« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

166. Way Back Machine Ft. Billy Prempeh & Dan Fleyshman

2021-11-05 | 🔗

The only way to stop the madness happening in America is to get involved. In today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined by the 2022 Republican Candidate for Congress in New Jersey, Billy Prempeh, and entrepreneur Dan Fleyshman. They discuss why we need to vote out lifetime politicians, the importance of getting involved in your community, and why handling problems on the ground level will lead to a better nation.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The one number for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know. Headshot case closed. What is that guy's prussia- and this is the show for the real say goodbye to the lies. The fitness and delusions of modern society welcomes a mother fucker reality guys. Today we have a full length show and it's going to be fucking awesome before I get to that and before I get to the introducing our geshe plural and that wasn't guess it was guests. Have a list Sometimes before I get an introducing dr sal doctor, you just introduced before the internet didn't introduce you oh said: I cut it off yet we listened just. Let me do my thing
shut the fuck up? I run the show here. She's guys, you think you learn a ship. I now got talk about the fee dj tell mother We re the falcon these guys gases. Have you if you got something out of the show? If you laugh, if you fucking cried out? Ok, if you it's something either show a made you a better person. You enjoyed your time. Listen to it. Just do us a favor and share the show share to a couple of That's it we're not know if it was a good show, as if its sucked I'll share, obviously but we did great, which we will show you, look, we don't run ads for the show. We don't run ads on the show. We don't waste. Thirty minutes of your time, we're talking about some bullshit. We probably don't even use, I so share the show. I were going to give you good content today, as we always have the full and show that a full crew here I've got dagger cell doctor. I've I've got DJ my library to special gas. Ok, so I have one guess
from new jersey and one from California and which is so important california and new jersey walked into a room, yeah missouri right in the middle. Our first guess I like to introduce is billy premier he's a first generation american he's running for congress in the state of new jersey. Which is, I landed because we're why watching the election fraud happened right in front of her face in the distance that you're running. Is that you're here on this day I know it's like and- and I was expecting a different outcome, but it's still still working pretty good for, for my district, at least at risk, and see how things go before the end of the day: yeah cool dude. So much making the trip down report. However, a lot about what you got going on a lot about what you're doing going to do for this country and, as you guys know, I'm good friend we're damn fleischmann who happen to be sitting here in studio with us on unexpectedly.
If you dont know Dan should know Dan very successful investor entrepreneur, where the smartest business minds in the game right now philanthropists just to all around good dude calls me yesterday is getting looking at selling one of his companies. Well, somebody was looking at buying what it is. Companies answer is no in indianapolis yesterday, and we started talking and he's like fuck. It I'll drive our drive over so sudan and on the sharp I'm here am yet here we are. We spent all night last night watching this stuff go down, usually talk about. What's going on cited here. To run an hour. I call so early on option, but look do we all want to happen while with the yeah so so yeah man, I believe talk talk a little bit about you know your history, because I think you have what I
you represent what's happening in america and what should be happening. Regular people who from regular america that are low going to improve what's going on in this country through political service, what got you? What That would tell me a little bit about your history and what you got got you in this in this in this lane. So like you mentioned earlier: first generation american, my parents day emigrated to the united states like the mid eighties, where I've gotta west africa so they came over here. They they wanted. The american dream. Reagan was boom and at the time and the came out here and I popped out: nineteen, eighty, nine, and you know about the paterson new jersey, my entire life, so for the people that are listening that don't know much about patterson, it's an inner city, it's pretty inner urban environment and throughout my entire life, it's always been controlled by Democrats, it's been ran into the ground horribly despite the fact that, as a lotta history, the city is just not going in the right direction and ah
I never thought about getting into politics, never wanted to get into politics, but it was. and until january of two thousand and two thousand and twenty, when trumpeted at his Allie. He had his rally out there in wildwood. It blew my freak in my office, like this is a guy who you wouldn't expect the republic and pull, though those kind of numbers like he did in new jersey and was hundreds of thousands of people out there in freezing cold and it oh. I started speaking with several of the people several of the inner viewers. We're out there and then I was at this event with the guiding doktor castillo. He was running for congress at the time and district five he ran against my opponent last year and in the end, the last cycle, two thousand and sixteen, and while he was watching the entire time, but didn't really speak much, but when we were about to leave, he pulls me to decide, isn't your bill and I been paying attention everything you've been saying said: Abram, like I've just been watching. You like an owl.
And that you can actually be bill Pascrell and I'm like no. I can't like I'm a random guy from the hood like I can't do this is no. You definitely can. He was like your african american first generation american you're, an air force veteran. You live in patterson. You live in the fourth ward, one of the most dangerous parts of the city, here a republican. You know exactly what you're talking about your very sharp have paid attention to. You got good ideas of policies and your young passing eighty six years old, your thirty one. I was thirty at the time and it was at your thirty years sounds like you're young guys. Are you literally hit all the marks of everything that encompasses what america stands for and you're a pretty sharp guy? So I think it should run like I didn't want to do it at first then he would kinda just like hound me on it like bro, like you have to do this like you. Can you can definitely do it? If you do it I'll help, you out I'll, give you everything that you need to run this race. I help fund you I'll help, give you You know, resource not be flight paperwork wherever I took him up on his offer and I ran last year, the last year when I ran this race and I got a whole
I commend that's coming out about everything that happened in twenty twenty when I, when I ran this race, I got literally no support at all from any of the county pyres. Even stay party does gave me the line is hey here on the ballot you're, the guy, but we're not going back you're, not going any money, and you were not support. You are not helping you. That's, because the chairs there that they work hand in hand with my opponent, the democrat gray. In fact, the pussy county german he's related to my in others is his guy. So he's like you know what kind of in cahoots years no ice, you're gonna main added the men's omega of noise, I totally totally above grow like when I tell you, doesn't chicanery out their bro like its deep gets, really bad, and we could be here for the next four hours talking about it so I'm in this race, practically all by myself. Cove it happens. Everything shuts down, can't really door to door. Can't really do all the things supposed to do so either
it's a kind of take a different approach and also I have a little bit of a background and marketing. So I said ok, if ever bodies at home everybody's on their phone. So I started running a lot of facebook ads and made a full on digital campaign nah no fan of the digital thing. In terms of like a actions and no fan of the vote by male blots. There was. A situation where governor murphy was a k, since people can't get signatures because of coal, but we can do it online and, like that's perfect okay, great graceful, I necessarily need the party got the signatures that I needed got on the ballot had a primary, which is funny my primary opponent, I ran against last year, totally crush the sky. He'd be didn't live in my district. He lived in a completely different areas. Just try to run for I dunno whatever's was reasons work. I beat him in the primary last year this year. Right now, this pass elect. Now that having a jersey he's running for county commissioner, you should be called freeholder in new jersey he's one of a kind of commissioner I now and he won in bergen county- that, despite all the stuff that's happening right now,
the sky ran a really weak campaign against me, he ran a really we can't paying for commission, and this is no shame on the guy. You know I mean I just think that is we candidate, but you know regulations and still, but I'm looking at this number this, is a solid indictment against Democrats right, you guys failed horribly, doing a good job. People are sick and tired of. What's going on and they and the choices? So it s a little bit of a digression but one twenty, I run my router colon I want you to talk about that because dude this is important, Because everybody listening here comes from, maybe not the exact same spot, the you come from death row, regular people, not regular politicians here, a lot. People are out there trying to get involved with theirs a board or with their local on board and you know hearing you're going through the need to hear this like yeah. Do a lot of people have this it sounds like you might had a tune beginning where you thought now. I can't do this. Oh yeah,
and it's like. You know when you what you kind of look in the rabbit hole. You look like that's deep, I'm not going in there, but then, when you jump in and you just see how far it actually goes, you're like I can get out now, I'm already and I got out zionist catalogues somebody has to fix here- you don't I mean I'm a young guy, just turned thirty two and I'm gonna blow this place is gonna like, like my opponent, ease the cargo on nine hundred miles an hour towards the cliff, and I mean somebody's gotta. Kick him out of the driver's seat, or else we're all screwed we're all inside this car. You know and I was seeing seeing the scene the amount of an impact that I've made. in new jersey, which needs it still feels kind of weird, like you instagram. Some guy named bill. That's my name in regular boot yeah. What ought I see that's how I found you guess. I've got good content is what is the instrument some guy? They both robot. He puts our great content. I or again the committee found one of his videos shared it.
We started talking the ends which is happening up here, which is interesting because I arrive and I've been listening to this pocket. Well when it was can I see your ass back in two thousand, it's one of my friends or put me on t, and I'm like this- is freaking nuts like andy for celebrating that I'm like who, like I know this guy. So when you do recognisable shit people recognize you that's ce bit like to even to even get that to happen. I talk to people about this all the time, I think this is the biggest battle we're facing right now. It takes courage. It takes urge you stand up and say what I stand for and I know especially for republicans or conservatives, or even moderates right now like if you're not with- progressive left. If you're, not for all the fucking social movements then racist you're a big earlier this year that and so stay
being up and say: hey, no, I'm not with that takes a forked tongue to courage and then to create content consistently, which is what you ve done roads Annabelle just for the fact of its not the narrow, right now, you're swimmin, upstream you're insane and I'm still swimmin upstream manlike like during my first run, twenty twenty the website graphic design, the marketing get. his signature is literally everything up until about october, right, like a like a month or two before the the the actual election. Almost everything was all by myself. I didn't have a team didn't have a campaign? manage that have nothing and I was still able to make significant waves. Things are a little bit different now. Wish and and the twenty twenty one moving it's twenty twenty two I've got it's getting cool now bro. I was getting really good about this. What I was doing cardio today, man, I was in like selfishly thinking about this. I really doesn't. I don't fucking care, I like men. whenever the she gets real cool because its common,
and everybody else who the fuck wasn't cool when it wasn't all yeah. Well, there's a lot of peace, we'll begin their fucking balls kicked endeared like four years this, and I can see it started to happen but I was just like man, you know a lot of earnest are some like Oji crew, like where we were here when it was learning. When I do when I was a cool little, but it, but you know selfishly aside, I'm just glad to see everybody fuckin coming around brow, tat man, you know it's. I wasn't. I wasn't expecting to me as big of an impact as I do it. Like look you, you may look at my videos like yours, guys, a great speaker b, I'm shitting bricks, every single time that I got a mic swear to god. Yeah me too. because I mean I don't what feeling god kind of this comes in it as your brother's open your mouth and a kind of guided where you gotta be and the truth- Is that so funny brain? I feel the same way. I literally said that the Chris yesterday I came down here. I ripped off yesterday podcast like an eleven minutes and I he went up he's like man.
