« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

178. Andy & DJ CTI: Waukesha Christmas Parade, Austria Coronavirus Protests & Ghislaine Maxwell

2021-11-23 | 🔗

In today's episode, Andy and DJ talk about the Waukesha Christmas parade that left 5 people dead and 40 injured, the protest taking place in Austria against the nationwide lockdown and the U.S. judge that allowed Ghislaine Maxwell to call a 'false memories' expert to testify at the upcoming trial.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Is one of the number for the county? Millions in a day teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know. Headshot chase club was aghast, it's anti priscilla, and this is the show for the real say. Goodbye to the lies famous and illusions of modest side and welcome the butterfly guys? Today we have seen if the show for you, I dunno, why I'm doing that in a word? Yeah! That's what I was get there way. We got a here and there that stands for ending dj crews, the So we are about to do crews, the mother, fuck man, s rights was up here, an interesting how interesting mornings is more,
well. You guys remember when a coy bush decided to invite me on a teleconference or whatever town hall yeah, and they didn't fucking answer my question cause. I was a black conservative that disagree with her. I got a call back today, no way their call back, they call back and it was one of her like no little minions or whatever, but I've never I've. When I say I've verbally destroyed this man with my words, there was fucking me it so good This also good man, because I know he saw about nowhere. I just wanted to get clarity. It's u! I broke out now! That's awful! The shit like I was addressing real issues, this guy, young or old, or what he saw he was is on a young sound. Pretty I mean, I would say you know, lost his shit off to some fucking kid who had no fucking idea, not only what he was talking about, but who the fuck I would like here he was. He was composing, for I don't think so
I dunno, I will say that I hear he's like he's gonna no now We heard a question I just wanted to get bad tee in and just no help walking week. I get you some more clarity on my argue to life or your reason. Let's go on, say dockside. I was in and now do army's me just talking about stuff, like I'm, just having to lay out a thoroughly enough facts woman. had no. I have no idea what the fuck himself here shall talk about new in the bill bag, better plan or whatever, is you The violence idea that we have a real issues. They got us right now that it is too It's gusting of how these politicians, who just got an office are completely turning the other cheek brawl. Completely ha. You know yeah, and so he saw him. Are you know? That's all I don't I just have a hard time while she is advocating for this, and she wants me to advocate for this plan but we have real issues that are not mere dress. I cried
is a warrior on the crime issue. You know we were going to be reallocating some money and helping the mental health crisis with how police officers responses. I said, sir, We know the senator man one causes anything was that environment while prices I will not say, is less than two percent other percentage of single as much about the police officers and have see. I teach me. Nor do I know I see I see. Training is now I dont was crisis. Intervention turn over seventy percent of sale of much about the boost by police officers, have that train, which the sixty our course neglect, of course, offices. Git. To specifically handle mental mental health issues. What am I gonna? Lala falcon act like the police? Don't wanna actually helping one? That's a family, I told him I'm like I'm like. I just have a hard time. Understanding you any other social issue we have in this world. I now in this country the others. we should always more money. I ignore schools are fucked up. Woman healthcare spoke out more money road.
Too bad more money or we're say we haven't police issue, but the solution is to take money away. I'm I going this. same time, while she's no advocating for defending the book he Louis she speaks. one two thousand hours a year of taxpayers, money on private security. You know likes. You can't tell me that no, she from the same place. he's got me, there's a walk. All your noble, rather partial, fulla shit in a month in she gets a six figure, but bill am I thank you in two hundred grand private security a month then, and but now, she's pusher. All this federal, whitehouse house of buzzword, bullshit and yours, They say nothing, nothing! they say nothing. So I destroyed him in, like you know they. Well, I don't know what you have. oh I'm gonna, get you in such a general manager. Is, I don't know all the information, but I'm just parts. I myself it a motherfucker like hey. Why are you why.
Are you doing this? If you don't even know the issue, that's what I told him he's like cause, I'm just a part sonic a part time guy, as it doesn't matter if you're part time bo gobies. These are full time effects like the effects of all this. Your full time science. Only view of you made this phone call. You call me you should be fine we fuck unaware about. What's going on, you should know the totality circumstance ass now noise. It is you shouldn't Is the data, an believe that your solution is correct and that's what I told them I told him blank. I told him straight up. I said what you're doing is their responsibility. it is dangerous to moral and is wrong yeah. I guess so. Well I'll I'll. I will gladly take the next phone call with wherever you get yoona send me to die highly, encouraging the most you doing your home yeah, because, as can understandable, I agree, and I are so called store continues and he said I should go. The next you of twenty four to forty eight hours. So I Why buy look example like that guy probably believes that he's doing the right thing. He pray
I believe she is on the right side. You, probable, eaves, that these people have the good intentions, a he just workers, up to be on the right side of fucking history problem. Is you motherfuckers rethink? is not doing your research you're not going on the ground level and look into what these policies actually in real life which, if you go to every mother I consider this country this democratic run is the same story is the same story: it's high crime, its high poverty, its high black people in terms of population density and They go there every four years and they fuckin. Why do I in black people get hopeful they say okay. Finally, this can be our time shook its fixed and an end. I for a to they fucking they ride with those people, and these people blatantly betray them. Bush bushes, betraying our own community here, euro, saint Louis there's, no question about it.
