« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

110. W1NNING Ft. Tim Grover

2021-05-04 | 🔗

How many times have you heard the saying, "Showing up is half the battle"? That's what losers say to justify their lack of effort. On today's episode, Andy and the crew are joined by Tim Grover, businessman and world-renowned personal trainer to the Michael Jordan, Dwyane Wade and the late Kobe Bryant as they discuss the less understood language of winning, how to create balance in your life and why it is crucial for your success to win every single day.



This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I told my teacher to teach I'm going to give me a project spoken to the existing walla motion to fit most content. Only one was called to fit in this is to show for the real estate goodbye to the lies. That is a delusions of modern society and welcome to another fucking reality, Nice today. We have full length show that I'm super excited about had the show on the books. For us. You months now been one net are. All of us here are looking forward to. Ah, got sal God dj, but most of fortunately we ve got. One of my very, very, very best, friends and personal mentors timber over what's happening. What about your brother? I gotta check. Ups, these lists gay first time at this facility. It's you can't describe where lily.
Cannot. That describes one of those places where gotta come to see you gotta come? Missy, you got like lily bill, disneyland in charge. People are just charge a low emission and combat and dont donate. The might of charity says you can't it's beyond description you guys in mrs detail, you didn't miss a detail. that means law come from your brother. You won't be here without you, that's for sure it's the leicestershire I thank you I don't blame you believe that I know both you guys. I know what you made of. I know. What's on the inside, everybody sees what's on the outside, but to be able to go and see beyond what an individual is just on the outside and see, the ability to overcome? Will you came the first building was impressive, and knowing the history of where you guys started watching
I had to overcome And would you still have overcome natural people. Look at people, look at all man. They did so much. Would you guys have done in the past is nothing to what you guys are going to do it but your where you go and aspirations are and how many an individual's lives at you, ve actually touching on people say this. the time that there's cup he's out there. There's individuals out there they're alive of changing, add a word to me. Is used too frequently. Is it really? Is you? as a changing lives, You got you guys, you guys really really are changing lives, not only with everything you have here, but with a the charity work everything that nobody really gets to hear about and see it special its best. Easier! Honestly, everybody in here I don't do this to often, but You guys should acknowledge yourselves. You really did you
they, because most people won't most people want now. I mean do like man just what else we don't fucking. Do you you're insane I keep working guy, keep move in and out You know as well as anybody it hadn't been. It's not been. It never is easy, it's never easy and arm. You know I I I feel fortunate have you in in our lives, because dude honestly and I've told you this and have said this on the podcast that first book euro, Therefore I say my life, you know, I'm saying I felt fucking crazy and when you're when you're a success driven individual like most of you, are that are listening. Ah, the world isn't bill for that. You know the world's built for mediocrity and you know all of you guys out there who are struggling and who think you're, crazy and who think, like. You know
people do not understand why they don't understand. That's that's your exactly right. and one of the things that happened to me over the course my business career. That has made a mass of difference was discussed. Bring tim's book relentless an end, coincidentally we're here, to talk about today, his second book, which is amazing and what I want to do is come go through man and endless talk about winning in and what it takes, and you know who's for who is it and an talk about Those things man because, as as you guys, may or may not know TIM as a long career of coaching some of the most elite. performance. performers in the world, whether its business, whether a athletics, what an anti roma Michael Jordan, I'm talking kobe bryant, were taught muddy way. We're talking about
tons and tons of high level business executives, I'm one of em sal's, one of em, And bro, I'm just super excited to do the show and talk about this. It's an honor and it's an honor. I edit The best part is a of it is I get both guys here, Bad, that's bad! That's vow was important to us thousand porn to us and you don't obvious it's not my show, but I am the yesterday I did request- a third family member- to join us at some point but we'll see what happens later on yeah tim was tim once a big gym in here, but I we said right before the show and we will I get anything talked about. Yeah you'd laugh, laugh. So do we want to learn about how to kick ass or do we just want to fuck off? Maybe maybe we'll talk about kicking ass and then fuck yeah? So do you It's been what how many years is set first book, it's gone,
eight years, eight years, eight years- and I know people been really really really hungry for the second book yeah. You know what annie. It was very important to us everybody wants to just keep coming out with information and it's the same information over and over again while we didn't want to do, is we didn't want people to read this book and say. It's just like we're. Let was ripe yeah. This book is actually it's a continuing talk of relentless soul. You have the relentless mindset. and now it's wedding winning. is in all of us. You know what you do. what you just said, is yes, but. Winners, don't think normal they don't think normal. You have to Everyone says think outside the box, you guys
This facility, when you guys started first form think outside the box? There was no box There was no box and when you're When you're in the chase, when you're in that chase for greatness, when you're in that chased, the win. the ability to block out all the noise everything that any you have to be kind of like have to be in the studio. This is gonna be like where you had asked to be. The only thing you here are the things that are most important to you. You don't hear all the clatter going on outside. You don't hear this person, you don't hear that person, you don't hear that, but you don't hear that person. And that's what winnings about that's what winning is about and winning it's there. all the time every single day you have an opportunity, to wit, don't you yeah, every single day we everybody in this room every single day. You have the
authority went there there and when you see those weeds and when you capture was winds, they bring you a little closer to what's. Next, a little closer to what snacks a little closer to. What's next most people only want to get in the race. No, I do not think that no we talked about this this one hour, everything's dark about is the culture of winning has been diluted tremendously and you know all over your career. I may think back do when you start a man like how the differences, is between how many more people wanted and seek a wife of hype. Formats verses now words like it's almost villain, ized words like all. Well, if you want to win or something wrong with, you are a few years. I'll or your. this or that in the thing his guys, you have to understand the world. Fuckin needs winners, but you have people have to win If people don't win, how do I do
people know that you can have Finally, when you don't mean, and so people now biggest thing for peoples. You know you. we have to understand that winning is a fucking, noble thing, no matter what your! rest of teachers might say or what you might read in cosmopolitan or you might hear on fucking? You know the latest talk, show due winning is a noble thing and, and The reason is nobles because it inspires people to be better themselves when they see you win. You know You may not know who's paying attention. You mine, understand- who is why she knew or taking notes from you, but when you win so we're just gonna win because it s not it's a times, multiple people. Most of the time all people can win. Because of that- and this is the biggest thing that I struggle with trying to communicate winnings,
actually to like the younger generation right cause. They been growing up in the school system. That says everybody gets trophy everybody your feelings what matters most not the actual result, and that's just not the truth and. The one thing that has been, you know then I'd like to hear your take on is, is why why is it that you know? Why do you it is the people value feelings more than winning now and also what is the difference? between the winners mindset, versus the someone who's like is. It cannot go together or canada you can have it listen? You can still have feelings and win but you're, and we talk This is a book and a winning you're mine has to be stronger than your feelings,
my in order to win your mind has to be stronger than your feelings. I, when you make those tough decisions, think about every decision that you have made your feelings were stronger than you. My so fucked up such every time. Every single dangle every single time by when you may decisions from your might. There tough decisions, people are gonna, get hurt, they're, not gonna lie the truth, you gotta have to hold that you're gonna have to hold them accountable so it's so much easier to deal with the people's feelings. Yellow everyone says lesson tell me the truth. What does when you happens? When you tell me the truth, it makes a more emotional I will bring. out their feelings, which leads to what less results yeah. In a cloud that a cloud their logical, factual mine and keep then, from the ability to make the right decision, which did for being completely honest
this is what's going on in the world today right, antagonize antagonise antagonised. anger, anger, anger, hey, hey, hey dry, divide, divide, emotion, emotion, emotion, oh Are you gonna make a decision? You know and do that she's, not how works and everybody he's looking for these steps. You know. I had another guy in the mentor space and when he found out we'll reading a new the new when we writing the new book he says dude and telling you this forever. You gotta have stepped you. Gotta have steps people what people want steps. Are there really five the ten steps to winning either. five to ten steps to greatness. I really five, door, ten steps, a success. Those steps are infinite. Yeah, those steps are infinite. Em ass. You can't even see those steps, you don't even know a third there if they are constantly changing you dont know. If they're gonna shift, you don't know you
time. You gotta just use he's gotta know that step. Is there and you gotta be willing willing to take it. Everyone in here works out. I don't care what kind of shape you're in Run a flight of steps, I share his heart. This shoes hard. I think the emotional intelligence to to winning is an important involving cycle right when you talked about earlier, but where we're out of business you know we are, stand it. We have a fucking huge fight in front of us, but the expiring hence the emotional, we used to respond emotionally and we talked about last week in a gamble and facts now eat. We have experience of setting emotion aside and realising our we have. In fact, we have a plan. We have to attack this plan in part That is why I say you're good at setting emotion, side at the end of my ibm, but that is also why we worked well together, enters highly emotional and I'm very not about I've. Learned too Remove emotion, but where it is, a motion comes through the truth. Comes out right from his signing allows. It really allows the playing field to be played right. I can see
we can see what's going on and I've learned and in my business experience Anna my relationship and in leadership when I learned to remove the motion from from the table. Mine included, there's included in deal. In fact, We can get were wanna, go a lot faster in the After I learn to remove that hurdle out of the way you know, are you remove their emotions, no, but you can help them teach them to remove their motions which helps them win, and I think you know that's why the mine play such a huge role in setting up the table for each individual, winning specifically in corporate varmint right got teach him like in our environment a non core. It better be kicking funding. We are not. In march, we are used. Corporate environments were growing about it with his mad. If it happens, strode, that's a fuckin dirty word, but but it's true because if you know it's hard, man like you know when it was three or four of us like we're fuckin highly competitive people is a wearin we're in the battle together. Like all fuckin day, we scale three hundred. You got a teacher
people, what it takes to be success one. I took a note because you said it, you know. the fear not play, fear of losing the fear of what happens. If, in my experience has been, you know the detriment to a lot of my friends. You know a lot of my family members there so afraid of fucking losing that they never give them champ themselves a chance to win right and could you I mean you, talk about a step by step. One. If you wanna hit a home run, you gonna walk you're fuckin ass, if their betters box, I, how do you do that? So what he heard, as you talked about that, I. Every athlete I've ever dealt with, I We talked everybody in this room. We ve thought you guys when you sat down and put this blue, together for this. Sylvie and you like. There were two hundred thousand square feet.
