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“Weapons of Culture War.”

2023-03-30 | 🔗

The Manhattan grand jury indicts Donald Trump.  The right turns a school shooting into a culture war. The Special Counsel gets Mike Pence to testify. Chris Christie wants to destroy Donald Trump. Kevin McCarthy wants Joe Biden to pay an unspecified debt ceiling ransom. And Congress might want to ban TikTok. Then later, Congresswoman Marie Gluesenkamp Perez stops by to talk about her upset win in rural Washington.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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simply safe, welcomed, applied, save America John favour. Andean driver on today show a grand jury in manhattan votes to indict donald trump. The right turn this we'll shooting into a cultural war, Kevin Mccarthy, once Joe Biden to pay a debt ceiling ransom in congress. Want to ban tiktok. Then I talked to the Democrat responsible for the single biggest upset of the twenty. Twenty two midterms com woman, Marie goose in camp press, but first few housekeeping notes. The two episodes of stiffed or out now this
The newest series from crooked median iheart radio that takes you on a wild ride through the rise and fall of viva. The erotic magazine for women in this eight part series host jennifer rumbling. He takes you back to new york city and nineteen. Seventy three, where worn. King publisher bob gucci only started magazine that rock the publishing world, with a team of feminine writers and editors behind it. Viva had full frontal male nudity dan woven frontal, Turn around it was on that check any mail, and I hear you just yelling forefront solidity at the step and why did I make sure you're paying attention during the votes? Have you condemn as fast section run by Anna Wintour and cover stars like Bianca jagger, but where they doomed to fail from the beginning, find out by listening for free right now on your favorite podcast platform. First, to episodes of stiffed are out right now, also women's history month, maybe ending, but the conversation continues on crooked media's hysteria. If you're
of women's issues getting sanitized in trivialized, Aaron, rhine and illicit master. Monaco are giving their smart hilarious takes on the political and cultural landscape every thursday, wherever you get your podcasts Are I let's get the news dan? We got em, it's done it's over, ok, so here's what happened so you're you're all following long at home, we recorded the pod thursday pod and then ten minutes after it was released. Ten minutes, we learned the news that donald trump has been indicted. I just was sitting at my computer us a slight message about it, said the thirst pod curse. Look at this be Could it be the thing? Yes, it was the thing It was in a meeting in and didn't even know any. This is happening unusual for me host of offline. I had my photos. How can I wasn't even looking at my phone walk back to my desk and I heard
Michael Martinez, just sits in the yellow. He was indicted and I'm like wait what he was indicted. What and everyone's like? Oh yeah trump was just indicted. I'm like, oh thanks, the pasok out yet, and then someone told me the pied had. I have always assumed that the moment tromp was indicted. If you or John or Tommy were any meeting somewhat barreling through the wall, the cool man to tell you that I clearly highlights the I kid there's, no no offense into your media company, which depend offer my livelihood that There is no meeting so important economic interrupted for news that donald trump has been indicted. I think Tommy the walking around here somewhere, you haven't even that he he's way on august. That's so weakened I want to mention here because we know very little By the time you hear this pod hope we will be more information, but basically what happened is the their couples?
has told the new york times and now, NBC Cnn and other outlets have confirmed every other than the world that the grand jury has voted to indict donald trump. We don't know the exact charges just yet we don't know. exactly when he will surrender and though we assume that that it's been reported, the new york times that in the coming days, district attorney alvin bragg on the go, she ate the terms of surrender with trump and the secret service and his staff and he will come, he will be arraigned. We will then find out what exactly the charges are. Obviously, they're focused on hush money payments to stormy daniels, but there could be other parts to the indictment with again we don't know yet so we're going to we're going to wait and find out, but it's funny, because when we originally recorded this pod, we talked about the fact that the manhattan Injury was reportedly going on a previously scheduled hiatus starting on April fifth, and wasn't going to hear evidence in the trunk case until April. Twenty fourth you know the loophole, and that was always well maybe they'll vote for,
now and when they go on hiatus on April fifth and sure enough, that's what happened. Carrier town from has been indicted. What do you think dan? What's your tax oases, quick tape, my hot take place or no information, as other we been talking about for literally weeks now I mean in it, we did, which idea we try to do this last week when we thought the indictment was going to drop the next day or moments after that podcast. So I'll, try to do this again I mean this is a historic moment: Get lost in whatever the absurd truths are gonna com? What the mega media idiot say is that the former president had states, and the leading contender to be the republican nominee for president again was indicted for a crime and it's gonna be pursuing that presidency, while also trying to fight a conviction in court. That does it gigantic deal There's a lot of questions to be answered and thinks to sort of the fact that most
His party is going to stick with him right through this and defend him to the core, even despite whatever electoral and political implications. This may have yeah. Let's remember that much of the two thousand and sixteen election revolved around the fact that Hillary Clinton was under federal investigation for email protocol and to which she was cleared of any charges and not indicted at all and that still, hurt her considerably, and here we are with donald trump, actually being indicted. Oh Tom, you wanna come in finally someone who interrupted a meeting the cricket american media, and now we have the whole trump who has been indicted, one of potentially multiple indictments and perhaps the least severe and die heard of the crime committed, and maybe this will sparks indictment fever among all the other people investigating donald trump. I may one day
and we asked in the in the old pot and the old part of the part that you're not gonna, hear, is: will Jack Psmith now beat alvin brag to get the first indictment of doubt? now it looks like looks like bragwaine sprague wins the race budget, but special council Jack Psmith is out there. He has a federal judges, ordered my pence to testify of hang my pants fame about his interactions with Donald trump leading up to january. Six is when another federal judge ordered mark meadows and a bunch of other trump senior staff to testify as well. So the january six investigation by the special council is proceeding. The classified documents investigation is proceeding, as is the fulton county, DA's investigation into trump overturning the election in georgia, and I think, if I remember correctly from many pods ago, talking about that looming indictment in fulton county that grand jury, I think
see grand juries on a monthly basis and next week, as the first week in April, so they may get I can, and I will do this. Many were sitting on a recommendation which we have we don't know, but we have reason to believe, is that that the people around down trump and possibly donald trump included should be indicted, and this is that indictment season here. It is. snap him like a lion out like a lamb, okay. So what back. You will hear the rest of the show minus the original indictment talk, which is certainly, events have overtaken that and then we'll be back on mondays pod to have you no better takes. It takes, that or takes that have marinated over a weekend of analysis and possibly more reporting yeah, that's what we're gonna do ip to our top analysis, an excellent jokes from that sexual father, rare or we will be right,
with the with the rest of the originally scheduled thursday, but we have a few stories to cover start what the fall out from another got: wrenching mass shooting- They national elementary school that left six people dead, including three nine year old students. It was america's hundred and thirtieth mass shooting this year reminder is only the end of march in the nineteenth school should it altogether. We ve lost sixty three children to gun crimes in twenty twenty three in nashville, the killer was reportedly a twenty eight year old, former student at the private christian school who was able to legally purchase seven firearms, including the air fifteen, used in the shooting, despite being under care for an emotional disorder, but the fact that weapons of war are easily accessible to young people with mental health issues hasn't really been met.
