« REAL AF with Andy Frisella

102. …But Helth? Ft. Dr. Russell Surasky

2021-03-12 | 🔗

Has this Coronavirus pandemic been about health? Or has it been about money? On today’s episode, Andy and the crew are joined by Dr. Russell Surasky, the only triple board-certified neurologist in the United States as they discuss the science behind the COVID-19 vaccine, mask inefficiencies, and the role mainstream media and politicians have played in this pandemic.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
I told my teacher to teach I'm going to give me a project spoken to the walla motion to fit most. The only one eighty mile was called to the facility is this is shown through the realistic bottom lines. The state is in delusions of modern society and welcome mother fuckin reality guys. Today we are a full length, show with a very special guess I'm an intro here, just a minute, a lotta you, eyes are going to really love this show, because it's been a long time coming before it into our guy ass. I do have my brother sal, which I don't have a name for yet most nine, the room. No, no! No! He the third personal trainer, listen to the third guy in the baseball lineup usually makes the most money. You know what I'm saying: it's a good spot, the hidden. This is not how we got. We got dj
did you called merely earlier thumbs their doctors to the daddy? everything that is down is work out. A like that. I bet you do I'll take it If I can earn it s future fog there, and then as we have a very special guest doktor russell, sir ascii, who is the only trip? a board certified neurologist in. U s he's also let the leading authority on mental health and most notably addiction, medicine. I trained doctors from all over the country, dixon medicine. He's the metal medical director for bridge back to life and bridge back to life has multiple addiction treaty. centres all across the state of new york so been very vocal this year, along the lines of what we talked about in regard to the site. in the reason that I Sought him out and invited him on the show is because you ve been one of them following all year? That's been promoting the real data and every time
We talk about the data here on the show regarding no covert or locked sounds or mass, which the mass things a huge thing for me. Yet We get a lot of people understandably saying: will you not adapter? You know that's fine? I can. I could take that cause, I'm not a doktor. I do radiator data for a living. That's what I thought. I knew we manufacture products that are essentially the same as pharmaceuticals. Why not know how to data? But since you guys don't fuckin get that, and you don't appreciate my standing, I brought in a real expert, so dude, thanks for coming in man thanks much. You have been by demanding the fan. Thank you bro. You been super. vocal this year, man about what's goin on leashes, get into a dude short bombs blunt and indirectly, or your listen, isn t hear anyone really deserves to hear the truth about this and dumb. You know essentially
we were all lied to, and it's still going on and is essentially you know, this was a a power grab, a political power grab that was driven by political motivations, nothing having to do with people's health and down. Essentially they took away of one's liberty and freedoms because there was a power with paragraph by politicians and they used basically a lot of them garbage fig data. Yet our budget than has been the garbage conclusions outright beginning with bedroom bed at the beginning that mc dry conclusions they were using that shape public policy which are still living under and so you know as a result, what you see is what You see going on if you common sense. You realise that when a w a all- and you know all these different organizations from our new admonitions every day that contradicting each other from blue the week prior you realize that way, maybe something's going on here and maybe we're going to be locked down in and maybe you know all the isolation, depression and increasing drug overdose. Is that is just horrendous, but it is really work
is it I mean. Does it really make sense and when you, when you dig a little deeper, which, if you want to, we can certainly ought you see it's not bright, yeah dude. I mean one of the biggest things that that I think You- and I totally agree to see the same way is that the collateral damage of this whole entire its bit at first, it was like oh man, you know they're really make a lot of mistakes and then, when they continue to make them takes over and over and over again you know it becomes very obvious to me that they're doing it on purpose and they're purposefully, trying to confuse people and moralized people, so they just accept the power grab, and you know when I first said this: and it was it was literally in march march- twelfth of two thousand twenty I'm like hey look dude. If you don't, I want email about it. So if you don't think this is fucking politically gus crazy here and I went through just get the list- we need data that was available. Then the fact that there has been no precedent in in my lifetime of-
during a pandemic of wearing masks and all this shit and you know and dude, I got fucking blasted by everybody. You know a dude, they wouldn't do that they they would never do that. This is about health. This is about this is about that and I think we've we've we're slowly seeing the even the people who I totally bought it and started like kind of released their identity and their ego a little bit and say fuck dude. Maybe I was wrong. You know, I mean what what do you you feel like that's starting to happen a little bit. I do and I think that's the key if you're getting sick and tired of hearing about colbert every day, but I can't do and the kids are still at home, and so the parents have to be on that number one issue right now in the country's parents have to be home, they can't work. Kids are home. The kids are isolated that that this case of choice, the view skyrocketing is no one picking up on it. Domestic. Abuses, skyrocketed drug overdose, you know trumps declared the opiate addiction it is in this country, national emergency and there that time there are a hundred and fifty, albeit overdosed as per day now, are over
hundreds is the lock gowns and and is termed mental mental health. You know she's any condition it's skyride depression, anxiety by ports. Everything is is off the charts, in fact the drugs Zoloft, which is a commonly prescribed, antidepressant and anxiety medication, is now on the fd, a shortage drug list. That's how many people are going to the doctor saying I'm depressed and anxious and it it just speaks the bigger the bigger thing here, which is that there's this is not about public health. Never was you don't shut jams and keep alcohol, liquor, stores, open and- and you know, cans pants. cannabis dispensaries open, while you're shutting down healthy things, are taking away people's you'll live way to earn a living. You don't shutting down. Emma shone down a meetings europe reliance beings, Musha churches and temples down there, that anymore. So it's been really brutal, especially to people who are more susceptible to things like mental health nick
What would you say, someone who lets say: ok, like one of these people that gets really mad at you and me right, these people, who who, when you say like hey, dude, you're, getting fooled and they get really mad about it- I mean what would what would you say to those people while I'll tell you how we got here yeah. The first thing was in the beginning: they were testing only people who are very sick. and so what they think about with phony statistics, basically saying that all this has a fatality rate of one or two or three percent right that scared, the hell out of people and allowed them to do the whole thing, on the curve. Two weeks now, as I remember remember, to the data the earth videos, they were shown on tv to their money back fuckin right there, shoulders videos of people in china, literally walkin on street and fuck falling over that, like I, was scared How scared and money was what everyone was, the standards, when you pounded embarrassed by the remedial narrative that they want you to just force, feeding
and so it, but then what happened was so that they were the fatality, not just nonsense. The percentage nonsense, in fact, what we see now, is that it's about what the flu is point one per cent and furthermore, in adolescents and kids is actually less problematic than getting the flu. So you know kid: kids are just so resilient to getting covert and even adults in all the cases we hear about these fatalities. First of all- and you know, eighty plus percent of people who die have died with covert they had
two to three minutes: medical comorbidity, serious ones, diabetes, hypertension and you know high cholesterol, all the stuff of not being healthy right away and they call a covert death right, but that person had multiple other medical problems a lot of times, they're labeling it that way, because again the hospitals how he got here right. Another thing that happened was the government was paying the hospitals twenty to thirty thousand dollars for bed. If you had covert or suspected covert, which is a made up term, which basically means you didn't test them, but you think they might have had it, they get twenty of the thirty thousand dollars per patient extra if they even suspected covert. You think that when you don't in centers like that, that you're not going to get false data right on so so that was another,
part of the of the not the nonsense, not accurate statistics, and then lastly, you know they used pcr testing, I'm not sure if that's all you've got you've probably talked about it, but you even hear a lot about it now, but this actually broke months ago, even york times broke the story believe or not, and basically they did a sampling of three different states, new york being one of them- and they basically found out if we actually had some standards as to how we're doing the pcr testing like they do for every other kind of test. Eighty to ninety percent would be false, yeah. They said now you saying a seven percent of it yeah yeah running. I mean that. How does that not have the most media coverage of anything because at the end, did you notice when this knock it in a slackening the day of not area, yeah, yeah and cnn, you now run, cities case counts while they used. I was a favorite thing. Just scrawl case counts, not not that's an not that's! Recovery. Or has positions. They love the case guns because it can only go up and they have a narrative to drive home and so you're, basically scaring the heck out of you,
keeping them home watching your bosnia channel, they sell advertising time. Thus, did you obviously, and so they basically just kept people. walk down, and now here we are a year later and we still have the you know, states are, are opening up and they've got the president saying that it's like neanderthal thinking of trying to open up the states which is up Oh he saying that its that it's like for governor just open up here, yeah right, so so Biden was saying that that's neanderthal thinking, you shouldn't, be that motherfucker saying is near nothing you gotta do. It became a spell the end of the un, furnace. Neither can I get you up. It's about you looking at it yeah do it so so, like less less layman terms, this shit, which guys have you this and show the sounds autonoe like asia issue- I mean- maybe somebody I don't know who cut it.
