« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

200. Q&AF: Biggest #75HARD Mistake, Restructuring Political System & True Financial Freedom

2021-12-22 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy answers your questions on the biggest mistake he sees people making while starting #75HARD, if America will ever restructure its political system, and what the true definition of financial freedom means.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the are countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got. One thanks. Rolf Kang doesn't know headshot case closed. What is that guys who stand for seller- and this is to show for the really say, goodbye, the lies, the fitness and delusions, the broader society and welcoming mother fucking reality that day we had a q and a f. This is where I take three red questions that you submit to what is it ask Andy and Andy any for sale? like to ask Andy Andy purcell dot com, and then I answer him. That's the show. Now we do have a fee for the show and it's fears varies. I share the sheriff, you think it's good. Ok, I'm not one of these people that runs adds down your face or, I'll, send you a million ads and mill the park soured. I do if I do good. If I could try
if you, if you laugh, if it makes you think if it gives you a new perspective, if it ties something new or if you think it's a value, dude share the show. Okay, it's straight values, change very simple: if we do good, do us a solid. If we don't do good, don't feel obligated totally cool with that. So with that being said, let's get into it yeah. We got three goals for your ma'am, alright, so the for this first question and so what seventy five part question: what what? What's the biggest mistake that people tend to make while in seventy five on starting seventy five was the biggest mistake, trying seventy five heart, applying it
What do you mean? Seventy five hours, not something you try and okay, that the the biggest mistake I see when it comes to seventy five hard is how people speak about it when they're first starting- and I could tell from most people's mindset in the very beginning whether or not they'll finish the program or not, because there's, two distinct people. There is the person who says no, I'm gonna try seventy five heart, but this is the same person that tried wait, watchers and tried this and try, and tried all these things and none of the shit workforce. I then you got the other person that says: hey I don't give a fuck if the world ends ambition, Seventy five days. Only one of those people finishes seventy five days, okay, so people who look at it as some sort of weight loss thing. They tend to never finish seeing attention, it's a lot more than that it is
real dialogue in their inner belief about what the capable of at the beginning point and here's the thing, Most of these people self sabotage themselves, without ever knowing it every single day underlines its with the law ngos they use when they approach an obstacle right when they approached obstacle, I approached something hard day. Tell them themselves a story as if by brave enough to take off The challenge is some sort of when I, that's how soft we ve gotten a society right, and you can't blame people who were given a trophy for seventeenth place to think that In my best effort is somehow win in life is not right, there's easier ways lose weight period. I you can half the amount of work at seventy five hard solution can win so if you're doing it just to lose weight,
there's easier ways, and I said that a hundred percent of time from very beginning right. This is not that this is too. Reprogram, your have of discipline so that later not just now later and in any point in time, in the future, when you need discipline you can make the decision. I need this point today, and this needs to be done and then those things get done because the reason most people don't ever get anywhere. Life has do with oppression, has nothing to do with fucking all shit the media tells us. The reason most people don't get anywhere in life is because they, tell themselves before they even start whatever it is. Thereabout start that they're probably not gonna win and that giving it a good try is a fuckin victory and that's why they stay the same. Ok, so you have two different.
