« Pod Save America

Trump Vows to Root Out "Vermin"

2023-11-14 | 🔗

In an unhinged Veterans Day speech, Trump promises to remove the "vermin" who dare to oppose his agenda, while his top advisor outlines a terrifying second-term immigration plan: mass deportations, camps for undocumented immigrants, and enforcement raids by the National Guard. Meanwhile, Democrats are giving Joe Biden a lot of advice he doesn't need, and Tim Scott drops out of the Republican primary. Will it matter?

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Is arguably of early one year after the twenty twenty four elections. Time flies we're having fun and nightmares. Courteous got big pine, to cover twenty for the presidential race, the fight to take back the house and keep the senate important state. Local elections, and what each of us can do to stand the fight without losing our shit allowed. You says how to support cricket's mission and one great way to sign up with friends of the pod friends of the pod is our subscriber community. You get a tonne awesome content that is just for subscribers and you get to be part of our discord, which is basically secret twitter that's just for. no nazis and by signing up you'll, be supporting, but to The market has already raised fifty five million dollars for progressive candidates and causes and signed up over five hundred thousand volunteers, voters and donors. That's huge and we're just getting started so how'd you caribbean? How complex friends today to sign out should be part of the friends of the pot community, its awesome getting part of this community, with all of you, the next year, maybe a slug but at least
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on today show donald trump says: americans, who disagree with him or vermin implants to put immigrant families in camps and Joe Biden starts to fight back as he gets plenty of unsolicited advice from increasingly nervous democrats, but first south carolina senator TIM Scott, became the second major candidate to drop out of the republican primary after sunday night announcement on Fox that shocked even his own campaign staff. But when I go back to I am sure it will not be as a presidential candidate, I am suspending my campaign. I think the voters the most remarkable people on the planet have been. Really clear that they're telling me not now until I'm trying I'm trying to processes this information and I'm trying to do it on on live television. So forgive me romas. Eight twenty such an important scripture says it all things:
work together for good for those who love god and are called according to his purpose. I think the message is clear for me right now that was TIM. Scott speaking on trade bounties show on fox regarding former congressmen. I don't even know how to show not great scratch out yeah, you can resign. Certainly tim scott and trey Gowdy are close though, and he was pretty surprised very surprised. I it's a small thing, but I find it jet, like it's actually very obnoxious, to surprise her campaign staff. Yes, I find that to be so fucking rude like oh, so these people that devoted their lives to you. like, even if it was an hour months like the sooner the better but like, even if its it right before, like to show these people the risk you are giving a new our asia and you're conference. Call quick, jumper, quick conference. Call it by what the h q, let them here first like thank them for everything they did for you, like they they're taking low pay to come help. You tim Scott, run this fuckin
don quixote mission in order that not a good looked him sky. It is so unbelievably shitty to do to your staff to do to your donor sue the people who volunteer for you and look what what what the upside of surprise trade, gouty unfairness, nemseh knew I'd, go for content. It would have other eyes ordinary, maybe he just decided literally in the moment. At the end, I thought watching the campaign or watching the last debate. His feet seemed like he was gonna drop out the whole time he just didn't want to be there. So TIM scott and his super pac spent millions and millions on ads and staff. He couldn't even break seven percent in the early states, including in south carolina. His home state that he represents in the u s: senate, lotta, big donors and pundits from across the political spectrum and high hopes for TIM, Scott, here's, here's one of them. I thought the speech was really good. There's a coherence to what he's doing.
