« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

243. Andy, Robert O'Neill, Dakota Meyer, Sal & DJ CTI: Colorblind Racism, CDC Misinterpretation & Ukraine

2022-03-01 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined by former United States Navy SEAL responsible for killing Osama Bin Laden, Robert O'Neill, and retired United States Marine & Medal of Honor recipient, Dakota Meyer. They discuss the federal government considering it racist if you say you're colorblind about race, the CDC withholding COVID data over fears of misinterpretation, and Adam Kinzinger getting punked about the misinformation coming out from the Ukraine Front. 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from the stove counter millions in kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't fall, doesn't know headshot case club, what's up guys who stand for so at this year's show, for the really say goodbye to the wise, the fitness and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fuckin reality guys. Today we have daddy and dj and so, and rather dakota It was about the volume or so we got something special for you guys. If you notice a few more names is because there are a few more people here and they're fucking, incredible people and I'm going to read their bio because as long as fuck, first my good body rather neil you guys Recognize rabble neil because he's all over the fucking internet, all the time with good shit to say, you don't follow, you should raoul neil, is one of the most highly dec.
To combat veterans of our time. He certain seal team to seal for eight years at legendary seal team. Six you may remember that, because there's watch rumours about it, there's a budgetary about him. He did. something really incredible, including shooting, was osama bin laden in the fucking face. Thank you. I give you my favorite word. Thrice price three times returns interface. What once once herbal you? I mean nothing but there are other guests. Dakota Meyer was born in in colombia Kentucky and his father and an american war hero Dakota is you states marine, two thousand. Seventy deplored iraq in two thousand. I turn to deport afghanistan for its actions. In his last appointment to Afghanistan, Dakota became the first the united states, marine and forty one years to receive the medal of honor You're leaving the military dakota has continued his passion for serving as an entrepreneur he's a father he's a veteran of,
War of Afghanistan was awarded the medal of honor for his actions, in the battle of ganja welcomed as a yankee protagonist tat? I love that you guys are here tonight. When I talk about, yeah, that was always endless too long to your buyer. I got this pile, and now we got sal doctor that area. I listened guys. I know these doors are realised that my friends, the good deeds they have a book coming out tomorrow, which would be today the day you hearing this tell us a little bit about the book. You guys we're gonna get together and wrote a book called, the way forward, because when we get into it like we get a dude from Montana, who did not a swim became a navy to heal. Like my joke specify a hair is, I could be on the cover, a decent shape magazine. It isn't
and I bet you became a navy seal and ended up in a bin, large bedroom and then kind of get thrust into the limelight and then dakota and raising chickens, male cheerleader medal of honor. yeah limelight and then it's like a what now like it's. What he'd do next is not about living in the past. What will we do? What do we do now? Yeah yeah, it was kind of you know for us. We came over. We obviously wrote telling our stories of the battles we ran, bouser known for what he says. a lot of people. You know it's. I got when you keep tone that same story. That happened a long time, it becomes uncle rico syndrome of frost his colleagues, the way for what are you doing to day right like ok, you were good one day, but, like you suck today's like how do you better and they know what is the way forward in and how do we know and still hope you know we ve gone through some difficult times, but you know everybody's going through something by airways, gordon Something right now is how can we still hope it back in this country yet dude at listen
what you guys have done? That would be an extremely difficult thing. I think for anybody who has done what you guys had done the sum, the biggest things that people make movies about now write, history, books about you guys have accomplished in and I could see where. That would be something where you like men, still a young man. a whole lot of lies to give. How do we move forward? How do we get we're talking about today? You can you can join the military at eighteen, then you're retired, at thirty, eight yeah you're not done yet. You got a lot of life within the do next and even the the whole I've heard people say well you're a form an eight year for many of us feel away wants to see a lousy onward. Now I was, as you know not. I was an iceberg from on high school I spoke here so now. What do we do in everybody's got about a one? That's what now that's a healthy way to be the matter. What do I mean? I get some point that washington element gotta be put up yet no matter
How big a letter was exactly draw football vermont all that everyone loves uncle rico kind of hard not to london, but I mean I think, that's isn't that what life's about to be lived? Yeah, I don't know stories are great to be told, but it's meant to be lived in that's a you know, honourable direction, for both of human. You could live. Those stories for a long time and and will for sure, but it's a decision that you want to continue to live your life moving forward, because at the end of the day, man like gift, that's real championship, shit yeah, know what I'm saying like people who accomplish big things and do big things rick from what I've discovered from just being around some highly successful people, you guys as well. You know it seems like Everybody who is a continuous winner through life has that same mentality, because yours, it's, I know you You put in the work to get to where the at were mean. I I plan to be there. a long time before I got there right. They all the work like new wives put the work, and I know you
decided and expect to get a mineral water. But you know I I I expected to go fight. I expected to be tested, like I train I get you know every single day, every opportunity that I had. I woke up and I and I gave all that I had and so, like you know, yeah I mean I never expect to be a medal of honor recipient because, like you know, when I was going to the marine corps, I just those guys were just larger than life, but but to go. And and to be in that fight that day and to to do what I did like. Why already knew? I was going to do that because that's why I woke up every day and I fought the way I did. But while not just you know it's it's, it's really cool menaces life to me right, like I no idea. You guys were coming in today, so I'll walk. You just want to jump on the shelf we were talking about. I mean thats, why I had this long biofuels yeah in fairness to me. I just found out eight minutes ago they're, like hey you're, going to be showing my coworkers to clear my schedule. I mean these guys probably,
I cleared a couple of hours worked. Thank you. Thank you for your service that I have written. My point being is: is you know? Life is a really cool journey and you never know. I mean, if view too said, along along those it when you shot was on ten years and years, has learned to make tenure in ten years, you'd be sitting in a room with that man shooting shit having a little fun the conversation we had at lunch. That was one it would yeah and you think man and fuck life is so cool and it's meant to be lived and that's the point. You know you can't retire it. You have to constantly be progressing towards it and I think, That's the beauty of the gift that we're all given every single day. As you can make anything you coming. Anything out alive you wanted to be. As long as you want to continue to show up, train compete, have some fun and just give it help. Yes you're one of my favorite, And again I say this a lot. I should remember who said it, but the court wherever you are be their yeah yeah me it's like you know we get to do this. I mean like, like we get to wake up and you get to come to work. Is this bad ass facility, like we get to sit here in this draft by catholic?
we get to do like you know there, there's people right now her. You know that don't get to do this right and we get to do at like If you look at everything, no matter what is whether it's a bad day or whether it's a shitty said We like you, get to do this. You get to see these people. You get to experience this right in you know when you change mindsets suitable. I have to do this, so no, I I get to do is really anywhere. You're talkin about the the mentality of the atmosphere here, like and I was up in your office, which is doesn't it How can I was half motherfucker? I would never not come to work there. every day we get to do that. I want to do that. As suppose I haven't to yeah dude, it's look. I think it's incredibly important for everybody understand right now. and we'll get into all the shipowner talk about. Current situations were on the world. Guidelines were make fun all you dumb, motherfuckers, her really bad, so keep listening. It's gonna get it's gonna get funny a surprise for you, but you know, I think,
important understand, you know you when you were saying a bad day, bad weak. I start thinking because I have been so fucking frustrated with the world lately to where I'm just totally like dude. You know what fuck you guys I'll have to do. This shit I'll have to fucking come in here and try to get you guys to understand what the fuck is going on. And really do you know what that is as me, being a fuckin pussy harp saintly eta I like, oh, I want your podcast gasp like them insanity yeah that that beta shit yeah. I know that gets a beta mindset but again like we all have that right. Yeah, like we just we fucking angry and then I'm like to fuck you again for like two days and then I see them be dumber and I'm like peaches, but you know like on your camera like like to see your iphone you're gonna, put your camera up and you're going. Take you to talk about the lynne's life all the time and you pull your camera up. in its on how to focus its like, while our I want to focus on that, but water bottle, but its folks us a mouse by
when you start thinking like that, like you you put on auto focus, you didn't go back to manual focus. Do you need diet lens back into what you know? That's right, because I promise you whatever you think, his bad. I can show you ten things that are good right around here for sure brow way, god for those of you that listening to show regularly you know the show works. Alright This is a city. I was, I mean, recruitment of argument. So what am I going to do? Is we're going to throw up three headlines and then we're going to talk about how fucking stupid they are and then we're going to get into all the other shit one hundred so we got that got some good ones and, as always, if you want to see these articles any pictures videos any of these links, you can go to Andy for salah dot com and check the mountain. So, with the being said, our headline number one headline reads say your color blind about race, is now consider races by the federal gum. we'll go to another, please expand so who they are
just came out. I raised, A training programme used by federal agencies claim, among other things, a saying one is colorblind, meaning no, People say? Oh, I don't see color right, that is, racism is in and of itself, and so this is now being pushed out Training is part of a newly revealed federal diversity program that greatly expands on the previous, previously critical race theory training within the federal government. I'm saga some things up here. These are some other things that if you say these things, your apparently racist, so one of them is where are you from that is now races? If you ask them want ask someone where were you born? That is apparently not races, I'm if you're asking and asian american or latino american to teach them words in their native language. That is races and then, if you tell somebody quote you are, so articulate that has now reached you support to people. What the fuck is, that it is not only what they do fuckin racist hell, you you're. The problem is with the ship in the rear,
The real problem like is funny as it is. We make fun of the shit all day the problem with this shit is that due to makes real race is now possible to see Natasha hatchets evans, racist than nothingness us right We did so I mean that not the same as race, but when I was just getting out of the navy. Everything was special operations. This is a special operator, but can a special operate an admin person, a special on supplies like if everything's special, especially not alright and with it I don't I mean I saw, I don't even know where to start with that label you're, so articulate that I actually years so I apologize that our micro aggression initiated over there wash his feet your kashyap bro dude, what the work is going on, were you born, like
I must say that I fell for traffic. Where were you born yeah? You know what I meant. Why are you so particular? Can you imagine so well? Could you I mean so? First of all, the government put? This is about his it's about as good. As you know, the paper you wipe your ass with, but where's your magic go into your boss. They could you imagine like going to age or may my hey early one of our first. If the claim on rob I, what do you do? He told me he he told me, is he to me? I was articulate The problem is to imagine that sheet is happening, because you didn't do anything about it. Why you create a hostile work environment. That's right, be told me. I was articulate, asked me where I was born. A cap man, this downward hats, almost like we're, making others real daily wire world this, real shit. That's what we do all tat S, why I say you guys they
we joke earlier walking through there like hey you to take your application, said fuckin right gas will be on the show. Every day we can make fun of these dumb fucks all day long pay for the girl whose whose joking Yeah you work out. I can't I can't believe how well you asked me know how here's the thing like the real real How is this going to affect everybody? Moving, like I feel like and do trust me. I know I don't speak wreck reporting, because if we did she it would be a lot different, but how the fuck do you even operate a company or an organization? We literally everything is fucking racist like, whereas, business, going where society going like? We can't even look to do when I was what we were talking about, how to cut Now we're talking about the lobby sell you were there about We grew up around here. You grew up. same way. Do you give this fight push someone the fucking face,
and then have a beer with a bathroom ourselves and as they do it's like we're, not allow me we're not allowed they don't they do not want us to We get along ever again. They want divided in every single sub group. They could possibly divided into so that we can have no, when I was growing up like honestly guys like when was grown up. I feel, like the world was way less racist way weighing less yeah. I mean look you know they say there is reason there trying to find his right. Now is what what are you When you divide and conquer cocker, I mean it's. It's others in this aspect of it is just like me what all this is like. There is trying to take accountability way. You can't talk direct why do people like like, like what they're trying to do, is they're trying to take all these things away, so it creates weaker people right like oh, I get offended like. Could you imagine? couldn't imagine time, my dad. I got offended by with some I said I couldn't mean like. Could you imagine saying that today I could not imagine saying I'm offended by
this headline or this person or what they said and what I found being offended. I get one is offended, whatever a girl with little guy or fuck yourself. What due to a man who has been a wee wee rope tuna yeah dude the problem would bend over backwards for this shit like every fucking, movie, every fuckin! cucumbers, everything but on who is like so now, yeah we're. I examined right and I think, my point. The majority I mean like don't like we get so spoke up in this light like outweigh like any rule. Does any rules, the government or any suggestion of what I can say in what I can't say is is I'm gonna followed No, I know what right and yes right, I don't I don't I don't, but guess what I'm not the guy that looking. run lifelike wondering what you're doing here you're doing to make sure I'm doing it right right, like no right wrong is an all, except my my I'll take my word.
