« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

260. Andy & DJ CTI: Eric Greitens Accusations, Lia Thomas Compared To Jackie Robinson & Biden's New World Order

2022-03-23 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Eric Greiten's ex-wife's accusation that he physically abused her and their children, NBC's op-ed comparing Lia Thomas To Jackie Robinson, and Joe Biden's comment about the implementation of a “New World Order.”

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number, the jury for the county, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know headshot case closed. What is up guys is there for show, as this is the show for the realistic about it, allies depict the same delusions. Modern society. Welcome to the fucking reality guys. Today we have a be a dj cruise. The mother, fucking internet yeah. Why could walk in here and these guys watching, jingo and jane Do you know why they want you to supplement or cause? there's a certain member of our team in this room who hasn't seen it is. you guys, com, the fog down is that I've seen it you're fucking joe.
How the fuck do you not see that movie we're out of those one of my all timeframe? Remove joe explain yourself, It is, I would say that when I heard a lot about are you talking about you haven't seen you no fog watch it. I don't really. Your watch movies. I doubt you lie it's no movies natural! I know Friday friday ever No friday, I'm going to watch all I know is I got fired when I watch movies of great importance. but see you seen fucking brave lab. But let's see what you've got to understand is your black. So you got fired for things that why guiding fire those shit man, what the clearly raises again- and now I see sure. For two years man, it's coming yeah. It's coming out today, I'll be able to get out of my my fake white man suit.
Let's go to combat this more suit it all back there my words my reason, my son, my once banal not make that he's a method. Did that's what the funniest fucking scenes of a movie, I love quinn, then I'll be out in view of all this matter to a level of their I idol love them all. Some of his some of them are trash, but that he does some good stuff and some trash there. But like dude, here's the thing you know here's what I say about his work: national, like every. If you want People that lacks every artist work of everything dead, you're, not a true connoisseur right, like you're a fan, I'm not a fan, but I think he's a. I think what what's cool about turn Tino is! Is that if you watch it nineteen o movie with knowing that he did the move, You know it's his move right like you, don't you have to know that couldn't tearing tino directed you're better number moonies I've watched them.
Like mans. This seems like a tarantino movie. Moving now go look at em like all. Well, it is I look at it like an andy warhol. It's cool yeah, you know it's it's cool and it's got like it's it's own vibe and while I don't like every single movie that he's done, I appreciate all the movies he's done because it's real art, so you know what and like he's gotta style, I think that's cool through spoke to me. I m sure well, if you're sworn a refresher you just over there get you started to start a movement with our hashtag or something for getting fired during a fire, maybe Maybe we could take all his shit shit It's no matter what I mean I'll take this rupert float, though we'll start there. What are you doing? You get back a shape yeah I gotta get back on it, I'm back on it man. I got this from crossfit date day. What two two that's right: a day to drink and some uh some root beer float shameless plug vicious delicious. You
writers, pretty good rubber is pretty fucking gay, like you, hadn't hooked on the chocolate mint cookie how much of the manga, but you know, yeah, you are How about some approaching six guys were excluded and the bullshit do we got going on today? Oliver man, really all of it, is some interesting shit out here and let's dive into it, yeah, let's do let's dive into dauntless dive, guys? As always, if you want to see any these videos pictures links articles photo, whatever it is godaddy for salah dot com. You can check the links out there and with that being hey, what's your goal for this next twelve weeks by the way, I'm not too seventy five watt to seventy two. Seventy! There's no point of language. Does not everybody always gotta know that for the net by the beginning of may. Do you just gotta be two: seventy
Otherwise you make fun of them yeah absurdly, do it alright, but you won't, you won't be able to do it, I'm going to do it. You know I'll make fun salary I now beaumont of room. So what what's goin on this, let's get into a man who allow number one. I have on a more reads, exe, of Missouri G opie senate candidate, air brightens alleges he. Physically abuse her and their children. So this is a heavy. Let's, let's dive, is article of it. Ok, just little bits of the ex wife of the leading gee up. He sent a farmer Missouri governor grinds allege. He was physically abusive towards his children and her according to court documents filed this monday, I'd brightens, no redesign, twenty eighteen. Amid allegations of sexual misconduct, I'm has been trying to mount a political calm backers pursuit of. U s. Illness
the number of gnp primary rivals called on Monday from a drop out of the race following the abuse allegations made by his ex wife. So I got some supporting evidence here. From his wife Sheena aarhus, In fact, they have joint custody right now. he's already filed for forecasting of the two two children to boys that he has article sing you Sheena a who now resides in sectors with the former couples to children said she grew so afraid of her former husband.
