« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

252. Andy & DJ CTI: Man Kicked Off Delta For Sweater, Facebook Allowing Posts Calling For Violence Against Russia & Bioresearch In Ukraine

2022-03-12 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Delta Airlines kicking a man off their plane for wearing a "Fuck Joe Biden" sweater, Facebook allowing posts calling for violence against "Russian invaders," and new documents that reveal the United States Military was funding bioresearch on Coronaviruses in Ukraine.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, both doesn't know his shot case. Club is a guy since it'd be priscilla, and this is the show for the realist, say goodbye. The lies, the fitness delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys today we have a dj, proves the mother fucking internet, oh yeah, that was saucy, saucy, saudi, alright so, as we all know the world has lost its working mine. So let's make fun of it: and then also provide some solutions, are gonna, be radical right wing or right solutions, gonna be very white, very white. Why very? Are very racist. Now, all although all things in the isms yeah,
about here of dj and approve the mess people have lost their fucking minds. We gotta feed lowbrow, oh yeah, we do have a fantasy. If you haven't lost your mind, pay the fee, you pay the police favorite. The fee is very simple: Josiah you're gonna laugh Let's just admit that you're gonna laugh. I should be the field Lastly, on the first line you fucking laugh, you better share the shit yeah and if you dont erases word at the fact that, as a fork, in fact about proves that message a direct route, I will tell you something man I am trying to everybody like this yeah yeah yeah. No, I already told you the other stuff huh. At had somebody hit me up india's early this morning, because they this yellow that ukraine should come now. They similar wait, and I owe you dj it was right. Who am I that's my feet?
can hear me. Mama yeah, we're fucked like to urge you to fifty four to fifty one hundred. I would you take I bet you saw this little short their brother. Why me george fifty two upso dinner hour, Maria way yeah. I shouldn't surprise you. There will be nicer. People just start, believing the shit that I feel I can say you know none contrary to popular belief, you're right, I'm not a doctor, but I play one on man, you know I just saw like an idiot, I'm actually not the south county private is due I do like I mean we talked about this earlier too, though I mean, I think, really what it is is that I think that lag of information that, like delay, that gap is getting shorter and order europe's am I gonna? Do you do you agree on that issue? In the same way, I think that people have called on to the
idea that they're not being told the truth? I think people have caught on at least Eighty percent of the population has caught on the idea that Our media lies there. All bought and paid for most of our politicians are bottom pay, for, and I think people have. Finally, after the last the kobe then than george floyd and and you know a lot of them more yeah like that, like everybody started to realize that These things are funded by people, and these are psychological operations and so. I believe, for that reason that a lot of People are starting to see the news and the messages that are put out through trade. social media as not credible and what that's doing is that's causing people to accept,
Turning to the realities of alternative narratives, much quicker than let's say what was able to do. Ah in march of twenty, twenty or june of twenty twenty or you know, should a month ago, yeah right so so People understand and that's sad to say those things that happen. but what it is to say is that there is a lot of people who benefit monetarily from those things and pretty much everyone who champion those things took the money and falcon ran laudable. will died, a lot of people that they should? have died. I believe that's gonna be able to that's, gonna become more more apparent, which is why we don't see willing ski and fao chi and all these people at all any more not answering for the data that was released quietly,
Why pfizer? That shows and is continuing to be released now. I was only part of it and got released last week, so I just think people are getting smarter and their ability to be fooled is becoming less and less, which is good news for everybody the more aware to what's ash we happening everybody becomes the faster than we can get together and say: hey, you know what we're Tired of of the elites of this world using us and you in our families and our friends and our children to fight wars, and to do things that make them money we're tired of being oppressed, were tired of being silenced, were tired of all of these things and I think the quicker that people can see the truth. The better for everybody so it's a promising sign. You know, and I think there is a big misconception to you- a lot of people out there. They think, like we're, fucked
I was one of those people who went along with all the shin those people are afraid to come out: remit, that they were fool or that they were part of it, because they're afraid that the people who didn't go along with it are going to hate them right and that's not the case we need everybody to wake up. realize, like I said before the show. Yes, it makes me very angry when someone acts like a fucking idiot and in public, and I definitely do tell them right to their face like get the fuck out of my face, what, if that same person, were to come and say man, you know what I really got four can play like then all the suddenness, my high hi cool, like less work on this together and that the attitude that that that needs to be happening, these people who went along with this shit well outside of the people who are paid to go along with it right right, not legitimately scared. I'm talking about humans. Here, I'm talking about humans that aren't paid by these corrupt organs