When I mess up and I'll say, I'm sorry when I mess up and guess what I'm gonna get up and I'm going to continue to try yeah, I don't need anybody to tell me like. Oh I offended you will did. Did I offend you, from. Was I wrong or was I finally voted uses not like what I fuckin somewhat similar? That's where that's what the freedom of speech is come to his, not you can say anything you can say anything that doesn't offend someone and then they'll cancel you freedom of speech, be the I mean the freedom of speech protects the idiots. Yes, you should be all say, stupid shit to right, I mean and look like an idiot, and then people do whatever they want. They can eat the fucking idiot, yeah dude. Think about the government, though, and in this capacity right now the double standard because I have the present united states who goes out and seeks a black female, Joe right, but isn't that racist, no, no, no cell. He said when the when the seat came before. First of all, they forced the other person out. Ok, though they did yeah. Secondly, he said
on the day, that they force this personnel, that we are getting a black female. He said that ok prisoner race, snow. We, of course it is. Then, today or yesterday, whenever he announced it, they put her in he fuck had said. When in research the highest quality candidate, the most qualified, like the ship? It actually should be a unilateral if she asked We was that nobody would have a problem with it. but the problem is when you say that I'm only look for this. Now you can't, while all these energies discrimination and we would have wished but woods, meeting aunt I what these countries about- and that is the important thing, because it is important to keep in mind, ok, black justice to school. We have thomas who Biden openly, fuckin wanted right until I get in there was most beloved other situations, and so this was a complete
They do not meet the media's sitting. I've seen the media say the first. Like the first black justice months, there has been a black justice for thirty fucking. You, there's no violent order, color for words that you know it's even worse, though likely annoyed at the guy. Get that like. Oh, yet, the harp centuries but what is even worse is for that person who who let let's say she is quaffed there. Let's just say that she's, the most quite right, but you he's took away, a whole series of her entire should marry working hard because now everyone is gonna, think that a well usinor because you're doin, ok they won't cause you're black rightness right, always just it's like they're, not its they're, not doing anything. To help anyone there not empowering, and you are now- and I know that, and then they know that this, the most fucked up part this whole woken is you're, not helping anyone know. You're
hurting you're hurting them yeah right like like. Let's just say, I don't know that, like I'm going to admit this, I do not know because I didn't look into it. I don't know how qualified she is not because well, I didn't look into it. I'm just saying. Well, I know I didn't fucking look. meter. Ok! the less you say she is the most qualified and then the biggest fucking accomplishment. will ever be in her entire life. Most likely to be nominated supreme court pre, big fucking deal usual. Ok is now because she was black. could could you imagine walking in like the stock doctor's office right cause? That's where the equalizer that either in the gym or the doctor's office right in a doctor's office? If it's a serious illness like that, I want the best they don't care. Could you imagine, like has anybody ever walked in? You know, needed open heart surgery and said: hey, hadn't, anita anita white, a white male to do my open heart surgery? No, they want, the best he had met her. What call you are right, who's the best buy out here what they look like. I don't care what section
once they have a magic moment of the balkan airplane and saying hey is your pilot speaking as your lgbtq with blue hair right, we also know that, because if they are now an outbreak, if the situation know, if I was going in for for my prostate exam, an ass for very small female
I I'm not asked for the best I the smallest hands. That makes it look bigger, yeah. Well, let's try that it goes a little easier. I don't know if you know where the prostate is their go to, but it's not going away with that. Eyebrow when you were at your hand through a mission to shit, did you get lost lot? Yeah, always you can have kids or worse, know how it works. No clue that I got my first prostate exam a couple of months ago and I tried to save a buck or two, so I want to share what the little lights demonstrated it's about. How did you feel when he had his two hands on your shoulders that had bought the toaster anyway? That was a prostate massage that worked rob called me like everything was kind of normal until I was
Then he said as doctors go, hey just put your pants over in the corner next to mine. That said, it was normal that you asked for black. At that time. Yeah I asked for the schedule my referral worried about a second opinion yeah. I so our greatest saga is a lesson for us. As am I regard as a headline number two headline reads see We withholding covert data over fears of misinterpretation, article reads
Pvc has admitted it is withholding large portions of co financing data, including on vaccine boosters from the public, because of fears. Information could be misinterpreted. Leading public health agency has only publish a small sample of data that has been collected despite being two years into the pit. mimic Kristen norman susie spokeswoman, said the reason for the slow release of data is quote because basically the end of the day. It's not yet ready for prime time pay. People are too, raw about her. I now very mad. We runaway couple years vertebrae forget about it said she, that the cdc by when gather in any data is to ensure that its accurate and actionable and at the same time that nor right is pulling back on all of this. You covered narratives and all that their push out this national vaccine that has been quietly rode out and red states are also getting on board that look they're, not here,
So I I want your like. If you can research this real, quick, I I did something on this the other day and look how on that, their withholding, if seventy years, they wore everybody in this area will be the year of course, years they're trying, to wit, lick. Listen. Let me translate this talk, a beggar bergamo, these every year, gonna fight, I hear he's waiting, do probably did see withholding cover over fears, a misinterpretation here. Here's here's that real translation of everybody's dumb. We lied were caught. Oh fuck, someone buggy you'd, know exactly how she knows exactly bro add your beer in one of these people. That knows what they just did like all. Do we have to like? What's really breakthroughs down, they fucking made people where mask all right. That's where start whether it is worthwhile levels team building. That's like ok, you with this. I guess there was a coup,
your building moment for everybody. Now If you don't want a measure, grandma ocular right. In that? Somehow we all the way down. The line to you have to take this vaccine that we developed and twelve fuck him. Or less sure far right, we call in between there. We closed hundreds of thousands. businesses, we put millions of people out of work. We killed who knows how many people by withholding had rask whenever method. which, by the way, was unknown, effective therapeutic in April twenty twenty, the p the guy, just released the fuckin document. That shows it arrived. we covered on the sheriff you upload back, so this whole time trillions of dollars, rigid printed the more forty percent of the money that ever been made, was printed during this time around your gas. three times four times five times as much your food costs for times, which is when a ten times more fuckers, what else did they do? I mean?
We go not and on and on, and you and figure. They are only businesses where necessary step, and so they kept the liquor stores open. That's right, an but stay home, say drunk we're gonna, give you a ballot, that's right! only take advantage of that all the money into these big corporations that killed mom and pop destroy the middle class. Oh Oh, we know what are we told the data because it could be message more fucker. We already know we're getting worse ones. Got a thug dubai. Not you people making the rules. You can continue to do so. Jesus spending money to redo bridges and europe's was fucking super yeah. I can go on forever. Finally, as I said earlier, the fucking bridge putting it back together, so we could run, is fuckin yacht through it and you Fuckers think this about fuckin health, that is a big energy, the wheel. It is therefore a beggar, thy mother, ninety bodies, well, there are ever broke out and we will all be there would one day I'm here. I would be too well on ships
Is that why you're gonna be racist broke up with the I've ended? Why I don't understand why you wouldn't have derived from very articulated that's what do like these people's lives. They sent you the fuckers, are caught your car We all know what, to demand accountability and which are, It is a reason, therefore pushing for this big, ass fuckin war, because they know spot graceful. Half the people start. I saw do the other. Obviously had been alleged white liberal balding over the mask on the said. If you can read this year too close go fuck yourself bro stay home because he hasn't been home. Brussels is one black dude. He had a mask and I said I can't breathe from the george for sheriff who will take the mathematical yeah bro. We were in fucking atlantic city boat, that's a that's an
I just feel safe in her. Do we In city this motherfucker sit across from the fucking guy at the casino. Why liberal do sit down and mass. in his master. What what you say is abiding said Joe Biden on it and you You said something member that no, it were sitting plan playing, fucking blackjack right, so you was going to what kind of job yeah that's why it's gotta be a blackjack, clear, jack walker and count because math is racist man jack of hours sitting there, fucking we're we're sitting there like no just like how we are and there's another table there right, and so I'm sitting here, but actually the guy looking at me like this, and he has this fucking Biden mask on right and he goes you guys should have your mask on. I said you should go fuck.
Fuck off, I say like super loud in the fucking pit boss come over and shit like that. He, like you, said I'm gonna, lift up the heat left. That took his shoe. He thought he thought the optimal choice was going to be the only guy with him. I thought he was like: hey we're, bros dishes like get the fuck outta know what dude that's the fucking racism right there well sure, so he must, as the fucker looks at a black man and thinks, oh because I'm I'm I'm this, I'm with him right now. You ain't mother, fucker, that's the fucking internet. This is real life. When they were called larry elder the black face of white supremacy. Well, that's what we call DJ guy. Actually I work for the greek DJ its counterpart. I thought you guys know. Larry Larry's calls for I saw just hear wears off I definitely other name before. I should understand the same way way. The point is what the fuck.
