« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

185. Andy & DJ CTI: CNN Suspends Chris Cuomo, Dr. Oz Running For Senate & Dr. Evil

2021-12-02 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy & DJ talk about CNN suspending Chris Cuomo after new documents revealed he helped his brother former NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo who was facing sexual harassment charges, Dr. Oz's announcement to run as a Republican for the open U.S. Senate seat in Pennsylvania and Fauci's NIH funding lethal medical experiments on Orphans with AIDS in NY City.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one is now jury for the county. Millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know his shot case. Club is a godsend for seller, and this is the show for the real it's not for the fake mother fuckers. That's the interrupt lawyers about that. say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and delusions amount society welcome, welcomed, motherfucker reality who yesterday. ass the guy any dj, crews, the internet, account you slip, and now I thought you right. Seattle. Once in a while I'd come in here and fuck up a little bit
like. I did it on axe or did it on purpose? Progress is flawless. That's the key bro like the whole key is just pretend like everything you do is on purpose. You know, and then everything you do is on purpose. Yeah. That's right as the whole relations should be. Even when you fuck up, I can't let I can't you know make people feel inferior, so I gotta fuck up sometimes a got a humble summer now get the river anyway, I'm not in the mood to talk about personal development and the move to talk about some books. yeah, that's bullshit! Today I got a lot of bull hard lot. Although we have like different segments of shit like we had these- shows that you, You ought make like pier one else. Yeah it'll become a bad mother fucker and then we got shows who just talk. Shit yeah, that's one of those shows well. This is definitely one of those suits iago yo, funny. I know nobody fuckers, like the show where I talk ship better too,
Because of my supplies of my story, I get a million times reactions through a mobile here, put not all this information and make motherfuckers million dollars, They like it. When I called your buying a moron, oh by the way. Where am I had been, you didn't notice a means of extra serious hours over the mountain means. A lot to get extra serious on these topics was going to be a real yeah granny one at Y granny one na is okay. yeah you're black supremacy will take care that or prohibited you can just you just yeah, I type of normal, worn out number one man Everybody said it. Nobody heard suspends Chris Cuomo. Indefinitely, and this is a sea in headline sought out
I thought I'd put this up here cause I wanted to kind of look how they you know cover up for their boy. A little bit know cnn, suspends chris Cuomo indefinitely. He'd, see it I'd, love to see hates, I'm fucking love it. This is gonna, be the worst thing for fox news and all the other, like all the right is reasonable I now thereby bringing someone we're not just last night, still last nice to canada, drama tucker showed him a little respect. You see it Tucker. That was his way. I asked had some risk sportsmanship row. You know what my dude it's hard, not like tat. Thereafter. He said that the right road, he straight up hey man. You know what comes down to a family family outdone same shit. Let's forget that you know what That's how you could know you could believe what the fuck tucker sense right.
Please run no matter what well he's the only dude on tv, I think tell him the fucking way. It is yeah yeah. Everybody else is trying to dance a fence. Oh, like handed he's on talking about them, Well, you know sit my beer through a straw with mask on no, you fucking world, you're the reason we ve still got the ship broke. His right tell the truth. That's all you out they have headline read. Article reads: CNN has suspended primetime anchor Chris cuomo indefinitely, pending further evaluation after new documents revealed. The cosy, an improper nature of his relationship with aids to his brother, formerly governor Andrew cuomo, so you know it's. On the other. This also what they say. They said there are brought work here. here's here's! What I see I see, sir, if they wanted this to disappear, this could disappear to like, if they want to doing david, nor some major shit. If anyone
Fucking knowledge they do. They ignored hundred binds laptop completely ignored like everybody now just can sort of finding out row. All of us pay attention knew that shit back in october a year ago and we saw the pictures to buy you guys seeing people describe all the pictures are horrible there on the internet and they're pretty back. Ok, but When I see here is they could have this, they didn't cover. It so there is a will. There is something else going on behind see you been covered they could covered it up for sure, and I mean. their becoming everything, then in the shit they don't want to talk about they just really so like in the world they could have. This could have gotten a pass, so someone else's but behind the scenes here that I think will probably come out. That's even I think, there's more to this website. Yeah they're all over. I do
I do I mean I can appreciate the brother relationship. I can appreciate it. I I can. I can definitely appreciate that non incentives at the Brian stelter they also the same day menace. I can offer he put family first before his job. I get it yeah I get it and I just still don't like the faces. It's I think, It's just. I dunno a vicious mere way I dunno. Well, they got that old school new york persona shit and they try to like play that extra italian shit like it's like dude, c'mon, you're, not a heart disease and we're not you, like, I gotta, go beauty warm falcons are suited to pocket. Yet as their lifetime mosher yeah yeah do one thousand. They haven't you gonna say what could I do? It symbolises bigotry community radio you go down there and therefore can attend.