You gotta admit there was a little bit of fear, but there was no doubt there was no doubt so when you step up into that plate when you take that lack when you take that last shot, everybody's got it everyone's gonna little fear that there's you know about hey how's it going what's he and results gonna be with it They don't have doubt and that. The issue that the huge dead. That's the huge difference, lesson you jump out of a planet, I've done this anti said about do about doing this. how many feet up on the air. A guy throws a door opening and now don't push me out said no fuckin touch me throw myself out ed, yeah. There was some fear, but I had no doubt that everything I was no. I was going to say that I was going to figure things out when you have this going on here. Yeah you got you got,
fear of the next step, but there's no. no doubt in your abilities or what you're going to be able to do and when you don't have that doubt it allows it keeps your emotions under control and you keep going. keep going and you keep going, need that fear? Cosette fear push, Is you beyond what you would normally push yourself? what you would normally pushes. I think they're helps you to move. Did it. I urge you to move its I'm sitting here. Thinking I'm I'm I thinking in terms of you know: nowadays you know not playing any competitive sportsman thing in terms of, like maybe a speaking engagement. You know what I'm saying like people. How the fuck do you do that? Well, I just fuckin. Do it, and I know that I'm good enough to go out there in an any? If it's either gonna beard isn't gonna be, and demanded elzevirs and demand six figures for, but do that it is though, like I don't go up, when I'm getting ready to speak in front of ten thousand people and say
Oh man? I don't know if I can do this like I go up there and, unlike I know, I could do it, but You know I might strike out too and if I do forget put a swing on. Don't give a shit like that The thing is like, but ass: they the the if you had doubt you would go out, you will grant you could get all that stuff you couldn't get on and that fear is might strike out there. I must I gotta guess what does not I speak, engage me. You get another turn it you get, another turn a bat, that's it yeah and that's that's. I was thinking What does just last night, I was thinking about you know the difference between people who can do things like that that are difficult? for most people write like most people on will will say public space. king is worse than die by and like I always, the guts funny cause like dude what what bad. Can it really be like say like I burned myself down in front of people lots of times before I ever got paid a fucking dollar to go speaking for anybody? Well, since, what's the what's,
thea, so you get out where the feelings you get from roma from public's people publics can. You know if you get, you know, you're nervous, your hot you're called you start to see. You start to sweat. You get up you start to shake a little bit while release you get the alive to do all those things when you don't get do any of that perspective, while it has already been steer. You know, for me, fear Helps me more than in the preparing state than it does in the planks day. Yes, no fear of the. What? If I do, if I don't fucking drain yeah come on Google, my ass, be you and I dont know the knowledge, and I can't spewing written so fear always I try to use a motivator motivation right away too, keep me that what it is, that's how you, but most people fear paralyzes them paralyzes them and because, It's just what you know what you guys are safe.
It allows you to stay in your safe allows you to stay in your safety. You guys could have been like into what we got a great thing going on over. There we are slow business were whirl k, we're doing good a numbers of good everything. Everything is it's, it's good, it's good eye but the fear of not doing more and a fee. Of like what we're actually leaving behind and how much growth. We still have that propelled. You said we're doin this yeah dude big for for me in that regard, wit with pusher. Or with the business you I've just a minute. The big about in terms athletes, how many, how many gifted athletes have you seen in an obviously not talking about names, everything, but how many gifts athletes? Have you seen back to a point we talk about this with with sails rats. They get to a point where they but you know they might have made a league, they made a male, be they made nfl right and
have the capacity to be a hall of fame, but it net with duty. Even lay person sees this. You know we have all these great out leads? They have great potential to be, maybe the greatest of all time if they were hungary to do that, but We now see that we don't see these people materialise and sound. When I talk about this all the time, but I think, You know, I really do believe that you cannot, in you know their theirs. In business we were to say, hey we're good, just stay right where we are it's only a matter of time before one of these other guys behind this fuck anita and there is. There is no, you know, even in sports or whether, whatever it is it, there is no place that you get to where all the sudden everything's comfortable. Because if you find yourself in that comfort, space, bro you're about to lose, we're about to lose and use, don't see how come you know and ended. We
see this with companies I can't tell you how many companies I've seen, who have gotten pretty good traction directly Ten of my head in the last three years and Michael Did you know exactly out about all these guys? They were hot. All these guys, flock ready. Now it's only been fuckin year, you that's you got lie do so we we the comfort, that we get from having a little bit of achievement, keep Us from being what we actually could be, exactly, you know! Listen, I got a thing in a book when throws a huge party in your honor here, because you want The next time it refuses to give you the time or place here like it locks a key on you. You said that one thing what you say, you said one that that do was so good and so fuck a true, but I know that most people don't get it and I know the most people don't get it cause. I posted the motherfucker quote my story.
Nobody rehab about eyes, it was desirable and you will want to know what I like dude. It's had sent a cameraman exec well, but he said you know similar. What you said like winning throws point, but the point that study, was you wake up alone these you with it? lab and you ain't got no right. It does row here there is a winner is a lover who takes a paradise all night and then you wake up, and that has not in fact their thereby ensuring, while ended p when you got now, but people I'll get that they don't stand that they think that, like what you will What did I hear the shit about me all the time direct bro? What caused it? Obviously unfair Can high strong hires note an intense people? Do what are you? What are you what what's wrong with you? Well, you got not to worry about like if I stop and think about it for like three seconds, unlike like you right
I don't have anything to worry about, but I'm worrying. So I don't have to worry right. You're saying, like you know what you you're, not here's the thing and you guys are: you're, not worried about yourselves, know more about him the word about value word about the three hundred People out here and all the legionnaires you have that are relying on you The continued to worry about them because they don't understand what worrying is yet there, still in that state, There are still in that state where they use their heart. You guys have come to a place now, where you're, not heartless but you learn to use your heart less we'll do that huge there. I actually think now curious as to what you think about this, but I actually think that that is the actual way to care. Like I see that as the way of carrying rightly lotta people like it Do this thing where they're like a tomb,
me a big hug here below you know: it's ok, you know love, you know, dude. If you really love somebody judgment, a fuckin when yes, indeed, that requires a little bit less hard. Sometimes it yes it does what it lists. What did I do when we were there? I told her, I said: hey turn the camera off. I talked my boss, real quick though This is all wonderful. This is all great by need. Ask him a question. Thou is most important. That It was one of the most important things I need to ask when I saw mister, he turned the camera off michalek for second, Why didn't you know part of winning a surrounding yourself with people that they will do that to you What I mean they can have their conversely, fully truthful place like hebrew, that's not helping you! You know from my point of view, as I hope you this will help what and I think that were confrontation, gets a bad, a bad rap. You know that confrontation doesn't do not be a dick.
