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Tucker’s War With Fox

2023-05-09 | 🔗

Joe Biden gets some rough polling as he prepares for a debt ceiling showdown with Republicans. Donald Trump offers no defense as a jury decides the rape and defamation case against him. Tucker Carlson goes to war with Fox News. Diane Feinstein is still MIA as Clarence Thomas scandals pile up. Then later, Pod Save the UK host Nish Kumar talks to Tommy about King Charles’ coronation and UK politics.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the war with fox news and Diane Feinstein is still am. I a is clarence thomas scandals, pile up then later the host of positive, a uk niche kumar talks to tommy about it's the king, charles coronation and a whole bunch of others that we talked coronation. We talked about politics, he had a bunch of elections. What does that mean for the labour party? There's a lot of them shared challenges right now between the labour party in the uk, that's pundit hacking up a bone to the labour party in the uk. democratic party over here- and we ah, you know- misery loves company. So we talked about it, so tommy talks to niche, and all of you should check out the very first episode of pod save the uk. Up now the number one pound cast in the uk, the number one podcast in the uk. It is funny it is in sight, for it is a joy to listen to please go subscribe where we get your pike us check out the first up, so I
The news, Joe Biden, got a sub optimal pole from the washington post and abc over the weekend. That has him losing to donald trump and rhonda santa's among all adults by seven points. Forty nine to forty two percent for trump and forty eight to forty one percent for de santas. That's if you push Nurse people were leaning one way or the other. The president's approval is it record low of thirty six percent in the poll which is down from forty two percent in February and sixty three percent say he doesn't have the mental sharpness to serve effectively as president, that's up from forty three percent in two thousand and twenty it's not great news in the poll for trump either a majority think he's a liar who should face multiple criminal charges, though about a quarter of all independents who support charging trump said they would still vote for him over Biden. That's why I'd like to talk to some of those people yeah the the people that he should be in jail and president, I really just
dumbfounded, that that's that's your independence. When voting for you, you know, and we love of god, love of god- love them go above agenda will go round there. Listening, Anyway, great news: now any evidence is enough: I feel that some recited anyone want to skew the skew the paul universally wishes to. if we don't yellow polls here, there are inanimate objects, it did nothing wrong, did nothing to you. There just datasets yeah, here, look out here that I would also say you know unscom so you can sleep at night, but spend all day thinking that they're they're pretty real, but if we were to yell at some polls, it is weird that fifty six percent say they would be that trump should face criminal charges, but forty nine percent say they'd vote for him that doesn't that seems challenging to make work. Otherwise are sort of. I dunno, I wouldn't say it unscrews the pole, but gives you reason to believe that it's less it's it's! You can step a little bit. You can set back off the ledge. A tiny bit is that it says, he's twenty
He has twenty six percent approval among under thirty forty percent among non whites? Forty one percent among urban residents, forty six percent amongst those with no religious affiliation? These would be people that may not appear the job Joe Biden D is doing right now, but these are out. Compare me too? The almighty compared to the alternative types? Now is my one sign for hope: What he got. That's all I'm looking for something here. It's it's a very bad poll. Trump's winning young people binds winning old people that doesn't make a lot of sense either. It's all just sort of weird he's confusing here's: what to do third average. Thirty, five, thirty eight above thirty eight it you that, after the conversation about it, but we say that subsidy before them, so the average has finds approval s steady around forty two, forty three percent, so no, no sudden uptake sir or downtown.
In the approval rating for Biden. So it's it's a little higher than the thirty six percent in this poll, though you know the quinnipiac poll for in terms of like high quality polls. First of all, there haven't been many for twenty twenty four yet, but the quinnipiac has him at. Like thirty seven, the wall street journal NBC one had him at forty two. So it's in the range. The difference is. Is that Biden's horse. Race number is higher in those other poles than it is here, and trump's is higher. Now they did push leaners at the at the regular poll was like having trouble. He got forty five or forty six percent when they didn't purse leaders and forty five forty six percent is what trump has received in the last two election yeah, the other that that that you said that this doesn't have a lot of good news for trump either, which is true, but it sort of fits with where trump always is, which is just he always as very bad point. That kind of fits with where this was at the one thing that I pulled out that I did think was we're talking about. As it said, thirty thirty three percent say trump is honest. Sixty three percent say he's not that that is where
It has always been on the honesty mark, but Biden is only at forty one percent, saying that he's honest and trustworthy, while fifty four percent say he's not in the lead up to twenty twenty. That was, if, if not flipped close to It- and that has been dropping pretty steadily and to me, is like a really like put it put aside, the the actual kind of horse race numbers, the comparisons all the rest. The fact that there has been that drop in honesty and trustworthiness when that is, I think, one of his big selling points in one of the ways he sort of written should the waves of disapproval is was alarming to me. I gotta check with obama, because I do think that for a lot of presidents, the they're honest
press worthy numbers tend to go down over the course of the last of the eight. Do you have a do? You have any, I think, ready now I would imagine eyes. Have you has actually already you did you have in your ready to introduce a bit to us, which I was really excited, the abbe look, it has been steadily going down and that is probably just result of people just being disappointed with the difference between what a candidate sounds like what around like which is, of course true, but, like you look it oh bomb over eight years, and even when its disapproval dropped. There were certain metrics of his personal liability that kind of stayed bland, which was a protection against people like net profits, for example- and that was just nerve racking to me so easily could be bad sample, petrol or could be right. We don't know the r c p average has trump leading by one with his pole in it. So either way it can be for close.