nations and companies to push this narrative amato about the media at home, a politicians. Those people are all guilty talk about that Average human and you know who who is a member of our society. Ah there I think, they're afraid the fuck dude I tried to put both fuckers in camps holy shit like they fuckin lie to me: yeah bro we the reason that people like me have been so vocals because we we care about you, I regard by you browse out just ourselves and nobody following me, bureau of Schuman fuckers in the face. I got all this. I'm not worried about me, but when I see the entire. population america being divided and. Skiing Y, two being manipulated and being ah you know, abused. I think people are starting to see those same things. I remain a financial,
those girls, you starbucks guy, the city city. I am just a small disclaimer if you are interested any of these articles, links pitchers video, goes. You can find all over my native so that com so go check him out. Let me said headline number one. Headline reads: exclusive black man kicked off delta flight for wearing fuck Joe Biden sweater. Now I would think this was david harris David Harris doesn't curse benefit, so a black man was allegedly kicked off a delta airlines. Doubts already has some problems. They were killed adult airlines fly recently for wearing a fog, Joe Biden sweatshirt with a flight and tell him that it was the airlines policy. Despite representative saying that there is no such policy in place
A video was posted on tik tok by the man whose name is Janelle brooks. I showed him being informed by flight attendant that a sweatshirt goes against the airline's policies and requested that he turn it inside out. your glass with a fly to have a video here, for you have been maintained, speaks of public security and, if you would come under jet bridge split the shut in outside in an out bites without a hurt those. In short, I would not put the planned a horn ever known. I'm sorry about that size is death upon this. You can not wearing and did you that. Finally, also you will get the no playing this, so you want commanded. The czech presidency has a shining get everybody else. The wailing. The yet to show me something I have it all honestly have you been born and we could go ahead and look it up online right and interpreted the company.
That is all I have left a cellphone, but that's not inconvenient, and another year make innocent are being it is less than what should. I live in the united states of america with the person in the freedom of the press, freedom of speech and freedom of religion? Do I not all I am going to take it off the guy who takes it off, arguing dogs? Are you from how ready on the website but which thought on this matter? take it would immediately so so he took took the hoodie off putting inside out The only just taken completely right goes back to his see. Ok and then they come back too many toys. I e ask smoker. If I take it off, you guys leave me alone. When they didn't know, they kicked them off the plane they did. And ah I have a couple conflicting things to say about this First off, I'm not a big, I don't know, I closed that use as much as I love the word fuck as much as I use it. I don't think that people should walk around society with that word on on their shirt, I think that could
tribute to the demoralization, all the lowering of standards of our society, I've! Never, a fan of it. Like when companies put it on their shirt issues, something I think is cool, but in that solar, my personal belief, like little kids and those age. They might hear their own way and say the f word. But what does he say say when russia? Therefore? as you said about bad word right and that's what we should be teaching yearly. So, yes, the fuck. I did fuck off a liar No, you said it's a dream about now. I said now I usually tell my say: yeah, you know what I did cerebral and I m a little power offers bob. You know why you know so.
And I know that my saw hypocritical written efforts and I use we will. I know- and I know you re just say yeah, but I don't get it that I think there's a difference between saying it in a place where you know I ro the duchess my view on how do I just don't think it should be our clothes and things like that? I think that's. I personally believe that men should go back to dressing like men. I believe that men should go back to wearing like nice, reclose tucking there, in wearing fuckin suits and shit. That was purple our society. Will you know, People see me in workout clothes, but when I'm not wearing workout clothes, guess what the fuck I wear yeah right. So I that's that's. My first thought. Okay, now. Aside from that, personal belief This is totally unacceptable. You know I am sad and
kudos this young man for standing as ground as long as he did, because that's a highly uncomfortable situation. You know you got three hundred people if they know this too, by the way- and this is a young man- this isn't like our job he's only like nineteen yeah. This is a younger. This is a young man who probably That kind of pressure for someone who's not experienced before is very difficult, and you know. I commend the guy foreseen in up to her, but clearly this is a personal attack. They didn't it wasn't in the policy and he should have been kicked off the plane or even harass for it. Now you personally don't like that word then look. The other way because he's right. We live in america and if you want to wear that word use, you can't be able to I just don't personally think that's something that we should be doing I has played. Their gave a little. They re like to know when this is where the divisiveness com, from my because it means we think for the last six years we ve had songs. I say fuck donald trump, you ve had your shirt
spock drop him. I know you're sets off. It does play into their game. I think that's where they now I this is clearly. This is clearly a woman who doesn't agree. With that stance, right harassing this human knowledge and he's a hundred percent in the right guard was of what I think of the shirt right right. So so. Ah, yes, This? Is it this isn't cause? He was black, though this is not a black lies not with this is that this is a fucking, dumb bitch on there, planed the like his shirt thing unless a reverse racism, because it could be that I don't your homes and all the different things confused me the essence, and are meant, but on. This is wrong, I really commend that young dude for giving the resistance that he did because that's intimidating when you're, free or people who are already on a plane there already pissed off they most?
