« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

247. Andy, JP Sears, Sal & DJ CTI: CDC Director Rebukes DeSantis, Graham Calls For A Hit On Putin & No Russian Cats Allowed

2022-03-05 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined in the studio by JP Sears. They discuss CDC director Rochelle Walensky criticizing DeSantis for asking teens to remove their masks, Senator Lindsey Graham calling for Russians to stand up to assassinate Putin, and United Nations of Cats Federation banning Russian cats from competitions.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On a number of others, but still count. It means that each Buddhist gotta bank came both doesnt, know shock case club ways are guys it any priscilla, and this is the shows where the real say goodbye to the lies, the biggest delusions of modern society and welcome the modest. But in reality guys today we have eddie J, p so a dj crews? Them are the fucking internet yeah. I know how how many practice times you do that two or three are good to keep. Rightly wonder get better. He is getting better, keep spicy so guy, as you probably noticed theirs, sure human or two in the show, and I like to introduce my good buddy J, p sears, you guys know from the internet comedian. Awesome, dude what's happening right now. Much thank you for having me
walking around trying to preach the gospel of freedom dangling wallace in there. What do you been doing good job that last I've been watching everything for the last two years? And now it's it's, you have a great one. of presenting the truth. You know it's a very Intelligent, also humorous and you get you can. The way We are familiar with the way J p. Does its content? it's kind of hard argue with me, yeah they at least I'm bias enough- that I agree with that, but that in unit narcissist to me that the comedy adjusts rights itself in the number one principle in committee is the truth: impossible. You just tell the truth. in your adsum satire, whatever your flavour, Comedy is an that's the guy many, but there's so much truth. That's trying to be supplied asked did it makes comedy incredibly easy to right now. and- and I also by us- because I'm a comedian, but I think
expressing messages through the language of comedy help some get into people's minds, because it's like its place, Where is it's so yeah don't have to be, as defended fast, so do my best to community, with people that help them get in for their own hard, sir, on minds will better there. Do you do awesome job? Did you and I talk a lot about Dave Chapelle, how his older comedy was so unifying because it made everybody laughed at everybody, and I dave. You ever listened to show real missy brow come back I know he's coming back he's doing this stuff now, but I mean come back, come back there like the old days, I will this whereby listen, maybe your fuckin hairs out thousands of everything. I thought it would be
you are gone or yours is yeah, less yeah wax on wax off over here baby. You know it's a look, though dude beard to have that thing on your head. When you've started working around here, the catholic work or whatever that was, we voted for that One thing you how you know what I was now do out. Listen, they are the only If I don't regret the rick ross, look big boss, yeah, it was a dick bond. Listen the only fight I've ever lost. My life was my hairline, so that's the only. I that I've ever known the keysborough when it starts quitting on you. Gotta fire it that's what I'm saying I just had to: let it go, let it go so we but, as you can say, all enlightened people, in my opinion, either long here or there ball outrageous thing, booter Jesus jack, I must now enlightened yeah, that's correct! Yeah. Dj. What do we got today? Man or we are south asia.
in an item. You started this region, I'd, say roundabout way out, but I want to buy the way that guy over there, that are higher, that you think he's pretty smart and through smart is on the show too well I haven't like doktor cell to godlike and fallen as lead em narcissist. Not the best ad here, nothing wrong with a little healthy narcissism. I mean hey. Listen seemed got me this far, I seem to like myself. So just to let you know. J p brought up a great point as it I was getting started. We are going to fear monger very heavy on the show the charge job as media outlet to scare you and doing whatever it is that we would you do one percent so relate on reform. in this case, is hopefully laugh over time. Is over that. Actually As you know, the city ass, a restore some headlines. We talk about him, I'm in a future is by any these articles- pictures videos. You can find them all on eighty four, so that I can guess I want to bring up this first topic for you broke
This is not really fit anywhere. Could just came out. We ve had the rules Frankly, asian the rule. We have two for this rapid. Stan. Why we see it, changing the rules that we have reached the rules are murat. Camacho me out. He's gonna wanna, see this. You you're gonna wanna, see this Gaza as a mutant. Oh yeah, I got it, I got it riots it up man. So so this just came out. This is breaking news right now this headline reads. Chicago mayor, Lorelei, foot, allegedly told staff quote. I have the biggest dick in chicago, bigger, The italians, bigger than I thought I saw this too, thing lightfoot. She did wonderful in the movie beetle jews. I am if one can also I loved her her for that their yeah, she is MRS Ahern is this: are focal ok go now? I'm quoting us. Ok, quote you dicks what the fuck
are you thinking you make some kind of secret agreement with the italians? What are you doing here? out there measuring your dicks with the italian, seeing who's got the biggest dicks you're out there stroking her decks over the columbus statue. I am trying to keep chica police officers from being shot in you're, trying to get them shot. My dick is bigger than yours and italians have the biggest dick in chicago that probably brings a whole new meaning to deep dish. I'm just saying: yeah, listen, the only thing they would actually mean it would make sense. If that lady had a dick. You know what I'm saying watching her on news conferences like oh she's, got a dick that makes sense well. She's got something right, don't bug! You know I think there is a new ones in here is so she says she's trying to keep chicago police officers from getting shot right. Wasn't she one of the super?
liberal mayors defunding police are. The best way to keep them from getting shopping is to get rid of them. Yeah, okay, fire on the police citizens. Well, I think so, let's just get them all shot, and then we defined the police yeah we are also delighted the bill to fuck em. You did you not derive any measure to exert Bobby Watch the state the union saw as she right by saying I yeah we're gonna find the police. What did you see? It course I mean I saw that good, because it's like its comical in your sentner thing alive women. How can you be that dumb you ve been watching us rating monster years. Really this point divine the police defined is deep and please now they get up and in the state of the union, and this guys we've got to get behind the place and it's like what in the fuck is going on to to to jps point like you couldn't make this up like how do you even write this script of stupidity? Now? How do you believe it or the writer? They just took it from trump's speech and they just took. Did you see that
you were was exactly the same way, the same below, where I did see their power. What that was trumps me. Sad about those parts of their was literal the set. So when trump stood you see what they said insulin, let's cap insolent price, at thirty five dollars. Ok, that's an exact quo outer trumps. First, data: union by the exact same way, deliberate and everything in didn't trumpet. Will he do that then Biden, undid, it and now Biden says he's going to do it again and the people that run Biden they need to get their act together. I read. I really think I mean the whole planet. I think the run in their whole play that they run every four years. Maybe they want to create as much damage as they can and then for the next couple years. We're gonna pretend like them and fix it. You know, I do too. I dunno man. I think people are going to buy it like, I think, there's a lot of people who are going to believe it dude I've seen so many people on the left. Reposting. How great If Biden speech was just like dude He just said everything bucket trump said like,
everything that orange man its veto, foley. I don't know what to think anymore. Man like I don't. I personally think Biden the people that run his men, people on his team. I think they're, great for america right now, because I don't think there's anybody else out there, whose waking more people up and the these guys. So, let's go and look at it. Did there Obviously this on stay out state the obvious, but they're not good act. is so it's just like they're they're, the worst poker player you ve ever seen there you got there tell tale laughing sign, so I think they're doing a good job of work, people up. I know there's some people that are really allergic to doing their own thinking, so they'll continue to fall for it, but a lot of people like people just are as dumb as the administration thinks they