It's like, I can fucking hear you all the way all the way up here and I'm like yeah bros fucking put some fire into it and he's like yeah man he's like you always had that he's like you and back and we were broke, you had that ability. If you got going on a subject, you could girls it and and I even said to them like yeah. It's weird cause. Now it's more it's just it's the same thing, but it's more controlled. It's a skill right. well yeah, but I open my mouth brochure comes out. It just happened and the truth is- and I think that's why a lot of people resume with my message: tick MIKE bro, like you, see, what's happening like your brother, like it's earlier in may one of my high school friends shot in the head. You know what I'm saying one of my neighbors about four five months ago got shot literally, not too far from my house like I don't live in a good spot. I bought. I got this guy billy pilots in the mansion bro. I when I say, live in the hood. I live in the hood there and they still live there. You know and people see this people here there's people like that guy is talking about real, soon like this is rarely what's happening here. A lot of these. Politicians and that's what pisses me off about politics. They talk and stating that they think people want.
I hear that's right, and I mean I don't, and you may you may know this from follow me like. I don't talk about what people want to hear. I talk about what is really. Freakin go and all young people like that. Yes, this racer saying look Ben, we ve been getting our butts, kicked in bergen in a procedure for quite some time and There's a lot of the residents that live there that have been inbox and economy. Texting me that the sang billy, the reason why these people and I don't believe it but hey whatever I'm, not like a cocky guy like that But the reason why do people want and got these significant numbers, because you nobody was paying attention burden is Sarah and I'm like nah. It could be because of jack as well too yeah. You know, maybe because of me, I'm not on the ballot. People are calling thinking that I'm on the ballot. This year, and I'm not I'm just running early bs, I'm gonna up against this. man, eighty six years, but congress twenty six years now he's eighty six years old. Sorry about that six years old, been in congress for twenty six years pride, the two term, mayor of my city before that Was an assembly men before that he was on the board of vat and before tat he was a teacher time to go. Brow he's got deep, deep, deep control, yet my district you know, saw MIKE if I'm gonna run it I'm innocent, guys
is one of the richest people in politics. Yeah, you know he's got a son multi, millionaire lobbyists, literally the exact clone of of hunter Biden and Joe Biden yeah. That's why they call them baseman bill Pakistan is higher than the basin and he doesn't come out here. You doesn't. You know. the promoter show himself out. There he's got a sun, that's multi millionaire lobbyists who sells access was father hunter Biden. Cells accesses father by a hides in the basement, is literally the exact same thing in the life life politics. So so, like aids disguise gotta go. And I've become more and more every single day. Wake up, and I'm like. I just want to punch this guy in the face politically physically, but that people know that jokes row. You know everybody here gets it, they mean it literally. Yeah crunch is going to face politically because they come like somebody's going to take them out. I just feel like what you've got. much control and as all these people suffering struggling- and I can't really get by
some of its kind look. When you watch somebody get bullied and school there and you finally to say you I'm gonna, kick that guy, not right! That's what I feel like well, that's what I feel like that's what I felt like this whole time. People were Why are you guys, like you know, I was doing all personal development downtown in early like you getting into this social issues in all the share, my cause, it's fucking problem is to be addressed and there's do communities in this country, like the one that you come from? There have been completely fucking raped by some of these politicians? come into the community's the same shit. We have gone beyond the danger o o o. for us will fix this time. We swear. Never do know is for its racism is a problem that you ve, no mother, fucker, each you it's you guys, passing bullshit to fuck keep people surely spitefully cuba habitable previous same old story, because you shooting marketers,
that's really what it is like do about this go fix some ship or some people, you're insane well, you gotta have a big movement behind you. Just because you come from you, you know you come from the exact area that needs to help brow, and I I I see the movement growing every single day like this people in different parts of the world that are paying attention than district. It all, which is great, and am, I guess, a man all the support as much as possible. We can get back as this guy skies and french. You know there's a millionaire is like if the funding to beat the sky and they should be all hands on deck and I believe tat when it is a unique we're. Gonna do that yeah now, his health is in the best shape the dishes, it's turning red or even looking at the numbers. Now, for the first time in a long time, a lot we've got a lot of republicans that just one year redistricting is happening, are going to change that strict around january we're supposed to be about twenty five thousand voters and our district right to go somewhere else. That happens well there's a high possibility. Most of those people are going to be democrats and that's going to cut into his numbers even more so this guy can't run all the way to the finish line.
and a lot of people believe that he's gonna drop out and replace them with. Somebody else. Bro are gonna kick his ass. I don't want him to leave. You know what I mean. Listen, I don't want them to listen, but whoever it is they're done with the team right now, I'm already far fucking joined it A team has got a bundle role after five minutes up when you move in a pattern I don't need a move. I can just do it from here. That's it bro. This is the most powerful tool in the fucking world. Right here is true yeah, that's true! Unless it goes disagree Yeah Zuckerberg turns it off or we don't like what you have to say that mother fucker turned ma dude. I was getting one hundred and forty thousand views on my fucking story and I showed you the screenshots and then I shall deal screen shock is unlike man. If anybody can fix it is like a ban then what is it? get a sucks were getting shadow bans. All bro yo, like I'm, getting I'm getting it normally and have twenty four hour period get one hundred and forty two one hundred and sixty thousand views on my story. Now I'm getting fourteen thousand currently
jackson, bulgaria, okay, so that things will that's part of the reason why I ve gone daily content on the past, because I'm You know what fought them thought there said. ship algal hardest fuck here in europe, downloads keep going up and up and up and up and up and we're just going to convert the I mean I'm just It kind of forced me into a do what I should have known? Anyone has any real because, like I'm, a good talker requested, so your family emigrated here or how long do I got? I got a question I want. I want to talk about like you'd. Let's let me Let's hear some of the issues that we run on We talk a lot about the strategy right and we assume that everybody here listening under Stands, that these people are cheating and they're doing everything they can to hang on and we'll get that minute idea. What do what are some of your key issues that you that you believe in so there's already given the campaign billy for the first twenty minutes
and I will finish it up in their right into the talk is of a death row. I love it. I think it's important. If we're gonna be campaign billy, we know it carried out for us right now. Most people, don't you pass at point. Ok, we like you and about a minute. We really stands were right, so it is a couple of things. Man, it's like it. Alan voting smell morning. First of all, to get rid of the whole idea, seniority. Unlady boring. I think I think I think reforming go ahead. Brown color, there's gonna be calm, other funding can be read a little. You know my soul butter, a second. What sort of but things that I think are my district and benefit from I also believe that these are to apply federally and make a lot of sense as well to so in the dish.
Strict, there's a lack of jobs was a horrible education system that we've got right now and it's not safe. So there's three things that I would like to do for one I'd like to help increase. The funding for our police departments are specifically in patterson as well too. There there are about one hundred and fifty to one hundred and sixty police officers understaffed, so violent crime has gone completely through the roof and in the ninth district and a lot of it's coming in places like paterson and passaic. Second thing is in terms of our education. What I would like to do is when I was a kid we had, things like metal shop, wood, shop, nice things are pretty cool. We don't really have those in our schools anymore, and it's not just in district nine. It's across the country, a lot of places don't have them. I want to take it to another level I believe in school choice, but I also believe and making our public schools better when people's traditionally here school choices. I owe you wanted to take money from public schools and pull over. There now actually want to add more money in a public schools. The choice schools,
five, so here's what I wanted to, for example, guy, like you and you're, not shipowner, you ve been in business for many many years. You know a lot of things right. I wouldn't want our schools to have a curriculum where actual business owners come in and teach the children how to do what they do. For example, the sky works as a sepia. This one works in the electrical feel this one works and plumbing and so forth, and so forth, ripe give that business owner a tax incentive to go in be able to teach inside that school or hire someone to teach inside that school. The teaching me showed him how to do it. You do once a week, that's a four year it's going be in high school learning this by the time you come out of high school you're, an apprentice right or you could start a business with you in a friends. You go to college follows fails. You still have skills. We could do something. We have a skills gap that that's getting larger larger in this country, where we're importing people from other countries these jobs and we have a very very willing enable a workforce inside of our are outside of our country and our. schools aren't being turgid that just lack skills exactly that's it that's what bacteria. The solution is the solution to this is given
milton skills, give them an opportunity, the teachers, unions from sport didn't like these kinds of programmes, because they want people to turn and burn come in school, go right in, go to college, get into that and then repeat that process, but The american dream does gets more and more out of reach for a lot of these people. no plumbers and are making like half a million dollars a year. Listen you're onto something with that, because we are going to have another pro american revolution sort of like we have with industrial revolution here, where, like trades, skills. Only actual jobs are in any sal. You know cause you been run a construction projects last two here straight as an alibi, came and get people too come due to the work brought us we're so short on people that are skilled. Exactly and there's major opportunity there that, like you, said is being left off the table and I think part of that and I love those ideas by the way- part of them its being left off the table was because the glorification of being a working man has been deluded
you know in society like it's, it's like I was grown up like if you met blue collar man, blue collar woman, who earn their living there, was automatic respect. Oh yeah like it was like ok, this is this is hard work and man. the hard work woman shake their heads. Welcome and I respect the society, because it become so fine yeah. It's the same people are looking at that same way anymore. You know the perspective of change and I think the biggest opportunity for a lot of young people right now is partnership. Inside of traditional type companies like construction or trade, I plumbing all the electrical all of these things, they're going to see a resurgence, one hundred per cent- oh yeah, I mean it's it's, for example: there's lots of projects that have been done in new jersey, where they're getting contracting firms from north lynette couple all the way up here to new jersey going at the jobs on what are we hire? People that's already in our community. Speaking of the invest,
your evolution. That's that budgets! My second arm, my second point industry. Nine and I'm sure does happen. British or saint Louis has places like this is well to what has lots of derelict buildings ass lying around my doing or not by our or dollar he wrote. I bet rock check this out. Not all these their buildings nobody's doing anything with them their becoming a public tax concern because now the city had to take care of these buildings, take care of him dangerous to the neighborhood, exactly cause that a lot of crime there are cinders, organizing dope nonetheless broke. You know so much like this. Why hasn't anybody- and this is just what my proposal would be as like? Why haven't we gone to large corporations like ge or whirlpool, lg and say: hey, listen! We have this x amount of square feet. Building right, that's not being used right, looks like shit, don't get me wrong or say crap, but if you rebuild this building, you take care of it. We'll give you a six senior tax incentive rang and if you hire people within the district will also
the tax incentive for hiring people within the district as well, it's win win. What business does not want to save on doing on unarmed, on doing business, your creating an opportunity for the people in the middle class? really more high value high paying job as well. To say we see a lot of these factories that are all the way out in the desert somewhere and it's like well, we we have them all over the place and nobody's using yeah and you know, what's in those factories, bro machines have not a man. A fucking people, the two big deal there. I talked about this in two thousand Sixteen lemme see your project that our biggest our biggest obstacle that's going to be over the next twenty years is that there's gonna be had to be some sort of, our government regulation on the technology. You know you, You can't allow these companies and it's weird two, because, like now you're seeing Zuckerberg do the metaphors right like how does this? What like what the fuck is, the plan with all these guys, like Are we really going to turn every humor
Being into a fuckin pod like the matrix trans, humanist, that's what I'm saying of IRAN has like people have to happen: DA, we have to produce goods. We have to sell those goods in order like their trust- put in a whole new system, that's poorly base on the government in technology that is gonna. Go and quality of life for fuckin, humanity and people have to figure out that, what's, when on my bed nets, I see it in a degree of what you say is perfect and total sense, and- and I believe that the two plans that I've got for the schools, as well as bringing businesses through the districts bringing them to these bill. I believe, the correlate one and the other it's like one hundred percent I've got a workforce. These children literally just learn how to do what they're doing they were trained by experts and now we have a building where we can work in here for the low. Why would you not say why would you not say yesterday deal dude? I could tell you too. You're, fighting school administrators, but on that point as well, because they they.
