« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

116. From Prison To The American Dream Ft. Craig Long

2021-06-28 | 🔗

Success in America comes down to the decisions we make on a daily basis. On today’s episode, Andy and the crew are joined by Craig Long as they dissect American values, the importance of young leadership in our country and how to turn an unfavorable situation into an advantage in your life.



This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The floor. Now my jewelry box for the stove counter millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got to thank rolph, can't kang doesn't know. Headshot case closed. Also gas is generated for salad. This is the show for the really say goodbye to the lies, the status and delusions of modern society and welcome to mother fucking reality guys. Today we have a full length. Show and we have a special guest. But before I do some brigham on, I got to a full crew here, sal still haven't, may form This has gone round. Yet that's tells me I love nicknames will be based in truth, so I got it I got DJ was I was and dj I got von word. What subdue were subdue word, the widest dude in the room for literally yeah. It literally and figuratively. Culturally, they hurt you. Are you getting attacks,
your whiteness urban white, though leading attacks right now. I am getting attack from our ears, so white, Even the way I might were sunglasses the white, even the white people online. It's a truth to that too yeah. She calls our bulldog bulldog. So it's right, I dunno what you call a target, moving game, moving screens, yeah sure we're going to get to this eventually. But let's just straight out, speak the truth and say that this show is already racist Can I just say that, because I dunno what Madame was thinking, but he segregated I wonder why guys into black eyes, were like what were you thinking downloading the middle yeah yeah, I'm exhilarating thy areas. I dared look yeah guys know if you're not a fan of social issues. This is not going to be the show for you just let you know what some of you guys listen for motivation and business knowledge we're gonna hit on that day. Some that's gonna be relevant for discussion, but I'm gone.
A friend a lot of guys, don't know yet what you will know after the show? I, like long hair, he's from Tampa how you doing bro, what's up? What's up he's got a tremendous story and a lot to say and basically guys I just want to bring on people who think, are doing a good job standing up for what they believe and this man has done that, and so did. I im super happy to have you here and and get your message out and kind of get your story out. You have a credible. storing up the loom, ah its honour yarborough and it's you know It's an honor to have you because you have taken. in things in life that were not favorable that were your own, mind your own doing night and then You had some realizations and your turn it around. So I do, let's just start with like where you, where you come from
literally most people, don't know anything about you yet so, yes, nor bad, where you come from Europe robin nor the dingle bells, the dc do not get long, winded. I'm an average american I've been in trouble since the age of fifteen. I went straight to jail straight? The prison didn't come home, until two thousand and nine I was twenty five years old All I had was twenty five dollars for bus ticket in a paper I d home. You name it. I lived in people's couches. I've lived in my car, one hundred and eighty degree turn my life around. It is true your decisions do determine where you end up in your life. My decisions in my earlier days, I lived a life of literally hail when I didn't really have to and now live in a life of making good decisions, blame myself to grow. My life is sugar.
A major change right, I'm another example: the american dream: the american dream is real writers, literally There's nobody on the thirteenth floor, collaborating just to keep some one. I looked like me down right. There's, no, white, supremacy, races, white dust floating around that. bree, then that will create made it have. for behaviour or make bad decisions or wire fail right. Its literally the decisions that you making a life that will determine which are outcome is and I'm an example of the I'm an example of the american dream. So in a nutshell that who I am, I am busy owner to tamper floor. I am in florida now. our own doom I received almost civil rights bag like I was telling you, including my second amendment rights, so we do live in a country that has a scale right if you
make good decisions in you are able to show that you turn your life around like it will reward you re, so I just, I want my inspirator my story to inspire people. I went, story to show people that hey nothing hold you back. Nothing out here in this world is dear to hold any body back. If you know how to win in you apply yourself, you will win, you will win in a nutshell, death who I am, and I am sure will into the nuts and bolts as go alone, but I'm craig long and I'm not gonna- give it to you with a chaser, I'm gonna give it to you little released for seattle. Maybe that's why you're here cleared out. We enjoy I bring people, I like the one did about what we do here as we don't. I don't care if you have obtained million followers if you're a fucking movie star, whoever you are just a regular dude out there grinding, actually think that that's the more our message. In my opinion, europe,
We need to see and hear What you're talking about because do you ve been down there the negative path. Now, let's talk about that, you know what what what got you put away for fur for those? Well, It wasn't no podcast charges like I stole a bubble gum you harry. I know where I was messing with you're. Not a may, not know that was you know live in a straight line manner. I was out our caught up in a culture which is a dish, active culture, is something that I am constantly talking about: the destructive culture, destructive, behaviors and was alive. I got caught up in, I was influenced by my because they're called because of my decisions are choosing a life like to write it. Me into do- imprison time along exterior, extended period of time in prison,
The prisoner shot, two people. I lost my freedom across all my rights because I shot people now the people did I shot, did they deserve it? at the time so lulli. You know me, thank god. I have another chance to people who are still here. I will We won't go into detail that, but the people are still here. And so I got another crack at life right in The ordeal ryan prison is prison. Now I just want to clarify these were lodges innocent people that you jack run now geezer not like I guess we hear on like a seven year old girl got shot, grandma down the street. You got a ricochet. This was a result of some criminal activity. Criminals will drive Bys name a man like these people were some degenerates. These the you know what I mean just to tick, to give clarity to to the people listening. These people were some bad people
and at the time I was I was a degenerate. Rail was an asshole rang on I mean I was somehow you didn't want to run across at that time. But always have been a good hearted person, but I made dont decisions in it led me in the prison at the present time. I didn't do somehow, at the jail for a couple, I did real time man, you know what I mean and lifers people that were on death row. What was that life? Were you while I was there. I your your experience, prison, because I you see it on tv, I mean it. You see. days in a couple of it, you get a glimpse of the right by me. Well, What was that really like for you when you, when you went from cause jail and prison, is a big difference right, like what your first day in I mean what were you thinking? What was going through your mind at that time she said I'm pretty sure I bet it was like I'll give you back like that at receiving this is
If they take you from jail, you're going up the road right up. The road is you're going to prison. Sorry irib holder you, the sun. I literally just turn thirty How old are you ill and I dont know venom still wet behind the ears meant I just her eighteen Well behind the ears. So by the time I got the prisoners about nineteen years old man I am in learn how to shave you're, not a mania model. Whom I want to say around the age of sixteen, so Nineteen I was alone full fledged one hundred percent outdoor industries, man and now you figured then a nineteen year old green went behind the ears. You thank you. a bad ass. You know you, It's easy to be a bad ass. When you got this big ass gun on you and you were all your homies and you're out in the street- and you guys are sticking together when you go into isn't do it's. you know we see how the movies depicted by its a partially. A lot of it is true.
There is a lot of stuff that goes on for this another world, in that world is like your amongst the wolves man. when you're amongst them. Would you have to live like a wolf, so the stuff in prison is, I don't know where you guys want me to go with them line. Are you know- and I knew I don't wanna go to prison when I saw there was a b, o special on behind the scenes of prison when I was about ten and there is a dude honour and has said what sir they said its tasks and salad in his do. The task is sound listen, there's only two ways: ta salad, that's where you to your asshole, eight and theirs. Two ways. Do it with syrup. and we're jelly and I thought now I ain't doing that shit, yeah story. I had violent crimes, so in virginia this particular prison. I did a based off color codes, so view abandoned crimes you're going to europe
The budget that no one in pods and tears soul, if you had like you had robbery and things like that, you would be downstairs upon. But if you are considered a red code which was high violet. like you haven't you been in trouble at the jail you're fightin david, you had a high, your more the high risk, so they put you upstairs and a top tears with the lifers but have double homicides, He would never go home like the shit you with. seal on tv man like no no joke. Some The biggest jokers dead are the most feminist choking hardrada makes one and then its while so the jelly I've got the daily literally look like big, rich,
then rhymes jokers united holy shit little weight since they came out the womb guys you guys like a great jellies. They were the fuck away: yeah solar utility belt robbery, I'd stay away from let dude seriously man. I remember my first day when they finally told me you're going upstairs to the top terrier red you're out. You got your upstairs with life. Violent crimes, murder, double homicide right, so yeah this big metal box, the tow, that's what they call it. You got your mesh bag with all your linen and things like that, and they have this big power what's that got to run. Gotta go in and encloses behind, but
you're goin in you here just pure chaos. Ah porthos in slam and bones argue in is ha but remember you not on a street anymore, no more weapons and their home boys there in your dreams. from the jail lack of your malnutrition, you, don't you skinny is, however, bodies like well fit, can read it again, it lifted and workin out. all our with a hear, so his tongue opened the door to get me into the pond. In all, I remember is the turtle she dish and it was literally it's not you. You can hear a mouse fart like that's how choir went right and I was like holy shit. The box is heavy. I got all the shin on my dragon. The box in everybody's got this. If looks, could kill stare at you and I just thought to myself holy shit worth of
What the fuck did? I just get myself into. I have to figure out how to get the hell out of his right. You know my dude scared to death yeah. I thought I was a bad ass. Gnomon scared to death do does, Gotta be a crazy feeling good, because I guarantee you learn your fuckin lesson right there already oh how you got all this time before I can deal with it. You don't say a thousand banners male gun pliny fights near they have they had the sting call store boxes. Were you I run in an enterprise like a little business. You try to start you, wanna honey bun, one for two lemme give you my honey, but I want to back in our remit. we're trying to start a store box in the do. I had a do buckle me right, like I'm, not paying you shit did high. You live and I was like oh shit. This is it I got. This is what this is all my class tat. This is what I thought of on one of the park ass net, while summarize understand from our remember man, do was behaved with chicken
my ass slamming me, but I just was little is man they would count. Tom we break us up when I read it leases out again into the pot I'll go back to fight him in the gods the point where the gaza, his boys look. Man here is a sham He owes let's just this should allow right in it, even though get my ass work. It conor created a respectable for sure This is a guy. That's gonna stand off himself, which it which is funny later on. As the years go by actually do into a with the same guy, but this time unlike healthy animals, and should let the magyar observe and jelly like. Let's go. Let's go now: mother fucking, whose bodies themselves weird? How that world works? You know what, but I learned a lot and I learned a lot being in this situation. So Really, do you get out of jail right like you do all this time you get out, you got what you say a hundred bucks
They give you twenty five dollar five bucks, twenty five books to buy a bus ticket. Now what You literally deposited back into society, get where nothing would nothin literally method there. What was your family support, like none at all, so me and my father were already rocky you're, like a mud. and talk to my father like three and a half years, one at all, like I had a beef would on, but I always respect them right like this. Something in the bible says you should always honour and respect your father and your mother, and I always will honour my father and mother, but we were beef and before I went into to prison. I knew that I do not want to go back. I needed to change the surroundings of where I lived. So I decided, instead of going back to Virginia june, be released to north carolina, where my father was living, so he I went to transition at my father. I think I'm blasted too.
