« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

112. cOnSpiRAcY ThEoRieS Ft. Dr. Ben Tapper

2021-05-24 | 🔗

The Mainstream Media and Government have been toying with the emotions and rights of Americans in order to control the system. On today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined by Dr. Ben Tapper as they discuss the actual data behind the COVID-19 pandemic, how big Pharma is manipulating doctors and the general public for their profit and how we as Americans can take a stand to end the tyranny in America before it’s too late.


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I told my teacher pitch I'm going to get the project spoken to the walla motion to fit most. The only one mile was called to feed the seller, and this is the shelter the realistic about the lies. That is a delusions of modern society and welcome the mother fuckin reality guys. Today we have a whole egg, shell, with an amazing guest, an amazing amazing guest. That Do you guys who like to ask me if I'm a fucking doktor are going to be really his stock, because I brought in one of the most vocal, outspoken and factually correct doctors that I know but before I introduce him, I would like it he's my brother. He still does not have a good nickname, to take applications for his nickname be sure to send them to me. Would you like you're not going to be sir, I'm still the most handsome gonna room. It's a great ain't. It
The great title analyse its hunted in highly argos, worried about. How is it debate about my saying? You're not out, will you not just say we all pretty good looking here you're, not only when I can recall him, Matthew, mokanna fitness, adding that, Let me say that I know you know I mean He did a great deal more credible, I say I mean I got the credit when you have to you'd have to think before we get into it before we get in to the show. I gotta ask you dude: what's up because I know you down right now, you're upset, and I know you're frustrated and I gotta know what it's like to lose the twenty twenty one chef, or better hat this debate again, we put a side by side of dj chef hat and we put a picture of shares. from south park right next to and we had a little poll on my page. I gotta put it up man and the interpol. Believe it or not. Dj forget lost one by one
How did you lose that over sixty eight percent, who wore a better sixty percent, was me yeah bit by bit? standards I made you lost the election. So how does it make you see? How does it make? You feel the have seen that twenty two are you gonna come back and twenty twenty two, I think they got a stranger jacket is one of the most underrated characters. Probably in all tat would sign out. What's it book so you know. Are you have said that you I'm then declare him the winner bro. Maybe he got thirty three percent. You got the rest of your age right there. After thirty two, you could see the clear winner good morning, like survey that winning I'm just saying my much: I consulted balls about it You know my voice, I don't know the blue children guys Let me know when you want to say that I am happy to help now for
awesome- gas that I'm so excited to have a member of that. This information dozen I have very I said that I didn't make that way. You know, I gotta be honest because this whole year in a row, last year I've been spitting, fucking facts in data and I've gotten called all the bad names and I did not fuckin recognition- and this is Well, shit, ben tapir, doktor Ben tapir is here: stole my spot on the dissemination of slammed glad rather good. We hear me man up so happy to have you here and before even get started. is what want to say. I really true Personally, I appreciate what you ve been doing. You know still into the real science the real data and standing up for what's right, in the beginning. I know this has been very hard it's hard for me to, but you know it it's nice to see people start in a kind of see. What's going on, you know tell
people little bit about what would you do from and how we came to know each other rights oh I'm from a more nebraska practicing along. You know I just like to say that I'm a small town, chiropractor and yet you know one basically you know I I've been practicing there for ten years and really what put on the map was my son. Each and last august in omaha Nebraska we're almost one last towns, basically to tell if minute, mass mandate yonder. We were there and that's. You know the reserve awful room in the city. Also horn and basically there was about six. your camera set up a new stations- and I was the only edition in opposition to the mass mandate. They had all, I think fifteen or sixteen. Doctors there in line up to speak in and so on, up there and I basically I just I prayed jan turned me into a lion and multis wash twelve foreign wine. I got up there and I spoke, and my wife told me better than what you're getting yourself into
There's all these cameras out therein and spoken. You know I just basically. I just spoke from the heart you know in my convictions or greater than my complacency. I knew that I was gonna facing persecution, but I just spoke the truth and I think the people are starving were the truth in so that video had three million views over twenty four hours and honestly, I I didn't sleep for five nights for thy spoke. I said what did I do. I stirred the pot in that video when all over the world. So I saw we can't came about in people kind of whose been tamper guy and I wasn't doing it for the attention no really wasn't trying to I'm not doing it for prosperity and not doing for publicity. I'm just tunic again does Michael, fiction are greater than my complacency, and I just want people to see the truth and one thing I'm not gonna tolerate is the lies thus being pushed on the people.
Yeah. You know it's interesting, because we have a lot of younger people in the show, and a lot of young entrepreneurial driven people and one of the things that they don't have the perspective on is what it was like or this like, you guys were twenty years old, you're eighteen, In twenty years all you have to realise that we ve been through multiple and dynamics in the past, and this situation that has happened does not normal behaviour. It's never. Happened in my forty one years of being alive As far as I know, it hasn't happened since nineteen, eighteen, so let's talk about how even guy you know what. Why are we here right? Well, to be honest with you,
you know, in my honest opinion, I believe that this is obviously is government overreach, but this is an agenda being pushed on. The people on a percentage for government over reaches government control is to get us under mandate, vaccines, and it's really just e is, a global agenda to have control over the people in national, a blunt. We have seen it, but you know miss nineteen, eighteen or so many parallels tube, even back then, to two days time. women are article my office that talks about the fear mongering of propaganda. Those being put back in the day in the spanish flu to push an experimental vaccine whose elzevir self limitation of the influenza vaccine back in the spanish flu, but the articles states. There's pictures in the article a talk about in older people. are wearing massa said you know we're mass or go to jail. You know in total, aren't isolation and separating from your neighbour and Literally, it articles were busy palmer when developers of car product, but he stated you know, does the mask really protect against sin? You know Any visible virus does a hog fenced off a mosquito
You know I mean, and in that's, if there is, if you read the article, you think it was written in two days time, but if we back up to even you know, three to four years ago we ve had so many bills. Come in cross the nation to eradicate your freedoms, to refuse a vaccination and make it very difficult for the paris to opt out vaccinations for their children, I mean we have you know most they have to at least to exemptions for vaccinations. A medical, philosophical, medical and religious. More states have medical exemptions, one you don't know that, but we do- and they have to abide by that wall. Any There was a bill bills in california, like asked me to seven seven despotism. Six, it came about to try to eradicate your release. the philosophical exemptions and note then bypass the doctor, patient relationship and the only exempt. you can have. It would be approved by the state and the only approve like five per county, I mean how draconian and tyrannical as this is insane
this isn't a hundred percent here. So we saw the nebraska for medical freedom grouping in twenty seventeen. Twenty sixteen were hello. This is way before this even came about as before. Twenty twenty. Are you ve been on this for a long time to pursue yeah, you know, and so we saw this common and so even a twin. Eighteen, you know we had the world health organisation. Twenty nineteen early to nineteen stated that the greatest threat to the public are those who if used vaccinations are those who question at their prey and you can use nourishing about. That's a scary thing that didn't kill you talkin about We will say this before we got on air like have a child's I'll get right? Talk, talk, you touch load, about how the pediatricians is really about health or or is it like? You said padding the pockets, because there's a lot of benefits, a pediatricians and officers get for pushing these vaccines right. So I want to make a disclaimer most of the pediatricians. Are there are great people
there are some people and they believe what they're doing is in the best and for the children but really dave, and I believe that there just been a by big form of their continued education's pay for my big forum, but did you know there is no meaningful use programme, put it by the obama administration and even doktor carr private, out of men in that programme in This gave we submit, sir demographics are characteristics, but our patient base. We get certain, and if we met that criterion for the green we'd got, you know an incentive chakra bonus check. These pediatricians, they would have the same thing, but as a demographic that was really to vaccination and our patient base. If they had a nice six percent seen rate in clinics, they would get a bone shut for every patient. And so there is a massive incentive for them. Tis pushes vaccines in an unknown description it against the one vaccine and say no. I can't see in my clinic because you are a threat to my patient base, but really there they weren't a threat to the patient. Mister a threat to their to their bonus checks right, but you know gives a webpage russian when it seemed today. I am an item or refusing vaccines and that's what he's patricians would be all open up an hour.
Because you're refusing machinations india, it's interesting to because you know, a people assume that all physicians are super wealthy, don't need the money would would never do anything. I hurt someone for money, you know remain like using a stereo? type. That already exists, which isn't just In truth, no everything about it about drought as four years worth. Three hundred thousand thousand debt on the other side,. It also monies for she's vaccines. We got you well, and I mean a lot of it's common practice over time. Right, like they train under a position, is what we do this. How it works is so it'd be almost like keeping up. I am curious, hold on so so trying to play. Devils advocate a little bit here, because the people people understand I want to make sure that people who are listening understand what you're saying and what what? What after have saying here, is that this big farm,
is funding the continuing education. That means doing control the data that they teach ok and if they can shoot pick and choose, and the first thing you learn learn in any statistics class is that day it can be manipulated, show literally anything. You want that's a fact. Ok, there's nearly no way for a doctor who is got think about this you're a doctor to go to continuing at you. Gotta continuing at the information fed you is is is provided by the companies that build the drugs. Ok, the doctors believe this- is the best information that they can get anywhere so their reading these these studies that are funded by big farmers to produce a favourable result for them. Right and then their taking that information and taking it to you as if its fat, and so what you guys have to understand is that you cannot
just trust the initials after someone's name, you have to look deeper than that to understand where the data is coming from and, unfortunately, that's not right. You should be able to trust what you doctor says as gold, you should be able trust what the media says. As truth, we all being fuckin manipulated here, and this is what we have to all collector. We understand these doctors, like you, said a lot of them believe they're doing the right thing, because they are good hearted p poland, but they are getting manipulated themselves and that's what people are not grasping here. You have to look deeper than than just the data and you have to look where the date is coming from. You know it's hard to do, especially when, like we talk, before the show the censorship issue in the world right now. It is it's it's insane like we've, never had
this before and an entire in the entire existence of humanity? As far as I know, this sort of censorship, least in my lifetime, maybe your back and not germany? That is what they did, but the thing these guys, you know now you're normal eyes to it like how? How how many of you? actually notice the that the covert tags or the vaccine, a warnings that they put on any time. You say anything about it. You know this This insanity, what's going on and they're, making it very hard for you to find the actual data and, allow magical person, which is how you need to think about. This needs to ask why why are they cutting out all this other thing in the answer the day give is well, we can't let all this misinformation get out, but I don't have any data, the back up any of the things that are saying so where's, you know we're. How would a normal person digging
That's, because the truth of it is right. Now you don't know me what you say if you dont go along with the narrative, you know you're gonna get blast. Your conspiracy theories ultra right wing, you're fuckin, What your racist you're, all these things, if you dont, go along percent with the narrative and what they figured out is they shame the public. The public doesn't want to feel bad right and they wanted to live their lives, and so you got a lot of people who were happy just go along thinking that if they just go along that shit will get back to normal eventually guys it won't. That's the whole point, You need to understand this. has never been about true health if it truly about health. They would have started back in two thousand january. Twenty, twenty saying, hey, start eating better. Take your right.