Much of this shit a fuckin year ago right. But what do we have here? Do we ve got fake tests? Now we're purposely set up the false positives. We ve got a set of ice cases from the hospital Ok, we ve got false data in regard to the co. Morbidity and actual death rate are right. We have a medication that actually treats it that they worked hard to suppress william talked about that, yet we ve got asked to demoralized and take away individuality and reduce the ability for you to even feel like a human. Ok, I mean did if you're not waken. Up to this, yet bro you're, gullible, like you, you're gonna lose in life is like it: it's either you really dumb and you can see the data because even a basic intelligence, level human should be able to understand this, but we're what's going on at this point, in my opinion. Secondly, while
well fuck. That is really mean anything thinks I thought the should understood a year ago, but but or europe. You tied in your ego so hard and your identity so hard it. You can't admit, you're wrong and row that you know dude. I can tell you this. We went to arizona this past weekend, all three of us actually and you know they literally as we were landing the flame. They they open up everything and took the mass out. Ok, so the whole weekend. We were there. We went to dinner. We went to nor lighten like do we want it. Would I come out we wish we had came back a fuckin sought by the way. Just so you know, I bid the whole time what I did is that news or is that just a standard in it? That is standard. I will bitch the entire time, but what will happen? The job will get done. Alright, that's all that matters, but here's the thing. what the one thing I noticed you- and I talked about this- was that the mass mandate output
like literally as were landing the plane like I've, got a fucking alert on my phone guy that night, probably one out of every three hundred people was wearing a mask show. It shows you that, like what it looks like when their when people are told is ok and that shows that only one out of india was it don't you agree? What have we got? Three hundred or so enabling those being conservative tat it might have been won on every five hundred was still wearing a mask and What showed me was how many people will just abide by what the government tells them, even though they know it's bullshit, and so what happen over the course of this year. Is they ve also leverage that they ve leverage? The idea? you know the social pressure of everybody's doing it and if you don't, you want people to die right and
the minute they say, no more mass everybody takes it off, except one out of every three hundred to five hundred people. So what does that tell me that tells me that all you motherfuckers out there doing this shit? No, this is bullshit, but your gun along with it, and you guys are the ones that are creating this whole scenario given on the panel and dude. If everybody just said, you fucked it's not doing any more. What can they do? Make this bigger, more important point here, I think the big picture, and that is that this country has a a health care problem and health problem yeah. It's not a covert problem to help prompt you look at who gets sick and dies. If people have multiple comorbidities, the obesity is number one and then you know I talked about hypertension, diabetes or diabetes, cholesterol, you don't, and that's because er
countries that had the least amount of those those cases where the healthy yet absolutely did not seem. Statistics show us where the health care problem and when you mess vaccinations and isolation at home does not give you health and that's the problem. It's all backwards that come from inside the healthier with with the exercise. Routines. What by we will you eating with supplements? Are you taking? This is what protects you this how's, your body of nurses and adapt its environment and fight off things like this, so but unfortunately, they got the whole. Country kind of locking homesick. Please give me my vaccine, so I could get back my rights and end, but even then you can't even you're gonna, where mask weather. Last night. Now you can hang out to get our going on. I can hang out together. it's absurd. Well, I mean I will do here's here's what I think when I hear that- and I totally agree and do we have a huge problem with that dude you, all the cosmopolitan cover where they showed the really overweight women saying this is healthy.
Did you see that no, I didn't oh fuck dude. It was december, so they want a cover of these women that are all obese, okay and like dude, but I get it if you're happy with the way you look and you're overweight, I'm cool with that. But you still need help we are right in and we all know the self love on. This show isn't about bubble, bass and fuckin bomba and being fat assed. It's about actually doing things that your proud of doing things that are good for you and that's self love. Ok, I'm not gonna get into that right now, but they put it his cover out in the middle of this pandemic, when every single person who has that looks like that is super fucking at risk. For this thing, okay, that woman right there has two point: six co, morbidities guaranteed. You can tell by looking at her disagree or agree Ok, so we have this whole media machine pumping this shit. Why
this other stuff is going on and do what's really which really like dark to think of how is that most people assume that they're just making mistakes are there they're just confused or that bro They'll do in this shit on purpose because they fucking hate you and they want your power. They want your money, they want your fuckin life and they want you to obey and you guys who have clashed me all year are now seeing that I why the entire? In time they hey you they want you to fuck can be sick. They want you to be dependent
reason they closed. The businesses, like I said in the past, was so that they create more government dependency. When you have more government dependency, you have more votes for these people who are currently in power. Okay, because they are the ones putting in these programs for the government to take care of people right, the extra money, the the the the socialistic policies, even the communist policies. This is how they bring it in they destroy the the fabric and the culture of health. They fear so people into into compliance and then they take a shit and do robin trying to warn you guys for this whole year about this this thing going on, but for some reason it's like you, don't you don't listen and like dude, I don't understand what that is like what are what are we afraid of because I'm afraid of like not having any rights and not having any freedom and and and you guys and we have the people say- was just a fuckin mass, don't quit,
Bitch wrote we get to a point where we gotta have permission to breathe the air. Are we really free? I mean I got a question for you to who who do you in your in your professional medical expert opinion right, whose responsibility as if my health is I know, as the government or the doktor is it it's all. It's always your your responsibility, but we ve confused that so much right and then the fact that no, the germ like in june, I've been in new jersey can be closed down, but I can still drafting mcdonald drive through that's a problem or you could still go back fitted to kill or a fuckin pound we'd like that's a problem, you know, but we this confusion that no you sow, you are responsible for my health and that's not how it goes well and also do they. Ve created this narrative that healthy people can kill people by breathing which isn't fuckin true right now, but worked. Did work, yeah, not gonna question! Yes, because I felt like no
if it doesn't sound wrong. None at all clear that it does You're gonna be like we were back on a day like ours. I'm a really normal to you. We didn't get any of your background or any, where you're from on new york, what part of new york long island, if kids now married yes So you live where among you me the hard questions here ass it. So in the middle, I'm just curious, as you know, new yorkers improving in pretty good lockdown. yeah thanks our great governor mayor. What what? What's your opinion on all the just the invasion rights slash well slash. I quit your personal p, in as a new yorker. Just as we see it like we get. You know we have said for the media on the outside right. I love you. work bro to go there now we're gonna want to go there, no more well, I'm just more curious, like as a new yorkers. We had a california. I told the story unless we to California and last meeting that, while in the sky had not been a restaurant the year
Nan been a year in a year. Man I'm only saw needed a new. Some is getting recall and I think that most of those votes that they have able or one point five million votes to recall his election, and I think that the major driving force, that is the fact that kisser not in school. Was that affects the most families of anything else right, because how they must work, be the teacher by the way this everyone's still paying their desk grew. There is public school tax traffic is ongoing. School teachers get bed, teachers get paid, the school? Does the school unions are on an inaugural work? You know, and it's just it's it's terrible and what they did to new york is awful. I mean everyone's peep, the the moving it's leaving new york to go to florida and other states down south? You know that the new social and humming trucks move it out in other. The property values have dreamt when a new year. probably those go down near sighted. Never they now they are and where I am. In suburbia long island they actually shut up? Is nobody wants be in city, because
If they were, they were doing all the stuff with them. You know just just hating the cops there, but they were putting homeless people at the one into hotels, the other people. There do all kinds of, the people that didn't want to there anymore long hours got a much different, a political. view than manhattan, correct I mean just on the general population in general, say it's about fifty fifty, the solstice last election, but the city's overwhelmingly democrat. And what do you think I mean just from the Simply like your neighbors, you know cause like in Missouri right where in Missouri, where we flip cows- and you know we go out and have four hundred acres. You know people will drive pickup trucks and wear cowboy boots, but you guys think less of us nothing. We think I'm stuck up new yorkers now, but it does more curious. Like you know,. We have had little better access to life, and so, like our progression were limit will more cowboy. In that sense. What do you think the
the transition is his abs. This time goes on and as people kind of start, pulling back to the the weeds like what what as a new yorker. What are your? What's the thought process of your? Never it's almost like they, they meet so many people in the country, they'll drink the kool aid, you know, and so now you know that it's almost like, they have to be debriefed. You know like that, like they have a debrief from what they were told and that's not an easy pill for them to swallow. So it's almost like there's it's it's going to take time. I think for most people to come around and some of that some the government got people so scared that there are many people who don't want the rights back. Not let me wear a mask and make everyone else wear masks for all of eternity. I mean that's kind of that's. Narrative has made that happen, cause they. They was transferring the fear of god into everybody, said to a comply, and now we have a population that, despite the I like that you know were reaching heard immunity that place where you get. Where were you can normally
I have to wear, mask and hang out and go back to normal we're almost there. It's probably going to be within a month, and I still think that regardless is going to be that that a cohort of people that just simply say I'm not giving up, mask and they're still gonna be mad, that you're not giving yours and thus, but I don't have a problem with people that want to wear a mask. I have a problem with tell people telling me to wear fucking mask, but they'll tell you not to tell you. We must protect me yeah. Well, you know what I don't care. That's the thing. I don't care year, you're predicated that belief that I give up
talk about you like I did in the beginning. I, in the beginning, don't give a fuck about you because you're stupid okay, so deal with it, stay the fuck away from me and the truth of the matter is we. This is how it should have been the whole time if you're fucking immunocompromised stay home if you're old stay home. If you're fucking scared, wear a mask or don't go out, that's how it should have been the whole time. That's how it would have been any other time. That's how it was in two thousand and nine: that's how it was in every other pandemic that we've had and that's the fucking truth and the difference between the pandemics we had in the past, and this pandemic is guess what happened in two thousand. We still had the mother, fucking flew and we still had all these are things that kill people they didn't disappear. What do you think about that? I mean that's a whole other data. Well fuck that we have to talk if you don't have to even dig deep. You just go to c d c right now listening and look at how many flu cases there are. Whole map is green. There's like twenty cases I mean some of dickie was alone on this, because one mass
