« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

186. Andy & DJ CTI: Transgender UPenn Swimmer, DeSantis' New Militias & Epstein Visiting Bill Clinton

2021-12-04 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ discuss a UPenn transgender person breaking women's swimming records, Gov. DeSantis's proposal of a new civilian-military force that he would have complete control over and Jeffrey Epstein's multiple visits to the White House during Bill Clinton's presidency.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the county, millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his shot case closed. What is up guys who stayed for seller, and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies to pick this and delusions of modern society welcomed mother fucker reality guys today we have Andy and dj proves the internet. What's up dude, it's growing number. Are you good brother another day, another dollar So are you went saw Matt Walsh speak, I did How do I get actually do thou so. Let me I mean I dunno. Let me let me see where we start, as I think we start The fuck is matt wall mount mount lol, she's he's a co, contributed to the daily wire and very conservative speaker author, Really really awesome dude right for the most part, really great guy, I'm so,
no know. I won't while you're invited me out and had tickets that was great for went there. They slew of the sluice campus here in ST louis. They move venue like two times they eyes at for anyone to speak so that a group of students on the campus, that call themselves and I met by making his name up they they wouldn't we call themselves slew sluts what yeah. I wrote, saw my colleague ignore a jesuit gather. College camp is a group. A group of outright are alt left activists, they call themselves the sluice, sluts, Not now, so they also how turkey, whose helen, had no idea the same problem to get. I guess, Yes, there's gotta be demand for you to be a slut, These. They signed a petition for years to get him to not speak on anything, that's why they call a cell, slats I'll know cause
They want to be sluts, but nobody wants to be slightly within our open, so bad that it was like an acronym for something better confined. I was it not set out there. Just like straight happens straight up. Slew hose loves me out actually record, but I prefer hose over slots are sound way. Worse. Some slight sounds messy. Imagining the priests on campus having to recognise as good a man you being a part of this row, so they they signed a petition. They got like how to imagine the import of any these fucking groups. Let's just be fuckin we'll so do they signed this petition. They got like two thousand signatures. Okay, so go to have my master except to that happens, it's okay now mind you guys. Mal seizures, keep people from speaking these days. Yes, they do. And those who argue that, if you won't do it right the old man I gotta do now.
I dunno, if you remember, Matt Walsh, he is the same guy that raised one hundred thousand dollars to get a tesla for a oh, sees grandmother her a boy I wonder if you guys remember: oh yeah, do you remember that I was this guy okay, so like that he likes petition too yeah, so he got a petition and had over twenty thousand. Thousand signatures in sicily? I there it brought him back so they had. thousand here. Twenty thousand. what were the minority? we want a common sense. People want to preserve but I was cool man. He also we're in alarm waitin. There was a group probably outside, maybe fifty sixty people that are part of a sluice lots. Caveman came a protest, neri stuff where they saying, ah, you know No black lives matter, queer lives matter, trans lives matter. Abortion is justice, abortion, just yeah and so on- but this is my thing- were how many were black like three reform:
really gonna like legitimate. They were chant black eyes. I got the video to prove it. I know you saw me are you saying I says it's in the air like briefly I bet you saw me in there that was more black people in the lines of see Matt Walsh, and that wasn't the protests that that is that affect you but it is what it is man, but, but this is so so what are your key takeaways from matt walsh experience? This is one You think I'm on the show, by the way, my wall, she sure you should have been it will be no, but got soldier. This is my my issue that I have on the right. Now is that the battle between the right and the left right now, it's just a battle of whose more morally superior, of course, and the right does, this thing where they're all hypocrites very much and they make to a point where again it's like they're, they're, polarizing, just the opposite everything's about being the super religious super moral. high horse like
merit of just can get with it, and I don't believe the majority of americans can meet their look. All these fuckin people stupid must be real You motherfuckers unnecessary points, Bridesmaids, yet this alarm, thinking of it all your mother fucker, Are you motherfuckers out there better than are of set an like? aggressive about this abortion, as you say, in a better overturn? ro verse was weighed and then in the next breath, talk about pro choice with your mother, fucking vaccine you're, a fucking eighty, ok, you're fucked. Eddie you either believin bodily autonomy or you fucking, dough and blue, and that's that certain ass myself so that's why you're fucking? That's why I think it's fucking larry's, when these far lust call me far right there fucking idiot, really want these motherfuckers areas, and so like that. That's my thing, man, because I know the end of the day and in math he doesn't. You know shy away from me, he's a very, very devout catholic chat and I respect that. That's cool but
Oh you're, not gonna get three hundred and thirty million americans to converting palaces and suggests to be morally right. I like is now happen so region, started. Looking at all wasn't easy catholics. What we like! this opinion, those crick christians, his opinion to beguile as what he said and nature he's a heated about catholic, because and as that was one of the big big things that him speaking on. Like I don't understand how, in the first place, you know, has a slew responded to him with the first petition, saying that you know your values, don't go along with eyes, like I'm catholic. These are catholic values that I'm you know, I'm advocating for you. It should go along with everything the catholic church puts down. You know, but it's kind of ironic, how you know you're saying your catholic church, but you have a group on campus called Slu sluts, that's advocating for abortion so that there there's there there His hypocrisy on both father and that's the point. This is fucking america, brow its land of its land, the fucking free absolute.