I rains a long time. Write lot of undecided trump is once again around forty five, forty six right. When you don't push leaners, which is always where he's been, and if it's just trump and Biden, then you know probably little better for Biden. But again we get third parties in there and suddenly it could be twenty. Sixteen and trump doesn't have to get much higher than if I forgot all about it. I know that our of K, junior magic at no labels in and whether there get it Joe mention your kitchen cinema or someone else One of the drop in here is not just independence, but democrats yeah, that's and that one that will probably ease most easily but I will say it hard to you know the sixty percent saying he's not now, the acuity hearing trumpets having are being more kind of up to the job, is it that there may be no more nervous than the honest untrustworthy ones? Even I don't like either beyond those great I mean, instead of just two
Since I just complain about we dont like about this pole, that's easy enough to do well. Efforts over. We had any advice, any advice for the Biden campaign as they look at these numbers. I think they'd. Ultimately Joe Biden has got to say things are better, but they're not perfect. I know you don't love me, but these, as are crazy, but I really like look over there, though, like they're going to destroy the economy with the debt ceiling, they are going to do nothing to stop guns. Gun violence are going to take your freedoms away. The key is, the choice is Joe versus the wagon, as and when we don't have a republican nominee. Yet it's very hard to do that. Yeah! That's right! I mean, I think trump, it's you know. I I think, like the political press and a lot of people that are very engaged are paying attention to the ongoing legal machinations nothing compared to a campaign, and he really is out of the limelight and a lot of ways, and you see the kind of even in this pole like too sick places where his just approval rating has gone back up like he had this sort of
immovable approve on the economy that basically states pretty high up until the pandemic and then started dropping out and of back up to where was prepared. and we can. All of this is a really in its third. It's that I hate to say it like absence makes the harker fonder added socks, but oh use it worth trauma tromp, yeah yeah. I think I can tell I mean. I think that I feel like opinions about trump are pretty hardened, but the thing that the campaign is going to hinge on reminding people how awful he is right, which is not hard to do he times. He just opened his mouth and does it there's plenty of, like you, said legal issues that he's dealing with that will again shine a light on who he is as a person. I think for Biden Tommy's right that it's all a choice, it
all about why trump is crazy, it's all about whether republicans are extreme, but in terms of his own personal style, I think like think, I think, binds gotta really flood the zone with being in people's faces. All the time like, I think that I think that stepping back when you're the challenger to donald trump and donald trump's president- and you don't really Biden's just the alternative to what you don't like right now. I think that works. I think it's tougher when you're the incumbent, as Joe Biden, is and if there's a lot of people who they when they only, they only hear from Joe Biden when there's a some right wing, tick, tock of him seeming old, then they're going to have a bad opinion of right, and I think the only way to combat that is Joe Biden out there. All the time showing some energy being loose. Being with people
Oh right, he's he's really good one on one with people or whether it's town halls, whether it's meeting people on rope lines like. I think all of this, if I was running a campaign it. This is what I would and I'm sure the the people are thinking about all this like this is what I would do. We were just talking about the correspondence in her speech last week and his delivery was really good and he was having fun and also when he's in fighting mode too. When he's like talking about donald trump talking about the threats of democracy, he tends to have a lot of energy. There too. I think that reminds people that he's got a fighting spirit too, like I, I think, there's ways to help combat perception that he is. You know too old, yeah, I'm sure they're very frustrated, because I think the economy is added thirteen million jobs or just shy of thirteen million jobs. Since he took office, unemployment is at record lows like three and a half percent you re reading all these announcements about companies literally opening manufacturing plant in georgia and other places, because tax credits in the ira, but it doesn't seem beginning any credit for it
I agree that he's gotta be out more. I do think it's good advice, but there's limits to how many people are actually gonna hear about these stories. Just because the way the media worked so hard see now, that's why it's just a volume should be like big shoes. You got big shoes, it's it's! It is it's quantity at some point right because it is so getting attention, even when you're, pressing united states in this media environment, it's it's just a harder. You know and in doing a typical event where you just go in and touting some manufacturing jobs like it's just it that that won't get you the attention anymore. You gotta keep, and I think I think it's it's early what europe has done, but that he continues to show this like fighting spirit on behalf of working people. He did this today. On monday, he announced new regulations with the transportation sector, people to judge that would require airlines to compensate customers beyond a ticket refund. If there's a delay or cancelled flights, love the slot s
This is good stuff should do some fun stuff with us tour again, really get it some attention. I love the feast. People aren't going to know that now the problem is it's not going to take effect for like months. If you go share harsh, my lad, the rule making process the room. If you profess, I love it is a great I, integrated character, ip life enhancement, the airlines, The communities infinite. Free. Just give me it. Don't just give me a voucher to chalk over some ex. I love that don't want to go to an airport. Why didn't we do that? More of this going after these terrible monopolistic companies is a great idea. Do it everyday we want and we did a visitor passenger bill of rights, but it didn't like go as far as this. We did the if airlines overbook and then you get kicked off a plank of the overbooking. Then they have to pay you like double the money
having suddenly beyond the tarmac for more than eight hours, you some things out. You know yet airlines janitor that just better that jobs are like that when fully kind of lord of the flies, but by not they are fighting against corporations on behalf we're not people over and over again. That's that's good stuff, yes good stuff, and just you know, what's going about their meeting people between ten a m and four p m, that's the sweet spot, get him out there. Sun shining birds, chirping ice cream in his hand and joke at, and he should be jochen about his aid. All the time tat he did at the corresponding synergy some are older than I am under the trees? He said something two hundred eighty eighty year career, that's great, the other settling. I did. I dont from still has a few bombs on his rode back to the white house up new york times, reports that, in the classified documents, investigation, special council, jack smith. Obtain cooperation from a secret witness who worked at mar a lago and he's also issued a new wave of subpoenas, including for records related to trump's business.
dealings with saudi arabia, his name, one junior with a little mustache engineer you get it that's funny, and also after the leader of the proud boys and three others were convicted of seditious conspiracy. Congressman Jamie Raskin told jen psaki over the weekend that trump could absolutely face. The same charges in jurors have just heard closing arguments in the rape and defamation. he's brought by the writer aging carol against trump, who not only turn down a second last minute chanced to testify, but presented no defence in the case whatsoever. none. But it isn't. We wonder, is it so? The reason there is a second chance to testify is that when he was opening up a golf course in scotland he did the thing he always does, which is. I can testify, happily testify loved to testify the judges like I am coming back home. I gotta go back home to testify to leave the country early. I have to leave ireland earlier wherever it has got to go testify and they weren't going to do that and then you're like okay, tell me by five pm, if you're in
testify on their own. Of course. Not. What are you crazy, very strange? So, though, jurors did get to watch video of trump's deposition from october, which we have some clips from: let's listen and when you're a star they let you do it, you can do anything grab them by the pussy. You can do anything, that's what he said. Well, historically, that's true with stars it's two stars in that they can grab women by the pussy. Well, that's what it's! If you look over the last million years, I guess that's been logged we do not always but large later, unfortunately, a fortune when you said that video that misleads would not be here. First choice, you are referring to her physical looks correct to see overall, When I look at her, I see her. I hear what she says. Whatever you and be a choice of mine, either. To be honest with you, I insulted, I would not under any circumstances have any interest in you.
