« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

144. Personal Responsibility Ft. Jason Khalipa

2021-09-25 | 🔗

We need more healthy discussions amongst people with dissimilar opinions. On today’s episode, Andy and the crew are joined by former CrossFit Games Athlete turned entrepreneur Jason Khalipa. They discuss contrasting views regarding the vaccine mandates, 75 Hard and the media misreporting the facts and why personal responsibility and selfless leadership is the need of the hour for America to get back to its real glory.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The floor now my jewelry for the countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph can't both doesn't know. Headshot case closed the facility. This is the show for the really say goodbye. That was the thickness and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we had a full length show, It's going to be asked before you didn't. I should like to remind you to pay to see what is this. you might be wondering leaving you hearing, might be wondering what the fee is very simple. If you give value, If you learn something, if we make you think, if we make you see a new perspective, If we give you some inside that you had noticed before, if we make you laugh share the show They make you man don't listen to the show. It's very simple, it's very, very simple
I've got a full crew here today, starting with d. Dj dj. Why lyman? right. Why labour is in the house also joined by my brother, sal, doktor doktor cell These, DR salah, dr gates, I mean hey, listen if he could identify as a doctor. Now you know you know man, I do I mean you can take it somehow. I a multibillion her luggage. Doctor in your multibillion battery, better, worse than a fires. My lighting, Oh you're, the black face of white supremacy, yeah. It comes with a credit score I'll, take what I'm saying. Oh fuck, and we also have one of my favorite humans here today, who is an amazing dude? You guys have heard him on the show before MR jason khalifa base for Heaven, What's your name, we came in for this a hundred miles. century bike ride I going to be able to
upon the show, but hey hey here and many tragic he's on one friend from California. He's he's our talk at brown fleischmann, our friend hot esther. That's two eggs, our friend vesture! Well, you know ended at at bury island or is moving. I bought a fuckin hope island up as one island robots nor level yeah sure is. Where does things on a love? Jason was making fun of missouri. Yesterday I had a complete, you know, maybe constantly remind them on how Missouri may be superior to california, and other doctors have enough emphasis here. Are you He even taught me when the sunset was gone. I will look at that like yeah that's every day, it's a fucking, beautiful sunset or maybe we'd finish his ride. Man and we we had a beautiful. I mean it was that was that was bad ass, so Missouri's great yeah? He was enough. We have good wines and our wine shit
the california s work we drink. It anyway, but lives over as all my herman, the right you have another another there when we went from bob We got. We rode all hundred miles on the katy trail, which is a big trail. Here. Are it's two hundred and thirty miles long, but we went out basically you're. All you wrote all one hundred of the of the two hundred of the two hundred thirty, more one hundred of the two hundred thirty taxes are like a sixty percent of the time or exactly ninety. If we're getting down will erode fifty miles of twenty five or twenty five that a garment you pray challenges but you're wrong. The ceiling tractor miles. to see an impulse. I had to be there, Why are we know if he's telling the truth? Anna how's your bottle, a very, very sore, and it's not like we're it is not the actual whole itself
it's the area in that which protects the whole. I mean it was under fire that he went hard and the tate yeah wrong. I'm telling okay, so you know riding a road bike rid of you know getting to the little suit. You know put the helmet on you ride on the road, and I figured for this. with this challenge, we're going to do we're going to you know: fifteen! Sixteen guys, like you, don't wanna be on the road going to get hit. I don't want to die and, as I'm not dying that way, because you, don't get a diner about domestic extremists, camp, correct for sure listen they're going going out before that. But then I was like oh we'll, do it on the katy trail. You know it's not that bad. We get out there and it's not that bad. However, when you're out the four six seven hours at the bump. The radical doo doo, doo, doo, doo, doo doo, did realise men yassin,
in shape for that how your ass might be in shape. Or what mile do you realize? Oh fuck? I think it was the halfway line, fifty four miles, so here's what happened to the twenty five out? Twenty five back. I was like okay and then He got us and breeders and dude many of you, your bullshit, I swear you ever readers on a hundred mile biota. So we stopped me I'm reader, given that big without energy kicked it for me. I feel it No! But I thought it was you blow you. The wind was selwyn about yet another g goads dear there's something wrong with all of this work. it's either men like about miles. Seventy two, it starts that's when a grunt work starts feeling and we got off the bike for a quick minute and we got back on when I got back on at that point in time. I knew I was like man. My ass is in trouble, it was like I mean it was that I was moments in the beginning, though, like let's just say like mild, ten or twelve or fifteen,
like my one mile one. I was like a sock in him. I mean you realize you know gonna everything's bundled up. Secondly, that it's like life is the first step is I always liked the reality sets in fuck. I signed up for this. You know, but it was great. We had a. We had a fabulous day with a lot of fun I saw my tailor in the locker rooms morning. He's struggling, oh yeah he's struggling. He got done, he got it done, that's it doesn't matter. Hopefully, when one hundred and four miles, that's because he got lost it does not really worry. What I want to welcome the sordid your mind, usually pretty much like. I was a mood cheaper. these sit in a locker with his head in seeing nothing here, we walk. I was out of sight always albert, and it took literally like threefold seconds. It respond like you is I, and that's a tough dude known for a long time. I told prodi, climbed day he asked my toes and he's been here longer than I have been right, so you walked in mike's big. Do they walk
I told cody days when he was pulling up and he was crossing the street we're all sitting. There we've been laughing our asses off for forty minutes waiting for him. drinking beers. You know hanging out where you know we're gonna take our team photo and I thought when he I could see the look on his face and I thought when you got that thing it was my farmers income punch me my life, what you man another year. Now he looked legitimately man, Yang journalists and he's a big do: oh yeah she's, not somebody will summon. Am I guess, there's very few by that, I do not want to get enough is like listen. I don't have a life physical altercations, but there's a few p well that you know you don't want to do that he's one of those people, that's it. You don't have a fucking three other best muttered yeah yeah. I won. like my will now ass it were by former mike MIKE.
I got new, almost got it yeah. I did that day. He was so pissed off, because DJ was wrestling the games and he watched he was dead. He was so pissed and I could you know. I could tell you this dude is like my bro, like hey. What's all we got all I said was your fuckin boy? Ha ha ha ha ha! That's all you! While you are not aware that there should have been fuckin football and for combating, and although that was a full body, secondly, useful body and who one assaulting Wagner, who china them, so that is not true thousand not. It is not true, but she did not see. How did I get here? Brilliant people from the outside world that you flew in people to several you're fuckin to get the fuck out of here? I've I've, The boy nodded think I will tell you, I didn't think about reaching out to David Lee and see if we can make it work. I brought a mike trotter I'd. Rather, the mike fucking thing is nobody, but nobody else knew that at the time either I walked in bro. All you should know better than mike trout or basketball.
one thousand for sure it really thousand- and I didn't think this guy's, I'm just saying that because you're pretty bad, I'm terribly terrible, but but I can fucking MIKE mike mike you're worse, I made us look bad. My when I say us I mean you know us define us. This is a visual show. This, is why we we made an entire life obligation would like and descended the daylight racist me. That's races. I am the black face, a wise prince of peace. holy shit. Do james laws were gesture. We get to see him thinking about him. You know this morning, when I saw my comes thing about James, I think of it I had to get up and do that again and then again or a hundred and one day just like right. I noted weirdly, fifty miles in him, and I were having that conversation I'll just see myself dude this guy did that not not just like you you did the swim, a bike anna. I'm thinking even just doing his bike ripe for a hundred days where you like, jazz brutal, and this guy did
the two other parts that every day I met, as is super impressive dared. I don't they. People really understand how, like be completely honest. Rural, like I dont, think people through we grasp how huge of human accomplishment that I think it's the biggest physical feet, pry ever ever, in the history of man. You know in what order france gives a they get like that they get the torch. For that, for like the hardest physical feet, but I gotta be honest, like I'm not one of those, guys, could do what he did know not even for fifty days. No more, his average finish time, so it was relatively fast and then he got hurt. Kind of slow down, but I think he still did him in my fourteen and a half hours like anything. I would leave a letter like I was thinking about that gives it the bike righteous like six hours in this guy's. fourteen hours on like ten hours off, for a hundred days hundred one yeah, that's as nuts like them, it's absolutely nuts, Is I don't man like I
Think about him a lot I will not go into hard times. Yet again, I'm going through a hard time near, I think, about people that are tougher than me and p. well, who are doing harder shit in me, and I just think, like god, you're being a total fuckin pussy brow, that's my internal dialogue, I'm like dude, you are being a total bitch cause it'll, be a bitch like it's the way. I look at a man, it's like that. Like those people like the chat rights, the fucking david guy, like they have tapped into something that just like no mozilla like is its horns. Even the gardener. I'm a person's, even grass. I thought they have they ve tapped into something that lloyd's like hyena musical instrument did you have to? U have to try to play a musical like four guitar right like I took a tar lessons, I'm fucking terrible and I'm pretty good everything. I do pretty quick, so I'm still terrible after many years of guitar lessons, and what that did for me was that allow me to appreciate people who are really good at guitar So now I watch people who could play foolish Shit man like its course
so like, if you don't have that perspective, it's hard to understand how great something really is- and I think most people just don't appreciate that feed. They don't have never gone out in done, something that even one merit it's or one by greater one. That's you know we do it's about this- do perspective- is the with the greatest thing you can have in life experience. You know, like even small pieces of just to appreciate. The challenge is that people have overcome in life in general, physical, mental weathers. Skill said were grind like there's just something about having that taste the perspectives. You can understand nothing when you look at the world today that The middle ground of the table was like it tastes. The perspective is really the answer like you have to understand. You judge now, No. I know this I know of done some things in life and I've. I've done some hard things in life, but fuck. That's just a different level of funding. This is different level has undertaken in it are yeah he's got a very, very, very condition bass.
yeah. well, hey man, you know you know what's cool about this. Show then- and this is something I was going to you know- this show is not planned to arrive. Just gonna go all over the place, but. Ah the doctors tv show. Do you see that this morning that a hippie saw me? You told me my ass though they had so they brought some people to talk about seventy five heart I went. Ok now tore her hippies because they were they brought in to people who did well and then they brought in to people who were critical. I respect that better than what we get most of the time: ok, but what's funny to me about this programme that people refused your understand is that it's not a fucking die. Ok like guys kept saying all this extreme will hold on we're. Looking at the screenwriter noticed the add that runs right before the resolution that might not started its work? each bodies flock and fourteen day brute kept shit. Ok that they're paying advertise
now. I am actually out your teaching people how to learn a skill of how to be more discipline. and how to powder, develop confidence, how to become self reliant, how to build grid how to bill. For to how to build the things they need to be success, as for life in these fucking idiot cannon, like read my book and understand what this is about? Instead, they talk about this extreme diet and then they get blown up on the internet, because there's literally hundreds of thousands of people have done the programme who understand but there isn't even a fuckin meal plan, diet Who did you eat? According to your goals, new encouraged to find someone to hell if you do a healthy diet during that time, like this, it just shines, a light on how ignorant people are willing to be and how such research they are willing to do and how little cool. They are of things that, actually help people here we are in a pandemic, were a
percent of the people dying or obese, dedicated my entire last two and a half almost three years to helping hungry of thousands of people get not all these ok and then also by the way, fix a whole bunch of other shit in your life and these continued to pieces. you guys, are so dumb that you know You know what the programme and all you're doing is poor gasoline on my fuckin fire slight That was my response when I saw it this morning, I love it cause. I do. This is great, like cars. Do this totally free advertising, but it's just in arresting me how weak Society has actually become too, where drinking a gallon of water, a day or training every day or twenty twice a day is somehow extreme row, every window? I know every mother fucking one fowl. almost all those rules regularly.
On a daily basis, all I'm doing is pushed starting people to start to develop these qualities and, by the way, the whole problem and through you guys know, is a year long programme there at all after seventy five days, everybody's going to fuck and go back to the old, though no you don't because there is actually more to do- and it's on over the course of a year- and I could a lot of mother fucking things are a lot more unhealthy than that like in putting yourself with some shit, doesn't have any fuckin studies done in it over the long term or going to mcdonald's once is more dangerous than doing this programme with the amount of chemicals that are in our food like dude the hip, hop piracy of these fucking people. These days is beyond me, you'd like we really that soft as A- and we really gotten to the point where we are going to call things extreme when there actually helping people we gonna eating her.
