« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

150. #StandTogether Ft. Ari Hasanaj

2021-10-08 | 🔗

We do not discriminate against ANY customer based on sex, gender, race, creed, age, vaccinated or unvaccinated. On today's episode, Andy is joined by Ari Hasanaj, a young entrepreneur who's gone viral after delivering signs to businesses who oppose the proof of vaccination cards in New York. They discuss the mandates happening across the country and the actions that need to be taken to preserve our freedoms.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box for the stove counter millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't both doesn't know headshot case club guys is the eighty percent, and this is the show for the really say goodbye to the lions, to take his delusions of modern society and welcome to the fucking reality guys what the fuck is going on. What is going on as one of you like that? was going ensued, fulfil these mode of another falling However, you have not yet Feed, although the shit do that shit- peters but the real one is no longer a fucking large metal birds down a fucking country, brill, already so shit. now pga teachers. Job has deep extry this. What the fuck you incurred.
Oh my god, you guys anyway, I can't stand a dude. it was a black lives matter that the purest round, like not the organ, is not the marxist communist fuckin organization. Now, though, listen, I'm talking about the actual black individuals who are for the police, not killing them, which we all agree with gay, we made this we made this delineation a hundred times. People has still not fucking, get it back lives matter the organization bad. Black lives matter, participating with the actual cause they claim to you about We call runner go now what the fuck is going on. And we're gonna find out here real quick. I brought a good guest in on, We had an emergency guest, are first immerse. Yes, email me last week he says: hey man trying to get get the word out
can I be on the show and I'm like yup a fly in right now, gay? So that's what we're going to do now before I enter the guest who's very special and in a good way, not in the short way. Alright, and if you don't fucking lie down on your flock twenty shit. Do. Did you see the minister, mrs matter, brain region? Did you see that they're trying to cancel data pelagueya ross rather than a man? You walk fuck off with your cancel shit, I gotta say chapelle. We, like you, tell your jokes for those people will buy, you shit will watch your shit. You're funny is flawed. in the. Why need you? The war? I need your humor, don't let these liberal fucking douche bag. keep you from doing what you were born to do, which is the way you night everybody through the mutual cops a beverage cigarettes noticing, don't let him put Would you do we look liberal I mean do I feel, like dave shaped, like you, This, in my opinion, there is a list of people who am. I
I opinion are unforgettable. Rather you can't you just can't you can't fuck with people you there's like. There is a list, I think so, but you cannot fuck with people who own their shit yeah. He doesn't like Dana white yeah, can't fuck with them yeah and if it's What forward you broken rogan you yet my brother, there's it there's not a big, let's, not, but there's a fuckin, let's bring it mother fucker! suppose you could walk with. I know all my shit, this fucker ain't, afraid you admit it you Say, oh, I say this latter, this no most fucker. I say this into a microphone on purpose to billions of people who are not and should be doing anything juggled. Robotic me out. people boeing to this crazy shit. Let's, let's talk about this: did you see the viral video I know you saw it because you sent to me of the the guide the drive through the massive on and there's a tree trans person in the car. Ok, I have a problem with trans who
the trans person is like. What would you assume? I am. Why would you assume I am I going to Sarah? I'm not I'm not going to see ghosts because I would assume you're mad guys. We cannot continue to act. Listen. for the trans community. Ok, you're, discrediting yourselves real, because you're you're expecting people to deny what they Surely no is biological truth in order to. Please you and your feelings and people just with okay, so you're, a trans person cool maybe you wanna be cool but Forcing this shit on the people to where they have to like, sir, you're, a woman when you ve got a penis and vice versa, unlike tell their kids that teach do,
that should have never gonna fuckin fly, it's never gonna fuckin fly by the way? This isn't some progressive shit. This has been tried. in history over and over and over again and it never works ever works. Ok, so you can now expect the average human respond? Favourably when you put your cell phone, they say Do you assume that I am the mother What are your man you're wearing a woman's clothes and that's cool. If you want we could call you a woman or a sir oh man, I'll call you man I'll do my best yeah blow but, like you, can't try to ruin people, because the elders didn't fucking science city, I'm a billion euro business, one second dude, I'm a billion migrant week. We could not- and I look I got here going to hear that there are soldiers transphobia. No, it has nothing to do. Nothing will be it now. You are expecting people bend reality to accommodate you and if they don't,
want to ruin them you, to ruin them. Ok, so that if you don't treat me like, I can fuckin fly, even though you know it fuck. I can't fucking fly then you're a fucking big it the dude, I'm tired of this shit. tired of this shit. You know america's tired of this shit. America, is tired of walking a fucking eggshells, pretending for other people's feelings. That things are the may that these people say are when there now, when I met with it, broke in you wanna say that's transphobia, I'm sorry! It's not! I have people my family their tradespeople. I have people they fuckin are involved in my work organization. Is there a trans people and I love those people, their amazing people, but you cannot expect People do just banned the truth fucking science and reality to accommodate your mother, fucking feelings,
and you're setting ourselves up for more persecution by do so that's what's that was missed here, you'll, people, say all well trained people are boyd all the time. The reason of food Can bullies is because you try to bully other people and are not with it. Okay, so stop. Trying to bully motherfuckers libya. is there any way you want but leave mother fuckers alone? That is it well. That's a man A programme like the hop up. The problem of with a man is the hypocrisy because they will yell at you. They will videotape. You call you are those names they your fuckin traced? oh god, oh shit. Within the neck, Suppose they make is about fucking, love and unity has right, it's tribal impoverishing. What are we talking about right, listen and in it this is this, I'm changing a major. A major powers backed up on how I feel right now, in the show UK I've been the biggest advocate for anti cancelling I've, been the biggest advocate for aunt. I you know
pushing this company over that company because of their beliefs, and work is the land of the free, and I get you can believe anything. You fucking want an outcome I can be whatever. I want believe what I want and usually me to fuck alone. Ok, I'm leaving you alone. but I'm italian or thing in you guys better, listen acquit! If you don't. Kate, your dollars in your actions to companies that sir and for what you believe. consistently we have to. We have to steal their tactics. We have to take their tactics and move them. Into a ah he's temporarily to a place where the p poor with this shit, you now get your money. They don't get your support. They don't get you fuckin business. They don't give a fuck anything from you He'll that happens. None of this will change is Zeke mc warfare- ok, good news is, is that eighty percent of america- that actually believes in the ship- and I talk about this mother fucking show which is pretty fuckin evan.