The people, you have the kind of people who are looking to fix their mentality forever, which seventy five marble fucking. Do if you do. Seventy five are file by the live. Our programme for one four year of your life. Will change you to the point where you can flip that switch back on and off at will all right. Now does that need to be tuned up every now and then yeah, it's a perishable skill just like shooting a pistol is a perishable skill like running a fucking miles of perishable skill, just like, doing almost anything alive. Discipline is disappointed, perishable skill, so we have to keep a tune and we have to learn to test it and that's what this programme, as for the beginning of the personal zero discipline. This part this will bring a tremendous amount of discipline into your life cultivate, a skill set. You know you didn't know you had and it will it's on the skill set that you thought you had tremendously? Ok,
for someone who is already had this split in their lives at some point it previously. It will find too that it will remind you how to turn it on and off. It reminds you how to create momentum at will and it'll give you true control over your fucking future, because the only way to control your future is to control your present actions. If your outta control your present actions, you do have zero control over your future but if you're making, if you're able to make every single choice that you need to make to you where it is, you want to go three years from now and you have the discipline execute on that choice. That's why we do seventy five heart, ok I'm tired of arguing with the fat fuck and corn dog eating sloppy motherfuckers. This aim for you. This is early people they want to go to the next flocking level. This is for people there wanna be the average Joe sit in a bar stool, I'm fucking tuesday afternoon after noon, for clock talk about how they want. BP, back and forth. Ninety seven okay, this is now for them
It is now for the neighbor who sits at home on an fuckin cooler and talks about the newest, greater weight loss thing, while you're fat is fuck. Okay. This is not for you go! Do something else, I'm tired of these fuckin motherfuckers gettin in. Unlike killing and then blaming a programme by growth for winning. you're going to be your fault. It's your fuckin fault, mother, fucker no reason your life sucks is it's your fault reason you're, fucking, That is it's your fault. What made you fuckin fat? You made yourself that over the last fuckin ten years of sneaking all the shit in your fucking mouth that you think. You got by weight because no one else saw you do it rope. Listen, I don't want fucking pussies, that's what it comes.
How I want people in my network then are fucking gonna. Do the shit right? There are committed to actual development of bulletproof fundamental skills, and I want those people rest. Your can get fucked, I'm serious, I'm tired. Deal with those people. Fuckin tired of it brings nothing in my life, but negativity ya'll all been So much to such a degree that there's no fuckin hope for you, and I am certainly not reflect an answer for you. Ok now Maybe I probably em, but you're never going to get it. So just leave me the fuck alone. Now, anyway, hope. I answered the question now. It definitely did That's me, there's two kinds of people live broke their cars. We wanna get shit done, no matter what the fuck happened. no matter what's happening in world, no matter what badge no matter what challenges, no matter, what Fear, no matter what fucking hardship more forgot, my wrap operating on fucking, twelve,
days ago, I was do a party of book an hour afterwards, you you're fuckin kid. You shit. These same motherfuckers, dear me, tell me: how are the same area? Fucking Africa, they so much to you were the same. No, you life is a dumpster fire, my wife is it. We are not a fucking same. I've done all the shit that you're telling yourself you should do and haven't done. Yet we are not the fuckin saying we're not even close to the fuckin saying I pointed path for you to go there route, but you want to go to that end. It be pals with me, but we share some scientists or some sort of common bond. We all share fuckin by the only body we have how big losers we were and by the way you're still there. So don't you saw me, would you fuckin we're just the same kind of people, because we felt that it was definitely does
Nevertheless, now, if you someone who has fought. Can put in work essay. Introduce these. fuckers, a call on the show and tell her story of truly changed her attire lives and used to be fair fucking. Shit losers, ridden controls should of the whole world they put in work and they develop skills and now they're out crush shit. You mother, workers are lot like me. I read them. One say how they never will again. without solving their wisdom, ebro But I'm out here, yeah, I'm a regular fucking. Do I'm just like you, and I know that if you put in You could have a life just like the one you claim you want. Instead, you look me in a fucking. I tell me how we're so similar the fuck you looking at. Are you sure you're looking to my life now is my. I don't look, never live your life so listed. about what kind of insult that is your honor.
We like me, even though our work, my fucking balls off for the last, fuckin, however, many decades to fuckin beer in life and we're set him, and then you can I'm the one with the fucking evil problem where, Call it out well you're delusional. Delusion is what gas people were too, for they are the shit fix your brain fix your ability to make choices, picture ability to have discipline on command. That's what this programme does when you realise that this programme does you will fucking begin. Just a little bit too stan how fuckin legendary. The programme is because it changes your ability to win in all areas of life. That's it! So all the fucking corn dog critics out there the right little fucking hit pieces on it because what a political stance rather way, mother fucker, because every time you do it, I get millions of
people here my name so fucking- keep talking to shit. Fucking coin bars. Where cry for the first pitch ever that wrote the fucking hippies on it. I go to a fucking, instagram or phuket. First post is literally her stuffing a fucking corn dog in her fucking fat face with a fucking fat swollen ass. Rose fingers and she has the nerve to criticise me like I want to be anything fucking like your goddamn right, I don't want to be like you fucker you. I don't want. I only want to be in your fucking zip code, bitch, that's how I dont want to be like you, so when you write shit about how you don't like me, fucking right in here, were the same bow package. but her hands, recorder, Laguna, no fucking did it Y know. What to me look like a fucking loser, ass life, sure mister art, our question over to read.
