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“The House that MAGA Built.”

2023-01-12 | 🔗

The MAGA House is off to a rough start. George Santos isn’t going anywhere. Joe Biden deals with a classified documents discovery a bit differently than Donald Trump. And then Congresswoman Katie Porter joins the pod to talk about her run for the US Senate.


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there is no safe like simply safe. Welcome the pod, save america, I'm john fabric, I'm dyin pfeiffer on today show the mega houses off to a rough start. George Santos isn't going anywhere Joe Biden deals with a classified documents, discovery a bit differently than donald trump and later congresswoman katy porter joins the pod to talk about her run for the: u s senate's, but first, The accolades keep rolling in from other country radicals. The tribeca winner is on several best of twenty two lists and pr recently,
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which plays a role in our lives from swearing to subtitles, and everything in between you can binge the whole foresees a now. Wherever you get your podcast idea. Let's get to the news, you may be wondering what's the new house up to now, that is run by a gang of mega buffoons in their pet speaker, Kevin Mccarthy, well, republicans, looked at the mid term results and decided that the american people want an urgent action on three top priorities: one more abortion restrictions to making it easier for rich people to cheat and their taxes and three a special committee to investigate the people who are investigating donald trump. So every house Republican voted for these three bills, two of which will die in the senate. Send it won't take them up cause it's from by Democrats, and the special committee will do very little but generate com.
and for right wing media and maybe make some lawyers rich. Why do you think republicans chose to start this way? Do they think this is popular? Is this just maga base appreciation week? What's going on? Maybe in only a few days, Kevin Mccarthy is discovered. That being speaker is not so great he's trying a limited to two years and three years only he don't you if the title, though there was that there was some color that when he finally won, he took a picture of himself outside the office with the sign on it, and he said: that's pretty cool, that's cool, I mean that's kind of indirect right. Well, it also is like it's just perfect as a perfect bitter color like yeah, that's what he wanted. That's it! Nothing else is nothing else is fun for him in this job I mean it is what all of this in all seriousness speaks to is the fact that the republicans have no coherent ideological agenda other than
sobs too well, they fund, razors and fox news generated culture were grievances. That's all. There is good of you to put this in perspective they mostly ran on inflation release, mostly rent by attacking democrats on that gas prices are too high. Growth for us as well, so in a normal world they would come to congress in their first bill would be something about dealing with inflation, because you would send a message to the voters that day that you're here, fulfil your promises, but they made a strategic decision in that campaign to I've no position on any, I'm issue of any kind of than allowing well to be able to cheat on their taxes, and so when they get Are they kids when the amount of fish, because they have no plan for it? Everything that they actually support would make inflation worse. So they went what sort of they look at all the things on their kind, a sort of agenda that they talked about him? And they thought that the iris provision would be the most popular and it is the most popular of their positions but
It's actually not popular right morning. Council. This shows that the vast majority of amerika We are not concerned that the arrest is going on at that they did not bought into this idea that there are a bunch of jack, booted, iris, accountant, thugs and greener she's gonna run like an audit, everyday americans, They do what everyone else knows, which is that wealthy people cheat on their taxes and we should try to stop them yeah. I think they fooled themselves with some polling where the question about the eighty seven thousand iris agents, which of course, we've talked about before it's just the line. Not really what's going on there and they they've worried worded. So, like you know, do you think we need many iris agents common around to your homes, knocking down your door. Fifty appeal, and people are like. No, I don't want that that same scary. You know when the
Our of what changed under Biden was that they just gave the irish more resources so that rich people can't cheat on their taxes, because too many rich people cheating on their taxes in the government's losing a lot of money and guess what the rich people and rich people don't pay their taxes because they are cheating on them. Then the tax burden falls on middle class and poor americans anyway, so that that one and then the abortion restriction they did is completely just absurd. The bill they pass is basically already law which, as you know, we ve talked about this before, like less than one percent of abortions happen after twenty one weeks and then overlap. Twelve years out of a hundred and forty nine million live births. Something like a hundred were the result of botched abortions where the baby was born anyway, and then
that happens in the extremely extremely rare case that it does. Then there was a lap ass in two thousand and two that said, doctors have a duty to keep that baby alive so like they just made up this scenario? That doesn't actually happen just to try to say that I I guess to try to make Democrats look extreme. I don't think that anything that work that yeah, I think, to the extent that one I think this was really is an acknowledgement of the of the political challenges of their position. Portion which they could have done a whole bunch of things that could have been a national abortion ban. They could have done the fifteen week national abortion and that lindsey graham proposed We wanted to give something to the far right groups that have been pushing these abortion man's without sort of stepping into all. The problems are probably cost them the senate.
