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Trump's General Election Pivot

2023-09-21 | 🔗

With the first primaries still months away, Trump skips more debates and pivots to a general election strategy with a primetime speech to autoworkers in Michigan and an attempt to cast himself as more moderate on abortion. Will it work? Then, Politico Congressional correspondent Daniella Diaz joins the show to help make sense of the GOP’s shutdown shit show. Finally, the most divisive topic on Capitol Hill this week: what John Fetterman is allowed to wear.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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wasn't applied. They America, I'm john fabric, andean pfeiffer. On today, show team Biden tells anxious democrats to chill out the ideology as a political joined to talk about the Republican shut down shit show dan and I weigh in on what is by far the most consequential issue in congress this week, where John fetterman is wearing hoof, going to steel myself for that one, alright, but first, even though the iowa caucuses are still four months away
trump is already acting like he beat his primary opponents and the ninety one felony charges is facing he's now, reportedly skipping the third republican debate in florida, and he skipping next week's debate here in California, so that it can give a prime time speech in the battleground state of Michigan, where he will pretend to be pro worker to an audience that will reportedly include plumbers, electricians, pipe voters and ottawa, yours whose union is currently on strike trumps, also been trying to pretend he's more moderate than most republicans on the issue of abortion, which is finally getting him. Some actual criticism from the pie. we republican governors of iowa georgia, as well as his sorry excuse for primary opponent. Rhonda santas.
Hit trump on the issue during an eye or radio interview. I dont know how you can even make the claim that you're, somehow pro, why, if your criticising states for enacting pro life protection, though I think, if he's going ended, a thing he's gonna make the Democrats happy with respect to right to life. I think all pro life version, I know that you keep preparing to sell. You out sounds like tiny de finally got his head out of his asked anne. Do you Do you think he said that because his favorite pod casters advised him to on Tuesday show I'm sure he lost you guys such as before you and even give listening and on his way to his next event. Now as absolutely there his It is amazing that all of us at the world, ourselves included, thought that ron de santis could give a real challenge to donald trump with that voice. You have your way out of it. I don't sell only if I use them about their moorish ball.
I think about. I didn't listen. I didn't listen closely enough at the beginning of this whole thing. You know it's just it's bad, it's bad! So trump clearly heard this criticism because he then went back to bragging about ending. constitutional right to an abortion when he was an island, worthless, listen had last year, I was but they do something that nobody thought was possible. We ended roe v way. I got the job done. I gotta die. Added sag say the three great supreme court justices and others on the board that I appointed. So I guess the big question for the republican primary Are there a significant number of republicans in iowa or elsewhere? Who will decide that trump coming out against a six week? Abortion ban is just it's a bridge too far. Now there are not many years are. We know, is that in turn
sixteen all of trump's opponents they used ads. They use the media to try to pain. Tromp assault on abortion by using a cliff where he would meet the press, it. Ninety ninety nine. Instead, I'm very pro choice. The voters jack that, then why would they fall forward for it? now after drums and everything in office at the anti abortion groups wanted him to do it. Even if there were some voters. The latest poles have trouble Thirty and I'll see you have to fight. Third of republican voters who thought this in order to catch him, it just its sure points for trying here by it seems very, very challenging. The guy is a cult leader. Who is worshipped and is the one who ended the constitution. I to an abortion, the reason that Rhonda Santa's got to pass a six week. Abortion been is because of donald trump
and he is basically telling his voters that being against a six week, abortion ban is what he needs to help get em elected president again and most of the republican party. Most of the voters must have trumps supporters would rather donald trump, be president, then get a six week worship, band or even a national band- they just they don't care that much about policy. They care about donald trump. That's who they love, that's who they worship. So I think it's associated the thing about trump is every politician cares about power, but they pretend to care about polls If trump doesn't pretend right, abortion is only a way to get more power, and, if being if be- and he would just tell people of being for a six week- ban- helped him when he before a six week ban, but it doesn't so he isn't right. That's it that's it and there like any, like he's basically telling people respect my political judgment. This is what I need to do. to get into the white house and that's the most important goal not aboard and at most a rubber converters like yet no, we don't care the bequest
The general, though, is whether trump can fool enough voters into he's not as extreme on abortion as the typical republican we tried what is on tuesday. I said Emma little worried. Apparently, the Biden folks are to political reports at the bottom campaign, saw trumps comments, as quote a flashing red light. What do you think? I share your worry. You know this is a point you make all the time which is the biggest cause it in politics is not here Democrats between people who follow political news closely and those who doubt and in in yes, abortion was the issue they drove the mid terms and helped democrats when races, we shouldn't have want that could happen again, but it's worth noting that at the time Now in twenty four legs, anything like a turn out in twenty twenty theirs. Fifty million people who did not vote in twain twenty to her in this election and most of them do follow political nous closely. They have, in fact, not a paid any real attention to politics since the last time they voted and action.
