me about the scenario? First, him up I will say this I've always I've, always been a mike tyson fan and growing up at my age. There was never anything like a mike tyson fight. I tell this djed all the time eighteen seconds jabra, but like the the work people don't understand that or how old are you? Thirty four yeah so like I'm forty two so that when the world, when MIKE tyson fought back, then the world stopped people, don't really like people that you there's nothing comparable to it in modern, bay. I, like you, know where you have these big Jake Paul, vr, fi, logan, Paul fight, honestly, the logan paul verse, versa. Tyron now Logan fought mayweather mayweather. That was the biggest pain comparable to it that I,
think I've experienced restaurant on that scale want even closer so so like what I'm saying is how powerful his ran and who he was was was so much bigger than even the biggest thing now that it's almost impossible to explain. Is that fair? No, I mean that the world stopped when MIKE tyson yeah, and I mean when I watch as logan, Paul Jake Paul, and I mean I watch it because I'm friends with the dudes I'm a present I'm literally wiping my kids ask an oh nice punch, a buddy of mine bought it on pay per view. Otherwise I never would. That was the biggest thing I can think of in the last year was like the way you're talking about tyson's the way my dad talks about it. Watch your youtube videos with my dad and feel the energy carried, and I think bro he was a scary fucking. So, like the young, like you, guys who were who are. Just now seeing this kind of shit from thyssen, where he is
often has become a respectful man. There was an end his he works towards being a good man. Clearly he's made some man Some changes that now MIKE tyson. We fought like MIKE tyson, fucking kill you and Everybody knew that it was like they found this kid from the streets He was eighteen years old who became the heavy weight champion of the fucking world. That's my thyssen! Eighteen years old, ok to see, I want to say couple things about to see him grow to a point where he could do. That impress is amazing that its inspiring to me like that shows, like how much you can grow, and that's where I was gone with the dns mike to see MIKE react away. Yeah based on everyone's heard. The story of him I felt was an impressive good movement is but dude the societal dec
stationer or retraction or aggression or. However, you want to word it that we have where people are just pulling out guns cause they got in. A fucking argument is sad to like. There was a time in america where a like dude of two men had this disrespect disagree with each other. You'd have fisticuffs like you, you would fuck a fight at the fuck. Well- and that's been since the beginning of time right now, but that shit isn't even an option anymore, there's a time when politicians would have duels with each other yeah. You could actually challenge the guy and go in I found. I actually think this is something that I am requesting an ominous because then all the regular middle class and poor people not a fighter fuckin worse when a thing about that too, is a force you to be a man of true character b. when you know those the consequence, accountability, you don't live off and you don't make a you're, not gonna be caught. Lies like their willing to do today could have repercussions. They are I agree, a hundred percent. I don't know why anybody would want to fuck her mike tyson, both
my god, you ve gone? You want a firearm evenly abroad will like, whereby they gonna, F, eighteens and fuckin nukes like bro like I would not want to fuck with I wouldn't want you wouldn't want to do. To shift to me like that. Can shit is just an example of how far and weak men have become. I also think it's just society general to now I've ones, incredibly, Tenzin defensive at the ice. We were more events will now than ever, because I spent the past two years defending their actions. How you are pro were for a vat. The man did not. You had to defend yourself, and so I've noticed this online with a commentary I make, and I don't make a post about. I wrote about sick two weeks ago, I reposted something that I had posted two weeks prior to covert and the response gone the repost with tons of people defending themselves, and I sat there and thought about it. A bit and realized it. The defensiveness that everyone has right now is, I think, is what contributes to that kind of situation. Again, I'd want to see the whole video we don't know.
the fuck went there, but you know the joke about there being california. Now it's kind, the unfortunate truth them. I was in l a two and a half weeks ago us filling up the rent, a car, for I am already taken, only fly back and as always fun at the window I saw a homeless guy walking around legitimately looked like a zombie. I have never seen someone lurch like that and the waves cock in his head. He looked like he was doing some one to zombie, cosplay yeah. He had his pants down around his ankles dick just swinging, and I have my girlfriend and my bay boy in the car me. He is not foreign to the parking lot and I'm like okay he's not thread is fucked up. Yes, I walk in to get my receipt from the cashiers I'm coming out the guys up against the glass and he's just eyeballing me, as I can tell he's so fucking out of it, because his eyes are flickering is that cock in his head? Like a bird like a bird,
twist their neck back and forth, and something guard I'm not gonna, let the guy intimidating, but at the same time I have never seen someone so spaced out yeah, so I leave the door next to him and, as I walked by, I feel him poke me in the rib and I turn around. I see you touch me again, I'm going to knock you the fuck out and he doesn't even like ex parte respond or acknowledge me. He just keeps in this weird zombie motions them thinking this guy's posts. So spaced out. He was poke me to know fozzie fuckin re, no shit, and I turn to the clerk who watched it and I said, look at this fuckin shit. The clerk doesn't respond a keys in this so many times, and it was. it was in some those we're talking about him and then I watched him hurrying ushers the lady in to sneak in while the homeless, males distracted. Looking at me and I got back in the in the car- and I was just so frustrated to be put in that situation, because you know if you were to hit that man with his pants around his ankle.
he would have fallen back hit his head on the pavement for all. I know he died. She'd get a manslaughter, yeah and I'll tell my girlfriends, so fuckin mad have been put in that situation. Yeah and the fact the clerk wasn't fazed by it but you know how far down row: it's not america bro, it's fuckin, whore! It's a third world fights incurable yeah yeah weakening the second so, as you pack and hate or what I want to thank the things look enough data wasn't was thinking the wasn't at that time a different time, though I actually told someone else's story. I was in san francisco and I saw homeless guy with the biggest dick ever was. I was walking up off the bart train. He was coming down to her last swing to ass in her out yeah, and I told the person I met for lunch me- that's a dude. I just the biggest day with dude should be homeless. Work tomorrow ran Jeremy, sound and dig really black
no yeah, it's racist grow. Generally, then it didn't work, that's DJ's favorite job, but I don't understand where cecilia yeah, let's go back to that. He really just kind of shows. L a too though yeah bro, it's it's a problem. Man like. We have a real problem with with poverty and homelessness and crime in this country, and we didn't have that problem three years ago as it it's today. So I was living in l a when all this first kicked off. I was living in marina del Rey and I remember that spring. It started getting to where I had a tent on my sidewalk there's a homeless go on time. Livin in my my stairwell was her anybody talk to him, but then he started bring another people, and then I noticed he had a dog, and since so I talked to the h wayne was like listen. I paint a lot of money for this rent. I don't need this in my building like he was getting in through the gate in the stairwell inside, go down to my truck and I had to pass. The sky was like. I I'm not done with this shit, and then it was like two.
weeks later when covert happened, everything locked down, so I was already kind of on my last leg of living. In l, a I'd had a hard time even connect with ellie. In the first place I moved there'd be closer to my girlfriend. I never really thought it was the right place for me. Zoo has already gone downhill and then co. It obviously escalated it to where it was just completely different. Now still a dj before this My last straw, really now, as I just got my puppy, and we were walking him near the junior high by my house, and it was when Ella was locked down ounces of fucking. tat. No one was going outside you'd go to the beach. They may be one of the person whereby farmers get arrested ryan. I gotta got the guy, you know Ass ever surfing yeah so I'm walking by this junior high and lapd chopper looked around and hovered and lowered about a hundred feet above me is me my girlfriend, our puppy amur look up go in these motherfuckers trying to in imitate us want us to go inside we're walking our dog, and that was when we both were like. This is going to get so much worse here in l a so we
we called our landlord said: listen you're, going to find a way to get us out of this lease because we're we're leaving- and we you know within two weeks we are in park, city utah or cisco works is far more than I grew up in utah group. It's all a concise moment on park city. I went there for a bit ended up hanging out in vegas for a year except some work projects, thereby Oh I was down here before and issues. So what's it all about how you want to see the disparity, if you want to see what they're trying to create in society go to allay that's what they that's, what they didn't we, you guys have to understand is that that is what they earn and surely trying to create. That's what they're actually I want you to be happy about, and, yes, you will. California is likely to happen in california For now I m not all those people who do that shit Every single one of those motherfuckers we got a bunch of minor flock imperil all of them. Ro at all about global boy dunes fortitude. You guys got it.
