« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

215. Andy, DJ & Tommy Vext CTI: Hillary Clinton 2024?, Nike Firing Employees? & The Future Of Fitness?

2022-01-15 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy, DJ & Tommy discuss Democrats rallying behind Hillary Clinton for the 2024 presidential race, Nike preparing to fire all unvaccinated employees on January 15th and the article in Self magazine promoting obesity as a healthy future of fitness.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know headshot case club. What is your guys? It's a great show- and this is the show for the real say goodbye to allies- to fix this and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys today we had and he and bj cruse the internet fuck yeah, it's goin beard growing on. I'm we're prehistoric fuck. This knocked up you're over there trying to solve rubik's q. How you doing don't really get it don't look. You got a londoner donald that you weren't you A couple of minutes. Man they'd been some years that he ever saw. One of those know I have oh yeah, real shit. Okay, real shit I saw that one, especially now without pulling the stickers off putting shit? Know it's like you say it's like you know you. If you don't practice it you're, going to lose it. It's a perishable skill though it's been
coupling of what I was never able to solve. One of those it is really not there's gotta be sore tricks to knowledge her. She is literally algorithms like up down right. That's habersham! Really what you remember that you're good still tommy vexes with us. How does noticing that dj's rubiks cube? How come you did the whites, whereas for yeah you know what you know, because he is the blackface of white supremacy with tiny white color on the top. Whites on the bottom are good okay, so I saw it the other way so now you're oppressing white people. Why putting the white on the bottom can go to the blue side? At least I mean I dunno where the fuck Hambro wrote. Fuck me the rules are difficult rule! Our mandate is across its Q. There doesn't talk and proud with the world brow like everything you do is fucked up now, so it's like whatever fuckin spoke, Oliver magala, that's all I feel do
When I play none other games, I play notice, fuckin bullshit, none of this identity, shit or everyone's of everyone's for her about. I feel like being upset things is oh, it's just a new way to get attention. Hardware like if you don't they It's always the same people. You know what I get thrown on the internet. On my I go to the profile mike. How are you qualify I'd to criticise me like what have you done like not to be a day, not at all. What are you doing? What Have you no lack of awareness and ignorance to one's own personal, life's situation like viewed? How can you be living in a fucking, shithole apartment? No shit for you fucking your whole I've fallen apart.
In my mind that relationship mother's basement is my favorite cause yeah and your fucking attacking motherfuckers. I hear do a shit fuck off when I would call you on the phone with my mom's, upstairs sleeping yeah I'll, give my address to compete. My ass has to be on sunday, while my mom's church. I call you at thirty when she wakes up from her nap hot pockets or yeah yo hot. Ro ro. That's the fucking! Do whether, with yellow, listen man for less talking about three or four years. It's been a cost and build up like these people. It's like this catches, shit right, I gotcha, and it makes people feel powerful now, here's the problem. When I told you motherfuckers not to stop, did she go little bit falcon power news. Before a mini right now: you're fucked, because who cares anymore. No back its. I cry. Wolf yeah, you know, and I that's what we were talking about this a dinner last night, like essentially cancel culture.
is a civilised version of crucifixion brow right. They can actually take, you know they want to? I canceled aim: chapelle cancel Joe rogan, but they they can act we go out in the streets and pulleys people had our houses, and now I'm on a glass like we're gonna, just her ear. Alexander, don't have feelings to be hurt right now, like we're going to do like myself a thousand years ago were good man that shit there's nothing there and then, and then, and then inversely what's happening is. Is that so many most people are so sick and tired of this shit that once you cancel somebody and I've I've experiences, they tried to cancel me. I guess what like I got supported more, anybody like there's, you didn't mining bullshit, that's the best part broke with us, a thing they had along the lines are still here. You don't know anyone who scared of cancer culture its bogeyman, its mac, that's right! It's just a bogeyman. Guys, look dared here's the thing! These cares.
Culture, culture, morons, don't fuck and understand when you guys fuckin view this shit. People like you ve done The time you done to me done other people, we put people on blast and all your people com try to fuck with their share I'll all the other people that eighty percent of normal people see that underlying no fuck that and then they support those people. So please bring it the fuck, because if this house, and it's like on the same way like I don't need to buy music or buy albums stuff, do I you I'm in a place where, like people will send me their records before they come out of the bans and artist I listen to, but I buys records from like them. Rapport I by also offers records. I allied dreamers records. Yes, I'd buy, support, rising grace and necessarily, have you know well the same views as all these different people, but that doesn't matter right at what point in time in history where we were like. Oh, I have to have the exact same beliefs, as everybody in the world. For me to be too soon,
In all events, we never recent thing wrong. That's all five years thick woods, ridiculous, it's fuckin! Seeing how could you learn new girl? Well now, and it's like having I mean think about, though you know think about. When we talk to people we we, you know when we went out there, what some some friends who are on the complete opposite political spectrum as the media would portray it and what happens when people sit down to dinner, who have completely opposing ideologies? we realise with so much more similar than we are different brown. You know I mean that's the thing about breaking bread versus breaking the internet. That's right! Mental brings right and go to the fucking. Source brow here. Little have a conversation, so you guys find out about that on Monday, so we have fixed price. Rigorous through will be goer its adoption J? Today we got some headlines here we see the army. Will ya me, you don't know the chagos I do.