And ensure that they won the house by a very narrow margin. Now that doesn't mean they're not going to take those things up soon, they're going to be under tremendous pressure from the right to do that, they're, going to be driven by some of these newly elected republican governors in states, there'll be a republican president primary pushes I'm so does it mean as ever. This is warmer. There said this is the Isn't that what really was mega bass appreciation week? We had to do something for them, and this is the one we're going to do and we think this is the most politically palatable, even if it is nonsensical and dishonest, add all the above, and we should just say, like you know, there's some bud navigator pulling out this morning on the voter priorities for the new congress. You know lowering costs number one, fifty eight percent healthcare with thirty two percent immigration at thirty per cent national debt at twenty six per cent and then investigating the Biden administration and the Biden family. That's down at fourteen per cent, even only thirty, two percent of very conservative republicans list that as their top priority
we'll get to their committee. The investigation that a second but so the fourchan bill in the iris bill. There not go anywhere. There are what's known as message bills right, meaning they're just designed, so that republicans can can say they voted on them in press releases and in campaign ads. Do you think that has any effect? Are these? Are these worthwhile? Well good message. Bills have some merit a bad Its bills, do not we're just gonna. Take the brightest spotlight. This congress is probably gonna have outside of complications over government funding. That's the is this first week and here's how we're going to use it. We're gonna take some and unpopular shit. The remind everyone why they don't like us and we're going to vote on those things. So No, I don't think this was good for them by any stretch of the imagination, I think that, like messaging bills and vote have like
fairly little utility on their own. Even when we do it, it's obvious. It's good to show that you're fighting right, but the fighters to be like realistic to a lot of these yeah, whose were tweeting that they successfully defended the irs after the vote it's like that's just it is the lie, your ear, you you? U on and he's not gonna pass. You didn't do it. You didn't do anything but you no one has less respect for the intelligence of republican voters than republican politicians and republican media so there's there's two elements, a message bells that they are worth noting. One is in a world for republicans with this huge mega megaphone propaganda operation. is a capacity to take what they did in washington and put it in front of their hard core base. They can actually do that. And it has said that in essence, it has some merit with the base rate mega base, appreciation weak. As you said, the way
If things really work in the way they really matter is that there is not about the news coverage you get right now, you know maybe you'll get an axial story or you're going to. You know, make the third paragraph of tomorrow's punchbowl newsletter, but it's not like you're, not reaching real, voters the way you do. It's use these votes and paid media later on both what you voted for and what your opponent voted against. So Republicans not named Liz Cheney and Adam kinsey are famously declined to participate in the january six committee. Mccarthy, didn't want to put any other republicans on that committee or democrats, on the other hand, have said that they intend to sit on a Jim Jordan's trump protection committee and all the republican investigative committees smart. Yes, I think we can all agree that the republic, not showing off the general six committee was a terrible idea. Yeah, it prevented them from rebutting any being from muddy the waters, all the stuff they did on the impeachment hearings or in some of the senate.