The is some sort of extreme shit drinking water, some sort of extreme shit like what what the fuck is going on. in these reports. Be doctors brought what asking you guys what is going on winding when you look at the education on doctors. Most doctors don't even have once messroom nutritional education. That's problem, one So when you have no education, it goes back to perspective. What does your real perspective? You have? No fundamental training. In this we have a plastic surgeon and obeyed you. I am not only that broke, go. Look at the people who criticized these people are not a fucking there. healthy. They look like damon living in a mother, fucking cave for like years. And because you got some fuckin letters behind your name, you're, going to tell people what extreme listen I want to clarify by this reverie body. Listening, nothing, then I'm about in any way anything I say anything I do company I build any plan,
you're damn involved in. None of it is for the average mother fucker. Now one thing not me: not anything I'm associated with. So, if you, Somebody who wants to do what's good for ever we body, I'm probably not the guy like there's gotta, wait: watchers bro, gorgeous craig those that will carry you and make you feel good about weaknesses. While I walk but in truth that's That is a nutritional programme, thus that's Yours is a magnificent. You could put fuckin johnny crunch inside the programme asked all day, and these people don't even know that there's no neutral, there's no nutritional guides inside the permits, discipline to the accountability structure that happens every single day programme. I do think about it from this Just shows you exist happily, listen it shut. You exactly what's wrong with our media. They like this is something that we know for sure right, like all of you listening We all know exactly what seventy five hards about most of because he was soon shall do is show longer.
and today you know what it's about. Here we have the media reporting exactly how the media reports on everything. Ok, so so. How much do they leave out about the programme? How many of these peace? is the good morning: america, peace, this peace and other pieces. The use big me outlets have done on my programme. How many of these people I have it heavily oliver. Defamation abnormal did I I got an email from a lawyer about that Sue them for their ok, I'm not really a sewer like say whatever the fuck you want bro. You just build the programme for me, so I dont care, but I am not I'm not in suing like. I think, that's bad cormorants, just not what I do now need to? I will, but I think this is funny right so a point of me saying this is about all the other shit there telling you think about the shit that you don't have. what do we have? We have? We have intimate dieter. Out of this program. You know why, because I fucking wrote it.
the case, we know for a fact what is in these more willing to go on tv over. Over and over and over again and miss What resembled the programmes about we have influence was out there going out and misrepresenting what the programmes about that's too that's the problem in america in itself, the planet in america in itself is that people have an agenda and they mould the facts to fit in agenda and then pipe it out like its truth, and we know for a fact, none of this ship. They said- and this is true so Let's consider that, ok You guys who lit, who love me for my personal development and who hate my politics Let's consider the fact that, that same exact thing happening to you in all these other scenarios to wear their telling you only part of the story girl, that's my point of the whole thing. Now we could talk about what everyone No, but I mean I think that there's your there's, your your magnifying glass right into the problems, one on a society. Is they
try to cause drama in a situation that really have no drama right. in a situation where you only know bits and pieces of it. No bits and pieces are trying to share the controversial pieces that they want to piss people off with. If you watch the video which is hilarious because they they they bring onto people that went through seventy five har hatt using transformation. I bet it really there trying to lead him into these negative there. What ray I like! Also, it must happen. Of how are they like, no matter what they said was now. You a great results on this extreme diet programme, mother fucker, it's not a diet, you can choose any diet programme, any anyone, you could put fuckin way watches and you can put jenny craig in it. You can get accustomed programme from whoever the fuck you think you need to get a forum has nothing to do with that. Really the whole thing is you gotta eat in accordance to what you need age and that's it- there's no deviation from that and that's not extra and I'm sick of this fuckin puts a society. They call every single thing that is hard
every single thing that is no beneficial as difficult like due to these motherfuckers really cared about people's, how Well, we have flocking obesity passports, we'd have fuckin fines for people with so much overweight. We'd have fines for people who didn't work out and who then we would tax mcdonald's at two hundred percent. That's them truth, those things that- and I must say we should do that. There's what I what I'm saying is if it was really about that those are gonna, be the solutions when you have eighty percent mortality rate of people who are our bees? Ok, so they closed down. The german mcdonald sharply was to local, whereas great reason why jason's here, but before we move on to that if you are doing seventy five, hardly looking for nutritional programme. The first war map is a great way to get started happening, navigate that journey for you, and it is a great you know. Foundational, have launched an outright hope everybody appreciates that. I try hardest fought. Not to be. the guys who jam shit down people still only note
you ve ever mentioned. I know I know I don't want you to have. I don't mention anything because here's the thing I'm not here to sell I'm here to help us right, ok- and hopefully my my thing- is: if I help you enough you'll reciprocate, And understand that, first of to and how I help should speak to the quality of the things that we now other things. I do that's just what I hope I believe people are smart enough to figure that out. I believe people are smart enough to support people, they believe it. I don't he did jam it down people's throat. I hate that shit. I hate selling and if people want to buy a cool, if they don't want to buy it great, but I do people appreciate that a man on her constantly, like everybody else, say fuck, but on the other bullshit bullshit were boot. There's lots shit you can buy. I appreciate people to buy. for me, but I'm not gonna ever jamestown somebody slow but feel yeah I mean where he's not m m hope, I'm happy to help. You do you're the first goal. start now, but I I think I'll about. If real, we never talk about it yeah it helps people. Won't you
Actually this is this is the commonality and jason jason cleaver, for those you dont know is: is a icon in the crossword spaces, two thousand eight games? yeah he's icon. In the human baby, I've won the best humans. I've ever met my entire life, one of the few fitness people that I greatly enjoy being around him and he yeah, he said hey, we want to get down there, you know doing in school, for an advanced signed up. Did a hundred miles he's just here to to do fitness together, and I had the opportunity beyond his collective today and teach him his people and the core commonality, brought us together now by selling we ve always been how the hell do we leave the work. How do we get the fitness space to be more collaborative and better? And you know it goes back to you know our apple? We were measured by how well we help people not home, much, we sell should the rest, the number we in fact this conversation we had on the call today it's not about the numbers of dollars. It's about the What are you doing to make sure that your providing the best value for that person to change their life? And if you do a great enough job, they will support you. That's just the nature of how the world works in the fitness based on
watching there's too many people that will scout the dollar off the top and it'll give a fuck about what you do as far as results for sure- and we talked about you know our our app or you know our branded generals- hey before you buy a dollar or spend a dollar buy anything from us. Let us help do the fundamental basics on how to track your food and how to eat and how to start progressing you in the right direction by I do that. You know you have to best. That's a word a major half way will be. All the education will give you the blueprint, I'm gonna give you all one on one interaction, we're gonna, give you a coach, maybe everything we possibly give you for free to meet us halfway. All you have to do is give us the effort and when you start talking about commitment to yourself. That's all! That's all I want that's all we want and I think the commonality with jason is a man. I just love fitness and I love helping people in that fuels. My tank fuels are tank
and it's a purpose, driven mission that we get to get behind and help people change your lives mean. I feel I have the best fucking job on planet earth every day I get to come and help people change your lives and it's not about how much protein powder they buy. it's about watching it before and after picture and then the story that goes with it, and I, when I lay my head down and I'm like dude, I have the luckiest fucking dude on earth. Well, we I think we all are yeah. I do listen. I wouldn't trade with this. Is this what I said monday and are meeting like dude? I could pick up the phone today and, like people don't realize this, but I could pick up the phone today. I have venture capital firm. He me fucking everyday day on pick up the phone of the exit, this company for literally billions of dollars now fuckin millions many hundreds of millions billions and I'm not doing. You know why I'm fucking love that if you identify as a billionaire I'm already a billionaire right. Well, no, I am on paper, you know what I'm saying: that's big but like the thing is, is like dude like I don't have any interest in that
I love coming here and seeing people fucking change, I love coming here and seeing guys like this bill careers around These things I love seeing all these people build their careers like to me. That's all! fuck and businesses about, unlike its ethical capitalism, norms and like we talk, we talked about this one day, we're doing a walk no, we have these ultra rich p m. I get off a toy it ever subject now, but dude entrepreneurs, you do a better job in investing in their people and investing in their culture and investing in their communities. You don't say like what what are you guys doing, your communities? What do we look This is my fault too. I just start talking about this recently in the last year and a half on podcast game for a long time, and so I am here this is well. So don't take this as like. Hey you guys, not me, I'm saying us we have,
legitimate that legitimately lost track of part of our responsibility as humans, which is as entrepreneurs, because we ve got out and we ve. We ve used the fertile soil america bill careers for ourselves and bill all these jobs and do all these things, we yourself. We do a lot for charity and we do give a lot of money away but like I'm told la more than like I'm sorry look around our city in sea, like what a fucking shit orders and feel like dude. We we gotta do something you don t the other like minded business, guys like the sandstone guys, you know who come down work out in here. We love but like dude would you like to see a movement start amongst entrepreneurs of truly getting involved in community from grass its level guys like we're gonna have to rebuild this country. If you have noticed this country's fucked, ok, a lot of people who are socio economically fought and because cause that's so bad and they depend on the guy
From so much they can't break the cycle to improve anything the governments not willing to improve it so who the fuck going to fix it, because I'm not willing to continue to see here watch our country right away. I I just hope that that we can all start seeing part of our responsibility being serving up our actual community, not just giving away money now donating money but act? we're getting involved in projects that help rebuild infrastructure schools. I edgy asian programmes, things that are actually going to help these cities recover from this discussion the leadership that we ve had for the last twenty plus years, you know Oh man. I know a lot of things on my flock of mine, but while I want revisit, though, because one of the great point earlier about you know close here: you, the extremist for having a healthy lifestyle program that creates mental discipline, but the governments want to shut down gems and close places of of of
getting humans in better shape in progressing their livelihoods, and I thought jason would be a great pity. to bring into the show, because, as a huge gavin newsome van and he was actually at dinner with him at the french laundry and jason ones thought that was you yeah got a picture of yeah. He owns twenty gyms in California. He also programs for a thousand gyms across the country and so there's nobody who wore it in the in the ass more than man, and he had a battle it head on and so that's why he was able to ride one hundred miles and even flinch about it. He was condition, and I will tell you as a catalyst game the game with two pairs of pants yeah. He didn't swear. He had two pairs of fans, I'm like man, this guy's got conditioning here. He's got expert it's so what's a bit like rome will and so to clarify it in California. The ones that we own and operate in the bay area, in particular those are the ones that got hit the hardest before so those four,
it's it's been tough, you know, and- and I I this is like you know- I live in- of one right. I mean the barrier, it's the The buyer is a lot different, the misery. Yet it's a lot different, The shared you my perspective on unambitious from from a new some perspective. He just got. He did not end up getting recall right and it was even close To be honest- and I was really surprised that those in closer the hoary everybody was surprised, the heart, sing for me was I'm We had our Jim's shut down and in march and when you, been up a business right and you sign a lease you take on certain liability certain like stress that go shit, enough members are, we gonna jerry enough revenue orientalists, you never, Thank you yourself, like one of those risks, when you sign like the governor, My might and mandate me to shut down. That's never like even crosses your mind it
scary time for any business owner who's going to especially renegotiate lease, because that precedent has been set in. So that's that's kind, the starts march obviously shut down. We abide by state and local mandates in we decided at that time as leadership team that we would abide by state and local guidelines. We We chose not to place our personal biases on it. wrong or indifferent. That's the line we do in the sand and that's what we ve stuck with four now, almost coming in two years and has been difficult. But though the hardest thing for me was we shut down in march. We reopen like five months later, outdoor, only not indoor, and then we new. Sometimes online is like hey. I you know. we're sent everything back down again, you you can't be around other households anywhere massive were in that same night,. That same night, he gets caught at the french laundry, and I just remember just thinking myself like that. That is not a good leader. That's it and I don't care your political perspective on it like that.