but learning to speak the truth and hold your ground, especially for people you care about, is an important factor in team winning Andy. What you just said earlier about these companies, superior. winning has no loyalty to you now, a fuck. No, no! No! Member of that. That is a misconception. People think that yeah wouldn't know. Once so now more women automatic girl, this didn't it. What day is it? Oh, it's I propose that you won't, you stay cool. Are you guys? Don't worry I'll see you friday morning, the quotas that x with me every time you know talks about that, always always life's like a tree with growing your bank at the second, you stop grown major start die that's a day like whatever they you choose to stop shown up, stop fucking work and stop commit and stop fucking export. You know excellence, this Can you give in yonder downward path it takes? one instant deterrent champion into a loose while in
in a mean. You see this all the time like winners, because I know you're the contract, your guy, but you know we see a player going into their contract year. We talk about athletes with talent when its com, at your arbitration eared, every lottery fog in algeria, they're fucking, you know now in all day every day. Secondly, sign assignment money deal you see, who's got it, who doesn't yeah but see like I'm, not a tree did. I do like that, like like people in general who want that kind of winning like that's not my by that's, not like no, it's not it's not like I'm waiting for the fuckin money or for the prize or whatever. I I I know you can be pretty easily You know I mean like how easy is it to be someone who who is only plan for that contract, I'll. Listen. not about the glory, it's not about the payday winning is about the obstacles and challenges. Challenge is that's what that's? What keeps you going? That's what keeps if you say hey, I want more, I'm going through their stats. Will win? That's will winning is about everyone like yeah,
you get this feeling from winning. You get this. Feeling from when you get out of my auntie, I think this might be your thing That said, all what, about the fund. Winning is more funding fund. There's not, I was sorry I was here Ed said at said: oh wow these more fun and fund is phone? Ok yeah by far that was good shit. Getting to winning is not fucking who fought. Now it is not now. I guess adding to winning it and that's what everybody wants. Everybody thinks getting get Winning should be fun because no see this You don't see what it takes to get to it, what it gets that part and if you stay in, fun stage too long when you get to winning lose. Again I lose. I gotta quotas cornflower rule. Man look at seven. I can see, saving go up there after national title motherfuckers pistol.
Yes, I've got work to do it's a fuck. You guys is that good a guy at all that there is a great quote by Bobby nine. It's it's just when you guys set, it says the will to win is not nearly as important as well to prepare to win. Everyone wants to win, but not everyone wants to prepare to win preparing to win is where the determination that you will win is made once the we're tester projects under way, it's too late to prepare to win back she'll game. Tester projects is just the end of a law. processed, it's getting ready in which the outcome was already really determined. So, if you want to win, you must prepare to win. Once you prepared a win, winning is almost anticlimactic dude, but that's. I think that perspective difference is really the difference. do I mean you ve been around literally the top of the top of the top of the top? I have been fortunate to be around a few people like that myself. Here's what I notice that they all do Every single one of them.
Look at it the exact same wait: I've been described to you guys for fucking years every day is a chance to win, and so they look at it like this. Like gave, now, thirty days right, you ve got your event on day thirty, one they're gonna prepare, let's just say but really that thirty days, like three years polish asides thirty days forsake of argument, how many of those thirty days up to the wind. Did you win and its basically almost like up it's like up. You like taken up the the hill right and then you get to the little the climax. that's the game and you just gotta. Do it you? What can be done only the game down a game, and you get a little bit more people clapping and then guess what happens at the end of that can, when you go wait on here and you start over and that's where go? unlike do that's, how I see everybody, oh that's a champion like big time excitement they think, like you, may think what a whit a day wit I went today, but there are women. before that.
When Wednesday, I'm gonna win wyndham all in an undue. That's why it's anti climatic like do well. No shit. I won back to the ground, yup had my will coaches, he always Toto's games no high school. front in my life games, not one on friday. The warning It is on monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday ride. You show up friday as you have it I may say about I agree absolutely with evil that I think the people. I think this is a big difference between The average person who's out there trying to win Who sees it as like? I've got this. then thirty days and you know, hopefully I'm ready yeah yeah, you know how many worked pretty hard to get there. That's not what champ in. Do dear now happens, systematized the fucking whole process. I won monday, I want tuesday, wednesday and thursday one friday. I gave everything I could today, give everything I could not do. Michael Jordan was coming into practice. Duty. Come in and in an fuckin start doing
bree, sixty dogs, historical fuck, it just pass up and you start every with the basic shit I don't know man, it's a big difference, well how like most people, think and how, True proven achievers consistently. Where lesson you're gonna winnings? winning takes you to hell It takes you to help and if you quit, that's where he was stay. So what happens? Is it Never ending trip back and forth I use this adage in the book. Sal you you been on this, you play put you play baseball at the highest level? You get their bus boss takes you to a gay What takes you to world series it takes. Did Michael J, went to the chance to the championship the bus as one side on it. It was
as this is whatever renal going to you, get that. After you when the champ after you ve won the game. side changes. the buses, taking you back to hell. Because if you want to taste winning again, that's what But I do it's exactly what you said. those little steps they get there than that Bad than their back then, back over than back over here, get single when you guys built this when this, when this was done with this thing, was I mean it's not even done done yet, but when everything was in it, you, in here and you guys- Look around. You probably celebrated for how long it took you to walk through this facility, or we fought first, not yet we do not have this fight, but what happened? Really? what have the balls were actually have we
everybody down here and everybody walk through an error, but it was so overwhelming it. Nobody said shit, so him an outline fucked. You did didn't like it and tat message runaway all my guys, I like it. I felt I felt with tat unfortunate like fuck memo. Maybe we did something wrong, my guys, don't like it, because it all super quiet and it was obvious it, but did that the thing about what you're saying that I love the most? Is that This is how this, This is how you win consistently over the course of your life, guys. What what we're describing hear this why? You don't see Tom? Do we see? Tom Brady celebrate after this. Your well flock yeah most vulgar fucked up is also has been how you deserve that. What's he doing today, what you do in the next? I am sure the next day he worked out hung over is fought, regularity, garden, guarantee and do this is Why you guys don't see people who are kids
is the winners. Sir, celebrating their wins, the way that that you all think they should celebrate because dude everybody whose winning at that level understands that that was. That was no doubt. when the going to a fucking dinner. There was no deal. They're going to take to your house for dinner like I gotta, make some mashed potatoes mates. Turkey may some stuff. so whenever we will await the falcon dinner tonight. We gotta figure to eat again and that's what winnings about dude like an end, This is why you guys, don't you know people who don't win? What are they talk about? What it what about the fucking BP shit. They got back in high school here, you're santer, fuck. Thirty seven years ago, nor gives a fuck brow what you do since then was interesting thing to its. I did you say it I'm sure you say more beautiful than I do, but there is a certain point where you expect to win, because you know the amount of work that you put in to get there. There's no
welcome and come out other than me down. It is utterly you know anybody great that doesn't expect like absolutely expect to win idle. When I don't, I don't know anybody nice, that's good, isn't the thing about, the fear not there's. No doubt yeah, you know that there's like they don't lack confidence. I am telling you the one thing that Every single individual I've trained at the highest highest highest level. They don't lack confidence. You don't call me doc. Copious always saying, goes you, one game: he missed nine straight shots lie and ended up the game he was like ended up gore life too for twenty one. and I are so I'd keep shooting Because if I were to stop shooting the team would a nor I lost confidence, I lose my confidence,
I didn't lose my confidence, I what happens. To those to mediocrity, to those athletes that aren't really there. champions for a moment they do lack conference, but the rate is the best of the best title would lack confidence. Michael Jordan de LA conference, cobia lack coffers, dwayne de lack confidence. The broad doesn't lack confidence. Those individuals, the young lady, what's her name technicolor, you get around Ask the right now now dude I asked her if she likes you couldn't get a fuckin far without you can't get you can't get uk make it in the game. Without that you know, That's something that you guys have to understand too. When you're. Let's listen you this, you better figure. Build confidence in yourself because you won't get. That level you wanna get in fucking game until you had that self confidence? That's not up. That's amateur shit,
this like motivation. Motivation is entry level. Literally it's a its entry level, you, like how many times I laugh at this question get so frustrated over this. You like how many times I gotta keep saying the same shit over and over and over and over again, my good like seriously like I just and you get this you look away from a camera, gets a head on yahoo site, then you look way just like how many times I keep gotta keep telling you the same thing over and over and over again. Some people just satisfied with entry level, the added there just that they're just they're happy to be in the game or their happy to identify themselves as a winner when they're, really not a winner. Like Unama entrepreneur, I'm at this hour in august, has been glorified. Yeah I mean there's a big difference between a you know between glory and I and grit know what off tissue
huge differences. We talked about grind earlier by tom amid the grind amid the right. Well, what happens when you if you, if you take something and you cook kept grinding it, what would happen turns into fucking dust it in the dust I saw when you look at. Have you guys ever done a party here? We have an eye sculpture, something never done to ok, I stopped to start its pisa, it's a piece of block. What are they do they grind away the unnecessary. They take away the unnecessary to form what you guys are looking at What did you guys do to become this company? you, grind it into the form. First for of the way you guys wanted this company to be. You took away the on essentials. You took away the stuff that was needed.