Anybody who still around with that their misled- and they haven't done their actual critical thinking to think about how these policies actually a Do our fellow citizens and on the other it's one. That's another point I will make to you know. Not only did he not do his homework, but he was not prepared that I did my home which is which is another combination, rights, allow alot of people, dont know what what is it what's really in this bill? How does it get paid for but no one is taking the time to do that. So that's why I was so caught off. Guard has rather use natural somebody age when the column insane, here hear about this in him spit not that same talking jacket, not the same talking wasted these guys all put out an and then not not having a follow up question or push him any further, Which is why my question for fucking all these people, I was excited as spot tat? I went to the government bulgarian your return lights off and got set the mood yeah by this kid about to get a fucking destroy yeah, I guess
Is that what the problem is this like the division of of like we have to bring these people to why there I went away right because do every time, like I see this lot from the right and the left like the talking boisterous. So devise some in their such undertone. A fuck you to him that there is no chance. someone's gonna be willing to listen, even if they understand that other person might have a good boy oh, and that's where we are now we're in this, like I was going to give a big reggie but outside of just giving Jacob a nice, I get it there's a time and place for that too, but like row I still believe that most people want the same shit This means a lot of people out there. They want the same shit that we want the door understand how ashley? Yvette, it are relying on people who predatory to go. Do that for them and those people have no idea what they're doing now
What do they have no idea or no experience to what they're doing, and they really don't give a fuck about the problem, they're just good at saying some shit, one hundred percent, so we gotta, we gotta, fix that. and as part of the american mandate I talked about on Monday, yeah. We got soviet city. I just want to get it off my chest and I do my best. Keep you guys updated it's on the story or whatever, but I'm looking forward. The next call, yeah city. I guess we got three headlines. I'd be impressed if you guys com Well, that's why I talk like that's why one is as much a when should I expect, because I will make sure I come available I expected What really really every hour, surprise economy back this honestly I don't think they're even at this time, so you know kudos for that, and I did tell him I appreciate it so the ctr. I guess we got three alone will put up here to talk about him.
In the end. We always I sums up section so with that being said, I kicked off the headline number one. We ought to bring it up for cash at christmas break attack five dead. Forty entered her brooks being question, so I know you guys for farmers in the video clips of this. If you have it, I'm really messed up. His graphic cerebral they're, pretty they're, pretty bad videos and I'm sure everybody seen him, could they ve been every women everywhere and in so doing I prefer the real, quick facts on on on the whole situation. As you know, the man that man is me Question has been arrested the driving a red ass, she read through a christmas break, I'm a killed. Five people injured dozens more armies minute, identified as darrow ie, but a brooks junior walk, a man with a huge trimming. history, a knowledge backs. Ninety ninety nine
numerous viral felonies, I'm sick, children, american Commissioner, I now I'm in them House said the steamer, who recently that a restart state, local officials to offering support and assistance as needed, in the same breath I also said that he would make any opinions based on it, because you don't have enough if the information on what I would have been nice, if they would have done that about the windows character macabre why supremacy- and I am convinced that this would be very easy to turn into some racial bullshit, which some people already are, which I think is wrong right. This is this. Is wait. This is actually written is how all headline should be read: yeah. It said the man questions the man, it's not a fucking black man, it's fucking white man, fucking man and bro. I get tired of this like That headline with those rules were reversed and now a white beard who ran over a bunch of black people, fuck dude, the we'll be buying right now, that's what they know this guy.
International as well. When I will deal with this as I went on. This is a fox article, but I want to see an answer: yeah they worried it too. It was very, very interesting, and this is just a quick little litmus test of how you can tell the bases- he's mainstream it. They they, they just did it after rittenhouse got acquitted. They are still, white supremacist shit? They did a headline yesterday, the said for most days. This thing in america is a white man. Some shit like that or angry with me, but I got my own national headline said the most days. were staying in america is angry black man, as about you actually be rights yet, and there is actually statistical data. That is the truth now beside you about what I'm noticed, though wherewith with emerson, we're being there is that most of the fucking things one year Y know I'm people to take those
oh you're, saying no. I'm saying that with the data backs up right and wrong to fucking say that either way, and until we get to judging individuals on the content of their fucking character, like we're supposed to stop putting race in front everything attaching every single crime, the some big fuckin race merit if and this and this and this and this and this we won't heal in this country. So I want to be real clear about my point. A point is: is that these stories shouldn't be. Rationalized, either way losers always funny about how much does it just because anytime, it is a black person, believe color completely oh yeah, but it's only The white person was above the would be everywhere. I'm just tired of that amount whereby everybody's tired of men and people can I was you see that Yes, I mean, if you haven't seen videos by now losers go search christmas rate, you know by, but there's a lot of stuff. It's that that's coming out of it
really really really address and saw me. He was literally released from jail. And his bond was lowered. unusually low inappropriately low is exactly that's what perimeter Yeah I mean it's extremely low. Yeah I've come for for the crime he was accused of you I mean it, but there's a lot is coming out of this. In others. This is mister, brooks right here and bears alarm what more coming out of this noble mama hurts. The herds mammy mad, like if there's one video of like a a four year old girl dancing in the street in his truck just zoomed like inches by her broke, my heart hurts, in my opinion. This is on the media, because this guy does have like anti white shit. Am I correct you're his age except yeah, so he's got anti white propaganda,
his fucking on his page. Ok and the media has been driving this anti white shit for fucking you it is not a new thing. Brothers been going on for years why people had been told, shut the fuck up, ass, a shit about raised up, if you say anything, about a ratio of fuckin, racist and fuck you and your privilege in this net. That's been the narrative why people in why people are now the point where they're realizing that, if they don't stand up for themselves, we're a big problem now: okay, and I hate to be that way. This instrument is true in all your mother. Fucker should be should be resisting this. This white races, I could say, racism is wrong, no matter who had spoken and the media is trying to for racial emotions. I push these fuckin lines out all of us to sit there and think man fuckin worse? Coming no bro they're trying to instead trying to incite further the vision and
it's in the minds of these by the factors that are capable of doing actual crimes and these people this motherfucker, you know, probably come up with this idea because of the propaganda. The work here on data with twenty four seven, my opinions on the fucking media agree. I agree and, like you said he ass big connected to some extreme left, leaning staff. Is social media like this is the post that he posted a picture of a two white man with the shirts off in the cotton field and a black man whipping them, and he says, quote, learned and taught behavior so when we start back knock and my people- the fuck out on one here here- why people to knock him. The fuck out here you include, but but did not biggest issue with this man is a at what point in the society. Do we continue to allow p?