Be a modest or I say it just such an hour discussing unfair. finally or fortunately, for me. What is it? as he said before, but he just compounds in any way he can by just being the most disgusting human being in these obsessions. You know it seems he said before Would you say I know that we're all inured to this now, because we ve had a lot of years, a donald trump. But let's remember when the axis hollywood tape comes out and dont have actually gives thee the the live on air apology he does. That is, if you know any I, this is not what I man Baba now, it's just like january. Six he's long gone past. Oh I didn't say that. Oh, that was just a joke, and now he says and what I said was true. What I said was true, and it was good. It was good. That's what you saw you you go. You do get to do that if your celebrity only makes it worse and he insults the lord and a cheese, cheese yeah? It sounds awful. We'll leave the legal consequences of trump's actions to a jury's of his peers. It does seem like the political consequences of all. These cases could be a bit more damaging,
trump than the hush money case. But what are you guys think of all these developments that have popped up There is a lot of I mean. Certainly This conversation we're having or in our you there's just a ton of legal uncertainty, swirling around him as a person around the campaign and the fact that the scientists in all the other opponents can't seem to get it together to leverage not just what he actually did, but the kind of political risk is. You know another indictment of how bad their running against him yeah. I also just hate that deposition, I interview footage always looks bad really it always just it. Has that just sort of feel to it. It has a feel to it, as, as does all kind of hidden camera footage always going to feels bad. Ah, I don't know what the impact of this will split. This specific case will be, you know, a year and a half from now. But what are too low lowest moments as up as a candidate as an annex. One of them is run the excess. How he would take visited three lois moments. One is access. Hollywood second, is the health care about, and the third is the answer.
and you are definitely included trying to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. One hundred percent- I don't even mean obviously, but I mean in terms of like the public, the public reaction gym where you know like we just talked about how robust and stat like how stable his pulling always is and like what are the things that kind of like pull that close lying down a little to weigh down whose axis hollywood it was health care the insurrection, and this is as bad as that ever was, even though we are all fuckin desensitized to it. I realise that this is incredibly hackers of me, but when I saw that deposition footage, my first that was adds Democrat,
super pac as a democratic super pac out there. I would throw some of that deposition footage in an ad and test it. First, you know, tested for were in front of voters. Focus group see how it goes, but I would bet, particularly after talking to cylinder lake on the show a couple of weeks ago, that this would break through. She said that the this case is breaking through in a lot of her research, especially among women, especially among young women, says something about our society, of course, that it's not getting as much coverage as the hush money case. I realize it's, a civil lawsuit, not criminal, but it's a pretty big deal if a jury It decides that a former president is a rapist for the first time. Yeah I mean, I think it's getting less coverage because it's just different phases of the trial. I mean similarly the the mar a lago case. I've always wanted, whether people would really care whether or not he took classified documents, but we start a real
about how the f b I is looking or talking to his staff, to see if they were directed to hide or move things after the subpoenas came through or if they deleted footage of what happened. That feels like a big deal I mean like jack smith, is flinging subpoenas like a like a blackjack dealer down there, like the whole staff, is now subpoenaed both of the column arteries. We, who can forget the calories, double kalama, Matthew, calamari, linking the european media that the plural cameras comrade. I think you re right. Here's my a single? I think one of them is a collar morrow. My favorite anecdote from this near time, sorry about, The mar a case was among them nation. They have gathered in interviews concerned his habit of flushing material down to its according to person. Familiar with the matter, and I just like love the idea of some very serious, f b. I agent asking questions like never one, so this goes down the shutters, yellow, let it mellow. Okay, number two
tiny. By having can you give us your take on the outside of the potential saudi connection? Here? It was just slipped in as wired paragraph twenty of the new york times stories like oh by the way, there's a subpoena fur trumps business dealings with the saudis over there. There golf venture yeah, I don't know what make of that and I've never really believed during a red string it for yup. They never really believed that trump took them on to classify documents to sell them to some other country or anything like that. But if you were looking for a way to trade, this information to let's say the saudi government for cash, it does seem like having the live, golf tournament host a bunch of matches or whatever they're calling them. The constantly different at his clubs will be a great way no wonder that monochromatic get his beak wet unbelievable, where we have you ain't, even and also talk about the fact that they have given immunity to a bunch of the fig electors, oh yeah, which, like georgia, yet those people immunity deals, they gotta mcnerney. So what are they now and why we give an end, and we
well as isn't given an immunity for free and like what and what those people did was very serious, very illegal and very wrong. And so you know who are the people you're going after there's, not very many above the electors that aren't named Donald trump, as tommy pointed out, one person who's still not taking advantage of any of this is rhonda santas who's busy dealing with more of his own bad press. A b c obtained video of tiny ds debate, prep sessions from his two thousand and eighteen race for governor or an advisor suggested that when he gets to the podium, he should write the word likable in all caps at the top of his notepad. You can also see Matt gates, telling the santas to tone it down, during prep and dissent is struggling with how to avoid pissing off trumps voters. Liberalism have the energy donated to me. I don't. I don't think that generates quite a bogeyman. The Democrats think it has three hid among guns, or does everyone who cares about is not an issue on which I disagree with president from
Obviously there is because I Haven'T- I voted contrary to him in the car I often prevent away as I can appear I have all his voters, and so what I do is I do what I think is right. I support his agenda in terms of what he's been able to do. I have a disagreement. I talked to him in private when you walk out of the seat. The same thing, you guys think it's a good sign for your political prospects when the person advising you on likability is Matt gates. Matt Gaetz is dressed, like he's going to go, sell nitrous balloons at a dave. Matthews concert he's wearing, like nirvana flip florida to tire easily, navigate to tell you to tone it down the fucking game. That gates is like here's how to be likeable. To be honest, take it from me mackie, it's not bad advice. It's pretty good advice from mecca. It's the whole
like seems kind of normal and more reasonable, and I don't even even to saint, is kind of steam smarter about politics, but he comes off is very angry and on an upcoming voice of his men, you always met you might say he comes off as a real sanctimonious wilhelm. You dont, like them, architects, Elliot's gag The other reminded me of something which is on the way which they're trying to corral this fuckin humorless stale voiced I need awful personality candidates to be illegal halted and when, when I was first when I was first working on the hill, I worked for centre him John chorodyne, much more like a woman, rhonda santas, but he was just. He was like a finance public speaking was not as for day and they like burly on. They wanted him to come up with jokes or have I be funny, and they brought me into a kind of speech.