Now, listen to me, I'm not every single dacres, Omby amby doing things because he's so. This is like the new version of wireless and ask cause we're racist yeah, I do. I am a big fan, aware rate undecided, dick No, I really I was. I was listening to the most recent recent data nick joking voucher, death by I mean, if you really think about like them. Humiliating way to find get someone and we now have to be prepared by a magic get not like, You like imagine going to how right and romano you listen. You fucking, you did the elevator to help get their inner. Like all look at what? What did you more? yeah subdued literally choked me around my neck with his word and now I'm here yeah like broke, that's roof. They should get a pass for hell because it's so embarrassed. Like I'm really that, maybe that's why you
go to hell like get. Everyone makes one. Do you like you get out of the elevator and Helen? It's just millions of the dick. This Wrangled you heard about your dad's dig. Let them like was a vaccine. The answer, my god. You don't know the John stewart show here and I went on to it. It was the other guy called colbert. Oh, my god, with axion, and then is that there was a dessert grammar chicken, australia who is like back resolve, and these are the way I don't like yo stop wow what a poor girl like we had died. Early error, gotta, visible subaerial, muddy, mayonnaise bobo There was a man, a sandwich albert like just would not an out and out to him that look brought out the drawbacks. People do that that girl, try to rap
in like ninety. Ninety seven at like a rat battle, somewhat hit with a break not even tomato. Why huge she just like every by this disease roma better than that dude. I got no cap. Our while some airlines were you guys, a big shifts happening right now. Yeah we've got, we've got some interesting stuff going on and for those that don't know how to up the headlines and- and we talk about so our first headline annie, I thought this would be be nice to just re re address readdress. I think the people need to need to know how serious this is. I have, I reads, demand It's tease Hillary Clinton, twenty twenty four presidential run an opposite and this is a fox news, article, I'm sorry new york, post article. I get a third time, be the charm for Hillary Clinton, as the case may by two prominent democrats who claim a perfect storm of president Biden's plumbing. In job who ratings vice president calmly harris his own popularity and the command
achieves advanced age, could provide an opening for the former first lady and secretary of. What she is re already in an advantageous position to become twenty twenty for them. ignominy, political castleton, doug shown in former manhattan borough president andrew stein, right on wednesdays wall street journal of the seventy four euro Clinton. How do I first of all, literally trying to be president and she's like look it off look and she's this is the last straw. Some regret I love, it's like the work of the emperor from star watch. It is looking to praise Can I go female here, but we can say whatever the fuck we want by hilary like nobody here is gonna. Look she really ones. I will fucking one and I will find us warrior. I already know how I could get the social traction to make. It happen to lust enough mainstream attention and make it work. I can fix it shit, but here's one say take me out of stock
the fuckin promoting the seventy eight year old, fucking old, crusty, fucking establishment pieces of shit? Is this the best we got that that is the best they have and that got put back couple of slides. So I can get this guy's name I shame you're a fucking more like this is the political consultant. Who says she's already in an abandoned advantageous position, because I know you're an idiot dear. Like let me tell you something: if desperate of europe but can democratic, newest and show which we have a few you, or fuckers let her you will. You will never ever ever, get a shot again like whoever wins, MR wynn fuck united, to want to preserve europe's, and why do they think who paid for this because you re written yet it should have wanted, was that yeah Growth is thereby quarterly in their only in it for themselves and their part of an establishment. That's what you guys got to understand these people do not give a fuck about you or me, or anybody who participates in regular society. They are all
in this one little group- they all you know, do each other's little, dirty work and do favors and pay each other, and they still are. tax money. They may be. We deals they fuck filtered through their friends and they fuckin take it and that's that's it, and why do we? to quit this shit on both sides. Like do I do now, like you were too, and that is no secret, but this is not when about Hillary Clinton is about, I don't think anybody anyone why sillery like a she lost a trump broke, loose boylike? book Kamala or hillary? So tough, you, I'm a black is his that's fucking off boot. What the two other further kind of time, but I would say our only there were there there. Listen, these more fuckers last hope his big mike. yeah, I'm sure I'm I'm I say big mike. I think I'm gonna throw obama is an old one.
yeah, but see what they're gonna do is they're, going to they're going to put Michelle obama and then they're they're going to do the same shit to the black community as they did last election with all this shit. They got Michelle obama up there, saying it and do people are going to fucking, buy one hundred percent We gotta get smarter before happens. You know what we need. We know what we need fellows like. So you know that you have to be what is a thirty five to run for president. We need operation that we had a cot. We gotta we gotta go. that says because- and I would ask you to be a sixty five years without either that or you like retiring age, but the fucker. You should be, but my time is now I can view these people are out of touch them. idea what the fuck's worn on real world. They do this Does anyone know how to talk about gas? These people, these politicians, if they try to get an entry level position that apple they could knew it? Could any we get hired tommy dealer remain, couldn't run my company.
no, I'm being legitimately didn't run of how can base our. We know that because they can run the country, I know, but like ok, so gonna wanna, fuck and medium sized company work. How can you run the country? It's like you ever start to people start to think about that order. Figures. Think, like I I'm vote precisely because there I think they're good, like wrote these people, have to have skills being politician is not a fucking skill guy, that's will europe, its eyes were being a politician is like being a professional, chameleon share shapeshifters shape shifter hop they different issues. People who are people were people, while you know supported in x Y, I dont supported in a b c like yeah, and that's because they are constantly hopping from the EU and its It is not used in the valley and when standing room, it's not exclusive to one one party I mean. I know you will get like do. Take cruises whole testimony about general six. Am I sure
width of work goes a long day on Tucker, tucker obliterate and thank you, tucker carlson for doing that row he's the only guy like I don't necessarily agree with everything. Tucker says I think sometimes I know I think. Sometimes he gets personal when it shouldn't be personal and that forces people not listen to him but dude. Like get it like it's easy to make one of these motherfuckers like. But the truth is that which american human, when they hear these personal tax, it turns them off, and so like do. but he's only one on amazon tells anything that resembles a thing of the truth and I'm not saying it's hundred percent right, but it's the only thing these even close, but the only thing- and I do this this dear- this is this. it's the fucking. This is an indication of a bigger problem that we have here in amerika, where the people do not I understand that we should be having skill nationals run. This company are drawn this country, and now, young people who have been politicians, their whole life or hilary
putin, was a lawyer bob what yeah, but do that doesn't mean I'm reading we're gonna lawyer fifty fucking years ago. That's like voucher, hasn't micro diet, never seen it. As you know, I mean in how many years loosely great like these people who are like talking heads like you know she is a bit alert, fuckin, five decades vouchers. Seen a patient since the eighties no do. Why are we let? Why are we even lounging evil politicians have to go to go and these establishment lifetime politicians they have to go on both sides set journal and iron is to get its, not partisan. Shit. I'm not saying I m not saying anything about democrat republican, independent, I'm saying, If you're fucking in your seventies and you ve been in politics for thirty fucking years, fuck you Libya, that old and you have an accomplice anything yet no shit except accept regurgitating the same problems too profit broke, it started
new jobs there or maybe just like it, or take all the money that you you know baited justly bootless. I must say that I wrote that can't because, as the whole identity of wire tat used to be like did what, Still these people they go off and real world. No, it gives a fuck about right. They don't you the media? They don't get like people they're, not like superstars anymore, So, like the writing it because it's like the whole identity and they hit cattle gold, their identity. It's like a it's like a fucking pro athlete that keeps trying to make the team when he's fucking forty two years old and he's been gone since he was thirty six or you know what I mean, that's the truth and these people are fucked. in ruin, ruining our future generations the ruining the direction of the country. The ruining what this country supposed to be about, and do you, I was listening have to start caring about who the fuck you vote for more than we're. Hollywood. Celebrity fuckin talk
by voting for well how the hollywood celebrities people they have of their faith. Power like celebrities, have borrowed power because everything about their entire career and lives is dependent on the studios dead and the agents and pr talk a little bit about that because basically You know you're only you're only allowed to have exposed sure you're only allowed to get gigs you're only allowed. You know and as me like, you know if I might never do an arena tour again, unless I get so big that I sell them out by myself right because it's forbidden now, because I went again Since then, but I didn't you know it's not like it's the people at the top likeness right. Now I have you ever I you know people like on um. I wasn't a music video on Monday, a cap on these house and when her husband prayers is an artist who I like, and we became friends
and he asked me to be in his video he's- got a new album coming out and we posted a picture together, and you know people people are like. Oh all, those people are, you know like, and I have some like conspiracy theories followers and obviously cause I'm a conspiracy there, sometimes You know I mean all of us, but only when they control no euro reality. Here, the reality here. Some people call me lecture, damask zack. How does he know how this stuff is all going to play out and I might begin somebody's dealing need information. From the other side of the wall anyway, but more like this, and it is so much like you know. I give them credit because, like NATO fuckin big made, they there there are good there's so many people who I might agree with us or they have similar. feelings about the things that we do and worry saying they just like all those people are- in our illuminati am I didn't even know that means you know they're, like other satan, worshippers on my bro, these people are actually christian. There,
you know they look at. You know a lot of american christians. Look a gothic, aesthetic and don't understand that its from old european pre, american pre america- policies on you know I mean it's very tightly closed to christianity and some people just don't get they just like us. They sought in a movie, unlike our dracula like on my you, you're a fucking, dumb shit, so any. The point is that you and I had like kind of gone back and forth about than, and one of the things that I mentioned is that if you see me with somebody there not their us like it, you're not gonna. Take a photograph. Would somebody who had all respect- I mean and who doesn't care about this country and want this country to be firm and there is a mass exodus happening in hollywood, where a lot of people you know are leaving the moving they don't want to be a part of this, and the hearing pushed out has been arguing pushed out their leave their evacuating, though the the
I met their celebrities. I want their children to go to new york with it in a fucking indoctrination scenario: That's what they also happen here, also worried about the children, because other shit, yeah, yeah so that those that shit is real and people all leaving And taking their kids and getting out because now they're starting to see how real the child, the child sex abuses. In hollywood, you know, but when you talk about this stuff. It's like that. It's like the eye of sovereign, is on your brain and there. So there could be a million different things they like. So you could occurs a five or Y and z like all, used to poorer drum what it's real. like he's talking about? You know the things outcome of yellow shall be telling people barrier. Look it's it's time. Equally ass, like these, we, the people, have to fucking. Do this and you gotta pick a shy bro, you gotta pick us up Besides, the line is drawn. If you're in the middle yard, you you're going to get hurt.