Indeed do all these things that will help improve your immune system, because we're get ready, get hit with this. With this thing, ok, but they didn't do that at all right. Why not widen? They do that. We have to ask ourselves these questions. What are they trying to hide? What what in this is off the topic of covert but For example, we have the on going on right now. This is the misinformation topic. We have an otter going on right now in and multiple states big one in arizona, the media is the police visualizing it caput. If, if that do really got eighty one million votes. Why? Why would they be proud to show that you have to ask yourself these things in these the natural questions that come to my mind, you know Dont. Consider myself really affiliated with any good. More so than I am american, and I just wanna fuck untruth and you its frustrating. So how? How can I
regular person who is kind of like you know. Maybe they bought into this and maybe they're starting to see right now, you know me: dude I got in It's you by the way, hey, no, no foul, do like you should be able to trust the news, and you should be able to trust what these doctors? everybody saying, but I think I'll starting the seated? That's not the case right. Persons or so how does a regular person start to learn about these will first of all shut the tv off the television is very manipulative is propaganda. While the propaganda is fair through the television You know sciences observational, for we can observe and when someone says a scientist settles, but for the vaccine issue. That's not true. That's all it's assizes never settled. We have to his observation. What we can observe in so He did a step away from the television with narratives being pushed through to the people and just take a stand. Back and observe, what's happening. If you should tell them off you d, observer ones, where mass knesset nobody's fallen over dead, I write a nobody has ever died of krona in it.
We need to look through option. racial lenses undeceive really what's happening, but you know We back to the censorship. You know is de in medicine white. Benjamin rush, you know he stated he warned people. We need to put this medical freedom in the constitution because the art of healing will be reached. Written in medicine, will form into an undercover dictatorship. You know and as were rat right, The time is now. I heard that before when I was, how the fuck am. I gonna do that nl. I am likewise shit tat another one of your her right. Yeah, that's crazy! Might we put these? We know nothing, assemblies, medical doctor yours phenomenal medical doctors out there at the peep, the population. The people has put these medical. actors on the pedestal and weave we, said that drugs in surgery the only way to true health What they're saying? There's one fuels my fires mom when we have like hospitals are saying they put out a thing in a normal nebraska said: there's nothing. You can do naturally to fight this. This virus naturally- and I just I like
This fuels me to know when, because I'm in the natural, healthier air, I said no, that's not true air that might be a shrill allopathic mindset, but dirt there told We turn a blind eye to the wells and prevention paradigm, which, in my opinion is that is the true waded through health yeah, together It's prevention, dude! You! Nobody here but you know everybody likes take extreme right. These guys they're talking about how they're gonna he'll everything with a fucking tablespoonful honey, rowing, o noon, we're saying right. No one saying this surgeries unnecessary. Some right! You know no one saying that traditional edison is not needed right what we are saying, is it combination of preventative and symptomatic treatment right, you know, and anybody who thinks differently- dude you're, fucking crazy. It's like no, fortunately lotta people demanding their only because we can look at them and see right. You know that's a thing, but the thing is you know: there's a time place for drug uncertain drugs can be lifesaver. Yes, there is no question, but that surgery, I fragments order my purse.
I guess you need surgery. I just recommend for your last week, yeah there's a time and place for it. Yes, but a lot of the surgeon are hammers and when you're a hammer, everything is a nail. I can't tell you how many times we have been unnecessary surgery in my practice, if I'm going, oh, my gosh the operated on a twenty five year old male, they had a great one radiation lumber spinous like do you do not need a surgery where union you just need a giant s right right on two percent about the money right. But you know there is a time and place for drugs for verona, bastard, big farmer, but we we live in a world right now are americans make a five percent the rural population, but yet we are sixty five to seventy percent of the world's pharmaceutical drugs and people are also here. Don't understand that in other countries there is no drug advertisements right. You don't watch tv over in europe and see commercials for fucking Dick pills right and you know
all these that you know, like the bat that I'm sitting in the bathtub I gotta take my viagra. You know I can also do those don't see the commercials where, if you or a loved one have tried this drug right, you don't see those either. So what do they do when they get a boner for more than four hours the hospital yeah? I dunno man. I think the the one thing that that surprised me. I just pulled this pitcher up. A pitcher of hake erin so this is an old at source, we see where we see right now with all these celebrities in these athletes, either push in all these vaccines amassed. China Make it seem August is good thing. We had athletes in promoting smoking cigarettes are. We all know that cigarettes are not that good thing to do rather, like not wish her wish to take on the propaganda lesbian. Use right now, it's all about the money. It's it's there to push. You know a product to the people, you know, vaccines, vaccinations are a product, it's a pharmaceutical product and you know it in.
it is being used right now. I've seen dolly parts I get the shot. You know get honest fortunate or get the shot. It's like those all their get. Those people are getting paid, hunted arise per se hide or should I say this dirty very, not taken a shot at it. Did it it. You know, I think, that's something is worthy of pointing us. We're talk about propaganda for a second like guys This is really what the fuck they said. It was We all believe in a big fuckin back, see my name wouldn't have to have a death count run wooden. Have to have a case count. They wouldn't have to have a twenty four hour fuckin, barred men of marketing onto people they wouldn't have too. You know celebrity influence or campaigns and might grow influence or campaigns right like do what so as illogical human, I'm asking myself why? Right because due to them she was really kill everybody first, while wooden
we know all these people that were dead? You know what I'm saying they'd be falling over dead like they showed us on the t v in the first two weeks of this thing you know, and then what a fool I should get a couple weeks ago, if you saw their own uneasy at the only real, they showed a clip like caprice go and about a spike in india. You see this and then they took the cliff that was from a year ago and plate like do this, is manufactured shit on a person you know. People are saying what about the six hundred thousand five hundred and fifty thousand deaths mean? What would you say to that? Well, the dust we already know that has been missed labour. The DES, if you look at like the envious arrest, the national, vital the envy arrests, the national body The final report says some from the cdc they manipulate the data, they combined the dust of the source numbers around and it's starting to come out now. One hundred per cent. That's that's been a weep. They do the same thing with influenza. They they they done it for over. I mean as long I can send another flew numbers. Were that bad they were doing over the flu.
if one that they do it as less my first caught women, two thousand eight, so I kept a closer on those number, since two thousand and eight and I have every year because I'll tell you, you know thirty six to eighty thousand either if once every year, but they forget to tell you that those numbers or cup with violent viral pneumonia. Ninety percent of deaths occur in the elderly. There they have their social with coal, morbidity associated comorbidities, usually on thirteen plus medications. They forget, it leave out now. These are statistical facts from just last year from facts arises is not miss. Information, actual data points and deductive reason from data wait. So it's all there to push the the the agenda. The price at a genius you know will hold on what do you? What do you think? The point of that is well obvious sleep. So if you re wind back in time, nineteen, so yet the world health organisation, as do the greatest threat of those who questioned vaccinations and the shore thereafter. The hiv, which is so division of the cdc souci vice
Your committee on immigration practices the issue ip. They stated that they cannot fall. where's compliance, I'm sorry! not force vaccinate, but they enforce compliance giles a direct. Well from the east european meeting. jade than we had event to a one meeting. If you watch as very yuri bob thousand twin, nineteen, the vaccination summoned and twenty nineteen they took out god in god, we trust they replaced with vaccination and vaccinations. We trust I mean how crazy is that right now, aren't, we nineteen their setting the stage for, as I say in him, bill gates. We trust like building a five year, either bill gates like that, and I saw I have an eye on a former. They said now. In fact, she we trousers people literally put vouchers gates and mother fucker should be if he should be, and I have dossier to descend you because his calling for his arrest should be ended. he should be, but the thing is it's all about this, and I believe you will eventually, I believe, we'll do you honestly and feeble really knew what it is doing in pfizer. I mean look at pfizer's record, I'm pfizer!
push the vaccine one thinks of the safe and effective but Pfizer as a large largest fraudulent track record in. U S, history! I'm either in violation the nuremberg code. There testing children against her parents, you know without willingness to do so consent in nigeria b. I hadda They appear to two point: three billion are pleading for fraudulently misleading the public on their pharmaceuticals and bribing doctors to push a propaganda. when they were found guilty for that. I mean there. If you really look at their track record as company, they are so corrupt and in merch I like to say you know: mirc is too, but they had a little bit of dignity and into integrity in this and they abandon their vaccine program and said. Listen, you don't need the vaccine when you have the corona. Naturally, you have a far greater immune system, the nose sounds like someone already had a little foresight right leg doesn't answer, although they got bashed bad you're, never going out of the vaccine run right. Yeah well yeah, but sometimes you're going to do things in the short term that you only get attacked. For that eventually end up being the best thing you ever did:
right hands you standing up for everyone. Yes, right, that's what something people understand you know you ve dealt with a year as at I was an entire year of attacks, a fucking hate of you know guys ip and smith gettin fuckin destroyed every day. All the doctors, america's frontline, who are true they holding up their hippocratic. the serve humanity. Ok to to do their obligation. These people, these people are speaking up for people were condemning right, it's so so How hard can continue do when you realise that these people to stone him. When I look at it right, you know- and I mean how you feel about that- I commend you for doing what you do well I stand by the quote. More luther king Jr stated that a measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort inconvenient. Sir borys d
in times of conflict and controversy. Again, I do this because I don't I don't do for peace, security. I don't do it for publicity. I do this because my convictions. My complacency. I have four children there. My kids and I do this for them because I love the quote that I'm not afraid to die, but I'm afraid too little my knees and world run by less for men, the controller destiny, my children and I will fight for because I understand that this involves them. This involves or children's children's children, our freedoms, stay here, and those that are listening. We need understand that, instead of sitting on the couch playing video games, we need men to speak out. We need men, to stand our ground in I pray god? Let these worship foreign widen august nine and I believe he answered there prayer, but I know I know by the coroner hammett five you for my josie. I said you never know how far reaching something we may think say or do today, though the lives of millions tomorrow, I'm just Norton cairo, that it was passion about getting the truth,
there now, I'm on your show here, they're so you're voice matters. Does point to make in this like we need men to stand up. Go to your city. Also mediates daughter your school boards, if you're in a word, or students? Nothing has really important. Now these them mandates are running around townsmen other saying: hey the anvil. are you still need were mask if you're for vaccinating take it off your employer? You need to gather other like one people in your workforce ensued. Yes, and that's good, that's gonna be the biggest, If I'm a lawyer right now, I'm fucking drooling right, because all these Companies are, are violating medical rights, other employees is by requiring this vaccine and is discrimination, hunter personnel in its illegal and that's gonna, be the next big wave arouses right. You know like, though, the even in them. Pressuring you to get it is actually illegal.