I think, because with the media environment, has changed the less frequent vote. those are less engage with political news and they have ever been in the past as there are no longer running into it in social media in the same way they before in the local news in the same way that before, and so he has really does the budgets for all of them are most of them. He doesn't persuade some of them, and that is a very real thing that could happen. If we are not careful about it, they are also less likely to be either very liberal or very conservative, and I wouldn't use the word moderate, but they have views on issues set of issues that are complicated, so they may be pro choice, but they might not be so pro choice. That's that's good to be the issue that they vote on? They may care about inflation more? They may care about immigration more whatever people are complicated and they get more complicated in their political views when they are the type of people who only show up to vote in presidential elections no there's a lot of like running round and cheering about special
since in democratic over performance, which there has been over the last several years about the mid terms when democrats overcome formed and there wasn't a red wave. But again, you know the way that the conditions of both parties have changed We now have voters who were in the democratic party, who tend to be to pay attention to the news more closely, who are more politically engaged college educated voters, show up in specials and they show up in mid terms and they'll shoot up in the presidential race? For sure, but, like you said, there's a whole bunch of other people who are going to show up who have not shown up in the mid terms, who have not shown up any special elections, but did show up in twenty sixteen and did show up in twenty twenty so tramp tramp not only said that and I are in iowa. He also truth about it. You have posted a truth. Is that I killed row and then Joe Biden. That truth ate. My wife everything
he warned that tremble go even further if he gets back to the white house. I imagine that this will continue to be a foe of the Biden campaigns advertising they ve already run. Some adds about this about trumps record on abortion in what he will plan to do anything else. You think they should be doing toots. skeets threads, escaped me. More kids and skates I think it's good bye and when, after this they should be opportunistic about opportunities to push back on trump on abortion to keep abortion at the top of the political agenda can make sure it's a salient issue. One have to call thing business over the Biden campaign to do with it. Some political entity could do is in twenty twelve one thing: at the obama campaign? Did that was very helpful? Was we knew from our pulling that republican efforts, including mitt romney, support of defining plant parenthood?
was incredibly unpopular with what we used to call her up for grabs universe of voters. Women within that group, who Whither decide between voting in our voting or between obama in romania. So the campaign went up on the air at low levels. programmes that over indexed on women, viewers with money just a steady one of ads about defining plain permanent as such or effort could happen here. It is work the same way because the media's very different by you could see it instagram or other social preference, but a digital in linear tv veto, low level pain about trump in abortion just goes up soon and stays up the whole time as a way to just make sure that he can't wiggle out of his most extreme positions and what putting Biden and other democratic surrogates, whether their politicians, whether their celebrities, whoever like non traditional media, non political media till I get this message out there because, as you said, there's just a lot of people are paying attention to
consuming political media. Political news like they use do- and you know you mention women, which is obviously key young people and wherever young people are getting not just their news, but just their content in general. Getting some you know pro choice surrogates, whether their connected to the bottom campaign or not. You know out they're in those media outlets are in those in those places where people are getting their content seems like. That would be a good idea to absolutely I so sorry about trumps trip to Michigan next week so far has only comments about the? U s. W strike have been when he said. I meet the press. That quote, the autoworkers being sold down the river by their leadership but the disease and to give a speech in detroit, is reportedly making some democrats nervous, because that's that's who we are now here's a political reality as we are now
yeah now, a similar while you are used for donor, assured cockiness yeah, that's us! So here's the political lead from yesterday some Joe allies fear that donald trump is out maneuvering them on the auto workers strike. They also worry. It's a sign that the ex president has a more sophisticated campaign than in previous cycles, and that binds operation needs to step it up alright before we get to our parties, perpetual angst. What do you think of Donald trump's attempt to sell himself as a champion of the working class, which you know in fairness? He has been trying to do since two thousand and sixteen with some, you know varying levels of success. There's a very sound of the prospective trying to get attention, because voters are just going donald trump heads to michigan to rally with union workers. That's it. That is a signal that he, unlike all these other republicans, who want to cut taxes for preparations do all these other things. It me it's so in that sense, it's very good. Now,
There is a limit of a myth that tromp has had great success in peeling union voters away from Democrats in four as an example in two thousand and twelve. According to exit polls, obama won universe by eighteen points in twenty by one of my sixteen points by just so We see me a little bit less like corporatist she'll than other republic this could help trumpet a static michigan for sure, and it's also a mean it this issue is about union workers. It's also an attempt, more broadly to just peel away working class voters from the democratic party and which trump has had some success, doing, among certainly among white working class voters, but increasingly a non college educated working class, black and latino voters well, particularly men, you know unlucky he's out there. He makes a lot of noise about a the ills of free trade and foreign competition, and you know says that the Democrats so that that the message now from
ben jade events and all those assholes. As you know, the Democrats have sold out the working class to their coastal elites in there. Base in hollywood and academia and it's what you know. It's like shit. The republicans have been saying since the seventies, but now you ve got the leader of the party doing it, and I will say that prompts approach is quite different then his opponents you wanna hear what a pre trump Republican sounds like on these issues. Here's what TIM Scott had to about. The strike you already was ronald Reagan gave us a great it now federal voice either was right. Your buyer civil said me that you that it was again absolutely I mean one. You rather run against that message than trumps message, even though we know terms, as is a fucking lie in complete bullshit. A hundred per cent trouble, is it either on the celebrated from that original? Pluck up what you read that binds
