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The JV Republican Debate (Preview)

2023-08-22 | 🔗

The Republican candidates try to figure out how to debate when the front-runner isn't on stage. The Bulkwark's Tim Miller joins the pod to talk about prep, bad candidates, and whether it's too late for anyone to consolidate the anti-Trump Republican vote. Plus, Vivek Ramaswamy's tennis moves, and our first-ever round of "I'm so Indicted"!

Show Notes


  • Des Moines Register: How every GOP presidential candidate performed with likely caucusgoers in new Iowa Poll
  • NYT: DeSantis Tweaks His Messaging and Tactics After a Tough Campaign Stretch
  • NY Post: DeSantis calls MAGA supporters in Congress ‘listless vessels,’ says Trump didn’t drain swamp
  • CNN: Asa Hutchinson says he has qualified for the Republican debate
  • WaPo: What to watch for in the first Republican debate
  • NYT: Democrats, Popcorn in Hand, Root for a Rowdy G.O.P. Debate
  • The Atlantic: Vivek Ramaswamy's Truth
  • NBC: Trump has already recorded his debate-night interview with Tucker Carlson, sources say
  • NYT: How G.O.P. Views of Biden Are Helping Trump in the Republican Primary
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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What about pod save america, I'm tommy these war and we have a great show for you today. The first republic in primary, Aid is finally happening this week on wednesday in the walkie and no surprise the opposition these are stored.
is flying around or hit newspapers everywhere, and they are signaling how these candidates are attacking and going to be attacked. Also, we have a brand new poll of republicans in iowa that helps us set the stage and help us divine whether any candidate has a chance of unseating donald trump in the iowa caucuses in the primary itself, and if so, what the right strategy is to do it here to talk through all of it is the one and only tim miller. Tim is the co host of the excellent podcast, the next level he writes for the bulwark and in a previous life, he worked on campaigns, including for JEB bush back in twenty sixteen tim. It is great to see you thomas. Thank you. It's good to see you love it's gone again around here he's taking a called the issue.
it is whatever whatever that's fine, you know I'm just going to try not to get my feelings. Hurt about it, but I'm happy to be here with you. I can't think of anyone better to help us understand how to prepare for of these debates had to try to win one of these primaries. As you mentioned, favour and love it there on vacation this week, so we're going to do this whole program together we're going to go behind the scenes into debate, prep and strategy in what the health success looks like in a debate where there's four hundred gruber's on stage where there's bergen Doug et cetera side. What super packs other playing a role in the cycle: brutal reporting that rhonda santas and then demeanor we're unhelpfully obsessed with the deck rama swami and how is gaining traction They will cover that they were going to do twenty minutes and vague. We, but you better before announcing his name right, you know, like is vague. The fake, as we learned rhymes, Jeff, rowing, clever pack and maintain we are you some donor fan fiction because you tweet a lot about how you want to provide a service.
Owners and I don't get it do so, then I know a lot of republican donors. Listen and as far as this is a good way to get my message out to them, for Chris Christie asked at least two or three of his friends sister. But let's, let's start do. I will call you I need to know about. This poll was done for NBC news. Then Duane register by a pollster named and salter, who is the best in the business? No one questions that so we really trust these numbers, though, of course they're a snapshot in time, the time being august. So here's the top line, numbers tim, forty, two percent, donald trump, nineteen percent ron de santis, nine percent TIM Scott, six per cent nikki haley, six per cent mike pence, five per cent, Chris Christie, four percent, vivek ramaswamy. The good news for everyone not named trump is fifty two percent of caucus. Goers say their mind is not made up. Forty percent say their mind is made up, but two thirds of trump supporters say their mind is made up. Most of the persuadable are, with other people, so tim that this largely tracks up. Yes, a crate I would select. I think it largely tracks. Other polls we've seen trump is way ahead, but de santis is doing a little better in iowa than other places. I guess I'm surprised
pansy christine ahead of the vague that could just be still canoes, though. What you're take away from this Paul is the descent this cup half full, because fifty eight percent of violence are not supporting from the islands, but a little more vague meant and his love is Paul and its good. They sell to thing always triggers me, because you know that in our I would, as we are now already, of atomic people like weight at night for the thoughts or Paul d come out my world side, the register and then latin twenty. It was. The self support have made us all realise that the buyer elections. Give me a little bit closer than we wanted it to be. You know I that was on that the key to awful lot of panic last time so it always is, is pretty pronounced in the ballpark and they just put the resources into it. And I don't see this as good news for dissenters. I could see how dissenters people could try to spin it as good news for him. You know cause it's not as just devastating as all the other information and all the other polling. That's been out there about him lately, but
so he's still down nearly twenty points and then, even when you are out to me over and then when you do look at the first plus the second ballot. Your first response, second choice yet trump at fifty two now seems that thirty nine tourette's you're like oh, you know we're only down thirteen, but the whole premise of the case for being able to beat trump is that you could consolidate. You know the viv aches and the haley's in the tim Scott's behind one person and then that person could maybe you don't have enough to be trump a fit trumps, I too, with people's first and second choice and, as you mentioned, I just think the most devastating number in this whole thing is that two thirds of trump's that alec number at forty two percent, two thirds. said that there are not looking at anybody else and you ve got used to the quick, my at your twenty eight percent, the locked in based on its multiple twenty eight percent has been enough to win new cultures most years on the republicans
right. I it's always the first one big feel very divided at forty two percent trump. If that's what you end up getting the carcass, he would have the biggest vote chairs and gerald ford on the republican size. So Well, you know you can kind of spin this and say hey it's not like. There was a I moved down to new orleans. You guys come to new orleans, so maybe we're going to romania, but am rising. Pork pull came out that had a trumpet seventy five and the citizens. Look, so you know it's looking better them and then in louisiana, but just till I couldn't worse is saying needy, still, not great yeah. So I definitely agree with you TIM. I guess you can spend this positive, maybe if you're on the santas but you're right that this shows like a twenty per cent kind of hard core floor for donald trump, like a hell or high water vote, that's not going anywhere and unless everyone else could consolidate. I don't know how you beat that the other person, I think, has got to be a little disappointed as tim scott
he's been spending real money on tv in iowa. Nine percent is fine, but I mean it's not gonna get anything I m there can be no and here's the ears. The big problem right is it there's no other option besides the thing at this, and I think that's actually the best thing. it has going for it right. You can't beat somebody to nobody and and in the the anti trump gif you know forty eight percent but safe transit. Fifty two with with with it people being you know having him as the first choice or second choice, that other forty eight percent, like is split right down the right. It's it's! Twenty four per cent are people that are superman, god, they're, just maybe ready to give him the gold launched, but also can be persuaded to vote for 'em. You know if nobody else emerges and then the other twenty four percent, like kind of have begun to dislike him, like maybe they're, not TIM miller, a bulwark triggered right, but they're really looking for somebody else, and so TIM Scott can pull from that.