okay, but that's a great unpack this, because this is. This is a great thing that most people won't take the time- and this is where this you know we we get called conspiracy theorist regularly right. I want to get into that conversation. Dude went on there. Listen. There is a difference between identifying conspiracy and being a conspiracy theories. not a bit, but I want to have some of us, because this is a clear. This is a google. You can go to Google or go to cdc dot org, and you can look at this so just unpacked at me, odds of maybe they're being less than point o o o three sent flew versus any other year. There's fucking lesson that zero. Well, I mean listen, I to tell you something else. I think they d purposely high from the general public, which is the fact that we have viruses, bacteria you take by a one on one. You know that you have viruses bacteria that live in peace, part of your gina. All of your body at all times you probably carrying slew jim right now and you strip terms, are now a new issues. How life is since its We live in harmony with bacteria viruses and solve
I was just swab throat. I'd find things now does mean you sick, ok, but so when they're swabbing every one for their nostrils for corvidae right and let's say you have a cold and you go to the urgent care and they and they you they want to rule out. That's not covered right and the swab you they can get a whole bunch of stuff back in its, I see a lot of reports which is covert positive, rhino virus pause which is the which is a source of common, cold, ok and then, or sometimes a third one, but they always go with its covert. Even all is two days of cold symptoms and it goes away any other time. They would just say a halt, but now added to the keys count tracker. You know what I mean and that's you, the pcr testing, to write the cycle rate on the pizza pcr. They had the tests so I'm trying to explain isn't lame is now right guys they had the test set at such a high level so that if they detected this bacteria, that was but
If you say you had one fucking little bitty speck of it, they counter she was covert positive when that's not enough to actually spread or get you sick, correct or incorrect. Absolutely correct! Okay! Thank you, Barbara fuck, so Let's say you are smart. Who? What are your thoughts on no dude? That's just people don't understand. I'm just trying to explain. I think what we're what we're talking about right now is just common sense. It doesn't take a heck of a fight, information on digging into studies, never to green epidemiology. stand the stuff. I think I think it's really stand to say that any of this is I wouldn't mock or controversial. I think it's common sense and I and I you know to say that it's a conspiracy theory and it wouldn't This is not what this is all well, and I think this is where our frustration cause cause. I think I I just I. I think it is a conspiracy because doctors, like you and other doctors who we've all watched right,
it a lot of the other guys that we all watch have been super vocal and gotten trashed. All year the frontline doctors who went out and said hey, ah hydroxychloroquine, actually fucking works guys and what happened to them. They got fired, they got trash, they got drug through the mud? Did they get their ship? I mean? Are they bad now, because now it's come to light that that they write the whole time and how how many deaths did facebook and google and the government cause Why deny, in the end, voucher himself factcheck denying that they could treat this shit with this? Something that was so common? I mean how many deaths got happen because of that you know it's impossible, because because the data has been manipulated so much that we don't have it's hard to get to the real actual data. But I think what what you would see as that and essentially that
what what what the narrative is was a complete falsehood that we will have to live in fear. We can't go out and I'm sure he on healthy you care outside. I mean that we were at that point now longer your hand dumb and ended dickie kids out of school it s been awful, so just doesn't make any sense. The cdc change. your mind again, nothing yes to a couple days ago, with a new recommendations, whereas, okay, now it's ok to be around family members or close friends. If one of you have, if you have the vaccine yet all- and they just said yesterday or today, area should I just came opera that if you ethically exempt, you can fly airplane without a mask. The way. Wait, wait! Wait! fucking told you that a year ago I did I'm a too I'll fuckin, fucking, whore breaks bro, because I but I told all you motherfuckers mfa could make fun of me all year, thus an acid, that's it yeah cause. It was really good. They they tried today just happy they they tried to make it seem. Like no Biden did this amazing thing. You can fly on airplane mode, know the eighty eight
did that back in the lower hygiene I broke up, that's been the law, the whole time you motherfuckers just too stupid to read it like dude. If you tell people hermetically exempt you, they can't do anything. They cannot do anything. It's against the law I think one of the strength that we have on the show is common sense, right, now sometimes doesn't debatable what but I would say like was a nobody in years highly intelligent and the truth of the matter is is like our business is not like. This superpower, it's taking common sense and figuring out how to make it work, and so I I ITALY's person, It's a great deal of bronze. Warrantless is look at what's going on in didactic, and I think that a big problem, because we don't have the same- we cred of m d or dio behind innovating gotta yale, or you know we're not princeton educated, the weed don't have the road if it were a bunch of what we flip cows, but under standing that we don't have the expertise, but like data data, Henderson,
If we look at data regularly, we we can analyze the situation as they rocket science. You don't need a degree to figure these things out in people have called us conspiracy first in its empowering to think about conspiracies. I'm curious, just like when you, when you look at mass what your personal opinion on mask. While I can tell you my opinion, but it's also backed up with there's been studies done now at least a couple of them, which show that basically masts are ineffective and, as a whole, like not like a certain chunk of its info like the whole thing, the whole concept of it with the mess that most people are using, which is the the disposable throwaway, will mess. They don't protect against anything. You know, it's really stressed that they say you know that it's somehow its helping you know study has demonstrated that today. Ok, what about what about like, For the majority of people right there were the throwaway mask a lot of people where a cloth mask. What were the dangers are? What is just a realization, like you know the neck, gator right, you were the same negative for three weeks: five weeks you breathing
the same whole five thousand times whose germs at munich me inside the mass and a touch it then they just them. Sk up and down with her nose. Nego touch everything where's where's. logic inside that, is there any now, there's no one, I know if you, if you go to the the the the market and you just like study what people are doing, you see they're just walking contradictions, the way they have certain things. Don't do others they make up this by just the way that makes them feel comfortable. It's all psychological. Any waves is just they're just scared, and they don't know what the uk fish the wagon commences. The wagon can, I, you know, dress, wear gloves in the supermarket. You know about half the people are gloves and supermarket. You know where's that, coming from you can't touch the wagon you're going to get like. That's not that's, not a real thing. You know we don't look if, if you all did was take take germs to jump on you and make you sick, we all begun right causes rooms filled with germs,
and the end, and our people don't know that they think everything's just sterile, and I have your bacteria you're sick. But that's not the case. So best thing you possibly do is just focus on being healthy, and I am you know, and and that's how your body, your body, was made to adapt to it's environment, and so that that's the main thing. If you look at what is number one thing that kills people it's their prey, it's their other conditions, the co morbidities that they had who's. The number one risk factors obesity, and then I pretension diabetes? We all know that by now which all come. Naturally, though, beyond dragged back, they think this. I think the most recent studies show that only Six percent of cases of covert covert debts were really just from covert yet That's right, six percent. Ninety four percent- that's right! That means only fifteen thousand people. I mean an endured the rest of these and people like what about the five hundred thousand bro. Those people died, the heartache of course they died of car accidents. They died of the flu
that doesn't exist that you, if you look at all course metallic before like last year same time to same data son is a thing. That's right! Bro! If it were at work here but I just it's. Ok, it's raining is draining from our perspective because, like you ve gotten, you know I don't we don't have the degree. So it you know you're not qualified, to speak on that, but it's gonna interesting, because you need to look at a critical moment. Fuckin news was reading a teleprompter, that's written by fuckin george, soros as qualified your conspiracy norma, lira, brought these measures Why should who are going to question legit question that I had while you were speaking? Would you now I I dunno the data to back this up or if there is data or if it's just you're educated, but it would make sense to me to think that the people who have actually continue to live their life and continue to go about normal daily. and I'm talkin about normal shit. Put gas in your car
You wash your hands when you wash em- and you do you know you normal life. I would say those people are actually probably more healthy now than the people move. Staten island isolation stay waving fucking everything is. Is there any validity? I do not really, I think, is a lot of lady to it. Does our study that shows it, but most physicians believe that to be true ike when you go out and you get wouldn't what's callback, my Produced in the environment by bacteria and viruses, your immune system, that's how it learns, how to fight better right. You say huddled inside and sterilize your hope you just hurting yourself. You know enough the problem is now everyone's so nervous that they won't stay home and I get it now when everyone's you know, now's the time to go back into the wild and they're scared. You know so it you know it's it's the wrong approach in a waste. I read up a ton on the on the nineteen eighteen spanish flu to right. Yes, is it? Is it true that most of that, like a big percentage of the people that actually die back, then die,
from bacterium: ammonia from wearing the mass. Ah, is there s a theory, but I think it definitely. It holds validity of public. hold up the rebel look at that dating he records. I rang area. So this is a study that just came out actually to that that same question. You asked his head: this without the stun, the cdc website, so they they actually did this. I did one of these, these studies and they found out. I must go down here to the conclusions, real quick for you as they tested mast and unmatched people both healthy and people, that were positive for recovered, so you look here. These are people that never wore mass, ok, these are people that always warm ass. the people that always wore mass seventy. Seventy point, six percent of them contracted covert or some other illness and the environment where people who never wore mass rolling three point nine percent. This is the line think back to the grocery store. In my brain just sitting simply observing right around touching everything touch her
restore touch gas touch early. If you know codes exist, costly touch, her mask constantly touch him such where we are putting it into this environment and it's on your hand and you're putting in front your face, then you hang your mask in the rearview mirror up. Then you touch your mask. It's only be real. I think that's a moot point anyway. I think this whole thing and I am not denying that covert- is not a real fucking thing, but this is an entire fuck job on the data. That's it we're like yeah zinc, like we can talk about. Oh the mass in this, and that this in this but dude, please and irrelevant conversation, because the fuckin flew doesn't this right now. We know that's bullshit, ok, they they ve, create they ve taken. What
would be nor a normal death cycle per year and called it something else and panic the entire country for the reason of what you said in the first thirty seconds of the show, which is a political power grab, which is what I said over. I said this in fucking december two thousand and nineteen I told you guys this common. They were going to try to do something to crash the falcon economy to get trump out, because they don't fuckin like em cause he's not one them and you guys all think oh you're, just a trump dick sucker. No, I'm not dude! I'm just telling you what I see you know like dude,. it's the man and like the people- and we have this- is you now where we ve been power, people who have never had responsibility or power in their life to regulate. You write like we just talked about. This is a whole another topic I'm about to get on