outmaneuvered, but this is evidently trump is running, a more sophisticated campaign that has in the past, for you too, and we should. Everyone should be well aware of that fact, as we how we think about this race, but what they it is the way he's getting back to his twenty. Sixteen words in this respect, roots is run right on cultural issues and tat a little bit left on economic issues from your party. Member that rightly ordway rhetorical yeah, yeah man, the media campaigns like tat, you can and governs like Paul ryan bide. He ran in that race he's. He would even said, no cuts, security, medicare or medicaid. He taught even when against his own white papers about being against tax cuts for the rich and corporate tax cuts and wanting to close the headphone loophole in all things, because he understood that the Republicans had this working class base. If they had to appeal to and that he's too. He was that in twenty two and the whole thing into a bunch of grievances about himself, and he is returning to those routes, weather
or not. Whether you can stick to it is an open question, but there are some troubling signs there. Yet, he also had a record in he was running and twenty twenty? He had a record that Democrats pointed out where he stopped a minimum wage hike, restricted overtime. Pay me hard to join the union. Gutted health and safety protection for workers tried to take away care for millions by repealing the affordable care act, then no, a big giant tax cuts that benefited the richest people america and corporations, especially those. want to do a ship people's jobs. Oversees soy that was his record and democrats pointed out. I do think we probably need to do that again, because you know I miss the days when mitt, romney and Paul Ryan word brag about how they wanted to gut people's health care. In retirement, give tax cuts to the rich because the rest of america's filled with lazy freeloaders much enough. The government there
honest about it at least, and its much more difficult to pin trumped down, because he does have that record from when he was president. But again a lot of people are just watch in the speeches are looking headlines and not really checking out what the record was, and so I think, that's part of democrats, job and Biden's job to remind people that made this good. This could be a savvy move across a block in a space because he is the most anti worker president american history and he's going to with worker. So if you kicked anyway with his chin there and you put him right the jaw than its How can we use every move on that, but we determine whether that happens, as only Democrats have to do with speaking about there's apparently been and fourthly, the white house over whether Biden himself should join the you ate up. We want to picket line, which has some no president has ever done. What do you think about that? He should absolutely go Absolutely. The conversations are like in the white house, I'm I'm. I was imagining this and I'm guessing There is some group of people,
who are saying: ok, the most important governing and political objective here for the white house. The resolution that gets the best deal possible for workers and gets them back to work and that's good for workers, that's good for the economy and then politically, that's good for the rights of that's. Like the from an objective and they're probably got anything that gets in the way of that you know, may be good for couple headlines, but it's it's not good for the long term object getting a deal in the uk, I'll, be EU leadership is out there being like. We don't want politicians involved whether in they don't that we should say also they do not like donald trump, and so it's not moving on the? U s, w donald trump doing and leadership, they have been blasting him but their elegant. Even if it's president Biden, we just Don'T- want politicians involved. We want to do this ourselves. So I wonder if there's that fact in the white house that is like offering that caution, though I I agree with you that he should go, do it. I could. I could just stay here and do a one act play of that
I know exactly how it got me. That's the economic team is saying we got. lloyd involve too, if we, If we don't get this off, is gonna hurt gdp by point nine three percent, the third quarter and what that would mean- and then you have other People are saying: well just you know. If you do this, then the next call we're gonna get is from the screen, accurate, skilled and the writers guild. to calm down what about when the teachers are on strike, you gonna go walk with them and then there people who say both now signals that your responding to trump because tromp is going to Michigan. I get all of that These things are never gonna get a call from the nlrb from the national labor relations board and they are going to say that you're not supposed to insert yourself- and this is the regulation and blah blah blah blah blah but yeah, but the only thing I would say- and these things are never simple as a bunch of broadcasters just like shooting from the hip, as I just did their bite, the biggest challenge for buying on the economy is getting attention. He did
He has done the right things. He largely says the right things, but no one hears- and this would be one of the rare high profile moments that people who do not watch cnn and listen upon, save america would actually know about. So you gonna take that's really what I think These next few months are between this and the down? These? Are the most high leverage moments he is going to have to change the political trajectory on the economy and perhaps himself that he's gonna get until the campaign kicks off in you. To take em, you gotta rule the dice. You need a high variant strategy here, it's risky, but I think it's worth doing now Few weeks ago unite talked about some of the damage. anxiety over the fact that by was not really mentioning tromp all that much and was not focusing on trump and that's because,
as you know, there's still a republican primary playing out and it's still early and he's got plenty of time. While now we have donald trump, who is looking past the primary and now focusing almost exclusively on Joe Biden, because he is You know, thirty forty points ahead of all of his rivals and skip the debates now that kind of stuff. Do you still think that Biden should ignore tromp, or is it Is it time to start the general here cause? I I kind of think it's time to start the general. I think it's time to start the general, but I don't think that means that everyday Joe Biden has talking about donald trump. I think he should opportunistic about it, I think trump gutless there can you can eat Whether by goes the strike or not engineer a moment whereby Biden isn't them it's worker, somewhere or in some sort of environment where he gets out question about trump going to miss you just hammers em for his answer. worker positions you right cause and basically full ship without using, there. You can find some moments to do it, but not to do it all the time. I do think for the. I'd groups and others who are already on the air running provide ned's were probably get.