Months and then I left to go with an ex girlfriend that I used to be with before went to prison, so the support was it was there even with the support, I still really had a were horn. Really really had to work hard. It's a whole new environment. You got new set of rules. You gotta try to follow right. You should probably just finish adjusting to the prisoner or now you gotta now had to relearn everything Many early we learn everything like arm. I think the best thing If we use cell phones, the flip cellphone the pan, to bear blackened panda bear was like the hardest thing you could have. I two common home. You have facebook in all these different thing in dinner phone rings in the car, we do not always written in a car like soil. It was kind of a culture shop for me, but I didn't Let us stop me man, I mean challenge after challenge after challenge had overcome it, sir, craig back and I'd say probably to them
I for two thousand five I spent an afternoon in the riley county jail. Oh so I knew before I have a research it. I could see that you'd been clank. I had that kind of connection. The fuck out of here real recognise real unanimously recognised yeah, but but it only two years on the buyers like licence or you we were. We talk a lot about focusing our his nails in areas such as he was out of seven bibles, as we would have a guy saga. Bad Gillian survived dogma almond butter here now, but in all spheres is so you you were talking little bit before. We actually need moving to the word, not butter above it out you, you're talkin will bid before we started recording your time about kind of your family background that coming in
you be the first to say nothing forced you into the decisions that you made. No, there were no factors that that compelled to do that, but I'm curious. What were the lies. that you believed were embraced that lead you to make those bad choices can you clarify more about what which media? Like I mean? What? What really was the impetus? you deciding okay, well, I've got I've, got a mom and dad. I know a little bit about the bible in terms of honouring my mom and dad. So it sounds like you had a little bit of a solid foundation? What were the factors that kind of contributed to you? Go going down that path that's a good question is something I often trotted critique. If I could go back so that I can connect with other with youth that may be going through that transition, maybe they've gotten trouble or something- and I you know, I would we are here like this right now are society. How important fathers are right and you know how to phone, but mom
the father, they withdraw divorce right so much even though a great father, there was always a father. He was not there per se like If you had a father, I was always there but when he was there, he he instil certain values and principles in me so mean taking. That path more? So if a decision on my part but They are just man they they raise me tune. They all was raised me to work hard right so that the I would say lies lies in a sense of love. must sit whole black blackened. I all your black. Because your black, you got a really really work, your ass off, because man I don't want to see. Nobody wants to see you excel in this, then at their soil. It that I found they say that's a lie that that is one of the lies on that I would say as far as the system
idea per se, another lie, would be people constantly. No matter what color you are, people constantly would say: oh you can't do something Oh man, you done now you're felon. You better get your gun right back. You're dying. All life is gonna, be so hard for you, man, you're gonna, have to just gets destruction job and that can allow. I write obviously defied All of those lies thus also like your mistakes, defining from here on out there like that. As a result, we lag loud, your them in a black sheep. Now did they start that now there sir I mean like, if we're being we're gonna, have a honest conversation. This is where we get into the sea rte stuff. no look, they look at black children and they lit the people who trust on the most their parents, the teacher or I'm sorry, the people they look up to four guidance parents. Teachers.
Thus school officials again athletes and Emma met league earthly gatekeepers, or how can we we can't look? I'm gettin way ahead of myself here, but the truth is is it? Society creates the scenario where black children, do not believe they have the opportunity to win, and if you convince a child, no matter what color the day not do something because their their picture. And is different than I mean bro, first of all, a wee that prick is of a species, were we are literally evolved from fuckin. Who knows how long. we're still arguing over the pigment of people skin. So like it's fucking it do it's so elementary in primitive, that if you really think about it, it set itself that we do that in this country and
and now we have these systemic thing. Like c r t, which we want to about real systemic racism, the real systemic racism is looking at a black child or brown child and saying you can't me anything because you were born here. Looking like that, on the flip that's a little white child or somewhere in her. They gonna be races just because there let that it's crazy, it's. What might not argue with these people constantly online? They think dead. Everybody white is races. Hurl. It's like If you had a child the moment the child is born, it's alright discharge child a their wires slight, but that is pure evil in hatred. Like that's like what what I want. My son walk in a classroom. Don't give a shit black, wiping purple boy girl they go in and play exactly what the hell is going on little things that deadlines in august, to go on your question. Does the lie like
because your black, you gonna work so much harm, but guess what you why you gotta work so much on the spanish I'll be here? He he's got works so much. Everybody has to work so much harder. If you want be actually be anything and everything it gets lost. Craig is like dude, we it's it's hard for. Finance everybody aside easy for anybody ended are there scenarios still in this country where a black person be treated differently than a white person? Yet We are but I would argue that those scenarios are based off a previous experiences. Its personal values collect so like a view the police officer, who is a little nervous because he's got three black males in front of them. Well, the wizard, he's fucking notices because he's been in this situation before, and things have happened. Usually happened, tudor pardon racked, so we, talk about this in a black square up, so you know,
If we really want to fix shit, we have two fuckin all grow the fucker, and say: hey do the same, black or white, or brown, a red or yellow anything zoo by us being good people. Good individuals and taking the leadership in all. we're communities in teaching the right things. whether ammo white man in your speaking, to my little circle of people or you, A black man, you speaking to the people that you influence the waiter is this shit guys is that we ought to say, hey we're, buying this shit, no more and we're gonna, above it and we're gonna, teach the right things and be the right thing to do next, oh yeah. The problem I now, though, is that we're trying to create solutions for things that aren't really problems. Right and then the things that are really problems. We ignore right. So so one of these The com me have by the us in the new trailer. Furthermore, we can let me say that that I appreciate so It will I want. I want to touch on because you actually you talked about it, but
so, this new movies, common, I'll call, Karen and so basic We are creating this idea that every single black person, the buyer house and a white neighbourhood is going get attacked by white person that does the overarching theme of this. What's the moon, what cessna propaganda so what's the movie about its about, like family movements will all our neighbourhood and their next door, neighbours, air and his allies lemme tell us real his flock. Let me the current movie is about Races white carries the collar karen, she gets a new black couple, inner neighbourhood and is apparently she's racist and she starts terrorizing and trying to kill their neighbour brothers shop, but it proved the brothers, a car but its propaganda, and so she gets him to harass these people to live all of them, are in on it, the terrorize and black folks. It's all the propaganda, that's going to create a healthy fucking, just not hill racially charged as antagonistic. It's more
propaganda and stereotypes about it. get banned from twitter and facebook. All absolutely not. I in this is the thing like we live in a country where freedom of speech- yes, you can expressing do whatever you want to do. Doesn't necessarily mean you should do it, but hey you have the freedom to do. It What how would the same people say they want equality. Social justice warrior right the people running around with black squares in the an efficient air and robbed black lawton pro blacken oldest right. Do you notice them? Also people are fucking why're. You do not know. I see him out there wash and people's flock and see under washer people's funky asked loans as well as an air with solidarity views. We Gabriel, If you some reviews, don't fucking bring me the reviews page there are. We laugh at him
I just remember that when you fucking dog me, I'm sitting in my gym, probably just got on my fucking ferrari and me and dj are fucking laughing laughing at it. So dude remember that when we got a few weeks ago where they do was like or the woman was like, yeah just another white guy who talks about how he has black friends and then could then they go on and they fuckin read it, and you can tell it's coming from a white person like it's like bro You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about were noted. I hate that I ever get for talking about these little black were ever ever. It's always. Why does she liberals who through a middle class or upper middle class, who the truth is? They feel guilty for them not having any resistance, so they got a warrior for everybody else's shit. Right and I do your mother fucker, you shut the fuck up cause, you don't have any real experience. You know you don't even know what is really like. You never been out there in the real world and duty
What can tell us the biggest thing right now is that the narrative, it can be scary rights like seeing that movie karen right, if that's it This was pre obama, how's rather moved came out, and I saw that movie, we scared the shit out of me right. but the truth is shaped in people's ma- am he's gonna fuck. Was it similar emma use moved in with a sign of prime primarily? Why are you here I'll carry so that's the thing is I guess I So you hear this narrative, but goes step. One lesson that so you have a real perspective on right, gta, DJ thrill. When I met dj. One these goals and by the way, I'm super proud of this do cause he's a flock and hard ass worker. He look in his last fifty flock and certain pounds. This is restored training. The old ro ro, this motherfucker, with values just chubby on an end limping does rice, limp dick it'll, be its flag, is an excellent right. So do enough!
the look right now. I that is look so once that's right. I mean that's right so this do comes in he's, got all these goals right and, like you know, I don't know this due from anybody he's tell me all this shit, I'm lookin at me three. Fifty I'm like yeah right. You know whatever this motherfucker tells me he's like he had just gotten his his his fiancee there were held, when a baby and he's like here I'll get my shit together in bulgaria because I do when I see somebody who's overweight. I know I know I've been that had been fifty I've been the guy who says mammoth. You must shit together for ten straight right. Like I've been, I do so. I didn't they can seriously north ass. You, like I hear too should everywhere and your shirt Fought it waits coming off shore coming together do gets himself like it. He never lived in the house before his entire life. We once it we want.