and by republican politicians or right when media types have instead focused on the gender identity of the killer. There is a theory that the trans identity may have played a role in the motivation of the shooting. We also don't know the extent to which drug therapy of any sort. This gender related or non french gender related also might have come into here. We can only talk about the gun. You can't know what kind of drugs she was taking, what kind of hormones or s arise? Benzodiazepines. We can only guess the trans movement targeting questions, including with violence to christianity. and transgender orthodoxy are wholly incompatible theologies. They can never be reconciled. They aren't a collision course with each other.
One side is likely to draw blood before the other side. That's just a small sampling of what has quickly become the right wing. Obsession of the weak politicians like jade events and marjorie taylor green, have also used the shooting to demonize all trans people, its vital. It is dangerous at a time when violence against france, people is at an all time high and it's just gross. What's the what's the best way to respond to that garbage? Do you think I think it has to be stated that, just because the one individual who did this heinous act may happen to be transferred there's nothing about the trans community or any other trans person walk in the face of the planet. said suggest. Otherwise, as you say, is deeply dangerous. It is in actually dangerous thing to do is gonna could potentially lead to more violence. And so I think it is completely fair to tell these it
Jeanne starved hobgoblins to fuck right off for the waiter. It is absolute way it's discussing in his interests. Now we take it, breath? We think about how we respond to this and put in a political context how individual looks like us, democratic politicians etc and deal with this, and I think it is important to acknowledge that Democrats have a moral obligation to political imperative to stand up here. To defend trans people from these accusations from the big? three emanating from republicans from the laws that are being passed across this country. We absolutely have to That and the way I would do it in this instance is say that republicans
and to demonize trans people and divide this country to distract from the fact that they oppose the common sense bipartisan solutions that would prevent tragedies like these bans on assault weapons, universal background checks, red flag laws that would prevent dangerous people from getting access to guns. That is why they are doing this in it, and we should call that fact out and not try to ignore. This is not taking the bait. It is doing the right thing and providing contact and facts about what is happening is not playing their game, its calling out their game yeah? No, I agree. I mean look out of the thousands of horrific mass shootings. this country has endured over the last decade, three of the killers have been trans more than ninety nine percent of the killers are most gender men. Most MR white most have mental health issues summer, motivated by hate towards people who are different than them, usually because of their race
ethnicity, religion, what they all had in common was easy access to guns which also by the wayside, rates them from all of the sis white men. Mental health issues or extremist views in other countries, because they don't have- is easy access to guns in other countries and so they dont have as many mass shootings, and that's just that also true, I mean the right you calling the rates game here in this house. Is what they are. This is what they've been trying to do now for the last several years like they want us to believe that, because a mass shooter happened to be trans, that we should be afraid of all trans people, even though trans people are far far more likely to be the victims of violence in the perpetrators of violence, but you know someone's they need a villain, someone's gotta, be the villain. Muslims gaze, Jews, immigrants. Now it's tradespeople coming for our kids right and it's it's not like. Oh I'm, I have concerns about pronouns or bathrooms. Yours
words that it's now you hear it from Tucker. You heard from all these folks on fox you from Ben shapiro. These are violent radicals who are coming for our kids right. So we need a parent's rights movement and it's like you know what how about a fuckin parents' rights movement for for us to like. I think parents should have the right to send their kids to a school where they're not going to be murdered in their classroom, and parents should have the right to send their kids to a school where they're going to be taught to show respect and kindness to every other person they meet whatever they look like wherever they come from where their family looks. Like that's like appearance,
It's movement that I think Democrats should demand that we should demand that we should send our kids to school, where they don't ban books or try to cover up uncomfortable parts of our history. You know it's just like I. I totally agree that we cannot it's not about taking the bait, it's like, don't let them own the issue of like what parents want and what's good for our kids, because what they want is it. This is bullshit they are. They are trying to play a game where they fucking scare people and they turn people against one another, and particularly people against groups who may be different, who people don't have experience with right and so there they know. There's a lot of people in this country who may be dont, know a trance person, and so there here the shit out of those people by making shit up about what the transport but when all they really want, when old, we're tradespeople really want, is to fucking be left alone to live their lives. Republican ideology demands a scary other. You can look at evian republican election and they
one every single time into societal acceptance grows for those groups as those groups, game or political power or more civil rights. They move on to the next one, and so two thousand and four, the republicans ran a campaign. There is based entirely on a completely boss, it constitutional mehmet to gina homophobia to get their base and as the We came more comfortable with gay marriage. And civil rights for gay americans. They switched to trans people and they're gonna keep going in going and going that's what they've been doing for the entire history of the modern republican party.
