« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

172. Political Correctness Vs. RealAF Ft. Ryan Michler

2021-11-12 | 🔗

Yes, America gives you rights but what about the responsibilities and the duties you have for America? In today’s episode, Andy and the crew are joined by guest Ryan Michler of Order Of Man. They talk about how political correctness is diluting the facts, why taking personal responsibility is the first step for change and why we need to get involved in order to bring the real values of the greatest country on Earth.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know. Headshot case closed. What is up guys it's eighty for seller, and this is the chauffeur the real say, goodbye to the lions, to face this and delusions of modern society. Welcome to the fucking reality that we have a full length show before I intro our crew. in special guest. I would lie, to remind you of the feed if he is very simple, if you like to show if you taught you some have made you laugh, they entertained you. They gave you a new prospect, If the brought you some sort of value, give us a share? Man talk somebody about it. You know son. Your story give us little love, but we now run at to grow the shone with consistently been when the operating, shows on on every page gas platform for the last five or six years
and that's all word of mouth the big believer in value you change in america. You do good. If you provide value, people do good are you and so that's how we live and die on the show. So if we, if we do a good job pay the fee, if we don't don't pay the fee where it's up to you, it's an honor system that being said, we have doktor sal. What's goin on for just for liability reasons cause. I know some of you motherfuckers crazy, he's, not a real doktor. That's not true, but I'm a doctor and common sense you know what I think we can call ourselves anything now. I like I again if I said doktor irony I do out and find a doctor. I mean we can much that we live in in the meadow now right, so we can make shit up while whenever you want your modem, well. You did your mouth gb away for the metaphors, where we look like, I probably, why
an eggplant yeah with a big party at the top of the bar. I remember we debated that is this supposed to is it, which part is the part where I get to pick my credit score. gee it out. As about this, I was thinking about this. You know I wonder if the whole identify. I really do think this is related. I wonder if the whole pick in your identity is, like a lead up for this fuckin virtual world are trying to create so that we can make up who the fuck we want to be in? Be ok with that. I would like it. I don't know, but I'm up my tinfoil any effect. What's the what's the movie with the blue people, I ve ever happens. Are you I think we're like? Maybe you know Movies, keep coming to life, maybe we're avatar. Is it like a pod, your big long, fuckin hair maybe like need, I only want that looks like a flight and one of those mother fucking robots. I because that, like that's bobby
to be right. No one and dragons primarily look zuck! If you create fuckin robots in the murderers. I might be able to say I am I get in So we also got really do you don't look at me like that. Do so now I built a real life, stop motherfuckers. Just yet hey, we've got dj here by lightning baby. What's up dude, what's going on brother, what you got going on, they may another day: yeah you're gonna die alright. Drama, three kids off at the drop drop them off at the Therefore, this morning, er yeah yeah kid just women's were Gabby the rt event, this weekend your hand and then all the security for knocking out some of the cross, the t's donna's yeah. That's it in excited, for, though, it'd be a good time, yeah good, I'm excited too, and then we also have good friend of mine, your friend of the shows, really
right dear who I love, having on the show and also being on his amazing, show my good friend re miller, what's up guys so admirably in studio last time I was here, he didn't have the studio. Now we were going to the conference room yeah we were upstairs is rat. This is such a cool. So actually can re build a new studio here here or here so we're breaking out this wall behind me and going to face the studio. This, like that way right, so that we can do like a full, a full set up and do show all without the camera cuts and shit, so have all the angles and everything covered that our good yeah yeah working on my studio. Do it's not like this, but man I gotta get to step up, you know. No I'm out here- and I have neither road thinks it's funny see a lot of guys do park ass. Not now like do studios and I'm like yeah bro. I I built. number one shown fuckin business category for four years off. My fucking coffee table yeah a conversation,
So I mean, like a lot of guys were put in the not you, you're really awesome show, but I'm saying a lot of people. They think that the tools What's gonna make it yeah I mean the tools are important idea. When I surely recorded one eight hundred and fifty years, So how long do you think it took you to get good at it, and I dunno, if I'm there I gotta go now I go back and, like somebody said him, I listened to all your podcast from you to go back and listened to want. Em, like don't listen. The number one- and I listened a number seven hundred, please backed out far as my up so yeah that's right. I don't want to see it affects us, get thirty, seven, do listen our economic on same way. You know when I started the pod cast, it was in our spare bedroom in the basement and- I was on a a desk, loses his big metal desk. I still have it is my wife wife's grandpas desk. With a bed sitting next to me on a little old. You know laptop and seventy dollar microphone girl. I'm the tools are valuable, but unless you develop skills, the tools are allowing it to get you so far.
I was watching a jordan petersen videos morning why why do you, like some people, not like him? How understand what the problem I like em? I love he's a fucking do or monotone. I think I know what I'm saying like there's a big group of people. They don't like. I do like they have like a like. They think he's So I know he's a window into people's arm into their inadequacies. Well not a mean like we somebody's telling you hey. This is what you should be doing. Here's what right yours what's wrong! Then they see it. Nay, they look at it as accuse it worry and they take it personally and they realize he's right, but they don't like being told where, where there are fond behind robust from me the shit they're allowed to do. Yes, I saw this one video. He like destroy this woman. She was like talking about like ton of toxic masculinity, and you know men are so privileged in that minimum privilege, men, men have the high suicide rates or by men like I'm, he just he just destroys a well. He does so in such a respectful way. It's like it's hard, not to like the guy, the guy's, a fucking genius, the smallest, no doubt yeah, very, very intelligent,
I want have on the the show we ve taught back and forth. I just got gotten if you had no, no it's it's. It's actually strange to me at this point that we connected brugger one. When we do we do in the meantime, we can keep driving on his daughters, awesome to yam mikhail, oh yeah, yeah, she's, fuckin, good too it's got a great podcast, she's she's, an interesting thinker, yeah. I tell people any more people ask like who do you want a podcast in any more? I want weird people when I want assholes road. Did you see that I saw a fucking mean today. Listen to us talk about the second like her, I thought I mean it. I mean it's about a fuckin means or more accurate than the mother fucking networks, and if they are, they will be in three months. I guess it's long be guy soldiers at their lives, a futile stud yeah, so dude I saw this one day in it just occurred to me. It was about
rittenhouse yet I like, Obviously, I've been watching the trial because it's up on the screen, where I do my cardio so like I've been able. Catch like an hour a day of, what's going on in like some critical like I'm a it, and it's very You fucking clear, like very clear to anyone who has been paying attention that this was all big fucking like poetic. Call narrative. China punish this fuckin kid for killing two. Pieces of shit and and and I one which you probably should he'll. Do communist fox, the hate america, Those are marxist, fucking people who You hate america, the one guy was child molesters, eleven eleven count? Chow molest, from a rape for boy. On booth from nine to eleven years old. You got a question why that guy's even around guest, real dude? If you remember he was the guy, screaming shoot me sure I got shot out. Here is a thing like this kid.
This is not a race issue with the usual surprised when I saw this meme s are two means but one of them was from this liberal blue check, Democrat lady, I can't remember her name, but I get it what I do. She said hey, I'm a highly educated person, and I consider myself very precise. They're not what's going on, and I join learn today that the victims of this case were white. oh, really yeah and then underneath there was comments like a number of comments that said I didn't know he was what they were. Why either and so like do. There's a huge group of people out there that haven't found this like very close right, but don't you think they d been race, we charge so heavily that They assume that the reason that the racial charge was cause you went to fucking bright. Your black people ran right. People are just like think of That broader might think about that people are just now finding out its bit the guys but in jail.
fucking over a year, but on the flip side of the eighty they look at those who look. Look how the emotion the passengers see suddenly drew. Was a realised that they racks will all. There are often a big deal with that look in his eyes, had subsided regularly factor that racist, Also there was the kill. Em know about this, your piece of shit, so he killed exact. Because that's what happened? Did this kid showed up food? shelly admittedly ok like ass, it I know down years old, should be there now he's he's proud. We look at all these guys who were saying fuck round, find out all this shit. You The video you he's he's got his life. alex gloves on and he's like. I got my rifle, but I got my bedpan. If anybody gets hurt a lot of freedom but he's there. with the intention of doing good and then these fuckin anti for fox fuckin. It start right,
if my poor think about this you're standing there you're seventeen years old, there's thirty or forty people in front of you screaming, like fuck, get them get them get them because that's what they were doing. I watched the kate portia that the fucking, the guys that that he shot at even testified that this is what was said. So you gotta. other people you, seventeen brow and you've got a guy charges. You in Did you see rittenhouse breakdown? I think it was yes now ass, I mean and then your aunt jane, may fordable really out and see. I saw that I you see diameter idea around me, Madame daybreak, I'm really around James tweet about it now do I can imagine that what their kids like forget about that traumatized experience of having to kill it kill two people whether is justified or not. That's a traumatize experience, but they're not only to second guess that well and then put over the last year. Think about the mental anguish, not just with the fact that he took people's lives.
I've again whether it was justified or not, but then also he's got fifty percent of them Population automatically hates him and not just hates him. They want to see it and die a slow, painful miserably death. His parents are probably got all kinds of threats like we're, a horrible situation ronnie body, let alone a seventh there. It is seventeen year old. Kid You know it's even worse about that dude. Is that because the- Rumour has censored. You kidding really talk about it right now, just block your fuckin page off did. They probably feel like nobody out their support. Some two yeah, probably you orginality facebook shut down there. The links for their go find me ass, his fur for their. They made it so that they could. You couldn't support it right now other deleting tweets cv, News delete your tweet about it, where they called him a murderer by Biden can call him a wise supremacy. Ro. This kid's gonna get acquitted in he's, gonna shoot Walk out everybody and I will be gets a ten billion dollars lawyer serious.
