« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

202. Andy & DJ CTI: China Infiltrating American Universities, Kamala Harris: "If I Were A White Male..." & dEfUnD tHe p0LIcE Advocates Carjacked

2021-12-25 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss a disgraceful professor who was found guilty of having ties with the Chinese government to influence curriculum being taught at Harvard University, Kamala Harris' statement saying her media coverage would be better if she were a white male, and two Democrats who are in favor of police reform being carjacked within 24 hours of one another.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number during the fucker stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang both doesn't know shot case closed. What is that guys at eighty or so- and this is the show for the really say, goodbye, the lies and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucker reality guys today, I have what I think is becoming my favorite episode to do. Which is a radio crews? The internet was happening. He was gone all like the showed you like this format. The day s mind respond. A few days after all, how do you know I'm like this? You know we have, This is the reason I started. This format is so that we could talk real shit. You know like that. hungary is not going to get better. Society is not going to get better until all of us get on same page that we have to remove the falcon emotions and look at the facts.
The realist point of view to solve problems from there. Okay, so you know when you see that will thumbnail. I always get these people in a completely forget sober. Do you not see the tamil fuckin shobo, because what we do We talk about shit as long as you don't feel to be. I took a while to get this format going, but I knew a word once we started this new format. We banned this new format and offer, I guess not new format anymore. It's what fucking two years now now. So I'm talking from our transition from the msc o project over here. But you know this. This is what I intended it to be was what we do here, on this these episodes. So I think we thought of your group. You know the mixed with the real talk messages about how to fucking get better. Our interviews people who are actually doing real shit. How important shit say who
like real people. I hear not just social media superstars actually exist right like so. I think feel good. I feel like we're heading into twenty, with real good, mental mind what our product is here? Norms and- and I think Adding this show into the mix, along with the queue, nay f, the right balance along with the real talk messages, and then you know we haven't done full length interviews in a while cause. We just haven't had a lot. I've been traveling, I've had free but giving us a more regular ethic? You know. That's good right makes its a great excuse or funds diverse. Yet What definition diversity, because the less definition university is just know why Not like socialism like this is causing. I feel like I'm the minority here in the room. The accuser to remind all of these, are you understand, that is diverse, which shows you get a true. We are flocking. We are you
got me yeah who's, your black fuck, even though that we are fucking Medina he's yeah bosnia, we I add, he's from z, sean from India. You know and as we are Dave dave where there was a girl, Marijuana, I mean fuck rumble on why and by white males only yeah right and I'll. Tell you that the other day I'm like dude, I'm so glad you're, not racist, yeah readable. really did say by the what we're driving down the road to progress. As I like all about my brother, a massive, so let us get sisters I got. I got something for you so do you really find out who did not like the beyond I say your wages, Why? Why are you doing Let me point out that if you could walk unknown to you,
Is he another? Yet I'm sure it's coming so it's funny so right before require the show me that show me somethin and like you, I can't really see where it fits. Like. I don't know it's not a topic south thumbs up, but it demands that you see this. Ok. Yeah I'll? Be a wonderful britain as well? but the magnet ran out of the way we did this happen. Just bognor, burma, This does, however, that Are you gonna cut back audio, put blogger blog around no fucking way there is now a real role that is fuckin real so. Radio I was taking calls from the nor at santa tracking programme in a dad ended the call with merry christmas and let's go bread and Joe Biden. Fuckin replied: let's go brain and I agree we broke
do this do. Does he saw yeah what about written as well? but though if you're brave and all the great oh, my fucking hilarious park actually increased. His poll ratings come back yeah you guys gotta, go see like the videos out. Go go watch the fucking video cause. You see Joe's face yeah holy war is about what they forgot. That bears we forget? If everyone is now even like the got like the guy, I don't really think that to measure? Should I just think he's such a politician that he's willing to like, but he's so used to just saying. Ah yes, yes, yes yeah cause! That's what most of these motherfuckers. They won't tell you the truth to your face, like we talked about another show the other day. Now you say yes and then fuck you in the vote. so he so used, then almost like. That was his reaction.