Grind it until it took form in the way of what your vision was and now This is what this is. What happens when people, just they just glide, and and of grinding into nothing. You got grind with a purpose and understand when he wants to know what form It's gonna see you ass, It wants to know what form is going to see you ass, otherwise, gonna turn in the dust or not don't back and correct me if I'm wrong andrews, You need to talk about this book saved his life for its important understand what that means, because when you go to that process- and it's not is glamorous as you think, then, He tells you in this way, but they're not really put it in a way I can get yet nobody fucking gets, you think, you're crazy, don't you are correct, Z, because nobody falcon gets it by definition. You are the live like I'll! Try! I try to explain to people all the time you know like
I might get moody or might be seen, happy or somethin in some either? What's wrong, my brother look, I could explain it, but you won't get. You won't get the end and you'll think you get it and you won't and that'll just give me more ayrton. Let's just right, you know why they say they get it because they just wanted their life I'll. Even what the hell was guys talk about the house. Let me just let me just one who he was after yet. Let me just agree whether better what you'd weakest way and a conversation disagree with the us and its, but I think as a as a as a youngster? Coming up, like you know you, you you crave this whenever this is an and its Would you need to learn to do as winning is actually falling in love with the process of winning big picture wind comes through falling in love with that process, because following love the process is what creates the perpetual cycle of winning and operation of preparation, where's the fucking, crazy factor, because now you're friends judge you for you to do.
Why do you care so much? Why do you fucking show up so much? Why do you work so here's what I'll say to that? Why the fuck? Don't you that's right, that's right. Oh you fucking care enough. One are you fucking workable harder. Why are you you were the fuck. You are. Why that all these motherfuckers risky to judge people like me or like you or these other fuckers, like dude, look man the world's last set up for fuckin high achievers bro. That's why high achievers your special? So you guys out there who are like on this journey? I would highlight recommend you start reading relentless and then moving winning, because, first of all, you're gonna feel alone. That's part of the deal, it's not negotiable is not an option. There's no, like fuckin speed, cheap, pass that you can buy to get around that feeling. Why do none of your friends are gonna, get you probably your families, not gonna, get you. Ah certain. Facebook is not gonna, get you in instagram and all these other things did who gives a fuck
It doesn't matter that shit's irrelevant. What all that matters here. Is Can you get yourself in a position to what sounds talking about where you love the preparation? You love the grind. You love that that day by day, routine, you guys see what, post on instagram, I post a say, mother, fucking thing literally every fuckin day do I do because I'm not creative. No, I'm doing that very intentionally, I'm doing that. Because I'm showing you that winning on a huge fuckin scale, is monotonous, fuck and if you can't pick that up watch me post, yet you ain't got it bro. Okay. This is point so when you could train yourself to love that day to day to day routine. Egg cells is falling in love with the process model. What are you a really gonna love it like a lady I hear the shit you're like Why dont really love that nobody foggy loves? It already thought he loves it. We forget
would it produces a dude? For falling in love with the process. That's it's! It's kind. A misleading term, and so I don't want you to like like do nobody look? What when I'm out about this, rack and I feel a I'm fucking throw up, and I can see straight as I got sweat mise and I'm fuckin fort Forty years old, my ass it's touching the ground a feeling. My hips are gonna fuck unexploited. I love that shit. No, but I like the way look afterwards? I like the way I feel like the work of the form like all the other shit that comes from it. So if we the train ourselves to understand what it is that work that way What about it? Why do right now literally today, right now is logs. I execute today tomorrow, I will literally be the best I've ever been in my life cause I'm at the highest physical. dishing I've ever been at I'm in the best play mentally. I've ever been hat, and so I ask you today, I norman
tomorrow, I could literally fucking, get on the internet. If I want to say this is the litter this is. This is my win. I How can one, but no I Don'T- I'm gonna up the das lattimer, keep going, keep going to keep going. Some people, the language of winning, is totally different. it's totally different. You know every. I ask all my athletes what is the language? Well, what is what is winning in one word mean to you everybody wants to give you the note, the cliches of all this. In a way, it's fantastic! It's this! It's that this is what they said. I said descrie winning in one word, and these are the two competitors the best of the best business athletics, whatever Uncivilized, it's hard, it's nasty its dirty, it's rough, its unpaid.
First, it's unapologetic its unforgiving reactor. Accurate I know you don't call me said. said winning is everything ass, accurate too you can add you go out. I guarantee go out in a just and your next meeting. Make sure this doesn't come out asked guys their debt Damage ascribe winning in one word to that. And see what they say. None of this will come up. None of this will come up and this is what this is. This is what else will come up, though, is like with my girls pretty fucked the right yeah, like I mean, do yeah. That's because you ve get get it you yeah yeah. I got a question you know in regards gives you you you hit on this earlier ones.
The difference between confidence in eco confidence means you can deliver eagle major, just talk. But you gotta have, but I don't care who you are listen egos about the individual confidence is about yourself in the t lie, but Every bad ass, I know, has an eagle How do you gotta have that ability on the inside of your voice to like, due to eat, august villain eyes in, I think, are unfairly and an untruth fully. Ah, you know right now in the feel good world of of bush. that we all live in You know everybody likes to say: oh, that guy's got a big ego, no fucking shit. He does it all the fucking shit. He did. He earned that big. That's what I'm saying. He heard that he like it's a bad thing right, but like I'm, going to tell and you could speak to this what's going on
you're fuckin head when you walk up to a baseball diamond a plate and when the deuce torn a hundred two fuckin miles an hour, a machine to sing of your death, its anything other than that you can't even walk the fuckin fifty feet from the dug out to the fuckin play in. Like do that's the same thing when you speak in front of the crown, I was trying to get you like dude. If I sat there in full control myself ah well fuck did animals. I can do this while I bought. You know what they look like a fuck glound, but you know what I tell myself on the bad as mother fucker than ever fucking that these fuckin people were. Fucking see did I had and I went out on the stage and I fucking do it yeah ended that anybody who play Is that a high level, sport business, anything bro, you it said on the fucking face when they start to talk to themselves, like that I'll give you that I'll give you an example of his other story. So. back in the day. All this, you guys I'll, be a basketball historian alone, but will everybody by no one here?
Allen, iverson came into the me well yeah, big, Michael Georgia. Big! Michael Jordan, play tat. My practice, yeah big, Michael Jordan, fat first mba game? I agree so I guess she caught against the chicago bulls saw. I some caught, you they're both starting Alan, comes up MIKE I'm a big fan of yours data that are all the other stuff microsoft. Welcome to legal bitch. That's me if body odor as we say, he was welcome to lie and it will wither like a voice, I'm about to destroy oh yeah, I'm about to destroy and then afterwards you have my shoes. We can talk right now. What is its conference and eagle Diana coach gone by at the one hundred mile an hour thing said: a coach. His name was jean tennis and yeah. I think he's got six world series rings of these. One of two people have six world series rings and he was our. He was our hero, so she she's a began. Your basic she's, a she's, big, basing great man, I loved garson,
Yeah, yeah square, a gene, genesis, agreement and honesty is the first I didn't learn to hit until I was almost finished. Like almost broke my leg, and I remember we had got thrown hunter miles an hour- you know the buzzer on their clubhouse. You knows fuck disguised unspoken. He you don't, you know you. Can you see a hundred miles an hour? You know recognize you don't realize how fast it is. Fuckin is determined and- and everybody we're BP and he back there not deny voiced about at your ego conference where you say even he could tell. I was like you're gonna get a little nervous getting in there. You know first time against it and you know what I'd say: sal against people like that, I wonder what Mother fucker stated about make. As he knows, I'm a fucking drive the singer out of his pocket ass and I think in my head saki. I got the wrong fuckin mindset that much progress thing. What happens when I face self reseller right, so I never forget on the back of the cage ease. Airbus talk about pitcher and jean jean tennis six role series rings he's like no fuck him he's taken about me? Yes, today he's in the club. I was thinking about me and that's that you don't hey
you have a common legal bitch you! I must have the biggest eagle ever cassettes. I always focus now, but with such a great much, I like you should be fuckin worried that can then I'm even thinking about you like like these? the companies that, like you, know Take your little jobs and shit. Us and my brow. Do you know what the fuck you doing like Do you know that I will fucking I'm I'm fucking sitting here right now, knowing that I'm going to kill? you're, fucking, ass everywhere, in your making your smiling at me when I'm behind a cage loans and like dude, I love that shit. That's it! That's a mindset, yeah! I think you you know you have to learn to adapt that in confidence and ego big they can go together. My opinion- and I think, haven't you haven't a good strong ego with confidence. Is a fuckin is a great recipe. We talked about listen, I'm not gonna to a story. We talked about over breakfast. I know you as I pray. Let it told me one some ego involved and that of course, of course, height
and your confidence to go, get the unresolved this right. So the actual. So what is arrogance? Come play. Arrogance me: arrogance is me arrogance reason all you do is talk there's nothing, there's nothing behind what you can do a lesson. If you're going to go out there and say hey, this is what I wanna do you gotta go out and do it and that's what people don't want to do because they listen. There's a battlefield, that's going on in your mind every single day I feel that goes on in here- I if you can't win their battlefield, if you control that battlefield scarlet, you had no chance. You got no chance to handle any thing alice because there's bombs exploding in here all the time. Every single day there are telling you you can't win that's a terrible idea, what the fuck, you doin one for you guys.