I agree with you by the way. One guy did you guys watch the full video one guy did because he even actually what's your name and the guy was like. I support you. yes, and so that's what has happened so So what should happen in these scenarios is the people who, actually recognizes. This is bullshit have to start calling it say hey, we, We can do to all right right, woman You know me as well as anyone. What would I do, but exactly We are now working yoda lady from ten rose, bad sail off with folk who asked and the guy. Let's go, let's get the fuck in Chicago and we're fly, and you know what, he it clap at that. It just takes Little courage right one Powerful would be got three hundred thousand people supporting a guy. They want to kick them off very refund of relief and us all russia, exactly that would have that power. Collective news, the right we'll do the that's. What people have to understand, we have to start using their weapons against if we
and as much as as much as I hate to say that, because I think those people are low as fuck have to start. We have to start organizing against them because they won't stop against us. I just want to be left alone. This dude just wants to be left alone right, but here's what you have to come to terms with they're not going to leave you alone, they're not going to leave us alone, no he's leaving washington d or new york bailey was coming from Washington DC, just met which, whose senators in dc using the young man that cares about this country. That, obviously you know it is Had this our view about the current administration and that's all, I think, he's correct on their money. I am, I dont, disagree with it. Yet, let's quit this clear,
I one hundred percent agree with the message of a shirt is better than I just wouldn't personally wear a braid and shit dude. I agree. I would rather see that shirt. Then let's go brain and one hundred percent, and that's that that's a cop out. I just don't like the f word on clothes, but I I get yeah I get it yeah I mean I, this fucked up running the in good news, the good news on this like so they they reach out to doubts. We are not doing a very good job. setting an example for the next generation. We really are not comply, comply, comply or you know, if you know comply fuck, you like that's how they treat that that's what it is right as a society that day in asia were in my mouth either What reply? What will we do, or your grimwig killer or you're? What don't fill in the fucking, blame putin, puppet, yeah, you're, putin, puppet or your arab uncle time. You're, a fuckin races, your ncd, it's real easy! If you just come to terms with the fact that you are all of those things you say, and it doesn't then it doesn't matter any right like do not like these,
The fuckers common me I'm like okay. And then they go somewhere else. I don't give a fuck fuck commune fuck, you. I know what the fuck I am here as citizens, I caught a housemaid once they were made, he's: gotta recognition up up up up up up up where, where we went about that due to came on your page, trying to tell me as a fucking liar activities will be there like all aggressively that for once, a field to work with those fucking liar blah blah blah turns out which was alliance, turns in wait, turns out, been right, turns out no more cheaply and right, so keep live in you. Stupid little life. Then your head against the wall. I cant figure should out or care with the programme who actually understand shit and who you is there a guy given fuckin blessings, which is intelligence to figure. Should for you motherfuckers, oh shit.
two percent while, as I say it didn't happen, this story up, so he is currently in the process, a file, a lawsuit against doubts as he fucking shit. I agree, and I hope yet every fuckin I'll be? Does I will we get the shit's enemy I'll be does to buzz so a year some airline number to allow rates. Facebook allows post calling for violence against quote russian, invaders. Just came out facebook spare company mehta confirmed just yesterday. That would be Thursday march tenth. but it will temporarily allow users to publish post calling for violence against russian invaders. This change is an updates, the company's hate speech, power see which bars users from publishing violent posts as a result of the russian invasion of ukraine. We have
but made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech such as death to the invaders We will. We still won't allow credible calls for violence against russian civilians and quote a meadow spokesperson. I said in my statement to serbia. news that also said last week that it was working to keep its services available to run in russia to the greatest extent possible and announce it. Pause adds targeting people in russia, avatars within russia, are also unable to create or run ads anywhere in the world, including within russia or any. What's your talks on this thoughtfulness well, first of all, I believe in free speech, without restriction, okay, but the thing is That's this this. What they're doing is not that ok and people. Let me explain that. Ok leave that no, there should be no censorship whatsoever of any sort to start with
Some people want to get a line. They want to say that shit cool. and then their free to get arguments or get threat. Whatever right, I don't. I don't care the the here's, what I see like the ten thousand foot view. Thirty thousand foot view is This is the most influential company in the world pretty much without argument. Ok,. green lighting hate. In violence towards it tire race of people and that's it. Dreamily dangerous it doesn't matter. If those people are russians that those people are, fucking, germans or who fuckin whoever to visit. My other. You know you, a company that has been Basically, stamp of approval caused to violence,
of an entire race of people and if that doesn't sound fucked up to you, then you're living in a fucked up world. It's not ok and if you trace back, the role of media in the work of wars and you go back to the night in thirties and what the world media did to germany for almost a decade for there was a world war to what they did then, I call for the extermination and the genocide of german people. First and people are realises the way media. It was all over the world were colleagues, the genocide of entire race of people, then, and look I'll look what the result of that happened to be ok You corner country, the press, teamed up on him, they got entire world against this people and then fuck it Six million innocent people fuckin die right.