We're going to see and people's reaction having seem like dimension that seem like a reaction like his automatic rio, she's like oil at all. We do not agree, but here we fuck man. You know like when you walk into the german someone says hey, how a good workout- and you say you tell us what just happened- just fuck it up a fork. god I am as that- is working very well- that's a funny. She as it had to shut where we had put it up. Are you now the time is show goes on. That's gonna be all ultra vires, We thought you heard it here. First it it was here. If we just want to hear you talk as though the spoken when you have, it just happened like five minutes, fucking hammer that is fucking go bro. Let's go row that is fucking funny. I wonder if he would say fuck Joe Biden if he would have said that to fuck Joe Biden. I agree holy shit dude.
there bet. Also that shows a lot. It shows you wanted two things, one, either so used to fuckin lion. Asia's used today. with your lie, or two he's totally fucking off his mom or there's a third possibility that he's just completely out of touch with society and like his staffers and shepherdess, refusing to show him that type of shit at the possibility all like he sheltered for so I think incident you think is in it. No possible, he might not remember it as a grateful. Oh, I forgot this bad that I wouldn't both say that okay, I was over there embarrassing, like for real dude, like these people were parading him up there like it's sad. They probably but after that they ruined this man's legacy like that
His legacy was great star with now, but it was better than it was fuckin twelve months ago now You were the vice presidents to fuckin barack obama, who's. Who is a rebel It's you know big part of american history Do you agree with him or not? You are that guy and now you're now you're this guy, you know so if I feel bad for him in that way, your friends and family and advisers and the people you trusted Fucking did wrong girl. They they told you what they do wrong voted you're, not you're anyway, why two percent? So we are three topics for your sorrow through these. So without further do this fertile and she actually less real progress. Shit man has rule. I do not believe it,
is it but I said I'm like there's no fucking way and then there's a firearm, though maybe as a article somebody just ahead of happened within the last hour. It just hat yeah because, like I would have, I haven't, checked my phone since we thought we'd record a show right before this, but I haven't checked my phone. I guarantee that my I was how many people were fucking? Send it to me. How will the show do you see this? Oh yeah? Here it is yup, it's there dude, alright, anyway, let's go on holy shit y. I saw a headline number one- is dominant this harvard professor found guilty of lying about chinese government ties, heller. Or their article continues. A harvard university professor was convicted by federal jury on tuesday of life.
To the? U s about his involvement with china's government. The justice department announced doktor charles library. Sixty two, the farmer, chair of harm harlots chemistry in chemical biology department, was found guilty of two counts of making false statements to federal authorities, two counts of making and subscribing a false income tax return and took out a failing, a foul reports of foreign bank to financial accounts with the irs he was being paid fifty grand per month by the chinese universe by the chinese university and given one point, five million dollars to establish a nanoscience research lab at w T. The justice department said in a news release. Lieberman was specifically affiliated with china's thousand towns.