see? Do people notice about you? They think that you live some curse shit. This motherfucker grew up with without one parent household, in a worse neighborhood in fucking, ST louis, and if you don't st louis ST louis, is a murder capital per capita. The united states terrible place okay for for for crime, one! for people, bad leadership. That's my taken sailors by the way I'm gonna familiar next year, so afflicts the shit, but here's the thing you know We draw down to see where no David door that police officer the got you, when the rise ravenous path here, you're, so so we went down to pay our respects. We have talking about where we each come from and where we, you know. he comes from where I come from- accelerate the bedroom. Yet in this has never live in house before now we live in a house always apartments his whole life. I comfortable, like meat. I was the one thing they blew my mind on my fuck, you Imagine never ever ever
but his homeowner yeah that's right a bigger role in an efficient and white neighbourhood, or do they treat you bad, nor I get so much useful later. When I got my next related shares, are you really don't have no programme potholes or mastery? There's no fuckin trash the gutters on me, like you! Actually fuel is now. I do have a path that come nobody's flock and we all know by us bottles designs over troops on yes on taking this matter like knock on your door. Rollo can I, without whose values, with Barroso, this sort of guys so sick. So we whoop the day were moving in right, I, remove an air that we breathe abrasion the house and we get a fuck knock on the door. like all share your ass in the peace talks, The dawn of this is the white lady. She has spoken cup of local tray of cupcake,
oh mamma economic policy mix in the movies like this. This is interesting enough organs. I take those cupcakes and we go in the kitchen and we like Alex's like, shall I bake? Should we eat em? I do think he didn't like oh yeah. This is this. Protect me, I'm already fucking. Taking me out. Yeah Fugate is the best fucking cupcake. I've had in my life, Allow me in her husband we can people who has the best law as beautiful as I'm sure you do in real life about listen. My fuckin strives to get non boy. I might strike on balance. I gotta get the new balances. I know about you, but I gotta go as a rule by my point. Is that you do you hear these these narratives come out right? In the end, it's the same analogy that I gave I might have been the black square to the right, while you're sitting inside your house in this box and some it comes in every fuckin in the room, so glass at a drain right
ok cool on all your wet? Next they come in April. Listen, you got out of fuckin thunderstorm no blood. There has focused where nato, You don't go outside they come in the next time, brother to fucking hurricane. But then you look at him like united with fucking wit. and so so you did you go outside the narrative. You go you step outside and spoken beautiful. Why did I didn't so like? That's how you have to challenge those narratives, and so this this thing about the fucking care movie. It really bothers me because that's gonna whole a lotta people back from even fuckin attempting to homo dry in reality is: is you go in those situations to be fucking ten times better than witches that the bullshit that you're dealing with right now like where we came from on the loft that was downtown ST louis, we have protests up and down our street people would break and fucking windows bro. There were shootings on the street every fucking every night I said I've sent you. Videos like there were fucking carjackings right in front of my home, since it's stairs your type and we gotta marina, healthy specially with the climate we have right now in our society, it stereotyping and what
One of these social justice warriors these gatekeepers of the world that are already successful to tell the whole another a group of people, right. We all know life and death is in a tongue. You can speak, if over somebody, but you can also be death and is funded at these gatekeeper these people had already successful these drifters. They always speak death over the people do not do something Stick to something else holding you back because of the color you skin So when you see these type of poetic artwork, late due hollywood like It's so still so much stereotyping propaganda. You have to ask these people hey it's wrong wrong is wrong. Would you like if they made a movie a wider. Rapporteur made a movie call shook, we shape our aim every black rachel we charge woman is willing to fight you in any fast food, restaurant or airport stereotype, an initial wrong so
kiss them movie. I can't stand that this is happening in our country. Why think the craig to brow? I think the important point of this as yet. We have to understand this. Isn't just art sought. you start is not its desire to jointly that's correct. So so you know we when you, when we sit here, we talk about fuck, it's wrong. Well, it's only wrong based on our values system. it's not wrong, based system of saying, hey, we need to create some stuff so that this the division going, so that we can have that. Look right, dude, you guys, whether your black! Why, I left right. If I don't give a fuck by the way I don't care, there's a lot of people from the left. Listen to the show I consider myself pardon the middle left, consider me that make us certainly far. I, u yours everybody's far right. It does not agree with the narrative, a hundred percent, I'm ok with that too. I don't really give a fuck what you guys think my job here in what I strive for solutions and coming together in unity in it,
and indeed we we cannot do Do that when we have people who are constantly fearmongering, throwing a message to people because bro you can't, if Just take your example dj. You know you have some more unless you say who's told a certain thing, your whole life and then you know they start to see a little bit like you No, this doesn't seem right and then all of a sudden you got this movie or that propaganda or this message coming from Lebron James or this or that or this you know I see, I knew that she was true, so it's like its view dangerous for us not to question what the purposes for the information that were receiving, no matter where you are a whether you black man or white manner, brow manner. It looks to me I don't give a fuck what your ass by the same as americans, you- and I wish we were. We would get we're moving away from that. I think the last couple years. I think at this moment, right now we are
actually moving towards that for the first time that I've been able to notice, because I see a lot of people who are frustrated with the power to excite me, we fuck it all are broadly everything was broken. We all know. We all know that go out in the real world and we go to the store we go to. Here we go to most people, for our good most new. And do their feeding the shit down our throats so that My opinion- and this is what I see- I'm pretty good strategic thinker to key certain segments of the population where they are so that they can continue, get the vote for them. You know like bro like you, can't What for hey we're gonna fix all these problems. If there is not only falcon problems, so we have to create the problems to create the vote, to create these guys power, when we think about it, like that it makes perfect sense, were amazed. Anti aids. every election,
all we always use these campaigns boat or die vote or die right. This, like we may change. We need change, but I'm just to talk about neither the black community air, very monolithic, ripe, ninety seven percent clip votes for the saying party every single time right in his like these people. Always say we need change when you change, but the keyboard for the same party. Which some mostly state, expect in a different out expecting a different outcome. Mostly states, our blue states right ran by black mayors, ran by their blacks police chief, somebody's inner cities have baton predominant black police officer sauce hey you kid. put in the same political party that you want change is the same one. Are you guys to vote for the same they set you live in the run, the same ladys and by the way, your cup with the same message
look at the over look or oldest problem. The problem never gets fucking fixed at all. It's been fifty years when we're going to fix it guys right right and I feel like people are invested, to keep the goal for all I didn't. You cannot convince me that america is more races today than it was for previous years, like obama, royal bomber? Did a speech in two thousand and thirteen and moorhouse colleges he he, you can look it up this new concluded. It doesn't matter which are upbringing was it doesn't matter if you been faced with discrimination. Nobody cares, nobody cares. What whatever you thank. You going through. It literally is a pale compared to pay in generations. We have opportunities. He also spoke about how we have to compete against the world people from come from other humbling beginning other countries to come to me in a strive. They literally strive. If I use the nigerian right there's not yours as blackened and all of us and is, but
not the Nigerians considered bob's. They they asked We refer to them superior in performance when it comes to academia, even in business financing, their black, if its color of their skin and as someone on the thirteenth floor in system is so biased towards the color. Wise guy is a large area, have a pass the nigerian cozier him destroys none. So it's it's there, there's just one example of many sites like I was telling you in this. country, the american dream, the system. The system will work if you work the system, right. You make good decisions and you live a life and you have you build relationship currencies in you work in me, working you never give up in your consistent you followed the universal principle of success, right which care nothing about what color you are cares, nothing about. Big you are or how skinny you are. tall or short you are which your creed is religion. You are, if you pray
Just those universal principles of success. Daily concerns certainly with urgency impatience at the same time and your applying yourself in your after your craft, moulding your craft loan new skill in applying it in bringing value to the marketplace it will return, pay for ill. It will pay off, but we'll have lost how to win. They literally lost out a win, saw. I always love to use my story just to inspire people and encouraged them to pay the same. With all these narratives and all this stuff, this goin on, like you ve gotta, be able to take the cloak off. Wake up from the coma. If you're him one the dust out of you? I am really look at the clear picture of what it really takes. The beast! accessible and really make something of you so how to make a difference right, it's possible right on the same guy, an american dream build myself. I'm done, decisions term a life around. I have a significant amount of six
Yes, now I got so much more to go. I get plenty of time information them on the right path, got almost silver rise, but remember went to prison for shooting to people the same kind if they say so. Racism system is against me because it color must do I got my civil rights by including- Second, a memory rights, the say, went to prison loss, alma rights for shooting people, and now you received all my rise, but why did a successful business owner dude and you're only going further. That way, you know so there's something. I was wondering about you when you win and I think this kind of lends itself to avant ask earlier in a different way. So when you were when you were run in the streets and doing bad shit, you ok Did you have a different mentality in terms of like that? victor mindset, then never had me
personally, I never had a victim. I say what I will say: I didn't see a vision for myself at a time. There's no but in a and that's just as bad as the sea rte shit by day. But you know a week. I was just is bad, is tone people not only can they not be anything but not giving away. it's fucking leadership to be anything in. I think that's what's mission in the country, romania, What's mission? Is we don't have good leadership right. We all know you guys are leaders because one of them. Successful company It would not be a success with it had a right leadership right, so leadership supporting our country, does not have good leadership, always use. It example like if we use history does know. Who book or to washington is right. This is gonna, bring him up. Look at you. I like one of the original conservatives. Conservative book, yet you had book It was by Mary. You had booker to washington versus w b the dubois double
w e b, the voice was like an. agitator now without a fight, we got a riot We have to burn things down. We gonna agitate to get progress in this country right, What do we see right now? We have the double ebay, the dubois frame of leadership right now within just using the black community. And white liberals as well in this country, is to agitate, is to push push. Push. That's what we have when versus the book at washington was hey omelette. we all in america, let's respect each other. Let's respect ourselves, let's build ourselves of, let's empower each other to education, to learning. Let's build businesses let's go out, add value to the marketplace. This policy so by the bootstrap right, which he was the two people were eventually the president consulting room tonight the day. Consult w e b d. Boys know right. not saying that the debate was then have a legacy, but look at you
washed his legacy as a whole, so much more powerful right. You didn't take an anti white stands or anti american stance. So if we look at this country that's what we're gonna do right now. You don't use an hour passed in you, It amazes me about that comparison that you made Craig is that you look into both of those guys lives in poverty. Wash did horrific background on. from slavery, Debbie dick b d boys, he comes from entitled curse entitled occurs when it was freeze. He's got all these degrees he's respected by all these academics and yeah me here, book de washington by today's standards he would be considered pretty pretty controversial cause. He was like they were not later, we'll call what they call me uncle Tom has written and he wouldn't he say- basically, listen, I'm not concerned about its say: irrigation or desegregation unconcern with us taken care of our business becoming so excellent at what we do that event. Lay the white man says Mister business with those guys right