but she sought a limit his access to weapons and began sleeping in children's room out of concern for their safety. According to an affidavit found in certain quarters, boon county in Missouri, as part of our efforts to have a custom case, move to texas, chinik right and said that she and others were so concerned about air guidance behaviour. They limits. It is access firearms. On three occasions she said that she was concerned about the end, quote: escalation of physical violence and eventually, when I started sleeping in my children's room simply to try to keep them safe according to half a day in a statement here, dragons denied the allegation It's a grand scale campaign manager also came out with an official statement. He said quote. His ex wife is enraged in the last. Ditch attempt to vindictive lie. Destroy her ex husband
she knows that the press will viciously repeat her false allegations. Eric has always been a great dad who loves his boys and has always put them first, and that is why he is filing for full custody of children now does yeah, but there is a lot, but there's a lot has been going on for a long time a long time- and this is the first summit, some allegations of come out about about Eric, but. There's a lot of water. There has been didn't cleared very very. There are very telling comment here: ok, go back, put back, put back, put back one more, A number of his g o p primary rivals called on Monday for him to drop out of the race following the abuse allegations made by his ex wife. nominal say some things here and I'm gonna, let you know I'm personally friends with aircraft
I know him very well, not sometimes not not. part of the time, every literally every single time, I've ever been with him ever whether it be in the middle of the day, whether it be a night whether it be in the afternoon, which has been a number of times. No, he away and does a face time with his boys. Now that face time might last five minutes it might last an hour, but to say that he doesn't make his family a priority and he's not a he's, a bad dad and beats his kids and all this shit look I'm going to call fucking bullshit, because it's completely opposite of what the fuck I've observed right now. He sets alarm clocks, cause? Yes, europe say around the day: I'd global arms so loaded. Here's my take on this. I could not speak, the someone's relationship.
We don't know what happens behind closed doors and in fact, I think of we single human on the face of the earth was to have their closed doors activities analyze and scrutinise they could be twisted into some sort of quota, unquote, abuse or something that story could be made. I do not know Eric when he was married to this woman I know her. I have nothing against her. I know Eric is a man and I believe in Eric as a man and what I observe and what I question is: why did this? come out now. Why is this just now coming out and why why the week before it came out, do I know for a fact that Eric was on spring break with his kids with his boys for the whole entire week and while, while he was with his voice, his wife was in washington dc meeting with political upon, ok, so
but these are facts are this is not like. This is not about here say this is like, and I know from fuckin first hand probably want only people on this planet? That knows from fuckin first hand. Ok, so you have to ask yourself. Why are all the geo p primary rivals jumping on trying to get him out of the race. Why did they try To get him out of government in two thousand and eighteen are right by the way those allegations- have now been absolved any end. The prosecutor, who brought the allegations against is losing your mother, fucking law, licence of learning in over seventy counts of surgery. So now all of these lies that forced him to resign and two thousand and eighteen have been and shown to be bullshit and now all the sudden. This comes out. Why didn't this about one during the process, in this come out earlier.