In closer to that period of time or you're, going to mix in some contrast stuff with trump to begins, laying a foundation for the campaign when it really kicks off next year. Maybe button should call him full of shit that get a headline there I may. Actually you know, like you know, when he What is he called Peter Doocy? Oh son of a bitch here, maybe doesn't to go that far, but it wouldn't, and yes, that guy's full of shit. Speaking of the credit anxiety. Here's a headline from access buttons team tells nervous stems just chill in true axis should the pieces and actually have any one saying those words just chill, but it does
my darlin Biden, senior adviser, has been telling anxious democrats, the two issues, abortion and donald trump- will propel Biden to re election in the white house plans to continue its rose garden strategy with a three pronged message that focuses on protecting democracy, abortion rights and a resilient economy, including historically low unemployment rate and here's. The kicker quote in those private conversations democrats have been struck by top white has aids confidence. Some worry its hubris hard. You feel after in that peace better worse, neither does mainly angry and access. That's why we want to do is just it. Just seems like something there was engineered two infuriate everyone right, Biden tells Democrats the chill the f out. We got this and that's not no one said that, as we know my gonna, let us on how he talks
nice strategies that has always outspoken mild, mannered man who very thoughtful elsa yeah? It's not that it's it, though, Point of the headline was to trigger democrats, who think Biden Shouldn't ryan is being complacent, who thinks Raul? Ah, Fiddling while Rome burns here, all of that and that's not- this is not with theirs. in the binding campaigns body. Language activities suggest there being complacent. Here they are on the air right now spending real money, because they do not, they see the same stuff in there pulling. I assume that All the rest of democrats reaction to the public, who are you I was going to say if they really are like super confident and everything like that, like his show, is you're pulling yeah, I don't, I don't think they're pulling. Is that much different than than what we're seeing publicly and out there unscrewing the pulse right or complain about out at right, which is I think you do whether their policy some indifferent or not by it still yet doughnuts doughnuts pupils. Please
I also thought it said, rose garden strategy in there and I'm like what rose garden strategy Joe Biden's, like out on the campaign trail all the time and he's like flying around the world. As president like, I don't, I don't see a rose garden strategy from them. That also was not in quotes either right, yeah. Of course. What do you think about the issues? they set their focused on and then how those issues- gonna, propel Biden, reelection cosette I that we can yell about the peace, but other that's the peace. The part of the peace worth talking about clearly is gonna, be when the most important issues in selections can be incumbent upon bite and democrats to ensure, as we just talked about that it remains at the top of voters, minds so clear that the economy by needs to improve its numbers and economy, no, no one is wine. A campaign in modern buckle history, without winning on the economy Biden, is trailing significant, they the economy right now, now the egg use of the term resilience in there? I now herself also something not includes, and it right
and for lady, but it is consistent with how the binding campaign advertising has been, which is here's where we were terrible. We did these things. Here's where we are now now we gotta, go finish the job and I think that's probably what they mean, but I've been. Like really trying to find a way to write about big, the politics economy and I've been like digging into the pulling in it so fusing, but one thing that is clear is that people are still hurting right. It's not all polarization. It's not all political there's, a navigator pull out this week, shows that ninety one percent of voters say that inflation is a major concern. And that's not all just republicans watching fox news or just are hearing about it. It's there are eighty five percent of Democrats The number is when you get lower down. The economic scale are worse, and so that says to me, you know, inflation is getting better. People are still feeling the pinch, I think that is different than I think we thought the economic messaging would be, maybe a few months ago, when we
consumer confidence go off and without maybe it's time to make the turn, and I think that the union there is gonna, have to be a little more balance in that and now democracy. Depends on how you message it because What are we talking there? Is it not trump in the big? Why is it about protecting a political them that a recent pupils suppose has record low approval, its united that one I just how they talk about. That would be very interesting to me. Yeah I mean there. There is a school of thought that economic sentiment is based on via and it and of Joe Biden went out. There. Democrats go out there and talk the economy up more than they do than ever and australia the economy is grey and part of that is. based on you, know trump running around during his presidency. Talking about how is the greatest, this ever lower unemployment rate for black people and those unemployment rate for latinos and women, and I'm doing the greatest thing ever the greatest economy in the world, and I dont know necessarily that there is evidence that trump just talking up the economy is what made people think the economy was good, because
When you do, you ask people or the economy right now and they can t economies shit, but then you ask people, but their personal finances, and it's a little bit better. But you Still in that recent CBS Paul, I think, to ask people: like you know. Are you? Are you better off than a couple years ago than you were before the pandemic and the good jungle blue or not better off and then there's another good younger people who are the same and theirs sort of a small percentage who say that their better, so that's like bats people talking about their personal finances in their personal feelings, not how they view the economy writ large right, which you could argue is more dependent on headlines what politicians say what you see on the news, etc, etc. But when you asked a question about your own, snow finances and your own financial situation. You know and if a whole bunch of people it's not great, then who are we to tell them? Otherwise I will disagree with you slightly here. I think by could could improve
his numbers on the economy by talking about more, but I think that would be a false signal, because what the difference we invite trump is the trump all got more republicans to say: the economy was good than Biden gets Let's say they gotta be scared, so does have one people who are going to vote for Joe Biden who are current telling pulsar. They don't think the economy is good. or even though they may not approved Joe Biden's economic record or trust them or whatever else he can improve those numbers, it's not an improvement. The horse races, just gonna, get people already voting for him to say to tell pulsars it the economy's good? It's the! but the risk. The backlash too, that is potentially taking these people. Who could react negatively? it's over selling the economy who are not in your camp. Yet who fall into that persuadable universe of that sort of convoluted, think it makes sense yeah, and I just think we ve got to keep him like a broken record on this. But I think we have to like get out of the