and it has become an undeniable and an that's your voice didn't, but the boys essentially say all your capitulating. You just Is he going to help me? I want to use the enemy, but they essentially called him. The white man's house, you know the agenda and but what what's fast ain't me about. That is that if you look at the history of the civil rights movement, you got here, you got your book or two you washed and got you boys but then even with you know in a sixty you had marlon the king who wasn't like modern day people saying america socks. He was saying actually american ideals are amazing, though the problem is, as you all our living up to your ideals. Now, if we are honest adviser, nails afresh on strasbourg, his eyes, but but what's amazing is if you get into if you get into martin luther king half of his coat it's her from the founding fathers half of his closer basically saying I love america, but you guys living up to america, whereas you got the money, the knock em, it's over there go and screw america by any means necessary. Plymouth rock ended on us, etc, etc. So, mike
You mentioned that that the curve black communities so monolithic in its culture, why the presented that way were presented. So so that's a media manipulation. I just have jump in yeah a lot more like non partisan unanimity, I think there's I think from from what I have observed is There's a lot of the black culture who how's conservative beliefs the games column the wrong thing. What what were were raised their way yet for sure and do the thing is: is that that now it's more so they don't wanna, say out loud that because the truth is broke, the boys mentality exists within the black culture right now any time a young black men are young. Black woman stock tries to better themselves or goes out and the traditional path of trying to become success, four and does so in the company of white people. They are told that there are sell out there
I told you they are kissing ass to the white man. why so yeah? So so? What is I do that walter? when is going out in the world bro the work. The statistics are twelve to thirteen percent african american means most if the people going to be different color than you, if you're black, so if you're out in the world and you're trying to make your way and you're trying to do all the shit- and you got all your people saying: hey you're, can sell out, Does your crab in a barrel? That's right! That's a cultural issue! There has to be fixed, we should be rewarding and praising people who go while and try to better themselves its selling out anything. It's working, together to make a better place. One hundred that is one of the most daimler doing when you fourteen or fifteen or sixteen years old and you're saying I want to do this. I want to do that. I will do this in your ear. Your big brother, your big cousins down the street near twenty five who you know doing their fuckin fucked up
that you were doing yeah. That's it! It's exciting, yeah! I know it's not just now, but though telling these younger, impressionable people you I'll fuck chest, do that brow and, if you do do it yourself to me like do that that sort of resistance is wrong. It is that south america, and I always say we need culture reform in american, yet for shorter, so many aspect of american culture that needs reform right. In the black community in america right in his culture reformers. Will they glorify The bad ass syndrome is what I call it its glory find it even in the music, my ass sometimes I referred to the music is suicidal poetry with the beats right. It's constantly Roy. I love had tried it, but I'm not argue with that. Dude I love was good. It's suicide of poetry sometimes, and these are like math yeah yeah, but the whole time. Rocket out there about jill,
Please do not mindset of the negative it formally well about our century. Ass uplift awaits yeah. You're, not a may such like there's a lot. in florence? really that's just overly glorified like that, Sometimes we only glorified pin from the hood you're right I get there. should I cool is not at all men like we. We should glorified doktor bit are not not doktor been been carson right. We should warfare, thomas, is worse and being a doctor in a unanimous one, but I They may be in some instances they do right, but Where was it an? I didn't see it when I was growing up. everybody wanted to bid as part of the narrative row plenty of black successful people out there now is not promoted. They're nice, that's not part of the indoctrination. The doctrine She is black. People need to stay poor, they need to stay fighting at their throats. They need to
create these things so that they can vote for us to fix the problem. Don't I'll exists in and that's that is that we have get smarter about the unlike dude it is not up to me this. A ratios you, this is a fucking american culture is, should we? you got your reform, It was not suicide and when you look at it, when you have these successful black people right, you, you don't see them out at can be Ellen protests holding up no, but you do see some of them who are, once the nerve keepers someone's the ardour five by the media, perpetual The share of out of the machine guess but other thing is. I got him a critical ball with eight, but like the real success lecture, like a dave steward, for example, right he's not gonna, be able to be alone protest but see that may lie in the knowledge that man is these from ferguson, billions of dollars emerald working year alone, he's of Malta,
billing knobs it, but he gives millions. I do not see why he does actual change if the aid- and he got up a here right- you get a lawyer, he shouted versus undo. What emerges, how many jobs created through them first that once it has at least six thousand employees in their own right now, just from him. It comes, as was like the real successful people. You're, not gonna, hear them get almost a year your days do us any things hold them back, not. Thus, what my issue is a slight by her lebron james, so me that their son I'll do it right. We say no fuckin sense, bro your fucking one of the richest duties in a fuckin weren't dry, literally dry. Why? Why easy? Because he fucking worked- are right right, it's a column. They think that their gatekeeper most of the people to tell you to something in this country's holding back the people that are plastered and overly perpetuated media puss dead narrative? That message is that it does any However, as these people are successful, why speaking death over me tell them
that there's something holds me back did not then holds me back These people are successful, are not the ones but I argued unless it were used to central year, but my but by you're an anomaly in an antidote in an exception to now liar. But, unlike you, your story in which you did you can't speak for those two till tablet speak for everybody, but but how are you gonna be for everybody to say to something hold them back or craig? Isn't anybody whose sue successful an anomaly young sand like? Is it isn't that? Isn't that the point Why is this fuckin har fraud body? It is yet one like I was tone, nominate anomaly amongst my fuckin friends network, and I mean why, because I fucking have. Taking a mother fucking day, all fucking twenty three. here you sacrifice. Maybe you didn't go to their party. No, you didn't draw. It was an investment you eat, you this is the necessary tat you never quit right. Could other people tom did, would you guys did nick wit, but to quit
the same thing with me? I want to pay What I mean I don't I don't. I don't see how that's a race thing is not erased and bill. It's like, I was telling you When you're born you born looking like your mother and your father, but you're going to die. Looking like the decisions that you may you're going to die with. Looking like the decisions that you make. So are you out there being a thug in a street in you died out way to space? That's gonna paint, they stop the decisions that you me or were you for land listen. You made yourself extremely successful in you. donated and gave to charities, and you tried to make a difference in the way that you wanted to make a difference, or maybe you just never gave up, and you did something amazing where you invented something or you are a great artist or a poe, Where are actors whatever? It is right it always goes down to your decision, decisions literally determine you're. Welcome its. If not calling me going to prison was not because my colors, my decision me
he be having a success that I have now being in business is not because of color is the decisions right. It goes back. The universal principle of success does not care about what color you are. It's the decisions that you make daily over a course of time. Period, you can't argue when you sit and bring me some auditor, you feel assumptions hold them back, do something in a system less did into their life. Let me see a bank account. Let me see, daily activity What what are they decided to do? What was spending have mr spending are earning have? Did I pick up a book? Did I listened? will parkers day of debt. trot, applying go to college or go into the military or debate. just a programme, something else a further educating the auto trauma. Little learn a skill. All we have to do dig into anybody's life is not a wider black thing. You can make decision like our estonian, if you'd today, not making down decisions.
Oh I'm just gonna drank and unstressed or whatever, and you started just further. and spinning. Poor leadership decisions believe in europe Business is gonna, start tanking overtime. It's like the the the water fountain that drips the new and old, time before you know it. Your water pills like five. Two dollars. You know me life is the same way. Decisions at what are they: hold it the slight edge of it the compound address right there. Daily decisions compound, whether their power positive decisions, a negative decisions they compound. Little jet using me. Do you know how many people come home from prison if we use the, the districts. It's not a wider black. There were some system is their decisions Could they could have made decisions like me with some do and I make like completely inspire people turn things around or they can go back to the same
things that put him into prison in the first place, so its decisions its incisions his decisions, and it's just unfortunate. I think, we'll need like I was telling you people need to learn how to win again They don't know how to win or not. I can tell you how you can win. You wonder how you can win dj. They need the listen. Real is fuck automated. As a blog for ask. You is like that. She's say you know cause we, I got a lot of younger young bucks. Listen, you know what I'm saying like people who are a sixteen seventeen eighteen and let's just say that we got some of these. These black in brown listeners right now, who are young and they ve been told, ah man, you ain't, gonna, be shit. You know it's gonna happen could be ten times harder for you than it is rare body else. Except Your eccentric said all this shit and what what would you say that person You gotta know how you a stand alone,
What you want for yourself right, you have. Be able to drown out the noise and to stand. It doesn't matter. What color you are. Everybody is faced with challenges right everybody's face with things that they have to overcome like I was telling you guys earlier. I love it. Well. I got this quote from Jim Rome right, one of the best motivational speakers that out there waves one of the great said life and business like to change and seasons right. You're gonna go to winter spring summers and falls to your whole entire life? So with that noise with that which you have to, cipher Adam right things that people may be chump Shall you all you can do this or all you can do that and you can do because it- and you know what makes you think you can do to you- is as a few to push you, promise you man, I promise you that life will reward you for not given up and working
applying yourself over and over. and just knowing is gonna happen for you it will mean it will suffice Let s say you want to make it into the nba. Not everybody makes it into the nba, but do your homework. Like you can latterly pivot to the same, place that you wanted to be a ripe. You not a minute just we're how it stairway. So what I would tell them, is just never give up, learn to drown out the noise and use those things that people say that you can't do as fuel to keep going forward. When you look at pivots, because you only look at a lot of rags to riches stories and there's there's a moment right, you go to you, look at a drug addict who switches and turns your life around. You look at somebody who was a prison and turns her life around there's, usually rock bottom rock bottom. That creates the pivot you win was rock bottom like what was it when you walked in you know with your tote, or was there a moment in prison where you had that experience where it was like, I'm an international, more prison, definitely made me
you feel like men are hit rock bottom and in since I've been home, released from prison. I've had other rock bottom moments. Like sleeping in my car right, I used to work at a german literally whistling behind the doom. In my card I was like a rock bottom moment on people's couches I just always knew this is how it is right now. What I know is gonna change for me. I'm just gonna keep doing the right thing. I'm just gonna keep doing the right thing in a minute. Lead and opens up so many doors for me, and I got so much more. To give to people oh, I literally wanna dedicate my life to just trying to get people to understand light. Just gotta keep yes animals. It gets dark sometime. Why thank you know you, you you'd let into the sinners inner sloppy where it s. I've just been trying
to to listen in and applied, and talk about the persistency of go back and fight that guy right. I keep showing up and I think I'll, allow that plays back into life and successes in the first couple years of the first couple of challenges meant it ain't gonna be fun, but you're gonna keep getting back up, are showing up. You're gonna have to keep executing and I think in a lot of times the young bucks is in talks about they get lost in that first part of the process, because they don't see success after two weeks or two months or even shit, even two years right, you're going to have to shovel shit for two years to understand it like I now I've earned the right to get to the next level and I think, consistency in a in executing discipline to the process is huge right up a young guy, and I you know when you start, see the successful habits around me. but who have changed their life. There's a moment right, a pivot. Like for me my relationships, a big thing and there's a pivot. This is I'm not doing this shit anymore and I'm going to execute move forward and and there's that same exact parallel in success like man, I'm not doing this anymore, I'm going to fucking exit.