Can I come their work. This is what's fucked up, though, as I was just going to say this, so my my girlfriend's friends were at echo park the same time. I was there for a business meeting and she sent me a video of her friends at echo park and I sent him a video, of the other side of echo park and no lie. I drove about thirty seconds of my phone out just ten tintint inhabitant. do remember, lady. We saw If it herself were highlighted, she ok, we'll drive anonymously. Legitimate, never been ally. ellie Ella in early two thousand. This kind of fucking us I'm in how's three years ago. It is involved in seville. fun three years ago, but now now dude, it's its complete disparity of class very, very rich and extreme. We were all in the same place yet as the working at all, because a lot of people every if he lives in l, a think everybody knows what l a is like. Most mother fuckers have never been to l a because of what they think it's like, and now
actually worse than what you would think it is an endured If you really want to look at what they're trying to create with our political policy, what like bro Ella is what they're trying to create the new some is out there. They can he's doing amazing for the globalist project, what he wrote behind closed doors that motherfuckers getting a pat on the back garden. You did a great job. Look at this you're, advancing our fucking agenda like that, people cannot wrap their mind around the idea that the people leading us actually want us to fucking lose haven't rap mind around that you, like that's that's, but that is the tipping point.
It's everybody starts to understate the present El Salvador just set it fucking like two days ago, ye said it has been inside job, exactly, I must say, never fucking. Two years dude like we have dude, there's been multiple like numerous amounts of truth and evidence that suggested that that, as the as the chrome was the problem with delays, people there don't know what it's like outside in the rest of the country like people, Leonard people like I have friends just eliminate, they still aren't traveling outside of l, a like they're staying in l a and I try to listen the rest of the countries in like this. Like I've taken two road trips across the country, I've driven all through the south all over the place in the past two years and for the most part people are hopeful, people are friendly, people are nice. L, a people are fucking tents, Yeah people are dicks yeah service, their socks like they're, not even trying, there's a cloud there's a cloud in l, a and the loss of humanity is l, a's, biggest loss right now, yeah, because, despite all the government or the
policies are going on? Just we people treat each other. Nellie are now is weird it's a long. It's not you can not enjoyable to be around. We were there for three days to do some family stuff and we were to say why we couldn't get out fast enough. yeah. Well, you got to miami. Are these fuckers and by the way, everybody's can friendly in their happy you there were friendly. Why? Unless you're southbridge guiche out again yeah I'd say that bird flu is, how do we, which, unless there's no it's like, I know, dude, it's like miami. Like its own country. It's it's like going to a different country because, like it's heavy latin influence very cold. The thing is: latin people are the friendliest coolest planet and they're super family oriented talk about us. We go to restaurants and have our baby starts crying like we have waiters, pick them up. Yeah we've. One result: restaurants come and pick them up and train. You know you know, keep minority if we can enjoy our meal, I've never had that idly. Latin people have the best culture. As a
whereas an american like if you want to see a sub culture, for I love that fond derives dan and lower living like it's fucking, great auguries, dairy, its Adam Oh I've never felt unsafe, my and others areas everywhere, but it's fuckin its assured, hell a lot accurate and broken saint louis. Our headline news is like fucking, beirut, There is no code on us off me jimmy far off. Now it is resolved bids us. We solve beaches, they're bad. It's like any big city like there's dirt in certain areas and there's certain clubs that are going to have more riff, raff others, especially during spring break. It was spring break everyone, floods in and just fucks it up during spring break any city, that's a destination for college. kids, arrogant, fucked up into in mali and fainted, always cocaine and stuff like this ship goes wrong. Oh there's gang violet where those drugs or gangs involved I've never done cocaine in my whole life. I stick to we ok in overdue, the weed. Probably
but the truth of the matter is how the fuck are. You cocaine right now, when they're putting fucking. When you know the sentinels out, I had to talk my bodies to ease on my boy. I anybody o d, I recently my buddy was right me sane was awake of causing it should be. Man cause I love cook. I mean I used to do a lot of cocaine. I feel like term you're right can identify enemies, a hundred yards away. When I was on it and I got two players is mentally destroyed me, I have done it nor for years, but right now: I don't know honey one in their right. Mind can be around because just so much of the fence ollays shipowner at so, it such as what he works going. I like. What do you think do you do you think they're trying, kill people now on its potentially like, like what I'm saying is theirs theories like enough www enough with any haven't, really understand what the fuck is going on, but like yes, she comes from like that. mine is importing the shit rang and so on,
intentionally putting this amount of that across our borders to kill people from what I could be what I understand is when there's fentanyl in it like when you buy coke, you always taste it yourself, it's good. It makes it appear very strong because we do a taster. It gets you numb instantly, so people think, oh and by really good coke yeah, so I think they're cut and fatal do it. I'm sure there could be some gonna get appear like it. Take a pair really fuckin powerful, so you'll buy more of it, and then you don't know what you're doing this fund ray. I killed. You like that yeah fuck. If now we're touching fog, is lower touch without friends like TA as someone who used to use a lot of stuff, it's what it's one, those drugs rifle bodies of mind. If you ve never done it, don't do you know that? I never did one do you know. I never did it because I know what would happen what would happen a loose forty pounds, I would definitely be ripped. First of all, I get rip without it, and I will be by my birthday this year, be fucking, ripped again What like that
I would. I would fucking ruin everything the mental toll, the half life of it. On your brain, like if you're someone is prone for depression, it's one of the worst things you can be doing. And the thing is: there's a lot of people there during the depression, anxiety, they're, still using molly and still using cocaine on the weekends, and they wonder why they're so depressed and anxious all the time there because they're using fuckin recreational drugs. I told friends of mine all the time. It's like, listen like they always come to me. Big arm deal with depression. It's like dude! You need to stop fucking doing drugs, only target to tell you yeah and they'll just keep doing it. I don't fucking get it Only time, if you're, better rural yeah, you did even then like yesterday. I don't I drank when I drank all the time like as I used to drink consistent for fuck in fifteen years, I wore defined nights. A week, ok, not like a home bein, a fucking piece of shit, but I'm saying like I would, the out doing shit more nights a week, and I can do that's pretty normal. Like a lot of people we're about why this measure, when you all yours, lifestyle, yeah, I didn't work out brought so like for fifteen
I drink thursday, friday saturday and day sunday, I an hour when the rest of the week waiting for that fuckin thursday, slightly alcove feel better again, I'm sure it's the same with those drugs it it's like they're, not like addicted to thy. like two weeks, not doing it yeah as long as they're doing it all the time it. I understand that side of it where they used it to feel better. It's like dude you've gone two or three weeks out. Why are you doing it again? Yeah your brain's already starting to detox from it? Why do it again at that? Where is that kind of mentality, yeah yeah, and that's why it's bad math is my friend, my friends, it's bad math. It's like you feel good for for us to feel like shit for four weeks. That's bad math, that's that's it! the business investment that had that can return on Iraq. Nowhere touch and I can't get enough trouble without. What's he gonna fuck, guys, the go headline number two. This is interesting when Helen number two reads: trainer claims multiple nfl teams interested in signing column, capron nick. So according
to report. Multiple nfl teams have recently shown interest in giving former forty niners quarterback Colin kaepernick a shot at returning to the league kaepernick trainer David Robinson all dmz that five nfl teams have reached out to him to the national anthem protester to gauges interest in being offered a work. I'm quite a few teams have reached out to me and asked me how is arnwood robson report we sat there We start managed about him, though he would not identify the teens by names robinson insisted that he told them that impressed by capping ex physical condition and readiness to play storing arm is quotes till a cannon robinson claim ah Here's the here is the thing rope wait before me and his here's a problem on redressing. Quote: he definitely has the ability to play on somebody's roster like right now, robinson out, like a couple of the guys that within
the wrong nfl teams were saying: it is always just a strong these guys that we got on Iraq to right now and you can play robinson who has helped to and as brian and tony O'Brien brown added that he thinks that these are serious inquiries quote. I definitely think that this around. He may get a shot, serious problem, Colin Kaepernick know he identifies as black just a couple of months ago. This was the talk of the town, yeah he's comparing nfl to sleep yeah there's a whole video about our mouth, a huge video. You know now these are his words quote. What that they too must begin low. Gonna, pull off will be invest in african warranted, that's going on over there with russia, so like cabinet, that cut you known and so, always comes alberto. When money money talks to row santa. First of all, you not good enough plan nfl. Now
and you were barely good enough when you were fucking good. When you were playing. That's why you sort of protesting? That's a fucking fact, statistical fact: you've been I'll leave for how long shit I was in twenty eight five years, yeah five years, we'll get you is I avenant, why not just the ability to absorb hits and take contact at that level? When you take a break from, you cannot react lamented two very very few people have ever done it right, so not take anything away, but For that reason alone. It's happening this does it have the ability to get in front a people or be popular anymore and like the every fuckin for months, we have this headline come out and and captain and then last time he had they fell work out, you didn't show up in a shop the fucking work out. Ok, so I got to understand why this continuing issue.