This is so, do you ever think, though? The? U s, do you ever think that we're going to move away from a two party system at all here in the? U s, I think that if we don't, I I think that everything it's got. I I think that the I think the government system is going to crumble and have to be rebuilt. That's what I think I've come to terms with that. I think we're going to go to fuck,
zero and have to restart it by random constitution thing or I dunno, but I all I know is that the corruption is so deep in every direction and there's not enough people right now. In our system to stand up and do what, like, let's say what Joe Manchin just did: ok, there's not enough people that are that have the courageous that have the integrity and the courageous to stand up and stand against their own party and say you fuckers are wrong in the end dude. You know they. They don't want an actual more than two party system because they control both parties right now and if you have a third party- and you have to think about this dude without american idol, what for twenty years, the american idol votes live on fucking tv? Ok, so we have the technology
the fucking like people at all. We don't kick keep track all the votes were kid. This that's a growth in europe. lucky idiot people Evolving live on tv since the fucking eighties. Now we have black chain now, which can make completely secure all the technologies there to accomplish that one hundred percent until we remove the people, controlling the narratives in right now as the media. Right now. That's the establishment, politicians, the career politicians right now. It's big tech and big big corporate. The heads of those organisations are the ones causing all until those people are dealt with properly. and actually held accountable for the crimes they commit. We will never have a party government of integrity
You know how can we have a new text and integrity, a government with integrity, if every single person. There is on a third party peril like we have. We lobbies the government, the at all, like but these are allowed to put together lobby groups that contribute financially to people. weiler in office to get bills passed for their benefit. We don't live in a free country we live in a country that is bought and paid for it is like every other bullshit country its upper fucking exist there. So like the idea of the idea of freedom, the idea of our democracy, the idea of all that is fuckin amazing sebastian array is, I think the founding fathers were spoken jeez. They were a hundred percent and the problem is and systematic racism. It's not Ah, you know why supremacy it's not, though, why colonizers it's all this shit, it's dead
I'm telling you the shoe, that's who the fuck it it's, ok and if you can't understand this point that the only way these people hang on power by convincing myself in you. People who I mean people whether you are the fucking hate each other. They could get while I'm doing whatever they're doing by the way, they're having a great time, they laugh at us, they make fun of us they're out on the golf course, fucking make jokes our expense, how stupid we fucking are and they're getting their pockets line. That's truth completely. Effective yeah, but yet you, but but there's people their lives in the show that will still back these people as if the good people were not good people and they don't represent interest this country, and I personally believe that the last two years have exposed that to the degree. We were we might be able to take the country back through democratic process, which is what I've always sort of leaved know and where and we'll find out in twenty twenty two right?