By the fact that word number one or two every fuckin weak ahead of the boy just names in the fuckin world and at their em over here. Talking about politics, Talking about making money. Still, ok, people care about this shit. They agree with this shit and until you start following your dollars to company should stand for the right. Shit we are going to lose this battle period period and I have been aunt. I against that I've been I've been against that for years and years and years and years, but it's gone the point now, where is no longer an option and we have to fucking not support companies who do this shit and I'm sorry if that makes you mad, I'm sorry. If you know a moderate person who you know agrees with what I said before cause I generally less well. My heart is, but these people and their tactics they don't care you, oh I see Thousands of doctors and nurses on the internet wishing for people to fucking die. I see fucking people getting rejected for
organ transplants now who walk, because they don't have a fucking vaccine p. we're getting denied service a hospital because they don't have a fucking vaccine for a fucking violet. That is ninety nine point. seven survive ability in that's. If you fucking get it it's. If you fucking get it. Ok, but totally ignoring the fuck natural immunity which we just talked about on the last show its raspy in Erin. No more and the facts are the fuckin facts here, Ok, so until we start moving, dollars and moving our support and, and speaking with our fucking wallet This she is not going to change. And I suddenly lasted the end, show you guys should state no matter if you got vaccine hurting the vaccine. You should stand with people who are being persecuted right now. You should it's the right, thing to do I had a conversation with that same doctor, who runs the hospital network out and fuck in california this morning, and I got caught a heated because
He was kind of expressing to me like I'm, the only one here that seems to have common sense. Everybody else like this. If you're a nurse or your doctor, and you feel that way you like everybody around you going crazy, so you're being quiet? Just stay in this. When everybody's held accountable for this we're going to come, How can you and ask you? Why does don't do anything. Do you know happened to the doctors that didn't do anything in germany. They killed him there's gonna be a reckoning for this. It will happen. Maybe I won't live to see it. I don't know I'm pretty vocal. If I was. If I was then my procure me, I'm not I'm not kidding cause, I'm not gonna, stop stop and other people cannes, so I would just go and get it over with thousand, but I, but the truth is that these doctor those who feel the weight of my friend does where they feel like, your honor I island. They feel like there, though, being forced down. on this road of all these decisions. Just now their will the accountability and they will come in. ask you white and say, or do anything
at the very least, you should be keeping a very detailed diary of the people around you who are for the shit. So you can clearly point out who the fuck is for this shit. it's crimes against humanity. Now, with that being said, very special guest. I dunno how to say your last name: bro casinos, Hassan ash, yeah. I got it. I like that. Thank you, man, I've got. I've got my buddy ari hassan ash. Here now he is from new york, and I spoke about him on the show before, he's, an entrepreneur he's twenty two years old and all he is a man of action. Ok it is a young man and what you guys fail to understand who are in your thirties and forties, is that this country was founded by twenty two year old, a twenty three year old, okay and twenty year olds that's what this young man is, and he has taken upon himself, to create something of action. Now I've posted a number of times in my story, a flyer that talks about discrimination for the vaccine that huh
has decided to make any went around all over new york, he's gotta thousands of people. You know I do I just let you tell the story sought. so what gave you the idea to do this, and in get right into yeah man saw so basically what happened was osborne. Smile as a general morning and no one morning much emotion told me that I'm not allowed to go on anymore. They their views. is to me- and I was like this is actually insane like. I can't believe that this is me, can't you know like why Isn't anybody doing anything about this? You know. Look. I'd heard that some percent of both black people were on vaccinated and I was like do. This is legit segregation and black lives matter is not doing anything. Like nobody, is doing anything where the fuck is everybody so I just took it upon myself and I had this idea to print out these signs against our posts him up in the city cause
This is what I wanted to see. People doing you know so I I print though, the posters out and when door to door to businesses and surprise around eighty to ninety percent of them once put it up. We want to stand with those no and in the non compliance notices in new york city. This is new york city and it really glasses on the planet now want to read his flyer because it so work it's worded so properly. We, do not discriminate against any customer based on sex, gender, race, creed, age backs needed or on vaccinated. All customers who wish to patronize are welcome in our establishment, with the hashtag stand together. I just wanted people to hear what he sat, so you went around and gave this restaurant in a need. A ninety percent of these people who are mandated to ask for vaccine improve by the biological in the sky.
