« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

226. Andy & DJ CTI: Lia Thomas' Unfair Advantage, Chris Cuomo Hush Money & Shaq Against Mandate

2022-02-05 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss Lia Thomas' teammates urging Penn not to fight against the new USA swimming rules towards transgender athletes, CNN offering to pay Chris Cuomo $9 million dollars in hush money to protect Jeff Zucker's departure from the network and Shaquille O'Neal speaking up against the Covid-19 vaccination mandates.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang, doesn't know headshot case club guys is eighty per cell, and this is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies, depicts and delusions modern society and welcome to the motherfucker reality guys today, special day, because we have a be a dj hers, the internet? That's what I'm talking about. What's going on here, You know that lacks a sheer large, crazy shit. That's crazy! Do lots added! No! I like these episodes. I have fun with these episodes the whole reason I switched, the format of this mother fucking show. So I could talk about real shit, going on back when m, F, c, o show. You know we talk a lot about
Business and winning- and we can still do that here on this- show- which we do all the time, but we also get to talk about real shit, and I love that back in msc if people would mess generally that I want to hear more about business. Well, you know what the fuck you're talking about the shit tooth. So that's what we do why I mean times have definitely changed to man like we got real shit going on it's kind of weird that you know, I change the number one business podcast in fucking, itunes, history format in December, two thousand, nineteen, as if I may have realized, The sunday was rather happen where you just controlling now, as this now maybe I'll live were given crazy intimated that that, like peace still, people realize, like that, I made up the sky. on the ship. It's like dude. I talked about this in December two thousand and nineteen, but that fucking clip right here and I'm going to tell you. There's going to be an attack on our economy by our own people in this country
hoping that the economy goes down, so they can take a power position that is fucking wronged. Fucked up and and you guys listening pay attention, watch that there is no okay, I told y'all motherfuckers and we got. Then we went day by day by day by day calling the plays, and my father still like people are afraid to share with the information there like. I don't. I don't want to make anybody mad or go fucking, listen to the receipts dude, but I don't lead you guys wrong or and I really do wrong what we're about talk about what we got. So I got the route, so She knows how university I goes right as three lives and in their systems of section, but early I wanted to bring up. Some the man, because I don't really know where it fits on the headlines. But I feel like it's important to talk about it was, is really bother me and this fuckin double standard hypocrisy. We have going on right now,
the people were to which one is exactly you about that when it comes to call out this rule races, bull shit, nobody. I d just brushed the should on the rug. So a video clip here? This is The new mayor of new york city Eric atoms, This is a video from a twenty. Nineteen will play the clip here, real quick every day. I take those I was famous audio lieutenant in the cap and you notice story. Some people were still trying to reinvent me, but is what I was there is why I am called again. So who you were then this will you are now so you so racist right here's. My problem do like I just don't get how we cannot call a spade a spade. We can.
Through simple. You know against fucking racy sees a fuck. You you hire like you know. What you are you are you mean, and what you mean to say is that you are irritated that so many bill except race. his comments from once on one side and then the other side, if you would say, exact same thing where you are fuckin lose everything you on that Try says exactly what I'm digress wrong. We see all time I do not like I just the way it's wrong on both parts want to preserve. This. Is america This is the land of fucking, a melting pot of cultures and fuckin ray. Says it's. The only country has ever been form like the right right. We are posts to be brothers sisters. We are supposed to be respectful of each other and you know what every single human in this country is guilty of saying something that would send someone or be mean someone problem?
I see here with this double standard. Is that its becoming more common between more come? Ok was blatant and they don't give a fuck. Well, that's not gonna solely in an that's. Where are you? that's when we had hawk on trying to trying to get across and how can I have watch discussions about this and he's up opinion that you know we don't as white people need the help, but his black people they need help. Ok, I can accept that. I can accept that those black communities that need for can help understand a hundred percent? My argument is weak get anywhere. I call each other. All the shit right sand. Derogatory to that statement has no business in any political office in this country. Ok, but on the other hand, there are other examples of that from the other side, as well as one mecca sit here and pretend that it doesn't exist. This is a cultural problem that is getting worse because of the day.