Rules and these guys try to play that stereo type to like endear themselves. That makes italian americans look fucked stupid. Am I really stupid like stupid? You know, that's that's a big part of my my lineage and ah you know. I don't know, I think they're kind of an embarrassment to the way of the culture to be completely honest and how do you like? I do appreciate the loyalty, because that's it, that's that's true. I get that I would never know who the fuck, when, if you You would turn it look if you wouldn't do that. You pry peace Yeah, let's be real. I can respect that. No shit, I can respect the dude. I can respect that do lists weights and shit too. He takes care of himself. Tucker makes fun of him all the time will tucker you look like shit competitiveness covered highbrow like less before, can real and I love tat her eye. But let's not people You ain't gonna. Do we not someone coming? I good habits, you know so I mean there's positive and negative to it, but
today, these guys in the way that they behave and the people they pander to this was inevitable yeah right. What what do you think? What do you think is next, Chris will hold on because, when you pander to the left- and you pander to this crazy shit and eventually eat you alive, do you know what I'm saying this is what a lot of businesses are finding out, lot of businesses and brands, are finding out that. like salvation army, just that shit about why people should apply Johnny be widened. Shit northern blown forgot their pride ruin the whole company forever, because I do it's not good idea to go out and say shit like that, when the majority of the fucking consumers out there of your customers are white, pretty well shaken the bells bell, pretty funny stupid. I won by a couple of madeira larger than on their part I know you're feeling ok more than anyone under it only by their own policy faulkner like pro
I'm just saying like the shit's ridiculous, like these companies, I was talking to Jocker last night we were talking about how endeared this is just the way ruth like I'm giving you I'm giving you a lot The term plan for free right now with your business. Listen the fuck up that that you'll like a genius in three or four years, for this. Listen to what I am about to say for the next air of business. If you want to be fuckin, big brand. If you want to be the big company, if you want to be that the what can I do, We're going to look for a better, be america made by american people in america. Ok, anybody proud of in american because that's what's that's the next trend, ok and the people who are on that right. Now. We're gonna look like fucking geniuses in five or six years, but geniuses, because people are going to come Widely scoop their money away from these big corporations when they find out how intertwined evil. They ve been in perpetuating. What's going on.
and people are going to realise that a man made by buy people's only way to sustain america ever not the cia, not just jobs, but the american culture and there's enough modified. he doesn't care about america in this country. The majority of people care a lot about our country being self sustaining and not being second to anybody else in the world. Ok, that's our fucking identity, gay straight black white! this that the other done matter, we're fuckin american and in our minds were better everybody and when people figure out we ain't better than everybody because of what the fucks been going on and who's been doing it and why they've been doing it and who they being paid from foreign interests. China wrote that the tide's going to fucking shit change or we're big tasted, yeah, so motherfuckers, if you are wanted, business owners, the thinks I'm just gonna. You know I don't your political and this that look? If you think the patriotic is getting political, you're fucking lose and you're gonna get your ask me:
by companies like mine jocose in these kind of companies. The fuckin understand I do world, building the infrastructure for america may shit here like budget like shit, the people and even doing clothing, fuckin vitamins fucking alcohol marijuana like we're doing all this shit. Like wrote, if you on their bb. You're still sit around thinking, offensive to flight american flag or in a fucking lose a business it's a very real thing, so that people say anything oh well, yeah sure you know more than big companies are cooking, wholly maggie. You're right, I do mother fucker know why, because those people are right, that companies run by some college educates, not who fuckin dead. No shit use in a room with a bunch other college educate snapples who have built shit from the ground up and they're gonna get the fuck Does it not by people like me now, lackeys, mass reviewing it
Yes, I was just here, is a set of four. I had to say: I'd be mad. If you didn't do it or jelly. I will say no to pursue. Young box was taken from dude. If I got one in the world this motherfucker vision, I'm I'm just telling you. I will today today flatter motherfucker flag Be proud to be americans fuck in your head curb of ninety nine percent of people yeah, where I paul I just saw poor, was a hundred thousand consume. and ninety one percent of whom will pay more for all for america, maggots wanderers. Ninety one percent, one hundred and that's now one is going to be. The first of these fuck sticks drive this shit up our s, which are going to do, and here is the best part about a jack when our time others, lessening the best point about it, is its actual
The right thing do ya, know: sand here's the cool thing. So all these big companies that have been asked, sourcing, all their shit all overseas and the fucking, india and china and fuckin mexico and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah they're all about to be punished drastically for those decisions that they made five or six ten fifteen years ago to to kill american jobs they're going to be punished tremendously in the people who are already doing it going to take that share yup, it's going to happen dude, though That's when we fuck and asking if you think I'm wrong, you can get away with all the other motherfuckers thought I was wrong. Shit no shit so headlong over to one is bring this up to this. is the headline doctor eyes expected to run for senate in pennsylvania. As a republican. I did. I got a couple of problems with this. I know you probably don't like I'm broke, as he's