And what I see here from someone who understands the political islam, abolishment and what they will do to people. You don't play along. This is a political fucking, hitchcock awry, my. My next words are gonna, be something that you should probably really consider how clean as your closet. What kind of skeletons do you have in there. I don't know what kind of relationship they had, but if he was beating his wife and his kids don't you think that when it came out earlier, the now when he's leading in the polls by double digit? By thirty something points? I'm saying I hears the here's the reality we want to break down the bear and, by the way Eric Eric, isn't the only candidate that I support out there. That, I think, is a good dude here. Represents the answer establishment politician movement, ok and these people
you witness what president tromp we'll do flocking anything keep outsiders from getting in ok, so What I'm observing here is a bunch of g o p. Play along corporate dress motherfuckers trash in this regular dude who sir this country, whose a fucking right, scour whose smart human he's got a phd from fucking acts. Were they don't want him in office, because he will fuck, their shit up, and we as americans have to understand that are government only works when we have actual citizens representing the people in our government the reason they don't want? Actual citizens representing the people in our government and the reason they attack and slander people they try to get in is because those people are going in to represent the interests of the
greater good of the population. They represent exactly with the way that government is designed to work and what they're afraid of. is people coming in and saying: hey you The take you undertake you're on the take you and take your compromised. Your compromise and telling on often cause no point in the same game together. Ok, so I don't it's a club. It's a fucking club that they have hijacked from the american people that we in poland in any single, regular human. The tries to become a part of It- that's not beholden, to big corporate interests, that's not beholden to the world, we economic make form its not beholden to Mitch, Mcconnell in the establishment, republican party, otherwise known you guys, I know them as rhinos. You hear that term tossed around republicanism. That's right!
republican in name only cause. That means that they don't really stand for inner voting policy. What the can, urban of american republican party stands for ok the way. I'm not conservative, nor republican, but I'm just Turning to you the scenario of how this works so well, you as an entire group of elite people who are taking money from other elite people who ever ties on the media stations. All coming together, saying hey this guy's gonna be a problem and we need the fucking get him out of out of the way and that's how I see the story, the right ones, but now I know where I talked to her pretty much every fucking day right he's a fucking good dared He represents america never seen him treat anybody anywhere, he's the most genuine man. I've ever met. I agree that one of the most no one- and I mean I mean not only what is again- and so I can.
speak to what happened or didn't happen, but Eric Fucking Eric is a fucking navy seal he's trade with weapons. He knows how to kick. Your ass, ok he's great shape if you want to hurt people, would be harmful and hurt. People right. Ok, now this idea of what happened behind closed doors. I can't speak too, because I wasn't there. It's just ironic to me that it is now all of a sudden comes after they've been separated since twenty eighteen, that's what I'm saying so it's like here's my thing cause. I got an end and just a follow up to cause here's my husband, you, ok, we ve any measured I'll, be real. my eyes, oral have opened a little bit more To some of the other candidates who have piled on this really hard and jump a mobutu who I otherwise thought were pretty good people are just exposing. So that's what I think just as they just showed themselves to be available for purchase available. For politics and the old agenda available for fucking.
manipulation and that guy's is what's create. Entire scenario where you, And you don't you may understand how to connect all the dots, but this it's why, when you go to the fucking gas station, it costs fucking eight dollars. Okay, it all comes back. Let me let me go just understand that now I connect the dots for you for the next fucking, while ours, but when you go to the store and there's no food, and when you go to the to the pomp and you, pay all this money. This is the establishment, political elites problem, but they ve created on purpose. For us too, themselves in anybody who is with that, whether they be republic in our democratic, whose bought and paid for by corporate interests, who is on the payroll of mega donors, like George soros, their enemy, people are the enemy of america, all of them, no matter if they have a d or an hour or an eye and from their name. Ok,
as americans have to get really fuckin smart. This is important message. I hope you guys understand how important this message is. We have to get smart about voting for people that are not for sale, Eric is not for sale. Maybe barbara area cannot be bought, ok, Now he has big donors. Yet people who own big companies, I'm a donor of his own, a big company, but I'm not trying to influence his decision, making heh heh or go for the and by the way I've met his other donors and they're. Just like me, they believe fuck in america? They believe freedom? They believe in low taxes and small government. They believe in term limits they believe in. Non overbearing, free, Emily restrictions they. They believe in everything that a free america believes it ok,