This programme, which the department called one of the most prominent sal recruitment plans designed to attract and recruit and cultivate high level scientific talent. Ah this guy's a piece of shit basically- and I think the bigger story here is showing that How many of our professors at ease I had sold out? America are fucking soul, they ve salon america, rosy, china. China has figured out that the individual greed is more powerful than the fucking obligation people feel to their country. Collectively we are and what they ve done. Is they ve gone around and in the media, in the educational system and in the pot political system, and it s a big business they bought on the backside. All of the leaders of these companies
and this guy is not one in the these are. These are the people that should be held, treason, treason, as treason, treason was on a chart. I'm just saying I mean, maybe I don't understand the exact, how they can charge treason, but this is in the interest, not in the interests of the united states of america, and we don't have a globus system yet and we don't share fuckin technology secrets. We don't do that. Things here. That's another thing that you know you asked me if I what I would do that she would end if I was president there would be none of this shit. The ships should be fucking captained into this country. There are one hundred percent my fifty grand a month, and I think that's that show the other part to us more he's making for his own job, one which was already a right and informative stand that they're like so what chinese paid all these people money. And then it doesn't tell them much. Money. Take much like you'd think that using fifty
ran a month is a lot of money like us, a lot of money row like there s a lot of money for fucking year. Me that's a lot of money for fucking china. What do they could do that? Tens of thousands of people special You need to lend against our foreign debt that we owe them already. It's fuckin, nothing! Yeah! It's fucking, saying you! It's nothing. I mean I, I just wonder how many more people are like this that are out there. You know cause you start looking at who who's really implementing this shit in our schools and our fuckin. How many more people are out there like that? Thousands? You know- and this was fucking scary man. That is why I'm just glad they caught this guy he's supposed to be arraigned. The I believe it's happening today on his arraignment and we'll see what his or his sentencing is going to be so doctor Lieber your piece of shit. Well, I mean just to give you an idea. You know to to to do one hundred thousand people I just did the math and to buy one hundred thousand people or fifty grandma
it would cost China sixty billion dollars per year, which a shit and you motherfuckers out there that getting happening you're insane. That's what's happened. They have infiltrated the governments of the entire fucking world, that's a hundred thousand people their pay and that much some probably getting paid more. Some people probably get paid way more. Some people ragging pay way less, ok, but it's probably not one hundred thousand people. It's probably more like ten thousand people, which means a lot of people, are getting a lot more. What I'm saying than what the average will be, and some people are not get as much it's probably appropriate to what their fucking career is to that guy. Fifty grandmothers were sounds fun country out one hundred per cent. She I'm saying one hundred percent he's not be I mean dude. He didn't fucking science department bodies notice in him, yet I'm saying like it's fucking long row yeah, unlike people, the average american citizen, thinks that's not actually happening because they can't fathom the actual finance
will impact, but the financial impact for that country that size a drop in the bucket to do that, but you fuckers don't get it bro yeah I mean like I've, always I I also look at this as like: fucking espionage, you don't like shit right, it's like people. Think, like I mean we, we you see the movies of like despised and shared people think they should just stop the fucking seventies and shit magnet like no. It did stop in the seventies. Now it's an open. You know shit, know shit. It was just a little bit cleaner, more form, it's an open, and what they're trying to do now is push it all the way out in the open. So they don't have to hide any of it and convert our fucking country completely over to their current bare ways of doing things, and that way those people never be held accountable, which is why they are going all the fuck in because they don't have any other choice. While we were likewise boy harder. Why are they pressing? We were clearly the vaccines have side effects. Why the key push him? Why? Because their being fucking told what to do
What I don't understand, what is so hard to understand about them and its being handle at mass scale like it's just the reason people kept leaving us because they can't fathom how to do it's. No different than a fuckin social media influence or campaign in real life. Witches were different. just enforcing different shit. That's right and no different than guess who wins that motherfuckers they got money so people, we need to wake up to the reality that this is going on is going on, not just here in amerika. This is why our is fucked up. This is why, for canada is fucked up, this is why all of europe's is it up. This is why everywhere is fucked up because of this one fucking country and a couple of fucking people who are paying big amounts of money for other people to do fucked up shit that she has got it in yeah. One hundred percent remember this guy's piece of shit, so
I got caught out: they catch fucking, every single one brought they came out. Right now is say anybody It comes out right now and tells us the truth of what's going on and presents evidence of the truth. What's going on we're gonna give you fuckin immunity brought there be fucking thousands of people coming our way and if you Don'T- and we find you the the penalties, yeah. We would have we all the all the fuckin nurses that know the difference, all the doctors that no all the fun the people who played along who are for his allows people further and be implicated right. A lot of these nurses answer now: road, these nurses and doctors. I have nurses and doctors and my fuck indians, all fucking date at eugene and shown to their. Do. They want to tell the truth, they're afraid they tell the truth. The fucking gonna lose everything they fuckin got. because there's no incentive to tell the truth. I now know and now they're afraid if they dont tell the truth. That is right
that they're going to get wrapped up in the in what I said you will get wrapped up in that reckonings. Comic is coming you you. You should tell the truth. Now: yeah one hundred percent man, one hundred percent art headline number two, this one's interesting. Hell I read the new york times kamel, a harris gripes are known would be better if she was white. Now she was a white man. She was a white man specifically and Hillary Clinton said that there is a double standard for women. did. I just tell you is what was gonna be next then I could say that We go to you, you do well we're why I said that does not work and then come back tomorrow. Is such a fuckin train right, she's, come out and start blame it on her being a black woman.