On a presidency. Worse hip, hip, I've, you listening there are you right, you know it's like we does. A complete hip violation is a violation of your privacy in its discussion nation against you know lebanese, companies or have an incentive, like all of you, if you're too, If you get a little illegal? You guys who we pay? If you get the vaccine opera, the vaccination buzzer cinema desk, please discrimination it get out. You because you're there, you know this seen is causing more harm than good day when this all get straight now, these companies are gonna, get their fucking ass, a suitor on a personal. Allow. Do you guys listen to me, and you run companies and if you're, one of these people are runs companies in you're? Doing this she burst. Stop it right away on a process is going to cost you fuckin everything right around forever. Ninety percent value actual what so you said in two thousand. It is when you got started looking influenza right. So what was like? What? What was in your mind, what made you stop look at it. This way. What sparked that that interest? Well, you know the whole
maxine thing I grew up. My dad was speaking out against vexations a young age, and I just assume that everybody vaccinate that was my normal, but then I realized as the older I gotta go, I'm the minority here like no that's the Jordan people do vaccinate and so I had a you know grown up in a childhood. I realized a lot about vaccinations, but I want to, a seminar by one of my favorite chiropractor it seems doctor burns illinois, He put on a seminar about basically the flu vaccine of one's own and had all these numbers and artificial unilever's natural unity and pull the numbers out and broke down and in my eyes, were completely opened at you. Not the influence It really was a. I was very keen on, vaccinations are very open to that world and the corruption there, but I had no idea of an influenza and everyone was like. Oh my gosh cause. He had all the numbers from the nbs or essen and bass. they pulled doubt on and on I think, the last fifteen years the highest number of influence at us. Roy two thousand
sunlight. Ghana straightened the cdc and they're they're. Very you know that The average person would go to cdc and try to find those numbers, but they have since covered them up a lot of the links that I had back then or they're eradicated. didn't, work anymore and you have like really did define these numbers and the disk combined with other elements, bacterial down the money. Now I understand, if was it can lead to. After a moment, ammonia and that can be applied. problem again, that's it is so funny thee just that the home ask issue like if you have a respiratory issue, bodies exhaust his no you're covering up in back, Interior loves a moist, warm environment, and as for that, mass does, as is as if, like a it's like a petri dish for bacteria to grow, and then you have this respiratory thing. If you're, sick or symptomatic you're covering your mouth, I mean it just breeds a bacterial pneumonia late incident, because what a lot of people are dying essentially Emma
that's what most people died over ninety eighty resolving its never even covered right. They say it spanish flu, the key elements nights bacterial infection because the fuck him a regulation. That is right, and I think that's what my opinion- and you know this could be totally wrong, but my opinions they return, replicate that result on a percent during the right on two percent. I think remy, you agree with a real. That's not we ve guessed, because we don't know their modus. You sure, but, like my my from what I have observed, I think those trying to fucking replicating that conference well. The thing is no way that It's like you know when you have a mask on. You know a mask, especially for a virus right this mask was this massive people are wears a cotton mash, usually whatever, but it is not meant to be worn. Over and over and over again so vile hazard productivity is really true, contagious virus in you
It shouldn't be worn. I've seen people hang him in their cars where I'm Dana day out on the season. It's like you know, they're, not really they're, just very lazy about it, but it's like they're just You can try to wear them ass. It is doing to get in the stores and shopping go back and carry on the way it's for it's it's a false compliance is that they are letting the corporations there on the corporations to make it appear as most people are going along with that. Some two percent- and this is the biggest play the of the of what I'm observing is going on that most people are missing, is that when the companies, when he's big companies choir flocking everybody where a mask everywhere, you look alibis, weren't basque. What's I tell you it tells you that you're alone, you're only one that doesn't agree. So you just go along when in reality like we said, when we went arizona, salad, dj we went down there, they remove the mask band.
that day, an error every single person had him off. in that, shows you how many people so so guys. if you're, in an area where they had amassed mandate and now nobody's where mass just realized that only the people were still wearing mask other people that actually believe this shit all right you're, not alone. It's not. Most people agree with what we are saying that is what's going on and on you know they ve created this perception. You guys have to also understand and you don't fucking know if the data that their reporting on the news is right or wrong. You have no idea that dutch ship plugging it. How do you verify that data? Oh it's on the news. That's not good enough! Bro you insane! They manipulated the case. Now where's with a faulty pcr test which what they they had this great set too high? Okay, we explore. in this. When we had a doctor sharansky on where we talk about it could detect
such a minute amount of the covert virus that Never actually of that. You that the case return positive. They didn't do that on action, a fucking new. That's what would happen you could test. Anything using that tests is gonna, come back positive, that's what people understand so so they use the das to scare people a false death rate being. four percent of people going to die at scariest, fuck fuck, you ok I'll pay attention. Then they went to this. Inflated case rate which they knew the testing was fucked up. Then they went back to this inflated death rate where every single death out of them when they came out it like four hundred fifty thousand they can now with the report on cdc that showed only nine thousand people at that point of time had actually He died from Colvin now, let's thousand people write that sucks, but in the grand scheme of things those people are not next, not four hundred
two thousand and that's not shut down the world, and that's not take away. Everybody's freedom and that's not We do this. I am eels things and it's not what they said it was. We all got fucked for an entire year our lives, so many busy he went out of business. So many People died alone, they daddy dude. I got friends who lost parents, they had to die of cancer and other things alone in a hospital because they live about all this shit right and then, if you remember when they wrote, you know all that All the doctors and nurses, or doing tik tok dances and shit what role it this is a you're fuckin pandemic. Then they would be stacking motherfuckers and in boxes trailers they had the refrigerator. I really do ask those tents, those empty those outside the tents there as part of a group we go around until these tests that the measure hospitals,
you should know. Is nobody and not a single patient in there? Nobody idle patients, including the london boats, the trump sent to our two to allay in new york. Fucking, know p people. They saw sixty people, ok, weeping in fact, and play by this whole thing- over and over and over again in the data. Now we are using the data to get people to go, get the taxi. They're saying all seventy five million americans already got bullshit. They have you're just saying that shit, so you believe it and go, get it right. Ok, do we have to be smarter than what is going on. How would I do that? Well, Israel, simple guys, there's like five people who fuckin over everything and those five people, including on this ok now by what if I might be twenty five, but the point is: there's a select group of fucking, very powerful people that all community and they're all working together to create this perception. That's my personal belief now. If you don't believe that We remember fuck, you want, but I'm just saying when I see happening and how
wrong about it. So you know it it's a very decent social pressure that is in it's all been built of faulty data minimum. relation of data, shame, ok, cancelling people and and fear the whole fucking. And do this has nothing to do with anything other than them trying to get you to do something that benefits them and if he knew so watson, innovation. The motivation could be a lot of different things. Ok, one could be money which Usually it is, and we are so well how could just be money? Well, they're, gonna, they're gonna give you this vaccine they're, not while before located not liable for the damages that causes what happens The vaccine causes all kinds of different side effects: they bring out a series of drugs to counteract the side effects like you guys, don't understand business. These mother fuckers are creating an income stream based around hurting you and that's what you're, not
getting in the law will be the richest people in the fucking planet. Okay, so this is, you know, this is almost loughborough. I believe that it has. Is that is money for sure. Well, it's that also. You know I could be other things. Do you a lot of people believe that it's the implementation of of a one world government. I actually believe that's what's trying to be done. It is vital that it's going to work, rob implementation of a socialist regime or communist regime, I think that's what it appears What they're trying to do, but I things, go fuck work you know so, but you guys have to stop, letting people say all you're, a conspiracy theories, because your observing the fucking data and the things that are happening in front of your face- that's called gas lighting right once when you observe something happening right. You saw your girlfriend fucking. This do with your own eyes and then she stands up. She says no, I was it. We were just cuddling did didn't actually see his penis got. No, it didn't happen.
we were just cuddling. It wasn't that bad, that's called fuckin gas lighting. and that's what's happening to all of you, your observe all this shit and then you watching it and some was coming along, be like not no no, no kind of looks like that. But it's not like that. Only fuckin, crazy people thinking you're, not a crazy person. Are you that's what's happening on a per cent yeah, I'm just disney the manipulation of terms I can't I back sir or caspars is all so decisive right is. A hundred per cent decisive, divisive, divisive and taken some notes. Just try to you. No wait for my certain point here: insertion but no ads, you taught me whenever I was a jane, jane part of the reason I'm not really hold up. I want one yeah I was going to happen to me nine times, I beg you to have great flogging boy knows you doesn't wriggle out trying to let our
you got it back. If I've tried hey these hazards, how can as how these guys are fuckin? As I tried I like and our yes speaking, you keep asking trying to allow a little of his sword alley. Loose fucking, hallowed perspective here from somebody who's been in the medical field and watch actually a perpetual dish, enormous areas, so had a doktor one time, worked, Jane, jane out. We sold mash right, and so they would obviously incentivize doctors who are more favourable to their products too studies right now. I met this one. Doctors in doktor, brent matthews by the by sky that I met from integrity standpoint and he is add something to me a long time ago, and it stuck with me and always haunted me in the back of my head, because we are always taught to to the study to the study to the study. he I remember one time but doc studies, a cell modeling. Medical modeling is only as good as the information you provided. That's it
so you can say whatever you want, but I am actually operating on a search on the patient and these are the outcomes that I have, and I always stuck with me. So when you look at this mass scale, the medical modeling that we see is only as good as they want it to be right or only pump in the information they want you to see right into the gaslighting point: hey what's going on, You know if we really were seeing if really were the pandemic. You would know twenty or thirty or forty people, let me just based off a four percent or two percent. How many people do you know? If you know a thousand people? Well, you'd know. You know you'd note when people better dead were duly forty, but whatever the it's, started four to one. It's. How many do you know right in so you start Let's not really deductive reasoning here, you don't write, and so you know that's it. That's like a really natural waiter, we can we can unpack. All this, I said is back in April was a well we're, not gonna, really know until the end of the year. When you look at total death count, total debt
The reason law of averages is the great. This is why baseball is awesome. Is the law of average, which batting average Hey how good you are that so much money you make the law of averages, how many people died? How many but total dine twenty twenty notion. evident not a significant number over, previous years and in fact, I believe that actually less people's reduced maybe died in twenty twenty they didn't. Nineteen rating is vital for the same down. You know I had a. We had a talk, probably you, but more than half ago? I posted my facebook, Did he had taken now, but I had about for our people through my they're all standing. gone up and decisiveness z I spent I had him stand. I want you to sit down if you ve had a friend or large one, the state of cuban eighteen and no one set now and then I asked him to sit down. Had a friend or loved one has died of heart disease or or cancer, and they all sat down. So where does that show you, of course, in it? You know. I know that covered relatively new, but were what six in months into this thing now in its you know, there would be spent.