twenty four percent- that it's tough for him to get into the mega twenty four yeah and and dissenters the one advantage he had as he was kind of pulling from both and and has now and is now struggling with both right because then the more normal republicans think he went. You know too far right on culture issues and the maga republicans are starting to trust him, because Donald trump's up there every day you know the sanctimonious and saying is part of the deep state while about right. So, if you like, losing out to deport groups with those are the two groups, need to figure out how to unite, and it's just hard to see how TIM Scott does it he's like ghazi as it's just I just don't get it. You know this is a presidential race to me. You know what it's like people get. People know the candidates, like the thirty second meet this candidate they're a nice guy. They have a positive vision like that shit works in house races because you don't know right who the people are, but at the presidential level like there's these people just burning their money
especially iowa caucus goers, who are like super engaged right, but you know TIM that the cliche about iowa right is there's two or three tickets out of iowa. That means you don't have to win the iowa caucuses. You have to exceed expectations. Then you'll get a bounce in the form of a bunch of press coverage and some online fundraising, and maybe that, takes you to new Hampshire, ted crews. When I and twenty sixteen rick santorum one island, twenty twelve, my cock a b one won in two thousand, eight none of them went on to be if the president or won the nomination of a rights- and maybe that makes you feel better if your candidate who's struggling right now, but do you think that cliche holds up this year if trump wins iowa and exceeds what he did last time now. Trump wins iowa, there's one and a half tickets out of our trump and friend of the pod criss crossed
they had all got a new hampshire and try to beat them in new Hampshire. It's a very different electorate, very unique electorate that the christie thing is just you know: god love them. I guess I kind of hated him actually, but also god love him for speaking the truth about donald trump and you know, did you see his belief on faith and the iowa yeah? It's real bad one, sixty so twenty eight percent of republicans like him, sixty percent, don't like I bet these numbers might be better among the democratic electorate in iowa, or at least close to that twenty eight sixty and those are just that's a horrible number. So I still go to new hampshire, no matter what that, if trump wins, what path is different. What else I was his weakened state, because it's a caucus, because it's an only the super engaged people turn out like trump, does very well among the most casual kind of republicans, people that only vote yet only generally turn turn out to vote,
well. Elections like that. That is a core trump base, so I he his numbers in iowa are are worse than they are in new Hampshire, south carolina nevada. What we heard it hit Louisiana, so I just if trump wins iowa you! This thing is over and so you see this whole mitt romney on Cambodia's we gotta consolidate after new Hampshire. Oh no guys! I love you gotta consolidate now, or this thing can be basically functionally over january. Sixteenth may and trump's got like fifty percent in polls in south carolina right now. By the way pence was at forty two, fifty three, a fave on faith, so christie doing worse than the guy people wanted to hang but we're getting ahead of ourselves TIM. I were talking about the winner of the iowa caucuses. We have some debates coming. First, in a past life, you did opposition research, you did communications for candidates, including as a jabs communications, director and twenty sixteen. How did you guys prepare him for these cluster fucks? Was there like debate camp? Did you have half of your
ass, playing different candidates like how does that go here? We did anybody camp and job just just right off. I just have a deep affection for him on a personal level. If ever, Canada I ever worked for like this was at his wheelhouse. You know not exactly speaking out of school and to anybody that watched the debates saying that, like that was not, you know him being on a mo on a stage with nine other people and trying to be performative like that was for her and so probably more so we wanted and we'll be himself himself and it other other speak leaves. You want to be natural talk about issues, but we really kind of focused on the attacks like okay. If Marco says this and you're going to say that, like let's practice, not not not a script, you but like let's practice and get comfortable with like what the critiques are going to be of,
the other main competitors on stage and so yeah. You know, and we had somebody that tried to though it was trial and we've just basically had one of the person up there and and they would be trump and then there would be Marco and you kind of go through the different. You know types of people and what they're likely critiques of jeb war that it is it's extremely hard to prep for it, it's not exactly tommy. I don't know if you know this, but I've been I've been basically excommunicated from two debate. Prep teams, Jon huntsman, asked me leave, because I was too negative and- and I remove myself from the general debate threat, because I was too negative and I want to address my job- and I was like I gonna- save my images. the human interaction right, like just with it, with a child or pair enter anything You know you wanted a compliment sandwich at and I wasn't that gave a compliment sandwich in combat sandwiches nice job.
in this ui. You could do better on that, but also this is good and I was I was more of a criticism sandwich, and so I had to kind of save my you know my chits for for that for the road up and so myself from jobs, debate, traveller dogma, but like that job, listen, giving bad news. Anyone sucks but like playing a realistic, donald trump in a debate where he will literally say anything the mean the thing you can imagine he will say to you Hillary Clinton. What about your husband in his general affairs within turns used to turn your boss and replicate that that is that's a nearly impossible task, really art yeah and an trump
attack jabs life right before one of the debates- and I think just in retrospect we probably didn't do a good enough job. Nato can put your brain in this time of. Oh, this is the summer of twenty fifteen, so the trunk craziness is just coming and online and you're like. Is he really gonna? Do this shit on stage and like do people even like this, should maybe we should ignore him right, like that theory is, is viable at that time, and so I think that from a staff perspective, we did not do a good enough job, thing for that. You because you don't want I who is going to be the staff for the girl, was up there and is like europe, columbus, illegal immigrants, rights and end to see. You know somebody might get punished by the candidate during debate, prep right, and so I guess I then I think that in retrospect had we kind of known that trumps, durability and how unhinged you're gonna be. We maybe could have done a better job prepping. But again, I think that you have to have a certain type of
meaner to even the internet in the game with tromp onstage, because he's just said such a different animal than anything else. I think that the different animal thing it's hard to remember now how different he felt. Then I went back and I watched a bunch of old clips here. Here is one clip I thought of her trump and job going back and forth that I thought I was illustrative. I didn't want to trigger you, but it might also do that. But what donald trump did was use eminent domain too to take the property of an elderly woman on the strip in atlantic city. That is not possible. That is there a problem. The problem was, it was to tear down. He was getting dammit you what we have here again, only a tough guy, tough as a lot of times, property europe, many older. I won't. Let me job quiet,
that's all of these donors and specially transfer. So what it is? That's what and by the way, let me just tell you we needed ticket, you can't get him utilise the tickets for the up talking about. Do the television audience donors special interests, The people that are putting up the rnc told us. We have all donors in the audience and the reason they're not loving me, the tsb. The reason they're not loving me is: I don't want their money, I'm going to do the right thing for the american public. I don't want their money, I don't need their money and I'm the only one up here that can say that. Listen, that's a brilliant response to an entire auditorium of people. Booing you right. I don't think most people
I think to do that. Instead, he he breaks the fourth wall. He's like. Let me tell you it really works. Special interests are, are flocking to this place: they're buying up tickets, they're they're, trying to rig howard in here. I don't need them. I don't care about them and for you I mean that's incredible debate and you can hear job. You know trying to get on the kind of the attack that he had prepared for. I, like you, I guess, and in trump's talking over on that he's trying to say, that's not tough, to steal an old lady's house right. You know, I guess that's the right leg. That's like he's trying to say you know trump acts like he's. A tough guy, actually dismantle the people that actually you know, he's a weakling and he's in he's screwing over regular people right in his in his business life, and so
at the core of the attack. The aig JEB can't even spit get it out it cause trump is just bowling over on that and then there's crosstalk and the people are cheering and then it's trump the jumps in again right now we're at a free for all. This is not anything that you perhaps now in a free for all, but trump like instinctually jumps in again and then starts loving the special interests hit, and so in future debates. Like really, I think I was in the next round of debate presented for this before I removed myself. Like the main thing we is like talking back over and right again like this is like not something if you had to do in a in a in his debate with lawton chiles in the florida governor's race in nineteen. Ninety eight I have like I I you know this notion that that this guy is just going to start talking over you. You know telling shut up, and then you get it we need all try to engage on issues like you'd internment, eminent domain, that all right. I keep then storage.