not to mention all the all the people who died, in the war or fuckin, the americans or the ally forces like due to basically guys We have an elite group of people who who don't care everybody else. Fighting their own battles, creating their own narratives, doing their own things and expecting us to go fuck it do the dirty work form bleed and die, and you know sacrifice our futures, our health. Are our livelihood. Are everything for their fucking missions. And that makes no sense and for to ever for us to ever get to it of freedom. We we, the p, if the real people, not matter, not a weak people, real people use, the means the falcon people, listen, the show we're going to have to rebuild literally everything from the ground up. This is not everything.
He thinks this is gonna, be some sort of ripped the band aid. Often everybody's go back to normal. No This is going to take a long time. We have to. rebuild the business We have to rebuild the media, we have to rebuild the economic We have to rebuild the judicious as the government we to rebuild the culture and we to build it around the actual values the represent the people, not the agendas of people who have completely free and will never even had the perspective of It's like to really work for a living, and so we people, real people, to get involved and start taking from these people back what they ve taken from us. we have to get organised. We have to together, we have to. We have vote with our dollars? We to get on the same page row. If we I'll pay these companies and we don't use these companies. They exist, so they
well organised, our own dollars to create dependence of fake dependence upon and they will. They would love for you to believe that if you left all these places that your life, which is disappearing, crumble and that's not the cakes. so what we have here a tremendous opportunity for good people, real people people who represent the values that america should represent, not the values that rep, represents right now. Ok, these people which is most people have, the ability to create the deal version of america. That literally, has never actually existed before. That's what written history. and so we have a choice. We can you go to work see this as an opportunity to create, new media outlets to create new, there, positions in government, not new positions but fill with the right people right, want bond paper
or by the same corporations, there's new, There is new avenues for business for people who support american values that need to be reported in their ventures so that we could take the leverage that these people have put on us and put it back with everybody in that's, not a simple issue. Voting people it that's going to take entire revolution of industry of culture of education, of everything. And so what I see as an entrepreneur, I hear is fucking like huge opportunity in in these people's fuck up right and an yards a big problem. It's a big project is a huge round climate. Maybe that twenty years. What else are you going to do Arena senior keep given but fought by the fortunately, people don't even know what it's like to pump gas. I'm not. I'm want to get to work, tell what the fuck they have and put in my fuckin shit,
presenting the people that that I think need to be represented in everything. And I think, if everybody did that you know like like do for I talk to vexed about this all the time you know, there's a big issue with the record companies in the media and hollywood they're all bought and paid for by these same people. So they blacklist people outright. So what's the solution, while the solution of one's just like everything else I talk about, come so undeniably good that they cannot ignore. You. were to use that what routes them build. Your own platforms that were you, don't need those people and we will say well, that's billions and billions of dollars. Yes, what we can do that we can, we can do It- can be done. do you know how many people? I know that tax me that are little rebellion. Urge my friends when all billions am I talking about people, you see a formal photos, you,
don't see our ok you're, like bro, I do we're gonna write the shock I'm ready to do. This do the monies out there for the people who want to go, create these things, people, have to understand that no It's coming to save us there is no magic dude, it's gonna come step in a fix all this shit. We have to take everything back and we have to support the companies and organisations and the people that represent freedom. American values and traditions, than to that point suicide, no allied with the label wrecked company shit like do not the only one now that's what that's my point. I think that's what a lot of people like they don't realize that if you're, you think you're the only one that has an issue with how fucking late let the record labels are being handled right now no structural, shit and vigour, who else is fucking johnny? A lot of people do and, like you know this,
shit with facebook, put now this this this this damp of, green light this green light. I do you could say what everyone about the russia, ukraine conflict and you get my dude. It's fuckin horrible ride like you're you're, seeing innocent people, any anytime innocent people get killed. That's very bad! It's not a good thing. but it's also a reality. Ok, and we when we have a when the world's most influential companies who controls so much of the net, by the way they sensor and the way they allow and this net which, by the way they shouldn't do at all, but they do then green lighting, hate. On an entire race of people. should raise your fuckin highbrows estimates as to where what kind of people these people really are. You know these people you know their true colours are coming out. You know one aren't these
people who who call themselves the quorum quote decent people. Ok, aren't these same people who like to talk about how morally superior they are very yeah. these same people who who talk about truth and say that The everything is misinformation, and this maslovs doesn't go with them like these are so was to be a cop to them the fucking good people and their putting an entire most influential company on the plans, putting a fucking green light on on on haiti, Entire race and country of people know it's not. Ok, it's local, a proper, it's not acceptable, it's wrong in the only people that think that's, ok or the same motherfuckers that are ok with putting their fellow citizens the mother fucking camp, because they didn't take a fuckin vaccine why has it whether the crazy part to any simultaneously why you have I this because Zuckerberg didn't might there.