I don't know for whatever reason, but they don't seem to really care about their kids learning from people who actually do now. They don't because there's cause them once they start learning early start getting this innocent us. What I've seen so far as like once does the grade start to go up. The funding starts to go down, and so when the grades are really bad as they all what we need more funding, so we can make our curriculum better. We can make a good, yet we got teaches coming out in our pockets, pay for pencils and no books and things like that for their students into not getting what they need. Yet these top executives and the board of education and making two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year, this ridiculous and is doing nothing doing nothing at all? It's because if they can catch if they can control, those little aspects and his wife a lot of these politicians yeah they get in for their own, personal game, sure they rigged the system for their own game I'll, give this guy a job or give that guy a job I'll, give him a position, and all of you guys going to help prop me up right, because I got you where you need to be right. So it creates this infrastructure of of of of chicanery,
the essentially that you're they the keep a guy that same spot now. This is why I want to go after my opponent, people say billy, why don't you just go run for council? I could run for council, but the mayor does even listen to council will bill. You could run for mayor wants to run for mayor is like yeah, I could run for mayor, but I can get along. more done. If we get rid of this guy, this guy ro the head of the snake. Is him yell? It's like we ve, we ve had different councilmen different mayors, different border vat executives, we have all these different people, but again the day bill. Pascal is What is the person that's at the tops? We gotta cut us freaking head off politically we gotta get rid of ideologies as politically get you get rid of that. Guy attitude is needed for this. I is needed this listen these people, these people better than the progressive left, organize their highly funded they're aggressive and they have no empathy or sympathy for anybody else. They don't care so like if you're going to fucking fight them, you have to fight them with that attitude, it's gotta be a fucking all or nothing.
I do not say no and and and people I used to believe in I used to believe in and in more moderate views than that, and it's just after the last two years. It's is what fuck. It is I think, that's what we saw in the election brow last night: oh yeah, oh yeah, because, unlike well I'll, be honest, and- and this is no shade on the guys I ran in bergen- I'm like a lot of these guys, were you know, pretty lukewarm candidates that kind of just went in there and you know some of them are just like hey, they put me up to it and I did it right. Some of them straight up, told me this in passaic as well to yet- guys want you guys, road, this waiver, jack jack and quite well. The republican party people are started to look at them in a way they ve never done before. In patterson, for example, people ass the question all the time it's like well, what's it like being a republican and patterson, you get a whole bunch of urine uncle. This will do that. I'm gonna get that at all at all. You know, even last year when I was a meeting with our work as I can see why liberals exactly exactly and even
still, even still it's like it. My bishop republicans very rarely campaign in places like paths. In fact they don't. Right. Also, if I go, if I go to your house, I'm most likely going to be the first republican you've ever met, but yeah your doorstep, yeah alright, and then you see a guy like me and I'm like the sky. Six two dreadlocks is wearing a trump hat from the fourth you'll be like what are you doing here say, probably vote for you, so you don't beat your ass yeah political sense that I'm a gentle giant row. I saw you when you walked here. I thought you're gonna be like five eight. For some reason, I'm like this guy's going to like a little dear father- that always throws people out ass, most people off we got going on here: who's who's, the oh, oh okay, so they fully cheated now yeah. Here's the thing, though, it's like in bergen they're, saying that he wanted bergen. But if you go to the villa, the bergen county, clerk's page you'll, see that the numbers are total. different it showing jack, actually won bergen row soldiers? I think the media is not as not accurately report
oh it's happening right now, you're gonna shoot then, and I watched it last night. What would happen? One twenty three m? It was one hundred percent voting in his favour, yeah and then one twenty four m. You too Forty thousand votes with joy and one in one check it. and once like. If you never went to less reporting of you even entire pizza and then a pizza left, there's no more forty thousand sites the visa I was one hundred percent, it wasn't there. There was no more votes allowed. One hundred percent sure that they completely flipped the magic boxes came from that its erasmus shit and people and people still think like they think that that trump during the election stories, like a fake fucking pit, not at all that's exactly what the fuck happened and I don't care what you think of me for saying it's. What happened what you saw just today. New jersey is exactly what happened to fuckin down trump, only one we're down. Trop haven't over like four days kept company and kept company and kept coming in and you know Ah, there's been no clear experts,
explanation from it in the media at all just anybody who says that is a conspiracy. Oh yeah, Did you go around I'll say that that twenty twenty was a more secure election as an american, his role? How come Joe Biden? Kick it twelve motherfuckers to show up, and only in an eight actually can ever motherfucker the shows up see Joe Biden has chaining. Let's go brain her like dude the guy seriously like seriously like seriously think about this. The mother fucker has now the country more than anybody in the last thirty five years is true: there we go there, consumers and will before gosh, you know he and ray. Yes, is a good guy back a dude yeah, so he post here is the guy. Oh yeah, I talked to him every day, yeah yeah. I could do awesome guy a major hole on goal of emery's headline, so we got I have an a in smith's tweet pulled up here. Major new jersey irregularity number two burlington county when ninety seven percent of the vote was in was fifty four point: four percent for jack.
In a few hours later reached fifty two point, two percent for governor murphy. If you don't think we aren't going to audit this philip, I love. I talk shit. Oh man, yeah, you're, crazy, dude, phil murphy has the most punches fucking face in the islands like the politically what I know straight up that he really doesn't have a punch in the face. I'm not gonna lie all his teeth. Drive me up the wall like do you get this guy? So you don't want any mother, fucks people when they come to us like this guy, so out of touch is so cocky dude, like you guys Anybody who thinks, because this guy's a Democrat you he's one of your people, watch him in his interviews. He treat people. Like fucking uniting frolic during the way. What what's What are your legal situation before our very eyes ass? It was easier. You have to say: percent was red? Ok, look at the total votes here! Ok, and then this is after. Yes, man is the same thing to say: county total votes are soon.
Literally, the exact- that's that's that's proof is that emi's jack, one percent them look at from NPR yeah I think they're gonna get caught on this photo. This was out there. This was at once twenty seven in the morning and then the after that night, by the way I did get it. on virginia annual. You say it I rarely wrong, but I have to own when I'm wrong, I did think they're gonna steal it. I'm surprised they did it. I don't think so. I know there are gonna, try and do some some use a man he's not jersey. Well I feel that Ethel Virginia now in new jersey, but I knew at virginia. I believe that you will get away without even really get an out and out. hundred, I don't trust these motherfuckers at all, the point now, but I'm so far past. It like, I think- and this is my fuckin tinfoil had she had come in on, but I don't think it is, What I'm so far or like believing that these people are evil, fucks, that I don't try,
if any of it any more, I don't trust the media anymore. I don't trust any of the shit. I see it. I have to look at everything like it's. I don't trust it like in my mind yesterday, when I reported that I said, they're gonna lose I'm I'm assuming a whole lecture system is totally compromised. I believe yeah, but so so here's what we're talking about last night at my house is- and this is getting conspiracy- is but one they weren't they allowed him to win so that the budget, so that the day will come about. Everybody will calm down, not pushes hard. She say only like let jack when not another. I can virginia like along it. Let us say they they let the allowed him to win, because so seeing the pot of water boil up huge times in the last two years, there was always that you got your point were everywhere, they felt like old man issued by the go crazy and then and then something happens, thereby comes a fuck dounia an end its
come on the fucking seizing, and I think this was the exact same thing like day. They allow young and win to. Basically all the eu. Come on. We might be a stretch dude, it's either that or so many people went out, voted that a buffer out the extra today there was no way they could have covered. I refuse to believe that their they didn't do is try to listen to them crap, I was one in virginia- was a terrible candidate though man like he was talking some stupid shit. Why why? Why do we talk about this last Why do all those same due to say that stupid shit? Look the same? what why I'm always gotta followed a template. Brother with the same, they move the sharing their heads in the sand. That's my think that I was not a fucking dance around a dance is really bro. as regards our three now- refuse to concede didn't even get seed by we're watch. It had just left the whole crowd left now crazy. That is level around now everybody they clear, cleaning, actual cleaning grew there. When there's nothing else,
It was like eleven pm supposed to come in and give I got my due back in the day when we were kids there was at least some respect. Negotiate. You went up, you say hey by ray. Good campaign. Congratulations, I hope the best form now these mother, fucker, just clean house and both issues as on tv was embarrassing. So crazy, here, it is yeah. Watch em down south ass is like this now that you ve turned out in advance your wife right through the horizontal ngos? Are you use a dance like that are taken here check the oven, but then I figured I'll just say that you're taking the cigarette home bro yeah, that is Jacob Alex you know it's funny. I think, for example, and I picture they little while it is true like they brought by and down then it's like, as if that was going to convince people to think tat. I could the worse
think they're. So out of touch. They have no idea what the average person thinks yeah. Because I have a new perspective after last night bro, like I really think these people are for, like I gotta go back and forth. We evil and stupid right, so like are the evil or are they fuckin stupid and am now I'm starting to go back towards their just fuckin stupid like I saw an advertisement, they did where they put. You in with trump on a postcard, and they said this. Trumps endorsement in his head, all these things are said, I believe in and yank in, and I think he could turn it around and this and that and this that and a and a Democrats page. For this and send it out to everybody's house, and it was like a promo piece but they don't even understand that like broke people like to run yeah. What I'm saying like when you say this guy was endorsed by trump. That makes people want to vote for him. Not it's not like. There are so few of these anti trump.
people, they just been real loud, and so I think these people were misreading the temperature completely on it Well, you know what's so funny about you say this and I did alive shame on this on facebook quite a while ago. Government we did the exact same thing in new jersey yeah. He had it out. He said it was a stupid fly. I've ever seen in my life right, it's it's a flyer where it's like. I got this guy like donald trump and a lab coat and he's holding like this flask and shit around it is floating inside of and it's an honor that the that the politician made in Donald trump's image, trump rally- and I'm like this- is very stupid and on the back saying like oh, this guy is is, as is a trump candidate approach trump. But if you paid attention to the campaign jack liked trump, what he's, but he wasn't a fan of tromp like at all, you know, and they went inside of posting this and they went into All the inner cities wanted to place like patterson camden, newark Irvington, and but these huge giant scientists had stopped. The trumped came back murphy and people like me.