don't contribute to our society that are literally the scum evil right. How do we keep allowing these people to walk? Actually? Because, because the Democrats are in charge of of the prosecution, the prosecutors, mostly cities are democrats. There have been paid to take our by outside organizations a lot of time by soros. Ok, that's a proven fact that conspiracy theory shit and regardless of it's him or whoever funding them. A lot of these people run on those kind of dollars. Okay, so what happens? Is they put these radicals in place for power like judges who make the decisions and reason they allow these people to walk free is cause. They know for sure that the crime rate when you go up when the crime rate goes up, that gives them problems the promise that they are going to solve, and that's where that community traditionally vote so what they're doing by doing this is furthering and their narrative with the media furthering
racial division, wow jerry. That's right ensuring their reelection because they're creating a high crime rate that they can come in and say we're going to fix, and that's what's been going on for forty fucking years. Bro so There is a very good reason why they do it and people need to get wise to it. stop? Allowing woman who allowed this man should not be a judge should not be in the court and weak you're going to have to get real serious about seeing who is actually genuine we try to solve problems or whose just a mouthpiece in receiving some funds? Now there's a lot of people, While there were leading some of these, these anti america groups are better doing it for money or not doing it because they believe they're doing it for money. you know about four or five move allows. That's right! You insult we're battling some pretty evil shit man and the worst something that we can make sure that these people have our best interests mine. They don't we're trying to get paid for trying to power there. Trying to.
Stay in their own world they're, trying to keep it from crumbling, and this is the political world that they chose. So we it's our duty to like get people in who have real intention of solving the problems that we face in our communities and this mother fuckin lady, a one of them, it's a fucking back as do jumps out to was it today. it's two days ago, it's in his fucking car. He was at least released friday. He was released friday, go in his car and runs these motherfuckers father is over now. Why do you ask? While I am in and funding do we know why did it deserves, as it is innovation out there. It is no clear what do here's the deal now give a faculty by things. If there were a fuckin, why do who posted from aunt? I fuck him black shit, just the exact same scenario exactly scenario and you just which the races variable? What kind of like a result? We have read for the entire country we broke out in that
The fucking hypocrisy in this scenario, right why people are gonna, go burn. The fucking country down over this fuckin thing not regarded as bad guys come back. I could come on tv. Oh, why people? I hate you fuck, you blah blah blah blah and there still not doing it because They know it's wrong right right, and so we need to get to a point. Where Everybody understands that there's ship bag individual, out there of all races, there's bad. Why people? There is bad black people there's people they are for. In bad. In every single race, in every single area, every single city, this is good versus evil. This isn't funny raise first race working. You know what I want a foot there trying to make us believe that satellites dude it's over the phone, we are what pointing out the hypocrisy in this is important because it shows should show people on the other side. that when Rosa reversed,
on the other side, meaning if you're on the left. you think you're you're on the left and you think all this bird shit down over these. These three or four is this is this? Is men are super highlighted by the media and actually contradictory to the actual data available if you're getting me at about that and in europe. About this. Your fucking you're you're, a fucking bought pay for just like they are we gonna end? obviously browsing. And what do you mean? Is your man like? We can't be afraid to call it the fuck up. You know most widely I will say the ship because they're afraid being called a racist road. It's not racist. That's just the true right. Unless the things I mean, whether you can you get our we're there, there's not enough information right now to make to say open. This was racially It does not there's not well. How is it ok, explain in minutes, how is it ok to fucking put that fucking photo of cow rittenhouse on tv,
We're on the paper says the most dangerous thing is an angry white man. You know I'm serious, How is that? Ok and they went dude runs over fourteen for twelve forty people. Ok, they bade them wanting the mentions euro sand. Ro. If you can see what they're trying to do there trying to create a fucking new oppressed class of white people, by empowering everybody else, to rise up against them like bro. First of all, good luck. Most people are racist, the black people racist fuckin, asia Bibi, racist, because now raised. We know that is not right to hate people for the colorless fuckin skin? How are you push this narrative on us? We're always gotta know that Are there going to be shipped bags like this fucking guy who take you know even go do bad things. Yes, that's what they're trying to create. So it's important for us.
A whole in america too. realize and start identifying individuals and holding them responsible instead of entire fucking communities or entire segments of people. This this guy- I don't have any more resentment towards black people or what the fuck this guy does. I think he's a piece of fuck and I think the people who empowered this kind of thinking or fuck the pockets, but that doesn't when I look at what people differently and say: oh yeah fuck, that guy you know and we can't look away. We want the same. Samia saw anything in this, like I'm already seen her lines from the left mom, I seem to the tweets they're trying to what denies this as a political thing around with that and justify all he was leaving another star. She wants luck in person said it was. One person, said I can remember who, between from these treatment, deleted by them I'm sure I said I
I'm sure I'm sure it was self defense that I saw that when I saw the vibro these are from politicians that can nap Allow these mother fucker saying this device of shit. You guys have stand up to these people trying to divide us. You have two fuckin like do for these people. I'm over this shit I'm over this fucking. We need to take care. in communities we take or cells and fought these motherfuckers better. Tell us where we hate other and there were all evil and that now there as bad. You know, that's not true. I try, but the world of working time all over the world I have for years and years and years in sweet to people. all. We want to succeed, guess who was succeeded? I just fucking why people its black people, its asian people, it's fucking, all kinds of me now see anybody out there doing other people like shit. It doesn't happen, I don't see people to see, color see most people in this country
a body in your line of thinking the martin Luther king has, which is the content of care. and then we all get along and we all celebrate our differences, but work together for a better opportunity for everybody. Ok now we have ship bags and power. One fuckin literally turn everything as some sort of poor political. Then I saw that the white house got a christmas tree today that shocked me miss shocked me that the white house will put up a christmas tree on how politically correct there trying to beat. Women out thanks giving it tomorrow how many mother fucker took it up on base giving about how it's? A moral have thanksgiving and fuckin protected land. My all is well shit wrote this is how good fortune land and. Everybody lives here together, I've already buck and change it. Ok, tabby wine in and let us work together to be grateful for what the fuck we have
Don't mary le mans sky was the woman who said it's. Probably just self defense and illinois Democrat see these people gotta go dude. Now, there's no place for that. These people gotta go these twit. These twitter politicians gotta go we we got to be people we gotta have people who unite people. We gotta have people who bring people together. We gotta have people, understand common sense. This shift ridiculous, as does that, though, that work that women should be fucking check, that out of the government Ro anytime, there's divisive shit for many of these government official. They should be kicked out beside that's now with this country's about its now. What america's about Now what america's people were agreeable. I myself am in man. My heart mar goes out. Families, man has not a horrible. Do it's terrible, hereupon. They were today three days before things came in the month thousand christmas. It. But what are these motherfuckers trying to use its power to push our agenda already?