the answer to be able to say after two years of defend the police to be able to say like out, we need to fund the police with no acknowledgement. A body, Burma Jim. I mean it's one thing to say: like hey: been saying this for two years before the police, but I was wrong rethought it now, we're gonna switch directions are cool, like I love commandment of momentum that just that, but that sentence do there he goes one on how that I have just imagine like people do you could get behind that? I cannot. I fucked up yeah, I made the wrong mistaken. You know what I'm learning that I made a mistake and we want to make an adjustment change. That's called leadership other inside ready on the bare just try to ever up all the other bad poop. They robbed oliver their clothes. I broke nothing loaning. I guess we're gonna get cover that up where we were gonna, they gonna call it out, like a measure. Watch a mass cards like open the laugh. I loved her and all of a sudden, we go right. Something's wrong, like got gotta keep em. I I, I think you're right about
I think a lot of people are waking up, but I also feel like I feel, like people have to start what the reason I think has taken so long to wake up and why they're doing such a good job to wake up people is because number one there still. operating as if there's no independent communication, you know their operating as if before social. media wasn't. It actual. normal everyday thing for most people right, so there they ve been able to do these things get up on stage and say whatever they want to say in a kind of talk on both sides in her mouth promise. Do that you look over there do this over here for literally ever until recently. You know and our bodies interconnected and what I see is a lot of people who are used to doing things that way who haven't made the adjustment yeah. Yes, no paradigm in It- and I think they're trying to adjust-
three, their censorship of big. taco administration trying to control it, but still Obviously, what a truth accidentally it's through the cracks. Sir, by think you re they are in an old paradigm. Bear me some youth man now, while some youth and some earth wires were ok. What's auction everywhere, if there's no way she has bigger dick italians transition away, she is black. Sea is black. Maybe there's a reason I use italians, my fucking yeah yeah. You got a swell, I feel I have a lot to swallow it are our I read your regularly scheduled programing so headline number one for you guys officially headline number one headline reads:. city see director rebukes the sciences restored high school students over mass quote? It is absolute lee their choice. So the debate
There are the: u s: service for disease control prevention. I wanted She michel will gather linsky yeah sounds like monica. If you ask me back, but she's she's, rebuking Florida, governor ron de santis for his recent scolding of a group of high school students. who were wearing mass to protect against over nineteen, saying that it's absolutely their choice. To do so. I quote, those students should have been comfortable wearing a mass doctors. Michelle Berlin said ominous MSNBC its absence the choice is a video of the actual full statement of governance, santas right here, for you where those mass police isley not doing up with this but this is it. This is ridiculous. I think he's got the biggest dick. I mean. Let's get back, I mean look first,
all he clearly said right there you go where it if you want, if you want to you now, Secondly, this woman, who saying this is guilty of crimes against humanity: ok, firmly the fuck was our choice for the last two fucking years. Exactly where did why Why didn't we? Why didn't we quarantine the vulnerable and the sick. This was such a crazy thing and also Did you see the the video of this won't this kid's mom, but that's what this is right here. Yeah play those guys right here you go. Did you feel pressure by the governor to do that? A little? more of a pressure of an adult figure. Asking It is something that is to say. Our aim is just shocking that the governor tall, these kids, take off your mass pretty much they take off your message. Do and take off your master parents. Don't matter, it's definitely stupid. I think we cannot create a house and the.
Why didn't irony that is she had no mask on inverse? You better tell and everybody else for two in years to do all this shit like these people are the p. WU been young people putnam on video. Look at your cure, nobody's grandma! You know and now all of a sudden, its freedom of choice in uk in ITALY, the have nots. Hypocrisy of its finest. You know they they ve. They ve learned. How do these people like? What's goin fact is spinning. You know they they spend every that they were wrong. I don't care about the right thing to do now. They we're about their narrative way. That's the thing is, like you know, for years, going back to your point, which is a fabulous point. You know they've been able to slowly control the the theater over long period of time. You know they do the state of the union, they go out and clip whenever they want to go out to the mass and they put it out. There will social allows us to show that information freely openly and very quickly, and so let me look at that. Clip
They only share what they want to share, which, as he went in and basically told these kids to take their mask off, but the truth of the matter is that the truth is, he said: hey you, take it off it's stupid, but if you wanna wear it it's fine, see anything wrong with. I wasn't anything won't it gets better than that. If you washed out for video, because that was the edit inversion of that kid standing there, he stood for a good fifteen twenty seven without answering the question of did. He feel pressured and looks at his mom. Are you hungry? the camera really like works of his mom, and if you could tell he's like afraid to say, and then he's then he's like look a kind of you pressure. I really wanted to say was fuck target assure my brother, I think you, stockholm, home, a hell of a thing you and you mentioned here- crimes again humanity and amongst some of them I am against humanity. I think foreseen anymore. to wear a mask, especially children. I do believe that's one of the crimes against humanity, its abuse.
absolutely and just if any? There is a reason why, like the archetype example of, a woman who grows up within abusive father oftentimes Wall marry a man who abuses her because abuses very familiar to her and someone who's been abuse, they will fight to be abused, and they will defend their abuser. So here you have that play now, yeah for sure I think that's it! That's something that it's. What I believe is true a hundred percent. I think these people, who who have been pointing the finger and saying. Do this do desi they're, all all of them I will you are our highly mentally abused over the last two years and its as hard as it it is, it is to have empathy for those people We also have to recognize the truth right like we're people that stand for the truth.
I said this on a show up, we'll go now. These people are victims, they just don't know it yet. You know I mean they're, not aware that that an I dont know how your experience has been, but I've had a lot cause. You been speaking the truth. The whole time has been going on. I've had a lot of people, message me privately and say you know what eared I thought you were kind of full shit and now I'm starting to see that this is. This is a big game there playing and unlike Yarborough, you can the same guy. No, you message: it can be. Like jp. I thought you were just really a piece of for a year and a half and now I'm I'm waking up to see what's going on in unit there. There's people that record what was going on way faster than me, we don't need dac lay were above any by all. We all wake, in our own time, but absolutely I think it's a beautiful thing to watch. People change them
yeah. I appreciate those messages, same. I recently I put out a video, well backtrack, low context, five years ago I put out a video making fun gun owners like just repainting, like if your pro gun their painting you in a negative light like this, thing like you need to protect yourself, a tyrannical government, you fuckin idiot We wake up its twenty twenty two, so I did a whole video. I had clips from my old one and then the new narration, I'm takin point by point here is: I believe, then, here's why I changed my mind I'm gonna leave that old video up of me being. media, because I want people to snatch growth, the documentation yeah. If you never, change your mind: you're, not learning yeah like what would happen if we all look at our ten you're old self in third grade, and we
never let herself change her mind. Yeah. Oh shit, we'd be very limited. A lot of fucked up socks, I'll tell you that yeah sandra at ten sen over those three, but I think you know jp you're gonna, give yourself trophies bro you grow up in that era. That's why yeah. No, we don't do that here. You gotta actually be funny yeah, but I think you know jp makes a great point. You know when you you start thinking about life's design is meant to grow, adapt change, I'm better and that's why you respected as no human you're going back to binds point. Had he told the truth said: hey, listen. I thought this way. but now I'm starting to understand it. This way people can get behind that because it's a yard you're sure humility, Ghana, desirest worthy you gotta remember, do their goal is not too they don't give a fuck about. It That's the paramount trying to lead brow, they're trying to enrich drive it ourselves, their training, slave. The population are trying to remove the middle crop class like they don't really,