Shouting about how your donors are in the crowd? I mean like we didn't prep him for that, and so so that element, I think, is just you know it was tough. It was tough to prep for him and trump, and that's just right in trump's like when you know I hate you, I don't wanna compliment trump, but that's just the mouse he's got a moment as out this debate. We differ and mean that the following candidates qualified or we think that qualified for the debate will be trump Dissent- is vague, rama, swami pence, Hayley, TIM scott christie, bergen asia, hutchinson, probably pay johnson, but obviously trump is not going to attempt a Paradise so no trumps of probably nine candidates on the stage. This time, candidates will not give opening statements, but they will have forty five seconds for closing remarks, which is the dumbest use of time you could possibly have, but whatever you get one minute answer questions thirty seconds for follow, ups,
moderators bret baier and Martha Maccallum from fox news. Apparently the moderators will be playing clips, including of trump says: a quote: he'll even be there. Even if he's not, there said a jilted lover, slash moderator, bret bair, so TIM, let's do like kind of figure out what people need to do the candidate through in this debate on the start with meatball ron de santis and what he needs to accomplish on Wednesday night, because he is the biggest boy at the kids table. Then your times reported on a memo that his super pact runs dissent as a superpower released, maybe exit. Well, he kind of not accidentally. Here's a clip of descent is getting asked about this memo. In his debate strategy, your campaign said the other day that the knives are out for you at that debate. I could ask you about that plus I got to ask you. I know it's not your campaign, but never back down, put out a memo that people are talking about, so I'd like to get your action or both
well on the memo. It's not mine, I haven't read it and it's just. I think it's something that we we haven't put off to the side, but in terms of the debate, look when you're, I know from the military when you're over the target, that's when you're taking flak and if you look really in the last six to nine months, I've been more attack than anybody else, Biden Harris the media, the left, other republican candidates and there's a reason for that, because people know it's that I'm the biggest threat. So we view it as positive feedback, we'll be ready to to do what we need to do to deliver our message, but we absolutely expect that and will be ready for it, and that means punching back. It means means, yes, it means defending ourselves, but, more importantly, showing why we're the leader to get this country turned around. So According to this brilliant nemo dissenters, illegitimate one attack Joe Biden, the media to state as positive vision, redefine times three. Hammer the vague round, the swami at some point, four defend trump. When Chris Christie attacks from TIM do do you agree that the bronze key to success
defending the guy beating and by double digit. I doubt I don't. I don't concur with that. Just listen to that answer. Man I mean he just sound Like a politician I give this is the thing I good. This is what republic have liked about that from freak? Show we listen to the job. Exchange rate is like the republican base. What somebody that is that it does not sound at all like anything from the pre trump world, like even the people, that it might be ready to move on from trump like front like this change. You know like the bear knuckles, like being an outsider and to scientists, is just kind of like weaselly response. I, when we put that memo off to the side, it's like part of me would say if I was, if I put my head on and be like, I'm a run, you know tiny tease, you know comes first, then I'd be like. If you could ask about that memo, you should say fuck
donors like and b and the super pac, I don't know where that came from, and I'm not going to listen to them. And frankly, I thought their advice was stupid and that's why they're giving me money and they're, not the governor of florida, like me like something like that read like he needs to demonstrate that he is an alpha like when he was doing well with the republican base. What was he doing? He was yelling at twenty four year old local news reporters gate that they liked that he was sending defenseless, helpless migrants from Texas two to marthas vineyard for no reason other than to troll like the librarian about this, then your library, right, like best I can it's for wearing masks, yet elliot kids were met, like that's what repug voters liked when I went to arizona for the circuits like blake masters and those guys were getting their biggest applause lines were talking about the santas as migrant deal. So I guess that was his strength. He seemed tough. He seemed like a guy can be a middle finger to the establishment to the to the media and since then,
as a being able to be the big guy on since since he's gotten in because now trump as big foot him at every step of the way- and he seems weasel, liens and and whiny, and so at the debate, he's gonna figure out a way to to to fix that. It's all like it's less about the substance of what he's talking about and more about like his carriage and ad. Is he capable of that? I just I'm not sure he is yeah and trump just sounded so different. He was so much more entertaining the the analogy, think about sometimes like the entire electorate was raised, watching america's funny some videos with my man, Bob's saget. Remember that show good shall areas, cute videos, funny bluebirds, let the nut shots and then all of a sudden trump gets up there and plays jack asked the movie for us and you're like. Oh, my god, I didn't know it could be this intense in crazy and so different in, like you know, counter culture and now like ron de santis, is going back to this like old school pollen who who wants that it's boring, they don't like it, they don't want.
