« Pod Save America

“Transition to greatness!”


The outgoing president's antics consume attention that should be focused on the raging pandemic, while President-elect Biden looks to make progress on climate change, immigration, student debt, and other issues. Then Democratic strategist Chuck Rocha talks to Jon Favreau about how the party can improve its performance among Latino voters.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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like Biden, is planning to address some of the country's biggest challenges with or without a democratic Senate, but first make sure the President Elect has a democratic Senate. We have one, adopt Estate, Georgia, gotta votes, even there that comes less Georgia to find opportunities to donate volunteer intellect John Joseph and Reverend Raphia Warnock on January Fifth, it's our last chance to take away Mitch MC, on all Senate majority, thousands. Thousands of you have already signed up, so thank you. If you can donate, we would love that to split you. Can I gotta go to America com such get Mitch split your donation between us off and Warnock. They need the cash soda organisations on the ground. This is very, very important. Thank you to everyone whose signed up to help we could use more of you. Finally love it. How is the show this weekend gray, latterly that that's it now is going to be had noticed
Michael National Laws, do for his own eyes. I dont domain and ice cream, Michael Bachelors, about transfer of unprecedented anti democratic. murmurings since he lost the election. I talk to Lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania. John better men and then in the mild Naomi, a paragon returning champion was errors hilarious straight up member early on whew. You gotta make fun of the economy Tommy Bash loss of. I am, I dare to mention event before, like the year two thousand eight Now, that's good reminder to use that forgot about that. if you had to guess who are so similar like Michael Bash lesson. John Federalist, that created some weather, Let's go, let's go to the news, so there are two: may your stories competing for media attention right now, first or The pandemic, which is more out of control than its ever been everyday, brings record cases record hospitalizations we're back over a thousand dead per day. Some healthcare system
or capacity, especially in the MID West is only getting worse, is people spend more time indoors for the winter and prepare to travel for the holidays? Meanwhile, others worries about Donald Trump, who has completely given up on the pandemic. In order to focus exclusively on trying to make people leave the lie that the election he lost was rigged against him Trump seem to acknowledge in a Sunday morning tweet that by one but then quickly followed up by tweeting. I seed nothing and has spent the rest of yesterday and this morning granting and raving about his usual nonsense. Tommy at what point is it ok to stop paying so much attention to everything? Donald Trump says and does, particularly since here uses to accept the reality that he lost two weeks ago. weeks ago. He hears a expand twenty fifteen years. A thought experiment for would be good. Imagine if ISIS was excellent
in one thousand Americans a day and in response the president did nothing. He watch tv, he gulped any tweeted and then Jane. If ninety percent of those ISIS attacks could be stopped by putting a tiny piece of fabric on face like that. That's a reality we're living in a daily massacre of american citizens in the news of the day being driven by these pathetic last gas tweets from tree, where he pretends that there is some way to overturn the elections. I I think I think we have to take these anti democratic threats from trumps. precisely because there is no doubt in my mind that he would Sir Power end stage a coup, if you could figure out a way to do it, but I think it's time for the press like Washington generally to just break its addiction to trump outrage in focus more on the much bigger problems we have to deal with right, like not. Every question has to be a response to something Trump did or said that day, which is what the Sunday shows
for four years, and that includes a pandemic, both the immediate mitigation and like the need to pass a groan of Irish will leave package. A bunch of states are about to go into locked down again to prevent more deaths like we need to figure out a way to help those people and includes more covered decline. It is a category four or five hurricane Barrel, down on Nicaragua right now, as we speak about comes at the end of the Atlantic Hurricane season, with the most named storms ever rights like trumps, a lame duck. The stench of loser is wafting off of him is getting stronger every single day we just can't and be our Simon editor anymore, which is what he had tried to be. It's the only part of the job you really enjoys and has been doing for what, for years now, yeah me like is his legal challenges. Are failing in just about every case? He there is an EPA story over the weekend about how republican legislators in some of the critical battleground states have said they're not going to go on with his fuckin hare brained plan to send us later
tromp electors like his his the coup attempt is just about over these failing at it. I like turned off trumped notifications. Finally, for a new tweets and its baby like you, you know you spend all day not pay much attention to twitter is. I did yesterday and last night, you know, I'm going through Trump streets have just like how he sounds like a really fuckin desperate said Those are- and I don't really care anymore lover. What do you think yeah? We look think gum I've yours. We are learning this lesson a bit late in the trunk cycle, which is that his work, don't matter they never really right he's all over the place. You know he I just a job, it's a sad, its assent as part of our reality. Radio trump tweets job
and one because of a bunch ally's that everyone's, like I said Joe Biden, one that's got to be used that for an hour right got em, and then you know your child. They, its red Tehran, claim on meet their press. You responds well. Does it really matter what Trump says, because it's not really up to him, which is of course the correct, but I do think Maybe now, at long last, we can finally decide to focus on trumps actions as the only piece of what Trump can do that actually matters, and what matters is not the kind of stages. reef trump is going through on twitter. What matters is, what is, is a ministerial in doing or not doing, and so you can basically just disregard trump. The twitter persona trumped up the mouthpiece and even just focus on whether or not to Joe Biden is getting his briefings, which he is not whether or not The run. A virus taskforce that Joe Biden as President Elect had assembled is able to communicate with the administration. It's not their forced to glory
on the installation to talk to see vs in Walgreens directly to talk to governors to find out, if there's anything made, to be prepared to do about the supply chain of that scenes, because they don't have access to the resources that they should have from the transition, and I like to communicate officially with members of the administration of with members of with, with with faulty or with HIV Aids or any other agencies that are working on this. To me, I would just disregard Donald Trump as a person really just focus entirely on what the administration is or is not doing, Is there anything the incoming by demonstration can do here in this sort of transition purgatory I'm. Is there anything else they should be doing that they're not already doing. I don't think so now