Yeah- I Don'T- I don't get it man malaga things. I always look at it from the business approach and obviously, with the lock room background. You think these guys get they get paid to win nfl business, and if this guy were good enough to win, somebody would find a spot for him mean look at Michael Vick, They resurrected Michael vick and Michael Vick, even not even his prime, and they figured out how to put them back, doesn't matter if he was the best player ever to fucking play. I wouldn't sign one mighty. Why? and then he caused us on the side of theirs that there's the liability side, some saint. If, if you weren't ass it s not because I'm a racist, it's because that guy's such a distraction and such cancer in the fucking locker room. You couldn't fucking way with them with them. On the roster he played european to be roster, but I think that's the point right I mean the nfl has shown itself to be dirty enough to wear the they'll. Take anybody. Who's got the talent if they have the talent,
the flip side of that is, as somebody who is a practitioner of business, like, I would say, hey man like as too big of a liability. There's too much shit is going to happen with my team culture like. Why would I insert this cancer inside of my locker room? You wouldn't and try to win it's not worth it either is a bad investment. I think this whole story is fucking bullshit, oh yeah. I think the trainer's bullshit. I agree because ever you don't think every mother, fucking nfl coach knows at least much about culture, see the problem. Is most people don't know about culture, so they they see it as very simple thing like oh can, capron still physically play for, Maybe you can She was fat, man sat or my fucking team as a third strewn quarterback, he's gonna come in fucking disrupt the whole mother, fucking culture muddy. Unless the play
It's alright, because I don't think he is not going to get touched right that that's the plane. That is going to be racism again scenario. Yes, I am not a sports guy. So then you guys feel this, but I did play high school football and I remember my coach. If we even said the word fuck, he wouldn't. Let us dress for the game that we man, and so I I'm outta here only career if I'm very familiar with the culture talking about the lock room and my coach wanted a very certain type of team there and I was going to say like lasalle ST it's one thing. If he's good enough, I don't follow the guy close enough to know for years, but if you're not good enough to play- and you have that behavior that he is going to incite, you know culture and a bunch of problems within your lock room. Don't awaiting with touch now. They won't and they'll be racism again, and it has not point it has nothing to do with race. That's the I know media and done it is zero. Its everything else, but race. But I must point out of a word was enough for my coach, notably yeah. If you heard you say fuck in practice how weak unify you were like starter, he would not let you dress. It was insane how street was.
I would not like us yeah, we were dropping F bombs on high school. I remember we're fucking coach he's trying to yell at me for say a curse word it's a war, but I think it's one of those things where everyone has a right to do what they want to do in life. But if other people don't agree with that and has repercussions, he knew except that connects people have a problem with. Is like listen, you do whatever you want to do in life, but other people are allowed to do that as well, and if it means your coaches wanna play, some dozen signing elsewhere, there's using their free will to not play you. It's become some cream entitlement where it's ok if your offended by something I do, but if I were funded by some year, do might have my it doesn't count know how about this you're fucking bullshit. Offends me back so fuck off with it yeah. That's what I'm saying like it's. It's a whole lot. it? Everyone sees anywhere. We lost this whilst
Lydia yeah, I I didn't get it. I mean I didn't really get a say in point one, but a point one like I. I think self accountability we've lost in society You go to jail polygon five year, mandatory lockers s up putting the fuck away, and I would agree that to you I mean lighted that can only be a burglar and we have nobody's holding the standard. What is the fuckin standard set standard holes in it and we account we had that accountability? Hey this guy, can't cabinet he's not good enough. The stats when he played would show that he's. Also not enough move the phone not sell your hundred percent right. We have to start boot, listen its reality. Mother fucker two shows call relay f. We in the real world? You motherfuckers think I'm crazy on your fuckin women we live in the real world bro. The wall I tell you guys about is the real fucking world. I know how to operate a real nice alright and that motherfucker Is now living in the real world? That's, why he's not winning that's? Why he's off the roster? That's? Why he's fuck this whole career because he's may
up a situation about something that isn't actually provable as triumph. If you look at a crime statistics, a fucking police brutality They do not add up to the message that fuckin talks about that does not quite reality, which is why doesn't gunners mass mainstream support? That's just the truth! people want to accept that because it it fucks up their entire fuckin power structure They built their identity around right like odd, my identity around police brutality. Well, let's look at the data. How about? Let's not look at it. I just want to be mad when all I do dutch to average put to a normal, well adjusted regular american human people. Look at the data and they say what doesn't make sense and enabled a foregone motor for not they see you, no matter how you wanna be seen. They see you as a big crybaby who's, not getting their way that's what I see when I look at this do boot. That's something like just a couple
fuck you like and by the way, I used to when I was good when you well forming when I was a fucking collar cabinet fan until you fuckin started doing this shit because I do to my opinion. Here's the deal were young. Listen! No! My fuckin opinions we live in is america and we're brothers and sisters, and we all work together to fucking solve problems, but we, make up problems to solve, just because we're fucking. We need attention right, alright, so that's where he did yet is what he does. While he's doesn't have accountability that he just sucks, see, there's there's a problem there, leaving and they're giving them an out so he's gonna continue to beat. We don't even know how much he was paid like who is where, like I would like to see his fucking tax returns of where he gets his income. That would probably tell a whole lot about the scenario nike and who else nike yeah. Well, as it is not just a couple of months ago, bro, that's real fascism, gangway,
it's real fascism. When you got fucking big corporations of the entire world, hiring people on their payroll just for their political fucking stance, that's the definition of fucking fascism on a big scale, though it's corporatism, And he's a fucking ease the soldier of it, the pub and he's sitting there brought like to act like he's this independent dude, that's like got it off the bro you are, you are the fucking epitome of what you are the slave of their fucking system in you. Don't even fucking recognise that sad and I used to fuckin really like this. Do Why so? I don't know man there is hers, pretty sweet, the god of. I vow, that's what I'm saying I dig style, but he's always a good start, but I think go back to where you seem appeal on accountability anymore. I really felix social media did that to us in the sense that it's too easy to find other p
but who are perpetuate you're bad behaviour, yeah, and so, when you want a wine you'll find a lot of people that all wine with you tat, whereas you do not have the ability to do that is quickly like not he. what went on with him or anything else would not have happened with social with without social media perpetuated, professional victim culture and that's what I'm saying one hundred percent, so people that don't want to take responsibility. All you gotta do is get online and whine about you'll, find people they'll sympathize with you enough that it confirms in your head that it's fuckin legit that you're you're you are correct in feeling that wake, I guess what a thousand people liked your photo, which means a thousand people, agree with me. Yes, Social media need all many of us out. He exactly when in reality do half the people they fuckin, like the shit, are happy that you're fucked up the other. Delighted are probably have that don't I fucked up alone, not another. Third half has just taken a shit and double tasks. He's my dear, but don't forget the botz modernism here. So I think that's where this huge,
cultural shift you're talking about. Where do we lose it? I really think it's just how popular social media has become. You know. I can pinpoint this shit due to the exact point of social media when it happened, two thousand and fifteen. No, no, no! It's it's it's. When Instagram. That's when facebook and install them allowed people to like other people's comments. Ok, it was one thing for people to comment and was shit. It was like two thousand and twelve yeah. I remember that half so so it used to be people would just comment and you couldn't support people's comments, but when they made her, so you could support their comments. People went to game the common to get the most likes on the comments, as opposed to having real conversation, and so now people just say, the shit in the comments. That's gonna, given the most feedback, instead of you and I may be, having differences and having of actual discussion about shit. So now that gotta, says humans, saying the exact shit