That makes him a legitimate alternative in a way that no one else not even to santa can really offer. He did better than expected. I really was impressed by yes, obviously he's not doing he's trying to say hey, we don't need to do given politics to a group of people that have become enamored agreement politics, but it took some of my trump to drag them this far down and whether or not it works this time. But this is very clearly to me the best and only person, I've seen make a case. For a way to kind of drag republicans back over time and it doesn't work now it might work in the future. my lover, what happened to him, Scott, who is the famous funded direct, as it was given politics, but would like our comedy edge there is obviously the video you can tell that TIM scots campaign lasted exactly as long as my mandrive adjourning does exactly that I think that day one, but I No. I was thinking about what habit hymns gags. I thought I might be confronted by my own words and your irrational exuberance, well
and I know there was a moment where you guys gave me shit at the time and I did say like look, I'm not like I'm not saying he's going to it's going to work. I just I can better than I like the other ones, but I won't say it wasn't just us. I remember after that podcast or get like a text from TIM Miller who's just on our show new orleans intimacy. What's going on with love, it liking, TIM, Scott, so much I end by the way he's crazy. I still kind of like I'm whether so I was thinking about it was like what what what what happened here, I think, first of all like when you see TIM Scott on a stump. He just like forget like the message all the rest he just kind of like he has like
he's he's, got a senate brain problem. He just like answers every question and the most like round about fucking way, but there's a like one thing we talked about at the time was: is: is there an appetite for someone attacking grievance politics when the king of fucking grievance? Is their leader and when someone like TIM Scott, isn't willing to go after trump like troy, Scott minimized, trump's responsibility for january six, he claimed the justice system was being weaponized and dismiss trump's efforts to overturn the election in georgia. When he was asked, he would make the same kind of perfect phone call trump. Did he refused to say He wouldn't he raised his hand and said he would support trump as the nominee, even if trump were convicted, and there is this moment on the campaign trail in august, where some persons in podunk diner went up to him and said: how could you, how are you running and not being able to stand up to trump like? How are you going to stand up for america's president? He can't senate to try. We got into this back and forth, and, and that was when he said like he- didn't really hold trump responsible for january. Six the writers generous and the voter responded by saying
your leader do nothing to help you out for two hours and kind of got the better of him in this no man and like if you look at what tim's god's message was, it is not possible to have that message and believe it if you're not also going to repudiate trump, but he was such a kind of weaselly politician about trump. They did their vandyke diagram doesn't overlap. It wasn't just, though, that he didn't go like full throated repudiation of trump, like I think, only vague rama swami has been more deferential to trial. Then just got of any of the republican canada, and none of them have been like big here of christy's, obviously gone after I'm. Pretty hard is a huge and send, but, like dissenters has gone after a more highly has gone after a more like you, skiff tim Scott is fundamental for us all. Good speaker, decent, speak bad debater, terrible debate around is and all the debates, but the more fundamental problem is he couldn't consolidate the anti trump or post trump people who her looking beyond tramp. He can consolidate that vote because he offered no good
if trump whatsoever- and he also couldn't get any the mega vote like dissent as has been able to get a little bit because his style isn't mega. At all, even if, as most of his positions are mega, his styles and magazine like he had no yeah. He was a man without a home. He was nothing to no one. He was corny in his like honest moment of dropping out like listen man, your quitting the rest. You not pretend you like love the process or the voters. We know you didn't Well linking all yours ass light, would you wanna be to vice president? He never says Nobody goes like. I ran to be president and not on my to do list. It's like there is a there's, a like a a political caginess in every facet of what he was doing. Yeah I mean I felt like he had high approval ratings with voters, even as he dropped out. I think he has people republican voters thought he was a nice guy, but he didn't have a message he didn't have,
she nine eleven friend of backtrack. Here we actually have won my word. I love Eric. Let's hear it, what's listen the thing about him, Scott! Is that he's not just compelling he's inspiring? He has a voice, a vision, a plan future that is working with voters in iowa and, frankly, working for me, the question isn't We'll tim win or not tim has already won. The question is: will John Lovett, famously liberal podcast man fall in love with him. I guess time will tell I dunno. What that didn't age? Well, did it, I didn't realize you guys were able to pull that. Definitely love it or leave it that sucks cause. I could
Our luck in his words skier! That's that's put your voice sounded pretty then go any. Then it's gotta be nonsense. Money hurdy, gurdy, one other one that would solve flagged. We stopped recording right god. I am so sick of these fucking beyond second taylor, swift, then what boring basic bitches. Oh my god, I can't believe you said that that is my five dollar month, ai software too far too far, yeah no done, then I and look. I obviously regret it I didn't know we were still rolling. I thought that was another thing in that in milo's retirement folder, from back in the day, to be clear, that was all fake news that it was all fake news, lips, fake news. Tommy, do you think TIM Scott's exit has the potential to change the race all he he says he's not endorsing, but his fellow self care. in a key hayley is reportedly planning a ten million.