we should get away from the question: do you think the economy's good or not and get to the question was more likely to fight for you who is more likely to fight for the middle class and have in Biden's message should be elect me elected democratic majority. Here's how we'll finish the job and if you don't, if you vote for them, here's what they'll do here's, what donald trump will do and here's what the republicans will do and then the choice becomes. The democrat vision of the republican vision which we're going to be. You know. Ours is going to be much more popular according to most of the polling and it gets you out of the question. Is it good bad. Is it better? Is it not as good, which is just you know, first of all, it hard answered second of all, its largely dependent on the economic conditions which we can predict, and I would hey to the white house's credit they made that pivot two weeks ago, that is biodynamics verse magazine, because that is what they are trying to write, which is great, which is what they, what they should be doing. I think all right before we go to break too quick housekeeping notes. The next republican debate is Wednesday september. Twenty seventh, which means it's time for
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Having me first question, how much do you want job right now and are you planning on sleeping in the next ten days? You know these are the times that I wish. I had chosen something else to cover, but we're here ever here. If you actually, you know, met better than everyone. It happens every year. This is it to new for us, but there are times at I kind of wish. I covered something like you know, maybe a business. beat maybe something more. Ninety five and I dont think to enter a russian. I don't think I'm into sleep why these Couple of days, but will see- I mean I have already told my family and friends, then this is my priority. And we don't know you know that's on how long is government shutdowns going to happen. we should do. Maybe it mating open pool or something because it looks like its inevitable at this point, ok so say, or someone who's just waken up to this news that
chaos in washington in the government may shut down and their wondering what the hell is happening. What would you tell them? I would say right now: congress is divided and the sense of the senate is democratic. Led a house is republican, led mccarthy, when he became speaker said a rule that if one Republican can asked him a speaker and all mccarthy's ever wanted as speaker of the house is to be speaker of the house. As a result, he is now having to cater to some of the most concerned many members of this conference on a deal about good fun. The government that Senate majority leader trucks humor would never support in either. Would president Joe biden- and that is what we are witnessing right now happened real time as the government is inevitably like. We say, inevitably that's what we ve been saying likely to shut down and lessons you.
I want to start by taking a step back for people who haven't been following this lunacy. Back in june, president Biden, speaker, mccarthy, ended the debt ceiling stand off with a deal on federal spending for the next two years. It was designed to avoid a shut down. This fall. What happened? Well, You would think that that meant that this would have been happy a lot more smoothly. As these negotiations started in the house with house republicans who. apparently, are not aware of what happened. You know back with during that european limit deal. When I say some of those paths republicans mainly house freedom, caucus members who are refusing to support any sort of stopped at bill to prevent a government shut down by it seems like we're back at square. One in a lot of us are having deja vu of just a couple of months ago. It feels it gets the same they ain't happening again and again this house republicans? I want to bring down spending, they want to bring down government spending, and I think it's really
as you know, for the audience, regardless of whatever happens in the house, the senate has to pass a bill to the democratic majority. Whatever happens in the senate is gonna, go back to the house, is gonna, password, democratic boats and then land on presidential by his desk for signature. So whatever is happening right now in this debate that we are seeing with these five sudden really concerned, house republicans, are to the right of mccarthy, saying they're not going to support a stopgap bill. He doesn't matter in the end. They're, probably not going to support whatever comes back anyway. This is really about mccarthy trying to keep his speakership dabble and and bend to the needs of what these conservatives want. So he doesn't get a motion to vacate when this all ends and that's what we're witnessing right now was that those those were my questions like what a cute figured about these has freedom. Caucus members were the hold out right now is like why not just let any bill go to the sun
and then start fighting now about what they're going to let mccarthy, except when a bill comes back from the sun? I was speaking to a republican who said you know it's it's the minority always, but now the binary he's gonna buy whatever happens. So that is why mccarthy right now is trying to pass something along party lines. that he can get to the senate. Will really the bigger picture is its as you noted it doesn't matter, it's gonna come back to the house any but right now, Mccarthy is still trying to make sure he doesn't get that threat of emotion, a vacate, that's the debate, we're witnessing at a minute scale, hear of him really bending and caving in to these house republican need, and you still not, that's it was good, even saying. As of this report, I know that damn that Mccarthy is still I get the votes to pass a. Continuing resolution, a temporary funding bell with only republican votes, and there are also trying to pass
a defence bill and how? How is all this going for him? What's what's the later? If you think this is the way we think of the defense. Go here on capitol hill, it's kind of a preview to what we are going to witness whenever a cr comes through right. This is a bill, one of the twelve appropriations bills that these appropriators, all republicans had that are all chairman. You know on this really influential committee, I've been working on for months witnessed the top line, spending numbers that were negotiated during that debt limit deal and did still doesn't have the support needed to get across the finish line. He can not get enough republican, stephen support that, and a lot of these republicans were hearing from you know. Damn bishop saying I need to know he's one of the ones that about it, no multiple times that we saw, but now at this during this procedural vote that just happened moments ago, he says I need to know exactly when every appropriate, they'll get it it's gonna be voted on. I need to know that he's gonna Mccarthy is gonna, give us, but the top right. Now
but in the end it doesn't matter because Mccarthy has been doing all this in their stole, noting no an end. It really intro everyone has different opinions about what they should do, whether he should ignore these guys and and start having a conversation with Jeffreys. Maybe that's all happening, and it's just not out there yet or if he should. You know take this, and- and am I get a little too nitty gritty here so just bear with me, but there is a separate deal. That's being negotiated right now by a group called up I am solvers caucus that way. I was going to say yeah. Sorry, I'm getting a little head. I don't know that's great living and breathing for the past couple days, but they both bid and endorsed a deal that late last night around eleven pm. That would a deal with us funding the government and it's about more than about sixty members, thirty about thirty republicans or democrats, and they think this is the way to do it is a bipartisan deal. But Mccarthy has not answered questions on this issue at and it's unclear whether this will get any sort of traction.