And I just remember realizing how far we are from jokes, because one of the pieces advice was it be helpful if he stopped rolling up the speech and using that to scratch your beard, while you're talking right that one at the top of the notepad. But that's a bit like saying, write likable on your notepad is so goddamn funny. It's terrible advice can't just be like you to remind yourself to be likable. You are, or you are not when George w bush was running against bill Clinton built in was obviously more likable and more compassionate and more able to relate to people, and so there's a famous moment where George h, w bush says something about the grocery. Has any goes message. I care not was the that was not the part that was subtext. He was was stated, that wasn't that was shown. Ivory towers examine your name here yeah. I think they were something revealing win win gay
he's telling him oh you're, too aggressive and in what you just say what he was referring to is during debates. Prep, remember back in the twenty eighteen race at one point to Santa says: aright Florida dont monkey monkey this up by voting for andrew and and everyone took it as a racist statement and so in debate. They hit him. What that would mean that it had two centres with that and he basically was like yeah. I was pretty hot in response to that, but what I learned from Cavanaugh is: you can never even show a hint of weakness on these things or even seem apologetic at all. You ve got you gotta. Just go harden seem angry. that's the only way to do that, because otherwise our base will think that we're weak, and that is the lesson that all of them have learned. That is the whole lesson of the trump era. Never apologize act like an asshole and you can get through it. It's just, but he sounds
so whiney sounds like a whiner and his resting dumb face. In the whole thing I mean yeah, the it's a weird debate. Saf I mean maquettes is running your debate, prep, that's just a strange decision, yeah and now he's for an hours for trump. Why that that must be worried them I mean these kinds of tapes leaking. I don't know I've ever heard of that happening before that's a pretty big breach debate. Europe is, I kind of like an inner. and you know an inner circle kind of sacred J. Suddenly my doesn't leak, engage goes from, dissent is guided trump supporter sycophant dissent is headed big. split with susie wiles, who is running his campaign, the time she's now working for tromp, I would be sitting thinking, oh my god. What else they sitting on? Let's go the this episode of pod save america is brought to you by carrie Uma. The cool sustainable sneaker company made for life on and off the board. What is the boat
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A couple of weeks away from the default jet jet jet at yellowed is just is just just white knuckling on a toilet somewhere just smoking, anxiety for fucking days is not going to do janet yellen as a salad shit in two weeks. Oh my sake: she's anxious about it on any other podcast read it you're, not getting that on MSNBC. This comes after forty. Three republican senators signed a letter over the weekend saying they will not support a debt ceiling increase without substantial cuts of the kind the house passed. Meanwhile, Kevin Mccarthy and leadership aids are trying to tempt down expectations within their caucus about what would constitute a wind for republicans. Since his most extreme members are saying they won't go for anything less than the house. Bill are we just headed for a either default or a less crazy If the house bill is it still possible at this point, for Biden to get a clean increase is any kind of deal possible. Would he guess I would say first of all, I think, to get forty three senate republicans together to say anything close to this. It had to be vague and purposely vague.
So what they say is their united behind a house republican convert in support of spending cuts and structural reforms as a starting point for negotiations on the debt ceiling. That leaves a lot of room to manoeuvre and they will vote for closure any bill that ray is that only without substantive spending and budget reforms was also gives you a lot of space and fifty shades of grey. The starting point was fan fiction about twilight. You can get very far from your starting point, so something to think about, though it was. it was vague, but still they didn't get a then get romney collins and were kuski to sign on about letter. They didn't urine summer summer. They got
wait, I feel like they got. They got, they got above forty and they have cells in the back. I think what what the republicans have done, which is smart here in the senate, is there like? We cannot leave the lease at this point. We can't leave mccarthy out to dry. He got this pass through the house. We've got a lock arms with mccarthy. We can't have any daylight between the Senate and the house, republicans, otherwise we're not gonna get anything about audubon. That's to me that seems with that letter is about. I would say it's getting getting this off. This says where the state, the the senate. Republicans, are. I don't know that this is something that puts any more pressure on Biden than what he already was facing, but I think publicly it answers the mail on what we're getting asked open, orient yeah, I'm just so caught up on that in a previous come about gotta get out of the treasury I've I mean. I got good news. Bad use, good news! You can't really get much worse than a one point: five trillion dollar debt limit extension for less than a year for five trillion and cut. So
baby steps to better who know all, and I you know, I still don't see a path forward, though the reason I mentioned the on the Mccarthy side when we saw playbook today that he's telling is tamping down expectations is there were some senior republican aides in the house were like if we just get? If we just get the unspent covert and permitting reform, that's a win and like yo. No, don't get that horrible reminder a reminder that, like that with the house, republicans some of them play crazy. Some of them are crazy and some of the ones that play crazy or district a little bit nervous with some of the ones that are hey. Like I'm visiting this asylum, I would fucking lip your people but yeah. I do think, though, like I don't see a clean increase happening at this point because forget about the forty three republican, you also get your mansion. You dealing with the senate, forget about the house at this point.
This getting a clean increase through the Senate seems like it's very difficult at this point. I also think a lot of this is semantics. Like I don't know what like, if let like, for example, we don't know, what's going to come out of a conversation with mccarthy and Biden to mar, but one thing potentially is some sort of a framework that is a short term debt ceiling extension with some kind of cap on spending that kicks you to a negotiate, Jen over government shut down, plus that biting gets the call that a clean rays to get you to feel too. That to the negotiation who track strategy is right and sober like did biting get a clean debt limit increase in that case? Yes, no. I think that this madness, while part when you try to another negotiation, we need a bipartisan coalition of reporters tv broadcasters, pod castors, together and say were sick of talking about this. It is so boring and makes us want to die. Please just fix it, so we don't you're going to help us about our audiences.
People are saying people keep saying osborne. I'm interested. I like, I think the gamesmanship is kind of an island is fascinating, is rihanna game theory, soviets, game theory, real negotiation. Are you two real snakes happened to my four. I think. That's also exciting, with also saying to me about a two track strategy. As you get to do something, you got to do something that I think classically american, which is you, kicked the can down the road and raise the stakes which is a as the commission again raise. Bricklayers whirling make it worth word season. Six in everyone's lost the plaudits west world all over again it was his was rolled all over all over again how in anyway, your mind is the scene of the crime, speaking entertainment, different thing, axioms report, the tucker karlsson, about to go to war with fox news in order to get out of his contract, which is basically paying him. Twenty million dollars do not work for any competitor or himself at helstone. Twenty five tucker's. Apparently thinking about sir his own media venture he's approached: elon musk about working together and coarse, and a friend said that when it comes to fox tough,
quote knows where a lot of bodies are buried and is ready to start drawing a map. I dont saying this thing that, like what what fuck? bodies over there. What what do we not know about this heinous right wing, fascist organization, actual bodies like you said, actual scorpions, because it because it actually what it feels like what what fox news feels like right now, every roger ailes under the newsroom like how how far how it felt watching this over the last like six months, is like a graveyard after hurricane and all the bodies of kind of come fully up already. What bodies are low I'm crushing edit it. I m, crushing today here's what I know what you know: every generation every entering europe, your Ellsberg's daniel. Oh, my god, europe, your brok of which is air and are you could be that Tucker Serpico in a boat? I tell them Truth there's the way in which Erin brockovich, serpico and ellsberg are so different and just different analogies tell the truth. Tell your truth: Tucker tommy! I have a heaven. I have a different take! Oh wow. I want fox news:
when you ve always been a fox fan because to love it's point. What else is Tucker really going to do to fox that they have already done to themselves through various depositions and discovery precedence over the last several months? But if fox can somehow stop Tucker, from having a platform for the next two years. I think that's a win for all of I think that's great yeah, that's where I'm at too I want. I want fox to just hold the line on this eye on this. Some fascist non compete, judge with the murdoch's faded jobs aside. I think what I'm most interested in all of this is which mainstream media outlets are willing to uncritically print everything. Everything lawyer, says body are buried. I got a bear called brothers Larry and ride a finalize friends, sources close to tiger everyone is offering tucker money. I mean the amount of posturing going on in these news stories that are just going unquestioned is a notable I one of the one of the reports that was said that