Will that sat down like you said, if p, if it's his deadly as they claim people would sit down now or have set, and you know what in and then start to complying start to be where you start to be reasonable right, but I think we're at a point where you are If I could ask, no you shouldn't be run, another should be that's right in and I think that's the other side. You know when you always say have you show me problem, vault, fine fund money, right honeymoon, When you start incentivizing the vaccine in me man, I watch so I don't watch t v any material point to the first point you made like. I don't watch t v any more cause. I mean it's absolutely fucking pointless right, but I do youtube db in the morning, because I can watch fox business right so but every and I don't pay for the poor. Because I'm cheap. So I get them staggered to adapt the the free version and the free version, has a commercial. Every commercial is some type of incentive or I began around getting the vaccine every fucking one hundred percent and I'm sitting here now. You can get college scholarships and you can get deduction of credit card debt. It's I mean it's absolutely. Insanity thing is how the incentives are still
less than the amount of money that they set out to make from this maxim, of course, has just the thing and say you start, you may start wanna want you like what the fuck is going on here. And I think this is where we know where a person struck, because you know it's a whole people We can write, were mass raised this point finally, let us go now walking home depot cause. You made a mention about me we need men to stand up, and this is the point that I then Think I'd like to really bring back to his you know. Maybe dont need go to city council, and maybe you don't need to go run from air. Maybe you don't need to be a congressmen, but what you do need to do is take. Goddamn mask off when you walk into home depot. You know, like you to stand up and at least have the courage to to fight for yourself and for your children for freedoms. For your neighbor, like don't care how uncomfortable they still like you walking on depot stubborn massive sign that says mass must be worn. Is he watch everybody like little people? They just walk in and not take a mother fucker off man like one hundred percent. You know- and I think it starts there if we're are you trying to do is well you you must not
You must read the vaccine, which wanted to get your mother fucking business on a real, simple answer: that's right! It's not your bid. That's right, and you know even the most passive of here. means can utter those words right. So for those of you looking, you know cause that's gonna, be the next shame thing all you know mask on what that scene. Did you get your money? fuckin business backside. That's why I got you gotta say one right, I'll be really. There is to see how they implement the travel restriction, but I'm gonna be my, I think, that's where it while the algae came yesterday was talking about the passport and assessed the amount they anybody leaves anything this gas as anymore bright. Now, that's what about their testimony that they were congress. You see you follow you I've seen a lot of em, but there's you know he's as corrupt as can be talks out of both sides of his mouth hate us. You know, and the thing is that the field of practice is graduate, the true physician she's in administrative doc. He is bought and paid, for he is a puppet he's not for the people
and he knows nothing about true health. He is a puppet of pharmaceutical papa this there to pay He is basically just whatever big farmers says: he's he's there That's right! You're gazed at his back pocket and I, ages in his back pocket in age has patents on the modern, a vaccine. If you look at the cdc their patents with vaccination companies and fouch, either all this high five and children. The back room now she's not for the people here, is not an ally to the two to americans and untrue. Patriots into the people. He should be arrested. He for crimes. yes, humanity, and he is a corrupt individual in death. You know you satan the beginnings of nowhere, the mask amino, if only for symptomatic now ass, I hear which bore mask Anita were soon. There has to be right, but you know issues it's really criminal and you know I wanted this. Go back to detect the mask up at home neber, what you said we should all go into my kid soccer game and my wife said grunted support liquid. Grab much? They went in there and I ve been exposed
a long time. I went in there and agenda. You know There was a long line of people who have mask can nerves and we got the mask in a register guys. I hate you, the mask on here and I you're not wearing it yonder he in those well? It's our policy pulls of huge bag of mask. I said I don't think you heard me, I'm not wearing that you known and then then he looked at. the other point and then he just walked off. I thought you were go into manager. Well, then, the south, and then another guy came to the register. I guess he does. So I'm done and frustrated, and then I got What are my food? We got a guy in the couple next me took, there's off that's right and he said thank you and I was like when origin that's how we in rural? That's, how I do with him and I went to vote so. Did you when the vote together right, here, the library forced me that yeah, of course, I made him over trompe l, so fucking
well there's a line literally around the building of a right, fucking Bodies were an american flag, as is also high. No, it's fuckin bullshit right now, when it was my fucking vote for by now non us out, none of that vote. It was not so we we get in the car in a why everybody's got him ass words back in alarm and word is back. their children, you I haven't jokes and tat will weren't, you you want to hear my eyes were mine is growing, will occur when also shit me anna and that's been he added through the whole time. You guys what the one word of mass- but where am I gonna fuck, but show fucking face when you look at me say whatever you, everyone say, bringing to fucking knuckle sandwich so dude, so we're standing there and- and we had to wait in line for an hour, took an hour to go through the hawaii. So it's funny because shows you what people's, how they happen, in social, been social pressure right so we're the only ones, and then we were line in every single day
in front of us, had amassed when we got to know that the fund a long way to go in the building of all. We look back only fucking like tube people have mass on one of the two hundred to three hundred align. That's the power that the power guys if you just said Bob and just say: hey knows, I'm not doing well. You're crazy actually I just came to me- the lay that past human loaded, passed out shed a fucking asshole yeah to this older lady was standing in line. She had a mask on as she passed out the eyes I was bad at. It was warm she passed out and I went to go help her out and stuff, but it's like it was in the require medical attention. She stimuli when the mask on it was kind of war what warmer than it had been for a few days and she passed out it was. right in front of the students crazy. Here I mean I've seen I too, like you know, just despite in a mouse going through with a double mask and I've seen it italy guide. The physician has the option meter saying: oh, doesn't decrease roxanne, it's like you know what go run a mile without mask on and tell me if you have a hard time breathing. You know
these people, out of shape worthies mask, is likeness applicant? Affect your auction love ya, wanna per se. There's a reason why, when you go into the jar, no matter what the fuck you go in, for they stick a auction tube in your nose. You know, and the thing on your finger to read it right there is a reason for not discuss its important right, Eurostat, which you have taken. lee them the medical. Ah, procedures and stuff there was down would cover first happened. So there was a big thing with people getting into beta. There was a huge proceed. that was done. Everybody became aware of it. There were there ethically induced and got banana honour on eighty two, but it gets common, that actually killed a lot of people because if it's not a general surgery problem- and you have respiratory issues that I believe the statistic is like twenty six, Rest. You only have like a twenty six percent chance of coming off the ventilator when you have a respiratory brought problem, one also what you take on. All of that will, first of all, you have to look at going back those people in a blunt, wasting their mistreated. Yes, and it was ass, criminal right there. Mister
weird, because they were misdiagnosed because they were still labeled as covert death over deaths, because you have a a faulty testing. First of all, the diagnose them with which, by the way, in a clinical, sending it to make a diagnosis. In order to make a diagnosis, we need You come in as a new patient. We have subjective findings, you have demographics, we put all the the problems, basically, since metalogy and in a category called subjective findings. K than we have observed define, needs you go in there and say: well, can we measure it was the testing the diagnostics radiology everything. Can we put my hands on a temperature? All that falls in the category object to finance. Then you make an an assessment make a diagnosis gate now. This vote details in the peace, your we talk about the us, a psycho rain on that, but it's really faulty, because this doesn't hold up in a clinical diagnostic setting as if I am a false positive? What subject of funding to I have zero? What objective funds were have zero Oh so, if I was a medical auditor going into an audit on you, you and say, let me see your notes. You have nothing to coordinate.
releasing corresponds to this peace. Your test. That means that this test is faulty. So going back to these people. networks in he's been leaders in the hospitals, nations its those people were mistreated. This is the best way to say because a testing is faulty and they and other issues. You are probably having heart hardest. These are hard issue or other, things are going on, but we are so panicked and we we still this fear into or nurses and our healthcare workers that they were doing and what they thought was the best thing for these patients and now we have this. You know these people have died of mistreatment, ass, a thing like that. You know my my up when my favorite patients he had a he had, and I for surgeries and he had If you hear like three or four heart attacks, can he was eighty something years old and he was out he was having his fifth heart. Attack went to the hospital and they tested him for a coven test but he had all the signs of a heart attack and guess what they put him,
then when he died and guess what one of the family. Come in to be a council forum to help them out to be great, they don't lift a family out and then they will have a funeral for, I was like so I rate on one of the storm, the hospital one of my best friends, dad's. The same exact thing happened to exactly the same thing right. He was fine, He had a little issue will not go into the yard ass to pause recover. They put him on a bit later. He died right alone, right, along alone in to me that that is so criminal. He knows it. its evil in one of my car. Since he has muscular dystrophy he's my issues got kids. They were Let him see his kids and MIKE You know I saw him he falling. His kids out for a whole year. There was a lifeline K and it's like you know. I guarantee that he would. Rather die of covert nineteen than of loneliness, just like the people, greeley colorado, their protests. These people in nursing homes are isolated. There were mistreated because
couldn't see their family. If I wasn't in their situation, I'll, be freezing out, there's a there's, a guide at the nursing home by our house. When we pass a thousand times his kitty stands outside the protest every day. They won't let him because he's not vaccinated right to see the thing, and so we we so my wife makes it her mission. She calls and tells lady how evil she has just one sees mom email, just wants to see his fuckin mob dude right. They won't let him and door right so think about this too. Now you got it. there was a friend of mine he's in the service he guessed deployed. You're deployed prior to Last week you d have to quarantine forty days if you're in service gay, and so you had to be yet. According to fourteen days in now they're saying if you don't get the vaccine vaccine. You have to quarantine, basically, the whole time you don't go to chapel you don't. We have ensured that the directive be sir. You can't talk. Anybody you have to be eisley have to talk to people through a phone and and and that's if you don't get the vaccine and you're only out allowed out to do
duties in so same thing that going back nursing home I had another patient has gone imposing a nursing home and he's smart guy, very short minded, I mean he still has his mind his eighty some years old is not get a vaccine there's no way they kept him in his room This is not allowed to leave your room. Isolate most. You have proof because you are threatened. yeah. This whole thing is fucked up. Dude rice is fucking insane depression like dude, you, mother, fuckers, listening or stand the fuck up right, you're right, but I want to see this like cause they're going to blame the on vaccine for cars disease. We have to understand that they're going to blame me on vaccine for the causes spread of disease and the access. Is a pharmaceutical products would think about this, a farmers. Just the word not back. She must cover. What is this a pharmaceutical like? Let's say, if you'll take soul if you're gonna, spread only happiness and depression everywhere you need it takes, I know in the next move, move them next move ban is not the guy I'm devices over the next move after that is the next move after that, which is what people don't fucking
get in, why you need to stand up right now. Is those people who didn't you vaccine or a danger to society. One percent are a danger to society, its usher them right. It's us your them. I know this is evil. Putting these people on a train to go here do this, but It's us through your family, like you guys, don't fucking git it that's where this is headed this is this sort of terror in this sort of regime. The communist socialist programme: which is what we have in america right now, we have by on tv today talking about everything begin five hundred bucks every two fuckin weeks for every kid they have extra over what they get that that that did you guys, don't understand, what's happening and you think you're gonna. passively sort of allow in someone else's gonna handle it's not gonna happen, no one I was handle it. You have to stand up for your kids. You have to stand up for your future. You have to stand up for your friends. They are too weak to flock and say anything
If you and that's the problem, you're everybody's looking around saying, wilds disguise job or I've got a job or you know in smith's up these. While turkey has eighty saying this doctor, been saying this law, but no mother, fucker you need to say and you you do it because dude that's where this ends this ends with with And it might be a year in might be two years. You look, venezuela, saint fuckin thing. It's gonna end up with their a danger to every body and we, doing what's best for humanity and if you don't think that what's happening and you're gonna say all your crazy. Just fuckin wait just wait doktor gonna question is on the under the black, sheep of our school for the kids right and it's, in a very kids go to like what I would call. Oh, it's a higher education, liberals, more liberal school right, but the guy is actually been very good. I would say in the grand scheme of things, but on the block,
she by going to battle everything they they start to creep down. This the private schools in saint Louis at least you're starting to creep down this hey. If you have, if you can your backs vaccinated. They don't have to wear, mask arches vaccinated. They don't have to wear masks, but if they're not then come to school, but they have to wear masks. What's your take on on this whole, or I be curious, like in omaha. How does it look or where do you see the future of the kids in driving the vaccine into? Have you want your kids go to school? They had to be vaccinated where stan? How do you see it lay where's outward where's the soviets, the plan along the I you know, that's the way you back and seventeen there come after our exemptions, as we have look on religious or philosophical exemption? So too, do you know it max to be entered in the school, but you know that's: what's coming You say if you're on vaccinated when you don't have to wear a mask. Nebraska furniture mart skin flack right now, because the employees are gonna, be wearing bracelets. He says I'm backs needed on or if you're, if you, if,
you're on backs and yet where different, color, bracelet and discriminating against these people in it. So when I foresee, is there we're explosion, if not already of homes schoolers, which I think is phenomenal. I love we. You know, I love homes, home school, you ve done it yet. I know- and I should think of the weird thing in the world he hasn't mike. It's my best. Friends are home school and I want you, guys are weird. You know. You're us, mostly handicapped, maybe the aren't. I just love really I've been friends. Gonna drive my attack. What you know there there's some smartest people. I know there's a most outgoing people. I know any you their very there. You know there are some people and I was like men. They dish they'd. They heard my whole perspective around on homes going because no schools, now they dont, teach the kids. How to think that and what do you think? That's right, mrs indoctrination programme? Basically, as in any more like a socialistic indoctrination and it s the problem, and so if we can it like this one, of homes squanders freedom in homes, going to teach the kid what they want. You can go right there.