they're, not in power? I'm not sure what the recommendation would be re me there's a desert. You know we always used to say this in during the transition right. There's one president, a time Joe Biden has not the president right now. I do think, like you know, as they get set out like more daily briefings about covered with his task force. You know it. Can we keep talking about the steps you he's gonna take once in office, he sort of did he gave beats last week, which was a great start. Yes, but it's you know it's a unique situation and that we are in the middle of an emergency. I mean, I think you should start by Changing- is twitter to handle two to jail where a mask Biden and then take pictures with a telephone lines to scold me boys, his gathered. rose, I just get it. I think I think all that self righteous scalding was Billy counterproductive. I think, would you buy in his team could do would be to offer helpful actionable advice here's what I've noticed in my own life from March until August last year my quarantine was very strict. I saw a tiny group of people
basically only saw each other and houses or backyards, mostly with a few exceptions, and then in August I took couple days off. I travel to the Santa Barbara area, with my wife little vacation and we're walking around town and we saw senior citizens out everywhere living their lives hit. This weird realisation that there is a scary in your house, quarantine reality that is all cable news in twitter threads and you can something dismiss the fact that lots of people there are living their lives or have no choice but to be out because they have to work, and I not saying that, like movie, is the right answer. What I'm saying is, I think the conversation has to be about risk mitigation in not like lockdown and draconian things and ass to be proportional and asked to be action. that obviously starts with masks and encouraging people to wear Basques, but I also think,
short of shutting down everything you could started piecemeal, shut things down like in a room, dining or bars, etc, like obviously that is brutal furred the proprietors of these places and has to be coupled with some sort of economic relief restaurants or bars or others, but knew the messaging was so fucked up on the first locked down that I don't think you're gonna get its people to do it again, actually, when the White House refuses even try. What are some of the challenges. Lover that president, like buying, will face in getting this pandemic under control once the transition actually happens. So they get to talk about. Let's aid policy the culture and then the policy. Will you see in terms of what they're doing on policy? Is there they put out. Obviously, a cogent plan, which is part of a huge a low bardic clear, but they ve gone well above that by right. They have a plan. You kind of reading, between the lines in what that what they are trying to do right now is you, you seem to see
a team that is trying to find out what has been fucked up. That will make getting there seen out a harder, and what would he doing right now to try to expedite the the the manufacturing in the distribution in the complicated the supply chain questions? What would they be doing to make that work better now if they were in power, so they could be prepared to take those kinds of steps. I think I'm policy they've been right. Obviously we need relief built, you know and Tommy you know, you're right right, like the messaging has been completely fucked up and at this point people aren't willing to do a lockdown. However, at this point like I try to imagine what would have been like forget the absence of the kind of evil, anti leadership from tromp like or the absence of that would have been an improvement, but if there had been a consistent message, taking. This seriously is being by partisan if we had had that from a republican or democratic president from the beginning. Right now, you might you could imagine a president in concert with governors across the country.
basically saying I know this is terrible. I know how long this has been. I know how much you I see your families were so close to the end. Yes, we were so close to the end. We are potentially weeks away from the first round of these vaccines, going to high risk people and and and frontline responders. We are within a few months of being able to vaccinate, are on a mass scale if everything goes according to plan and add that exact moment, when what we really should do is kind of and everybody a message. I stay home. I know that these lockdown are terrible. We should have paid people do not work, we should have paid. People do not have to run their restaurants, we should have paid people do not have to do these kinds of things and just told people were so to the end, just stay home just make it to the end. Do your duty, but instead were in this kind of Connecticut bouncing back and forth, is some In her say one thing other say another: this complete inconsistency it takes
hospitals being nearly over run for some conservativism republican governors to finally take it seriously. So I think that that's a servant, epic tragedy, obviously, but but in terms of the cultural job of president, I mean he just he that's the biggest thing that he should do right now. Tommy, you set it like the job of president in terms of being a moral leader for the country is open. Do the job, that's the one place down drunk conceded years ago that jobs open take that he's not try to keep out one the challenges winter, the Republican Party and Mitch Mcconnell refusing to do anything to help the economy with a code. leave bill, but yeah. I grew idea will initially fifteen days to stop the spread and then it was like an dot dot, dot and then fifteen day
is to lockdown indefinitely cuz. We don't know, what's going to happen next and now there is this vaccine light at the end of the tunnel and my god it is unconscionable. Let people die in this window. I mean I do think that the part of the fucked up public messaging is a consequence of policy choices which is that like in I've seen this here in LOS Angeles, like you here, you hear, merit our city or our public health commissioner, be talking about, like don't see even close friend my absurd to cancel all gather Chris message and then on the menu sea and then and then you see, restaurants or Open Jim's are open right and the reason that those businesses are open is because there is a huge economic costs to this and we decided not to pay. Restaurants bars Emma places that, like really you can only do you know you need you need to be indoors. We decide
not to pay them to not to stay home and do not have customers, and I would still like the fact that we chose not to reimburse these businesses means that there's more pressure to keep them open, which fucks up the public messaging. Again. I agree that accept that it's been particularly Regis and allay when you had democratic officials, cars de the governor others like criticising people for going to the beach right, we're very dumb early messages about outdoor gatherings, totally like condescending and sneering people being like, don't get together with your family, yadda yadda yadda. That's like no stop with that shit. That is it didn't work. Then it won't were now give me specific and this action will things that are practical, that I can implement in my own life. That might actually help mitigate this thing at scale. But, like hey, telling everyone the Thanksgiving Christmas is over, it's not gonna work. It's just not can work.