you I'm to eliminate mount excuses. I'm a show every mother fucking day nominally he's gonna give myself the best mother fucking shop, and I can to win events. It's so the principles it you ve talked about over and over again, it's removing your own excuses, understand you've got to take action or I'll, take ownership of your own actions and execute they ended, there's a little voice that we all have right. everybody has like a bitch ass news to you not I mean there's a little voice. Is a mother fucker any better and as a negotiator you it's like. Oh, I don't know You guys over her, the analogy with which would argue feeding which one are you seated, there's a little voice debts telling you do your fuckin, be lazy. Man come on you know you could do more. You fuckin slip, half the dale away. You'll be a lazy. Come on man fitted him one day, your bullshit, you said you were gonna. Do that you put it for whole week. So is like
at some point. You gotta look yourself in the mirror and say I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tire, and it's like the the the doll won't get up off the nail until it's they actually feel the pain. So sometimes you do need to smack your face on the ground. to realize. I don't want to live my this. No more like I need to do some. I'm eleven is. Why does no way to this is gonna, be my life, You know I mean you gotta refused to accept it generally. It, but don't don't be a little bitch ass, no nine is not throw a answering tantrum. It's it's going out and taking productive steps to fix a situation exactly that takes time. It's time you know Lots of people want to go on fixed or life one day that Bro, that's gonna happen. It's it's consistently making the right decisions over time, banks right, it's a thing.
And I'm not trying to get to mystical, and you guys. I think we don't understand time right. We look at times ass and urgency. Six years of my life away, doing nothing always tell people like I was released in two thousand and nine. If you were to ask, in two thousand and nine. I would see myself here today right now, when this park ass, what some very successful people speaking and tell him I store. I could make the mentally. If you were to ask me five years from when I was really pay, you see yourself open in your own, Jim literally building from the dirt. I could make them. To lead me, you gotta, realises fresh out of here. isn't the just happen to be released. You. You literally can't make a mental me so what does it matter were wherever you are in your life right? You you, you cannot. a mental that you don't know where you gonna be five years, ten years from you just have to know when to do the right thing and we keep work.
My herself, I know what I would and I'm just gonna it by. movement necessary to try to figure it out and you're going to fail and you're gonna have to over. You're gonna have little wines that confirm to you. Your the right path. Keep going in in along the way, you're gonna meet great people, be good people and people, gonna help you people going to see you trying to help yourself right and I think. To the young listeners like they need to understand, like it. Don't beat yourself up so much don't be so hard on yourself, you're young, some, these people were nineteen. Twenty twenty one, your young, like I came home at twenty five men. just turn, thirty seven, my life is Men are, my life is just beginning, so now I look at my life. I don't look at it is so overwhelming, like I got time like look, how much I've accomplished in which his tenure yeah, you know what I mean. So
but you can't make the mentally be you just know. Let me apply myself. Let me listen to the park. Has let me listen to the people that are successful. We can all learn from them. Let me play my self. Let me listen to the voice of san pay. You been a bitch ass this. You know you be lazy. Stop it stop being entitled. Stop complaining Let me just work, my ass off a figure it out in wonder you look up in your life. when you tell my homeboy toper right number one bore some ass. His abed, he's got the patriotism right. Over was a major influence with me in stone to speak out. In tell my story. I always tell him I do know how to build it. I give you right. We laugh about it, but really like. I just wish for everybody in it would happen. Forty two people have so much greatness inability and they just have to understand. Hey, be patient, come from a gratitude standpoint.
but also have urgency with the two in your urgency. Your applying yourself You may wonder you look up and you believe me. How did I get here? You gotta make yeah. Of course I think it's it's hard, though, especially when you're young man and his is a thing is like retrospective time, though so fast. You know, I mean I'm forty of thirty five seemed like a fuck me. I was yesterday, but when you're twenty, you think twenty five is like light years away and twenty five to thirty is light years away like do. I can't do that for five fucking years and when, forty looked back the fuck. I wish I'd done at five years ago. The limit that switches so like you have to learn I'm going either. Where would you can control right and I think the only thing you can control your actions that happened in those time frames right the days, the minutes, the decisions and learning,
compounding interest at the slight edge we talk about. You know that compounding interest over time is your biggest fucking opportunity and the one that most people miss and that's the that's the thing that you know I wish I could give them a younger version of myself right because we always have like diesel sprint mode. You you do great for ninety days. What have you great for one hundred twenty you know when I will be grateful to eighty three sixty. You know when you start looking back at time, eating fuck man. I wish I'd have done it ten years ago and now it's like fuck. I can't wait five years and you still never get around it, but the best time, It start any changes today, right now you know and understanding that you're not different. We all have the same time the sunrises and sunsets, whether you wanted to or not doesn't fucking matter the wind's going, gonna fucking blow the storms. Gonna fuckin come what you do today. Matters for you now for anybody else is aware, don't give a fuck you and that's the difference right like we want to be. Very.
Miser? Mrs little a wolf thing right, you want to hear your own best sales person, you victimize yourselves. While I, u care, yeah my situations a little bit different, that little bit different uses, you're right, mother, fucker, but so is the guy from nigeria right so not from india from Haiti, brazilian heyward, but yeah neurons as I but you're talkin victor dude we're talking about basic shit. I mean this is personal responsibility. One on one is really fuckin simple and this country was founded, plus the idea of creating a pathway. For anybody to achieve wealth and prosperity. If, they decide they want to trade parts of their life and yet people are. You was founded by white people who own slaves yet, and it was some things have happened since they have changed a fucking game. Ok, we that we add up you know how many hundreds of thousands of white men die in the civil war to delete the scenario. One thing the piss me off
but this whole black large matter, shit they went down was on when they tore down the statue of Ulysses, s, grant them really irritated with anatomy bureau because Ulysses s s grant was ray flock and american and yes, he was white, You know what else he was also, the guy who went out and fuck in freedom slaves on the fucking ground physically gets like he was the general that led the fuckin way and without him we, Who knows what would happen in their turn out? do we have such a. We have such a poor understanding of what this country is really supposed to be. because of the education system, many things that are taught right now, a bite quite honestly by people who have another fork? Indonesia, ok, you got a bunch of fuckin people and talking about these teachers, whoever does shit. I they ve got when got a fucking
green! You motherfuckers come at me all you want to give a fuck, they went out, got a fucking degree. Witness in school system charter we body there sure cummings about how they didn't fuck and achieve their shit, and now we got this whole generation of people I don't understand what americans about and that's very frustrating, and if we would just you know, if we would just cause, do there's plenty of people to notice shit issues Aubrey soon in one of them is that you were saying a minute ago. You know about toll for encouraging you to speak up. What is it like, while people so afraid? Right now fuckin say what they know because dude I could tell you from periods, one I observe night, the georgia motherfuckers out there are jiving what we're fuckin saying, they're, saying, yeah, yeah, fuck, yeah, yeah yeah They go in public in there and they hear this ago with the Calais, you're, crazy, fuckin bullshit from the carriage.
And write or whoever and their life. well yeah, I can see that no mother, fucker dude boy, what do you believe in thought can speak for the breeze? Now we are where we are in this country right now because of the quota. Unquote, silent majority yemen. No, no, what volume is brought. We need to start being some that's right. They you guys all believe and agree with these things that we're talking about that are very basic. You two fuckin week to stand up and say no. I fucking believe that if you're in what you're doing is letting all the motherfuckers you are out there fighting for the shit you believe, take all the mother fucking arrows he'll. Eventually there will be. Nobody left, take those fucking arrows Look instead, bro me too, and if we fuck it I'll stand up together, is that now do fuck? You don't make it thought the girl fuck off together I mean it's very simple. There's a san there's, a san you guys can look to santa. I apologize. I can quote the person who said it. There's a santa says there are,
the things that I believe that the russian speaking, but I should never ever speak on things that I don't believe, There is a lot of things going on in our country right now that there are forcing an over really perpetuating the idea of people that they think are gate keeper. Yeah they're constantly drilling in the eu to make you think, It's real need to believe that that's, what's goin on the attitude to say which truly don't believe in but your values as a man or woman or your values, as a man of god or less evil one little naval its evil. So you should never ever ever speak. Contains that you do not believe they are ever stand on your values, man, you're a christian you're a man or woman of god stamp on it Stand on your values You know it's wrong, then don t go does this is this is what we are where we are now and has very are where we know body no more solid majority. Nobody wants you to city gum, rural, but here's the thing.
everybody stood up. Nobody takes the right, they just get to go. Fuck off, we are gathered here. We go back in history, when it goes out of their common to both cigarette common risk becoming like, if nobody I speak now, nobody came to get would do with where we would have a hundred locked Not only would we be free? What what? What can a country where we have we become? it's valuable to have courage, brigades with stand up and speak out greg. I know it's twenty twenty one bro all you do. Is you write that shit in a little black box on your instagram? Put your name underneath that you steal a quote: Sometimes you just know those Davis mother bernard, while many so smart. When I thought you were going to say- and I don't know if I can remember if it has been. Benjamin franklin are one of the other founders, but he said we must all hang together or we will hang individually absolute unum dude at It is just frustrating for me man, because I.