that's what that's what bothers like is the victims always get lost. That was lost, In my view, over there try make this tweets and why we should abandon this fucking piece of shit at all. Why? Why are we defending pieces of shit in connection with a fucking last wrote, mother fucker, What happens in america when you fuck with people, you have fucking blasted Scoreboard is calm, fuck you! This kid is there by the way he's protecting businesses, which found now, where my nor yo otherwise the premises and shit I'm fuckin. Soon after he was acquitted grow. These people need a fucking god. We have to shoot fuck out of them. We have to get them primarily with get them out of our government. They gotta go there. There are to america for toxic, us, they're, gonna, kill our way of life and I gotta go and we
we place tomorrow, give what replace them with Democrats, who think the actual the poorest the views of god kind of use cool, but this stream, division shit is cannot be tolerant agreement. So what was just a debate on this and see what happens and worldwide we'll start standing up for your fucking selves. Now me, while it's either, I mean do abroad. This fuckin answer: why shouldn't okay, in the bible, sign up for this shit, no shit and as is way more black people standing up for that. Then I see why people you know why. That is because white people are fucking terrifying cora locking racist side no required for their own fucking. Faced with this is like fuck you. This is the way it is on the fucking face, but this is black. Do name one more willing or some like that- is like this fog, was the guy. I love your people, everybody you not! I what's all this shit out, but then he has oppose him. Oh hey! This might trigger some white people.
If you're, why? No matter how bad your experience is a ban, you are superb it was like, goes on and on all right, we'll go to the comments knows why people saying yes, I appreciate you ass though, so and so I'm like laughing and always within found my what the fuck are? We doing? it was just one way. I saw one comment from white lady that stood up for such like I'm not buying the shit like, and I liked all of your posts before this ass about mental health and ye. Shall I this? Ok, it's not ok! She gas are eating and attacks on you might know. Fuck, that's airy. Your fuckin right asked them by you our support, as this is bullshit yeah. Like my days bullshit funds to shoot the heel and be a man what is supposed to be like one work is supposed to be. What is suppose we can all do well. What has been up until this point? We can argue about If you ever wanted to be, what is supposed to be you better stop seeing people's fuckin race better, stop judging them on the color of their skin? start seeing them for what they are, what skills they bring to the table. How good
a person they are. Are they good a bad or the contributing are they taken value waiting on their character? Not on this Bullshit of fucking, the their skin, my father, every mother, fucker out there on the inside is the same were to say, like we're judge people often the fucking physical traits but how shallow fucking society they pushed us to become you'd. Have we ever want to get past the issue we have to stop this shit now. Has a stop has stopped in that to take people standing up from his aunt. I, why should do? Oh, are you deal with that. We deal with every six hundred years. No, when I can deal with it for a fuckin minute, no one should It's not right. It's not right towards fucking any one root root for fucking over the advice of ship row. If you're about division get the fuck out My fucking face now will be aggressive about that. I fucking hate
a letter. I wrote my father that dude. Do I hate you understand. I hate it Well, if see me as, if I can say is I see you, we ain't the same fuck you because you're a piece of shit. I made a post and I posted a once in a while mainstream some you guys he had some guys don't, but it says all the time. It says the same thing I posted two thousand and seventeen, and I posted over and over again, if you judge people by the color risk of their skin, You are a world class piece of shit and there are now exceptions in that zero, zero always felt that way by the way. It's a fucking new thing. I'm sick of this shit. So I am a member to speak of what people stand, letting it be called the fuckin far right now, his ship more than anything the how I'll give a fuck if they do It's all right thing, bronze right! It is right how the fuck are we in
twenty one judge each other on the fucking level of tat we gotta fuckin skin. it's the stupidest shit, I've ever fucking heard in my life, where I don't know what the fuck is a dick about how stupid that is, What do you look as someone in pig, something them because of their fucking skin? That's primitive Animal shit. what better than that more jane was for fifty years ago? what can sixty years ago for a long time ago. Still you, that's all acceptable bro. That means they've intentionally intentionally pushes the vision that is unacceptable. It's one hundred percent do we just experienced is going to fucking las vegas this past weekend's. I. We're not whether or not there are refused to believe it by were there I got
no one in our trying to get us to that. Where would you think there were that? Yes, we are not there. When I met with the remark tat, almost people both have the fuckin room was black for africa, five, it's ended. Our fuckin driver the moment you step out into the fuckin real world, and you put this fuckin phone down you step into the where you have real conversation with people. You will learn that role. more than that, we're off. Most focusing our most people out there once same shit. That's it indeed, they got. They think they think they're doing something good by making these strong, assertive statements, and and bringing up points that are really the exception. Rather than the rule look bro week, there's going to be bad experiences for people in this world. There's going to be things that happen. That are, Bad there is going to be racially motivated crimes. There's going to be people. Do that shit. if we focus on only those people and we fuckin rally around only those instances- that's what will become.
Our entire existence and that's not reflective the majority of fucking humans of any country, every fuckin country weird she was, what the same shit it's a worldwide issue, bro working fed. If you're going every single country there's a segment of their population right now, but they are trying to divide against the other. Every single fuckin country, and the reason they do that. It's all. I think it's a fucking bauer, united, we stand divided, we fall motherfucker that's everywhere, it is about time due to hold for the world unites. We did can these motherfuckers that are blocking making the world miserable of all of us, because there's only about a thousand eight billion for can people on this planet, get the hell out of our asses. We realise what the fuck I just said, take care, but also speak of of
of standing up for some this one. I said gimme analysed by worry on. Maybe I was trying to get on board over those managing to make the first war such as well like the way I do. I do with our work zero? Gill? For do you know, it's funny is like even the mother fuckers enforcing this shit. Like do the people come here. how do you know the anti or she's pretty extreme? Well? Is it wrong veal and these bodies Others look at me they're like well, that's item. why you know, maybe I'm like even the police, even fbi, even the people enforcing these. They know this shit's wrong they know is wrong.