fuck whereby thinks about now. But that's my point like it it's another telltale depart it's a scientist shows like like if they were trying to weed absolute. If they had any hope in trying to say you know what guys hey, you know what we made a mistake: but our goal is to get better and our goal is to share the truth and we want to deliver a unified america. They would would share a message like that people get behind it. They don't give a fuck clear whenever you have that opportunity doing even at this point people would, I think, people, or can, I think, what they're doing backed up to that point. I think people are unifying on the backside based off of this point. When they start to identifies the truth, they they could speed up or they can they can shift it to their camp. in unification. If they wanted to express a humility. Just did I too much either driving home their point here. Here's what bothers me do not mention this. I don't know last couple days, did that poor were forty? Nine percent of democratic voters want what would be pro encampment of on vaccinated people now,
like rule sixty days ago, yanza like that. what scares me like? Ok, ah who were cool right now, but but what happens next time these? Because that's what do these guys are not done? Discoveries globalists you're not dine, or they just invested twenty two and a half billion dollars for the next round of vaccines. Peace yards s in fact entreat like you're, not known Thereabouts around the same way, you dear john, I see the as some of the new pfizer data that has been leaked or not leaked out, but reveal that pfizer didn't want revealed. I I saw- and I I can't this isn't saying typically validated. Nothing I've ever said is scientifically validated. I only speak miss information, disclaimer but I saw a tweet in, and I say this because I dont know: why is this actually actual based on the data, but they said the man tell any rate of the vaccine was three percent, which I think what is twelve times more than the
mortality rate of covert and and three percent are really means. Fifty yeah yeah- I don't know man I think times gonna tell. But there was interesting when you look at that document. The how of shit that was on it like the site, does not affect reactions it. Actually, it was created pages of of reaction, and that's it like fucking ten points, dialogue and me was long yeah it's a hell of a commercial heard about three years She nodded he's gonna be a two second at an inn. Thirty seconds of disclaimer avoided the side effects of Could you imagine a commercial for the vaccine? That was like honest. How, like hey if you, if you're afraid that you might be one of the points, zero, two per cent of people that are gonna die from this disease and you want a free yourself from that worry and by the way here. The side effects, but you come from two pfizer nurture. You know, they're gonna have to fast bar, but you're, not like
Deanna matters are the measures. You really know it's gonna be like thirteen second, so that we do not take. If you did, I tell you this, I didn't take it. I was very clear about that. If I had taken it, I would be a little bit nervous from especially yeah yeah underline cheaper, Yeah, I don't know man, I I personally believe I don't know what the next topic sarber. I leave this hysteria that were seeing with the war and ukraine all that I think these people are litter trying to create a war, because you list the politicians both on the left and the right and all the media sources even fox all of them. Our bang, in that war drum my opinion. Is it they're trying to escalate this into a major war to cover this? I think that you did so if trying to cover it I'd. Imagine there there
and to do more than just cover it nicely. Alcove, it allied alike, loose ends that aren't tied up. So I understand why they want to cover their tracks, but also, I would imagine they ve got another agenda like cover that, but also the backup lane. yeah and here's where the worse taken us. I dont know what yeah plan would be, but these evil people they're not dumb they're very sociopath ec, but there are also very intelligent. I look at their whole plan dynamic with cold it. I admire it, hopefully help your orchestrated, What year did you go to all the people so much involved? And for not you know it's like it's a collect the effort that everybody knows there, ass is on the line literally and they will all went all it and now they're gone all on this next thing, so I agree with you. There there's way more to it and you know there's people, talk about depopulation agenda mean some pain, oh shit,
Well, we were lucky you Jane. I were looking at the up the cancer statistic. From a hundred years ago saw a hundred years ago, one one in eight thousand people would die from cancer mouse one in three three one of the two thousand and one when every so. If we pretended that that's true that the elites do wanna depopulate the earth. Why do you think they want to? I mean you know if you think about it from so so there's two ways that they I thought about this lot in two ways to think about it right. You can of it as if they're just evil people just want to have ever think for themselves, which I believe is part of the situation The whole klaus schwab your own, nothing and be happy and now own everything be happy
you don't say it like that people think of the other side of that equation. So I think that's part of it. I think these people are completely did patch from reality, they don't know what it's like to a grocery store or pump gas or have a job and have to worry their last three hundred bucks or to honour boxer, what their? How they're gonna use it. These people are: so far removed from that generationally, they can even we hand what it is for the average human on this earth to live. You know, but I also think there is a moral superiority aspect to it and if you notice a lot of these people who have been extremely tyrannical over the course the last couple years, especially their more there there. there. They believe they are morally superior and smarter than that other people and if you believe that your morally superior smart and other people- and you recognise that population or overpopulation
is creating actual real issues with the environment or reviewed writer, because population growth, it doesn't growth, steady, its growing at an exponential rate. And ah you know it could be a situation where they feel like ok, were the most powerful people in the world. It's our duty, to preserve the planet, and I could see them believing that was a great idea. You know they're doing something morally right because as you know, you're just like take a leader in the military or or something like that, you have to make hard decisions right where people are going to die and and to accomplish goals, and so I, I think it's a little bit of both of those things. we're a little bit of it is their their evil in their greedy and then the other parties. They believe they're selling themselves. On a morally a superior mission that makes sense
we push back on you I think you're, giving them too much credit yet more, where you're you're, sick, seeing that they care about the planet here. So I, I look at how what clothes schwab and all those same people beating the fear green about cove, it also the same people beating the a few motoring drum about air with war. But also climate change. for sure which make now, I dont think climate change is a real concern because I look at who is pushing the fearmongering. So if we just pretend for a second year, they they don't really care about the planet. Yes, they want to control people, they wanna depopulate, but it's not to save the planet cousin. I dont think they care that much knock. They fuck em if you fuckin jets they use, if acknowledge, there's also a martyr. The two like did when you go to the green system that they want, there's an entire there's, an inn.
Higher or way of life an entire new way of life that there they can now capitalize on for themselves. You know I I I don't don't disagree with you, I don't know what they're motivation is that I'm just trying to understand it is hard to feel like a sociopath. Well here when you ve got a soul in your body, is hardly knowledge. Is I ask monsieur kilowatt murder like you don't want to Sometimes you don't want to know why you don't care what woody? What do you think you know that I mostly curious. I dont have a solid thought, like my best. curiosity is a smaller population is simply easier to control and in it for me, the definition of evil is Anyone who tries to control other people and away that's not in their best interests, just evil is to me, and I I think these evil people,
we could say their money motivated by dont. Think they are. I think money is just a a symbol that allows you to have a sense of control. I think control is. really. What thereafter, I think, are the human, in soul it gets power, or through surrender and acceptance. But I think the human ego gets a sense of power through control, so I think there after control, so I do wonder lingual, maybe just a smaller population is easier for them the control and control, is what they're, like that's the dream chrome there try out a feed into their stupid egos using the georgia guidance right. I have now georgia guide stones, anybody who can look very much like the second look at it, but it's a set of stones and georgia there, the cadillac stonehenge, but they have script on them. Step by step of how to
run the world if there was a war. Why could catastrophe in the first item on those guide stones you never allow the human population to be over five hundred million young soldiers lot of theories around that to come on go was that stuff during the seventies some do had made, but The theory is he's like part of the globalist and like lead. The globalist in this way, like his warning, whistle blower yeah right, nineteen. Eighty yeah- maybe you think about this- just written out there expressing she so bill gates is now for buying up lots of real estate right now, buying up lots of farmland special biggest farm land owner united states escaped. So why would you do it when you start thinking about you know: population control. In consumption- and you look at you know- asia, india in starting.