guys like an didn't, tell everybody gets, sat through their fuckin heads there were all what we all have the right to be here. We all have the right to be prosperous or pursued in prosperity, ok we don't have the legal right of prosperity. We had the right to pursue it right and that. You no matter what your bullies haven't, no fuckin right to dictate I believe in the fridge on them or by If versa, we're not going to get anywhere bro like we're not going to get anywhere until people understand that, that's where I'm at I'm, I'm that's what I do. I don't look when I was younger, I was more for abortion, then I am now look here. I would say more pro pro choice, then
that I am now ok. Now I think my my beliefs of my personal beliefs have switched. Have a twenty year perspective difference on it. You know I I I don't know. I don't think it's right to do that, but I also think that that is not anyone's place. to say who's. Who should do and are not. Nor is it your combo how we want to look at it. It is like a million at a cave for right right and then that's rama, and as the thanks, I we odds came together all these problems corner about that we have. but the solution is always gonna, be right in the middle that all of these all of these problems can they have a clear while the problem. Is we got a bunch of people to say I believe in this, except for that part exactly exactly and it's like my focus on the fence on every other. Doesn't work doesn't work I now, but let's find something that we can all fuckin get on, or maybe not all is november five over here five percent over five percent over here
does is neither the hypocrisy and let's live yeah. That's all I'm saying well to do that, I believe that the values of this actual country go above the values of any one human in this country. Ok, so this is the land of the free and we should be free to make decision about our own bodies in every way in every sense of the word, Now, whether or not you agree with that decision really doesn't matter. What matters is that I have the choice: ok and its interesting to watch this dynamic play out because have on one side, republicans Who are all vocal? You know, pro life hard core trying to force that down the throats of all these other people. while the other side- you have it,
that same thing happening where these people on the left are generally pro vaccine and pro everybody get the vaccine. how do we not see the hypocrisy and that's an area like him What am I not? What am I missing right? What like our cause, I'm the one that I feel like. I'm only want to fuck it feels like, like I see people who we're talking about freedom. Ok, blasting, the messenger freedom, blasting, the message of freedom, blasting, the message of freedom and then saying, while we after overturn Roby way. What which one is it. You see I'm saying,
It goes both ways. Both sides yeah both sides- I've. You know I've been kind of like. I don't want to sit on the fence with this right, but I do see very valid arguments on both sides of it yeah right and it's. A minute. This is causing to think right back when we they should in a shirt right, like even justice tom issue, his opening statement on this road we wait or returning that this case has opened a statement posed a very very you'll, argument you're like do. We allow mothers to adjust drugs and alcohol when their pregnant now right? Who and what away what would they get charged? What they did. Why do they change if we allow these in a crime nodded to drink when you read it, because I'm lattimer for definitely do legally jungle, it is getting chevy
should be right, and so here is the other. Quite allow look. Here's the other question why? Why would you force- and this makes people so pissed off to say, but I don't give a fuck because in its gonna make my base and pissed off are you know when I say this, but why the fuck you? Why why Why would you want people to bring people in the world that dont want these people in the world you gonna take care that person are you gonna, like we all like to talk about you know all yet others all kinds of people out there for adoption. Well, there isn't enough people for adoption compared to the amount of burst that are aborted, we're not even quotes nets problem. Nobody wants to ninety million abortions and drove you re right broke. There's all kinds of things, and this too, like dude, you portion truly is population control on the black population.