piss, each other off for attention and people. People have you to catch on to hopefully one day they will have besides you get points here and then you know what the algorithm feed things and get more likes. the same. The algorithm way once a mood waiting time line at a chronological order of stuff. It changed the way people postal bro. If you think about the progression, enough communication. That's happened, bro, you know falk what were meant to communicate. Faced, that's what we're met too. Then we discovered writing. Then we discovered radio and then tv and then fucking for long time it was that then its than its genome. fucking, fax machine right, then its cell phone. Then it's I could talk, everybody twenty four hours a day on social media in an instant, then it's you now I don't have to send a letter anymore. I just make a comment:
Now I don't even have to respond to a comment I could just heart. The comment like dude the whole ability to communicate has completely lent itself to the current situation that we were just talking about in l, a yeah five minutes ago or whatever that was. You know what I mean why do we we don't communicate now? Would you we now communicate? People have lost the ability to communicate. Well, there's no accountability to the communication, yeah, you don't push uneffaced fence right gap, man, a man as I would like you, but we will do likewise dislike the comic. Do when you I grew up one. How once like of you fucking like do One could say was elise like if you say like what now we like you said so about some other dude from an area saint louis, and it got back to that. Do sure, but your house and you have this fight mother fucker, you front yard, that's what it should have done. It how many times slot? That's how that's that?
actually drove the wanted that I remember our fucking friends. ring on regular giles, like one thirty in the morning, the word of god, Never got a thing. I want you out of this by right in his role as that's that's how we settled shit. That's how we some shit like that people, like the kids now here this like the ones that are realistic, run our like you, I guess bullshit. I where are my fucking life? That's how she had happened when I was growing up in so now. It's like did these mother, We say that shit online, who bro. Do you realise that what like, if you were here in front of my face with that, would get you like and they don't care, there's no fucker repercussions for any back to occur. Ability. I guess where the cool thing is, there can be repercussions now and we wouldn't even get jail time. It's that ripe right back out sounds like it's well it's about another, ruby accountability. So in my stories I keep talking about reckoning coming monitors thing with a fucking needs now. Will you see these modifications? The do all the
evil shit where they fuckin harass people and for people in this and that this they're getting more emboldened But the problem is what they don't understand is the laws are worth keeping. from getting annihilated off the fucking face of the earth and bad for you for everybody that you're harassing the laws. by the day or mattering less and less than one second. So if you're one of these people to harass motherfuckers, you should probably rethink that strategy. Right now, because the time is coming back so distant in the future, where the laws will truly, not matter under what their system they're perpetuating and the fucking people Your harassing my home you back. You mine, I like dimmer, I'm just saying, like that's what we're getting. You were becoming a lawless society and win win, win the good people recognised in its law, unless they will create below themselves now. Oh shit.
Gaza, third and final, her learn about number three Helen reads:. north korea launches new answer, continental ballistic missile that could hit new york and set new altitude record of thirty eight hundred I was higher than the international space station whitehouse condemns, launch and sells kim jong to immediately cease. You didn't fuck, it trot, messenger service ahead is miss. Lawson was right here, All that remains. It's also the white house's condemning north korea's launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile, calling it a security threat to the region. The warhead landed in Japan's economic exclusion zone after travelling for six hundred and eighty four miles a first for north korea, korean ic bm test. Since two thousand and seventeen and a stock threat to president Biden, japanese prime minister fumio casita accused pyongyang
I have an unacceptable act of violence beyond Yang says missile, which can carry a nuclear warhead can strike anywhere within the continental united states, the white house on thursday condemned it calling it a security violation of the region. I quote: the EU or united states strongly condemns the democratic people's republic of korea for it's test of long range. Blissful missed it on ballistic missiles, by house press secretary, Jen, psaki, said in a statement. Our president, Joe Biden's administration, called on kim jung un to immediately see such actions and vowed to support south korea, japan and as specific as fucking idiots would be better off now. Commenting on this at all at all, because bam offers no launch another one another on the theme of anyone. These headlines, accountability he knows there's no accountability, it's like if you, if you had someone, tells you they're going to punch you in the face and they never do yeah after three times like dude, I'm just going to do next. I know you're not going to do it. His administration has proven time and time ago
when they're not actually going to do anything. There's no accountability to his actions. Now he's going to keep doing what he wants so that guy spit on my car, everyday guy, that's a story, I'd walk out to school and I'm afraid about cleaning my car over talking about the guy he went on backs, I'm talking about accountability. Okay every day I walk out and be spit on my car. So one day I washed out the window as he spit on my car as he walked by so then that night was the night I went over to his house. Doorbell, we fought guess we didn't have after that spit on the car game or spin up, I saw the problem is: is that Biden bicycle fucking? That was my point being. Is that exactly I was gonna say? Did you spit on him, though after you kicked as I did thats rhode, island. I have added the shit out of him to his awesome. Is mom. Have a one leg? Is that of other? I would let him go start had button. but they did what you were saying all gosh rematch. Now that's it I've got a few minutes. I mean it, but I mean that's the world's problems
right now is accountability because people are emboldened online and in real life, all it takes is for one person to finally step up, and that puts them in their place and they will completely if, after Google's, why nobody like tromp? That's why nobody lighter Nobody like home account was that motherfucker, personally I don't like to do, but his message was fuckin I give it must not that you didn't like him right. It's how you didn't like I carried himself but the actual action of what he does for a common EU india. He was. He was near. The right message is the wrong. Monsieur here's! Here's the thing when it comes leadership fucking matters lungs? The job is done yet, as many of you like and Jacob s right and we ve been put. five here in this country to think that we have the why everything every mother, fucker saxony row, I don't give a fuck what our trump says his mother fucking policies are the now that we ve ever had the united states in the history of the united states. and there's not a fucking persons earth, it can make an argument. Otherwise,
to that, and if you all your misinform, ok after that I'll taking care what he says. I don't care if foot, How he says yeah you want a tweet kim Jong, you tell me falcone shit out, laugh at you only had a relationship that work, because that's why worrisome flock in refusing to how inability? Using he's a note, I respect this guy he's he's been little fingers, but it's. still the motherfuckers in this on this in this country. Right now, don't understand that basic thing. There has to be a little bit of fear to be respected. It's the reality of respect. Ok, these fucking people that we have in this country. They don't respect anything anymore, So they look at tromp and they say. Oh, you hurt my feelings We will now what the fuck we're dealing with. Margaret newt, like that, like
love than about it, but dude mommy. Finally, look I'll, fuckin, bigger missiles. In mass where she said. Yes, the homeless guy. That was why the mrs whack, so I dunno It'S- got a white tip that there's some nuts, but it's like one of the things people feared about trump to those, unpredictable and the same was other users the carrying all law? Was he or was he just real, smart and making them feel like he was, could have been? Ok. So so do here's my argument for this. If you're for when you are truly a good strong strategic person. You understand the distractions that you must create to take the attention.