Lastly, it is actually like you're either with us or your get it. There are a lot of people who are enforcing the stove, don't actually believe in or understand, what's actually going on, so they are able to be manipulated. They'll, be oh, that person's racist or cancel, unlike the races like ruled out in our raises the alike exposing things at you know, and I do like there that the thing nobody wants to talk about is a billion dollar industry, human trafficking bro. I posted a tweet last night, dude from mega mccain, said a conspiracy theories. I got back to me and I consider myself a rational, measured person in today I found myself questioning the cdc has been just lying to us for the past two years and ruin in it our generation of children for no reason when no recourse hate it. That's mega mccain people are starting to see dude yeah and like dude, you guys out there who have listened and continue to listen to the show, and you thought like: oh dude, these dudes are just kind of going off the foreign. No we're not
it's what's been happening, it's who are starting to see it now and you motherfuckers they fucking trashed these people for the last two years. You You're really fucking think hard about the abuse they took on your behalf, because otherwise our mother for country b, a fuckin, australia right now you that's a fan, and also to like you know, a big thing that turn people around I've. some friends and allay who they seven of their friends, died as a result of the vaccine directly. Seven, some people, I dont, know seven people died from cold it right, and this is what this is a thing that's happening more and more frequently and like you know, you psych you're not allowed to question at all. It's like we're this point bro, like their side effects, so you know I mean I like the artist who is doing the work for my new album. She was supposed. work on the old that was record when we were still and abandon the other- and I know that she is
really left is but she's an amazing artist, and I respect her work and you know I called her announce hey like the free agent. I wanted to know if we get so working- and I know I'm a very controversial artist and I know your views that differ from me and she said I want to say that I'm sorry and I really appreciate all the things you posted. I got double jabs I immediately had to be hospitalized. My I swore shut. My throat swore I had a high large reaction is like. I know people have died from this RO I've had wildlife, and then this is what's happening. My thousand messages like two thousand but the end, but Is there nothing? It's scary, markers you're, still hanging audition rob motherfuckers still hanging onto the shit because they can't admit they were fuckin wrong as well. You got a hawk the longer you motherfucker hang onto it. The more dangerous it's gonna become because dude the labour censure the people are fuck and see. What's going on in this shooting be tolerated. These people are gonna held accountable, see she really think about. Where are you
stan and where you and who you're gonna, stand with, because this is not going to go well, it's just not. I must he's gonna get violent round, say I now it's gonna become very clear, who is allowed and who was wrong and that's gonna happen very shortly. If it it has an already and you the longer you hang onto this thinking, you're, going to like pride, it out are going to look more stupid, but I think I mean it's not a lot of. It is like that's fun. And all but like in general, it hurt my eye hurts. I heard that people have died over this fucking tyrannical bullshit and that I got punished for say, hey. This is what this could happen. Heads up, heads up rural and the natives are punished. I got fuckin my ass dragged through shit and now it's you know, so it's one of those things were like a lot of people. It's like I've known you
Should I mean with the chad and anyone it's like the shows, twenty twenty twenty, twenty, twenty twenty. One. Then twenty the police, as you are right, the whole time Chad's like that fuck off wilma. I was not there like mine, I'm not mad at people because just like I'm not mad when somebody's chorister like these. I look at the people who are mad at me and hated me and talk shit, his victims right like like they're, it's like the rage against the machine song they're all victims of the in house, drive by they say jump. You say how hot yes right right, and so you know I don't know how to fix that right. I look at as overall greater issue of humanity like. Why is this? duration in able and incapable of discernment when it comes to being told by the government or by selected Officials- or you know problem are now where were we
Why are we not why're? You know why do we intrinsically trust? You know every time people just go with what the government saying that should happen that's what I thought you it's not it's not our way. You know what do you have to remember and allow these people do? Look. I agree with you. We gotta, like forgive us. Ok, thank you for figuring it fuck out, but I'm just saying you got should like really stop and think about how fucking hard you fuckin trash people talk. Shit fuck in did all this shit to people like you were. I want to see their energy redirect either. Do you overman and at the officials are they got? It has allowed a first, you're insane. That's all I'm saying like do realise there has been, whereas energy, yeah, there's been a bunch people are here getting their asses, be for you, and also the people who are faithful to these forks pas hospital as losing family members losing their own wise having complication,
Maybe we haven't seen as has much of the reaction, because those people came fuck me well I'll look at the miss terry laws, the miscarriage rate so far, cause deaths all paused ass? There was an article alarm, a put up. Ok, so. There was an article on zero hedge right. That's why insurance seo says death up forty percent. among those ages. Eighteen sixty four, that's all caused us all cost. I means people are dying. Forty percent more than they were fighting exactly and wants. What's what's it was, I know everybody sees it grow very Moldova has its knock. It is our own arms against humanity do, of course legitimately. Of course, it is. It's a calling yeah the thinning out the herd You know, and this causes the other thing that so this the domino read this section here: the death rate for those aged eighteen,
Sixty four has risen an astonishing forty percent over pre pandemic levels. According to the sea of indianapolis based insurance company, one america we are. This is a quote we are seeing right now: the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business, not just at one america said scott davidson head of the one billion dollar insurance company. That's been in operation since eighteen, seventy seven and has twenty four hundred employees I fuckin with dude. You guys have to wait the fuck up. I start stammered people like fuck him Let me make its way around the other thing. I say if the other issue with the politicians is not just their term limits their stock options right, so start you go online and you can every public elected. Another reason why the old people I want to get out you because there They are hardly have yes. So if I
trouble all over your eye was the first artist in the world to go on tour after coven. I went on tour, I did in two thousand and twenty I did a texas tour. and then, like lime nation, as all these places criticise me, but they follow me and they look to see if it safe, animals are called Tommy that set of success it or how we did our cupboard, and I also did meeting greets were free for two tours and then of the law So I did like a paid mean greek. As I was on a co headliner, we tallied the meeting greets I met over. Fourteen thousand people shook their hands. Did I get cold? They once did. He get sick and I took vulcan hydroxyl clerk when, as those prescribed my but by my proof, physician once a week as a prophylactic woods ink every day and then that's I want to be talked about broke raised, talked about this on the show a couple days ago. You probably don't know all these politicians are attached to occupy, locking everyone down, though, but this this is what I was saying is
you can see right, so we map out, I don't play, shows where you need a vaccine passport or covert testa whatever. I won't do venues that do that in cities. I do that So I still had went on tour all s ear and did venues outside of major cities. You know where, so We started looking into, who are the fuckin senators and who are the real whose on this city council and who are the mayors and then Looking another stock options, every single place that was mandating. The ship had form interests, all of whom have stock options, and pharmaceutical companies when people are good, but what does that mean? Well, what it me is, is that they keep rolling out the products from these companies and taking all of our tax dollars and giving its Otho fuckin manufacturers the pharmaceutical manufacturers, but they own stock in those companies, so they are taking our money and their putting it into