I was having dinner, were Wagner the other night. We were talking about big business because we're business guys and all these big companies the targets, the walmart this- that, in a lot of these little companies, have empowered their lowest level we begin our employees too, to literally fucking attack the customers for not wearing a mass or not complying with no training and from a business standpoint. You guys who own businesses, which this is that that's the core of the show, the core the shows business owners. You guys don't even understand you ve you ve already wrecked your business use had Messina yet because those people that you have asked that did an educated themselves on, data like myself and lots of others like me. In fact, Remember what I said about arizona three hundred one there's a lot of
people who are just wherein the mass the no it's bullshit. They don't want you to fuckin ransom, those people that you who ass the? U empowered your ten dollar twelve hours, our entry level people to harass. Yes, what motherfuckers they're not come back to your business and you ve ruined and your own throat and that's gonna, come back to bite a lot of you guys and ass in a lot of these big companies, yeah they'll probably survive, but I can tell you right now: dude, I'm going to be looking for other alternatives for the rest of my life they're going to survive. because I ve never impacted that need it those everything else and some of them stay vaccine. and what about so? You know you got there's only two types of people in the world: there's fucking vaccine advocates and people who don't want to fucking get vaccine. That's not true! I don't have. I don't have a problem with any vaccine
I have a plan with this vaccine. No, no, I'm sorry, the coven you're, making it polarized like an that's the problem here. There is not two kinds of people with vaccines. There's a fucked honour people, there's lots of people who believe that that scenes for certain things are ok, I'm one of them there's a lot of people that believe that vaccines for, for anything, is terrible. There's a lot of people that are okay with some vaccines and know that this is bullshit and there's a lot of people who are willing to take fucking anything. The government tells him so there's actually for groups of people not to, and it's important to recognise that, because, when you set because every time I say speak out about the vaccine covered, I get this fuckin push back you're, just crazy aunt. I back no, not at all, there's just no fucking science behind it, and it's it's weird, because you're willing you willing to shut your whole life off when the no science, the show it and then you're willing to take a drug that has no
fucking science behind it and I don't like to meet it. It's almost like it's almost like I just wanna sit back and just like hi. This is fucking darwinism at work there, but thought We would urge aspirate like him. He saw you talked about a lot of time suicide. You know the people who think they can just put this waste trainer on their automatic we're gonna get skin. I wouldn't let us shoots up more ass right, I'll, be healthy, like no doubt What does it do? Doc saying: hey get healthy but in a fund unthinking yeah, but I don't think it in there well, yeah, that's hard! It's easier! Just take a fucking super quick, rather shot in this fucking plants can make you healthy. Well, I think, and he's exactly right on point with the fact that it's easy to hate something or love it and make it just a poor opposite thing, and you know life, isn't that simple?
a mere eight, so anytime, you gotta go vaccine or or medicine, regardless of the way the benefits to you or the risk of getting that treatment, and even though the risk of a vaccine or low that the fact you know, the fact is that if you are otherwise healthy right and you will have any other commodities and you you know, and your last no younger than sixty years all right- we're we're what where's the data to show that you're somehow going to be healthier with a vaccine, because that group of people for you not all, have multiple comorbidities, serious comorbidities, it's a cold is a cold virus actually, and so you know, I eat it. It's just more and a lot of misinformation about this right, because people have you're, either an anti vaccine or you just want to get vaccinations everything cause. You know unironic, but it's it's in between. You have to look at each thing, so it you know you have to decide for yourself that the benefits outweigh the risks of any trimming you're going to have vaccines, including that, in fact the fd was trying to approve others.
She approval for the vaccine. What you didn't hear on the news, but if you can look it up pretty easily, there are a couple of people now. This is a this body. This group, they prove every vaccine, but there was couple scientists that didn't want to approve it for certain age group, which is like fifteen to twenty minutes cause. They literally have that and like nobody gets sick from this they're that age with no medical pumps where's the justification to inject an otherwise healthy person. Right, where is which show us where why we injected some one for cold virus, doesn't do anything to them and there really wasn't, but so it got pushed through against their objections. But it's important to know that that that you think along those lines like like, and he was saying common sense right- you're not gonna, get every every vaccine, If every from farmer company comes out with cause for you, it may not mean much. Why would you get the vaccine just because you know it's out does mean you have to get it yet. Look each thing inside or minolta and correct me if I'm wrong to like, if you've already had the coat. If you already had it, what about ants bodies? Is a vaccine even necessary if I've already at it, but they big farmers want to tell you it is
but there's no studies showing how long the antibodies last for and all that, but they love for you to believe it's. You know less than four months right cause yeah this'll be added to the yearly vaccine list for everyone. How do they come up with the ninety days? I tell you how they fucking decided that if we'd, if we'd, make three shots over ninety days, we can make three times much money Nah me ninety days of the antibodies nice No, I'm answering your question. That's how they think they dont give a fuck about the data bro. This is about money. This is about hey, we,
then three shots are too shy to make breach of three to four times as much money. They do. This whole thing you guys have to understand. This is never allow help. Stop thinking. This is about health is not this. They not have your best interests in mind that that the idea that you're you're you're building this this thought on top of this idea that these people are good people in their fucking. Not these people want you sick, they want you dependent on them and they want that fuckin power and do that's why they close all the small businesses but kept the big business's open. That's why the farm of vaccines are that the farmer companies are going to make hundreds of billions of dollars, including bill gates. Bill gates, will make more money from this that he made ever in his life. Doing anything else from this fucking thing this is these dudes are all france, it there's ten of them. There's there's fucking how many people in this room one two, three four five six
there's seven of them. How hard would it be for us to get in the fucking room and say: hey you do this! You do that you do this and we'll all be fucking rich! That's what's happening and do any other, though outside of that is fucking incorrect one hundred percent and you guys fucking- think I'm crazy, I'm not crazy! I'm smart motherfucker! That's why I'm where I'm at this isn't about health and all of you listening right now, when you argue this shit, you're, arguing it from a place of they want us to be healthy, which they don't, and I know that's a hard thing for everybody to believe- and I know that's a hard pill to swallow, but it's true in these, the evidence is there and whether you figured out now. Are you figured out a year from now, which I hope you figured out now? You should have figured out a year ago, but it's still going to be true. This is about money. This is
about fucking health bro, there was about health, they be saying hey. We need error by two fuckin. Take this vitamin. We need everybody to go outside and walk fuckin. Forty five minutes a day. We are baker, the gym we by drug gown water. We need your fucking, do these things they say that bro listen. They would be saying that on the fucking they would be sending out amber alert said hey. Do that, that's what they would do. This is not about fucking health at all. In two predicate, the argument on that point is just use your everything built off that point. It's like building a house. Fuckin foundations that they cannot be salad, Jim said, do not sell me. I got here trying to give some objective opinion and understand it. I came in, I know about you,
argue somebody since we're talking about the covert vaccine. Are you going to get the covert vaccine? No? Why not? Because I'm not afraid of what happens to me if covered lands on me, I'm just that! There's no data support, I should be afraid literally none. Ah, so I'm not worried about it on an asymptomatic spread. Is next to nil and that's the studies keep showing well, obviously, if I didn't feel right, I would stay home. I wouldn't I wouldn't go out and be around people that were at risk of getting a meal covered sick, but I mean I but otherwise isn't that spread is essentially nonexistent. In fact, if you think it is a problem, then when you get a vaccine, remember the vaccine doesn't stop you from getting covered in your body. It just primes your immune system, the goal is referred to. Primary missions were taxed faster now that you have to wait ten days for the antibodies to build up and potentially go downhill during the
time, but the virus that goes into your body you're still carrying it, isn't medically the same as somebody who didn't get a vaccine, one who didn't didn't seem the same place with asymptomatic spread. So there's not there's no studies to suggest otherwise, so I mean Anna don't buy the argument about it. I think that if you're a high risk patient high risk individual, then you have something to think about what the vaccine, but otherwise healthy person where's the upside. I don't get it in fact. Have you seen a lot of people get sick after the vaccine for like a week too, so there's been one thousand deaths thousand us? Ok! Now, let's just think about this little. This is a good discussion. Let's just say that we are correct, ok and there's been an and what the cdc it provides us with data is the six percent actual death rate right to the point
well, who have died from coburn, there's, actually only six percent of that five hundred thousand okay. What's six per cent of five hundred thousand fifteen thousand right, so we have his ira and that's not right. Thirty thousand! So we we have thirty thousand people who have died from covert apparently that's what the data there giving us. They just started with vaccines and already thousand people died of coded or of the vaccine. I mean that doesn't add up like. When they vaccine everybody, there there's a good likelihood that the dust from the vaccine will match. The dutch metro covert is statistically possible. I think, the struggle and lies that you just start. Looking at thirty thousand number right, thirty thousand people die of covert, we'll do it. If you go back to each one and one that would that's about what it was I am going to die. I've had age when anyone knows motherfucker I lived, but
When I go back to like the real problem, the root of the problem, obesity, It's how we and we are essentially a battle against obesity company. That's the truth! That's what first formed us. We we help people he's alive from losing weight, that's our entire company and when I find like it's extremely disheartening, whether its or our government society in general, three hundred thousand people. Every year of obesity- and we don't have a we don't have any urgency the fixed at issue in any way, shape or form three ten times the amount of people ever. Year in its every fucking year, as I don't care. Ninety in my point is supporting your points like and but you have to objectively, like sit back and say: ok, let's look at this. If obesity is the cause here and obesity is huge. Motherfucker, probably don't seem to address it when it's here, but when you get thirty thousand dollars extra for every case, it comes to the hospital wolberg antagonist motherfuckers covered in others know, there's one on one is not to in any way,
the shape or form how no matter how useless racist. If it is that's right, two plus two equals fucking. Five now go back to my math teachers, black, fuck you yeah past yeah, but even in a typical year right. How many? How many deaths are attributed to the flu? What thirty what thirty forty thousand year every day in a bigger right, yeah exactly so you know, I keep perspective in mind here and most of those that I've also probably with the flu had multiple local morbid is normal health. She held the otherwise people do not usually die from the, so we can all test that right. Both forty thousand test, those that that's a group of people who had other medical issues the shore. So just someone keep in mind because a clue in dozens really. Don't I'm not makes me angry about, like I just get so mad thinking about how come it nuke they took everybody. They stole a fun year of our lives and, unlike you, keep going back to the kids. What's what? What are the kids going to be like in twenty years from this? What are they going to be like in ten years?