Vision that is perpetrated down from the media to us and we, as people have to be much smarter than to buy into it. It is not ok, for people to get on the internet or go input look and criticise someone because of their fucking race, no matter what their race is that's just the way it should be here in amerika. That's why I believe there was a time not too long ago, when most people believe when it seems that, with all the division and all the trauma which has been found. can put on society the last two years, because that's what it is. It's fucking abuse people are starting to to go back and regret. Ass to a time where there was more racial division. his are encouraging it I know they're incurred. I know I know we, as people have to be smart enough not to buy into it call it out on both sides- are all sides, as it happens, of nets reality you know, and
that's something that I have no problem with, because I will sit down, as you guys know, with literally fucking a body. I had this discussion, not afraid of most people are afraid of this discussion. That's why not have a reason that most why people, when I say shit about this double standard, is because any. time, they say any fucking thing in defence of themselves. They are labelled white supremacist racist there. There people call their jobs people collar com. These people do you know and if give fought with like really back, and so they just stop saying anything and that's the truth, You know I guarantee you, do. Ah there's lots of people to hear that and they were like fuck that guy and he won't say shit because they don't want to get attacked on the internet. You what I'm saying but if it were the other way around whole body yeah this fuckin hole at the end of the day. Here's my take on this is look. This is how I
about legitimately and my heart, if you are a public person you ve, probably gonna, say some fucked up shit at some point. Ok, you probably told you there wasn't funny or you thought was funny or could be interpreted as racist, or you probably said something Every single person is guilty of this in the past. Am, I really have with it is the hypocrisy of it, because people here this man say that or but say some other white person say something let's say trump right right, we struck never say anything. Fuckin races, that's a fuckin lie, but, let's just say trunk, because that's what people say when people here things. They automatically get enraged and buy into them and and and and bob lot and fucking fuck you bore down bubble. I see that as an indication of someone who is actually guilty of the same things, because if you ask really understood what life is all about,
You'd understand that every single person makes fuckin mistakes or miss, speaks or says things that could be offensive like would be goldberg getting spend. It should happen. I shouldn't happen and by the way, I'm probably the least probably, but I don't not always haider what I'm definitely not a faint right like. I am not a fan at all like she would be the last person I'll get line to go. Fuck me right you don't see or whatever like if she called means a hare went to meet with you. I probably wouldn't returned the call and I don't give a fuck. That's what I'm out with her. I think she divisive, I think she's irritating. I think she spoke and uninformed, and I think She knows women on that show our big reason that we have allowing the issues that we have in this country, not my personal, nine percent, ok, but with all that being said, she still should have been suspended for what she said. We should have grace in the society. We should have you're standing in the society we should have. For error in the society and
that's how the world should be because we're all human- and we all say fucked up shit. Sometimes that's the reality and that's how I truly feel about it. I think there's a difference in a tent, though various the that that's what it comes down to you you don't say lifelike jobs, jobs, but like what he does not grow like that, like that's fucked up I hope that wasn't a very divisive. That was what I'm saying that has nope. Do you think that comment helps him in his ability to do his job? No, absolutely fucking hurts them because the cats, the white, cops here that shit, they don't wanna work for him are okay. Why well here that shit, and it makes some resent him, but he's well, to say that and thereby able to say anything else about it and like do have to realise that this language, that's being More and more accepted is. Is really divisive like it's true we damaging to the american that the spirit of this country near I do. There should be no, we shouldn't. We
call it out, we see a, but we should also give people grace. My opinion want to personal, like dude, There is a dangerous anti. white narrative that is being pushed very hard, and it's not fucking right. It's not fair. It would be equally as wrong if we push an anti black narrative and it's not wrong is why I tell hawk it's it's not right for him Every time we make supposed literally dozens of comments, a fuck. Why people like me Can we go on the internet to see that about black people right I'm serious Sophia is here Where can we go on the internet and where we can read comment africa When your comment fought black people were a black conservative page, you gotta help me probably subject of another baby fuck that, like yours, but I'm say it's there, there's there's a complete double energy, a one hundred percent, if we're going to do we could talk about what happened in the past, we could talk about our jails, things all. We want an enamel four hundred percent more on
What I want people to realise is that if we want this country to survive and be what is supposed to be, Every responsible human out there listening is reasonable, should not be doing things like this on either side. One hundred and that's that's where I just had to get that off my chest. Dude I get what you know: it frustrating. You don't say like it's, not usable. For any reason. In my opinion, there are they like do. That was always my issue grown up. Macroeconomic straight, lighter I'd like dj. Just black. I got my mom's white. She raised me in all black neighbourhood, but aside, you know I just hate seein stuff like this. I do not know the truth right like I know what that is really good. Why people out there is really good people out there and guess what there's some bad, why metal outlined we hold on its even more net the fucking the vast majority of white black hispanic. Any people is fucking great people
is that they all what we all want, the same shit exact we want to be healthy. We want to make some money, we want to have a good life, the mean something we don't want to be fought with we all want the same shit. Ok, so we have to all ask ourselves who's fucking this up for us right. It ain't, fucking, black people, it ain't, white people and hispanic people, it ain't, jewish people, it's motherfuckers at the very tap who are creating all this racial I've been hanging, identity, politics and they could find. All the narrative, that's pushed down and they create robson soda. We won't notice that is actually a class war, not a fucking race war, and until we get to that point where we can be of higher frequency and get a real good, ten Thousand foot view was actually happening on the streets. Nothing will change, america's a wonderful place full of full of the best fucking people possible end.