Somebody who signed it would make it look like what what's that Adam salmon yeah yeah make Look like racist violence would let you ass a million eggs child plough forty download this guy's gonna receive when he gets a good, youngest, larger hundred percent. You know yes, but also in and if he goes after the media. That's one thing, but you know you hear people saying I think the government should have to pay for that. It's like the government doesn't pay for anything. Now we have to pay for that. That's right, like we have to pay to try this kid. Clearly, it's a fucking joke. It is and we're paying for dude we're paying for the charade. Do this. This whole thing is a total fuck em political narrative, charade. and now the fuckin prosecutor, because follow this, the prosecutors getting basically undressed by the judge, because the classic cleared is purposefully. Trying to do things. The judge said not to do so that the judge will declare a mistrial so that they can pass begin another trial, because the trial going
poorly for them. So there's a chance that the judge will dismiss the case. without our, so they can't retry it right which, by the way, they are trying to publicize now as a racial agenda. This is why the bronze tweeting this shit by the way they are trying to I create a scenario where, but why man is not held accountable again in there it's quite a while loop, all this race division again when this kid fucking gets off when even in fucking. Do anything has anything to do a rights at all People gotta get smarter dude, you got a bronze, The brown james was told the fuckin twitter with a large old, its weak one hundred percent is trying stir up the black community to make. It seem like it's on, like its racist and this motherfucker has now going to do with any, but an argument with somebody asked the other day because they're like oh just look at the jury there there's like now.
and like it was like ten white men and only one black person. I said bro, do you understand how juries are selected bro? Do you have any idea of what that volunteer means at all? Like you understand, like the jury of your appear, that you give us a lot like you, we stand here. That is our warmest another point. It should be about my wife. Firstly, one even a fuckin of finalizing honest that bad. That youth, you ask him. He probably is one of these people who thinks that the victims were blocked not that it should even matter now that he's mother, here's what here's a fucking bottom line on this case, dude you're allowed to carry a fucking rifle in public period, open, carry okay, this these people attacked him period when he tried to retreat and run towards the police they fucking knocked him down period. Then they attacked him again period. you have the welcome his country to defend yourself within the fuck. You didn't Finally, a single fucking law in doing what he did unless it was the crossings.
lying thing which I am not familiar. That was even allow broken away that I understand that is. He had somebody else, purchases firearm and it was actually stored. In wisconsin, sweet, even cross straight lines with a firearm. He wouldn't picked it up in a warehouse or a star a junior jumping. What I mean he's also under age at the time? Yes, there's the illegal possession of firearms, but That doesn't mean that he has the right to defend himself. Will when it so these motherfuckers get shot. You knew any wrong right. Enabling any single person find themselves in a position where he was Long as he should have been in the fuckin position, you shouldn't be out there doing that shit there and inheres other thing the We should be empowered to handle the shit That's one way or another argument. Nobody is talking about holy reason. This was fucking going on was because the police fucking not allowed to do anything they weren't allowed. Dude. We look those rights go on for six fuckin months, rome, you know, say like the only should have been there. Nobody should have been there before
sign that riot broke out ever modification went fuckin jail, that's it! It would end in it What now way yet doesn't help plain to the agenda right that doesn't accomplished the task at hand by shutting these things now now brow now it's it's. It's sad, you know, and then you've got Lebron James, a guy worth fucking over a billion dollars, boeing, a fucking seventeen year old kids on trial for his fucking life. Like that's disgusting, shit, just think about the kids parents minutes. his come back to it like who you gonna, let your seventeen year old son go on there and do that. You don't have that much connection with him, Well, I don't dare not good yeah, that's it! That is a strange report. That's a strange thing for a there's. No reason I can think about my kids. I've got four kids there's no way in a million years. I'm gonna let my seventeen year and I don't have a seventeen year old yet, but if that were the case, I would ever let him go get him.
old and you have been his ass in the driveway. Why are you know what I say this now go? Fuck me anyway, thinks about the kids, got more balls and most welcome people. Well, that's it! That's all It's an interesting point. I mean I I try to think about when I was seventeen, and somebody said this yesterday, they're like these guys are doing this. I was worried. My whole life's goal at seventeen was to touch a boob. and, if you like- and you got these other like this guy, what he's do everything raising goals and listened again to you on his short list is to touch a booby yeah? Here's the thing with this guy. Ok, it's very clear then the fuckin law- you can argue with you right. What's wrong with you. This was often day within a letter or law. He was not fucking guilty. Ok now they're trying to push this out to have a social net. I just hope america doesn't buy it. Who do you think he's going to be acquitted like do you think, declare mistrial with prejudice and I think they'll say, and I think and then I'll be an argument for the next twenty years, and you know the race, Authors will say why, Man shot blah blah the
the alarm right, which duties and even about black people would be a fuckin, honest. Ok, it's about fucking. Communism, marxism and end drawing our entire country arrive. Understand that about the alarm at this point, you're fucking delusional- and you haven't done your research, you don't I'm certain about from the same his brow like laudable fuckers, or talk a lot of shit about communism and being bad for our country and shit, which I agree that this mother fucker went out to kill tomb I'll, have problem with that. really don't, especially since they attacked him, but I don't stand where the fuckin sympathies for he's fucking piece of shit like what we this goes back to what you talking about in your whole mission of life we Are the men at statement have been saying that right, hey these guys are pieces of fuck. The world is better off without and he in Britain fuckin lot, you'd europe saying I'd, but among them, as only mother, fucker too feels that way. I think you wanted to viewed. It says something about it. I think there's a lot of people who think what you think and feel that way. But you know their part of the current quota.
Silent majority and they they they chant that as if their proud not acknowledge she's, proud of that yeah stand up, say something get involved run for office. And to our young men in young women in your community like stop. being silent and do something brought that the Here's to like you break the case down like if that, if those people happen, you have been black, they still attacked him they still hit him and a hair with a fuckin skateboard. They stamped on face. They fucking attack this kid. If they blue, been black he'd still be within the lobby. Shoot them like what the What are we doing here in amerika guys but we gotta be real about what the fuck is going on. If they have, been black, which they work it's still want have been justifies right. You know the thing I'm concerned about, as if you look at the way this is going in this happened with, I think chauvelin too is, There is a lot there's that that court of public opinion right what's happening now, is that that the court of public opinion is going on
after jurors, potentially dawson them ruining their lives, messing with their messing with their livelihoods and their corrupting the system through the the jura process. so now, if you're a member of the jury and look I've never been in in court, I've never been requested to do that, but I don't want to do that. Agricole, I don't wanna sit on a jury. I want to live my life. I want to run my business and you know what I want. we left alone. I say this in this case I fucked up and people can say as far right extreme, whatever the fuck, you guys think I don't give a fuck. We must not tolerate that shit is boiling ship. These motherfuckers room where they attack people and fuckin. Who asked them in this and that, like we gotta stop beating a fucking since when they do that, that's the truth, that's what's gonna happen, this harassing and attacking, and vaccine and bullying, and all this shit Doing nothing about it.
You don't say it's only a matter of time for people say fuck you we start weapons are asking to be more vigilant. Yes! Well, that's it! That's, this is a case of arrest. How, for example, that marry me, because I had don't like new york is, nobody else is doing it. So this is it. This is an example of the police not doing their job, for whatever reason we discuss that, violence against us brow where it, where the fuck it. Where were they put out a domestic care, alert hey bro, all really yeah, but you. But you know what's funny that I'm guessing this have on you. black lives matter activists threatens riots of mayor, elect Eric Adams, reinstate controversial and my good riot and we'll fucking arrest you and put your fuckin prison, but The thing is, I believe, in the usa, yogurt dangled what's gonna happen, bro look dude! I was too My cousin, whose views little bit in the middle of like what's got like he's kind of a he's. A fucking recovering leftist
now in the business of course, now does well need now is now in these areas. We listened with. My last met, really fucking hates did he has leaning views, but but he's really not a right. Leaning guy he's a moderate guy, but the spectrum is shifted so far. But now so I fuck with them all the time I'm like bro. What's it like to be a domestic extremist, like he probably doesn't like my mom's, actually like that she talks about all these views and everything else, I'm like you're, a conservative she's. No, not yet. because you would never yeah sitting so low to say it. Oliver abuse wine and better design mouth. We need a third party for the wreck, real defence, so like dude, we the these the the look he was like I dunno he goes. He goes. I don't think this. I think this is too far gone. We're not going be able to fix it. I said no it's real easier fix? Your fucking, fourth loss wrote. I can tell you profile became present mode. Four could be going to jail for a long time, I'm a victim of a violent crime. Now at a whore harbour, any feelings about
the situation at the durban pay the debt. But the point is we should be in a country where you can almost kill someone and go to jail for three years, but then you collar drugs and go jail for fifteen any right of we may yet, when I don't give a fuck broke atlas in view, do drugs rat your fuckin brain renewal, fucking life, that's fucking! Fire me is a bad for you. I agree. I don't do the shit like, Fuck him, I tell people what to do and not to do. That's how I feel. Ok, so, like I just don't see how you can go to jail for having a substance of any kind, no matter what the fuck is for three years, or five times as long as you go jail for almost killed. Somebody a rapist, somebody you're doing some shit like that. That doesn't make sense. The guy and vulgar in the written aspects. You should not be out of jail bow
fucking Aina, we railway five little boys. You should not be out of jail at their lunch independently, be at one. The five numbers kind of your. Yet someone is to match the fuckin. Penalties should be death immediately for that fuckin shit you for real fucking guilty of raping a fuckin child. You should be fuckin publicly executed period, We will what I have zero tolerance for this pedophile shit. Ok, these people, that's sexual orientation. It's not a algae bt. Q minor attracted person, it's a fucking pitiful and we shouldn't, as men in this country, tolerate that kind of behaviour. look I'll run written, allows we're gonna fuckin get such group. People I said before it on all of us. I mean this this case here. Those is who is, while man so there's this guy hot newsome.