why right yeah? Outside of their independence, nor do I do this. the fuck olano brow well these rhino, he looks like one: he looks like one. The nose deftly knows you know, but job Helen arc, continued says no memory back to us. celebrity for opposition is expected to announce a campaign for senate in pencil. As a republican. According to multiple news reports, Would be the latest in a long line of republicans who are vying to succeed, retiring cinder, pat to me next year? I'm all he's never of public office before oz is celebrity status me that he would likely into the race with broad name recognition now. Why me look yeah the guy's a worldwide celebrity air by knows doktor eyes, she's got name recognition, but here's a problem promises stances in everything, and I think that this is nothing more than a fuckin trojan horse from the left. That's coming
and because I know the left is losing rightly praetorian- laugh blue haired fox, the democrat parties done yet and so they're trying to fight to come over to the republicans. And sneak in saying you under the conservative values and install implement all these left ideal, a hundred percent. I I think that's a strategy. that's very apparent. They understand that to win on those fuckin inferior, ridiculous, illogical moronic on it lands don't take as a democratic rule. good sound in moral, good what their their ideas don't actually work there. There, really their based in emotion, nor based in full I idealism, we're not base in rio. these are not based on fact or statistics for math rome, when you fuck with math you fuck up winds, losses happened through fuckin facts in math. That's it! That's all these people,
I understand that they have to have people on. The other side to ensure that their ideas get past. So I am I'm with you believe a hundred percent. That's an intense! the strategy where these same people who lobby and pay court on core bribe right. That's what it is exactly what its bribery. right and most most people listening. They don't really understand how this works. Like you, law, passed the benefits accompany. Let's just say, pfizer, welcome big company, and I'm not saying I don't No, no I'm just saying you're right, hypothetical right they. For can pass laws that benefit that company that company then figure out a way to like higher there, brother, someone or maybe their son and payment.
billion dollars and then that son gets a billion dollars and then oh by the way, I think I heard the story before last december, twenty twenty or last october, twenty twenty. But the point is, is that most people don't understand that these fuckers are paid by outside companies, but that should be a hundred percent legal and were pay for that has for his report and happens at all levels. What people are really. I think that these people, when their smart enough to infiltrate the media, infiltrate politics, infiltrate the school war with all this fuckin crazy left, his shit, you don't think or small the image of the republican party through the same means and that's another. Points. You guys lie very careful as americans to evaluate who the fuck running for office on either side of exact. Yet like. If you look at someone, you think that the like there there were their integrity. Sure why not say like dirt. Their voting should align with like who the fuck they say they are. Then you get these people
but one way and one day one way or another thing in this man this and nobody's paying attention You say we need people who actually give a fuck about what's happening at the street level in our political system and no more of these professional power. what's extra were there year after year after year after year, after generation yeah, you know who are bred to come up and be politics, mother, fucker. This is service. This is not. You know a profession, you know what I mean. Do one hundred percent mehr another thing to point cause. I got a couple of other stuff on doctor idol. The show real quick, but they haven't both sides. I gather that when they will be super clear, all my it may happen, zombie, size report left or right in a happened at all levels. It looks. but do you know we possibilities to redo the roads? motor car, modem or missouri department of transportation trap contracts a stuff out, so am I If the cousin cousin bill, who owns paving company and guess that's, why he's we'll get the contract for the issues?
this is a bill defiantly, this motor control. You keep me back. Fifteen percent exact, It happens like that every single day, all over the formation and all levels on both counts. More like fifty percent, though no shit No shit, but you know, and so, but but the reason I also say that I think DR oz is going to be a rhino is because you get stuff like this. So this is the tweet that DR oz, posted back in march of twenty eighteen teen army says, Right now, the cdc is not funded to study gun violence in this country. It sammy trees, shootings as a public health problem, hats, actual congress persons a day to the man they fund the cdc to comprehensively study gun rounds in the band. I, what are we doing here, I'm say like, and so this is like tweets like this are all over is twitter page all over again, that's our gone pro fifty boucher shots pro all of the stuff. It's all there right, an end to the point, though so
What up a couple of other put all this is a good that the lesson here dude is that you got examine what people stand for for you all endorse, and that's a lot of people run our vote on this mother fucker, just because they recognise his name is seen our next to exactly in his dangerous falk, because I was this. Guy wants your guns, cohesion! That's why we're here? If you want to take it literally every single person that voted for Biden and sat down a piece of fucking paper and said, okay, and and took the fucking names and black them out and say. What do you stand for exactly this this this this this, this fucking three quarters those motherfuckers would have voted for trump just basically off a bar of data about having learned, but the actual statistics and data in math. so right now, doctor as gettin literally destroyed all, would have someone to show a couple of his about this about everything I'm so glad you know so much weeding the last one thing: we need a more republicans piss off europeans, a shit, no fuckin shit there. Ah.