I see all these people with all this potential of all. Therefore, races and all differ coloured, and I see this country with the potential that it has an literally me like. We would like a horse made even fucking grasped this. as we are literally judging people off like theirs like how much time you spend a sunday. Oh, you got a little too dark fuck you like dude. It doesn't make any fucking sense. I'm darker than half the black, as we got here, yeah just from june, so like real, real shit, dude like it doesn't make any fucking sense. Well, now, they're telling you that we're supposed to cause, I was like. Oh, I don't see color. I like you should, She called banana. It's not! You should be seen. Call you right. Does it make sense? Why there's also and rights movement about not compartmentalize both common, always ideological, laura weary part, is gonna. Go like
rising, but we will never win in this country with identity politics and a little closer to drive and wish you didn't know, that's why they're pushing so. I don't want to know. Do we have a bunch of all motherfuckers by the way, most of fuckin white, ok, were holding onto power because I've manipulating certain segments of the population, a blemish. It is naturally true and until we All decided fuck, all you all motherfuckers have been in the system for the last four, forty years don't shit we're not going to move forward We gonna have young leadership who seized world as young people see it and I'm not. in about twenty year old, I'm talkin about guys, are age right who who have perspective and have as a grasp on the real situation, had experience, its things and realise that this fucking these twenty year old, fucking, crazy, fox don't know shit. You never had to go through shit like well how stupid
did you were when you were twenty? Oh, do you can you imagine me too. I mindsets run run me too broad, like my girl french she's, like man madge. If we would mountaineers ally not yet ass having we can also belong earlier on thirty one. May I need an anonymous you would have had a good night. I know unfortunately yeah this is real. Is that smart person here yeah? I said I learned my lesson was yeah a little bit smaller, that religious just set himself up in front of the fucking browsers,
economic wealth around, for what it's worth. Let me throw this out their nineteen twenty. There were two of roughly twenty thousand k k k, member sue who marched on washington from twenty nineteen. Twenty nine to thirty had roughly at least seven states in the mid west, the south, where, if you have any sort of political aspirations you had to be member, the kkk in the sixties, You had little black boys, though by girls who would literally be in in Sunday school and they get fire okay, so Really history, no I've read a lot of american history. Trying to get a sense of our country, which is important to know. Do that? Wasn't that long right, you wouldn't like do look to say that racism is fuckin. Faker does not know, that's not true, but just say it's also an entire group of people. Black people think this white people think this that's fucking shit too, we got races motherfuckers on both sides of all sides. Ok,
people say well. White skin can never be oppressed, bullshit, there's a history of white slavery, it's that that goes back a million fucking years. Ok, but you might have. I don't know your history and I'm not gonna teach to you, so we can just agreed and that your name this at all, as I hope we can agree zone, is so true asked us I studied african history when I was in prison, yeah, there's literally journals of white folks. I used to look around and say: well, you know black folks run everything That's right. People need to note a history bright light on does not, and that level it as start with slavery, like we have so much more history. Charles worry, euralia, thousands of embryo theirs. It there's hit, there's all kinds of different do this. Is this comes back In this way, sprawled people who say this is raised. There are fundamentally fucking, stupid or stupid because if you can't look past someone's fucking skin tone what they say about you,
in any, regarding whether you look at why people are black, people were fuckin any people. One can imagine how people lived the life just man and his white mess? Why he successful tissues? He's white arches? I can't live my life than I never get their way. I've never got enough from the black person one fuckin time. I've got that one million times from white levels do I look in on it now compatible says at bondage ever read the book of people's history, I think, is by housing. I saw my less because I think isn't that the left leaning take us a lottery leaving tia but men. as iran is its good. Both I'll have check it out good to read. sides. Oh absolutely! No that and that's that's what I want to show your history buffs. I submit thank you for the recommendations bit to the point that I was making you look at it history of our country and in two things should happen and it should be, a smack down to two. Both the right and the left
should look at what happened to black people, and I do think that, There should be a moment where, anyway, pete person in america reads s often goes crap. That is terrible but that is terror. I don't think like I'll join, be genuinely sad that that happened, but the flip side is also true. Is to me that that if any person today study is that stuff and see he's just how horrible this stuff will really was. to compare your modern struggles What did all those went through you talk about offensive. That is, I did so to hurl that enhance that comes from the weakness of our fuckin society. Yeah. Ok, I talk about this all the time these motherfuckers there twenty five and under era do shit they got. no hardship, they be through nor no real conflict, they ve had no nine eleven or any. You fine then happen in their life. They don't understand in real evil broke them. They suffer
from embarrassment of mother fucking riches dude all gonna, two thousand, our old oil butte. That's right. They got two thousand our computer a thousand now. I thought this that running water, toilets food, on call Grubhub fuck flock can everything right to the door and we're all talking about fucked up? Our shit is road. The truth is most these people are so fuckin weak. They gotta make up shit to be mad about that. real is fuck we're going to talk about real okay. So go flock in somalia. Go too far no brought in your horizon ass right, gonna fuck! It Some of the poor countries in asia go to india, we'll talk about how how racist and how fucked up you feel our countries. Have you come back. That's about lunar like what you were saying. I don't think white folks in america. They know the things that happen in slavery. Was this horrific fucked up but again to compare your today to previous generation,
like obama. Their messire says it's appeal period. At the end of the day,. the narratives that's going on in our country, the anti white anti american victimhood narratives. Amongst many other narratives. At the end of the day, not a bible, thumper right can you can communist people need to find healing in their heart right. They do They need to find a hidden in a heart. Does a lot of anger, hatred and resentment run a rapid in our country right if you, a man of god of your woman of god right, I'm a christian. If you stand on your belief the christian, our god. Yes, it is, forgiven god right. Second, corinthians chapter five, seventeen, the anyone in Christ is a new creation. The all things pass away. That's it giving god you're today is not the previous generations. Yes, it was horrific.
Yes, you're here and is constantly beat it into your head, but it had ended a day. You still my brother you're, an american right dj, my brother. Andy. All of us everybody's in here is my brother right. You got a fine. If you're angry about the history yet fine healing in her. If you have something by This happened to use. You felt like you had some racist situation happened to you, and so I was an asshole jerk to you. You have to find killing in your heart forgiveness, in your heart right now, everybody's their way period. I think that societal, wise culture wise in america? People just now defy human and a heart period, they gotta find forgiveness and you can't go around living life, would anger, hatred and resentment because The same war that you put up to keep out possible. We are your unhappiness. is the same water. Keep such a blessing, his will and it your frustration. You use new drowned integration in you, drowning in a prohibit you from progressively move
important. So yeah I mean that's, I stand with the sole absolutely I feel like what you're talking about there was this black passed her in the nineteen sixties. Who cut said something similar. What was his name forget, Malcolm no, Oh my what malcolm in his last days, he dares gaudy a sound like an outcome bell realize like how can one, did the men are either he's a great example on actually a fan of a lot of his shit, because at the end of his early days he started figure. Now that allow the things that he believed were not actually true, and he is man enough to say so and then actually got took an actually teach yeah. That's right, you start teaching the truth, and then he was gone. Yeah and he went on his homage and he realized that's why Lebron James you gotta read more in the first page mother, fucker lebron James, I'm rena, we got, we got fifteen fucking videos of them on the first page, bro,
There are so many road. I like a lot about you. Maybe you wouldn't be the most hated player namby. What would you like about a book james for routes book? Let let's be less be real about wrought little brown james? I mean, let's be real about, what's motivating this, he no money. He know well that and bro. He listened where my temper I think this is gonna. Fuck earns his money from one of the biggest spoken c c p companies in the fucking plan, which happens to be fucking nike. Ok, they support, and out they sell. So much emotion, I believe, they actually saw more merchandise and china, then doing the american and an american marketplace. This here is the problem. so he's getting pressure from a company to take a role but he is not equipped to fuckin half. That's should be pretty obvious to anyone he's not equipped to her.