Judiciary committee hearings it over the years if you want people to hear you'd have to be there, and I think the problem has also made a bet that if they did not show up, the press would not cover, because the reno conflict that bet obviously did not pay off. So democrats absolutely should show up it's there. thing to do, and I think give it how we know the media operates, even though the general committee hearing is a very real substantive, important thing, and this is just a bunch of whores and push it. The cable networks would have felt compelled to cover the
in provide live coverage of these hearings. Even if the Democrats weren't there right- and so I think it is it's the difference between giving republicans sort of an uninterrupted ad on cable news and giving them a a mostly uninterrupted ad is because they're not going to let the Democrats speak as much as the republicans but they'll get some time, and I think it's also important to sort of win this messaging battle with republicans about the investigations, because there's a bunch of polling on this as well and certainly investigating the by demonstration, is not a priority for voters. In fact, it's like, we said it's very way down in the list, but there is at least, and people are open to investigations if there seems to be
I'm doing, but I'm after you know a global strategy group, that's in polling on this, and they said what most works when describing these investigations is framing them as a waste of time and taxpayer dollars a political stunt, childish and and driven by maga republicans. So this idea that the mag republicans are dragging the rest of the party down to just waste their time on these childish stunts, as opposed to actually fixing the problems that people are grappling with. It's sort of wild. My and for the reminder of how old I am these days is that when I first start, pasok, my very first answer in the middle of the Clinton impeachment hearings and the exact same talking points were worked as victor it's like what is all this new again, that's exactly right. It work for them in gaza, hearings that work for these hearings alarm for all the other does shit. They tried to IRAN obama. It's always the same end
The party and parties keep making the same mistake and how they focus on these things. Republicans have to do it cause. They have nothing else to focus on right. If you do not have a coherent agenda, a coherent set of policy preferences within your party that you can act on you're left with this dumb, partisan bullshit. It also matters what you're investigating like. I. I think that the reason that the january six hearings were probably the most successful that we've seen in awhile are what a because there were no republicans on the committee to muddy the waters but be like an investigation of an attack on the capital on our seat of government and attempt to overturn the election. Everyone knew what that was. Everyone could follow along like it wasn't it wasn't some how most of these investigations are going to be ridiculous to people yeah I mean a group of people incited by the former prisoners. He has tried to murder the vice president. sits on national television right, that's gonna get there. There should be investigation that people gather that is very different than hunter turbines. top or a bunch of- and this is
the proper hopkins always have. This was sort of trumps from two, as they only speak in the lingua franca of the right wing media bubble. Writer time, about like when trump tweet about the russia staff and you'll be like that Lovers and italy they say- the words mean nothing to seven Five to eighty percent of americans and you're gonna have a lot of this stuff because the idea for the investigation comes from the right wing media. The way they talk about. It is a reflection of the right wing media and the attendant audience is the people who live in that same right wing media bubble. So it sort of goes nowhere. Yeah, there's this like this closed magda loop. I think that's why we got the irs vote is the first one to because, like the number of segments in fox prime time jack, booted, iris thugs with guns coming to, like you know, take your money. It was submitted,
yeah, I would say there is, and so definitely got ahead of the polling on that yeah. I would say there is definitely a connection between the fact that all of maga media is funded by billionaires like rupert murdoch and the mercer. and the fact that all of maggie media focus is a ton of attention on the irs trying to crack down a wealthy texts. I think those things are very related. So how's republicans have also confirmed that speaker, mccarthy intends to remove adam schiff Eric small, well and ill Omar from the intelligence and foreign affairs committee's. Yet another step. The american people have been clamouring for. Why are they doing this? I mean because there many people, this is all about the reward. We're. What's the ostensible excuse this well, there's too, there are two there: the period of reason and there's the actual reason the actual reason. As democrats remove, marjorie, taylor, green and paul goes are from their committees after they
did a whole bunch of things, including pushing anti semitic, conspiracy theories and threats of violence and all of the above. That's why they are attended a white nationalist event. I was that remember that now, the array of reasons that all seem sort very, very, very valid, and so If this is revenge, they promise revenge, then they threatened. They would do this. If democrats took that step- and so now republicans are doing this- they have a bunch of dumb reasons. I think actually aren't worth repeating for why they pick these three members ad, because that's all a bunch of bullshit, but this is simply ventures- is to follow, thrown a threat they made to the and are most mega extreme members. A couple of years ago, yeah I mean they're. All all three of them are mega media villains. You know Adam shifted too good of a job holding donald trump accountable for his impeachable offenses right, so that that's that's