The boy. The problem with this will not change the name of the show to what the fuck but the factory, but the problem is So, like you see all of these balkan states, the now pull him back on this day. I because they ve been caught by serbs like me, we added here in Saint louis symbols: county everything's, lift it which, by the way, befallen anyway, but all these fuckin left leaning cities are up for others, What did you see what michel, when whisky tweeted the other day? I haven't right here. Cbc. Director will shoulder russia will linsky today, four days ago, three days ago, we want to give people a break from things like ask wearing when our levels are low and then have the ability to reach for them again. Should things get worse in the near future to buy a precedent? you guys in the roman others vaccine passports. I personally it's over: it ain't ever closer, no beside him stole his lungs
make money with with former turkey bren its bigger nap there's only one color that matters and in the world green screen. that's right. We must remember that fucking. You re a like to stand on face and then listening to last day this month, no see as and when more months, some capable first black history, the real mess origami the wrong about these vaccine pan, and what do you guys think it a shit about how things look at me. I think it's inside I mean right, I meant me again. I think it's just it's a money money making ploy mean you know it's like and obviously they have to they have to. They have to hold back this information, they can't release, it is if they do. Let me it's on me. It's like you, talk about the way the thing you can't do like you can go up there and you make these decisions and and yeah the border. You know. Obviously people don't like words: the boards, a guitar
I refer, you got things going oversees, but when you start like that, the big threat that you have inside the united states is when you start taken food out of like middle class. You you start used are fucking with the middle class. You saw for good. No class. Here you start taking my who gets up like look. You can put these restriction, you're europhile there. So you can, you can tweak I'm a little bit nervous to do whatever it takes, because their heads down their asses up in their other high and dry for try survive, but I'll tell you why you start doing things where they can't pay their bills. You start doing stuff where this mangoes out early. This woman goes out the single mom single that and they go out. They're busting their ass and are working as hard as they ever could, and they can't pay their bills at its opening yeah. It will be again if they can Exactly, would blame us to address the problem. Interface, anatomy and as that's what so crazy about this russia, ukraine, shit, because I'm upset there's a couple of times. The same thing happened after nine eleven inside week. If you gave, if you give the american people, a face, a name, an enemy, we'll get behind it right now,
with all of this coming out right now, there's a there's, a huge calling for accountability, and I think overwhelmingly. We just want somebody to be mad at right and matter our matter. We just want somebody mad matter. Well, there was this, isn't my joke, but you see that due to that from parliament, india, he said you know I don't play cricket in china. Does they ate all the bats my job as national battles. Irene, hey, that's a good. You think that was mine. I think we need to identify and funny sometimes nobody know where,
yeah jockey love to be able to say that the people now out on the streets have no idea what I'm calling them whatever and you know racial slur best part is. You could be a racist without everybody knowing what they want. Everybody to think we're all racists. We don't want anybody. You know we were all racist. You fucking know it. Your bet, you're very articulate with your one hundred percent right and guess what like, because everything in life does add up. There's always a reason for everything right, and so somebody does need to be held accountable, but the issue is: is that we're getting at the end of this? Kobe thing is covered thing, and starting to look for who'd hold accountable and guess what we're getting closer liked. America. We were getting closer to find out. If we look at his distractions, right, but by the way in we could turn out tat those dots together for him. But here in a minute to say more, the fuckers. spoiler will arrive in there. They visited a thing. I am yet some like. Ok, we all can agree the prudence nassau civilians dinah, kiev suck there. They ve made it left and right now,
you said this against. The plaza was wrong: it's no different visibility. Why is so different george flight with george floyd? You? the postal black square or you are fucking races, piece of shit I would with all of their shit bro. I know now. It's you either stand with ukraine and don't say shit about what's going on. Are you fucking you're, a piece of shit like Putin? He left boot, and yet you're, a traitor to america. That's a dude! Well, it's a brilliant judgment. It is it's a brilliant just move, because what they're doing is they're playing with words to take it actual reasonable common sense. American and made them look like there's some sort of trader to this country. The page we're out of people. They love america, stand for america to stand for buck and freedom and ask questions of our government, the ass, questions about now the sudden where the fucking domestic terrorists, where the work where the, where the the traitors What are you gonna do day the forefathers reconsidered terrorist exists.
in this day and age. Exactly burma The example revere was by the way I that they represent they, the peoples, Inglis represent only like twenty percent of the people at maximum, and you could see that in every single poll, every single poll is put out shows that it's eighty twenty, it's eighty percent people will common stance and twenty sent, dump flocks and those dumb fox or now labeling us with this thing in ukraine. People who just questions as somehow putin. I call polar because like yeah because that's what they call framework right, like we're all poodle lovers, do get the fuck out of here now, let's go anybody saying what people are saying is like. Maybe we should figure out what exactly the full his own has not done. They think we as voters. Are they talking about the greatest turn out in voter history, the most popular present his and still they're gone, and we got to talk about voter suppression. What the fuck we had more voters ever the most popular prisoner has the galaxy. Apparently their shit do what I figured out in.
Do you guys are on m s em? All the time like here's, what I figured out about this is what my opinion is about people right now, they had the shortest memory or goddamn of any. It doesn't matter what you did a year ago. It doesn't matter what you did a month ago. It matters what they say today on the television I dunno mother, Mr Medvedev airlines for some reason, tat, yeah yeah bless them we're gonna get banned yeah, but I mean I do, your band of flowers. They also as you know, it's one thing: human him and bin laden have in common. They are both on no fly list that the show both touch the same book, yeah seriously imagine like I want people to really consider what he just said, my for real This is a man who shot of sites. Bill on children in his band. For me, an american airlines are delta airline flight domestically. Wherever for anything,
I wouldn't wear a mask. I know I know I had nine mass with me. I took a selfie because I was pointing out the hypocrisy of so you just serve me his dragon is not and is not. I must add a third myself that punchline, but I took us fear, and I certainly not I did- between western I'm, not a pussy which whatever and the problem will promptly users do behind with the u s and see how that I didn't see- and this is your comrades pussy- somewhat action. No, I didn't notice again and then I want to do is yahoo what you do you're new york, new york times. I knew I knew, but anyway I got back. I got banned because that's the woke crowd went after delta. What what he can do about this guy in the I had a flight the next day. Here's what I would do. I will give you your own fucking airplane, and here you guys can have a direct flight or whatever the fuck. You I mean shouldn't that be the way that we treat fucking people who are american heroes. Honestly, like I'd, be cool with not paying taxes on it there you go. You know what eight If you ever, let me offer fucking make it happen because that's real shit,
How how disgusting is it that that that's disgusting? yeah, it's it's it's it's insane that we've gotten there does that make you fucking feel bro, always wise whatever it is. I don't like for real. Doesn't it I was surprised because delta was I love flying delta and I had a I had a. I had a flight the next day on delta. One at see from new york to l a, and I was oxide in the garden by your band, and for what? For yourself? Am I what I would ever say? It's a woke bullshit. If you spend too much time getting pissed unites the item. You I'll fire. Gonna. Listen you're, a good spirited go in for the most part like I get that but like I'm, can tell you right now: that's fucked us. What am I but I mean I'd me bit about knocking on what am I Eric and have a united here medicine imagine had ass you where you were born. He to benefit. I shouldn't you said the days just said. Jesus I'm
as someone who's offended or your best friend, or did you just assume agenda? That's what our yeah yeah well, you should have articulated your posts a little bit earlier and stuff mommy's. Dick yeah, oh Mcmahon or third and final headline, where you guys headline number three, Helen reads I'm kinda singer gets punked again more misinformation coming from the ukraine front, so this is a gateway. Pundit article So they article reads: we reported on various stories from an out of ukraine that are misinformation, we have it in a five, more misinformation and another sweet for matter, kinsey, Adam Kensington. That is called fake news. So we reported on the ghost of kiev than the fact that the whole story was garbage. Valse reported on how the representative Adam Kensington,
from the J six witch hunt retweeted it now, there's more at an if I more garbage coming from ukraine and other tree from Kensington at is fake news. I'm his latest sweet misinforming. His followers chose a pitcher of children waving that soldiers. It's moving picture is a pitcher here, there's a tweet but actually came out there, the pitches exit from four years ago. As mentioned in an adventure by cats. Are islamic desert has spoken out in all areas and by the way, all the shady says always is true, always known. Also years I've been a spot. I guess I'm talking to find tat. No doubt he had producer and another do not forget that I am able to semi cups. I love catherine is but you almost half the not you you up for He does and says you almost have to be someone that no one else but he's telling the truth area. He is what he sound like. We sounds like an old white guy Well, I don't know where he's from. Where does it that that's racist bro can't? I can't dig myself out of that. You want to know where he's from
whereas the arctic, you where's another, was alive and calling out quite a bit, though here's another was so. This was a a scene in, sweet that went out, says journals Bernie gore as executed in kabul, about taliban soldiers, rice for there's this guy, the tweet from august of what they do, that We want to do what we want. Six other here's another. We from cnn in ukraine, saint business, killed and he was killed, your exact a couple days ago now Bernie is not even a spoken, many hope, but but like I mean the image I mean you guys have seen this when there's a cardboard, a k, forty sevens rights, I mean it's just a lot of misinformation, come, and I wonder how they fuck impose this plague. Would you think of what ukrainians russians? This is exactly what the most obvious loaded tracks. You can't live like you,
like? Every fuckin prototype ukrainian russian duncan movies met the heater through and I get that sugar decibels pretty fuckin good. I'm gonna get the car bullet. That looks like that looks like those you know it does hostage photos. Bees have to shoot right now we have examined with a cell phone, will demonstrate, I hope, seriously Michael, I don't mean to cut you off. I'm gonna have to do this. we'll talk. I told you so governments and of the last basalt motherfuckers. I fuck it you the shit, was fuckin fake. Before everybody fuckin told you, it was fake. You know why I told you was fake because it was thought fake. Now you know they are. if some was havin fun with this action was making those names on purpose to see how far they can push it. Does that do fill the white guy that no wonder afghanistan and you couldn't. I met some phoenician. That duty word do in pictures of the girls to kiev, but they would put there
based on it. I was unlike some people, retweeted initiative, comedian, its airspace and thereby it's like dude the media's. Putting out the picture. That are being photoshop from the people. Clowning media that what the fuck is going on through the showing footage from fuckin video games. We ve got him warmly bore eating it up. Do not man like you, people run it. damn buildings and obstacles. You see. Monster feeds know that I know new york city tokyo. The internet is finally catching on. Like I see I saw a meme today show like this dude swear that it was like that you created you're took out seventeen russian shelves with a knife. I wanna go kiev, should you not just within the pilot, but other ships catching on a deuce run around each other, hamburgers sitteth row it it's it's craig. Well, I guess it's crazy. What you don't what's real know: It's on her! That's the point, you that's the point you know, so they want us to
do not know what the fuck is going on so that they can say Your choices always stand with us. That's it is their unlike dude, I'm the point now was not been laundered. To sum up, my bad was somebody had a bad day, that's what we got homes or whether we can get gotta go fuck, I don't even know where to start on this shit, I mean I mean this don't you know what its fresh ray? It's very frustrating for me because you know I've. I really tried to bring light to what I think is going on. We did a show on friday and you know I got a bunch of fucking people saying oh you're Can you pooler worshipper? No, I'm not at all. Actually at fucking thing, prunes a piece of shit, but here something I do know about women who loves reckon russian people who loves russia, who fuckin cares about his own country just like
other president, that we used to have cared about fucking america right and when you, when you have leaders in countries that represent their people, it's called nationalism. That's that's called he's a patriot in russia. That's why I understand russian people now, not the fucking liberal. Far left like deduced because bashing kills gay people. He does a lot of fucking fucked up shit. but what people fail to understand is he's that acting with his interests in mind right now like oh, I want to conquer russia and take the balkans in this that this row he's try We disarm this country that all the other countries are collectively arming and that's what's happening. It's it's it's. If texas were to fucking secede from the union. in china in fuckin, russia decide they're to start putting military bases in fucking taxes, and I was president. What would you guys have you do? I do that that'll does there's a lot there ought to what the fuck do. I know I mean I the thing with the civilians.