instance that one, and only I lost all respect because as a leader. You've got to lead by example, and and he did it, and it was blatantly obvious. You know not only that his like a little fake apology. Shit was cheesy, dude yeah. Laugh at the homeless, laughing yeah That was really I opening from our guys, like you know, I know, was arrived at no It was the weirdest thing ever dared yeah, it's. That was those those super difficult and it's been difficult being in accounting that's you know it's been. difficulties like we still currently have mass mandate so coming here. It is a lot different for me. I'm but that's reality where I live in an that's all. I free to feel like well being yeah, it's been raised, indifference and we're gallows do dude, people are condition, and she now I was just down. Taxes in the house. This year we see every time we got to texas, she has mask on right. Unlike at like
I haven't done. We haven't done the match. It. Ok, so. I was talking to her and like the first, two or three times we went the hotel and we met her. I remember thinking like when I can't, still? She say I came to see your face. I remember thinking it and then this time. I didn't even notice it until like she liked, and so I could get caught myself getting used to it now my holy shit do this is what's going on. This is what's happened like most people have and so used to this year that they don't realize they don't even remember what it was before we're. I used to write yeah like I'll. Give you a really good example. So, my children, it was very fortunate because of school he went to. They were able to go back to school before anybody else, because they're in private school they'd wear a mask, but we had the time to care because we wonder kids in school. That's really important! Yes, but the other day. We are at a golf land and there is ten kids ever birthday party. Option was you wear a mask or don't outdoors, and so the chosen decide to keep it on. I think
I don't know where that stems from, but I wonder what that's can lead to in the future and on its at least the conversation with parents about. Finding that line and comfort zone for them- and you know I come from interesting perspective on this, because my daughter had leukemia and she hasn't amino compromises. So for the first year of covert like I was pretty anal for that matter, I got tell twice a week. Every week, four year from a local, tony, fair rights, so that was my and when someone came Means that hey, why are you wearing a mass for why you can tell him? I guess just where my comforts at length, I that broke the she's immunocompromised he's protecting his daughter. When I talked to the first timer, like my whole goal, is to protect eva. I don't give a shit about what everybody else thinks: yeah, yeah and and and and that's that was my opinion. I don't give a shit, you do you, I'm a do me then, and to no one's ever said: extra precaution should be taken for that. That's right ensued, but then is interesting as I well, and I look, I'm I'm cool to say, like about new vaccinated, no
you gotta leave now you're. Looking over her, we can't be friends in what we talked about this advice. We have forty skip, be like hi, I'm cell among vaccinated I'll jason backs and ate it we actually hang out. and I ended up you know it. Cannot gamers idea that can kind go do whatever, and I ended up getting coded in so my whole family Lydia anyways about their dear, go here but yeah. I they clearly dollars yeah my daughter's fine and in her she got it too. She got it got it got vaccinated, then they all got cobit after they got vaccinated like I, I, the kids are not old enough. Yet at this rights really an interesting conversation. Working up to his family run, my son. ten, might or might my son's seven. My daughter's ten, if only haggling so you know, mason, will be complicated when you're trying to have the vaccine
they just had natural immunity from from covered, so you know, but telephone is Definitely a different have a place where experiencing here, Missouri more like china, It's just that I can I can. I can. I paint a picture, though, for those he's not anymore yeah, yeah yeah groucho, were watching on the news, Jason lives in silicon valley where well, that's where honey, let's do never honey everyday gender like they're in the hot spot of weirdness of all the change and all the narrative, and so it like jason and I have always remain open contact. The whole time cause like, what's it like how Am I right around on how you doin I horses tipping cows like we always have been, you know and he's really you guys are the rest Grants are open. I'm like yeah, we're gonna get a steak tonight we brought one of his key guys down mtv and we took them to steakhouse the first time I've been at dinner in a year I wasn't doing it has an algorithm here as you for that, like if you haven't, I have on whether you know so continue.
Which has been a good life lesson know about how media can impact. Will you feel, and I'm and then just like, but also like china handle things with as much like. Grayson is much like like just cannot. Especially the genes right we got got, kicked over and over and over again but we still decided as a business. We are going to draw a line in the sand and say we're going to buy stay low count no guidelines and, worse still, sticking with it There might be a time where we decided to go a different direction if something gets a little too extreme. But at this point, that's where we're at. But it's been a it's been difficult. I'd, owning, Jim's, bricks, brick and mortar. In particular, I am eager to see some some lawsuits in some discrepancies can on the future, because when a very recent- the state, but federal aid came in through the people he program, I'm curious will happen to make hole the landlords and the tenants were mandated to be closed for a long period of time. We have a location mountain view that was closed for fifteen months boat. you know, rent on that is thirty ran a month. So so what happens in up to her situation, setting
I they were not even seeing even a a glimpse of what could occur in the future in regards to how that can be litigating lingering. Could you imagine that a jim I know I mean dude in how many businesses go up and I'm thinking about what we think about here. So I I think about that. Everytime I drive up and down the road man like I'm, not I've never forgotten how hard businesses like like people, think I forgot like or like I've heard somebody say all, and he doesn't really do anything anymore. He's got a t how the fuck do you think I the other team right fucker. You think I just shit that shit out, I'm very involved literally with everything I talk to you every fucking day, multiple times a day about fucking everything like dude. I don't there's the any illusions about how business easy like like it's fuck and when up and down the street, the cities that I've been going to govern travelling again? And I see this like clothes busy. Close business, close business and it doesn't matter if it's in Utah earth it's in arizona.
in texas or any of these places I've been to close business, close business like dude. there is going to be a major snapback major and it's like it said, and it is but anything about at scale rights so I'm assuming you're, then again I dunno he can talk about when it comes to. I don't want to litigate. I don't want to go to. I don't wanna. Do any of that stuff. Like you said, nobody wants to want to try and just have an amicable conversation with the landlord yeah it just. You know at some point, everybody's have to take a haircut because I do feel for them too like in which you seem to have a good discussion about. This is unprecedented waters less. Where yeoman on I just said people need to be, you know, can work together and so far will have some landlord surprised when we're doing some them, maybe don't, and we had a figure that part out. Yeah man, you know it's weird. The times are weird rhino right, like I think about this, here's a kind of think about it. like, I think about it. After the civil war after the summer,
weapons of war is over the findings. Don't you know, there had been some grace given right, like amongst each other different opposing sides and like Like some point do people are gonna have to say I forgive you gay, but let's worked together for from here on out and that's where both sides, no woman have to let bygones be bygones at some point in it. collaborative effort to move the country forward. Yarborough ivy, without about the There are huge deal we ve been through worse. People are realised like they forget that, like theirs its civil war was legitimately. They said brother against brother, known saying at some point like easier neighbours. These are people that you know from down the street. None yeah right like that hate you in a fog against you and probably killed some people. You know you fry chosen people, they know so we been through worse and we've been able to get through it. I just hope that that people can get to that point before it gets to a too extreme point. You know what I'm saying
We we're in the extremists on both sides are helping the situation. You sound like we had these left extremists and we have the right extremists. No in unfortunately everyone things that anybody that has an opinion, the devil. Does it go while the mainstream narrative, is of right wing, extremist terrorist ist, all kinds of shit, but the truth is man Thank you. No. Ninety percent of america once the same shit. We were our country back. We want to move forward. We were We worked together. We want to improve. If we don't want to deal with the crazies on either side- and you know we gotta get there somehow. You know what I'm saying like what? What is that going to take. I'm always contact the onion coming. You know coming from my Our ground like when you have a long form our conversation like this when you actually sit down, have a beer together, whatever you're more similar than you are not for sure right. You can vaccine. I cannot be vaccine whatever right, but I think
the media and you don't even like the click bait like you're semi five harden the is all click bait right these twenty five hard gonna whatever, because it doesn't. Sell to say said if I've heard. a good programme where most people mostly tat, would have right. Then it doesn't it isn't it didn't sell, and I I think that's the challenge, the media right now and I'll know if people have caught up yet. Is that it's all about how many clicks in getting engagement and it's not sex, see to put up something: that's like noncontroversial, more controversial. The more engagement saw the set in the people of feed into this. You know, then they they start the reviews start to get further and further apart cause they're seeing on the media, but if you actually talk to people not as far apart as you think, you know like what I think that's the thing too many. I said this a couple of shows ago. First. The first was that point you know eyeballs. c visas, dollar signs, and so somebody's mega money I'll be watching those most megan money off the headline. I said there's a couple of
shows go manner. I think of post nine eleven were inside wet what all bra. Unity to the us was we had a common enemy. We had a face to that enemy right and- and so I think, that's what's going to bring us together. It'd get back to that point is once we realize who's been checked. The fucking job ants re like who who's been who'd, been put in this divisive stuff out. Who's got people that, like the five hard thing, people right in that who they haven't even done their research ryan's. What's like this, it's just divisive stuff and I think, as I think, and I think people are realizing that right, like enough people are realizing. Why no this I mean I could just speak to my own experience with this everytime. They do that fucking is a huge insurgents of people doing the problem solving out. You know and you I think, reason they like to come at me as for the reason that you said like it produces Just as I have a massive engaged, we following
But aside from that well hey. Thank you. That's awesome, because you're shining a light on someone, that's actually changing people and people are smart figuring it out and dj. I can't help but you were so six or seven personal eleven. out of a six year in diapers. I did. I pull ups but do he's right, though not yet and I hated it. Brother was no. There were no man, I gotta take my shot when there was no racism after now live in. There was no massage any complaints. There was no wiser premise, like? There was none of this shit like it was just americans do like say: hey fuck wit, and together they were fix. This shit will fight about the social shit and anton brown was just here: who's in charge through time, world world champion gray sky in black. I am if you don't follow me, is one of the best best humans has come through this building over the last. No doubt you know I mean, since we've been in existence, and he was tell me a little story about his rationally,
barrington indianapolis to his wife and a date, and he's interracial couple and that he was like man up it wasn t I'll, see him bound thugs, a harmony. You know, and I was out there look at it that you know these bunyan hell and he's like. I was looking at the crowd. Look like a boxing crale as many all santa together dance together like in my head of them, because that's america, that isn't that night. That's the ninety percent that we're talking about like that's. How do you talk Dude amerika can sing most harmony, songs now dude american, seeing if he or she wants a sixty four packer crayons. That we all want to see the we didn't get it? We never had that of europe Am I glad we didn't? Have it yeah, the other kids had it? We had the we had the rectangle one like the thirty six back. That's right! It's still cool like work, but I'm just saying the sixty four pack of crayons, What america do it just always gonna be you know, and the fact that we while each other's alpha like that, because you're different you're different shaded me that's the most base. Stupid conversation that could ever be had like we really or by into
are we really that primitive of people like to where we look at people's pigmentation and think differ I'm not, I would say no, when you want to They want that europe's and you have creoles poland is about a scream for you. Re only comes out with this shit. yum of making these crayon boxes now that are for shades of color like they want that they, like is this from saying those was wearily and earlier together here, let me ask you this like this is an honest question: do you think that companies that that overpeer or to these issues are I mean I believe they think they're doing good day, you're insane, because I don't think the people are crucial are bad for doing that? I believe that's their attempt to do what they believe is right without understanding that the more that we identify these differences amongst each other. In these micro labels? Of all these different things, the less usually we will have done so like
I seriously doubt that baby one thought that through You know I saw you. This is how dumb somebody's when he saw, I saw you who was it the free ones? Dominoes saw dominoes commercial last night, I an end and like do you know, People are dumb shakespeare, he's at every level right they had this big commercially comes on. Dominoes is giving away fifty million dollars of freebies, because yeah yeah, fifty million dollars freebies, I'm watching it, no mike what? Why are you advertising? Why don't you just take it? fifty million dollars and add a plus one on their deliverance ahead. We thought about you. We gave me some free bread sticks. We gave you some free this. That cut summer, then that value added a customer is much higher than you running a motherfucker national programme. Talking about how good you are like it doesn't like you're missing the point guys. like if you want to hire me as it could sultana complex your mother, fucking shit, I'm being serious like I could run that
company, bovine you guys, fucking run it with a five minute. Fuckin phone call: ok, but That's what I'm trying to show you like these people, even at the highest levels, not like there sophisticated ouch? That's it the person who came up with that idea? As this is a young college graduate a person who thinks they know because they gonna marketing to right there who had the real world experience to understand what is actually happening on the ground level, and so like companies have to be. More aware of what mess since they are sending by trying to go along with what popular? Nor me like? I don't think it's a good thing to identify. People by race and differ race. I dont think it racist. I don't think it's a good thing died to identify p, by their sexual orientations? I don't think it's a good thing to do that, those things I think that we should all unify under one flag and accept each others differences and work together to make that one flag fucking great, unlike so