well. I'm sorry, I cut you dog, but I mean we see how how awkward socially awkward kids are. In this generation. Just because these phones right, can you only a mad alex. So my my fiance, we have fun with a child and we were just talking about this. Well, I dunno. What am I always liked me on these? These tyler's is of that. No, during these their ages of development, facial recognition is is a very, very important coggan part of their development right there. to be able to read social cues, everybody's friggin mash, not even going to see that right. So I mean I can I I think is going to be absolutely terrible.
What these, what what ryan's generation even ends up, and it's wins like what? What? What is that generation going to look like in a couple of years? I think it's gonna be absolutely terrible if you tolerate it yeah. I will say this, though there is no plasticity. You know that I think that is. I'm optimistic. I think that things will move forward and be, and I'm hoping and I'm optimistic that things will be okay, but you know there are a lot of things that got missed during this year and some of them pretty awful, like I said, domestic abuse, drug overdoses and no child abuse That would listen. Half the people, MR cancer screenings, bro, that cancer didn't go away. It's going to get detected now at a later stage, and those people are gonna have a harder time and so dude I know so. We know someone like that like we, we We have a first form liege air who MR cancer screening, because of covert and then was diagnosed with fuckin terminal cancer stage for yeah.
that's exactly you're fast at their own pace. Martin to my very best, friends lost their dad's, the sheer, and neither one of them got to see, see them when they passed. Neither one got have fuckin funeral, I mean you, don't get like goosebumps it pisses me off so fucking bad and do you know and people like all? Well, you know it's got. No, it's not the government bro, it's the people going along with it and not taking the responsibility to educate themselves on what actually happening. Like it's. You money Fuckers, that's the truth and like due to makes me, and indeed if that makes you mad, I'm sorry, it's the fuckin truth, the more we go along. with it the more the shit is allowed to happen, and it's disgusting man, it's just makes me so, and I know you feel same because I've been a lot your continuity and listen smith in Psmith. I grant you look. Look at what he's doing. I mean you know You guys familiar, and we all know how and with what my friends my yeah ok. So we have part
to try to here and there on the river on social experience has been going on for last. Look at the book at the book at the pressure that they they putting on them and they don't back down. You know what I mean you look, look look to them. First, medicines strengthen building up. Following a belief systems because they don't he they. They took all the money. I was bank, I'm still gone, yeah crypto currency there you know, so I I mean I think, you're right. I think. If enough people step up, then other people will join at the assets at first yeah. the first group that steps up the sailor man, I don't want men who were the metal due to its we're too, because, like you see it's just these people who are the pro lockdown pro mass protests. It's it's a politicize thing for them. There they're doing it based upon what they believe politically, not what the actual data says and dude if we, if you really look at it, I think that thing that I said
about see what I saw in arizona where most people took the mask off. It shows you, the actual percentage of the quorum quote karen's that are making deal, it's very small, very loud group of people and broad we just gotta get constable tell those people eat shit, one. I think there's that that's the truth so enter. We didn't stay at the same hotel room, the hotel, we stayed was books, weird, a different hotel. We go to the pool is about approximately two hundred fifty three hundred people, so one family had a mask on. You know so, like there's a total different support system that would It really gives you the exact same anecdotal evidence, a lot logical, look around yeah and it's social pressure right. Nobody wants to be the odd duck and, what's what's going to happen like like what you just said doc was that You know now in arizona family, this word master, feel stupid and eventually you're gonna be like they're gonna have a conversation home, hey honey. I think we got duped and theirs
Where does she is completely flipped managed to be three hundred people were met by wearing a mad as one not are you understand what I'm saying absolutely up the the perception of social pressure too? where a mask is actually not existent. It's a perception that they ve created by mandatory, mandating anne and businesses, making it's all a fuckin huge thing like together. Like when, when warmer and target in all these companies, say you can't fucking eat here how come here you shop without a mask and they shut down everything else. What do you have to do? What you got a fuckin where one okay, so they created this? perception that everybody, on board. Dude, I'm telling you these mother fuckers. All this is a plan and I believe I do believe that this will come out and I do believe these people will be held accountable. I just think it's going to take a minute. What's your take on that not like what what do you think the repercussions are for for these people in power that have been pushing
lists that are clearly responsible for a lot of a lot of hurt in our in our country. Right now I mean what would you what what two questions? What would you like to see happen and what do you think is going to happen? I think they should be held accountable. I mean they cause an untold amounts of suffering and the population. I think history will prove, will look down upon a time in in in in our lives and and and and no, not see for what it is right now, people still in the midst of it. So unlocking the perspective of time. But they should be held accountable. I wish I was optimistic that that would happen. I don't think that's going to happen. I think there's too many people that are career politicians, the swamp and they want to key and they're not going to they're going to all fight to defend that, and I don't think it's going to not edition. You know it's not my area of expertise, but I will say that I'll, I just don't see them all going down for it. Yeah see, I I I think that sometimes And sometimes I don't like- I go back and forth on that. I am an- and sometimes I let my hopefulness maybe get out for me on it, but
There's is no evidence of them being held accountable, but I do, I do see guys like popcorn and tat crews in these other guys likes standing up and saying. How does this fuckin wrong? You know, but due to two year late, man like we're not getting a year back, nor we get those laws, but nor are we getting the businesses back broke like dude porno, just right what fucking forty million dollars for businesses broke. Forty million dollars on me shit compared to the damage was done. I mean how do look. I, like davies, falcon awesome. I've fallen in love with. did my brow. A lot more has to be done. You nor insane and and I got a little idea that I'm gonna hit him with about how to keep that fund going. But the point is is like I dunno, because I do see guys in government who are elected, who do know it's wrong. saying she saw a look of florida, the sand. This he's oil. I love you,
It makes me want to move to Florida yeah. Why? Because of that yeah yeah, I know I mean home home prices have skyrocketed in florida right now. if people are run in their almost done you're right in in areas, and so now I I mean Well, I mean she says, whereas was like, I couldn't cuomo like you, SAM and I see both sides right so, like you see, was what happened with cuomo right, so it all came out that you know that the nursing home crisis, but he did write that he intentionally day started to come out. Start the commission will happen, but then they protected him protect umbrella. Indirectly, they fucking came up with sexual harassment here to make the system worry line that, instead of what he actually did with a smile. I hate us here because I see- and this is why I think it my cracking crumble with- is we're coma because it they're going to punish him, and I think he's liable to flock say this is actually what happened, and I don't If you will allow me, won't you know they price, some deal like hey, do you have to eat the sexual harassment but will fuck it
believe you alone on this shit. I don't know, but I mean, did that's How my brain perceives the events happening right now is that this whole Sexual misconduct thing is a cover for the actual crack nuts. happens in the narrative, I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's how my brain sees. What are your thoughts on Just out of curiosity starts, I'm not all the other diseases, mental a child abuse suicide right. All this very often also it's awful an awful listen. I dont really suffer from anxiety in the grand scheme of life. I've just never happen in this you're, a developed it where it's like and I'm not not goes back to solve being on a shortage list, drugs, yeah and as because I ve been on people who warrant why you aren't diagnosed before. But you michael you doktor now and say something and now he's going to be a prescription spouts this What would happen if it's crazy, though man like you because of that mental stress that comes with it? I'm just curious, and I know this is no time will tell. But what do you mean?