Now this is southern as development. Apparently he does not even live in pennsylvania. He lives in new jersey and he's using his inlaws address in pennsylvania to run, and he used a melon ballot to do that. I'm sorry I'll, people call him out on that new. The comments they say the oil salesmen right You live in new jersey, don't know shit about dude. Everybody says snake oil salesman by anybody that sells supplements. I mean I get call that every fucking day know they. Don't they don't look at the fucking like the post, I post last night, where someone's losing one hundred and fifty fucking pounds dry. You know that easy, I don't that's just some lose bullshit that arouses help lot, motherfuckers. I'm sure he has member I just stood on. I don't agree with everything is fuckin market it and I think you know there is no question that he is definitely a very grey area, business guy. In terms of being influenced my opinion, doping on trans no less ship. It like the truth, is the great doktor it where the true disease, great business guy. Okay, so that, like he understands
how to play the fucking media and how to play the game in place, which is more to your point about him, be in that way. You know there were literally just it's destroying destroyed him on twitter right. While if I were him why the fuck would you want to get involved in this shit unless you're getting a fucking, unless somebody have you taken involving them in that's a good point than so that just Oh, I see nothing worse, you a lot more. This type of stuff happens. I see them all. I see them on the news a couple times I mean I don't I I don't really have an opinion one way or the other yeah, but, like I, I think it's important for everybody to understand that that shit is happening. You know like like the a lot of people who are in the moderate and conservative sigh who vote republican just because they don't want these crazy fucks in, and you should probably pay attention which ones you voting for and when what they stand for and by the way, there's still some good democrats out there too, oh for sure, they're, just very rare in la last year. That's how I look at it
Let us think about the good Democrats bro like like that, the very few that are good real, that omission lose because of the sheer show now, just just Joam garral. That's gonna wanna be next anything. You want it I have one on the three, so what's interesting to do is how they dig in on all this shit like they can't realise. Like oh fuck, we fucked up near bat like bro these motherfuckers us, the dumbest shit they can do is continue to put the continue it again, but I have a feeling they're going to try to force their full agenda in the next fucking couple of years. That's what they've been planning on doing for ten years is going to be compacted in between. I don't think Virat I dunno man. This is my tinfoil ship, but I think they play. I think their plan is that we're not going to have a twenty four election. If you want my honest truth, We speeds up the time. Well, that's one say: everything's going faster and another blow up this fucking, not his new. The ideas of you known, lockdown
here for the non vaccinated and shit like all the bull shit like dude America's a habit. Bro like you for Cars are going to end up on the wrong end of a fuckin rope. Don't I'm saying like with this. Is the wrong place. You wanna go! Do that shit! Australia go do Ok, you wanna go! Do that shit! Europe! That's fine! Obey fuckin, us now an end to think that our cultures. Like what I see here is the equivalent of an energy person whose bought all their followers started to believe that their following is real. I'll get my real. Do. That's what I see going on him so, like I see this like yours, georgi foller idea, especially an entrepreneur world who have fucking. You know three, four, few million flowers that can't sell a ticket to a goddamn event young sand, but I thick, but they walk around with egos like they're the shit. But you look at one of the last posts ago. One hundred likes it's not even about that. It's about who the fuck shows up right about who fucking like shit posted two fucking years now, two years
people still show up, as were not only. They saw the shore more. Ok, that's what happens. When you do a real shit when you, when you're shits, fake and use just, I believe that its real that's what's happening these people in washington, these the media and all the shit. They manipulated the data. So far at themselves in a position of power now, where they believe that most people are actually with these fuckin ideas and no but he is a further. They pushed down the fur. Their people going away from even even liberal minded people are moving away from this. The stuff because even they realize a K. America has problems but eliciting fuckin china, Elucidate Venezuela and- and sorry to realise fuck? Maybe maybe we ve gone too far, and so they are continuing to push with belief that there, the majority, in their not like. I saw let's eric so well put out a tweet yesterday calling for
This is the duty slept with the chinese spy. Who said that you know these p, who act like they're in the majority, were the majority blah blah blah blah blah nor the fuck you are now. You aren't you're a small minority bro. You're, a small minority like in in this group of people, is gonna get themselves in deep shit. He pushed in pushing and push for all this violence and hate and bad shit. Don't you think, he's decent, like he's under control our evening. He has control of your twitter account. Everything saw well yeah Why not? What I'm saying now you're we argued exact and we have a saying what our country is trying to. Intimidated and compliance all this communist shit and it should not can fly so and and- and I think that the reason that I think these people actually believe if they have started to believe. They really have this big found that their portrayed to have. Where are these people in the streets? Where are these people in the fucking anyway,