and we should- and we should not look in, and there is another like a pbs poll out yesterday, maris poll too, that showed their. You know it. It's like up to sixty percent of americans don't support a ban on gender affirming therapy. They don't support. A ban on drag, shows, as is happening in tennessee in other places, so they don't support. This bullshit and democrats should should know that, went and and feel confident about that when you go out and actually do what you said is the how our moral obligation It actually defend all all groups from republican attacks that republicans try to other us. President Biden and other Democrats have called on congress to reinstate the assault weapons ban. Democratic state houses have been trying to pass other gun safety measures like background checks, red flag laws.
raising the aged by semi automatic rifles. They keep running into a wall of opposition. From most republicans, and even some Democrats hot, you know we have the same fuckin conversation every time a measuring happens like and it feels like nothing ever changes. You know. Obviously there was a by partisan first by partisan gun safety legislation in a decade passed last year, so that kid- and yet you know every single at these one of these mass shootings. There's another air fifteen at play here, and there is another someone who had you know they should have a red flag law. Someone who had mental health issues was able to buy a weapon of war like how to Democrats start changing the politics on this issue. Where do we ve? I think there is a misunderstanding about the politics of guns democratically, the change of politics on the issue, they dramatically in years the issues that we are talking
the policies that would make go a long way to stopping. Some of these things from happening are broadly popular in the they popular among all groups and their even popular. In many cases, among gun owners This is not a question about messaging. It's a court It's a structural impediment that in our system that prevent majority policies from being enacted in our government. It is because of things that we start by these other times: the filibuster, the send it never. Troll college math give disproportionate political power to the minority position on issues like guns and it's the long hard work of fixing are democracy. It is rights. It's getting rid! The filibuster gets me in dc estate, is giving puerto rico the option to be a state, its dealing with reforming the courts, because the programmes that even states like new york, where democrats have the power to pass laws. Then you a rigged rightwing supreme court who offers
fully novel interpretations of the second member that people wouldn't even begin to proper for centuries to undercut I was in so there is no easy answer. There is no quick messengers. No bumper sticker, there is the long hard work in bringing our political system in law, and with majority syrian positions in this country yeah. I don't know I do I like. I think that there are at this part of the part of this, is I just dumb had this interview with the congresswoman or gluten? Can pres who you know is in a very rural districts where she doesn't even support a ban on us all weapons and when I asked her why she talked about how like just it's, it's a tough issue for people in that district, as I was like, I greatly user rifle to go, hunting like. Why do you need what are you air fifteen and it sounds like that. There's just a lot of people who still need convincing that this isn't just oh, we won the politics
we have the majority position, and now we just got a you know at a couple states and get rid of the filibuster cause. You know we're like someone ass, John tester he's up for reelection. If he wants it s all up in spain, he doesn't want us all weapons ban, so there's a bunch that we don't even have that we'd. I don't think we have fifty one democrats for an assault. In spain. We didn't have a majority of the house last time around right. We never did great so obviously there our structural impediments, in our democracy, to getting through majority area in a positions that have majority in support majority support, but I also think there some bottom up politics and conversations that need to happen tat to continue pushing on this issue. And I do I do agree that we have made progress. Re like I was surprised when I did the focus groups for the wilderness last time. How many times I wasn't surprise that inflation came up.
All the time from people and abortion because of dobbs, but I would say the third issue that came up just people on their own, bringing it up was gun violence and these were leno. I was talking to like people on the excerpts of pits work who were like. I, I believe in owning a gun, I believe in gun rights, but I think we need to take some common sense steps. I think we need to get rid of assault weapons you know, so I do think that we have made some progress on the politics, but I think there's probably a lot more. Work together, I think that's fair and I think of the three issues that we ve talked about here. Assault weapons is that
most challenging its, which seems in saying to people like I now, and that is that it is- and I do think you know fifty one new state was last year guns gave to us in addition to that federal, the first federal legislation in decades, so you are, and in that of those fifty one state laws include. There was an assault weapons ban in delaware. There is high capacity magazine bands and for other states. So you are sorry to see some progress on on the state level, so people should lose hope, but I do think. Look if I was having part of this. Is u Democrats shouldn't be afraid right, like I don't think, there's a ton of consultants who would tell you if you're running a race to like run adds about guns and gun violence, but I dont. I think that the fact that work seeing these horrific massacres,
in schools. I really believe that will connect with parents, even parents who happen to be gun owners in a more visceral way, at least in some communities. Alright. Turning to this week's other headlines in special counsel, jack Smith's january sixth investigation into trump, a federal judge has ordered former vice president mike pence of hang mike pence fame to testify to a grand jury about his conversations with donald trump leading up to the door, he was almost hung? A judge also ordered trump chief of staff mark meadows and other senior whitehouse trump aids to testify as well. What do you think When I think we have hitherto. certain knowledge or one? Is these prosecutors absolutely have to get this right? They in that can take time if there is a whole, all in one of these cases a piece of exculpatory evidence, MR something it will dramatically damage the effort to
for accountability, both legal and political. Even if nothing happens with a criminal case. I think if there were some screw up by fair, a state or local officials trying to charge a trumpet the crime that would be weapon, iceland, where they could be very damaging to the effort to hold him The second point here, as I think as we are looking at the clock here, it seems to me to be possible, even probable that dot that we will reach election day in these, none of these cases will come to a conclusion. Maybe he'll be data from multiple crimson, multiple districts, but it seems very possible that there will not be a trial, the conviction or anything else and. once again brings us back to where we have been for so many years, which is the only people who can solve the trump problem are the voters, it's all of us. It is to beat him and beat barely enough this time. That is a mortal blow against magnetism, and I still think that we can wait for a family. Sir jack Smith or some