Dress. You can learn its more one on one, and so I think, there's explosion, wholesomely families, which I think is a good thing. Never yet we we vote Oh, if I were you know, this battle continues to creep where they start about. We made the decision it I'm gonna, a spot. You ve got enough. You know a greater role for the school lobby to bypass any art school for children, not for real no yes in your future kids, how to win some made for seller pluck now, we can already like a degree to you. I will where staff I mean, I'm gonna make real school right. You around and unanimity teach them life in here. Here's a lead on that here's the next build. I was going to ask you so if the laws in Nebraska and I'm not sure about here, but if you have one in nebraska as long as you are the perm like the primary teacher, so if you do the teaching most of the time, you can send the kids to like a school like you're talking about for like two days a week there it's called rest of the week. You can help the parents Sound rwanda parents need help obesity, it's scary! For the parents ago, oh my gosh, I need to homes, go my kids.
and these kids are usually in the program what school eight of eight the three agree to for most of the time, for I don't need a homeschool that long because they all that or the brakes on the recess standing the line disruptions in the classroom in a wheelchair. for a few hours, the danes done in an you like it. Again they gonna go in the words they're going over to the usa. Isn't gonna? Go yes, luscious be fuckin real! Do kid You need to know a little bit of shit right, you're at new york. If you're gonna be a doctor, if you The attorney general be a lawyer. Your duties specialized knowledge, but Reality of what kids need to learn is gonna, be taught by their parents. Seamen period, okay and the kids to getting taught by these people Here's what's happened guys. We took I'll fuckin ball for too long america, people who believe in america in other try if passed the signal, like extreme pain treat, isn't right. The fuck out of here do right. Ok, oh so we believe
in the actual constitution and the values that this country was founded upon. Meaning do the right thing: open discussion, the right to bear arms all men are created equal. We had the greatest american one of the groups. Who, I think is I actually think dark. Martin Luther king might be the greatest american ever fucking lip. That's! Ok! No, I'm being serious because he transcends all the differences that humans are infatuated with for some reason like what difference. Does it make what pigment of someone skit, but you have to be a low level thinking mother fucker to lose literally looker human and think about their skin color like tat, we, shouldn't even be doing at all and it doesnt. We ve done your eye off the ball and we've allowed people who are not smart, who don't believe in america who don't want to create this idea.
Was the framework of the way she should be, which is everybody should be equal fuck. Did it doesnt work that there's not enough resources. if everybody is gonna, be equal. Everybody's gonna be poorest, flock. Look at every country whose ever put in this type of situation gathers equality a queen. Quality of my life is flat said. Is that what you want because do does what these guys? This is what that slack in real life all while socialism, communism has never been properly exit. you didn't, we can do a better, no fucking, can't it's a flawed system. Based on supply and demand. users, limited number resources and when you Where does limited number resources equally amongst everybody, everybody shit? Ok, you're better off allowing people who are good hearted run they're coming these run their businesses provide careers, provide jobs and let that well trickled down the proper way and do you know they point to people and they say well
You know the people like me who own mid level, businesses nyssa, we're just fucking green, not nor not if you go out there in time every single person they all they are building career, they're, all making good money there doing what they can to progressed forward and they're all fuckin, pretty much happy with their career paths. That's what usually happens when you allow companies to exist and when they, when they were they should be doing is pointing the people like basis or phoenicians gates. for these other gigantic companies who owned the facebook who are disproportionate, controlling the wealth of of the world and wonder where the fuck their tax dollars, were they contributing it's not me or people. me that are causing the problems here, we're doing entrepreneurship correctly its those guys that you seem to like John they're nuts for some reason because no understand what the fuck they're actually
if those guys all pay the same percentage text that people like me pay we, we have problems in this country with socio economic differences, but they allowed. He's big as companies to dodge paying their fair share right peoples are old. You know do they pay their fair share in a they're talking about what they think a wealthy person is, which is like the person in their town. That has the big house: that's not what they're talking about when paying the fair share your talking about these dude. You will never meet your entire life because there's only ten of them who control most of the fuckin money who don't contribute bat properly, and that's that problem. Capitalism right now is their problem. Capitalism. Yes, the problem this matter, but he's a by pettifogging rosebud. That's the problem, you're, not a tangible, but especially when they can rewrite the rules and if it themselves, riser outlaws crony capitalism rat right. They figured out that if I, if I may just man in the world right!
You, the president, a fuckin check or you the centre, a cheque which really thank you. Give you a million or two million boxing or do everything I say a million. Two million boxes: five bucks to us right for them like do what are we fuck and do it? we need some real leadership guys. We need some of you. Men who listen to the show too. Get arrested and what's going on in the world, and not be interested in one meyer or fucking, yellowstone fuckin walking dead right. We have. to start paying attention. Because do these p? People are ruining our future and your kids future and their kids fuck in future. If you don't stand up right now, Can you men who were between the ages of fucking twenty and forty? If you don't stand, right now and take control what the fuck is going on bro. You are fucked in your family fucked and their families are fucked in that's a fact. Yeah I'd like, I piggy backed up because it starts in your own home.
If you know- and it starts with your own daily actions- it doesn't- you don't have to emulate. This is the thing you know cause like doc. You know it. I'm most fearful for my kids like for me, like I don't give a fuck. You know like hey man, you're yell, oh you're, gonna yell at me- to put a mask: okay, I'm good, but when, and though we walk everywhere. Must that's really inquisitive that argument everywhere? as you know, we always have come, some always reinforce, amen, nobody's ever gonna make us where mass. This is. just dealing with right now, doyle rules, but no, but you see you know like an humpty by hey. I use example, as you walk in and here's here's the one dad who's. You know he's probably a listener right. He walks in fuckin mastery and here's his kids, who are you, know eight and ten year old. Girls behind in their covering their base because they ve been in a listening. This shit, their friends in the peer pressure of what's happening. school, what's happening in their environment because their forced to wear masking aside, even when the dad How is stoneham pate we're not unaware massive school. They re like walking we do not all those years and school to tell they. They tell those kids school now to tell the teachers if europe
don't believe aware masked ride like do this is insane on this as the south has it's not like you motherfuckers telling kids do this shit in their own families. Your fuckin each year does right and ended, I'm sick of it. Did we? We are bending over the entire constitution of this mother fucking country for one or two percent of the population. Right now fucking done. Right, ok and all you should be done to who gives a fuck if they call you a name fuckin. These people do not contribute to society go out and try to cancel everybody, fucking wing, a bitch, you don't while eating anyway Ok, you only to have broken jobs. Your city hall get a fuckin check from the government. What what The power you have all the motherfuckers out there, traveling the world all fuckin do and shit and that's the problem. The problem is everybody out there whose creating income and positive contribution into america, they're busy doing that, and we ve allowed all these knucklehead to come in and fuck with our shit. It's time
to say no more pay. No, israel simple, and I just wish that people would wish the fuck up and I could see them waking up but guys I told you this shit over a year ago I mean I'm getting tired of saying dude. In fact, I think you guys you may remember, and if you don't, I will throw the clip in of work actually said. in june that this virus This was likely to have come from war on visa doktor. Faulty. Go and throw that clip in and let him see what the first thing it's important to understand is that kobe was the up here in the united states. was then moved to china, because american sanctions may to dangerous to develop here. Guess who it was moved by. It was moved by ethnic, faulty, his team and black obama to war.
Huh it do. We could have known this a year ago and saved us a fucking whole lot of trouble. Had you taken your eyes off your fucking netflix and paid attention and that's the truth. indeed if we don't wake up and we don't start carrying like you have, sir, which I greatly appreciate. We are In deep shit, that's it So what do you want to live? Do you want to live? You know, if you think, Well right now that I'm gonna go along with this, and we're gonna be back to regular american blah blah blah and issues, happen, you're wrong. It's not gonna happen. We're not going to allow it to happen, so we have to be smarter. We have to get real people, men and women, who believe in the constitution who believe in the things that it represents I believe that all people are created equal who believe in the first man in all the other amendments and everything else in this country Fuckin stands for you, motherfuckers need to stand up. You need to go to sleep, council meetings, you gotta pda means you need to go run for your local government and when you
guys go vote. You need a vote for these people. Ok, We don't have enough quality humans going right now, these politicians, they, guys had this, not you guys, but a lot of people have this perception. These Politicians and the smartest people in the world know there's a dominant. in the world in just went out and fucking got themselves elected and you, While we are where we are, if they were smart, they wouldn't be. AL taking bribes for their living, they will be out making a business work, but they don't and do we have to quit pudding faith in these people that clearly do not give a fuck about what this country was founded, Where are you guys that actually care about this shit? are you care. Where are you that's all arms where are you, because do your latin guys like this or guy, you watch do your speaking for you. Ok if you notice comparable speaking up, then, at least show, though, should support the forgotten. Do that ok, but the sight
You got the silent majority, homeward silent majority required of the book. Is I've gone you right right? That's what's gotten us to this point, and I but I am I am. I tell you right now. I don't give a fuck what you say to me: fuck off. I am reassured every day, do what I do. I'm animation they all these people are taken care of and we continue to do a great fucking job and that Is my american motherfucking duty? Ok, what are you guys? You hold it. That's a fact No! I only want to you run off his well fuck man. Maybe I will maybe I will, but I Promise you this is nothing to be four fuckin. My city mayor, you home sam, I got a funny story, so just just more of a light hearted you know so. I'm a mass battler. You know I make the uncomfortable situation happen in order better, like speaking, are comfortable situations. about eurobonds yesterday,
Well, that was awesome. He loved it. So you could tell like oh, but I've waited so long to fucking say that I said oh shit, I gotta tell the story. This is greg johnson, honest jon's, gangster dude. That's the only reason I said to the schools fuck and he cut. So sorry That's all the story is a topic, but his funny. So when when sal came to work here, he was like the number one salesman at his job in the world. They are big company, gay, so certain and so ass. How goes to his mentor at his company, his boss and says hey man and think about taken his job and by the way, it's a one. Third of what the fuck I make now your job like this. Do it you're an idiot right so saw tat, fast forward. Ten eleven years later, we're sitting locker room over here yesterday- fuckin incomes, John with sound, and I see him It sounds like you're, gonna, male boss, John, like a sure, do memory.