He did or asian woman or whatever day it is yeah whenever she, but now it's just a woman yeah. So now she's going to try to stir up the feminists and broke now so so so the article contains vice president Kamel Harris is reportedly expressing discontent with the news coverage surrounding her performance. she's terrible. She socks and is the first time illicit kemal, you're, fucking idiot, who is found, herself? position they your qualified to be. You are a qualified to be an opposition. You couldn't run my company for a day, I am sure no one one of the fucking depositor she couldn't run anything she couldn't run. She couldn't do anything nothing new in this building and she's fucking running. Supposedly the fucking country Are you never done anything? Your track record is zero. Your trap is zero success in life. In fact, if we go to the fucking places that you
represent where you come from their worth, fucking war zone, trash filled shuttles, that's where you come so you I don't know who the fuck, you think you are. I don't who the fuck you think like. Why are you not qualified at all to do this so use should be glad that your name is download trump, because your name was donald trump you it would be. A thousand times worse for you. So let's talk about that for you how much shit do these two motherfuckers get away with that of trunk? Did it would be completely? It's fucking mayor, an actual white mandate, yet fuck off with this shit is a first I'm her career that sucking in politics did not answer for too long study cylinder her up up. Is it raw and you know what I don't have any comment to that about. I don't give a fuck what she does with her sexual life. You're not qualified to fucking habit, see what I mean. I think that's a that's a legitimate question. You have to ask right like
you got to this new began to their ownership own eyes, and she would have proposed. It was because she is a minority woman. It wasn't a any fucking issues or her experience what she could solve dude. If we want an effective country that fuckin what's ass, a fuckin does well I don't care if the leader's a woman, but she just has to be fucking qualified and that's what I'm saying is a legitimate question: in, like Hillary Clinton, a qualified either no she's, given her two cents, though so she they've been talking on now. Here this is how fucking stupid she is so stupid. She is let's, let's fucking, really think about this. The media hate you and her solutions go find the person that the media that people had more than her. And asked her how to be more like what I wanted. in emails, have, we forgot, thought about it, because even thought about that when I first saw that they were hanging out talking to shit, I'm like you're, going to the most disliked candy ever.
And ask you out of you more light. Nobody likes Hillary Clinton, nobody fucking like tellers one, but the same social justice warriors the fucking twenty percent of crazy fuckin people in this country they I liked her dirt they're for, but like nobody I loved Hillary Clinton, which is why she lost not a likeable human. Not hillary Clinton said this is extra quote. There is a double standard. It sadly alive and well and said a lot of what is being used to judge her speaking comma. Just like it was you just like it was the judge me or the women who ran at twenty twenty, where everybody else is really covered by that no, let's fucking suck wait. Let's see this, let's see the exam where's the examples of this okay. So this this is okay but where's. The examples of this there was a proof
you get you guys to talk to the satiate, become true where I dont. Okay, I don't think there's a double standard, I think most americans want someone. Conflict can be effective present and I think it that's a fuckin man coup. That's a woman who their black coup, their white cool, to argue. Fuck. But what are you go fuck about is how shitty your country is now give a fuck, I think, most of a fuck anymore, this identity, politics shit. The idea that we should push people, or in society, because they were born a certain race or they are born with certain genitalia or they just Are they want to be different editing? The idea that we push those people I, our society because for those reasons and that the the ability to execute for the position for the content of the character, listen their ability to execute on the position that they are actually running for his words dooming this entire country, our own.