if the government of new york are now saying no will put the sign up there, correct, yeah. Okay, that's interesting yeah! You know what. Why do you think it's so many people against it when their mandate in this room will think about it, the most a new york city. A lot of their business comes from tourism right leg. We have millions of people coming in every month, every like not gonna be monsters, millions of people going in there are weak and right, now there are so many people who are not go. Comes our city because, they see that we have these horrible mandates like how are they those arrested? How are they gonna go see any in Oregon, the city. What are they going to do? What are they just going to here? What are they going to do, come and sit in the hotel room, and just like look at the views like get the fuck out, I just got back from California and that's exactly what I hadn't bright like you can't do anything and- and the funny thing was I was watch tv last night me and Emily were watching an ok commercial comes on
for fucking visit? California such as this is a fucking stupid? These fuckers are ok, you're gonna fucking make I will see that ninety percent of the land was ordering doesn't agree with, and then you take your solution is to run, adds gonna like terrible I don't our markets are still problem now. So probably so, the first day you make these flyers. Okay. This is very simple: you make these flyers in you go around and just say: will you put this? That's what you do, I just started. Silly homes are amended. You make all make big initially made a hundred no, I made to emit fifteen posers, so I can go make the tiktok video and I went to ten businesses and, like eight of them, put it open. I only put like three of them on the or for them on the tiktok video, so that's pretty much how it went down and then on the weekend after that, after the video I completely exploded like it was reposted by the typical liberal by you use, you found me, which is crazy cause I actually used to listen to your podcast. So it's pretty
crazy them here and now, but yes, oh everybody saw reposing in then I hosted a door to door, protests in nurse it city, useless and packing I know what the had to edit that How did you know? I was wrong. You're gonna teach me I wasn't decided I guess you. Nice, though, is the right. Little was through every everytime. I run with you. Man, everytime iran, on listening to any high he's my motivation, loud applause, lance Armstrong, backbone, ha ha ha ha ha ha how many do read you for listening prior up up up up The assignment is going to keep going. I used to listen too yeah weird man, useless, do now you're sitting now view which is very well so yes, oh sir, yeah I mean I went through the city and I a gallagher bunch fuel to come.
Oh and I personally fourteen thousand signs and for three days street and no union square every day, one p m people showed up and they were so excited like they were. door to door knocking and there is any pictures and I'm sure he saw it on yeah. It was certain like and that's what I want to do all over the country like I'm trying to setup a right now, I want to start. Oh, I want to start in the top. Ten major cities are are being affected by the mandates. Like I, I excluded a like a texas cause in other their second understanding over verdict like human rights. So the of the top ten cities? Organ bezonian is on your city, allay chicago philly, San, diego san jose, Columbus, charlotte indianapolis and san francisco. If your phone Many of these cities make sure you what's my website? I project stand together, dot com and you can You want a volunteer and help out like setup a table and pass out the signs everybody. You could do that. you can look at all. You know me, and I hope you get set up. Oh agony
any prima, my you know, it's on the website and you get ya you could contact raja, wasn't together, yeah. I said everything up, so it's like perfect on the web, everybody can vimeo, there s nobody infrastructure. So yeah I mean I actually need more funding, run out to be able to do to prince out all the size and to do so. I'm through all these cities. So when donations. I have that sort of my website as well, and also The petition which we're gonna be talking about a bit soon, where I want I wanna position. At least I want to petition the goal: is thirty million people to stand together against Biden mandate and specifically because he's mandating people the loan companies, without over a hundred employees forster employees to give vaccinated, and I want to be able to have people sign up on our petitions. and against the answer? Let their employers know that.
That they're going to be a standing up against it, like everybody's information will be anonymous, and so it won't like nobody s or about about that. So, what's the hasn't see Ben for people to get involved? I think- and you tell me if, if this, if you see this too, people think and have been condition. I believe that most people are with this shit and that, if they get with, if they stand against it, they're gonna be alone, the I'll ask your size picked on an end. What's your experience being with that ah awards. Then pretty good, tell everybody dude honestly, like what I have experienced is what if the polls are showing like what the studies are showing that there's like eighty percent of americans that do not agree with these mandates that comes from like liberals, from concerns from vaccinate it on vaccinate, you name it like this, is an american issue like this is not a political issue people think dislike politics or some shit. This is not fucking policy That's what the media wants you to think it is because if they
can divide it like if they can divide up people that will never be able to agree on this site. They want to see be a political issue. So, if you're a Democrat, you want your side to win like no fuck. You bro like this is an american thing like who cares if you're like we have to just like stand together on this, and I think a lot of people are in there now. So so that's like the The response has been very good. You know you're from Albania, yeah yeah? Why did you come here? I I was not allowed and born there out. My doubt osborne. He was. He came here in the eighties and like the ease and an ash america's without you there, points on this one, the because one thing is often because I think the common response that you get from people who we tell ok, you need to stand up. He to go. Do someone! I do, will look at you I am an example. In Gaza, get like going to school were meeting, send up and speaking, not that could be kind of. I get it right or wants you silly meetings that can be a get it right, but yet
This is a simple, is working going on the on your fuckin phone and sign. This petition is anonymous right like that requires. No courage of you, I'm saying if you're one of those people that are lacking it requires nothing that is literally as easy push the naturally as a yes man saying he is telling you his he listen I've been found him since he started with this idea. Ok, we will keep in touch on on the on the on instagram and when all this. People are with this cause of. discrimination and, if you're afraid, to stand up because you're afraid it's going to cost you your job or it's going to cost you this or going to cost you there you have to understand that while you might have a little bit discomfort right in the beginning. Most people aren't with this and when most people aren't with this That means that eventually it's going to fucking it and I have a feeling that you are going to help end this, I'm going, I know you're, that's why I had