you watch the media. How many We hear that right. What? How big is this, the b disparity between what they present to us on the internet and all the little tik tok clips and all the media clips and all the shit verses you, Actually gonna relies hang with you, people huge difference there shop I talked about this over a year and a half ago. The actual narrative peeled away from reality and its appealed away from you? howdy so far that the nature of humans, all good humans in this country are realising fuck them there. And that's where we gotta get you. You know that's the reason that discussions would like people like a lot of people like Why would you bring hawk on? He does represent most black people. I brought hawk on because hock represents an extreme part of black culture, an end
and apparently those people think I represent an extreme part of the culture right right right and we can sit down and have a conversation and ask we by the way, be cool and be friends. But we talk all kinds of other shit. We don't talk about this you're insane. So why do we need to have? discussions and we need to get on the same page in terms of whose actually creating these problems. For the sun ass, if people grow, and I know it Black people- and I know it No, it's not the people, the people, not the fuckin problem, it's the elite class a fucking generational well, who never had actually struggle with fuck anything in their wives. Making up we're trade rules to keep them in power and keep us miserable nets. It so well dad's got three headlines for where you got here. We had that's not the shoulder fiery. We could byelorussia right there, but that up
That's it I'm gonna, get you a place whereby Funchal! No one I don't know what I'm saying like dude, we we we can't be associating with people. I think that's the point. We are cool in the real world. You know what I'm saying like once you go like like dude I've traveled over this country, with just over the line year right, like we ve seen the world like the world is cool. There's good people fucking everywhere we when we had good times You know- and I think is, that the real, the evil. This evil that we're seeing only exist on these fuckin. Fellow also, I think, there's a lack of perspective of the world. A lot of these people live in the same place. They everyone they ve, never travel. They never been around like brought people really legitimately. Think like David I think come out here. Missouri there's like do walking around, will take a k hoods on by crossing shit like fucking like the old sailor inverse, while we column kkk office becomes more than fifty zero. just say it like
have you ever seen? Somebody know I've never met either, never seen one I haven't either and if I get closer I wish I did I'd be like bro get the fuck away from me right. You know what I'm saying like we all have to have that we can't just like fuck with people because they are the same race as us or the same district. That is us. We do that. Dr king said it bro, it's the content of the character, it's what's inside, It's your heart, bearded! It's your soul, your core beliefs, who the fuck you are. It is not your fucking rakes monetarism as regards our first, her love for you and, as always, yeah to find these article links on any facility comes about there you wanna check out. These articles see pictures and all the fun stuff you can check him out there, But first I like him. I one of one reads sixty, and of Leah thomas's teammates urge pen, I really not fight the new usa. Swimming rules on transgendered athletes. Parents said girls competing
thomas represent an extra burden so, this leah thomas situation of a pin stay right, I'm six transgendered, formerly a thomas female teammates of the university pennsylvania team. Since a ladder to pen and ivy league urgings it not to contest the new usa swimming rules on competition for transient athletes quote, we fully what leah thompson our decision to a farm. Gender identity into transition from men to woman. The swimmers wrote leah has every right to live her life authentically. However, We also recognise that when it comes to sports competition that the buyer, the biology of sex is a separate issue from someone's gender identity. While logically leah holds an unfair advantage over competition on the women's category. As ever it's by her rankings that have bounced from four hundred and sixty two in the nation as a male to number. One is a female they added. If she were
be eligible to compete against us. She could now break pen, ivy and, incidentally, women swimming records our feet. She could never have down as a male athlete, so I'm happy this now, I'm going there finally focused weakens the right thing to do. I'm rather found we speak out, but there some others of the behind this vat and learn about it's like having last. We have you told me not, but apparently like that but he has had a sex turn oceanside ass correct, so you have a male with arranging locker room with his fucking dig. and the women having to deal with it. I don't know why that wasn't the fucking departure? That's not! Ok, you don't say: ok, borough is not ok it also. These fuckin did the fucking leftists of loss of mother fucking minds. Ok, we're caitlin jenner on on tv, but ok, you guys all know that used to be russian recruits for me the greatest fucking olympians of all time, they're, trying to make the argument of