Parity and and buying into the political correct thing to do. is going to sink this fuckin country, okay. This is like this. Ah we're gonna tell or one fucking a win the superbowl every day, Oh boy unsuitable. You know what we got what a fucking johnny inside the bench to fucking, sucks, fucking sucks oh yeah. You want jain, decided he's a girl, so now she's jill- I so you know what I mean no eyes. I you're gonna put Julian because, like put her in it'll, be the first tranche whenever play here and fuck a suitable they. So a game again. Put her in the game, guess what habits she gets! Fucking destroy yeah and we lose the fucking game. Yeah! That's what's happening in america right now, one hundred percent man. So if you fucking idiots want to sink, Tire fuckin country keep pushing aside holy shit. This is not happening. The woman,
this is not an argument of women and men equality there, trying to make it that now it that's that's different discussion. We can have a disk If two are women equally paid or are equal women offered equal opportunity, we, Go down that road. Had that discussion, but that is not this discussion there trying to make this that discussion. So they all women will come to be like yeah women get fucked by man, they're trying to revive the fuckin, the the women support. So what they're trying to do here is leverage hillary's women's support on the fucking camera, which ain't gonna fucking work. I got I got so camo, Madam vice president, I have a suggestion for you. I actually uneasy solution of her if she was a fixes, she thinks is better. I should have better coverage. She was a white man. She's just come out and identify as white as a white man. There you go problem solved. I fucking shakes that a listen. She identifies as plenty of others
things in the swamps and we all know every act on Tuesday right on one day: she's black, wonder, she's, india and one day she's, just fuckin woman one day, it's this one dates that so whatever the fuck in may. I love all. Everybody thinks it just because your fuckin man, life is issues fuck uneasy about. It's when you guys get all fuck off with that she does have no idea. We can talk about our motion because the two we is not only not is there so much more. I don't give a fuck about my emotions. I don't When I give a fuck about, is producing a result, that's how I'm wired, unlike dude We need to be run in the government and the fucking entire system, allow production and effectiveness and winning and those things and not all but feel good about putting someone, Who is the first trans black fuckin siberian orchestra, railroad, intermodal fuck. It up is like bro like what the fuck,
I know you think that's funny, but do you be know man? I know it makes no fucking sense and like dude, if you want to be a fucking black woman in office, then get great at fucking. Doing shit. There's plenty of Can you do it, but you were passed? The point of even even safely having discussion on the world stage that we should be putting leaders in. office, because it makes your heart feel good. You we would we speak in chinese, or russian, or some other shit over here again understand why people can understand this and by the way, if she was the most skilled person is some sort of fucking. over genius and newer shit and was able to communicate and git She she's none of those things she people have she's, not likeable she's, not skilled, she's, not fucking. nothing about her other than her identity that they allowed her in the position in the first place and
the people who voted on her for identity. The minority vote is now like foot guys they ve already lost souls. People are right, they blow it's most of the women that most of the women that I hear, dinners that were saying, oh, come come. Ours set women, they're, embarrassing or one hundred percent mean think about it. We have the first vice president, that is a female. That sounds like a big deal, but then we get it, but but it's her and say I actually think she represents women poorly one very worthy. I just think she might have a better chance. I didn't think of ten women on my fucking cell phone. That could do a better job of running.