why they did it. One person who Mccarthy does plan to give a seat on various committees is george santas, who a press conference full of long island republic in officials. This we called on to resign as he was accused of everything from whom hieing and being a star volley, player at college. She never attended to accepting it. Legal donation from a confessed. Smuggler of undocumented immigrants, woof and still refuses to resign and mccarthy said they quote. A lot of people here in congress have made up parts of their resume. I mean Are we just stuck with this guy or what yeah? I think we're stuck with this guy I mean the whole thing is wild. I get it is just the back at his official, these submitted congressional by has a college that has been proven. He did not attend on it, I mean he's
Why does nobody to go from like I'm making up that? I attended this college and then not did not just graduated, but I bet I even attended this and now I'm also get make up a story that when I attended this college that I didn't actually attend, I was with a the fourth up where he was saying like he was a strike like he had the position down. He said they went to the championship. I mean that is there is some sick shit? Why does he not know the internet's been invented? I dont know what I mean. I don't know what he's doing. I lost track of all the different lies and potential crimes he's we're committed because the lies are fun, but he's also now under multiple investigations at multiple levels of government in multiple countries that's that's. He relates. In perfectly in this party at that relate potential fraud campaign, finance violations, all kinds of stuff I mean
Is there some real questions like he had no personal money? He was living rent, free somewhere on a couch and then lent his own campaign three because a million dollars I bring it back. from there. There are very real questions there. He obviously should not be in congress an enormous world. He would not be in congress in a normal political party. He would not be in congress, they would have tossed him out The reason they are not tossing him out is there France will be highly favoured in a special action for this seat is a seat by one democrats tend, in the end the posts, trump era to over performance special elections. We now have a larger base of highly engage high propensity voters, and so if he were to leave chemicals, will be down one vote it would then be a special action at a time and date set according europe law by the new york governor and republicans would we lose that see further narrowing their majority. So, of course, to say there and he's already sort of getting how you do it he's paddling.
And with marjorie taylor, green is attacking Adam kinzer or on twitter. He's big he's learning to play the maga media game so that these people will back him and keep him yeah. I mean if Mccarthy had like a thirty seat margin or forty seat margin, yeah, maybe if he gets rid of him, maybe he sacrifices him because now so all of these long island officials have called on every like long, island Republican has called on him to resign. Five of the ten and new york republicans who were in the house, not counting george santos, of course, have now called for him to resign as well. So like the drumbeats out there but Mccarthy he right now. Mccarthy can only afford to lose four votes. If santos goes, it's only three votes, that's a pretty! That's a pretty slim margin, that's it! That's a mat gates, marjorie, taylor, green and paul ghosts are away from losing. It ended up right. There are eight, so
Do you think the white house should handle this congress for the next two years? Like is the mega house a perfect foil for Biden as he prepares to run for reelection, or is there any chance he can try to get something done with republicans like he did in the senate. during his first two years. We will talk about this in the next segment, but present might held a press conference today extensively about the new inflation numbers and eat it. He talked about this republican congress and what he said is. I am willing to work with anyone on anything. They want to get something done that actually helps american people. I will work with them, so she will always is important generally or specifically, for someone with president Biden's profile to extend an open hand, but to be realistic about it and what he did then is, but I'm not going to walk him on these things. These republicans want to allow wealthy people to cheat other taxes. They want to cut social care. at care. They want to pass
a national sales tax that would increase costs. We will make inflation worse worried about plus the iris. If you pass, the national sales tax, add yeah, like he, they Biden folks get it is that is Biden always says. We said a thousand times on the podcast. One of his sayings is compare me the alternative, not the almighty up until the moment, the republican presidential primary is fully engaged. This is the alternative. It is this maga house that embodies everything that voters rejected in two thousand twenty two, so you want to highlight you want to highlight the in the proper positions, and there was very notable that he hammered at least once- and I think maybe twice about the republicans wanting to cut social security medicare. They been very clear about that. They have to what about it. It is the end result of some of the concessions that Kevin Mccarthy made in his attempt to be speaker about the debt ceiling in a balanced budget amendment and to give you a sense of how on popular