About how fast there actually replicating and how much demand there actually creating out of the earth is sustainable for those populations to continue to replicate at that pace. And us as a world feed that pace. You don't say supply chain of he owns the actual ground he continued by ground. They can control the foods why in and also control the population suppliers double as that sword right. So, if you can do, the food. Then you can in a panic cubans starved right and so like theirs the odds of those not adding up to me. I know that makes you sound crazy, but its kind like one on one is tilting. Anything is crazy to me. It sounds crazy not to acknowledge that very obvious reality that yeah, I know that's just you know you're walking through and I'm talking like an hour. While these people are growing, they want, they want our food, they want our farmland, maybe maybe bill gates, is making defensive thought of it as much as this like I've thought of it. As as deep as this shit, like
lot of the people who went along with this I'm just an in. I really don't give a fuck that offend you just the truth. Lot of people that went along with this, or they lack the ability to critically think for themselves. Okay, and if you were going to, if you were going to depopulate Who would you want to get rid of. Do will want to get rid of the the dumbest people you want to get rid of the people who are easily manipulated you would not want to, we would not want to remove your create. Ivs or your intelligence or your producers from Society you would want to cut back the more useless people of society out and I've thought about it, even as much as that, like maybe that's what they're, driving and think about who they're leaving behind the anti like they're leaving the people who know their shit is wrong, but are not willing to do any fucking thing to stop it. the silent majority the big fuckin population easily we're just as easily controlled. I dont think that that's it. I don't think that people who went with it in that one with is exactly political. I know a lot of people
were conservative that that, just when I did it I feel like it's. The divide is not left right. I feel like the divide. Literally, is your ability critically fuckin? Thank because because dude like I'm, care who made it trot? I don't care if Jesus, I don't care, I'm not taken a vaccine. It was made in twelve months. for when I know a vaccine takes ten years in order to mean and I believe long enough to know that, You know eventually. After all, these miracle pills that come out there's if there's a set, there's something happens every four or five years later, as a commercial gathers rotational, let us, as a few more life, was ruined by taken this drug Call me like if you say so. I've seen enough of that my life to like be weary of that anyway, and I I don't know man, I think this, you know we talk the psychological abuse. You know Remember the videos they were shown, a people falling over in the street body,
yeah like yours like dude peep. It scared the shit out of people, and on those numbers, yeah mention about people just go and along with it, yeah conservatives, I'm sure, you guys, if you looked at bit into mass formation psychosis ear. So when you look at that numbers. I believe these come from doktor material, desmond, thirty per cent of people. Completely by into the narrative that their told the hypnotic narrative, thirty per cent of people don't they see the truth. They fight the narrative, but then you have what they call the police, Sweden middle the forty percent of people. that will just go along with it. They don't have the courage to look now at that, doesn't make sense, but they do go along with it in serves a better option presented to them yet
and in right now. I think we're in the process of presenting people with better applies, but to your point statistically, it's like forty percent of people are left to those of their own accord. Won't have the courage speak their minds. They'll just be one of the sheep like there's the edge of the cliff, but I guess we're walk in this way. Also, maybe it's a good view. Yeah. You may want to false, but imagine found my hope is, and I agree with that- that seat that deal that feels right with what I have observed my hope is that is next time that they come through with the same play, because they're gonna run the same play come out with another crisis listen That's why you know when, when this woman, when they just say when linsky just said dot. where the mass anymore, but a week ago, She said una Brigham back out later again. How is basically, what is his errand people about william roupell break, and so my huh is that enough people
we find the courage to to stand up. this next time it comes through. You know, Because, as you know, it's it wasn't the most fun to be one of the People trying to point the shit out. People for the last two years. You know not a pretty guitar should you have with or without a lot of it, people over there I'll say this. This is something I talk about a lot man, I really made so my best friends through this process because I've I've I met, I like in smith. Tommy Baxter like these people online who are speaking the truth. J p guys get connected with. People, rogan, whose you know. people are all about telling the truth and that its really created of a whole new network of people that I talk. Yeah but yeah. I agree same in I've. I've never been in the military, so I won't pretend like. I have real courage, but I have a lead friends who have been in the military they serve? They ve
in battles in the the guy Is there in the fire fights with their their brothers freely because they ve been in real situations. So what work steering seen in society. Now it's not an acute life or death situation with bullets flying natur, but we're living in a time where it's it's getting real. So you know when I over and see like you're in the facts, Oh you're speaking truth, brings out a much closer connection. Then, if, like say three years ago, were both like tat. In about the same thing right. It doesn't really matter. I just agree right: what is it with podcast yeah but it's like we're we're bringing more soul, fullness in out of the world, and I think we are therefore able to Caen act with brothers and sisters at a deeper level. Now, just for being on what team truth,
freedom, freedom, during my opinion- and this is now on the topic of the show- but like men, I feel like I feel, like the entire human experience- is intentionally so pressed- and I feel like these people who are doing this. They are stand, the true power of actual collective consciousness amongst groups of people, and you know when you really think about how they try to feed us and how they try to what lifestyles they try to force upon us and how they try to keep us in the dark, and then you think about, like the history that's been told, which now, we have really kind of question? What was the actual fact and Then you think about the medical technologies that they withhold from us and then you think about like ok, well, what What actually do. They know that we don't know, and you
How do you know they show all humans only use ten percent of the brain? Were I dont believe that I, now that we are far more powerful than what they ever taught that we could be? You know most of the things they have created, my life, which I think is pretty cool, really come down to things like visualization and meditating yoke creating things in your mind before they become reality? an initial teaches any those things grown up in it. I've started, like almost I mean I am There are very much so of the belief that we have been completely lied to about what we're cape was and what humans are supposed to do and how we're supposed to be here and what what our potential really is, because it's a threat to these people at the top. then yeah. He man, I think, a person in touch with their troops. Our is not controllable now, even if
I tried to physically control them, some one who is so in touch with their power. They won't even be controlled by the fear of death right, so they build a cool like I kill me if you need need to, but I come to know. What's on the other side, and I know like I'm not like cool your settings. Free, that's fine so I do think there is in tension or means azure mention to keep people tricked out of been in touch with their true power cause not controllable, we're not controllable. I want more in touch with our true power Our guys are second, her love for you headline number two airline reads. Graham calls on russian suicide ass. An eight putin quote this the only way this ends. So senator lindsey, Graham just yesterday of thursday com, for russians to quote step up and kill Vladimir Putin, amid russian,
brutal war on ukraine than doubled down on the commission. This morning I hears the video for you guys. How does this end? somebody in russia has to step up to the plate. their brutus in russia. Is there more successful criminal stop and bird russian military, the only This should, in my view, the first somebody in russia that tape Scott, you would be doing your country, great service and the world. Great service, what we want on the gas I mean look good the longer this goes on. In the more I see the media all the mia bang, these, or drums and these politicians bang these wardrobes way. None of them are gonna, go fight, this war like we we, I think we should be done, sending young people to die for their benefit. That's my opinion. For any reason, I'm a bit of an isolationist.