it's also going to take this fucking job out of the chair, like he got out so excited. I'm like whoa, he's really excited for my head. I said oh shit, gonna be one of these means yeah John's gangster in John's defense. He laughed that was great. He told me he told me later. He said I wanted to respond is he didn't bring me with them, but I couldn't talk. He was past. No! It's pretty fiery like but nodded and I saw he would laugh ass. I thought all I was pretending. I was now appoint Larry John like, and he goes and he's like into my defence. Salad he's like he needs know you're gonna twenty five extra grant a month, but this new products that are addressed me out of those bodies is another forward. You bore next time up and hence its that so I go. Back into so everywhere. they caused fuckin bullshit right now that the counties that an angle go back return the favor. You know somewhat
in no mask and I loved it tore at starbucks is breathing against my nature, but I make waves are gone, so I, like I I draw I saw, I sat in the drive thru line for last year and a half waited for fucking twenty minutes, because this is the irony of it. You know you You can be in the drive through that the drive to window open when you pull the front- on a starbucks, it creates a draft right. Everybody in the house will endorse lamps. So here I am my car made in other ways was the door open, sucking air out of my car into their thing, but I have no mask on select the logic of what they do is ridiculous, but so there's one fucking girl. HU I would anytime. I would walk in with no mask on she'd suck. scream sire mass, cannot be like I'm just grab. My boffin rabbit walk out they lifted the mass minute. Last five days, I've walked in a starbucks every day, and I
ride over to the girl, how are you are you and she blocking hates me? World prices are living aids. All these people have attached. Therefore, can I didn't need ass, yet rights recently, myerson dude, we meet dj. I wouldn't fuck in texas a week ago, were driving down the highway dear and he got Hey you check this out, I look over and there is a dude, ah dry, I at not even an ogre era. Sickly look a person like a normal, looking around thirty five a forty year old, dude black, They gloves on mask on for good, face shield on driving a car by himself, and so do you. I know a lot about this is Adam sandler done what he has allowed. This guide our first. Our first thing is the last letter what the fuck were you in the truck? We did it yet they saw two really what the fuck and I started. Thinking to my car, dude. like they really fucked these people. I scared out about roma due to ask
out of this shit. You have to be right to be wearing gloves. Officialdom ask at this point. you shouldn't say resembled I do we have to. We have to have some empathy for these people because dude they're genuinely scared and like when they finally realize that this has all been a fuck job right, they're, going to be the most pissed right. Well, it's going back to the you know, you said: is this deliberate just trying to engineer to get them to be sick? If you understand like sympathetic overload how the nervous system- Actually, a purse sympathetic, resin digestion if you're in a sympathetic fighter flight scenario like a bear was chasing you, your causal leveller, going through the roof, which greatly ministers your immune system, but we're not getting chased by bears organ chased by up again in fear more rights when my great mentors you know I was taught that fear. here, is the fire that fuels the furnace of disease. What he meant by that is if we are in a fearful state, your immune system is not operating your bodies, you're not going to get the heck out of dodge we're going to fight this bear, but we're in a chronic state now of sympathetic fight or flight, and so that decrease greatly decreases. Your immune cells
That's why going back to say this isn't about health. If those truly about health you'd. Have guys understand this and say less need rest, your desk. what are the best things for your immune system is going to help. Never sleep is number one way to metabolize cortisol levels in the body. This can, you know, help build immune system. This way, when you're sick get some rest means when he says you can do some rest, you know and avoid the sugar shrimp, is going to decree a raise. Cortisol levels is going to decrease your immune system, but instead they give you a fucking donut yet give you doughnuts yeah, that's the thing, and so he's going back to that. But yeah. That's why I wrote it's crazy. It is one hundred percent. I live in and outside our world, is like completely right what human rights right- hey innocent What I feel like going on everywhere do like, I feel like even like the people who are like They have been paying. Maybe us closer attention, as we have been paying right arm Maybe they caught on two what's goin on just recently, because a lot of ships are really come out where people I did in a lot of people who were you
I got me a year ago. Are now writing me being like I. What else could I ask you not to getting a lot of people who were like ban for seller. I thought your full shit. Bro I was wrong. This crazy how'd. You know, like I'm, getting a lot of that shit on my dams, like people who are like forgotten, You were full of shit Now I see it, you get any that lot. yeah me too. So the thing is you're starting out. I got a lot of flak are a lot of persecution there, but a lot of people. I you know, I always say: don't let the negative fear in the positive many, and you know you if you're a pioneer in this field not easy to stand down. You there's time I felt like I was the only one saying this stuff, but then you know thousands of people came in sent me letters to my office. You know. I can't say the measures came from all over the world. It was a courageous didn't. I would say that the positive support that then I've received has been far. I mean, I would say, a thousand a one compared to the negative honduras
so that's what you guys need to understand to use you got. We build this. That is the same thing. Keys block getting into business. You know you think every but he hates you and everybody was gonna, make funny you and everybody go laughing, no one or two mother. The are in the rest of the people are going to say: that's fucking, awesome and that's where you go you have to understand. You know you're afraid you, you know, No what's happening right now we have these Everybody has like one or two super far like compliant people, they know who works super loud and super active and that's the one suggest agenda by the way Ok, I'm not trying to be a partisan person cause I've always consider myself a moderate, but I've been push towards more conservatism. Now hundred percent, like I'm, I feel more conservative now that I was a year ago just because the fuckin gold, posts have moved so far over their last super polarize, yeah brow and like a madman, with that shit, like I'm more of a like hey, you gonna do with you.
Gotta do and I'll do what I gotta do, but now we're getting the point, we're that's infringing on our ability to even live in its starting to make started to make me understand the importance of standing firm in your beliefs and actually not saying? Oh, I don't care what anybody else does not fucking do actually care now and that's what needs to happen. Is you guys who have them ass. If you guys who have allowed you know cousin or you're so and so who's been super. You know left and shame possess the technique. They all use a shame. Shame shame. I can't believe this you're a big europe, your spirits, theorist, you're, europe you're, a racist you're, this you're that no, what fuck off you know like dude, fuck off like an that's what we all need to get to. If we all get to that, then there's no power All of these people were gay I'm going to do me fuck you and that's that dude go ahead. there's only power. If you love and run on Zan like listen, you and me, I don't give a fuck, were you flock
care. What you do your house, you by her more f bombs, then you ve, heard bride last now, there's a centre that this may I dont like I was gonna mike- is at least Michael means, but might but, as you know, the cause, your pictures are shown on another conference room today, daddy understand like I live like minute to minute. Jimmy I schedule so I dunno who's coming in or whatever so I'm doing my little homework and I'm looking at the picture like man cause like the all american guy lives in nebraska. He's got a golden retriever he's got white picket fence like omaha, somewhere in middle america, and I'm sitting there thinking. While he's heard forty two bombs. Are you live like last year s lives can be like a poor. These animals is gonna, be like I really like to know sure I want have bombed yeah. You know what I am. Real tempted to drop. Why I'll drop. Where were you say around like this? I might do exactly? I was walking out of our laws and there's a man.
I was going to ground and I pushed my wife out of the way and I said, watch out in her sheep shit yeah a visa cool, gonna gonna believe us every right now, look guys. here's the thing man! It comes down to what I said in the last episode to work. We all have to share this. This is big. This big piece of property called america right You mean like all these, like all the his things that happen through the media, the things there telling us you know the b. If it's not bad act by actual statistics and data that shows this like that, I'm talking about They put on news, I'm talking about you actually going out and finally actual data of these plans. They say. Oh these huge issues if We have to start understanding that their goal is for us to not get along its for us to argue, and why would they do that
it's a shell game beard who watched the shell they dip in your pocket over here right. This is all about money this, our power. It's all about control at all about the evil. Shit that you know we like to think does. exist and we're all getting a crash course that no It exists it's pretty powerful and we need to come together and stand up for. What's right, you know. due to summer, was to get the vaccine? Okay, if you think that's good for you. Ok, I personally wouldn't take something that I don't know never got tested and was rushed into this and I'm not comfortable with Everybody should be respecting their but. the problem is, is that we we are so far. Heart now, where s the plan where they can their wanting us to turn on each other in say, like I said a minute ago? You know those guys are the danger there. The danger there is the danger, no, it doesn't. I know it's
pretty, I know it's not that's. What's that's what they're trying to preemptively condition you to accept MRS happened, many many many times in the in the history before and you know I know know how to get people to see it other than what we ve been doing. You remain its a little bit better of a feeling about things recently then I have had in a while but me, This is it Every time it is on hundred percent? You noticed in powers that be you're trying to divide people, and we need to be reminded time time that you- and I are the government yeah. We are we, the people not only the people are the government right and we have. We are these core, corrupted politicians and these powerful people. that are hindering our ability to get these positions. I mean I campaigned for on Paul back and in two thousand and what's wasn I saw so much corruption there. it was on real, I mean they replaced.