all right. We are, we all understand and agree that call came from high place right and left zack same time, and this is happening. we have the white house detail. I reason why houses briefing tik tok stars about the war in ukraine. Ok, they took the thirty top fuckin tick talkers and did a white house briefing with them. Without secretary of national defence sector defence. Some of his staff is right in in brief them about what the fuck's warm and ukraine I'll bet. You, though, is less of a briefing and more of a threatening While they release the zoom guy, I've seen a gesture, but this has happened yesterday. Well, I mean like, like This is the way it is. This is what you should be promoting and is dangerous to promote these other things, and if you, if you, if you know what if you want to be on the right side of history, and you wanna be this and then like they, they they threatened virgin very early, originated vietnam, saddened and so
our the the white house has been mostly watch. What that is this a second headliner? Third, this is all tied into a second ok. So my point here with with this thing here with the white house. This is indicative that they are losing the narrative right. So there thinking, like all fought, nobody believes that made me Extreme media anymore influenced the us. So now we're going to have to fucking go to go to their media. What the fuck are? We are the meteorite right like on the media, Rogue is media, other, but like us for the media, ok, nobody believes he's fucking stiffs anymore now, and so now they're doing is they're trying to figure out where people watching and they are trying to. Have direct contact influence their say says the merit of worship but when we do in this, they were not richie out those people with everybody wishes go along with it, like the devil covered. What do the promised again Isn't this young generation like One of the guys you're twenty one fucking years old he has no
fuck, fucking, real work experience but five of half a million dollars on things out, maybe maybe So if he says it is the farmers will believe my the other. These are young people this guy jewels, ter pack, he says quote those who have an audience can ideal. We set the tone for how there's decide to assess and amplify what they see online yeah, but the brow for the government is, if you got through tik, tok, where their releasing all the fuckin back channel truth ship is act, ecstatic lips like these bother, workers were soon it and there by the way, a huge resurgence, common sense and which is a generation z, because a lot of gen z realizes. Oh, some more so like out. I think too little too late for these motherfuckers in at the white house agreement. I like do, and we- and we talked about this earlier earlier today, before we record and the like there is so much
there are so many issues right now, the narratives that, like really nobody, knows what really fuckin happening from the fuckin than the death toll numbers in ukraine by like people. By get like, but one one one one. I want to say the latest, those specifics are very hard to tell your wise, like it. It just depends on whose telling the story exact right. I've got some data here for you, so so according so. This is real put misinformation. According to the ukrainian state emergency services. There saying that more than two thousand civilians ukrainian civilians have been killed. More than nine thousand russian soldiers have been killed, but according to mass, now they say that twenty eight hundred ukrainian troops have been kill. Thirty, five, a m ukrainian troops wounded the moscow saying that less than five hundred russian soldiers have been killed with fifteen hundred russian soldiers wounded, it's like it's all going back and forth. You know! Well, I I'll tell you which ones I believe on there. I tell you which ones that believe,
we're here I'll first, actually, you go first, which ones you believe a true. I believe Moscow. Where will it sound of saying? believe our actual number. He I will explain it I believe that a bit the russian numbers are probably the most accurate Only about when I will say this learning ensures, nay, I would think is even with them now, and not only that the ukrainian, the very ukraine report this is two thousand civilians and then ask since twenty eight hundred soldiers rats alike, What's a civilian, what's a soldier who was gay were here, I very that's exactly some by lie in like do we don't listen according to me the is very very difficult to tell what's going on. Ok- and this is as of march fourth true, but I can tell you this for sure thousand russian soldiers have not been killed The whole narrative for sure I that,
Russia stalling our new cranes, beating them in this and as fuckin bullshit. That's not even that. That's not even the russian strategy of the day, so hard to explain, because people. our getting their news, from literal anchor people who have no strategic thinking, ability were reading, should offer teleprompter and they think it's true. So they don't understand any kind of military tactics or what's happening, rove russia If russia wanted to do what america does see, this is two different kinds of fighting style america, will fucking come in dropped? Ten thousand, fuckin bombs on a city and then role in after everybody's dead and be like we got em right the yeah, but see the reason america does. That way is because those are not america. People rush.