You gotta stop going war. We should that you believe, is wrong for a paycheck, its guns that does not we'll fuckin. We will ruin this falconer enough and climb. change of areas where we find very number by the way. I'm I'm a hundred per cent. One hundred percent convinced that greta thunberg? is the engineer behind. Every single toilet paper dispenser in a public bathroom, the fucking. Will you because you can only get one? She got everything like do it doesn't matter? There is no. There is no good toilet paper dispensers like anywhere like Oh I'm a big man. I make a big mess like. I need some fucking paper one sheet of paper: gretta ain't, gonna fucking car. If any, out there has a solution for the public restrooms of the planet to get more than one sliver of single. Why paper, then I'm gonna fuck,
end up having to like get thirty out even make one wipe like Can you please let me know about it, because this credit, thunderbird toilet paper, shit, fuck me is a hell of a fuckin. I wrap it up here, because when I go on the sugar in the fucking locker room or yelling at what he's become yell at the internet. Right, I'm yelling at the fucking toilet paper, dispenser bro. I just open the fucking thing up and get mine that way. Fuck I do It pisses me off when the fuckin top row falls down the bottom line and I won't come out here then we'll go right now show me where to find it had to have cody show me where the keys are brow, so I can keep my little sticker ro! I can just dumb it merely saying I yelled moment of the fucker my thumb in spilled out, then I will put it back. My seat response is ideal would not know he's fucking, like dude. Whoever may see things if you really a business, you make those things how factories though in business about deciding about what we know need amalgam dyson,
the main good dies and using a mega twenty patriotism exits it. I guess it would be like a thousand. then pay it and we're on full pay. My fuckin word: I put him in every building that fuckin out everywhere, I started a trend. Dear Abby influence and for a whole fucking campaign, drought, it's called like no shit on your fucking thumbs, you're, saying like fuck out We were therefore we are not going to be another. Her life devastated by civil society? For me, I'm a problem solving. also we will follow in this. We talked about this and all of it. What's goin on and off, This is their lack of ours, tens of thousands protests nasty. Its nationals on hundreds of thousands- you see it In the program this I it took me a couple of headlines to try to get like a real accuracy or a huge. It was massive yeah man.
This is the one we were talking about last show where police military back to back the vessel what's happening now. Is these motherfuckers realizing they're, not gonna, get in trouble to go out. As all purpose of january six by the way january six was designed to scare people into fucking. Going on, I processed the nazi mass protests united states, because they are afraid of happened on january sixth, and they understand, and are making example those people on purpose now a days is that the reason it there's no protest? Is there and then also to we're, not alone us soon see. You know that there are putting out these fuckin fear. Statements like master terrorism watch list fucker. That first incident, that we talked The ban on the shelf bats, domestic tears, right, fast, domestic affairs, and by the way, when I first heard this thing when I
was. Was one of these fuckin illegal immigrants came across the board because dude? If we all stop that those things, that happened up there was consummate that cartoon that those kind of adventure and happen over and over and over and over again, it's funny because I posted on my social media. that little story about socialism failing and then what you don't know what happens next, what happens next starvation death Third world shit, the very five minutes after I posted that fucking thing happened, guess what that is. That's what happens in the third world, people get in a car and it'll kill a bunch of motherfuckers yeah. I showed you, this we are happy to do that, but not even china fuckin show this. I showed this I showed you the the screenshot from from my instagram, so I was trying to follow stay up to date with Austria yeah, they hatched a plot hatched black, but they blocked the whole fucking hashtag. Unlike mrs. This is can't see Austria's social media on interim the blocking the
insane in the I'm trying to pull it up. Thinking of the actual quote for your big bro, these people are getting desperate man, real deaths, they're going to start accept and they can't release off of how far they've dug their heels in so they're, going to they're going. To accelerate yeah? I mean it so you are a lot of other people fewer than cigarettes. That was it How was it that was all I was arrested in Austria from this protest. Saturday was ten people fewer than ten people have, and I got this cool picture and show you I mean they were fucking going yeah, they were gone and it was pretty fuckin Also? There are but a lot of the the headlines that I saw man. Nobody was really trying to reported accurate. Like one one one headliners house, it said I was only like a thousand people. which I know that's fucking, look how they say this tens of thousands of people, many of them far right supporters raw or these are not far right people. It gets better. It gets better so they say far I buy but look with a common. The far right.
the freedom party is who they're calling the far right freedom party have bio. Ah, this is group in Austria that basically stands for freedom? I stand for non, not answer. Relaxing there, Hence I everybody haven't. They get the vaccine by force anti master norms in like those of the freedom party and the pain in them, is as extremists and far right stream. Listen, it's insane! It's insane! One it's a whole nother fucking label that far right labour row you're not far right, just because you believe in freedom of choice like that's how fucking far right, like a dude, that they have weaponized that term far right to mean every single person that is not in lockstep with them. jack, exact, the majority yes and that eighty percent of the people, eighty percent of the people, america, labelled as far right by these people. That's just not true.