Or ad blitz in iowa and new Hampshire, all the way through the iowa caucuses and new Hampshire primary. That's apparently five times more than what the santa suspending the same time period, putting some money on the I mean the the short answer. Is tim Scott? I have a lot of support to begin with, so it won't go very far if it gets redistributed and they use about four percent in the most recent national. ass. He had seven percent in the last, the moon register Paul and I was down from nine percent in the august one. So I think if, if sky our numbers, get split evenly between two senses and highly prized doesn't change the race, because those two are tied scots voters, go overwhelming to one or the other. I think it helps narrow the primary into a two person race. But again the big problem for all of these candidates is it trump is running away with the election. He doesn't she,
I put the debates and none of them have decided to run against him, they're all running against each other and trying to destroy each other. So it does clear the field for haley in south carolina. If there is sort of like a favorite song, favorite daughter vote, I don't know that there will be. I do think that she is the most sort of interesting, viable path, but it's a very challenging one yeah. I feel like with hayley it's not much, but it's not nothing like She she, as you, could see her getting a lot of his donors to the extent that he had whatever donors he had, especially because they're, both from south carolina and so if he had some south carolina based donors, maybe they'd go to haley. You know you got seven per cent of throw around and island in Hampshire. Maybe carolina exactly like. You said to me, though, if if, if they split evenly doesn't really matter so she'd have to really get that. I I think, if Christie drops out at some point and
They keep losing steam now you're, getting closer to like the three person race, where a trump dissent as hayley thing, you are and are fantasy scenarios that we ve sketched out many times now. This is all what she would need to have that have and even though it see still seems highly unlikely yachting its view. after either trump or to sanders to go to him. Scott and TIM Scott's gone all the reasons too, it'd be with Rhonda. Santas remain so like maybe there's some way in which this renounce to haley kind of helping her get to that true second position, which has so far been like issues. The question is: does money matter at all? We dont hasn't so far. But we now live in an era of camping finance where the laws are joke, basely run for president by finding alpha a special billionaire tooth senior super back, and then you run with that person teams That's billionaire was Larry Alison, who, I think, cut him. Thirty, five million dollars worth of checks and then turn it off. So if
Alison decides to go with a haley or go with a de santas or garp. Go with an anti trump super pac and puts more money on the table. Back could be interesting. Did you see right before we started recording there was a new york times, piece that Larry Ellison didn't? A fourth scott ran. He put a bunch of money into like aligned, start scott super packs, but he didn't actually cut the czech once wrangle against instant. There is a good decision from twenty to twenty two, twenty twenty two thousand two hundred and thirty five million to scotland groups and then just didn't tough afterwards, tough, tough, tough. I do think I had to say this about the friend of the pod Chris Christie, but because I do think he's been more courageous than the rest of that field in calling out donald trump, but at this point, if, if you're really in this to make sure the downtown doesn't become
as an narrative doesn't become the nominee or party like I think Chris Christie has to look at nikki haley and be like she's, probably a better bet than me, even because he just had it hasn't caught on what he's I thought he would go harder. from some of these debates- and he really hasn't so like- I don't know what he's doing christie being, I don't know I don't know what that does accept, make it more likely now the donald trump ones, nomination yeah, it was, am it'd, be a it'd, be a nice little a book end when he was one of, if not the first major establishment figure to line up behind trump and say the nomination was over for him to get out of the race and give an ally the pod. Save america is brought you by helix. If you're looking for better sleep, you need to upgrade your mattress with helix the helix lineup. Was twenty unique mattresses, including the award winning lux collection?
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he's got a wall around her house. Obviously, in that case it didn't work very well, then deranged jack's with have you ever is a lovely, his wife and famine despise me much more than he does. He desires. I think, he's about a ten thereabout, a fifty on a scale of tat today. especially in honour of our great veterans on veterans day. We pledge to you. We will root out the communists. Marxist ashes, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines our country they'll? Do anything with legally or illegally, to destroy america and to destroy the american dream? The threat from outside forces is far less sinister dangerous engraved than the threat from Then, despite the hatred and anger of the radical left lunatics who want to destroy our country, we will make amerika great
again. Thank you, gutless, cable. If TIM, Scott, sunny optimism didn't work in this party, the washington post headline about the speech said trumps. Use of the word. Vermin was quote, echoing dictators hitler mussolini. A lot of folks on twitter are wondering why I didn't get as much coverage and headlines like the washington post as Hillary Clinton's deplorables gaffe tommy. What was your take on the speech so that line we pledge to you that we will root out the communist marxist fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country was delivered one hour and forty four minutes into the speech. It was an hour, forty five, so he ref for an hour and forty four minutes, and then that was his. I guess Stephen miller prepared clothes. I think it was definitely prepared because it was also he he truth. It the truth that that that exact riff after the speech, so that was clearly a set- and you could tell when he's reading off the prompt,
when he's not he's not doing his or his freewheeling performance he's. Definitely reading it get the rest of it were. It was a mix. It was a lot of like greatest hits, was a lot of you know in afghanistan. They left the equipment behind, and the general told me not to there was the death penalty for drug dealers. I talked about again how hot the pilots on air force one are louder than tom cruise and taller was my take away the funniest part of the the whole speech was he is he's a bit making fun of de santas walking off the stated. They did. You ask, gets us nowhere with everybody else he's wearing on ice gates, yeah, that's good evening itself that good for guidance that listen! I've done my on my home with you called defamation training, so I dont know the trump worthless or not but sometimes trembling saved our lives as it makes you sense. Eu tomato, I do think that ending was written in the hopes that you know it will get picked up in that progressives like us. Would freak out and nz that you know could be the owning the libs part of this?
at a time when they know knew that what will talk about nexus? Big immigration story was also your coming out because they knew that you know that they sent them to seek more talk about it. When I'm a spokesperson for trump was asked about the comparison to vermin and mussolini and hitler, and that spokesperson said you're, all just a bunch of snowflakes and your existence will be crushed in a trump second term, which is sort of like an at first. First, he said your entire existence, then any clarinet and a clarified to sad miserable eggs, yeah yeah yeah. How dare you wonder if calling your opponents vermin evokes? The darkest chapters in our political history you'll be destroyed upon our victory on a pyre of vengeance, the woke common, Compare us too to nazis. Again you go in the camps, the fires in the fags, I mean referring
Who americans who disagree with? You is firm and like americans, that you want to represent, as president is dehumanizing lane language. It is the language of dictators. Hitler used the words to describe jews and the left not once or twice often hitler use that word now. The most charitable explanation is that it was designed to provoke a troll liberals and get attention. Even if you go with that explanation, it is incredibly dangerous to do considering that there have been so many instances where his supporters, who include neo nazis in white nationalists, take that as a call to violence.