I see things like this like a first, I think like you and I'm like dude fuck them, I'm not supporting them, but then a sudden thing I think is like what do they really know or are they just making a porter? based on what the social narrative is believe in more cases, and not as that yet they belong there. They know that beggar crayons cost more than the other twelve agri ass. Well, that doesn't make sense to me either what I'm saying so it was like I dunno man, I I I I just think I think it's in the longer that we continue to hop on the stuff and make it seem like as his big deal. I just just Did I do here and say lewis and Clark way, south, I wanna say high school somebody wrote some graffiti in one s right, you know what that's bullshit why it is right behind him whom we are on this by rights on the students. They did a walk out today. Their protest protest. In another. Do you know just as no peace chance all this shit right and so my item single sky like a pittance than a shit right, and so do there, there's been a few,
these situations when I, if you maybe like no sixty situations, a different schools, limber have had a situation right what they did, but every single time once they find the culprit row this would they are they're below the black is dawning? That's what, an incorrect. Whatever you say, they have not got a southerner. Every single somewhat happen, no cause. I'm on a way road, they rode edward on early world matter wall every single time that happens. you know, I'm says was, I guess I want cited. They did that level Do I don't know if it's every single time, and now we don't know that, but it has been a few times where it's been its bit. It's been planted to create. responded greatest response and an that's unfortunate an initial. It's me as I do that I'm just tired worth anything been shown to us. None of these people who are at this, the social agenda are above planting, things are telling lies, get people along with me. I learned that for you and how
like what I do want to see, though- and I never thought I would say this- is that in this is great, the pure black lives matter. People like the people who here black lives matter, don't really understand where the money goes. What do they say? Hey black lives matter, those people are rising up since these vaccine, mandates walking love because dude Sixty percent. Now it was seventy percent. I believe, it still seventy percent board their reporting is. Sixty percent of the black population is still on backs across the country, so the black lives matter. Now, not the liberal white black lies matters. I'm talking about the actual black people like me, who are with the idea that black lies fucking matter, which we all agree with. Ok people are raising Helen york right now, man should I who's the question my eyes, less conservatives, who is a great opportunity, rather unite with them. Thus,
employees us with I'm, not fucking vaccine mandate, right, I'm not from vaccine passports. No, but what's behind, what's cool is right with you on know. What's cause those people they are not the be white liberal fucking social clout chasing, but these are just, It's black people here who actually care about other black people and that's know it's a great thing to see because it is discriminatory. It is an and dude. the fact that these white liberals, with their general now getting blown up by the same people they tried to coattail in on, is it's a boy but about here The problem I would go back to whose creating the issues right, and so we have the the border crisis borne out in texas right now right this top pitcher hears what was but out they got no they're they're, saying o the first commandment patrol there are women who are less stopping we're. Look at this picture of the horse. The horse there, the mounted border control. Ok,
and where he's grabbing the haitian refugee, which that I shouldn't fuckin beer anyway and did look at that picture, though, like look at like it, looks real. I saw you say if I look at my face: ok and look at the guys. I know this is a gift to people that one pushed this out, which is why they did it released at the same time that there was no. Then you had maxine waters do in a press conference saying they were within this stared at him. With this will cause is too was running in the gag fucking, well that's the way, but you see and like do this is this is all evidence of what we just talked about about them. Tell a half, story now, where the story that they want, then it's gonna pushed our agenda and there were seventeen. Eighty He Democrats, the came yesterday to held a press conference to talk, or maybe the day before we talk about the this boy, the patrols, your whipping, this patient refugee, which dindymum fuckin happen, and you know what that
and by the way they suspended, all those guys are ok, but they but they do shit about their own fucking people, droning a fucking, ten family car of people that warning fuckin threats I mean I have to admit my initial responses. When I saw my old fuck, alright this bears. That's what saying. Oh look at the picture brown paper that lebanon is a thing like when you talk about you not have an emotional growth right. I because No, a learned from other people remove emotions as get the full story as Has I'm sure there has been more context? Does what it is. I won't gaza We must do dude on top of this do look. We gotta be able to say he certain people are not supposed to be a regardless of the color of their skin for snake you this this bleeding heart she. where we just let everybody come here. Do those people have different
Jews, they have different beliefs. If they want to come here new process like, but I had to do great, I'm happy two fucking had them now. I think most milk in germany, which is taken should be more than most americans letters. They do who do immigrants to come here, were the system were actually more financially successful, naturalised immigration. They provide more tax revenue. They create more jobs. They are more successful americans than people who were born here because they have the perspective. What it's like somewhere else. They appreciate what we have here this case not the case. This is a person who should not be here. These are people who came here under the false idea that well. It's not a false idea actually under the idea that the government's just going to let them come here and fucking pay them to be here and now they lost track of five thousand of them, their mouse somewhere in the country dude. They have no idea where this is going to affect us for thirty years. For if level, how many accompany terrorist attacks will come from this
let me know what that's like neil. You have that story with immigration stuff where work were also the not been talking about. the border patrol and the national right Soldiers were down, they have rejected the border. I know arguing target it with water gun, so hot sauce, I like that's, not making the new no, and I know more about the verifiable thing right like it's: how to make a hollow pino water superstructures, live a question for you sick. You know you are now we're talking briefly before it came in here and I look the overall landscape. Yet it's pretty pretty channel you're right, you got from odyssey lot of afghanistan, you got the border yacht. I mean, there's a variety of things from the fiscal side of things and its issue acutely it's it's ok, you got obviously got the covert thing. He has stated that the border, I mean it's a lot and I do think that people are our smarting up a little bit to those type of images. A little bit where media
a couple of years ago. They would look at it and create a quick reaction. I do think that people are starting to understand that there is a little bit more to it, or at least I hope they do that. two sides and diminish learn more information before creating a conversation on line about it, but I'm curious, but for you like yesterday, I wanna I'm glad and sardinia tour so You say you know, launch nurse, helping said there, the chinese, which I agree with a variety of ways to do that, but I'm curious like for you when you look at the landscape politically and it's it's not good across the board, then on right and left. You have a lot of people that just aren't you a very good job? What, the solution in your opinion and by touring what's up awareness, eternal, build like an undisguised? Well, I mean look: do I've been? blessed with a certain set of skills that have to do in my knowledge, about taking personally, flexibility and building things in an end. You know aligning with capitalist values.
Guy and those values, entrepreneurship, values matter a whole lot and they create most of the jobs, all the jobs they create, all the tax revenue they create all of the fulfilment or lack thereof, for a lot of people right so or not a lot. Now, all but a big part, ragged big while your job is what you do for a living and how much you enjoy it and how much you contribute and how much all these things, and so like when I talk about these things in the entrepreneurs sense its now really far off from You know it's all you ten degrees, to really make it political, because Those same values apply to creating a healthy housel or healthy community or your success in let's say a school board or any of these things. Those values are very similar, so really it's no different than what I talk about now. is bringing awareness like hey guys, but what I hope to accomplish
I want to bring in a lot of my entrepreneur. Friends were also p. Well, who believe in the goodness of america, want to come out and explain to people why it's him wouldn't get involved, whites important, get him the community's. Why is important for these? small business owners? You know that we're talking to or or or people who work for other businesses to get involved in. What's going on because really my main goal, jason is to get its not to push or pull nickel agenda its to push the idea all of us have a responsibility and a duty to care about the freedom of this kind. We even if it's just a little bee way. Even if it's going to school bore me, once in a while, even if its keeping an eye on what being taught you kids We all have little mountains and little battles that we need to fight and our own wives and right now we're not doing that, because we taken her eye off the ball as a whole, like as a whole culture launch, nor to go out, make money and and and make more money and make more money and more money, will guys with that success and with that growth
comes responsibility to your community and my hope with doing this, no I have to. I happened to be a pretty gifted speaker in terms of getting people to fuck and take action. so I want to go out and when shake hands, I want to meet people. I want to get a fuckin fired up about getting involved and how ever they get involved, whether it be they may resnick more with a democrat policy or report can policy or a middle of the policy. I dont care because what's really happening here. Is the apathy is destroying our country? We have allowed ourselves to become apathetic and we ve let the left far five percent you're fucking insane and the white far five percent, who equally assain, an insane fuck everything, often restaurants, so like do the only way to really get that back on track is for all of us to say, like hey man, his messed up let's all do we can make it better than you know. What, if you disagree with me, let's have a conversation. Less debate
let's come to a solution together. Let's not you know like dude raised americans in ever live. These were not like super polarizing people. They were people who brought people together which is why they were always killed. J f K was kill, em ok was killed Abraham lincoln, was killed. Reason these people are killed is, Because nobody wants unity at the top because they all get paid aid by our division and are in fighting nor hate for each other. They should The shit down our throats and then what we're busy calling each other all these names they take from our pockets and put in their pockets, and that's well- and I I just feel like me I think the countries been good to me. Ok, so I feel it an obligation to go out and least contribute something to it in this the best way for me to europe eyes, when I think my skill set is to contribute to that. and that's real. Yet so. Does it really? Is
I mean do look at forgot. My going there might be, might be five people. Ok, that's you cause. You know what I'll take the time to talk, people all five people and those five people will go out and do something and that's all, that's all I'm trying to do. Man and I've got a bunch of patriotic friends who were not. Who are very reasonable people like you, ok that jacket our guardians or fuckin. All these other guys that will come out in donate day of talking about, our success story, what it meant to them and how they overcame and why it's important to do those things you know, because, due at the end of the day brow we need leaders right and leaders only one way by example: and we have a lotta laziness goin. On the contrary, we are a lack of personal responsibility. We have a lot of you no blame and finger pointing we reality. We all know the who the fuck and whose fault is shit is its awful. It's my fault. It's it's their men's fall in women's fault that are my age they have taken for for this country for granted. For
the last twenty years and had really given back in terms of a voice or you know,. Some sort of service does not make sense yeah not having their they're resonating alot yeah, it wasn't. What are you I mean dear you're, much more from europe you seem much more open minded. I mean I loved. The commerce is to try and take these entrepreneurs who they are successful in their in their careers as leaders using hey, you don't open your eyes, what's going on over here and let's use some incredible talents, because you proteus some type of tell me everybody- does yes he's entrepreneurs by have incredible talents Then. If I different ways your communities in an event, critics snowball effect in bigger and bigger and bigger jabra and in the other thing is like these people there's so much the listening right now and their like. They think they don't matter, they think they don't have a followed. They think they know have a bomb the power to do anything, but what they have to realise is one We then we have a multi billion
in dollar a hundred billion dollar programme feeding. that same message that we don't matter our voices doll matter actions, though matter, so we just gotta do whatever they say, and that is not the case. there's a thousand of them in their three hundred Twenty nine fuckin million of us or three, thirty, whatever okay, so do the math wheel do shit. They say: that's the truth. Ok now do I think we I pay taxes. Yes, I do think we should pay taxes causes for everybody's good. Do I think it should be over fifty percent or sixty percent laconism, California, all in no fucking shouldn't that's theft. Ok, we have to come to some reasonable accepted because, like on the other side of that, people like like libertarians no tax or hey model walker how we you get anything done like we need some responsible ethical leaders that an answer compromise on everybody's ideals. You know it's social media has created this echo chain. but for every body where
nobody's willing to compromise on anything will listen if you're not willing. Now I know I'm the guy who wears a shirt and says zero compromise. That's a different thing. I'm talking about my own personal standards for myself. I do not compromise those standards, fucking anybody, ok and I never will you should meet him, but when comes to living with other humans, and it comes to working with other humans and it comes to finding solutions at work we have to have some sort of compromise that is realistic, and real and also fiscally works right like it has to work, and what we have now clearly doesn't work. Look at our debt. Looking you monetary. We pay look. How shitty everything is it's terrible, eventually, albeit a new party, that that comes to come, I am really curious. Obviously the cat over there yeah I'm on it, bro I'm on it, alright, yeah, so yeah.
the dude there needs to be. I am a middle everybody's said. I will never work that'll just fuck this. No, it won't. We need him, we need. Parties, reasonable americans. We too pro freedom party with with some with some people. all who understand the importance of freedom which most americans do right? We need people, we need a party at work everybody can feel like they sit in, were democrats feel like take offense we're republicans feel like they can fitted and moderates can feel like they can we might not all get exactly what we want, but let me I ask you something to you all: we get exactly what you want not really well, really ever get exactly what we want? We Ninety percent of what we want, or three percent while wipe it that's a win. The only means of we could get even ninety percent of america tall agree like, I wouldn't come to a good a good place here. Are you with it yourself like people be with it do cause like our elderly people identify with?