then there are the everywhere: where are they grow? I'm alone? Oh We say without luke three. We ve been we session in this last year out when you see these little protests, it's like fucking, twenty people. They make it look like it's fuckin, two thousand exact you know another yeah yeah. You guys had a lot of people out there for be alarmed protest when George floyd got killed, but a lot of people want to fuck ups, instant water you got, a lot of people were out there for the cause of black people, wrapped the cause of marxism right, Ok, what's people realize which we set from day, one that that's what the cause was. and they start seeing people there, Furthermore, in themselves, away like when you have a bunch of white middle ass women up in fuckin was caused martian around shout and a child molesters name rose and bomb here. Ok, make it look like some big protest. It's all white women right and when you do that, and you continue to fuel this fuckin shit
Eventually you guys, we stand on your fuckin. All like a small little island. Most people have woke up. There. Now with the idea that black lives matter, we understand that nobody should have their lives, not man. Everybody should be protected and have a reasonable. our expectations? Not being harassed, we all agree with all this screw that everybody should have equal opportunity at the ground level. We all agree with that. Okay, nobody should be beaten up. Black people or white people are fucking asian people we all agree with the two friends or people are starting to see that this marks a shit that thereabout is not what they pretended to be about so yeah, had people. While a year and a half ago we're fucked there now. Don't say: I want two percent where these people were going harder and harder and harder in their getting less and less and less and less priest
Would all the cowards who are right in the middle are going to realize we're size, fucking going to win and they're gonna fucking jump into, and then it's going to make it even worse was awesome anyway, to this last headline. Zono shit talk As regards we got a little more than a new item, we, yes more you they saw a massive sweat. This last one do so. I want to. I want to. I want to pre empt it because Gaza, this is it's pretty bad. Now it's pretty bad, but we gotta talk about a bow okay, so it's dark pathology like how easy not have been not been arrested, convicted, invoking jarred. I have no idea how I reads: it wasn't just beagles and monkeys vouchers, in asia, also funded medical experiments on aids, orphans in new york, city. This just came out
men are amount has been coming out stuffs been league in every single day. He came out While ago there, in analogous actually soon when the first story broke, showing that found she was you, taxpayers money to torture, beagles and barbaric animal testing, whether he would take these dogs, these beagles? and he will inject them with parasites and they would eat em in literally kill him from the inside right then moves on and it goes to I'm in twenty eighteen vicious Came out that over sixteen million dollars and taxpayers money was used to inject toxic brain injection experiments on monkeys twenty eighty right and then we, of course, we know about the gain of ghana function. Research, a witch hunt that just came out see how those three,
But this is a new, though this is new. Somebody read this request The FAO, jihad h approve experiments on hundreds of new city orphans government. Agencies and pharmaceutical companies use the orphans in deadly aids, drugs trials and two thousand five. This is not nineteen. Eighty four back in two thousand, five, the city of new york, higher the varied institute to form a final report on the job trials. Vera was given no access to medical records of any of the children using the trials. The report were published in two thousand and eight. They reported that twenty five children died during the drug studies. Then an additional fifty five children died following the studies and foster care. according to timorous directive. The childcare for programme of vera.
In two thousand and nine twenty nine percent of the remaining four hundred and seventeen children who were using the drug studies had died out of a total five hundred and thirty. Two four hundred and seventeen children died out of five hundred and thirty two that were used in two thousand and five, two thousand and four you are for his arm and what makes it even worse than the nurse there's fucking these same fucking people, these white women outer buying fouche, he fucking religious candles. Bro it's time we leave these motherfuckers in the dirt where they belong and move the fuck on. I agree this mother fucker deserves whatever the fuck comes. His way great, you guys out. There is still believe this man you're a fucking fool, your fuckin fool.
I have a prettier put up your guys were of us from the experiment, raw think of these kids. These kids. like in foster care nobody around. No parents, nobody gave a fuck about him, and this man thinks that they're fucking disposable, and so he injects. These kids die sick scared alone. This guy's a fucking. Evil fuck in you, you people who defend this man and any sort of way, you're fucking completion, and one day you're gonna, be a shame that you ever fuck and supported. What what's even terrible man just to put the nail in the coffin, is
these children were buried after they were killed. Is that they were killed. I got to use the right terminology, he did mass graves brothers, the actual burial spot in new york city in a park and there's headstones with all these kids' names on it. It was mass graves and then they just buried it over put actual turf. On top guys, please go look an abortion using a conspiracy. Shit saw out there is it does. This was a real audit into this experiment? How row row You got no road systems, gotta be bargain, has to man. Ass. You run out on me literally. I mean like, with our We need to demands from fucking accountability, one hundred percent. This is fucking. This is fucking evil and if we don't fight for accountability, we're just as fucking guilty as these fucks. This is fucking wrong. Dude know this