Allows me to. I: don't know how they would. How did we get to where we are that I'd have yeah? I dunno I dunno how it got there. I am aware pune's piece of shit, but I guarantee he wants the soviet union back he's still pissing. The coroner vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin and accuse chef ease. Look for the big picture, big when would be the bark is that of how we got, I mean: does you Rain spirited somewhere, like I look at almost now ass, a yet fuckin like germany, wants to fight spend a hundred years is that we have prepared the guests weedin send in Japan. I heard did you ever gets playstations from data belgium, equifax That's? What we're all nobody? Beware! How do we get to where we are like everyone? Almost not now yuri this against it say it's. It's almost have taken advantage of occur. They are that they do. People have be mentally abuse the last, but on tuna is released to find an end. Now it's like. Ok, you guys, with the narrative there, and so
you guys they realize it was bullshit. Now we have a serious and we have to united. We here for this proposal, its become partisans fucked in it ass. It is in that ask any questions by either not allowed to anyone the questions there, you're yeah you're, either yesterday we were gonna stay, russia was gonna, was gonna, take take green regardless it was inevitable those can be by military force will receive. Wouldn't you see, as if another dress did you she answered, ass, I watched booting gentleman's lhasa marbles. I do what is lost some articles, you get, yeah. What did you see what he said not be set so well? It was like forty minutes Long may show the whole thing on the on tv. They shone fuckin internet at bay, strictly. What he said. For two weeks leading up to the conflict him any delays? you were saying. I did. What are we we have a war. What would the western? media instigating a fucking conflict. I move that ok, so these guys are saying this for two weeks and now that the hilary information comes out about them, making up the the thai between russia and in front
Ok, that comes out a week later, a week later, we're in a war fucking in ukraine, like people are finding it takes a while to destroy. Olive hunter binds lapse as well as well, but brow ike I told you, I hear what you say he sent, but like first off, I don't believe a fucking word that comes out of prudence, mouth yeah, right much as I dont believe a deeply the word comes. I Joe binds now the same thing back right, solar. Yeah. I guess if, if Putin was being honest, that ok you're here, you're, looking at it from the right lines, young cranes clock who do you think is: who do you think lies more well, I mean that I mean I again right saw, but my point of it is look at think any of us. I didn't know these two we mean rob, we didn't we'll go fuck about ukraine right first thing I don't know, I don't, like version, is eight or not and I can invade yeah because without we're been rational, but I was like take to invoke had taken
right like then, why don't worry, there's nobody who does not want to go get in, and I mean been. We like to fight right, but there's no one It does not want to go get another census were more more than us, yeah so take ukraine, but don't take it the way, you're doing it right like they don't like you can't. You know at the point that you stop humanizing what's going on like and I and I hear you well to It- two hundred civilians. Well, the fear that their pudding inside we don't know. That's just what or working yeah, I guess so. I must say to our civilian there. Well the fear that they're putting in these civilians- and I'm not talk about one day of applying crashing in and into traitors. It is two years and decades fuckers are there right now these people can't go home. These kids can't go to school, I don't care how you doing it with this ain't, the way right! This is not the way in. And I'll say this ukraine
didn't cross the border they might have put people across around their born. They might have been arming the border they didn't. They didn't go across russia, they're, not q and russian civilian hurry. Russians veins died. Well there you go can a challenging us as our own government. Did it us your kids school drank of nineteen as minor check, but again a guy. gotcha right. Let you deadline your mind over Mister day, yet my miss daly gabon, but my point being is look look. Look. What happened is as much fear was put down to our society our people are operating in fear. Now I there are still people who were mass everything they're afraid for mean the desert to the point, you're too close right to call. If you can read this you're too close to that same fear. That they're, using with power from weaponry, is a say, I fear that they're using now no drew through disease and drew vaccination. It's also and also the same fear they're gonna still when I start mood digital currency the same. Furthermore, like you don't want to,
the move right now in fear being cancelled right. You are willing to shift others now, though it at the exact same fear that its being led not, and I and I am- and I have not been war, so I dont understand the you know. You guys speak of a place where if you have been there and understand like what's going on with the population. You know when you're driving these people into the subways and the children and the moms and dads like that's lifelong shit. That's not one week shit right, but that's no different. I don't feel then what's happened to our children here I mean it, I mean it is right for me. I got I understand. I understand fur for us, this room who live a pre privilege, lifestyle bury the yeah. In our perspective, from our perspective yeah, this is it's fucked up, what's happening here, is it. It is right, but like we're not talking about putting the mask on we're, not talking about these people can't make a decision they're getting this day like it's their lives, they're going to fucking die, they could die over these
from swinging through the city like it's not about making it. It's not about not going to school or not not put them at, and I got it right. Yes, it's the same concept, same concept, but you can't, as as as as americans as americans, who we have the most privileged life on the planet. I would argue, One remembers freedom, we we cannot turn blind eye to the like fuck the government's right like a broken. Both but we cannot turn a blind eye to human suffering let me just everyone in somalia, though Mr Obama, somalia hopes, well what I'm there's like theirs comes to this kid. In somalia too, The criminals being released by these defender of ice public hunters who were murderers and child rapist go right back into society. You know you have to. You. Do have and fear in some sense I know it This has not again again word you we're trying to compare reg. Nations and mandates to tanks,
air overhead and missile sling out? These are similar. I'm trying to be I suitors air fear. Fair, led by fear will hubs but but again like the ages. We can not. You know we that this is what america dies right like like. We can not. Take a blind eye to turn a blind eye to human suffering, right out lecture nets, and I get yet the fierce fucked up like it is. But on the backs of it, like what right or wrong I mean in america, america America chose this right. They the administrations in their right, like people can shop and well I mean you like that. That's a whole bigger top but I do I really will come. If you know gobenheim is rife right wrong if you don't believe in the democracy. So now you talkative things. If you don't believe in the democracy of of this country. You know what then then there's a way to fix it right. An error
well we'll get me out, so you right now we out number all those were the popularity see. I have to say that we got more going on right. Here's my point and one I'm saying are. We may be a point now where our democracy is no longer function. We don't know yet. I I'm with you. I don't. I guess I don't take it easy and I believe my personal belief in you s, crew. I believe they stole this election I'd I'd. I agree, but let me tell you ok, so that means that we have people in office that shouldn't be in office, have sent ok now, We are people in office. The shouldn't be in office. Is all public she's still to follow their fucking orders. Do you know I don't so now that's my point. A point rightly like I mean I wasn't military under contracts under people who me during its obedience, daughters had high. I fall. the fuck em ones. I knew a right, it says law for I I I
I am a good person here. You are I fuck up lot right. I feel I dont you, but I do day, I still why format and told us that would have given the example. Given the example you you gave me about being in empty yeah, but which it, which I expect the dude that due to the bar the park. Yeah, I mean look, you know it's like I. I accept the risk. You know what I mean. I accept the risk of you know I don't care, you know when I shall a scene. However, the person got. You're right, we had a guy on tuesday drove a truck out to the middle of his pawn that the bottom of it. I can't get a bus details of it, but long story short. We showed up on a truck and swam out her and put all the sky outright? It wasn't your I have to sit there and say all this guy was this or that this remiss men so in essen. We can't do that right right. We can't do that because at the point you start doing that you know
it's not our. Who shall do that. Well, that not us not us, not us right like in it in at this point, like all of us, are cape. We all we all have the capabilities. We all have the the Well, that doesn't mean we. We can start putting together a resource to go to go if we feel like that this government's broken. I hear this all the time, especially these guys these these these people are always hit me on the internet, about all you know cause I I came out and talked some shit about people, wear body, armor, shit and. but until the day like they are burnt, they there are people just burning our cities down or by wanting to sit back sit back. Grandstanding bitch about it, I've fucked up, it was but guess what the people that were down there trying to say these cities were motherfuckers, raise the right hands. You know why, because the rest of us shows do not, what our lifestyle risk in order to go to their country right and it's because that's because the selfish in at the point that when we're not the point
they were willing to risk it all to fight for it. That's what it's worth yet. If we are fighting for it, we can fight forty day s, not one of them. when I'm so angry with you. What I'm saying is we all know what the fuck were. Fighting for in ukraine will know, I telling you we were talking about mass, it's in america. In this protest in his shirt and all those crazy he's going across amerika yeah I've get bigger and in what we do, I don't know that we are here for afghanistan here that so do that's right. That's what what can I do with that's the point I'm trying to make? So so so here's the thing, raytheon spot, Organised right now, what were you general dynamics? Yeah? We need jerome, that's the point. So so is it. Everybody right now has been quick to take a side on this issue without asking any real, critical thinking. Questions about what's actually happening now, I may not believe anything the putin says I certain
don't believe anything Biden says, but here's where here is where my logic comes from. we have a scenario where we had a politician here who made up a narrative linking our president to prudent, ok made it up flock. In fact it's fucking facts not or you want. What was I going to do that. We need to start this to make draw its trump. Would ban remain without about to make is worse as possible. Ok, so if they want to make trump look is bad! possible and they are telling him to Putin, what's their interests with prudent, to make Putin look as bad as possible terms. It! Ok! Now I don't know about everybody else, but I don't know that much about vladimir Putin. I know little bit. I know the things that you sideways quote: Stalin Lenin, that's fucking crazy! Most
we want to realise Stalin when, until more people than any fuckin war, any can design most americans don down course. Most americans confront canada they don't even know where ukraine is going to seize the middle east africa, the is without it is like the. However, everyone was an expert doctor for the past. Your idea. Wasn't ukraine, dr small myself in ukraine, was a lovely. I got ethically play this. How I, how I'm seeing is a geopolitical landscape? Ok, just fucking play with me for me! Now what was in you haven't about. We have certainly offers This agenda is trying to be articulate, rebecca, Josie wars.