That's our agenda. Even the democrats like robe like that guy's, not a trump guy. Like I don't know, what is your real agenda to fix the fuckin problems that the relevant and, like I don't give a fuck if you like, tromp or not? What's the prime right here, you know who's, but do this this anti trumped shit like while we still, why are these people still campaigning on anti trump didn't have a platform? That's why right? There are no real issues, solutions, same way like why mainstream media, any every third headlines will be something to do with fucking job every third pillar. I like there's nothing else, about they're scared of him there and oh yeah yeah. I think you know looking back, though, when you, you start thinking about the fundamental issues and why it creates so many people to come out and specifically the state of virginia. But you talked about a couple weeks, you're like you start fucking with the kids and you start fucking with mama bear. Oh yeah mama that those people, those I mean nobody was watching on the on the on the interviews. Last night, you start up with those kids,
and how they're learning and what they're learning you tell them. Hey, listen to parents should not be concerned with what happens inside the school that guy shot himself right in the fucking face yeah. That was the stupidest thing in the world. Him saying that, parents should know how one pet one single parent, Como Oprah. He didn't. I swung I mean I was. I know south, but that, but still parents supported that guy after he said that, there's people that believe that there's people to believe What I believe is ass right out of that office. Well, I love you and I am about that's a good sign It's a sign that our are our election is not completely compromised. Maybe we do have any ability to bring this all back through the electoral process, students at once, so know well. This is this is allowed in Burma. County were the gender fluid student raped and in the south of the younger generation. I think that this this this these this margin. Why here is literally impossible because a view to seeing the backlash of those parents amount in county. These numbers. I don't even think that statistically possible
there's no way that he still one in this county where they have a cannon. can use my region, I don't think so either I I I really dont boy. Look. This is a sign of a bigger problem. Why are we even talking about loaded The election results should not be a question that we have technology in this country in the world to make elections locked tight. They could be put on blockchain. That could be report in real time now. No blockchain expert, but you are, is that possible now the technologies are there. Many would be impossible for it to be messed with faltered with fashionable like you said if there was a over some pm me over seven p, m and you'll know that a shudder without an us all of us, not just politicians, not the media, its limit all of us can sit in real time on the blockchain, there's, no literally impossible, not
windsor one percent chance impossible to mess with it. That's why it's non fungible you just kept mess with it. Everything about is perfect and so on. people vote this way in a hundred thousand. What this way? Nobody, can change it. Nobody can plot a box one of the ten it's gonna in real time. So the minute they close it you. see the winner right. This is so I have my opinion as to why we don't do that, but why would anybody be against that? we want to last night. In my opinion as to why we don't do it lose control. You give it if you give it to the people that actually have a voting and by the way be fast, more efficient. We wouldn't be up till midnight at your house has been rejected. I want just. Do it had been done quickly? now? There's nothing, but does nothing to wonder about and notice how all this shit happens exact same way. It happened the same way. Last year, the exact same way it was fucking. Late at night everybody went to bed dump cake. Men out, but this happen all over the country and then the next.
Do you wake up me like what the fuck happened and and dude that that's an american like? I don't? You can also make the votes go through the roof, because we could do it off our phones well clear up the way you go to the airport. I don't need a driver's license. I go there. I go to the airport, they scan my eyes or my face, and in the one second says my name, I passport number. My sociability knows everything there. Everything about us anywhere above from your phone on this blockchain is pretty sketched, though man about a government hasn't a good. Are they are they gonna happen anyway? I'm paying up in them that my yeah that's while I pay for clear yet appointed If we all wanted from our homes, we don't need to go to anywhere, which differ found it impossible to cheat because our eyes, if we want to it's all you have to willingly, do it obviously to go on to the app yeah, but you can vote in real time. You can have it both ways. You could have what you could have it. Person and on your phone force in Corsica. The the important parties is that you can't allow people to vote multiple times and you have to have it has to all be it would be impossible. The technology exists force like you can't tell me that if you voted on your phone. You want
able to you, couldn't go to them and they would already know you vote on your phone like they were. This is why voter ideas of must- I mean they do it for ticketmaster say about not that. Are you not funny above what I do my opponent, hee hee is on, and I had a conversation with his son of the lobbyists guy. How much money I am. I gather I'm gonna die away. I had a conversation with them one day, and this is a path They have last year funny enough was at the republican chairman's bar last year and the earlier this year, we're having this conversation and he's like, and I'm not trying to talk to the sky right, but he just keeps trying to pry. It means a soap. We are you gonna run again, I'm like absolutely amid a bunch of father in face politically I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to be your father and he was like. Oh really, you want to do that again, I'm like absolutely not my kind of cut the conversation with that is like so did you get vaccinated? Absolutely not! I didn't get vaccinated, I'm going to wait for it. You know you took it fine. Let me know what happens: try to cut the carbon
patient. So what do you think about voter idee MIKE? I think we need voter. I d, like it's a hundred percent among us, you know, and he was like. Why do you say that, and I was like because people can fraud the elections. I do think my father fraud the election of my tell me. They meet us two hundred Two thousand registered democrats, your father, got every single Democrats vote for him come on in unethical automatic it's possible and it was like you know it's and this is what he said, and this is how I know a lot of these. A lot of these white liberals are like low key racist. You know what I'm saying cause he's like What you need to understand is that it is statistically harder for african americans and people like you to get these can also wipe out a row. I just got no! No, no! No! No! No! I'm not! I don't even know how that is it's an hour as this one is bill, pascal that he said this right to your for him back. That's it! That's that's the guy, as to your fate since my face what your black, not only about ass, his mother fucker, goes
You need to understand that people like you rise. He was a huge like it's just like your brow but the dmv is on broadway all right, usually when you meet well. What do you mean? I can get an idea, what you're trying to say we're stupid. As I know it's like some people, just don't have the might go and do it am I brought his people, scorn dope. You know me a broadway all day like what you can get the so is that so I never understood fully the argument for nobody there so rest with this right? Listen, there's about
didn't. I got a video like that's the guy, that's a guy. This guy said he was gonna punch me in the face. Lastly, and unlike hailed ass, the sun yeah we actually had drinks after is actually pretty decent guy here, as a person politically suggest rise. Guided politically here is that it is actually pretty decent guy, but I'm a fan of I'm still cause. I don't like his father, and it just is what it is, but this is business politics at that point, I get it. There's people that we do business with an iron necessarily uttering a very there is now a bear with a guy, but I couldn't don't like iron. Wiser company temporarily I get while fifteen isn't it. I know it, and I tell mom said I tell them, that might listen it is about a hundred and sixty countries across united states, and I got a video on instagram about this. I mean across the world over two hundred. Sixty countries All of them have some form of voter. I d, even in Ghana, written in a video. I have a copy of my ants voter, I d from nineteen sixty or something like that right like this, a copy for voter, be right in Ghana. You cannot vote this is gonna west africa. You cannot vote at all unless you have voted idea and if you don't
I idee. Then you have to have two have two citizens right swear it affidavit and sign on your behalf that the guy that's about to vote without my these deficits. Definitely, if he's not the two of you were going to prison right and we're talking. People liked out in the freaking huts, like people that are out in the villages, people that are out in the cities. There's no way you're going to sit here and tell me that here in new jersey, where you could literally get on a bus and go and get iD that the people in Ghana, the people in india the people as an end in in these. Are the countries have acts? it's voter id which you're telling me we can't do that here and united states. You have any idea how racist you sound and he stands like racism,
How dare you call me that you call me a racist, my father and I have lived in paris for many years and I've been we we we, we have lots of black friends and that people that the white people, cop out the color television like what color it's black. I couldn't ask you that sort of whole time, so I'm like okay, I'm gonna wind, this guy up and I'm like yo bro. I'm not saying your raises what I'm saying what you're saying sounds: racist and you're, sick and tired of you when it just starts losing and I'm like. Why would you get so mad if it was true? Why would you do to somebody calls you something, and that is a complete
It is a relax, relax bro, it's like if it's all cool, it's cool now, as you actually sleep in and I'm like, where you live in two rotors and I'm not leaving he actually, he leaves into the bar and back. I was like no, no, I'm not leaving, because you want me to leave that bathroom, I'm not going anywhere. Alright, alright, whatever you say bunker, both electric gates like that I'll be right here, bill so so bunker. We call him bunker built cars because father's basement bills, these bunker bill comes back. He comes back with a tray of shots and he's, like you know, a building I was in we are very much like a gentleman. Let me like I offer you a truth that this guy probably put like a freakin qualia bro, but I'm like you know he wants to get you drunk and it puts you on a fucking audio recording and I actually, I actually have the picture we took when when he got pretty smashed, we we we got good time I was not sure, but I'll take a shot with ebro, add on who is actually pretty decent guy. Wasn't he wasn't so bad after all? he was being a once. You establish that he was not a racist.
what kind of like you know. Well, the best Luckily here is a mixture of and for you to think that a whole entire racist and all those a day when we had a man like you know what that's what america's about look out at agreement, whether we could be in lisbon. I wonder if I had a saving row, I wish they all had that same integrity, because we get a lot more done. You know, sir, along the line over the last. You know twenty years we've gotten so divided that it's like like like these are people to it's just dumb people you know, but it's no, no, no, no harm! no harm. We kind of made elaborate peace there, but still he blocked me though he block them. social media, because they cause you're a communist races? Shit? Look if I say something funny like there's, even those even opposed like a while back where he wrote something like that's all. You can talk and crap about my father my guy you better shut up before I saw my instagram somewhere billions like buried in his like. Oh you better.
work on, beat the shit out of your southern. I posted in my instincts, and I was at all your bunker building a beat me up, you'll, go check it out and at all What are you gonna? Do not that you qualify its ground once much much. These are common to all established political people. Don't understand social game, o noted Have no ideological media worked much further down. That's a lift and twenty twenty seven What are you dont know many politics, politicians than understand soldier game very well now and to me, that's all That is why, while aylesbury understands acquires, he gets it. Unfortunately, I you know, What, though she's? Listen, that's a testament, and this is your expertise. Dan That's a testament to someone understanding out of work and run a social platform and what they're good What they're, not gonna, who their target audiences see the difference between the fuckin right and left bro is at the left, thinks left thinks twenty years ahead right thinks about this year. Last.
yeah. What's gonna happen next, your traditional correct. So this bunker bill road trying to like threatened me as citizens or you're fucking asshole piece of shit. Do nothing my others given its entire life to public service and this country from military service. As a teacher, mayor and the legislator. What have you ever thought of anyone other than yourself you're, just a total scum drew like trump. If you if you are sorts of stand up and meet me, so I can kick your ass yeah, so look at the next. This is a grown man. Does a grown man has guys like fifty something looking at something I post that up and I was like, if you're thoughts have come and meet me and I'll. Kick. Your ass one of your hand, but somehow that's a very detailed, and this is what a scout scalp one guy, ro ro, that's a night yeah had ended, and people just went to town on that gentleman feared that, but that's social justice, like also just as I am sure, be readjusted, baby fucking petroleum. When you get me
troll them many little man, oh yeah, it's fun it's, but then I want to happen if you gotta shimerda abused I going to punch me the shirt he's not going to punch me in the face. That's for sure, he's probably going to shake my hand and buy me shot myself, though he's going to say you're, sorry bro, but I still like you, that's fine like you broke. I wanna buy me another shot at ministerial level, fuck that shit, a lot of good stuff has happened to her. You guys follow him on when some sears roast that was bad ass. I fucking love it I do too, and did you hear speech yeah? It was amazing. It gave me chills you guys, wanna play real quick. Is this the speech yeah man it gave me chills. Alright, alright, settle down, settle down, the shaft
I am at a loss for words for the first time. I look at all those racist there. All the time. all those racist people from the glp here are authenticated. She is awesome, so I'm here because of you, I'm here, because you voted for me, I'm here, because you put your trust in me. That's the only reason. Thank you That's nice meets want to introduce you my husband tyranny.
in turn just use marine earlier, while russia first generation mobile it's a jamaica. I have a daughter and she's from Jamaica from Japan yeah, I'm telling you that what you are looking at is the american dream, the american dream, the. When my father came to this country august, eleventh of nineteen sixty three, he came at the height of the civil rights movement from jamaica. He came and I said to him, but it was a
bad time for us. Why did you come and he said because america was where the jobs and the opportunities were laughing and he only came with a dollar seventy five one dollar and seventy five cents took any job he could find and he put himself through school and started his american dream and then yes and now he's comfortably retired, and then he came and got me when I was six years old and when I stepped on that pan am boeing. Seven thirty, seven and landed at J f k. I landed in a new world, shoot them a lot of amazing stuff. She ass. She opened up a woman, sheltered for domestic rounds of victims server. Lunch in the marine corps.