Testosterone, suppression for authorities bro. This motherfucker has fuck in bed clause for hands for conflicts, bins four feet a fuckin back slightly broke theirs Freeze physical advantages here pattern. it doesn't matter about the testosterone, it's what they were before and, like you, you you, you fucking p. Oh don't fucking, understand shit in your vocal about it. trying to cause a movement because that's what the fuck you your identity it. This is I fail to women. It's now Third women in any regard, no fucking tree and person should be competing in the other person's category period. It's not safe safer women even to go what we saw. You know that by the end of the day who is fighting women and emma may illustrate a breaking skulls and shit like broke. I don't care, I don't care who you are broke. This is now right and an end to pretend it's right is wrong.
It just it's. A good thing is that I agree with a hundred percent with their statement. I care. How you want to live dude dude you never again never treated for me, but I am certainly not going to let you fuckin fistfight, my fucking I saw my daughter's usa like do. This is reasonable, common sense thinking. If it offends, you care it's real. Ok, we cannot We've been letting the inmates run the mother fucking asylum right for too long, one hundred percent bro one hundred percent. I got a couple of like so my first thought like do like really think about this, like If, if, if, if, if you were leah time, is right, the viewer, this transition right, if you didn't give you earlier, What line sounds better? Ok, trim, trans woman competes in women and wines or transform it competes with men in wines like what headline actually makes more fuckin waves in my opinion,
I knew that the unit and a better job doing this and that this I'm stuck on appeal, obvious and brought you know. Listen if you know, because if you should Yes, your testosterone become a woman. You're gonna be less competitive against the men. Here's the reality! If you choose to live a different life, and you, then you what your biologically born with like ok. What I'm saying is, if you are a fuckin mail and you have a dick and balls, ok matter, how big? Nor does it matter and you choose to become a woman that does not give you the right to compete against women. That's it I'm gonna, have to take into consideration and give up that's reality it's not fair to the other women who have worked entire lives to become fucking great at what they do tremendous at broke. These women work just at this- might be a news flash you motherfuckers, but these women put in all the same time that you fuckin men, do to become greater and sports. They miss all the family events. They do.
all the fuckin club teams, they gonna millions of practices that it's their home. Entire existence from time when they were a little kid to get to this point of collegiate athletics. Or even high school tap highschool ones at this point not mention mentioned olympic or any of the other stuff right. These p, People deserve the, opportunity to compete fairly against people who are they physical, gender, that that you are now that's the truth. and if you could say that it I don't you can't say where's tourists. What no its not transform that you don't want. You grew up the locker room. Part really distressed me here is a good thing, as a lot of people were like. Wake up. This should not with this this dude this person she have you. The awareness and the wherewithal to realise what they're doing his fucking wrong. You are,
setting a new standard you're, not breaking a glass ceiling. That's where all these motherfuckers? What? we have so many picnic, not trance people, I'm talking about general. We have so many of these social justice, fuckin people. They think they're going to be the first to break through this fuck. barrier the now you're making up barriers breakthrough just so you can pretend that's what the fuck you are. That's the truth. I love you. I guess I do the good. The good thing is. A lot of people are seen this in the college it out. I saw this post on the shade room you follow. I do not share removes yeah, it's it's interesting sums jack, But apparently victorious people on that page have common sense lot of bottom by victoria secret, just jump this new bandwagon in their new lingerie the new lingerie model is a black trans woman rise in this men's dish to listen to me. You fucking people are being intact
maiden and played for a reason it's, the demoralization of society if they can make nothing matter if they can get You to call a man, a woman and a woman, a man which is really the closest thing that they can get someone to say right like to get together point were nothing actually matters. Nothing makes sense that the biggest the furthest you could push as to say that a woman is a man, a man woman. So understand. This is a weapon, that's happening. Ok, it's up and put in society too de moralize. Now what people here demoralized they think too, like on motivate what I'm saying this demoralization, every sense of the word not only not motivate, but the way that they take Motivation now is by removing the identity of the fucking population right how the best way to remove the b. The morality, ok of a population.