I believe in america being the world police, and I believe that we have a number of problems here that we should solve before we get involved anybody else's problems its highly responsible for him to say that, not because I think prudence- a great guy but because of the report she was the back cause for all of us by him running his mouth and finally, what I think is the reason these people in the media and the politicians and everybody that is of that class is. Is bang in that war drum so hard is because I believe these people know what they're guilty of they know what they are allowed to have, for the last two years and I don't want to get caught up in it. That's my personal opinion. I think them I think if we go to war, they know that if we go to war which they just said earlier today were not doing, then they know that people will forget about this and they want
insult to me like the way I'm seeing it is like hey. These dudes they don't want to get up on end of a rope. That's really! What comes down to it, and so they want to look over there and say odds its prudent motherfucker. We know what you did it did for the last two years, like we're not going to forget right, you know, so I I think this is this. Is that that's that's my opinion? No, I am pleased I was going to say you know I I used to respect this man and I'd watch them on fox news and in the the night of the the, and where is sick sham yeah, he sold out drop. Who is supposed to be his boy and he left him out to dry day- and I remember him- you know he shouldn't- have done that and should have done this and he was. He was up owing to the left, you no use trying to play as little middle ground card, and I think about him to your point. Scent of those kids cross tool. a war that has not undo thysel if they said. No, kids over there. A war is a good chance. Your fuckin son could get drafted into it. No, I understand fucking and six, and and
This guy, who has no backbone, is willing to where you know on a relationship. That's you know that he's had over years and years and years and they're all little political propaganda play the little cards and that's the thing is: is he's calling for his head, but here had the balls ago. Do it himself? Never would never has never. Will right, and you know that's the problem right. We have guys and girls who are running the show, calling the shots they're, not smartest they're, not our brightest they're, not our best and are certainly not the toughest ones? gotta do shit about it and that's a problem. You know you got that you got that on the streets calling the shots, but you got the hammers to go fuck and do it. I think there's an exquisite level of propaganda around the russia, ukraine situation, where the only thing, I know for sure, is what the mean Do wants us to think so. When is this guy I fucked new saying we need to assassinate Putin really at the maybe. But I get
really curious. Like with your painting, you want people to think He's the bad guy y yeah. Why I'm in white is george soros in Hillary Clinton jump on twitter region, forcing the narrative like, if you want to understand, what's true, usually look to that is it aware Hillary Clinton endured soros are saying: dude history tell you that that's the truth. You hurt. I said that I said that last friday's podcast, I mean do look. If you're on the side of your sorrows and you're on the side of Hillary Clinton and you're on the side of all the media and you're on the side of all the elites and you're on the side of the world economic forum and you're on the side of Klaus schwab, guess what you're the roma, to focus on a girl percent of the time like There is no middle ground there and so the harder they put in my opinion, the more people are realising what you just said there like what. Why is, Why is the same people who locked down the world for two years now saying this got and then, if you
actually go watch any of his actual videos. What he saying is basically like do they would allow russia to put military installations on the on the border and canada. Mexico know that unreasonable. No, I mean it when you, No, what he says now everybody says he's a liar is a tyrant. He said this is that for, when you hear the man and you watch what he says, what he's coming, what is coming out of his mouth, sound crazy to me. It's pretty real its end? If you stop, dig into it, and he says I wanna do not suffice. Ukraine and you start to look into what has been going on in ukraine since two thousand fourteen could start to see his point right. There's been forty five thousand eastern ukrainians, fuckin slaughtered by, regime that was installed by george soros last year and broil, I'm gonna be real, like
every single day and that I've gotten about this from russia or ukraine, says they fuckin putin's liberating the country, every single one and our guns opium from here that- are you cranium from here or russian from here saying other things by the people that are there, but I've talked you they're, like Gabriel I'm fuckin here, and there shown me they're all like ownership or saint on tv is true there. They ve told me I've had been told a number of times that, ukrainian military is rogue and that are putting military installations around civilian places so that when putin attacks, the military installation, civilians get killed, blob many mean it goes on and on and on and on and on, and to trying to make this lot of the list you like they made out of fashion and how that without you yeah in did jail see, tells you gabert video about one scheme where the euro will we, of course, see the media here, painting them in
to been a hero like while he's staying with his people. You care That much is not going to flee. The country is laid on. The line is there to uphold the democracy of ukraine. It tells you gabert shared in the very short thirty Sixty? Second video, like oh you couldn't as I have free democracy, the linsky, locked up his political rival, s cry and the leaders of that political parties, so right off the bat we can see he's very the dictator, it painter and other colleagues that want me to do that. We saw the video of the father kissing. As you know, young daughter, while she's getting on the bus nearby, like oh, my goodness, he's fighting for ukraine that so sweet within your. Then it comes out that no zelensky actually actually put order and that all men aged eighteen sixty had to stay in the country, the facts, equip you talk miles from actual movie,
exactly? There was a couple of those you know what I'm saying. So it's like do like the way I look at this man, it's okay. We gotta think about this. Let's, let's do let's go back to your twenty sixteen right and everybody that was saying that tromp was this shop. Was this, they were beaten at races, drawn supervised. come out. I guess what trump's I bet there we go. It's a cove in there beaten his covert drum super fucking heart, and then it comes out heiko. It's not that bad right now beaten his russian great drama, superfund art? Is it up possibility of course you do you do and if you are able to two to reason and think They said for two weeks leading up to the conflict, both linsky, an putin, we're like dude we're fine, everything's normal here the west is instigating a war we're, not fighting each other and then all of a sudden. You know that guy escape escape instigate instigated now. There is a conflict and
If you listen to what prudent says about the conflict- no, I gotta be honest. It doesn't sound like he's fucking to unreasonable and is thinking I'm just be real. Ok, a good majority of people that live in Crane are russian people. They love russia and alive People want to be with russia and sold to size than this whole thing. and you know no one is talking about all the deep state connections and all the money laundering and all the country by lab tat in all this shit, and you wonder why all these motherfuckers care so much the reason they care. So much is because prunes gonna expose all their shit. Now, Albert, I know that's what's going on in soul, I do it if you really care about freedom and here's other thing that people don't we they grasp- you know, I think again, Maybe I'm wrong, I'm not often, but it's the truth. Ok you have, let's just say you were putin, okay and you who have russia, russia thing, I'm foolery upwards.
Let's just say your pooler, according the meteorite and you have russia and then china again those guys went met and they had a meeting the base. Equally, that meeting went something like this a hazy. There was a moment of what a fuckin I'm going to do this shit over here. We will back me up if it gets out of control. Fucking bet, that's the conversation that happened, okay and what happening now. Here's what I think is going on in people. This is what gives people so confused about. Oh you mean prove you think. Putin is fine. for us, no, that's not what I'm saying it all. We had these, he's gonna talk about real people exact, and I think what he realizes is that these people, the people, Who were all in with the world economic forum. Klaus schwab soros all of the leaders who push lockdown super hard, mozilla leader, Australia, leaders, canada, leaders on isley ears, Austria's leaders, all these people put This narrative, the
what he realizes that they are very close to unifying everybody else under this one world government. new world order, which they openly say and brag about in the reset agenda? He realizes that him and z and fuel places are the only places that that they're not at her, and so I think he's fine my point of view, I think he's thinking, fuck. This is our only chance to start the ship and taken our country. That's what I think I see it it all started with the data there. It's just whether or not you want to draw a picture. You know what I'm saying: that's a fuckin there, here's the you can't believe anything you're saying on any of em amazon at all, none of it, in fact I would say the chances are more likely that the opposite is true on every single thing or sent you. what you gonna wash news, learn shit, watch it and think are at the opposite.
True and would do that for a whole show and then and then really think about shit. It open your mind. One hundred percent are are Third and final headline, her number three people: do this shit right to sell Obviously the headline number three reads: the United nations of cats federations ban russian cats from its competition. So the federation, international feline or fever? Ok, an international cat federation with members in about forty countries, is banning russian cats from its competitions for the next three months joining the goal the growing global backlash to russia's invasion of ukraine. Fifa ass this week that its enacting starting restrictions on cat breeds and russia and belong Two exhibitors hoop live there, citing the mass destruction. I seville
fatalities cause by what its calling called russia's quote: unprecedented act of aggression across the border, if a feels it cannot just witnessed these atrocities and do nothing it at it. So tuesday, no cat breeds and russia may be imported and register in any for pedigree book outside of russia, and no cats belonging to exhibit living a russia may answer. Fever shows us how the country it's funny thing now the restrictions on about be valid until the end of may so at jude, verse, those russian cats are and- and loud people that actually are register on this thing about two hundred thousand. Do you think that in China they stop the russian hats, your bad weather, makkah ghost ray racist. What I mean this is literally. The first thing goes to my brain. I watched this this morning whenever I was watching mornings and Maria watched every morning, and they yoda, clip of all the companies who are banning russia right with technology companies, and I get my brain like they're. All probably