or alvin brag to solve this problem. For us. I don't think that's gonna happen, but it could also be Chris Christie. Then he is the the newest potential primary opponent Donald trump. He was in new Hampshire this week test in the waters the town hall where he said that republicans need a candidate who isn't afraid to take on trump directly. Let's listen you better. Have somebody on that stage. Who can do to him? What I did Marco, because that's the only thing that's going to fit donald trump. Do you have to be fearless because he will come back and right at you, and so you need to think about who's. Got the skill to do that and who's got the guts to do it. because it's not gonna, end nicely donald trump set a couple weeks ago, I
I'm your retribution, guess what everybody? No thanks. The only person he cares about is him. and if we have learned that election they have twenty twenty two today that we are not paid tension. What do you think Dan is chris Chris, the one we ve been waiting for. Why, We doing that weird stage whisper thing, It's like he's trying to do at breaking bad. Yes, of course, he's trying to do the on the one who knox speech breaking back up I don't think there is a lane and we're baltic sea, frankly american wife for trumpet. turn trumpet visor turn trumped debate, critic termed almost front victim turn: the trunk get, but I don't think that's a real thing. I do I if crick Chris Christy's goal is to get in the race and just
be the anti trump person and the one to have the political courage to cultural loser we debate probably has some marginal value, to defeating donald trump until they get anything. Christy getting more than two percent of the votes? But I think you, someone who gets press attention, he's a pretty good performer onstage. You could see him get. and a trump skin in debates of it all I guess, in the sense that its marginally helpful tat for us kudos look into the race to points here, one natural disaster prediction for his fine, her how we finishes ass hell, it's like
elroy. I'm worried that there's aware that their their word, that they are going to that I'm going to get squeezed down from one percent and greg lowest number that christie in pompeii and the rest number one. I went back because I had I forgot what the debate moment between this, the specifics of the debate moment between christie and rubio. Now that Chris Christie's out there basically saying that his main credential rubbing growth being against donald trump and twenty twenty four is that he brutally assault from perker rubio debates day, and it's like marker rubio gives this dumb memorize twenty five seconds speech about. you know Barack Obama and Chris Christie points out that it's a spit. It's a memorized speech, that's talking
its and then like a little later, marco, because he's a dumb ass trips on his own feet again and just walk right back into the attack by repeating again the twenty second speech about brak obama. Increase Christie merely points out that he did that's it. That's the whole! That's why we need Chris Christie in that arena, because of because he was able to point out that the blow drag talking points candidate repeated himself again on a debates it look. He took out these. If the least talented people to ever run for president in history, united states kudos to him, and also you alluded to trump, almost making him the victim. I've got like trump knew. He had covert, didn't tell anyone goes to debate prep with Chris Christie gives Chris Chris. he covered, puts them in the hospital calls chris Christie and instead of saying, are you doing says? Are you going to do
people that I was the one who gave it to you which did not do it. You must put came a long after they were right. That's right! That was still not enough. A pretty christie, because months after that, when election after that happened to implore in grooms like ok, so would you vote for Joe Biden if its trump Biden and twenty four again and Chris crises like no? I would not go for Joe Biden Jimmy you didn't they, you didn't say, would vote for doll drove the other didn't rule it out, but like come on man, the guy killed you and then you're in the house. well, he calls like hey you're, going on me well, can rewrite not able or loving moderate but you're right. any time he's out there, tat dull trump great, will take a positive move, is brought you by article this time of year,
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global economic crisis. This is, of course, all things to Kevin, mccarthy and house republicans who sent a letter to the white house this week that wind about Joe Biden refusal to engage and hostage negotiations, and they also laid out a few vague demands that include massive spending cuts reclaiming unspent covered funds, work requirements for medicaid and food assistance, lower energy costs and increased border security. A Biden wrote back and basically said, come up with an actual budget proposal like I did. and maybe we can talk. What do you think mccarthy's up to hear what you think abiden response and should we be hiding our money and mattresses. Yet three only met current matter sponsors yet zodiac grab. Your gun, you're helix investors a spot in the healing or your money. That's her! Anyhow, Mccarthy. I believe it's always hard to tell like how why he does certain things
but he I think he recognizes that he is at a disadvantage here, because the things that his party wants. Deeply unpopular and were he to put out a budget people would know that fact and if he doesn't put out a budget, it looks like he's, not syria, so he's trying to move he conversation to area where he might have a little more political support, notably the very famous budget issues, lower and It costs in border security. A worry look. That is an area where republicans have some advantage on Democrats in some pulls the problem that for him as it gives up the game because it proves that he's not in this, for is that the deadlines that a budget issue he's only and you get a democratic present democratic? Send it to do things they would not otherwise do if someone wasn't threatening to blow up the global economy, if they didn't do it, and so he's trying to scare me read what he explicitly said that this week is a mosaic
Some reporters like what about your budget proposal is like the budget, has nothing to do with the debt ceiling at separate like yeah. Exactly it's I mean. It's so dumb, he is incredibly the thanked and to worry about here is not because if this to stay on its trajectory. Republicans It still stumble ass backwards into a default for shirk, mccarthy's, always capable of that there are reasons to be very worried, but democrats definitely way if they held together. Would, I believe, If, in combination with some senate republicans be able to force the house republicans to do some things, they would otherwise do the challenge here is: the one and only your mansion, who decided to take to the pages of the wall street journal to write an insane abed. tacking, Joe Biden and somewhat vague, not so they threatening to work. The republicans on the debt ceiling for unspecified spending cuts he's gonna, be real pain in the ass on us. The answer seems that why he's
because he sees his approval. Writing in west Virginia took a real dive after he supported the inflation reduction act, and now he thinks he wants to may be run again clearly, and is, it certainly seems like he's: gonna try to set himself up to leave the party becoming independent or just you know, if not run against Joe Biden. The Democrats in this race, because that's probably the only his political survival you can put me down is extremely worried about default. Really after I read a couple quotes from Patrick MC henry. Who the financial services committee chair and he's like em garthie ally he's seen as I can A serious budget person he's also sort have been acting as a bridge. Mccarthy and in the cooks and the caucasus- and he said just just this week- I dont see