making all the should accept it right? this happened in the thirties. I talk about this all the time that the women republic, why more problematic weimar, we're fucked, they say, go look at its a weapon, dude they use this weapon to demoralized society so that the sole and if there is no national identity, it there's no pride. If there's no truth, if there's no anything, then what the fuck do. People had to fight for This is about conquering america from the inside out. That's what this is about people. And people here that their library or for comparing what am I, go. Listen. I've got a pretty good fuckin track record Is all done intentionally to get people not care, because, eventually, what happens? Is people like fuck this fund, crazy uncle? Ok, and if you say that about enough shit and let them then. Eventually, china rose up on her sure like fuck anchor. That's what's happening, exactly would lose
recorded at its there, so many deeper locations to this fucking? Politically correct bullshit that started for twenty five years ago, when I given trophies out from fuckin seventeen place and started telling people that can't pledges since they are removing our national identity. Why do you think they have the borders open? Why do you think they don't give a fuck? Why do you think they are testing these motherfuckers for anything they want these people here, because they want to delude specifically the black. in the communities that their transplanting these people into because black. People have woke up and realise that the left is dead, have their interests in mind, okay, so like dude, All of this shit is tied together in until people in america wakes up and realise that not gonna fuckin change, so when you celebrate the shit you under more high horse realize but you're selling. Not only you what you can and they're fucking kids down a motherfucker drain and potential we putting them in physical danger.
Thus I am a member to for you have I while their latest tik tok that's what I'm saying is yours, I'm right, if the headline number two for your headline reads, report cnn and talks to pay Chris Cuomo nine million dollars and hush money to protect sucker, says network cnn. Parent carbon agency is more in paying nine million dollars a former host Chris Cuomo is a settlement of his exit. And ran sir, is viewed between with the network foma. According to press reports as demur, ending the eighty million dollars left in the sea and in contract after he was far by network executive, citing his improper role in advising has rather than new, your government and you come over sexual harassment, charges. Eighteen he's consideration of a settlement comes on the heels of cnn jeeves Jeff suckers departure from the network after he fell to disclose a relationship with the female staff them.
I really know what to make of this man body down broke down. You know you. He knows All that shit. nine million dollars and shit bro, pressing and especially in new york. I wanted to vote down. Tell the truth. You have achieved this guy here has a chance to be a man. can hero in this point time, his life real, a true american here, someone who could say No! What I contributed a shit, it's one of the biggest rats in my life, fuck them here's the truth and fuck you all Brought that's ledges shit. I don't think he has the courage to do it, but if he listens he might slipped away to axe workin out. Maybe he fucking listens a little bit. I don't know brought you ever huge opportunity here thought at nine million dollars become a model. I can hear write a book about you, make a hundred million. we all want to know the truth is fuckin. Sucker has fucking abuse
Used our country borough, they locked down our country, they cost. how many hundreds of thousands of fucking lives were ruined. People die suppressing, effective therapies that they knew about from two april, twenty twenty, which is fucking fact so fuck your misinformation. That's fact there are government documents that have been leaked. They show that these people knew about. I ever met in an hydroxyl cork when well before the pay Emma even got up and running, and they suppress this data to push this narrative, lock business this down, Russia middle class, so that could have more fucking power over you. This motherfucker has an opportunity, I don't think you'll take. But I'm hoping he will end. Where does see what happens, but I would say fuckin a million dollars to it up your ass and tell her by my fucking truth, rob. I would love to see that happen. I'm here too. I would love to see the app and could do like nothing, nothing. There's this world cup broke that you could be