there's also a darker possible explanation is that it's not just a provocation, but it's a threat that he intends to follow through on. If he becomes president yeah, it means sort of a root out like that. This is not a policy critique he's going to root them out. We all lived through january sixth, write a bunch of his supporters, violently assaulted the capital violently assaulted police officers, and now he's talking about vermin. Yeah, I mean look. I I think that he does this hoping to get the story he got in the washington. Post's were a bunch of historians. as to the language used by hitler and Mussolini, and most people read that, and they don't really have a basis to draw from to know if that's right or wrong, but they do probably think it sounds a touch alarmist and a touch extreme. So then this, but the spokesperson, gets to call us snowflakes, it's dangerous rhetoric. It's bad! I think, there's like much we're on the speech that that ai is worthy of focusing on I mean I do think. The comparison to Hillary Clinton's basket of deplorables quote is imperfect because she said that in september of twenty sixteen re we're like a couple of months,
an election. It was the heat of the campaign. She was the nominee. Everyone is paying a lot of attention, and so it became a big thing, but mostly because republicans made it. Fixing every single one of them brought back up the right wing media ecosystem brought it up like they need that a story. It didn't just happen. So that's that's the opportunity for democrats. That also was a gaffe right. I was like she she like stumbled into that. It was said that statement this was it like. You said this is designed. to do something either either provoke or or send a worn. It also means also just there really is a am an ace three in what is allowed in our politics. Republican politicians are allowed to. mark and ride and describe as terrible whole parts of the country. Americans. they don't like, is not being real as their cities being raw overrun and being terrible. Urban areas are terrible, but the reverse is not true. Democrat cannot say, cannot Salt rural america cannot insults all the many problems that existed rural,
that is seen as beyond the pale and they pay a price and have to apologise and that for trump trump benefits from them, but is also the type of language democrats use This is what trumps doing, which is like Democrats, who are insulting rural america. Insulting trump supporters are like their rooms or their deplorable like vermin that need to be rooted out. It is, It is the human eyes in language whether he intends to use a cautious troll or not and, like you know, we ve had people send fuckin pipe arms to people. We ve had like the german, the just it's a it's a dangerous thing to do with us. On that point, he ok. So we heard that betty Dead, where there were there are no terrorist attacks during my administration, except for Nancy plus ha ha ha, wasn't at course there were terrorist attacks yet again that the isis linked guy mode down like eight people in new york city, with his car way. Sir aid. Now the terrorist attack of there was a with a shout e service member who shot up a base in florida and killed the bunch of you.
aramis like what the shooting in EL paso that the right way doesn't include. He doesn't include, he doesn't include way: nationalism right, so there even about language was directly linked to trumps rhetoric again so like that, the days of fact checking up until he loses are long over, but I do think highlighting things like that. It's, like I'm sorry, do not remember. This is the worst, her texans, nine eleven, happened on your watch in new york city, your home city yeah. I I will say to like to your point tommy about deplorables with the thing because republicans made it a thing, like so white house, put out a statement from deputy press secretary andrew bates, attacking trump for this language. For the speech, I kind of think Joe Biden should call it
Next time he has a chance like it. I know the new unit set up. The right thing needs to be a campaign environment that you want to do it from the rose garden or whatever it is, but some reporters going to ask him about it. If, if that be either, do it then or do it at a at the next campaign? Stop but like I think the few things lay out the stakes of the race better than making sure every person, and not just news junkies, know that this is what donald trump is saying out there, and I do think that, like if Joe Biden were to and I thought I saw donald trump out there. The other day he said he's a proud election in irony, said: p americans, he don't like it. Vermin, he call him vermin and that's not the america. I know that's that america, I believe- and I will I Like all I love all americans, even the ones, a vote against me. I think we want to get past. The hollywood eyes and ass the cruelty and the divisiveness that we be dealing with. That's what I ran the soul, the country and I got that sets its right and you know he cares about it. You know his passion and it has the benefit of both being a great like attack on trump and just a contrast, because it is it such a strength of Joe Biden, Skynet, always who he's been
back were not bad when the truth meant something people used to talk about something, although kingsley gas, which is a gap when you accidently tell the truth, red hilary hilary calling the voters deplorable that kinsey gaff trump saying he's an election deniers acutely ass. It were If we see that clip over and over again that will get through to people. I am an election in ireland he so he is so confident in the event in the in the kind of fur pictured media environment and the fact that his alot of what he does it just noise. The people are paying attention that only his people see it has done so cocky about that. That has forgotten that, and go in front of the cameras and say I'm an election, and I that there is still there is still a way to make someone pay for something like you could use that, and I really am another. They well he's also get crazy plans to go on with his crazy speeches. The new york times when a long story that included an interview with stephen miller about the extreme immigration crackdown trumbull carry out if he wins, the peace says, he's quote