how we get there. I don't even see a path. I've never been more pessimistic about where we stand on the debt ceiling and we ve been in some bad situations before yikes. Yes, it's not, as I say, not great ida, you look. I think that it's tough decide what the politics of this one cause it's like yeah. I think that the buying of the Democrats have the upper hand right now because mccarthy's in india, clearly they can't even come up with a budget that can agree on in order to take a hostage you gotta figure out what europe demands are you can try to take the hostage in that threaten the colossus, but you, like Unless you give me, I don't know, I'm not sure yet you you tell me what I'm supposed to ask for? That's what that's, what you're saying right now so like yeah, despite the fact that he's a dip shit, seems pretty dark eyed. I, like I, don't know how I dont think either Kevin Mccarthy loses his job or we default. I don't know that
I don't know, I don't care. Mccarthy can keep his job and we left the detailing. At this point I don't have the folks at punch. Ball reported this week that mccarthy's considering a short term, devise a short term extension to get to try to line up the debt ceiling at the bus fight for government, even though he thinks they don't have to do it s, even though they have been no religious eta. Coincidence coincidence. That's what that would happen and know that, inch. How that plays itself out will tell us a lot. Does he do a clean extension? Does he do what they did three thousand level, which has passed a short term extension with a fat with a spending cut attached to it like a little haircut as they call
Do democrats go along with that is going to be it's going to sort of give us the contours of it, but their time is running short here and we are not making real progress and that's kind of the the wrong framework to look at it as progress as republicans passing it from framework progress is not some fake meeting its do they do their actual job and they have shown less inclination to do so than they did the outset. So put your money in that mattress. Put your money in the helix. Alright, I mentioned a potential tick tock band, which has united policy. From both parties after the company's ceo testified before congress. Last week, the goal was to put lawmakers at ease about chinese ownership of the platform. He did the opposite. There is now a bye,
partisan bill that we give the federal government the authority to regulate technology produced by countries like China that have an adversarial relationship with the united states. Mccarthy says he's interested in moving something like this legislation through the house. The bill has about twenty two sponsors in the senate, and the white house says that they support it as well. You wrote a message box on this topic last week. What do you think should happen and What are the politics here for Biden and the Democrats, I dont know what should happen in really. No one does because it seems pretty clear that the members of congress and the administration who have seen the intelligence on whatever. The connections are in an activity with the chinese government. Tiktok are worried. See there is a threat. They have not told us. What that is other than the fact that we know that tik tok has already admitted spying on a: u S, journalist with during reporting on the company, which seems, like I don't know, a giant fucking red flag.
But if there is going to be something as drastic as a ban, I think the federal government and authorities have to to be as transparent as possible about what the reason is. You can't just say trust us there's threaten the intelligence agencies earned that right to say that, and I know that's complicated, because the information classified and revealing it could disclose the people and the methods that got us information, but you can't ban a the most popular social media up in the country before thou expense so I think they are going to do that? I have to do the the white house is support for the bill is Interesting as this is really like, a hot potato act is like carcasses, are gonna bandit they're, going to give your by the ability to ban it, but I think that's the reason the white house supports it is to increase leverage on bite, dance to sell tik tok to a u s, company, which is what the
from is trying to force tik tok to do which would solve a lot of these problems short of a bear. The politics are complicated. China, the american people, I've never seen. China is a greater threat and they do right now, at least in the decades a gallop has been pulling opinions on china, china. Today the wording of the of china per cent percent united states to put then perspective russian nine percent, so deeply unpopular.
there are majorities of just about every single group support banning tiktok. Almost two thirds believe that the chinese government is trying to hat. Is you accessing our data majority's belief that the chinese government using tiktok to influence american politics? The only groups that oppose a ban are democrats and younger voters who are disproportionately Democrats and dependent on ad. That Democrats depend on to win elections, so there are no easy politics in whichever way you go here yeah- and I I do think this is tough. I mean you, you raise the concerns about the chinese government collecting data through the app which, again, that a lot of that information is classified. So we don't know, but even that aside, the fact that chinese communist party controls all companies in china,
and therefore controls may be one of the most popular and powerful algorithms in the world right now, and certainly one that allows the americans use that up that, maybe one hundred million americans use that's concerning this is an authoritarian government. This is government who is, like you know, supporting putin in his war that is and like his trampled minority rights in china like this, it's not this, not just some some random government across the world that that it is only like xenophobia that is driving this right. They are. They are an authoritarian government that that that has an adversarial relationship with the united states and controls. This algorithm and potentially is collecting data from us like. I do think it's a it's a tough one. It's not it's not just like
about a young people like the app, so we can't do anything we ve seen foreign governments use american owned apps to influence analytics, much publication, less popular ones. Then tiktok. I think we have to be careful of how, like I laid out what the polling says. I think it's possible. The politics of a ban are slightly overstated. It's a pretty demeanor two young people to suggest that there are all these young people who care about act to abortion and civil rights for for all america, ends, and climate change and also the stuff. But if you band the social media abdel sit out the election. I don't think that that yeah you can see how right wing forces would weapon eyes a ban on tax actually try to drive a wedge beach. And the young voters Democrats need and the aid. rolled president running for reelection, like that. That is its hardest group always is younger vote. So that would be one