idea. That is in the CBS you you gov poll that came out last weekend. The top priority for all voters for this congress is to protect. medicare more than seventy percent of them thought that and that's not something driven by democrats and independence. seven and ten republicans think protecting social security. Medicare should be a priority, Seventy percent of trump voters think protects us. Gonna medicare should be a priority and seventy Sad and of all the sub groups in their the one with the highest number is white non college voters, the core their public and base. So this is the fact that probably identity, then I'll I'll, see you. You got pole I'll raise you a navigator poll from this morning. Oh there you go. That's that they had a list of potential priorities the republican congress- and they rang an order of how unpopular they were. The most unpopular was
ending the guarantee of medical care and social security. You know what percentage of voters support that. a eleven, oh I'm levin present It's more popular than banning books, which only fifteen percent support, preventing medication. Go creating for lord drug prices, which Biden just passed with the inflation reduction act. That's only sixteen percent support that making it easier to overturn election results. Twenty percent and banning russian nationwide, twenty eight percent- those are the most on paper, but like eleven percent, it's more and fewer people support that. Then they support making it easier to overturn the EU and that which is why, by the way, Kevin Mccarthy also did a a press conference today with reporters before he recorded, and they assert ask him all these questions about the debt ceiling. They they pushed them on medicare and social security said: oh we're always going to protect medicare and social security. Republicans are always going to protect it yeah right, yet you can't protect it in a balanced budget amendment. It is mathematically
well in this the right. The comment by made today about the national sales tack and abolish to tax and abolishing the ira's back comes from so solidarity their one vote on the eighty seven thousand made up irs's agents and the rich tax cheats. Apparently, Mccarthy promised the freedom caucus a vote on abolishing the iris completely and also abolishing the national income tax in favor of a huge sales tax increase, which of course, hits working people more than anything else. So yeah. I think that Biden and the democrats highlighting sort of some of the votes they're taking republicans are taking because the mega crazies force them into it is going to be politically potent as well. No and every opportunity does it matter what you're talking about get the social security medicare hit in there now an alternative view on this is Chris Murphy said this to punchbowl. He said the debacle of the last,
We actually makes it more important than mccarthy manufacturers some accomplishments. Those republicans now have a blinking red light of dysfunction sitting on top of their kok is that the whole country has seen sure Chris Murphy, I love you. I love her optimism and also, like Mccarthy may be thinking that the bag of his mind, but I think there is a difference between hoping that's the case that you can rack up some accomplishments to tell voters about in two years and actually making it happen with the costs that he I mean we were very dismissive of Democrats, republicans working together on things and the last congress. A lot of time more time than we thought. Joe Biden was right. Personally was very wrong about that in may Are we different here and it's always possible. You could find something like the equivalent of chips act, a very real iron pot,
is a nine ideological thing, because there will be an impetus to do something, but I think it will be very limited any your exactly right, even Kevin Mccarthy thinks it is in his interest to do that. They freedom guess, there's not see it in their interests to an end. There is also a real hesitance to give an accomplishment to a democratic president running for reelection. That's how the republicans were with obama and when he was running for reelection that I imagine it's exactly how it will be with Bi. Oh also say you can tell that president Biden and the white house want to make the economy a central issue. They want to show that they're working on the economy. They noted the inflation news today that inflation went down the fights that are going to come and twenty twenty three, which is debt ceiling government shut down. Those are going to be fights that
sort of revolve around economic issues. Republicans are going to want to cut medicare and social security, Joe Biden, the Democrats are going to say they want to keep reducing prices by the way. This vote that they took on the I r s, n and letting rich people cheat on their taxes was scored. That are only adds money to the deficit, even though the republicans have pledged to lower the deficit so like. I think that having the debate in the country sort of revolve around these economic issues in this sort of role of government issues is probably going to redound to the benefit of Biden and the Democrats, and not the republicans, because their position on cutting healthcare and education and everything that people care about is quite unpopular and also helping rich people pay less taxes. Also, an unpopular position republicans were able to benefit from the economy to a certain extent, this last election, because their strategy was to their strategy, was because democrats were in charge of everything. Just lay back and be this generic alternative of some
different now, they're gonna have to half as issues are going to have to have ideas or be things they want to cut taxes, they want a lower, and that gives a Democrats a very rich target environment to go after positive mercosur. America has brought you a magic spoon, talk about them, stall, g of eating, childhood cereals, I loved those childhood smile aerial. My favorite series series arm sweetener circles, oh, how I love those sweet, not circles. You know, I don't really know cause on those people that most people would just have the circles and others officer or rain. I want sweet, not circles Another great magic spoon has recorded slices girl, came very eager, magic spoon have replicated citrus hopes.