while the product problem is because like empty because of that messaging being fucked up, Now when it seems like it's the worse emergency, yet people are going to be less, they died. We need to take that advice. That's the problem is like not now I've seen people who were not very alarmist back in the spring and Summer B, very alarmist. Right now, like I have never seen so many public health experts epidemiologists everyone else like this is seriously. We are about to go into a really really add place, and I worry that a lot of public won't take. Ozma is seriously because of how the messaging wasn't it. And little sprang. Well, you know part of this is the part of this obviously like we keep coming back to this, but so They are going to be mistakes right. We ve never been in a pandemic like this before there is. If there is a big mistake made on mass early on it with services, not airborne than we find out that, basically, you know Trump and Bob Woodward work
bitching about how was airborne, but the rest of us didn't know, but the. But there was a deeper mistake. I think was never rectified, and it was that the whole posture from the federal government to to local government was. We need to pause life for a very brief period of time, and then things will be ok yeah and there was never a moment's where anyone, because there's no leadership from the White House and no one who could fill the vacuum other than people like Anthony Voucher, whose you know to whom you know carefully measured how critical he could be of the administrations failures. The bay we said. We are now transitioning from a short period of time to try to control this, to the fact that it is now widely spread and in our communities, and it is about actually finding a way to live sustainably in a way that prevents the disease from spreading, which is like to your point on me like we went from like criticising people to being on it. ages which felt incredibly draconian and about being outside, which we now know is really safe and by the way part of what makes
Fucking sustainable is being able to go outside and be six feet. Apart from somebody you care about and having a conversation and catching up, there was never a moment where they said here are the things that you can do to make your life sustainable and okay during this time, and so now we come to the holidays. Everyone is burnt out, nobody knows exactly what's right, everybody's been kind of thrown to the wolves of their own version of risk mitigation, and it's actually never been worse. You know it is, and it is less safe to go out of your house and most of the country right now than it was in March or April lonelier at our most romanian and that inconsistency isn't addressed it. Isn't it isn't part of a common? nation. Nobody really wants to be honest about about what's happening
and then back to our original conversation about sort of news coverage. I think for four casual news. Consumers lot of coverage about a very dangerous deadly spike could help shape behaviour and stop the spread. You know, public health is obviously primarily about communication and education, and I think you know if all we're talking about is Donald Trump in his crazy tweets. That doesn't happen as much so I don't think that's wanting that could help to salaries in the other. Picking up the situation is a covert relief bill, so negotiations over that there really fill in Congress still haven't, got anywhere Biden, humor and policy, all back the house's two plus, trillion dollar bill. Mcconnell won't go for anything over five hundred billion wars and then, on Saturday, Trump urge Congress to pass a quote: big unfocused bill on the sudden, Aircars Donald Trump Tommy. What are the chances of passing a covert really felt in a lame duck session and how much Democrats be willing to compromise mean? I have literally no idea what the chances are
it is impossible to follow where anyone is on this. I know that the difference between the Mcconnell proposal, which was like half a trillion and the largest policy proposal, which was three trillion, seems very difficult to surmount, but internet, I'm I'm hopeful, maybe that these guys will find some sort of responsibility. Jean, I don't know like work, were in a very tough place once again, which is you dont want to pass something that is woefully insufficient to meet the moment and then Agnes Mcconnell spend the next six months to a year saying no, we already did something. I'm not gonna pass anything else in a naked attempt to sabotage the economy in the by the. But I do think like the obvious public policy answer right now would be to pass something they gave people money for at least six months.
That also lead to the closure of like indoor dining in bars and things that are so high risk. Until we get to a vaccine. It seems like the obvious thing to do the fact that the two parties can't together to pass. That shows primarily how broken the Republican Party is, even in the face of a pandemic, but also just like why people of all the given up on politics in this country b. Again, it seems very obvious what we have to do and the fact that we can see that meet the moment is absurd. That's absurd. I think I would be more open to a compromise, and I even was before the election at this point on behalf of Democrats, because I sort of worry that, like you, dont get anything done a lame duck which again we have no idea if we can, but if we don't like, we could get to abide
the destruction where Mitch Mcconnell is just gonna block everything, and maybe maybe Mitch Mcconnell has like you know more of a chance to pass something with Donald Trump as president than Joe Biden this president, just because of his politics. But I think that, like people are struggling and they're gonna be struggling even more as the economy gets worse because the pandemic gets worse and I would be sorted for passing something rather than nothing in this way not if it's possible. But what do you think so, first of all its actually really hard to totally understand why the transition from a Donald Trump to Joe Biden presidency does too much money an old calculus, John Drums and non factor right now you just not pills if something positive sign. It he's not gonna vetoes something passed by the Congress, and you know he can claim he wants this or wants that. But, like you know the wheat, we talked about this before the elections.
Mr O Connor was getting away with murder, allowing this to become Donald Trump problem when he has been the main obstacle for the past six months. You know the only your politically like what what are the? What are the places where we could see ramifications of this quickly, its Roger. I dont know what they are. I dont know what happens if you pass it. I also think it should be a concern here I'm kind of where you are now it's like the mid term elections are now two years away. The politics really have have changed unkind of you are like you know, I understand the posture that that Democrats are taking. I think we should get the biggest yo humanly possible, but but man I mean it's just it's just hard to keep going month after month without getting relieved to people. It's just that it's it's horrible, the question! Just as what is it you don't? You know what is the blow with liability for businesses that stay open, a little bit of relief to states or for hospital systems that does nothing or, unlike some more money for the PPP program that wasn't particularly effective. I just think: that's that
insufficient. To me, something is better than nothing but man. That's that's! A tough bargain, too, have to swallow. I would also say like Trump again: you're Trump is a non factories given up on the job of president, but I wonder if you also understands that he might be president if Mitch, Mcconnell had worked with policy in past another significant corona virus relief bill, pretty clear from the anecdotal evidence from the exit polling, etc that people liked getting a Czech without Frumps name on it and they screwed up massively not more seriously pursuing something that would have been significant in advance of the election. Well, sir, I soda wonder: if it's you know you could play the trumps ego little. They give him whatever, given a give him a win on the way out the doors and thinks he's fucking, Guenaud gonna run again in twenty four, so maybe that sort of incentive. I think to your point on me, but what's in the bell like look, if you get, you need to have some
and of unemployment relief and extension of announcing it really asking. You need to have some money for state local governments, even though I am sure will be woefully insufficient for what to do with the Democrats proposed verses what they will get from Mitch, and I think you know the PPP programme did have some success after after a while, but you're right. I think I think unemployment and sort of state local relief for the most important most important parts of that bill wonders other piece of this. That I don't I feel like I I know enough about which is I be curious. What smart people who are thinking about this imagine is going to happen when we get to certain kind of must pass bills as the year goes on, because we will finally have an actual president and he's not is not just that doll. Tromp was republic. Any was an absent t, president for so much at the time that a lot of this was out source to Congress. But what happens when you have a democratic present whose part of these negotiations, who is using a budget negotiations for government funding negotiation?