Had there been a little propaganda, you know apple and twitter and facebook and are all do nothing and I laughed affirming, went my brain ngos or what It happened when china invades taiwan, though, but you just don't fucking a budget out of china. You know it's like you putting them egg rolls back on the shelf better than the ones in russia, so they're, like oh yeah, go ahead, we're going to we're going to take the opportunity when it happens in China, they're going to be like oh everybody's gonna have to strip down naked. You know what I'm saying like like. What were we talking about here where we're going? Girls are so weak man. They buy off on this shit like the perfect thing to make that dude that he looks answered that cat didn't do anything man he's been here. You know what I'm saying it's just like you, I was born there. You don't like is not his fault poor cat moment, what the fuck, I know what I'm backpack like real talk here here, we'll talk, though this is dangerous, shit Russians are the new on vaccinated. They argue,
is there a virtue? The latest virtue saddlers, it's ok to attack relocated like I've been seeing stories of russian restaurants, gettin vandalized, and all this shit like dude report on locker, in writing. I do this is insane it's insane. Do I feel bad for russian people living in america like they're like it? It's have you this shit's inside they say, is dangerous to because you don't fuck russia's role. I think you know now of august fight were bears and shit man? You don't know You know were riding a couple year, wave of virtue, signalling and woke corporation some, just so much momentum in precedent, the outlet for doing stew a divisive like horrible thing, against other people. In the name of
believing it's a good thing here is weapon eyes, morality, its meaning ass, eager to do the wrong thing, while thinking it's the good thing, so, ok, disrespecting russian people, treating russian people like shit. We know that's horrible tree preamble, relax, it's horrible, but you get people. I think it's a good thing, some guide I think your point is very well. It's actually very the new on vaccinate. I didn't even connect at dot, you think about it. It's like will wait a minute. You know like what happened to respect your neighbor, while also, I think, that's why it's important for people who love freedom and who stand for them. I think we recognise what is actually going on in not just jump on and say you know, russia Bad, russia, bad russia, dude on vat bad and actually a bad drop. Bad. Try bad drunk bat like due to view this fuckin stupid. Can we can you got just come
before we're up here. You will take the max. You almost got section of amendment we find there being is capable of being always fun. You are the people who took it think about a russian american businesses. Writer zero live in the dream, doing the best the fuckin. Can you should be Morton, and then I hate and what the fuck the fact that war is not his ass now. Will you don't know? Is restaurant you, don't you be going to restaurants, important small business, no dude, I I believe truly like. I don't know man times, I'm wrong strategically got pretty damn good vision for it. I'll tell so I mean you lose me in some of the some of the things cause. I don't pay it cause. You actually run the business I'm trying to solve the fucking world when he said earlier, like I probably didn't see it. I I live like in a in a silo tube, so busy yeah he eats, or you know we were talking about my kids earlier. You know if I kind of I come from here to there back to here- and but I can tell you- and I I I this conversation with Dakota Myra kennedy saga
You know I gotta give enter credit where credit is doing. We ve been two years plus into this thing, has really missed the mark, because if you go back to the original, the original december podcast mister we're talking about pay, how they're going to attack trump and they're gonna have some random fucking disease and it's going to come through in a mother, fucker man. Three months later here we were, we were right in the mix and it's you know and that the chest, this ought to sit on here. My fucking against spot here get hot with the ever his shit. This is what I see do. Slabs you smuggle. I weep for europe, s mobile phone. All universe starts moving, and you know you start talking to you need is more weeks has not exactly. How much does my measures that may cause over there others the heavy? I should think you think a deity. That's that's! Next, step up but dear dot What I think is what I think is actually happening here is I think, prudence taking his opportunity to try and dismantle these people the globalist structure to save it.
People the, I think of it just so happens lines in alliance with what we believe Zachary here as freedom, loving americans, but I'm doing it for us he's doing help rather than if we just want to have it just so happens that help americans were cool by its russian first. now remember guy you put this country pherson. What happened? war, and then you think about the people who haven't gone along with the agenda. Ok, like you think about Putin that go along with it z, not really going along with everybody, says all see what the charter was. Tat way more, that we don't know that they sense all the data from china into our country. Like they tell you that china does a release, it Actually what they do. Is they don't allow to come any? Mr, you still got your you yet. So my point is: who else kim Jong, you ok, I'm of our trading
How do you know? I don't know, but I mean who knows all over his hair cut man about now is crazy. No there's hilary shop in the same place him in him in hilary and Klaus schwab, definitely got the same design, unwanted rail, where the same kind of shit like this. I suppose villain emperor, she is the guy, do look, here's my point now. Ok, whether they live in living right, but who was tromp able to fuck and talk to them. We present here, nor is ever know he was able to talk to all three of those guys. They all had respect because they're not globalist and they're, not in this this this other little sect of of countries well yeah, it were which do those people are and if they brag about sorts back, conspiracy, quashed is on video many times bragging about how they bring up these lead through the young world leaders programme of the world economic forum, and then he actually
says penetrate their cabinets. That's his exact words Does that sound? Like a friendly word, you penetrate, I mean, depends if it's after, like ten o'clock at night and lives a little better. A little different sounds good, sounds good for you to get a penetrative, yeah yeah, but do my point. My point is this: you were little. My point is: is that these guys are evil? Fucks and they truly are evil and they say all were- for open society and far less people. Think oh yeah free. That's no they think no morals, no structure their slogan is out of chaos comes order like do these, people are trying to what they ve done in this country for the last two years. That is globalists agenda. Shit right, let the criminals out of jail, making the crime rates go crazy, ruining cities. All this shit is intentional and its comes from this agenda and people people, the man
mass migration happening at the southern border. People realise that too. In order to remove the national identity of a country. You must infiltrate it with. Many people who do not share the same ideological beliefs, and then it was down the national identity, and so we think about but their agenda is which is total global unity on their agenda. That's how good right, like we should have unity in peace globally sounds good. I agree the way they want to do. It is not a nice way of doing it's not like us. Men, as leaders like trump, would like to do sit down with Putin in and and say: ok, look I respect that that your rushing, you love russia, people in and I love america. People. So how do we not blow the fuck out of each other? You know and kill everybody in the well. I guess blow each other behind we're maybe not, maybe not the maybe not accustomed. My point is my point: this is like. Do there there there's two different kind?
of ways to accomplish this. One is through discussions and understanding national identities and respecting them, and then the other one is diluted. Tire countries by allowing mass amounts of migrants demoralising society by making every single thing. That is chapter one society backwards men or women, women or men. Ah, you know up his Yeah right. Roy objectives for math is wrong because if they destroy truth, can there be national identity if there's no national identity than it's easy for them to accomplish what they're trying to accomplish and so people. The media. You have to Understand is on the side of the globalist so when they see trump going out and talking the putin and talking z in talking to Ga, im jacket on Kim that wind, they do that and they they they bastard. Trump for doing these things. The reason there hustle hard on them is because what he
doing is the anti agenda for that and people don't route people can't connect both to those those dots yeah the right like they see it as a problem What is with Putin? He must be evil, while we stand out two weeks ago, literally a week before these missiles start again fired that Clayton and her team made up mic made up out of thin air patrol? collusion error. They made it up. Ok, so They'll goal was to make shrunk to look like shit. How better they gotta make russia look to. Him and nobody's. Even it is amazing how they can fuck it just make their story go away. Well, don't literally do the media, I mean it that way, In reality, however, it just like they didn't cover, binds laptop hunter binds laptop ripe, were the election which actually won over it, which happened to you. do you drink. That's, that's! What's going on right now, I understand you have people will know it because most people think that's too
Is fake but but I mean ok here's a thin guys hundred Biden, top has real ok Russia collusion. The thing for six years about rumble roger drop. Russia drop, that's fake, employment at all, were in your mind, why connecting got here. Hillary Clinton. She created the narrative for the one story that stuck around for six years. Was it just her all along through the fucking media right? She obviously has a trigger in there that she can drive into the media that causes it to go and when her story but because we sell she's, she's, warmongering right now for this war, and she would set two days ago. She came out said anybody who is now for this war should be called out as a trader. My dude you're a trader wanna, be we If Kim jong boon ends up saving the world Alright, like he's just like these power, hungry and control and evil piece of shit in his own right. What are you wearing
said the world economic forum in all their stuff. You like no, that's, not gonna work for me, we takes all them out but ends up like say noone oliver, where a red white blue flower kim why they hang on you save america, I'm no rahman Y know. Most people are going to hear this and Probably disagree, I think, there's I likelihood of something like an happening. I think, there's a Like likelihood of the people that we thought were the fucking bad guys actual hammering these global economic forum peep yeah, and when you get to bad guy is who are on the same team even if too bad guys are on the same team in evil com, person they're? Not to be loyal to anybody. Sometimes I live in their own children. Would you get a kim jong in the opposing force of a clash? labour whatever it is like bad guys. Each other up? You know you look at the watch them fear movies lay. I pulled the heads of the mob, we'll take each other.
