« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

161. Andy & DJ CTI: First Boy To Win Homecoming Queen, Illegals Getting 450K & Vaxxed Employees Ft. Christian Walker

2021-10-30 | 🔗

We've lost the ability to make fun of each other. In today's episode, Andy and DJ cruise the internet with Christian Walker. They talk about the first biological male to win homecoming queen, the Biden administration considering giving illegal immigrants 450k while American's here are hurting, and the judge that temporarily banned the firing of unvaccinated employees.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The now my jewelry box, for the countless millions in kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph kang, doesn't know headshot case club. What's up guys it's to Andy for seller, and this is the show for the realistic about their lives to fake this and the illusions of modern society and welcome to modify the reality is that we have a special and and egypt cruise the internet in it? The reason specials, because it's not just any dj crazy, the internet yeah. It is Andy and dj and christian walk her crazy internet here once knew so happy. I join the party at you too, happy to have you here. I can in no way for this for this picture to come, Why I hold onto it, but I wonder why why that's been trades
I don't know a little bit of controversy or yet we're going to talk about some controversial things today. For sure our guys before we get into it, I like to remind you of the fee, and if you don't know what the fee is, the fee is very simple: if you get any sort of benefit, if it makes you laugh, it makes you think if it makes you have a new person. active the they something. If it's something that you think people should here, do us a favour and share the show? Okay, I run ads on the show. We don't want ads for the show- and you know a lot of people listen to the show for free. By the way and gain a whole lot and never pay the fee guys just totally on american right like it is you want What side of the ship yeah shared out logging osier. That's all we ask I has showed the ship, it sucks, the socks don't share it, but up, but yet paid a feat. I am super excited, though, today, for this, this version of crews, the internet,
We actually have a full length episode, what my man I hear coming out after this. But we thought a good way and if you don't know christian walkers guys, you guys are sleeping on the internet. ray guy super funny, conservative voice been on all the New stations been very popular through the last couple years. Very I've spoken in a very different perspective, so I'm not for sensitive facts. Now then, that I dont want me and of anti pc type of person for sure ended we're just real, quick cause. I want people to follow. You tell people where they can get you out, so I also applaud cause. It's called uncontrollable. So that's on all the partners
swimming services, and then I mainly work on in screamin twitter. My handles at christian walker, the inn walkers a number one of christian walk number one are co, guys sure you're following him, and you understand why, as we go through this content, yeah, so we thought you know for the most part, dude like your content. is very serious, but also committed. you know, I think what you do the best is you bring real points and also make them relate aboard humorous and speak common sense, bro ray and I dont think a lot of people expect that from a black gay man I who conserved where you go wild, no, I'm not a rainbow laggards. I've had me about a pride festival, but no people turn a lump. Riving people try to.
lump everyone into different identity group or shunned. I I'm a free thinker, I think for myself and yeah. My my values are very common sense base is just that our society is so fucked up now that when you speak common sense, it's alright you're a far right radical as no I'm just a fucking american. That's it dude, you know the one thing I like about everything that you put out. Bureau is fuckin. All fact it's all true. Where did you you know start to discover that you had like could serve more concern. rid of values or or do you think because, like how I felt is I was sort of just like you said commonsense like ok. This is right. This is wrong. is. What I believe is right is what I believe is wrong and the summit are labelled all these things because I wasn't with when everybody else was thinkin. You know, and now I'm a conservative right now,
I think, similar to you, but also, ah, I really value hard work and I notice that there is only one side that also values, hard work and also values. A merit based system of you know the more work you put in the more you're gonna get out of life. So there's that plus I'm just so anti woke, I'm done with the woke bullshit, done with people getting participation trophies because of their skin color, because they are attracted to this same gender. It's just like. Let's stop all this and let's go back to working hard heard n getting what you put in dude. I feel like most people feel that way I mean like even like the last couple of years. We were talking and we were talking yesterday about a couple of things. You know the hate that society has put out on people who are thinking like we think, write common sense, shit and logical.
You know, has greatly diminished. You know what I'm sayin, what at least on on our side and what's it been like for you to last couple of years, I'm so I started right after what I call the bee. Elam terrorist attacks cause that's what it was. They were. Terrorist attacks But I really when you started the adage, edward ardor, lifesaving YAP holy shit bring assets been crazy because there's no one else who is willing to go against yeah and you ve grown honestly. I think yeah the culture right now, values group think, and so, when someone steps out of line with that, not only do they grow extremely fast because they encourage other people to do the same and their voice for the voiceless in a sense. But the hate is out of control because, as you know, they try to silence anybody who doesn't go in line with the narratives and the hates been bad. But I don't give a fuck,
because I'm an introvert, I don't crave validation from the group or from the mob. So I mean it hasn't affected me right, yeah dude! I get it man, you know orange vert too, so it's kind of like you. Let yourself from all this shit. Yeah. Don't you harold? What becoming I love it? I listen at first, was like man what the fuck you guys talking about, and then, when I start realizing that, every single person that doesn't agree with every single thing they say is a racist, misogynistic or fuckin white supremacist, far right conspiracy, theorist, like all the things you know like I was like this is a fucking joke like I can't even take it serious yeah they're, just labels. They place on people to scare them out of talking and reach a point where you're like I don't even care, which you label me, I'm in a continued speaking. They pretty much leave you alone and they become scared of the area in order to cost.
there there now, just simply attacking you just for having like the facts aside just having an opinion. I like like, for example, so I'm sure there's. This is not one of the first articles about just one of the posts, Are you guys were quick, as seen in article Hannah Hannah gatsby fans, which one I don't even know who the fuck? That is, but they're not happy with Dave chapelle for saying that she's not funny, he there's a day chapels getting fuckin slam by you either read this article just for literally thinking somebody's not funny yeah but bro. Nobody reads this shit, that's the thing like dude look, cnn gets less can views than than than this. Fuckin show wholesale. I saw that this has become like this ship is that these brook did these meat conglomerates are now. Please, too, has almost become like the enquirer at the grocery check.