these companies and they are making their own stock, go up so that right it they let when the covert is almost over, they can all cash out Yeah and I'm making themselves work in Malta, lt. I millions of dollars without tax money, bilious thing work collectively and so this is a money laundering scheme. and when I see when I put it together, it's a lot of things. I am well, will you what people like. Why would they do this and I'm like bro, that's a great question. Let me see yeah, you know and I'm like yeah well, you know if I was going to do this and I was going to and the like. Oh, this is how they doing now This has a lawyer, but do they're doing it because they believe they don't see us as humans Not they see us as like yeah chemical livestock and they look at it, a pure number on a sheet of paper. We got. We had this many people, oh shit, we we got. We gotta do something because we got to many people,
and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and they come up with this idea and they think that they run the world and that we are just fucks with your family live here, they own the world and we just live here like we occupied, that's what they think in. Actually that's what the that's actual truth and that's when you change one percent Let us move on to our second airline. Well, we ought to bear in order to make these out. first eddie. I wanted to say rather I work for you and I'm whether our own fucking work at this fuckin fuck factory so the hemorrhage report, Magda fire employees, who can't prove vaccination against kova nineteen arms. This came out yesterday did so nike has reportedly told some employees plants a fire them. Tomorrow if they have not met the company's cover nineteen vaccination mandate according to my way of the eu or edonians the company. Has
It has had the vaccine mandates since october and has given employees until january fifteenth to either get a vaccine or receive a medical or religious exemption. Like you sent emails to employees who do not meet those standards. Last week the email said quote: you failed to complete the verification process and our records show that you do not have an approved exemption as a result, you are not in compliance with the policy and your employment is scheduled to be terminated. On saturday, january fifteenth twenty twenty, and now there is some stuff going on right now, the supreme court. I had that article pulled up, but just to put in perspective, okay nike, I'm employed approximately seventy three thousand people worldwide and twenty twenty one per status according to run away about a hundred and twenty employees have a jack objective to the companies mandate to online communication. So a couple of things were quick. I think that's bullshit, fuck yeah spits far more than five hundred employees guarantees can t, but here's dish
why are they always counting? The sweatshop kids now know that those are on the books, workers, those one hundred and twenty employees each represent a number of employees right and those are the people that aren't afraid to speak out one hundred per cent while and then you also gotta- think to emigrate how many people but know that the the fake vaccine cards right guard count is way more than that. Baron fucking t be able to carry out at the same time linen the same time that the supreme court blocks binds. Osha vaccine mandate allows rule for healthcare workers. and so the court ruled over. Nineteen is not occupational hazard but a universal health risks and so Putting in these vaccine mandates for companies that have over hump onto employees is unconstitutional. Let's, let's be, let's just break it back down and let some common sense yeah. The vaccine isn't fucking working at all at work, but that it's it's proven. Okay like there. I want you to think
but something ok, lala hospitals are turning away on vaccinated people and they fired. They fired audio backs new people. And they're turning away unvaccinated people, because their hospitals are overrun so who the fuck still hospitals. If they don't take care of them, vaccinate people the people who are sick from being vaccinated guy so has it dude does I mean? Has that fought crushed people's mind? Yet you see I'm saying like what the fuck you guys like you like out, I think people know the like. I don't you even- and this is a thing to it's like you- can be vaccinated and anti mandate,
right right, like that's, that's an that's actually what's happening. A lot. Yeah is because in asia, people are getting or they're doing everything their total and they're getting sale. And then there is all these people, like all of you, guys listening who got the vaccine, because you thought you had to you. You should be the most this out of everybody. I need you took out of those. I appreciate you guys but I don't get it man, and so I have to also put it in perspective. Our opponent got a little stay here, so ah the pharmaceutical companies, whether a no b pfizer, whoever know that those is again stance and make about eighty five million dollars just from nike in their employees. Getting this vaccine and so you are talking about that- I guarantee you that their seal Are you there was found conversations with a company's form?
Companies are gay, there's a broader eighty, five million here on lacking get. Are you people I already come over their number you most plotted the three shots at the sale price, which is twenty four hours a shot times three most part by the seven three thousand employees money. You have a lot of money. Well, look dude here! Here's my taken! I'm sticking with it! Nice, I still believe that this is a terrible fuckin thing. I think it's a terrible business decision to segregate people. I think that people should support companies set gay people in any way. I think that people should have the freedom and I think the people listening should support the companies that same for freedom with their own dollars and that I think until that happens, mass on a mass scale, these big corporations, can continue to have too much influence of too much power and too much money make a difference, and so people have to wake up. They've gotta be smart about where the dollars go and make some conscious choices about how they spend their money. You know they used to be an exclusively left thing to do, but now it needs to become an american thing. To do
like you support people, that doesn't mean you agree with everything they say or do it's happening across the board? events, there was fucking segregation. We've already been down this road right we should have more or less everywhere. You can't be, like you can't say, arrays racism and then be for this you know and then say: oh, it's ok to discriminate against vaccinations that everyone, like an eighty percent of the of black population, vaccinate six. Seventy five percent we are, I think the that's like the most races it is like that you know the african american community. Now I fully doesn't trust. Now, amazon, we'll companies or the government in telling them to take drugs, because our government has a history doing this ship were racism is talked about a lot right that everybody wants fuckin call someone out some race juggler is right. This is some racist shit, what is also classes too? Yes, because who they, who are they punishing the people? Who, like is the thing to anybody who is making
certain bracket. Who doesn't want to do this? They can get a fake vaccine cord. They can't you, I mean literally, you could just make one up. You can literally do it, in the vote- or should I was so- I wish you know- I was looking at one of the ski resort- veil ski resort is recourse is requiring all people that to show vaccine go to go into their fuckin eating establishments in the mountain were on the right road. Like I've heard from my thirty people, there are gathered all you do- is flash your phone item and they let you like this visit, siding with being a priority rather than our assembly in new york city. I am I want to go see. I want to go, see my mom yeah for christmas and, like you, can't go to starbucks without a cohabit, but but what I'm? What I'm saying is like you? Could someone else cartier screen shot him and they won't fuck. But here's the problem with that guy's by doing that
at your letting them encroach on our freedoms, gave them a false. So what we have to do is we have to just not fucking patronize. Those places will do we there. This is a thing that so I had this conversation with. The pizza shop guy got the owner of the shop and yell he's a heel. You get this in new york. He liked the look around like nobody gives a fuck about this shit. Bro yeah he's like, but they're gonna shut, the restaurants down, They are living in tyranny, that's right, you're doing and so like that they were fuckin hammered by when they were shut down. Here then now there told all the way to operate is with fucking this right in their knowledge. It's a boundary, then it will its abuse, but do at this moment abuse. Yes, using small business owners and foot