He's the leader of the bee, Elam group up in north guy new york, and we I mean it's just so funny because we talk about you know the left talks about this insurrection in the worst day in american history. Now now second, now is it. This is, same blm leader that a few weeks ago was wanting to march with and with the trump supporters? Because of that pro choice on a vaccine correct a call yeah, so so this is the this is hawk. Newsome here on, ok, so so this guy left is the guy who who was like now, fucking forgot that vaccine shit I think it was more actually just black people. He just have added because of ciampi, but actually the chump people got inverse. I found that out. trouble. You were therefore first ok, ok and then be alone. Got him because yemen they went together. You gotta get so this guy's defiling Probably someone you could have a conversation with, at least at that level. Sure you know like dude,
whenever mamma the problem that I have with his though they did all this extra showed for january, stay calm, The worst events- and here is a man. literally saying that, if a may, I have we he's literally saying that there will be reddening lud blood in the streets of new york if they reenact what I said: oh shit, exactly That's my my set us. You are not happy ibm house right and honor you. Rather as legislator, radon james o keefe spoken house within he, can fucking say this. I was like this is inciting violence. This is inciting riots. This is a criminal fuck out. If they do that, I hope that the fuckin, I hope the mayor puts them on fucking, the well forever. So well, but that's what- and that goes your point earlier- that's where we need. We need lead the men who were willing to stand up in elected position and say no, we're not gonna. Do that, like even think of tom aaron rodgers with stuff he's done with a vaccine. Not back and in that kind of stuff. Well
obviously always contracts and an advertiser getting cancelled state farms. It now It cannot be a zombie. What am I take you Finally, somebody's willing to stand up and do something- and you might think that's trivial, but its critical- that people stand up and stand by what's right,. I did oppose last night on my instagram talking about political correctness, You know I saw it yeah bro, the people understood and it's a weapon. It's a weapon just like like. We think, oh, my god, you sit in censorship and blah blah. Do political correctness is a form of censorship? Ok, is designed to make an offensive to talk about certain things, even if they are facts, and what happens is when you whos that situation on people for so long that cultural ideal on on the people for a long time which, by the way who pushes it, you know the fucking schools
the fuckin media, fuckin hollywood and who writes that education material for schools who fuckin rights. Groups in hollywood. the media? Ok, so there the thing is to use this cultural idea of political correctness, which Makes it offensive to tell the truth, because that's what it does? Ok, it's offensive to tell the truth. And what it does, is it instills sense of self censorship on people what we are seeing the result of now we have. All kinds of men who are, quite frankly, total fuckin, pussies, ok, won't fuckin, say the truth, because they're afraid it's kind of Then somebody right we'll just for all you fuckin weak pussies out there. Just so you know everybody Ok, we're telling the truth right now. So when you mountain tell the truth. You actually going to be supported it safe now, for you guys, you guys come out a lot of us. A lot of us have taken all fucking. He ok, so you can about now until the flock truth, my duties, so irritating his sight
we're. The silent majority has been taught the. I hate that when people say that I hate that phrase, if the silent majority was gonna, wake up, whenever the claim is that that would have happened a long time ago, long time, you know, I think, what the biggest thing that you see with some this ideology? Is they base every argument on feeling right in and feeling is subjective? So I you don't get it. How I feel what they did is how I feel well and if I, if I feel differently than what they if you're on plus gee, that's a good point them out of the society. I can't go wherever the fuck they go, I can't go to the restaurants. They go to row. We are not a free country right at all like at all. We do not have any species country right now at all. My fuckin instagram views were got from two hundred thousand on twitter. For our period and I was gonna ask about down a fuckin thirteen thousand your ve on the worries. Yes, because I fuckin talk about shit, they alike, and you can't let you can't link anymore. Can you I in
somebody's by a single around these wonders what link any well, it turned out. we haven't. We came to an agreement against remnants some, that's all I'm saying but I'm ok right now, but you know that's, that's ok do think about when I first started the censorship guys what they start with we started with the hashtag. Remember back like September october, twenty twenty november when they say what were you can't view this hashtag anymore, either time, because it's this and I started with the fuckin tags. Then started moving post now they started fuckin deleting accounts begins gotten so progressively worse and just twelve months you're insane. I wasn't gonna say they want. They dont want the truth out there. They don't want people talking about this is all them trying to corral society into this. Fucking orwellian
this topic. Communist society and in the real world and then in an income I met with the murderers so that you guys are all colluding row. There they want. You there's! I that you ve seen it were that persons like sit in the corner and iran address and they had like no shit in their apartment and the guy's got. What can be around was round yeah says welcome to the murderers or some shit like that you'll. Oh, nothing and be happy like clash, schwab's, told everybody a hundred times, which is still conspiracy, theory right the twenty thirty agendas fake. My fuckers are sacred I now Yes, that movie there's a movie were words, it's like us like surrogates or something like that, where they have bodies or something that they can live through or live vicariously through in euro know who you're talkin to cause we're talking about earlier with identity can make up their own characters and some you know some hot twenty year old chick and but it's really some fat. You know four hundred pounds
and fifty year old man yeah surround him. What's, I don't think, that's surround you move, domain and started. Your mushrooms will tell me that I know a movie, you rock and roll back I'll. Do it I'll find out I dunno man, you know. Look. I have a particular his set of skills that allow me to fucking see in the future a little bit when it comes to trends. That's why I'm successful in business? Okay- and I can just tell what they're doing what are one is you're trying to remove all your shit. They want to hold all your shit. Anyone stick you on this fuckin technology. Have you www entirely as if we live enough, more lives in these mother fucking phone right now, yeah you're insane- and I dick there's gonna be a mass fucking with revolution against this matter verse tat technology, shit, we're, there's gonna, be a grip, bigger peoples. They thought it. I'm gonna go live in the real world measures. Can we be
we'll stay moorhouse all day in fucking on the articles and lived some bullshit life. You know, I think, that's what we're here. I'd actually be alright, that is the truth. Is the the deal and on your shit, I hear in public. Version is one stayed home but does not Personally, I really want the problem. Is that the laws that they install and the policies they install they don't allow. Nothing belongs to people like you won't be allowed to have property. You won't be allowed to have their doing in australia right now, pay the fines or so hard for not do australians could get fired right now up to ninety two thousand dollars for not wearing a fucking mask okay, and if you can't pay the fucking fine they've proposed that gas. What you can use your house as collateral? so they fucking trying to take pronoun property. That's communist shit due to happening right now and pierre at all. You know Communists have a right to live in this country to the fuck they do what they do. We become too tolerate for those people,
fuck out in every single thought. This is veteran's day right. The today veterans day by the way, thank you, know, you're my honour, yeah No. We need all of these veterans to be the core stana group for this ship. But you could even the military look at the military leader, the top brass, the military. Even that has been infiltrated. That's that that's the officers, that's the that's the fuckin generals in shipments that's the political arena can't control all the troops and all the veterans or too many. When you start to get to that level in a military, it turns from the military to the political, special right, so these are all appointments, and this is very politically driven and motivated. So these top generals are more into politics than they are in a military one. I'm not saying band up and go fuckin kill em all what I'm saying is stand up to fuck. You went out with that shit. So kick in these people out of work in places get em they are offered a shooting, hast, thou amazon team. You tell him saying on vaccinate. People should welcome
in america and should be exempt. What do you know what I'm saying every communist mother fucker in this country should be that's what we should be talking about, that we should be talking about those fucking people being enemy. One because they are their ideology and culture is against every single thing. In this country. Right, ok and people are confused. why their wedding all these immigrants in the lungs written dilute the american culture we're trying to create real christmases offensive. Fucking thanksgivings offensive phoenicians offensive. Fourth July's offensive. Why why they offensive because they dont want is to have any remembrance of the culture of this fucking country. They don't want an american culture they what's. This intertwined a. Eighty that has euro fucking patriotism. You know! Are they want that because they want to control the whole fucking thing? I'm you got it
I wanted to write as technology starts crossing into the thorough way of of standardized life. Your cars drive themselves. We live in fake societies right now. You know, as technology continues to advance and people and robots become more prevalent, jobs are going to become less and less available. It's going to be reality. How are they going to be supportive? Well, we just went through and eighteen months, chart trial of how the government can support its people and keep it on its run. That's true. I show you start thinking about. Ok, it's it's very advantageous. Maybe maybe it's a calculated move for technology to continue down this path? Hey, listen! Let's keep the people dumb, who want to see! Adam cause, they're not going to work and we're going to support him anyway, and let's let the rest of society operate, as is in it I mean it. It could very well be that played in how do they? How do they maintain control, while the main can maintain control?
it's their their bank and a majority of americans who are fat and lazy, like the majority of americans and they're, going to take the handout well, if they can control create that control by voting power to keep those people to be able to do it because there are no jobs, because technology has replaced their jobs. Well then, they control the the I hope they control the power. They have all the money well, and it's also going to affect affect even those people who are wealthy, because now you look at it, inflation is higher than it's been, and I dunno how long earlier today, at you knows so deep at always handouts got infusing extra money and your every dollar that you make right now and inflation is losing one percent. Every thirty days is out what it is Yeah, I mean think about think about the cost of all goods and services and in the limited power of being able to spend money the way it did before wild men while adding it. I firmly- It's only going to get more while it's going to get way worse and that now they're trying to market it as a fucking good thing, an average dude Biden was out yesterday saying lowest
employment, highest stock market fuck, wages, are up yeah bro. You know why wages are up because people have companies like ours have to pay more The people or they're gonna have to do is gonna, be broad right, right. Ok, so so brilliantly get him in your doors to do work, because you have up it's totally fucked that this is the biggest It's concern that I have the average person goes on hold on the average person, looks at that fucking stock market dow jones and thinks oh yeah we're doing good motherfucker that ain't your money, that's their money. That's not your money. I own out four thousand dollars and scott stacks you, a hundred dollars and stocks is, is economy boy well, especially now that they will were are contemplating taxing all of that unrealized gains well, but there's then there's a catch twenty two to that. If your money goes down, eleven percent in the stock markets up eleven percent, your net zero right, you know what I mean like
your money is now worth eighty nine romance accidents. We actually gets worse, it's worse than that, because if you go from a hundred eighty nine you go up eleven percent europe back up town or thousand eleven percent of eighty nine, its exact. Why do you think we are taught simple? financial literacy and book in high school, We always say that, oh, why wasn't I taught any practical skills, when I was a school, why was I taught how to fucking balance a bank account, or you know some basic accounting or some. I may we work as we went to a fuckin super expensive, private, fuckin, school, ok, but the average human leaves college with no fuckin financial literacy, or I miss high school, would no financial literacy and then to be completely It's what you learn in college, very basic, so unless yourself taught unless you know people who can teach you the ropes, it's a big show, game in the shell game is designed to take your fuckin money. Did you see that posted at you dig? responded that post. Where that guy said you know unita, you need teachers to teach
your kid, so they can get an education and keep up in college. I give a shit if my hits keep up in college We got it, that's what he said. I you but that's the fuck. That is what these motherfuckers hang your hats on. Just like every fucking turbo athlete that we played with talks about them, mvp BP game back and fucking. Eighty two, where they fucking kick the football motherfucking mountains. All these fuckin book worms think they being I didn't colleges the win that motherfucker long way, though didn't I no go areas and all in all. In all seriousness, you dig went and then BP at the fucking ezra bug it. My ass. We do have a lot to say about that game. Mother fucker, dolly was only per day thing right has run and I held a rome ass, a stout borgia. No, no, that was, for,
Was abortion was borgia erotic out at that time? To my ass, I think I was the sea. We see game. None about not at two different got kicked out of. Hungarians were what would be a nobody there? Are they had a guy? I see receives gay legwork become bag that will give a worsening of those windows, and we see the mountains are going to stop the story right now. But anyhow, no! No! No! I want to go back to mother fucker still. I want to go back to a couple of things and there's some interesting things here. They they tout wages are up because you have to pay higher stock markets up because inflation up they dump couple trillion. And of course, nowhere to go still more caution lines than ever. They say unemployment is at its lowest greatness, is what I struggle with, because everywhere I go now. I talk to locking hundreds of business owners on weekly monthly basis. Nobody can hire anybody, and I think my seville, where the fuck are all these people, work and you got a starbucks and a son of a bitch is close at noon. We