And putin understand that a lot of these people in ukraine actually want to be with russia, and a lot of these people are russians. These people went to school these people they fucking, grew up with these people there, their road, since their cousins, their family members of you, He was a part has been a part of that area. That ideology for fucking. Words of years, so you I have to understand the putin. How over the bat, whatever bad he's done still nice- is that those people are in fact, still the same people. that he represents ok, and so what they're doing is. They are surrounding the cities and then there are slowly closing in the cities, with the intention of preserving most of what can be preserved. So that's, one and mothers additional new today, if you go on line, you look at
people are saying actually on the ground verses. What people are saying on the news: it's completely different fuckin story, and that goes for both ukraine, means an russians on both sides of the conflict What's going on, there is not what is being shown. Our television saw him, if they're talking about body bags and some other guy trailers full of bodies in the dirt, I mean what what about the covered body bags exactly what about the fucking? What about the the what about the mass graves for cobit and shit they wouldn't fuck and that they made up remember when their digging holes in central. They were digging holes in central park? Not true not even two years ago, say they were gonna need mass graves for the bodies. they put that on the news. Do they ever do that they ever put a bot. Does a bear anybody in central park roll up in fucking muslim? Here's my point we
we don't know, we don't know and people here in this country have to stan that We are censored from the. world the same way they tell us that china censor. Or that russia is sensor by their fucking dictators we, essentially the same way here. So. We don't know what's goin on, What I do know is this This is about other shit than what they're making it about. and I'm tired of seeing or american citizens get killed or be homeless or starved fucking death and these elite mother, fuckers, passing one point: five trillion dollars spending bills with fifteen sixteen billion going to ukraine. We got the inner city of chicago, looking like a mother, fuckin wars wrote oh and by the way, is not just chicago its allay. This
briscoe, it saint louis vaulted, detroit its baltimore, its everyone, Fucking blue city out there, people think this is an accident. They think it's not intentional. Do you not remember when they let the criminals out of the prisons for coded they go get those people put about now. It's a gwawl take over it's what I said. It's been it's what I say: it's it's good what was first non globalist? That's it that's! What's going on right now! This is not a war simply between russia and ukraine. This is a war between all the globalist countries who are you the fine spreading propaganda, better Anti russian ok all their all pulling Or business and all the shit out and then and then you have all the independent countries, I believe in nationalism against them. Ok,
and by the way are the united states was against them up until January, twentieth or twenty twenty one, the united states was? binds the one, the rejoined world economic forum, so You have to ask yourself, do you want america to be american, or do you want america to be some commies bullshit shit they want, and yet you eating bugs in only nothing like it and having no national identity and no patriotism and no fucking. Fourth of July and no christmas, and no this no doubt. I know this because that's what they want his while do know the truth. Why do you do think whatever yeah because the way I see a prudent and z have only two options: they had the option of exposing all this corruption.
because here's the thing most united states citizens don't understand that that our country is corrupt, as it is our right, they have figured it out. So, a lot of people are still regarding starting to a lot of people he's elites are using americans, patriotism against them right now and so on. They're trying to do is rally everybody with these crazy fuck stories the ghost of ukraine and where the goes to kiev in snake island and no know Zelensky fuck, you I don't need. I need ammo not of another she's. True, none of the ship, it was already bundesbank: shit. Ok, they're trying to get people to believe this guy. Some kind of super patriot we're here in reality, are put patriots on a fuckin domestic terror list here tomorrow. I don't want you have guns here. America will pass out machine guns and fucking ukraine defend the homeland, wrote these people are complete hypocrites, they dont They only represent what you
we want when it serves them. Ok That's the reality of the situation. We have so until people wake up to the fact that the government has hijacked our entire fuckin flat and its meaning. And that we need to take it. The thought back by the way described earlier. I'm not saying there needs to be. You know violence, yet but what I am saying is that we will get to that. If, if need be, we will get to that rope if the asked. Prices continue, go up, inflation continues. What and we continue to go up and fertilizer continues to grow up in six months from now, people will be fuckin. Starting here on a mask. We'll be food riots they'll be mass chaos. Okay, so when that happens, I dont think people here are going to blame and hoo hoo our administration, once those people to blame right.