more brick on the load. One more thing that with the democratic, would have to now gate to engender the support internet level as you need among that group to win in two twenty, twenty four, so it's complicated and how many young people who are using the app who suddenly see it go away if a ban goes into effect, have heard the reasoning for banning the app in the first place right, or they just hear something about china and they're like what are they talking about? That's crazy. You know made it's a tough, it's a tough argument. to not only to make but to make sure that every one hears did you ve just taking away the way in which they get news, and I need them to get information hook. It's really gonna get it dying. Twitter. You think some. Some progress has been made in the argument like well there's plenty of other american social media companies. whose algorithm is bad like facebook and twitter and, like you know, I know, they're they're they're very bad too We should do something about that. We should regulate the more we regulate them. First,
is that it is altogether or at most does not stop at the tick tock algorithm. Not if not that's my position. Ok, when we come back I'll talk to the new democratic us member from one of the richest districts in america rick was camp press pots. America sponsored by better help, getting to know yourself can be a lifelong process, especially because we're always growing and changing therapies, all about deepening yourself, wariness and understanding because sometimes we don't know what we want or why we react. The way we do until we talk through things that are help connects you with licensed therapist. Who can take you on that journey of self discovery from ever you are what's one that you tell your twenty year old self, that you'd wish you'd known about yourself, then, and why then, and and then sell themselves, don't predict the outcome of twenty six in election would be a flag stretch, just stretches Because in twenty years we're gonna wish you hadn't Jesus you're home of us? If you think it asserting,
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It could go either way. There's no one else. Stepping up says running against this guy Joe can't use like bessys with, matt, gets and they like, where each other's tee shirts usually called fundraiser for em, it's it's cute, but its horrifying, and you thanks have liked we should ban all immigration for the next twenty years to re, establish a wide majority men like bananas right- and I really believe, like the additive So this sort of brand of extremism is not like white. Do and to have a law degree and no kids, its people that work in the trade and who live in rural communities and can directly address like the reality of families in America today, and so how did you pull it off because another, the district
represented before by Jamie Herrera, butler and then Joe can't wins the primary the republican side, and so we have an extreme republican candidate, but in the district that still really tough for Adam, cried to win, and I know you won by about one percent, so hot How did you do it? How did I pull it off and barely like it? It was a. It was a. It was a squeaker, but I saw a couple of things like some national players like never gotten bogdan my race, so I never got coaching on how to sound like smart and polished- and I just gotta, be myself, and I really believe what I want is it is. normalcy like we want people that pay there, accident, like you know that are on all the whale for care and are trying to navigate the world like running a small business like that's. It
a lot and when were able to can communicate that like that is how we and beer I levant and rural communities are people that you know work for a living, so em yeah. I think I I think- and I also think I'm not I'm not- that special like there are candidates like me all over the place that we could be recruiting like we could be supporting and and we're not do a better job of changing the dead and criteria of who we think makes a good job of it, I'm sure you must have encountered quite a few. undecided voters during the campaign either folks who would normally vote republican of probably supported her butler in the past or insurance. Gonna do some people who were in short, they are even in a vote. What was the most Common thing you sad was common argument. You made that sort of change people's minds got them off the fence.
yeah the good things and america are not gonna get better until we start electing a congress that looks more like america like what we know and unjust. So my my opponent, Joe can't, is going to be like he is like the anointed candid and my race and this is a guy's talking about it, you straight so when you rip eat what he says. People people listen to that at an inn on me. Talk about the the reality. Listen like nobody stays awake at night, worrying about the southern border. That's just not people stay awake at night, worrying that their kid is. gonna relapse or that you know somebody and drop, of they're gonna lose their house like those are the things that it's, not socialism, and I think that's been the most frustrating thing about being actually in D c. Is that we're like voting on the horrors of socialism? And it's like that's, not
what matters to people when you talk What really matters you know that that is when that's that's when people listen, why do you think democrats? Don't often wind districts like yours, rural districts, working class districts, particularly white working class districts, what what's your assessment of where the party has gone wrong. I think that a lot of these races people have been left to like self funders, and so I think we're not we're not going from this sort of median of the world. I think that's that's a part of it for sure so it's not it's not just about like having the right focus group and the right words doesn't like a magic password to being relevant in the tradesmen and rural communities,
it is literally about. Like I get my internet from a radio tower, I get my water from a well. I hate my house was would like like an having tenants that reform. Their communities and reflect the experience of their communities, It changes, how you think, what issues and it changes why you know what your priorities are, Well, you know when you were a wildfire next or its really relevant to do you know are timber policies, like iron ogi. You mentioned that my husband and I own our repair shop work in the garage when it's one hundred and seventeen degrees outside. I can't work I can't pay my mortgage and so Democrats often like talk about climate justice in these abstract terms that are not relevant. Like you,
to talk about the actual reality of like people who work in the trades can't make money. We can function like I'm gonna get he'd stroke, you were he outside if there are democrats who argue that, ah most white working class voters didn't vote for donald trump because of his populist grievances, but because of his racial grievances. What do you think about? well well. For one thing, I think that there is a tendency to sort of bee patronising towards people that work for a living and like explained there, thoughts and, like less than you know, relevant ways, I also think that anger, burns hot and trump really utilise likes anger and fear. I don't
How durable that is, you see like ok, like being angry, doesn't fix things and I did. I also think that, like they have said, so much time talking about or like hobbled, enticing highlighting issues that aren't really relevant to making solutions that its left open. This. This huge gaps like I'm on AG the agony and I've been holding a bunch of farm bill listening tours, and you know what farmers are talking about. Their tajima antitrust issue is because there's been an san consolidation and meet packing and transportation, and marketing their tell you what. I trust that I'm not hearing republicans picked up and run with it so there are these places that we are not like republics? not playing in really really really matter to rural communities, to people who work for living and