were you enemy should be looking and put it somewhere else. Now. Ok, like that's that something: the normal human doesn't get right. This motherfuckers orally calculated, intelligent, smart, proven strategic genius, over the course of his life, you guys say all his parents gave him. His parents gave a million dollars eternity in the fucking billions of dollars now would be like me, giving you a your box? In? U turn in one million dollars like that's the same thing, we're talking about ok, the dude for smart. When I was saying the unpredictability I was complimenting him on that, because I was going to pull a whole forty laws of power by robert Greene, how he talks about being unpredictable, and I was gonna actually use trump as an example of living. That law, like for, like purposeful yeah and the whole book talks about how people you know, like you said they throw last year had that demeter master in a heap. He did everywhere yeah and do the media
we ride into, and then I was going to say it's the same reason. We fear north korea as a lot of times he's the same way like people think he's unpredictable. He knows what he's going to do every time row and that's the other thing. So here's my problem with all of this. The media just lied to us for two years, very clearly about a lot of pictures, really yeah. If you reliever yeah yeah the whole russia collusion thing is: made up shit proven to be fake, so the media for the last six years has made Putin look like a piece of shit, so they can make trump look like a piece of shit and all these crazy he dictators around the world. The trumps somehow got along with in them he is telling you they're all the bad guys, we're the fucking good guys, and at what point do we may be question the fact that I don't know? Maybe we are being The entire story- maybe we are unaware, because our own country sensors, the truth like they tell us
china and russia censor the truth. so like what are we really know. What are we really know about geopolitics? What are we really did you go there? I didn't it biting name, and I think it's the one thing about the world is experienced. Matters right perspective matters. You really don't know what to do. What the ocean smells. I can tell you, the right to you, touch it yeah smell it and unfortunately become a society that delivers all that information through a screen and suddenly ass any in the absolute truth. You know that what you re like madeup, show me where common capron guessing is income from we google on internet? Why we just so That's true may not be true, yeah right and noise. And the only thing I've learned to be true is if I can see it, if I can touch it, if I can smell it, if I can experience, I can have true perspective and I think we become a society that is totally generated by perspective of what they want is to be the truth and see you really
is it. You know the world is shaped by people who do in your way. You can do is to go out and experience. Writin touch feel smell, get punished in the mouth, you don't understand it. You know that that is what life is, and so you know these people were now make in all of our emotional decisions based off. What's coming through a filter that we really dont know to be true. That's a problem to huge fucking. You know our world right now is being dictated by perceive true that were seeing through a screen that we want to emotionally connect you that's not, maybe necessarily true, the fox O'Brien problem yeah and the biggest thing about that problem is there's nowhere. You can really go to know that we are getting the truth. I google people use duckduckgo, as I search engines are like web aggregators, you still know which ones legit uttered. He just don't yet have yet to be skipped.
The call about evolve until you mentioned about them digging holes in central park the other day yeah. I thought I imagined that shit yeah cause. I remember reading that article and then I was like it was just something that has disappeared. Yeah I'll talk to my girlfriend. I was like yeah, you don't remember. Reading that I swear. They were digging holes in central park yeah and then you said no, the shit. I did read that online. I saw a photo it wasn't made up. I thought it was just something I imagined yeah and there's so much that crap The past two years is just disappear. Brush it did they do it yeah, I don't know yet they did well. You mean today, do it in reality. They, actually, I don't know, but I know that they made a story. I saw foiled shone, like other lack hoe in central to our acts like a clear answer, and I some white tenants yet, and they said dig in mass grave earthworks might have been coming back right. Five million people central part has been with us. Issues. Where do you go for good information these days while bear Why, then, you have no conversations I think comes back to like you know. You have to use our word, appoint dude where we have to. We have to kind of
Collaborate to decide what reality is honest, It's go see it for ourselves and I we go to fuckin central park go. That's. Why did you not to do out of luck and put like that's why people get me it'd be like when I say, oh, I watch what putin says or I watch with so and so says. Well, why the fuck? Wouldn't you because what you told told would you rather be told? Why would they? Why would you not once said I want to see what the fuck you saying these people like not what the tv now Anderson cooper as interpreted him to say or fucking a warm hungering dude after talking holy shit brow give it up we don't want. War man, we know all your buddies. All the fuckin military companies and you're behold now like you're gonna, we know ok, stop I used actually have respect for that fucking guy like these all about war war, war, war, war, war, it's like bro. Will you really tell
right now, who's, whose the payroll of of this they, indeed the military industrial complex because, like falk, it's like everybody in the street is like now man we want. We don't want to do that. You know everybody. We t v with the exception of like three acknowledges. This is awesome. Let's do a war. You know, and it's like what the fuck you guys are so out of touch bro I don't know man a lot of people, don't notice me, but I I spent over a decade work in an advertising as craved rector, and I worked on some politicians campaigns. They have written slogans of hope, gaza, lected office. Even like those small town politicians, people have no fuck idea. How much shit is oh dude, like you just don't know, and I was I was young in my queer eye- mirror working for helping a guy get reelected as a sheriff and right after a meeting he's telling how to get out. Do you I see tell me how to break the law in certain ways how he does it all the time and issues it's fuckin unreal, the level for parker see it's true.