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need a democratic sat for so there was a great piece in the washing post about how Biden is planning to set up his entire government to tackle climate change, and so what That means, is you? Don't just have the EPA involved than you say, hey EPA, your handling climate. You tell the State Department, you tell the Treasury Department of Commerce that you have to figure out actions and thing you can do to address climate and, if a big plan that helps you work through all this. So that's a good thing, because no your question about Congress, like the odds of passing a big cap and trade bill through a republican Senate, are next zero. It might even be hard if we want both Georgia seat so by he's gonna have to figure out how to use executive orders in executive action to do it. Some of the recommendations that have been put forward to him include by creating a White House National Climate Council, which is sort of like the domestic policy council or the National Economic Council within the White House. You make that a very senior job that that speaks to the importance
the task you could establish, a carbon bank with the USDA and that would pay you can pay farmers basically in four owners to store carbon in their soils and lands. You could use the Department of Transportation to accelerate the purchase of electric vehicles indices the purchasing power of the government. Now there is a great up last week by the former secretary of the Navy re neighbours who act, He tried to change that and and do more on climate when he was at the Navy. But he pointed out in this are bad that the Department of Defense uses more fossil fuels. than any other organisation on earth so there's ways within the government. The you can even can implement things. You can rollback trump error regulations that may cars less fuel efficient you rollback ways they allowed more oil and gas exploration or trump allowed companies, just like poor methane, as the atmosphere you can fix that
there's the international peace. This is well like he'll get back and the Paris climate accords on day. One, a bunch of his spine and early cause with european leaders have focused on Yugoslavia, aiding a stronger agreement through Paris and that's critical right. These only fifteen percent of global emissions come from the. U s the rest or abroad. You have to deal with all of that. If you actually want deal with climate. Not a scary thing is the courts and what they may or may not strike down when it comes regulations, but will cross at bridge we get there. Yet it seems like that.
You biggest levers they have ares or of the purchasing power of the federal government and just the federal government in general, the cars they buy, the buildings that we have right, like that you can, you can do a lot without Congress to sort of breach shape with the federal government does and then into us. In seven, the Supreme Court ruled that the Clean AIR Act apply to carbon emissions, and so that means that appear as the power to regulate them. So there's a lot you could do. There began the big challenges. The court's right now
necessarily friendly to the executive branch regulating a lot of things I its own without Congress, to say the least, to say the least, its Tommy Dodge about going through different parts of the government. The defence department recognizes that climate change is a threat in their look like long term. Planning acknowledge that one of the biggest rest to facilities to the secrete country is climate change and the instability could cause as climate change has been internalized by the progressive movement, certainly by industry as well. Right insurance companies understand that climate change is a real threat when they, when they model out what they're going to charge people in flood zones and storm areas? Right, for example, you know David Roberts has been a great clamour rider. He wrote about how the presidency has an extraordinary amount of power around systemic risk to the economy through the Dodd Frank ACT right well, climate changes and tremendous systemic risk to the economy, and so I think one other piece it s, just what I
like to see is just administration. That is honest about the threat posed by climate change, which demands that you use all. The levers of the presidency may be in creative and experimental ways, especially when we're going to throw a bunch of shit against the wall to see what Amy Coney Barrett thinks his original ass. You know so now I will say like creative and ambitious and that the court will strike down what it strikes down, but, like you gotta just yet enough and look, this is once again but immigration. This sort of what happened to us on immigration is: how long did it take the above instruction to finally taken executive action on Dhaka on the dreamers to re prioritize D,
Morticians didn't happen until the second term and a lot of those, because a lot of lawyers and a lot of us whose I dont know if we have the authority, do this or we're not sure any in the lesson is like you said that you should have just try everything see what the court strike down and what they don't strike down. That's when, but you you, don't you can't really weight on this kind of stuff. What do you think on immigration love it Thea. The binding folks can do both with Congress and without Congress. Guys worth noting too, that I think today, as your recording, this court in New York ruled that acting chow wolf at the Department of Homeland Security is not technically authorized to make the decisions he's making around Dhaka, so the decision tubes create Dhaka that has been moving through the courts for years. That was contentious. That was attacked for being a leader
by conservatives, and that is even recognised as being a stretch for presidential power has survived to this point, despite the onslaught that the the Republican administration waged against it, though largely it survives thanks to the incompetence of the administration in their reasoning they offer to the court, but that said they can immediately, protect the dreamers they can immediately suspend the muslim ban. They can immediately move to reverse some of the Stephen Miller policies around refugees. They can immediately halt deep flirtations of everyone except violence Anders there's a whole host of things that they can do on immigration on A1. It's a it's a lot of reversing the you know native his policies that that Stephen Miller, Donald Trump has put forward, but they also have some places where I think they can move things forward. To tell me what about you, what do you think
Listen! You! I've Biden is going to a race everything Stephen Miller ever did you can undo the damage that is permanent, but all of the immigration policies that they put forward were pretty much through executive action and not through Congress so Biden can on wind it. So I'm very excited for Someone on that administration to right in a bad. That's has even Miller your cancelled. You are raised. You are gone! He s! Like your love! It's got the big ones, Dhaka Muslim Ban. You can get rid of the public charge rule the basically allowed the you asked to discriminate against people from coming to the? U S based on whether they might conceivably fallen hard. Economic I'm in the future and need you know, assistance the list goes on and on but yeah it's it placed it now is a family separation salaries have dined right. I'm horse tied, none of course, of women get rid of it forever. Billig. Look you gotta, put decent human beings in charge of these policies that
that's gonna be a huge piece of this, which is huge, which is huge about you. Think you're on some of these are some of what Trump did on both climate, the environment and immigration. One challenges- and I know the public charges- is one of them. It's actually gonna take some time to undo them, because if this goes through this, like fuckin regulatory process and Trump really fucked it up. So bad that it could take a couple years but best to start immediately. The right of the real challenge on immigration is one that the meat policy objective that we ve been trying for for the last ten fifteen years ever since Obama took office, which is a pathway to citizenship for every undocumented immigrants, this country, that you can only do with a democratic Senate, and that is yet another reason to focus on winning those two seats in Georgia, because without a democratic Senate you you will not be able to do anything on citizenship.
committed. Americans you'll, be able to protect the dreamers and that's about it Tom you, their other executive actions. They you, you were looking at that that bind can take quickly and make some real progress yeah me look at a few quick wins and, like this sounds ball, but it's a huge deal like just putting competent people in charge is going to make such a difference. I mean watch Ryan Clean, do interviews over the weekend. With just such an unbelievable relief is like Pandemic expert is now the chief of staff. A spell please we're reading stories about trumps like thirty year old, meet jockey body guy, who is now leading a purge of people across agencies by the fact that he was fired? like gambling on the job or whatever and twenty eighteen and came back then binding and do you know bunch of very bizarre anatomy, Diderot I've? Just I don't mean to do I just have a quick, follow question: did you say meet jockey, no yeah? That's
that's worse than a meat head. What's a meat jockey! So, like you know Chris Cuomo, basically Yeah? Ok, I gotta. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Tommy! Thank you. If you're posting your work out on Instagram, if you're posing a picture of yourselves lifting waits, that's your me to specifically dead lifting you know. I mean There is a hierarchy of meat head work. That's right like the cleaning jerk is way up there. You know, like you'd, anything, sort of glued forward. What long gone I should stop. I had you a gloomy so stupid deposed a dead left. You look so still doesn't look cool every deadline of exact wow, a dead left you'll. Dover vote no No no work out Instagram looks caused. Is that is the truth here but, like I said from had a bunch of policies that restricted reproductive choice. Rather the global gag rule that prevents nonprofits receiving USA.