in so doing some word bigger. What's what interest of this protest was this pass? I know a lot of liberals or fuckin waking up to that. I think it s like theirs alone, where they step with what they step away, and they say man, the shiite. Ah you now with our like kuwait, how can you go from laughed so far right a whole bunch of ground to cover between dumb ass is here like this. It's a fucking. and by the way where the dumb ass for believing because isn't true. It was interesting to do some some something on this. This this massive protests happened. Saturday. Freedom is far right now fuck out most irony, but just a week before so this, this path, surprisingly boards on a crumpled you? Yes, In town amartion he's motherfucker. So sorrels and assign were in Austria when this happened meeting with what has happened a week before
And as soon as he learned that monday, they announced the fuck a new way way way, no way. Sweaty guys were they were in their monday before and this motherfucker, then they decided they could have new lockdowns for it, but this was november tenth is when they end, and then he announced the new lockdown november fourteenth and then november twentieth twentieth have the rights, while his wife Yes, I mean, if I here's the fucking tweet from from source relics or ass, the sun rate to see austrian chancellor and somber yeah in vienna, discuss the future of see you anymore, it's a preserving european perspective for the western balkans in an effort to combat antisemitism broke the only way. The only reason you guys give a fuck about semitism is because, when you point the finger at them, they like to hide behind it. That's a fucking fact that there's a fuck people
Anti semitic, nobody runs around vulcan town, says: ah, let's forget the Jews, but we says so but not this time even a fucking dialogue that happens behind closed doors. It's a fucking way to protect them from saying: hey, quit fucking with the world right now. I fucking can't stand this fake as shit dude. This is why am I a mess of bank? I like I mean, Obviously this is not in the first. All you have to you have to go. Do some research? You asked you to do some digging yada go look around a little bit, no actually be invested and know what the fuck you're talking about but the time on this thing has just spoken. Well, you do your people went around saying. Let us make shit I don't know. I never heard it ever my life honestly what I've been a little confused. life about what a museum, the jewish and what does it look same as me right now
which is why people know for real yeah. But that's what I look at like for me and that's my ignorance. Now I've educated myself since then sure I'd say most of my life. I thought that I'm like Does it mean to be jewish right, but don't anti semitism its anti fuck sticks fucking with everybody shit do this. This whole idea of, like you, can't criticise these people. Is there going to santa some. That's got to start to its individual responsibilities. He will hide these labels because then only be held accountable now and I, like you, You think, for one second combine this package: we that's what they were there talking about, won't know and then falcon measures alarm down the next day. Impassive come on you, ass were little smarter than that brow globus Martin. So it sends arrest, I mean I don't know. If the the protest about continued Austria, all they do is a mere this. They are literally everybody on the smaller gear, its all line,
it's all a line, so we'll see yeah, bermuda our final have on you right away I will come here, we all know, I'm here soon, it has not already realised what I mean. No, you know what I think so business. Those next airline is interesting because now, for the last two weeks, or so, we china, been remembered how rittenhouse kay. Is right, there's been a lot of other things that kind of been taking my attention right. We're kind of off regard about this, just a little shot that was important to talk about it ah Do I really believe delay Maxwell, Joe, you ass, judge, let's calais, Maxwell, car, false memory expert on to justify a trial. This was the newest pitcher. This is from friday at once but he was judge, is allowing he's granted maxwell to all the psychologist who special
as is and how members can become distorted. Overtime testify at her trial second charge. So I thought I thought, it'd be nice to just a try. I mean. Is this meaning that she's going to try to discredit these people who are using her, He's trying to this road of herself, yes, Thus, the interest apart so she's having this this. This expert in psychology right to come testify that over time remember it can be the story, so basically removing herself from any actual alligator. Why am I believe that this is true, but it may not be true right and that you can. How can we ask that is- and I have no proof false memories about sexual abuses on the people may describe with coffins without deliberate? same here? Will she's trying to throw that plus the victims that our of which avenue involved were kept number under wraps this also to discredit.
Very, very interesting stuff, but I just saw you know we do our due diligence here, abate everybody a little bit on what is actually going on. You know, has There's been a lot has been kept under lock and key about her, I'm just about the whole, such in itself, so thought that would be good. If he knows put a couple of facts out there to people knew what exactly is happening where restarted wherever. so you're going maxwell this form a girlfriend long term associate of Jeffrey upstate who did not kill himself by this. Whole trial started back in twenty twenty twenty november. when she was arrested by the fbi for charges were testing sex trafficking money. I saw he was arrested. Suppose we killed himself in his cell, no cameras, the barge up, like that and another arrested
in some china, but luckily everything is unlocked and locked, lock and key right now, it's a private private trial, no cameras, not a whole lot being released out. So I they start already. So there are no injury. Slashing starts like what the twenty ninth area so goes. I urge to knife in november, and I ve been doing you're a selection working through that. So let me address them here, I think she might seem like a bird. I dont know why bringing in this this new export. Our know what the fuck am. I really doubt. Ah, yes, been accused of helping Jeffrey Epstein. I know it. Yet these young girls they would fly into ah and they would sexual abuse allegedly sexually abuse them and all the stuff for them. The is like the connections are they have with all these it's our names? that everybody knows. That's gonna be interesting to see how much this stuff actually comes out in public. You know a lot of people
Insane, oh, why aren't the livestream this? Well, it's not normal, wash from the federal trout. Those always yet. Like some of you tin, tinfoil fuckers are like you know. You need to educate yourself a little bit yeah, it's gonna, be interesting man, because this is the case, a sort of me on the seed, a lot of conspiracy, foreign cloak and speed see what has been going around for a long time. and yeah, no it's gonna be interesting to see, are while comes out and in how much of it is been. Actually the truth versus how much of it is over exaggerated. You know crazy shit and people are linking together. For other reasons, you know kompromat compromising affirming their own biases and shit like that I don't know I mean what do you think? That's what I'm aroma I mean she, I think, look at the facts
while I would, what exactly do we know is true? We know for a fact that nor both Jeffrey Epstein Angle, aim there connected to a lot of big neighbour, names at each and every one of us knows no one love yeah there are. A lot of these people have also been as follows of sexual misconduct wreck like allow these people whole shirt like so like this is where the whole pedophile. Well I'll. While rare theory comes from an arm You know you watch some of these documentaries, which ensures most of you guys have seen a lot of those. You know and they go. They go into this. This all deep, dark die of. how the entire world operates round, adrenal, chrome and around charles sacrifice and all this shit- and you know I could see how someone would draw that conclusion based upon how large the circle is. These people are connected to and how much power they have and what they