If she's she's, awesome, she's pro to a man's awesome will dude one of the best things about, and this is what we need is. We need people to come from regular life, america who have a perspective of reading. americans, and not forty years of nonsense like this. Do that Billy's dealing with up a new jersey, what you say twenty six years in congress, but about already, almost fifty years in politics, I lie that you're talking to you. That's all he's ever known, like you. Doesn't it be, doesn't really understand. What's going on with the common person with the regular reg, new jersey and his dealing with your speak as if he knows, but the skies on the capitol hill all the time. For a second and up somewhere innovation. Sleep quite a bit, which is nothing it's funny. So, like I've got numerous pictures of the guy, the guy fallen asleep in the middle of the house. Floor fallen asleep at advancing motorcycle bided What happens when we have a room full of eighty year old people running shit, sexual, Here's! What doesn't make sense to me like when I look at all. This would like just look at this
like to irregular lens, like we have a country whose supposed to be the most powerful country in the world, the supposed to be the most free country in the world, and we have all this new technology. We have all these new things happen, and we have all this this big youth movement in the culture, and also in the economic culture, america right you're. All these young people build businesses. Bill companies building this but then look who's running the company or who's running the country? It's all! these people who are like super all there are in their sovereignty. Is there in the upper seventies therein the rebate sixties? They are from previous generation, and if we're going to make a change in this country, if we're gonna, really fix things, we have to have people that come for me.
Priority. They haven't spent their entire lives in the bubble of politics, but I think there is a great opportunity there is. If you look at me, listen we're just in a really fucking shitty time in a pinpoint of america. History like when you gonna go by This is going be one of pivotal moment and you think about the industrial revolution part to you think about you, know: clarity through voter it through voter registration, you think about all these sit. All these issues arising in that have really shown that snake's head over the last eighteen months. The american people are great at solving big fucking problems, and so I you look at it and that you take responsibility as american citizens. I think they should piss us off just enough to go in and solve the problems. And, that's where I you know you gotta find the positive in a situation. Are we in a shitty situation? Sure the great thing about our country in the country's history is like. Alright, here's an opportunity, go fix it and I think last night, looking at virginia in particular, you know
state. That's been historically blue in turning read just simply on appeal. Miss of pissing moms off right now you start looking at the country in the premise of ok. How do we fix that dust, real side of america? How do you fix? voter registration voter, I d, like they're, gonna women's, I like elon musk or somebody who really has the ability to create the technology and who's in you know really. I would call him a true independent or he's going to wage war this way and I think the people are going to support him to do so. That's that's how I see this this shitty situation, we're in resolutely moving into the right direction, so the must save us. I think you can the think. The ability of people to have the ability to the problem is that, like just like, you tried it up his money for the? U n this week saw report six billion dollars, dishonest it. I don't trust it, the? U n, Luna one. I don't trust you and that's one, but I gotta trust
Any corporation like having that much influence. Well, the problem is, I think, there's multiple problems and the whole situation. I think that's all I own one hundred percents on my eta, hey, remember world. I bailed you out. Well, if we allow him to fix the problems, that means we're allowing bill gates to fix problems too, which is what's got us into that right now exactly but all I agree with that point of view thirty. Thirty had eight point four billion dollars, so fix expect cetera, yeah. So that's sort of the money. I just don't know how to do what he was doing was playing car right. I mean your professional poker player like he is the best bluff ever yeah. But therein lies my point. You know what I mean. There's the transparency aspect comes in. Like like 'em love, 'em hate, 'em, hate 'em, give him the power to they're going to need that platform bill expose it. Somebody like that, has the ability to be able to expose an The technology will back it up like hey. Listen, I've already developed it here. It is I'll. Fucking give it to you. I don't want to run an unwilling. Do it suits you yeah. No, I totally agree with that, but the problem with that is that you have all these
a working relationships on the back in Were there not allow like do, there's no real, there's a space civic reason. They use this system, the eu, so that question and so her up for if you dissolve that and how do you like? Like? Okay, for example, it we've got next year, twenty twenty two and then we've got twenty twenty four coming up, and if you want better candidate gov au for better candidates, how do we as people make sure that the in twenty twenty june comes around, which is only twelve months away, that we know for sure our votes are going to count because dude this system, that's going on this system, that's being put out, is compromised. and there's nobody that can argue that at the very least, its way less accurate than it could be its waste slower than could so how do we innovate this process in the next twelve months? What politicians gonna take that lead who's gonna, make that happen it would take someone like the santas or abbot
or a combination of the red governors getting together and saying look election integrity is the biggest thing did. Democrats should be about that too. They just should be, and if they're not why, yes right in anybody out there that such that thinks that those people have valid ideas, which I don't think very many do anymore What would be the reason deny have because racism yeah raising. Let me who I know it's not. Ok, that's what they say. I know, but like dude, I think they ve warned that narrative out, like I think people right into the wheels fall off your guitar moment, I'm so why do people are people are not reacting to the same raced baiting that was like. Do think people have seen a lot of the truth. Come out over the last couple years, where the like fuck do we been kind of played, and now when they try to stir up these emotions like, for example, the cabinet shit. Just came here: ok,
you're trying to stir up race emotions nobody's like do fuck, you retirees show you know, so I think they ve exhausted, that they So what so? That's what I'm saying so, what's the reason now, because even the because the people, the p, Well, they say it's racist towards even say I'll, fuckin racist. I mean, I think, that at the dinner it's in your push tat narrative icy relapse into that vat at the change. Their policies What I believe- and I firmly believe it's like if the if the glp and the republican party actually gets behind solid candidates that are really really trying to make a difference? Candidates, like myself, you know, I believe that we can finally drive the stake in the hearted party at this when Joe Biden's. In my opinion, I say it all the time Joe Biden is the greatest thing that ever happens in a glp. Absolutely ever. I think he's one of the greatest things that happened to america, if I'm being completely because I'm like listen every now now everybody's eyes are correct. It's like there's madness, going on an election electoral process in two thousand and sixteen he said it was russians right for the twenty super six.
It never happened. That's right! You got your son dealing with the ccp you're moving all this money around is weird stuff going on by the media covering you for you to fallen asleep. Doing all kinds of you could barely hold a sentence. You go on public and other news agencies on the other side of the world are clowning this shit, your pants at the vatican bro I heard about. I don't know if that's true or not at all sure it's true. It's not true, and I just like, while I'm gonna take a rumour, well apparent, there was ever. There was a plain delay, godly There was a rush from emergency early that the layers minors is almost as video of em of intuitive receipts. At the same time, the same day, really I do like do you guys all like I'm, not fucking hate me, but I'm just saying that pride, not the guy who need to be haven't run relic. No, not at all events. You don't go back, though I won't. Let him run our fucking company bro for a fucking day then, do you think I let him run this company yeah? That's what I'm saying it's not to be rude. Just
Its relocate soil, I say, as they say, dimension. If I came to you and I got ahead in a more fuckin, let Joe Biden run my company for fuckin mixed for years. What would you say this is visiting a possibility there's just no person or country, but always, but while yeah back to the back to the point you know of the elon musk thing is you if we have a problem in society, it's going to be solved by capitalist, it's not gonna be solved by halting That's the problem and that's the problem on red or blue. No matter where the vote lies in the voting process is fucking broken, so he's all Republican going to fix it. That's a dog shit they ve been in and of itself is their justice court that's right, we're onto and so like. When I raised all well, one person cannot about well look at history, but one person that create the one idea has create solve a lot of fucking issues. Over time I mean bill gates is a great example like love and leave 'em hate him. Look at Zuckerberg. You look at
fuckin basil. I can hate them, but you might hate him, but they ve cost efficient and were correct, and so those things have created from capitalism and so somebody's unit. I love that idea and turn it overnight. You don't have heard loud conversations in regards to blockchain, I'm not a huge block chain. Monetary guide different fundamental theories, but this is a perfect example where blockchain does fit, because it's a secure platform, you know what I mean and somebody develop it and turn it off into a free algorithm where it runs and you could vote through it, and that is a perfect situation and I think they need to put that in, but before the next election, I think it's going to. I think somebody like my point in the law must somebody like elon musk, who has the ability to develop it, mine it fund it and independently, generate and turn it off is going to have to do that, and it's not going to be the fuckin red party of the blue party of the independents, because they're all in it for the same shit they're on the take just like everybody else and that's the problem. You know the distrust when you talk about oh well, I don't trust it well. Why? Don't you trust it? You don't trust it cause. Those guys are fuckin crooks on both sides
Let me know people about it, s like when they made it there be no humans, mugs, it's just on the watch in human error. When I figure republicans, I don't think of I don't know, I don't think of guys, like you don't think of like regular people were conservative type values, good ideas, I think I keep talking about like little entire guys. I see him all the same row. I see him all the same. These guys all part of one big, or structure that is oppressive towards the actual humans in this country, and I think you know They pushed down the narrative that we all hate each other in the guinness in fighting, and it really is all of us. We, the people and then these six hundred people up there causing of all this shit then like do we need real representation. Like guys like you, even people there would have an apple. viewpoint as you. That would be fine which they wouldn't if they were from your life, but even people who have a different viewpoint.