while the fucker made the fucking quote, the the shit at the ship has shut down the world for the last two years. It's cost millions of people their lives, not just with the actual virus, but with the misdiagnosis. Okay, it's cost millions, tens of millions of people, their fucking income. It's put: it's forced Tenzin millions of people work, maybe hundreds of millions of people were white and poverty in a student on, whenever nightline rear, fucking show that was the more the morning shop, fucking, laughing and peoples. two idler their identity, because there they, want to parade around like there's some kind of morally superior person with the fuckin mask and taking their selfies with their fucking vaccine, And- and this is the guy, they fucking- they idolize bro, doing criminals or victims, victims of criminals right or it's. The same. Shit
when are people going to wake the fuck up dude I dunno man I saw in like do like my eye. It really burns me up seeing the ship like bro, it's almost like, like okay, they're they're bait. This is what they support. Okay, it's either they're asleep we're giving them too much credit. This is what they support. So what do you do with people to support that gunship jones anger? eventually? The narratives gonna move that, because I thou. Someone fuckin is now at issue. I am not willing to compromise with someone this fuckin down with s it. Just like the pedophilia thing we talked about the other day like Bore willing, like people literally willing to compromise on the shit, to save Our own would all like to keep the peace was with a widow. To check the little more mass throw that's all. It is
is totally miss align with which truly more must now more at all. Promises. The end dates bureau. We we talk about the other night we believe it like. I feel it man like no not to be. If people are all going to fucking, be judged for this shit, the one hundred percent, one hundred percent and, like I mean da and I got hate talk in the conspiracy talk eyes but like conspiracy if it's fucking habit like but like right, but right below you, take into account how many kids go missing ever severe right, hundreds of thousands, okay in america hold on, you are going to go there. That's awesome, I got silver half. Are you okay forward or backwards? Listen mega tell man what kind of swag he's got asthma. So that's good
like josie, not yeah. Now so you know, but hundreds of thousands of kids go missing every single falcon year rhyme these jobs, Now you know we can say, there's gotta taken off again, fucking shit. Serious. That thing off little like back, oh that looks like that belt- looks like a ninety. Ninety nine pdt video bra. I don't like big talk Russell but yeah It really is a mere bugging. Some, like all the jumpsuits nah bro. We should remain video money were problems. Did you guys can do it Where can we get that room like I was they got to give it your mother and whether we have an old school like bad, ass, jaguar row nodded de ruyter convertible bentley in it. Yeah, but what I'm saying? I know that I think that's hypnotize. I think you're, beginning a more money, more problems, pd walks around the end of a bentley. You look it up.
The very beginning, video videos walking around yeah he walks around the front end of nobility. will you, let me know what his research more lost. You fuckin videos, when all my you know. Every week we can legally bland challenge me on my fucking pd. Ninety nine, the video now he's walker. Rowan and what's the one every move him remake rewrites motorcycle the beginning. Then he just gets up like ain't, nothing anyway, but what we're talking about yeah? So I mean these fucking kids man, I know, but they don't they. They can't do human testing right publicly approve the testing, the shit on somebody's ego, who who was right, who that's a fuckin bentley yeah, but you said I was or who said I was wrong. Then. Nobody, hurt cause. I ain't cause there. It is. I dunno. I just think that there's definitely a lot more to the ship man and I
Think the more people start digging into this in more than one come out, which is. Why should a cabinet? Because there While they don't want to find the fuckin true. This is whether or not we want to believe in burma, but whether you believe it does not make it less true, this is real shit, verifiable shit. You know the why why why in the Glenn Maxwell trial is the judge was like dude like? Why are they like dude? I'm sorry, a here here. Here's my thing: we need to be told the truth period. Like there's too much shit that these fuckers have kept from us and lied to us about, and the ability of the ability for us to share information so quick and fast now that they're not going to be able to sustain. in their previous ability. Keep knowledge from us moving forward, so they. Really do need a declassed and, like say, hey, do guys guess what there is all about you shit. You didn't know there were They should do that though it hears Y yeah, some people are gonna. Therefore,
can she's gonna be rock, but the truth is everybody will then adjuster what reality is and we can deal with. You know like ok, were spoken. Aliens tell us all about unbroke if, if wherever forget tell us, who killed whoo hoo did what what the barber role, because that's the only way we're gonna be able to move forward in american culture properly. You should say I see what you say and I can't they ve been able to for so many years. I think of anything. This whole debacle over the last couple of years It opened everybody's eyes to the amount can be broad cause. National polls show that less than ten percent of people trust the media. The media is talking about how much people don't trust them now or during whole. Fucking shows right, nobody believes you motherfuckers It's a nobody believes you anymore. Don't you think it's time just say I thought the gig is up guys, here's the deal and then we start from there.