I, like you, read the shit you're like holy shit, hey give me that fucking twix yeah, it's it's so ridiculous. Now that we're just kind of like what the fuck and, if Dave chappelle associate funny, I'm pretty sure she probably a fun yeah, but that's what I got when I first saw this article. I guess that's where the comments were of others. I feel like I've seen like no, who the fuck is and who the fuck apparently boring as dave. Chappelle is a fucking guy when it comes to this shit, so I'm pretty sure he he's pretty accurate knows who the fuck is funnier than who's, not route. We were talking to you last week with Dave. Chappelle came out remember when he came out and say: hey fuck, this do, do you remember what I say you in my tax, a right shouted of my old. What can post Oh yeah, yeah, you, you weren't, those were twenty fifteen fifteen I made a post saying dave: Chappelle is the only man that can save the fucking world yeah, that's funny
don't be twenty three billion receipts bro. You know why, because he makes for a book and everybody equally bro everybody's got ticks. Everybody has stereotypes why people are funny black we'll find out money tran, IRAN's or fight like do raw fuck. It got our little things and if we can talk about those things and give each other shit, people like There's a. I know it's hard for some of the sensitive people really understand what eighty percent of america bonds through talking shit like so we're outlawing all these things then allow us, when you think about what they're trying to do and they said banning language jokes and making an offensive in this and that what the We do it from a bigger picture. Is, is cutting anything What of criminality between us out so that we can- not relate humans. You won't say, like role when we could all sit in a room and talk shit and laugh. You walk out
a stronger group. That's what comedy does for society and the great equal? I were sure brow and you know what and we lost that like for you no thought you'd go back Look, it stand a comedy from eighties elegance eddie murphy. And now look at this gatsby shit like looking. humor they try to use the commercials. This witty super fuckin like dry friend. Humor wishes, Austria, but the fuckin superbowl commercials able trash for I've spoken. It's fucking growth and one thing these of of sensitive facts show to do as they try to pretend not to understand jokes in an effort to attack people- and it's like know, if it's funny, it's funny get over your supper that that debate chapeau made about the tran committee no like no, they impossible burgers and shit and when he called you, I'm not saying the chairs pussy, they a pussy, understand the site and second possible. Pussy is this
I know the you is saying: yeah is. If I was a person I would, I could still live with it. That's fucking do is its listen man. If we find a sense of humor like in america again we're fuckin we're doomed like for real bro, like you really think about how. People really interact like I. I dont want to hang out with people who are totally step in totally like rigid in no sense of humour and free do a thin anything or say anything. That's like interesting, because there fraid of how you might take it guys that self imposed like prison. Like really think about that, that's thought, control that self censorship? You know these tools of. Of censorship, and you know politically political correctness or instruments of communism that an end what they
do. Is they eliminate our ability to communicate in fine common ground in the name of possibly sending someone at some point time, but I saw an article yesterday and I posted it about Peter saying that they want to rename the bull pen in of because it was offensive to fucking balls and like due to this is the you're right lighter in I posted it did I saw guys this is what you guys don't go like nobody seeing this from a ten thousand foot view there seeing it like this? Well, don't fucking matter give it to a cable What you guys don't understand. What most americans do understand is that what their action really trying to do is remove american culture completely things you used to call something are no longer called those things teams that used to root for or now something else you know term history that you used to pick was true. Is now bad like do what
they're doing is ideologically dismantle being american culture step by step by step by step and they're, doing it through political correctness and through censorship, and until you guys start to understand, That is our duty to be politically incorrect, ok and talk about truth and talk about things. Bro we're gonna continue to go down this road. We're gonna continue to be at the mercy of the fuckin one percent, who are fake outrage about fucking everything and now Those are gonna be happy so like can we it's all agree like. Alright, let's tell some fucked up jokes and like be cool, and I think if you expect people to walk around being politically correct because you're overly sensitive, you are a fucking adult. You need to grow the fuck up and stop thinking. Everybody needs to watch their speech, protect your feelings, habits you mature and be able to handle whatever sloan your way. Bro in what's weird about, that is like that? Wasn't always the way you
saying like that people like where's that come from what I told you where it came from a long time ago, guys it comes from rewarding people for last fuckin place and including everybody on the winning team when they didn't contribute- and you know- and anne and pacifying children throwing fits and the ship. You guys did for the last twenty years, which were oral, failed. One hundred percent fail. Cannot be argued, parenting strategies, you guys created this ok and now you have fix it? You had to say fuck, I made a mistake, that's not the way it should be, and you know what this is, what they this instead of hanging onto it, because you think you're more virtual, then everybody else, because you believe that you know.
transgender. I like you, because, whatever your beliefs may be transgenders, you're not allowed to make a joke about a transgender know, you're just ridiculous while dude- and we talked about this before- like who who's the oppressed. It's always the pie. The pure. You can't make fun of our the oppressors. Yet the people who claim to be victims in our culture are always the oppressors, because victims can't get people cancelled from their job. Victims can start a riot outside of the netflix office, because Dave Chapelle made a joke. No, you are the oppressor, your pressing speech and people who disagree with you. Well, that's all victor. No, its not, and you know we all of us people who still live in the world of logic in fact need to start just going along with our lives, because people like what's the answer. What's the big pivot, what's what's going to change, what's going to cause it to flip over, it's really
simple. If all of us go out and live our lives and say hey, why are you throwing a fit and they say? Well, I don't like this. You say cool and keep walking like that's what you do. Like we had, we been, we ve been boyd for so long under all the titles that are now like, like, unfortunately come weekly, worn out, and the reason I say, unfortunately, is because you, You call someone a racist or a sexist or of transfer where a homophobic any of these things were, happens is those words becomes so commonly thrown out and they are by the way that the people you calling them our it doesn't do anything to them and what it really dies as it could it's a scenario where, when those situations actually exist that the victims don't get any attention, because people say well does mean anything we ve devalued, pretty serious terms. You know and that's all
fortunate that's. Why said, unfortunately, fortunately work I caught onto your game. Unfortunately, we don't give a fuck if you call us or raises because you're not it's not true, bro. That's where societies gotta get society has to get to a point where people are like yeah, oh Gabriel, and so anyway, how That is why did it doesn't have to be this violence and shit, like some of these guys talk about, is just a simple is standing for yourself. You know it's like you said you you're shows and on cancel. How do you become on cancel brown? you just say what the votes on your mind, instead of carrying what other people think you can only get cancelled if or socially cancelled. If you start apologizing hearing about other people's validation. If you dont care to begin with, you just speak truth in what are they cancelling you for your like? I'm gonna keep speak. In my mind how many people have you had come to you and say shit like. Oh, I'm so disappointed or oh I'm fuckin
look at what you say enrich like that a million and wondering how I have two million who come up and say. I love you, your spirit for me. It is there you go. The love always outweighs the hay peopled only rising, I they for me, it's it's fuckin do fifty to one year It's maybe remove my five hundred now, probably fuck yeah thanks a lot of people have come around yeah dude I was too can smith. Yesterday two days ago on the phone here, pretty cool experience, so they this guy? That will call his sharp his jim every day and fuckin. Tell him he's a piece of shit. What you like this one? for months and months and months will heed the same fucking guy calls and and and asked to talk the inn and fucker I would to him gala inside dude. I dont know what was going on, but like now, if you like, total ship, because I recognise that, like this, she is out of control,
Oh and you were trying to stop it all from the beginning, like dude, it was like a pretty powerful thing cause he. He voice message me and was telling me about it and, like I was just thinking, I'm like man Is society's finally gone to a point where these people who have, you have the luxury of freedom right and we ve had so could he is so nice and so soft that we can attack each other meaning the shit and now these people with because what's happened, in the world right, like our paychecks, aren't going as far up you couldn't get milk today. No, you know what I'm saying people are now seeing. Oh shit it's more than just my feeling. in its way more important. Maybe I got misled and do that's kind of a beautiful things darcy in man, yeah, why don't we don't have any more time to give rise Have you may see eye too seeing a lot of just different. You know people that use side jenna in these
like communities, whether that's the ghetto trash, be a lamb or algae bt q. I call it the rainbow call. Start coming to me and saying you know, I don't identify I'm an individual. I I am kind of finished, with being lumped into these categories when always shares one facet of our identity and I'm an individual. So I kind of agree with what you say: isn't that the We should all this a one hundred percent individual thought and individuals on me. Say like do. We have all these politicians all these people out there running for politics and they are quick there. So quick to say I'm a Democrat, I'm a republican this. How about this? like how bout are you a good person? Do you have a good moral centre? Have you made mistakes in life? You know, there's been right and wrong. Are you willing to look at every single issue as it comes? make a decision based on that issue in the third phase of that issue. Instead of saying I'm off,
well. There's your offer that I mean do to me. That sounds pretty fucking basic shit right and it seems like our countries truly lost it. I agree man, I agree, and I would say also true for every one of those guys that reached out to you and it's probably ten thousand more, that we had the courage just yet they're embarrassed all yeah. You know I I they're out there definitely out there yeah dude I've had I've had thousands of people message me and be like brought your full share your this, or I thought you were just some loud mouth at which students, okay, got me like, but you know, crimes is this jack vulcan. Well, yeah. I know that's good I'll take but yeah man, you know It's cool to see people starting to see it. It's unfortunate the state that our countries in, but it's all What I also had this like weird feeling like this had to happen.