preparing to round up undocumented people already in the united states on a vast scale and detain them in sprawling camps while they wait to be expelled, tremble carry out what he's calling the largest deportation in american history without congress without due process hearings and with the help of local police and national guard troops from republican run states that are deputize to work along with ice officials to do these rates. The raids will also target undocumented families ensure, brain known as dreamers. Many who've lived and worked here for decades and trump and miller both feel confident. Ah it, according to the story, and according to miller's interview that this supreme court will uphold all these actions were you guys is terrified of the story is I was like, obviously, some trumps immigration proposals are more popular in pulls than we would like, and I think some of buttons worst pulling is on the issue of immigration. But how much do you think he and the Democrats can make trumps plans and issue and twenty
for I mean It- is notable that they are taking some of the things that they were criticised for the most and helping them all up, The muslim ban, like he mentioned their break. They want to live in a political asylum, reinstating title, forty two, which is what trumpet and Biden used to keep asylum seekers out of the country during covered. They want to use that for diseases like the flu or tuberculosis messaged broad based getting rid of asylum. They want to kick all the refugees from Afghanistan out who came here after the taliban take over and even read that the ones who helped you s, forces to like this is incredibly extreme. I think one important note for listeners, is this didn't come out because of a leaked document or someone saying something they should have. This was stephen miller laying it out on the record. Take the leading you know means,
media progressive publication. Rights of what this says to me is trump, wants immigration to be the focus of the primary and the general election, and so I think we hear these proposals we find them horrifying. but you also need to realise that I think that the pulling on immigration is so bad at this point and in people's feeling about the handling The southern border is so bad that some of these things might be more popular than we think we just don't know like. Seventy three percent of the country thinks the government is doing a bad job at the southern border. Fifty two percent of respondents say it's very important to require people to apply for asylum before they travel to the border. Seventy percent of republicans say illegal. Immigration is a very big problem. Forty seven percent of the country total thinks that this is from a pupil and twenty twenty three. So what I think present by needs to do is like lay out this
Perhaps if immigration plan of his own show that he is concerned. That is these tackling the issue, because I think what people are seeing on the news is the constant stories of crisis on the southern border: chaos, if they're watching fox news or seeing worse and then highlight some of the least popular most alarmist and scary things, a trump laid out in lift those up, but you gotta do both. You have to show that you have a plan your on it. This is something important to me. This is the alternative yeah. I think too, to your point about the polling and obviously trump is trying to conflate a whole bunch of things here. Lot of people worried about the border worried about the influx of migrants coming to the united states that want more boards charity. They want an immigration system that is orderly and fair, but this is not that right. What would trump is laying out here imagined police officers, national guard from a publican states?
ducking raids, rounding up, immigrant families and children who are suspected of being undocumented, suspected putting them in camps their building new camps in texas, that's what they want to do and then deporting them without due process. Imagine how that could go! This is he's talking he's going back to the idea of man deportations of the ten to fifteen million undocumented immigrants who are currently in the states, many of whom have been here for decades, who were the vast majority of whom are working which, by the way deporting them wouldn't just be inhumane and difficult to pull off. It will be devil, getting to the economy and in all the polling that you cited was right. When you ask people- and this is from a june twenty twenty three gallup poll when you ask people whether they're sympathetic towards undocumented immigrants who are here today, sixty four percent are very or somewhat sympathetic. Sixty one percent oppose or strongly oppose mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, support for dreamers still poles in the
seventies or eighties, even when trump won in two thousand and sixteen the same exit poll that had him winning also gave voters a choice between offering. Would you offer legal status to undocumented immigrants who are already here or would you deport them back to their home country legal status won by seventy to twenty five percent? So it's totally about lifting up the mass deportation side of things which is not very popular, but also taking seriously that people are pissed off about. What's going on on the board, it's worth remembering the three biggest drops that trump ever had in his approval rating were january six healthcare and about the effort to repeal obamacare and the chaos issues like the muslim ban and the the incredible fear of what donald trump would unleash in the early days of his presidency. This is not also just about undocumented immigrants. This is about the american citizen, children of people that might be undocked,
This is also one thing they talked about. That article is about attempting to deny citizenship to the american born children of undocumented people. That is illegal and not as it is no more trumps decision who was an american than it was my pencil decision when the electoral college, it is just a made up right wing rights, it is worth rights into the ship it is, is in the constitution. It is eight made up thing, they're, trying to abuse the fact that that, when a diplomat from another country comes, in the country. They are there, as representative of a foreign country, to try to deny citizenship to americans because of the wrong color. But I I the the the the thing that I also think is just the amount of chaos.