even discussing abortion. I if they want RO funding that can go. There's always discussion now about Biden cancelling up to fifty thousand dollars worth of student loan death We talked about you're, getting rid of the ban on transgender people serving in the military, get back in Europe, Nuclear deal and support for the Saudi led war in Yemen. I mean there's a million things they Biden can do quickly. That will be enormously beneficial that I'm very excited about. I just cannot wait for this transition. Tori to end love it you have some my favorite executive actions. You want to throw in there now that the item Just add too, on the on the lifting of the Trans Ban for the military that something that can happen right away. That is something that they can do pretty quickly without having to go through a long process, because it was already policy, and it was already I'm gonna put through spaces? So I'm not about that. I don't I'm out I'm trying to think of you missed any outside my head. It's like it's an article, two quest of use,
for you from our friend Elizabeth Worn, wrote. No, I shouted in addition, in addition to student loans at wishes, but spoke, I wrote about there's also, apparently, the ability to bypass patents to bring down some drug prices that you can do for executive authority are also she says. Health and safety standards for the companies can't force employees to work and unsafe conditions during covered. One of the concerns, of course, as these liability protections we're talking about covered relief bell, but it seems like you, my pills: do something through executive action on that and minimum wage for all federal contractors. Are you can increase it to fifteen dollars an hour love for anyone who contracts with federal government's alot of people all add from was with warns list which I haven't found. I briefly forgot and shame on me, Jim all of us, but but she also mentions that we can refocus on being anti trust regulators that actually care about,
shopping monopolies and the effects of monopolies. I continue to believe that that is one of the biggest and most important challenges facing the country is the consolidation and industry is not just intact, which we talk about all the time, but across our economy that has created a lot of the inequality and inequities and- and I think also just kind of lack of agency and control that has created so many arm through economic challenges, not just sort of an abroad macroeconomic way, but in a way that it impacts actual people's lives on a daily basis, box jumps to four and I was backed it- I got it. I know where it's tough, the pivot back and forth between work out that are acceptable to present Instagram an exit.
It is actually the job, I'm not an honour, as we do here in this by gas, not automatically. That's always been so low that we go over the executive actions, but obviously there is like you know. Much of Joe Biden agenda requires legislation which requires democratic Congress. How does all this affect? How Democrat should frame these Georgia races like? How much had us often Warnock talk about what is at stake? finally, verses sort of making the race about Georgia. While I mean I don't know what it means to make the race on policy, I think need about Georgia and making at national or not that different. I do think it. You know given that we saw in places like Florida raise the minimum wage. We saw we expansion in Montana, but we ve seen Medicaid being popular and red sage across the country. I do think focusing on the kind of policies we could have in a democratic Senate, maybe not with so much on the kind of political process of who controls the Senate, but the fact that if we win these two seats,
we not only remove two of the most corrupt members of the Senate, and I do think corrupt is the word for them right. These are two people that play down a pandemic while trying to profit on it. Personally, I think there can be anything more prominent and they ve been incredibly craven in trying to sort of their party over their countries. That are, I think, that all can be part of that in a messaging, but the possibility of raising the minimum wage hangs on these two raises the possibility expanding healthcare of giving people, a public option, expanding protections for pre existing dish and all hinges on these two races: investing in infrastructure investing in the kind of clean energy jobs that we want those things hinge on these two races. So I think, like I dont you look I'd, be curious. What policy? I bet like my instinct, is to make it about those issues that, though, of the Senate, will determine less about Mitch Mcconnell as a person less about national politics Paul, Who cares about poles anymore? Well about the other thing, what's a fucking me, it's not going to start my own trafalgar. Alzheimer's
Trafalgar. Whenever we want the poles to say they'll cited, they'll, say everyone owing to set me. What do you think? you're gonna. Tell you forget the balls I mean like my guide tells me. I want to look at some poles like this. I wish I were shit out of the UN's raises Z with Georgia and want to hear about now. If you told me you like, ok, you have two nationalized. This would make the case for some things. I agree that with love it that fifteen dollar minimum wage would be way up high on my list. I would think about whether talking marijuana legalization, at least for medical uses is something you want to talk about these. It's an incredibly popular policy. I would talk up You know how deal with price gouging credit card companies that you now give you high interest rates. If if you like, I would look for as many are like populist, bread and butter economic issues as I could possibly find, and then, if you wanted to
eggs or of a broader argument. The cases pretty simple, which is. If we win these two seats, we can do all of these things. If we don't, when these two seats, we can do none of these things. It becomes very binary and, I think easy to sharpen for people. I also em, quite compelled by the video circulating on twitter and elsewhere, about just how corrupt Kelly LA flourishes and just a corrupt producers there, they are the exact like elites, super rich aristocracy of America, that it is very easy to make people hate, and we should try to do that. More often I very much agree with you that I think a simple binary choice between two years of complete gridlock, verses progress on issues that could actually improve your life in a tangible way is probably the best way to go here. I also don't know the Democrats have a choice between nationalizing it or not, because what we know so far from the republican messaging is that they have decided to nationalism.