right now, considering mccarthy is still trying to get stopped at the past, allegedly by saturday. Nothing has changed yet in terms of about timing at this moment, but it's a mess. I mean it's chaos and you talk to republicans about this and they say it's dysfunction. You talked it democrats about this and they say it's dysfunction. It's it's what's happening. House right now is quite quiet s would do you know about what the whole doubts want. The hand, all who are still voting no from from where I sit, it seems like they just want to politics. damage, Kevin Mccarthy and maybe even asked him as speaker, and that this is not
necessarily about any specific funding or policy issues. Yeah. It's you nailed right on that ninny on the head. It's it seems to be that there's five vish republicans most have been in the house: freedom caucus that that will vote no for a cr, regardless of what is in it, regardless of what it looks like a lot of them say they want appropriations bill. The time has run out. That's not going to happen before september thirtieth to fund the government for the year, and you know something to know, and we prepare put a go at various times. Is a lot of these guys are actually eyeing political futures and other roles? You know damn bishop eyeing, a attorney general rhine, I'm thinking of my gaiety floating potential run as governor Lorna these, People bad, have ambitions elsewhere, and that is a lot argument, I'm hearing even from republicans for Why- and I want to be clear-
public and that are aligned with mccarthy who are speaking about this mccarthy doesn't really talk about this with us, but by that say that this is just they're, not gonna switch. This is not going to change and there's no way to get them to yes, and this is gonna be needed, this democracies, So there's no way the government stays open. Unless republicans allows sign off on some kind of bipartisan measure. Right like there's, just there's no world where a a mccarthy I was passes a bill that only has republicans on it that get signed by job. I write so at some point there is now or whether wits it's when the bill comes back from the senate, and shut down last forever or no twenty days thirty days for months. At some point, mccarthy is going to have to talk to her came jeffreys and figure out how to get a bill out of the house. That is by partisan. So at that point like how threatened is Mccarthy's job right, because it end
I could see Matt gates filing a motion to vacate, but then What happens after that? Like the bigger gonna keep voting and voting in voting until they get another speaker like what what's the long with the long term play I mean, I think,
long term play is what we're witnessing happen moment by moment here by mccarthy himself. I don't know if he's really got a strategy beyond, what's ahead of him, even in in the hour that's coming, he is currently trying to keep his gamble. That is why he hasn't turned to hakeem Jeffries. Yet that is why he's not talking to Mcconnell or she or Schumer about what a deal could look like with the senate and the house. That's why he that's why he still trying to win over these republicans like Matt gates, who would throw threatened to motion to vacate him so to oust him as speaker. It only takes one to start that process, and so I think what we're witnessing is him trying to figure out what will work for him long term so that he can keep his gavel, but in the end it's it's going to be threatened any way if he goes say. Let's, let's play a scenario say: the house passes a Republican led a continuing resolution to fund the government for a month
back to the senate, the senate adds ukraine aid with an ads all these other measures that they want that they can get a majority on. It has to come back to the house, then that if the house passes it with a simple majority with four democratic votes at this point, cause that's what's going to end up happening with whatever happens in the senate, Mccarthy will be threatened regardless. So I think right now we're witnessing try to figure out how to prevent that backlash. That could happen in the future and I think the way he can do, that is by trying to pass a republican, led stopgap measure that has everyone supportive and then he can kind of throw up his hands and be like. Well now we have to follow the process, and now I can get democratic votes to support this. We seen this happen before and it
it's like that's, what's going to happen again, whether that will work for him? No, that is the question. Is there a scenario where mccarthy works with makes a deal with democrats to keep the government open to pass a continue, resolution funding bill. That is to the Democrats liking. But in return some Democrat say we will protect you if there's a motion to vacate. Well, I don't I don't see scenario like that happening right now. If there's a shut down help along, maybe right, yeah tat could change the sheriff. As I talked to so many democrats, there really entertained by what's happening right now and outside. They think this is politically yes, a navy missus Mary politically
good for democrats of head of twenty twenty four. They think it's a good move right now to kind of watch, and- and I say I mean putting in their words- I spoke to you- have dozens and dozens of democratic, as did as a lot of them were laughing about what is happening on the house or just you know an hour ago, but they they think it's funny to watch mccarthy flail, because this is you know a future campaign at this is a moment for them to win back the house. They can show that their that party of order under democrats in and they can that they passed all this major legislation when they had all three change. You know they had a house the senate. They had the presidency, they can show that they are efficient and by watching mccarthy, not even be able to get his party united on one thing, I think a lot of them are part privately and some publicly, maybe not the ones in vulnerable seeds, but
willie enjoying what their witnessing wet, but currently having a really hard time keeping his conference in order yeah. I do think it's elites personally, that gets mildly entertaining re now, but dumb. If a shut down happens and drag on for a while, then you know you could see that you can see the politics, changing afterwhile, because a lot of folks who are following this closely in the country, which is most people, might just be like wise. Why is Washington shut down what's going on there all yelling at each other? Can't they figure sum out which I'm guessing is what some republicans are are betting happens, I was the republican caucus reacting to, or are they reacting to donald trump, inserting himself into this whole process last night by, physically saying that, unless it Joe Biden agrees to sign a bill that would force the d o J to drop all the trump prosecutions edition. shut down. The government itches echoing what we have already heard from these allies.