this is a pretty well. It is evident that we all agree. Do we? I agree that the people on television who he does the news not create the news for sure so they are told to reach it on tv They make a hundred grand here. If you took karlsson, you makes millions a year, but most people don't get paid much right there our duty in their telling us shit is dictated. on what they're allowed to say or not. Will you notice that turning their organs when they did, if you shoot, if she'd lookers collected together ross, The same forget this act, I'm I'm not in the same position as aim for the exact same thing comes across the teleprompter of networks from tat news all the way down to your local news. I'm run and beat weedin can return so we all reverse for control? I now who fuckin decides that message that goes across all the media, the politicians,
the paper for early summer behind them right, the fuckin deep say: ok right so for the last two years we ve been fuckin, we all Read it like. Do we all agree? Last year's fucked up bullshit? Ok, so we ve been fucking aggregated, so hard without so much of our freedoms, inch back and taken away in abused for the last two years. Now this information comes out about hilary and all the son a week later, it's fuckin put new car. Now, during this time between that he's coming out in this actual missiles being fired? You have the winds, Putin, saying a fuckin, we're cool we're good everything's cool the western western media starting a fuckin conflict, the baron. Ministration, which he said they both said starting a conflict. comes on tv and says: hey we, are going to miss we're going to attack ukraine for this week
and the reason was he has two demands, they may knows demands, but I don't know get arm on the on the border, get arm on the border and they enjoy made. I know yet or yeah. He was against india, then it'll be ok. Now now. Do we all understand that in two thousand and fourteen that there was a revolution, a color revolution in ukraine? Do you know who funded that revolution who funded it yeah. guy named George soros here. Ok, now, George soros also funds or the democratic, prosecutors in the united states that aren't prosecuting crime and causing chaos, or are you a lot of politicians have fun. fuckin a yo, see fund all these crazy fuckers and our government. He is tied in with the world economic forum, which is run by a guy named clash swap their whole entire mission is to bring young leaders and placed them in the government and fund their campaigns. All these people stand for the same thing. It's called open society and they make it so
like its open society, everything's accepted, except it's not open society, everything's accepted it our way or youth or you're fucking day. That's what they do. Ok, so from today, fourteen till now that government, has been run in ukraine by people who were not duly elected people. They were placed in a revolution right. A huge portion of ukrainian population is russian. They went to school together these peak. That must be our texas, no different, a fuckin people who live in taxes. Now Putin comes on tv and says restarting this fucking war, blah blah blah blah blah. They start moving military equipment in the ukraine. He fucking response by sending missiles to there Military bases, blown up their planes blown up their infrastructure. Now answer me this: if you're trying to invade and destroy a country, why is we're still? Power? Was slow internet wires were still water. Why is always thinks you're the wifi works, because we're we're,
Where are the visions on t v of piles of dead bodies, because if they're trying to make Putin look bad, what will make them look worse than having a fucking tons of dead people on tv? We all know our media would show her right. So now we have this complex geopolitical situation where people who are even elected officials but just happened to be rich by the fuckers to think the world should be a certain way, placing people, having control of our government, subtle government is broken. It's the way. The government is run that is broken and how it's been hijacked by corporate america and rich elites. Now our system works, but our system only works when people of the people represent the people. meaning guys like us going to office and we make decisions that are based on what's good for our communities. That's not what's happened, any more what's happened now is we have a bunch of people who are on the payroll, to get vote a certain way, so the beggar wealthy and then they funding study was out of debt.
I am convinced that wherever they was left behind and I've got assemble, should we gotta make more raza someone's gonna listen with their open. So so I'm not saying I'm right all this am explaining why what I think is happening k because I dont know all the details. Because, as you guys have seen it's impossible to know. Do we all agree, snake island fuckin a day ago now without state that was that was all my god. You see him tell russia fuck off fucking. Yes, It comes out of fuckin bullshit, I said it was bullshit friday will remain so I did not be halted everyone has to understand that fuck, you russian, yes in white, like dude, I want to know why the bell was real should, I believe, be mine, and I can write me that's. The thing is I hold on. I will explain this whole fuckin thing I want to talk about so so now we have a situation in an hour and emails from both sides, people who are in ukraine. for her in russia and I'm getting a pin
On both sides from people in both sides right, there's people ukraine were like for growth. And there are people in ukraine who are like bro: they, this administrations, kill forty five and fucking ukrainian citizens, since two thousand fourteen nobody's ever talked about it, they run would neo nazi patches on the fuckin sleeves. Ok, you are supporting right now by saying. Oh, we were standing with ukraine right. So now we have a situation where Putin actually said in his fucking address, I'm going to demilitarize their company, their country and clean out than that do not suffice, did central it. It's a d, not supply the country's keeping. They said right. I don't know if the motherfuckers line, I don't Obviously he deftly said yes and so like do so, then I think back and I'm like you know how did they may trump look drop? Wasn't a bad guy zobeida. And put in him got along
Putin got along z and then putting got along kim jong genome and what all these countries have in common. They're, all nationalist countries, who believe their people first? Do you believe that show leadership that russia first, I do. You have your work I think an american leadership in amerika for gas, got along with all those guys. What do all those countries having common their national footnote? some money there, nationalist countries who believe their people first now a lot of these people are tyrant, dictator, oppressed, the fox, but the nationalist leaders guess what they don't belong to any of them. The world economic forum, which was none of them. None of them belong to the world economic forum, none of them back into the great reset, which is a book by Klaus schwab. It's not conspiracy. It's real None of them are doing, and so, when you think about
This whole scenario as what's going on from big picture: ok, is it possible that odin understands that all of them Other countries that are part of this game plan are now united because of what they, he's dead. With this team building exercise of covert, ok and on this play of new world order. And then he realizes that if he doesn't fuckin stab it. and it's gonna ineffectually far can take his country to and z too, is a passable. They think that. Have you very well, it's ok. How do you know Surprise me, ok, so so so. Here's what I want to know Who is the good guys and who is the bad guys? That's a good! That's a good question. We we ve talked about that before its money. What workers
Listen we're going for people in ukraine. I hear you your europe Europe here, though, like you're trying to figure out your europe here, you're trying to figure. Of course I am yet so listen you guys like us you're gonna do it's. Why do the right thing? We? We just looking. people I understand right and so on, That's why you're perspectives waited his verses kind of earth. I dont disagree with you. What's going on about saint augustine like I don't I don't get it to the eye ass, I ve got the walk one hundred percent right. That's why our perspectives are a little bit different like I don't I don't give a fuck. but know you're fucked by their government? I'm gonna. Do the right thing. Do the right thing and that's that's where it comes back to us is is the humanist asian piece of it right of all of that, and it's like I would. I would do the same thing for you know, I'm here I feel terrible the same thing with whenever there there jointly, when there my idea right between us and them bro. That's the devil.
percent you and I, and these guys, and we as if a fucking liberal, comes a spits, my fucking face, and then he walks across the street gets hit by law. Amoco help, Malta in this who the fuck we are, but the Gazprom back emma work, but but but what's wrong is in america the magician Already of america is like us rivalry and that's why we talked about in our book right. But the majority of america is like eyes the who is? Is our leaders do not represent the people of the country? Poorly? That's why The whole factor, one complicated, complicated rikers that but on top of the fact, because we're so tolerant that has been taken advantage will, whose taller the majority of americans were We tower a mouse and, like all of you, call me a grandma killer. Oh okay, I'll just put this magical record, I'm not a grandma killer, honest with you, bro, like a real talk. I think that's a big problem. It's a mess Why is it that eighty percent of common sense americanese be less tolerable, this bullshit? What we have today
that gets used, usually against us and not only does get used against us. The majority of americans have not seen wore them. georgia of american believe that evil exists. That's right. They don't believe cause we time I bring up the scenario in I get someone who will listen to the whole thing and without wouldn't happen. Why would they that they would. Why would they do that? Have you guys seen evil shit? Oh yeah? Does it exist? Oh fuck, fucker, and, and and but but the thing is this this week, we're does that problem you're talking about it cause we have first, will problems right right like you, trying to like america. This generation is like the trust fund babies, trying to talk to you about business, valet That's so sore gear but on the backside of it. There are able to do that because we have men and women who are when willing to raise their right hand and go do the nation's bidding so that they can do that. So what do you want right like? What? What? What do you want rights like? Oh, they did their job so good. These people,
What is more, the nations cloth a protected america so that america is, it actually had been spoil, and so We did our job in this so we have right. So it's like will what? What do we want right? Do we do we want a ward break out here and then let them have to figure it out right, like a code of this, holding the word. We we live in a world that is fucking fake as fuck as a man like you yeah, I understand that. Yes- and I understand your position- a million percent because you're a great fucking human who cares about everybody, not just about your own political goals, yet so so so dude I get where you come out and you wouldn't be you and you wouldn't be you if you weren't those kind of men, it's. You know. I just got off the subject, but it took seventeen years as a navy seal to realise colonel jessup was right. If you can men yeah evelyn Colonel chesnut was right, yeah! That's it do. I want to stay on the struggle because what I want to really
I want to really make people think about this. Ok, if that's that case of what actually happening. If that's the case of what's happening and recognises that these these goals, This leads our hijacking country, forcing us system of zero falcon ethical value, because Putin is a christian. He wants christian families to emigrate, to fuckin russians on big fucking check about trying to revive christian values, because no their know. How do you, I'm not I'm not disagree with folded arms. So what I'm saying is he sees because what's happened with basically what's happening in terms of Liberalism? Is there trying, you deem warlike society in that demoralized like make their motive? go away, but actually remove morals manners woman, a woman, is a man kids
Actual fuckin favours for people prostitution this that you're trying to make it its open society. Anything goes. This has already happened before happened in eighteen, thirty, germany, so why my republic is what the fuck was called: go Google. It. most people don't understand this. There was children prostitutes, there was no morals and society resolve the shit. You know that or sort you know he was. He was a fucking nazi. He was a fucking nazi info. in germany when it was going on as a child. Ok, so this dude saying do not suffice, but can ukraine And why over here, cheer the fuck on against him so like what? What exactly is the truth and don't? I think people need a really dig into this before they just say: oh yeah and broke, and I get it. I stand with the ukrainian people.