How many actual real americans got involved? How many actual real americans are not we're politicians and are willing to stand up for what's right, are actually getting in and big change and they make all these people some crazy, like You know like marjorie, taylor, green and whoever comes up that day There's the narrow, the idea that what that will stand on their own fuckin and an end not just stand on their own party sigh, but err on the side of what's right now, What the party line says: what's right until those people get, office, and we have some real disagreements and people willing to stand back up for what the fuck. They believe that democracy will not revive itself now. Do I think we're so far gone through. I literally think it's going to have to be worn down our no
bro. I am sad that the whole time, but like dude, it's like we're getting to the point where they're threatening the population on tv right right. Other governments like canada, you just heard fucking. I posted the clip my story yesterday of trudeau, saying hey. We know this goes along with goes against the our constitutional rights of freedom, art yeah, but you know what were the majority and we have the right to rule over the minority wondering! Why would I do aroused what the charter cessna by the way you not the majority fuck and that's the whole fucking problem their homeric reason their narrowed. It isn't working is because they're, not the majority. If were the majority to shit, would all be done by now? Don't you think pray? Do you think? Maybe,
rather than on for three fucking years. If it were fucking, if they were the majority, look what they die in australia. Look what they done in countries where there are not afraid to be authorised, authoritarian and military state. They ashrawi, krassotkin, skulls and shit. done right. I get people in my dmz from Australia every day that are fucking, terrified, speak up. You know what I tell them say you should be. You should be afraid to speak up, See I'm saying now see here in america we can still speak up for an hour yeah no, but these motherfuckers that listen to show that are also you know openly patriotic, but secretly when it comes to the time to fucking to hold the line, they won't hold it. Those people are ruining this country read the people who are fucking- oh freedom, but say shit- not do shit now addressing that problem. This right in their fucking face that they know is a big problem with are too afraid you people are ruining shit. So no it's on You know the silent majority, those people
who don't get involved in politics? It's on you what's happening right now. No one hundred percent, it's going to affect you at your door, that real soon when they're talking about what they have hello too, Islands on tv, saint same shit, the package, rossa, grocer necessity, wonders it was me begging the big announcement today. So we'll see I our third and final question for you Andy. So speaking about freedom, do you think that anybody read that fucking warning see here's a whole nother fucking topic, a whole nother, rabbit hole. Think about you know, did it does anybody? Wonder who, like you, saw that clip of charlemagne and I am familiar accommodate right and the main says: he's ok, so Joe Biden round the while sergio measure on the white house and come up communist staffer gave her fucking staffer jumps on it,
skype call. This is all we gotta go. I'm sorry charlemagne it's time to go and he's like laughin he's like an and he's you know they go back and forth. Hear me can hear me overlooks a feed. Now money goes any last laughs. He looks. His tuning us rather like they don't fucking, hear me Kemal gets you know all fuckin pissed off. As my name's is harrison. I am the president you're talking like these republicans. You let a fork you what fifty. thousand dollar year, fuckin staffer, it'll rupture interview and stop the fucking year view been a scream at that guy. Doing your interview does that They say that you're actually running shit. The fact that you have to pay your finger should be the headline. The fact that you have the your finger and get all my black women on this fuckin do because he asked you a question. does that say that you are in control, whereas I say says you completely right
Nobody knows it. Nobody dude! If I'm a woman and that's the first president, I'm fucking so embarrassed. it's so embarrassing, It's so embarrassing and whether all the women that when this all happen, our first one, when president our first woman, this fuck is coming, no to our ears motherfuckers she's, a sets out back mecca, Don't you realize you why you shouldn't? Let you shouldn't let the rock don't put people in office just be is there a man or woman or their this matter that or their own crazy ass party came even trust her to fuck. Do anything. They got. One allowed, do and feel good fuckin stories about electric cars and shit, you don't say this- is the fucking person with the he's the fucking car, a fucking joke kicks it, big about that bro, it's dangerous, it's beyond dangerous or our third and final question. For you and he's so so talking about freedom,
What is this all goes back to broach this last question and all the parents do like you did you hear Biden come our last week and I can say all republicans in twenty two touring burke for big surprise for problem yeah, you saw their right yeah, we'll see what now I'm just saying like a bit shit, the election and they all when the election. Then it's totally different story. like it's gonna, be out to be done by force, will have to be an end like I said, on the on the lash yo they're, paying themselves in the quarter because they're, not the majority if they were the majority bro, we wouldn't see fucking hundreds of thousands of people at fucking college football, chant, fuck, Joe Biden right even when trump was at his most hated. If you would have said that in public you got your fucking ass beat yeah yeah, that's a really