for world, and imagine like that level of power to this top tier. That's wrong, said the confirmation, by as they have in their own mind of you'll, failing upward essential to where you feel you genuinely believe. You're smarter than a lot of people cause for a decade has been reaffirmed in you and then you combine that with the willingness to be completely hypocritical, it is on. As like. There's really no bounds to wear that that lie could stop anything at this point could be on the cable is alive. Why am I agree with that aid? Anything that you want anything I don't have power at that level. There's nothing you would it almost be willing to do to maintain it? I was told this the other the other day when I get my haircut and you know I know I don't I Don'T- have a good social media. Page but I knew my cousin I want. I don't watch closely every once in a while. The museum german outpost, pictures of peak oxen ship, but
south miami cause, he doesn't know what he's doing that get on the internet grab on be like look outside my house, since I did have you ever seen a peacock in your front yard, though, have you ever seen a fucking twelve point buck in your friend group in Utah that they don't count they got. little fucking bozo black coyote, mule deer, those things are fucking huge anyway, my point being in your twenties, you look around and you think what manny moe people are fucked up. You know like old people or something fucking wrong with him near thirties. You start to recognize you man, I'm gonna kind of kind of fucked up like what's going on It affords you recognize my everybody's flocked. Everybody everybody's locked up, an error has got a dirty little slightly worried. What do you get to the point where you realize that they ve completely had about everything your entire life? I think I think that's forty two. It must be yeah, it is it's it's we're in a we're in a progressive world that is uniquely different. I and I struggled you know, cause you bringing your kids into this world
new start thinking like has world always been this packed up, and I stress, I think, the answer. Yes, I just think we have him access to the to the informational out fast. somebody's learning that I just a lot. That is a lot more fucked up. More often, I think it's been more fucked up in the past. I would agree with that. when they might is right now, As far as like hypocrisy and the lies, I think we're. I think we are the precipice of literally total human enslavement forever or total human freedom, but they have lived and they have lived and told slave in. At one point, you know certain civilizations have we have what I'm saying like don't recognize end up in the past. It like that was like a known way of life for a lot of old civilizations. I was just saying, like I think now, because we've gone so far that direction going back to it feels like it, it'll be polarizing, but that was how a lot of people live. Thousands thousands of years ago, yeah and and not like my book, fucking history, talking about how it's funny me when people complain about how society. Now like depraved, it's a tool used to literally go watch, some get their head chopped off in the middle of the town square
and I was nor like we used to do all that good for the right reasons. Let me man with fucking going back to abroad, I'm just saying like the world used to be so violent. He used to be so fucking harsh and people used to be just born into indentured servitude for your whole fuck, in life, your family, after them, after and on and on and on, and it still goes on in some countries- yeah, it's just we. We had the privilege here, especially america. We know what it's like not to live like that, any inkling, the idea of it, is like holy shit. It's it's a major. It's a major deal. Yeah all those people mention will live in what was go and I now laughin us yeah. They believe what the fuck you We're talking about all we gotta do is fight these motherfuckers right yeah. That's all that's what they would say why I saw. I think you I I read this quote online. I think I saw you posting when you're gone through. It says the problem no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore as it that was a tweet. When I read it all the fuck. I wish I would tweet
His twitter was like that was a good bucket too yeah I mean there's, there's a lot that can be paralleled out of there mean think of the farmers. Think of the the the trades you know like they're. We are not able to produce young people who are willing to work. to yield what it is. It drives us. A society me right now we're we're trying to fuck and am not try and do you know the most automated miles, meaning the most automated computer driven miles or by caterpillar area would say it's tesla words gm its by caterpillar and their test. and are moving it over into John deere and are moving into these. The big farm tractors now are fucking around themselves. Yeah they're all going to like without a human of course, and the reason being that you know the the farmer is is dying, that's been happening yet that's right and that blue collar work ethic. I mean part of my strategies I want to raise. My kid I mean people say, are always working hard. I want my kid to be a blue collar kid, because I understand that the competitive environment inside the blue color space is going to be less and less, which means his opportunity to be great is going to be higher and higher. You know it's like it's not rocket science.
gotta go left or I'm going right. You ever go items like this and you know why As is known, I realise that this is not our dear their first manuals you're talking about like you. As were young right now or seventeen eighteen. Nineteen and you think, like I do only losers go. Do construction, work or fuckin the tree, he's not my has job mother fucker, that's where the opportunity is going to be in five more years If I was seventeen years ago, I'd go be a fucking plumber. I would go work for a plumber. This is no shit. I would go work for a place, learn business just to fucking learn. I would try to get my car to try to do whatever, and I would understand that at twenty five m, Now the problem is due in social media. It s not cool. I actually think that's the coolest shit like tat in all kinds of fucking, fake, ass, fuckin, bawler shit, like people, think I'm I'm gonna fuckin, so cool like do bro. I know the four
I've seen a million of you guys. You know what I think is the coolest fucking shit. When I see hard working mother, fuckers tag me in your shit like dj, yeah yeah, that's, okay, our buddy dj who's, a fucking I work in his works, fucking ass off every mother fucking day when he turned Shit, I think that's cool I can three hundred eighty feet in the area, but not just because of that. The alike because, I'm sure that's work. Ok, that's work! You! the fuckers that fucker out on the internet and you think ecommerce fucking work, you don't get it it'll both give you gray, hair. Is one of the things I admire. My younger brother he's a journeyman electrician yeah, My brought my milder buzz doctor, I'm a writer is electrician and he just works his hands, always As one thing I ever really appealed to him and of all- was admired what he does for work. Yeah. I didn't you. I joy electrical work like electrical work is something I enjoy learning and then just being around so much when I finally learn how it actually worked and like that's one, I listen
I do physical labor anymore nope. Now similarly shit I'll do shit. You know why because we do a lot of hard shit, growing grown up my like right, but one then I do enjoy is the electrical workers you gotta think about it. things, you don't fuck yourself, no set out those that you have the third and heard a bastard. I it's like how it should be wire how the wire should be put back. There's up, there's a strategic component to it. That makes me like enjoy the work in order mean absolutely. I think you know that you're saying I don't think you do hard work, your whole life, but I think I we should do it as a first few jobs row I can eat it. A factor it's no different, the bartending or serving or you know, like somebody treats or server like an asshole. I can tell you that person never waited a table. Salle. Can you? Can you tap like out of the kids that come here to work? Of course tell them. Fuckers did later was it didn't without question, and I know which one eyed her I'll just tell. Can you give me a torriby? My first job is digging sprinkler trenches within all through college. I worked in a warehouse,
I found the, whereas this smell and tape guns and carbon I'd like that smell like that smell, like d, reminds me a fucking metro, yeah, I know I enjoyed annually. Are you talking about like that? I throw in electrical taken in that's like wet tabling the wet take on they come up. I like that snow row. That's so, as one might say that jobs, that's so foreign, it's all other than where I guess you don't you. I would ask that the way he's brushing his own hand, as I can see a modest ecstasy. Russia is a long time ago, long time ago, oh about threw up his last, but of Kim because the feel like the erika now. This is who we remind you guys, remember this kid said from tourist stores. that's what I've never seen it as what happens when you raise a kid. Had no accountability really comes this little brown, but look at this fucker, though, like ok, let's go back to king John locate dude. That top is perfectly level the top. None of that is a fucking