The people of ukraine, they're getting caught in the middle of the ship and fucked up. So you know you fix it, though, because right now, you're look at this problem from his thirty thousand view right, you're right, I'm with you, I mean it adds up yeah, but you I'm sure, mrs of sheer, but either way you buddy the way there. Your head in the right direction, right, you are in the right nor southeast otherwise, you may never have like a target. You might not be on the right as smooth, but you I might be an affront way. Not a fucking rear was act. I love you, you know it is. It is, but but but you know you fix it like like we did. We did this and how do we do this? While we raised with children s right, we ve, we ve not me. I haven't been fucking men agree, I ve been fucking. Pigs agree. You mean they haven't stuck in marriages and had been there and and done their job to to be a husband to shoulder. What would a relationship looks like they haven't,
a strong and morals and values, because why? Because they ve gone out, nay, they ve seek this. chasing women and fuck out the disrespecting women also shit right. So all this was created, will all little guilty of it. We're ever by everybody has wisely guilty. Ok, but I agree with you. So how do you fixes right? Like you you what's, the culture been sit, ok I agree with you were on the same for contract. That is the only way to fuckin, picks and I've been preaching. after a long time, you can't worry about about ukraine. Also shoe, and if your house is not order, norman yeah, like rightly That'll mean house in order, like these other guys say where they mean like have ammo and food I'm talking about living, american life was live? A hundred percent? I mean you of all people, you don't you you have you had to seventy five hard challenge there! That's the fucking basics! Here That's the bare fucking minimum standards for you. To to get better
right or whoever you to just be part of it. That's it the new people, how to build mental toughness at a very What is it going to make them? Look like derrick white out there? Maybe a couple of rounds will play but either way like if you put a half assed died in there is going to make for understanding the program not by the way but yeah. Here's. What I'm gonna say is is the standards that are set in america society. Title standards, if you live by societal standards, this is where america go if you're gonna be fat, you can be lazy and be broke. You're gonna have no morals you're going to be a dad that has all these dakota. What I'm saying bro is that that shit is fed down by these people through our fucking hollywood narrative through the fucking media through the music tupac, said this shit back and fucking. Ninety ninety fucking, Six broke, we change the way we go. change the way we live like that, mother fucker. You say it we want about him. He understood that we have a cultural problem in america richer yet, and I agree with you
billion, was eighty percent euro, but look what you're doing like I walk in his building. Here. I can tell a lot about about you are by seeing by now had talked you. Could you tell me what you want? I can walk to this entire building, and I can see how people tat I can see the energy is back there from people throwing shootin boxes right present: meta wouldn't like we're gonna throw shit boxes. zack. I thought, but but again like like just seeing the environment here. Single people want to be your seeing your vision on creating a place where people want to come to work right. Have you taken care of people you being want to stay those boy, I'm responsible for their whole fucking life. So again, like you got your house, nor look what you're doing here that you expanding it. Yeah you're right, you're, fluency and that's- were that's how we fix this proposal wars naughty by all nuclear bombs like we like? We did make america any safer, not one but ever mode four. Could we killed
we just made ten more and more each one. Oh shit, yeah! That's right! I want to believe it at the time because I'm not gonna wear red white blue american pie, you know, but no megan enemies. Over there, don't give me one of the vessel said meme. So what would you get over the army, my wife for thirteen dues, I'm afraid of fireworks it's like I mean that is the point. What are we even talking about Iraq today were like what was that all about dude? Okay? So let's take that back like what you guys just said. Why did they had to do those things? Looking back at a now, it's mine, I don't know at the time they they. You know the the bullshit at us. We had to limit their neighbors an enemy having to go. That's what I said earlier I didn't want to, but I didn't want to believe that there are people in the government getting kickbacks from major companies that are funding us with how much the body or family that shit. I don't know where you live. now, but I was better but again like did we the wars are absent I or whatever you call it was dumb, are upset, but let me say it again: While we were there,
While we were in afghanistan, Iraq, wherever wherever that flag Our shoulder the united flag is where the fuck whereat, where I don't care for, stand here and care for in ukraine, russia, china, wherever, but in error, Afghanistan knows for a fact that we tell him that I stood and it was safer because I was fucking there. They had more opportunities than they ever had begun. The united states of america was fucking their right and an end date Do it fall? We left two hundred percent. Did it? Did it go shit yeah, but whether I was passing out soccer balls, making these kids happy making them to believe in it and steal this full of joy that we all take for granted every day whether I was provided, securing I was killed. Some should add that was wrong. robbing them or was hold them up at a bizarre there their market and was beaten their mama whenever without killing that asshole or or whether I was in your building wells or schools at you, the day,
the world that we were touching was gay or that, while we were there, I in an that's a fact, and that is what we can't fix, thereby problems you can't fix her by from, but you can provide a facility in a place in a culture too, where people can come get better if they choose to will do listen, the country should be run by motherfucker. Like you, that's right, that's the truth. if everybody had, what were you talking about? We wouldn't be in the shit in a world, be a lot better place. Yeah, it's a hell of a thing who you arbour one of the others believe people. May I not like I'll I'll send me right away when I met you, I'm not like. I mean a lot of people. special kind of do broke in their aid that many hundred people to have that good of a heart that are willing to fuckin. Do that you too it's the same thing and like if we, if we had people like that in our government to a principle that work for sale, well for you not for sale,
The code of migrating along exactly romano man, three workers, doing that's what are almost every day as we debate, but anyhow like dude, if our our so everybody's, like our democracies, broken first of all. We're a constitutional republic, we're not fucking democracy. Let's be fought We operate on the principal democracy. Sort of Why do you think it's a good idea to grace us more than she the elections right? Ok, but but here's the thing if we don't have leaders in play. Ok, if we How will you I see me worthy this bison had all the time they had to me represents what the fuck we gotta have. there's no more fuckin donkeys roma. Elephants. We need real. Americans represent our actual communities to run for office, and the ball than this shit and help straighten these fuckers out because, right now
we have leading us in this is a big misconception here in america, a ladder We believe that our politicians represent our best and brightest. They don't our best and brightest or doing shit like wrought, build companies or doing other things and I don't want to do that job because they realize how corrupted is if we don't. We have one shot at this, I think are shot is in this november and that's if they don't she, I think the gap has to be so fuckin. Why did they can't cover it? And I think the people that we vote for whether you believe in democratic policy, a republican policy or, however, you find the political spectrum. I personally the belief that we need to vote ever we single politician not every single one one hundred percent replace with actual americans who are not are tied to corporate amerika, who are not tied to farmer. Companies were not tied to raytheon, who we're not tied you all these huge companies that
by their votes are eighty years old. Yes, who are? We need young men and young women who are in the same, like twenty, like fucking aol, just astor, you got shut the fuck up to where we are very there's. We need we need some, we need so people to step up real life experience, who understand what the fuck is, what and do we need to figure out a way get people behind their mission to to put these kind of people in office because dude our system is now broke in our system is hijacked rats That's what's outward his agent, yes like due to view the back or movies like one of my favorite movies, mel gifts and patria. Okay, now the ones brave heart shocking, I'm sure probably all of our real supplies by real surprised, wrote this model. we had seen fork and brave heart until by week ago, these twelve you're welcome. Up
Do you not see brave heart and make it to twenty seven votes in favour, moby hunks? What trunks upheld we had wanted to abortion? And you tell me you don't like my grandma gosh at the does too dude. Look though we we have to get people with the right tat into our system. We have two and I could disagree, with you bro, yet I could disagree with someone with these other views and have a conversation. It doesn't mean I hate them, like the media, the media, the media's gotta be can, however, says well were like I mean we're again, but if you just I one thing to all all this accountability Yeah, that's only arnold muslin gown euro. What browser it's it's it! This is a grass roots thing. Ok, this! start what we are seeing now. This started back. You guys remember when it started your old enough to remember it started.
With removing the pledge of allegiance from the schools. I started with seventeenth place trophies for showing the fuck started. When you stop calling history has started college social studies, that's right and I'll. Tell you what speaking of our friend Joseph Stalin heat? I mean fuck him too, but he did say it's not the person of votes accounts. It's personal council votes that and do in another thing, people have to come to terms with this is a really hard thing for people understand. What you ve been taught in history is only Have the full story and true to its two half distort there's a whole another half of the story that you're not even told about. Anyway. One is right. It yeah. bro you're a hundred respect one hundred percent spot on this cannot be solved with a war. It can happen whenever they are about to do aiko fucking fix it, accountability that none of that is it's accountability. It's, like you know it's. It's looking in the fucking mirror. And trying to figure out how you can affect it right, because, again that this, It's only made up of people. Thus it right there the world is only made up of people, you didn't
countries only made up of people write in there's only two types of people in the world. That's good! acne, that that is only dictated not by what you fucked up on what you said, but by what you're your intent was right now, that's it that's it. It's literally that for it's simple and that's how I look at people right, I mean yeah. I mean you just you just we talked about you know back when I was in, and I talk about the story in the book about. I killed the sky with a rock right, and I've got no fight. The guy tried to kill me. I end up shooting him long story short, but I'm on top this guy, don't never forget, like. I ended up, probably three or four times in Remember like looking his eyes and thanking the lie just like theirs is look like whether its somebody I see that as a firefighter or whether it's somebody I've seen in combat there's just looked at like it's. Why, in movies like before people die, there's like that dramatic effect. Look because
there's a looked at a person has when they know that they're about that I've seen it once right. So there you go. So it's a real thing, and I remember seeing that guy- and I remember just thinking like I don't even know this guy yeah he doesn't think he's wrong, and neither do I like we were literally here just because your he's got people there were literally here just because well born intuitive, replaces and because people told us to be here right and then I found kill them, because if not he's gonna kill me right. It and ah, but you come back. It's like. You know that Was it necessary? He might not been evil. He might have been a good mother fucker night. There is so it's like. We can't get into this narrative of judging He bore by letting the fuckin media thank force or by letting, because where there's hey, if you, if you're a catch yourself, hating something on it, it was built on someone profiting yeah.
When I spoke, but a division yourself like hating, something nobody was worse. but he put an idea in your head. You didn't come up with that. We don't naturally come out no waiting there. That's why we go on the street and I like what they say and media or how the percent? What why? Why do you think? What do you think nobody's walking through the shloka streets of ST louis bro and saying like and and I'm a white dude in the streets of ST louis city. I dunno, if you know it's mostly black people and I'm walking down there. No one say: hey fuck, you already you're gonna happen it. You know why you start seem like why they always go back to racist. You know why that's to go to why this whole idea, because what I didn't stick it didn't: stick a white against blacks right that didn't stick with normal everyday people right. I guess what I I didn't grow up in a society where there was any type of segregation right, but look who the mother fuckers? in this country, are trying to build this narrative in thanking they're, gonna, separate us who, what we
it happened in their society. That was a problem in their society and they're trying to reach it's all people. It's that's what that is these olmo, the fuck up in congress? Yes, we're trying to put this narrative out. That's all that I that I judge humor, I think less of him because we're a different skin color I nevertheless was bass dude, I group have put it so it's like is, I know, that's why it's not sticking, but they have to go with it, because the war already there and they have to go. That's why they're making these words like? Oh, if you asked me where I was born, like If I want to be able to call you that every fuckin change they get because it's true for a long time. Emotional were yet it's been out of its did. This is I why people won't stand up and say that's fucked up that they're saying no white people or fuck. Why people brothers all kinds of I white narrative on the internet that allowed and if you say the want the exact same thing about any other raised as coming for why person huge double standard? and the reason there is that it is because for the law twenty years? Anything?