It is better than the one you're lost her or the lost. That's getting ready to come because of the the mental disorder, irs or suicide rate? That's going to come from people losing their businesses and relationships and divorce and kids. It's it's! It's all of it right! It's it's it's it's! It's not easy to say this stops here on the timeline in this begins. It's all together, suicides have gone up tremendously jordi done like those come back. So let's already done the that lack of structure in the day. The kitten going to school. I mean what do you think is going to happen. How long have people survive like that without structure, without meetings, without going to temple or church without being the workout the gym, but people human beings thrive on structure right? You guys of course know that. So I just it's it's already. It's it's! It's too late, already right where you're into this, so the sooner they shouldn't they need to open things up a long time ago. So now we just hope that happens soon,
possible? The states are piling up that, starting to open things up. Yeah it's starting to like dominoes, I'm hoping dude. I I would like to chime in on that on that points out, because I do suffer from those things. I have severe anxiety. I've had severe depression for the last twenty fucking years on and off, and you don't know this about me, but It's not my talk on the show pretty consistently a lot of who I am I've. Leverage from that. So it's been something that I've learned how to make work for me, not against me But I do want to say that I think I can relate to that point because do that you guys, can all test adding go anywhere the whole time for a year I mean I went what two places in a year. Besides I want to build used, I wanted was the tree guy, so I about is confined his errand out most people, you know. Maybe some
people in san francisco new york were worse, but I I you know I stayed. I stayed out of it because I can't tolerate the the stupidity in public, so I didn't want to go on argue with people every day, so I fucking did it to myself and that's fine. I was willing to do it, but I will say. That being this weekend with arizona right, they took the mass conflict. We said in an informed and people were normal broke. I felt one million per cent better and that's a point that no one's discussed I once discussed how much we need the norm more interaction and we need the the. normal things of like being around people in public or going your park and seeing people almost say hi, hello like do. That was the first time has anybody say hi to me, like you know when they walked out mass no associate, but we'll never
he's normal. It was like it was. It was just like it was before. Wasn't it now, it fell good like it made my heart feel good and, like I think that the best thing we could do, and indeed you're the expert, but the best thing we could do. For people right now is to seriously Oprah shit back up and let him be normal. will the government's not the gummy cant, do anything to fix the problem so get there and get their boot. Often the necks of the american people right and then well fix it I didn't realize that cause I've done, I sort of like a fuckin almost like a hermit like I I I am a very introverted, dared try to like what I do on the show. This is like therapy for me right, but normally do don't go around people. I don't, and I I'm not a I'm not a social did so at you. You pile that on top of the list
shit that went down in bro. It puts you in a dark fucking spot pretty quick, and I I I I greatly. I actually think that this is this. Whole thing is gonna, be a super positive experience for me because it made me realize how much I do I actually enjoy being around people. It's good to see. Others, I think that's a cool. That's a cool part about really, you know the show or culture and in general not going to know how much you know about our our business or what we do. But you know we just said: hey man we're going to go over here and we're going to be here saturday morning. Eight o'clock, if you want to come we're to be outside we're over hike, we'll come on, people show up and it was the in joint message about people flew from Boston in florida, an organ just to get outside I'd and be fucking normal broke, it fell out really go near the top like we're, gonna die, sucked beyond its behaves. Ich that's fine got to the top is out on in order to ensure a bitch do now, but we got to the top of this. I point of view and you with people like money. You just went through physical experience like what is really what life is,
bout now united thing had taught. I think this is gonna teeth like lets. You know we talk about the good little bit of good here. I think it's gonna, I think p bull from now on and appreciate the fuckin freedom when they get back, and I think people are going to appreciate their family and friends and a normal things that maybe we took. For granted. You know even kids in middle school, since when do they ever want to go back to school, they're dying to go back to school, yeah ro, my one of one of our food signs here. Just a hidden, cheetah she's, a first form athlete influence her her sons, twelve years old, and did he stayed in the palm of her fucking here and she calls we up one day she like hey. Can I bring cholera? and just to hang out like that with the guys- and unlike did we, It was also here in this dude play basketball for twelve hours straight click set twelve hours straight and move like just to get in, and this this blue
all the old dared who super cool and he's out there with the guys. Did I like worse dude, I walked out twice and looking like a lot, but I'd like worse kyler like I look over like you, he's gonna be dead, margaritifera sore. But I'm? U is dj time, gammell backs or their input into this shows you do like. We need that stuff. need human is heavier yeah and an end. It hasn't been talked about hawk like like I saw a magazine cover yesterday, I think he posted actually did you guys see that magazine cover. Where was like. Some people sit in a tape, all toasting wine and then had people up on the window in mass on talking about maxine envy, like they're, trying to propagate the fucking vaccine envy like they're trying to make people were by former vaccine us legislate with most ridiculous thing. It's insane and do this just straight like mine fought marketer like you know
a business guy, I couldn't I can identify marketing. You know like she's crazy, do give you it is empty, because I'm curious, because this is it's it's great for us, because we have our opinion, we're in a opinion based show, while which one of the quick statement- and you know the rehab- that I am the director fort- is overflowing right now overflowing with pie because the mental health and diction, and would you tell medicine where we can let go. You help people rather than having to come in. So we see let people at a state because they allow that now without you having to be licensed in the other stake as that as part of covert? So we see a lot of people out of state and it's just it's they're overflowing. I think they're going to wind up opening more more centers, because just because the lockdown, since it now has the virus as lockdowns lockdowns it when when the virus ever couldn't turn one hundred people, Simon close it, if you could diary dump in your head, what would you say like what he would it from a political standpoint from a medical standpoint from just put like and that does not apply
The statement is more curious, like I know, because we get identified as far right from the people if you're on any site. I left you, no, not really. I guess it's not true. If you're on our laughed till you you're gonna be the far five percent loud. obnoxious, vulcan left or your far right correctly. and I would say we we get called the far right by those people on this curious from a from your opinion. What do you think? What is it? went down over the last three hundred and sixty five days while like when we opened up before and initially in the show, and it was completely a political power grab. They saw that they could they listen. They had a one goal in mind in the beginning, which is clearly, not yet trumpery elected, and you know that was one thing in mind and then they just sort of kept, Waiving the narrative to make people scared and now I'm making people more scared by pulling this on this, that stuff about different, strange, different places. Now there try to use that, potentially to keep all non honor? We can open up yet the strain and in new jersey you know, some nonsense, like that. I mean I still think, unfortunately, that they have
that they have so they perceived so much fear to the general population, but I still think that there must be were blinded. I really do still. I do a large degree of population still blinded and misinformed, and I think that's. The problem is that it is very hard to get the people to do not listen to actually overcome unita like it's like do when you buy do something psychologically. As truth yeah, it's very hard to convince you that it's not truth. After you, ve bought David S, truth What happens is that your team, then? Yes, you have to fucking. Basically you have to have a conversation with yourself that says I was fuckin wrong and nobody likes to have that conversation. the same. Do we talk a lot about success on the show right? This is same conversation. We talk about business dude, like When you make a wrong move, you you can't just keep pretending. It was while you're alludes like you, gotta, be able to say, hey a I shouldn't have done up on his yet why holiday, but the truth
Is this where all the strength comes from? This is what the irony inside of me the reason I am, and I keep going back to your opinion, because you know I have friends who were medical professionals right in an eastern point out these facts sometimes like, because you're, not, and I'm not harvard educator, yale educated or have that opportunity. as low fruit to try to try to put your idea why our choice not right now you have had to erase now but going right. They could just try to chop down by by blue saints and about your degree, not the facts you presented to them, I think so, but died. None at all, I'm sure, I'm just extremely shaw. I'm a doctor right, we're both doctors and I say, listen You know what I'm an epidemiology major, I think you're a conspiracy theorist. How did you combat that ma? First, I'd ask why why? Why do you think I'm a conspiracy theorist? I would
I know, but you'd see you're saying that kobe doesn't exist or that what the government did is totally is totally outrageous in it. But I think that it is I'm going to get the vaccine. I'm going live by the standards. I'm gonna lock my house down, I'm gonna lock my best, down you're crazy, I'm not well. First of all, if it's a free country, I may I should be so if you want to do that and stay home, and I say that where mask ahead in oh, but you can't force her by us to do just cause, you think it's the right thing one is The item is the virtue signalling us. It's all that so now, but your point I you're sort of asking me like what the beat points to have when you're to argue with someone. I guess I'm just here logically like looking through this. Like okay, I mean, if they're, calling conspiracy theorist death to come up with some information as to why they're even saying that they don't have to. But I mean, if you're, engaging I'm assuming you're you're engaging in a semi intellectual debate with somebody. So if that's the case, so why would they say that? Because I believe in a one point we talked about on the show: that's that, like is not a fact,
the founding father. I dont know what what did we discuss it? You think, would put you in the conspiracy category today in the show how about shows you got stumbling michel like there's nothing the criminals it's about this, a lot, no yeah! No! No! I! I don't know what. Where is the conspiracy pew piece here I mean. Do you know what fact that looks like to be like, like to follow. That would make you conspiracy theories to have one in mind, and no I mean you know, because in my experience shows what your users in cove not acknowledged we're not saying cupboards we're, not saying cup, it's fake, we're saying that it's not as implied it was exactly Maybe they want you to believe you know and in its the cost an argument around the fact of. Well, you should be vaccinated. What went on I want to give accident, I think than unfair, can help me. I've been out moving the whole time. I haven't fuckin, stop while the you're putting everybody else endangering
what have you been vaccinated bitch? Yet? What? But by then we ought to all wear masks as well. What the point is, what's the point in getting vaccinated to make sense the point and that's my whole problem- is I'm constantly in a second. This is a free country right unit. This is not like communist russia right. You don't have to get vaccines because other people want you to write you're entitled to not get the vaccine. Now certain states may say: hey, listen, you can't go the public school district. You don't do that, but you still have the right. Then you can stay home, but you have the right to. You know that you don't have to get vaccinated cause. Somebody else thinks it's in their best interest. You know I mean come on you it's it's I'll, have your healthy person, you not to inject things in your body it out for its protection in rome here dude is that people can have basic confrontation discussions with anybody. like a lotta, you guys out there, you just complying cause you to pussy to falcons anything. Anybody, that's the truth. You dont want of you. You can't confront a seventy, you're old fuck, a person says hey where mass sir and you can say no by dude. That's probably indicative.