I, if donald trump here on capitol hill, any marjorie taylor green's been saying that for months, so he's he's he's inserting himself, but nothing really changes. It's not like more. What we're witnessing is it's not like more members are gonna come out against this deal because he stepped in. If you remember he was the one saying just months ago, but the nation should default on its debt, and that would be a smarter than are smart, move politically and, of course, a lot of a public and stone agree without privately. They know that that would be very damaging because they bordering the reelection in a year and a half in, and you write a lot of folks back home to really understand, what's happening early, why can't people just work together and prevent a government shutdown. Well, really, it's because republicans vs Democrats, that's what we're watching here on capitol hill and that's how it's always been really partisan. Now again, you brought up the idea of maybe some Democrats might help. Republicans, who knows maybe that'll happen later right now, that's not the case in the in the other differences, usually republicans at least try to say. Oh no, no
democrats fault now, it's like republicans versus republicans and some guys, I'm like lawlor who's, a republican in Biden district go out there and say, like the these people or lunatics worth doing something about his own party and then think yeah. It's something to really keep in mind about these members that you're seeing speak out. You know you may mention MIKE Lawler, there's also don bacon, there's fitzpatrick they're really vulnerable members of congress. That won the majority for republicans in twenty twenty two, and that is why they really see this as important to keeping the house majority for republicans there. So confused Why these really and they say it as safe seat republicans- are saying we're not unimportant. Stop gap when there we got, we won the majority for republicans, and we need to support this because our constituents back home expect results and they don't. They were elected me so that I could bring some sort of reason to washington and now this is terrible about
we see these members and by and we call them. You know variable republican centrist, republicans, inviting districts because bite at one the districts of day when in twenty eight twenty, when they are the ones that they represent As you know, during their hands are being like we're trying to do something and if not happening, and we don't know what else to do, and a lot of those guys are the same ones that are working with democratic in the problem. Solvers caucus on this alternative idea that puts a lot of pressure on republican leadership in the house too, move because said I can do anything than they do this other deal that could potentially get enough votes to go to the senate. Well, Mccarthy still faces the same issue of abortion to vacate because he didn't work fast enough to win over those five republicans that bobo for funding? Deal did thank you so much for covering every detail of the should show so closely. So the rest of us don't have to good luck over
ex ten days, and- and I hope you do get some sleep and and thanks for coming on the pod, preceded ain't here. Thank you for having me. This is great. your craving a beacon, meatball sub from the sandwich chopped down the road get fast delivery through door dash and when you Its aim remover, because you use your t shirt as a napkin, get faster He threw door dash then later, when you Marathon in cooking shows and start to think making lemon grass ginger macaroons from scratch. Can't be that hard you still get bass delivery through door, dash, get groceries, anything else, you could need from your neighborhood with doordash pleasure. The order now at door dashed aka or the epp and get a zero dollar delivery. The terms of that. discount sire. We know your time as I get thirty percent shorter average wait time when you buy and book online did you know discount tire now sells waiver weights check out our current deals at discount, tired out com or stop in and talk to an today. This
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as they were doing there were doing hand stuff? But today, today the shockingly disrespectful behaviour comes from Democrats. Both sides Dan both set up majority leader trucks. Humor, has asked The Senate sergeant at arms to no longer enforce the dress coat on the senate floor, which means the pennsylvania's john federation has had the audacity to show up. In short, a hoodie setting off a cry this in our democracy, americans want etiquette and manners, and they expect more. In their elected leaders on the committee would draw environment I have seen him in a suit once it seems completely disrespectful. This guy looks like he's in a gang or is working out somewhere. Hoodie a gym shorts, convey no respect. You don't dress. Like a slob and expect to be respected, is just another step in movement by the democratic will transform america to take us to a different place to take us took place,
is much less respectful. This is just small part of the decline of a new america. They, the Democrats, they do not like this country. The way it is never have. I think the whole thing is horrible. I think it's part of the deterioration of this country, civilization ass, celebrates mediocrity, you're pander to the lowest common denominator, and now this thing is just an accomplishment. We need to be lifting up our standards in this country, not dumbing down our standards, and so I think the dunes should stick to the suits. This isn't a poker game or us. Club, where they truly tomorrow to the second floor. This happened in the fall of the roman empire, dim, I just want to read from a letter that was sent to humor in protest of the new rules quote. The Senate is a place of honor and tradition.
The world watches us on that floor and we must protect the sanctity of that place at all costs signed by the same senate. Republicans whose current pick for president is a criminal defendant being charged repay. Hush money to a porn star in sending a murderous mob to shit on their desks, but at the very least, Donald trump was at a time when he did it. So I guess but do you share their concerns about protecting the soil? did he of the senate floor I have a couple thoughts first, the lead in that you wrote for this segment is the best writing. You have dine setting up point of acceptance, twelve except in speech- maybe the second inaugural. May it's a fallen. You you, you still got it. I know you think of the pen, often by still their second, I am embarrassed for everyone involved other than john federation.