want to unleash in the early days of this administration. The cruelty and chaos at this would cause the disruption to the economy, the disruption to businesses, the the the the protests and divisiveness that this would that this would cause is exactly what people dislike the most from the trump era, and I think highlighting that talking about the fact that this would be a brutal, cruel, divisive polarizing ultimately unsuccessful effort to disrupt the lives of millions of people and the economy is, I think, the thing we have to do that so so that the part that I
was sort of thinking about. As I read, the piece was one of the guard rails to protect us from us and which are still there and which would be gone, and it just sort of wanted to take us through what some of those were. So Donald trump wins, and he decides he's going to implement this broad plan. I'm just trying to think through some of the things that stood in the way of trump doing these kinds of things. The first one is just trump's incompetence right. The other is just awkward judges. There were a ton of judges that stepped in there were republican squishes in the administration that refused to go along with it. There were non political beer, rats the refuse to go along with it, and then it was political pressure from rational publicans who were either a problem in an of themselves or as a weather, vain for political pressure. There pumpkin felt and being competence will still be there, but dead the judiciary should shifted the right. This whole thing is about and to make sure there are no more republicans wishes. In the second term there this is a plan to put what fifty thousand right wingers
into position to the bureaucracy and a lot of the republicans that stood in the way of trump in any way rhetorically any kind, criticism, many of them are gone and most of them have run to the fold yeah. Well, that's mean to your point about the plan. To put all the all the trump loyalists in there is that at axios did it are pretty well reported story today about the ideological screenings. Then they're doing right now, for a federal employees and they they're sort of breaking them into trenches, right like there's the ones that they could if they get where they want to get rid of the civil service protections and insult everyone, but they also for just the political appointees right which they know they're going to get they're going through. These illogical screenings, that's like Stephen Miller's running this operation and johnny mcafee, who is the had personnel and their basically going through their comments, social media histories asking them questions they just want. They want trump loyalists, but they also want like experts, and they don't want the incompetent buffoons. They want to actually get people whom
who just don't love democracy and the rule of law, but are like smart human there's. This whole, like I think, heritage foundation plan to cobble together the most right wing possible government. They can find they're also going to try to fire all the civil servants and replace them with political hires. This whole thing is just a piece of a broader acceleration is puzzle where are there not can be built in the plane on the fly. This time they are going to have some scary shit ready to go on the first day he's in office ethic. It's like Chris Christie was italy's was to run the transition there. I am. That is not only one of these charge well jared and Ivanka, either or like pets, the baloney right, the white house counsel, who was like a real lawyer who would say? No, we can't do that. That's illegal! It's unconstitutional! Those people are, Like a lawyer that is going to sign off on denying social security numbers two,
american born children of undocumented immigrants is a lawyer that will sign off on fucking anything to fight it out in the courts. We packed last time right and also yeah. Exactly- and you know is, is this supreme court John roberts and you know going to round up a majority to stop some of the yes, some of it. Maybe prominent. All of it well have the majority that that existed, where John Roberts could join with bitter Ginsburg right. That's how the other levels is gone because route. They are Ginsburg famously died. True, the america is brought by zip recruiter talk about some of the people you well for on your show, and why all of 'em lot of people that cause that, ah it takes to make this thing. This copy says my assistant, because she laughs at my jokes in a previous what we said that andy, never laughs at our jokes now she doesn't find as funny. But I have a great tag to this whole story, which is
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one big thing we can do to avoid this elected democratic president, Joe Biden, current democratic resident in the northern show we just had. We talked about how abiden showed a little more fight in last week's speech to you, a w workers and we see, is reporting. The Biden personally made the decision to hit trump harder in that speech and then he's planning to quote shift more into campaign mode with plans to increasingly attack trump after some of his allies have urged him to do so in recent days is barely get lots of advice. These days, politicos Jonathan Martin just spoke to dozens of democrats and anti trump republicans some of their suggestion. So my rights, this column, and it just basically it voices it sort of like summarizes all the suggestions he got from these dozens of people. He spoke to some of the suggestions included. listing list, cheney and mitt romney in his re election fight, making rama manual chair of his campaign and apply bill and Hillary Clinton as middle east peace on voice. What do they make
The advice contained in the envy seen J mart pieces, so bad ideas brainstorm I mean look so current strategy, not working and in time get more aggressive guess. I support that. I think I think Jonathan morn story was revealing in that it reflects a high level of anxiety among the kind of operative and consulting class, but also the fact that good ideas are hard to come by for how to fix it. If your job I write in so I think there weren't a ton of ideas they think I took off that political shelf blush. You know getting never comparable. out there on the campaign trail, not a bad idea. Maybe ditching died not mix. If it's not pulling will meet, not crazy. Focusing on abortion. Absolutely right. I do think there has been some appalling and focus groups recently that show most voters. Dont. Think trump is as extreme on abortion as he is and he has given us thousands of judges and quotes