I mean there's certainly been are people that want it, but not enough right like, and so how does he get back to that maga crowd? That was happy about turning the page like that would be all I'd be thinking about if I was their team when I'm out there as the as and you know, and then he's got Chris Christie who's better at him than this who's been on these stages, who's, more natural and it's seldom way. I I would you know one thing that would keep me up at night if, as it seems, this person is I'd, be like maybe the best way to kind of get my you know, chutzpah back would be to go right at christie right and but for me my man is capable of doing that. Right, so so we met at the coachman and come up with something else and after you attack some margin of his group, that off stage and an offensive where we could not regulation are the moderator, but by the waiting for folks. Listening. If you dont want to watch this weapon in debate alone or aren't you. I must twitter join the crooked media. Friends of the pot community will be watching it together, we're making jokes. So we don't cry on the discord for
Folks, like me, or a little older, discord, is basically chat room. You also get access to punish content at free episode spots. america. First, access to tickets to live shows and places like louisville, san, diego san jose, so good at cricket dot, com, slash friends to join now TIM. The other weird thing about that whole clip was the super back element like I know in twenty. Sixteen jabs campaign leaned hard on his super pac for fundraising to pay for tv ads. Basically, but you and I have talked about this a number of times like I just don't get- how de santis can basically run his entire campaign through the super pac they're, paying canvassers to knock on doors in early states or the super pac is setting up events de santis himself attends in iowa swing, polling research strategy memos, as we all read, thanks to them getting released to maggie haberman. Somehow, like again, I get that this is all about raising my,
in that super pacs can raise big money easily. But do you think it's it's worth it when you like, can't coordinate your activities? Are they not coordinating the whole? It is weird, though thing is weird. So when I went to that event and altered the sentiment in Tama iowa, when I got into a little bit of trouble, because I took a picture of how empty it was and that ended up on drudge. Also, the tramp bleed it out on social which regulate grate narrative. I felt good, I felt I was like yeah, it's was like siren, I've, I've owned you and then trump put it out, and I was like wait a minute, I'm kind of helping trump. Now this is now making me sad and you just you know. We can't have joy anymore, the tommy nothing is pure, but anyway I walk out as were waiting for him to come in his I'm in the press section which is still and his little press black comes over and he's got a gun in the actual summit campaign in disguise The governor will be here in five minutes and then and then he rose up in an end. The super packs bus. Unlike a very large,
the motorcade. By the way, I thought that there are pinching pennies, but now that the super pac side and then he gets off it's like how do you know the reason I like the whole thing is very strange like why: how did he get on the super best bus? How did you timeless because you can't coordinate it's like? Did they publish the schedule and Jeff rose consulting firm's website? the same place that they publish this debate. Member, like hyena, where meat you know when one lunch break is I the whole thing is very strange and the non coordination was very challenging. We got frustrated. I haven't met so back when this was you mix this with Joe. You know, I think that those guys on the superbike side rightly saw Rubio as as a bigger threat than cause they're like, and if we can't get past rubio, you can't win and then maybe, when a man, oh man, oh with trump, and they did a lot of negative rubido ads and they're at a certain point his truck try to gain more more momentum that felt a little sad kind of you know. I felt a little off key right. It was
and and and we on the campaign we're wishing that they would do anti trump ads, if, if not not necessarily, because that would help hurt trump, but that because it would boost JEB right, it would like Bruce timm and visa the visa be trump and and kind of give us a little bit. You know you'll give them a little more backbone behind his attacks on trump and and so that we can do anything about it right. It doesn't. I'm not sure, that's true that the sanders campaign, it sure seems like they're, coordinating that the whole thing I think gives makes you feel and in a strange way, it's like all these fucking. That's one thing one if the things trump is right about, is my second trump complimented his podcast. No more after this, with all these strategies were for shit. What kind of what kind of winter it's like trump had his plane. It was the golf caddy, it was hoped hex. It was like stab your eyes Lewandowski and like that, was it and it was just trump like that. Was it and and dissenters is now it makes
the working week that applying away super bad guys are writing a memo about I'm in the iranian a scrap of paper and he's on their bus did ache. Our boy vague, was what one is talking about. This get at a different events, to an hour. So anyway, the whole thing I do think doesn't work. Yeah speaks out. Broken camping violence system is speaking of which three post had a big story about rhonda santas raising money in florida. That, basically, winds of legalized corruption. That's okay, because the florida as the wild wild west and has no campaign finance rules based that post reported that after getting elected de santis, had his staff make a list of forty lobbyists and one hundred their top clients to basically target to shake down for cash. To santas. Wanted nine of these lobbyists to raise him a million bucks each. He was personally calling them one de santis aid named heather, barker, actually wrote in an email quote. I could sell golf for fifty k this morning. Brantley golf was a big part of this strategy. Ron went to one course so often that the club called his staff.
I said please tell him to join the club or to stop showing up, but we just can't have him every other day, which is amazing to see him. I read the story and I thought wine like how is this not illegal to boyd is ron de Santis probably regret firing. Susie wiles, who was his former top adviser, who now works for trump and I'm guessing, is a source for this story and in many others, because she was probably has all these email somewhere and then three, like you know, probably not a coincidence of the story, lands right before the debate so trump's drain, the swamp rhetoric was obviously in a bullshit but is quite effective. Do you think ron de Santis is is worried that this is going to come at him? Will it matter yeah? Well, I I again, I think it it all plays into this narrative that he just the same old politician in one of Sarah longest focus groups
bulwark somebody this one stuck with me. Some person said that, like they think the sentences deep state or might be deep state- and it's like this- is the kind of shit that makes people think that right and by the way I just- and this might be somewhere- that I get crossways with some of the progressive folks on on the Pieta. You might have a script in this town. You'd be like I just don't. I I think money corruption are related to money, is a problem at the gubernatorial level, right that, like maybe he's doing, favors back scratching for real estate developers or whatever, but in presidential politics, I just don't think money matters that much anymore. I think all the camping spend way too much time. Raising money and caring about money. The dot rhonda santa's is tv adds Ike I tv adds dude
matter in presidential politics in less. It's really really good and breaks through on social and on tick tock in their playing it on the news that, like people, don't watch commercials that much they are used as introductory tools in house and senate races, Oh, go races where people get to learn about the candidates that people are learning around to sing. It is on sports, talk, radio and new start ready on particles on facebook and tick tock on cable, like the presidential news, is everywhere. People can't escape it and so he's giving away. You know he's making himself seized him like a tool of the donors in exchange for fifty grand It's going to buy you four more ads that I that I think have diminishing returns in the first place. I just money is that big of a deal that president at the presidential level- and I think the trump campaign showed that abiding that really violence have come back in the democratic primary was not based on money, likely and gm kleiber endorsement and then a bunch of momentum. Yeah me I
at some point. You know, if you don't have enough money, you ought to make our decisions like do run ads in north carolina or not. Do we compete in full, we're not at all, or do we just concede to say like the decisions like that, but I agree with you in general, like there's such a diminishing return in the next campaign ad, especially if it's not backed by some sort. I have earned media narrative or- or you know in in most of these controversies are manufactured at at some point, speaking of which tim for some reason, descent, I did an interview with an outlet called the florida standard, which is some like brand new new site that was created by a twenty six year old kid who, I think, used to work for trump or was a trump.
fan who manages to somehow now get access to the santas b is basically kisses. Ron's ass. So during this interview the santas suggested that republicans shouldn't mindlessly follow trump. Here's a clip the movement has gotta, be about what are you trying to achieve on behalf of the american people, and that's gotta be based in principle, because, if you're not rooted in principle, if all we are is listless vessels that you're supposed to follow, you know whatever happens to come down the pipe. In truth, social every morning that that's not going to be a durable movement. Setting aside, why he's talking to the quote florida standard when you need to be winning in iowa trump's team is calling this ron's basket of deplorables momentum, which is how Hillary described the kind of hardcore maga base. on sixteen january marathon earns. You were hit points Do you think they're gonna make this when work will either to get my inner james carvel your louisiana guide? Will this dog hunt?