here are our cash is so so, with with your vows and belief, I like what shaped Those believes that you have my what made you wasn't inner yearning? Where did this inner yearning come from to have these beliefs that you have in these values that you have? What do you think they came from honestly? I was inspired by the people that created our country. You know I am I'm pretty libertarian myself so and I knew that they were also libertarians, and I see like the greatest superpower that that history has ever seen like they created that young, through freedom like that was. Through anything else, I was fuckin freedom like free markets, free like socially free, like whatever what everyone like that's a bill this country, so we have to stick to the jargon mentioned before, and we are talking about are therefore, so it always been. You're not yeah he's amazing. I always I always used to listen to him like uses. You say like he was like a like. He was liberal like this and now they do. This guy doesn't seem to ruin our now he's a realist. He's a relay. Israel is not least the things exile you might he my lino, I would say she's,
we're like in the middle. He he's definitely in the middle guy, but I you know a couple of years ago. I would have said you know he leaned more left and I and I would room I would rate myself has led the left has gone smoothly. I love that now he's rowan. Let's say I do. Everybody is pushed to the right to the point we're like. I have people in my inbox who were like militant leftist who are like well fuck this shit, yeah dude. I had a socialist speaking at my at my event. He a socialist I was like get the fuck outta. Nowhere thought you guys were. The problem is like no other. This segregation like this is like messed up it's an issue that everybody its sleep issue that everybody could we could get together on. Honourable that could cause some real healing in this country that feeling yeah. You know what I'm, if we can get together on this issue, that we all agree on. Why can We discuss our other issues. You know Conversely, some compromise that will move us forward there, you
I actually see this is a great thing for america. Something is needed, especially with the division has been happening because We stand with the results going to be. If you have eighty percent or even more, I think it's more like eighty five per cent and people say people always ask me: where do you get that data look dude as an entrepreneur? One of the biggest things you have to do is look at indicate leaders there aren't right. You're fucking face okay, so what I am able to do and what other smart people are able to do, Is there able to look at the indicators that aren't them the main in Here's what I mean by that is this. If seen in principle. Up the says you know. Ah, are you gonna vaccine and sixty percent of the people say, Yes, that's not really what we should be looking at, what you should be that is the little ancillary. poles that they do not say like
now you might find it on yahoo re. My final on some different websites, not the mainstream news and I'll ask a similar question in a different way. For example, would you support are if you consider leaving your job if they forcing a vaccine. Eighty percent of people say yes. Would you support a company that that major show proof of vaccination? for you patronized eighty percent say no eighty five percent say no ok. So when you have that many p, bull, saying those things that are being screw the same question there trying to put down on him ass em to you, but the answers are different than that. the data this beneath the surface is usually correct, at least from experience has being an entrepreneur, I'm another minute check the social temperature rise actual for his, I should aim, is actually coworkers where I have had no monetary and talk to one person. Personally, that's with this. Now that you know
associate with fuck crazy motherfuckers in that so like that, that's doubly a biased view, like. Even the people who even people who are I would I have had in this- is that this is the real problem I have had a lot of people like my friend in in california, whose like fuck do. I know this is fuckin wrong, but I can't say anything: a lot of you. Motherfuckers right now are costing the country everything yup. All that is needed for evil to triumph is regrettable, good people to do nothing It's history has shown that people have to actually like like stand together and you have to like out there that are saying. Oh somebody else will do it or oh wait. Bros! Oh man, yeah! That's what got me to actually do something when I heard you say that I was like holy fuck he's so right, like the the person next to me, is not doing anything now that the people that have millions of followers like Dalton junior is not doing shit. They're, just complaining he's just posted memes yeah he's just posting memes I mean like it helps but like dude,
wise in anybody, organizing an unwise in anybody doing anything like where are these people so, like I organizers and Everybody has an opportunity now to actually do something and also again involves, like I put all my fire, like I really screwed myself, I actually I'm yankee, like alma ata, have fuckin money. Roy Iceland, so financially to to set all this up for america, so that we could do something you know so use it to how many times have you passed out in your city or had eighteen thousand signs all them are gone solely shit, chinese autonomy, and these are all businesses that are not flying with this? Ah, you I mean, I wouldn't say all fourteen thousand signs went onto businesses policy like Assad like four thousand year. went on to businesses and they're not complying. Ok, we're dollar ones go gunnels. If you will take extra and you think that they they are, they think that gets it hand out the man. You know I mean that's expected: what's the exp, what's the
what's the the feedback been from the actual soldiers who have been out putting this in in restaurants and stuff same as what you have ya. So for them. I guess maybe because, unlike better at comes in, when he will right, so I had a pretty high but like they get the same amount like theirs. like some people can bag a goal? Forty percent, you know like around fifty percent, sixty percent yeah, some people were saying eighty percent yeah, but it's pretty high. Now are these people who are accepting to put the sign up? Are they excited that you're doing this yeah but they are either because they know that there is it. There, like they'll, have to do is alone like right, o should look, there's a whole. Movement behind us and people show By going out there in passing them out of the earth was well. What would you say to another twenty two year old or a twenty year old? I what? What? What could you tell them right now, because again, I think this is a lot of people who are struggling with what exactly to do or I'm so young nobody's gonna respect my values are my opinions right like? What do you say to that?