am a hero. You don't think that everybody else will take care of that dude. Most of these dudes didn't get listen. These people. did not get in this position at some point in time they had good intentions for moving Moving where they were, they ended up right now, like how did you end up on cnn row? He didn't start out back in the day, saying ah get on. Cnn and fucking lie to people everyday and fuck people, and do that? That's how you start as a good point. So there is a good there's, a there's, a good piece of these pull somewhere deep inside and these people have to do some soul searching a figure. The fuck out of here what I'm afraid of men for russia's happened over time Oh yeah, I get that where what I'm afraid of is we the people, forgetting people like Jeff suckers, unlike the andrew found, she's and we let them tat will. Naturally, I will never ever ever ever, stop calling for accountability ever
Fucking person out there listen, show shoulders running for office are running for or whatever or the people you looking to support these next elections and all these people, you know The demand that these people can if accountability for this crimes and humanity that had been perpetrated upon the entire world. These people, we will never be fuckin free with these people run shit. If you let that you let them slide that only give the green light for the next operation. Will you will realize is this was a plan for an operation that was done? tension to accomplish should go that doesn't serve any of us and if we don't fuckin fix it we don't have accountability and we also an example of what happens to people who do shit like this they're just going to do it again and they're going to figure out why it didn't work this last time and they're going to figure out how to make it work the next time. What if they police, another fuckin virus were like it actually. Fuckin makes your fuckin flesh, it boils and
You become a leper like what what happens then. She said and all we're doing by not having accountability is allowing them to regroup and commanded, again They are not going to stop their dead. their lives to this fuckin whole plan. You guys think it's over and shits. Freeing up now do no fuckin way there started, these motherfuckers are meeting right now saying: ok, we didn't get, we had a single we met in a home run how we got here Fucking home run how we gonna get some the home plate. Now, that's what they are thinking right, and in anything any other thought is naive. These people are evil. They want everything there. coming for everything and unless we hold me bill accountable, they will get everything, wondered similiar, you will have to really take him into a grove. What has actually caught way to have in it? That's what I'm saying why we are so easily fucking distracted by the next thing I like intentionally, you don't think this war
walking russia, Ukraine is intentional distraction away from called it the most vulnerable in my world police. Do why you think the russian media and end the leaders and rational use ukraine or like some african, they're, saying man your media really fucked up over there. So these people are try to create a narrative now and they might actually do it. They might actually create a conflict to get the accountability washed way, We cannot allow that to happen. The boot they don't fucking killed, who how many people died. Because you couldn't say the word I remarked in your address pork and on the internet. How many people no know fucking. They knew about this in on April twenty twenty, how many people die because of that? How how many people got their businesses their life's work, destroyed. Because of these locked out how many people you can go to couldn't see, your parents when they die, can go to funerals
gotta weddings couldn't fucking. We had to stop everything for a fucking. All it could have been treated with a fucking pill. Then already fucking existed What about the suicide? What about the men development problems. What. the social anxiety, this created. What about what about what about the wisdom damages is fucking wa. It's never been done in this, and in this current role there studies that showed that the lock down that they didn't? Nineteen eighteen, one effective. They knew. This shit wasn't affected this the intentional play to destroy your life. If you listen to this right now, that's the reality. People had to come to his that's the truth. I saw some crazy fucking political shit. Do
so conspiracy? Yet nobody wants to talk about it because, they're all afraid we're fuck you, you rat, kill me, do they might They might not they might you know what I don't care I get on a fuck me for nobody. Got a third of all we do is they said what do they say, focused scarface. All we got my balls and my mother fuckin were that's all Are there? That's all I got you had taken her for me. you all should feel the same way. Have courage, bro! You people need to have courage when we lack right now is courage were filled with fucking fear that the whole damn mess The terrorism alerts they put out why that was that was to intimidate patriot patriotic people from speaking what they believe. The truth is you, mother fuckers need to step the fuck up, dude.