Nice and they're saying it laughter and Purdue and Trump and everyone I every other Republican, whose now fuckin gone down to Georgia and held a indoor rally without masks like marker Rubio, rested a the gang bear physically saying this is your chance to save the Senate. This is your chance to stop the radical left Democrats from taken over the world and socialism. They ve nationalized the race. So I think law. color I mean I thought I saw. I think us off in and Warnock need to have a response to that. That's also national, which is like look you you elect us. We're gonna have progress for the first time in a long time or going to Health drops organ at a higher minimum wage. We have all the stuff, you know we're gonna have shit, I'm Super interested to see a trump actually cares about these races right, like he'd meter, he's trying so hard to get for more years of a job that he hates and doesn't do. So why then, do we assume that he cares about the United States Senate he's most selfish personally through the world. I have more faith in him parking his lazy,
slovenly ass. It Marilla go for a couple weeks, then actually campaigning for these guys. I could be proven wrong, but can you imagine what that rally speech would be like you just be like one law, whiny? Well, it's I've thought about this to the only thing that might compel him to campaign hard is, he might think to himself. If I get a win in Georgia, if we win these to a public and races, I can leave office yakking about how I won Esther affiliate, one more fake win for Donald try on his way. I was just a sort of you know, feed his ego and then he can start talking about. He wants to run again in twenty twenty for cuz. You save those Senate seats in Georgia. but he is lazy. He is lazy, says now the world. I do think well, yeah he's lazy, but you know he's also incredibly discipline when it comes to seeking our applause was, I agree. I think your watch. It looks like they're gonna. If it looks like
when you want to go. You wanna rail, against Joe Biden, who want to be on television and who want to claim that he did it held. I do think he will be talking immediately about twenty twenty. Four, not least of which, because of his legal problems and like I did, I do think him being a potential candidate in twenty twenty four will be one of the things he will be saying, which is out of my people yet lock her up, and everyone tells me I'm so terrible. Look at Joe Biden trying to put me in jail Could he doesn't want to run against me? so like I do think that that's come in for all of us in being political is like one of them. Many ways, I think he can't talk his way through at least some of the legal challenges that will likely face him after he leaves office. So you know that'll be fine! Well, we'll pray go campaign down at the Augusta National Golf club than I am and leave it at that. Just hang out he paused for a few weeks, but all that campaigning.
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he did phenomenally while in twenty twenty, especially with younger Latinos, can you talk us through your very successful strategy that helped increase Bernice Vote chair with Latinos between sixteen and twenty, and also, I should ask us to start off like given the huge diversity within the latino population? Is there a better way to be talking about the latino vote in general, you know John. I appreciate you ask and I recognize you asking that, because we all go by so many different. You know what we call each other. You know Latinos Hispanic last. MAX and all of those for all of you at home there all right depends on who you're talking to and where you're. At the way I like to think about, as I say Latino. So for us to use Le Tino, so they for everybody when I walk into a space and they want to use that next outer respect, that's what I'd do not gender bias. I get all of that point, so I like to reflect over somebody else's talking about it. That way, I don't make nobody upset, but thanks
in the question about fifteen and sixteen and twenty, I think the biggest things of I think the biggest reasons while we had such a success was we heading polluted Latinos into the operation of the overall campaign in I've been doing this for thirty one years in one always seen is black people, brown people, asian people, even women swallowed off into their own departments, given no budget given no say so what I really don't know the overall strategy of the campaign, so they now We can really intersect and the overall messaging field apparatus political work, that's done, and so, since I got to senior adviser in my book. I wrote about this about getting build out literally the infrastructure of the campaign out very purposefully, put women and people of color in positions of power. so then I knew that they would be intersection malady within every aspect of the campaign. What that lead to starting our latino outreach, six, seven, eight months before that caucus it was very cautiously competence or they were Latinos making every bit of the products. All latino consultants, latino staff,
as we end up having over two hundred latino staffers on the campaign, and I think Bernie message also really help, because it really is a working class message as you look at what happened this year, no we'll get into Latinos are very weak, in class group of folks know might if their cuban dominican Porter Rican there's lots of us. For such a young demographic that still have to work a lot of our jobs, hourly jobs, so that economic populism is something that really works. There was the perfect storm of having a good can who always days or message starting early having a lot You know in the room where they happen me John me and Jeff. We and fast and the senator saw was in the rooms, one could say: let's make sure we keep this funding going and do this work, something that all grew into having the most historic latino outreach in the history of american politics. So in the general election. Your group Maestro pack help persuade latina voters in key battleground states to turn out for Joe Biden. Can you talk about the difference between latino voters
turn out in a primary and those who might turn out in a general election? It's not that much deeper than white primary voters are lot baggy, but they have more information, so they're, more hot information, boaters rights or their regular voters. But will we proved in Nevada specific with Barneys that if you go out and talk to non primary Latinos, veal actually show up? In vote, what the prom it is in the larger problem with the overall demos, democratic infrastructure is that with becomes oh reliant on data and macro targeting is we leave out shoes swaths of voters who would participate if we would like? we asked them so a targeting became a big part of Bernie Success and the success we had with the west because we expanded that target beyond what we call it. from border to a non promoter and even put in newly registered Latinos in every state in every aspect of what we did with the Bernie campaign, and then we did the exact same thing with new western back, because we want to build up a what we had just tested and real,
So you weren't months ago that the bombing campaign, my underperform with latino voters? What we're your concerns at the time They didn't know who he was they know of him, but they didn't know who he was and an attack. We started to focus groups right after the primary, even during the primary? Let's go back because we spent a The importing and focus groups. Then folks, like Joe Biden and I like to tell people in love this you're such an animal on this is that when we did the first political pole in Nevada Joe Ban was eating Bernie Sanders with Latinos by five points that was in September of nineteen. So I had six to move Latinos that worth supporting Joe Biden embody and get this we ones. Seventy three percent of those latino. So when folks say that Latinos aren't persuadable audience like I've done, this
real time. They are persuadable if you spend a whole lot of money to go talk to them, whether at so. What's your take, then on you're getting to twenty twenty in the general. What happened in the election itself? I'd love to hear your thoughts, because I know you ve gotta, be there different in each area. But I love to hear your thoughts on what happened in Florida will happen in the rear and valley, and then maybe you can talk about where or if you saw some bright spots in terms of buttons performance with Latinos. Look I break this day, in a couple different levels have been doing this a long time is my thirty first year of doing it frog you folks letter listening at home ass, I like an old white man, but I swear to God. I'm latino, you sound like a white man. When I talk so doing in watching our community evolve. There's a lot of a like me who sat back and a white man who grew up in EAST Texas, hunting and fishing itself, a little boy who actually work for Bernie Sanders. Ass seemed like a lot of conflicting things, but that's just a really good representation of who are people are in the presidential campaign. Joe Biden did it