because you could never never those people through through now what they also take us a step further. Two guys like cause, I'm sure a lot of our listeners and viewers, like you, guys, have those same experiences right cause. You been fuckin trying to tell you your bodies in your fuckin car workers right there One thing, though, is when those situations happen when those conversations happened, when those phone calls happy accept them in forget yet You know what I'm saying like like: oh yeah, that's so important dude. I think that's a great point, because people don't talk about that cause. I see a lot of people who are you know it is easy to listen man. I do it a little chance to rural candidates fire by Christian. We know why we do that because we took so much someone you eat your last fuckin. However. Well, I've been getting this heat this machinery, since two thousand fuckin bertie right I'm saying like, like I've, been warning about dude. If you go back and read my post from all the way that ended, I was taught me the same shit
You know- and now here we are, I think it getting closer and closer to some sort of precipice of awakening to what's actually happening, and It feels good like dude. It does like a little shit like hey, fuck, you guys, like I still will give you a hog come here and I still got even talks should do you later like knew how the fuck you fuck it? Thereby I will. forget it. I'm gonna remember that belarus is important, because I think that's also what's holding a lot of those are the three hundred would be here. Do listen, there's another guy. I'm used to know my way around this country's painter way worse this country. During the civil war. We had family fighting, it's fuckin family, okay, we ve been through way works. We can heal from that. There is no question, but it is going to take some harrowing pay, that's right and it's gonna take a lot of discipline from certain.
People to not rub shootin and it's going to take a lot of open mindedness for people to say and humility to say man. You know I was kind of talking about things I didn't really know. Are or they were light broke. They were lying to you and they ve been lying to you, and I- and I said this- the whole the whole time speaking went on I I can't blame someone for falling for it, because it's a real it should be at least a reasonable thought. The here country, at least in this country that- What we see on tv as the news should be based in actual fact be manipulated, not be exaggerated, nappy were blown to create hysteria, not be divisive, don't listen, we have a. We should have a reasonable expectation for truth from the media and, unfortunately We haven't been getting in. That's why you know. When we look at headlines from cnn, they get more and more more exaggerated,
and more more crazy because do their grasping for that that sensationalism knowledge, real just like the enquire like you'd walk through and without going where they can catch the marble s right. Gone out of business for the short your eyeball and they fuck unbalanced and they fought all their customer raised like if this was my business and here's how I'd be assessing it. I'd say well out. My business would never reach that point, but If let's say I was assessing it as a business, I say: well, you guys were unaware of how intelligent customers are you trying to pull too much fuckin shit on autumn, and now they don't trust you at all, and if you want to ever be trusted again, your problem Gonna have clean house out, get rid of all your personalities start when new ones and starting new note of that of the truth and stop being so bites like you guys run in these media companies that that you have to think of it.
you cannot force will on people that are not willing to accept it. So you have to understand that the people are speaking with their fuckin, use your eyeballs, never tension and what I telling you, as we know what your shit you know and that's very clear So until we stop and well till they start doing. You know I think she's gonna continue down down the shooter for them your people. Lose advertising dollars holbrooke as well, which is yeah. Well, maybe funds foresaw monsieur media Bela bothered by the wealth we saw what ever know well. Did you never know if you are going to use one of these as well. Let's go with that one we'll talk about that. You guys know how this works. This is cruise the internet. So I'm going to put up some headlines. We want to discuss them and just go from there, so this first one that we now have you guys seeing the shared out. Normally, I don't know the headline, but I didn't
this one, because we were all a buzz about it for the show and then DJ said albert. And I want to show so that how come I know, but now normally I must report, but I would have been prepared anyway, so ridiculous, so we were talking before right, Here you know him in good old mazurka, with with our big giants, moors fires and track the trucks and all I ship the racist area, the tram. Also so euthanasia s'mores outfit. Oh, I gotta get it clean. I got. I got the phone The boy to win homecoming queen at rock bridge makes his mark beyond the crown, so high school in missouri rack, rich high school. They just elected the first homecoming queen, that is a biological young man, so
Not biological, as in like he's transition now, no, this is he's still identifying as a man last friday is a full blown. Man in address hoop a woman for homecoming queen over there, please or mac rock for a senior zachary. Well more is the new homecoming queen. They won that title friday and becomes the first boy in school s right to win the honour. His victory is a reflection of the impact is made at the school. Can we, its katharine merk, joins outside iraq, bridge highschool catherine. His influence started long before Friday night, no before he won the crowds. Actually Wilmore was posing videos like these to his tik tok page. In a lot of these videos he's talking about the rascal rules at rock bridge high school is being noticed by his administrators and honored by his peers. It's a tradition. That's been around a long time, no one woman
is Zachary. Will not everyone gets a moment like this? It was literally like a dream for the fact that it's not like I won. It was just really special to me and rockbridge senior Zachary Wilmore won the title of this year's homecoming queen he's the first boy to do so at a school. I took a really quick instagram poll. I was like sure if you're king or queen and the queen looked pretty on the sasha, and I was like you're so correct, such as queen iraq, reg. His decision for the queen spot goes beyond just the sparkly dress
queen is a term used by gay men, specifically as an endearing thing, it felt really good as the parent of an lgbtq student who is sitting right next to me that they felt that inclusivity and then like just ever, knowing gave me a hard time about it in the hallways. All I got was like just compliments, however. This isn't the first win for the teenager, with over a million followers on tiktok wilmore has become an influencer online he's shown the outfits he wears to school. That got him dress code violations a lot of the times I did feel like they could target students, and I fell a little bit targeted. Let's talk about what to do. If you want to change your school's dress code, the district says they're making efforts to change the dress code before Wilmore graduates, they put me in charge of creating the new dress code, which is really nice, diverged only made it because I was like hey. I am upset that this is happening to me. I am I am. I can't watch anymore. First of all, like
you have the power to help its little vital in the view of a girl was wearing out the days they dress at home. Here, a prostitute here. Aren't you go? I have to say that I know you get sent home is a female financial assets like this, my story of actually I take great how these kids are part of mainstream community. Culture at this point as well as time goes on, this tradition looks different at rock, which I was a file sufferings out and now more people can experience this. moment for me, I'll be like people. Do I'd really like. I feel happy Zachary will graduate from rock ridge high school this year, as for his future plans, he was at tat time and my group wants to prolong fashion design. That was discussed. These disturbing, like for real broke, speak about like this, like.