People boil identify anymore with this republican share. This democratic, like it's all, bullshit, These guys are up they're, making. all these laws, fleecing the public taken the tax dollars getting kicked bats liked it. Average human really knew how these motherfuckers came in and they walk. they come in a normal human walk out, thirty years later worth a billion dollars or full one million hours like nancy policy if they really knew how they fucking did that there will be revolt and streets right now, but people think that shit's, ok, they think it's it's protocol, this what they did: bro they're selling you are selling your rights or selling your opinion or selling your kids rights and are doing so own personal gain and due to me, that's fucking disgusting, because how I feel about it is the countries been good to me. His country's been fucking, to me. Why would I do not want to put some investment back and say thank you for that and ass these people I no demean. We need leaders up their regardless
of their social believes that are there that quality that the common good, the cut. What's good for the common purse, in mentality? You know, like ok,. As you know, I may not like this policy or that policy, but did if it works at work. You know, and we don't have any kind of selfless leadership. It's all very selfish and not always a selfish. They are, coordinate together across party isles to get paid to That's just what do we have to win? we'll government in its the fuckin truth, and they do not represent our interests in like it is what it is and no matter who you vote for what you think or whatever it is you identify with in terms of your would ideology you have to be able to separate yourself with emotion and look and say those mother fucker do not give a fuck about us ass, the truth! So that's where I stand. Oh shit, you know I mean in the whole tours like do maybe it's a fucking tone. A flop Maybe nobody comes out but, like you know what worse things, what the
I have gone to many first full prevents where I talked to one person, I'm ok with that I've gone to many. I I I brought when I started business. I walked around springfield Missouri, my fucking she'll tell in it. Go in door to door. I am willing to do that. I don't have a problem with No that's how real changes is made real change is not made a hundred persons at a time or two hundred persons at a time or a thousand persons is made one person at a time. Whether you run a business, you sonny political movement. or whatever it is sports team? You started whatever it. Is you starting new, it's one person a time it just is we looked at. We google that last night cause we us somewhere conversation. You see the similarity here. We, A similar conversation last night, his brothers and yeah row want think identical, like it's fucking, weird it so in Andrews reference, you made a posts we have. In fact we should go to the far but the blues we should go down and I'll, but andrews talking about. Did you see my story and I was out at the farm and I didn't have cell service or I'm like nah? I didn't see it. You start talking
I posted a picture of battening number. You said you go to. This is, Whoop whoop, we're like not like you know, we're have an arrangement, for these guys were told what the blues, because blues have been, are fail. Why I can give a good story. Thirty years there I mean I, I don't know that I have a younger memory than going to the blues game so anyway they they said you have to be vaccinated to come the games or show proof of negative test which I'm gonna fucking. Do it, and I don't think it's right. Is discriminatory and enters a whole bunch of other shit. I think too, it's going down a very dark road. So anyway, we
Pulled all of our money from them. We we cancelled our tickets. I made a post, I got you know, and I don't like doing that. Dude, I'm not going to cancel culture and I'm not encouraging other people to cancel anybody and that's what makes it different. I'm just saying. That's what I'm doing. I am not supporting that so anyway, I'll sell an hour like what the fuck on the phone. You don't like one of those conversations like what the fuck are, these guys thinking and and he goes he goes dude it's no different than a fucking water, fountains and fucking civil. It's movie bro, where you have an vaccine vaccinated nicer, do pick up the phone and look at my story and, and he lit, I literally posted the exact same picture that he was referring to on my story. Without talking earlier. He already had a pin pulled up on his computer and I was ass a photo. I wasn't here. You sat at my desk yeah. You know we cannot, but I am I had an hour long, our fifteen minute long conversation with leadership, the blues. Going down by the way. These are issues we like love,
yeah. I know I'm not even gonna say his name, because I don't want to catch the sport and you know he's in a tough spot. We talk to it until I give my personal experience, my business experience, was told. The men were men of character like we're not we drew a line in the sand and we said: hey, listen, we're going to support the causes, we feel we believe in the only way, to really fundamentally make that change happen, his money and I'm not, we're not bow and arrow, and it's not because I actually what is it this hurts, because you knows too little fat kids grow button on a street a gravel road that we grew up a blues hockey and we have a local businesslike and it is a fucking dream have our company on the board. Like a dream- and I told him you took that's me and I sit here and you say in its, I can and I have been a kind of government a quarter and is it not only while the tests are going to come and there can be bunk, they are going to be signed by. You know a cousin's brother and I said what sports need to be sports like let him be fucking What you don't need an opinion. You don't need a stance
needed to provide an atmosphere where people can unifying come together, not divide, and the problem is, as you know, and we start thinking about no, whether medical discrimination or freedom in and in general, its hypocritical and I asked him I said: ok. Well, whenever we have a beer together? Are you can ask me for four coventry test? Of course not yet and it was evident, different free guys, so is it just be? I had to come to the game. You have to have another negative koga test. Would that have made it any different for you guys hm took a point now now the elephant adheres to the here's. The problem. Ok in this is this: we have to ask the right questions. Ok, so the real question is due We believe that its actually that what they say that it actually is- and if we believed
what they say. It is what the media says. It is ass. I would a hundred percent do whatever the fuck it took, but the problem is they ve lied to us for two years. They ve manipulated data. They ve done a lot of things. That have made. It seem like it's much further down the road and what it is. They don't talk about that average person now the dies from cove. It is carrying almost for co. Morbidity. Eighty percent of the people are obese. Eighty percent of the people that die are above the age of seventy forty, eight years, all which is a natural life expectancy. So we talk about the actual data of the disease and what they tell in what they don't count Ok, when you get on the tv and you talk about their six hundred thousand best when the truth is there's only about three
a thousand does that of people that died from actual covert alone. It actually makes the pandemic less deadly than one one into two and there are two thousand twelve or when at which I've had both and I gotta each one in one was worse than those that have no way. You said, I'm just an idea like your spout, your shirt statistics right there you received from the sea It is easy to see an. However, like I forgive you the opposite side. You could also create statistics to. I feel it is a lot of numbers turn around on both sides, the aisle I'll say a super delhi or not deadly depinto. what resources in what information are getting it from. Let me ask you this question If someone gets shot, they have the shot or coven yeah. Ok, someone has occurred. and they died. They die of kobe on current right guy. That's the problem right. This has been exaggerated, so heavily, and so The reason that I feel
The way I do is because I soon. We believe they have made this far more political and in a way for it to take our freedoms and to over regulate our country, And I'm not helping them do that. So I resist all right This is not me saying, covert, isn't real. This is not me. say this is me being alive for forty two fucking years living through a pandemic, every four fuck in five years and they ve, never done any of this shit. Just like you. Ok, we shut. the country down when sixty thousand people died of fucking h, one n one or eighty thousand people died of the flu the year before, like dude, we don't we don't shut the country. Now we don't put mass on a cover up people's identities. We don't restrict the freedoms we, make them show medical papers. That's not what I meant it is about, and so for me, this is more so about standing in protecting I believe, is being attacked. Then it is the safety issue, now I've had covered as well.
Everybody in this office had coated. We have a lot of people we now lot. We have a few people have ended in the hospital recovery, and we all understand that its real thing, a hundred per cent, The problem is that when you say anything else, besides, it's the fucking, worse pin. Dammit ever euro rightwing far right conspiracy, not job, and that's just not the facts I do agree with you, but also have done so much research into this. The whole time that I'm a completely aware of what the fucker ie is they're trying to pull on everybody. So I just take a trip. That would be conscious, won't even addition to like they ve, never done it for the flu, so they didn't do reach one in one right physics, me to an end, and there was no political. There was no political stance in regards to sports or politics in our politics in any of those like. So why now you know like there's, there's a there's, there's there's a fire to the smoke is not just a smoke bomb set off in a corner like dude. It's it's, you know, look dude. I know people who have
from this like it's not like. I have a mutual friend whose father died. I mean do we know yet. Look the pandemic, but there's nobody denying, but we don't do it. these things that are happening in the world for a pandemic, look what's happening. Australia, don't say, look what's happening in canada in your. My dad was coming here though members is not here is because we have guns, that's it which, The importance of two talked about this. You also the argument to forgotten, Roll guys is dead, like it's a non negotiable factor in like a lot of people, the pre, this situation, were were willing to listen. Like you, ok come to compromise like I said you open like that argument that they always make about guns like you'll, need a flock, and our fifteen hunt, dear she's gone, did no shit. We now we need air fifteen so that you don't beat the fuck out thus like to do not strike you right now or take us and put us in camps or
this is. I can tell you right now. If you come to me for a fucking camp, they are, he's going to be used period, and that just what it is. So you know at maybe I have expected, but I don't think I'm off. I think most people are they most america starting. What's happened now and it is definitely and resting times. You know. I do think that, like this would actually be a real conversation. I mean it just three years while I'm ok, listless less legitimately talk about this look legit. As I appreciate your question very much. If somebody commit suicide, is a cobra death or is that a fucking suicide, suicide. If someone murders another person is that what is it the murderers and they have covered zack. Should I be counters cobra death, its murder right because that's been what's been happenings I time maybe driving the numbers with all these different situations and do this stuff's it's starting to come out on on different,
there's whistleblowers coming off the medical community literally every day, tens of thousands of doctors, have been silenced or have been deeply platform because they speak out about what's going on. What are they things are doing in hospitals? They like do there's a hospital Ah, here and Saint Louis came out a week ago. They have thought and thought correct me if I'm wrong in this, but I believe they have five intensive care for wars and they were only using two of the floors of the five and then they were claiming that they were overrun and understaffed, and every he's dying and they got three more floors too to grow, and so we, these companies, and they are companies- he's hospital companies, their own, the hospitals get paid from the federal government for people to die from covert. Now I'm no fuck, you you, but if you want a company and you starting to make money by something, what do you want to do usually want more of that. Because it makes it more money? Ok,
ass. We have going on and people think that that's not happening. That is happening. It's happening all over and that's not misinformation. The fact that you think it This is just showing you that They are not allowing you to see the cars. I have people. I have literal doctors, thousands of them that reach out to me for the last two years, saying dude, I can't say shit, one of my one of my good buddies who's, a huge car. that works in your city. Who is about? americans say his name would reach out to me. Was I brothers fucked up with it this is a guy. No. This is not like some random booed off the internet. Dude I've known for seven years, you're insane Maxine Haber old they'll doing this shit so like that where I'm that's. Why I'm worrying you it's not about like. Do too The ship was really like what you have said this remember the videos they showed us when it all came out a world where the men they were put out of their people walking down the street in china, just fuckin fallen over dead if that will actually happening. I would do everything
what can set, I would say I knew we do, that until we figured out there wasn't happening so the resolution, and what do you think? Because I I'm coming here from an area that is a lot of different perspectives and what you just said, yeah right and I am Obviously, super open miner s conversations I, but I come from place. We're like what you're saying issues he in general right. A lot of people feel like it is a really big deal right and then you take appropriate. oceans, whatever those may be. Let me ask you this: how many of those people of actually looked on the city she's website coming? Those people have actually done. what's going on warming, that's also a big thing right, reception becomes your reality cause. I know this california, people like to fucking live in California and they like their lattes and they like to do their life, and they don't really like to really get that involved. They like to scream about shit when it's outrage, but I mean I'm talking about educated people. How many people have really looked into this. Probably
I assume just like many things in life pine eyes. Many there should be right, yeah, I'm curiously, if you look at the nation as a whole, rain california, new york, other areas being can like held set, I mean being altogether as a nation how'd. You move for right, and you said it like passive war. You know like one the time come right I thought we were going to get through this thing like in three months. I I remember the day we shut down our gyms, I'm like oh it was really big deals. You guys, you know paint I will be backing. in six ninety day? Whatever was right or a month even and then a boom just kept going and going in going now. Here we are with no specific mandates coming up eighteen months and whoever so where's the resolution. What do you think what you think the continued they're gonna start gonna continue to push this until everybody's is under what's called a vaccine passport and they're, going to use that passport to socially audit you with a social? Rail system and
was it all in one legislation in four now by men? Just did the iris check the now any of any any american citizen that has more than six hundred hours in the bank account is only me by the side. I put the weather attempting to do in my belief and not an idiot. Ah, they're, trying to implement china social credit system where nay- where's tell on each other. They do you get crap deem reef may with this the social credit system. Now, ok, so, basically, The way it works is you they have a set of rules, ok and they ve and everybody against each other and so like if I see you do something wrong, I fucking all my phone, I reported your social credit score goes down. You can't go to certain places to eat you. It makes certain you can have some jobs, your bed, Finally, a lesser citizen, that's how it works. If I see do something good, like the example that that I was uses like let's say you care,
Someone home from there was drunk and you help them out. I might put some credits in it, but it's peer to peer reporting, so basically let all the current of the whirl run the fuckin whole ship. That's what they're doing doing in australia right now to go. Go, go! Look at social credit system from fucking china, but look it up. That's what's happening and people here think it's about. Fuckin health and animal health has nothing to do with him has everything to do with communism being installed into our country period and said you are surprised that newsome got didn't get recalled everybody was you know why? Because he was installed, he wasn't elected, that's why and people. So when you say well how? How do we get to a point where we move forward, but it's gonna have to get so bad people like holy fuck now and if and unfortunately people you know. People have to learn the hard way because, like dude,
I have been a little bit bitter because people I've been saying this for so long and I've had so many people come at me and say: oh you're, wrong, you're wrong will do to go. Listen to all the shit man my last, to use a shells another had said. It was run only thing. I said that the only thing I was wrong about was that rob was gonna arrest, those dude for four trees. in which he didn't do. You know it is what it is, but but you have, he knew he had general merely by the balls. He would have acted bet you this the guy the shooting over. Yet this guy. This also Moselle, so that's our approach, trump's day statement, I'm just telling you there's a lot of shit going on in the background that we don't fucking know about, and I know that for a fucking factor. Why think Stance on moving forward, though, is that the data the day it has to be presented in a clear manner, and people have to learn to understand the data is without that's a thinks. Are they don't want? You dislike less people, say trust the sites. Do this the cdc website? Apples underlying trust? The science are just repeating that slogan. It says no different than the blacklist matters like it's. No
if, within the antique slums, it's the opposite of what the fucking truth is antigua cause other people nazis. All in tv is- is a fucking nazi organization, ask rating as anti nazi ok, Black lives matter. They say there for black lives or laugh or black lies its creative name. They get the black people and usually raise a bunch of money, though old, rich white motherfuckers take the money. That's did this. Is this This is communism. One or one distraction word play lucien of terms, and that's what's happened No, it's no different than with any of the shit. So if you want to know, if you want to know what the fuck they're doing, I'm being dead, serious and literal, if you want to know what they are doing turn on cnn and whenever they say the opposite is true. Here No, I'm not making a joke being honest everything they say, the exact opposite is true. Now fox news, they know better because they they they try to tell the truth, but then what they do is. I think that I think they are better.