the appointment. Ok, we got through that the corona virus disease has a ninety nine point: nine eight survival rate across the board across the board. That's if you get it, that's if you get it So, if you get it, you have a ninety nine point. Eight percent chance of survival at any age range and any condition- and this is what what they're fuckin running on this was this whole last two years has been about. Romani people were common sense. Not these half ass pussy! looks on fuckin tv, and here we got these people who have the fuckin voice data quit fucking. Burning all her for these people and perpetuated You know all I believe in the back I trump yesterday, bro trump came out yesterday. Bucky said, do you know what the vast
He was a great thing in fucking bro, you listen donald trump. You are so out of touch with what people feel about this. we need to stop? That should immediately because I could tell you for sure if you If something the runs against you that doesn't have that chance, a joint wipe your fucking lose often does that along that one day he saw so his fucking advisor, so wrong. They're telling people all this fucking shit is about puckers on tv talk about promote pro vaccine How, like his ego, won't let him did detached from it, but he wants to claim the he did that right. Unlike do I care? Who did it is done in a year? I don't care. Jesus did write. It takes ten, to do that? I don't want it all right now, so nobody thinks you're that great down trump, like even your most fuckin kiss ass fuckin motherfuckers. Nobody cares,
It was in development for less than a year. The whole thing smells fishiest, fuck anybody with common sense, and then you got him in fuck in august. Talking about how the the the booster shots were a money making operation- and you just say hey just says yesterday- that he got the booster right now, The mass seventy years old, falls into the risk category because he's overweight, I don't have Probably anything you besides do anything any by his side. But we're trying to sell us. This lie: dude vigour, you'll lose your luck. She would ask that when my fucking words I said on this show right, I should The woozy rides with that stance. The fuckin lose. general in our lab ecology, illusion to elude to another populous another patent.
This will rise up, I'm in a fucking independent category and beat him on that or they'll beat him out of the traditional republican party. While people are tired of medical tyranny. Do a third and final question for you. What's? What is your phoenician of true financial freedom being able do out a fuck. You want any time you with whoever the fuck you want and nobody say, shit about it. That's true financial freedom like if I want to go today, I want to go by fucking airplane or by airplane, so he'd, usually one go by airplane. Today, knows what yeah we're fly to fucking japan, yeah? Okay, that's freedom! Right! Is he here's the thing most people can get to a financial freedom on far less money than they think
I know a lot of people and this is going to some people. GonNA. Take this the lazy, fuckers, listen you're, going to take this and write it and you're going to be broke. Your whole life successful people should probably forget. I even said this, but it's the truth. Most people can be happy on way less money than what they think they may have had to be happy cause, there's always certain levels of enjoyment, I, like bro, I've, been everywhere. I've been from the bottom level to what is damn near the top level. I mean, there's really nothing I can do like. I couldn't go by amazon right right, but my shit that, like shit, I can't do is a lot shorter
well shit. I can't do molest, you don't say hemp as real yeah, and I mean there might be like five things on that. I can't do shit list. You know what I mean, or maybe maybe ten, but that's cheap- that elicits a lot shorter, every fucking year, every day now every day. So, but I can tell you this and take this. Ah how you want to take okay to get to that point. I've had to sacrifice in everything, my life. Alright, I've had to sacrifice at almost every social event. I don't travel, I don't go on vacations. Ah, I don't. I stay extremely disciplined in my fucking routine. I have for a long long time, even when I was fat. I still discipline about my work. Okay and I've paid a lot for their life. Okay, now you can do the same, but I'm just telling you
the priest, my fucking, do, and it took everything I've got to get to this point and for me to go where I'm going, I'm perfectly ok paying that price to get there and that's what people are saying you have to understand what is worth to you ok, I know what my calling his here on this planet and I'm really to pay the price. I need you to be that point. I should not just be a rich guy. yo, I'm already rich I've been rich for a long time. My existence will actually mean something on this planet. Okay, and I have a plan to do so, and I'm going to do that plan. But for, let us say the person out there who who we are highly discouraged, because you see people who are making You are making a million dollars year, right or or but she say