twenty two year old? Listen to this as this in this? That was in the same situation you are in before you put the first sign of what what what do you say to them lesson age is just a number like just like your weight? As you know, it doesn't matter how you look like it does. how much you weigh it matters that when you look in the mirror how'd, you looked you like. Are you happy There is right so that like the same thing like a his age doesn't mean anything right like you can do whatever the hell you want in this. All this country was founded by people you're, exactly like you would ever lie those people and those people were smart as fuck and now we have a bunch of greedy, all crusty fox we at least our entire country of billions of dollars and all sorts of freedoms and all sorts of rights and their eighty years old in their seventy five years old. These are the weakest fucking. Humans on the planet and there's probably only a thousand of total across the eu, Oh then, a running shit, there's eight billion model
seven and a half billion fuckin people on the planet. What are we doing? Why are we allowing this exactly it its frustrating man. Do you guys you give me hope. one saying iser, yeah yeah young guys were out there girls who were out there get involved taking action. Speaking up because this floor, While it may seem like a small thing, it's a huge thing because a lot of people feel like they came even going public right now, because they weren't able to take the vaccine, that's the media narrative and that's how it feels here in fucking, ST louis, the middle of the country. How does it feel on the outskirts out on the coast broke a lot of these people can't even leave their house because they feel like they're, going to get attacked or discriminated against, like we have literally the progressive movement has progressed so far and so fuckin hard that they regressed tonight. You fucking sixties.
Only it's not just black people now in his black people, It's a lot to do. This is crazy to me how all these fuckers, social justice warrior fox, are out there scream and about black rights. In all this shit and and now they are say that you can't black people can be in society if they are looking back, sir, it doesn't even produce I can't even understand how you could be that big of a fucking hamburger. I wish I was black eyes matter were like burning down. Country now for this like why that's coming, yeah. I think it is, and you see it cause you can gather the restaurant up in new york, that that had the vaccine mandate in the three or three black women that went there and there was altercation, a blacklivesmatter has been protesting and they also align with a conservative group that started protesting right along with him cool. I can get behind that yeah. You know, and I mean I I wouldn't I don't know. If I would, you say to the point of I know, yeah go burn down some buildings and shit
hey man asked only got its art or not. I brought you still using process led me to go home demagogue. It still support there because now we're gonna if we're gonna, die this man, we use our emotions the wrong way and we react on wrong situations with our emotions and then so, if you give me a situation, this legitimate situation that that the anger and the frustration you feel is legitimate. I can get behind. It's cool, I mean five. We look back at the boss and see parliament there. There was plenty of exam was a fuckin, violent savaging. Fuck. You know examples in our history until they live the. If the reason is legitimate, you know nothing. I'm gonna get ya, think we're getting there listen man! I I I figure it like this. Like an inn, all of you. Listening legitimately think about this. Your husband or your wife or your fuckin saunter, your daughter. waiting, an organ transplant. Their bodies already super crippled, ok,
it's it's in a low state of being able the function you're waiting organ transplant and this fucking, hospital administrator who is getting paid for all these cold? Das in all this Colbert shit decides that they are. Not going to allow you and you're ready, you do to your like our next on the list. They decide that you're not gonna, get that kidney or the heart or that one transplant that will keep you alive and I liver transplant. They will keep. You or family member alive and they come It is a historic, tough shit unless you, the vaccine, by the way these people already a mule competent compromise, their weakened, the bodies of soft, ok, they're, sick right and sorry, if you don't get this one thing, I guess you're, just gonna die now this doctors and nurses are putting themselves in a very dangerous position because they want.
play high and mighty and get political with people's lives. Brow you're taken people's livelihoods, you're taken the fuckin health you're, denying them access to fucking essentials. You're deny them access to society. You're denied, them access to like we went away point in time are literal did loyalty, people who fuckin had nothing to lose going to start seeking these people out to make these decisions also can sue some guy two days ago, and I may much exotic video awesome some blogger- and I asked what was your: are you going to take the vaccine? He was like look man he's like I had to take it like. It was like it has a duty to do either. I speak poor and die. Industries or I I get the vaccine in key working. There was a broad, that's fucked, stuff like this is really what america is right. Now people don't have the choice now to feed their own family. We just saw the n b, a guy who, who I forgot, who it was but yeah he was forced
Take it anymore. So do it was so sad? Why jeff we didn't virtual yet always like what he was saying he's like what's in it weakens and wigand the one who said what s on your own body right duty he looks at it all. He looks the cameroon he's like love, I guess you don't own your own, but not so fucked up. It is so fucked up. I don't know man, I think at a turning point and I think of people. Don't get grass and standing against it. these are real bad yeah. Yeah I wonder like, are they purposefully already regional original in this scenario, to create violence. So then they could come. Take the guns I would not be surprised. Yeah disaster, that's their next, like biggest tests are only too
As soon as we get our guns, you have nothing. We're gonna, see really, efforts is its vigilante start fuckin, assassinating these doctors or hurting their families. I certainly don't think that an eternal guns, well, I guess is flawed logic. You know now go Are there not come announcing become company bygones? I dare you you, don't you know what on this on the organ transplant situations? That's a pretty new. When you do you got me, understand the number, not you guys, but you gotta understand what their I pallor justifying this They're saying that there are the real, in that they are willing to give a non vaccinated. Personage organ transplant is because their chances of surviving covert without the vaccine. Oh are so low they'd, rather save that organ for somebody with a vaccine because they believe in which is complete, whereas the lions so with a date on that's not just no data, that's a complete fucking opposite stance of what the data shows.