Eventually so My lord the bad, an the guide, the bad guys, the real thing, lorry life? What's gonna, bigger dick in them I too am in their stallion ro, I I, I really think I think that's what's playing out that we're not hearing. I really do. I think I can it has been going on like do they trump just figured out about the globalist last week. Right, railways, you, I run run our resonate. Drainage swap I know. But if you look, back in a lot of things, he did knowing what is considered to be pretty much public knowledge. Now while the things he did make a lot more sets you know, and so I think people have to really I think you guys listening. You have to really take a step back in and ask yourself what do you actually really know? will you really know like? Have you were met. Putin have you ever wash speech of Putin? Have you ever met, I can see your watch speeches each of your men
Kim Jong earned you really. What do you know about him? What you really know about them is this: from the same people who were tv right now screaming for us to send our fucking kids to fight a war that does not have any fucking thing to do with america when one of the things that scared, the human mind them. Just generally speaking, is mystery. familiarity in uncertainty comforts us. But mystery like seem? We don't know, what's gonna happen, we don't know. What's behind that corner, we don't know they are the dark were afraid of it, because there is a mystery so in order to a ties. People's fears allotted times they will re actively cling to a sense of certain team built completely. Out of falsehood well, cool. Let me listen to what the media says. It's probably true,
just because all they want to do is feel less fears are give me since a certainty here, but the level of what honestly courage it takes to stand in the proof of the mystery of same like I don't really know. What's going on I don't know if I'm ever gonna know what's going on in my lifetime, but that's way more honest, then, clinging to complete bull, shit right that make my fears feel a little bit like that, I don't know what the truth is: bad, no, no fucking well outside Japan, that's great point, and I think one of the best growth periods and I've had personally in my life is is really living just that understanding. The truth is the undefeated champion of the world, and just because I have an appeal, on. Something doesn't mean that I know you know unwritten. Rule starting really with arguing and impatience and understand, like maybe I'm wrong. yeah. Maybe I've been lied to maybe I believe something that's not true and then having the humility bail check that down I've groaned aloud human, just that
little lesson that you just explain has been one of the best thing it's happened to me life because it I had to Let go of what I thought was correct, maybe go experience, so I could make a judgement on one I know to be true and that peace man when you start talking about them Was telling you the narrative? and we know that those people are also prone to telling you fucking lie after lie. After lie after lie hell in a day they went from abusing the fuck out of every body to this new thing in a day no, but that there are people out there say what If you sell your fuck, I can't believe you would fuck inside with brunei, cable, you'd, fuck and say that you're, a fucking create like that piece of it it's away from me in two years time to hang tight, hang tight for just five minutes here. You know like check yourself down and look at puzzle, pieces and put them together for second People have lied to us all of us, the last two years. which leads me to believe they've been lying to us for the last twenty we're just now catching up to it, because social allows us to fucking spread that information, real quick they used to be the control of the information they had, the fuckin throttle faster slower. You know, but
whatever the fuck they wanted. Those rome was insufficient knowledge to dry and their own creation is become their undoing. That's right behind! You know what is and we as the people, I guess that is, social media can be in one regard like there's a there's a path. we have information and where we have access to whether we choose to dig it and look at our look at it. Read it and understand it. That's that's on the individual What's his lazy americans, we go back to the tv and we want to fuck, and you know we wanted just ever they tell us the truth, the learning to understand the like. Maybe there lie it, maybe, she go do a little homework. Maybe I do know or think to be true, maybe isn't true ngo explore that man, it's a lot of flock and understanding in life just through that little lives. So I just wanted to know that you are right. I did at my life was changed through that little that little peace that you just six. and I think was want the best things that I grew as a man, in and with all the b s and tyranny in the world right now. One percent if I have is gratitude for it, because
luke skywalker needs darth vader, you need a formidable opponent in order for you, strength, your europe's. all too really manifesta, so it like we ve, you don't move order to not outsource source truth anymore, to strengthen our resolve to be in touch with our inner truth, follow our hearts follower on critical thinking We need a lot of resistance on the outside and in we have that. So it's like that, the jet. I'm not really gonna become the jet. I, unless there's the formidable opponent, darth vader across europe. I'm courage, you get the opportunity to show its director I think we're learning relational time were. we have more opportunity to become stronger, better self actual. As humans, then we would like if we were alive. Right now, in, like nineteen sixty seven or just two years ago, two years ago, we sit here talking about this cat. For thirty minutes making quickly one liners. You know now what you know
I feel this I feel this is legitimately over overstating how I feel about this feel this is legitimately the most important time. That's ever existed in human history ever ever, and people say However, how could I be well because, if, if they get what they want,. we all become. Malagigi slaves and they can turn on and turn off our life at will and that's never been actual possibility before, because that technology never existed so now these people. We have developed weapon eyes technology, to literally control the planet to our level they deem they want you and is ready to go yet so so the thing is: if we lose this movement and we lose this freedom now the chances of ever recovering it or are very difficult.
george way. More than it's ever been before yeah yeah, I announce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and I just imagine two hundred years ago, fur society people to free themselves from tyranny. It took a lot, but if you look, like you said that the technology that's been weapon eyes, a level of control, they can infiltrate on people like controlling people inside out. That's, How how do you? How does a massive population free themselves from that? And how long does that I'll tell you? This is about stepping on the real world. You know what I'm saying because I gotta think everything that all this does negative shit only exists. All the racism right at all exist right here on this, the fuckin device. When you step out into the real world, I ve done a multiple times. I let you go to vegas
we meet these just real average people, I'd like not average in a means of lego, mediocre, not urgent, regular american idol. If other people- and I'm saying you and you talk to them- I know shit, you, you don't hate me, you know what I'm saying that yo, you don't think I'm going to rob. You know what I'm saying like or or a or you got asked about the reality and I think the more we do that you know you. Should you don't buy those fucking medigap. What I'm saying stay away from that type of shit you get back to just This right, like no drinking beer, is in a rather have you wanna fuck and describe it. That's how you prevent that a mapping. I think, Another thing to man is that people, I think, you're right by the way there has to be a rejection of on an individual level of the tools that are being put onto us? No matter the convenient yeah I get mad at ya. Like dude, I would if I had kids, which I don't have any, but there's no fucking way they'd be in the metaverse at all, I probably wouldn't have very videogame council I'd make gosain do shit, but, I feel like
The scenario right now is so crucial. because I really truly feel I do. We have a chance where we can either be totally free, like independent of all this manipulation that we ve had our entire lives independent of the Big lie in they sailed. Big lies the trick. No, the big lie. Is all reality is the way they say it is because it's not true. Now and this is an illusion of four. Yet it is it's a fucking illusion of four brown, and so what we have to understand is that we are at a pivot point, whereas if everybody would get with the programme of what and try to try to really grasp what is happening now look at it like all other people going to solve. It would be ok about in another year too. We won't it. take everybody to get involved, it's gonna, take everybody to personally reject what's happening and to really think and learn and not just dismiss p
was crazy or piracy or this or that This should is actually happening they brag about it happening. And they laughed at the people to comply with it if stupid fox. You know I'm sam like when they sit around We had their little private talks and Klaus schwab taken off his fucking emperor, uniform. I can promise you he's looking at his homies and saying I cannot fucking believe these people are fucking doing this shit via doing yes, yeah yeah. That was, best railway network on I want you can look like clause tribe if she's the beard you ve got the bald head go in, and I say that I think is credit score ahead we're, not gonna, make it Our final segment of the show. I fucked up segment saw jappy another. She first time will be gentle. but we shall headline and it's either gonna get to thumbs up, meaning you like it, you love it working. Comes in the, but because it's fucking terrible? So that's a thumbs up. That's how that works.