daily wire's like I've, been waiting for the fucking tucker carlson Tucker calls in the caravan and the Ben shapiro carry those places those people should meet. In the middle I mean there is like Tucker carlson will wind up on a rumble or a daily wire type outlet. I think the question really is whether, as non city events in physical fitness for sixty minutes washing run your towns com Kids, I hold you run amok this week of inheritance, PAMELA Paul interpret girls and have a conversation in one of those checks as well. CBS Sunday morning, as I am sure that many five years old pursuing we had any get that thank your rapporteur and they have georgia here. George will doing of puff piece on Henry kissinger and one where I am. I live in the EU so that I do not see it now. I thought of it. We ve started. Do it anyway, yeah! I agree. I'd like anything, keeps turk karlsson. Quiet for awhile
Do you know what go at each other burn the whole conservative or ecosystem? I like quiet is kind of a is going to be arranged cause. I do think he's going to have a podcast on rumble or something like that going to do something its origin, whether these unused maxim or the non could be tweet a video and you are well just like you said you said, promoted. Finally, the list of clarence thomas scandals just keeps get longer: Harlan crow, didn't just secretly pay for private jet rides luxury yacht trips in the home of clarence, thomas, his mother, the latest pro public bombshell says the crow also paid the private school tuition for thomas's grey. If you add the wash and impose reports, the federalist society, goon Leonard LEO pay, twenty five thousand dollars to genie thomas through Kelly and continuity, is pulling company and asked that the paperwork have quote no mention of genie, of course,
Can the Senate judiciary can do anything about these scandals or any of the judicial nominations that are stuck in committee, of course, not because Dian Feinstein is still absent. Jake tapir made a point about this to dick durban over the weekend. Lets us they respect, sir, you and your fellow democrats were very ginger and very polite when it came to justice, ruth paine regensburg and not pushing her to retire when you had a democratic majority in the senate, how that work out for your? How that work out for roby wait well I can tell you that you can play these out and try to guess what this, when court opinions resulting from it will be The bottom line is that we have, in the past. had members of the Senate. I can think of a handful of some sitting here, Democrats and republicans human error. Because a medical conditions for lengthy periods of time I want to treat the day Feinstein fairly, I wanted be sensitive to her family situation and our personal situation,
I dont, want to say the truth can be put under more pressure than others have been in the past. Why is going? I will say this. So first of all, dig. Durban is the person that has set off this. It was dick turbans comments to cnn that set off the calls for diane fine sign to Ah retire. It was him telling reporter hey, I'm not gonna, be able to move. Judges to this committee were deadlocked in a bunch of shit. This is greater problem that set off the firestorm of people calling for her to retire. So he's I'm I'm sensitive the fact that clearly he is reacting to what the fine sand people have been saying witches. She is not going to be forced out, he's trying to be delicate and but that being said, ah yolks, yeah, I mean yeah. I agree with all that. Probably people would have noticed. That's why the the nominations were holed up in count. The votes on the on the
some point? We have returned magua. He went out there, but I'm saying he went out. There kicked it while he too, in a very, very disturbing in very deed, like all. It is a very determined right as it out every letter that the velvet velvety esta velvet gloves is that he is approaching all of this levy. This went viral because I jest question because of durban to get that these people are all collegial neural friends, this a get it I get it. You don't wanna, be nasty to someone who youth serve with firm years, but, like Can this a lot at stake here is a lot at stake when he goes on to say in that interview that, when fine signed put out in her statement that nothing is being held up, that he just doesn't agree with that that her absence is being felt in the committee. They can't do these subpoenas for harlin crow or for clarence thomas. It is slow on the nomination process, so he is saying that we look at in a land of aimed at Durban nobody's biggest biggest ignoring. I don't know what I'm surprised by myself: nobody, diaphragm, censured, fuckin retired or the reason it look. Turbans answers durban serve letter.
You, the chief of the supreme court about ethics, inviting him to come to the committee, was very frustrating and seemed incredibly feckless because it was sadly I subpoena not only are, as you will not attend, attend these. Any scathing response is basically how dare you even asked me strict scrutiny that a great episode on all these fronts- ethics issued that you should they should listen, but the biggest challenge because I was in there. They can't can issue a subpoena, the kid juno thing and so listen setting sidled that diane fine sign of it all now: one individual lawmakers hurt. Feelings should take precedence over the work that we all send in there to do in like that. The suggestion otherwise is silly. Fourth, collegiality she's eighty nine years old several years ago, there was around the stories about her asking the same question at a hearing verbatim twice in a row
that is when people really started talking about this day. The saddest part of this also is now we are now and we've been in weeks and weeks of stories about a lot of people calling for her to retire a lot of people questioning whether she is mentally fit, and certainly whether or not she is has the sort of physical stamina to ever return to the Senate through that entire period of time she said, I will return, but will not give a date. That is really sad because it tells you that her health condition is very serious that she and not return to the senate. So it is all very like it's. It is obviously human and it is somebody who is afraid to have their final moments of public life, be defined by their illness and calls to resign. That is obviously sad, but one person's ego and the staff's desire to protect that person's ego is not more important than confirming justices. Getting the subpoenas out the door and having full representation for california in the senate is ridiculous, and this I hate this isn't even potentially
worst of it, like you, know, diane, fine sense but megan, an argument that all how many judges they confirmed- and I give this argument- is like we're we're getting through all the judges that can be confirmed right now. and but it down the road. There's gonna be a roadblock. Of course. There's gonna be robot with her without her on the committee and then, of course, there is the supreme court stuff, but as Amy clover jar mentioned when she first talked about this, we have for the debt ceiling to potentially right, if, if if, if we'd get, if we get either Joe Manchin or kirsten cinema, one of them to not be an asshole in it report we required, like you, know fifty one democrats to be. There were fifty democrats to be there plus campbell harris, and we will. We have Dianne Feinstein. That could be a real fucking problem or it just it just change it just em sets. It sets one one card against us even further of having to need every vote. Ro khanna tweeted about how, because center
at the time, was absent. The Senate overturned a Biden rule that would cut pollution from heavy duty trucks and cause all of us to breathe and worse air. I mean that's a real that that has happened in the past and ah yeah. It's it's not just about confirming judges, I mean we can. They can spin this all they want, but that's not the extent of the problem more broadly on these clarence thomas revelations, it's now like multiple stories about claire thomas in ethics. There is a story about justice. New gorsuch selling, a law firm to big is selling released, will offer and that a bunch of issues for the court. Those questions about roberts is wife, placing lawyers at big fat arms and maybe earning ten million dollars. I think what we learning is that maybe decades in decades of really chummy coverage of supreme court that you know ends up in book deals and people being friend. Does not really serve as very well, and maybe we need someone adversarial worker, some training in october and not allowed to eating. I think that needs to burn,
I'm with you, everybody, let's we've got gotta, go a little harder these folks. These people got to reform the court. That's the only way out. There's, there's they're, not gonna, make ethics rules for themselves. They're, not Be there clearly not embarrassed by any of the reporting? They don't feel shame on this stuff. They feel like there above all, because because the way that we set up this, damn right now they really are. Unless we have you, no sixty votes in the senate to pass some reforms or to expand the core. to put in place term limits, or we or we have enough or have enough centers to get rid of the filibuster. We can do it with a few more yeah or if we have enough centers, get rid of the filibuster and, like you know I mean I again, would love it if Dianne Feinstein could come back and we'd actually could subpoena justice roberts thomas and let them set and then tat. I am yet and then have them be. You know, answer for themselves on national television, great, but real change. We are fucking change the court, the the cards to strive at the tuition, as I thought pretty funny, because the only defence that is not a gift, clarence thomas, is that it was actually
gift to the child would just really funny to think about a billionaire, giving a suitcase full of catch. Some kids go to school like, as we all know, it's the child who pays to wish in its wording. That was ending and kroes statement in response to the story was like. How could you turn like his love of education into something police I believe, there's always love of education. Yeah. It's asian and nazi memorabilia and I believe that thomas did disclose when someone else paid for part of this kid's tuition. So this just the that the most amazing thing about the thomas revelations is even forcing reporters from new york times to be like yeah. I did it, no, no! No, if ands or buts, pretty legal. Yet they have no eta. They can't spin it into her. They said he said they said every defense said they said they said they said sure. Every defense of crow, giving all this mighty clarence thomas in a variety of ways, has fallen apart.