They have brainwash people to believe that this is some sort of moral thing. That is a great thing for everybody, but then, where did they put the abortion clinic? Eighty five percent? what and how much percentage of the abortions or or black females. It's like eighty, three percent, okay, and so like. Do you know? again, who installed those things? What party democratic was correct target singer, who is a white supremacist by the way, a real white supremacist, who believed openly that the black population should be fuckin control, thirdly, six and now we People are celebrating it, so I do the truth is we need to come together and do some soul searching on what the fuck we think is right wrong and what we stand for and fix the culture, but still telling people what they can and can't do with their body, regardless of what the fuck I just said or believe,
where were you believe should should not? It should be allowed here in amerika, and I could separate those two thoughts. I don't understand how most people can now I'll get it man I got it. I think they a sense central, perfect sense, and I will take it actually. What's that further, the important partner gas is because a I agree with anyone two percent right like if it is about freedom and all at all costs, No matter who it is right unless it infringes on somebody else, and so that's act, with this one and that the argument they may to about abortion just right. They say that that person is it as europe regime on that person's right now, that's a whole other thing, that's a whole mother. You know let's get into the details because dude, I don't think anybody who is of of the say the eighty percent of normal people think that its own way to go in and have third term abortions light term abortions ensure right but like within that eight weeks
like whenever texas is doing like within that, I think a lot more people are more comfortable with that right, so then argument, because when his life began, when people have well, which is all attached to a religious standpoint very well, it's I listened It is these attacks are made and that's where you can argue it till the fuckin universe ends at the end, the day. The bottom line is that people have to be able to make our own decisions and have to deal with those consequences that they make This is america, it's fuckin freedom, has already been a precedent has been around for how many years and if people wanted bad the words that may people I don't know man like you guys, like you guys, just create these drugs shoot up places in new york city. you're saying like we're like. I just can't stand the hypocrisy and morality like this is ok, but that's not these people want like we should be free,
to make our own decisions and and and then how we control people too. god. People to make the right decisions is bad pigeon, the right values, generation after generation after generation, not through, regulating law of- every single thing you cannot and can do yeah I'm a little unable, but again when we talk about all the time, though I that I see it that takes work that takes time it takes effort. Most people don't want that they want the answer. Now that I wasn't the biggest issues, because you got these five percent over here, they're yelling at the other five percent yeah Is ninety percent? Isn't a part of the conversation now they're, not addressing the ninety percent at all? Now it's just five over here yelling at the other five percent over here and that's it yeah, and I I dunno I think the real solution that last somewhere in the middle recognize it? Actually I'm a measure. Well, I can tell you this that pro,
Those demonstrations they were having that were like pro abortion demonstrations as they want pro choice. Demonstration of pro abortion dentistry the taking of where they were eating and taken abortion pills? That's pro abortion like that, watching that contact made me sick to my stomach and and that that kind of counter that kind of protesting in that kind of like madison them about abortions. I think just pushes people. Way further away from it didn't help no yeah, like I look at that non. Like thought. These people, people they're, no one russia is how it may be well aware, really, maybe closer, I got my will fuck. Are they pregnant right now, like all made me? Think of it was like like I'm sure there are some type of contravention, contra indications, if you, if you're, not gonna, write like I think of identifying with sick of this being you're fucking identity like this is your idea.