you see I'm sandra because I do they ve been try. They ve been able to bend the narrative and that's what I'm saying that the last two years have made that really clear for everybody nobody's looking back in history right now, seeing how much shit. They lie to us about. You know that causing the what they call conspiracy, he talk, which is in reality just the other side of history that isn't working toll. Okay, so we need, like they created. This massive info system of you know is the messages and texan fucking always connected. This at the other, not realizing that their old system of. leading us. A narrative was eventually going to blown up because the shit's. Now you can't fucking standing right. Ok now, if you think about it like that
and you think about ok, fuck. We didn't think about the house. Ass. A system is now it makes sense why they're trying to lock the world down into this crate They control society, because there are more concerned about keeping their fucking secrets proposed an and putting the narrative on us telling us all the shit that they keep. What quorum quote, classify there should be no more classified information. And if you want my honest opinion in output, therefore contain poor had on, I think the whole. I think the whole intention. all of this shit, is to keep humans from act really understanding there for true potential? I think they're. So, watch the they understand about humans, that people don't understand, meaning We only use ten percent of our, but how many times hurt us here,
it use ten percent of your brain, that a fucking true or how do they not know they have you? They know, that's not true, yeah exactly they want you to fucking, realize and think that you're stupid they want you to fucking think that you're a worker bee. They want you to think that you just have to wake up every day, go to work and pay check, go for com, they know Want you to know that all Hugh and have this built in ability to create through flats in their mind, and all these things do humans are fucking literally limitless when it comes to what you can create out of your thoughts, I live the shit. You see it every day. Ok swallow The cell, you wanna, put people still don't believe it and the reason they don't believe it is because they don't fucking purposely, allow us to ever believe anything other than we are just little pieces of shit, so the
But for all this shit, when you really think about in break it down, is really just suppress someone's potential, which is why I fucking have democratic. a huge part of my life to helping people, discover that have a limited booking potential. That's the ultimate fuck! You too. These folks. personal excellence, is the ultimate rebellion under standing how your brain works, understanding what it can create under. Standing what you capable of and then going out there and- executing on it? It's what they don't want, they Won'T- you sit at home, they want you to consume shit, they want you to be fuckin shit. They You do now produce shit so that everything is left up to them. That's what they want. and until people wake up to this idea that we are completely being suppressed in every. Single way, physically spiritually values. Actually, my Actually fundamentally- and we are we are we are we are
met and designed to be controlled by these people until people wake up to that is going to continue. rather the other reason to I don't wanna, be classified issue because it implicates them in vain. Would be worse. What I'm saying I feel like that's what a lot of people don't forget like they they forget about, while, if you knew that everything that you did would never come to the public, what the fuck would you do right Of course that's? Why that's why you have to be forced out of the way to do this? Fuck fucking, you know like the: u listen, bro. What are you said for the last hour? Many minutes that's been going on for thanks a fucking years. This goes back to pre history. Ancient times There are glasses of people, there are them, and there are us, and none of us are born is that those people are tired. The things that I'm talking about their try, how to
Their taught how to manifest are taught how to create their taught, how to control their brain their tone. The mother fucking secrets that we are that's a fuckin fat. So what's all this shit do? I did all this shit that these people think this is about a really about any other shit. It's suppressing your own potential in keeping you a fucking quietly, worker be over the mother, fucking corn? That's we're all this is about and they can control it with it. now. Would you they created? They fucked up by creating the technology the way they did. And now they're trying to put a lid on a job It's already been open, but you can it's it's a pandora's box for, with the with the members of the values on which our ride back exactly In they're trying to do at all by force now because they realized they can't stuff the fuckin six pounds a shit. back in the fucking to pound bag. So. What's that going to try their fucking hardest to do both. One thing I see for companies is fuckin government subsidize. The argo was from facebook.
Worse, there's, no matter where you go, you don't even have to buy. Just put, please put these on raw look. It's insane luck! People need people need to reject yup. what I'll buy. I don't know that they will, but I do believe it will create two classes of people who create a class of people who lives over here in a class people lives out in the real world, and I can tell you this all that's gonna be produce monetarily still, gonna come from the real world you hit. you can't sell and create. Indeed, while these things inside the mega verse right with no actual money coming in from the real world, so avenged, these fuckers, who over here, trying to make this we're gonna, have to pull their fuckin here from this. Miss johnson so like the opportunity is always going to be in the real world row and the fact that we're even talking about this should scare the fuck out of people know what I'm saying. They're purposefully making humans obsolete,
If I can video today of someone who post another who was enshrined mc, where I think who posted a video, this robot, that was like pulling plywood, the sheet and and and making a wall with a fuckin screw gun? You saw Keith, ok, and this This too, is doing the job. May the human right. Much longer until those fuckin jobs are obsolete, like you, people, though stand. What they're trying to do a you're scene? we favour the terms a la robot? We ignore, I must say it, I must say that that's their me goal, but I'm saying that be a reality where people are fighting Armies are made up of these fuckin robot brow, and these robots can easily kill a fucking human like you
You have to have restrictions on technology bro. Now we have to impose like worldwide, like it like. There's crimes against humanity for fucking and a crime against humanity is creating something that can destroy human rights. An end. people are ignoring that from a technological steam already been happening for years and years and years. How many times you see a check or at the check out counter anymore. Robles essential jobs to two small business communities. So now what technology? If crew? the scenario where people have become We're obsolete right, not everybody, but there s a the of annual positions right, yeah! Ok! Now what do you do with those people? Oh here's! What we can do. We could put him in a fuckin metaphors, and and subsidize there their actual life with government aid by inadequate live over there. We do that and then we will do this over here.