and they matter to us and so up there. There is an opportunity if we can listen to people respectfully and take their concerns seriously yeah, it's interesting hearing. You say we need a run candidates who look like the rest of america. I feel like for the last decade, or so Oh, the democratic party has done a great job pudding for canada, who look like america in terms of race and gender diversity. I do wonder if some of us of wondered if we have a problem with class diversity. Well, I'm so fucking you know like we have a, as is the democratic coalition, becomes more college educated. I think the college indicate a part of the coalition. It's more. if, as you have, people who were engage, who participating and and those are the people that you lot and that's great, but I do wonder if that get leaves us
open to get out of the church If that we're not we dont, and stand. How most people in this country live of all races, yeah yeah, I know, If it is, it is paramount that we have equity like in education systems like that is paramount, but also at how fucked is it that we don't respect or listen to people until they have a college degree like that's shame you know, and I see that all the time like you know I gotta listen to me Things and people are like, They love like Democrats, love to do this rag to story of, like I'm the first person, my call and family to go to college and, like my dad a janitor and, like I, look at me now here I am wearing you know, bricks, brothers and like any like
You know why, like I like your dad, I like that you're to edward for living, like I respect people that fix things and keep the wheels on the bus, and it is not a reflection on anyone's intelligence, whether or not they have it on their wars day, and they went to college like. There are so many ways to be smart, and until we start valuing that and respecting that, like things aren't going to get better yo. What do you figure congress so far? I think that congress has run our eyes, so many staffer bros hear so many said like so funny it can be as a as a former staffer bro. It's it's fine, it's true and it's wild. It's filed it's kind of a badge. On that. I could stop by security that much unlike its have my wardrobe. You know like
the sergeant arms is like man- are you wearing jeans? and then there is a lot of opportunities to make progress I'm really encouraged that people see I want to listen to what I'm talking about like that is. That is great news because, like I said like I'm, not super duper special like we can. We can. We can do this. This can be like a model and an imperative that we're doing it that work, your parent, whose had to process the horrific shooting in nashville just like every other parent, numeric I know that you're a gun owner who is also in favour of common sense action to reduce gun violence. Why not reinstate the assault weapons ban that has been proven to have worked when it was
effect over ten years- I I I'm I I struggle with like why is it more important for people to have access to the air's fifteens that seem to be involved in every single mass shooting like why? Why do people need that? Well, I mean I think, that Yeah in this is like whatever not like her I have like, don't, like you said, like your chances of being shot as member of congress. Go through the roof and there are very real, credible at that we get like all the time. There's also the additional rights to bear arms, and I think that we know people that want to have like. I think the deal is like go talk to your uncle. Go talk to your brother in law like it
build a consensus like do the groundwork of having community that believes in things and not expecting top down legislation. Those hard conversations like the person, person conversations things where they work needs to happen. Now But I mean yeah, absolutely like my kids going public school like it. Is there is. Are they now? Those are the kinds of things they keep people up at night and they deserve serious attention and serious work. But do you support in a solid- and we know now I got her Why not? Because there is a constitutional right to it, and so you know if we, if we can build a national consensus, that a constitutional now, that's that's a different question than should.
Congress who, by and large by the way, is represent like there, a lot of members from rural districts they're, not that many members who actually live in the rural parts of their rural districts, you and so like. It's like it really it is different. women in places where the sheriff is not going to be, for an hour theirs there is never any view that right am. I guess my question is an again I'm. Speaking as someone who has not I'm not a gun owner, never fired again. I don't know a lot about on culture, so copying to that for sure, but I then why some people might want a handgun for self defense. I understand why people are hunters They go shooting right, even if you know like that, I don't understand the air for the need for the air fifteen the need for though the weapon is a war that that many rounds right like cause you're right it, even if the sheriff's not going to be there for an hour like someone's, going to be able to do
I'm more damage in school. With a similar, attic rifle than they are if they were, if they could only by a handgun. Yeah. I mean it this like so my opponent, Joe can talks about like he is talking about civil were all the time and like now. He's talking about like he believes that, like if the military has the weapon, the? U S, population should have it silly tactical nukes, like you know, and and it's it's like which, by the way, I don't think we should have tactical nukes it down for that matter, but like its, it is it's in the constitution and its something that like was not addressed like the class like we, we have to have these conversations on a person to pray,
in neighbor to neighbor things like. I don't think the federal government is the tool to address all of these. If you know to address this, so if you, if you can have these Conversations person to person getting community to agree then get like a state to agree on an assault. Weapons ban, like you, you're saying you, sir start from there. You start at the local level and work your way up. I think that's right. I think that that is the work of rebuilding like we don't want, difficult conversations with each other. We want to have a hammer, you know our bludgeon and the like you have to understand how different the different communities work an end? requires knowing your neighbors getting out from behind like a bumper sticker and having like a real relationship and conversation like you should be friends like use, could be friends with Republicans like you should have
Those caught like you should go drinking with Republicans these otherwise like here, that's part of the problem. we're not doing that yeah Well, I mean, I think, that one thing that has happened is as the country has become more geographically polarized, especially that you too yeah, don't like all the republicans that are used to hang out with public and they ve all become democrats. Now we have lived in urban and suburban areas due to bad. We push motors and now there you know that their Biden vote was so. I live in somalia, county washington, where eighty percent of employed people are employed outside of the county because there are no jobs left and can meet so it's like and that, frankly, that that absolutely goes back to consolidation. We have got to have jobs and rural communities that a diversity of people can stay and by the way that also goes back to having rural broadband.