I can't anybody worthy where you're lying this is what I don't understand. You go to home depot, there's twelve fucking people that work at home depot they're lying two years ago, they're literally walking home depot be fifty mother fuckers in orange, but back to the back to the point on higher education in a site like that sit on the board of the college, and we were talking yesterday and we're having this big you know they're talking about how to get more enrollment in school and all these things, and unless a guys word about the wrong thing, you guys all care about people being higher educated cause. You guys are all higher educators like that's him. To you? These kids are more worried about their careers and livelihoods, and college may not play a role in that and you have to overcome that hurdle. First, like let's get hurt, do you care? If someone went to college, I don't give a I told him, I said, are your biggest competitor. Is me, does, or does google hire on college degrees anymore? No, nobody does nobody does, and that was my point in a meeting is like you're you're you're not competing with the university down the street you're competing that he can come work here and start making. Fifty thousand
dollars relatively quickly with with the opportunity, make six figures if each just today by the time he's done. A college he's already surpasses friends. That's that's the conversation within odette with zero and four years of experience- and I'd be honest- I bid- I mean he's gonna learn lot more about life here than he will there listen to college education unless you're gonna be a fucking, doktor medical professional. An architect lawyer? The things are specialised. I wasted fucking, it's a scanner percent, so fuckin scale. That's not your had a lot of fun. it's still scared. Why don't I? you like it. This is where you know now: I'm a bias is inhabited where the fuck did you learn college? You didn't already know I learned more in a baseball diamond as different. No, it's not different sports, but I would had the same. I wouldn't have the same exposure had I had college so minds, unique that sport so being able to balance, sports? Okay, let I learn I'd say: you're, not! Ok, you're fucking nuts,
you you're, a regular human one percent of the fucking house. Well, if you like the guy's lived around me in college, you, they learn how to do cocaine off a coffee table, learn how to do you realize what you can do that without having to go to call his that's right and, as you know, I saw arenas you don't have to pay to do that extra. To do that, I met dubai, backed it to defend my point. I think there is a lot of things and I let you know like being a having a quart of work, full time, job being an athlete, uninstall, balancing college and do know things taught me a lot about privatisation in life. You know it's so my personal experience who college was great, but I think for the majority of people. I don't know that it's a good investment and that's coming from somebody who I have all of my its college fund set everything's gum, I'm I'm financially ready for them to go to college, and I don't think there to go to college because the things that you are saying about the benefits of it, like you know how tat having people in and having to balance all this stuff, like, I think you can learn all that stuff without having a go to college. I read you can have this she'll experience that the dynamic you can have
learning about responsibility all through work like you, want to go to college for that opportunity I actually see what happened what's gonna happen, the future is it's gonna, be more specialised. see it moving more towards apprenticeship type programmes where it's like you want to become, ernie or a doctor, a dentist or whatever you're do apprentice going. straight in that field and you're gonna work with somebody who's accredited to be able to teach and coach and do all these things and I think everyone in our real good opportunity is and how it all right now spoken, trades broke my heart percent yeah, like we're gonna, get back into this problem, worker american made american fuckin done by american hands movement. Egypt, probably Big as it was after a war to that's gonna, come real soon, I think at the aggregate, not a quick fix with education. Man is like alright. Let's say you got a a finance class right that that teacher should we retire retired cfo or something like that? whether I had an idea. That knows how we thought it be a conflict and harvard
in their total indoctrinated. These. My everywhere, though this man trades a good option for people in that we're gonna to get into this fuckin boom of having meaning jobs. There's not very many people of young people that are doing trades, which means the fuckin wages for trader going away the fuck up. Well, I've been tone, What's less right, like you know, I look at my in laws, for example, and they're all in trades, plumbing heating, contracting and they've been told, I think, for the most part through society that that's less, that that's inferior. If you're a mix and if so, how do you realize? How do you do with the opposite? It is it's valuable, yeah valuable. If somebody god's hands. Somebody knowledgeable like I look at my father in law, my brothers in law, I'm like man. I can't do what they do. I know like jabba cherished baby maker fuckin year. I dunno, but it doesn't. The point is it's not even about? I don't think what he's talking about is the money part. I think he's talking about the respect part, definitely yeah yeah, I slightly like bro like when I look, I was taught we were taught like blue collar hard work,
these are to be respected, like you haven't, even think about when people say that, like all our collar, just blue collar woody talking about an awesome riches motherfuckers. I know where work boots you know what I'm saying I learned. I walked into a lot of rooms and they can sleep at night, not only physically. an immensely because they know the routing real value, their put food on the table are lead their families. Well, there providing a service this unity, every single american should be fucking. You want our by mandate. Here's a fuckin mandate. Every single american should be fucking forced to do physical labour for two fuckin weeks. One paycheck you pay for it. You pay for same wages. They make for two weeks every single fuckin here that would change the entire culture. This country Because everybody would respect it, everybody would understand how hard really is out there because, like a lot of these four Kids nowadays, you know there were
it's somewhere? Making twenty bucks an hour and a fucking think like I got really bad mother fucker, go work on concrete or work on a roof. I've done both those things. I fucking hated okay, go work on some asphalt done that too his horse, fuck all eyes, were born, one of the jobs I got when I got back from Iraq because I didn't quite know what I'm going to have wind. I did have something lined up but decided not to go that route as I got into heat, doing heating and air yeah, and I was in southern utah at the time where it gets up to one hundred and ten hundred and fifteen degrees, and we did remodels and since I was new guy. I was all was the one who had not I'm up in the attic and do all the dock work and put in units in and had come out just changed into. they should also daddy is best. Isn't everything all over me was horrible mail, but that's that's no joke its heart. Worried are made us do that shit like he made us fuck and work for our own or cousin when we it's yeah like bro, I learned all I need to learn. You know what I need to learn, nor I learned most than one do that
I think, though, if I was you know I had you know with snow. typically my son enzo. You know if I was if he was in it. It'll- probably work this way anyway, because time is not going to happen. That fast, I would be please positioning my children into the trade schools, weathers apprenticeships or trade schools in general or getting him some jobs tying them into that internet practice, because some submits a supply demand. Life has supplied and here you want to make money- its supply demand, there's no supply. the drivers are there's no factors of big drop. You know this is your building on dealing with around it's a big drought of skilled labour. Do those malfunction don't open. They want to yup don't say in lebanon and then what they want to charge and enables foreign homes. What that means is you will see the pendulum swing back a lot of these young bees, young people who will learn skilled trades now make a lot of fuckin money. More people to get in wages will come back a little bit.
But I mean do here's the deal americanese it like legitimately you know I am. I know I feel like we're going were headed into another industrial revolution necessarily the same way. It was back then, but I think pro american goods is gonna, make a huge come back. I think pete organs. Now our company, like few companies away her right. Ah ah jacko too. Obviously, but you know pro america america made by american people. I think he's going to be the next twenty five years of business. I really do I dont that I think. I think, if you're not moving your company in that direction, you're making a big mistake-
I don't know how it is here for you guys when I moved remained. One thing, that's kind of heartbreaking. A little bit is there's these big amazing like huge brick factories, hundreds thousands, a square feet, factories and their abandon and they're. Just their worn down their worn out broken windows falling apart in its tracks. Cause you know like even where I live, is a little bit of a more of an economically depressed area, and you know The reason that is because all of the jobs all of the money factoring in all moved overseas and when it did, everybody lost their job overnight and we dried up and we're still thirty forty fifty years later, dealing with iran implications of that in that area, soil accompany like yours and origin who bills that stuff back up, that's pretty empowering to see people go back to work and feel proud about what they do. Yeah we're gonna have to get a favourable tax policy.
But back in place absolutely because the taxes but peep most people have no clue about how much like someone like me, Hazan, tax. When you wanna company, I get agate tax, literally, in three fucking hopes I know, but you need to pay your fair share. Exactly people have no idea what no idea and and if everybody, if they change the tax plan, A lot of people say that doesn't work, math doesn't work. No, it fucking does work you're an idiot. It's really simple. If everybody fucking paid everybody and everyone, every motherfucker in this country pay tax, which they don't if every but first while you should have to be current on your taxes to even fucking. So let's fuck with this idea on fuckin ideas like no. If delinquent under tax in your human there's american citizen and you, a job in your delinquent should be a lot about which means by good. Well I'm just said he I know, but I'm gonna see look do did listen,
I know that people are going to hear that and be like. Oh my god, you're going back to like now. What are you gonna say? Next, your the landowners know. Of course, that's everybody. That's america! Susan should be able to vote illegal immigrants, not be able to vote. Okay. Can I vote? Yes? Okay, you have one hundred attacks on that. I felt I mean that's what I'm saying so you have. You should be fucking contributing your part to be allowed to vote. I think that's a Zimbabwe is a racist. It's not anything is it's like hey, you're contributing member society. You gonna fuckin say if you're, not then you have to live with the fuck we decide and- and that's what needs to get back to as deep so re plan. I know when I'm presence could happen do so. If we all pay to fuck a flat tax, real. We all paid a twenty percent or fifteen percent tax total. Our our country would be the richest fucking mother fucking country, in the face of the fucking planet. While you just have to turn into a consumption tax,
but you could do that to you just turn in it as a lesson you want to buy. This fine is what sacks there's there's not a knowing contacts you saying only consumption is how it was only a loophole around it. There's a lot, there's multiple, better plans than what this shit is. This shit is straight up that straight up, fuckin theft, when you own a company and your working past or into august before you actually start making money. That's fucking theft, I'm sorry and- and people like myself who own middle sized companies, because our company would still be considered a small company. Yell but we own middle middle sized companies, we can get hammered, while the bases of the roadmap is shit like I know the rich gotta pay there sure and they're talking about me right or not,
being over, what a four hundred thousand is the magical number or whatever, which is really at this point, is what you want to bring manufacturing back to the country we have to. We have to make the tax incentive makes sense, so that people like me could afford to expand. My business in those ways and employ those people right. So, like motor stairs not like, like saki. Was on you. You guys prior heard her. She was like it is absurd and unfair that to think that if taxes go up that price, these are going to go. Did you fuckin fail fucking, first, my class, ever ever like things these people think they think there were hardly believe, but how valuable, because a stupid is falk or is it they'd know, that's the truth, but they're just blatant! while I was agenda. I think it's a view here by the dumb. I think it's a mix about. I think they have their agenda their agendas to literally destroy everything in america. The american way of life crumble, the amount can economy so that they can reinstall,
all the way they want. That's what's happening grow, and I right, I am in your camp, though we also what, because I struggle with the fact that you can't be that fucking, they're, not that don't go in and do shit consistently so badly and I'm like well, maybe they are left. No. No. No. I've asked that question I've. I've gotten to talk to a number of politicians, like you know, a big one. in the last two years. I ask him that the first thing I ask I sit down with him. Normally I look at him right in the fucking face. I'm like arbroath tell me, the fucking real, really marine people evil or the dumb every one of them said there now that so what you just said. I asked the same question because I had Dan Crenshaw in about a month and a half or so ago- and I said okay tell me like what's going and he said that I still believe it. I said: no, there dumb there absolutely moronic about. Why can't so here be accurate, Phone shaw is a little bit of a traditional republican. These part of his kind of part of the funds system like a lot of shit that he does, but when it comes to voting-
ok, no longer some red flag, ass rise in their right, yeah, that's right in like until he gets fully line with pro freedom bra mouths. Porter I mean I like em, some nation, he says I like it, I found what I'm just saying like there's a lot theirs funds there should and he stepped on that's right and it shouldn't be now he would be ten times more. Popular fees went fuckin animal match, true, especially with the culture that I think is ruining starving for like you, said earlier leader, light up telling the truth being honest and being of actual voice. What own only reason they most we weigh most people think only reason that that's not french shaw's, because, like only we the question is not the sentence is because Crenshaw toes motherfucking, why that's line? I should think you there's a argument. He would have been bigger cause he caught social for faster. I mean what do you could still be way? The ivy, even if he did what's dissenters, does without unapologetic just for conversion this common sense ship bro. her this