This is why they don't want people like this in office. This is why even smith has trash. This is why grounds is getting now and this. A big problem, and until we in this is the important it's like away here, Till we as a society, get smart enough to realise how the game is played in how they try to tarnish people and fuck. What people want people and destroy their lives. Ok, we will never get ahead and that they have no limits or boundaries they have no, they haven't, they don't have something which is limits or boundaries bro. They have zero principle. stand on if you're in the way we're going to crush you and that's not that's not us America is a land of fucking, the greater good we're supposed to work together with you but not a single mother. Fucker listen! This shows perfect every single one of you has skeletons in your closet, and I guarantee you, every single one of you has something in your closet that if the me stream media knew about. They could twisted into your big motherfucking story every month,
fuckin one of you listening. So if you don't think that's right, It would do that to you. You should be smart enough. recognize this kind of propaganda and bull shit when it happens to other people this this me, knowing what I know is, even more reason to vote for this person because scaring the establishment political elite scaring the media and he is someone who will go in and fight for what the constitution fucking sets so to me That is my personal view. This, Makes me say all right: that's the right do for sure you're one hundred percent due to like the the nd. This is the problem I have with real quick before we move onto the next topic. But who are they? They started this fucking hate campaign back in twenty eighteen. They got this man had to resign from office. Ok, since then, ok all of the criminal charges. They tried to put against and blackmail tampering. Computer data has all been drop. Ok,
What you did was here's what he was guilty. He hadn't extramarital affair sure he was guilty of We did that. I ask him and I the first time I met him with in person. Fucking looked him in his. I asked him about and the thing is it's like, but since then the f b, I agent that they brought in here. been he's. Indicted for perjury and tampering were fuckin evidence during this case yeah, the the the prosecutor in ST louis city, that we have a kindergartener. She has seventy counts of perjury against her for this bullshit yeah right.
There was zero evidence yet to the Missouri ethics panel that they'd investigate him, found zero wrongdoing, zero evidence right and now here this man is in his position. Here's my take- and this is the problem- we've seen this time and time again, where we have people that that drum up and whisk up these these, this bullshit right, yeah and people buy into that there has to be consequences for people that do shit like that. We've seen him with a hate crime like Jessie. During a with rape. Wait, try like all this bullshit man this this lady and eggs. I don't know she they either right. She deserves twelve years here. Here's! What ok! I want to see the fuckin proof. I want to see the photographs see the falcon emails. I want to see the tax. I want to see the shit because here's the thing I've been accused of fuckin bullshit like this before and it was fucking weekly fabricated, completely fabricated. It is too easy to accuse people of shit like this.
when no fucking proof right. Ok, I know other men who have been accused of this shit. Ok, where's! proof. I want to see the mother fucking proof, It is a highly trained flocking navy seal. If you wanted to hurt a motherfucker, you fuckin beat the shit out of me. He ways a hundred fuckin. Maybe ninety pounds, bro you what my ass, ok pretty sure. If he wanted to hurt a fucking small little woman, he hurt a really bad yeah same for his kids. So I want to see the fucking proof. What see the fucking proof? No, that's where I'm. I think I because I am so sick obese, these these smear campaigns and the way the politics is open. Dawn and how these people manipulate unassuming useful idiots for lack of a better term, because these people will just Leave everything that will be put on print
you, guys now realise that they are willing. There is no journalistic integrity at all in the media there, with their paper pay for play, You affect their advertising income or they can get ratings. They will run the shit. There's no at the anymore. I've had so many stories rick about me over the years that were complete lies then. I fucked had a sue people to get fucker removed. Ok. I know how this works, I'm very for fucking, familiar with it. I want to see two fuckin proof of other nothing that fair? It is fair to say that I get this fear, At the dinner with all those other bullshit that all came out to me, why did you not come out years ago. europe's don't see Washington DC, while this motherfuckers in florida, with his fucking kids right, explain that to me right broke america needs to get smart enough to recognise win this, that the typical established
political monster that we have, which is backed by corporate amerika when they are manipulating you, we have to get one of them to realise it, and then we have to in this, is that this is a bad part. This is a bad part. How do what? If this is true what, if this is true and will never know if it's true, because the media fuckin lies about everything right. It makes it impossible to know what the fuck is. True, that what's natural and by the way, that's a goal, fucking communist insurgency, its audio, logical subversion, They why you do not know the truth. I don't play to shit row, I've been smear. My whole life abbot, smeared, fucking, everson, I started talking. Do I speak? Ecology, racism, you doubtless I love fuckin all wet the web pages I've heard stories. Other instagram accounts. I've had complete fucking coordinated, acts on my wife over