and do anything you know how to live with desolate? Is I don't know? I don't know. I don't think that people don't know it doesn't make any sense. I dont think I think it goes to show the eba how tough the situation around the same right. Are you can't if you offer any criticism, a kind of sounds like a criticism mega movement, all the sudden, like you, people set clutching the pearls and you know like they re a trick. The maggots get triggered and they start attacking yourself. I dont know that this that this dog is going to hunt the term he he is making a good point kind of awkwardly. right, and so we have this almost like right. I can can our party can are moving in the maghreb movement move beyond like what happened with the latest obsession of dial terms. Personal life is, but the problem is. I think he gets himself these awkward situations because he's trying to decide what what he can say. He can't say the truth, like you can't come out and say, like donald trump is obsessed with
with himself and and himself and he's always been that way in these in our narcissistic egomaniac. And maybe we should care about other people, and other issues decides that you can't say that right so he's trying to delicately saddened that he accidentally makes one a mega voter. tough eric patsy america's brought by smile. My have you ever wish that you had a whiter and brighter smile. Of course you have well before you visit a dentist. You should know that their whitening treatments can be very expensive and it's not just the price. You get a book. The appointment schedule, time away from work, sit in a dentist office chair, it's a hassle, it can hurt if you have sensitive teeth. but you know what nuggets my electives. You can try it anywhere any time. It's just a little tube. You squirt on your toothbrush. Just like your toothpaste, your brush you're done boom sparkling sparkling boom. I use it twice a day. I love it, I'm going to use it for the rest. Life has that hang John upside down and clubs disco ball.
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We made from high quality, organic and recycled materials. The best selling items are apex trunks to the most high performance trunk out there you don't want your trunks. Underperforming, lightweight, durable, perfect for adventure or jumpsuits are especially popular, easy to get dressed in flattering high quality tea. For every occasion we all have these. Yes, you know, Tommy was the other pioneer of the outer known tease, you Betty was the great their intelligence. Has he trent very comfortable, I dunno dot com, slash psh, twenty five today and you'll get twenty five percent off your first order that odor and known dot com, slash psh. Twenty five spelled o. U t e r k, n, o w n dot com, slash ps, a twenty five receive the twenty five percent off discount check them out the outer dot com, slash pierre, say twenty five and don't forget to use the promo code on the page for twenty five percent off There are other candidates on the stage. Donald trump is not on the stage again, but he will be featured by the fox. This house too. Got a nicky hilly are candidates who will
up there. They aren't, they have solid mit right. They have like pretty good establishment. Reza maize teams got as a ton of money because of some big donors. Neither have gotten much traction. What do you think? A nicky hayley air tim Scott needs to get done at this debate. What are they try and can I ask you a question? First sure, what are they trying to do a little? Are they trying to be the president? I think that these are neither resident. That would be madness. So I don't about him scott, that if they're trying to be the vice president, I guess I would not up some nonsense about how the deep state is targeting Mister trump poor, mister tramp either understood they're doing they don't have any chance. I went at one of the other aisle events I was out of this catechol. A bunch of the candidates spoke and Nikki. Haley gave this speech that appeals to me, and that was mostly about how we should be more serious about foreign policy and she's criticized the administration for not giving in. Money to ukraine and by giving more resources to ukraine in this room. It was like
in journal and I was allowed to clap- I would have been the only one clapping at that attack at that observation. So I I just I I don't understand what she's doing she doesn't have any appeal in this party. I mean they like her fine, like she, you know she's, not acrid christy. You know they, they don't hate her, but there they are never going to nominate somebody from the before times. You know who does not offer them the culture war lib owning you know stuff. If they like at I, don't I don't. I don't know what advice to give them cause. I don't know what their purposes are. If somebody would be honest, I think scott's claims that he's running for president doesn't seem like it to me. Maybe I'll, just it is found and just show all the tinder matches he's gotten, as I put that to rest be like. Luckily, these ladies love me, you shall there is no getting away like me. I don't know how does reaction. I was a version for thirty two. Ok, let's We don't know where there are thirty two throughout the year old version out. There is going to happen for you. It happened for TIM, Scott, there's nothing to be ashamed of yeah to the american story. Alright, so in terms of debate
inability you mentioned this earlier expectations are probably the highest for Chris Christie. Here's a clip from twenty. Sixteen that helps explain why the first voice you're going to hear is Marco rubio. This is edited down from multiple moments at this debate and then Chris Christie swoops in and punches him in the mouth, and, let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country to make america more like the rest of the world, but I would add this: let's dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know. What he's doing
he knows exactly what he's doing. He is trying to change this country. He wants america to become more like the rest of the world. The bottom line, this notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing is just not there is. He knows what you've memorized twenty five seconds speed. The campaign is so important to figure when you press the united states when you're governor of a state, but the memorized. Thirty second speech, where you talk about how great america is at the end of it, doesn't solve one problem for one person: they expect you to plow the snow. They expect you to get the schools open and when the worst natural disaster in your state's history hits you they expect you to rebuild their state, which is what I've done. None of that stuff happens on the floor of the united states Senate. It's a fine, job, I'm glad you ran forward, but it does not prepare you for president of the united states so that go That's good, as I remember it, powers for they get. There was a cut down from the w. I'm your debate in new Hampshire and twenty succeed. As you heard, markka rubio wee wee wee edit. This down marker rubio keeps repeating this,
odd line over and over again about how obama knows what he's doing. I don't you understand, like the veil, that line done delivered once well, but you sound like a glittering robot chrissy pounces on em makes him into a national joke, and fourthly, for christie, trumps out at this debate, rights we can't show is chops in defeat trumped the debate. There is a direct combat opportunity. do you think christie needs to humiliate someone else again to like show that he's there and then also like my pants, is going to be there anyone? Can the earth is a rare lonely? He acres christie, Haider and never tromp world. I just. I think that a what he did that debates only serve to hell, Donald trump. Then he went and endorse tunnel his tough guy, never actually took on donald trump. Here, like a tries we made, for sure I got to know where the budget debate so anyway, at an end, and I said when he got in this time. It's like it's nice. I agree it's nice when he goes on fox and satisfying. We says the truth about the tramp and it says that