to say one mother field, not the controversy, let's ride, I citizens, it shouldn't be controversy and say: yes, he shows commas That's right. Should you vaccinated vaccinate, you don't get back, so I'm not gonna mandate. So I guess I got up, thereby who I think the thing at dissenters is, you know, trot trump ushered this new era of actually, hopefully giving people some balls and a spine and dissent is, is a way better politician, then trumpets near which might make him more potent because he can play that game, but he can be political about. It. He's warp he's more presidential, a hundred per cent that her letter may use is presidential. What that means is don't say, like all, really offensive shit, but then again that goes back what I started the show with with political, correct culture, political, correct culture, cultures, a fucking weapon, so don't we needed a store that weapon who better to strike a weapon and somebody like trodden serum sand
how many people his he inspired stopped the truth right. You know. Do you like an earl broke yeah? So now there's a lot of people behind him who still have a thing. That it's ok, you say the truth, because do that's what must be real, that my father is going to say the truth whenever you can say as long as it's like true yeah, you you'll be ok biomass biogas as issues to the official The best is on the opposite side, but I heard trump say one of the best things was: you know that they they hate me. They don't hate me. They hate me be cause. I know they're not protecting you. I hate you, it's not something along those lines. Yeah it was a he posted. It was like a meme of him like pointing at their fucking. Cameras is pretty boss. He would he say said he said they're trying to he's. yes some, let's not that they hate me down in the winds, are trying to get you right in, and I think everybody cnn now
it's only all, especially with this at this whole stuff with russia going on that new dossier, that no information on the dossier and all that stuff pokemon the fuck. I don't think anything's coming to that, though listen, I desired it. I little they did hear environment avoided a couple weeks ago. Whenever was- and I disagree- I I don't think anything going to happen with that- We see the money I might have happened, but the american people, in reality they're, not after me, they're after you, I'm just in a way? Yes with a pizza yup I mean I, you know you look at the truth and- and I tried to tell her guys and girls this all the time like the truths you undefeated in the world. That's right that always comes out. Eventually it comes that's what I've noticed like I've noticed like cause. I felt the way you feel I've felt that way for awhile. I still kind of feel like that. No, I you know what I dunno. If I do bro because I feel like a lot of this shit starting to crumble. The ratings on this mass dude are: are they just did a policeman war? Why pole that show that,
Our media is the least trust a media in the whole entire world. Really, okay, so there Their narrative, is falling apart. The rittenhouse thing everybody a lot of people we're seeing that that's a complete fuckin fabricated, narrative, lotta people, seeing that anyway. Six thing was a fucking inside instigated job. Ok, alot of people were singing the ship row and have a lot of people have seen it, and We just one this, this in virginia, but the republicans fucking dominated in all the elections, really anywhere. You now have you heard this judge speak it judge is bad ass right, so so still have a lot of people out there, so what I think the reason You feel the way you do is cause you might feel that they ve already captured the system completely, which I thought so two, but I'm not so sure I don't think they can at is long
The election is secure, which I thought was completely compromise still might be, but its election secure the pendulums going to swing back when the pendulum swings back. These people are going to be held count. Twenty twenty two is gonna, be interesting when you get the mid term and how you, you look at any anywhere. They had a race and there's a you know, ten to fifteen point swing, ah from from democratic republican right also, even if they didn't win. That swings hear you, but here look so far. What I'm saying so the pendulum swings back. It's already swinging back. Yes, you can feel it in the face you're at you could see it in the comments on instagram well, post, something patriotic versus something communist yoke, and yet we are left us or get. If you go any of this bullshit that you see posted on the left side of far. Left is getting destroyed on the internet right now. The cultures artists changed, ok,
ratings are at an all time, low from four m mainstream media I my wings or an all time high was, I tell you, show oh yeah, people are fucking, know now, that's what well and there's a starbucks litmus test. I let you into the right. There were six people and starbucks the that used to be like you know, eighty twenty mass no mask it was for people No mass to be worked down were gone, growing, worse, were swam swing in it even in the summer, and they are already airport. Yesterday, come up to music, sir, yet Evan mask on us and let me know mind your own business, but any I got anyone it like this. Any links linked legal guy online. I dream about budgets last time you does that it should be the I'm just saying that was happening a year ago. Now now it's happening on a mass scale which is going to these. Both people are going to go out and trudged step you're telling me to kick him dick, take windows,
what's going to so do so follow this line of thinking the pedal swing back, ok and we, it swings back their hard where, but she say republicans like what they're saying do dominate right right and most of these republicans that are going to win these next elections are not true, she'll rhino. When that happens, that dinner closely them tromp republican right. Ok, it's a new republican party and these people are going to be in power because of the voice of the people are right, Do you not think that people want accountability for what's going on? I know, I think that you I do. I know they do so these people there, he's in that they are going. so aggressively right now, as they know what I'm talking about I believe is happening right now. What were seeing right now like today, as they are I knew accelerate a tenure agenda.
Three or four years so that they can fuck the country up so fucking bad then, whenever this alleged that maybe they're going to be an election, ok thing get that far down the communist pipeline or if there is an election and they they cheated again, somehow right so their therein distress, you could tell their desperate is buck right. You know anime as long as they can't completely destroy the cup. will change like it. You know cause there's goodbye if everything runs on delayed turn right so like if you try to fuck the country up now, when are we really going to see it? We can see it in the next fucking election cycle. I never look how shitty this president is look at this and this and this this and then it's going to swing back and swing back. I think that we are at a critical time in the history of this country. I think That the next round of law makers that gets in our going to clean the shit, the fuck up, I'm
I I will be shocked if I'm wrong, and so will we need to know- and so I think is going to happen as long as they haven't completely compromised. The election know what I'm saying so so as long as these guys and twenty twenty two their main agenda, their main fuck agenda should be to put that election on fuckin blockchain. So it cannot be fought with and it can be, it can be done in real time, real life without any cheating yeah, and is closing poles dash ripening, two or three days later real minding middling phil murphy yeah. She is ass off. Ok, finding me, forty thousand missing votes or whatever he did. He know twenty four hours now. Well, we have votes after fuckin midnight cow bitch. That's. Why should be? I saw in echo's for other party that's just because I communicate aroused anna- was rude. We have to have integrity and electoral process, and now Ninety percent of america agrees with you know black,
America, who they say is mostly democrat, is not mostly democrat, that that's a lie. there's a bunch eliza lies were being told right, and one of the lies is, is that you know it's racist, can ask for an id to vote? America doesn't believe america beliefs that we should have to have an idea about how insulting is it as a black person that they think that a black people too dumb to get a fuckin? ro, it's insane and in how they try to justify role try to justify it to other black people like this is white mother fucker, talking to a black person, saying oh yeah. You know that voter iD is racist and then the black recital things racism united. Like you know what don't know about it and most ways uses united as part of this is part of the whiteness of the system or something similar analyzed it vessel Greece is showing you could fuckin thing like that.
An entire race of people is incapable of going in and doing a simple fucking bank broke it off. The fucking white savior shit like people were just as capable fucking why people period period, black people, just cape fucking spoken asia, people, asia, people, just cable, it's all raw fuckin people. These little will definitely outside the dude icon, we hardly since the fork and understand the fact that we are here. Wait twenty one after? fucking millions of years of fuckin civilization and we're still going about their. You got a darker ten and I got what fuck is going on. It must be clear. Its negligible darker than mine in the sun were blocked the same job parents sell yeah, italian ahead, xaviera kind about more united story. No, I'm asking is really dark, regarded the sectors where causes row. That's why I dance.
what does racist role, but the thing is: is like the young regeneration is we're with this us racial now, like all this shit, that they pushed down the pipe whose coming from the tunnel, fucking grandma's and our group, and they fuckin pushed this narrow, bro you who are racist that's right! Barton! Just today, you gotta see this shocking speech Joe Biden call sash sacho page grew. Negro at the time during better stay speech in social media hasn't even know. Whether we like it. Why can't you just be like he's a grey baseball player directly? I got the video probity of where Europe, where we all before you video, geyser, let's break it down for real, ok, If you really want a racist person at all, you
fuckin, sir, you would say sacho page one of the greatest baseball players while fucking time and the word negro would not be involved there. Now There's? Yes, that's right! You don't like the dude. Was a gangster barton get down and ass. You go ahead. You throw out that's a most people in amerika. I feel that what we don't like the younger, like this the tabard next to him, trying to stir up all the sharia rope at least get that's right and made a lot of money, a lot more money now that he was making as a lower end earner and of any nfl was backed my think. What's your fucking granpop, who prepared speech my locker Biden, you know I've adopted the attitude. The great they grow at a time forward. Eagerly eggs went on to become a great pitcher in prose
measuring baseball after Jackie robinson, namely sacho page. That's better already bad! That's some of your group of statesmen girl, but that you know what that's what all people far can talk and we all denied in every fucking culture denies it all. Motherfuckers are racist in what we are seeing now is this pushed down of their value system because they are the most fuckers are on the media. They own the foot, government, they own the fuckin hollywood they're. All in a push this shit down on us, brill I'll, be there will be the guy. Well, how do you do? I minority by. You know that wales, in our like that Why and is a thing you talk about you over the media does know.
Joe Biden did not refer to as your pages a negro during veterans. They speech there already trying to hover. Not up already there already drawn a fuck has been an hour in the fucking dead and buried ass. The others are more likely to get out of context. You know what is this kind of? How does he justifies hats without there's a headlines know Joe Biden did not refer to satchel page as negro during the veterans day speech by Mohammed Christopher. What it is. What is this? What language was speaking because I don't? What did you think you, sir? I apologise for each other justifies saying that, like that, simply by mistake, has no sacho pay It was in the negro league I wish to say that that's just what he meant to say. Sweden say that by no that's exactly what I say: that's exactly what I met a man, gymnastics that have to be priorities in here to write a headline like that
since they put up with broken here's, the other three million out of the still fall had time right. You can find the vote her father, video Syria had a fuckin mass, they mast thing bro, you guys have to understand. We live in a fucking communist country right now. It's it's a communist country that is painted in the fucking. I don't know though the freedom paint scheme will like us. I real like it's like having to focus, should be, Ain't job on your car, Europe would have rugged rap on insist. Freedom on outside border needs arrest. You piece of shit, that that's what the fuck we live in right now. I mean the fact that this the fact that this video is pulled off the internet, the fact that half the history of the earth is not in our fucking books- The fact that the media can save balking literally fucking anything. They call this kid. A wife premises. Brodie shot two fuckin white people free. Why people, zero accountability?
bro. This is insane, and so when these people get out of this is all panic shit. I think these people know if the government changes hands back to a fucking, what I think it's going to these people are all thought. we're going go to in jail or worse, do that that durham, shit and reason. Oh that's, gonna, persuasion, absolutely web as a people that commit treason like that. How is it that way underlie yet gentle penalty? Do you not I mean you do understand this, but I'm You guys understanding this were listening. The reason? people go so hard because they know their fuckin so far indicated the fuck out. So we can a double down, as it may have to know the tripling down. In a and the more they fuckin doubling trickle down the less people, they have fallen. That's what's happening. It's amazing how you saw shift, get fuckin reamed, who adult adam schiff on view which was surprised me by your fuckin ripped on the view what say
he's a while ago. I why I think your question is a little. What was the question? Ask him what she told him she's like you know, cause you she let him talking and it's basically you know why you you push all of us. Do not guinea accountability, because you put on the why supremacy on unknown stood ass, a young on that and she's not, I think I think the public is that they're not cost anything in your capacity in the more. I think that you are working that questions under, Bar E4 can fail, but here's what I will say no so this is why this is why its trip most people, or stand. What's going on with that dossier, eight, they fuckin donors to examine pay attention. These group of people, free, and I want explain to you in case. You understand, don't understand what happened. The Hillary Clinton camp, alright in two thousand fuckin. Sixteen came up with this story, That from colluded with russia to win the falcon election right,
Okay. Everybody knows that the document that they base that report off of was completely fabricated, completely fucking fabricated, zero fact that is proven now that it's proven the f b. I admits that it was fake okay, Joe Biden, in the end obama in all these people were briefed on this in two thousand. Sixteen. They know that it's fucking thick and for the last four and a half years. They ve put the media's pushed it. Dave pushed it in everybody's push this fate narrative design, knowing that is fair to remove trapped in the reason they want to remove tromp was because he is a in their eyes. Is a regular american outside of their own little fucking shit, bro system. They got going on. That's what people don't understand, so you what what you have here is a former fucking president, a former secretary of state. ok and the media and.