I'm embarrassed for this. Senators, I'm embarrassed barrister, the people on capitol hill and really embarrassing cabin. Prescott whose covering this like it's the fucking dead ceiling it. is the senate for it is not a hollow ground. This secret is appointed. TED cruz's allowed to roam freely right, nothing sacred about it. This is this is one of the dumbest things in the history of dumb things. It is why people hate congress talk about having Obnoxious self importance emanating from your pours. The whole thing is how absurd on the fact that just one point of practical he d dc as a swap is a miserable place to wear a tie, which is a stupid thing to begin with, it'll hold, where it's I don't know, but I don't care about what john. Furthermore, as it so stupid, I'm embarrassed for ever and of the be one really embarrassed for german and dick Durbin,
two democrats, who fell right into the trap of the self important bullshit. Show me again. I expect that I expect germanic and at cafe, Milano to think that, but dick Durbin and I'm embarrassed for you, but it's also used. You see some people who are like well but like it you know in your workplace. If you have to wear the shirt and tie- and someone doesn't wear that, isn't that a problem and blah blah it's like well yeah, if that's the workplace rules. The Democrats are in the majority in the Senate chuck humor is the majority leader he decided, The rules are casual free. they every day. If you want- or you can wear a certain time when mitchum, if, if Mitch, Mcconnell an republican, take the senate back, and they want to institute a rule that you have to wear a shirt and tie. Then people have to wear a shirt and tie it's a fucking democracy. Tim Miller made this point if you're upset the John pheromone is wearing a hoodie. In short, on the second floor, then the vote-
in pennsylvania. You can vote him out next time, no problem, it's a democracy. What the fuck are you all talking about? Gopher can keep the government open, you're nuts, you literally this guy that's running for president that you're all supporting he sent a mob to the Senate floor that you're trying to protect the? U turn to protect this, the sacred senate, for there was a mob that storm the capital. then you voted to acquit the guy who sent them there and now. You're no vote form for president. Allow if the mob was wearing hoodies. I've seen the footage. Ah, it is shocking. Shocking if it's not arguing, but why we're somebody of dress codes every thursday during the summer, a bunch of republicans where seersucker suits, they look like those dressed up as overridden bachar for halloween and they go to work in all. We should stop that You take a stand firm and has had some fantastic replies to this. He treated I figure.
I take up vaping and grabbing the hog during a live musical will make me a folk hero, love that guy and that he also tweeted I also said I guess, if those jag off in the house start, shut our government down and fully support ukraine than I will save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor next week, good for John betterment, and in a city with humidity that usually around ninety degrees. That is no small sacrifice on our fishermen, sport. I would just say to its So a sign the john feder. Is Women are a year also would like far more in touch with what people care about. Then most people in fucking washington, because I think most people believe that the way you show respect for the institution- and you should is- is with your behavior, with the way that you vote with what you do too
prove people's lies, not the fucking clothes you put on your body boom boom. if the republicans had been addicted to ninja. I can't believe we booed dick Durbin, but he earned it this time, an otherwise exemplary record of public service. This was a bad moment. No one and dick Durbin like no one's telling you you gotta, wear, t shirts and shorts man. You can still wear your suit and tie. That's fine. Like Susan, If you want to wear bikini, that's fine! That's on you! You can't you can do that if you'd like, like probably people, will make some comments, but you know it we'll make some comments about John federated. He still going where he wants stop trying to like have one set rules for is a republican thing to they want, like one set of rules for them, which is basically no rules, hand stuff. It musical I was talking about strict distract four hundred lube baker whenever they want in their private lives. You know, donald from probably painful
oceans right all this kind of stuff. They no rules for them, but for every one else they wanted. Involved in your life. They want have rules, they water put politicians between doctors and women. They want a ban books in your classrooms ever else has to follow the rules, not this republican party, under donald trump, into whatever the fuck. You want that every day, There were strongly regulate the audience behaviour at musicals. That's what the market. Anyway, I am glad we got that off our trust and I feel I I Are you a little better? I feel I feel later today. After having done that's, what's going on Thank you too. Danielle ideas for joining us in keeping us up today on the the other should show shown capital hold. It actually matters, whether the government stays open or not I hope all of you have a fantastic weekend and we will talk. You next week apply everyone huts. If america is a crooked media production, are producers early
Martinez and David Toledo, our associate producer, is fair. Safari writing support from Halley keefer reach. Earlene is our executive producer. The show is mixed in edited by andrew chadwick, Jordan canter is our sound engineer, with audio support from kyle segment and charlotte landis madeline, europe is our head of news and programming met to growth? Is our head of production? Andy Taft is our executive assistant thanks to our digital tv. The larger cone hayley Jones me a common david tolls, kyril pile of eve and molly about subscribe. deposit america on youtube to catch. Full episodes and extra video content find us at youtube. Dot com, slash at pod, save america. Finally, you can join our friends. The pod subscription community for ad free episodes, exclusive content in a great discussion. discord, plus its a great way to get involved with vote. Save america sign up at crooked dot, com, slash friends,.
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-23.