Like it, if you dont, have brought like, I believe I am the only member congress that broadband at home and that means that, like so many people can't works or were you know, we all get like funneled into one job or one industry and the moon, that industry goes belly up where our host you know rocks. So there are basic infrastructure issues that have to be addressed in your district, that I voted for obama right and now. No, no, no, my! I know my district, oh yeah for obama? Yes, yeah element to demand twice and draw up? Yes, absolutely absolutely I think that its best to me I know it's fast ain't, a lot of people that there exist lot of voters out there who cast a ballot for Barack obama and donald trump more than you think you have yet witching. Goes to show like you know that, like the comrade like arguments for hope, are real
really powerful, but when those arguments aren't backed up by substantive, like we have to backup substance issuing permitting reform, fucking critical, like at everyone, is aware, you're supporting them, hr one, the house, Republican yeah energy package yeah, mainly because the payment are you worried about how much? How? Where do you about the d? You know that it's to require all these like mortally sales for oil and gas? Well, so it's going to the senate, which has lakes, Is that the saving grace of this bills- and my my hope is that it goes to the senate and they passed back, something that stripped the partisan parts out of it and keeps the substantive thing we have to have like there are so many renewable projects that can't be hooked into the grid or do anyone any good, because they can't get the permits to me. More power for lines like Its ass, an I'm it's as nine, unlike
an elm, a broader on a broader level like I think, for a long time, the sort of group think for Democrats has been democratic, Well is, then, we are going to advance green energy by making fossil fuels more expensive and we can not advance green energy, moral basis. It has to be an economic basis because people who work can't fucking peddling, worn buying teslas spoiler alert like people get paste, paystubs and look at them aren't buying a tesla an end. So we have got to win this by frankly advancing nuclear small nuclear reactors, not your grandmother nuclear fusion vision like we have got to solar.
so we ve got to compete on an economic basis, not off the backs of, people that are driving their ninety. Ninety yonder civic, you won't. You have to get those peoples consent to pass legislation, which is something that we have infringed fairfax you know like you could be mad, that they don't want to support x or why, but, like you, gotta convince people. You may want to get done in these next year's. That's a great request, I mean one of the big deal for me in and running for. Congress is right to repair legislation. I think that is one of That is something that I can see in and that so that something that touches everyone, not just people that fixed cars for a living. But like it's, you know, answered the able to put a new battery in your iphone. It is being able to change a gasket or about battery out any home medical device and it is absolutely tied to
environmental, like we are filling up our landfills with dispose. Well consumer products and a generation. You know like twenty years ago, these things were all designed to be repaired and maintained, and the big players here want us to have disposable. You know like disposable cars does wow. You know, electronics, so that we are on this constant cycle of buying the newest thing, because we can't fix the old thing and am I really believe like archive rural heritage as americans is this D, I Y belief like we can. We can fix our own things. We understand the technology we rely on and so I met the lead on, The repair acts is my my my big act and also the smart act, which. Are more in others are more automotive into oriented, but it's it's good
work for reaching into more than the things that touch our lives and, unlike the I have never bought a new car in my life, like the middle class, relies on a secondary market on a used market it for so many of the biggest purchases we make yeah, and you know for all the coastal libs who are lost Who don't understand the the right for housing? Air idea? It's it's just you know. If I, my phone break, I go to the apple store down with that of the grove a mile away until fix it. I was about. As reading you said somewhere that the nearest we'll stores, like three hours from from where you at the so of your phone breaks. Where are you going to do? Take off from work and you're going to you know you're going to go down there and you know, like you know these, like these things can be done at home and and basically at its core. It's an antitrust issue.
makes sense? Thank you so much for for joining and and giving us the perspective of you know, probably most americans and most democratic life in a big chunk. Democrats that doesn't often get hurt. So we approve- You come in congresswoman marie glisten camper, as good luck, anda and come back against him. Thank you. So much I'd love to our rights. Thanks to Congresswoman good John John S, before we go her communal quickly. We, have a quickie. How is this is this other from overstepped? The razor a quickie, a peaceful political solution is helping right into well. I guess it's giving this man a mite kit with such a mistake,
No one takes a designer I find whatever from politico apiece titled. Why gland young kin would be crazy not to run President! Here's the surrender The virginia governor offers to things republicans need a non hostile alternative to tribe and a compelling centrist challenged by have a quickie I this this was is by If you have a political, I don't know what he calls himself now John Harris one of the first political people now he's just writing columns every once in awhile, and I find him quite annoying yeah, always some of the personal, but it's but it's ok. This was excerpted in play
the other day, and I immediately copy pasted the paragraph and sent it to tommy and dan within roads and say that this guy sucks, so that was on his peace, and I had no idea here can to bring it up, I think it's so funny that there's a chance if Has have either of us vertically john, had ever read the John harris political couple. Of course there's no way to afford it. Put it forces it into your brain visa playbook, but election line that really got me was the one that was accepted in an playbook, which was something about like doer. balkans need someone who's just going to like embrace trump order. They need someone who's going to focus on the cultural excesses of the eye.
The illogical, left and win that way. Just assuming that there are cultural excesses of youth left that that that the Republicans can run again just assumes it enjoyed the end where he sat a young in Kansas, you the importance of a year, can candidacy would be that it would be and entertaining addition to the twenty twenty four ways. So that's important sunday so I will say this job harris is a very, very smart guy and I have talked to him and work with them, many many times over the years. I think that Finding way to understand this column is that when John Harris and Jim Van too high, who was the other regional political, founder and now the founder of access? Also, the founder of the innovation party, sure. Just let's keep us what he seventeen hits comment. And John Harrison's edge invent a high were pitching the idea to investors for political.
They described it as an s p espn for politics, and that explains that now that was a phenomenally phenomena, successful business endeavour. I think it is very made of all the impact it has on journalism and politics. Whether that has been as positive, I would say no, but that would then, Where were you kind? I worry that I would- and I have had well again by that, like that. That is he asked for politics. They would do it cause it'll be entertaining to this anymore I think that it is not really affect my life as a wealthy media bearing does a non hostile alternative to trump mean it mean, he's wearing a some sort of fleece vest. That's what I am forget it as thus well vague you eliza. for ryan us up one more time before the end of the pod, thanks also to congresswoman gluten compress for joining us, don't forget to follow us, a crooked media on instagram and tiktok before it.
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.