that's why they're billy wall around my fucking, my house, so you know it's it's good versus evil, in my opinion, and its globally First, non globalist and If you want a national identity, if you wanna be a proud american, if you want america to stand for the constitution, because that's Well, that's what americanese me miracle! America, the idea of what america is, is what the fuck I care about. right what it is right now bullshit and we fuck and fixed. we all get involved, vixenish the good news is that we have the potential right now to make a huge pivot and go bill, the america that it was always meant to be We could get everybody on board with that idea. We, to do some really amazing shit people be freer than ever been, there would pay less. the government never pay they may more money than ever made. They have more options, they were had and life bees, there has ever been in this country, but it is going to take a mass awakening to the corrections happening population, is being put upon
the middle and lower class america to go fight these bullshit agendas, these mother profit from that's the truth: ass room man, guys our third and final helen for you headline number three Helen reads disclaimer any was right again have on rates, not just whew hon document shows: u S. Military was funding bio research on corona virus and in sector virus bats in you crane, I'm sure I'll drop the fuck my I said this to each year so late only two weeks ago, today just that unless it's yeah yeah, like any people, eyebrow you're, fucking, saying this conspiracy theory just remember too weeks ago. It was total conspiracy two days ago. It was there-
a vile weapons facility, there's bile labs and then And then now it's where we think grush is going to set off a biolab explosion and- and what I think is actually more likely is for the ukrainians to set off some sort of fucking false flag, chemical, fake chemical weapon attack to justify a fucking real war, as these people want and also so that we will we we, and by the way I don't mean the ukrainian people? I mean the ukrainian corrupted clocks that work with our karate fox show. Well, so we we did talk about this. We did discuss and so on, for those of you guys that don't know today is friday march eleventh, while we're record in this in an Earlier this morning, the russia,
the president of russia, vladimir putin. He called an emergency meeting with united nations security council to present them documents and evidence that the united states have these labs in ukraine. Ok at the meeting today, and so u s, officials offered varying responses to russia's claims on the bio labs in crane under secretary of state for political affairs, victoria new and, for example, to law makers on tuesday that you brain does in fact have biological research facilities in the country, and so president Putin, in russia. They presented the council with documents. Studies are all these documents, and they included. One study that listed the cdc official andrews go villa list. By name study shows you, essen, craning, official, studying intersected intersect virus bats in ukraine and
Action of emergence of emerging viral and bacterial pathogens, including the corona virus. Here is the document again, god you can find this online on a website. Ah, but dude, it's it's scary, yeah! I don't know if I finish my point on that last talk where they have two options: the first option Those everything the second option is to go to a world war that caused the extinction of their people, and they don't want that So I not at option. I suspect those two men are going to work to try to come. since everybody else and all the other countries that what the truth is because they can either exposed truth We're gonna have to fight a very fucking, damaging war to them and their own people. So yeah in. As far as this goes no shit, no shit, you mean you mean you mean you, Were you really mean to say here were where vladimir Putin or initially said he
invading the country for which you d say invasion, the military operation to demilitarize and then make sure that they didn't have weapons on the border and to remove bow labs. That's what he funds. I try and do not suffice. So you mean. So what what we're really proving here? Is that what he said? if address that wasn't shown here is really what he met there and that's exactly what the fuck is doing here. we do, that is, while its wild representatives of the council, I don't know if they have concluded ghetto our western allies of the german, this recording let me go back and forth all day. I watched I eyewash a little bit of this morning, so I saw this part that you pulled up here. I saw I saw their accusation that I saw our defence where they said it was total there that there saying that's all The americans are saying, is completely made up.
Problem is there's so much fucking proof they're, it's it's there, yeah they're lying there's just awareness so and why are they line right where's the a thing man and what are they line to stop and cover up exact, an end I did they cover hung back, underlines laptop right for the election, which linked into all this shit, to breathe and all these things, why? Why? Why? Why and now you have every every bought and paid for rhino and every Democrat doing ever. They make a fuckin do to try to turn us into a fuckin war. Why? Why will be destroyed? no brow cause, they know whatever it is that could come out, is really fucking bad. They know it is. and they what they're trying to do is get a war started before it comes out. So it's gotta be interesting to see what happens I can tell you this. I fucking an arena thought now and you you
whether no matter who you are, you should really think about the two: where the fuck are you going to fight for We were asked whether you flocking freedom, exactly says it yeah res spread the biggest fuckin lie ever been told there were spreading fucking freedom? we're not ask anybody. Who's gonna, need these places and ask them what is really like that when we were there. We thought we were doing this move by the time we left. I saw you. It was really more about this. if I'm tired, seen americans fun, come home, fucking boxes and shit bullshit unnecessary. Bush? Yet I'm tired of having my bank account stolen from to support these motherfuckers you steal our money to do things like this. Why are we? Why are we? Why do we have biolabs in the first place? Why do we have? Why do we have people? You know