straight. How do you do that? How many barbers he then got killed and that if you fuck up that's legit, I give fucked up off off yeah guarantee that I think so. Yeah, but that's probably really had life exalted. If the media, it we'll see, that's the problem maybe he's a nice guy going say that do what happens at the studio gangster like those areas due to hang out, because I dont by money interview like that way made about lied, so watch that now I legitimately do not believe a fucking thing I got no matter like your day they could say it's for in snowing outside it like, I would like, I don't know, nine saying, but the point is how to draw out of sorts. Four can believe until I see more like out from us ro, what's the Missouri, it's a fucking, show me state
I don't see you my own fucking eyes. I don't believe it anymore. I don't believe, there's a book that came out long before all this. I think everyone would benefit reading me, you read the four agreements. Your book. Have you read the fifth agreement? Fifth agreements be skeptical, yeah, it's written by him and his son. It talks behind you to be skeptical of everything in your life and have a healthy amount of skepticism is the best way to live. Isn't that and now it is someone says: oh you sceptical taken as a bad thing. We are, you know why they don't want. You think in an ordered of critically. Think yet is skeptical, but what's crazy to me is a lot of people on both sides, a big okay. The four agreements is a great way to live your life, but when it comes to fifth degree, which is also just as important, a lot of people are going to be divided on that what they were like aren't. Are they being skeptical by saying that, though, now It's been close minded. How is difference yeah there is yet the system requires you to actually do a bit of work and investigate and make it count coherent decision, wrinkles minds just like now. Don't don't don't you I mean dude. I I think that really. The biggest problem in a whirlwind is that there is one
too much trust, not enough scepticism and because what I would say, if you say, ok, Andy, what's the fucking big, the problem in the world right now. The biggest problem in the world right now is people do not critically think anymore, hmm, okay, and why do they not critically think because they're not skeptical by anything, so we have too much try because skepticism should should trigger you. into a plaster of mentally figuring out? Why things are the way they are? I dont think that people think to that level at at all, because we don't have. But she did that the problem is yet, but I fucking hate it because the problem is worse. You start thinking that way. Think that way about fucking everything you. I know you
oh yeah. I see he knows. I think a big issue that we have, I think, is a. We become a culture of convenience and I think in that convenience we've lost faith in ourselves and when you have no faith in yourself, you're, not a you, don't trust your critical thinking. You don't trust your ability to question things. You feel like I'm too stupid to build the questions. directly it because our these become so convenient technology will act. We rely on technology, damn near everything plus do any I'm someone shares a thought or an idea. It's outside the norm, the amount, bullying they get on. That's is so much more than ever been it's kind of like what you were saying earlier about people have been defending themselves out yeah, because bullying in the attacks for having a free thought are so heavy now but yeah, it's it's! The stuff you've had to defend the past years, yeah crazy. I remember watching people have to defend online that they took a vacation in like may and everyone's an hour and a pandemic. Would you go on vacation for it's like
Well, I'm in the woods with my family. I wanted to go. Take my kids out to have like a normal life, and people had to defend their decision to take their kids camping. He was weird. Yes, it we gotta get back to the people who doubted was an mind. Your fuckin business, but I remember, reading an article about an influence. I reckon somewhat saying that you in two thousand fifteen years, the blue, like two thousand twelve, we let you live in a pandemic when flicking a swine flu h, one n one, you know what's funny, I actually I was working for a marketing company. That time I wrote a headline that said these sales are infectious plus. I almost lost my job because of rewriting all this shit. For these guys, do, I could think was that I actually talked about as one the podcast is a lot of my peers in the advertising world. I've watched them go the opposite direction that I chose to take and it's been very disheartening because I with the power of writing, know the power of word choice and I could go through headlines and pick out the two words in that headline that made it the way it was That's why it's been easy for you to see what the fuck is going on. Yeah lumbered doug of its people.
Job away as a writer its away. I think about everything I look at, capital. How can I make this lamp relevant to someone on a date how can I connected summits web and teach my its critical think anybody asked myself to think wait for over ten years at my job, yeah and I've watched like peers of mine that are really good. Fucking writers write the kind of shit. They are right to fear monger into divide inches. Pisses me off yeah and I've like lost, touch the lot of friends. I lost the big contract ahead of the company in l, a and as soon as I start speaking out more like they just go straight ghosted me, which I think was just the most pathetic.
with the handle at least admit wire, not renew my contract that has stopped answer my emails. I've been working with them for years and shocking yeah right. I I think you know going back to trying to tie that bin because I think they're all great points you know and that's I want to kind of explain why I feel experiences so great and why helps build confidence because, like when you have experience, you have confidence in your feelings of emotion and you can express that opinion because you know you've been there and if you don't know- and you don't been there, you now open yourself up to everybody else's thoughts or opinions, you're, not confident. So then you back down you know, and so, when you have experience whether it's going through a tough situation or you know experiencing a set of values or whatever the case may be. You know you have confidence in your answer and right now we're show relied on Google and the answer that comes out of it, that that's it that's the entire truth, and it may not be the true. You know. That's the truth. That's a scary thing that you have to understand that the information on its proven now to map out the truth and that's my point ever
station that we're seeking- and we we feel is the truth is not necessarily the truth and that's why experience is a huge player in life or you have to go experience. What that construction job is where experience being a bartender or have experience in whatever said you know, a field should be because that's how earn respecting confidence and decision and, in the end, the really the shape of your life without that experienced relying on a at best. Seventy five percent. Hopefully truth answer that comes off video to experience, speak in your mind, yeah. The first time you speak out on something very scary to people it's like telling them, you love them. For the first time, are they going to reciprocate? It's fucking freaky yeah, but a lot of people had these past two years haven't taken the chance to express their opinion, and you realize, if you do, you probably found a lot of your friends agree with you. He find out you're, they might text you, they might not tell you online, but they you'll get that support, that you know what they actually see things the same idea and then you feel more emboldened to keep doing it, and next thing you know now there they feel comfortable doing it. That's true. I can vouch for that.
because being who I am what I talk about you while you to data like you will tell me I'll keep speaking as there are a lot of fun The idea of thousands were literally are not exaggerating one bit thousands of fucking deal. every single day since same yet, so I know that's the truth like thank you Reading up, I must not brave enough to speak up mother fucker. You have to be its wrote, the you guys who are not speaking up that this is why this continues to go on like it. It's so frustrating for me to get that message, but I also do I get it. I guess, like dude. I don't know like win was when did you first began walking? Ashraf, it's funny because I got it when you guys are sit when you were saying that the first time it is I'm you're, trying to think like women. My
first time, I spoke out like why. I just think the first time that I spoke out during covert and in a public setting kinda sorta in a in a in a way. It's just what yeah but you've always been an outspoken dude. No, but I know but confrontation or competition. You know especially like in so where does that come from like? Where did you first think speaking the truth, the scary? You know- and I think that you know the truth being undefeated champion of the world like you start like it makes you nervous right. So I got this. This red shoe guy shoelace guy calls me out and starbucks for not having a mask on out you're a warrior. You know he looked at me like that, and I kind of got nervous he's a little fucking nerd. You know and I'm like fucking eight, like I'm getting fucking put on blast starbucks as a fuck you you know. I just like that. You know any kind of backed out: oh euro you're, a coded whatever I forget to I don't know what the fuck bucky call me. anyway. The east yeah right in europe and you're such a warrior in his eye, fell on his chest. Outlines the glass I will kick your fuckin has been aroused than us.