For example, a crow gave an interview with the dallas morning news where he recounted how he first met clarence thomas and it was crow offering clarence Thomas a ride home on his private jet. That's how they mattered, they're just on a private pj, buddies, they're, PJ, PJ, buddies, During that flight we found out. We are kind of sympathetic airliner, radio out I've. Downloaded Another thing too, I might sell my copy of my kampf followed my bag. The collector do they want. It was a secret you of hitler design over a little like those that your liberty, one they sell out like they airport in new york, was a hitler. We'll healer? I thought of the paper way for his agent yeah. I got this an auction. The money they just like action is also
you caught arrived on a billion years, private jet, and then you had a great discussion with him, paying for the privilege of being on that private jet. With your conversation, you know like earning your keep as an interesting guest aboard this private jet gross I say it's gross rpg should retired. You know what I'll tell you something else. I tell you something else I got. We got all she's got shipper that I Galvin. I was one of the ginger people. Now, I'm just saying I'm sexes were going fine sand, resign him sexist con for r b g to resign. Listen here to make it a trend. Well people design all the time and you've had some old dude Grassley judge that out of there surround thurmond I'd limit his lasers say I'm just saying I was I remember when when when whenever even hinted at the idea, that rpg should retire, you were but properly for for furniture
is r b g. You are castigated at the time and just say you look back at it. Okay, I will. Hopefully, our producers can find some clips of you are calling for the rpg return you can find it live. You can find it go to the archives. When will the archive to the statistic when we come back parts of the uk host nish Kumar talks to tommy about his new, aghast and king charles the coronation, but has brought about a rocket money. Do you know how much your subscriptions really caused? Most americans they spend around eighty dollars a month on subscriptions, but the actual total closer two hundred dollars. If you don't know exactly how much are spending every month, you need rocket money rocket money is a personal financed. That finds in cancels your unwanted subscriptions monitors you're spending it help
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This deal ends on may fourteenth, so don't wait terms and conditions apply Our aid has been a wild weak in the united kingdom, which is why I'm so excited to welcome, be co. Host of pod the uk to the shower niche. It is so great to see you, you are number one in the uk and apple pie. Guess charts! Are you drunk with power right now? I'm drunk with pilot and I'm drunk with alcohol. Tell me I don't know what you know about british culture, but when things go well, we getting credit, drunk and things go badly. We get incredibly drunk I love that, let's all get pissed also I want to clarify to all I listen in the uk that I'm wearing this hat with pat the patriot on it not to be a trial, but because I need a haircut just get that on the table. Ok, king. Charles, had coronation bash over the weekend a lot of stories I saw in the run up to Saturday basically are you'd that nobody cared
First coronation is queen Elizabeth, the second at nineteen. Fifty three there's a poll that said sixty four percent of adults had no real interest in the ceremony. Did you end up watching and and do you think, sixty four percent of the country really just tune this thing out, I mean I think that there is there were made like a section of the public for whom the royal family incredibly important. of the of their lives and I don't know if I can speak to sixty four percent. I mean I think in terms of who watched it, it would probably be more than that. Just sort of out of sheer curiosity, I think with you care or not. There are a lot of people there. team din I mean literally because they sort of took over all the tv channels like a supervillain does in a movie when they re making abc broadcasters kicking down your door and shove. Anybody on you in your face to make you want. I love the bbc, god they love these. His royal events. I couldn't agree with you more strongly about
These absolutely love the baby say, but the air they go. They go hard, they ve got a problem about a foot. For the royal family of the coverage of the royal family, its relentless this is why I love your share so much because you guys had this really thoughtful demigod and you are talking about federalism, vs the monarchy, and I want to get one ask you more about that in a second, but you cheated up, I think, saying, but is more difficult than just getting rid of these cousin fuckers right, which that kind of can as the chauffeur me, but before we get to that there were, Jim arrests of peaceful protestors, who went what happen their wended london decide outlaw peaceful protest on the streets Government has a kind of the so large. A background to this is at the governess passed a bill. That term specifically makes it more difficult to protest in this come
and some of that process bill was on the back of some of the kind of climate protests that have been happening all over the world, but specifically britain, The climate process that been happening at the government have passed a bill, some of the terms of which allow police to set at appropriate level for protest which are don't anybody thinks a good idea, but some of them, you powers given to them in this protest? Bill seem too been used on a protest as it is widely not actually just protest as they have been arrested and there were three people rested in so how sad today on a conspiracy to commit public nuisance, and it transpires that those people were volunteer as for programmes run by westminster city council at some distribute rape alarms to women. Might be vulnerable travelling on their way home and get a repulsive,
today at the s, suggests that a resting offices claimed that they were acting on some intelligence, that those people were planning to set ripe, lambs off and throw them of the horses to make the horses go crazy, and the this could not come a worse time for the map police, whose reputation terms of handling particularly female members of public, is is an absolute all time low and with huge amounts of justification and say, it was, it was a very, very its that's, a very specific thing: that's worth keeping an eye on them as the days developers to any whether any charges are gonna be They ve arrested yes and protestors. They even arrested a journalist who was filming the protest and whose filmed himself being arrested in a kind of weird, so blair witch footage, whorra nightmare of being arrested,
simply for that. What he's trying to tell you can see all the footage he's sort of saying to people? Well, I'm I'm a journalist of the they suggest that I've got a guy. Now we will crack up with this yeah, we'll arrest you anyway, yeah yeah. Every time we talk, I realize how similar our our nation's problems are. It's getting that balance right of allowing protesters to do their thing has been a real challenge for us last couple of years too. So the the the monarchy has guessed it. A very long time that doesn't mean it's going to be around forever. On last week's pods of the uk, you and Coco had this great conversation with a scholar, and you talked to this labour mp about what it would take to get rid the monarchy now do the only kings we have here in the? U s: r, R, L, this leubronn in burger, help us understand We get rid of this family. They just like won't go away. we say as a representative of the united kingdom, we would like to thank his majesty. The burger king, at several of his embassies, have opened throughout our country
where were we remain grateful of its it? The interesting thing about having a conversation, Someone like a media Emily had filled his apologies for that. We talk so on this. Is that the mechanism for removing the royal family moving to republic is very complicated and would require almost certainly a referendum, which is, I think, at this point. If you told the british people that they could even have a referendum or repeatedly be smashed with a cricket bat in the genitals they would say well bring on the bought crickets, the most english of games. Let's crack on with this just because I think we we may be referendum are out, but for people like clive Lewis, who is the labour mp that we spoke to, I think one of the most important things in the short term is actually a referral. of the royal family because the guardian is done. Love really amazing reporting in the last couple of weeks at to show the