if you're up there screaming and chanting and all the shit taken abortion pills this your fucking. This is your act. Does your identities where you are really very nice of shit? To do that? Shit, oh shit, but but so this is actually a great conversation and because it leads right into our first headline here, but we're talking about free, right and I think the important thing like I said it is: is freedom only goes it's only allowed unless it infringes or somebody else. So. This first saw because a headline you pen, transgendered swimmer, sparks outraged by ships bettering women's records right, and so here we are. I like so freedom right. So if you wanna make know, get whatever surgeries and everything you wanna do that's cool, but when they start infringing on other people's rights and other people's freedoms. Where do we draw the line that's shitting on decades decades of work from women athletes who dedicate their whole fucking life or hope
of their existence to getting to a level where they can. Shadow, a a perform, a human performers reckon and because people want a fucking, be inclusive inclusive and say a man is a woman and a woman? Is a man, sat inclusive brow the this, these women's efforts literally diminished in what fucking minute we literally the other was divergences. What is only its other than the article thomas, a twenty two euro, transgendered swimmer at the university of pennsylvania, has been shattering women's records at the school before her transition. She can pay for three years at pin as a man named we'll talk, so here's a pitcher, mrs hillyer. I always thought here
Yeah, though, does you were shown pitcher roquat that I believe is like I'm sorry I believe leah is like six foot snacks. He sexy it's okay! I didn't know why we were where we wanted to go yet I am fucking doing it as well, at by, given that should attention, you empower your power. One wonders with his article. Does this a lot on the measures they quote? So quote at a meeting, including princeton cornell of ember twentieth chalmers had a one minute. Forty three seconds and forty seven of the second salmon two hundred metre freestyle and form thirty five seconds thousand five hundred metre freestyle these times were records for penn state and would have placed thomas second and third respectfully in the incidentally one double a championship nationally this anomaly unknown thomas transition from male and female, but the swimmer,
peat as a man as recently as november, twenty nineteen in a rules mandate at least one year of testosterone suppression treatment to be eligible to to compete. Thomas co, chair of the pan european club, not nicest, spoke to pin state how much spoke to penn today about this, swimming won't swimming as a huge part of my life and who I am I've, been a member, since I was five years old, thomas at the process of coming out as being trans and could see the swim with. Item is certainly an unknown run, an area that is usually really solid. realizing. I was trans through that into question. Was I going to keep swimming? What did that? Look like she continues? Being trans has not affected my ability to do the sport and being able to continue is very rewarding I'd, say that's debatable and the article to continue serious as new as as, as always the case
I always like this. There is a lot of controversies about fairness of people who are born. Is man competing as women? and this is a quote says, while of course women's records of being shad smashed sweet, abashed cargo based sport performance coastland a blow. Leah competed as a male for three for the first three years, and incidentally, this is not right. We need to return so hashtag sex base, sports hashtag sex, not gender, to preserve fairness for female athletes, she's a thousand percent correct- she's a thousand percent correct, fucking. Ninety nine point: nine percent of people believe that that is correct, but yet so, while so up here, so so here's the chocolate disgusting like like do here's the thing people get when you.
when, when this year's brought to this level words like literally shitting on half the population, ok, people are gonna, get fuckin angry about cause this dismay. We fought and angry is this is fucking wrong. Ok and you got could say whatever the fuck you want. I don't really care. This is wrong part of the ship. I talk about all the time. Were they try to make a man and woman a woman, a man, so that everything, be chaos, and we all know what the fuck is going on and they can he does some bullshit right, and so so here is the funky part? Okay, so you know I I try to do as much research on these topics as possible guys. So I went to the university of penn state's website the athletic department and I tried to go back and fine will thomas' stats from his previous three seasons? University of penn has deleted them.
A record of on fucking penn state does not have an fyi, because my my my idea was, I was gonna, take his old statue for no compare them, says new stats and see if there was a difference or not there to compare right. You know, and so also like how I'm just curious cause. I don't know this but like are they? How do they know that he's even on testosterone suppression therapy or do they have to do they to make sure your test as a certain level below for you straight up as out of you, it is doubly they do. Is they do surprise drug screening he had, but that the about what I'm saying is like they're telling anyone our goddess it goes beyond a year. Long suppression of, whilst shirley their fuckin cost levels even suppressed, are much higher than regular. Woman's correct will end
if you take the data, that's already been shown. No test levels nationally of men have already been going down yet plus twenty years of already being a man and all this mature muscle, while it's just f it's fucking, nonsense, that's why I don't even get into the technicalities of it as the whole idea of it like to even entertainment. Your partly brainwashed, like that's the truth. like, if you entertained for a fucking second Then a man is a woman. Woman is a man. You ve bought the fuckin shit right. Right, that's just not true what these people after screaming about yo follow silence, while the science file the science when it comes to covered in his back see which, by the way they all following the science. But then you see ok! Well, besides there's men and fucking women in a fuckin heads its work. Yeah like do we don't get to pick and choose what
What is what is real, there's fuck untruth and then those fucking natural those down, and so, if you're, someone out there who is listening and who buys, this shit even a little bit, because you think it's like good do realise that you're buying their fuckin propaganda. And if you go back and learn history and learn about all this shit. You figure it out But what do I know? I'm just bigot compared it just for saying your answer, I'm scared of transferable and recitals irritants. It's fucking this in its that now if you want whatever you want to do. Call me I've What, if you wanted with your wife, is a woman or transition and from a man woman and be a woman in congress of warm, I don't really give a fuck bro. You still fucking do you're born or do your genetically engineered you're gonna be a due to you, go in the fucking earth nets that don't you can cut off.