I get mad and you know we're in line and and at starbucks and guess what I still go to the same starbucks everyday. I feel really good guess. We have never seen there again as fuck units, and so it's like you ha. It was empowering. It feels good, I'm a walk back in or knows where I stand her and centers knows where I stand, and so you know being able to speak your mind although it may be scary, and it makes you really fucking, never when was the first time. You spoke your mind and I it's like dude. I feel I we were brought up that way near, but I mean that scared feelings referring to that's fucking real, and I think you experience of many times in life, not just once. I think, there's different chaps. God alone I lie not always indefinitely. Is a seal can at last be true, while even even managing people by gradual, I mean you the more you You are the better you get at all comfortable. You are the more you understand. It's the right thing to do. Yeah. I think that's an important piece to understand. Like you know now, like I know when I get that kind of ibi gb, weird feeling that- and I'm like- I should say this- my I used to be like that. Maybe I should say maybe,
trick question. Now, I'm just like fuck it dude. This was coming out. The final fight happens, a lot quicker. I've found that the best the absolute best shit that comes out of people's mouth is the shit that they think they shouldn't that's an area it was funny. Like he said to myself, when I have a tweet that I feel like I shouldn't, we add someone he me that she tweeted yes Isiah, thomas of that I do. The same thing like headlines was written on pads, but what you're? Seeing too, though, what people don't understand is when you get that negative feedback at the confrontation, it's never as bad as you, it's gonna be now like you play innocent mascara heard you played up in your head so much worse, and so people are so if I am going to lose my job, my mom's going to sell me all this kind of shit. You are really it's, never that bad you're going to think I'm the most violent guy on earth. But but fighting teaches you that right. Would you realize about fighting getting punched in the mouth sucks? However, saw terrible it's not that bad. It's not you know, so I can get it if you time, I actually think that's a huge key to life. Do I think if you are not afraid of punch interface, you you, you are an huge with only over a lot like thyssen
yeah I running out of my people them in punch in the face of sunlight Everybody has a plan to your passionate about it, but the point is that, like once, you fear once you start fearing it. In the face like I know, there's a plenty of dudes out there to kidnap me to fuck out and punch me in the face, hurt me and all that shit, but, like I don't really care but there are other buyers. There's a dichotomy darien inside that you also understand it hurts enough to maybe have little bit of of respect and restraint or straight, like you know, I'm not going to punch this guy in the face when I want to or I'm not going to say it, because it's not worth getting punched in face over because you are there's like a dichotomy loses its like. We push harder and probably not even that you like you, know what is now worth. words, are right, we don't have that whole dynamic. We're talking about is does not exist in the world anymore. What yeah I mean. There is a policy that well there's a lot of things. There's a lot of maybe true. Some what's wrong with society know you think about asking a girl on a day like tells us, there was one
moments. You know you first time, you're denied a few times by someone you're not bother down. That's exactly that. I do a podcast about no regrets and always tell I want to teach my son like one of the lessons his lessons life. You always asked hottest girl in the room and they always visit where she says no and the more comfortable you get with it. The more you realize not that big of a deal. What happens if she says? Yes right, you get over that kind of ugh, but there's a lesson to, and then you start thinking in society, the yankees reason they don't have to go. Ask girls on days. They text them. They don't have to go through. The weird thing: cause rejections in a screen so when they face rejection face to face it's like it's really, heartening to the add on earth orbit like this or that their their dissent ties they care for, could take it now, we're just rivalry with thought it out. So it's like. Maybe we should like from that that that's good analogy. I remember that, like fucking, I, like I remember having like an answer. But why should I regret the shit? I regret the shoot I didn't say idea like in the bedroom, and now you tell me why can I not really put your hands around my throat? You know what why
that's said it. Those be must because I have a peacock, my front yard, Commissioner, if you come to pine caress, dejected, we're neighbors, even the item I won t are amended peacock school peacocks. our final signal on long oars, my father, that's what I want, but so here's what I just realized the south magnitude this like horse properties down. Yet I never knew how big the horse me was there. So I started looking at different horwitz called the horse area. When starts to nod his Durrell is a big horse, doral doral rows. They said it's because I do too. I don't I dunno, but I know this. I want some fucking bite and I once Longhorns we haven't both right around the corner from my house. Imagine yeah. You have like I don't really want to move out there. I got a nice place right. The holding, though, is living where you can get a tan and have a longhorn and use
Why my dreams down here morale? You get an spray tat, think about an hour ago, my beyond be there! You have a pine question: you'll love it except august fucking and nine thousand fucking degrees here to us today august. actually more rain and hot there, like august, is more that's a good. Do they got very similar, whether I mean Our weathers probably worked I love it. I miss the humidity when I'm not in it cause. I grew up in utah, grew up in the snow, a group in the cold, and I thought like that. Wilderness mountain life was meant for and then I moved my music weight and don't have brief my nose sleep at night I scheme feels good. in Austria. Tacos are flocking to may re. I crave the humidity by dogs happier in every stopped, sharing its florida fussy. We gassed allergies and humidity yeah, it's a fucking in terrible style. Look at it perspective, it's fuckin horrible.
Where she could be in Haiti yeah, but they got better whether than we do haiti. Heart is for a fuckin. A reason is lacking otherwise the asian stamina, sir I'll, take your word for it because you ve been there and I have been there- see other work to see how that works round. Amazing consume. we have the experience and I can tell you the experiences you want your child born in america, not in haiti, shit our guide, our final segment of the show we have our thumbs up, saying we will show how long you don't get to thumbs up to thumbs in the. But with that being said, I headline wreath. Ok, maybe ass, it doesn't work. I write another were behind the bus outside. What are you gonna? Try and everyone here is just improvising. Pranks. That's all you said the colonel. I avoid it smear her law reads driver
The chicago line up for a share of one million dollars worth of free gas as such as regards your land up early thursday today to give free fuel courtesy of chicago businessman, businessmen, philanthropist, doktor, willie Wilson, for a second of a gas give away while the need among the community is so great wilson said: soaring gas prices have caused a hardship for too many of our citizens. The self made millionaire found success in business whose own medical supply company and, as a former franchise owner, several mcdonald's low restaurants. He is now using his fortune to help others for people have to get to work to make money for the families s. What moved me to do this really toad new station chicago ass? He felt the tanks it's a fifty dollars per person until the money runs out. However, unlike the two hundred thousand dollar gas giveaway last week, vehicles will not be allowed to line up overnight, but that did not stop them from lining up early each gas station allowing four hundred cars between seven am and ten thirty am
help ease the effects of inflation and severe as a serve as a lifeline for working americans got an app, that's fucking awesome. I love that yeah, it's unfortunate that he has to do it, but I love doing it. is, is unfortunate and it's not his fault that he has to do that either. It's the fucking politicians, fuckin fault, it's kind of shit. You want to see people do while yeah I still find a way to demonize the way that he made that happen. He lives too extravagantly here he does this or that or this. This is the kind of shit no one ever fucking hears about. I love that he did that to man where you think I mean. Obviously I love it. I mean. How could you not? You know it's one of those things, but I I I also there's like the fucking hardcore side of me. That's like if you're, not bad, of a spot, we gotta start making other decisions and you shouldn't be waiting outside line for four or five six hours for fifty bucks. We should be working for four or five hours for that same fifty bucks and that's the part where my brain, of course, I like
the gesture, because I think it's a great gesture, but if you're making fifteen dollars an hour which is a pretty standard going rate in today's world and there's six million jobs open for that competitive rate that a math equation, you can wait in line, five hours we go fuck and make fuckin a hundred bucks like Where will your chest? It maybe shoot adjusted to people that can prove they were actually working yeah, and so I mean to to you know, and of course I would never like that. I wouldn't throw shade on that. Guy cause you're, not fucking. That's a that's a I think it's also a great thing to do, but I get my brain. It's like that's a thinking problem yeah, you like do not go out there and wait for four hours, so it gets this free. It's like who are you the work and I'm gonna go to bed and you can go. Guess, I'm never ever every other animals on the way you know. So I just there's that that's that descartes means I my brain at the accidents. I know it's not like it's gonna fuck Debbie downer approached nelson niger reality. That's right! Yeah, it's fuckin real he dared like. I listen to each other
I think it's called you know this is this. what I call ethical capitalism right. This is this is help, should be sought in a society where there is a real problem in this case. The real problem is created by people who didn't earn that fucking money. created by people who are making bad policy decisions, Washington dc their due so in their own interests, which in turn is actually costing american citizens, including this man, money that this fuckin guy pry worked really fucking ifor. So I determined guys got a golden heart too thumbs up for me for sure you know for sure, but I think as americans we go to the scratch off versus going to go into the shovel yeah for sure bro. For sure I I hear that. I would ask the show knows all grounds yeah, I was also browse. Fun was fun guys if you like to show I was good if you learn something good take ways for you. I shall show for us right
Kyle we're going to follow you for not falling you already, instagram facebook phase type in sgr, sdk research to captain. I should come up the captain or I put some of the best contact across the internet. Good thought provoking is books are amazing as well. Where can I find your books, amazon, barnes, noble, who title speech, therapy or fuckin history. There you go Eyebrows, but they should come down. The cuban alright, see you guys later sleeping on the floor. Now my german box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.