they try to tell the truth, but then they spin so hard. It sounds like propaganda and so like there's, no there's no objective truth happening in our media rights all agenda. Its on loan is objective that, though they sensor it my project when it s right, you know like that neither do I lie. Why would we? Why would we be censoring doctors who are out there trying to talk about how they ve been treated the covert patients sector successfully? if this was by health? Why you have cincinnati yeah, I should note like, I think, there's is picture painted a telephone. Like overly, but I do too like we're saying this conversation I come from California, I probably have a slightly different views on certain things, for example got back soon, but I think more, people are not. Are more in the middle than a bathing site even being in california. In these areas, a lot of them don't want these specific mandates in place right. They don't want that right. They want.
there there just like the rest of the country? So why are they continued? Why did they continue to support candidates that are for that? Then why dying that's a surprise what's causing tosh identity to a divisive party or the cheating All of these no listen all These things are programme for us to divide each other, like what party reborn are you vaccinated, run vaccinate doable even be alone, you believe in so what's happening, is even though people can see the hypocrisy and they can say- I don't want this shit. I don't want this amount for this. They they they refuse to speak got because they don't want to see be seen as the centre from all the other issues, so they attach their identity to this side and Not willing to hear any other thing right, because they're afraid, if they come out, all friends and families? Oh my god, I can't believe you're not in that's exactly what they do. That's all so exactly why the right is getting so much traction right now, because even the moderates are getting pushed right because
they all agree with every single thing right so like do we have to did to solve this, that which is Europe lancer. We to haul separate ourselves from from what we think we believe in our identities and understand that the things we ve asked ourselves too. Are man made ideas and structures and social construction that do not represent? literally everything that we believe they rubies ready, represent some of the things we believe, but we should Be standing up for things that, with that, we don't agree with just because affiliate ourselves mentally with the southern group of people that makes sense I began to that right. You can't go a lot. You can go along with those ideologies either you know I you stand up against. You know the same was boots and once you recognize what's happening, do you have to what one in in fairness, and I don't want to get into the whole story, but Jason had a group of friends and if you don't feel like sharing stories, no big deal, but basically I had a friend who was
on vaccinated, has going to a vaccinated party uninvited the unvaccinated friend right they're. Getting that's, that's that's wave way different viewpoints. Rare But me I, like me in my answer that out I would on from that guy just from the social discrimination standpoint me that's out like in my hands. I can't rolling happen, though so the you know there is a theory that and in a lot of you, believe this in theirs. I assume you have statistics, do not that if you're vaccine you're not gonna have the same type a load, you're likelihood of giving it to someone else is gonna be less right, so there is a social good to be done by getting vaccine and in the greater whole none. I I don't know if you, we would that are dispute that, but assuming you agree with that, that that's what I understand to be the case- yes, sir I agree with getting vaccine is better for the greater good of a group in like this room right then for people decide not to give vaccinated on yo, it's you jim for those who do decide because it
in that year upset, but looking so then we You know. I know I've I've seen a situation where someone doesn't want to have that person come over on because it they'll feel comfortable having them around, because they non vaccinated, but along so I can't get the vaccine. So let me ask you: this will be real now. The reason I can get the vaccine is because I have priest in conditions that really are not your fuckin business. Ok, I have had him adequate levels. I have it formulation guy. I have issues in more to the issues that are coming on the side. Effects of this vaccine have to do with the heart especially men. So I'm not a risk. I've had cobra have natural immunity, and I
I am concerned that if I take that back scene, I will literally fucking die okay, so we're not those people and that's why, like in that similar case right. I saw I gonna come and tell my friends all the fuckin shit I wrong with me and that's. Why not perfect right, there's none I mean those in that's. Why just like someone has a choice to get someone doesn't bunny. I think like what you saying? It's like, for example, my kid right now, there will be a vaccine will be available to them they just had covered. Do I want to give them a vaccine right now they just had called it rose, not know do you want forced on about school? I don't know, I don't know, I know what I did the progression. There, though, is ok within what happens when they dont. Let your kids go to a different party because of that yeah like worse, slip? And I reckon why, wouldn't you say like this, because this is what the fuck and saying what the rat we saying is: what are we gonna do down lemon said this on fuckin tv,
What are we going to deal with these on vaccinated people thereof, there are a danger to society, we gonna do with them. We should let them get groceries. We shouldn't let them give food, we shouldn't, we should make them be punished, that's what's being set now. Where does at? What point does that narrative come These people should be isolated and caps, and then a narrative becomes another year down the road. Well, we just gotta kill, because do, though, not complying, and for the too, let it. Let me. Let me add to this if you would have said that it was as happened many times before guys, not just in germany, as has happened over and over and over and over again, if you go study, almost any single cleansing of ideology. That's ever happen. this planet, always has to do with this, but if you would have said eighteen months ago or two years. However, far longer was the dawn lemon would beyond the news saying that there is now would be fucking. He would have been fucking put in, prison from you and not a mother, you wouldn't fuck and believe it is it there
is a portion of society at this point in time to think that's. Ok, no two years are dude. There's a huge portion yeah there there like where he comes from and and those people were, he saying they see a different. Most people want unboxing people to fucking die. I mean wouldn't go that far I'd say they had. They have strong views towards ass in a high know. This I know I've seen thousands of medical workers on line saying they will not treat people that I had a vaccine gimp and those people are not. That's, not good. People know that not know we had a doctor friend of ours, tell sell the other day that he thinks that it's you, you don't have the vaccine. Sign a fucking waiver. That says you don't need to have a year but you write to care for someone who's vaccinated while each drinking a mother, suck a bottle of wine re drive home. So if you wreck your fucking car because it shows the drink. You should betray the hospital he shut, the fuck up donny.
I'm a pretty good negotiator of the argument sector, Jesus jack on others- want a charm. Onus on the vaccine thing moved that the problem that I have right now like, Well, whether it's gonna buy your move mile bone. That's hypocritical is not as extreme group which want which that would bring whether, as though the other job oh yeah, but but I am also worried. We draw the line. I will lines get blur the lions give blurred a lot. I dont think as a human being right if you treat someone different because of the clear sky and what they believe in fashion, I don't think that's right right, but there's a big part or metal community right now saying that no large long line everywhere in its accepted in like dude what is going to lead to an end? I was my point about moving forward on it and to be clear, jason didn't say that with this one his friends. I want to make sure that we are not alone with my waiting. I get it yet. My boy being is intolerant. You can tolerate that. Like that's,
that's no! Never the museum were me down, and so you can go hang out their little boys. Black was no fucking different congo, a fuck. What you think, they're not smart enough to get the vaccine, the dancing that is the fucking most dangerous and mountain. You can call burst. inside now, I think, here's the other part to Jason. What I was going to say man is like at at some point. There has to be common sense. If you will like looking at the stuff like what I just hit up, that that was from the cdc website yeah. It took me five minutes white bumps in her listen back and pull it up. We I, the the stats, are right, then a phase, and so when you talk about like how they're trying to ass, the father of a mere zero literally zero since rise like saying they Jason, you know it you You have to worsen screen, so I don't guess umber right Yeah visor have of your room full of five people and form a vaccinated. What does not disappointed lex evil on what is a sound lighting or he'll how about black was cause. You don't buy in a black lives matter, because you fucking you stand. There is a part,
the scheme for these other people to take the fucking money? It's the same thing, so you don't support black people. It's the same thing. What's a satellite, it's the same thing! the same thing so ass I drew out the same people, the same people, and so my things like so so so so got plenty of of situations out there were you have people that that have previously conditions whereby the people there dont know that they have reason conditions. I like what, if I secretly have a fear of not just don't know it. Re launch is usually the case which is allow this case as that's over seventy percent of a few cases don't even though they have it, and so that does displaying in situations where the can we really really bad right and then things I'm gonna take some shit because you don't feel comfortable around me when I have natural immunity, because I had the fucking virus that might kill me how about this fuck. You that is the case, and you still write it. but, let's, how should mohammed from the start every other pandemic in history fucking earth? Is you protect the vulnerable you fucking put the at risk?
in quarantine them in quarantine, sick, you'll, quarantine, entire fucking for healthy. You don't do it though bacteria floor, but the thing His man is so just Where, where do we go from there like I'm gonna have to store? I tell the story this couple months ago, my mom and the gas station on that. I don't have a mask on those old man center. The counter next to me we're about this far apart jack, checkout lane here juggling here and in here, the mask on. He looks at me like where's, your mask donor. one where you need to wear a mask right and the whole time and the old man did not me your play a fuckin lottery tickets. Brow Are you really concern about chernobyl managed here? That's all. I know We should just stay home damaged and walked water users buzz. Like the justification that were using. This is a vaccine. This is the fastest fast said maxim we ve ever had. It was rhode island under an emergency use authorization, whereas the data that supports a shows us that the stuffing.
Because now what they ve done is anybody? If you did you get the vaccine and you died two days after the vaccine. They won't ever report that they were label that vaccination, that why there's even the knowledge that now we ask to be out there, counting vaccination des that happened within fourteen days a vaccination. You have to be passed. The fourteen day mark tat caught to have it reported theirs was I tell you not now are you are you this? I would take the vaccine if and only if the these farmers who could companies can be held responsible for it, I get what no I mean. I look at. I look at it like this. All those people you know in the early days of the trump vaccine they were. Why do you have a video after videoed? I would never take that. There's not a chance. I take that that man is tat. Anna gold that man there's no way. I would do that. The exact amount, This is the hypocrisy we're dealing with. You can in fact have shared the video it's one of the only videos I've shared and they took a ride down. They. You flip that when they watch the exact same people. Talking about
how its mandate and who have not taken any I've, read about it. No, like nobody find is to be your memories. That short, you don't think about these people, who are just bashing this fuckin thing now promoting it too. fucking gills its owner I think it's important and I hope that this, super super clear. I think they each person should make the best decision for them even a high risk category. I recommend for you to get a vaccine based on well Lena doctors on the show say same thing, yet in anything for me. in my family was the best decision we care for sure friends and if you want to get it, go for it. I feel too, you don't want to get it. That's your decision for sure. I don't think anybody should be forced force, presenting, that's fair to do anything to use more people should be exiled from side. No, I ain't. That's really troubling! Now really do because I that judges stands against what I believe in. Like you showed me, you should be able to make decisions that are best for you in it and in those around you can decide, hey, look if you're bad, yours, and I mean
he should be hanging out with that person, but if you just decide not to get a vaccine or get it, and you made the best decision, you could make a point like you will have heart disease. Exert heart challenges that's a decision you're making based on all the information out there, and it thus was bare you should do what's best for you bro. The problem is, is that if I say I'm going to do what's best for me and not do it, I can't go to fucking this. I can't go to the theaters. I can't go to restaurants. I can't go to the blues game. Yeah yeah: that was bullshit. That's us behind! That's you. and how those decisions are being made is very difficult there, making those decisions bro, because the social pressure is very great from allowed minority. Eighty percent of people agree with what the fuck I'm saying in that's proven by the because there was a pull down on yahoo. That is. Yahoo is high, four leaning left. Ok, the eighty percent of people said that they were not support a business or an organization that mandated vaccines to two comments.