you're making a million they're, making a hundred million you can't it's discouraging cause you're like fuck yeah, a guy can't keep up. It's, not your job. To keep up. It's your job to become the best version of what you can be enjoy your life, and so financial freedom is actually a lot requires a lot less than what most people think it does, and I could tell you I could tell you the main thing that made me realize I was at a point of where I would consider myself financially free and it's when I could go to dinner, and this sounds stupid as fuck like people. Don't without because when you're broke, do you know, like you know what it's like to look for a man you right here like look through and say, like I, like the other day with the czech, and you only got fifty bucks right man, you know both meals are for in thirty and you're, trying to figure out how the fuck you eat last, so she can get what she wants. So you don't look like a broke ass in, like you, fake, a stomach ache
some shit right, like everybody, who's ever been truly broke, like you know that little game, I'm talking about a water, Exactly we women are like the right look. I earlier. I don't feel that great. We were fuckin hang out later, whenever everybody whose truly been broke understands and so. and honestly there like, if somebody doesn't understand that they ve never been actually work, and there's a lot of motherfuckers out there you can find out how broke they are just like it. I'm telling stories about the past one presented no shit. They don't know shit mostly of these. Out there telling you all this shit. They know they don't know fucking shit about being actually Where are you also where I can only order to advertise zag the fuck outta here man, so anyhow I'll make my own lemonade over here? When I got to the point where I could go to dinner,. With anybody I wanted. anywhere. I wanted no matter if it was five people or thirty five people or fifty people.
And I can afford the bill. I wasn't worried about it. That was a big deal for me. I felt tremendous amounts of relief of pressure on my life when I got to that level and like that as require a hundred billion dollars. No it doesn't and- and the thing is Like you, you can feel very wealthy if you know how to manage money properly and understand that your life is an experience is not about things like people mistake, my car collection thinking that by things, but you can spend one day with me and understand the name. I think now, because I could tell you every fuckin, intricacy of every mother fucker more those cars when it comes to the experience. provide. I am, I not know how. Many millimetres. The fuckin lug nuts are right, but I can describe you in. Great detail, the emotional experience that each car provides in there all different, ok, they're, all differ.
every single mother, fucking car. I have provides a completely different experience in some way or another, and that's a hobby that I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford. So I do it because it gives me pleasure okay, but it ain't about the one in the things you know what I'm saying. And like it's not about the things now having things as motivators is a fucking huge deal and like having things is fucking cool bro, it's a lot cooler and not happen Ok, we're we're really what it is tat. He was really cool which really, who is having the ability to do anything you want. Now really want to change anything- that's the fuckin. When I saw people people come to me we're like. Why don't you go on more trips? Why don't you do this? Won't? Why don't you ask yourself, since I had the ability to do all these things? Why don't do them? Because you'll find your answer Answer will be this. I enjoy the fucking fight. I enjoy the fucking struggle. I enjoy the grind
I enjoy coming to work here, I enjoy average little fuckin thing. Sit on my life, because I built it that way and that's how I like so it's not that I'm, like you, think people think there's something wrong with no I would take that as an indicator of the approach. You stay out of my way in business. I enjoy that What I'm saying so that that's that's how I see it dude, that's fucking, real yeah man. That's three! So go pay the fee yeah, so yeah. So if you guys like to shove, it brought you value major. Thank the thai something Are you sure you know we ve had a really good, following guys, I'm starting to almost all my content on these shows I'm not really fuck away instagram or social media anymore, because date, it's not a fair platform in the matter. this doesn't become fair will be all going all my own shit on my new platform. So you know all about free speech.
Ga america, india, making to go on other platforms and get myself kicked off the platform, because you know I can't controllers So this is where you gonna hear my shit we're. Daily shows for the most part by five shows a week. Now we ve been able to have. No one number two number three rank show for fuckin seven year straight You know it's all word amount, so I appreciate I share in it and you know don't forget like don't don't become like everybody else in the world and think everybody else is doing it, because that we get that way. As their audience era. thanks all men already shirin shawnee share it yeah, but do were true. Like change it and I'm sand like There's a big mission. What we're doing here, it's a lot more than just doing a fuckin shovel,
Well, y'all see what the fuck is going to happen. You know scioscia sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang doesn't know shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.