Why you can't get anything on your whole life just be real. Like that's not a hard thing to do, it's very easy. we are society have lost the ability to communicate in an effective way, especially the way that might be a little bit uncomfortable and you know like I, Don'T- have a problem tone. No, like gear No no like This will only it's its really simple. Unlike you keep moving, you know you don't get to sit there and have a debate. It's it's! No more How would you answer the question and if it was about the press, essential debate or the presidential election when Biden's elected. How come we're still coming up with new strands? How come the yeah? I mean? Look. It's such ok, I'm not a politician right, so this is just my opinion not based on any any science
but I think that probably initially there was a tremendous push, because all hospitalizations and and death rates from early plummeting for trump was going to be elected. But CNN cnn is still strong. The case constantly know: that's not the number that matters is the hospice patients and deaths from kovar that actually matters as a as a clinical importance. Us now significant study. So you know, I think that at first it was probably heavily that the and right to think that it's not influenced by that is, I think, been I've and then, after that, now with this still swampy interest, I think of going on right now with far big pharma and other things right now I'll tell you things are getting better scene and pull the debt pull the council and when binding, unelected elected, they don't do it anymore, and I think that you're going to start to see things open up and they'll. Let the dell let their foot off the gas on these restrictions now, because it's not like the presidential elections up for grabs right now, so Well, I think that what I think you're going to see things get better. I really do because they don't have to worry about trump getting elected, but I I I but it's a debriefing
I'm saying I don't think they can just say: hey guys. Events call tomorrow because I they know what they did to the people around right, mix, it emerged from the more guilty. Yeah yeah, like you, know the dead digging. I do it in a way, I think where it gives people an outlet to wear the mask and still think that they were right. The whole time like dude. I agree with that. yeah cause. Now I mean with roots we saw when we get or two ago now, there's year covert survivor call they survive. We reach devised, covert man, I'm so proud, now use heresy habits. I been seeing that fucking instagram sizes, Christ, I'm a covert surat. We fucking get over this victim shit, o my mother, fucker. You had a fuckin call like I survived brush about here: this morning we, along with this you don't know they're gonna, absolutely hate his wound, is grow, the you'll see a person, they take a picture with the mask on. I will I get, but but but bears. Then you swipe nokia, multiple pose right, you
whites and they're the same fuckin spot without the mask on, but it's also other they glorify getting the vaccine right. All the photos of them getting shot. The doctor's stickers like they voted yeah, I'm like well you're a fucking idiot. Nobody, like you know I don't know you have to be to do have to be fucking. Stupid like I am just be real like how do you take some drugs that some dude manufactured in fucking six months that there has been no studies on all like dude. Well, I'm in coming in That is a lot of math them, take a lot of made drug. I mean fuck it. You lost me on that. One supply demand what not a lot of studies on it. Nobody really knows the dosage. It goes in it's made in a fucking stove in the back of a trailer for immune systems are barraged now by the schedule of vaccinations at an early age, there are barraged by vaccines right now and it's just the number keeps going up and up and up and up and up- and you know, that's a newborn immune system had really hasn't gotten chest developed at all, and so it's it's it's all. You know. I think we have
the cautious about how easily that big farmer just keep adding things to the the curriculum of acts. It needs to be otherwise healthy person. In fact, in babies they vaccinate them for hepatitis, which you can only get from blood bought from from sex or from ivy needles right. So why is baby have to get that when they're born you know, and I I think that each Is and should be looking at each condition and vaccine decide. What's my risk if this thing I'm being vaccinated against versus. What's the point here we have, you know so many people getting vaccinated they're out for a week because they don't feel good cause, the biscuit like a mild upper respiratory infection or mild, cold or mild flu type illness, and there are people who get it until you have to three days worth of symptoms. I see them all the time. In fact, half the people I see are young adolescents and they only knew their positive because they were traveling and had the attested they were only symptomatic. So you know you gotta, keep that in mind when you're weighing benefit vs risk, which is why I don't want the vaccine, because, I'm just not convinced. That is what. Why do I need it, but then it comes back suggest taking that personal responsibility and accountability for your own health
right like me, nobody else is gonna do afore, you know they also response before you have to do that you have to go. Look for the best thing about to think about the image right you have have you have someone who is obese, diabetic, hypertensive, hyperlipidemia or not, and and they're sitting there, and in the end. Was you know your islington putting a mask on give them a vaccine? You think they are making them healthy, of course, not of course not so, but that's what they that's. What they want to propagate here is that outside in health, you don't have to do anything. Just sit there victim italy will inject you and put a mask on your head and will leave lock it lock your home and wish the health is a healthcare. No, no. I said it a couple of days ago I made a post. I said I guarantee, see you that if the cdc came out and said that everybody needs to take a condom and put it on top of their head, the majority of people would fucking. Do it fuck. They say that about sex.
If they don't do it there there's a lot of people that should have warned me that that'll be solved, and if they fucking told everybody that you got caught having sex are bay, where economists yeah, maybe that's what they should try. I mean the green mass better. The blue mass people, where'd automatic area. So that's all. You would see ya, tomorrow and then they and then be they beat shaming you because you are the blue mask on that's it. that was last. We you stupid mother fucker, I gotta I just kill us is their body that the vaccine would benefit likewise, I think is a case to be made that, if you're in a high risk group that and your obesity and other commodities, then I think is a case to be made that listen yeah. You should change. entire lifestyle, but in the meanwhile let me give you some antibodies
So this way you know if you do get sick. While you listen, that's the case we made for the flu shot in some populations right, but why I'll get the flu shot? Every year, because I'm just not afraid of the flu, I just you know again: half the people get a low grade, malays type of syndrome anyway. So why and then still get the flu on top of that because they always get the strains wrong, so the flu shot best like twenty percent effective literally, I don't think many people know that the twenty percent effective so
No, I don't want right and- and you know the government could could make any narrative they want me, keep you in fear to get the vaccine, but if, if use some common sense, you know just take a look. What's your risk, if you get the fact, if you get influenza or if you get covert, that was going to happen, that's the thing. I talked about obese people right like taking this vaccine. Okay, cool, that's a short term fix, but what about covert twenty when that comes out or about the next thing like, like that's a short temporary fix to a bigger issue, going up? What's the adverse reaction rate on these vacs, it all depends on what you call an adverse reaction: and, like you know not like severe like, like you're getting fucked up like I know like? If you get the vaccine, you know you're likely to get a little sick or whatever I get that What I'm saying is, like the I think I think it's like. I think the studies, but I mean it,
preliminary really right. They don't have a lot of data, but I think it's like you know it's below ten percent. Oh really. As long as bad as I thought it was like forty percent, you know he could pull it up, but I think it's somewhere isn't that not in that range. I don't think it's even been enough time yet, but but again you know there's soreness at the injection site and then there's like anaphylaxis, like you know, don't you gotta look at what you're? What you're saying is a building a view that right you took the vaccine faulty yeah you, the man. I actually think that he, I actually think he's probably believes the stuff he does. You are you. What do you think about when he knows? I mean look at other promise. If you take epidemiologists, are there they have such like myopic vision? They only see one thing like hates counts numbers stats. They don't look at the big picture where you have to balance. You know people being isolated overdoses, all the things that are going wrong, kids, not being in school they're, not looking at anything that bounces just looking at they keep people out, they would keep
luck. There, homefront next, forty years, that's where it was job of up to fetch a fairly erroneous. That's it because that's how they see the world like I just saw myopic, they just see germs and like every stay home, but that's not how thus not real life and did the other thing to you can see this when he talks like if you observe him when he talks, he doctors have this thing Where did you know it's like when you go, get a scanner? Something and you ask him and say what I to go in. I wish I could tell you, but you gotta have weighed mobile bubble. Nobody I was seeing. These could get there ass in the fuckin fire right, so win win. a chance if somebody actually dying or getting sick, they air so far on the side of of safety that at the the collateral, chaise, not even a factor in there, what they say, and you can see that when vouch, he talks like he is a fucking book nerd, who has been put in a very bad position to be the main
source of information and communication when, in reality, what they should have had was what they had in the beginning, where you got four or five people saying hey blah, blah blah blah blah, and then it come to a conclusion. Just like you would do in any decision making process. You know, but, like I mean fuck dude, that dude's getting rich too. Let's be real like he's. Gonna fuckin paid at that were hit, hit, whoever's close to him, go check their bank accounts. It would be like the hunter by europeans and I mean a special they should fact, but it's a fucking, pretty good guess you know. So how do we ought at all? So I ll just look at the very like seeing doses and for missouri, for example, to nine point. Two percent of the missouri population is fully vaccinated. Nine point seven percent of the entire. U s is fully vaccinated, but wait. Nine zero percent of the world population is fully vaccinate. I don't really think anymore, going! Don't get vaccinate about.