What she's doing right now. Yeah shit emily. I know I like being serious like an entrepreneur, there's, there's thirty fucking women in this office that could do a better job than she does all the way from top to bottom, all the way from being being nice and people liking them to getting shit done. I've got I've got thirty, maybe even more than that here here in this fucking office. That will do better than her. So I'm not about you, know anti women, nothing, but let's fuckin pick the good ones and it doesn't have to do with their fuck color either they can be whatever every fucking rainbow give a shit. Oh fucking care! Are you giving
It's that's it are you acting in the best interest of this country are. Are you able to create effective strategies that move our country forward as really it are you able to do to unite people? These people are figureheads. There's lots of other people to make decisions in government one of the biggest purposes of the of of the figurehead of the is the fucking unite people and speak to people in a way that brings people together amongst their differences, not divides them, and that these mother fuckers are intent on dividing fucking everybody, which is why everybody fucking hates you, lady bass, people, fucking hate you and your fucking all decrepit president buddy, because you try to bias in any who the fuck. We are that's the truth. We see three, oh shit, you guys in your fucking games.
Fuckin. Backdoor handshakes in your fucking elite is used in your Hillary Clinton. Fuckin bush we're done with it. We're done with it. You guys needed I can move on if they all move on they, the history is not gonna, be good to them, because people in america fucking hate you, you have a twenty something percent approval. That means eight out of ten people. Would fucking tell you to fuck off. That's it I have fucking twenty set. That's eight out of ten people aggressively, saying yeah! No thanks! Think about that. No insulting! It is to the women who are actually fucking great at what the fuck they do that she's, the fucking vice president, like this is possibly the represents a bat. No, that is not the best that we have as women and all starting with fucking close and honestly for all
the women out there who are true fucking killers. This is their. They hate us that the weather. Definitely in that era, it's embarrassed about oh yeah, but even so, if we had fucking the most qualified, woman. Ok, unless you say she was black and we had gone by endless. You say we had the most qualified and what you say he was white are right and then the white man happened to be five percent. Qualified than the black woman gus usury? fuckin win man, mother fucker somewhere to fuck. It has we fuck equal, not fucking were made not giving someone a box to stand on two fuckin beagle her five percent or her being wag does not equate the final. It does no, that's not what these countries about and never has been, never should be. Now
She is if the rules are reversed and she's five percent better than guess who at her, because she was black eyes right- has nothing to do with I agree with our bright. Listen. You know I'm on that one percent best person for the fucking job. How is that We all right like that, will lose because everybody else runs elector. Everybody. And when we, when we say will lose. I hope you understand the fact that means that means you'll be. Do you believe in a fucking dirk shack like a third world model fuckin country and by the way, as what most every other country once for our country. Just so you know that all these fuckin do gooder. Locks. The dollar's stand that these other countries once the american fuckin bar. That's? U us That's you! That's everybody useless! No, I said you think, I'm a fucking one that you too are
third and final headline for eighty two democrats, who support police reform carjacked less than twenty four hours apart? surprising so as big as it is a true democrats who support a police reform of philadelphia and chicago or both carjacked at gunpoint within twenty four hours of each other. Illinois state senator kimberly, light lifeward almond democratic. The may word district was tired. In suburban chicago on tuesday night, while congresswoman mary, gay scanlon democratic of pennsylvania, was carjack Wednesday afternoon after an event in south philadelphia, lightfoot lightfoot, said. The same at the cinema. Joy leader said the statement that she was still china process. The trauma quote first and foremost, I am thankful, That my husband and I are alive and physically unharmed. I am trying to process that of what happened? I want to thank everyone who has offer their love and support research. Like someone is centre where the social workers, their motion,
it is yeah social workers that you guys want. That's, who should have responded, yeah right and her deal came hours before scanlon. A fellow Democrat was carjacked at gunpoint in a separate incident as she learn to her blue, accurate, empty acts. At about two forty five p m on Wednesday scandal, it's targeted in south philly by two men in the dark, as Uvi who demanded she hand over her keys police said her personal cell phone. Her government issued cell phone and purse were all inside a car when a project and took her blogs as funny thing now They called nine one. One guess who came to the senior police officers or social workers in short, now, social workers are promising to show up. Not the blm show up no boom to show up and evening show showed up police officers. All guess who got both have all four suspects, the two in each case. Guess who arrested both of them?