and I, with only one time and buys ok yeah while you you, you could do want thou mob, want them in the bud. You do that. You stay neutral, inclusive, all the workforce, yet ashraf. We have set, so ass to drive the bus, Sir Richard Turkey was that are only real. Their bags about our thumbs up headline is Florida man blames putin for why he Speeding during traffic. Stop, I mean is guilty of everything else. I'm saying we might as well might as well. Go doesn't surprise me. This comes out, affordable, be honest. Florida. Man who was poured over speeding during the traffic stop last week attempted to place blame on russian president vladimir Putin authority set the another defied driver was pulled over by flag or county deputy in palm coasts last thursday for allegedly running a stop sign in going. Fifty and thirty
The deputy said: embody camp footage released by the flag, recounter served farm. It aren't you according to this out about accomplish, I dont have commander. You fire according to the foot, is though The man gave the deputy a myriad of reasons as to why he was speeding, including that he just got the car was trying to get it out of sport mode. You know all the normal shit and he said multiple times when he got pulled over for speeding, but he said quote: I just found out that putin just said he's: gonna lots, nuclear thermal war against the world, and I was trying to get back to my house to find out what was going on. The man said, I'm freaking out. needless to say he got a fucking tickets have buried in thereby Roy. Let him go, that's how I probably would have let him go we'll meet back when you were cobbled you've. Probably I mean, let's be honest, you never pull! No buyer, too lazy nopales people over a year now I probably would have gave him a ticket. Yeah, really
fischer. Your me miss miller s eyes. I do thumbs up man, I ever gets a great excuse for effort. Others, don't you think you're doing traffic, stop just fucking, admit it and say: listen, I'm sorry come up with a mean, that's triumph in April. Effort for whose export again, our getting out of aid was not mean a who is the king I'm assuming myself. No thank you, but I'm assuming me, okay. Well, how fucking fast was the fastest you ever got pulled over and got out while you're welcome. I got you out of that. You did not give me yeah. I did not get me out of it. That is a story in and of itself. It was a great I can story so entered. Our is two thousand sixteen fifteen or twenty thousand. Fifty two thousand sixteen we're on a exotic car rally decades ago. Cannonball run gold rush rallies what it's called and we not in Chicago than I've were hung over ship and were curzon we're going to cleveland, not a very great city, raping not right now. Maybe
We were Curzon and we're on a back stretch. Ok, so about half way through this when andred outward, maybe not in as good as physical shape as we could ben and with high over, and we on a six hour rotten about four hours and we we passed a hearty. We decided to take his random of labour lamborghini event door liberty, walk! Your heart is through hardy, sir, and out. We proceeded to eat parties and drive down the highway at excessive speeds. Now, a hundred and seventy miles a self covered over this bank and were sweeping down through now we're long gas. We got no gas, p Lagarde right now we got a hard he's all over there all over the car and were hung over and also we want to do- is go get another beer, because that's what you do when you're hung of right- and I remember album- I mean I remember this- they were turning were coming over this hill blind hill. He was in the shade he's in the shade, underneath the bridge man and and Anders fuckin hammered down his hill and I'm like fuck. What about it?
in france. Psychic. Do you know how long you slam on the brakes? You hope you're within the range are no drugs that went by that cop idol. I was doing one hundred and fifty five miles an hour. We were still hustling, you know what I'm saying you got it on radar. Okay, amber fox talking about it fuck you don't love like we're going home after five rare flock. Not when you hit the breaks, the fire diet, coke returned, I go, I have to do I cook to my feet in fucking, hits where you're going too fast and he touches the brakes they fucking. Coke spilled on the floor is fucking hardy's boxes and fries and shit all over the car and, no pulls ovaries with fucking do and what fuck fuck you know, I'll go to sleep, not we're. Having this conversation about Tom, we gotta pee pee, so. I like it so far, he walks up to the he walks up to the car and he walks all the way around the car so like he. He out from behind he walks around the past recite around the fraud is looking at the whole car pulls up, comes up to the window and
I wrote the window down. I look at him. He goes you going. faster and I go man. I know you're, not gonna, believe this appear fuckin behind us. We were happy brow for real, so these lines licence and registration, and I'm talking about like super duper style, does our own area and that I would go in there. licence insurance registration subjugated guy has none of it, no insurance card wrong places that are suitable, for cell no fucking insurance card do work play at the time. I just do a totally different fuckin car, so the guy runs the plate doesn't match the car no insurance card. motherfucker doesn't have his license. Now, go we gotta pee we're on a hundred and fifty five miles an hour around the corner. Marty waterloo Joe Jehovah. We he's like he comes back up to the car, is like go down there and that's already said this is how I knew we were getting out of it. He goes. It looks at the car. He does.
the celebrity walk and in six liberty walks and your angle yeah. He goes I didn't even I never seen. One of these nets are yet no one has he's like copy over there, their wherever they are paid I know for sure we get out of it as a new cars that should actually be the lonely life under down an order, pain and we're laughing we're gonna get out of deserve. So so I remember now get a better vision, so my door was up and that the doors and cargo straight up Becomes around me make fun of us reading hardy sticks his head in there because written fucking parties in this car like we're, yet I think even enters I've. We along, I man and that's when he came round and and he's like, go pee down there and I remember and hour down there peonies. I think we're going to get out of this life, like you think, and I'm like fuck, I think they're going to jail or we will get free. So we go up.
If the town were gone, we gotta go to ritz Carlton. The night you you're, coming down had come down, bring kids were shown. The car you know, go to things like listen, I'm gonna. Let you go on one condition and we're like holy fuck. We go back to my car. got my phone and when you take off, I want you to stay on the gas as long as you fucking can, until you go over the crests at home and get a video of it. That's why I m here would put a you fuck, it's all my social media, like all my social media, like one original post, manageable, sure from him in the cop car, with the radar gun and the lamb or get the first for marine sit in front and the title was caught. A big fish today, It was also an we took off dude showed up without further ado came down the ritz call to later on, and I with the sun to see all the cars have been them. It was ass if the nice somebody's got to culture. Yeah, what will that guy with beard we were caught getting out of bed? I don't care when boots Zach and we thought it was putin fault.
That's an old betty rounds ball. I give this guy thumbs up man, the creativity I think you ve ever effort. I got video I'm going thumbs down. Here's wipe florida. and he doesn't live up to floor demands legacy. I mean this. Is it's not it's to tame for a floor Man, I feel disappointed like I want floor demand headline like a guy chosen. Alligator with his own wife. For, however, he does so and there was something like that would be, or if you like, an alligator in the car If the alligators gotta be he's gotta be a good point there. I might change my. I might have to go one on one on one at one. Do you guys video here's, a video of Talia deputy, pulling over a driver for speeding and wait until you hear the excuse he gave for his lead foot. Tell you the truth. I found out that stress.
somebody's gonna watch with thermal war against memorial, of trying to get back to my house violence. How's activists argument. You does not like the video I like better after the gallagher, wherever we gonna work on that no word on another anxiety, the true for campaigner. I like it. I like it It comes up on our man as regards you done of savage guy- I can do terms I like it for ever man, Yadda yadda tried. Ensure that you try, like Hell, allow Debbie what you do and whose essay that's not true. Algorithms down. Ok, I gotta go very red hair. Well, that's all. I got my guys pay the fee fees very simple. don't forget you just listen to. Please show the show J, p row. Thanks so much for common our man alley anything. I engage. Thank you for having made yesterday.
joy connecting with ya, I mean they're, beautiful, being on team humanity with you. So gratifying reconnect, reconnecting person. Likewise, are you a tour. I know yeah my tours, cadillac, never ending, I'm! No! Now that I've got son at home, I've had them. Create boundaries are my two or so to weekends. A month among the road doing comedy, shows working people find outlined yet best placed my website awaken with J p dot com. Go and you guys if you're, not following jp, you should he's hilarious. He's got amazing content and it always has a great message to it too, and that's one of the things. I always appreciate about everything you do, there's a lot of people that are funny, there's not a lot of well, then mix it with actual things that benefit people. One of these always appreciate about you right out. There
so that's the show guys don't forget. Share it, see next time sleeping on the floor number jury box frozen, the fuck are still counting the millions in the cold. They teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-01.