You could put. The glass is on. You grow the beard you could do to carry out the book motherfucker. I don't make you nothing you still don't know what the fuck you're talking about and in that man, been more damaging to the cultural american last fucking twelve months than I. any other fuckin high profile person because of the book of the things he said You know when there was a shooting in Memphis. I think it was, and he went out said or you're next to the coda that oh do no repercussion, no and then I'll wrote. Yet no shit. You got here for a day right heard up, retracted, broke like man? Can you imagine, look dude, here's the thing bees dude these You don't understand damage their doing. It is dollar, haven't fluids. Yes, in it, this, for, if you compare Lebron James to Jordan, yeah Jordan is like For me, one of them the great man right, lebron james, they will consider one grace. Does he do a lot of great things? Absolutely yet, but look his look at this
what do I do. That's my point, though I think whirling nightly he woke up and realize you know what I mean always gonna, be runner up to the goat scratch that I'm he's gonna, be second runner up to the goat cause. The first runner up is kobe votes. I've gotta make a name for myself, that's what it is it all. I don't think so. I think it's about pay do not because of reasoning. I think all the bad shit in this world that we are going on right now comes down a money. It really does and as much as anyone a proponent for having money. I have always said that unites, not loved, ok right, so, Let me I do love love more than a wrecking right, so thing is that we. other scenario now will, if you really like dude here's the thing this is where I think a lot of people are really disconnected. There
Are there in the battle right there on the there there on the internet and on facebook and they're argue with each other fuck, you know fuck, you, you know like bro, we're just saying all this shit on each other. But if you look at like If you remove yourself amiss- and you start to rise above and looked down on in your life. I was really going on here. What we really see is a bunch of people who profit from our division on the ground floor. Ok, in those motherfuckers fuckers one. Sending these messages down the pipe that keep us divide we have to all stop it's insane, Thus now my enemy that guy, I am arguing with online, I found my fucking enemy, the people who taught him to think like that and the people who taught me get involved with this. Those are the mother fucking enemies. Those are the people to keep harmony from happening. They keep progress were happening and they keep us fulfilling the ideal of america from
actually happening, which is a place of equal opportunity. Now. I will result okay. So what is thy me m is that you If you want more than what you got, guess what you gotta do you gotta go luck and do shit, you gotta work, you're gonna have to me Investments in your future, you're gonna have to do things that your home in your browser in this and that am willing to do that's a fact. So We have to get out of the mindset of bees. In triggered, when we talk about personal responsibility, you know like a lot of these people now or mad when you start talking about taken. Control your life and, being personally, sizeable. Why Are they so mad wilder mad? Because they don't want to have to do that? She and they think that if they Are you loud enough and strong enough in focal enough then eventually they're gonna get whatever the fuck they want, and I m here to tell you you won't spend your whole life, beat known a fuckin pot doesn't ever pay off shit,
so you really have a choice to make good week like here. This is the bottom line of everything whether you at wound, yellow, I don't care. Read, does Matt I'll, give fuck no more what you are you have a choice: your choices, this complaint complain, bitch bitch pitch made, We, after proposed after propose and maybe get some attention I or shut the fuck up. Go out and being example. What it looks like a fuckin win, an actual, make a difference because when I tell you that you The fuckers authors being a drum you're gonna be being drawn. Your whole life, and the reality of this country will never change. There will always be the same people who work will create something people who create will get paid. That's it it doesn't matter what color you are. It doesn't matter where you come from it doesn't matter what you do do do some of us, come from whose situation is absolutely no one saying, But what we are saying is that, regardless of how hard your situation is
decisions to make the opportunity to make better decisions for your future and your family and your feet Your family doesn't even exist yet are still open and free to everybody, and that's a fact. That is a true statement, the factual statement. You guys decide to think that's bullshit and you want to spend your whole life being a fuck victim then clue You will never win that way in. That's really. What I just want you to know. I want you to hear from me, because twenty years from now you're going to go back and remember you're, gonna, say fuck that that dude I do was right, right and I would rather you start now. Then start then, because truth. The reality of life hits us no matter what at some point in time all he's motherfuckers beatenest wrong, that that is not true that is, that is not real. They'll go, be confronted with truth in for a lot of those people, it's gonna be on their deathbed. Gotta be when there it was too late when they
cancer or they got sick or their did raise die in earnest, say fuck I didn't do shit. All I did was beat us like drum. I didn't make a change for nothing because at the end of the day, whether be fifty years from now are fucking tit. Who is now the world gonna be the same. The people who do the work create. They get paid, win and become employers of the world, and by the way that's every country, whether its socialist, communist or fuckin. Anything, reality. People who want to win who they will make a way they will drive and dry. Themselves across a hundred miles of broken fucking glass. To do so, and if you I do that you win if you're, not I don't care what color you are. You could be white of you to be the wisest mother. Mother, fucker worries took you, fucking lose so we have come to an understanding as a culture but this is reality
in what I want in the recent vocal about these things is for a couple reasons. One I love this country this country. Is only country in the world that makes it truly available to every single citizen other place. Try much harder to get success to become where you are too I I've. working believe that humans are humans. I don't care what but how much about ten you got because a where your ancestors as this fight is ridiculous statement. Is dude? It's such a ridiculous topic is a did you is top of more talk about some real? Let's talk but the socio economic disparities in those neighborhoods that are predominantly black, let's talk about fish seeing the education system so That's some of these black children and brown children can now believe that they can achieve things not be told that they can achieve things. Ok, we want to fix things fixed the climb rate in our cities. What's that?
killing each other because of shit we saw a music, video or tv like do the job, change that needs to happen in this world comes from us, I'm not just saying this to black folks- are white folks for anybody. I am saying this to any mother fucker, whose listening, if you what the world to be a better place. If you want the world to become the need, the the marriage, how they should be, that's a leadership role that all of us were obligated to every single one of us, and that comes in that by taking personal response for ourselves. Our actions are thats are words in what we say are we gonna say wrong things? Sometimes we're gonna. You know what that's the reality, sometimes I say dumb shit, sometimes craig euro say don't shit, sometimes VON. You well, How does the job you ve perfected? What about whether to back it up with scripture? My point is guys is that we're all human and we all make mistakes and one the things that you know
this whole scenario of of of our culture, in situation that we have here in amerika whether be covered are fuckin mass, or racial things, or all of these things right, one of the biggest things I've learned in the last years. They all this shit laid out in the bible, luggage really what I do this is real, simple, be kind people, three people. How you want to be treated you know, pay to the father of god. By being best person that you can be. Are you meant to be pro? no you're, not that's what you said a beaten yourself up. That's that's a valuable That's a valuable trade, but also its anxiously Being yourself up, stop giving yourself all the fuckin slacks sub. Let yourself the fuck every fuckin time possess it. Equally big problem right like we people who are too hard on themselves and then go down the drain, and then we got, people who are
tunisia on themselves, unable to say place, so we would listen guys We all have to do a better job and for this to actually fix itself into he'll, which I believe I believe, that's what. Everybody wants for that's on the ground up. The people appear when you get up here. Down. They don't want action, but us the regular people fuck. Do I don't want to in xy with people- I don't wanna argue with people on here. I don't want to. I want to do we. We need to be fucking the sense of this country and a good humans and and Ambassadors of america you're one of american values, and indeed this isn't supremacy a racist or that's all But they say to get us to stay. from that spot gazelle? was what happens when everybody source get along their fought by the way? What are you they want us to argue. Why do you think they want is to fight because of world
fighting must each other. We hear you shit or do not that's a fat salt fuck like Wake the fuck up like I don't know how to enable like. I just think you just did good. That was good, so I I have I've been taking notes over here. I've got a few few show highlights for you one. I will show you my my weakness, who the fuck just over four, every black asserted music arts he's photo from home as the number one billboards song patriot. By the way, I'm aids is nay roadways, houses, mower, strauss, now you're, the king. Why dad You saw racist before whenever fuck it is the some sort of truth. So here's the thing There has behaved as music blocked off every fuckin platform and he still fuckin number one. I'm still not just like the cancer more while not turn his ass on yet another song. A film ituri crews, then he's got the patriots,
he's got some bangers. Man lacked Eric, relax our racists. I think he's do inaccurate. I think he's fifty I use ruiz goes out of work in order to lose a lot of them, was weird about that. Like the conservative movement yeah just use ratna is right. We were all talking about how we love rap music. While I love the fact these guys rightly there in a conservative, there really changing and broken up things about hip hop right where you the crossing the suicidal poetry good beats right that door files, degrading women drugs and gave asians annex right. These guys have figured out a way to me. Good music with good beats would know. Cussing and its funding if, on each year on the principles, values of faith right who is right. You have pricing gray. You have for you have forty otto blow, lose you like a guy who's. You look great, never heard of growing all of her to look for a year suggestion re. It was not her right who's. The white rapporteur is doing that to thus a forger blow. Is it for job,
those based on a temple, Monday's prager, he's good to ted. I'm a hammer out american, I think tommy vexes do incivism cap over not only is doing stuff, who else would not be hidden on the new there on, but offer The back to check out over. The. This is topher to love. Like all man, you know it's topher. Has opened up so many doors and help me so much so I know he'll really pushing when here's air- we love. You may have on the show why not targeted when he com there, I'm gonna come on it's a little tougher to ask your workout too. I I I I saw, and it is nothing I think you know we changed a lot change in our lifetime. You know for us got, you know we're younger. You know that you used to watch news a lot highlighting the good. see a lot of good things in the neighborly deeds, and you knows about god.