You know, and so I think you know what people kids, you know start really like that That's what I believe is really going to tip the spear when you when, when people now- and I cause it's gonna happen soon legitimately start getting affected by the shit yeah. That's when all hills, gonna Brigham and that's happening now, it's starting now, as you write a word everybody from the last two years. and everybody has sent all you're crazy. Oh you could conspiracy guy all. You know what I used to like your shit, but now you're gettin to political LE were now you're. Fucking understand. Why don't you now you fucking yet That is a good like fuck them. The. Deserve every chance coming out there, the bueller langdale eleven. At this point, I agree with that. I serve Within this is evil shit, yeah and so the People have you don't understand. I wrote to let people die because you, you think something you're pullet like That's fucking totally agree ends the hippocratic oath. Doctors and nurses take crazy. It's fuckin sancta, it's fucking insane
There's a guy here in saint louis that runs mercy. Health who wrote a book called big hearted leadership and they in turn around and fires have to fuck nurse. Is because they won't get the vaccine. There's a few of workin here now. Well, yeah, just this fuckin hypocrites. Do it it's all money. It's all greed and these people are evil is fuck. There. good people and were learning a lot about american culture and evil. Some of these people are like they're fucking evil, and you cannot fight you. bull with the high road look the other way or you got ruthless yarborough. You have to use our tactics. That sounds radical and aggressive, but if we don't know what I'm talking about like violence, I'm talking about spend more money in places, and no boycotting things, do the same. Should they ve done us for fucking? many, urges noncompliance yeah. That's it noncompliance non compliance like my position. Yet young people can sign it and they like
No just sailing a dj was before he was like it's so easy, like you design, it's not a route. Is yes and no like you could sign it. Just you have if you're going to sign it, you have to be willing to stand together with everybody else. I'd assign it because air pudding, putting their their asses on the line. You know they're putting their jobs on line because you're like dirt. First of all, we're. Probably gonna lose jobs out of anyways, so this is like there, which has actually save what job road. Let me stop you hear there lose their jobs anyway, there's not going to be any fucking customers, didn't box donors near to you, push and half the people out we're not with no fucking, because I won't take a shot and then you'll have employees. You don't have people the ship this is all design. This is all designed to push this country in the communist hundred percent is designed a fuckin keep the workforce at home. It's To ruin business you people who are holier than thou, you think you're putting all the shooting employs. You're, not gonna, haven't customers.
vince, China's hijack their countrymen, one of oil from the inside a hundred percent, there's no way in hell that they could fido site with what their military. So there the chance to to passing us who were power is today tourism from within the actors, nobody in his well? That's all you guys. Gonna, however, does not do enough money out of another no one's I ve been talking about. I was watching fuckin Hannity last night, who is supposed to be this fuckin, like you know, I'll blow america dear and he's like? Well, you know it does seem. Like you know, these people are sympathetic to check what the fuck are. You talking about. The fucking son took half a billion, a billion fucking dollars. He sell it help for hundreds of thousands of dollars to anonymous people. View motherfuckers, don't think that that mother fucker is owned by fuckin directly. You I say you always say we have been sold down the river one, but one hundred percent for money tat are flocking leadership.
a you. Motherfuckers were too stupid to fuck and see, and you ve already then fuck. That's exactly what scope and people dance around the subjects they all hears us. thing is going on. Do you notice that people to get the vaccine? If you read the data every except the fuck, united states, the hospitals are filled and their fill people who are the vaccine and by the way, when they don t come out all it came out when they started pushing the vaccine and people were to come from. Are you guys, fucking that stupid, like they're fucking, injecting you with the ship and you fuck. It won't allow blame and all these people who were on backdated, who have a scientifically twenty. Two times more protection because The natural antibodies exactly like twenty seven times more. Ok closure of blaming these people for you getting sick because huge I take something that they rushed a market that you have a phone
in billionaire seo. Aren't you in two thousand ten in bill gates, saying hey Ah, you know we can control the popular should, through I, you know things like that vaccines and other things go. Look it up here. If workers told you what they're gonna do you have found, she telling you fucking to art thousand seventeen that trouble administration, we're going to face a surprise. pandemic. It's all there There is a new world order. It's all there in more people are these. social justice Why are we waiting around for these people seriously? Why are we not illegal? I'm not fucking waiting brought our cattle waters. What I'm saying do now watch our country b girl. I like, what are we trying to convince them for like do let em fuck it Why the train of the dirt with these automotive workers, I'm sick of it? You meeting like I'm a moderate dude, I'm a libertarian is well I'm not one of those libertarians. It thinks no laws, no fuckin taxes. we have to have some tax. We
I have to have some water horse. We have to have laws to anybody who says we don't is a fucking moron you're a moron guy, in the reason that people don't take libertarian seriously, is because your say shit like that, that's why what's stopping a fuckin, more We gotta have certain things in society: We gotta have laws, we gotta have the infrastructure. We've gotta all contribute with some fucking taxes. There's things that we could do to really make this work properly. But we have to libertarians route. They're, saying shit like womb focus, we'll need any flocking laws. We used to be like ok, bro me: alright, you're, even equipped to survive in a society like that, we're fucking have warlords and she fucking work. If you don't want to laugh a little, then there's large democratic city yeah about shit bro where does go toy fuckin somalia, somalia, erlich, like brothers, fucking ridiculous, like allow? Do you guys out there How your ass, in the reason that no
the reason a moderate party can never get traction is cause you're, fucking stupid and you talk stupid and right. geller people who are intelligent here you talk and they think you're fucking, stupid, so stop being so fuckin stupid Ok, because you ruin it. We do need a third pillar. Ready? We do need the eighty percent of common sense americans to come together, but when you fuckin, libertarian idiots sit there and say the stupid shit. Everybody turns out and then and then no libertarians also like to argue about whose more pure libertarian that certainly looking more insiders due to the end. she's my generation is actually very low. Retiring job with them. Jonesy most of his hearers r r my asia, like my generation, and there his cousin is very libertarian keyser. What's funny
His bro is everybody talks about Alex Jones, like he's as crazy fuck, and he does really nice dude for sure he says more of how he says it more than what he has predicted. All of this has been fuckin prepared. He's been he's been twenty years. Twenty years he's been telling all of us about this, and it's here, it's not like it's hell right now, he's been talking about this fucking pandemic since two ursus. Ninety, ninety, eight, that's crazy people call him a fucking whack job. is that okay, look dude, he says cause the guy gets drunk and fucking is a loud mouth, doesn't mean he's fucking stupid. No, definitely not he's very smart he's an intelligent guy, as usual, they're gonna fuck him of this budget. Let's have a conversation with this. Do man yo algerians? If you're seen this man will look, people people hate this dude because the media made em hate him now course. You know other media, those yeah do it. the media makes it so hard for, like average people too, stand up for themselves at all. I think about.