that's the fucking, where they can make money in the members by do unachievable, jobs in the metaphors, never better plan? They sell. You write their plan. Their whole fucking reason for doing this. is to automate all the shit in their companies to create companies that make more money for them and remove this human element over here, because they understand These humors are still gonna need basic shit, real world. Do you understand my basic basic chest Are going to need toilet paper, they're gonna need groceries, they're going to need all the same shit. They need ok but they're, trying to make shit that they that they don't need An essential right like last year, was non essential that that you would want some. What do who was in the metaverse maybe go to the gym now, maybe go to church. They will even something higher in the real world. We understand how this off its together.
if I don't see anybody put it together,. Yup the arm dude. I I I'm with you, okay, I'm with you. We talk about this shit. All the time I'm with you is. Is there. I will not just global issue, but I don't think so people are even interested enough to fucking to a t to put the poised to put the pieces together. That's because bro most people don't know what the fuck you're doing this weekend brought out talking to one of my friends and they were like oh yeah. Well, what are you doing? I'm so busy. I'm doing this and this and this- and What's, while you? Oh, you know, I'm just trying to save the world response was, ah I got time to care about- was warm world too. Would you understand like we do? This is dangerous. What's happening right in danger
Very very important that pays attention an and stops it. There needs to be restrictions on fuckin how many cut, but you want to talk about a quarter of a quota that should be place right, you know they talk about. What is the ship the fucking affirmative? if you're right, you've got to have so many minorities for this or that or that's right, you want a real quality should be in place. Is how much, how much technology you can use to replace natural human right? That should be it knows or laws that should be happening right and they got us we're here. Fighting about our fuckin pigments, you home, sam rope people not to wake up. You gotta get smart. At last actually gas we react comes up section, which is always go in such terms. Up of its good two terms in the bud.
Sucks gather, what did the two terms in the book is what you actually one I'd, be ok with a that's. What I'm saying like some people are just into that shit, so like what? If that's what you wanted, so we got tickets like okay. We gotta talk about this a little bit anyway. With the with the ears airline watch little boy giving his prosthetic arm fitted has the purest what this is definitely thumbs up very those arose. So this is a very old school environment, Epstein shit. Now I don't know I've seen it this video is going getting vowel social meat is making people feel gushes of emotion. I saw some bitch acknowledges crazy, hectic bush in the world. I know I'm the video shows a kid giving his first prosthetic arm and the reaction of the kid gives. Ah. as medicines riding on a motion on emotional rollercoaster,
for other video euphoria replay their value, gotta have cited, might alter. I dunno, I dunno what the fuck did. You know that word is I dunno, where the fuck that word was ned isn't means citizen on the internet, so people who, using the internet or call netizens were the who the fuck did that that's urban dictionary, for you should know what the fuck yeah Tom ass. You cheat. You know You know what you mean: You don't know what you brought this cause. You know your problem is that you're racist, he probably coined the term. You just don't know, is there or is there such thing as a medicine X, nathan x? Why would that be your job is divisive that's right, you're, just being devised! That's right, devised with fuckin barbecue, not even the around people. That's right, be fucking hate! You Like you just gotta tesselated invite us got tesla exactly
The new other forward, you good model, three, that's fucking swedish where'd. You get that two days ago, you I get. I've been have your rossmore driving it yeah. I got to identify as a smart person right there yeah for sure, get your your your soy latte. No, I'm not into that kind of shit as you go to, but did you go to badman? Yet not yet, but I was rather nice are running very much. Maybe I become promoting you get a scuffle badminton I've already asked yes, You got trouble in you, yes, well, the police really well what I say the lady who say they charge you a terrorism not yet not yet merchants may,
yeah, because that's good english! They were like. Ok, it's not probably a tourist yeah. Did you tell them? You had a tesla, they still fuck with you know. I got Tessa two days ago. That thing happened like six months I have you but dude. If you would have had a tesla, then it would have. They would have left you alone, but maybe to be continued yeah. I want to hear more yeah, but want to play this this or this video real quick do cause. It's just fucking heart warming bore yet is located in his first prosthetic it. Just like look how happy I know. That's pretty cool man
It's so dope, and I dunno, if you know if it was a genetic disorder or on what exactly caused his his or his ailment, but just some good shit for the day. Bro man look at that smile vera is fucking cool and that's cool as two thumbs up two thumbs up one hundred per cent man, so you know what's funny this is like just in in relation this remember back a couple of years ago, when people used to fucking be a god, I'm so sick of the fucking dog videos. People's kids are shit. I kind of wish we'd go back to that. Yet, once again, when I was one of those guys I've fucked your kids for cattle, now and, like all kids here, because I'm so sick of them morons like a it's like they replace kid videos with fucking idiots yeah in your face, twenty four seven on board some dude off
Well, that's a show. That's a show man. That's all I got for that is a good show. Alright, Jerusha sleeping on the floor number jury box froze the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach buddhist smoke got a rope can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-02.