peanuts and do all the shit you still fuckin still do one of the great points, a mad did bring up locally to recover. The trans thing about you know we diminishing what it fuck me to be a woman or a man, I'd were completely this diminishing them. ryan's hooligans intentional, while we one hundred percent, if you have no identity, then it's you have nothing to fight for that. Easy to fuckin rule black man. This is this: is a twenty five. Thirty year project, this isn't fucking. like dude. If you came out in- and I know this is a mole enough- but if you came out Indeed, only nine, with all this bullshit and dumped on people, people what I had a mother fucking melt down, slowly old, fuckin time this has been done in its can and if we don't, can I use it now? It's gonna rp history, robot and what it does The causes caprice,
polarization society what it ends up being as a war and ass. We get into people say are you gonna fight over this or that? No I'm, not fight over what you decide to do on fighting over what you tell me I have to do, and people will get that now. It happened, tat and in history over and over and over and over again, when you infringe on people, shit and you shall shit down people throughout bad things happen. rule on her lama to solve this one? This is interests, nautical from seen in disposing of thing it just important went out crises on this is a headline the sands. It proposes a new civilian military force in florida that he would control. Now what is outside I don't know what just off the bad guys like you just heard that what does that make the santa sound like a fucking dictator, one hundred per cent yeah right, let's go through this article, a little bit.
The article goes ST petersburg florida. Let me clarify where I stand just on that headline there. I think every state should have fucking militia or was let's go through it yeah? So let's go through it right. So you know why? Because of exactly what the fuck is happening right in our constitution It says that we can have a well and should have should a well. regulated militia. So, let's go to this for a governor, Rhonda santa's wants to reestablish a world war, two heiress civilian military force that he not the pentagon would control the census pitched. Idea, thursday, as a way to further support the four for the national guard during emergencies like hurricanes, before, national guard has also played a vow role, vital role. During the pandemic in administration administrating over nineteen tests distributing vaccines,
but in a nod to the growing tensions between Republican stands for the Biden administration over the national guard. The centers also said that this unit called the florida state guard would be quote not encumbered by the federal government end quote. He said this force will give him the quote: flexible, the inability needed to respond to events in our states and the most effective way possible? Santa's is proposing bringing back with the launcher force of two hundred civilians. And he is seeking three point: five million dollars from state legislate legislature and start up costs for trade and equip them right so far, so good right. But here's and then article this. Why do appreciate article does admit it states Have the power to create defence forces separate from the national guard.