This cost too much like I may people when you gotta, who you look there if you Did she had the numbers? Would somebody then, what the hell you door is caused to this cost too much. if that bomb would have exploded in here they want. We wouldn't have business gap. That's what I entered me a good lesson when we were first getting in is I don't give a fuck what it cost it will be the best. No that's it do not deal with someone saying I can I can one hundred that comes from my p. I really want talking, go that's eagle eye. Can personally handle someone saying. I can't afford you shit, when I can't you know what It's me mad is people say you're, you don't make the budget or your should not get like. That's that's. I can live with that. I can live with okay. I can't afford it, but I'm not gonna live with pay. You That was the right. Exactly and I mean
that's a business lesson for a lot of you guys, like you got to speaking of which you you ve youve,. I would like to hear you take on the parallels between, like a mean, is our much difference between these guys who were you know that obesity and the end that's feverishly, one cobia one jordan, but is. how's the parallel between high achievement on on on the sports field, verse Is it in a business atmosphere as you ve done, but it's the same really, it's the same. They got the same mindset. Listen you mine! be competing against another team or something out Where everybody's on t- but you guys are heating every single day without playbook. Sometimes you don't know what the other teams, what do you did? Any of us have a play. Look for the pandemic, no.
To which no one had no one had a play, Bulgaria was asking about the gesture. We call good animals but feel that. That's that's what happened. So you look at what Michael, our m j accomplished all thea off the basketball court Still the number one selling shoe he out cells, the top five. Nike endorses by himself my combined a combined combined he's also has a pretty successful to kill a business. I know you're enough to kill a thing. He owns a team, that's worth almost two billion dollars now, which he What, for. Two hundred million or some share, my ah he's part, he's, got a part of the sports gambling industry
things like you. Just you don't think that just don't know about the caught the come the competitive thing doesn't stop when Kogi, what an oscar ro children's books were wide take over hollywood dwayne, Fashion line. Commentator on tee in t got his own game show if you stop competing. you can do. Some destructive do you register when you write your worst when you are at your worst: it's a phone! the natural disaster for sure, When you get when you when you, when you're one of the reasons you ve been having besides, you take Interior yourself, you, seventy five hard you're doing all that other stuff you're at you're in a great place, to win every sing every every single day. This thing right here.
this thing this thing right here he's got. You. What did you see that a latin sports, her you know is the second that athletes careers over mental habits anymore and what happens to them That's why people? I will you know. We need people, try to buy our company yeah a lot, and I get the fuck out of here. It clearly just I'm just on me to do they're like talk about this? Yesterday, I mean do, but this would do, but this is what happens. This is what most individuals successful, individuals do. When they decide to sell they sell, they have no compete for about whatever to three years, where no, compete is up there like cigarettes. it has gone like here we go and what is their, that? What is the objection? The object is like a flock of sheep,
we're gonna go check. You ass. I am so wire to compete. That way. note at some point. I time you know it's not gonna, be my turn. So me some else's turn. Yes, and I think so like I know how much I love to compete in august. We actually have a argument, all the says he hates lose. I loved win a beer, secure. Sanch were question because it's like you hate to lose in force, you entered he loved to win and afford you know. Can you chase to win, but I wanted I have to have a challenge in a car. I've never really never owned about I'm. Never. competitively deep sea fish, but I love it. I have this dream on my head, like ok, won't when it's not my time here I want to buy a fuck, boat number compete in a big fucking money tournament, I'm a kick the fuck animals, as I got gotta- think that way, because I'm so wired to compete that I just it's not about the money, it's about the competition and the challenge and the and the new journal you're right, it's not about the pay day. It's not the pay. If you do which is supposed to do- and you do
at the highest level and you win every single day, you capture you capture, at least one when every single day and it's out there it's out there. the financial gains will come, it will come. You you set a perfectly, I could Will you guys get solid pretty sure. If you guys did it would give it Decent disability, I give you a little pocket. Change were low. You would have to do nothing else it would destroy both of you. Now we win thoroughly set, we lack business, an extra yeah. You got What you guys here, if you guys sat era, if you guys were idle for a month forty five days. You guys will kill you John. I can't go five fucking eyes, hope here think and honestly, like no no bullshit. I just saying this like sound. I like. it's hard for me to understand what the fuck everybody else does.
I can't even relate to no I'm serious, like they're relaxing. Do you with me everyday yeah? Do? Do you not think that's true? No, I look at people and I'm like what the fuck do you? What do you do it like? What do you? What do you do they don't know. Well, that's one say: hey: don't they won't? Do you, you got you get up, you go to work, you go home. What the fuck! Do you do but what's the mission, what are we accomplishing? What are we trying to do like how empty is your life. Without that duke two major, that's everything to its everything. That's the thing with a because betray it is like they're. So happy. I go like evidence, but do talk to those motherfucker. I know what I mean is miserable row. Happy she's an equation: we talk about this all the time. It's discipline plus purpose, plus gratitude equals happy. Those you gotta have all those things you gotta have the discipline you ve gotta have a purpose, which is what most people most. People say all my purpose is my kids, most fucker every
single human on the fucking planet can have kids. You need a bigger purpose than that. We we need that There will be no difference in saying we might purposes, urinating and breeding and taking the shit? You know, that's not papa. I give a great example of this people say this all the time you know match nash. shown up his half a bow. europe is none of the flock and bad we'll have to feel good, ideally shit man, just let you go. hold up a worldly dude great fucking job dude. I gotta ask you bro like what the fuck, how how was your brain not explode with all the shit going on, but that people are saying I just I just listen to them like, but but because Do you have to see what cells. Even sounds easy cells. Comforts algeria, be you eat you well, you know how many more reform programme.
Like itself, I came out one said: hey the or easy steps. The wind turbine earlier that there are no easy. There aren't always used S, but that's what people people want a book broke, they will say for easy steps to win and it's gonna say you are a dumb, ass yeah, you are a idiot yeah think about it was like because there was a positive yeah. It was a fucking idiot. I had to add a fucking appendix to it or something you know. What sells you perfect? The way you are, everything is gonna, be ok, there's going to there's going to be. There's there's gonna be another day and Stories very hard for me to share so it's in the book.
I would always tell Kobe we don't have time, we don't have time. Every single day I wish I was wrong. I wish I was wrong. So, every by things you have more time just remember that just remember at did. I think about that. Alot. because I know he's same ages me. What he's a year older than I was He was a young well, we need, He was a u easier over to me so his his whole point of the guys was, you know, I
we do this, then I'm gonna do all these other things. Those things didn't happen, so mean that brings up an interesting question about balance you're insane because, like dude, a lot of people will argue and they will say in an endured in this case. You know it the rest their true to it. Right. Here's kobe who has worked and work towards, walk to work and I'm sure his family had to. be put over here for what he had to do. Get where he was and he had which his has focused. and doing things that here wanted to do anyway able do that for a year and then it's over an end the average person will look at that and they will say see that's why balances import and that's how I see it at all? How ice It is ok, something
unexpected happen, and this is the end of the road for him, but how many people, outside of just his family are going to have extraordinary existences because he put that much work. Can that much time and that much effort into becoming who he was, and I would argue that there's pretty much nothing more noble. Then firing literally tens of millions of people with whom you ve become so. What's your taken, cause. There's you know, there's arguments to its: I got some that are very simple, as this is what he said. I rest at the end, not in the middle yeah, yeah. rest at the end after the meal. You know it's funny I not a basketball bob. It's is not mine, my cup of tea or best.
Athlete I didn't say that by did when you don't know nothing about that, Filling the arm after kobe, died united. I went in this little kogi rat, where I started watching all its content is material and I have more respect for the way. I feel I feel bad and I didn't pay the man enough do while he was here because you such a good father in a tea and competitor, and he saw it fucking, intelligent and diving into his interviews, and I won't I mean I actually do a meeting one of our companies on you know copious points, and you know too to think that man's life was cut short. Hacks scares the fuck out of me in that the the reality of that situation is cause. I get caught in this work. Life balance structure thing that every you know that miss really part of the question I get asked the most unsure and I don't know the answer. There is no a balance, is personal to each individual. Here, that's the problem.
every by trying to tell you how you should balance you should balance you should balance five bells you created and its different for every individual in here every by your definition of ballast may be different and his person definition bout that with death Mission of bows whatever it is Here's what it is I, if you're going if you're going to Tip the scales and would all every I achiever the scale, is never balanced, The scale is never balance and I make it. Very, very, very, very simple. For people to see this, in this room right now. If you want zero happiness, raise your. you want zero success, raise your head. You want zero money. Raise your head. You wanna a zero life, raise your head.