over and over again, so I know how this works. The measures that the seat of proof. is your pro otherwise, where it hurts otherwise I'll vote for more fucker. Just because your mother fuckers are afraid of them. No shit, no shit, man. Our guys headline number two among reads. NBC appeared, compares transgender roma women. We should not be fucking broke this kind of its these kind of attacks they come from within the fuckin saying. Party. This is why you guys saying all I can just go vote republican fix. It won't fix it. This is what you guys have to understand would truck talks about the swamp this is what he's talking about he's. Not just talking about Democrats wrote you never said just them democratic. This is why people? This is why guys like I'm going to say his name, but this is why popular
conservative fucking republic, kids, who are young war heroes? Don't like guys like Ian smith. They think they're better. They date they think they're smarter. They think they have better knowledge of the way things should be. What they don't realize is that they ve lost time. with ground level. America. Headline number two headline: reach: NBC, op ed, compares transgender swimmer leah. Thomas said, Jackie Robinson. Row the fuck we draw the I say this is the goal is to completely convert. Every single black american you a conservative voter they're doing fucking just saw
It's also the one at one hundred screens that now what they're doing as it is it like bro people come I get my dns like people unholy. Should I be work this year, was crazy. Shit. I'm like yeah, tell me one thing in the last year: that's gone their way: tell me one thing in the lash: we are winning motherfuckers they're, losing. All you gotta do is keep speaking up. We are winning, it's not hopeless, we're winning. Let him keep doing this shit there trying to defend their position and their supposing their actual position. Anybody that compares we attack most Jackie Robinson is a fucking idiot there. The traces should not even black Oh jack, Jackie, but since the even the dude, if you know the real story about Jackie Robinson, even the fucking all these, don't do it justice because it would make why bother fuckers, look so fucking racist, do this mother fucker was spent on every fucking day, went on the baseball, feel real reform,
really versus dude, real hatred, real fucking, adversity, real fucking bravery that motherfuckers a fuck american hero yeah this dude trying to fucking be god swimming against girls, licensing, shame insane, but, like you said this is the shit that's going to make black america realize that they've been lied to for fucking ever about Democrats, whom this is liberal propaganda. Bullshit When you do now. I will say this. I just said republican democratic problems when you vote establishment any side, your fucking up. But if you vote Democrat you're voting your voting for that, the automatic automatically element now you can still fuck up a vote for the roma. Fuckers are elsewhere, but if you any level of democratic and all right. Now you you agree with it, so think about that black american
yeah, you run before our shit. I told you about the I could I couldn't find. I was going to put it up here. one of my guys that I follow friends with on facebook. He put it out because, like I know, this is where we draw the fucking line. He's right, yeah, leah thomas is converting this leah thomas story: we've covered fucking what ten times at least yeah. This story is waking more people up than any other fuckin story. This story is, making more people up in fucking, covert, think about that pushing this shit dumb, asses vibrator, I see this shit and I read if what is on my colleague, shit it's got a really big filberts. Also, article barber was written by sharing cookie. Oh, we got far more regard more. We got here? I would have thought so
It was written by sheer, or could you produce university produce university? Professor of American, engender studies, the op. It argues that thomas recent string, a victories of the incidentally swimming championships in which he beat out two silver olympic medalists vote, should be celebrated as an advance. Of women's sports. According to cook you, thomas, a man living other woman, his shadow, the notion of sex segregation of women sports and have often been promoted. She says quote: how does one advocate for equitable treatment, while also adhering to the notion of by logical difference you flocking more on all. I guess this is the damas shit I've ever Fucking heard my entire life in my forty two fucking years on this planet, you, what's your name cookie dollars. You are the dumbest. She could have spell you right,
It's how you dumb ass with a wire barboza, does hold on This is a white to please me white and ready to be white, describing why woman dermal Yeah are doing the book ability holy shit. Dude people have lost their fucking minds of today's a great day at american history. You know, man holy shit, dude holy shit crazy shit out blowing this out of proportion. I don't think so man, I don't think so at all. It's fucking hilarious, oh my god, what a clown yeah they're doing a great job, what a clown post prepare properly atomism right now I want rights and more shit. Let's get this out their leah thomas norris comparative apparently bravo bomb and that's what
oh my god, really do or do not getting. Would look at the fucking picture what the fuck is going on. holy shit man. I told this is gonna, be the fuckin matrix bro this. Their pumping us now are pumping where's national culture you're plugging and I'm starting to believe the fucking good spirit. The real conspiracy theory like this is a big show. This has got to be a punk on window national bro. I'm waiting on a worry that c'mon, the fuck out already because I don't wanna, play this game, never comes out of working together, like when you mobsters, bigger, ass, twice and you're like this. It is like ten, more webs of bachman services. dude. I can't help it it's it's unbelievable, like I can't help, but laugh at it yeah. I love how she's carrying a soccer ball mama on a on a running track.