And promoting because you will be rewarded for doing good. Now, it's the reward system is for doing bad. You know what I mean: who's, the most fucked up. Who could fuck up you know and it, and I think that controlling that piece of life is a sad because near the inspirational stories when we were kids, they would inspire you write you get that used to watch, thirty on thirties, and they were they were. They were positive in the east sixties. Never there are overcoming struggle and hardship, and I you know. We don't see that more. When you turn on the news and and unfortunately they are you, the young kids, you know, then they don't get to see the and the qualities of helping your neighbor right, loving your neighbor being a good human in society. I think that's change. I wrote a note here. I dunno what the fuck it says. Next, one lily added a so, but now the leadership that they have, which we ve seen a more rigorous and hey robin gucci store robbing a mason is right there, rub giving a failure for leadership s right aid. They refuse a general
We should have people that is out there, thinking the committing crimes and doing those things as social justice as if to come together right. So it's just poor leadership at this point, they need the leadership that people to show them. Example: hey it's ok to be addressed, not everybody to be wrapper, you could be a doctor or a lawyer or starch on business or maybe a pastor right. Does a lot other things that we were successful in that I'm just not glorify now and then I ll be the chair. in a world. You wanna be right, the minutes, lead by example, is a core value of ours. Here, at first worn by mean you have to be the change that you want to see in order for it to change around you're right, you have to go first I think that's a that's. The thing is scary. You know in and of itself no matter what age group you're in you know for you to step outside your comfort zone is hard, but that's what's necessary in order to make the change. I you know a key factor that I've learned in life does two things and I'll leave. You This no education is due in execution. You ve learned the knowledge. First, the podcast you talk about picking up a book, listen to a podcast, paying attention buying. Of course,
you know that one of the goals of the show is to help educate and help teach one of the goals of our brands. Help educate, help teach to change your life, but without execution it ain't, gonna, fucking, work. You know without taking that first step in a new actions without actions bro you ain't gonna get shit. You can wish in one hand shit No one's gonna reveal second, surprise, where he so understanding that hey man, you gotta, take this it's to control your own marriage and your own power. Don't drive, don't let that narrative that they pushed down through. You be the education. You have go out and seek and look and read and and do research and read the left? Peace right read the right peace figure out who you want to be in a dangerous porn earlier, like hey man, I don't give a fuck, you left right and centre. I give a fuck that you know the fact. and we can have a conversation I can deal with the other shit kay em we don't agree cool. But I'm not a mother fucker cause. I don't agree with you and I'm not saying you're a motherfucker, because you don't agree with me. You know fuck, you, I'm a shooting. I dunno we'll we'll we'll laugh we ve lost it, and we have to have a good civil cosmic lots more this year, lose that just now
no, no, no, no bro that was purposely walked out america out of art. I agree yeah one. I think that goes back to your piece about love you know, love is love, man leads it no colin yeah. Let's now he's no color, there's a love and respect is, is an understanding. Like you know, I I can still share those feelings with you. Even though we disagree, you know we can mutually. I can still take care of your well? Did you take her mind like we get we're gonna Hell or high water shewed outbreaks down in two thousand? that will call you are numbered avenue kid you protect my will with a guy right, look, there's a piece of that its lost right now, the same war. Did you put up to keep our disappointment? Is the same water to keep out your blessing s right, and am I seeing as you know, is the inner talked violence as good shit. It is it's great. Did I lose a daughter, no, no! No! No! No! No! I was getting ready to say you know. I can't wait to read the quote on your instagram, but my my my hdd had fucking shoots often is for allowing the tab. You know you're, hardship is your win understanding. Like you know, you're young guy, you talk about you know. No man
where you, where you start that's your strength, your biggest struggle is your biggest strength. For every single success story that I've learned to identify the thing that they struggle with them. Most ultimately becomes a thing that their best that you're going to pay. His best thing ever happened to you. You can't see it at the fucking time So what is the best fuckin thing that happened to you, because it gives you perspective of the struggle so that you can overcome it right. Most people stand struggle, it can't you can't they can't. they- they victimize himself to say in that little fuckin bubble in its understanding that you know that struggle that you're gonna, overcome through taking education executing on that fucking on the challenge is the is the piece that is most recognizable to everyone else is the piece that will help everyone else, as the piece is going to help build your legacy, because it's going to pull those people out of that same struggle. It's called experience you know, and you have to learn to experience struggle, pain, suffering investment sacrificed all those fucking things it. Nobody really likes to have what you realize. It's all the strength you gonna have in a
because the hardship that you ve put it didn't you gotta, learn. You got overcome that that's the thing man like don't get down on yourself, because you got dealt a shit Hannah cards, learn to say: ok how the fuck can I take. This should have a car. words and make these three two's fuck and play the game. My ass, you know what you know. What else Prison was the best thing happen too, but guess what everybody does this If you were born in America he won the lottery, the lottery right. They tell us that we were kids But how are you up man you're born in america. Yet we have so much. opportunity. So I remember keystone, as do I remember You just tell him you're. Lucky you live in america, not china. In china, they kill people speaking out against government, though I mean I feel I do we set an anthem, there's lags in the classroom. You sound just enter the pledge allegiance over the year when we do it here today, ten o clock, you tell him, you got it like big about. They should do most important, didn't we. We have become the like. Now, people, we must speak up. Do you know
I have americans still its impressive, the in iraq in the men. This is a real american patriotic company runs right, great culture here too, Thank you, everybody's nice, the value systems and tat its. It's me it's it's. It literally made me self reflect on things that I need to get better on as a leader just in my own business. In order to me, so I love him. Dude. I think the value system is intact out there in the real world too. It is just not shakespeare, lies on the mother, fucking internet or in the news like do when I while the real world and talk to people do their cool there cool, at the ninety nine yeah. Do you have one in the shit? Interaction of course yeah? But I don't look at that person and say: oh yeah, well, that person's asian fuck
I know why you say fuck, you want to share my homework. Oh that's too far, road! That's the mentality! We are everybody's got right now, it's like you know they have one bad experience with somebody or something and it's a fucking. You know fuck all that whole group of people, that's kind of weird, look, I got just for somebody's an asshole to you or you met. Somebody was a dick, doesn't make them like a racist. Now, but all liquor behind a bad day. Doktor. Just I have you ever had I not ever on another encouraged and nothing, my warm our universal truths. Some not taken from this was a great greater ratio. One of I universal universal truths that, like always think about, as I know from the beginning of time and forever. On average avenue thousands eu is at the reality. This planet is always gonna, be good. always gonna be evil which
When are you gonna perpetuate then, so you can be on the side of their lie like both, but for ever and ever always always those Today's will always exist and there are those who things always shudder. Fighter which one are you gonna perpetuate was one? Are you gonna play which one of you live, but which will where you gonna feed as right now, and saw me, I think of you. If you live by that and you could take the rest, the stuff, you put a stop to the site, we forget, are you gonna be feasible? That is a choice it only you can make for yourself and now you know inherently, which is which you absolutely no just to add another thing for me: not not everybody is gonna, get locked up, not everybody has been dealt bad cards I even I would argue, maybe I'd I'd. I didn't really want. Maybe I wasn't really dealt bad cards compared to this guy or bad decisions, bad decisions, but let's say If you're somebody that you come from good family, no struggles, your parents
Maybe they worked or ass off to give you a better life and you don't necessarily have any struggle. What's amazing about your journey of actually do something in life, something impactful right. we all know the more people that you serve, sir, to the many is. What leads to greatness is what Jim room would say. Let's say you reminded us a ham harsher, I guarantee when you're on your path to trying to actually build something. You're gonna be faced with some hardships, you're gonna be faces and challenges of that? Can give you the few right. Give you that experience that you need that motion and gives you the gratitude, and you know that that that wisdom, that experience that you need to to carry on for so, if you somebody out there, you maybe you come from. the background, you don't have any real struggles. You don't have to get in trouble to me, make a story civil be inspiration or build something. You come from a good, said a family in there's no struggle, but I promise you when you start going on down a path abilities, building something euro be face which enemies?
stress, just awaited some latin well sal got their final word. Can I have my final word. Serbia is, I I I I've been. I'm kind of the idea, the history nerd, but I'm a history. Nor again December. Seven. Nineteen forty one imperial japan drops the bomb seasoning attacks bomb Pearl harbor, right couple weeks after that that, nazi, germany and and fascist italy declares war on the united states. America do you guys know there when that happen the week that that had the couple weeks that happen, the united states military he was not ranked one or five, or seven or nine or even thirteenth. They were ranked be nineteenth army. the world at that time. They were actually ranked below holland and belgium. yet within a year they had built degraded fighting force that the world had seen and prior
to the beginning of the war proprietor entry into the war. It took a whole year to build a bee. Seventeen bomber. After we realise that there was a threat. It took us seventeen days. We figured out how to do in seventeen days. The people of amerika. At that time, black white you can tell protestant gothic whatever They realise that there was a threat and they came together and when I dont think that most people stand, and I think our listeners understand this, but I think most people understand this in our country. This whole wool, mentality. This home, integrity of victimhood end and blaming this is the threat and if good people black why do gentile, protestant catholic, etc, etc? If we don't come together, and band together and and and fight against it There is probably a threat greater than hitler. That's gonna take over and I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but that's how serious it is so I think everybody of goodwill should band together and say no more we're not. I think it's our only it's happening, I mean.
My observations, you know because I was pretty much a year ahead of what I was saying this exact same shit. A year ago I got the receipts, go, listen now, now. The resistance that we get on these messages is far less and the promotion is far more. So I think people are saying: hey man. Wait a minute fuck, you guys and and do that's what needs to happen there listen there. Is it I'm in a place for you, look at someone is a fuck. You, ok, that's the truth. And you could say that with love, you really can you can say it can mean: hey fuck, you don't come back around me until you figured the fuck out An endued unless we start doing that and and and this is something for the parents- like this is where an hour am gonna. Leave off this. You people that have kids.
and you're being quiet and your letting them do all this crazy shit like put kids and masks and all this fuckin bullshit keep months, who and blah blah blah blah blah. You realize that your silence is creating a massive problem for your children, a massive problem and if I were, if it were me- and there were my kids, I don't have kids and I get up here and speak about all the time but if you were me and I was silent and I was let no, this should happen. I commit myself, I be fuckin super shame, and you should be two of your fuckin sitting there green with every In that we say and not saying: oh mother fucker word about it. It should bother. You show all our eminent thank him. come along, but dude, I'm around the shore with that man. Craig are really she's coming up man? I know it's a long long journey one Have you come back on the show again for sure was grey show I really Pritchett what you're doing and when you say as why you
when you say we need more leaders, brow your early and its super cool. So. I appreciate what you doing and what you're saying what your bout, Anna yeah man, if you guys what you're, what your algae, real craig long, forty, five, ok, so yeah, We will give him a follow. Follow up on what he's doing you do some someone to talk to write. Today I would you take talking to talk. Is craig long? Forty, five, ok guys give this follows, support him. He is a great deal and arm leading left I hope that in the cell cosette s luck in hungarian leader that america, they just kick the share of money data. Will they sit right there? You know over those miller, railway beryl. I appreciate you and I think, should be on show me absolutely minimal reg. but that's not the show. If you got to show a good view gained some powers,
fact of shared around for us. Okay, we don't do any of the advertisements. our marketing. Some of these bigger shows. Do we, an entirely a word of mouth, and I like it. I like that we do that. I prefer that and that means of we're doing gerda shows doing good, so If you guys were mind, if you got a lot of it, have the courage to share the conversation. Ok, I know a lot. You guys don't share these conversations because you think that their people to look at you a different way. They probably will the prior looking you'd like you have a spine. I saw I love you guys. I appreciate the guys I talked to the owner flow. Now my jewelry box froze the fucker stole countless millions in the kobe teach Buddhist got a blank row kind of dessert, no shot case club.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.