been accused of and all these things like, it's gotta be enough. Asking see what actually comes out, because. Now there's a lot of arrows That is what the fuck are we going off now and I I don't know where they are. Can't tell me that I get well, let's assume, If this all were true re with Epstein Maxwell. Obviously, within the connected to There is no fuckin way the they don't know about you, it's like. If you assume that is true, then you but now starts The budget right then go back to two thousand twa donald trump area. I think there's a lie there's a higher likelihood. My opinion that there is like a bunch of people that just are bore with wife that that they cannot, that predator, predatory towards
and then there is this entire global. Sacrificing cabal like it is it's really like how far does it go type of thing or what I'm saying and and there's a lot of professional conspiracy, people and and controlled opposition conspiracy, influencers that try to push people to the point of being literally insane when it comes to examine, what's going on here, and there is no transparency and there's no transparency for a fucking reason, not even more paranoid and issues like you know, like look in my opinion, there is no question that these people in hollywood leverage- the push message. Ok, there's no question that a lot of these politicians are level. There is no question that I think a lot of their language comes from tat technology, black man. I think they giddens people in
They find some shit on over the creates some shit on him and then they would give him whisper agenda and there's has been tell was you know, regular people non celebrity accounts of these people being openly into ah younger kids, pedophilia and shit like that and there's been a lot of people have come out and said. This happened to them and how we wanted. They were exile when they read the shit's light. So no, I think it's important that we need. We need to watch what happens you're insane and inaccurate? because I think a lot of these, like, I think, a lot of the people who who roll with that q theory and shit. no they're gonna use this as an opportunity to bolster Would they don't understand? Is they want you to believe that someone coming to fix the shit right, and so they pushed me
people and say yes, true, true, sat beside this is how our goals and but don't worry, somebody's common fixed, and the coms everybody down out. I anybody's common do now and so like regarding, if there ever was they would have dinner by now. That's right last before gamma bad is about as bad tat. Now I would love for that to be true like it. That way, But I'd be happy to say: men know what that's it they mason was going to happen. Multiple fucking time, never did la wrote, that's a controlled opposition technique that the communists have used for fucking, literally centuries of patrolled opposition so like we have to think we got. Keep an open mind? We've got a potential. What what's happening. I can tell you this. Whenever the media says it's twice as bad, yeah, okay, sure yeah, so whenever the media gives us whatever comes out is twice as bad as that were right there. So in all agree on that, yet so odd, because they going try to protect their own
so whenever does come out its pry worsen? Am I paid at all? No man I got this is fucking, I think I did a lot going to come the white with this. Also, I think, a lot of she will be answered. I think a lot of that will be connected. I think a lot of people will be exposed for being. You know. Matt? Who we thought they were. Yeah, maybe demand up that that Epstein yourself, a fuckin sexual fucking weirdo. And there was just him yeah and it was just him, and people didn't tell one now could end up being that you know. So I think it's If you didn't tell arm New jersey guilty to agree, but like it may not be, this is fucking huge thing you know what I'm saying and either way. I think I hope an answer, some questions so that people can we
lies how important it is for them to be involved. Now wait for someone to come saves you agree, it will stay to date. On that, But ass, the three should now serve with thumbs and by the way duchess are speculating. Men arrested, no aim more than than what you know like. I'm not speaker from a place like this is what I fuckin big voted. The way this last, two years is gone. Actually, since two thousand sixteen now they made up its criminal. Are they made up the shit about trump with this dossier, the steel like row You know the more and more and more I learn and the more I watch and observe this shit. The more I really question. What we've been told for for forever because we ve, never had the ability of social media question why they used to be the It was just on tv and it was, it was fat or was it like? You would see body at the workers.
Jim or whatever it is. You do at the bar, and you say: hey man, you see that shit on tv and he be like yeah. It's fucked up a party. Under that's what the conversation was, what has become very clear because This whole pandemic thing that we ve been why'd. You alive, a long time yet for bro. What will we then why'd you about? That's where I get sad, I, like you, that's a dangerous go down, but I think its support for everybody realise that the truth is the but the winners right, the history brow and that's that's a fact. You know so. You have to understand where both sides of history look like that doesn't mean we erase where we are. We go back there. No, like these people to want to cancel thanksgiving. No, oh, we got a chance thanksgiving because it was
Really? It really happened that happen this, where this wireless, no thanksgivings holiday. Now it's american tradition, and we should. All celebrate all of us yeah and we should all we should all reflect upon the things that happen and be grateful that they're not happening now. What I'm saying and move forward together and like bro people are with that, then we don't. space for you bro know what I'm saying, but it's time that we all start being realist. When it comes to these things like we have to acknowledge that history was kind of fucked up. But we also have to acknowledge that that doesn't change back to where we are today and that we should moving in a positive direction. Right now upon the president announced. Don't forget such thereby producing, as is our office. Deborah morgan if you, if you're gonna, pose some bullshit on thanksgiving about no thanksgiving, then I'll celebrate your next fuck him pitchers fuck him there
for good things give up. I never saw anybody else. Does it do it never fails so say the fuck with mechanisms veto like they spilling fucking go, do what I somehow now with that? We're lookin like thankful, for you now being that's right, piano shit, you're, not gonna, sought you're gonna, stop american customs and traditions. It's more important now than ever. At you, a great american customs and traditions, because the communists that are trying- infiltrate our world, which is a real fucking thing are trying to make. You feel bad for being an american we're trying to make. You feel bad for being patriotic trying to make. You feel bad for celebrating customs and traditions that are traditionally amiss: ok, so we should all be able to celebrate our customs and traditions here we should all be included each other's customer nutrition your jewish or you're a different celebrated things. I gladly come with you thing and learn about it in will celebrate together
we're like the shit of like canceling, each other's shit when america's about roe- it's not about that. It's freedom of religion, not fucking, only our religion, which is indoctrination to fucking technology. At this point, pure shit, no praise of the medigap yeah hurt so our thumbs obsession so guises his thumbs up. Have you seen him commercial, the facebook, commercial, whereas Zuckerberg. Now it's like, you she's dancing recently arrived and I like these animal heads like bouncing shit, and I said She's gonna be fine, but I see that fucking weird there. I don't like, shows these kids, like bob on their hair, with her eyes closed like fuckin, and it's like it's like an almost symbolic like they ve got their eyes closed in their life. and then they showed us like virtual world, where it's just fucking, it's immediate method. At the anna says this is going to be fun. Now it ain't gonna be farnborough. That's creepy shit bro, it's creepy as fuck that I'm not with this fuckin man shit now