What about like we're bother me them like we're bother you most, one video would bother me. The most is that he I sound the feminists which I'm not, but this is a spot reserved for a woman and a man beat her at being a woman and its being celebrate. By the society. That claims are all about women, though it doesn't make sense, and it's shit like this- that wakes people up who have been fooled like we were just talking about shit like this, that winds up waking people, love because for a year we heard about oh of trump gets back in whatever it's going to be an anti woman society, and now we have men, beating women left them homecoming coming in sports. Mix in the. U s hearing I made this fucking crazy. It ain't no good.
I don't know man like here in those little girl scream for that kid now, understanding what they just cheered for now,. standing that do little. Girls grow up with the dream of password winning some like that, like I know that sounds a little bo, peep must also show just little girls, wake up our dream, bout being marian shit like those things are big deals to their life. and were removing those things for the sake of what narrative is popular right now, you heard what that woman said. She said, while these people are mainstreamed now, unlike they feel inclusive, my algae be son, felt included.
Well, had he run for homecoming king in one I don't even think that would be even like it'd be cool yeah like cool dude, dope yeah like, but the fact that we're taking a spot from a woman. That's the problem and that's the problem with all this shit. It's it's creating unfair situate. since for women is destroying potential goals and dreams that women have worked there entirely. We're like I think about in sports. You know my brother and I both played sports are, who lives and an even we're little Kids dude, we didn't do anything else that we have a normal child who we put fuckin sports and these girls who were high level female athletes. its they do the same shit. Their work we're play soccer, softball whatever to fuck. It is basketball that they play they're playing. You know a hundred games fuckin summer they're doing all this training the given up all these things, and then you know that guy
What books and loosed to do although go to a wrestling, told him and am an europe's or like whatever it is, they do and like do this, shit right here should not sit well with anybody for that reason alone. It's not about like, like in an undue these these. laws is had creep their way in under the threat of being called a big it or a home involve or transformed that's why nobody says anything in everybody, just like a cool and they go along with it, and this is why people think like social issues, are always a slippery slope, because all this gay shit or pushing the gauge and It should have been done after gay marriage was legalised. We should hear a thing about, oh gaze, being oppressed in society whatever, because gaze have the rights of everybody else, We went from gay marriage to now. This wasn't even a trans person. This was just a gay guy ceiling spot from a woman, and I see that in society allow
I see a lot of feminine men and no issues. I mean I'm, not some masculine man. I know I totally endorse. in that, but a lot of feminine men, men kind of trampling over women and stealing their spots, and that's not right and don't don't ask why there's homophobes genuine homophobes, when, if that was your daughter who just lost out to a gay guy, and you already had something against gays. What do you think you're gonna be now or even if you did, ro, even yeah. You know anything against gays total and that's your little girl and Let's just say it's like homecoming crook, queen, ok, for me, it's like you, know what I'm ok, but in principle this way, but like I think of it in terms of like a competition right, man like think about like these girls and their dad's who and it doesn't matter what fucking race they are where they come from. The background is mother fucker. If you're high level out. Will you fucking work? Ok
and you got help from your family belief from your family from probably for most of those people and if you think about like parents right, can that girl goes to her competition and loses two a fuckin man that to meet that's gonna, make people resentful. Just is one hundred percent and an It's like you, know these things, where the edge patients system is then bent around and we're getting into other topics now but like when a small- and I talked about this and show plenty of time but like when the trans community is pushing their education, which they represent point five percent of the population and their pushing their educational agenda, because the teachers- want to pretended their woke and that their moral and that they're just in it there, on the leading edge of shit
when in reality there, just the people who couldn't execute real life must be fucking, honest, ok and these people are like you, don't think that that's going to create more. An end to me like when I looked again at seem am of the opinion that All of this should is push so hard to could lately, remove our identity to completely weaken the social structure of our country and when you think of it like that, like what's this route, what feelings does Israel the create it's almost like dear dear it's on purpose, purpose, yeah yeah and it's sad man. It's it's not like. You know And just another note on him, like there used to be rules that you had to follow and no matter how big of a tantrum you through the rule was the rule get over. It follow the rules. This guy is dressing like a process.
The two dressing like the highest, her complaining about the dress code policies not addressed good policies are because were not. First, sexual raising children can't come to school dress like you're working out. there's always a guy. We on the railways do an interview just so. You know if you can see video in like booty shorts and I was here yes, whatever one's notice but What was it? No, it was a short or is even worse than booty, so I went in and he's wearing thigh high boots, okay white ones like theirs one place? I see knows before one fuckin school, yeah, okay, so like dude in what's that do they bend the rules for him now was in charge of the dress when we have all the little girls went through high school. Looking like that, like do that's that's demoralization, of society, the innocent like demoralization in terms of like ruining the love for our kids.
I'm talking about actually removing more and more structure from our civilised society do and do that's not that's going and bad. I think you've said this: you're, like hey as an adult walt or whatever you want to be sexual. That's on you! Do it on your own time, but with our kids, big different yeah no do for sure, like I don't judge anybody how they want to dress her, walk around or what they want to wear. I don't care either but like when you're fucking, high school and they're promoting the shit, and there should be some structure there. You know what I'm saying. I think everybody agrees with the heroine hundred percent. I would question anybody who doesn't agree with children should be sexualized. No, I really want you. Ok. Would you mind I've already I've just a mamma if you're, ok with any other shit to me europe yet like like it?