A third and final headline just stick to talking about speaking out. You know how I reads: she colonial says: culminating vaccines, should be forced and and- and so like. I know- we've talked a few times about. You know these. These athletes, these actresses, these comedians right. There want to come out and keep pushing this agenda. I love them I see shit like this yeah he what I'm saying or yeah no shaq you're, not a fucking doctor. I get yep in your basketball player. Did you actually here is the call was amazing. It's it's fucking, also setting an amazing, it's kind of sets fuck we have said this two years ago I mean like, We did all those that have the highest changes day. Ok, but I'm saying yes because these people, including shack, I'm sorry shack, they were afraid, you're, afraid same thing: they're gonna lose everything, and I love share shacks built dude, one of the best entrepreneurs out there dear. I he's bill, all kinds of
shit. He wasn't your some dumbass. Well, where does fuckin hyper, intelligent, hyper, hard worker papers? successful man and apparently seize the truth. You know, but here's the thing everybody can see it can just be one or two of these athletes we can for you guys radically here and there the whole do. The whole play here was the scare everybody and shut the fuck up. Oh you're worm ass, your fuckin grandma killer right. Are you take the vaccine, you'll believe science you're more on what the fuck you us all your team did actually lose your job. All union the vaccine, put you in a camp. Measles. A number code calls for fucking. No coercion like people, but always with the nuremberg code, it's mostly believe fucking know it. Wasn't you the fucking conversation with the fucking attorney you're, like an unbelievable like how
We get there. While I read that and you know what I saw someone who's been guilty. This whole shit is trying to brush under the rug one hundred percent. One hundred percents we are sure gosh. I got a phone conversation when the shelter turner, the big pack ass. We check in jackson. Look, I encourage everyone, everybody to be safe and take care of your family. I do O'Neill said there are still some people that don't want to take it and you shouldn't have to be forced to take something. You don't want turner said. I started stated that her employee CBS has a vaccine mandate among workers and O'Neill said that that's forced and disagreeing with Sarno know doubled down on his stance. It's forest. because, if that man does not take it, that the man is going to get fired, how hard is this to understand favorites to know it? Did the that woman understands it. Perfectly. She sighed she has done I want to admit it because these people have attached identity to this is ok I like to remind you fifty percent.
the fucking left, leaning voters are for forty, eight percent are for putting people were covered in fucking camps. Don't forget that donor fucking forget that dude. People know it's Jesus, look how small the bass, what is a rather long before, but that's always shit. No wonder you is good. At this motherfuckers hold a basketball, looks like a fucking grateful! I wouldn't think that's that's gotta be fucking. A small basketball is on the internet, so it's gotta be real bro. Look at the fucking ring at dude he's a big human is a big man yeah, but like dude, you guys we have to get to the point where we understand what's actually we're going on, and what you have to understand is the only way the changes is. If everybody speaks out, it's not enough for me or fuckin, shack or fucking. rogue inner fucking any other guys there that are due and you just like their shit. That's enough! It's not enough!
And by the way you have nothing to be afraid of, because if they have come and fucking kill me to come for, you speak to fuck up as that better we all sands robot there were asking you guys to fuckin stand with us. Do it gaza file segment of the show we ever thumbs up, saying It's always been arrested when I'm with them without guys, I I put the article up, didn't see the younger two thumbs up or two thumbs in the butt and without further ado Annie what the fuck is wrong with white people. That's it? That's a good leaving direction to this. Have, alas, alas, but just one people. There's the high lama, iowa man sentenced to life in prison, is wiping healing his friend in a fight over fucking mayonnaise s. That's why people what the fuck mare? I'd take that so
I will bear, was sentenced to life behind bars, For the murder of a friend, he repeatedly ran over with the pickup truck after a fight about manages christopher and I love how he spells it. Just like sixteen and pregnant one one, whether Christopher Earl box, there are now twenty nine uses chop the ram caleb sobered thirty outside it, they had a small town of pisca on December, seventeen twenty twenty, Bachar initially drove away then came back and went over more to more times according to the register, so The two have been drinkin at a bar with another, person early in the night. Nearby more it, but then thinks took a turn when arrow bachar spread mayo ants oh burg, way way way. That is a fucking kill. That's how you do not look for male in someone else's fucking food. I dunno whole story now get it. Where are you?
red mail on Berg's again, which riled sold, sober and sparked off. Listen. I didn't know the whole story for my ban, I'd like to make a public apology for jumping to conclusions guy, I'm sorry for all the people are disappointed. I won't do it again He's got his as will do, but do mammies mare. While why That is why the man is a nasty shit. Ok, I get what he's saying I like meant? No, you don't have you yeah. I, like my marriage, Mary's school like like. Do Where do the goods they fuck? You guys talking about you, I manage broke grilling man fuck you Yeah right right, oh well, you know what a normal position fuck you guys and fuck mayo free.