good job with Latinos? He spent a lot of money. He started relatively early. Any had occurred, a decent operation in a time of covert and what he could accomplish and become through so much money at Latinos advertise, when at least in Spanish, in Florida, Arizona and other places he did good. Could you better sure we could have started earlier. We couldn't had come over. There's is a lot of little things you can do, but overall Joe Biden, his team did a good job. The problem is below that below that at the Senate level at the congressional level and that the state Senate level you, a huge, dramatic shifting, the letting a vote, because there's nobody actually having a conversation with those voters at that level. They knew who Joe Biden wasn't, of course, the New who Donald Trump was not opening if they work serve. It is like a Cuban in Miami. What they were Mexican had been fighting Joe up YO in Arizona for ten years, the acted much differently but below that, because the party infrastructure just assume that Joe Biden than the Dnc, what
can't latino outreach? There was not a lot of work done there, so you saw this dramatic difference between the ways the Tenos acted in the border towns, of Texas, in Miami or in to sign or phoenix where there was dramatic differences? You saw Joe Biden so under performed in Miami day by twenty points. You saw him over perform in Phoenix and get almost seventy two percent of the Lahti no vote, and then in Rule Texas in the valley you saw unprecedented under performance, were neither one of the candle spent. One dollar talk until a tennis, so this go biggest divide among white voters for quite some time now has been education with Democrats, winning larger and larger margins, with college, educated, white voters and Republicans, especially the Trump era, doing better and better with non college whites. Do you see any kind of educational divide occurring among latino voters, not as much educational as you do, demographically let me start by saying that the average age of alleged Tenno in America's twenty seven, so
just so much younger because we haven't been in America. As long so you have these all school Mexicans like me, or my father, who passed away now, who are good Democrats who came up under us some new that Democrats kind of war for working class people. But then you have this whole new demographic of people who have come of age. This make appointed Texas that sixty nine percent of every school child in Texas is non white. There's just issue the explosion in Texas in Georgia, places of Latinos coming of age so quickly and when they're coming of age, because we have macro targeted, the universe is out of talking to them. They're all registering is no party preference voters, they don't really lacked the Republicans because of drop their really. Don't like the Democrats, because their most socially progressive, the kind of a burning Democrats or they're just registering is no party preference and that's the biggest divide. My right now is the younger compared to the old older, not really on an education, because so many of our people don't go to college.
About I'm a potential gender divide? There's been a lot of analysis about her trumps appeal to some non white voters, particularly latino man had to do with a certain machismo. You are so right about that. The general debate is very real and let me go on record now to once again say: for the tenth time, women are smarter than man and it continues to be proven over and over again and again, it's prove that brown women are smarter than brown men. Now, let's start with that synopsis. But why you're saying is: there's a dramatic under performance in Non College, educated Brown, myth and as a Non college, educated Brown, men myself, I'm one of the few national Political consulted, Do this work, who have never been to college a day of my life. You can tell by the way that I thought, but also how one campaigns, I'm an emotional beast, and what we ve done is taken emotion. Out of the way we ve done, campaigns, I've, gotta watch, one more add about pre existing can visions that wasn't moving latino man, because we still have the same group of posters, the same group of consultants and say but people running every one of these cookie cutter congressional campaigns and there's none
that really motivates and brown man who's, not getting a bunch of information who is about sexes? Who is a little machismo right and that any likes that Donald Trump is a tough guy, even though its just ignored is hale, but they do get drunk they're, not the majority of them, but enough of them to make a difference. We could have a counter narrative too or who are like me when I was in my thirty. Is a single father trying to make it with my son? Who's never been to college who, as a rough and What kind of person like I have gotten away more fish spots, and I have gotten fats on twitter in real life. That's how these folks, Are they like somebody, who's going to compete and fight for them, and sometimes we leave that out when we ve had this same group a consultant rotting, another add about pre existing conditions. So here's one thing: I've been trying to figure out if it appears that that Bernie had some real success with his very economically populist message: particularly among Latinos. On the other hand, you have people after the selection like
Donna Sheila, who lost her, how seat and a heavily latino district in Florida, us at the party didn't do enough to rebut republican claims that we're all socialist. You hear a lot of concerns about rebutting the socialist charge and yet Bernie, who you know I done. If I see the democratic social has had a lot of success in the primary with. economic message: how do you sort of square that circle at where do you come down on the whole socialism debate here? It's just so different. You know this state boss, they did it really have affected Miami Day, yes, and also because they were, This huge campaign down there with this misinformation about that just in Spanish just this huge group of people. Everybody list of this podcast loves politics. Miami data is just a different counting, there's a tunnel humans in there all Richard S, Republicans their sons and daughters, voters, democratic mothers in the Grandmothers Motors republican. So it's different there. But let me
something out here that many of you may not know we're gonna end up losing that ten congressional seats are from last week's election of those. Six of them are in districts where people of color make up thirty two eighty percent of the electorate. That means that there is a problem in its much different it with danish Eliza. and with Debbie Mercosur Pile in South Florida. Then that is with Gill scenarios in Orange, county or T J Cox in the central Valley, all Latinos seventy per cent Latinos and we lost him dramatically because we're not having the rat conversations a little part of it about socialism in South Florida, but the other parties cordially connecting the people in these other places, these working class brown, black and asian voters who Democrats aren't doing a good job at talking too? So I want to get a disinformation campaign a second, but even before that, what what do you think the more effective conversations sound like? What are the issues that should be emphasised? How do you sort of cut through this
Socialism attack the like. You know what what's been going on there, the key starting early. Let me tell you what we did with Bernie Sanders. You don't think of Bernie Sanders as the second coming of cedar job as when you think about Bernie Sanders, so it started need some time to tell people who Bernie was in that he liked Latinos so six months in advance the tv commercial. I ran the first male peace. The first did you lead was all the same peace initiative. My name is Bernie Sanders. Father came here from another country, could not speak English and it had many money. I won't forget my immigrant exe when I'm in the White House or going up in the projects of this building in New York City. Now what I just did their john- and you know this is not just built commonality between you and burning he's. One of us, like you, don't look like us. He nostalgic us, but housing project could speak. English, didn't have any money. The walls come too let's have a conversation and because I didn't do this in the last two weeks, I could then say. Let me tell you about Medicare for all. Let me tell you about college affordability. where do you stood at their meeting? What fifty