be a close watch on anyone. I'll get you one week we touched on yesterday got interrupted, but your charity It was kitchen yeah right, yeah march fifth, labyrinth everything you asked me if I come yet. I can't. Yeah cause they probably probably can't get into a restaurant. I probably case algiers too, I have to go to fucking california, Saturday, I had a rent house. I can't stay at a hotel. I can't fucking. photo hotel. I had a rent, a mother, fucking house, and I can't go to restaurants when I have to have food brought in what are you going to l a But but my point being is like okay: now, I'm an interesting spot right there. You know, I support your your your cause, I'm a fly across country to do it for your daughter in a heartbeat, When a sharp and allow me- and what do you do is this is this- is when I saw perceval with your friends that you're Montana my less than most of these,
the conversations are happy all across the country and got a handle with little level of color. And what was the organs can likeness, because I don't know that these are happening because weird for most people think you can handle would like for like their terms. some grace and common sense in some like that. Just human like, and I think for you if the state and county guidelines are vaccination stars like ain't the bid, he's? Gonna have to have it right now is not the case, and I I hope it does not become the case, because I think that people should, able to go there on, but if it was then you'd prior you'd have to uphold it. Makes you have to draw a line and say: hey we're going to abide by state and county have enough tickets to the forty niners stadium right. That event is at the fore to understand so that becomes a bigger issue. Right is. they are going to draw for the event. Essentially, whenever they draw than the event has to abide by it. But when is it like? One is enough enough right now, that's a really big boy that didn't it:
When is enough enough? There's two points. I'd like to make your one: it's it! I want you to teleport your brain back, two thousand fucking eighteen, the fact that we're even talking about this shit is insane think if we had a conversation back when we did. Our first show together- and I said- hey They'Re- going to keep people from going to events they're gonna, keep you ve gone restaurants there in a fire them for their jobs. What would you feel it that then you we would have all said holy fuck. We got us I'll, be right now, do now madness, zoo, that's what I'm saying, but now people have been slowly indoctrinated into it, like, I said with the mask where you can use you're doing all this. Isn't that bad? It's like boys! The frog in water and like just, want everybody to go back to two thousand fucking eighteen and think about how you with about all this shit, you're observing all this shit in in australia and canada in europe, these leaders doing the shit like Gavin did where he went out to fuckin dude This is absurd insanity that were even
having the mother fucking discussion at all it into thousand eighteen. If one of your friends would have said, I'm not hanging out with man cause he didn't get a flu shot would have been cancelled on the internet. Now, do you cancel the internet? You wouldn't hang out with that guy yeah, I mean to do that as we are lost, yeah we're lost and we are at a point of high importance in a critical time to stand for what's right? Indeed, if we don't, you can continue, you can expect to continue You see this rolled out the ten year plan. And were in your fucking two of it and you're gonna shit. Just like this. we all saw the video twenty thirty. You all know anything you'll love it that's the whole fucking plan. Okay, this is this is a communist ideology take over, they are look to eliminate freedom ideology from the entire planet. One time with one programme anybody who resists is gonna end up in those camps in those cancelled and are being death camps? That's a flock and that's what I see happening so if we
can say, that's extreme. You could say that whatever What I observe happening. It's not about health. There was about health. Like I said, we be it can fat. People run, we I can work out. We make him get healthy if this was really killing everybody, what people would be stay, the flock home they would have been. the grocery store point the finger at the one guy without amassing fuck you it would you sporting events. They wouldn't do shit, the judges. It's back to you. What are you standing for? You know like knowing you do that different there in different ways, based off your scare brow you one fucking, do shit, you would be going to a restaurant. You wouldn't be going to a fuckin flogging if you are true We scared the shit you wouldn't be doing. You can always say like again I would just say that I think people I know that people have strong views about wage area, but the it's important. We also listen to each other and have sellers. They re conversations having become so yeah you big end. Like you- and I was on my cell like three weeks
hearing, sir perspectives your perspective shifts, right, you don't know what different peoples perspective might be. For example, Oh you with talk about the vaccine. For example me getting Tessie twice week four year for covered, so forget you, The reason why do this is this: I don't need to adjust the that's correct, Oh, you know what I think that you did the responsible think considering the constant circumstances ran out the same thing thing: that's because my perspective was, and I think that if we just take on ticket three sixty view at this like put ourselves in, differ because you know you might not disagree or agree in this whole like the tension in the argued like is not helping anybody right. I think that more stuff, like this things occur where people are actually talking. In discussing and on you play, more things, commenting actually think for sure. You know the outcome idle hope it's as extreme as I would agree, you're going down yeah, but that's ok, I'll still, listen to you. You know, and I we'll find out what we hope. We
are you going to fight for us? my question to you here, what would it take for you to observe for you to agree what I just said. What point would you say holy shit anyway? is actually up because it's happening in Australia right now. yeah have seeing signs of it there for sure and idly. I think I the the in particular, that the vaccine passports he's getting close to a point where I think it's really infringing obviously on people's unearthing argue, their rights are there. But what Here's what I'm asking what event has to happen to get you to say holy shit. They fucked us and they're gonna do this. I dont know if you can really. I am there right, but boat then The question is: if we're there, what would it look here? begun. That's real! I'm asking you questions to you, because I already think that, money has been divided so much right in that people, but I dont, I hope,
it'll, get much worse in terms of like military types. That kind of thing that me and you both that's the next escalation which is way down. Let me ask you this just as a as a: why do you think I want you to really. I want all of you to really think about why they're doing this, why are they kicking some many people are military for choosing the vaccine. I know the answer because you, Well, I mean if you take the military we've talked about this last night and we'll talk about the strengthened the military and whose willing to stand up against it, must likely most dominant person, of the strongest characteristic trait person in the inn in the military and if you can eliminate those people identifying first, then you have Military is much more compliant and much much more docile, exactly what's happening and who do the same thing with the police force. That's what's happening, the police and it's happening in every government agency. They're kicking out all the people that disagree with them. If you know why they're doing that, so they can enforce the shit on the streets like to do in Austria,
Right now now wheels, other factors are going to have on the brute they're gonna come on the streets and motherfuckers with guns are going to kill them. That's what's going to happen, this woman. Should actually maybe, as now event that new than this, Oh shut up, it's it's worse! How long are you willing for it to be like it? Is how are we willing to deal with with would deal with? How should is right now, how long are you willing to do with it back? What, if it doesn't know where we're, let us say, less aid ought nor the choice of launching the rapids but are you, will how lonely will insert continue to live, how it is going right now? How are you willing to stand me, Divisiveness or other rules, rules, rules, regulations. I mean I'll live with it as long as it is not at a point where, like I don't know what the other option would be nice. I guess I'm trying to say like. I don't think it's good the way that the country is the way that divisiveness in
But what is the solution on I mean Andy is talking by his tour, which I think could be really cool idea. Sure, but I mean we're talking. It's going take a while to get passes on. I think I think it's also until I realize I just dump some real flock and hardship on people whenever I just walked out take p. Here's the thing s mother if they're going to kill yeah, I think so. This is why so I want to add to that right. Like a lot of people, are gonna, hear that they're going to be the holy fuck years rest? No, I'm not saying that message. I'm going to go! Do that. I'm saying people that will do that. Ok, ass, a whole lot of them. Ok, so here's the thing: This is why I keep harping on the same message with you guys to get involved. Ok,. If people get involved now the gorgeous school board meetings, if they educate themselves, if they try, To get involved in the civic discussions and and start working towards that's right
I believe we can keep all of this nasty shit from happening. You don't say like we have we haven't problem of apathy and when we, when the smart, reasonable people on both? as the I'll take a fuck. Twenty thirty year vacation to go, build their lives. We shouldn't. Surprise that when we look back the fuckin circuses running the show You don't say I like it so we have to get involved and if we get involved regardless of of political ideologies that, along with freedom right like if your car, I like you, don't belong in this country should go to a communist country. That's just the fuckin way should be I have you think communism is great. You should move to a communist country. This is not a communist country. This is a fucking free country and we have you know people. feel afraid, even say that while we have to accept all these people, no, we don't
a fucking, conflicting ideology and that ideology has killed more people than literally anything in the history of the planet, any event any war, any other fuckin thing. Communism has killed more people any disease. Ok, that's a fact. Go! Look! but here's the thing: if we get involved, we can stop and push the shit out. Ok, the teachers who forced these kids like what we just watch on the video or like that teacher out in a can for you that Gabriel gate odette, whatever his name, was who had to pass a hammer and sickle tattoo on his chest. who is standing in the in his class, making kids pledge allegiance to fucking teeth a flag. Ok that shit has no place in america at all and I don't think I don't think anybody here can disagree with that. No place We have to understand that our enemy is not liberals or people who think more left or people who, just
our agreeing with our social model enemy? Our enemy is people who have a whole lot of fuckin money who pay seeing this division down the pipe who are making us both if that we all hate each other and who are allowing things that are counterpart directive. Two american society in american freedom to infiltrate are our country not even allowing pushing it in So I do once people understand that this is not truly about health. What I think they're starting to realise because emerald He's getting sick of the tyranny there. got that and say what is? This really rather well they're gonna say well, it must be democrat Republican. I think a lot of people are thinking that right now they think it's a democrat republican thing. It's not that it has nothing to do with that. They want you to think that. So you don't see. What's actually happening, which is insurgency of communism coming to america, that destroy our entire country, and a way of life. No man, who you are. There is not one per now there listen this whose life will be better from communism. All of you will suffer all of you, and so once
people wake up and here's my concern that people won't wake up to that until its ready to wait and that's why I've bro. That's why? change the whole name of my show Why went away from lemme yo project? That's, why went away from talking about money, all the time and success in wealth and all this shit, I'm one of the best in the world, a fuckin coaching on the reason I went away from that is because without freedom we don't even have a chance for anyone. So that's where I'm coming from guys like bro. I love the fact that you're asking interesting questions. What I'm saying like a good question since the one I use might open california and fill the dongle? Listen I taught honey. Every day you know, I thought my dad's in California Fleischmann in these other dudes, I talked to them daily like, but does nothing thus the channel it's about being surrounded by so many people who are thinking the same. You know what I'm saying it's hard to. To see these other perspective commonplace like Missouri,.