Polluting together to create a document to make our president look like a trader when, in fact they are the train, and dude this shit. They already arrested two people, so I I believe that I believe that that that thing this hole is the is the biggest story in the history of the united states ever fucking. never ever ever ever so I do believe there be accountability and I believe it will be heavy. I believe it will be harsh. I believe It will shock everybody in the fucking planet and I believe it all knocker country back in line, that's my opinion and I think Hope you correct, I hope I am too did you, but I think you're like me in twenty four bro off like a fix and shit, I fuckin will do no mercy like dude this, these people- I too ruin our country for their own benefit and for this agenda that was seeing jammed in right now
So they don't win right. They were. They were going to ease this agenda in over that fuckin time. That's fucked up their plane. So now, Oh they're, trying to jam all this in what they think is afore your window undue. That's why we see so much. Fucked up shit happens such short period of time, so they don't we'll on themselves. Basically, what I think is when you see this, this infrastructure, pat infrastructure, hope package. You know that, one point three, which is probably no longer regis relations, a trail, racist. It's a guy's name, buddhas edge you're talking about profit, talking about how as he buried his opportunity leads back from his paternal that you wanted to make an appearance and he really likes trains and roads in all ass, though his back apparently specially was obtained on the racist, just re astray, wild man, while times there was we'll see where it goes. I think there's going can be major accountability. Do about portnoy ordinary fucking, taken it to a man. I love it
Is it a video, but what one would be was that from where's that brave heart, where you ve run up a tablet, no, I posted another where they were in the bar firewood movies program or does not at all right. It's late wrongs tailors. I was something I think it right that now, when he locked the door behind our desire and locked the door behind those videos or Alice walker, they grow audio doctors live he's got. Seventy five thousand people is light broke. He single handedly, destroying these little fucking area. I am sure that there is a great american he's- gonna pay them that those topical because it comes the council and I hope he doesn't stop, don't kill you always do exposing do all this users with the wrong person. Listen I'll, think he's taken. I don't think he slept a fuckin winks and sins have real. I think that's all I got so bad ass, mother, fucker shouldn't fuck with, I think it's great I found that today actually was at is that you know all of what they accused him of you know you you might want to not talk about that. It might want to bury that and instead he's bring everything.
no he's talking about more balls, wrote the balls agro, the truth we the light. We show that when you ve been light, sunfish the truth, undefeated champion the world, that's it well. This is isn't braver. Yeah he's he's calls for a gal. I What are you doing is very important historic. It is very employers Why are we even? Why didn't you call them? What you smith is done is historically important agreed yeah. What did you speak to the whole cancer culture thing man sighed become on foot with what now as it is little with. Nobody has to give you that I will do my job and you just say: fuck em they supposed to do. I get I think that the more examples that come of that, though the more people Unless we make sure it's ok, you'll grow, they built that fear on us on a threat they can't fucking fulfil in real life, so abused lots. They views. They use online bullying. They use stocking. he's harassment when you realise that can't fucking did there.
A small minority, soon realise that can't really what words which happened here is big, bully on the block, has been exposed as a total pussy wants a bluff. Right, yeah and and portnoy. Finally, there's people not just porno others who are say: okay, I call your bluff. Let show me your cars. We've got a call your bluff here and that's what's happening now, row and then and then and then the best part is they're poor and the sick. The typical fucking narrative witches they fuck and fuck with you. Then this happens. We all the time they fought with you. Then you fuck them back. Then they save it. You're the volleyball yeah. I saw a comfortable russia like I gave due to the gable Gabriel guy. for market surveillance more like do that that can really be comfortable. I'm fuckin just had to teach your kids communism in the fuckin school
we can all this shit on hidden camera them when they hit him with the fuckin run up on street with project their task. You make me very uncomfortable with varying accountable for me, good, good schools to be sport nest of your money. That's all it is right, but that's, my extreme is talking what else riga that comes up for you fun fact: Satchel sacho ages, the first african american inducted into the baseball and size was also negro, where I could write her hunger and such like a negro in and of itself like that's that age. You know he couldn't that back now. Will do couldn't help. I couldn't find an action button and it speaks to his truth. Man, because, like I've, seen studies about the dementia stuff globally b, has it right like they don't make our lives but he's reliving he what's. All you do is rights is real. Fucking reality of the world. Are we looked at me? That's what easy? That's! I think. That's the important part right there. That's the important part we
What he did was to show you how he sees the war. That's a roma! Yes, I'm control, well then as uncontrolled thoughts, so that's unfiltered right, but that real thought, that's the opposite of what heroes like martin Luther king wanted right luther king. You now want fucking us to be judged on what we look like an outside right. They wanted this to be judged by the content of a cat. And you cannot subscribe to this laughed be a lamb, narrative and also m o k, because there completely contradictory one hundred percent completely and if you don't think so, go look. It up but look at their ideologies. Omby alarm go look at em I'll catch, you I said this, so you can decide who you want to follow. You wanna file, follow a bunch of. Why, people who manipulated a big group, a black people and took their money. ran for office with it, or do you want to fuck and believe one of the greatest motherfucking americans ever fucking lived country. I know I fully subscribe to
they don't want to hear, but as there that's, the thing here is a funny story for you, so congresswoman, coy bush guy. She, though she did that. For the phone town hall yesterday, while guess who they called call the wrong for the vote on thursday is called me. Correct I swear to god and roll. I swear to god and sign up to be called no. I did not that's it. That's the thing I got. The call was this: the other four were bush, okay, along with article fifty one minutes, ok, try there was a brothers, was last night brought us it. If I were you I'd go to cheat on me. I am personally blasted. Coy Bush would like now to hear that aren't so here this also, they fucking call me right now, my wherever there's no fuckin way where you ve been selected. to be honest, aha, via a bigger voter mercy and saw my press precedent.
To get a new one continue. Ezra lump where's my moment, I'm when iran industry has already occurred I get on and like a thing I jumped in the call late or something because she's already talking to some of the build back better like this is basically timeout. Timeout set set the tone here, who is corey, Busch Cori Bush's a congresswoman for district one for the state of missouri and he stands for shoes. I'm issued on the far left man I'm game on the police. Wasn't she is a? It was the head of the local population. community here and say louis she dating back to fergus and yet one hundred percent believes that that that the plan Saint Louis, the highest murder, capital and the country per capita should be defended and replaced with fuckin social workers. Her people, her people, the she represents in district, one, are being killed and a disproportionate rate because of her fucking policy
I now left and right laughter ram about a pitcher again well, so fast forward, you desire not! I was able to go to have it that that this is her ass, a piece Mind you! I d. She pushed it d be found the police should she spent two underground and private security that you're so walked around. With that, we pay for mind you but but yes, so the target on the call she's she's talking about this bill back better plan and that she gets on this. The bipartisan infrastructure bill. How this is all good for the unity in those? Billions allows coming in this in this, and this. Then she says I should not. She said Is that your yes I'll, be buddhist edge. Whatever ever talk how highways erases she starts pushing, which is I and an and and and minority communities are severely affected because they access have access to roadways and so they find We asked me if I would like to ask the question
I heard work is gets good. Press nine speak with an operator right. They like features, they filled in my question making your hey, who are you? Are you? Farms are given my I'm d, J m from south sassy little city, I'm here, and ass. You were ok, so much a question for the council, not like one. Our question is: how can she say that? How is a races in those minority issues with access? I don't have a problem fifty five north by another paragraph, fifty five northbound noggin shot. So what is I was going do about the crime in our communities, and the overwhelming why people are being affected by her defined the police campaign. I Should you not, but though the fucking awkward issues. Let me rephrase the question to make sure I understand what you're saying again go: go it phrase it again. So, ok, that's a great question, appreciate you call it will. I will will feed that question and I said: ok, thank you. I wait. Fifty One minute in is no shit. They may they did not. Put me off and here is a crazy part. They they answered ten questions. Ok, every single,
question was a white I could tell like white person have led how that is really the rockets job sounded like men. That's right what was racism, but wipers one on every single one of them was in favour of her. They shed two black people, those ten questions- that we were there and even they were in favour. There was now one question that that even challenged any of her nurse out on the phone for fifty one minutes and they didn't but my mother would have those other people have always regarded ass. A thing like I'm innocent raises arrive because like when they wouldn't they would let you ask your question so you should have gave much Therefore I should in Sweden there isn't going out you an alliance or you say so. Let me get this straight so you say that all why people soundly managed. Now we will you no sound? I meant what do I saw you, you sound like
grape kool aid, baby yeah I'll, take samples at the golgi and make sure I'm still in sugar without others, with two cups cup of sugar yeah: oh yeah, that's a real shitty, fifty pound northbound you're on the side. That's what I'm saying! Nobody was there, so they did at the end leave a voice mail. If your questioning it ass, you sought, after voicemail and our problem. It was nice, My god would really really appreciate. No, we can have open conversation. A respectful conversation valley really appreciate. You call back me, but I ripped her while they arrived at the unfortunate part about that and in range Zenos the same
it's a very blue collar city, very, very prideful city. Sure, do you know ST louis cardinals, anheuser Busch create jobs. You know, love a lot, the the joke about. You know the athletes come in from out of town, it's like once they meet the ST louis girl. They won't leave because you can't get them out and recently for four actually one of the f t x with jps. Now they were doing one and in north ST louis, and I had not driven north fifty five in quite some time and I'd never been more nervous driving down a highway in my life. It's rather not, and I love this city. I'd do anything for the city. I've been in the city. I've gone, I mean, go, you know people, why aren't downward? You know like I'm, not uncomfortable going downtown. I was uncomfortable fuckin, how I know you're not add people you get those rolling by some. So you got how seventy and in that connection, to fifty five. Ok and you can like our our highway system, makes a big loop as one big loop right, I'm in this couple alike veins ago, through it right, but but
do downtown single city howie. Seventy comes in connection good next, forty four, fifty five to forty four. There goes east and west in the fifty five or go south and north right like they are acting right. Where they connect. Is I mean that's the charge is right: there were the connect weblike there. roaming. Dr buys, when these how it's ok, like people get shot killed. I mean, it's in it is madness out there I mean just in the past month has been like four four gunshots on the highways gummy aids is these ladies lebanon jurists place here and as late as defining the police, write down a word. That was your whole thing and it's her people right and I I told her. I said that on the on the voice mature mike- and I find this actually really really kind of messed up cory. The fact that I'm a black man, born and raised in a louis city by the guy, in the bishop that you actually represent is where I grew up at. And here I am giving you a valid plea and you refuse even ass. My question. You don't want to answer you like that's
That is the truth match. You can answer these out. It's in questions of people already with you in the one I'm gonna politics must address the esa home with politics in general. It they date date softball nobody's allowed even ass shit anymore. That's communism. Allowed us now I believe our number one camping, contributor resource I wonder if we reduce our two weeks before she was alive, she was getting a victim. Is she mismanages money and then, a month after she gets a six figure big book? Do how well. This lady does not representing those and then our I loving louis, remember guys. Quarry bush loves, you know the fuck, you don't know shit telling us that's right. He killing us that's happening in every city across this contrast rider every day like this cargo, he's gonna this country for people to quit, fucking binding as racial bullshit. Ok, fucking, I'm not going to vote for someone because their fuckin wider, I'm not gonna both for someone, because their fuckin black or this
that motherfucker we gotta put the best people in the fucking jobs. That's it! This shit is bullshit and if you haven't noticed this, the current system that that they keep championing, isn't working really well at all. Our noble, whereas I mean, are definitely because a basic thou, I'm I'm, I'm really open a call back yet may become a very respectful dialogue about. I would really appreciate if you can't, I wouldn't worry- I wouldn't way round to Not gonna, wait! No! No! No, but I I leave my phone on loud just for so I'm waiting for it yeah, I think yeah. You know one of the things that you talk about a lot bro, which I think is really good work. Is you know the the need for masculinity in society yeah. You know the need for men to be fucked
men. You know we ve. We ve allowed our culture to the embryo. Again. Why would they? Why were they demonize men? Why would they make you less masculine? Why would they? Why would they want you to be as feminists possible? Why would they want you to do a listen? It's the destruction of our values, our structure for the reason of control right, annie, we let we as men, represent that last line of defence. You know men who are independent thinkers. Many workers the ball men who have skill sets men who have wealth, minuet positions of power and swords about undermining that so there's no defence against what would otherwise be pushed. So so what speak that for a little bit man, this is like what you teach yeah. Yeah, I mean that's, that's that's what I teach look if you look at. If you look at society the end and myself included, the
roaming majority of men are raised by women right your written look at the rate of fatherless homes anywhere. You know close to. Seventy percent of homes are raised without a father in the home and then what you boys do while they go into a school system and there is no doubt Absolutely, no doubt that the school system is built for young ladys and that's why they thrive. They thrive in that environment. They get their education, they get through information, they get good grades than they go to college, they get their jobs but is not built for boys. In fact, it's worked against boy is because if the boys don't act like the girls, then they say there's something wrong with them and they medicated right. They come from drug in medicine and all the other stuff and two sedate m from the time there five six years old, it's all about sedation! So You know we made a conscious effort to make sure that men are stepping up that they have the skills. They are the resources and more more importantly than that, what I'm noticing now in this
what I've been doing is I've traveled a little bit over the past six months and as I travel into twenty twenty two as I'm getting together face to face with guys wherever I go face to face we're going to get together, and I mean I came over here to saint Louis last night. We had fifteen guy show up on a really short notice. There had a good night get together talking about real issues, talking about real things, and this is what I want to do. I want to keep doing it all over. The country and fifteen is gonna turn into fifteen hundred fifteen thousand and we're going to we're going to do what needs to be done to get men to be men again here. That's why I'm going to do this tour? The same tour! That's right! same exact reason, because I know that the Georgia of America, you You may not agree with everything I say, ok, but I know that The majority of america are americans their date there, not racist they're, not fucking, bigots they're. Not! Ah. You know why supremacists you're fuckin americans broke in travelling fuckin freedom. They believe in equal opportunity, for everybody.