dollars an hour would mean too? We could do this right now, oh, what the key and what Democrats? Forgive us if you treat latino a persuadable white woman in the suburbs start talking them six and eight months in advance, you can get seventy, eighty per cent of that boat. But you can start that conversation three four weeks in advance if they, pre existing condition? Healthcare? We know healthcare is your number one. Is you shall never going to talk to you about health care in Spanish I didn't say it makes sense. So how do you? How do you battle some of the the Disan formation campaigns that that we have seen in other publicans directed them against the Tina, especially spanish speaking Latinos? They were lies and conspiracies about Joe Biden about black lives matter. You know the Republicans loved a sort of turn. Brown people against by people have done that for a long time lies about socialism. What are we sorted? Do about that in the future to try to combat these sort of crazy, conspiracies that are floating around out there? You need to have brown validate or she needs somebody somebody,
Those who says that a white man is with us and don't believe this crazy shit. These people are trying to tell you cause it's a lie. If, if Joe Biden does that its natural, that is defending something that is wrong about. So that's why I created new western OPEC, because I wanted to validate Joe Biden with people like Kristen, or visa, who, whose father had died in Arizona Colbert? Who you sought the convention she's on our team. We made an ad of her. She was validate, be that Donald Trump is bad and Joe Biden is good. What you needed was democratic Miami. Cubans, pushing back on the radio stations and pushing back on their you, two stations at least making them all. Faced with he's going you're wrong, you're right, you're right. Let's have an argument. The Democrats, let that, on the tape I wouldn't have that argument right. I remember more congressmen from Miami Colony foremost, before the electric shock, you gotta, get people on tv down here you gotta get people whose radio stations pushing back on this. Now my look out oranges, bonds, campaign the super back. We're gonna do a lot of mail, a lot of tv in a lot of digital, but I ain't a charge of staff on the growth round so
that there were some things done so the way you can take it on his use ever trusted messenger who looks like the community sounds like the committee got them some budget line, you ve heinisch, you ve taught you ve talked a lot about the need to have these conversations and to have them many months out how much did covered sort of and, in the end, the inability to campaign in person to do door to door organizing. How much did that sort of stifle our strategy here I think it hurts some, but don't let people let you think that, because of cold in cuz, we were knocking on the doors for six months that it affected that much anybody Hunt really work in campaign knows that your field operation can make up one hundred and twenty three points and that we that real field operations talking? Everybody can never be scaled at the level and what I'm doing is getting really deep with you, for somebody who does this, for a living field is great deliberation, but if it feels not great is the most persuasive absolutely. Is it the most
efficient. Absolutely so it's just one piece of a PA, that's very import! one card but moves in that car does affect your operation and worker raises, are super tie, it can have an effect. The problem, as is any time. Sir John, you know this they'll take off the brown boaters now the blackboard to put a bunch of money and a pretty kids into those neighborhoods, just in the last three weeks for GEO Tv, when they could have been there, Year Round, with grass roots organisations that are doing more community service and then transitioning into politics, which is the great example of why Arizona was so good. And while Stacy Abrams built in Georgia and of helping them when the entire state, whilst Georgia, you ve written that there's about three hundred thousand persuadable, a team of others in Georgia who are registered but don't identify with either party. In addition to that, Georgia has a lot of younger Latinos. What's the best way to turn these voters out in the January This is not an operation about persuasion. It's how we get those folks back in what we have estimated now about a hundred eighty five thousand. These Latinos showed up
Voted in November, so we got to go, get them and get them back. That means we need to make sure that they asked for about it, get about it like we feel like we can do that, but the prom none of US noses and a lot of Latinos Alot of Asian America's. A black people showed up not because of Osaka WAR, not they should Jose hated. Donald Trump Army thing now is: how do you get them back to vote for to send it to send it raises in how you get them, come back to. Let them know that the majority in the Senate can affect their everyday life. Do you know that? date, minimum wage in Georgia's five dollars an hour. That is crazy? can go in. There now have a debate about the just the minimum wage with Working class Latinos. and that would turn out a lot of people. The rest they're. So me, Latinos in Georgia, is Georgia's explode over the last twenty or thirty years. You're. Seeing now are the sons and daughters of all of these Mexicans who came to Georgia delivery build all of these houses. Twenty years ago, her own, between eighteen and thirty years old, who are high, information. Voters are more progressive there, more liberal, devoting Democrat, so these are the ones we got
it back. I mean you both know. John younger voters are just harder to get back to the pole. Sometimes so really of having a very simple message. It sounds like you know these two senators of the difference between fifteen dollar minimum wage in half and five. what you have right now and that's it- that's that's the election, but I'll bet your ass. We run more as about pre existing conditions. You just wait here I mean you. Ve talked with the previous egotism thing a few times. How do you think or do you think healthcare should be part of the message and how should it be part of the message, the guide, a joke in just that My thing is that I really feel like we can have a two hour. Conversation John, when you have me back about what we need to do to fix, are already over all right in what I'm getting at. Is that there's there's just not anymore. in their pudding, emotion back into politics, on the democratic side, we need people who stand up and start having an offensive message is to have always yet how we're going to react to them and because Poland HU, we ve all seen is broken, says that here here? It is the number one issue talk about it as if you wanted to care of your own children, Bernie Centre,
made Medicare for all popular because he would talk about what that means to your laugh, if you don't have to pay a copy, this pay. For this other thing you haven't democrats want to talk about health care. If you talk about giving people healthcare and having more access to healthcare. It's all winning message, but why can't we role that into hell care a minimum wage in standing up in fighting for a community that nobody cares about One thing that we learn with Bernie Sanders. Is this thing about the rig system? Latinos really do get Latinos like and they may come from countries where there are corrupt government. So they get this shit right. If you say the government is supposed to work for us, but just the people at the top or getting these breaks day yet that connection, and that was what the secret weapons we usually Bernie Sanders to make connectivity. grocer, thank you so much for your insights, your harder and wisdom, and I will take you up on the offered to come back, and so we can talk even more about how to fix the party one of my one of my favorite topics, thanks John face a shock for joining us today and we
Well, I what type of threat for the rest of the schedule. What you can expect from us this week, Dan and I will have a Thursday pot and then for Thanksgiving Week, we'll have to prerecorded parts that we're gonna do weaker ones, a mail bag and ones are very. Special episode of campaign. Experts reacted din and I are gonna record this week by everyone by everybody hardly save America is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez. Our associate producer is Jordan Waller, its mixed in edited by Andrew Chadwick, Kyle Settlin is ours Engineer thanks to turn you so mediator. Katy long roman puppet Dimitrios, Caroline Rustin ingesting how for production, support into our digital team, illogical and our miltonian yell Freed, and my look him who film and upload these episodes is videos. Every week.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-16.