You know forcing them to enforce something or saying you can't you're not allowed to exert a shoving. Do businesses, listen! I've built a bunch of companies. Do like a bunch, I'm a fucking business builder. I know exactly what the fuck it takes to build a company and I could build a fun company Are you right now is good, as I have a big companies. I'd have a hard working time build the company with only fuck him. experts of available population to patronize my business like these business. Is that when you got one hundred percent bro, that's what I'm saying so like if you're, if you, if you are a business owner- and you think that, like harassing people- and I said this in the beginning, shit, if you think harassed and people by mass and for combating in all this shit. He's gonna be good for your business. Europe, lose your mother, fucking business. I have heard from so many restaurants in that same scenario. Talking about and there like pro. I don't know what to do, because I can't make it. This many people, I don't have. The money is going to force being closed anyway and I
I personally believe that this is a bit another push to scrape off some the scrape off some of the businesses that survive and bury those motherfuckers. We can get everybody depending on the gotta. Do you see like so then you also see like so there's a list. As I can remember, is an interim list of all the all. The restaurants that don't require their refusing to require I might even have a say on there cause. I don't want somebody to see it and then go to these places and find them but yo. I went. I went there, a bunch of those places hours a year. I'm going to you know what I mean like there are. There are a couple of times I had a flash of bullshit. Things are going out to dinner on my mom and she's ill, and I don't oh good about it, but also at the same time like you know, looks like this is like I'm, not wanting to you know I don't have very much time my mom's, not young yeah. I remember him at summer and out of respect for her she's. Just like. Can you just
Please not be you for like two hours and I'm like yeah ma, I know, but that's how they get youtuber affecting our families and yeah. You know that they pressure you, but it's like you know, and then I'll go and I'm like alright cool when I'm by myself, I'm like I'm going to go to the er. Go. Like my yoga me a book also- and that's where I want my money, did you know, and it's like this- I would now he is like. As soon as somebody comes out you know without fuckin athletic shoe, I'm, that is, you know, supporting a mare can. I value that's happening here, as soon as it happens. My eyes over you know I collected shoes years ago, I basically map I'm buying. new shoes she got. Big factory were built other yeah. That was just wait on the same word. One hundred percent oh oh yeah! So for a hurried her to up, then I need some new shit but yeah, but I can I like
you see what's happening, went with nike in and all these things it's happening across the board. It's happening with working concerts, right people, there's a twenty percent to forty percent. No shows answered now and they, like all its cause, people here that seem like our industry journal am, I know it's not it's, because they bought tickets. when the mandates happened and they fuckin returned them yeah and that's what you have to do: the average rookie to the next atlanta. But I had a friend he was supposed to go to. I forget what like resort or something like that, but he paid all his money while he was set to go on this trip and then two weeks before he supposed to fly out the hotel sense in the thing telling him about the new vaccine requirements and shit, and they were we used to give him his money back. He still find them lazy he's like I'm not going to want my fucking money or the ban from ashes to new. I they were on my old label. We toured together and they're supposed to do ship rock this year and they booked this show in their spot. You know all this bans gonna honour on a ship and they perform
they do meet and greets, and you go travel around for a few days and meet the fans. And it's like an experience and people pay a lot of money to go on the boat and be with our artists, and they got told at the last minute. Every single person has to be vaccinated to be on the boat and, like they said thanks rope, so they gave up. They haven't even been on tour this whole time and they're they're like now, we're not going to do it and people get mad yeah and I'm like yo. That's their business like what the an artist does not have to get a needle inside of them, so you can enjoy them. No, that's it! That's not how this works and we need to respect whatever people's decisions. Are. I don't I don't rag on people, don't either I'm like whatever that's? U, everyone should be allowed. That's where freedom is being being able having medical autonomy, meals you
do what you need to do to take care of yourself. As you see fit, and people should be allowed to govern their own bodies. We got fucking the pre, the the prime minister of fucking. What is it the prime minister of Canada, trudeau, the prime minister right up to the tag? What do they call him? The prime minister he's the president, the president, when they call anyway, where the fuck. This dude is here he shouldn't be it guy this dudes on tv saying what are we going to do with the unvaccinated women? Were you going to do with him? We plan on doing with them row right. What are these camps you're building or where? What? What do you mean motherfuckers, better wake, the fuck up will australia. People are already here, camps. I know four months Eric does have way. Worse. We worse just beginning, I thought of final Helen for you guys
I! This is a work. This is a world problem dude. This is a world revolutionary and a world war. Yet every every mother, fucker, no matter where you live in this fucking world, listen, listen! You fucking, take what I'm saying and be real serious about it, one hundred percent ma'am. I got a third and final for you know who I was safe, want it, but that's a golden opportunity to. Okay, never in the world ever has there been an opportunity for the entire fucking population of the world to overcome something together and bond. In that way, there is a chance for world unity out of this, cause we're all fighting the same. That's right and there's an opportunity here, there's about it's big too. It's one. That's never happened before like dude. We just need people to wake the fuck up and stand up one hundred and we could enter the greatest time. That's ever existed on this planet. A fucking piece
of unity of understanding, because we'll stop being manipulated by the media will stop being controlled by the elite. Get take away. All their control and fuck them aren't brought in life can be really fucking good in a really short time. It's it's. It's actually not impossible, it's probable, if, as long as they keep doing what they're doing cause the harder they push the more reason eventually get there like buying up their screaming like a fucking wild animal. Do- and you know what I tell you when when at the we saw at the screaming screaming yesterday and I said watch I said this is just going to push the fucking democratically away from stacey mansion in fucking, abrams, abrams ghosted him because he's too big of a political liability to stand next to fuckin mansion and a cinema. Both came out with statements yesterday said: hey we're not we're, not stopping the filibuster, we're not doing, That was all like dude he's fucked right now, one hundred so the more he fucking comes out and screams and shit the more immediate and- and these people are too stupid to know that you watch
they're gonna, double down double down double down because there are guilty of all these things I don't have an option delay, I know, and they don't have a plan. Earn understated longest running out there that that that agenda, this whole agenda, which we all know, work up where we know we're comes from that agenda play out here. The way it was plain to play the dirt if they ran. Play and it would work the way they want and we would be australia right now like right now and that's what we know about understand like there's a lot of people who have made it extremely difficult for them to do that and we need a fuckin like, stop fucking harassing motherfuckers, who are standing up for other motherfuckers rights and same with them. But it's a it's a it's a This is the new civil rights movement is a is it's happening, and it's not about race, no, it's about humanity, their human rights and its about freedom