though not all of them, use it rather they're trying to paint them as this. I cannot dictate who's. Just gonna write these rules and make these laws force. This is the power he has, and not only does he have in every single state have the right if floor from the article to continue to florida moves ahead with a sensitive plan to reestablish the civilian force. It would become the twenty third active state guard in the country. The sentences office said in a press release joining california tax. Is new york these gods a little known, auxiliary forces with origins dating back to the advent of state militias in the eighteenth century, while states in the department of defense share control the national guard, state guards are solely in the power of a governor, you know, and- and so did I I just I just hate the packers, because I think nobody's going to take the time to read these read this article in full they're, going to read that headline in the past. This man is that he hated that matter. You want to know the truth. The truth is people read an essay get through so
every mother fucker in florida. They read the headline, may say thank god, and that's what these liberal stupid fuck stump. Yet these liberal stupid fuckers in the media. They think they're going to press this narrative that this will help the sand. Saunter now heard talk shit on people on someone you people, love and see what happens lesson from this is not at all. It does is building logic that these people are self destructing. This, this whole headline. All it does is it shows them for what they are in. It builds him to say this guy smart, because look I'll fuckin tyrannical these people. Are with the media and in the government, are collaborating together right now, we're gonna fuck and protect ourselves to being what I would say that governor ignored I'd say: fuck do not awesome I'll come in here, and I sat up there I've come in here and be I that is fucking awesome. Romney gives money, did good bid on us,
Nor should they talk at this point, the more I think they sink their own ship. I don't I don't. I don't think Thinking about buying. No, I don't think anybody spoilers, that's that's proven true because of the guy. I think personally, I think that I think There is the wine and you know one and one hundred fuckin person whose you know the foot, the weirdos they shall write like when they show slots yeah, there's that those people are one or two out of a hundred right you remain, and then you have another fuckin ten out of a hundred that are kind of like. I don't know like. I know you know the current, different and then the rest are like this is fucking ridiculous right, so look I mean good job man good job, the stances on with him parson tomorrow, the shit out
oh shut up our last headline here, so we gotta stay up today on this man. We got some big developments in this: Obviously guys we're talking about the delay maxwell trials right now, So this is the headline report visitor large reveal Jeffrey Epstein visited bill Clinton at the white house only seventeen times between ninety ninety three and ninety ninety five. research. We stay up today on this, so hot that's what we're gonna do. Man saw a new report found that convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein visited the white house on a bill Clinton clinically seventeen times between ninety ninety three. Ninety, ninety five, the gateway pundit, reported that the delay maxwell trial has begun. but it's being led by an obama appointed judge. This judge is the same judge that was involved in the last video incident from the jail that purportedly showed Epstein trying to kill himself in the so called. First suicide attempt. Now there's a pitcher retreat. You may man right there,
but this is where it gets. Spicy. Ok, I'm that was pitcher from my knights. Ninety three at a reception where a bill Clinton in absolute together, correct this is where it gets spicy the gateway pond. It reported that out of bill caused these twenty seven flights, as these I'm bill cleanse I'm sorry. They forget the same of butter, urea, philip welcomed by here right about their bill. I reported that out of bill Clinton's twenty seven flights on Epstein's private plane, the lolita express investigative reporter conchita sarnoff said almost every time via the pilot logs. There were underage girls on that point you know so yeah man, they should come out there. I hope. as part of this common. I rather were still finer bilbil, because you got will see me as the media is not give a fuck
about lying like straight up lying, I said the other day there it's not about whether false falsehoods, whether not people believe they were there to sell a fucking story, and once you start watching them under standing, that they are trying to sell a fucking, We, like you, not report a factual data to you. You start to understand what the fuck is going on your own sandra I'll do at this last. what are the short man it just it just must. Every time there were underage girls on his plane, while why I'm not nasa I'm as surprised his eye befallen the ship for awhile I'm saying, like you know, I I think I think one people- finally wake up and realize what the fuck than actually going on it they're going to be shot yeah. You know this. This was not just the. This is not just the case of see. This is what people don't get this is not just a case of arm of little girls being molested is not just that.
Its wage durable bites: oh yeah, just that guy's, which you know. understand is that this was an intentional operation to get people power. Or an influence who come to this island and be photograph with these girls. Do things with these? Girls are boys every room in all their homes everywhere? They went on the island, adele their homes, cameras in the reserve. Ok, so they all this shit on these people. So these people are coming and did when you think about the people who have been that go. Look who's been go fuck and look out for yourself, I'm not even than a list them out. Oh look who's been and then consider? What The operation was an operation. Was they ok I'll? Let you figure out who the fuck they are right flat. They they used Jeffrey Epstein, to go to these powerful people of influence and pull them to the island to get them on fucking camera doing