I love it- causes me for itself alone, ominous gordon how the fuck you can't cookies, these are. First touch the holy shit. Man we gotta take this whole flock and show live on the road we arrive. Zebra we're gonna, have people toss. A shit was to start talking about holy fuck you can make this up? Do we could fuck a meeting and say hey. How can we make up the most absurd shit and about on the show, and we could be it We couldn't you enjoy a dude, it's. What are you fucking, chicks? and people mad that other People are saying: hey: here's, a wonderful
holy shit there do you have a foot genius who is one of the god they're football fans What you got save she's Jackie Robinson. This get out. Real holy shit Holy shit man How is this real girl? I'm glad don't go anywhere besides he no shit, always shit. Do you lost your fucking mind? It further build the bull We have urged performer yeah, o is broken. we still got bored holy fuck. Well, I got a good breath. That's why you swim so fast guys, extra eller, yeah he's doing the helicopter in the fucking pool this summer. Why is he
I'll ask where nobody knows a helicopter worth if you don't fucking dicks to smaller ownership. Alright, why you guys get quiet. How about that Headline number three headline reads:. Joe Biden's new world order, common jumped on by in spirits, anything better boy, waiters, The hope of more so so claims. The article reads: claims about the existence of two headlines wasn, What is it you call this conspiracy theory just wait I they read it out. Purvis. I had now you go about so claims about the existence and empty consideration of a new world order, have Spread online after president,
Joe Biden use this report to the ball, but always Where I can I see outside? I can't believe this is fucking real were yet where I saw start over so claims about the existence and implementation of a new world order. People still call this conspiracy were always shit, so so, while the than an- and this is what would I get this from his news- we cutting this week. so they say, while the phrase new world order is generally used to denote a significant geo political change. Also designate a conspiracy theory that stipulates a sea.
would have global. This authority is seeking to control the world. Go live in a world economic and thought they won't forget book about it. They do tat. To be a real debate about the fuck is going on. It's a secretive global was authority, is seeking to control the world under totalitarian regime and strip sovereign countries and its citizens of their free. That's exactly what you're doing The logs in here do. What vulgar people can now be, this fuckin stupid brow,
so several conservatives and conspiracy, theorists that hey that's the news bro, including followers of the radical cure. Anon movement quickly jumped on Biden using the words, while speaking at business, roundtable ceo, quarterly meeting in Washington dc on Monday. Here's the video for you guys- and we are an inflection point. I believe in a world economy that just won't economy in the world occurs every three or four generations as one of them as the one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day. Sixty sixty million people died between nineteen, one hundred and nineteen forty six and since then we established a liberal world
in order, and that hadn't happened- is that a lotta people dying but no longer pass up. The sixty million number do you know. Do you know what killed those sixty million people were killed, most of them kind of communism? Okay, you've gone and now is a time when things are shifting we're going to they're going to be a new world order out there and we've got to lead. We've got to unite the rest of the free world and I'm doing it anyway. I fuck you well how about how about we? We ain't going to do that, how about we're going to be fucking land of the free home of the mother, fucking brave, about we're going to be we, the people about fuck, you and your global, a shit about that. I, like the sound of that yeah I like that. Ok, the same conspiracy, fucking theory bro. This is the world economic forum's fucking plan, though he's just suit to dementia. He went supposed to say that no are they, they are