freeze the fruit, christopher upstart of buck, a movement with a money order. Amerika boss, more batteries would at recess with it romeo no mayor, I said no, no mayo motherfucker. I feel There is married man, listen now I will say now, so you spend it on some areas with natural science, bugger off abruptly people's fries, The czechs, through no put matters on a motherfucker booed. as the fuck the guy code, everybody knows that shit yeah yeah, that's real man as real, so where, where were you given wow
brothers. Imagine being a prisoner, you talk to what do you get when you go your life? What you mother, fucker, put mayonnaise fucking with that dude you're, a fucking with that dude he'd probably be the hardest yeah, people given? ms core bread was. I was a guy's name over. There are as many human father, oh shit why are you here for copper? Man is on my fuckin sandwich brought if I were go jealous orbital her, that's good story, we'd be to fuck alone, for our do he's real by real tat. We re giving you can't be doing ass. She heard I read through dumbson about ok, you fucked up there. One I want now really I got one of Gaza justice be observed. Man was murdered. You know so. no just a serving all these getting plead. Insanity like known some of the problems is like to say at no,
and I wonder what time and so man that's it. reason: a fuller life! Do you fucking me, but that the problem on the roads out I mean that's, why alcohol are you you yet we're all time. That's why I that's why I'm very selective of when I drink now, because I wasn't the same person when I drank that's reality: what do I was no control? I said she I mean I did. Should I didn't fuck him. I was proud of it effectively. Life for negative wastewater removed it you know, and that's real talking I could have been. A hundred times your saying in Jenin, fuckin, scuffles or fight. some are dumb shit now know some, I don't I don't I have changed my stance on alcohol. Now, I'm not saying I'm not going to ever drink. I like beard as much everybody else, but I'm very careful about where I choose drink whom around. The environment is right,
I don't make it a point, my regular lifestyle and you're, not a mat preachin, I'm just telling you like it's I believe that the reason the alcohol is legal and then the weders is illegal or has been I very much share because alcohol puts people in it makes a lot worse. By do you, you can control drunk people, you don't say, like drunk people, not motivated immobility. That's right, you know, and so like do you, you know. I don't wanna live like that. Well, the animals from alive at the mercy of some substance that I believe is is allowed for the sole reason to disrupt people's lives. When you really about, like all the other, all the crime in all the money to generated like do you ask a policeman, sure? How many other calls are involved, but I'll call d, tell you eighty eighty seven percent lot right at the problem of iraq. If you
and said he gave it. That's kind of problem dynamic. One percent like unless, like I have mixed feelings. I do not get it like inner. I must it had a fork in major problem. What I'll go on to say like all the bad, should happen to me all the crazy I did it all happened. I was drinking, so I think it's a big, responsible and understanding. What it actually does deal is a good point, but like dude, I also what people got learn. How way. Sometimes you know for she loves, you, don't get a second chance, that could be any of us plenty of time you also, you know, I think you gotta be really intelligent about and really think from a big picture point of view why certain things are the way they are. You know I spent. a time. Thinking about that, especially last year's exclusion I've come to. Is that
We are literally ants in a jar and when we get to powerful they fucking job or are they they put some something in a jar to distract us or they give us a substance to make us not remember what the fuck is actually going on, and and do I I just I just. I just think that, what's going on and you guys thing a paranoid or whatever, but like I'm, also a very intelligent, ah strategic thinking businessman who I can identify strategies that makes sense very quickly. we gotta seeing corners that other people, don't even fucking, know exists and, in my view, Belief is The reason that it made to be such a huge part of our culture and other substances are not because it's the most damaging now, that's the truth coming from someone that owns a fortune to queue accompany you, invest in it, I love about albert. I have a great time on it. Just shouldn't be. Apart.
It should. In my opinion, it should not be a regular part of your existence. Its them to enjoy of sometimes, and you know most of time not you don't say cause you to buy less offer me so be it go now. well, that's all I got me. That's a show go somewhere. Problems day by day, gus. Take what I said seriously. Man, like if they didn't come, get me and come and get you the fuck up, no scope of sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box from the stove, countless millions in kobe teach buddhist, got all kinds of dessert shop case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.