Well, all all of those suspects, bail, 'em nope, and there wasn't fucking social workers. It was police officers. Guess who recovered both of the vehicles was fucking police officers, sadar they're too busy killing black people bro if no way yeah, I know it is. It is just fucking sad if they're too busy doing they're too busy kimble all black people, that's all they do anyway. The fucking hump black people will sue forty five and afternoons. Yeah they do that night. Here. That's all! That's only and I got it and are you nobody it is. It is a very discussing those you have to look ahead. These people, I fucking hate these people- ok, lilies, fuckin, two fuckin faces were looking down this fuckin screen and these people I spent the last fucking, however, many years too, in all this shit about police saying a piece of shit goin out, marching against, and this at the other and then define the police, and they happen to be Caught outside their little fuck a safety net, and she was,
in the real world not geared you, it won't change either one of honour I want. It won't change either one of them because their more committed to peace. Pursuing their own personal identity and, what's good for them. Instead of what actually get for other people, so I guarantee you, their mentality will welcome. They won't humble enough to come out of this and be fuck. I was wrong, it'll be like well, you know it was my time, though, make up some bullshit. Is my chances yeah Are these people that are on air they'll twist it and make it like part of their fucking agenda? I forgive these people, they just don't know what they're doing the some shit like that yeah. This is this Why we need social workers. Could the social workers with what a tumbler never happen whenever abrogate fuck out and then, though, though, make they'll put their bid entire pakistani dude accounts in these they, these two people should not being
warmer is just via there's a meme out there of a mean you've, probably promising the guy's beside the do this riding his bicycle right and he takes a stick and sticks in his offer front tire- That's exactly what does it yeah? I know that for years a thing like that. What these people- and this is the reason I fucking hate him- is that guess what I'm flux we go the other should every day that vessel The people who are in the district that you represent that are not safe from from these policies period. Around your high society, social circles and other people. This is a reality for them, as is everything we do. in america right now, most people don't like to go the cities anymore. Now they won't, they won't. How the fuck is that even the way this you like, people march around here. Talking about you know this is the a country in the world an fuckin. This is the We got a limb funeral country, all
go to this place, but I won't go there after this hour. I it shouldn't be like that. No should not all we should be able to walk the fuck we want a time a day without deal with criminal own problems, the policies like this that a roman catholic I'm telling you soon. If I ever get in charge of this fuckin shit it when it comes to criminals, geyser flocked, you're fucked, you fucked could be cut, not fucking hands. Gonna fuckin fingers maybe if I cannot do you begone jail for are due to be singapore up in this bitch Kumar color We wrote hell yeah, I'm fucking down with information, spoke, as is the same policies that, because you listen I don't know no mistake this. These are not the only ones like those shit ton of other fucking democrat people were fuck and pushing the shit just like them all over the country. the same policies that are handicapped and law enforcement officers make them fight. These battles were to hand saw behind their backs. The same fuck and policies that are hurting hundreds,
of thousands of other people have to live in those same fucking communities while they go home safe and sound. A night in this affair in bulgaria? You hear this when you go to these communities live You go to these communities and talk motherfuckers, they live there. They will fly fucking. Tell you row, we, getting help from the cops this fuckin system is fucked up. People are not even going to jail, you know My cousin gosh, I hear fuckin, the guy was one days out like they want more help. Fuckin social high horse riding fox is welcome, as this disgusting suggest, but now ass onto our final segment of the show, the thumbs up section. Where our show any airline. two thumbs up to terms in the butt, and so that being said have on reads ship. Now,
licks the tv screen? You can taste by that by networks I'm gonna be rich. So those are the proper prototype liquor. Baltic these green, which can mimic food. this has been developed by a japanese professor dub tat the tv see in canisters spray flavour? onto a hygienic film which is rolled over the screen for the viewer to lick professor, homer. My a of just because you can do. She doesn't even know shit like just because your you can You know make this happen so so so