to me, that's just how I look at it cause. There's no there's no justification on that. There's none! I can't think of one logical reason. While that will be okay, you know that's fucking high school they're, still your twelve thirteen year old kids there. But let's change the ball banks as friends of yours, I'm changing climate change, while waller kids are learning to cut their penises off to be just woke and transgender and that's gonna, get them the new job now in April, well, I'm a little four star, fucking general position and I fucking government yet does it? Did you cut it off duty I think it's illegal to ask Well, you can ask if you've got a vaccine or not yeah. Do that? That's another thing like the whole hypocrisy of all of this woke shit like how can you be a feminist in woke and then be
for lgbtq would not allow mental peace. Shit like this, you fucking can be about it. No, it doesn't go anywhere. Just like saying you know, yo, I'm I'm I'm blm. I love black lives and all of that, but you also support this vaccine mandates it or or pro, I'm pro choice. yes, but I'm not protrude some of that bank already, like those does the thing I'm actually like. I am happy with this- is because, as creating so much I do is exposing congress in one thousand percent. People can see that, and so I was like. Oh cool I mean by whatever means you gotta fucking, wake the hell up whatever it is. If this is, the means is going to get you to get get it cool. You know yeah, I hella number two. So this when I saw this and are beyond like I got a lot of people. Oh man, I'm happy with this. Oh man, people are mad about this and they should be as it should be. So I just hate that
suffocation, so the airline is this guy. So u S is in talks and a hey, how they didn't. Try to put by Biden is in talk to pay honey its of millions of dollars to families that were separated at the border, not families are separate on the border and abiding because is actually a shit on more than has been separated under by them, but the Let is considering payments of four hundred and fifty thousand dollars per person that were affected by the trump administration, zero tolerance house, the zero tolerance policy in twenty eighteen. What in the actual fact. So, basically the government saying americans can go to hell. So we shut down all of your businesses for cove id. We don't. We have afterwards mass going everywhere, so many mom and pop ups, that are the backbone, at least of the california economy and I'm sure of the country you have to shut down.
we're going to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to people who broke into the country or were trying to break into the country? That's derangement, though, we're not supposed to say retarded, but what do you call that retarded? I listen no argument from me bro. This shit is fucking outta control. Think of like like what about what about all these military guys when overseas lost legs and lost fuckin arms and lost their lives and our homeless military families, or that the only to people that all the effort, walk right by all. These just got their livelihoods taken from one because they wouldn't take a shot that hasn't been study. Euro San, like what the fuck is all in all its in say. I've seen a lot of the black community really really upset. Showed me. One hundred percent want resent bourbon I'm a really really upset because dude here we are it's. It's almost november were almost eleven months into this administration,
right and we've had the the alphabet bill that was passed. We've had anti asian hate bill that was passed. We've had like all of these other things that have been passed in the black community, still waiting there for the fucking crumbs and trying to realise or figure out why the fuck they're not getting out. What about all these motherfuckers voted for Biden exclusively because he said he was going to wipe the debt exactly I mean there's your fucking student debt, modifiers fuckers, that are an end black community, was manipulated into voting for Joe Biden, but Joe Biden was doing terrible in the primary and he went to south carolina north carolina. Think of south carolina and representative Jim kleiber and told the black community we're all in for Joe Biden super joe, and he only one the primary and then went on. I mean I don't really believe in the election, but he won the primary because of the black community and Joseph nothing human
It violates human, a belated as voters, alot of your science. I withdrew man, and so it's coming to see a more should like this all again- and this is just the left shore, not true colours and nothing people able to see it. I'm at this point and and you know, I'm glad that they're able to see it, I'm glad I'm glad that they're upset that's great, but now what well in the now. What is the scary part right right like cause like now? It's like, oh fuck, we're only nine months ten months into this shit, and this motherfucker has these destabilized. Our country, that's what's happening, one hundred percent and and now we have this huge margaret chain coming up through. Go on their biggest one of history. You know dude, there's all kinds of theories about what the fuck that's about. They ve already caught chinese nationals. Afghans echelon, fuckin, ah iraqi nationals trying to pass the border. Ok like brothers been to over two hundred thousand, I'm just saying, like these people come in bro and wants to say, burn wedded, their unchecked yeah. What's this was
a lax and ate it. Well, you know that Why is the that mattel replies to conservatives yo, but you know what about these people? possibly potentially getting armed by someone or what about these people taking were little towns or broke like we are literally being invaded through the border, and it's it's disturbing to think about and talk about, because who the fuck is going to stop them like nobody's stopping them. You know what I'm saying So what I am a little concerned about, what's gonna actually happen pretty soon, because. When you have millions of people coming across the border unchecked- and you don't know where the fact they are, but then you got that dream act. On the other hand, where they're going to spy on fuckin a mere herons yeah appearance. This is fucking bullshit. We're shit and I do feel like some sometimes and I'm just being real dude like sometimes
do you feel like this is some sort of fuckin operation, because, like every yet every fuckin thing they do is clearly design to destroy the country and the only people that on getting it are people who are still believing that these people are good people and then an that's your pride in the ego in the way of your your actual brain and its disturbing when is it going to stand and for anybody who kind of looks at this image? seeing illegal immigrants in goes all world were helping people out? No, we do how people are because we taken the most legal immigrants of any country in the world. We do our part, please We have an asylum programme, so now you have to come in the right way. You don't get to break into the country has nothing to do with. We don't want to give you opportunity. It has to do with. We have city in a country to protect and take care of our citizens come first, to their weight in line or you don't come in doing
but I think this is like I've been thinking about this and I saw the headline last night. I think that this is a tactical headline that they put out too Get people who are marginalized in any capacity by the in the united states to scream for their four hundred and fifty thousand, and so what I think they're trying to do is to put this headline out to get people to set. You know I was I was oppressed, our group is oppressed. You know we need reparations, we need. Can we need common? patient, for the the attacks on on on homosexuals, and in so doing when I see this as a bigger picture is like they're giving, person its most least
serving the money so that the rest of the people instead of like thinking, oh shit. This is a crazy idea that they'll never do that they actually start screaming for it. Instead, What that a see now know the minority voices can makes him ass well say that dude, it's all him well, lizzie matter. I've already seen fifteen fuckin other personal slow Were these same? What about our group right? What about what about? That's! That's what they want you to do so that they can then fund that group and then only as completely right. You know you're going to go for that supply. That motivates my opinion you're using yeah. That was brilliant yeah. I I think these people are pretty smart and pretty calculated on what try to do. They know how to use the media. They know exactly what to say and how to say it, and you know this is stirring up some shit now and I think that's that's what I think they're trying to account
For that? I dont think, though ever do this now, but I think what they're gonna do is get people to scream for that shit because you know, with the mid term, is coming up in shit like that. You know if you can change social climate? Two we want free shit again boy you get her come here. Comes the promises target. That's right! That's rise s right and we have to be smarter. That, like do, those are not free things. Does that, due to the last since two thousand eight you motherfuckers had been out there, what free shit and look at our fucking country now verse two thousand eight it's a fucking, but those of you that don't know it's not better. You see all these things assail, like I saw me headlines this morning Wages are up for the first time in twenty years. Yeah they are. Do you know why wages are up. Wages are up because it patients up and the cost of a gown, a milk. They used to be two dollars now fuckin, ten and response, businesses like myself, we go back and we pay people more money to compensate for the cost of living.