The day, all the shit that we hear the traditional american culture, that's what most people are here and there trying to destroy and we need. why are little love whites that we have on that, because this is subversion of ideologies and ideological war- that's what's happening right now, and Erica possibility might turn into real or because of the weakness of our leadership, and so we have to fuck and understand and and make sure that people understanding what's happening right now. It's not just this crazy time and political history were seeing the dismantling of our entire culture. true I mean I used. I started using language from five years ago about his is a battle like this. War. This is a battle, yes, there's external factors as an internal factors, and I had people a lot when I started hey, you know: that's buncher bunch of Lee that you should use a language bob? I now I think, are starting to realise o actually know. This is a battle like there's a legitimate enemy.
and- and I hear less and less from people who disagree with me, a boar anymore. The enemy is the powers that be sits. It's the government of south elected officials who are I did like you said change. This ideology changed for it take away freedoms, in our ability to to live our lives? The way you do, I ll give you the answer that its communist that's an ideology that you're describing how communist shore had never fireworks. It's it's responsible for more debt, In destruction than any other historical ideology, that's ever been fucking put into play and kill more people than any war. It's kill more people than any plague, let's kill more people than fucking anything, and if that doesn't, if that doesn't justify calling people who are communist the fucking enemy, then nothing does right. Okay, I agree. We've been pacific.
I do not say the true, oh yes, it acts, communists have a plate. No, they don't. They do not everybody else. Yes, communist fucking. Now that's my opinion. Communists in the house. Yeah. Well, they go in the same bought yeah. They do they do and we we, as men and americans, have to stand up the ship it can tolerate. Yeah! not be tolerated at all, because it then you, What what's going on now go on for the next fuckin five years, you'll be have motherfuckers at your door, trying to date, your daughter and when you don't let them date, their daughter and they're. Thirty years old and they're fucking fourteen and you're the fucking bigot and you're going to go to jail you're going to get in trouble. It's already happened. well not attacked, argued that the word that is used is tolerance right.
Do you know why moral tolerance, that's a that's a strategy to embrace and accept ideas that are not that are at odds with right, the way that we should be living political correctness, tolerance, it's bullshit, go look at the weimer republic north that was no day or look it up. I'm gonna! Look it up yet I'll. Send you the links. Yeah. Do your fucking be like Hoy fuck. All this shit happened already all happen in it from the psi ops to fuck it all hap, all of it all of it. Just not the metaverse their motivation. well, I guess avatar, you know if it was automobile or maybe were already in the men. Of course. As true that doesn't matter. You know, maybe a certain part of it is known that a verse inside the already existing members- man, it's it's a weird thing. You know ryan when I, when I first heard of order, It's actually really interesting, because I think there's a chapter especially being father. You start to go through like who needs to learn.
Be a man that those might just being honest by natural city to urge a year. I did know you at times what three four years ago, when your had enron, the first time and then, as I get older and as you start to really recognize- and you know he's g starts men be men. You realize that men have no longer allowed to be men and it's actually really sad. You know it's sad that, and I and I I talk about you, talk about leadership or you talk about loving, your wife are raising your children and I think we've stripped that from him. You know- and I and I have to commend you because you were at once where I thought what the fuck is, this guy doing legitimately yeah then become a fan, then you know, listen and watch and see. You know you've done a fan, fabulous job and in you should be extremely proud of transition year career into that, because its awesome, you know where these guys once we're lost. they have opportunities to see the light in just doing what fucking we're primarily meant to do, and I've been surprised to like what I'll tell you when I started when I
started order, a man was about six and a half years ago. I just wanted to talk with people. I was in spot men that I was inspired by because I wanted to lead my family. I wanted to grow. My business, like I want to do stuffs, was very selfishly, driven so as most of life, and that's fine, nothing wrong with it, but I didn't anticipate what it would become and now, when I an email or a message from a guy who just got a promotion or as well ass fifty pounds or rekindle the relationship with his wife and he was going to go through a divorce. Might I did not realise how much this was needed and most these guys come from follows homes they never had strong male presence in their life. I coached youth baseball. for a long time, lotta years, and I know that I was the most state as a coach of eight year old boys, the most stable father figure, father presence or even just masculine presence life and what a shame, but why a disservice, we're doing the young ladys and
boys ball when we can only their prey, of course, both yes and at that that problems persist over time, because the young ladys dont, know what a real man looks like well, and I men are not act, ass right and so, when I started, I thought woman a focus and do an emphasis on men and boys, and am we do because I'm a guy like I understand that you have the most experience. Of course- and So that's what we we focused on, and I realize you know what I'm set an example of what I boy should be an eye I have a daughter as well and I'm setting the example of what she should be looking for a man, so we ve got enough next year, we're going to do we've done like father son events called legacy, we're actually going to be doing another event next year. I've. I think I gonna call it lady legacy, but it's a father daughter event, because this time we actually start paying attention to our daughters as well and letting and see what real men look like. Not these men simulated shells of what we potentially could be. So not a word to new, why they most women out their understand there is a shortage of men
you know it's funny about all the time. It's true and and I'll tell you the amount of messages I get. If you look at any, our metrics or platforms. It's usually about eighty five percent men eighty two, eighty five percent fifteen to twenty percent women is about typical. and I'll have people say well, you know do do people might not like what you have to say very few every single woman who reaches out to me. It's usually one or two things either, they want their husband to step up cause he's not stepping up or that the husbands gone dad's out of his lives and she's. Raising three boys on our own doesn't know how to make sure those boys turning the men and that's why They listen to what we do. Women are barred latest advocates, which is a sign exactly. What you are saying is that women want us to lead his men. The once I just figure that out. That is to say the way I would say Once you figure out that you being a real man is going to get you laid a whole lot. More men will start being fucking idiots,
women should go out and fucking proclaimed if you really many change go on. Tell the reason that I dont date is because there's much fuckin, we asked for Another don't put their sizes on, say down on. Your bucket list is to feel boobies financed you have to be amended as it now. So. Ah young man look, we live in a in a in a in a strange, but I think very important time. You know there's all kinds of ideological
adults happening here, but if you really want to know what's going on, you can go back and look at what we talked about on the show and look at your history and I'm not talking about in just the wikipedia page, goat, gone and unbiased search, an unbiased search for the truth and see what you could figure out, because all of this has happened before all of these things have happened before it did result in fucking, massive death and destruction, and maybe, if you know like I've, been saying for the last, you know almost two years now. If you guys would just resist on the ground level and say hey fuck off, I just saw you did politely in airport, if you guys start doing that, we could avoid a maybe a whole lot of.