walked up shit. Then these people go back their wives. some of the most powerful people in the fuckin planet, influential, be ok all over. From hollywood from entertainment from politics for fucking business. world leaders. Now they have photograph and images and audio of them doing fucked up share with underage kids. Now what do you think you could get people to do so that that information never fucking saw the light of day. This is what people are misunderstand. This is why people people are paying attention to this because they think it's just another child molestation case right words, just a conspiracy theory. Now, when you actually start to understand what the fuck was actually going on elsewhere, questioning fucking everything
people say. Ah this is fucking. This is q conspiracy. Now that's only part of the queue story. There's a whole bunch other shit, but the point is seems to be that, There's a lot of truth: maybe this conspiracy theory. I think this is the one problem by the court's going to have that judge and whoever shall cover this shit up is going to have is because his information is coming out so much it's overwhelming and I think the more people They get their eyes and ears on this stuff. Yet do me a possible to cover a broad think about this? Most people are totally ignorant today shit. I just said: why do you guys think it is that all the falcon hollywood people and all the media people in all the politicians in all of them were a line on literally every single trend or every single movement. For every single social justice, while they all I'm saying the same
Why why, if you say the opposite of that, do you get punished? You think this is blocking accident. This is all designed to curtail society to where they want to go, and people have fun. The people are just now like starting to understand this. depriving going off for a long time very longer as they like. For the first time in vietnam and my life, I'm out that all right black for the first time thinking differently has been, So heavily criticised like it is If you aren't, you are a piece of shit person if you think differently. But when you look back of history now, do you think differently? If you even ask you don't seem like like, but do thinking differently, asking questions? That's what made the biggest
the fucking advancements in our society? Why now? Who in twenty twenty, let me ask you something: yeah, let's make it real dumb make a real fucking stupid are people so they're gonna lie my bro narrow people can understand this when you're simply asking someone a question somebody you know. Maybe someone you're in a relationship with, and you just asking a question and they get super fuckin upset about it for no fucking reason why? Why is that? Usually guilty of something hiding something or something they don't want to. Fucking talk about right right, so think about that. I'm just saying no! It may makes perfect sense. Well, you know, there's a lot of flak over my fucking target They saw me well with what we see. Men were devilish policy and allow you buy beverly encourage all of you listening.
In order to do some research with these people can contain this nerd so that's all you guys have seen over the last four. However, many years of the censorship, you know the the punishment of people who believe That gives or even molested shit like you'd. Like any statement, it's so that anytime, you even bring up child trafficking or or child sex trafficking. Your conspiracy theorists and they made it that way. You know why or where hello, why why, if it was complete bullshit, Why, when they just let it be exposed for the truth and make these people the crazy? No animal I encourage you guys, go do some fuckin recitals toward the disco. Look go on
gone unarmed, biased search engine back, but I got very grave. Ok, These are search engines that they don't have the The censoring and filtering of free speech Algorithms, pneumonia, making your pants first time start une its powerful role. How people are gonna go through like a weird time where whither I coy fought? This is like we talked about We talk about this couple years ago, whirling when the man, start figuring out what the fuck is actually going on. They're gonna, like freed the fuck out as well happen by bad. Because there are you rulers domains, but I'm not only these names that are given dropped and have been good. drop of the last few years. You just haven't seen him waiting to receive them. Now, you understand why certain people got so much heat from the conservative community. Oh yeah, oh yeah. yeah, so we'll we'll we'll stay up to date on this guys- and I definitely I definitely keep you guys up to date with what we're seeing. But I,
well that was three our last a section or by loves a sections or thumbs up section, so it was getting a psu thumbs up if it's bad, it gets two thumbs in the butt and Now, what will see how go so, I'm a video fortytwo, so this the headline. The future scary, engineered arts unveils amoco humanoid robots, so here's the video got up for you. yeah dude. I saw this already just on my own, but let's go ahead and watch it. This is fucking freaky. You know this was talking about the other day. Look at his face. It's pretty it's pretty! It's pretty accurate bro. What what colon? What watch it gets? Creepier yeah. But that that looks like an actual human like a human. Just like real human exp like I know, motherfuckers that look like that.
a bad though maybe he's I ll go, and I decided I know. I know these look like that. You have mentioned this. This is it. This is the guy do Is this this real shit? This is real. Should you like to rob so this is from now where people go see. This His arm valid the shit up engineered one thing: if you search engine it arts their website, this What you're fine on the rapporteur, amoco Amoco, the robots name in this. This is a screenshot reckon I am easier, the recognise guy, this shouldn't gotta. Look it up as a videos. Previous fuck. The list Into their fuckin build this pause, the sheer right now, you're gonna go look up amicably. You can understand what the fuck were about talk about, because this is this is worth talking.