may commercially. The tv would cost eight hundred seventy five dollars. He estimated he says quote. The goal is to make it possible for people to have the experience of something like eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world. Even while staying at home, it's all road royal is reportedly about ice cold. My fucking restaurant. I grant hungary about fuck your technology in all this fuckin bullshit. You guys keep trying to jam down our throats. We already spent while working hours. They are mother, fucking phone right now I don't like this modified added. He had no. She had brought my what the fuck what the murderers they want. You, like everybody, I've seen I buy land in the metaverse. I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuck. If you make a trillion dollars and after fucking I don't fucking care. I want to go to the fucking restaurant. I want to go see the lamb that physically asset, like dude
I call this shit. That's my this is this is thompson a bot for two thousand but yeah. I agree and here's the thing it will happen because people have been great, so fucking hard to be like little dick cobblers of technology. Alright, whatever new comes out with our whole culture of technical words right and come out and I could say this is a new thing in all these people, jump on it and they start doing it, even if it makes no sense. You know what I'm saying and I'm not with that she's not me dude. his army like and people and all longed for yours you're. Here What did miss marcel should bitch, I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it just because I don't want to do what you wanna do doesn't mean I'm missing out shit right on potential, but the way I want to live, I don't wanna live with my fucking head stuck. Powerful pair, be our goggles. I want to go to the place. I want to be successful in the real world where I can get on a real mother, fuckin plane with my actual fucking name on the side of it and fly,
his mother fucking places. That's my fucking life, I'm trying to bill. I well, I built it, but my point is, as that. fuck this up real. I do like all my mouth, but your friends are all like now I'm doing business america, africa, one rebuilt what want to bills, caress rounds, ability to speak with one voice, real estate. I fucking do that all day. Why? Wouldn't you know you want to talk about collecting fucking this? I will talk about collecting cars. I swam into I live all right. Not everything I do is for fucking financial gain. There's things I do because I fucking love to do one of those. Nothing that you do is for anybody else now is it my life is my life. You know and that's why I'm Fucking unbeatable beetle, my life, like you, my father's out where to see me as fuck as somebody you're trying to beat you're wasting your fucking time, because every fucking single thing I do from the time I wake up to a time I go to bed is intentional. I chose to do that with my time.
That time. I choose to come here. I choose to work on these projects. I don't have to fucking shit I love my life. The weight is how the fuck can you beat someone who wins that way? How can you beat someone who wins by changing motherfuckers right. Have you or your she's, more large pool, but- still win because I inspired you to compete with me and you and aunt much lies, so you beat me there either mother fucker. So I shall try. Beat me doing instead many examine what it is that you want out of your life and go live that life instead of being told what the fuck life you should live. but this is bull I want. I want you to experience, restaurants on the side of the world. You know, and and by the way you can't go to the other place anymore, because What kobe passport in this, and that and this this is it. Oh. It doesn't exist anymore, because communism, the government, like fuck dude we used to fighting for the real work we used.
For the real experience like you, motherfuckers out there thinking all the future is in fuckin member That's, u inside our bitch, I'm would keep women are here. Main pushes me. there's always gonna, be a need for to things. I fucking do right now If you need for the things you do, if you're what you do, actually solves people's real problems and real fuckin life, so let's not get a fucking twisted. You want to buy a fucking tv, it puts out the smell and- and you know he puts out of the fuck, a piece of scotch tape was tasty. You could taste on it. cool, I want to fucking, have a gordon ramsay, my fucking kitchen serve me. Fucking food, we're just two different people. It's real mere for ended! That's the
so that's all. I got man cope bunch of guys sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fucker stole countless millions in the kobe beach booty smoke got a bang kang,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.