Wrong. Paul delegates of their organs, he commission, with Moroni delegation drop of a hat at irina, tell it prompted scripted vote race, It was scripted to say to the eyes, have it when it was supposed to be a vote, but whose scripted and replace IRAN rebellious. Not nobody knows about that. It was said. sir, the media raw porsche one and they stole the dislike trompe elite based they stole the election. We got sleepy Joe bind that he what he's had more votes in history? You can't make it completes andrew and not only that. Let's look at the real world evidence when the guy goes to speak, nobody shows our remit, but here's that dude I use as an entrepreneur we're all time yeah focus my home. More followers me yeah, a lot of people. hear me say this all the time: why do people got bigger following me: love obama, but no that when they go to sell tickets there events or selling their tickets for six months, I'm so my four forty seven fuckin seconds right do, I think I tells story. I just had to address others, one funny thing of the clip of Joe Biden, facebook, page stridency,
I am against a brown. Would you like something on facebook is shows all you got. Two million likes loves me We are allowing faces. It's all it's one million. Do you know any song. I was there in all fairness, there's a lot of people on the on the right side making for making a fake shit to like it's. It's it's been. I have been disappointed with some of the things I see from the right. You know, but I also understand the necessity of some of the things that have happened like I see a lot of icy cancel culture completely flip now like where it's like. It's no longer all these left people cancelling right people, it's all the fuckin american right people, patriarch people cancelling these left people, which I think these two. And temporarily just to prove a point, but we can't live like that. That's not a good way to live, you know and we have to, Some point remember where we live and that the freedoms exist for both for
what you believe right. We open discord, open discussion, that's how problems could solve and we ve been asian over last, I would say twelve thirteen years in social media really became a thing for everybody to. just attack each other. When we don't agree. You know, em I believe this has all been purposefully, orchestrated em. If we look back how facebook operates, you know back in the day. We we would have conversations why you would say: hey. I think the sky is blue and somebody below would say. I think the skies have and then somebody will be no. It's blue and you have this argument thing now. What you have is one negative comment: and they allow people like it which perpetuates The troika type disagree behavior reinforced, because now you not saying things to constructively saw
The problem, you saying things to get likes and get the intentions which divides people further apart. what they naturally would be an I'll try. We believe that that has been engineered on purpose. For that to happen, I truly believe that communication has become more divisive because of the tools that they ve created for us to communicate all right, we ve remove the the the art of conversation and debate and replaced it with attention. What can I say to get the attention and guys that is, that is not on it and well for anybody and by the way, If you participate in this castle, culture shit where you piling on people, especially like I see this, your business makes a mistake and then their customers go fuckin insane people make mistakes, and guess who else makes mistake you do I do all of you. Do we all make mistakes and I believe, one of the primary teachings of the bible is: don't judge people,
right here whose, with three people the way you want to be treated and if you I don't understand that when you contribute to this eventually it's gonna be your turn in the gauntlet and all your secrets and all your mistakes and all your shits going to be out there for the world to see you might want to give people a little bit of grace on sand like that. Something is disgusted me, the last twelve months right now. I understand we have to stand up, but you know four the truth of the matter is I don't, I a little divided on a little bit. I have I have, because her. Last six or seven years I mean your conservative, any sort. You been getting blasted percent because it grace when you some grace what that would mean undeserving, love ya. It's like I had a debate with a kid is an extreme left us he's a complete liberal and attitude. In the debate. I said you know
said I would die for your rights and freedoms to be able to speak now. Even if I don't agree with you, you said you know, I don't agree You and I was still defend your right freedoms to be able to say what you want is absolutely. You know, ass the world we need to come to, and you know why are so divided and that is an agenda. These people at her up these powerful people per The stranger dividing us with with ray division with labels antivirus your own vaccinated, whatever label they want to put on us to stick portman lies, is to control us to divide us even more and its evil in israeli state. And I can we need to come together, love one another and say you know what you are my brother in We may have different beliefs and different interest nest. Wigan made us and we need come together in say there is an evil in pushing the people there and that's what rat hate each other guys evil. there's no matter what you want to say right, no matter You know a lot of people they they again.
with that, but that's the thing anyway, it's so tough to do that. Like I, I completely agree like agree to disagree, I'll fight for the right. For you to say it right. I get the problem? Is that again To that I could say the same thing: why am I That's the point! They also say that I hope you fucking dive one as it died. You have said that they want to shut and so like. If you are on the left, like europe Is your beliefs, but a lease, lease give people that common decency they want respect. They want You know how standpoint deals remain were really really bad. I understand, but neat That's why I'm conflicted on what I'm saying right now the moment, because I would like to be more like I've, I've I've, always described? The idea of like you know, live and let live, and but that's not gonna be good enough for them. I think I think, but I think that's where this, the social darwinism is gonna. Take us, we were, there will be people who are truly one hunter
percent? Morally good people out there who have those believes in and those people that don't that will not adjusted society they'll be fought the fall out, while the other thing to remember is they have been manipulated, believe that their the major majority of the population, when, in fact they are only a small percentage, annoyance Once these loud people start to realise that they be screaming and yelling and fucking fucking with the people who are actually, the mass of majority voting to shut the fuck up, because that's what been happening. They been manipulated to be empowered to be loud and be aggressive and where are they people when Joe Biden shows up where's all these million people to show up right that you know you. Ok, You want all you these more popular than than trump there's no fucking way, but you want to argue that he's more popular than obama, there's no percent dude
obama when you're gonna work did. I was like thought: do this guy's got it like it was all charisma smoke show, but you yeah really had now hear the people and let you know, if you know its value, is I was rulings, where am I you know why. I don't like what the steward says about what people love. This guy has the ability to bring people together, and that was with an eye on me. I was down there and he shut the bed. Fact. Ok, we don't have that love happening anymore? Where people are they're, not even rooting for the people to win guys that's the equivalent of drilling fuckin holes in your own rowboat. you get on the mill ocean this book. Is your only way to survive. you got another due to the ended about the year, particularly like and so you are drills ports in a boat. Like that's what you do.
And that's what we're doing as a country and do that's really stupid. You know we have to, I think, most people agree with what I'm saying. You're too, like I just truly believe. Maybe I'm fucking completely delusional, but I I truly from what I observe and I had been all over the country like this. In the last two months, I've been in multiple places, the country and watched and observed I haven't seen any of these crazy people out there we'll see any these crazy left crazy people, I don't see, feel so. They're taking a small voice of a little centres of the country and making it seem like it's the entire country, well there's one. On the other side of the spectrum you like also like I, I haven't seen the kkk mob- I haven't seen ever seen somebody in a can I've never seen a kkk Matt lauer dude. I am a white male fuckin handsome white, that's right from Missouri, less from Missouri! Ok! and I have never in my fucking life
actually seen a cake capers ever never and you would think like. I would if anybody we see, I've got to see who come here and why I'm in the middle of a country where a tattoo it you'd. Where were you oh. What I don't see it. And I must say it doesn't exist and I know it exists or she people on both sides, their ship bag, people out there that are truly racist. There. She bad people out there, but it's really races. Yes, Yeah no room on the bull that boil hides raises all those measures is a double standard, judging someone by their skin. No matter what color her skin is his fucking racism or once left feeling that the fucking bad right now this bush, shit about am browner than you, so I can't be racist fuck off with a shit It's not your, not brown enough, so your uncle tom, that's right! That's where you get now is an egg is more racist ship in anybody because he has a goal. Would you get it from
oh baby, yeah where's that come from. Why, with that country liberal wiping around they lack of liberal apply. One read aloud their levels who live in in middle class america who don't have any real fuckin difficulties and they feel good. for not having any so what they do is they find a car. as a rule around boy there in a dream about right shut up you, don't you don't do that? Those doesn't I with your narrative, it just doesn't saw the first the first hole in the boat. You prefer real boat. We talk about lisbon, nice and got out of schools, yeah and pleasure. We just you know I mean when we tolerated that my gives was looking back. Like retrospect, we just tenet kid taken a pig it's like well, you know We stand and not everybody believes in god and so were yellow tolerate the dirt multiple rule at the play. You gonna public school in this country that taxpayers pay for you should have to deploy.
Wages are fucking. I agree on a per cent dude and where was the owl cry? You know, I mean you know. I've been very heavily involved in my church and I really am a hard time accepting the fact that all the churches conformed in complied her on easter, where the holiest days of the year in all the churches, closed down because they were afraid of this fight receiving! I tell is that what Jesus told us exactly not to do right and the people who say you know, there's guides to the council. He's a young guy, he's like well, Jesus would wear a mask. I wanted to go to that meme or the guys I called the lady's eyes. Red solves ninety one night when he was a leopard like you, like you know, do you healed the leper they said stay We have no lepers, there will be no, there is social doesn't back into my own budget. Whenever the leper unhealed him, it wasn't afraid of it. Did he ever has gone. Did he so he is violated
the source of disney laws back in the day, but he vouches to write him a ticket bro right right, yeah right what you know and you know, and then, and now you see these churches open a vaccine clinics. If your church is closed, but open for vaccines. Clinics find a different church. Yes, gay I had to go to a wedding and, and first thing you know catholic wedding, I'm sitting there and you know my wife's in the wedding and no asking I walk in and he's the first things, as is the archdiocese rule, is that We require you to wear masking. It was like a mass presentation. Not just me, that's myself. Well, I'm here for mass gordon on earth is all well and where it is the other shakes down or what that's a point to be made. That's right in what he didn't. He let it be and you wash them just kind of the stories- are utterly start, trickling down than arrest or taken off his has funded. Wedding party, had where one but they went to arouse the where well yeah in allowed, or am I out that's do this. This is like every detail
virtue signalling it's been. I mean people understand that that's all! That is all that is. Is them not wanting to irritate the suit Z, homemaker, middle class, white woman, who's gonna, go on facebook and do it work and live with a fake out, age about how fuckin outrage she was that that you didn't? Wear Mal, unsafe, gibraltar, I'm sorry Tired and fake outrage shit. Why do fuck off what I do We all start saying than about this fake outrage. That's going on in the world with every little thing. Do it makes life, what we do, comedians anymore, because because somebody's offended thought about this. One percent who offended you guys go off, hang out, California be with each other.
It will still get the views that have the views. I shrub robert. I rusty people who want to see good, jokes and have a good time with your buddies. You come over. Here comes a personal will. Do you know how much fucking you know how much we I make fun of each other well about like like it's all flogging day. Like we say all these shows, guess what some of whom are about the color of our skin and the things we do and don't do, any fuckin makes When we have a may, I be mayo and, like you know, we had our water like we talk about all this shit dared and like we. It is forty because tat is no big deal now, but then you get around somebody who's not used to it and do their faces like tonight. There was john and learn about our lives like this foolish dude we're supposed to be I beg your pardon me, we're supposed to be laughed at our devices bro. If
But the one you are you look like you, You won't say like we do this we may have. It was because coming out of me, ah veracity are going to put the buddha Andrews only in hand. There is no easy matter or village row. We can a role we together pages. Just did not nobody like buying old town like for real. Why tim is: are we gonna take it all this dossier to be the sheriff game, nor the shared vision I find there is a better position, is getting the share of value in other barbecue spot, nobody them into the house and you don't even get it the bottles by her. How come I like? You said. Yes, I guess erika widowhood housing and are an arc. Nowhere do these cells sustainability, rubbish. Wait till you see that athens, everybody whenever my lad and everyone, in our words, going to pay their taxes, and now we won't he hut in august we're going to go outside and fight each other and sell some shit. What a punch feels like, let's be real third, when people started getting arrested for getting in a fistfight to settle a little disagreement and start
bring guns and shit. The whirlwind went to shit. You know there used to be a time in america where, if two men had strong enough disagreement? They taught if it didn't work. Our target they might punch each other knows couple times the image that there's a binding and says: hey burrow, I'm sorry, I respect you and that's been removed from society like theirs. I know that sounds crazy. I know people whose ere you could do the violence minimal mirrors that has solved issues for each Now we ve removed it from society and replaced it with litigation and being arrested, and, I must say, go pete shoot him what he does agree with, but sometimes it's fucking health. Well know, there's no consequences. Do an action that you just continue, the actual consequent and that's the problem or dear I'm right. Nobody is afraid of getting punch in the mother fucking thing since right or throw you got your people say: so who is a war on masculinity? You know what I mean that's the thing! It's like you know
lower. You said like people her get away with so much the same stuff italian paniagua role. When I robin uber up, you know and you all of us not you know yet offer. Twenty five. I know the young old, but anyway when we grew up. You get thomas you're, like the things you could say the things you kid. That is not in all of our lives, and it is very clear that a big portion of the younger The percentage of society has no idea where that line is unlike so they all deserve a novel sandwich round it just like MIKE tyson center, but he's gonna plants. Are you push the fuck? Am I a man? Listen every time I've got my ass kicked, learn a lesson
I may not deserve at that time. I deserved. I got away with southern over here and all our wishes on has cost averaging nazarite. But the truth is, like you know, dude, you brought a masculinity like you guys, listen man, you! not be shamed and being not masculine like and be masculine, isn't about like have a beard or having tattoos or whatever the fuck. They think it is it's about that. It's about taking a fuckin what's right, protecting your fear. Providing for your family looking out for your community has nothing to do with what they say it does like you. I've been called ass, a masculine were tightening its not because of my beard and my tattoos. The fuck are you talking about this. Just how I decide. I want to look at do it my masculinity debtors,
lots of masculine men out there that have no capability ride have no K. Billy protect, have no capability to look out for the community; they have beards tattoos bro or a whole bunch of them right now, usually illegal, been up here. The truth is I fucking red shoelaces it's not that we saw in it, but the thing Gaza is like. You can not be afraid to be. What god made you to be in our role in society, is man it's to do. the things that women can do and children can't do and look out for their well. Being in our communities. Well being and americans. Return to that the sun about why? supremacy or male supremacy? No, it's about feeling a wall in a functioning society, an undue that cannot be. You can not.