Was a noble on a perfectly balanced scale. It's a and zero as important goal right there. It's a fucking and what happens when you trying to balance. I people start to Add more add, more add, more add, more add, more add more another juggling more shit. Another unbalanced even more. you want to master balance? Is us, It was way. Master the word no. What is no do you? What is no do you? What is no do you? What is not eu? That's how you get close. that's how you closer to your bows. Now, if you can, Put your family off. You can put your kids off. You gonna do all that stuff. they have the will to so you say: hey, listen! My plan is for ninety days, three years, five years whatever it is, stick with me, stick with
you better deliver in that time. When you deliver that time, everybody better when and I'm not just talk about financially, I had this conversation when my daughter I have this conversation with her eyes. As I was at individual. I missed a lot of events. I was an hour. I wasn't. I wasn't there all the time I and when she was old enough, I sat down with her and I started and she was dead. I get it. I understand, because she saw all the things that she was able to benefit from from me missing or sing. There was actually a result that was there that off all of us get all of us could enjoy. Now, if you create this, crazy, no ballots and you got nothing to show for it.
Problem that will most peep that's what most people do for sure, and most people spend the the date they used the term balance as a cover for not doing shit, really what it is, and you know p Those who are now on the same track of a high achiever are going to point that person they're gonna say earlier, while I bet he's miserable behind closed doors or you know about his family, hates them, or you know, bed this and that and make themselves fuck yeah dude and like dude, you guys have to quit trying to get the approval of people that are never gonna. Fuckin understand like do most, people are never gonna. Fuckin read this book in stand it. This book is for people you're fuckin already wanting to pursue a better existence and It's like someone who is Ah you know a buddhist trying to explain their
beliefs to someone who is an atheist. Never even ex was exposed to idea that this is even out there I mean, did work your speaking, a different fucking. language, and so many of you guys out there. You know, we want to win sure might even be willing to do the work forward. You're not willing to do is to stand up and and face the meaningless jobs and jobs, folks and laughs and criticisms that are going to come from people that don't even speak your fuckin language, one of the biggest things about confidence and about winning a baby, if it yourself you guys do it all the time as a costly jabba at a jab at yourselves and georgia, and no it, takes seriously now you say something: everybody's like you be
oh yeah I did what what we're? What would he be? What do you care? I can't believe that offend me. I can't believe he said that was she said that with a fucking believe bout it wouldn't do. What did I say? I am I What did I? What did I say, but that's that's what that's what happens it gives everybody wants that out, because in that out there, so many more baseball. you do you miss de strike out more, do or do you get a hit more, you strike out more you, don't you get it out, If you hit three hundred roma yet they thou say there You got a swing, you gotta swing, m J always says. Why am I worried about a shot of ever taken?
because on the one hand we are what we have miss that shot. I take one a missed opportunity missed it, I'm a word about something that has never happened. and that's. But you know why, because It allows you to go back to the middle of the pack and that's where everybody wants to be. That's where safety is. There's no winners in the middle of the pack. No in there ever gonna, be no it'll, never be that way. So so do that's what I'm trying to point out to these guys. Like you, stand in the middle of those motherfuckers trying to get them to all like understand what you're trying to do so, they'll cheer for you guys that doesn't happen until you flocking win like Y know, What is it Michael jordan practice fuckin cheer for Michael Jordan nobody's at be Brien's practice it three. I am fucking cheer for kogi like you guys, don't fucking get how works those motherfucker
first, that are talking all this shit, you're, fuckin parents, you answer your uncle's, your teachers, your fuckin quarter, quote friends. Those People will never get it until you ve already done it, And do what you guys are trying to do is to get them to get it before you do it and it doesn't work that way. and then you spend the whole much time agonizing in your brain. Why does no one believe in we know, one believe me, because you have a fucking done anything I hold is that to understand- and I went to my does something another person recognize it first thing. They say I get it. I get it plainly supply walked in this place. I get it. First, I go on the flip side, even when you do start when you're still happy with it all believe there were four most of you will know that most people, I've, clap and for you did not clap inflate because they're happy the clap afraid because they have to fuck and clap nazarite than that said, because in some of its just like that,
annie. I know about you, but this pit since me off so much when you get when you walk on stage. People walk one stage the music blurred and all that other stuff, and you get the speaker that goes up at his door like this the fuck and my friend fucking love, I'm done any complaint as any region. I fireworks and sparkled like this. If you didn't pay six figures, do it you do you know this because I bet you doesn't our response it's about love. Just like you know to me the boy. speeches are meat for then I give as well don't talk in every buys light, because you know what I want a fucking kicking your teeth. Tat morning. kicking your stomach idle, I'm not their poor, this isn't about sprinkles and rainbows. This isn't what what
what's the cartoons at your daughter's wash right now, if I get a pop trolls, alas, row yeah well, what would have without did that it's not what this is about. Every fairy tale really pay attended to a fairytale. What goes on in the middle of a fairytale knock your shit. Yeah, I'm sure that's winning, dude, it's it's the fuckin journey in the story and overcoming unlike dude. now my personal for can take on this. Just so you guys can all Your stand where my brain is willing. Nowhere you bring, we won't be sent in august, say like the world, doesn't want you to win. You have to do now and as I do the whole system that we then we live in, especially right now, No, I don't care what you believe politically. This is a fuckin fact, the garden. Whether we live under is true
as far as it can to get as many people as a candid depend on it, so that it can stay in power because once you become dependent on that, you have to vote for that to survive. Now Why would those people with tat was their play? I want you to win. Why would they want you to become self sufficient. Why would they want you to earn enough money or build your own ecosystem or build your own little press? They don't And this is why you guys face so much resistance with the movements that are they're in society. You have to be so long enough to know that most of the people, there are have been indoctrinated marketed to to become average. In this that's why you get so much resistance from people. They want to be with everybody else and everybody else is not going to be in this mother fucker. Okay, so you have to understand that
We you hear everything. You read every fucking thing you see one of these hollywood fucked say ever thing on, the news is all gear towards you becoming less than what you could be. So that you have to depend on a system to survive. What we're too, king about here is not just building your own system, we're talking about correcting that entire system individually, how do we individually correct that it's very simple you ve, can become a winter when you be come a winner like we talked about earlier? If you win how many, Other people win because you want quite a few- are right, if we don't even know could be they were downstream could be someone is watch. You online you'll never meet your entire life for thirty fucking years. Just when I met you tim and I've, been www book and we bring to an end and walk by music, Andy and unlike We talked about. That's going the same way.
but like dude, like you, gonna, have people that you cannot with throughout this journey and and the more that you guys go out, win the less these? locks can do about imposing their will on the entire country. Indeed I am sorry to give political about this, but do this is why our culture so soft? This is why we live in culture of idealism of how things should be not how things fucking are we're talking but how things are ok If you want to live, how things should be you're more than welcome to, but you're never gonna get what the fuck they promise. You're never gonna have, Success. You know we're gonna. Have that dream of whatever it is. that you see in your mind that you could be that you ve thought about your whole. Life they'll never happen you're. Given that up that's what you're selling you're selling that to be a part of this and what we dedicate Our working lives, too, is helping. You I realize that if you want to be over here, you're gonna have to think different
you're gonna have to do different and you're gonna have to be a laugh fuckin tougher than everybody else when you're getting bombay by this means. oh shit. You know how many of these while there are just so giving the soon as if it's the way it should be people. Bent a white beard. We are meant to win so in the book I have this thing I said winning makes you different. Indifferent scarce people, winning makes you different and different scarce people now here is. This is so important. This is so important. The people that consistently win at the highest level over and over and over again They know the difference between what to think and how to think They know how to thank. If you only know what to think that means, you're constantly getting information from somebody else. You like this is what we want to do. This is the way to do it. Harold, as this is one of those
true champions, they take what to think and how to think and make them figure out which, works for that. What is a percentage that I need of what to think and how to where I have my own ideas have my own thoughts. I have my office Own way of developing thinks that's how you get wait, pull all one percent better then everybody else, that's how you guys take this company everybody else, is telling you what this how you should do it and you guys, like you know what thank you. Thank you. You know we're. We might have some systems in place but whereby how to think you look at all the others. You look at all other supplement companies. They won't talk about this I'll talk about this. you put a lot of them fuck. Is this
a lot of my out. A lot of a lot of modern business here is that the same goal though it wasn't? You know you don't go like this. This is not what they were doing was like every. The win ranch ices and they were like this is how it's done. This is what the think this is that this is a definition of successes. As I you run the business as I do. I you do it. You guys Ok, that's how they do we're like how to think Michael Jordan, how to think Kobe bryant harrison Elon musk, hardly Jeff basis. How to think first form how to think. There goes backs what we're talkin earlier means of it's a perfect case in point to trees round yourself with. You like. If you want to be a winner, you better start financing by the fucker winners and that guy's you say they win people who actually win, and we look You know you go back to your pack mentality, the people in the middle, the pack, the guys out front
Don't listen to the middle of the pack and when you sit in the middle, the pack and your surrounded by this mediocrity don't expect to think or understand the front of the pack. So My competitiveness was people why you saw how are you different? Nobody asked, I get results unless I get results and this people, like all alike, You did it for Michael. Door for somebody else? well for kobe. I got over somewhere else. They will do it for weight. I go to an indifferent sport. Fine! I go to the baseball gore why, please just delian reality like me, but I mean To me, what you do, it just makes perfect sense like it just always have that's why when I read the book I was like, I was like holy fuck. There's other people like this and that was the value of mean and write. Like all the thing was that I read in there I was just like.