tend to which the wine The family, as essentially I mean they ve, basically actively been fighting to prevent scrutiny into their financial affairs and prince Charles, is net worth the sort of estimated to be in the one point eight billion pound region, but the the oregon yeah yet, but the truth is telling us also an estimate because they have for any attempts to kind of risk get full clarity on how much they earn just jessica set this income. Next, we know every single thing that every one of us mps who, like the royal family, are public servants and we have the right to. that we know, for instance, that our former out secretary, as we discussed when we had the chat on the bonus episode of the shot apple were held secretary, was paid three hundred twenty thousand pounds at to go on a reality. Tv show where he
I hate bugs for a while, and we know, but we have the right to know that we we have the right to know how much say Gary Lineker is being paid. His career presenter of football highlights on the bbc and who found himself could have minded a political row after he criticised the borders of migration bill we because he works for the bbc. We know how much the bbc pays it because the ideas we pay that money and so the idea the world family is able to be undertaken by its finances when they take money from the public purse is something that I think the short term? I think a lot of people regard as further fail about the ongoing institution. Fail should happen so pretty urgently yeah something our supreme court seems like there's some Some transparency needed here before we move on. Have you seen this twitter theory that people who I have that Meghan Markle actually did attend the coronation display,
saying she was sticking around the california. There was a seventy nine year old man named sir Carl Jenkins Apparently the composer got long white hair he's gotta mustache he's got glasses your classic the sky. Get up, and many people are saying that maybe I called a in addressed. This second kind you build white dude care to comment. Yes, look, I'm afraid to say, sir call jenkins. Is it extremely talented, composer, unfortunately, has chosen a moustache and haircut and glass combination. That makes it look like I share in is doing some sort of bar our style. Pragmatic is deeply unfortunate and he did he was pictured the coronation and yet I had this happened. I give up the paper site like it, but a good discussion. If anything, it would be fig that baby
High profile that brought the role family, who is a positive color, had to disguise themselves as a white bad to get into the covered. I, if I did think that we felt like deeply apt about that, but I'm pretty sure, even if beggar buckle tried to get aid, heavily heavily disguise, be some sort of alarm that would have been set off. I think they buy a purchase bitter and if she d set for anywhere day the crowd, a bunch of olaf's got off the badger polity police would have throw to reject. with the other eat out criminal elements such as people tried to give withered ripe alarms. I love this because you know thirty? This theory did not stop the new york post from writing it off so on, and that's how I read all about it so that the new york post is a, I believe at least philosophically the bastard child of the these paper, the united kingdom, and I guess both of those newspapers about a tenuous relationship with the terms of the past. How tenuous invest
okay, so back to a little more serious. If so, england just had some local elections. Yes in the us, I think be the equivalent of kind of like a city, councilor or mayor all type position, but there are we looked at as about whether of the ahead of the next national elections, the conservator, it quite poorly. I think they lost or a thousand local council seed. Yet the labour party gained about five hundred that more centrists lived gems and the greens independence day. One a lot of analysed, are wondering given how, add a run. The tory party, the conservatives, have had from Recent may to boris Johnson's party scandal. in handling of covered to list trusts nearly so The economy with a budget should labour have done better. What what do you think how you analyzing this kind of what what we just saw? Well, the first thing, I would say, is just briefly at least truss andy
good, to be brief on her as befits perfect target alpha, she if she was at the coronation at its this weird spectacle that I guess an equivalent, is you guys, having one term president's at the inauguration, maddened eh. I guess it's the equivalent this, but she's going to be. I all of these events. She was at the fucking combination for longer than she was prime minister like it was just lately obscene that she got the she gonna take but yet the and the conservative party last one thousand and sixty one sees roof, and they have been alone reports that they have encountered on the doorstep. A lot of hostility to the legacies left by boris johnson are endless. Trust of the rishi soon hasn't been able to detoxify. The immediate legacy of his two predecessors Do you like yeah? Of course, he hasn't because it was like months ago, like everybody's, a great people did I
kick them well to remember things that happened less than a year ago and less than here year ago, a late, who from what I can tell half a bunch of crystal meth red margaret thatcher's wikipedia your page and then build our policy platform. Above it nearly ten, british economy, I'd wipe that equally paths of the public purse, so that is still continues to damage exempted pie. I mean ass to whether labour, should have done better. I mean there was some so hasty expectation management from the labour party in the immediate led up to the local election and they were so are trying to say. Well, you know if the conservatives lose so six hundred seven addresses that's a good night for us and we see the figure is a thousand which were some of the harshest predictions that people say it would happen
I think for labour. The mood at the moment coming out of the labour party is beyond euphoric. Encased. Armor has said that these, like election results, are evidence that the party is ready for power lots of people who understand these things more than I do have been warning that the results are not completely clear car. They got away to go before they can be confident about that. Yeah. I've seen a lot of comparisons to to nineteen. Ninety seven, when Tony blair had this massive victory and that was preceded by doing even better and local elections, but boy. My big take away from your answer. There is my god, my jealous that you have an electorate that remembers things that happen. we're working on thirty days. Man, like you know, like couple of years ago. Trump was a gauss storm that capital and kill. Some people are like that or the government seems like a decent guy, but my dear dear broader point of like okay, what will the tories do? Too Whatever momentum labour has
It does seem like like in the united states. Immigration is a big emotional issue for conservatives, as we speak, people in washington are very concerned about the preparing for a potential surge of migrants to our southern border, because Joe by nasa get rid of this european dynamic era rule that would essentially for everyone to be expelled, but for you guys, I mean look the last time I checked in correct me. If this is changed, the uk is an island you can't just kind of like stroll up to london from another country annually. I would love for you to come and explain that does some the people that live here today help me understand this The tories made such an issue. As far as I can tell there is a section of people in the united kingdom who believe that the country is connected. via airport style travelling as that this bring a ceaseless stream of
a job stately gave a goods into the country it's become, but the indistinct, the key thing with it is that, like the? U S, republicans the so The title is kind of wagging the dog. Here, the conservative, He is being led by a small section of it's electorate and conservative voters actually said that the the apollo concept boat was found that stopping the boats are actually the second most important issue to conservative voters at a head of cutting edge. waiting times and that is that sets out the boats are the the migrants were coming from a year that will live sprague s rights. Every people are making crossings in english channel from france and at their saluted them it's a date. Stop the boats into our carve out of migrants, its it's the bogeyman and the phrase stop the boats. You know so