but you ve said they ve called why people racist in their fucking scare deceiving say Norma racist, while you say just because you said that you raised, and they don't have to prove that you are you to set the fuck improve you're. Not here, suleiman they room comedy. I wrote her your gills it's ok, I mean there's only one I'd make jokes: I was nothing fund growled, the only ones who can get away with it evaluates there's relax their first have I recovered. I think I was the first one about the fact, is the reason they want to make everything races, because once we figure out that we are all colorblind, they are fat That's what it is thereby has been like book, but but you it's not you, you know we're gonna, be fine, because guesswork, My fuckers are gonna die away before we do they die that narratives gosh I dunno bro. Did you see what they're doing right now over there? Well, you got pooler fucking, move it allowed his fucking nukes and we could all get together one big race. Drop by here's, my hope. If nuke
to be right, fuck now man, but are you? What are you all right? You, Susan, as we well know it we're gonna be like coming. Why was the sun coming out of water, closet kids, like you're, a neutron, new low submissive brow? Heaven, how did I get to building giraffe georgia roles? chocolate fountain up here. Dude the thing is it a lower laughing about being exterminated by these stupid fucks holy shit, everything's, I'm eating end at again, I'm not too big a dead horse, but think about the people with the finger on the trigger what the fuck do. That's up to them. Do morass. What I'm saying now we here's what's happened. Last twenty years, the actual great people of this country, have gone and done great things and they neglected there
duty, not you guys, you guys have done your duty people like me. Ok, I have neglected my duty to pay attention close enough to these fuckin sneaky books, getting their way into. Our our shit now, there's a whole bunch of one yeah. the brenner localities. Politics is not a career to look at the services value of the city, Washington DC and look at what they produce nothing one of the richest genesis. What they produce a lot for themselves, who fuckin much money, I replied he flies five hundred thousand dollars a week worth of private jets back and forth from california, and people are destroyed, don't even know, she's a represent, wrote The figures speak a thousand that is again middle east. What and that's what I'm saying: bro people they weave had it so good in america that we have lost our interest in preserving another but a bright, but again I think so mad.
I'm act again, you anyhow. I walk into this. I want one year facility day, you have it. Well, you know what I'm going to like. I have will disagree Malik now you guys, I talked jacko to Jacko tells me same thing, you're about to say he's like this, is what this is supposed to do, what a good america! This is why we went to war upset. He tells me that whenever I get fucking pissed off he's like bro calm down you're doing your part, yeah you're doing it. But the thing is, I don't feel like. That's I just don't. it's not enough like right. Now, that's enough! That's a say john. I guess I know right so exactly because if we- If you like, we did enough now that we're done, then we do not What did you do? No more right, yeah, that's book well in your book. Well harms called the wave yeah. The way will no more like a plug. Finally get a beta
you have a debate today about what have you done today, like you know like what have you done? to make the world around you better. Do that's it like. if every room better than you found at it like we all did that this shit will be fixed in a fucking. We'll know shit yeah, we're going down man we've got a we've, got a pretty good place with that yeah. What I'm saying yeah, I told him that said row fucking will hire. We just do. Podcast puts you on the payroll will fucking. The fucking changed the world right here is microphone, but it's ok, but it's all. This is a much more powerful weapon, any of those other fucking weapons, one hundred percent yeah I mean again, but it's like you know. I I been in a ton of facilities and it's like you everything that you're doing you are literally influencing down to the to the individual person, and that is where we all come together right. If everybody needs strong it, they know. The great thing about good culture is, is it makes the leaders, but I was hit, I walk in. Every day- and I look at all these people- say what you guys look at him and I think fuck.
you'd better it would be better. That's right. I better live up to what what I'm at, because like now, these do not are doing it all. These girls are doing it in their gonna catch you and you don't fucking guy, and I love that when I was when I talk about that, will we would really good the teams, especially children, such as because morale he marilla mick mick people want if they want to come what you're gonna work harder and then, when we said it's, what we go back an out and out where's my mother voters want to be at work. You can tell by the the music plain the p I mean People running and through awesome What chasing you where you sit back right. What are you guys of all see like the viking ships right like we're all the deuce got a row and then there's that dude up there with the whip say row yeah, snap, yes, but tell them guys leave
you guys come back yeah. They started running, especially the whips or yeah, and this bout of racism yeah. I know about that that you said about comedy back William. We had a you're gonna, be the first black man get cancel a bull shit. You know I've always fucking crazy, ignoble sheet over the last two years, because human we're together. I dunno. If you guys know that he's my personal guy, so he's with me. Every day this dude gets more fucking shit than any did they have ever got just for haven't You has because he's black open just who the fuck attacks in white p.
Oh yeah and empty. I wouldn't call him fucking around she's very suggests that we are the blacklist medicine that you couldn't believe it and agree with them in another. The damn ring. Lonely, I mean it's. I can you look at these protests to me. You see these white guys and scaling down, worked road test and worked when it's like it's like is disrespectful for me. first off for me as a white man to sit here and act like I know what it's like to be described. What, where someone of color areas like to be done, just like you talk about the most fucked up insult,
schools, eads lineages. I notice is always the same though it's always privilege white people think about raises. It is for a privileged white guy to say black people can't get ideas, devote that's what I say not, as you know it. You can have a very pressing with your do. They expose their own racial violence to ignore to see it. I think that it is reduced both go through black neighbour, that you on your side, even for seventy went with what we have here, and I know what you are my sister genes. Why boy? What is that she might do? How do they not see how raised instead, it known exposes it like you think it's a black people, so don't they can't even get a fork? It I'll. Do you, my dear? How did they couldn't you see how we can have on my voting as they don't they can use the internet
if you target a lot harder? First of all, first of all, what are you talking about the first place, but what the fuck was that dude just too, and they just cruise over it during the ignorance- is that the the moral superiority of so high in their brain that they don't even notice their own shit? That's where no! it's insane vicinity, it isn't send its did suggest. So It's definitely really why paying them any mind. Why do we Here what they say he's I've fucking know what may I, in as soon as and that's the thing right in as soon as as soon as the people in in the nation start to do same thing. The more That's good! That's why keep changes should up that he bought, but further right now they gotta come off. The mask cause. People like the worst thing would be. Is everybody say fuck it we're not doing the mask and it still be a law right. So, like that's what how to keep trying to keep this go into. It was their idea and it's like were rob. This was coming up in november, when we say when he shane is, we want
supply anyway, so they have to change the rule, should not even remission lost control over this permission to go ahead out. Yonder he's got it out and I was like, like remember like whenever the ongoing came over and thereby like oh they're, gonna, shut us all down to get out like no or not, but they talked about it. Yeah. Another vote, nyjord that civil disobedience, it's the same thing martin Luther king talked about is what it's more. What is we have seen why any your duty to disobey unjust lots, one of em, but we do and I'm telling you, the majority of america, you you shit, got come to texas in just wrong with me. For we are well like before us of you'll see to get done, You see. I wasn't yet version of slavery. In thirty seconds you were Burma who yard down that road. Hopefully we now bro you, but you see you see that the majority of america were fine with Fatima we're fine, like I'm telling you
We find in the majority of amerika the people you're in austin, I yeah well, I'm outside of oz. Is it is it? Is it getting california ish? So if you go downtown for sure, but guess what like the downtown is that but there's a ton of mother fuckers around right are the caliphate, the irish people moving there. They changing their ways where they want you to change nothing. When you change the falcon, you just left not boy bring their votes within other once out of xenophobia, choosing to monitor and turning to the cat, try to turn the california soda. it's the exact logic. I'm picking. I know there is no. There is no logic. The duck is going, it's all these great ideas that are amazing emotionally, but they make no fucking sense and they don't get it that it's a hole where we it's the whole gas thing like when we we need to become less dependent more, but we can't make our own gas or we'll just put we'll have fuckin, fly by when mills, but I think the point I don't go anywhere. I think the point that we're missing is into this whole. A key to this is is when was it.