I'm not allow yeah, I learn alone. Ok, I'm a fucking, crazy right, they're fucking, ray yes and it again, me permission to go out and be you what I am yes, you know, and that was the best thing about this book out. I m dude I am Super excited for people to get their hands on this. Do you know, you guys hear me, talk anymore I'll, be right. I'll do it. I don't really far can take direction from anybody like that. No? Does anybody dwight, really value anybody's opinion very much? I really don't know. I listen I'll check up on you, you got all, but yet what I'm saying is you're like the old one of the only dude. I like my dad that I've look it actually listen to like, and you guys you shouldn't take them. For granted. You know you guys most Jane. You sell well well why you think, like this did read this model.
What this book is somebody go get pops if he's under here under five minutes, we're never going to hear the end of that. So he's gotta come in before that yeah that's why you know what here I will go get em, but because I got a question if he wanted me to ask you and I'll let him asked problems of you know you're. So fuck you only give me five minutes. That fact stop the clock. Didn't we give anymore, I take it that we call the human rainbow delay. Let speed this up at like my three year, given the two men and warning row, dude, I windows, a book amount may eighteenth. So any you are the first like there's only like everybody else. I let you speak to this and I will make sure this is correct that you, yet you that you're, the first part It's gonna be launched before the book.
We wanted you to. We want a yet for you to have that. Everyone else has got await. Well, I'm body else. That was a huge honour when you ass, because like real I saw you you're out, you are you're, like listen you're Pre ordered like this is what this book is about. Haired, as everybody else is gonna, the booklet comes out, may teeth they get to talk about. that delight pick one person that you want virtuous, like snotty, the choice will I mean lobbied because that book like this building and all these things and all these nice things that you're saying about us then she wouldn't happen. If I read a book- and I know I know you think, that's bullshit, but you gotta, understand where the fuck I was when I read it their eyes. You I didn't know you before that. I heard you talk, you tone You told me that in every hour,
I thought you cash in india every time you tell me that it's like a mean something to me a really. I don't take that lie with no. I know because I know you're not that do you not know you don't give credit. Where credit is. Do you not a bullshit got so You give somebody a credit for something, it's real, it's genuine and every time every time you say that I hear that it did touches the truth. Man in life, you know. I hope that when you see what's going on here, I hope you, you feel part of it, because I mean what I'm saying one hundred percent I over. How can he not only listen the stuff that anything I need? Listen. I need help with a nutritionist for so my son. Gets done right away product gear, every everything like that. I mean. Why do you say men? It is. It is likewise wherever and whenever you need just just reach out another layer analysed like I like.
Although, as I was now, you need a flight I'll, you need, I think, what would he they just just ask pops We have six minutes left here, be able You said montague arising out of your mouth. Well, let me starter. I got cold turkey here, so you got cold turkey, no culture again, not noack at First thing, I just asked a question ass before I want to know. I said you know: you're the v, t hd train her you're all right, so who does the trainer have train him? A tray! Myself I tell you he asked he asked a question on a tray. I train myself, whose nobody's gonna be harder on myself that we must not at the point now about the point. I was on the door. What andy? you ain't gonna, try to squat all the unnatural shi, ites swayed and has always videos. This is all I go and I do I go and I do I'm supposed to do. I don't I could be bothered
I go, when I put on my hat, a parent I put on my headphones, I go, I have an amount of time, the time any to be in the german item. It is it's it's what we call it's, what I call. My selfish time is my time and if I give myself selfish time and in the book when I talk about how important self it's time for each individual is in order to contain continued or continue to win. Sir It allows me two energize myself that take care of myself saw. I can win, so I have the ability to help other individuals when it is in this game. I'm fine of fifty six years on I'll, be fifty seven in november I'll be fifty seven in november. I. I still while my athletes to look at me like it's hot. To tell these guys what to do, how to act, how to eat how to be how to train. If I don't look like a must,
of you. Guys were enough to shit. You guys are you guys are in the? I would even call a fitness space. You guys are really gonna have to think about a new. Word to say that, because it's true where people I used to ask what was what was my title. I was like. I never liked the trainer title so far, so I came up with when I was heavily into the training bit business hours. sports enhancement specialist. Because a trainer just was it just in. Do you guys are really gonna have to come up because in to transform copy you not a supplement copy. You know I saw your all those things and a whole bunch of others, and I I don't know, put give it to some of these young guys said, come! Oh boy! This is this. Is it when you guys talk about supplement, you talk mother s now ass. I will we do. I saw what we do. We do that. We do that the outer part of what we do is apart as our we deliver that yeah this is well. This is this is
What this is what we do If can I bear issue for a minute listen? You know, since I've been here in an especially the last five years when, when the toothache in fifteen summer smash came in, I have found out what really what we were all about when the people came as five hundred people came there and cigarette families people coming into our city to see us and if you're in your head starch get low bigger in I'm, not not mine, particularly, but you think the boy, I want to see us and everyone was people came the thing thus for losing a hundred pounds for loosened fifty pounds in four fora. change your life and for changing their perspective on life and and enhancing their family life, and, and it was it, was so humbling to me and and from that day on, I became better and better and better. I come in as please this isn't about me, but it. But come in every day. I'm gonna do something good today for somebody else every day and in it it it. It has.
And since then, but in order for you to do good for somebody else, you gotta do something great for yourself of its every single day. What data you gotta get that we also has its it's. A huge part of appalling high standard right lad is how can you fuckin hold a high state over someone when you're a hold of yourself? I mean really, you came try to, but it doesnt work, It's, not a big, that's a big gap that a lot of you guys who you're out there trying to lead companies, organizations or teams here. This is where the disconnect is, you know, and it was for me for a long time. Not fucking. Do urging you I'm saying once figure this out. Things got a lot easier and did woman you know when I started take care? My body sort take care, my my brain started getting so intentional about it? That no one here could deny it. You know. I think that if you through this office and you say who's the most consistent fuckin person here. I'm definitely In that conversation,
ok, there's a lot of hygiene receive, but you know when people see that- and they see you doing those things and they know it's not a bullshit act. It becomes a lot easier and more effective to hold high standard in this. we're a lotta leaders. Really, you know the cap. This is why the captains of the team are the captains. The team. This is why the though coach is the coach just done this for a long up now, once in a while, you see a coach whose unhealthy right but What are the championship? Coaches look like that are consistent we in winning over no related. Karen themselves. It looks like they are every once in a while. You get someone out there who does a good job who's, not, but I mean Like if you're not doing the same shit, it's really hard to command the respect of the people that you're trying to lean. It doesn't matter if you fifty seven years old or forty one or fuckin twenty one you have to be doing it yourself. I think that's!
are the progressing of winning to like you look at the old old athlete days. You know training wasn't is bigger than aspect will training became a bigger aspect of winning mentally and physically. Only on the field, but off the field start this transition of old fat slobs started Ok, well, where's, a competitive advantage. Better advantage, take carry self mentally spirit, really physically now it becomes. Such a fucking threshold inside the winning space mentally physics we spiritually like in order to get these high, achieving athletes to follow you and chase you into the hole you have to lead by example. Well, let's go to think about this. Alright. How do you feel when you it feels fuckin good eye? How do you feel when you kids, with fucking great, How do you feel when you friends with fuckin awesome when you family went love it when everybody else wins around here I fuck and love it. when it is everything, don't you What a feeling all the time is right! It's available to us its lowly available to us?
so. I call me said: winning is everything what does winning make us feel The one thing we all it's the it's a common thread, a feeling that we all we all have is in in a two year since it's not, it is not taught. You could take up a kid. whose norman taught shit can even understand words? again that little toy with the fucking square hole in the round hole and when happens when they get the fucking companion in the box. Saki excitement. That's right. Try its innate ended you guys have had a ship bread out of you, ve, no habit, eggs tat exactly are exactly that's what that's! What there's there's a whole point about? What to think and how to think it's. Ok, it's ok! To It's ok to lose its ok to purchase it's ok, to participate, how you feel well you'll, see this because you kid your kids are You kids, a young enough.