You can not com that because you're afraid If someone else wants you to be something else. First of all, you gonna be miserable. Second of all, you're gonna, be too few. said all these young men are confused, very confused, ok and then turn of all the role of our societies vacated where there should be men and its causing a whole, but you should on the back in the habit and by the way, that's by design. That's a cultural design tactic of a communist ah insurgency. Ok, they viewed china right now. Their teaching the young men to be fucking warriors to be men. Why would they made all men. We go in their men, stronger, think about that but do we are the most vulnerable with ever been. As far as I know, tat to to ruled over another country, and that's getting lost in the equation. Deep. I've said this for years
You guys understand that they don't see us the way we see they don't see black american black woman. white woman, gay woman, gay man, this that the little seals labels bro. They see us all the same americans and in it and if we also see ourselves all the same, they're gonna come fuck with us because of that, it's very simple? It's very simple: we are weak. Now, because we look at each other, we say: well, you don't represented, most figured out is not even a real that's not even a real problem, we're making up shit We can all communities, because they're telling us to and you're gonna find out my way, that is not for our benefit, whether that happens tomorrow or six. Months from now or fuckin. Six years from now men, have to be man, ok, and if you a gay man- and you say that you were dead. Another man that doesn't remove you from your obligation society there's plenty of game. and that are very masculine. Ok,
that's saying. Ah, we have to do this or that or this I'm not trying to intrude on your rights or whatever do whatever the fuck. You want but we cannot allow society to keep us from fulfilling Our obligation to society and that's what's happening right now. It's very very, very, very scary. You know I mean do if china came in They started fucking attacking us rolled troops over that there will be a fight there when it that won't your flash is just a love chinese that That's one will be casual, will be on the news. Chinese knew that pretty good nevertheless have I will be China had delivers there. gourmet cuisine to look to american or so sweet like tat would be The news of the wolf pocket tanks across the border, I was here to hopeless by road
right, didn't the every major city has ever chinatown. That's what it would be. Fuck man closing dot. Well, I just I you know I wanted to come here to inspire your listeners there too, to be proactive in this fight. You know, the opposite of courageous, isn't in a coward. It's really conformity and indifference inference in and conforming in, we need take a stand and come together. I argue with social. This well said, and why we and on that we need to come together the people at her and masking the people to believe this you're, not my enemy, your now our enemy. No, we need to come together, in realise that this is much bigger than a pandemic, and if anything, if we the anything from this. The cdc or pandemic mercy does not supersede are inalienable rights of the constitution, and being a patriot, doesn't mean that you
love your government at me that you love the people, love love, you can't be love your country and ass would be nepal, Europe means, and no I've been labelled, is all the labels. You can imagine right wing wide support it's what everyone is label me, but really what I care for the truth and care for the people and right now that the soil for the truth is rich and we need to pay buller star in for what we have to offer us I came here timely for my family. My kids did to did to point this out. The truth is, I know people are starving for well, look man, I ve while I don't want to get along schoeffer? Whilst I really appreciate you coming down beyond the show the second of all. Thank you for doing. what you do. A man like: it's it's, a beacon of hope and I know there is probably a lot of times where you ve been like Man'S- is worth it or is this you know. Why do I have to do this wise me? I don't know why, but, but you do
good things and the world's going to be a better place, because what you're doing- and I know that you know that- but it's I personally greatly appreciate and in any of you guys out there- who are doing your little parts? You know, I know you might not be getting millions of views and you, my only beginning to views, are three views, but guess what those two or three matter near your little conversations that you have what your neighbours in your family and your friends risa hebrew, I don't really think this is good and you have a little productive talk. That's what matters right now! Ok, it's not be quieter sue. From p is gonna blaster sunset, fuck susie Ok, this is more important than this is about your kids This is about like doktor tapir just said about us, coming together as americans and- and I agree with you- did it If you, if you are doing all these things are so you got the vaccine, you got you, you believe this whole time all but you're, not my enemy, I'm not marry you. Like
What I am saying is that we have two logically assess whether or not were being lied to or not, and none of the things that we can now These doubts to say that this was true. Ought the dots are not there and we have to be smart enough, courageous enough! to say: hey women, that's not! Ok, ok, that unethical for all these little issues that all whatever it is. You know that, You have a problem with it's going on because from what I can tell Maybe you ok with mass, but you're, not ok, that's easy! Maybe you're! Ok with that scene, if you're, not okay, with the mask on your children, whatever the fuck, it is fucking, say something dude, because it's all going to help us get to a point where these people, the government, the the the top of the top the people who, do not give a fuck whether you personally live or die. Ok, do I have power over us because we do control the power and they do everything
and to remind us that they are dictating to us, and we need to stop doing things that remind them that that's not the case. We dictate to them. We elect them. We choose them and that's the truth, you have Joe Biden on tv say we are the people, know your fucking, not the people. You are not the people, you are five or six hundred people for how many bolivia, three hundred and thirty million your five, hundred six hundred people. Think about that three hundred and thirty million people in this country. Most of what I agree that america is pretty awesome, you're, the ones it. oh, don't understand what it's like to be anywhere else right away. People say: oh its trump was a tyrant. This you're fucking crazy, do you're. Just by in the Peter they for served in your face. Look dude! We live in the greatest country of all time and still, even at this point
time right now we are the most free place ever, but that's gonna change, We started see each other as americans and stops Each other is all these little segments that they purposefully shut down our throats so that we fight each other. We have to come together. have to get together, and so do I love freedom. I love my fellow man. I love this. Country. I love the opportunity, a creates, I'm appreciative of it and if there are things that need to be improved, if we come together, guess what Those things can be solved, but the reason things that you think can't we solved aren't being solved is because we are together. You over there, saint fuck you and wherever save Fuck, you fuck you johnny It argues eager dude. We have to be. Smarter than that guys in
I don't know man, it's looking better. Looking better, it's looking more promising, and I I don't know what that work. We value it. Well, I'm in omaha Nebraska but on social media you know, I'm just the are not been tapir on this agreement. For the time being, I'm gonna be probably therefore only a short time, because, the powers that be no like me on there. They ve already took out a lot of people in misinformation. Dozen Oh it's just a matter of time, but you know you can basically I'm not like ass it on is for publicity, but you know not want a brassiere. My practices that we are doing it. A documentary here too were raising funds documentary, but and if people in and help help us with that they can go to. Let you know finest online. and my website, but we then call the officer donate to, but we have a dock merkel. The time is now
Hopefully I'm gonna get that out in the next couple months, but we have a lot of joy. some phenomenal stories that are going to shake the world, people that have You know back in injury like angels, ahead nurse or the surgical unit, no my organs on she had these reactions and she's in a group chat with like twenty or so other nurses and the the same issue from the shop in there all willing to be on camera force, but basically yeah so right now to just people, may scream account. They are not been tamper. Let me ask this one one last question: what do you think? What would you think is going to happen with just just like how do you see this situation progressing or resolving or so like? If you like? ask him for you, your opinion right. So this is much bigger than a virus. I mean idly because cause like. I
I'm trying toning on a grassroots level way people by the testing and try to get them just on to open about this. Like once, you convince someone like ok, there's somebody flaws in the virus. Ok, then we soon out big picture. You know if you the big picture everything also follow so wise, having a global scale, because what we have to ask yourself wisest happen a global scale. We literally at a war foot, because you know I I liked it this be with my family, relax and pretend like nothing's happening, but in my soul I know there is a war foot happen. I agree, we are at a war foot that involves you, you all of us that twice import, I don't care. If your left or right black white asian gay. Whatever you want to say, we need to come together as americans and realise that we have a war at hand here and our freedoms or to be lost freedom is safe, but is the safest thing we have to come together realise at this fight involve involves our children's children's children
his communism globalism is at. Our hand your car schwab is not our friend bill gates is not our friend these people too, the world economic forum, their pushing the global agenda right now, we're being duped their printing money more than ever before we need to end the federal reserve has are deluding our dollar in this. the cause major problems down the road and we are living in this bubble. Right now, disagree andalusia, right now that we're very content, like lucky, things are kind of all. right now, but just less focus all the tension on the vaccine and- and you know it's a smokescreen- it's all smoke and mirrors. When you see the media talk about hey folks in the vaccine on this, if I go, what's happened, Yang closed doors, that's what's happened as well. chrome is a giant trojan horse to steal, rights and freedoms of control. The people on a global scale. Not just this. This is globalism mean pushed on american soil in america. to realize at wake up and say: oh my gosh, we're not gonna tolerate that, because This is where we stood for back today. This is what my grandpa fought for. This is what
our grandma fuckin died, young amen, freedom is free freedom is safe, but it's a say, This thing we have benjamin franklin stated that those that are willing to sacrifice freedom for temporary security will lose both now we ll but they don't even deserve it, because it has been conforming to comply into this garbage nonsense and that's why they're telling people people that cannot see this- you might have the isolated eagle, but the vision of a clam we need to wake up and fight for this will be proactive because our freedoms are at stake This is so much bigger than a virus on a person to their use in this area. As a whole later come in and steal our freedoms and rewrite legislation in in room I take away your rights and freedoms amen. I appreciate so much. I'm going to get a project spoken to the laziest creatures are so welcome.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.