Death and destruction, because that's what these things lead to these ideological battles lead to fuckin wars and extermination. I've been saying that for a long time when people like bro you're you're way too far out there you, which no dude I'm just head of you write like I see my vision is ahead of yours, which is the reason I'm able to build companies that succeed and fuckin win and every company I touch fucking goes. You know why, because we can see over the horizon of what the fuck is coming. So it's not paranoid. It's I'm up at the fucking tower and I'm said hey as MA fucking icebergs coming for us. Okay, so you guys would just fucking resist and get involved. And say fuck! No! Ah, if you want to accept lightly I'd rather say fuck now and get involved near communities, and you start taking responsibility,
of your obligation to get involved in school board, serve meetings and local politics and take an interest in these things. If we can activate and realise that that's a reinvestment of our. fruits so to speak. You know we live in an amazing country that provides us a lot of opportunity way more opportunity provided than what's given credit for at this point in time, if you traveled to any other country in the planet, you would understand that, but most people don't and you're not going to. So we need the people to do understand that, to step up and get involved and take interests. and reinvest in this country and not just for military duty were civic duty, your politics through. How you live your life through how you act in public in all matters, oliver of Regarding this point in society, where they, deluded that idea from now. It's all about likes and shares and fucking your image in,
Now this is a very shallow existence and the reason I think that most people are totally unfulfilled, because most people do things that don't fuckin matter, guess what guys. We got an opportunity right now to do some shit that really matters every single person. Listening you can get involved. You can go to a fucking school meaning you could speak up. You can tell the truth. You could show some courage. Courage is always reward. It's never! It's never not rewarded. It's always rewarding okay, there's all kinds of things that you can do to help fix this so that we do not end up in some crazy fuck in world war of ideology is, I can tell you right now. If we do, in that, under this ministration we will lose lose out. America is now the america that we were eight years ago or fuck, and even two years and everybody starting see it in their showing it on purpose They show it like that because they want us to be demoralized while they want us to be demoralize because easier to fucking. Take our shit and you guys have to understand. That's what's a stake, you, ok, this is
bout. This is some nice fluffy ideology. You guys were real, quick that there's other people out there in the world that don't give a fuck about you, slit your throat and take everything you fucking on your land, your fucking income, your house, your life, everything and not give two fucks about it. That's the fucking nature of humanity that is human nature, human. Jury is the strong popular fuckin fuckin and right now we're weakest fuck. If we don't get strong, we will be conquered. Are Civilization will not exist ten more years from now. I believe that to be true, so my advice for everybody. Listening is to get over all this fuckin bullshit and realise that everything, person. You look at every single person, that you think is different, and you really in that different, ok at the racism that's being pumped through our media channel. Where is it? I want to see it and I want it backed up by statistical data. I want to fucking, see the shit. Let's see it. Okay, I want to see it
See to pass on my first racist thing, you know in a really long time you there, I told you about it, saw do rightness Fatima recycled area with a complete eye jacket on that was confederate flag. Alright, I didn't think that was cool right. But what do we do with people like that? We fucking say: hey you're, a fucking asshole and let him fucking go right. You know what I'm saying like this whole fucking. Idea of where we are in society, you know I love I've been demoralized for a long time in terms of like my pessimistic him out, look I'm finally starting to become optimistic, the closer and closer we get to these mid terms in the fact that we were able to see the republicans dominate so hard, so I think, if you're listening, which a lot of you are and you're going to be in office or of any kind. I think we all need to be pushing for some sort of block chain or a lecture
process really hard? But that should be an issue that we all fuckin demand is a bipartisan issue right. The best idea she winds country, not the fuckin ones, that elite group of people who, own literally everything pushed down upon us. That's tyranny. We live in a free country. best idea should be. The ones that we fuck and use that are that are bound by the majority. So it's in everybody's best interests that the voting is secure. We have the technology to secure the voting, so, let's put in place, I think it's the biggest issue that we haven't. Because if we could secure the voting so where there is no none more this all we found, we want Break right, always bullshit all over the clarence fuckin. the election over a five fucking p m like it in arizona all this shit is done. We know exactly when the votes come in, we will see exactly who won. We will see exactly where they voted exactly, who voted, cetera, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, and that is the
analogy that we need to put in place should be denied added by american citizens and if it is demanded by american citizens and people get loud enough about it, then maybe we will be able to avoid the crumbling of this entire country. So final thoughts, bro, I I think you know it comes back to you know. You've got a big macro problem, but you know how do you? How do you fix anything and I think focus on controlling what you can control and all too often we get overwhelmed because of all of the moving parts in all of the things that need to be done, but the truth of the matter is, you have to focus on the small things that are right in front of you, that you can accomplish to make sure you move, you lie forward. How does that you know? How does that impact your society? Well, you have to fix yourself before you go help anybody else fixed their shit right so fix your house fix yourself and then go add value. You know cause you can control that right. There's ryan was speaking. We ve talked about. Several times you have to go get involved, but your involvement only really matters if your name
or your your house, or you know, your reputation actually mean something, or has you have valued at an How do you do that, while you have to create a life in a perspective that is of value? How do you do that? Well, you have to do a lot of hard work and research in education and making sure that you know you are checking your boxes and raising your kids to be. Stewards of society are good stewards of society and then go help. Other people do that and I think it all to us work. We help. While you can start by fixing your shit and if you can fix your shit, then you can say set yourself up for the opportunity: go help other people change theirs, and I you know when I think about big problems. I think, instead of looking at the big picture, look at the small picture and start fixing the small things lay in the small bricks to build a big house.
That's what's going to happen! Dude it's gotta happen. What's your final thought? I I echo that I think that's dead on you know. A lot of people want to focus on everything outside of their control and they get hung up in politics, and I'm not saying you shouldn't you should in fact you should insert yourself into politics. Absolutely. You should do that. That's one of the things that I I ah I resisted personally for a long time like I'd. Never do that and now I'm thinking you know actually that's where a lot of change can take place and so one of my goals has been to look at and here's another place, culture as well: music, arts, even index college- universal public, appoint their brow. I just one stop right there: how If any one million people voted for by combining and then higher majority of the fucking of of is on the left side. What they try to again how have the number one artist and a billboard charts been independent, conservative artist for nasa and three months right.
you will have only a good question you blow, but are people aware that probably not yet pro not they don't know. If you have, you have independent artists with no fucking label at the top of the billboard charge right now. one for the last three fucking months, so you're telling me A small minority of conserving americans are pushing that right. Of course, nor will it there's another point there too, and- and I think the conservative side has done a really good job. I will say really a job appeals. The logic generally righto like factual logic. You should we should. We should be talking about that, but also we need to tap into the emotional side of things too, because the left has done a very good job. At doing that and in a lot of ways there winning some of those cultural france, because they appeal to emotion We need to learn how to do that. We need learn how to use emotion. We need to learn how to tap into people's feelings in the design tires in dreams and wishes they have and then back it up with logic.
So that's why we do need to get involved in some these culture issues that I think a lot of conservative people have avoided because they want to do with it. I don't want to deal with it. I'm gonna go to school school board meetings get nephites and battles are gonna want to do all that bullshit, but it has to be done as right. It has today. duty, dude, it's a among all responsibility, yeah and you know we're here on veterans day. Having this conversation is milk men and women who put on that uniform and the law. That we can do is live a life, worthy of what they did their sacrifices their dedication. Their commitment to the cause is it's unparalleled, and I think the least that we can do is make sure that we're stepping up and honoring what they've done to to commit themselves to this cause. A loving man re one hundred per cent. Our other things, man, I run houses. Innocent binds, races inquiry but should be back.
That's all I got those who have to pay look america's in deep shit, man and If you want to change it, you better get involved. You know you were talking to plan. You were talking just now about you, you know I don't want to fight in the fuckin schoolboy, shit, no shit on only the runaway fuckin argue snow lobby that guy who's never fuck and actually build anything or knows what we're doing things about. Ok, but the reason that it is the reason we are where we are right selfish. Due to here's, what is the best america have gone out in used the opportunity of america to do What the fuck it was intended to do. Rashes, build a good family, build a business, build a life, build a career, build a build, build something right, contribute to something create something the the the. the other part of the equation is we gotta give into it. We ve got a fucking. We ve got a fine
lies the soil we ve got out with. We ve got to cultivate in and make sure that we're taking care of this place because it's not been take care right. You know well, there's this link between rights and responsibilities. Everybody wants to talk about their right. I have the right to do this. Have the right to do that and right through this yeah Maybe you do, and maybe that's been outlined in our founding documents, but without some level of responsibility to maintain and honoured and uphold those rights hosting. go away like it's not you earn and once and then you can check the box off and then our children and our grandchildren will have the same rights. Those need to be protected, bus ride, be fought for and that require responsibility and if you are in a position that you can do that- and I look at you guys- you know you're you're successful here your influencing people? Here? You have young men in yahoo, young women who come to work for you so you're doing a lot of things here, but you are also in a position of authority and influence and credibility with people we gotta use that you know we have like you have an obligation to use that, and you guys are doing that so everybody's got,
everybody has to you- and it's easy to just say: I'm just gonna worry bout me in mine will be good for you. I would have thought everybody else who needs our help. I would only like. I would argue that the people who are still trying to write the fence or losing credibility by the fuckin minute agreed. I would, if I tell you this, I won't work- were people who run thence. Anybody who believes in communism are who who rides the fence with these people who are for all this crazy, tyrannical shit. It's happening. The removal of free speech. You no fucking the tyrannical mandates, the removal of fucking bodily- autonomy. higher taxes, blah blah blah did if you with that, I want? I only want to be. I don't I don't. I have no interest in that at all. I don't want to know you. I don't want to be with you. I'm not gonna, shake your fucking hand fuck you, because you are resent the enemy of america. That's the truth! That's where we're up and if you read the fence between that and actual freedom. actual equality actual,
you know: harmony in this country. You're? U urine away you're in the fuckin way and I think Consumers like a lot of these people that you are speaking of our business influencers. Its business but they don't want to lose motherfucking customer those people there. Trying to cater to. They don't have abilities, shopping your mother fucking place anyway. What the fuck are you doing, but I dont think I think company, that makes a stand like a cultural stand like you're talking about right now. I think the common per cent. is they'll lose business I can't believe that is what's going to they're going to business. We grew one hundred per cent last year. That's what I'm talking to talk more shit and fucking anybody! Ok, a fucking state farm! I hate farm, exactly fifteen fucking state bar mages reach out after I post that little screenshot the other night. a screenshot where the one regimes eyebrow I've, never been so busy in my life. I have fifteen twenty, almost just from shape our major say, listen, I want you out when I was flying over here. I'm like I should look into stay farm for insurance,
and finally, that's like organization or somebody s ball, throw in the fucking, the dude people were alike, the language that you said on the show dj where you were like I'll pay, more pay more and all the customers were like. I don't care if the premium is not a fucking pay, a lot switch. Why should I got I grow like? I got two cars and the house ass, which also that's because of emu? Should you should a will and that's because fucking, people here believe in the ideal, the america. Ideals in american culture that we have been brought up in They believe that in the media and the social movements and all things trying to tell you that america's debt is the fuckin wrong, we're the verge of the biggest fuckin comeback of acting haste work. We in history of america- and I think it's gonna happen. We may have to go through some dirtier shit. I think it's gonna get a lot worse, quick before it's better but you'd. Have you wanna, be ahead of the curve, are getting I've given on that because there
swear, I that's where it's gonna be so dread working people find you ro tell people about You know on instagram and in tell him your podcast a little bit yeah, the podcast that we talked about it earlier. I've done eight hundred and fifty or so episodes which is crazy. Three hundred and fifty interviews- and then we have other, shows that we do order a man where we listen to podcast ryan mikkeller on twitter, facebook, instagram, that's where he can find his best yup You gotta, listen to show its shop where your business shows on itunes covers. all kinds of cultural topics and business topics. All It's amazing gas. as a great job on the show and so I am sure that your given this man will tap on it. subscription button now listen to show leave leave my a favorable review, help him out because he's doing good work appreciated, really appreciate all you guys, thanks for having me out here, I I always look forward to having these conversations and getting real, and so it's it's awesome. Thanks! Guess! Well, thanks for coming bro
I guess. That's the show, if you like, the show which I loved it is. I did it. if you like to shove daughter was good. If it was helpful for major laugh what you think, If I gave you some different perspective, whatever did for you if you thought it was good share, it really appreciate. You guys. I think we're one of the only shows out there that that runs entirely off word of mouth. I'm proud of that So yeah, that's a show stocking I soon sleeping on a number of german, but from other both by the stealth count. It means in their booty, spell gotta bank king both doesn't know shock case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.