like they use words like terrorism like anti vocs like that, demonize, these certain words on purpose so that its hearth- it's like it, easier for them to do their job and to keep you control. What do you got? We wish we saw this right. This is a pandemic of the unfair Can you get well biggest lie? That's been told this country since weapons of mass destruction better than that since weapons of mass destruction, the sack in biggest lie. That's been told this country is that is, is a pandemic of the ambassador. inside the science shows that people who have had covered are. I believe, and I could be while seven times at these twenty seven twenty seven yeah from as one israeli told us on the shell, but I could remember, but does that from Israel, yes, and that most of the people in Israel in the ninety percent tile who are dying are flocking. Vat,
it's a foot as crucial how to fuck is, as everyone contained amicably unboxing people believe in years. I don't think that this money, knocker say hey. You know you need to get it so the unprotected worth your protected in europe who got the shot like clearly doesnt work, yeah. But if you get, you have less symptoms, why the fuck? You I have less symptoms. If I'm not stupid, you apparently think I am what the fuck are you worried about, while you worried about that? You know I got allergies, real bad. I took my claritin d this morning, but are you gonna? Take yours and my clarity won't work yeah? What the fuck man I dunno! It's a dude, It listen, there's no argument to it because it's true, you know people go rural because there's no fucking answer to it cause it's true. Look at fucking vouch don t be heard. I want somebody who is a Democrat.
which, by the way, the should have nothing to do, like you said Eric with democratic republic of people, think my movement as an anti vacuum, but I'm little backs knitted like how can it be of use What's funny broke I found out there. Vaccinate as well on. Vaccines it will all kinds of shit ass. My flock a moment, asker cause. I remember, ok! Well I just my other back the answer you baxter, but lung unlike I got the covert shot like I'm on vast makeover. Yes, I gotta go with vaccine. So far, people. I e that we hate, you know exactly who see I'm here like I have. This is not. I have vaccinated people tell me all the time like dude I What are you doing? Rather vat say people who wants concertina yeah, Agli really is, and here I am sending hope, no, no, no, I do listen. You're you're grown man you're twenty two years old, but that's grown man, shit,
we need more of you out there to do some grown up. Shit like stand up for your fuckin fellow coworkers and human beings ivan with the right thing. I might do look good, I'm not afraid to die I never have been, especially after I got stabbed and I thought I was going to die and then I got to I thought a brain tumor to adult with those feelings before some legitimately, not afraid I don't fucking care okay, so. Had not. My concern is that I stand for the right shit when I'm here. I'm scared of luck. Shit fuck me come get me kill me draw my house, I don't fucking care, but am I tell you this, no one's gonna be able to send Stanford right. Fucking thing. That's what's important me in that's, what's important, two thousand is meeting you and we need more people and stop being afraid and to stand up for what's right and if we could just in a little bit more of you guys who have, maybe god, acts needed who maybe, under
stan. What's going on to stand the fuck up with these other people who are being persecuted against, you know we could It's a lot of shit. Real quick issue would be over the only back to freedom. We back the rural life. These people would be vulcan out because they would be out by default. if we don't listen to him and the cost and enforce their shit, then what the fuck can they do? The kid you any There are it's real, simple answer and that's why I had you on the show. So what what's your goal for people who cause? I don't want to keep this real long. I want to get straight to the point. What's the call? What's the call to action, so Basically, I want you to do not comply. I settled this. Petition in order to go to see how many people are going to be standing with them so that their not scared to tell their bosses fuck you I'm, we're going to comply. You know you're, not gonna, listen, said Joe Biden, Joe Biden is not my bosses. you're my boss and I'm gonna tell you right now, not taking this vaccine, because I don't want it, you know, so it first.