I don't see this number going over fifteen percent. What do you think? I think it will? I think this is a tremendous push to get people vaccinated right now, tremendous. What do you think? The final number be. Just guess we're not going to know I mean I I mean look, I I don't. I don't know it's tough, it's tough to guess that, but I think probably you're, probably gonna. I think you'll be probably close to twenty per cent yeah. I think I think a lot of people get vaccinated. Even twenty per cent the grand scheme I'm trying to do that they never really thought they were going to vaccinate people into the into complete herd immunity there were. There were, I think, partially relying on people's natural exposure involve antibodies, plus the vaccines to get you to that, like seventy five per at mark of the herd, immunity where we go back, go back to life as we know it before joined, that's a reality. Yeah, I think he's gonna heavens month because ass you have very has just so including vaccinated animals, stayed to go. What guy,
it's you are for new york. I think right now, California's the worst in our country. In terms this, I think it was that way before the pandemic, Oh yeah, Jesus do ya. Gotta go now used to go there, every fucking, what one I'm just like dude! I stopped I there because of this shit. No, I'm in california, still the more, I think, the most locked down state in the union brows in san francisco in this whole thing hit bro, I love California, I thought dude, you walked down the street, you leave me the fuck alone. Don't talk, nobody basil place but the many you got to deal with any this fuckin like do people. There is just different, it's its heart. Push all the other people. I know in there all loud and they're all aggressive and they all fuckin, hey people like me, the most extreme. Yes, actually, san francisco bro. I mean I was literally- I tell you another thing too. You could tell that in missouri when you were a kid and you did something wrong, you got punched in the fucking face and when you,
in California. You can tell those kids never got face to face, like I put time out time out. No, no, no bro get your ass whooped. Would you say shit to you and I'm like what ivory monsters, safe space in california I think everyone once their own say space in life right here. Oh, no man like do, we were there is own. It was normal. Do like them. I loved their allotted to Brenda pal. You, people in arizona you're, not good people go a dry. Rather, our drive was cool. In thirty seconds? Oh yeah, okay, yeah. He showed up with a mask and I looked at him and I'm like hey bro, just it. You can wear that if you want, but you don't have to He's all right he's like you're, my kind of people like yeah. Good yeah in the back she's a few things. where's sit down. So do you wear mask in new city when you walk round our mask outside error and I'll really went indoors and wasn't gonna have to so am I I really am in sudan want, nor must even be there. I believe that they they call it.
straight everything or the restaurants are gone through. That's all, very soon, new york, city no bullshit like it was my favorite fucking placed ago. Like I love you, actually, the energy is there like. A lot of people were, like all the people. Are there they're my kind of people like I like people that are direct, like that's the shit that I'm been around like dude, I fucking love new york city and, like the fact that, like do just makes me so sad because aside, I love go. I I'll go there to three times a year. You know what I'm saying now: it's like dude, I'm not going there because they won't enforce the fucking laws. So you walk down the street. You get fucking shot like it's like it was in the eighties yeah brasiliano, naturally likely men up just destroyed a war. The most beautiful fucking, cool, ass places and planet. It'll come back, though do new yorkers are resilient. Yeah I mean, I think so I was just they really there's been brutal, brutal the fathers, while the restaurants in new york city, I mean they went out of business consisting for year.
do people going to wake up to this political shit? I mean, I know we haven't talked too much politically. We've been talking mainly about the corona thing, but like guys, you're you're on the wrong fucking team, like dude yeah, quit voting for this shit. I was talking to one of our friends, morgan dawson, who moved from california to Dallas. She said she when I got the I got an uber the first time I got Dallas that the uber driver goes now. You know you're republican now, right, yeah, very regular. She goes she goes. I laughed, but he was serious yeah. Do you plan on leaving new yorker? What do you think, now, I'm probably going to wind up staying put on your establish there. I, like I like new york. I just the city is atrocious but like on the suburbs, it's not bad. They let the city go to hell.
Missouri's route kind of, I would say it's pretty similar. I mean like no cause wherein the county right now, but the further you get out of the the metro, populous areas, the better that your your font, yeah. You know If you go downtown bill aware yeah man I am writing words I got, I got some won't ask and then we'll we'll get to that so you're in charge. Right now, like vouch, he waves his fucking one and says that you're in charge. What do we do you gotta to open everything up, but you can do it in a sensible way, which means that if you're older have multiple comorbidities, then you don't have to ground to the credit stores, but let Let people get back to life again, because the issues it it's been so bad for so long as these lock gowns affecting every segment of life that it just doesn't make any sense as I locked and there's no evidence to support it? There is talk about in a left, oyster
in the fall, the science of scientists is proving everything open. Schools up. There should never been closed ever and open the our society up and if and people are high risk and can stay home to get vaccinated the whole thing, but you you open up sensibly and you just stop the nonsense. Hundred percent agree, I got. opera for real good doc. I really appreciate come through. Man is a grey com. station. Ah it's it's nice that I've validated just like that, like double check biogas folk trashed all year, because I'm not a doktor, and so you know do. Thank you so much for coming in that. As my plan, Thank you sometime. Did it what what's your round him I named Russell sir ascii or gandia: that's the the name. So it's r? U s! S! E l, l s! U R! A s k Y m d up on instagram! following, because he puts out it's on a great content that
is the real data of what's going on. Another doktor to follow who's been really good, as I mentioned before. Is doctor Ben tapir as no other right yeah. So I went to him down here on the show as well, but on dude it's been. great conversation totally on the same page. That's not why I picked you by the way, but you know do. Thank you for coming in man, hopefully will get through the soon now it's my pleasure- and I am very optimistic about for the forward, looking very optimistic, but without meaning forget about what has happened in that you don't try to learn from it and yet so that we just sail. Well, you know what studies done not move forward. Now. That's not the right thing to do, because I'll be back the programme back are you there has to be legislation that keeps us remember happened can never happen again in and we we, the people, have to never allowed again like you, you guys who, in all and we ve had some. I love you he's right, even if you're buying into this shit, the rest I have been so vocals because I do love you guys. If I didn't give a fuck, I wouldn't say anything: I just go about my life, you guys,
as who who have bought into this shit, who are gonna realise that you got fought, we have to come together as a whole to never allow this to happen again can never happen again, and you know you should feel bad. You should feel embarrassed. You should be ashamed because, literally every single media outlet, every single person that you were told you should try. asked every single new channel, you were told you should trust, has lied to you in and it's been consistent all year for their own benefit and we as a mere and people cannot allow this to continue to happen to us because is destroying not only our health but our sanity, our business are future. Are ability to move forward in progress and enjoy our lives, which is what we do here in america is a free country. This is not a country of the the
Small percentage of the population who is extremely loud tells the rest. What to do no fuck, you, the rest of us, can do what we want to and you guys have to get comfortable being that way and- and I think, if there's anything to learn from this It is one. We all should appreciate our freedom a lot more than what we have in the past. I think we can all say after this year, Maybe we all took it for granted. A little bit I did and and and it's something that's important to me. So if it's something that you're that that you really don't think about, I'm sure you took it for granted, but, secondly, you know guys this is tyrannical behavior and if we allow tyrannical behavior to become part of our culture in this country. You're not gonna like the way hands up, and you guys arguing about saying all. Well, I'm right I'm wrong or your long way- and this doesn't fucking matter- goes wrong and lose we're all gonna lose not not just,
me because I'm going to get sick because I didn't wear a mask, like you guys, think no you're gonna fucking lose too, because you're not going be able to have an education you're, not gonna, be able to have school, do most of the kids that are do not most put up a huge percentage of the kids doing virtual classes which were shooting tabar failing you know like tonight, he was showing up. The parents have do guys. Not everybody has good parents that give a fuck about the kids, like some of these kids, that that all they have as their teachers that care and its duty teachers were refusing to go back, and in the face of all this, You should be fucking ashamed yourselves. I mean real you're, getting paid you you chose this career, go, do the fucking job, You know yourself if you're so smart, your teacher, you should understand the data and stop punishing he's fucking kids for
for your want to stay home and get fucking paid, because that's what it really is. What it really is, you don't have to do shit and you get paid for it and that's fuckin wrong. So I can do a whole nother thing about that. Anyway, Bro Awesome! Shell really really appreciate it. You got anything say on unjust. J common idea. How does one last question your discussion? Other thing we get hammered with on the backside. He's gonna Agora, I'm not a doctor, I did stay at a holiday inn express, but it does its does annoying yeah. She knows about it. If I very it's very refreshing to hear it's like because people you can you can you semi the yard, the these studies? Are you guys reference them cdc in them ass, my powerlessness, fuck Google elect cell. That's all prior. They won't look it up for themselves. That's ok! Man like three fucking kids were in the, but I got shit to do yes, I read it. I'm not gonna, go back and do your homework for you and I think therein lies the same thing. Going back to obesity and weight. It's like hey. You have to go through this work like I can't and unfortunately, because
I created the science society of digesting this information that they tell us like. You have to be told what to do. No, no, no, no go go. Look for it yourself! go do the work yourself. It's amazing! What's out there when you go see it tomatoes topic topic, karabakh mount looks like in it, but he asked but I just want to say thank you for coming to relinquish it's in great you guys, I'm good, nor is it that it now ass. He thought that alone says we're. Goods ended up such ass. God does the show special thanks, doktor Russell guys if you like, show please share. Please give doktor russell. Follow your interest in the conversation he post awesome content about this consistently. Also good. concern about mental health consistently? That is, is a theme of the show right out of her nurse suffer. for mental health issues at a much higher rate than the rest of the population. So,
it does give him a foul man. He's great content. Doing great things appreciate your brother and we'll see you guys pitch ongoing project spoken to.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-07.