Eyes. Okay, so they're not actually making any more money than getting more goods in return for their money is just responsible companies, I recognise that there are employed. These will literally not be able to fucking survive if they know raised there, fuckin wages. Okay, so it doesn't it's a it's a fake headline. These people are pumping cash into the economy, to be able to claim. Oh look, what we did for the economy, the stock, the stock markets, the highest it's ever been, wages are the highest. It's ever been. Unemployment low, while blah blah, which none of that shit is actually true. It's all a fuck job on statistics.
Now, when people say the statistics can be manipulated, this is what they mean. Yes and like do that's the first thing. They teach you in fucking college statistics classes like hey, look, dude a smart person with statistics can make you believe anything exactly you know. So we have to be smart. Dude like this shit is anti american one hundred percent. You know it's anti. What you were saying, bro like merit based winning a competition. You know it's fucked up, man yeah. Alright, the third one, third and final, before we get to our two thumb section. So this is actually some really good news. This makes me happy and I'm sure this will make a lot of people happy. So the Biden administration has. temporarily been barred from firing, employees seeking vacuum vat exemptions after dc judge issues into junction-
so this applies to all federal employees, and it also applies to the military. So this was just passed through by a judge he granted an injunction and for all this anti vax are people who are vaccine, hesitant as they like to say. I like this, I think this is a fucking with me, while as temporary, we know how long this may last it's a win. Yeah sort of I mean the fact is in a discussion is invoked, cannot agree like the fact that were even to a point where we're talking about people being literally fire over vaccine and then the fact that you are happy about that headline. That's that's brainwashing. We should have never fucking accepted this from the beginning. This is why I've been so vocal for the last. fucking two years, brow the mass the shut down a ship and we're not doing that on day, one and now you guys or understanding after the last. two years and what
happened in the last nine months. Why the fuck? I was so vocal about it, because now we're at a point where you, a very conservative, smart man, is now excited about this bullshit fuckin way. This is not a win win all these people, their protest in these vaccines dates, and they say all we want to go to test. Does every week sort of How can I am working with you sell cool? We get that we get to keep our jobs no mother fucker! This is fucking. This is all I get. This is against. We think america's I wish fucking stood for and we can't take these little winds and take our little sliver of and satisfactorily got bowl of soup yeah yeah yeah breadwinner around forge, please like grow. That's what you that's! What people are acting like with this, and so, while I agree with you that its death. we are a step in the right direction. We shall never fucking been here in the first place and that's what I will continue to stand for because,
this and that's all you guys need to get to you know like these little things. Words like all well mass or actual what school matters should never be a fuckin issue like if duty, people do want to wear mass cool but like nowhere it and leave me alone. That's it and we are now at a position, and this is the fucked up part guys Now we ve normalize shutdowns. We ve normalize the closing of businesses we, formalize this. This sort of action to a pandemic which, which is what I said two years ago, and so now you know just like they're doing in Austria, and where they turn on and turn off the fuckin locked down at will that's what he's gonna the method from here on out. Unless people make actual legislation that bans it, which, which is something for you dad to talk about. My needs to be at all christians dad is running for senate and in georgia. herschel walker, you guys minimum. Maybe
you might have heard of him, but you know Absolute running on that I have heard any people talk about that. Like we ran you guys out the running for office. Do we have to push? Are Are we our demands to appoint of you know before any of this house? because we cannot allow this did you see federal agencies or the government or the media to daniel entire economy ruin wives and get p fired and all of the shit that's happened? None of us should ever happen and years of being, would stupid people don't really seem to understand, as once you give up a little bit of your freedom. It is so difficult to get it back. So we, to fight like hell right now to get our rights back into on normalize, the shutting of businesses down the vaccine, mandates this kid
continue on and when we get it back. If we get it back, which I'm hopeful and confident that, hopefully we can, we can't we can't lose our way again or it'll be over yet, and we need guys like ass. You like your dad and other people listening to get involved. Do not now these little things to be our little breadcrumbs that we walk away with like this is a free country, and I am committed to freedom, I'm not committed to privilege. I an end, doesn't matter what you decide to do in this it doesn't matter what the issue, if you're gonna ask me what I believe: I'm always too I'm a sigh with the fuckin freedom. Always always always orleans and and dude. We need to get back to that bro we're going to fucking lose this country. You know what so what's our last one. So does this sound for two thumbs
two times. Are you familiar with this? I'm not so so I show a headline I put it up there and it either gets two thumbs up like yeah good on ya, or gets two thumbs in the butt, because it's completely garbage, and so that's what the at this thumbs. Up like we'll talk about it thumbs up, we approve and if it shits two thumbs in a but got it right cause, then you got some shitty thumbs I will see it I regard the as, if I'm not sure you ve already seen it, but come on to easy easy is for medicines lobby. We will do what we have to terms only read a headline: listen if we all agree on ice, aren t you going to say thumbs up or thumbs and the one two three sounds in abiding by firms in the brows were first, the proceedings will raise what changes company name tat matter I don't even know what the fuck that means-
your what shady shit are they doing dude us we're einstein, my gates, scared me. When I saw you re like social facebooks, changing its goods, company name, as it shifts the focus the the a verse and confront Why ranging scrutiny of the real world harms from various platforms after whistle blower leaked hundreds of internal gonna be censoring us, so everybody get ready to get your facebook deleted raw. These speak out against the regime. Dude in that sense I mean that like did you watch the video? whistle blower this monetary zone on your logic, it we had it sad neared. It said it's a sad video like it's a guy,
I who clearly doesn't relate to people like being forced to fuck. It say some shit on camera uncomfortable to watch like somebody's coaching among his hands. It's just so crazy time for us to adopt a new company brand to encompass everything that went to reflect who we are and why We hope to build. I am proud to announce that, starting today, our code, I'm just now this way our mission remains the same still about bringing people together, our apps and their brands they're not changing either, and we are still the company that designs technology around people hey and welcome, to connect to date we're going to talk about the metaverse, starting with the most important experience of all connecting with people.