Of all anybody that scared, because I had some people Tom, yet they're scared to give their employers you know. Your information is anonymous. The only reason why I ask for your employer, as you know in my position, is, I can send your employers the amount of people in their company who will be terminated. So It scares the shit out of them. Like oh shit. I cannot. I can I mandate is because, if I mandated I'm losing half of my stuff or how am I going to run my company, so you you give your word that you want. This will be The reason why you're signs position is you have to you're going to not comply. You know if you're not going to fools full, send this, don't sign it ok be a bitch like yours, your piece of shit like I listen. I believe you are going to sign this in your leg. Europe is getting older people areas because they are putting their asses on the lines to do. As you know, I mean so. So don't do that like if your sign the sign this be dead, ass like be real about it. That's my new common other than a laser is none lawyer. So I do
stand up means nothing about it. When people say this is an aggressive way. Look at it. I don't think it is. This is very cute like this is not a gross known. All I'm saying is just riding the going out what I am about to say this is the beginning of a genocide. Yeah begin a genocide. Think about is the beginning of a cleansing. How much look I'll start like those how much then slowly when when will it be ok, we ve already crossed the line of no medical care for these people. Not a line of no society for these people, Lange gonna be crossword, remove these people, and brought you're going to lose. Everything is enough now and do something about it you're not going to lose everything trial me. These people don't get it because they ve lived here in amerika were no fucking. Problems were last fuck and we have the choice as right now to stop. This could do is right now and if we let this go on for Furthermore, there is no is a people there being forced into vaccination every single day who got it? I mean so
we're losing our chances sue, do not comply with those. Millions of people are getting vaccinate every single day so hold the line and. sign at huge vaccinated you, you should fuckin stand with exactly yeah? That doesn't mean anything like you? Could you could still throw in your boss, like that you're going to quit? If you do that, because you do not believe in segregation rights such a great point guys human rights like this This is. U, I have a right to know, listen! Dude! I want to say this real clear. These people have already been denied their jobs, their vote. I ve been denied society in entertainment already been denied now medical treatment. What's next, you think this is going to stop now. They ve already Camps in Australia, their billion children here you wash and state, is building a fuckin cobra quarantine. Camp kova quarantining in in fucking quotes. You got if you guys wait until it.
The narrative is we can't do anything with these people? We have to terminate them it's too fuckin late and right now. You standing there. Knowing that summit is going on and you're doing nothing about it. You are complicit in this process. You are, you, are you are helping it along Your silence is helping it along. That's how I see things all those needed for for evil to trial if is for good people, to do no thats it that's like that quote is stuck in my head. It has stuck with me, since I was a kid you know and when I heard about the holocaust, was again the good people did nothing. Well, that's been the question right. I've heard a question a million times, especially the last two years, man. How people to stand by what I have your seeing your watch. My known history is repeating itself it's. This is happened this year. There was good. There was good people that did nothing. And they live with shame. Higher fucking lives
are there so many people that cannot happen if they're allowed to keep them there. It's fuckin insanity bro, you anyway our work people find you and my instagram is already dot hot. That's yet How to spell you guys it's at. Our age ass, a and a jay My website is project, stand together, dot com, you can you can get involved locally at all the top ten cities I mentioned earlier. I want out. People to come out. You know I really want you to get out their fuckin grind until their fear science, a blister go door to door handle, Besides out the businesses we have to let these businesses know that they are not alone, because if they know that they're alone they're not going to stand, neither like they're not going to knock them, are afraid of losing their lighter. There is yeah they're scared like if they see that everybody is doing the shit. Dude they're going to be more than happy to do it cause. None of them want us. Nobody fucking wants syspro so get out there and do something about it and I got
my position on their side the petition, be very serious about the petition. Do not just sign it because you want to be involved like get your fuckin brownie points, no dead, ass, sign it and be real like make sure makes sure you're you're, like series about like you're willing to lose your job like for this for this cause, because if you don't you're going your whole life is gonna, go down a shitty path, this whole countries and go down to shape ass. We have to start. this now, if we cannot keep going, you know so, I mean get involved odd if you want a volunteer and now help me pass on the sides in your cities. I said everything up in the website: you're looking for leaders in those cities, leaders yeah, I'm looking for real leaders- is aimed at such of the car from this pockets and all the losers, but we also saw people are losing your nose like their duffy gonna come out and, like you know, be strong. And also donnay, because I cannot fund this without people like a mummy on cuba, have no money, I'm right now, man she broke, which saw it yeah fund those you know. What's
We really do something. As I said everything up perfectly so yeah so we got a fiery eyes. Here's what I had to see you I visit. Turning point your life. This is a most important time in the history of the world. This is not an american issues in a global issue some he is going to have to rise to the occasion and fix this shit for everybody and guess who that is: that's america, it's always been america. it will always be america. You guys were born. To be alive during this time for a reason. You're. you're you're, not here, to make money you're. Not here, Those are all those are all extras. You are here to protect humanity and to stand for what's right, Wait in your entire life is riding on it and I'm dead serious. So all of you, people there. The follow me all of you, people out there. listen the show all of you, people who our tastes indicate all of you. People who are in anybody's coaching program that you might know who I am you are the leaders of society? You are the people who will stop this year
The people who, in your neighborhoods in your gems in your communities in your business communities, are capable of stopping this, I need you. We need you and we need europe to rise up so what this man hurry, go to, website, which, website in prague, ex ante other dodgy stand together, sign the petition organizing your community and take charge. Ok, you guys. No one else is coming to save this trumps. I come to save it, I know, guys think that, ah, that somebody who else is common, who else could come it's us. It only us and were the last remaining beacon of freedom on this fucking planet right now, so you guys need today the serious you needed involved in calling on you to get involved and support. This man donate take charge in your town.
wherever it is, I don't care if you're in east but fuck Kansas, I don't care ok, go around and talked business owners because is it the business owners reject this shit, it's dead in the water. They can't do anything by the way, if you own a business and you're, not one of these top ten cities, you could actually by the signs online. All all the money that we make from it. Where is gonna, be ploughed right back into a funding the the protests? So I guess for sure to this man's character. Ok, he's not doing this to make money he's doing this because he fucking cares right. That's Are we flew men here on short notice? He Message me yeah: mister, hey man. Can I get on your show to spread this message? I got an important thing coming up and I said fuck yeah okay, so I put him here so he could talk to your support. this man give some your fuckin money given some your time?
plus a mother, fucking courage and go out and stop this shit. Do it today sleeping on the floor now my jewelry box frozen, but still counting millions in kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row, kang of desert, no headshot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.