You'll go to some events, where the participation trophies actually bigger than a winning trophy who is shin? Yes, I'm Don't worry. I've already cover the wreckers realisation, I'm a struggle with the other parent. Doesn't like it's gonna, be like the participation trophy though a war for the best participant. That's bullshit! is a bigger trophy than the trophy for the the team or the individual at work. Fuck. Do they pay people more money to stay home now than they do to fuckin work so kind? make sense. I got one question I've been thinking about this. So there's always I got you know you You struggling live rights report the winning process. We have to do as you can listen, winning and losing us anonymous. Everyone thinks you can't you don't
You can only have no yeah, you gotta have em both peanut butter and jelly bro yeah. You got it yeah whoa. This is why I love the sport of baseball always spoke to me in this way, because you know, if you hit three hundred, you failed seven times your hall of famers failures, just part of the like the process of maturing into into greatness is failure first, and I I was curious, you know cause, I think I think in my head and I I got a decent, winning brain and a sense of, but there's always there's these friends of of character. That you reference whenever you struggling, I can, I think, ok, business situation, hey what would andor, think alike. the situation. I think hey. What would my dad think you know in in license and you play that role for me, a lot always think hey looks at my interview. What a bitch voice comes out, always think, hey. What would TIM tell me to do would TIM Gimme who's ever you. Because I know you coach herself, but there's there's people that are in your life that you wanna make proud and are around you. Who is that for you.
For me that tough spot here, because if I mention her name and never gonna fuck and then it's all right, they're sharing, I see why it's her Listen to it as very few people, I I I listen to that I respect on social media and so forth. Obviously, andean I connect salad, watch your shit on. I watch yourself all the time because you get into the different aspects of the family and the things in the arm of both of you talk about. What's real, What's real in life, you know people look get this in their like you, I have it all. You guys have it all. But they don't realize that yet You may have it all, but you know have enough for everyone else you want to bring EU law go get. We have a lot, but there, sir,
much more that we want not for only for ourselves, but everyone else. It's easy! It's a lot easier. to win. As an individual. it's so much difficult to win and bring your team with you that That's that's! That's ultimate! Winning that is ultimate winning Its he listen when you work out, it's so much easier to get everything out of what you got. But can you get we think out of everybody else. That's what you guys are doing you seen. What can we get out of every. Individual in here. When he doesn't lie when he knows all your secrets, wedding does not. Why does a lot
This building us alive now, man, it's it's like dude. It's You guys are always chasing that next, when you go to, always chasing that next, when what's max people are so worried about stepping on somebody else's toes well stairs so worried about stepping on somebody else's a toast. There are actually letting other individual step on their throats. What you guys have done and what you guys continued to do, use up on individuals throats not physically through your results. That's how you do it for us how you beat that's how you anyway, I'm yesterday. the culture of counterfeit. because right now it is is all. I can say the shit on the internet. I'm gonna do this. I'm about to do this, wait till you see me do this.
You guys are ready for this may have fuck you yeah, don't shit! All I see you who is the same. She said the same ship in the last five six seven nine fifteen years No indeed, eventually, you gusto start putting those feet down front of each other and doing and in the whole thing what I do? What I love about, what you do to him more than anyone else is that you give p permission to fucking be great and that's important right now, because no one's doing that, no one is out there telling these young kids there actually telling my opposite they're saying you know if your black, you I can't fucking be this because the countries this this and this and nets or if you come from you over here. Did you can't do this? My father? This is the. rate is country in a fuckin world, and this is the only place the only. place in the world doesn't matter where the fuck you come from. What color you are, we have.
fucking zero, you started, you at least an opportunity to become a winner and that's gonna be hard. It is not its not part of what you promised. You know We are promised, as citizens of this country equal opportunity, not equal result and what's in between knows, is up to you that's something that I love, that you do so good as you like. People know like hey not only is winning ok, but is actually noble. Its richness, its necessary yeah, it's necessary it that is. The reason is that about you bring it is. It is not care what anybody says. Winning matters results manner, when you were asking earlier about new, asking your athletes about describe winning in the Think again, my head is my response. Would be it's my obligation, it is, you know like I look at all the things that have been blessed with all of the
you know the environment being raised. The skill set, the team, everything that's been that I've been blessed with small vacation. We will not only your obligation, bro, you got paid up front. You have paid a front, you fuckin forty years old enough. Like an eighty, you got here, for now what you gonna do, what you gonna do with that! That's that's how I I see it as I got paid a front wailing It's all you work, your whole life will fuck do not at all You don't say it like out: I've got an eighty year old luck and success life on a forty year old budget. So now, what am I gonna do with it? Well, I'm gonna show other people how to do it. I will not bring peace. but like you in, and people whose still believe in and these kind of things that bet there. legitimately, what makes this country what this country is in has been. Is people who have wanted to be great? on an individual level and right now we lack that in culture. We lack that move amongst young people right, we don't have
thirty year old people, coaching these youngsters saying hey man, winning is a fucking great thing. We, I'm saying shit like this brow all you know what shown up. Half the battle, You know what your favorite thing like dude. Do we have to start getting truthful. We have to start getting honest, not just with what we table what we do. You know how many people are thirty years he preached this shit. Don't clearly do not fuck and far more More almost oh yeah, more more because you know it's easy to high. We were talking about this before we start a podcast about all the individuals that you know. Talk behind your back. Bring him into this room that become you best friends were due to like crickets, especially christmas on internet craftsmen, a whole bunch of noise when you real far away. Why was you're close to him. They get real quiet as wacko icon, crickets
Jim, where, where when and where is this, this book comes out, may make Eighteen and where would you like to listener to two by this? But where would you prefer thereby from there is no proffers, you can listen. You can go to any place that sells books. If you want, you got a timber over dot com. we got links from all the different places are selling the book. click on one of them and here's the thing. If you get the book, four may eighteen, you pre order now, Wilson you're? The first chapter free she get the first chapter. Oh, that's right and on may seventy the day before the book launches we're doing private event for every by the sold that the prey. The book online. We want an online of that. How do they register for that although I do so go to timber over dot com. They just get the boat. They you proof, The book. What a timber over dot com you put it!
A pre order information, we said Joe who lily we send you the first chapter and we send you a link for the all all all I know online event on the seventeenth we'll do thanks so much for coming to do the shell on this book was a lot a lot to me that you allowed us to be the first podcast cast, it really talk about this. I would encourage all of you to if you hadn't, read relentless need red, relentless and then also get this book and followed him on his social, it's one the few places that you're gonna get the actual truth about what it means and what it Eggs to actually achieve, and it doesn't matter if it's you know what level you're trying to achieve at the principles are universal and arm, more than all that you know buying the book in all that dude artist once they to Thanks man because, like what you do it fucking matter, a whole lot, because
it's very, very, very rare and a lot of people have decided that it's easier to put out by shit content, that is it actually real. You know That makes us feel good or makes us. Ah, you know, feel more setting ourselves, also bullshit that dude? really is handicapping our world for adults, Are you not insane and one of the things in the that dude I just always have respected, shit out of you for is never doing anything that isn't helpful. Truly and so on to rise was that banks, man, because we need we need people doing what you do it. Thank you. Is that I appreciate you know you got everybody in this room. You know what you everyone in her means to me. I'd and does very few individuals that actually have direct contact me.
You have my cell number You have my cell number Have you got keys. The house itself the rest of the rest of the people. If they want to get to me, to have to go through different different channels, so I am honoured to have that connection. Yeah. It's help its help. It is help me a lot. It is help these people listening a lot. If you have got value for me a lot, I value is come from TIM and you know it it. I just appreciate, appreciate it very much so. Thank you then. I am honoured. I'd be I'd, be hard breast and not not say my piece on air, but I hope when you, water today got a great sense of pride. because, like he said it, you know your mindset No, you may not give the direct reflection. Through us
I'm sure you do in some shape or form it all of these young men and women out here in the field or legionnaires. The people it or socio bran have benefited greatly from the advice. So you ve, given him the advice, you ve, given me your your work things were relentless and I know that winning is going to is going to follow suit as well. So I'm very, very thankful to call your friend and really proud of both you and sherry, and thank you guys for always been our corner to big fucking deal not going anywhere knock. not going anywhere. Guy you guys try to push me, I'm a fucking work. My way right back illegal, it ain't gonna happen it ain't gonna happen. I think When I honestly I'd, say: listen, you know Where the family members that people really want, but everybody needs yeah guys, that's a shell! I appreciate you guys listening. Ah again, please make sure to support him. follow on social media. What you're a timber over
It did on his rent. She ass yeah yeah, that's what's at over. Had I've learned ass, guys buys book You know if you do in seventy five hard. These are too great books you working with that programme. Hey guys. I was they thanks. Man, thanks for sharing, show thanks for support and show you We do this without any ads or anything like that, so that we can deliver content and if you guys find the kind invaluable. All we ask is that you share it, so you guys are doing that. So I appreciate you, guys, love you guys and will see next pitch, I'm going to get a project spoken to Kinshasa, so welcome.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-06.