well. I tried the third and final headlines for you and a year in the fit fitness and health space right tommy. You look, look good, tommy, jack ryan, homies, fucking, yo, yeah I'll, give it to you it's a lack of. Dress and my life and very good you? I see you look thanks- were its ear. they are no bullshit in my life anymore. Regret all the pieces, I have shared around my life- a it's always nice- I know- but but andean you are. I know you can speak on this. You've been fucking fitness and health space for twenty three years right And I want to, I really: am I'm really curious what you're going to think of this? So the headline reads: what the future of fitness really looks like it's time to break free from fitness is anti fatness. We'll do it. So this is from all this is an excerpt boy over self magazines watches dive into this little bit. So
thought of a red? One of my favorite things about working out is the feeling of freedom. It gives you if you're a runner or bicyclists. This can manifest in rather literal ways the open before you, the tiny spot behind you making house marking how far you ve traveled but is not just about the physicality of being free, a good run asylum voting session were sweaty. Hit. Work out, can change your perspective, opening up your mind and the possibilities of not only which a body is capable of, but the world around you as well. with that nope foo, here's where it gets funky at one hundred per cent at one hundred percent, yep and and hit, but here's where it gets hot yeah and there's a big but about ten years ago. All That being said, article reads all that being said: for many, the world of fitness can be far more limiting free in germs,
as the media and and other fitness dedicated spaces the focus on what our bodies look like can make it hard for those with bodies that don't conform to narrowly defined norms to feel like they're built to feel like they belong for far too long, people with larger bodies have been met, with limitations, judgment and intimidation in spaces designs thus all reach our potential. Ah, this is the guy who have this website link up and if so, when I come, is the magazine cover? Ok, this assault magazine and there is a a lady who is clearly overweight, ok and their pushing that fast unhappy. She's unhealthy lee overnight, like dirt. That's obese! Want you! Ok, that's not like thick want represent this year. The say like slim, fixed up. This is like yes,
this is this is a lot of the output. I guess loud people that look like this is that a common? That's right. I've been, there still are trying to push this narrative. So what why are they trying to Push this narrative and it's ok to be fat rather also pushing this vaccine that kills fucking. Eighty percent fuckin to the that eighty percent of the das come from overweight people This has been going on, since this is a fundamental right, not so. Well that, let me just let me testify were quick, so I is about to twenty fifteen or twenty sixteen. I did it in a positive manner. An arm. You know she's with a massive agency issues. You know, do anything. What's his name Really her? That's a well! That's a whole other issue. There's an old male plus eyes models. Why? How come? I can't be ordinary volumes dj most,
yeah, but this that we can be can hate seeing those little skinny white mannequins, like I mean right, makes you feel bad because they're white, but it's like fuck like I can't fit that shit like you. anyway, so I drive the plus so anyway, she was a model. She was, I mean she did. This woman was out still accordingly, beautiful like where are you wherever you go there and you say, in a nobody's. Looking at me like the jack o was like, oh my god, and she was just like a thick girl then, and she signed a contract. She started getting more work. They want her to gain weight, more weight, more weight, more weight. You know it things that are like. We wound up kind of fizzling
and- and you know I like- she wanted moving and she she moved to new york from l, a and like her career exploded and we kinda lost touch, and I had seen her a couple of years later on instagram and she was obese and the there are like a handful of girls who are in the top earning of plus models, and then they are gonna die roll as this and and as some one I- and this is why this is an issue where you're taking body, positivity and self acceptance and distorting it into.
making it ok to be unhealthy. Food addiction is a real addiction right. I've lost a hundred thirty pounds, we ve. All I was again goes all the way. I want to point this out we're on a highly over before anybody like all these guys. If now we ve all been fuckin there, I'm still fuckin china get out of iraq, but, like is not like we're just fuckin scheme, always women actually getting god the saudis that there is a lot to say about it. A lot of billions industry for long then almost fucking anybody and probably anybody listening. Alright I'll all cats are women before me. Most of them are gone, but I've been around this shit, I'm probably the final boss for these motherfuckers. Now, let's be fucking real okay, I got seventy five harwich exchange your mother fuckers across the globe. I got the biggest fucking nutrition company. That's fucking out there, with the exception of like ml m schemes and shit, okay and that's fucking, total bullshit, and let me
tell you something right. Pacifying people like this in an in telling their ok. They don't believe it It's what I was talking to growing honouring a drunk applauded when I was three hundred. Fifty four compounds you could tell me: oh and people did just like they did you guys listening. They say oh dear. It's not that bad. You, alright, you a good very just a big do is too big guy, I heard ass she and when I looked in the mirror, fucking hate myself, ok, that woman right there? I promise you, when she's can standing in front of the mirror home by herself she's, very uncomfortable right and there is a lot of psychological issues that come along what's happening here and where I have a problem with, as they are mentally fucking these people into thinking that they don't have to work. They do to do anything in this all ties in to a higher problem higher problem. Is they were
you unhealthy. They want you fuckin fat. They want you dependent. They don't want you to become a powerful individual in any shape or way right, and it's not a bad. This is what people don't get because they haven't been through the fuckin journey. It's not about costs, do not guarantee a motherfucker wrote this. skinny. The right her picture was: okay, so she's routing the shit to get some fuckin attention, because that's what they do they write shit to get attention to achieve a runner look and I use that she got to preserve body mass right, so do they're trying to appeal to these people right. This is the way Let me get attention the writing, something that like is definitely polarizing and that's what they're taught to do, but here's the problem, you damn! young people in a real way here, because you you're you're, discouraging them from actually figuring out how powerful they actually are, and that's the fuckin problem, because it's not at once. You fuckin lose a hundred pounds which I lost two hundred and ten pounds. Ok,
I know what the fuck it's about. I know how fuckin hearted is, but I also know what the fuck again from, and people who don't that never realise that you are actually limiting your entire potential and wife by carrying that weight, and it's not about what you look like it's about what you're fucking, arrays lot: it's how you feel to do what we how you see the whole world brow because thanks a lot of hard work to fuck and get yourself from three hundred fifty pounds to two hundred and fuckin forty pounds Ok, it takes a lot of hard work for that woman to get to a reasonable conditions that would take her entire year fucking work every day hardest, but I can tell from looking at her right. Here's the problem is that without going through that ernie. You never truly unlock your mental potential. Line and those lessons that you learn through that fucking hardship end up applying to how you treat family, how you treat your business, how you treat your job? self esteem! You have the value have for yourself and they'll
once you have any of that they don't fucking, want that that's the reason they pushed the shit. So if you there in your sympathising with this shit you're getting about it recognised that they want you to be limit, and you are buying into it I tell you another thing: I've spent my years making it acceptable and less intimidating for bigger people to get in we have transformed more fuck embodies in more lies in this. Back in building than any mother fucking company on this fucking planet, and I will stand by that's why fucking dead Has anyone ever been mad at you? For it? You know I'll bring change. Oils act lacked every where I go time I travel I run in someone's lost a hundred pounds or a hundred fifty pounds. You know what they do they fucking cry like a baby and give me the biggest of the ever fuckin had their wife, because it totally transform their entire walking being on this planet and I take serious offence to these.