Might run as a Democrat that are still regular humans from the real street- from real neighborhoods those those people that have to be running for government. and we can have these lifetime every lifetime politician. There is not serving us anymore, they're not serving, and you know it's funny that you say that cause. I I brought this up a couple of people in the constitution when the constitution was written, was written for regular guys like the farmers the carpet, those regular people to get involved inside their government, somehow somewhere along the lines become perverted. We believe that you have to be like some ivy league suit and tie guy to actually be involved in politics. Like sometimes people ask me questions, let's say, and it's usually like a Democrat trying to like Donald said well. Bill Pascrell has been bump: bum bum, bum, bum, bum bum. What is your could benches and I'm like none. I don't need it as other. That's exactly why I'm gonna be an address. I actually live yonder disguise policies disguised on nothing but craig policies is disconnected from it. You know this country
half the have these so called credentials to run, because as lots of people college agrees that are dumb as bricks that's right, I mean so. I really does make a difference. What you're talking about like do my ideas makes sense, already stupid ideas racked if they're good ideas, then what are we talk when we haven't organization for I'm working works suit. I think it's important note that we need people that are that are willing to look at every issue individually and not just team up with people who happen to have the same daring and can't stand that you know I've like do like. I feel just the short term. That you and follow you. I know for sure that is something would come along that you didn't think was right, you would say. Even if all the other republicans word with it, you would say now now with it- and that's the people we need. We need people with backbone who are going to instead of team to push things through instead addressed things up. Both sides for what they really are as a writer is wrong, is a good or is it not good? Is it a good idea or
bullshit idea exactly. You know, and I feel, like this group think that's been like pressed down. You know from the dead asian right like Democrat Republican, that's why nothing gets done. That's nothing gets done in you know it's like your seasonable at all. You know this guy congress Joe blow, whereas a freak, fantastic, don't talk to him, he's a dummy That's right, you're, an idea. You can't say I let you stay with us to create another deal, it's and then then, and there Let me comment on. No, you can't work with congress match the wrong culture that we need to have in american. In our government, its absolute wrong culture culture needs to get back in. The only way will get back to everybody working in a legitimate best interests of the country is going to be people like you and like a lot of you guys listening who are on the fence right now, who are thinking just like Billy did in two thousand and twenty thinking man so shit is get fix, all who's going to fix it and to say I'm gonna. Do it that's right, and you know funny as, like you know
I don't. I don't wanna, be led to my own heart here, but it's like when I ran there were a lot of people that I met that ran in that, that ended up running at twenty twenty one that are very proud of people. Like David rare, I was running for council in these brunswick gemma. Cars is only for school board. My camp hey manner to you. I'm allow me ran for school board in others lots of young people. Lots of veterans, people that have just been regular people, insist their life field, another guy parents may feel he's gonna for congress and district twelve as well to he was like running, because you were running, I almost wasn't: gonna run in twenty twenty three twenty two had brought like you better run, because I you you'd you degree. You started something browser. If you don't run, I'm not gonna run braun. I want to run so you gotta run see this thing you and grow. What you're, explaining that should happen, and everywhere in the programme, and this is that this limit- I haven't been everywhere, if you go to every town or every county across the country that exist, same thing. You're doing other people are doing absolutely work. I think if you guys you and idle curve what your beliefs are
If, if we as citizens can get involved will be able to the government away from these lifetime. People were supposed to have, inspired a little bit by this virginia. When I'm not I'm not. It doesn't make me happy, but it gives me like open, a hope that maybe I'm very happy for yeah yeah. I mean. I'm not like all accept what I'm saying like ok, maybe a medicine. Maybe I'm not is maybe I'm not Maybe it's not as bad as I thought it was Maybe we can just get good people. Active and get him in there, and when this back, we totally We totally totally can. In any event, I self, when I get elected, I've got a plan. Call the eight ten twelve plans, a passive regret to mention here. So I believe in terms of its big time so its eight years for a president ten years for congress, twelve percent and no more so that's fine. I've congressional terms to Senate terms. Right should have been there any longer than that. I myself, I must. if they want to be a politics for more than ten years. For two reasons: service re examined for wanted service
and to it's like I'm still young me by some? If I'm a fight complete the full ten years, I'm forty two you're, so they still got my life to live on. I don't want to be in their collecting dust with all these. I hate petitions, yeah yeah. I I really do you know what I mean: it's like it's either you go in there and you get the job done or get out yeah. Well, if I didn't get the job done in ten years and I'm a failure, if any they get in there and get the job done in ten years. In your failure, see the president it's a lot, but an eight. There is a big problem with that, though, because what have I think, a lot of people start off in politics. That attitude and then get in, and they get like a all right. My bush me like a quarry bush yeah for exam like they have good intentions going in and then they get fired and store. They get some sort of the order get in that's another problem, bro we need. People who are willing to go to the government run for office and then passed Legislation that doesn't serve their self interest. That's a big problem.
because what we are asking is were asking people to go there and then, because I think that's a great plan by the way that some sort of plan like that in terms of time limits, I think, has to happen you soap, but what what you're doing is for other guys who have been there for forty years, you taking away their whole life, a very hot: we need people that are unselfish better pro american first and pro the good of the people first to go here in legislate these days. Things like term limits or anti lobbying legislation like where you can't yeah. You shouldn't be here, go in and come out being a hundred millionaire when you went and make it a hundred. Seventy six ran a phenomenon that no time work without without I got up and I and I and I agree with that as well. One hundred percent because, like I, was mentioning that guy bunker billy to solve it or he is lobbyists, so he lobbies on behalf of his father,
You know he sells access to us all. You guys want to get something done, go and talk with my dad over here, and that's just that's a that's what he does yet Good thing is: there's a lot of young people in that are getting involved in Let's get out of my age even a little bit younger that are getting involved. Every single! of a man. I've met so far supports term limits and they want certain limits to have jobs One bird came up. He had a really really good idea as well when it comes to politicians, and it has to do with their pay easy he. He suggests that no congressmen right for whatever ignore district nigh, whatever the media income is for this should not so much a salaries is not there everybody's, getting two to undermine a year bullshit. If your median income is fifty grand for your district, that's what you can pay on, I think it. It keeps the purity of the district intact to write the people of that district gonna run. Can I thought if I had you you, these people are getting. Is no longer able to relate to your communion them more you're communities making the average income is thirty grand you're, making a hundred and seventy five. You don't forgotten them.
What's the downside cause, I'm curious to hear, I totally agree with what you're saying one hundred per cent the downside with this. I think that opens the door for more corruption. You know me, I'm not making a big emotionally somebody's been in an even making a kind of and now suddenly they're cut down who's to say, they're not going to make it even that who's not going to make more fat. I think it has to be a traffic that you gotta, hit term limits. You gotta hit lobbying and got it. I think. If all three of those together? We will have the purest fuckin politicians now other there try to find loopholes, I'm sure they will buy, but you do you get in trouble because a say happens with school boards is schoolboys. Most of these positions are unpaid in all, but they'll get involved because they have a lot of political wriggle room. the things does like. Oh yeah you're not going to get any money, the money you're working here and you do this. I can get you that money. I can get you that far, that contract can make sure we can move the. The things that you're satisfied. So even if we cut the amount that they're going to make, I don't think it's going to. I don't think is going to have the benefit that we think they could probably make things a lot worse
but then at the same time we're paying two hundred and seventy thousand knowledge with people, like my opponent, like his net worth, is like. Why think? Like one point, nine million the last time I checked, you know and you've done. That thing, but been a politician. Your entire life, you know, was what is done with the money or, where he's getting it, but the sky we catch my if you didn't say it's like you, you got may sat down, wasn't around mastery moving around just brilliant, ok. So I was wrong or totally wrong. Three million to point I'm here. Here's another interesting go on. Dude you haven't said too much and I want to. I want to ask you, because I got you here: an hour deepen this com, station on social issues in marrakech and all these things I'm talking to dan- and I know it's not something that today you, think all this shit or online like? Would you would you see happening. What do you see the solution? Man from the video I posted this morning, was in big, bold letters. This is the way to fix america yeah and there I said, as I don't argue much about
politics, mostly because one I have time to argue with people too Angry agree with me already you with me in the people. I don't just a mechanic change them, and so I talk about actual ways of people, can fix things and similar. You say about going out there and doing things in your local communities I talk about the entrepreneurs. I talked about the businesses, that's the one that best are the hurts me the most watching so many entrepreneurs bankrupt so many restaurants, clothes. So many still close him in dry, cleaner, like the most random things just closed. makes my heart beat a moralising drive down the street out by where you're my my sport constant. I dont have a neighbour for two blocks: either way, not one every restaurants With every store's closed every bar's closed that chickens from a place in the mexican shop all closed, all of them literally all of 'em. That's that's! What's really happening when these policies and the mass and mandates and now there's a frickin health,
pass or something came up two days later its mind, boggling, that's the parts that I care about, and so I'd try to talk about. What can be blush they do that, I'm not going and argue with them, but it I may tell them So what I'm doing, I'm investing companies to create more jobs, I'm going out there spock, you let go out. I never stop during events when the whole city state country planet was closed down. I through an event march April may June July. Twenty point that matter, I was going through an unprecedented. The president's a blinked another year responsible for the pandemic s absolutely fatah But, like I remember the nuclear to the super, I super spreader dan and instead of mean telling people about being quieter going on. Do I just did it I actually executed. Every single mothers Charity events at their business events at their meat ups and read every single time and never flinched, because that to me was the action. And so let me just talking and are you at the boy just told them, like you guys out their tried, inspire people take action, that's what I like about it. Most of all in the car
and thinking of doing something by arguing. I'm not kennison talked you as by that men are gonna, hurt you, you do real shit, but that success in life to write me now: people that most people who are busy being successful are so busy being successful because they're doing that they're not worried about talking about it with ninety percent of the reason I stopped posting static posts on instagram was because I didn't have time to argue with dumb asses in the comments that I just didn't want to deal with now, I'm like fuck, and it makes no difference to me and how'd you we were taught you we're talking about this morning. Only my brain, strong action that so you know you can't argue were passed the point of arguing like like we could sit here all day and go to these people who don't agree with us and try to convince them and they won't fucking get so what we do have to talk about and focus on. Our real solutions, things there need a really happy ass. You know you'll want things I think needs to really happen. Is that we need
get black america to wake up to the fact that that the democratic do not. certain about israeli. Absolutely. Do you think the best way to do? That is because I feel like in this. Isn't it a really cool thing that I've witness, because, when the black square thing happened? I wouldn't posted. I know what the alarms bounding. I was not well that started here in Saint louis mac brown, so dj nine and a guys like we all understand what they do. They come in stir showed up to take a bunch of money they fucking skate and the community's got better none of the people, that got better. None of the destroyed businesses got fuckin help was all bunch bullshit and. so we saw it so I'd that call all fuckin fucking shit right, like all the names, and I are boycott first form we got kids. Both thirty some pocket times is actually really cool, though, because what it did was, as it put a whole bunch of a black eyeball.