it seemed to this kind of campaigning pounded the to reply on the brakes campaign. You can boil everything down to three words: take back control, stop the boats, get breaks, it done, that these types of key slogans and and- and I think soon accused of hoping that stop the boats is his version of it
that he can sort of animate the conservative vote, but I'm not sure how it's gonna play in terms of winning over swing voters, because, ultimately you know every element of the country is struggling. You know he can't see a doctor and there's going to be more train strikes over the weekend. This, the threat of more strikes in the nurse is threat of more strikes in the doctors, because public sector pay is still in real terms to recover from two thousand, and I really that's how long standing a lot of these problems are and those problems kind of as prevalent in the private sector, so with the whole country grinding to a whole. I think I just
I like this a lot of people that are gonna. Think why the hell are you talking to me about boats when I can't see a doctor yeah. That seems right. I mean it is remarkable: how much scar tissue there is in both countries, the us and the uk, from two thousand and eight and the financial crisis and everything that kind of came after so there's this new book out called Johnson attendants about Boris Johnson's time as prime minister. Some of the excerpts are unbelievable. He says he to himself as the furore. It's probably not something I call myself. I call himself the king, I think area I have one of those it describes him as having no vision for how to govern talks about fights with his wife. His top adviser, Dominic cummings, is like Karl rove, Steve Bannon creep are, are the revelations seen as explosive and you think there is any chance able
change. Opinions about boris johnson bees over here, there's a book a minute about donald trump, with some new revelation and his approval rating is at forty two percent in perpetuity. I don't think This is gonna change, anybody's minds. I think it is a really valuable it'll think. Ultimately, all of these things are really valuable historical documents of the books written by guy called serenity. Selden he's been writing about british prime ministers for forty years. I any that she is actually a head teacher as well, so the whole thing he in a place like this kind. report card you get when you leave woody leave office. I love that the thing
with boris johnson is so much of his kind of incompetence is kind of priced in. I get a lot of stick here from various people, including a lot of journalists at FIU, drawing parallels between johnson and trump, and but there is a huge amount of common ground between the two men. You know not just the like repeated use of racist language, not just the building of their brands through the media and kind of the use of celebrity cultivate by entertainment, television that they ve then leverage did the political power. Our countries are both stuck in this we're place where we, through our leaders, overboard new trump and boris Johnson, but they won't go away. It's like it. You through a party that drunk? I still very keeps turn up. The music is hidden on your girlfriend like what
we do here. How do we get them to take the hint? You have any ideas that we could borrow, because I think you guys have done a little bit better job, but but ricci soon, as the current tory prime minister hasn't, for example, thrown johnson out of the the party itself know, I mean he's where possible, he sort of trying to distance himself from Johnson which is very difficult to do because he was Boris Johnson's, chancellor. So, notion lee. He was the second most powerful person in that government, so it is extremely difficult for him to distance himself from but I think the similarities between the two projects are made, which doesn't it feel like you should even call it a project, but between the two shit shows. One of the case of large is, I think, is both of them kind of approach to scorched earth policy to their own
parties, so either you got in line or you about style, and what that means is that created the super power vacuums in the republican party in the conservative party? And so you ve got this situation where, potentially dissenting voices were purge, and so you'll now left in a situation where everybody involved in the party was very much signed up and part of it, and so is very difficult to distance themselves from those leaders. At I mean the only thing that's gonna help here. I think: he's getting them out of office, but ass we ve seen in america either you did volume out. You got rid of him, you survived and an attempted coup. That is weird. after I think during that time would like some nazis tried to steal america like it how do we in waves with anything else trades? They waited night lots of waves
it was a terrible thing and it it just it's deeply frustrating that a big chunk of the country doesn't look at that memory or think about that history and think that was really bad. Let's not do that again. That's all I'm asking yeah, but if you have the kind of apparatus of a media machine, you know that, regardless of you know all of those revelations in the vanity fair article about rupert murdoch and his contempt for trump didn't. Stop him from eventually completely signing up to two at wholesale and trump was this kind of careering freight train, that Murdoch forgot he was responsible for setting off from the station. Neither is it it's the same thing in this country. Neither the daily mail, the sunday which is a murder paper. They all have done such an aggressive pr job and even the day, boris actually efficient, left
office, the sun and the male both had headlights to the effect of. How could the conservative party do this so they were trying to take root? That's all betrayal narrative, as he was leaving office in absolute cloud of disgrace, because it's not join the parties that cause Johnson to go. There is also a conservative colleague chris pincher who'd, been accused of sexually harassing various people, work for the conservative and johnson in ITALY. warned about this and when he was warned about it, he he said pincher by name pincher by nature and then gave him a fucking job
say it wasn't even just the policies. It was a total kind of cloud of disgrace. He was removed from office it, but if he then have newspapers essentially telling the country that this person was taft out for no good reason, you end up in a situation that you guys are in a country where you have this lake lunatic who mismanaged covered it caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people then tried to come. led a fascist coup and people are still thinking. Well, maybe twenty twenty four exactly exactly well nick kumar. That is why parts of the uk is so critical, because you are the leading edge of the speech That is going to take down the murdoch empire. You heard it here first, so I doubt coco. I don't believe he could be killed toby. I don't believe he can be killed. He's very old. The guy in succession die That's boiling is boy. That's I think, because jesse herbs drug is like not just a great right
but deeply borrow mad. I think he's hope. Aglow could really subsoil voodoo doll, baby it's a heart attack to it might take down murdoch I'm just going to not comment on this. Thank you so much. It was great talking with you and everyone subscribe to positive the uk. It is a fantastic show, We have so many shared problems. I think their shared solutions will hear about both, but also you're, just going to laugh a lot. So I think we all need to laugh. So we don't cry thanks to me, you're the best based on this committee for joining us and we'll talk you guys later. Thanks of the calories, two things to the column areas as well, pod. Save America is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez. Our producers are anti gardener, Bernstein in Bolivia, Martinez, its mixed and edited by
your chadwick jordan canter, is our soundings near with audio support from cairo segment in charlotte land, thanks to halley, keefer madeline, geringer irish works, Andy task and justine how for production support into our digital team, Elijah cone, Phoebe Bradford me a common then have coat and David told subscribed to pod save america on youtube to catch full episodes. Exclusive content in other community events find us at youtube. Dot com, slash at pod, save american.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.