boats to use, to put it an ad and get that out there. So you know what we already seen: the white us office precipice ramp up their messaging theyve, the others. These new social media accounts that are putting out clips of trumped stump, being getting the name of the president wrong seven times in a month like things at work getting out their six months ago. That I think has been effective. I do like to hear that Biden himself is like art. Now, it's time to sir punching up in the face yet and that there is a third category to add to your two of of the kind advice in the peace which was Please run a campaign in twenty four right. Like a lot of us, you shouldn't like make it a choice, not random, like yeah, that's like a really good idea and presumably not something that wouldn't have occurred. probably twenty twenty four abiding campaign make a big abortion and issue. Do subjects bad. The age concerns ya know. I think that that's a really important aims in the face of every time we say this. I tried I like unpack because do something awoke okay, we he,
it's not going. He can get any younger. That's that's off the table, get one of those machines from star trek insurrection. You know you know what and they'll say look you. He went to ukraine. He went to Israel like he's out there he's in war zones he's doing real things. This is not. You know, someone who's, not on top of his faculties. A lot of the advice was like super inside baseball stuff about where current staffers should be working out of like should they work in the swingers they be in delaware. I think the realities, Joe Biden, is incredibly means on a small group of staff very hard and he's want them in the white house sitting with him, not in a campaign office in delaware. So, like some of that stuff didn't land with me like sending mcdonnel ended ambient as dumping that maybe it works really does announcing that I also just like if hilary bill When I go to Gaza, but tell me what you think about the current there's a middle east peace on voice that would work. I do king about a way to make the work
in ukraine and gaza, not your constant day to day focus is a good idea. If you can name some envoy or something to kind of like get that off your day to day messaging plate and focus on economics or other things. That may be good I'll. Tell ya, I can't easier said than done. I cannot think of a better way to bring the disaffected young progressive than bringing back rama manual as your campaigns that what unites, if I don't get a strange here's what I took from the who who gave that advice, here's what I heard from that thou. Here's. What I heard what I took from that with someone who's like just sit in their house, fuckin nervous. We, like We need somebody who's going to really make things. So, who is someone who curses? Who someone's gonna really should make things good somebody's?
who's going to yell a lot. I just want pointers like bring bring back a ron klain for some big role, yeah right that yeah they should- and that's probably gonna happen exactly. I also think there was a point about you know it is. It is fun and often warranted to complain about. A media coverage complain about people underestimating Joe Biden complain about the polls. I don't know that it's always the best use of energy and focus, and I don't know that at all move, the needle that much. I think, like really focusing on the choice and getting people to think about the choice, all the time and attacking donald trump all the time, if you're the campaign, I think that's probably better use of time, but while I think angles of adding is of course right, I do think that there is like a confusion, the peace between pretty in confidence and having competence, like Joe Biden should not be out there being like. I'm really worried about these poles in the age is going to be a huge problem that no one should be out there saying I'm like every president believes is accomplishments are being
your covered and under their unshaded ever Joe Biden. That is a real and serious problem for him. As a candidate before our country don't know if the polls are real enough, but I'll tell you I'm going to change the minds if I need to, and I'm going to show people what the choices in this race and I'm going to run the race and tell them with this the stakes and what's going to happen, if Donald trump becomes president, what's going to happen? If I'm president, absolutely, I think that the job of president is incredibly hard. Every president, ever in history feels like they're treated unfairly by the media. I think you do thou have to project a little more comments like there was a clip where Peter doocy fox news of asking Biden about the bad near times gone his face and wagged his finger, and I will send you eight other poles and like ass. Not that's not the lilies of individuals like a little less defence isn't this a little less focus on the kind of briefing room and more getting out in the country with mostly with paid media to reach the voters that you've lost because they're not reading politico. The other thing, too, is it's like that. The moment where, whatever you're gonna say? That's gonna be newsy uncovered, and it's like
was now a little referendum that you don't agree with that point. As of as opposed to what you were saying but like it is absolutely true that it is Joe Biden and the divine campaigns job to address the fact that vast numbers of americans have absolutely no idea what he accomplished but, like I, it fresh me sometimes when the coverage It's that entirely at the feet of Democrats like yes, practically in reality, we can't just complain about it. We have to live in that environment, but like stepping back for a second like yeah, that's a huge indictment, not just of demo, that's but of our entire media ecosystem. But the way politics is cover about our attention span. All of it like we are, and we are. We just talked about the republican candidate, referring to his political opponents as vermin planning to set up camps into port millions of people, and it will barely get coverage and most people won't know about it. Trump is so cocky about.