So this is on the website. Multiply quote, multiply the power of artificial intelligence with an artificial body. Amoco is the physical presence that brings your coat tails. The most advanced lifelike humanoid. You can use to develop and show off your greatest missed I mean learning interactions. This robot is the denote digital interface to the real world amach as not just a developed tool with a cutting edge integration of the latest technology. That's built to last grab attention and fuel. The imagination with amateur find out. But can we get one, and can we please get one for now, bro we're in deep shit arrow, ah, where humans are in deep shit because of because of what a few people are doing irresponsibly now is not responsible now, so where were you given it by rise? The
this brought you seen terminator right, I walked in nairobi about that. That's when they got me will smooth. Ok well, I imagine know which one is yet never lacked. I robia rome. This is not a fucking joke now ass, you know, like this is some day like. Have we not learn our lessons for fuckin terminator microbiology, where our, where people celebrate this shit, may think that it's it's. No have you. We are your metaphors. God was on while amycus clean your house I'd what man it's scary, though it is scary, just I mean dude. I want to see understand that what this creates is a is is not no need for soldiers now. None for construction workers no need for I
with any any actual job, where there's like no need for surgeons, no need for like any of these, the engineers, none of the shit, that's what this means. Okay, so like when people celebrate this and they are so cool, I can't believe it. what's the cost to that, and what's going to happen to the people who have all those jobs, it's going to happen what's going to happen to their families are obsolete, dude, you don't have the obsolete shit gets thrown in the fucking trash, so this creates an opportunity for a whole entire world to exist for a very, very few select elite people and people think this is fucking, cool, isn't cool bro. This is scary, scary,.
The two thousand, but I can't say I can't say what I think, because I they fuckin flying me crazy shit, yeah yeah. I do this is a big problem is a big problem, as amended is impressive. like down her, my impressed by yeah sure to press it was far too. I think these As for smaller, I do you. I think that you, I think they have understood do they understand the entire dynamic. Maybe they do maybe that's the problem. Maybe they do understand and know what they're doing, but I don't think they do, but what if they did- and it seems, Like other browsers, will wait wait, so somebody else does What I'm running this gonna look like in two or three warriors right:
I mean I robot. We talked about on the last show of two thousand and nineteen. This is two thousand twenty one. What's this going to look like two thousand twenty five and where you know dude, You guys we need legislation on technology and what it can be used for one when it should be used for in its ethics. Legislation like this Be a whole new tat and I don't think that's even been talked about or considered because it's like way out there thinking right now, but like it's not way out, there thing I'm fucking looking at the motherfucker right now, but why why? Why is no one talking about this wire that wire? There are no candidates talking about this. This is not a good thing for for Amir,
AL or fucking Humana, just the world yeah to starts making a couple of hundred thousand reasons for cinema and that okay, so that brings up the other question. You can't control what other countries do right. So that's the other, that is the other side of the room. So now, if we, if we don't, if we stop the development here, they stop the development there right like they don't, and they come here for Joseph Without wasting, if one fucking life- and I do so like a lot of protection, fuck scary time- do. But other might actually watch I robot tonight when I get home, I'm just saying like cause like do that's another truth to it. I sure like you, would have to get. all the countries in the world, two fuckin, Do that ever could and should be given law like control. How do you do that? We're words? How do you do that?
Don't sound like this isn't this is a fact This is way more of a threat, fucking humanity or as big of a threat, is fucking, total nuclear catastrophe, great man, but nobody's even talking about it now cause people think this shit is cool. That's the problem and. I go two to dublin the batman. That's all about well truth, be told whenever that guy back there. I want some here. about you and that he's having a good time a fact you this is some creepy shit. It makes me legitimately concerned because I've seen this coming for a long time. The technology thing you know like it just like we talk about the other day like what about the checkers, what about the the the labourers? What about the guys who do drywall or paint or fuckin do concrete? You know what about these people
thing when you understand it, as long as there is good that exist This evil will always exist, so this could be the plant. This could be the plan. This could be why they don't care who gets on the fucking td right now. You know they don't care who gets on the government aid. They want everything to crumble, so they can fucking get this shit taken over over here ram. These motherfuckers got some dirty plants, though. I agree man yeah, we we shall see. I shouted researchers see guys sleeping on the floor now. Mature response from the fuck are still countless millions in the cold they teach Buddhist got a bank roll cake. Balls doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.