The average and fucking danger here, but I saw this I just thought I was fuck, imperfect yeah is a real, though I saw that too well, ass. We baby raising the fuckin. Ok, I'm your luminous shells bothers you smiles, barbara he'd have used our sweet baby raise. Do you mean we are ok. Sweet baby raises good shit I don't know. Why is on a shelf though, but do that like watching this? man like part of that makes me angry cause, it's like dude fuck you, because your thirty fuckin six years old- and you think you know everything for everybody and then part of its life- This year has been living under this intense spotlight since he was fuckin eighteen years old. Now then it's like, I feel so, reform is clearly has trouble
relating to regular people. But it's because he's never been irregular person. I saw by dude. I have some sympathy for the guy, like. You try and write like he's the put in this role like he's like man, you know I don't take tomorrow. Opinion- I don't think the duties evil is like what these other people try to make. I think these other guys are way more evils aim, but I think I think he's you know I think, he's an ignorant person. To the way people really are and he's running along his vision, unaware of what most of the people are like that uses pop yeah bro and, like I think, that's you know it's interesting, because I don't think his platforms will survive. What's happened over the last two years and people laugh and they think I'm crazy, but at it they're huge right, they're, huge companies and all the shit
we're at a point now, where a majority of the of the population of america can't conference We say any of their beliefs on his platform and why Their censoring me: ok, I'm a big customer of their brain. They sensor all kinds of other people who contribute money to their brand. and it's not responsible in any way the reason freedom of speech works is because the stupid, fuck and ideas get washed out right. You know solve if our ideas are really that stupid and that this your ideas would be winning but they're, not winning You know it's the opposite of what black said the other day, the speech, well bring us your ideas, we're not allowed to bring us your ideas, mother fucker, you censor what we say so solve. There's only one idea, and it's only your side, of course you think it's the best, because you don't want to hear our shit and in it he's like any of total projection. Do you see it yeah? It was.
ridiculous was agenda again. He was like us they're trying to rig the election because they don't want you to have voter iD and I'm thinking in my head, and I even posted this? It's like okay, how did all the people in the crowd get there? Where did? How did they get a hotel room? How did they fucking drive cars, to see him like the people. Your time Did you brought all have I d and who are these people in the conservative side that don't want black people like who are they? Who are these people in the conservative side? That think this is some this is. This. Is a manufactured fucking narrative that Nobody on the right or the middle believes like Everybody says in the last two everybody says: hey, guess what it's a pretty good The idea that that every american citizenship to show proof that there is citizen to vote. We all believe that or those people breaking in from south America are going to be voting in our elections, which is illegal. That's what they want
now? We all know that. That's why they're giving them four hundred and fifty grand a correct, that's what they want and if the four hundred and fifty grand, if they do end up giving it the going back to that topic the reason that they will be doing. That will be because they have lost the black voter base for the most part and they ve lost four latino voter base. For the most part, and a lot of people say all your solid conspiracy could know. Dude they're trying to bring in people get them second, on america's tidies, ok and then fuck and make em vote for it, and that's what was the have actual numbers here in order to cheat yes, and so like dude, you, you guys you guys happily. the ten thousand for view man like. Why are they allowing this? Why are they doing this? Why would they do that in ireland? like when I look at this, do like sometimes like relate literary like. Sometimes I fucking hate him sometimes I feel sorry for him, and I want to come on we're gonna be eyebrow. Let this is how you
you know what I'm saying and then but like dude, and as a society continued will allow. Thirty, something you're old men with no real life experience. Ok in echo's for fucking dorsey, it goes for supper. It go I think I google, due to open older, but still ok, these guys I ve been doing this, since they were young twenties and they were all celebrate. These guys were instant billionaires when their twenty years old. Do you really think that a person with that perspective of growing up at twenty twenty one? Twenty two? with being one of the richest humans on the planet and the most power on the plant Do you guys really believe that they have the perspective to make decisions for all of the com? In amerika Oh now they fucking doubt referred in fucking yearbook. Club people do this and brought it is what it is. Look people are some people are. There are some people that I don't really give fuck dude
friends, there are flocking all kinds of friends and and somewhat that's one of the biggest fuck nerds neurons and an end. But like do, I wouldn't trust when making decisions of cultural. All relevant in our society and that's where we ve gotten to you know like when you You allow p the sensor really like they use these independent fat checkers, to censor every fucking thing they don't like. Because that's what happens? How is that an independent, factual when only one side gets factor, Jude does I mean. What are you crazy is right. Now, if you make a post, if you make a post in your story, that's that's against their guidelines, but you post that fucking get vaccinated sticker. It will not. A warning label. We found a bug in a more consistent yarborough. Yes, so if you post, hey the
Fuckin vaccine is at least today they might change it by the time the show comes out if you post, hey. If you get that vaccine it'll fucking kill you I like, which isn't true, we all got I agree that it's not gonna kill everybody just most people, just mortal. They wouldn't want to kill off their voter base, so no way yet so so what I'm saying is like and by the way, I'm just kidding about the most people, don't fucking freak out. It's almost most Yeah, it's all books, but whose its voting to them so somewhat all that, but its status, Reboot so did but, like fuck up on those all this. that's right. So the sticker, If you put the stick, and on that same pose the woggle bug vexed at global level
fucking crazy. You had me on my story in our like dude, like your socks, you and I'm just going to share this publicly because, like I'm getting shadow man like super hard, like ten percent of our normal traffic on my story- and you know we talk, we have a big account, facebook and instagram's, because we spent a lot of money there and the guy's running the shit like that are like we're having the answer to us, their embarrassed like there. Not like oh yeah, this is you should, do this or that there like bro, it's out of control like there conversations are like bro. It's almost like it's like it's just my job thing, you don't you but there are also like brothers- that's right like there that they, the guys, actually doing the shit, we're working with the get this fix, which they'll get fixed because a good deeds, but there
barista know what I'm saying it's gross by the way. I got a dm yesterday that someone one of my followers, tried to follow you when they got a warning label. Four times You sure you want to follow this person. They posted misinformation. Osso is posted his opinion in southern neighbours, posters and so lax what they do is in what I figured out actually retroactively scan your page every ninety days. So what you post today? Ok, they shut up to ninety days from now and then what they do. Is they ll come back and look at you shit and say that was that was fuckin that fact in albania for four four things that were in dispute at this point in time today if you post them, you gonna show insane yea and they become not true. They will. They will fuckin thing. Your page and shouted traffic down were things that you seven pass that didn't become true, which is. I wrote it because everything I fucking said has come true right.
They went that they were had forced them, show me what they were centre before one of the pulse was that I cited a study, the said mass, where an effective motherfucker, the studies that said on, like that now we have fat checkers. These independent fact checkers, who are supposedly not funded by these groups, but that art, almost almost a most, mostly funded by the gas that. Consistently side with them a million per cent and die making decisions based on things that, if the avenue isn't good enough for them. You understand now, that's not okay! Well, are these What are you guys like do? There's so much fucking shit on shipowner now that nobody has the exact facts. Why the the funny thing that I find, because I mean I get them all my fuckin posts all the time like right, so I got I'll look at them over the years this this post is missing
sex, but the? U n, you actually go into the fog. In fact, checks We literally have nothing to do with what you actually fucking posted like. Does that make sense? It's like. I posted a meme like this. This, this is missing context right and you actually click it up. You open what they're saying is missing context has nothing to do with what I actually posted. Now that happens every fucking time yeah. So it's like it's just they are putting out these catch all fucking mess jason hopes. That number will see that I'm going to write on the Biden thing that we just talked about the foreigner fifty thousand dollars there, someone set someone said widened bangs, given format, Fifty thousand dollars to immigrants what the fuck blah blah blah this person was ex military had a fat checks sticker on the bottom. That said, Biden has not decided if he's going to get exactly like. Broadly just shouted, shaded littleton, that's the game. These fuckers are plain, and I personally don't believe that sucker bert wants them to be like that. There are a little over one. That's what idea I think people are run wild with their with their fuckin power.