Onto my brand to see what I was really about and do I've gotten so many fuckin positive messages from from black americans saying. ro. When I first met you, I met you because people are saying that you are racist or they were saying this, for they were saying that, but do fuck was full by these motherfuckers like that. You would tell the truth. I'm like thank you like duties, it's so cool to see so many people had opened their eyes the what's going on? But what do you think The solution is to cause like do what why when I took a solution is, is: is for one to keep talking facts keep spreading truth like argument exempt right that some people that wall I mean by god this guy's a race traitor. He is a republican, he supports trump and I don't pay them any mind, but yes, keep it going and keep going to respond to the comments and I'll do any of that kind of stuff, because at and end of the day, they're going really see what I'm about. As I started. Digging. For example, I put a tweet out about two days ago about what's
A lot of the border ryan, I wrote. Blacks have been enslaved, fought and died for his country, and we get nothing illegal break our laws and bite and wants to give each of them four hundred and fifty thousand dollars each. How does it make any sense black people. Please stop voting blue, let this be the law ass time, the Democrats insult to our intelligence, so things like this, I was at the border the day before wrote that sweet right and I literally saw my own eyes recorded in everything. seventy eighty of these illegals walking into our country, no problem border patrols. Lebanese people walk in no problem illegal, they come in to places like by district, the strychnine right, they take up a lot of the house to take up a lot of resources were paying. Taxes were dealing with a black people do not see what's happening here. It's like we're being replaced by another. Cortical, victim demographic. You know what
that's, what's happening, I must say that show for full narrowed it s, because I didn't know what he's like all do. That's conspiracy! Now, it's not! I was eating with my own eyes. Went there no mother, fucker Zactly, whether do how to sit and pacific. Why live right now! It's like, for example, has lots of that? There's does does lots of rapes that happening in pacific right now, right, Look at it about Eighty to ninety percent of the time the personal did. The rape was an illegal someone who's not even supposed to be in the country to begin with, yet we've got all these people coming in and we're like all feel bad for them. No, what are you talking about like I'll? Tell you something is this guy, or am I gonna, put him on blast? He's kind of a good kind of a good dude he's like a part of like black lives matter, move in an hour, patterson ran on a cmu, makes a sweet and he's basically mad at a Joe Biden like you know all local governments and care It is like you know, out to all the illegals that are able to you. Don't forget that want to get your money you for being separated, and I'm like yo, so you mean it, me that you're, a girl, you're, happy Then our tax dollars are going to people that should have been a conflict. You'll give someone for different.
Thousand are automatically in the one percent, the bacteria that thirty thousand hours you're the one percent you wanna make all these illegals instead of one and right now. What about the black people at this point? Yeah music? Well, technically, this isn't our land and I'm like don't give me that bullshit, because let's address, if you want to shit like like electric assault, united, They too got all these different, I disagree with this- was stolen. Land is stolen, lattices conquered land Riah the same. We should have the same way to every other motherfucker founded, not matches that, unlike even the people that we're here before even before. Western senators came near the natives youtube, but I believe that they were killing and its leaving each other to yeah right. This is what has happened since ways you you re off, you're, going to sit here and you're going to say that, like all this is in our consciences, conquer land in this is all this stuff in the illegal to serve. You get our money and you're talkin about black lives matter brought look what's happening in paris, we're being gentrified as we speak at you. bring these people- and we think is going to place us, that's it this? As you know, what you gotta go, Well see, and you know, I think it's important delineate too. I think inside the booby Ella movement there's two distinct kinds of people than theirs
people who genuinely are there for the rich It's a black people and endured act four can stay with that guy. I could see what you wanted to know the people who are genuinely air because they don't want black people get the fuck it. Ass is be by the cops they they want however, the national or the vaccine passport, but I will try to get. This is the point. With the b movement is it there's too that we have Those people who are well intentioned people problem like this do right and then you have the floor King marxist communist leaders and I organization which are utilizing these good intended people we're just fighting for their fucking equality. In their way, in this country,
I believe in them, because you therefore can battle you that's what I see bureau that there's no use, and that might be like the likely useful idiots at the march this year and russia's ones when you learn their purpose. They got rid of has do when you talk to people who like like who were out in the marches and doing these things they those people, think and believe that their party some sort of civil rights sore as our movement right, I'm doing a good thing, I'm doing a great thing, but what you're doing. Is your module communism, your marching for marxism, because that's what a fuckin money goes? Ok, we gotta get clear on that. Like we're, gonna make a movement. That's pro anything was ensure that the money is going towards that cause. I mean they raise billions and billions of dollars worldwide, like when I tried tell a couple of years. Will there be a lemon like your genius fucking name, I'm gonna come
of course, yeah. We, of course black lives matter the best. I'm like okay! Well, you don't you, don't you don't believe black lives matter if you're black, so from what I saw? A video of a black lives matter, protests going on in Japan. This was like a two thousand and nineteen. I believe it was right, of thousands of japanese people, not a black guy inside black lives matter. The only black people in Japan as it may be, a handful of tourism like american troops or something, and it would certainly find me but less or if the, if monies boot first offals funding that was Where'S- that money coming from got money going on in there and that's happening over aired in Japan. You got the black lives matter flag on all of these embassies and all this up billions of dollars a common value. But none of this is coming this way, none of us another so are getting paid here. These guys, and I did alive she about this, a while back to black lives matter on their own on their old website. Is websites differ now on their page. You can, if you go, on the way back when she will be able to find it, but on their page they had an about us. Such
essentially and the were talking about how one of the things that they were four was they talked about how they refer, transit This strategy right family, getting rid of the nuclear family, set it on our ally, for everybody woke up to it a hundred percent. It had that oh yeah amounts. You can still find it if you go all the way back machine dot com and you go back to two thousand and eighteen you can find when we did that episode, bro the black square episode. We talked about exactly what you're talking about yeah and it was on the side thanks. We pulled it up what his way back machine so wait. So basically what you wanna be put anything on the internet, its archived. It's there forever rights away. machine allows you to see a previous version of the run day, yeah so like. If you go back to like, let's say december, thirteen, two thousand and nineteen, the illegal crap We believe that right showed it could deleted soil. That's archived! So you can go back and look at it. archived version of that website and you'll see exactly what was their importance yeah, but I don't know, that's that's how a lot of these that's a lot of these people are getting caught on their shit like that
in they're, pulling this shit up from fucking twenty years ago and then putting up here? You know what I'm saying like dude it? It's that's a that's a smart. Have you ever heard of? Let me google, that, for you, yeah yeah, that's one of the best hidden gems on the internet The best website on the internet, zombies out of her way back machine, oh yeah, your eyeballs you're gonna, you're, gonna you're, going to you're going to see some some pretty interesting stuff. It's I'm sorry, my fb, I agent slowing me down what am I gonna open at all because it goes by different name, but things like archive dot, org but its, but it's called the way back. When I ve told you what I would like to see ro, I would like see black america be proud of the american flag. One hundred percent, and he should be on a lot of the limit and the truth is a lot of them are actually yeah. You know what I mean: it's just that it's almost as if black lives I just kind of created that that dynamic, where it's there you go. That's it and then he'd say black as a mariner. They've kind of created died that that dynamic like it's cool edgy, to be anti american. My boat, you understand that is like this. Is your country you helped build. This contrast
if this goes, thou we're gonna go england. I lived in england at this ox. We happen in the face for a reason cited around for reason: the tacitly whether bad food high taxes period yeah yeah, I know all about you know, I'm sorry, like yeah, very go, it's borne up, but so is there, like the average african american he talks in and dirt they they there happen to be america bates almost if its taboo to come. and say that I I like like bomb and I'm afraid still I fly flag broke, my father that, is your flag. I tell people, I don't know you guys. A member spectacles like ninety, maybe to the olympics right when thou whitney Houston sung The national, andrea watch that video again right now me we're getting chose thinking about it as if it was such an incredible sight to see Everyone in the crowd waving the american flashy rican, uses her diva boys and lay every everybody all walks of life, all different, colors, everybody's, unified and, like that very of america that I grew up in and I'm pre nine eleven like
that beverage america is gone, that you have made, and I got machine brown that bring back a little in the way I look round. We could bring it back. Yes, We can bring the can inflict it doesn't matter. I think it could come back a lot faster than what people think my video. My final sentence was: we can fix this year. We care borough without crack cocaine. yeah yards to hit it? Oh yeah, yeah, hey man, wearing it's not entail grows we're done. But at last I too man. I never done a ship before what fucking up people. I'm just got say this, I wonder, that shit, because I know what will happen. Urban is all bad things, never leave their most. I fuckin never do anything. Ever again and I could have unlimited access to it. I dunno about unlimited. I think that that I think that particular drugs into the undefeated championing I'm helping people go bankrupt. Oh yeah, yeah, but
now because of the cost of this drug, it's all stupid shit you do on area. About amazon. But do you think of my car collection my grandfather. Oh my god, it's gonna white lamborghini. Dash rags, I've been drawn out, molly lose that you can. I get you did you know I think about that. Sometimes, like some people had a problem which from stuff logan like make amerika great again yeah that one was it ever growing. Do that was that a larger than of some of our friends some and look at it in you know an end to me, because I understood. I think I have a decent understanding of history. As far as I know, this is all only country its ever existed. Words been multicultural of me the religion I race and we produce them, most amazing success in the history of the
earth in the shortest amount of time, and that comes from every different culture all see. I think it's possible. His people make this argument when it comes to race like they say like because you know marlon king, I'm a huge martin luther king thing, because Think what he says is true regarding everything, but you should judge people on the content of the character. Not the cause or of their skin or anything else and the pride, and that I think when people say that in america people here that they say where we have to acknowledge race, because it's an obvious thing yeah, but like Why can't we celebrate all the cool shit about everybody's race? still not use it as a negative like like. Why can't we? celebrate all the goods. We're in the unique shit in the unique cultural back. Like everybody's. What alison hip hop almost exclusively no, unlike those fuckin left, this relentless talkin, which rule of law fucker
you just my shit. I would add that as well as it can dance says, do that I'm not wearing a ride. Clearly don't dance like so right, suzie and I know I'm a foreigner to dance due to the j dances on his little fucking typical. We got space and opportunity. your mother does not do you gotta say no like you can have both we can have getting along harmoniously without these she'll tensions and celebrate like do things like humor. Like those. bring society together like we can all laugh at the funny shit that we all fuckin do like one It will do a lot of fuckin funding. Funnier shit. Guess what sore workpeople guess? What sort of age people guess what my dad people there, but you don't say like: where can we get back to that? You know that I have said this a couple of times before is the concept of america, in theory is not supposed to work at all.
You know it's people from different countries, different worlds, different religious backgrounds, different moral understandings. But it's like the second who comes to america. You don't band who you are ass right, you inherit big becoming american and unified, under a flag of unified internet constitution? Ok for it apple. You know you may be sunni sky. Maybe she- and I know back home- you probably each other, but when you're here you're an amount I can write your israeli or palestinian over there, but right here we're america. At the end of the day, we all have to work together to make america better one of the coolest things about america. Is that, like, let's just say your parents from Ghana, dude, you know how cool it would be to go to dinner at like their house and hear their stories came from and their customs, and I think that's one of the coolest things about america is like that. We're all different like every a country go to nearly the same shit, they'll come someplace. What here thing about. America is the diversity and all we do is book tat each other, for it.