is that his criminality. He had a good interview where he attacked some of the other candidates about about trans issues and how conservatives items. I thought, because I didn't want government making decisions for parents and why are we doing and enter into issues I like that, but, like I think, the most likely thing is that he goes up there and just defendants. Rights charter the other candidates onstage at the edge by only having twenty eight percent approval rating and it's like, then what it's like he didn't take out trump. I think he might take out ronda samplers and tim Scott and then it's like what was the point of this again. I thought the point was to stop The guy that tried a coup and- and I I don't know think you can do that when only twenty eight percent of the party likes you so anyway, I think that's what's most likely to happen. If I asked, if I was Chris Christie's adviser, I'd, tell him just attack trump leave these other poor people on stage alone, but I don't think he's going to do that night pants, I think, he's just trying to get his dignity back
Do his knees doing a little bit. He's done. Ok on that, I guess that I don't understand the point of his campaign either really, except for maybe it's just to get his dignity back, which is, I guess, a good reason to run. My pants was three percent in the new york times, iowa poll six percent in this most recent one, don't to come back, he's my favorite staff in later times, I will call is that is that canada are of cage. You nurse favour ability was like three acts better than my pencil. I felt Ask republican vice president now because he didn't go on with the coup. For that. One reason is the less popular that, unlike a lifetime lefty, who who now republicans like because heaping vaccines are bad and my goes on developments podcast strain I deal with again, not ideal, it doesn't make me feel good about the country are items, so we got to the the the main course year, which is vague. Our guy he's thirty, eight years old, he wrote woke ink. He got rich off his biotech company that he started now he's spending
cash running for president. He he seems to be trying to be kind of a happy culture warrior. If that can those things can coexist, the vex team tweeted out a clip of his debate prep here it is the those of egg laying. Surely cells are mainly bath I wish you could see how my mom is going to look through the fog cast on the drive honour, drives them I've been to regular. Then you ve seen it ten commandments. What do you think the appeal is? His appeal is a vivid it might be phony
I dunno he might even make a fake I'm, not I'm not sure I like, or he might have just gotten red pills, and this is all real blood. He is good at making the argument for the new nationalist, maga g o p, in a way that an intelligent and that's very hard, and- and I dont I'm not comparing these people on the merits of their policies whatever, but in the same way that I think pete appealed to people and I a lot because they showed up tis events and they could asking questions and he would sound really really smart. I think pete answers were genuine vague when you go to these things. We'll ask him questions and he sounds smart. I you know I I suffered through his or his valedictorian speech on youtube. Little obsessed, I am with him, he's very smart. He he went. He went to all these schools. He is a skilled speaker. I think he has
schools himself and like the daily wire world and talking points and like he can sounds like canvas element and sounds like Matt sounds like matt walls like ben shapiro and enhance what what a lot of republican voters want now, and so I think that, unlike scientists, who feels like a real politician, who is trying to do some agriculture or stuff, the vague kind of seems like he's of the trump movement and it might be phony, but he is speaking like either like he might be. You know how a maga person in the crowd wishes. They could speak if they had been a vague level of education right, and so they see him and they're like yes, I do think that we're spending too much money in ukraine and I do We should spend the military to the border and an idea. I do have a couple questions about nine eleven read like he is here his hitting that nerve and so
You know he's also thirty, eight year old, hindu and- and so I think, that's not really- probably great for iowa, and so I think that I think that if he was like a forty three year old evangelical, my guess is that he'd be in second place right now, but I think that that he at least recognizes something that you know the nikki haley, the tim Scott. The the the consultants that these people don't, which is like what the republican party voters not all of them but like seventy five, none of them are a significant majority. What they're looking for and they're looking for, maga jagr with me, I think, to the question of whether he's vivek, the faker or real. I I talked to someone the other day who worked with him back of the day when he was a tech bro, and they suggested that this is certainly a lot of performance happening here. I, like I agree with you. I think I think there's a few parts of this, like I think, ok, conservative, white audiences love it when a person of color confirm their feelings about race. Writing in this long piece in the
manic the vague says he didn't mind being racially profiled on a flight to Israel right after nine eleven, because he said quote, it was data driven, I dont, what that means, but it's you now pretty weird grossing to say I agree with you keys kind of poland on the job. Again russell brand conspiracy, theory, heartstrings talkin, about below the nine eleven commission lying to us doing isolationism on steroids. He doesn't like supporting ukraine. He He said you know, let's let china take taiwan after twenty eight. You know to his car I agree with you. You know he is young he's campaigning really hard. There is a lot of that may repeat strategy. Any saying things that do make him sent genuinely different from others. Think things can be hard for him. Everyone's clearly coming for him now they view him as a threat to consolidating the anti trump vote. Unlike
part of what got released from RON de santis. His super pac was oppo research on vivek. It wasn't like you know: private investigators falling around his quotes and votes and the author of the of his failure to vote and pres his failure to vote presidential campaigns things he said in the past, but also I think I made you listen to this tim vague did a long interview with hugh hewitt, who is this kind of like trump supporter, but guy who fancies himself sort of a foreign policy thinker and vivek was unraveling, is like forty chess kind of watch me logic my way through international affairs answers about china and ukraine etc, and at the end he says to you. I didn't know much of this stuff until six months ago and, like that's an honest answer, but
I you know it certainly doesn't provide him any, and you know he doesn't shake his hubris, which I think you know will be a problem down the road. Maybe I could be wrong, though I dunno about, I think people coming at him with an invitation, a steak man I just just just looking at performance ability nothing else. He was much the vivek I saw was much better than all the other candidates in that category. Chris Christie, wasn't there trump? Wasn't there that of everyone else on stage I think he's been better. I think going after him would be going after a victim of the fake would be a mistake, and doctor says he had terms if I was these guys, because even if the hit is good, just like you saw, the jab hit was good on him in a domain, but but performance is like eight aida. Eighty percent of the battle he's agile set selinux yeah. I also noticed that vega saying that he was talking to Chris ruddy, the head of the news.