creating deadly diseases and and bio weapons? And things like that? Do you know what people who touch the shit? They should go to fucking. They should go to prison forever, but people who fund this shit, go to prison forever? Where this anti human humans, This is a humanity issue there weren't, where the fuck the geneva convention row like where were they at the date? If you had a plan take over the whole entire world? Where would you start bribing people As a former pupil, I want to show how fuckin deep the chagos man and they don't. They can't comprehend it because they care under gay and how little money it actually takes. Ok, because people, you think, ok, what would it take to buy Every single media person, and every single pop politician. Well, here's. What you have to understand is that there is now
They did. They bought the bosses of all of those things, the gatekeepers of the information they bought and paid for those people, and then all those people that reply shit on the news there just doing what the fuck they're told. So when you think about like that, then you think in billions of dollars, and you think about ok, there's, maybe a thousand gatekeepers total acrostics. Oh that really control the flow of information and those people have all been bottom pay for, or they heavily benefit financially from doing these things. You're not talking to trillions of dollars paid out not talking about you're talking much less money than what our government just fuckin past two days ago, you're talking about. Couple hundred billion dollars and these people are put not trillion dollar spending plans. you don't think that china, whoever the fucker, whoever wanted to come up with a couple hundred billion and and pay off a lot of these people It's not china. By the way, I thought
was for a long time is not its these people, the global economic forum, whose sponsors are the top one thousand fuckin big, corpse patients globally. Who feed in money to promote this agenda? You don't that's, do those people have enough? Might do this? That's the whole thing. they ve, aligned, corporatism and then their their plan to take over. All of society to what they deemed be better and we don't get for sale and if we don't stop it remember everything. Yeah ever for sua. Marois will stay up to date on this and see what see what what else comes about this may. I just thought it was fucking mind blowing and. What would you have done? My boy me, man like this is where the way they operate, yeah. No, that's god onto our files segment of the show. We have our thumbs up segment where I saw a headline,
I was talking about article and it's either and get your thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt. With that being said, headline reads:. Floored or man arrested for stealing a crossbow by stuff it down his trousers. One is for always got fuck, him People grow, so a suspect has been arrested for allegedly stealing a crossbow buy. This is the kind of shit free people do yeah. He still he he stuffed down his crossbow and then rode off on his alligator when you don't have to worry about the fucking oppressed a hundred years your own fuckin city, you come was created a shit. So you on his trousers, ok, baron durrant was shown on cctv at the true value store on two february sex, the forty six year. Old man can be seen walking into the shop with a crutch before taking a pair.
cutting tools and removing the security tag on a raven rio crossbow. Here's, the video for you, what the fuck is this, I think the wait until he there above all the badger buried up so so so he made it out the shop or notice. Ok, maybe not but he was arrested a few days later in the park and the car park thereby store and arrest warrant has been issued by the brevoort county for direct who is currently in sleep on unrelated burglaries charges? Should we do we doing? why you know. I know why ass far ass. He was like a random things like
probably one of the worst ways to go out to what fuckin shot back on cross bobo. are, you sure, see a bullet come you could see them of it really shot out across back there I mean I've, shouted crossbows, among other things, a bad brow why you see him at his rounds off somebody with cross border? Now from your fucking money. I don't understand I don't. Why would you steal prospect for the you set it already spoken food. I don't know man I don't if it's an expensive, crossbow autonoe. My question is how fucking, nobody should be organised, a subtle of some people, just steel shit, because they want to steal shit, maybe like they're, just kleptomaniac fucking weirdo people that still shit. I used to, nor did it was like you would still fuck everything Yeah, you know where they are made
the problem? Is real streets, real problem? Is he almost stole the crossbow he just or arrows? Maybe his arrows were going to be the next. His next trip ab fuck I mean I wouldn't wanna put arrow down my pants. I got nothin on that. Where would you get on this bro dude? I got two thousand This is really stupid. I mean he certainly wasn't fooling anybody with that down his pants. He got out of there, though right yeah, that's the thing dude. You know people it's like almost illegal to stop people for shoplifting anymore, no shit. You know what's up yeah about me about this, though, is that the same other factors that would yellow amirite you for you for an hour and a mask unalloyed you walk round. The fuckin straw was still thousand. our research and people, these people are weak there. They don't have we'll standard at all like that, They are literally brainwash humans haywire, but next time come over the better
plant, those stupid yeah, oh gas. That's all! got right does to show don't forget their line. All of you bought everything which figured out and what you see it. You won't be alone, see it make you really angry the only solution, is for us to get together, rebuild everything from the ground up. I started that two thousand sixteen, my children's books- it's not like this is a new thing for me- have understood this for a long time so starts with our kids. it starts with your parents. Teachers I things it matters a lot, and I am in you, entrepreneur
Is that they're going to start thinking about what I said the only way she's going to get better cheer show sleeping on the floor number jury box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in a kobe teach buddhist, got all kinds of dessert, no shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.