to become the victim its having no one would have heard is now overcoming it. Well, but now that everyone's of its, but now that now it pays to be a victim like that's now you're Let's talk about veterans, MR roughly inveterate, through the stock pete yes, these now motherfuckers identity like coming back. I can get now and now me being able to walk around with my ptsd service dog and I get to open. I want these companies to change, the thing out, because I wanna go the ba three appointments day for peaches d, and I blame everything up in my life of how much of I'm an alcoholic and do you eyes on this. You know what I mean like like like no We like, like derby, your identity, borough, that's gonna help you I can say to you. I gotta have a fork, and may I ask what happened in my face? Ok, I don't Well, I was stabbed the fucking face, almost fucking die, alright and- and I was my face because the dude that fuckin guy stab me. I just called the girl. I was with the fucking inward. That's why they focused
The court has no right to do so. So for a thing- got ptsd. have the face from behind. Instead of hearing the fucking side of my face, and then here here, ok, this discarding get really see and as we see it, okay, it goes all along my fucking neck line. I heard the do come up in our fucking flinched when I heard him and if luckily he didn't get my fucking proof, do you think I don't have ptsd for a whole fuckin year, my fuckin, faced with a sad when mother fucking great fruit. Ok, I look like fuckin shit. I had it. Thought the person either say do what the fuck, when your face or they would look at the fucking ground, I I you know can't do crowds anymore. I can't do it causes came out from behind me and I'm gonna fuckin anxiety and work go where you know what you're much about it now
I Didn'T- I didn't know that until now, but either way, we've been friends for years, but either way you know, you're you're, you're, you're out here build the business. That's what is the fucking history? I got one hundred percent dude. I got a I've, been airports a lot and I have a little game I play with myself in between how many tequilas, but it's it's What do I see more of a fat person in a wheelchair or a fuckin service dog, which ones factor both lot? fuck it for me, no shit like. Why would I want to get better if I can walk round my dog the time in you catered me, So what are the real look? I think there's I think most of the girls the key statement occurs. Yoda me with other parts of the proposal was a victim. Everyone is a treatment, you're not threaten the ones or rather the victory. Given that, as you know, what I am, what I found in this scenario is the people that the actual people who went through the shit. Are the least vote What about it? It's the people who who played up Who was actually it's what you we find out. There's like it's like bro. It's like our food
and we were talking about earlier- I'm not gonna, say the name, but the dude was blown up in at a thing right and right and that's all he talks about yeah, but but you're right in the people like and- and I don't I don't like the level of vocal this. people should talk about. They need to talk about it more because it helps people, but that the difference is what they talk about right. The people who Who legitimately had her? Have it? That's all. what about what they're doing to fucking fix? That's exactly not talking about what they got like trying to out victim you they're not trying to to make you feel sorry culture. What they choose to quarter from everyone wants to be the fucking victim. I've talked to some some vietnam seals and one of the dudes. A seal reunion said something like yeah. There was a total of four hundred. Feels a fond vietnam and I have met all twenty thousand em. Oh shit, dude, listen man. I think
Then it becomes a competition or whose work out that out of my sight, but let me know if you ve got big demure learn after above. That's no way to live broke, that's it! It's the same thing about your book that is the way forward that all the way for you to forget this topic is the idea that the book it actually comes out today when this was really I am yeah. It's called the way forward. Me rob worthy of available It's gonna be available on. Amazon is very wise and almost amazon, find themselves good at least arising out of ignorance lies the goal here. We want to put this book to number one or another one, and we have accomplished the abolitionist. So there tag. Only a team, o'neal, hashtag, t, meier or repeat, keep track of who by which won the lulu? The loser has we're to find that the most haunted place anyway,
face a loser has to sleep in that place. I'll go the winner. Why should I might get a ghost pragmatic attitude? I have how this is. My house is harder is what is it for a female and male ghost its boys? You can price but does she's getting pregnant. You gave a passport to find we're. Gonna find someone about the book randomly and fly amount with eight zero, who are you think I will go to the devil. Did we go? We replace it. I made on this issue. It is, though it is where to much attica, dumas brothel the longest running brothel in american history, violently hot it they have. I'm going They had the did. There's room rude downstairs, DJ producer used to come. Where I was this big around the ghost on ghost on my phone from this but you'd I got a fucking video. I will show you the video whenever you just keep talking. Ok, I got some shit, you guys
you guys are going to out ghost each other. I had a I had a go stab me in the face. Yeah I'm gonna buy goes suck a dick that know that you could do. Is go to those dark, but that was be yeah as a reward yeah. I can't believe I blew a ghost and Dakota goes. I can't believe you believe that sheet over his head to the future, like what the fuck is, that supposed to mean dude, you really got a video, though you are going to I got a picture, I got a picture anybody? I got a picture of a prostitute goes over. This do shoulder was yet
did your noses, but her nose is gone. Liners fucked! You don't need that nigeria, I was a wash the shit. I walk over to you and we're going to watch it together. I will not post this video because it go mega virus and I wonder how seriously, but this is my house. It now covered over a blown anybody this time. So I So here's what we're looking at here I watch watch the year. This is a carriage, a baby carriage and then I watch us watch the wheels wash front wheels if that shit, fucking things out here that I got goosebumps right, okay now I gotta tell you that I do not now watch right here on the screen gave this there's a step there right. I don't seven eight in step and then no it's down
something's gonna, going down, watches. That's a fucking goes yeah, no matter where they have to spend the day at birth we are about that broken video, so and then I got I got another photo would mean Sean will where there is a fucking goes with us. So did I I hope that they are. My wife is very sensitive to these things, the ghost that's it goes well, who knows, but nobody with a selfish dick used by himself. That's in the Duma brothel that's when the processors shut, the fuck up. I note with the world due to night. One of the plays on one of these is going to mind chefs, but that's it that's. A basement was shut up. It's legit! I mean. I don't know why that makes your hair stand up. You just had a baby carriage take off at your house like bro, listen
this story about that, I'm going to do, not the soda ghost episode. Does you come back? Not only will do you go. Studies out, I saw em was being a sofa compares to me for telling the story. I don't care, so I come home like like eddie soon and- and you guys can be shocked when I tell you this, but sometimes I lose my fucking temper so I came. Klaus pissed out about this is like Do you share? This is one of those days. I tell you, I'm, like I tell everybody, say fuck aware I noted, and an in I I this was so I was having such a bad day that I went home in the middle of the day, which I never do. I literally left work. This is two o'clock in the afternoon when that happened. walk in my house. I the upstairs Emily's in office, and, unlike what fuck you move in. Can sell the house, and so in the company fuck this place for about an hour just fucking piss.
and I don't remember what it was. It was pretty fuckin. Nothing like I was just haven't a terrible day. Somebody said I Yeah, probably ask him where he was from yeah. I've successfully managed for nobody to say hi to him for thirteen years. It's fucking impressive. I love it so fucking I'm told her how we're moving we're moving river will move. In fact, in what was happening was now. I remember it was correction bullshit. I was pissed rock construction shit because I had construction, my house for, like literally three years in row, and I was pissed about it or problems and she yeah for sure real real, but I was fucking mad. Nonetheless, it didn't matter changed the learned man. Nobody told me this much gold waive this mighty ass, all out mother, fucking everything, and I'm talking about how we're moving over this in that scorched earth and where she went back door that that carriage went to she when we, though the conversations I went, down.
she went into her office in a she has a studio office above that garage and at fucking cart was pushed right in front of the door where the fuck she was that's a dog as we move our dogs around in baby carriage. So I know so but anyhow, like it happened right after the conversation endured where she thinks she's is very much into. She thinks that the goal scott mad because I say we reform movement must move well, what about the wrong when the fuck out of there wasn't only the proper dwellers, anonymity, video, no doubt their euro doubts on that we're due to two shows. Why didn't you wanna get here? Did you notice that mobile noblest roma goes? You see they listen to what we have to do that no there's no way. I know that does not make sense running. Other girls rethink this best. Now
broke? I told him. That's fucking crazy! That picture browser so is gonna. Yes, sleep in that thing we on ten have we will see what they do with russia. We are going to buy internal like a cool like species abed breakfast. I think I thought it because it's haunted, then the weather is violent behind it, but they said I will Can be fun if you stay from friday to sunday you get like a free region border some stupid, but I it's it's a historic landmark. They won't. You wrote that should is absolute limit of one hundred percent. When I get video shit shit up, are you talking to those like light, the flashlights lights up with weird shit? It's a cool place. anyway you reindeer. Yes, you I am put off and I warn you have as black people being a horror films rather as well I saw what one the hashtags on the competition so attached our team Meyer and it s a gmo neil. I got up and went up honour because Sixty monet turns out from only a wet, since I got a couple hundred thousand more. Oh,
but was not now. We know which ones are ok. We asked for that for the way forward and I have said a way forward in its available amazon denies deliver by this and read it out. We did it. We read the audio books, unaware daddy about its body. Without in dakota, though I, how do you argue, jehu rip wrote which parliament has written in red slower the other, the not direct manager in background. How much fun was it? Recording your own voice, the dew whereon audio book, the worst before I read my first book summit took to myself and it will give members the thing with the director of the way I now remember why I got so mad that day job, because we were working to read audiobook I'd, say when you ain't wonder why I don't read my own book. People are like: why? Don't you have an audio version? Seventy five hard. I tried it while you're reading you, Clearly we cannot draw sense like them inside your reading, your book out loud seminary time. It's weird terrible sucks sought When I hate reading anyways there aren't berlin now I say you have made
I part my part of the book is its. really it's a really factory because, like I can't, I can't even speaking overdue syllable, so you know man your birthday, If people are good, we really we. We would really like you too. We would support you more, but I like the way you talk. we have worked like there's, probably got a governess year, so we our final segment of the show guys we have our thumbs up segment I saw an article two there and get two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt and he caught it. Uncle turned out. He had an easy. Now closure of sitting these are headline reads: may im hospitalized after shoving doubleday battery into his penis dude,
if it was a case as is also cease all on battery, is gonna, hear your shot to make the bedroom where a letter- and I really in man, was forced to go to the mercy room after shoving a double a battery down his penis in a grotesque start worthy of the discovery plus series. This came out of me. Some show your mommy venus, to get on the road you ever had a q tip. Stop the whole sheer fucking hurts is not good dude. I remember one time I thought I had the clap alright now for real dude is real real, true story. Yeah. so I did have the clap my thought. A hundred, and happened. Was this thing called prostituted, which is very similar, and you have this goo that comes out your people hole? So I thought oh shit is back in the day. No judge me. I know you got that remember that the woman grabbing might my penis in like squeezing it to get the whole to open up
while your fingers so smaller than grabbing, if you look at the size battery see, this is why you guys could trust me yeah, so so so anyway, she squatted yeah, so she's reason she goes. This is gonna, be a trouble she proceeded stickers, twelve inch cubes that she only got to do a gray way it sucks yeah, so yeah. I did sucking. I just this. Keep this manner all I want to open your in your pee hole. Oh you're in or like maybe be a little bit and yellow shampoo down the hole, may try to pee the shingle down that hole. I know shampoos, wonderful man, this guy put double a batteries in his I'm just going to and will leave it at this me and him were not working with the same thing. and we shall always either the dude. I agree
no no way a battering ram ip or how? How would you make network operators about you? Not only those others use double they use. These triple is over There. Also the fiasco came like a unnamed forty. Nine year old man went to the hospital where you're fired. god, the with of the charging eliza lodged in his gentle genital for twenty four hours. I was pleased to hear this case. Study was published and medical journey I'm so there was an x rays are performed there. You go And what are you doing it's in there? What are you doing? That's very.
What you know what is going on when the world brow I mean, I know it's crazy, radio, tv man, that's. Why did it? it's rough is brutal. I mean you give a thumbs up because it's impressive or a thumbs down, because it's fucking ridiculous or journal I'm just like we're cringing cause. I know how bad hersant have like soap in there the argo your thumbs down, restore me what about other richard? The doktor said this will be. We says, please, I'm glad. I think this to be down like he's pass the buck face. This is this. Is the final vote out, but we have a problem My man is awesome, but a health weight and visas but alexander's well, look guys awesome time have this conversation superman
Have you both on show like I haven't to have you both on the show to have both here together? It's been fuckin awesome they might have jobs after this lawyer gets up now. I'm only have one here you can, you did show shit and by people don't have a sense of humor. I don't want. You know that the measure or no, I appreciate you guys as friends but more so as men. What you got stand for what you're about it's. What we need more of solar, You know any way that we can support anything. You do in our community here, the guy's. Listen, the girls listenin. Please support these guys. These guys, these guys Not only have they gone and done things for us, they continue to help, make the world a better place, and I think dakota, what you said. Man, I think, that's a hell. The guide for people the fixing of shit. You know start in our own house start in our own yard. Worry about
we're doing to get better and its good reminder for me too, because I get down about the sheriff, I'm sam, you don't need to call me a dummy get down about you just call me I'll talk to you. Five minutes, yeah! Well, look dude! I very much appreciate. now that you guys, thanks for having already like really better? It would only five you got on social. I might at Mikuli I m h or why age, because I was told before I was real out of the navy. This thing called twitter, make up a fake name and you'll note and they'll never know who you are and simple, there's a junta in Burma, I'm kind of a mic, sobbing mickewa and then my, namely for german lotta, had ten thousand cosmic fuck. I'm here now. Now for mc who yeah depends on how that worked out for you, people never know who you have worked out, as was putting two double a batteries for people, yeah that had a blue checkmark yeah and you got kicked off delta that we did. We talked about that
If I may Dakota myers euro three one seven on what is zero three once out of me, thou sniper thoughts go off their job. I will guys you know the deal paid a fee if you like to show it taught you something that made you think of it gave me new perspective. Have made you laugh if it didn't make you laugh or some fucking wrong with you. Scioscia thanks for sleeping on the phone number pause frozen, the fucker still counted in the code that teach buddhist smoke came. Balls doesn't know, shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.