is network about coverage, is complaining. These only getting covered in the middle of the day and ruddy basically said to him. Well, one way to fix that is to buy some ads. So it's sort of nice when people tell you who they are. I notice this in the atlantic the atlantic to the long profile of a victim Where the author read that their report around after the cuomo interview, we drive two rama, swamis house, its bright and white, with giant ceilings, suburban palatial, whether families to nannies, appeared and started, putting together a spy chile, caille watermelon, salad, tofu tacos tim. Do you think the magua base wants watermelon salad interfere tacos, they want burned stake, they want catch up on the wall. I just I don't know. I don't guess is only so much from me. He might have the time. points down, but now man they want, they want mcdonald's and catch up on the wall for short arm. The the
Ok, just let's get to our front runner trump is no show in the walkie, as we discussed, he sent a truth. Yesterday believe Sunday residual be skipping debates, please Oh NBC news reported that that comment means trumpets can escape the first two debates, which are both hosted by fox its fox news, then fox business, which makes me good inside about their blood feuds so going instead, trump is gonna. Do an interview with Tucker karlsson. Sadly, for us he cancelled the big this conference. There was supposed to happen on Monday. Were trumpet promised a detail how the election was stolen, which you know might have been using court against him tim. Do you think, Skipping the debate is the right move and this will a tucker interview have the juice to kind of get him into coverage. The way he wants view heard that the Tucker interviews already been taped. It's already. It's a pre taped interview, pre taped, yeah, just I saw this come for governance. I mean it's not even does even is, as you know, the excitement of who knows that these two who youngsters are going to say I got kind of
racist jokes? Are they gonna put? out there lives, attract attention now, but I mean I guess it allows tiger to choose those affirmatory stuff. I don't know, I think it probably will there is now some percentage of the republican party that is not insignificant. That has decided that fox is, is to corporate to establishment and are mad about tug relieving and these people will just despite fox watch trump and talker the thing is, though, that as a clean overlap, I think with people who are the people that are already not considering any other candidates in this primary right and so does. Does losing those viewers matter, probably not that programme, that much that the thing I would look out for four, whether it could work is if there is enough outrageous stuff or if he has to surrender to fanny well ass, the next day, the day after coverage could be blunted, especially if that that you know under card debate is as boring as I think it could be. I went back and look
because I had to refresh my memory that the one debate that trump skipped, which is the head of the iowa caucuses last time, was that as also it was an iowa debate, and it just wasn't that interesting, I rewatched them the coverage of it. I was like what did what was jabs angle in that debate. Like I couldn't even remember I, you know that's just the nature of the world that we're living in now in the trump you know, persona is just so different, and so I I don't it's possible that this debate ends up being kind of boring, but the tucker thing, I don't think is the the strongest counter program he could have come up with yeah. I should know that a monday we learned that trump's bond in the fulton county case has been set at two hundred grand. So not nothing, but you know not much for him. He also has all the substantial restrictions against witness intimidation. He trump can't threaten co, defendants or witnesses or victims or the community at large. in georgia that includes social media plus oracularly enforced. I have no idea
I would like that to be enforced. That that's you know, I mean it seems like that's kind of like a just. An averaged threatening witnesses is kind of like how he wakes up in the morgue yeah, it's par for the course. I I did wonder if you know, maybe the message of end of the day was going to be surrendering to Fani Willis, and you know taken over everything that way we write. It still could happen. It could happen on thursday, thursday or friday. So I yeah, I mean the whole. This whole thing is so fucking bizarre, and it's just like I in what world
Are you living in were heard Donald trump surrendering for trying to overthrow the last section to eighty two funny? Well, as in georgia, will it be like a positive piece of distraction issues I am, but I bet it just is like it just is in a big part of the reason why that is by the way. Is that all of you suppose it opponents most of the big personalities on fox most to the big republican personalities outside a fox are echoing his talk and points about this rhetoric. If everyone else is telling the voters yeah Donald trump is being persecuted by a two tier system of justice, they're going to believe it I mean. Certainly many many republicans would still believe it if it was only trump saying it that, but it certainly helps them that everybody else is echoing his talking. ones, and I think that is thy creates this environment where Bizarrely, you know his ninety second indictment, or whatever it is stony indictment is, is helping him on inheritance and the primary.
well? Certainly, we seen it all the polling, it's helping them consolidate the vote, including in this latest iowa poll. So speaking of like the the polling and how you be trumped, him said the new york times reported that republicans now think Joe Biden is so weakened politically that electability arguments not working with them. Basically, they have been convinced by you know, edited clips of Joe Biden, stuttering or falling on stage when he tripped over a sandbag or whatever. It is that anyone can be Joe Biden, especially trump, and I guess my question is: do we really believe that I feel like a voters? Are little bit trained to say that the answer to a question about whether you care more about issues or elect ability is to say issues cosette pure, and that makes you that's the right answer. That's a good answer and winning ultimately, is everything
but if it is true and electability is kind of not on the table to make an argument against trump like what is left besides the plan, I know you subscribe to, which is drafting virginia governor glenn junkin into the race. Alright, let's table my glen young can plan and a couple of listeners are going to tune, I just typecast and not hear the end and they're going to think I really am going to young can stand. Okay. Whatever the deal, I got the shingle macros that piece. I thought it was super insightful and I think that there are two categories of voters. They were talking about just going back to the beginning of the part right like there that the magnet types that live in malaga media world the dinner watching news max. You know that the daily wire pods that are on their facebook feeds with all weird shit coming at them, and I do think that did
in that world if you are deeply ensconced in an agony of your bubble. You are convinced that Joe Biden is riddled with dementia and can barely stand. It's a weekend for bread. Bernie situated com was running the show and there's yeah and by the way, you're also convinced that trump won. Last time and that it was stolen, So there is a very significant may the majority or very strong minority within the republican party that lives in that world right where trump actually won last time and Joe Biden is weekend at Bernie's, and so why would they? Why would they have to think about electability? That's there then, I think that there's another more rational group that was part of the reason why they are looking around the centre right
is he won by nineteen in florida in a year with a lot of the trump candidates went that did it poorly, and I think that he's really harmed his electability argument with that group by his performance in this primary and going so far right on abortion on the on gay stuff on cultural issues and a lot of people look at him, and I think that you could make a rational case looking at trump and the santa doesn't say, I'm not really convinced that dissenters is more electable. The I agree with trump is actually a little chiller on cultural issues like yeah sure he mounted on a coup and like he might be racist but like he is a little bit chiller on a porsche anyone already a little weird one in twenty sixteen yeah. Anyone already right. So I so. I think that is right. I think the electability argument has been neutralized by the big lie.
I, the maga media's coverage of Joe Biden and by the santas, is weak performance. That's depressing! I still think. I'm hopeful that, as we get closer to election, voters will start to think back to twenty twenty to think about twenty twenty two in the midterms, and you can make an argument that is like this. Guy is toxic. Look at all the people he endorsed he's going to lose. We can't afford another four years of job. I agree that this is why why didn't they just stick with like the scene at the sea. It has gotten in the race at thanksgiving or had somebody else and had the the whole republican party apparatus just stuck with that message. That was resonating like it. Never really was. Trump was tied with the santas, and that was this was the sole reason why I was the poor midterm performance. They blamed him and, and yet I think that, for some reason, dissenters decided the right thing to do was stall six months
you know enact the most extreme far right, like social issue, legislative session in like the history in the history of florida and alabama style legislative session, and then a launcher campaign on elon musk's, whatever they're calling twitter and outright like that, I think was very poor decisions that happened over a period of six months that neutralize this argument that was working. with republican voters last christmas, which is why you and rupert murdoch are trying to get going yunker into this race humanity calls it at european level. Why do people there was a diversity of taxis? Guy was reporting the same topic, there's a getting a little bit nervous about the players on the feel that their there looking at brian camp and glenn young can, and it's like, they also have seized the guys I meet a republican voter meet some republican voters. Please, like I'm begging you,
people to actually leave manhattan. Leave the hamptons. You know I fly down here, I'm going to I'm going to go to the lafayette louisiana, Louisiana g, o p convention this friday they can come with me. We can talk to some of these people and, if you think that they want a former hedge fund manager in a fleece vest to come off the sidelines and talk about comedy and and family values like you're you're, too fucking delusion. Like it's been a decade. This is one of the things this was an understandable thing to be confused about in twenty. If the team did it with a twenty twenty three right, I think so yeah I dunno time is it's hard to keep track, but like these guys, the whole thing is fucking, enraging and, and they just haven't accepted the reality. The only person that could come off the sidelines and challenge trump is the guy that is doing the interview with them on soccer wednesday yeah. That's
Big fear. That is my biggest fear. I mean I think it's too late for that, but that's the only guy that could come off the sidelines and actually shake us out. It's sure, as shit not going to be Glen yankee now give me a finally, and today show crooked media's halle kiefer. For has joined us for a new,
segments a new game into something that I know nothing about, but I've been prompt asked. How much am I going to hate doing this? I know it's hard to know. I think you're going to excel, which I think will thrill you, but the fact you'll know so. Much will also make you sad that this is what you've chosen. You have to know all the diet, the dirty details about a bunch of dirty dogs, okay, cause. Of course. This is about the georgia indictment. There are few dirtier dogs then, and then those guys with america, Timmy and Tom. Yes, I you know as well as anyone that recently the devil went down to. Georgia was looking for a soul to steal website of sr. Those are the lyrics to a song, the charlie Daniels, band's classic the devil was under georgia. I'm not sure how this got in here, but unrelated news. Recently, donald trump and eighteen of his cronies were indicted for their attempt to undermine the results of the twenty twenty presidential election in georgia. They have until friday to turn themselves in
he's, which gives us five full days of laughs. Now I assume by now you've both had time to read all ninety six pages of the indictment, which is why we're playing a little game, I'm colin, I'm so indicted. No time. Could you repeat back to me what the name of the game is I'm so No, you have to sing it. I'm sorry So in that you are right, and I just can't fight against god knows There's a lot of them generally. Are you ready? Yes, ok, which of the file? A wing is not a real person charge in the georgian indictment. I'm gonna need for names. Ok, and one of them is not real. Not someone is really indicted.