this. I think citing either we are responsible, largely had a great time to watch them. Christmas cells go up for them, you're, like they're, larger into the fucking primetime this umbrella bro. We had a supply chain issue, no shit, I'm saying I what what we do it. are they? What are they like? They're, like you Why the goggles and shoulder, of course, your zephyr sale now and are not yet back guarantee, they release it with an axe row. You guys should resist this like if you have a family and you want to grow your kids to be normal, fucking humans, it to to hobo about supposed to be starving, you should be able to for that shit anyway. Yeah, that's it! Dude watch watch, look how they like look, how they like. Oh Jesus Christ, it's just weird. This is where the Agora crept out. When I watch a video broke forth played again. I see that this is a dimension of imagination
romeo! Maybe it's my fault, becoming train. That's what I'm saying what they look at a weird at first and then they start bob in their heads- and you know, of course, there's no- why people in the commercial- You know it's all a diverse group of kids, which is fine and now they're like in it there in there in the space in the
sit around shit and like it's fuckin, weird dude, that is that is some creepy shit. That's what I'm saying like bro there that these tech people are wanting to take our our existence, Waveless gonna, take our entire reality eyes a little, but I don't get. It were already you're a lot of people not understand that, because a lot of people listen to show they ve grown up. Looking at the fuckin folks, I thought the way you're supposed to live, We already spend fucking eight hours a day on our mother fucking bones when avid okay, so uh shit, so they want where they want to do. They want suckers in further. They want to take your your family communication, your actual real life experience, you're you're playing with your dogs, you're playing with the kids you're, practicing your developing skills that you're trying to take this entire experience of life and putting it on a fucking digital platform,
Well, that's like some sketchy like minds like. If you fly this ship for your fucking kids pro, I think you're a responsible parent, as my personal opinion agree, I feel like there should be like the lotus flower you put that fucking shit on. Did you see my two minutes were bob. I do if I could three days people want people will do it because their lazy parents, so a sketchy shaven row our roma were ready, sucked into our phone. Do how much? why do we missed his wonderful, some samper? I do we act. I think american he's the fungus I do this is one thing about china that I fully agree with. No in china for media scuff working hours, it's open from certain time to a certain time and How is it shouldn't get on? Are they do that? What is china We don't.
As I understand they're trying to cultivate strong people who have life experience who fucking can operate in the real world, his guys are going to tell you you can fuck a pope just like you can post all the posts you want to sail the shit you want. You could do all the shit. What is the grim? None of it really equates to real life. like this, is why there are so many people in business, the crash in business, but you don't even know in the rain honestly and they ve tricked us into believing our entire fucking wives are dependent on this fuckin app and it's not unlike do asking us to go further in that. You don't sound like row, it makes me sick, it makes me fucking like we have a big decision to make here is americans like how far do we want take our lives into this. Does your powerful? It's not good for people with russia's we're. How is that? Just like you do what you like oh yeah. I noticed by that You say we have agreed that if I can happen
call your little cousins and shoot to like row. If you, actually they don't fucking, give a shit now, that's insane, but parents will do it because they're fucking shouldn't have had kids start with one then they're going to weaponize that make all the other kids or don't get it for like shit yeah? Oh, you didn't get the news? I can be teachers, fuckin, do and lie on lines and in india in the falcon in the meantime, knightleys building products to sell income. The government subsidies bright cause. The kids can't afford the gorgeous pay in proportion. This is the way to get communism installed in america. I see it all the shit, given this fucking thing, it takes them their focus completely away. We own them. That's their plan. It's crazy that ain't, no tin, foil hat shit either no cause. I don't think so. No, you can think that, but I'm going to tell you it's going to happen if it, if it, if we don't, if we don't say hey, no, there should be things like
it'll be hours on social me. I agree. Social media should close on a weekend or we we should close on holidays that are that are big holidays for for america right. She, because I agree We should be close, nude do such been, but items of section was for the show out this, so this is your thumbs. Are guys you ve comes up if it's a good story whenever it is, are you done in the? But so on this one? I know it's russian saw no size, yeah sorry guys may demi bad be. Who is it? Who is a friend of ours are whose an influence in a fitness space rose? She posted this. Oh shit.
yeah like she was on the fucking freeway grabbing money like the first person I saw hit it yeah like this is a this. Is a young fitness influencer, really really cool, awesome young lady, but dude? She don't that was like some fucking marketing value. I thought it was going to be the fake dollars or no shit that was crazy, real shit, okay, the headlines cash scattered across the southern california freeway said drivers into a frenzy. All traffic on fucking interstate five came to a fucking. All a f, an armored car happen, to happen, mobilization around what I'm around us with the volga cerebral. I will address forty forty seven all day, long free, please please I what the fuck you know, but I don't know a man I bit, I don't so. The same doors unexpectedly swung open. yeah. Well, I don't know if I'm buying them by them was mostly ones, is one reason why a highway patrol california,
The agencies are know that I highly suggest picked up cash up. It's not your bag media turn that into chp the office invest, yeah, okay, sergeant, courteous, martin I am not sure how much money, thereby taken here. You're sure you know what I do. Appears yes, that's her on the right is a hurricane. Her! No, for I saw the story organically bro when this is a girl, but I follow the line we will follow. She's big influence has no war broke out, What are the chances of that of a summit on friends with his work can be? Why do when this happens and now is on those cars, so crazy yeah, so do this, as is yeah I mean I would have rather been there way. You know what I'm saying: I'd shit out of fucking pig shit up to do that so funny is, while so
I say to them, such as those on the money back. It's still fighting their drivers or your fire approach should be the mighty back right. What possible problems we well, there's drama. Israel know like. If that's me and I got some- I got five hundred bucks and after the fight whatever no matter how much I need it, I'm going to give it back, because I believe in that shit, nah agreed agreed so yeah. You know we could Talks of shit about cuba make fun of it, but do like do at the end of the day. Do the right thing? Do the right thing always, but that's two thumbs up. that man has the necessary will happily I'm sure, yeah. I'm sure you'll find him. My mother, thereby happy airbus might. I have never had any mother fucker thanks to the rapporteur. but the happiest. Shit! Well, ass, sharp ass. If we now
what can we more list? We got all their show very. We called three praetor a for us. We're guys I would make it for my sharing show the sleeping on the floor number. Your response from the stole, countless millions in kobe teach Buddhist got a rope. Kang both doesn't know headshot chase club.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.