Like don't get me wrong, like everybody's, not thinking like us either here, you know what I'm saying like there. Still, you still got your people that are like not like. They have a different point of view, a different perspective right, well, dude and people will say: oh dude, you sound like some alex jones conspiracy, shit. No, I don't know cause he's talking about my fucking lizard people and he's going away. I'm talking about actual insert. I actually think that they put these people the now my seeing him what I'm saying they put these people out there who said. a bunch of crazy shit. Everybody look crazy. Okay, so am I It's talk, a talk. Man, logging. What's happened like This should happen like they just had a kid an australia. I forget the kid's name and tommy vex posted it and showed it to me, but he was speaking up against the cops telling the cops. I can't even stand with the people. They beat the fuck out of this kid. Like Almost a death like fractured skull, beat the shit out of him because he's telling the cops like hey guys, your job is to protect us
your job is to stand with us. Your job is to stay with our constitution and, like that's what I'm kind of words, well now now they're, weeding out all these people at the police force they're, weeding out all these people with the military they're keeping only the compliant and the it was compliant. Police and military will come on and do they will come through the street and do anything the government tells them and do that's dangerous. So you guys were police officers and you guys were military listens, shell, which is a thought tunnel of you. it's very, very, very, very, very important just leave! You have to fight it. There is a very important thing ok, because if you leave, if you good people leave who actually stand for because that's what military and police resign do their designed to protect the people from the government, not protect the government from the people. If you guys, we eve you abandoned everybody leave only the people who are willing to do anything. They say for a dollar. You are literally fucking the whole entire country. Oh, so you got,
in these battles. I feel, for you help him back do? What are we gonna do support, but don't leave don't quit organised stand together, do What right! Because do we have to have some leader step up with some backbone to protects the rights of these people because otherwise you know what I'm going to go into going to go in and not I. I told you where I see a goin now often wrong. You know like I am not so I hope I hope I am wrong, but I mean like dude all signs indicate this is worth a fuck. We're going. I mean if you study history, This should have happened, wait many times before so I know it's a hard thing to swallow and I know it's scary and I know it's this, but that's why I'm urgent and that's why we need we need people to help get involved like dude. What's going on, his school, what's goin on their education, what's going on with these mandates that had not have scientific backing, why are we
pushing this. Why are we doing this? Why we're doing this and the other thing I think that needs to be said. is like organizations like the blues right, like you guys, out there and you think you're doing the right thing, and I understand that you ve been under the gun for a couple years, but don't you think they purposely put your with the gun. So you would have to enforce these policies. Don't you think that you, actually in balding, he's coming his tendencies bye, bye, bye, pushing the shit on the people of europe. Helping the agenda by doing so. I do too, I own the team. I couldn't but I know I just couldn't just to fuck. I am so which is exactly what we are doing and soon was, but the booze indictment waving, not as a lemon. The city is, ngos has given them any support for the last five years. that similar silly also has one of the strongest mandates that, under the push knowledge, so I blues pushed it there's a million thousands dating obeyed. Here is another noise, three years freely spry air to you what they say they came out today and said you know what
thought about it we're doing a shit. They have the best fucking year they ever happen. It would be able to go out every five minutes. I will go to every game I would fuckin donate fuckin millions of dollars to their fuckin organization. I would support them and rural. I'm not only one at spoken, every single business owner that has anybody in Saint louis and they're, all with it so like if they want, make a smart business decision. They'll, actually stick their finger into that street level community and understand the temperature in the temperature definitely here is not mandating fucking vaccines and forcing people to show papers in forcing people to disclose met of conditions to go and mother fucker hugging you're, the fan base of the sailors blues is a blue collar fan base. That's where I come from asked where he comes from us we're all these motherfuckers. Your comfort, ok we like doubly Debbie the monster drugs real an age? I again we will race cars. We were work,
because hillbillies, what the fuck you want. I don't care it's who the fuck we are. We about. and these blues the guy's own? The blues are elite dude who have lost touch with the temperature of the family, and it will hurt them tremendous financially. If they don't come back and say you know, we thought about it? We're gonna go back. This is not our business, you have your own personal responsibility, because that's what america's about his neck is in amerika about personal responsibility, isn't about making sure that your healthy making sure that families healthy you sure you doing the thing? I did I'm a major problem with the eighty percent. the people who are art are, we know the staff. Shall. Eighty percent of the people who are fatal with covered are functional, Yes, I have a major problem with somebody who is not willing to do shit. We ve been locked down our businesses, but lockdown. We ve all been fucked with four five hundred almost six hundred days. Now that do canoe and can you
Your help. In six hundred days I ate ginger held seizure and any change it complete Yeah we've seen a lot of people go one way or another, We ve seen. Lotta people transforms the trend, form and lose a ton weight and do amazing things seem the opposite way to correct, but you, but they have The area will agree or disagree. Everybody has had the opportunity to help so why the what are we still pandering to people? Who did it? Because I can tell you this well, you know me was I fuckin fatter when I saw you last time, you're, good. Ok, I no longer needs to honey. Yeah husband is my dude yeah. I want a very, very, very best, friends, a great man. Who also has had some very serious, hot covert, hardships. Ok,. If you had the opportunity to get healthy and you did it, you don't have a fucking dog, in this race anymore, bro now in me, ok!
you know what I've missed eight flocking days in an almost six hundred, I'm lazy right, I'm a fucking slacker. If I could take control of my shit and get healthy, so the fucking you so stay the fuck away from you that argument, because any right, you're now wanting your laziness in your lack of activity in your lack of taking personal responsibility, you want the work, The bend over a barrel to accommodate you, I fought with it. Nobody should be doing apart and it is what it is like Oh, you got some way to lose. You should be losing it by one, about is what it is so. You know what else when I say that I am I can't, here it from someone who has set home done. Nothing. Tributes. Nothing does take care of themselves, doesn't even take serious account for can do it. Here's what I can do them a camera. Extreme die a programme that is traceable. That's other thing. The pisses me off about this shit right,
I am not saying this to be a flock and arrogant asshole. There may be some people more than me. There might be some people will transform more lives than us. May I don't know of any. I don't know of a single person whose have more impact on people's fuck. A mental and physical health in the land two years that myself and that's being that this I'll be your testable. That's a step. That's a matter of fact. I've litter! hundreds of millions of hashtags met programme hundred think about it. Hundreds of millions Ok, so I have done my point. I think here myself, I've put out a I've been there for other people have helped them guide them to where they were. They are more healthy, mentally and physically. During this, hope pandemic anna lead by example, and missed fucking. I missed eight days broke in six hundred, so what the fuck you got for me, dude There no holes my mother, fucking game there. Just isn't You got a poker me all you want, but you make a final fuckin holes. Ok,
think if we really want to get back on track, everybody should aspire to let everybody aspire to be what they said. They're about everybody. inspired, take control of their own health, everybody should aspire and take responsibility for their physical condition in their mental condition, and I think if everybody did, that things will look a lot better final thoughts. I think we should, You know a party or part of the tour and the concept of the tourists to show the importance of cattle was right after after that, I'm sorry to interrupt you, I'm trying to work on this. I've got a written up there on the board, says: let people talk it's been up there for like ten minutes, yeah I've been doing better. I've been getting better. Maybe slowly getting better. But here's the thing progress over perfection us right here, look. Here's one thing I thought about. While we're having this convert, I think it would be good to have people have different different viewpoints to come on that tour with me and do some q and a's in us, like, like jason, see everything exactly the same, but I feel
good after having this conversation, but I feel like we had a productive conversation. I think we should do so like. Why is it that's a good? Yet it is not what people need to see. That's what people need to see what people need this is. I am so among vaccinated, I'm just it's not that friends and when you sit next to each other and we could share a burrito, you know I think you know the you know just talk about You know doing your part rights party role, I think huge part of this is you know when you look at brick and mortar brick and mortar as the backbone of society. It's the backbone of the economy, you know who's one here, the big boy our amazon's one big in the last You know, seven hundred days having yours have small business saturday. I've been actually mean in the talking about this, but I think should take an initiative- maybe it's a month of october, to say whether its neck, cancelling amazon, summed not part of the council culture, but like hey, can you shop locally in october, can you make the decision? The income
the decision to make a little bit harder to go support somebody locally. Maybe it's an ace. drew value, hardware store versus home depot- I am, I can get down without its. I could be fuckin violence of about further drive, but I think you know playing your role in society, that's a small role that we can all play in supporting the local seo. You know who's, not. You know and yes to be a small business or man. That's fucking hard and it's been really fucking are the last two years and I think identifying that him in these people have stuck it out this. Then there were the rhine and threw it like. How can you help where you can help them? The local I am taking the opportunity to go. Spend dollars locally, goes a long way in creating a better economy for your for your local economy here, and I think you know when you look at that. You know we start talking about. How do you spend your dollars? Does not everybody? three hundred thousand dollars to pull back from a organization and right in advertising mobile. You have due to pull back from amazon to go, give to your local guy who's, recycle your neighbor, like it with a groan
I think you know you can hear by the way I talk like I'm, not look, there's a lot of different pay, on vaccines. Unboxing this that, but I think, what's in our control right is, Yes, you know, give astronaut vaccinate, but this this tension and these challenges we see in society and and even with covert right, what's complete in our control, is, I think people need to take ownership in their own fitness right, like we're talking about and a lot of people want to talk about wearing mass, getting vaccine, etc. But if you can talk about that, that's fine right, if Europe, if you're a believer in it, that's ok, I'm, but then conjunction else. You talk about wakening yourself re, taking care of your feet. This may be sure, going off walks getting in your exercise because you eat it should be. One sided he's be a more holistic approach and I think that's that's, really important you will understand that we had so wrapped up in this conversation, which I it's very important conversation absolutely, but then we have a tendency to take away things at that are actually in our controls is easier for us to reflect on the things that are outside of our control. Necessarily, what's in our controls,
taking care of ourselves, and it said you know. We for our day three sixty five thing and being in better shape, is going to help you vaccinated or unvaccinated I got coded being vaccinate, It wasn't that bad made, because in really shape, maybe tells? Actually I don't know, but that was in my control and I think your bail should go out the ngo. Sorry walking in the targeting after your workouts. We come them tour I wanna towards these one city ass, it is yell going it's. What is not his home city? Listen! Listen! I want. You know like these kind of conversations. They make me extremely hopeful for people. but I need this. What I need? Did you hear from someone who may be didn't necessarily see it as bad as I saw it, but is also willing to have discussions and, like I really fuckin dude, I loved you before man, I really love. You know our coworker. Give you a big ol hug, but, like my thing is, is like that's important guys. It's it's important. I know a lot of you guys, think I'm this hot
do you only like hot tempered, dude, I'm like like this hot, hamper guys me, no, you can't talk to in its now. the case at all. I feel very open minded as well, and I think people need to hear things like this. You know. So I really appreciate. Come on you're. Not these rob me. I mean after hundred mile by ride and upper chat about. Wife, lil little little politics good stuff. What do you think bro, something that happens now. Decisions, and I think that this This problem, we must be resolute. Action I think I got to hear different perspective vietnam's enough. Not- not all mine ass. Yes, I'm fuckin bought re like maroon human, whereas ruins wasn't dead. Woman was a great and that's the thing he's a fucking great here yeah and he's really right here- go. Have these conversations because I'm sure you do have a neighbor down down block that probably thinks a little bit different to go. Have those conversations man and you know- hopefully they don't. You know that there are a lot more.
Spent like like this conversation is awfully does goes. I was, but you know, No, if you don't know how I think my final thought I want to touch back on south thing, I think, unfortunately, were in a situation where we have to let her dollars do the talking and its important support companies that you alive, with right. Now, because everybody so polarized, and so you know, if you really want these. companies to respect your views, you're going to have to spend dollars with companies that appreciate who the fuck you are what you stand for, and so I think, it's a big move that can really change a lot of things. You know Erin Wagner a good buddy of mine, made your point on his instagram yesterday that you know most, but he's operate between five and twenty percent margin so like they came for to lose twenty percent of the customer base and lilies allotted these organisations and companies are getting very cavalier with how they think they can operate a business. guys businesses hard with a hundred percent possible customers. When you see
divide europe, customer base into, let's just say, sixty forty or seventy thirty room. Fifty fifty you are cutting your own throat and so a loud you businesses out there to understand what the fuck you're doing, because people feel very strongly about this we're not just going to give in to tell you this that she is now many in my body is not ours. Do everything else. I need to do I'm willing to work hard, I'm willing to eat food, that I'm willing to go and have a good time, I'm willing to suffer for everybody's health, but I'm not some shit in my body to fucking that that that I think I believe, after my research, I trust myself, and that that it is what it is. So you know as much as I hate the cancel culture and I hate that shit. I I think it is important you know to, to to support people and companies that you align line within what the stand for, and I don't think it's. I don't think you should be discouraging people from. Ah, you know
going somewhere that they believe, but I think that we should all be working towards supporting people that they believe and and- and I support- because I think that's the only way we're gonna get back in and show that no eighty percent of the peace born america, more freedom, dude jason- you might have different views, but you still respect the freedom. I do. I also feel for the businesses that are that are putting a really difficult position. Yeah. I really really do like myself included it's a really difficult decision. If you, if your business and then there's this means that as a business owner, yours, you know your audience as well. It wishes to exempt cisco theirs. It is a current vaccine mandate there, the rest Owners can go. No, if I'm not mistaken on this, they actually bit there. Okay, with it, because they believe more patrons will come in raw, knowing that everybody there has their boxing in that particular area. But you know I I
I dont envy the position for any business, including ourselves, because if it puts your back against the wall to isolate one demographic or the other, there's plenty of people to feel the way you do. There is plenty of people who feel the opposite way right and as a business like your things already hard enough and now we're being put in an impossible situation. Your damned, if you do damned if you dont heading back to your promote the with the the hockey team rights, the same thing, maybe maybe not pointing them out to you, you may not be thinking about if you I wanted the entire country to be dependent on the government. Let's say you were trying to install a communist regime. Were most people are dependent on the government? Wouldn't it makes destroy small businesses, make it impossible for them to succeed. They're, doing a good job of making it very difficult something about yeah, I'm not saying it is what it is, but I'm just asking something by right. Now, a liberal. I love him
A this is fucking awesome show yeah. We got to get some dirt anytime, you're welcome to come on the show. I I love, who you are love, what you represent and tell people where to follow you? best placed by inscribed jason clipper on, and you have one check out. Some margins are online programmes and see fit and do I look the other way, yeah. We have book as may rest is possible on you can find on amazon taddeo version on audible as near as possible acts actually after I an show years ago, men. I got so much feedback from it. I really appreciate give me the opportunity to do. The audiobook is great, so go check it out guys check out his book porthos man he's good maize, good human. He represents what I think the best
it's a marathon. So I love you guys. I appreciate the guys have you enjoyed the show pay the fee for sleeping on the floor. Now my jewelry box frozen the fuck are still countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kang doesn't know headshot case closed.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-04.