Can people that woman they wrote. This is highly irresponsible and she deserves to be kicked out. Motherfucking fitness industry free right, that's fucking, back she don't want anybody not funny? Do it's not funny? listen. We can live with. Shit and we could say all that's fine, We fought them blah blah blah and that's the easy round. That is this is how the abusive, its highly negligent. it's fucking morally wrong since manipulate every way, whether that's the messed up thing, so they they actually promote the the girl that wrote this. They promoted her to be the editor and editor in chief for the health of fitness. Well, let's be real. Do the magazine, what looks like shit anyway, a woman who wrote this article is not that the other thing that you know like I come from a line of obesity. right. My mother was obese. My auntie they died of morbid obesity. Right left, my three: my three cousins bind with no mother right and and this woman, whose
Having this, she doesn't have that resisted noticed a small person out of these people. They dont have any are stating what it's like renew and they don't care where they don't know what it's like to go: fuck shop and for clothes and not be able to find ship and actually fits they don't know, and now the way people say or will they make plus sizes x, x, x, x, oh yeah, what use you look like a fact- dumper shit. Ok, you can't hide it you're, the couple outfits: that's and when you that big, you have two or three outfits that you fucking live in and that's the fuck away. It is the case
there's no way to live due to the way. The other thing I was talking about is this. This is like you know winner. This is not a like. Obesity is not a moral issue. It's a fucking disease over eaters, anonymous, morbid obesity. These people have the name, listen and lit amateur as as well as a fuckin drug and alcohol counselor with thirteen years a recovery. I understand that the same mechanism right the same mechanism that makes an alcoholic drink and then have no control over their behaviour once they take. The first drink is the same way that sugar is an asset, is acting in our brains and then, once you crack open the cookies, a normal person can have to what other people cannot. Why do you think? There's no cheap meals in seventy five harper? Seventy five fucking days because it takes stream, fuckin accidents to build that habit, not twenty one mother, fucking days, mackay,
gotta go an extended period. Time honoured standing. What it's like to eat normal, healthy food, how it makes you feel how fuckin makes you feel about yourself your body actually more healthy, even understand I'm sick of this shit with what this woman for all these people. To do this and, let's be honest about it, there's a lot of people were highly overweight that are binding we see want tik, tok, saying oh for fat phobia, no, Nobody can loans that no one like no one year desire and that's the problem, you're projecting your own insecurity in the fuckin, tik, tok, saying Ah, there will be a bad idea. The idea that role No one gives a fuck about you. You give a fuck about you and basically you're telling the entire world that you don't like yourself. I am opposed to machine on Tik tok, saying it's: ok, The other issue is this is like these articles? If imagine, if you replaced, you know,
The premise of this article with drinking general or drugs, and that's why it's dangerous because you're literally morally enabling people walk, killing themselves was slowly with food there. It's a scam, thing as if it was telling an alcoholic. Oh it's! Ok, if have a couple of drinks, no its, not mother, fucker, you're, a fucking alcoholic! You have this. This this and this your body react differently to alcohol. It's like telling person whose allergic to fuckin penicillin or you can take pose it'll be enough. Here's how they may die. Here's how I equate it. It's like telling someone this it's like tell. This is exactly what the fuck it is, and this is what people do not understand, because they never been fucking fat and they've. Never had a food addiction up it'd be like this dj. You got heroin addiction, okay, all right in your face, in your bad. Alright and you come to me, I'm I'm a councillor wherever right now,
Do I know you got a problem with heroin, but here's the thing you got it a little bit three times a day or otherwise you die. That's what that's! What food addictions like it's the hardest fucking addiction to four can be by a lot. That's what you cannot for me. That's exactly right. It's required be like say hey. You can never spoke again, but you gotta smoke just one cigarette three times a day Well, that's why they don't have one. There are three times a day. Is rhetoric is so Jane is irresponsible and dangerous in that person literally be ashamed. fucking even write. It amazes me question because this is a major health. Issue, as you already. You already pointed out that coincides with that co. Morbidity is of covert right this beard amanda your ears. and so do you, it's all It's also similar, then now leads me to think about. You know the blasio setting up places in new york city week ago. You use heroin needles freely. Why
they ve sent exerted leaders or hire? You know you're, not just for two years. This is the fuckin agenda, killing people. Yes, and it's like you have this at some point. It's like fuck, your feelings. Killing us, you don't want to kill us, they also bought. They can't kill. song, due to fewer dalia, will voluntarily commit suicide. If you're in overweight person- and you just heard all that shit, you know and tell the truth and bite wait just so. You know where the best in the world the fuckin with that problem. Ok, so you call up here at first warm and you get some other fuckers to help you, because almost daimyo, every mother fucker in this building has had so. for a major transformation. They understand what it takes. The understand how difficult it is. They can help you work through it and they could provide your resolution. I promise you when you're fuckin dine and you ve got it. I would do what I've done over the last two years rears. Ok, we're getting my body from from fuckin. Where was to where I am now, I would do that.
A gazillion times over because of that's how much better my life is from doing that work and like dude. I can this shit, I have knows I'm zero tolerance for one hundred percent in any way. You know that this is the new thing to like this, a new life This thing the fucking fit shaming and fat, shaming and book and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bro you're you're you're fucking unhealthy. That's the bottom line, and you could tell yourself anywhere you want. You could tell yourself you look beautiful is that you might even be true. I dont know what, at the end of the day, The reason you have to tell yourself that and tell yourself all these things is because you're not truly actually happy with yourself, if you actually happy with yourself and you actually earned what I'm talking about, which most people experience, you and look in the mirror, and I have to tell yourself shit: what is it
is one thing I learned early on when I was getting clean and the mere retell you? If you fight for your limitations, the grand prizes you get to keep them yeah so enjoy yeah. That's that's the bias of ottawa yeah yeah that Got it pisses me off to a good at me, a good units so hard it's so hard anyway and like do. I agree with you: she said about the intimidation, the gyms and all that shit by the way who's really doing. No, no, no bro, listen because know that hey absolutely bro, it's inside my mom was one hundred fucking something pounds overweight. She the reason she didn't go the gyms because she embarrassed to go broke when I was three fifty I have been lifting for fuckin twenty years bro, I still do want to go the gym. When I was fucking. You know what I'm saying. I understand the internal internal processes there, but I'm somewhat like none at all like they are. Nobody comes up and says: hey your fat guy, that's a lie! Examiners! Culture has switched from ten years.