I got a three letter. Does tim get to guess first soaked, or do you want me to guess? First TIM, all yeah I'll I'll go for a Democrat gets pressure, but a sean Mika treasure still be harrison. William prescott floyd can see william, frederick dempsey, George rufus and d ray stalling smith. The third, because those are three real people were indicted and one that is a fictional person debt b and de, were definitely real growlings psmith Israel's found down to about a fifty fifty, and I think it s the divorce rufus. I think your proof is the third name. I think I'm thinking saying ok, great, I'm gonna. Take the one tim didn't take, ok, honey! I've, given you nailed it, thou knowest fix all those are actually keeper sutherlands middle name,
That's too many male navies gave don't know what happened there. I wouldn't have got I honestly. If you hadn't gone first, I would have been over unknowing any so he fur george roof of milk. To answer yes, is for william, frederick dempsey. George rivers, sutherland dont know. Why simply turn I didn't make a plea, for there are so many names their right of a true or false. Aside from donald trump, regionally only was the only other defended track of thirteen counts room. Tim Tim, I feel- and I was a false. I don't think he opened to really get thirteen. It is true, he's the only one who also got thirteen. No, he just drenched in here die right now, just sweat. were that bakers, dozen pay
Is there a man's barely human at this point to him, and he has no money to pay for any of the bills. Continent he's a David Cronenberg creature and he just walking around in society right now think how cheap the bourbon is that he's drinking? Now, that's gosh he's just down to the bottom. but you know a bottom shelf out money anymore, oh well, he sold sees. He was selling his new york apartment. It looks nice just right in bourbon, you get it. You get a bigger bed know, but I mean I'm looking make me to be tour it. I can't see why he wouldn't get his chest Oh. What do you want? It runs euro industries, roger cheese brown via the ida. Again, that's a fictional name, canada, she's, brow and human being, who faces seven felony counts for his role in developing the fake electors. Plot was a registered democrat, is recently as twenty. Sixteen added to those in force at rock obama would quote, make a pretty good supreme court. Justice is a true or false. That's true, I know a lot about cheese. I think that's true, I think, is also true that he
with Alex Jones at the capitol on January. Sixth, both those things are true. He was he was a Democrat and then he got rent. He got rich off bitcoin and then that'll do it. Unfortunately, I would watch a documentary on that steven lee illinois handyman was indicted for his efforts to intimidate georgia, election worker, ruby, freemen, true or false. True, I was, I think I was twelve. I was pretty sure, wasn't a kanye west spokesperson that was indicted for that, and I don't believe that he is a handyman from illinois, but I could be wrong now. Stephen Lee was indicted, but technically this is false because he's not at illinois handyman he's a loose wind
stir that's how come from publicans have become. They ve invented an evil, lutheran perry whom companion would be ashamed. Ogre indicted for our white house chief of staff, mark meadows, told the wall street journal. I believe that the charges that were file on me are for a lack of a better word bologna. Is that true, or is that false to be caught bologna? I don't think I've read him calling it bologna on this.
the false tim I also feel like I would have heard below me, but I know I let my wall street journal subscription lapsed when I left the republican party, so it's possible, I just didn't see it behind a paywall, but I'm going to say you're. Both right is false and the person who did say it was, of course the prestigious patient caddy has indicted former publicists trevi and cuddy. One of the lesser known indies is trump's former lawyer, Lionel Hutz, who previously worked as an ambulance chaser and once ran a shoe repair business out of his legal office. True or false tommy, true
embarrassed. I don't know this one. I just thought this false lionel hutz was the simpson for that. I only do that because I was like we're all the same age, you'll you'll get so embarrassed time. He's older than Jesus Christ and I'm assuming a two left, if you can believe, I'm assuming you guys, probably covered this, but on monday down trump agreed to a one hundred thousand dollar bond, as well as other terms of his release. True or false, false two hundred grand. following ass. A great deal to learn thousand dollar bond, to which I say, and finally, if convicted trump would have to serve five years before part, it could even be possible. It would have to be issued by the states border pardon because in georgia the governor does not have pardoned power. Is that true? Or is that false, MR misrule? That's blissfully, wonder unum through gentlemen, two wonderful, wonderful,
for helping me see like. Are you glad? Are you happy? Oh howie? That was great, although I do feel like I am slipping. If I got the old simpson's lawyer, I think this option. adnan is worse than when I went on your show, and you asked me the prime minister of Pakistan was- and I can only name the former one in timber rose. That was really bad was made apparent. Acquisitive into george bush was running for president and I would venture to inspect george bush, its vengeance for poor george bush, our seas, both to know fantasy or both the prime minister was another name of countries. He might enter aid that live, I'm so, Think of realities. I will make you very much, but that is for us today. Thank you, too miller, for common on a very long broadcast. Everyone is saying how you out giant both at european level, to thank you again for doing so. We are totally.
that will have actually does pod. Save America is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martina. Our producers are anti gardener bernstein in Bolivia, Martinez its mixed in edited by andrew chadwick. Jordan. Canter is our sound engineer, with audio support from kyle segment and charlotte landis, thanks to Halley keefer, madeline herrings, irish warts, anti task and justine how for production support into our digital team, Elijah cone, Phoebe bradford me comin then have coat and David tolls subscribed to pod, save america on you too, to catch full episodes, exclusive content and other community events find us at youtube. Dot com, slash at pod, save american.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-23.