I used to say it because now he said it, he noticed right after he said it what he said so anyway, and he moved on. Okay, they tell you what the They're going to do you just unless less right, the Klaus schwab wrote a book about this, and it's exactly go back to that paragraph that actually describes it while the phrase new world order is generally used denote significant geo. Political change can designated conspiracy theory that stipulates that a secretive globalists authority is seeking to control the world under a towel. torreon regime and stripped sovereign countries and its citizens of their freedom. Thank you. That's what I'm trying to say for two years, that's it! That's! What's going on to get off the website, it's not conspiracy! Now it's happening. You fucking. People have to understand this. If you were, take an hour of your time order the mother fucking book from Klaus schwab and
another hour to read the motherfucker and then to research. These people, you figure out what the fuck is going on is exactly what they say if you wish, since his speeches, while what this is exactly what the guy it agenda, says and what their about- and this is why people that are attached to the world economic forum are extremely dangerous and have no place in it. government every single political figure that support. W e F has two fucking go has to go. because they're serving interests there not yours or mine, or any of the people in this country, are right you guys who are uneducated about. What's going on, you hear that, and you say oh well, that sounds pretty. It sounds okay, you know all the global blah blah blah blah blah You are saying that, because you do not understand how fucking wealthy and privileged the united states of america is,
versus every single other country out there. For us this means less or quality of life. It means hard time finding food. It means power, outages power shortages. It means a third world country, lifestyle for you and your mother fucking family, and that's what you have to start understanding. We are an america. First nation we are a nation of fucking patriots. We are a nation of fucking sure humans who go out do actual work, gray, actual shit And sell it to help other actual people do what the fuck baby that's carbon, economy, and we have the one hundred percent capabilities of creating our own sustaining economy here in amerika. If these people who we discussed are financed from other organizations with other interests were removed from power. We would be. be able to do this because those people pass laws and finally
projects. Without dollars. That's it. our jobs, our creation. Our businesses too, places in the world and you feel king people have to wake up or we are going to lose america and you you, you will be poor and I mean you think three dollar gas is bad. I'm talking about having to make an appointment to get a look. Mother, fucking, bread! Ok, you don't I understand what poor it when I so poor, I'm not talking about what you think is poor, I'm talking about what the world says is poor and I know you fucking looked well, but poor in other places in the world, looks a lot worse than poor in america through we had over a hundred flock dooms. We will very soon in this video I brought it. You see this yeah yeah software even doing
this whole thing, the whole thing is the part of this fourth colbert nineteenth part what's going on in ukraine is part of it. Ok, the fucking! racial division. They perpetrate on top of us all day. Long is part of that people how that part of it, because If we are racially divided and we are divided amongst all his other issues. They can get us to vote for different people who represent this shit right? Okay, how did they get elected? Oh they got the black vote. Well, the black vote only voted for democratic because they lie to them over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, If we are united on the phone can ground level. These bother whose can't run their play. That's what you That's what I'm trying to talk. Tell everybody how many tyres. Why set on the show pay?