So maybe maybe, when the internet first started, we saw people making fun of people and shit cause. They didn't really think about it. If I see a big person, Jim and therefore school. That's amounts and identity. A man about that now more than ever before and persia and the most important person in the Jim is a person whose working you know in the beginning. Changing arguments. I we its they recover its ike the newcomers, the most imports porn person in the room if you have to understand too, like if you are a big person and you're working on losing weight, and you gossip people come up and say some shit to you like encouraging you that shouldn't be offensive. Now, okay, these motherfuckers probably recognize what it takes and they probably through similar journey- and they probably are so enthusiastic about what it is you're going to gain that they want to see you do it the culture of most yams run, make friends with those people we know either where's caused her no shit around you. Why don't we start
this company one. That way. So I got some final segments wrap this up. Dude fuck it pisses me off. I get a man, that's why I wanted to address the guy. Then you have. You have not funny dude. I spent a lot of people post that, unlike laughing at folk and find out where the commons we're going, in ripped, I mean like people laughing at it was people like colin, not like hey know. This is a problem yeah. This is not okay, yeah, you know and those each one of those comments had hundreds of likes. He obtained thereby levels aplomb it at one like like. Ok It's where even recognize it is very, very valuable, evident I don't know our last segment of the show our thumbs up segment. So it's where I saw a final headline talk about in their ban or shore is only is either gonna get to thumbs up or two terms in the, but so I would that being said. Our final finally allow for years is
the grand model alleges drake put hot sauce in his used condom to stop groupies from stealing his spurs. So let let's let's give them this cause. We we got yeah. Well, let's dig into this a little bit so twitter is going crazy. Ok with the bizarre! story about hip hop, certify lover boy. Two sources drake put hat sauce and a condom to stop and instagram model from stealing his sperm after sex, who knew the way to stop unwanted pregnancy was in your cabinet, good old, texas, pete, apparently after the chart topper the artist with the most number one signals in the history of billboard finish: making whoopee hair with a popular model that he met on social media. He put the spicy condiment in his use. If I'm she was not the only one according to sports key to dot com, it has
with many of the woman he he meets and beds preventing them from using the sperm to impregnate themselves and ay ay and get him for child support. Back now, the woman is planning to sue jake, so a drake, so she put the condom in a vagina and then it infill get started. Winning and she walked up seems like what the fuck when I was like yeah, I tied up a hot sauce in there. Would he want you know what I'm saying and That's our happen. What happened was I read. This I was prepared, are european, That's exactly what happened. What happened was this had happened. She would the bathroom after sex- and he had put he had It- well the first in April, hot awesome thing and he put an trashcan right then she went and yes, she went that raffling inside of you, I know the room and she untied the shit put it into her pussy and fuckin screen? Why should a girl
What could drake rosy says why we're achieve button gets caught, trying to do that their instead karma? Is they call me- the karma. Well, how loquacious, where he s, say to all young, carries out their flesh. It just flesh a europe with no, then I would say no, but you have asked the shit us half thoughts us ass. We know it what are you going to go with the army? We got a couple of different refresh rate. How you put that shit on anything yeah, nah, bro yo for real. Have you spotted me about the fucking check for that shit? Bitch automobile, I'm gonna, be honest. Shit, bro yo! You gotta get ghost pepper sauce, because if someone does that they deserve it they deserve. I agree so like these hoes have been getting away with this shit for way too long as you them for a couple of million yeah. Well guess what what what
Yeah, it's like Is she going to sue for right? try to falsely impregnate myself with this month, jail yeah. She should she should go to jail like this. As the? Only if you take a cab, you have, if you ever consenting sexual relations with someone and you use protection, and this express it there there's no intention of having a child and that woman goes in and take their economy and puts an insider she should get charged with. same charge, a rapist gets charged with for forcing a woman to get burying your dear theirs, here, you double standard there and its own everyone's. I that's. I know. That's like a lotta heap, we'll have to talk about men's rights. Ass, contrary up
this is not reality, and how do you know what I mean? There's it's too easy to accuse somebody in there and it's too easy for them to fucking, do whatever the fuck they want, yeah, and that that is wrong. We women are lesser dude, it's air, it's fuckin wrong like it so wrong. So many different ways you could judge. The guy's, a motherfucker rockstar this. What fuckin rock stars do they fuck, chicks guy? That's what the fuck did you now. That's a willing thing. It was these women line the fuck up to fuck these dudes here, because they want to bang, that's it and so, like dude. We have this this culture in america. This is a culture problem. We have this culture with a certain group of women in this country who are socialite fucking, the grim celebrity type people who are out there searching for a wealthy famous dude to get him pregnant. So they can milk, this mother fucker for the end of time in a row that is culture problem and now only creates for these women and on
it's satisfying and fulfilling lonely life that they never fucking ever thought they would have. They had this fairy tale of this motherfucker like habit, getting pregnant and married, her lonely, yeah or its or its trans actual or they their purely. This is that they are money like you, and this is at the moment. This is the real, the hard hard truth about sex work and that industry is yo. It's a ticking time flock and you only have so many years a you can live that life and do that shit and get those legs and get those only fence. if you ain't, investing your money. If you ain't grown a business, and I don't listen, I don't give a fuck like I don't knock people's you get your money illegally, like whatever do you vote, but understand this if you're buying gucci bags and joan and wasted money and not fuckin, to save me.
your shit and building a life and equity. For yourself this, even if this is not the solution, it so different than the income entrepreneurs that we talk about the young kids that utilise the tools that are available for each and then they keep chasing the dollar and never build an actual, competent sudden and write this, but do that you will eventually fucking burn out and do this same thing for these women. You know my son age and it's like it's a fucking capture, gamewell like how what what kind of trophy do can capture you're insane, but that means pokemon, brian and goats and yellow somebody would be like our house are set It's gonna. Do that bill. I get mad at each other and I would say this war allah all elite men out their kyoto. We get mad at each other bro like we're, pokemon brody's? Is it like? I gotta catch more like we're all logger eskimo brows isaac room. Now they get mad at me, mad you. Gotta? Like you, you know you can't be your feelings about, because they're women, these women are acting like men, they're acting like
will change like idea. They don't care, they do anything. You know that's fine everywhere, as long as you're, not doing illegal shit or shit, trapping motherfuckers like you shouldn't? Rather, if you, if you have a personality, wiener hasn't and you bring something to the table- that's irreplaceable. Ah dude is going to want to be with you, no matter what you don't. Gotta worry about that shit, but also keep your money. It's not. What you make is what you keep. So I know girls who are like. Oh, I make two hundred thousand dollars but always bans on my aus looks like shipmates, while in a broader utility rolling around in a fucking, a hundred, fifty thousand I'll arrange robber, extended, fuckin edition, oh, but they don't care, but not going out with african bags like. I know, that's of everything all that shit is a depreciate like this. There they're gone, pulling brow?
stay. What they're doing right? What they're trying to do is play a part that they think that these issues are eventually gonna fuckin like so my wants all right, solar, their fake it until they make it, except they mostly never make it. You have a small like most most intelligent men, don't like yeah! That's it it's like that's fine, my old allies. Women are like sports cause. You're you're like, as is clear, sick like you know, but why is it snows you're fired Unlike our relationship is about whether and it ain't always gonna be sorry. Skies and those women are not built to last through the heart hard times in a relationship which were collective of the demoralization of society. This intended to happen yeah, you know like dude. We we have to fucking. We have to take we all all of us,
need to take a good, hard look in the mirror and say what the fuck am. I actually contributing to. You know what I'm saying I mean it's it in our faces every day, bro, it's like the movie, seven, ninety, where the kid's going to be hot sauce babies, I'm just no I'm saying the dude thing about a fourteen year old girl watching what well, these thirty are women. Do an and fuck you dude! It's like! They are think about the young men that are watching these fucking thirty year old men, fucking act like soy, latte pussies. I know it's fucked up man. I saw Gaza skin as a consensus. I figured since this is two thumbs Oh yeah, yeah yeah. This is two thumbs way up until my my siskel and ebert yeah. So is it like? Like? Do you use two percent milk for this, like? How does she like? What's the lucian ya. I bet you. I met you that some days, some girl whose like waste somebody's intervals. Yet here,
makes people nudge borough. That would not surprise gay people. It is a weird I see some weird shit man, that's that's the show man, that's all I got. I got a tommy thanks for joining some shubra thanks for having me, yet guys if you liked the show. If you had a good time, though made some points. The last starters were cher show show check out to Andy's new hot sauce called hot and cold, then teach buddhist, slow growth came both doesn't know. Headshot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.