He sang and readily unpopular things on the supper lying on the fact that most people won't be able to separate the signal from the noise. Like that's an american problems such as a democratic problem. Will that web it, but also younger, solve ass. Your you hear campaign. What you just do, what you can control is the ads that you run what your candidate says, what all the surrogate say, and hopefully what all the what most of the party says, and I think to that extent, I e that the method vice that keeps coming up and you've got to figure out the economic message yeah and I do think the here's all we did, here's all we did Hillary. I like, I just think it's of limited value when so many people are still pissed about price that won't go down, and we've talked about this before that. It's like yes, inflation has come down, but prices are still high and again it's a place where you draw the contrast right and like what is what is donald trump going to
to bring prices down, donald trump, who ran as a populist last time and then once he got into office, listened to Paul Ryan, successfully cut taxes for the rich tried to eliminate obamacare and health care altogether tried to cut medicare and social. Like you hit a rom. Is another corporate tax cut already yeah right and she just got it? You really gotta make the economics about a choice tarred because trump's his primary message is: the economy was better. When I was president and now it's bad gas was cheaper. When I was president now it's bad, there were fewer wars. When I was president and now look at ukraine in Israel. So again like to the to the point about immigration, I the media covered the hell out of this immigration, like the trump people rolled it out to new york times, then he talked about it. His rally like it's not not getting covered cause they wanted to get covered. The problem is: there's a policy problem at the border that Joe Biden can't solve in large part, because congress won't help him solve it by passing a law or doing anything constructive you're. So
that's like the challenge of being come in here, an area which is always a lot of arms, which is always the talent and that's but like you know why with that when obama ran in two thousand and twelve and we dealt with different challenges, but we did it. You know ours was like persistent unemployment from the great recession, and yet we have the jobs chart of all the jobs that obama created he didn't stop at. Just being like. Oh no, I I look at a critical these jobs. It's working, it's working, it's working! It's he said. What's mitt romney going to do well, what's leno like what does this what's his plan and to the times when even trump does
I have this like hazy. Memory of you know the economy was better. It's like okay, Donald trump. What are you going to do to lower prices? Now? You have any ideas, and there were so many stories like this. This kind of story that the thing that the the reason I bring up the fact that it's not just a democratic problem is like there is this. You know republicans think that this, like the mainstream media, is biased, and I and I you know- I think it does treat democrats as the protagonist and republicans as the antagonist and that often redound to a democratic advantage in the way stuff is covered, but in moments like this that hand, wringing that hand wringing like it is from the point of view of worried democrats. It is it it is a baked into the piece that it is that it is a bunch of worried people trying to figure out what job It has to do to fix this problem and the thing is part of what makes it a problem for Joe Biden is like there. Isn't it there's he is covered in a different way. He has held to a higher standard that the the worrying concerns about Biden's polling.
you will never see a story if there's, if there's a week or a couple of weeks of polling there will there is no equivalent version of this story on the right, like there'll, be a version of it, but it doesn't. It doesn't rise to this level. They don't get covered with this level of specificity. There's no one doing staffing recommendations for for a republican campaign. In this way just different. I dunno, I think, every I think the other side, like the robins all say, are Democrats never do in fighting. They don't attack each other in our side does, and we say the same thing, but I think, like it's hard to be in charge and tartu run in, and I also like the whole of standard united Messina, Jim, are, are bombs manager and twenty twelve or to peace. That was a great man, Jim arts, peace. That was like you know, no need to panic over Biden and don't sweat. The doom gloom polling and early polls are unreliable and and then he had some good advice about like economic messaging and stuff like that. But I everyone no one should panic, of course, but like people are worried because fuckin democracy hangs
balance while there, like the people, are gonna, get worried. You know and they're gonna want to make sure the Joe Biden can pull this off and super impressed by the messages the soul of the nation is at stake. The future of democracy is at stake, so we're allowed to worry there. One part of the story where, where he says the country knows We have donald trump as many on bothered by it, and no amount of scolding will make them say: oh wow, I guess he is a bad guy and as it will hold on a second like we do like this idea that, like again, that, like donald trump's, badness is like so thoroughly baked in that it's not worth talking about like I do think that, like it's, not maybe people know, but they may not feel it and we're gonna have to make it present for people I don't agree- and I recently by us- and it has to be perspective because at the end of the day, voters care about like anyone cares about like what's going to impact my life. What's my life going to be like if Donald trump is president, I don't want to hear about the past. I don't want to hear but his character in the past, like what is he going to do he's going to be so bad
well, what's Joe Biden going to do right, like people want to know they want, but when people say elections are about the future, it's not just like ghazi optum, it's about like yeah. What's going to happen to me, what what's my life going to be like, and I think that talking about trump's second term plans is probably even more important than like the vermin comment right like that immigration building the camps is probably more important to get through then oh and he's calling people vermin like. I actually think that the plans that are going to it's it's it's his vision for the country and versus Joe Biden, division for the country? That's what people to decide and if you're waiting for like some, It come along with a silver bullet to make you less anxious about the two biggest issues facing Joe Biden like you know, inflict that the result that the effects of inflation and his age it can that there's no there's, no there's no magic answer to these very difficult liabilities. They are hit his liabilities. We will be dealing with them and fighting to address them and us we could get a google.
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-14.