If people in other countries don't see us as black americans or white americans or are gay americans are straight americans. They just see fucking americans and they are just like you're jealous of me, because I have all the shit you know. Have the air The other human in the third world is jealous of you because you live in fucking america and they want to take your shit and make it there's an you. Fucking people are cheering, it you're, cheering it. Some of you! That's what's happening it's clear as day Ok, if we haven't noticed by now, whatever the media says, the opposite is true: bring up a paragraph again. The phrase new world order is generally used, the notice significant geo political change. It can also designated conspiracy theory that stipulates a secretive globalists. Authority is
keep control what the world, under a totalitarian regime and stripped sovereign countries into citizens of their freedom. How enough walk. Can you still say this? Is a fucking conspiracy they're telling you the play? Oh yeah uttered. Here's the this is going on, because I really what's going on around to bind the laptop which experience there are no. I know it looks like the edge listen. I know what it looks like I mean, but I just kind of tripped and fell. My dick fell right in there around the conspiracy yeah. I mean. I know what it looks like, but it definitely ain't that a fuck outta here looks like a duck walks like a duck, but it's a giraffe but come on now it's it's interesting man. I just what I'm afraid of, because if you followed Klaus schwab's and you follow his his plan right, then the next big thing is going to be dark. Like yeah they're going to kill the power in the fucking year,
so you can access your fuckin money. You can't fucking. Do they there's no resistance organised on the ground level, so they can do whatever they want with no fucking internet wrote. That is clearly a big problem for them right now. They were doing this. Nineteen forties, oh shit. If they would I'm understand, I'm just saying. If they try to do something like this in the nineteen forties or the nineteen twenties. What would people have fucking known about it? Oh, that's right. They wouldn't have known shit. They want to know what the papers fuck and told him and when you started about that, maybe you should start to figure out a couple of things about them things really are, or they art holy shit? Look how dude is this like, honestly, it's just hard to understand how come people can't understand it. I think people refuse to see that bro cause. It makes
They're gonna be uncomfortable, it makes one comfortable brought, they don't fuck and address the situation read, but it is just challenge in everything that they ve always known, is to be the truth. Ok so, you're gonna take all all you would you rather have you got a kid? did you to believe all you ever known as the truth and be complete subjugated and never live freedom and protagonists freedom for your whole entire life, and this really is the fuckin matrix shit or you can choose to confront the truth. And be actually free. Well, what do I know? Bro I've just been wrong about everything for the last two fucking years: oh yeah, that was our final segment of the show. As always, we have our thumb.
Sub segment, where I show a headline and they say they're going to get two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt. That being said, our headline for thumbs up reads: dog is dumped at north carolina shelter because owner said it may be gay with fast vesco is now looking for a new home after his previous owner said they freaked out after they saw him humping another male dog, so okay well hold on. Now I get it now I get it like. I just said people can't be this stupid I got it, I'm out of touch. They are that stupid, holy fuck, so at a dog in north carolina is now looking for new home and fesco who is described to be as a afford. Your dog and with a non breed was reason We dropped off the stanley county, animal protective services, and now I'm marley. Yes, the reason
vasco, apparently humped, another male dog and the dog owners assume that the canine was a gay nine didn't want him around, so they left him at the shelter. Now the shelter was fine fiscal, a new home. This says he likes people and other animals now Although scientific american noted homosexual behaviour has been observed in more than fifteen hundred different animal species humans, including one I s p ca, says that it's common for dogs to mountain thrust against other animals, people and objects, I'm including rounded up blankets, dog beds, toys farmers and masturbation as a response to stress as fesco. He looking dog to bow, Well, what a piece of shit assholes row complete I'm going to giveaway a member of my fucking household of four or five years that they probably treat him like shit. That's sad news, fucked up bro!
fucked up I'll, just limit. I look out of pity people the dies. Bottom, you fucking, your taste forgot him there We are fucking stupid, I'm good news, as he has been adopted, so he's in a nice loving home now. So that's always good good good as pie. What a ship Adam Fox! I don't want my dog to be gay. Okay, alright, first of all bro, it's your you've had it for five years. It's your fucking buddy! I got your dog like they must not give a fuck about this dog. He probably gonna have a much better life. Now he will I'm sure he will some. I mean we're vow sorry, but that's fucking sat down there eh, but I guess dude. It does kind of answer what I was saying like some of these people are fucking, literally very low iq people. and low low moral standard, obviously have dogs Fatima following animals brown be mean. Animals is something I can't tolerate like I wouldn't I would. I would
I don't hunt. I don't do none of that shit, Matt knock and I'm not knocking people who do I get it like it's. You know and she It's bad and I got one hundred fucking hundred what ah cruelty cruelty and meanness and and heartlessness towards animals is not something that that I have. tolerance for one hundred like, I will shoot you in the fucking face acapella quite a bit yeah, I'm just glad it turned out to be a good ending and like these probably he looks much better off now, where either a smile on her. I want I dunno if that's like a rap mix, maybe yeah he's definitely right he's a rap mix. He's he's not not all like uh yeah Yeah anyway, would you give him a brother two thumbs up because you're going to a better home for sure one hundred percent manhattan and fuck those people yeah? What That's all I got brother. I there's due to poor
yeah sure show sleeping on the floor. Number jury box frozen. The fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope. Kang doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.