And when I imagine on the other end is some. You know it's some computer program, run by somebody, who's, fucking, probably purple her dislike for this guy fat, it is what it is like. Dude I've moved all my followers onto my email list. Anyway, you know what I'm saying so like it's, it's a it is what it is like, I'm not mad about it, but I should like to hear that embarrassment in these guys voices about their own company? That's what that's! What these are makes me realize like their crumbling right now, that's whose fatch I can do I'm back jigs doggedly and I get a lot. I get a lot of genes for hate speech and listen, there's either free speech or there's not hate speech, free speeds of concept and aids speech is just u disagreeing with my perspective or what I believe in lake. I there's nothing hateful about me speaking. My believe. It's a made up. Term bro hate speech was The time when I was growing up browsers like if you said dumb shit, our views. Bigger shit,
said races, shit guess what happened to you. People said about four hours a day. You probably know that is what happened you could you ask it and then you would say you know a man, I'm sorry, I wish to say that, like like, like that's, That's how society is in nature. is run and it was grey yours and checks and balances for your words and your actions in an end. Like do people give a shit about this causes like vial, but it's like- do we went wrong when people start punching other fuckers in the face. I agree oh for real dude and then they started using weapons, shooting people and there's all the shit. But when I was a kid like indeed, I said fucked up shit before guess what happened fuckin dealt with. You know what I want to do. Take their share of your words even funnier? Well, is it through those come looks that I have a people that we're different than me. After the fact we actually became way closer because do those complex, usually end with a handshake or say: hey. You know what a broad listen. overboard? There is what it is and they
led to an actual understanding resolution, because no one its violence every fucking day over stupid shit, and so that's how My generation grew up like other to talk. You too yeah. That's how what oh to what I'm saying and bro we we've got to get back to I'm not saying to get back to punching each other in the face. Like but get away from. Oh what you said to hurt my feelings: Roma, yet you're going to have people who don't agree with you and then the only way. I get my feelings her every fuckin day and I get over it like it's, not a big deal, dude and I'm sure you do because you're a fucking. You are a black gay man who is supposed to fucking. Think like these people, fuckin thing- and I do now- I do not like dude and then what happens to you from those people? Oh those are the groups I claim there. The most tolerant, rainbow pulled, algae bt, oh
even the the be alarmed mob. Oh we care about black people. You disagree with wine of their points and they become the most intolerant group in exists. Since and actually they are in turn, because I think tolerance is tolerating people who think differently than you. I think our country period tolerates people of all different skin colours as it is we ve come so far. This is not the nineteen sixties. Real tolerance is being able to tolerate people who have different opinions and the threat that I did. I can't imagine some careful shit that people say to you. I mean it's not like. Oh it affects me like nowhere. I lay so but its ike get over. there are always have people say hurtful shit yeah, I know, but like it just the people who grew up claim to be the most understanding and most tolerant and most loving and most caring are the meanest motherfuckers on the fucking planet group and I've been trying to tell you mother fuckers this for for fucking, two years, like dude, none of my gay friends,
literally non literally zero of my hey friends, and I have a lot of gay friends identify with the rainbow shit. All. I look bro that is now what we're about That's a media narrative, Do they have a rainbow sticker somewhere in the have? Probably but like the way, what has become as come this symbol of almost I see it as a hates bro, it's june, gave you that it's getting it's getting to that point scary. It's man, a man with a lot of you problems but you know, I think, at the end of the day, the best thing we can do is talk about. The best thing that we can do is addressed them and, with the truth, have conversations try to restrain from fucking calling each other names, which I would say that more People do a really good job. Where do most of the names come from name's come from the far left. Fucking people woke blue haired left
people only use those names when they lose an argument yeah. So I dunno. I know that most of the people listening right now are shaking their head in agreement like yeah. I know, but Ok, we all know so when they now to do some banks. That's right! Let's stop catering, the shit. You know this is where that non compliance comes in. This is where the independents comes in. This is were building a life, you proud of comes in this- is where building his skill set becoming financially independent comes in the less people that you have to answer to the more free. You can be too actually speak out against the injustices that you see it s, roof and I'm done hearing about this silent majority, because at the end of the day, the loud minority which I think these woke blue haired leftist, the woke people are the minority. The loud minority will always be doubt the silent majority as they get to run shit there. Maybe, to do whatever they want, so stopping proud of being the same, majority and let's start speaking up and let's be the loud majority owing to our country back, there
silent majority cowardice. Howard if you're sitting, though I now you're, like I'm part of the silent majority now at this point, your coward just being real truth, because what we want, we without you. That means you are relevant in democracy. Democracy only works to the extent that which people participate in it and if you're not participating, because you think silent majority ro. The media. Can that phrase silent majority to weaken the whole fuckin movement. They wanted people to take pride in the fact of being complacent. Quiet, moving in silence and then letting their vote being her. But then what happens? We're habits. The vote are we all sure that the vote was even accurate? Apps? Not personally, I think most people with common sense who understand all of these coincidences and the people have been paying attention the people have been paying close attention. This whole thing: they all Every single one of those I notice was fuckin stolen, all ok and dude election, reform, regardless of your opinion,
be the number one thing, because it. Unless we have quality elections, then we can trust that dictator. and communists in all this crazy shit, which we I mean to you on the other. Show we recorded pretty pretty good, can come infiltrate, yeah bro, and and that's where we're at in any developed country runs an election based on voting in person with an id. You only vote by mail if you want to cheat yeah, but the barack stands up and says Oh, why don't they want? You won't like by male because they want to suppress your vote because they want to cheat no we want you to show up with a fucking id and improved that you're a good citizen does it and we, care. What color you we'll kill, how much money you make. We all care which background is if you're a fucking me citizens of this country. We want you to vote because I guarantee you if those people only Where the people devoted, we would have a completely different fucking problem.
I'm goin you're on your american. Ok agreed so anyway, brute remind people where they are and you again, you can find me on my un cancel bowl podcast, it's called unconceivable and then my social media handles are at christian walker and the ian walker's the number one dude thanks for making the trip. thank you for having me. It was so fun. I love. I am excited for people to hear these episodes. This is the first one we're going to post and then we're going to post the other one, after We are some really good conversations and long term one as well. So if you like this one you're gonna love that one but brother man just think, for being you dared bank. You like you you're an awesome guy, you everything that you presented, is awesome and is very much appreciated, yaller, so appreciative, if but he else knows everyone listening. I came visited Andy's company. They are the best most huh working non woke, which I'm so anti will company, and it is an honour to be around here, while you're welcome anytime brother think
you're. Welcome any time on the show. Well, thank you. I, I guess that's show you gonna think not all were good. Maybe that's the shell of the He had paid a fee, that's three three and appraise the property. So you guys sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the cold they teach buddhist smoke, got a rope kind of doesn't know his shop case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.