It's fuckin bullshit. I never used to be like that, I'm a bit it! No! I didn't vienna playgrounds like you know, people say rate his jokes, but was not because the guy was a races like you know it. Let me try and take this one. Let me see he gets her back yeah. Let me let me see how far I can push the envelope. You know before you cry or something like that, not one of the most racist jokes in this and I fucking know sitting right next to you, yeah, but funny. it's funny I work at as a dude thats. What I'm talking about, though, like that was just a better era, not because of the jokes, but because we could tell jokes yeah, you know what I'm saying like guess what happened when somebody told a joke that went too far, you got punched hey, sir, or or or nobody laughed you aren't yeah, and I guess what you didn't tell the joke. But now everybody fucking joke is a who yeah but what you regulate itself, we don't need the like these movements to protect everybody like if you go outside- and you showed this respect, the someone so put you nefarious guess what you learned respect like this,
This is the american way of doing things and, like I just want us to keep back to that, and people are we're. Never going back to that where we can yeah, I believe we can, because you don't know why we cambro, because young men like you, are willing to stand up and say: hey, I'm fucking done with this shit. Fucking fix it. Thank you. That's why you know it's like you what I've noticed. It is only the tram like every generation after the next wants. Her bell against the previous generation sang lenny ills and generation ass. They were but a rebellion against the bombers. Now the generations, these guys are a bunch of freakin whims. You now, I'm gonna, where my tribe had just because it makes my mom mad. The idea that I'd like on the edge the upper edge, the millennials and I used to fucking hate him, and now it's like these people in the millennials or teamed up again zig without these guys are fuck it we're with a stick, tab shit. You know, but it's a big. good thing. I have it. Sometimes it can be
people like you know, there's no hope for america, but then sometimes you'll see things here and there and I'm like you, know what. Now these kids are going to fight bro I think that an inward living in a much different world that we are in our day they try to me it was, it was our generation, the millennials that wanted to make a call to be like we have to be accepting in the sky legs these this that that dude or whatever and this persons of that group. But we have to be accepting as if we weren't already doing that in america is put up magnifying glass they put a magnifying glass on it to make it seem like you know, the problems are very small, are so choose. They're, gonna shove. It all the way down your throat that you realise. How would you like to look at
Look at us we're so lgbt. Look at us we're so pro black look at us. We love spanish people tacos and how that sounds, racist to stay started playing. What was the song? Look at me: Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton. What she's like? Oh, I always carry my hot sauce with a fake southern accent. What are you trying to sound black or something what'd? You do not realize how how contradicting and like how ridiculous right now hypocrisy is insane. It would be like if I came to your fucking parents, I'll send out, but I'm all about gonna do not we're gonna shit. We were genes there to root out just say it like. That is its soul. Fucking we're gonna pull of uclaf
yeah well, technically, we are all about god. We, you know, we help page over and gone, and so I mean we got not maybe all about, but we're about. We don't black people yeah, oh fuck man. This is so cringe where this I went by and was making speeches like Mary sockets illiterate lucky that, like this fuckin community poor, when this heard any fuckin say as you know, so I learned about roaches Zella. You got my row jerzy buzek. the forget: is this shit well koreans gonna grow because in his prime racism, the way that they think racism is now actually existed. So he's trying to cover that shit and the what's coming out the true shit, the guilt from him when he was a younger man. That's comes out. When you have dementia, I might describe about. Well, you are the one who set up the money for crime bill pew. You said so and I would bring but the people I ever created able on is fucked up right now.
because someone wanted their dad went to jail, shout out to Joe Biden, that's Joe Biden, the argues I'm going, give half a million dollars to illegals. I get separated, but you separate this family black family, most most of them from the clock. The crime though they get absolutely nothing. You know The other day I want mine is what I wanted to mexico. right when I was out there if you cross a border illegally. First off. If you get caught by american felony subtly, you gonna prison ferrari, you get caught doing that in mexico, they're gonna send you to a horrible present you'd, rather get locked up in the united states and locked up. So you can sneak into mexico and do that, so Why are we rewarding people? First thinking it's america in doing that, because away you saw that I remain the bible not since they they there. they're trying to get rid of it and I'm not gonna sit there and deal with that. Canada day. I'm still a kid. I saw what I myself am a young guy. You know I haven't fully experience. You know the americans cream. You know what I'm saying when my parents came in and it came when when when everybody was swiping credit cards- and you know, frickin of freestyle, music was the
saying that the ronald Reagan was out there. You know so like they saw america flourished, they bought a home. They raised, as he brought fourteen other relatives from Ghana to the united states and they all lifted up, and I'm thirty two and it's like it's. It's film dystopian film at the beginning of the matrix right now yeah, you know, and I'm like, listen if I'm gonna no doubt of america's into gold down I'm going down swinging. You know, like I'm, not gonna. It's a magistrate. You know sit back and watch a country collapsed, fuck that you may not know down a cat in ankara to go down in the reason stock and go down as because of people like you, like, I said a minute ago, these conversations and these people are being activated all over the country, their standing They don't care, they don't have any political experience. They say I know the difference between right and wrong and they're willing imagine a bro. That's that's! That The definition of a patriot definitions editor you know saw it did just thought you know like? I have the utmost respect for you, in what you're doing and what anybody out there whose fowl
that same path. But it's what it's about man make work, go out, make the country better. If you think that things need to be fixed, handle the problems right in front of you. If you take the school board's, fucked run for it, you take the county. Seats. Messed up will run for county seat. If you take the mayor's bad, do something contributed solution because, like you said that there is no dancing. Anybody like like, I feel like the the right. The middle and the right like there's this guy. sit narrative of like they're waiting to convince people. What is why is it, like? You know, like I see these people posting things like, when are you all going to see this and this and this who are they talking to like we all fucking, see it what are you gonna do about yeah yeah and that's what we need. We need to shift the focus from. Oh that await these people up to
I know we gotta move on without those people and we gotta take some action and dude respect you for doing just that, because it's awesome. Thank you. Brother love it. So, while, though we'll go around the room now, just think it's you know we ve been. We ve been about this message for almost the better part of two years now now. you start and watched the cycle take place in so to Andrews point what four can also know I'm ahead on yeah. You know it's all haze actions, actions, action and I think the last three episodes in particular we're starting to see individuals come through who are taking action. It's important right! It takes takes time to get punched in the fucking mouth. He finally gets sick of getting punched in the fuck, a multi tenant punch, mother, fucker back yeah, and it takes people like Billy, but I'm not a political player. What I mean and that's an important piece right, instead of just being a keyboard warrior and getting out there and being confrontational about as far as art, let's go fucking do this and I think you know tanner's point. I commend the shit out of you because it takes somebody just like you who's, a pro
product of the county that we need to represent all over american or people in every single count. In every single district? The need to stand up go do something, and I think you know well, about actions over words the prime example of where that, where the action meets a road and where it produces a great result, then what you think I think fix this? I think I think if every day we go out there and we speak our truth, we take our action. We support entrepreneurs, we invest in people, we most people. Do the right thing in it all starts from the ground here. City, your county or community, that but you're really gonna get people there, behind you on and if this I've been I've sign thirty leases. Unless two months I believe in our countries coming back everybody else's closing the places I'm signing leases every frickin day. That's right, I'm opening every single day and I'm investing people that are doing the same thing, because I know we will get through this. This too shall pass that's up to us to make it pass faster. That's right! Really, where you thing man,
I, like you guys said manic. I believe it's definitely definitely possible, I'm very confident in myself. I know that I'm going to pull I'm going to totally Do what I gotta do, but again that end day the people. I need there I'll buy, need their support in ireland. I don't mean to be the mister bell. You're over here, but it's like I'm no one up again now to support you where I'm going up against a multi millionaire. Here you don't listen are our audience there very engaged road they get it like. So don't be shy! tell him to morrow morning. This amount matter max outside maximum donations said max Donations because we're gonna be this- is a big fight. The china unseen twenty six year, entrenched fossil eyes, gentlemen, that sitting in that chair, so I'd need all the help I can get. You has won a volunteer. You can and violence are on our website. Billy print by the board. Slash volunteer if you like, to make a donation same website, billy prep by that come forward slashed support max out, if possible, make as much as you can donate tell as many people as you can
and help me when this fight and if you're a young person, that's frustrated and sick and tired of what we you going on in a government right now and going on in our country. Now is the opportunity for you to stand up and take your country back, because if you don't take it and you don't get involved in politics because you believe you don't care about it. I can assure you that politics cares about you and you're gonna created destiny for you, so get up, stand up, joined to fight help me in my fight and at twenty twenty two, let's make amerika great again, I love it. So, let's billy b, I l, l Y p r e m p e h, dot com. You can so. Finally, on social media, the site, my name billy, proper or on the grand some guy named bellicose, I'm just some guy named bow and society to stand up a lover. Bro Well, you got out cigars. Courage is always see me It's always say now I mean how quick had seen I don't know, but browsing the durability billy. I applaud job and following you for a minute now, courage always gets it. Casino were good. ever gets rewarded. I don't know, I don't know how they get seen. What are they
same under that it always does for those of you that a kind of tone offence your chest join the water wrote whether or not you wanna do something you don't wanna see weapons. Let I agree with Dan. I agree with what billy as well. You know we it's going to be up to us to fix, ok, nobody's common there's, not anybody body, there's! No! There's no savior coming to fix our country, the young people who have- years, this country to become wealthy, come successful to build companies to build, businesses, you have to get involved. Ok, the young people who are not yet that point where they haven't lived their american dream yet, but they still want to you're gonna have to it involved we have people who had in this game for decades who do not serve your best interests. Ok, they could be republican or democrat, but the point is is that if you all start paying attention of what's going on and stuff
riding these social waves that happen on social media which are put down to you through paid problem. And from hollywood. Aren't you to grant or pain influencing. If you don't stop happen, these trends and wait. The foot up to what's actually happening freedoms that are geared getting remove from your day to day life? You we'll never had the opportunity to have an american dream. So it's very port right now that, if you believe in the idea of equal free, land of opportunity for all people you get involved and pay attention and become part of the solution. Not just keyboard warrior: bickering nonsense, gibberish splattering, please, on the internet! Ok, it's important You pay attention it's important. you get involved, maybe you're, not someone! Who's gonna run for something, maybe you're. Someone with a platform that could speak about it. Maybe you can host guess
Maybe you can help and here there's all kinds of things that need to happen and guys know Nobody really wants to be in politics or can't get it as sure as fuck. Don't billy doesn't either, but here's the point that shit is duty for us You have a special skill. If you out, ability to know right from wrong in your willing to stand on that in may decisions independently. I would argue that you have Do you get involved and what's going on in this country, because I think we're under attack I think a lot of you also realise that we're under attack and the only way to stop this shit, guy in a ship is to get involved right so support this man, again, bro thanks so much for coming on the show. Thank you for having me. I would love to keep up with you as you go on with the campaign. Have you back? Ah, it was awesome man. Thank you. Man, yeah, so support this guy billy.
apa dot com, Billy, pamper, dot com. Some guy named bill on instagram blueprint on all social media. Alright, see you guys later sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen, the fuck are still countless millions in the cold they teach buddhist smoke got a rope, can't both doesn't know his shot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.