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in his wilmington residents in one set, which was in a locked closet at the penn Biden center for diplomacy and global engagement, which is where the president worked out of after the obama administration ended up so as soon as the lawyers. As soon as binds lawyers found these documents, they contacted the national archives which immediately took them back. Merrick garland then asked a us attorney appointed by donald trump to review how the classified material got there and Biden said that he was surprised by the discovery, but he's cooperating fully and then just before we started recording merrick garland announced that he's appointing a special counsel. A former us attorney named Robert her. who used to be rod, rosen stains council in the trump administration about that for a flashback, so we got a new special cut, so we get another document story. Naturally reply
begins in the media, reacted to this news and in a very chill and responsible manner. Here's a clip, where's classified documents right, whereas the ring and let me go, let me I right now act again impeach backing and that's why we need to get where carlini shameful effect. his attorney general shameful. I would simply like should be impeached. Yes, at least I mean to give republicans this talking point. For the rest of their natural lives. exonerates. Tromp is not measures that he's taking a million dollar ear salary from chinese that they launder through the pen Biden centre that binding even gone too, because he doesn't even know it's in the closet classed by these documents whenever they are If we do that, our enemies will learn our secrets, please China already knows our secrets? The chinese can know, but you can't know, by contrast, beijing, more than trust you, the lawyer, but they said
I found the documents is Dana remus. Does she look like She can carry boxes just so he's having women help move now. Is Team obama china, said joe up so that he bows out and new some moves in the right direction found the documents at the pen Biden centre. You got us, it was set up one of Andrea means. I feel that might jump the shark. About you like it seems very rational and serious and filled with it. sure curiosity for the facts we went from like classified documents, found an enlightened closet to selling secrets to the heat for cap. she or I mean a conspiracy really quickly, setting up buying to help Gavin newsom yeah. That was yeah. That was a good one, though it was a good one though
anyway, alright. So the most useful thing we can do here is to explain to people have. This is both similar, indifferent to trump hiding nuclear secrets in his beach house. We should know that they did search Biden's rehab beach house. They found nothing. So that's it by one trump. should we score one for Joe, we be start with how they're similar yeah. They involve paper classified paper with paper, but yeah classified paper that both people took with them from the white house, which should not have been taken from the white us. Here's what we know. A small number of documents, possibly less than fifteen, were found. Co mingled with some other non classified documents. As soon as they were found, they were returned to the archives and divine folks. A corporate investigation. Here's what happened with trump, he intentionally took a shitload of documents.
He refused multiple request to return them. He at one point reportedly move them to ensure that other people could not find them here, attorneys falsely attest to the fact that all been returned when he knew they weren't He was so opposite in his unwillingness to return the fbi had you sure, but at his house unannounced you get them after the I did that he wide and said the f b. I planted the documents and then he claimed that he he'd the documents, something that was so dishonest that no attorney representing him would you ever mention it under oath in court and then repeatedly attack the fbi and all the people investigating. So in that they are not similar at all he told us all here, he truth up a storm that they were his but the blood at the closet. Documents belong to him. I mean it's just which is by the way why, when the fbi,
marilla go. They did so after a judge granted them a search warrant based on trump, possibly violating a number of criminal statutes which are not at play in the Biden case, because their criminal statutes obstructing justice and orderly israelis. Falsehood asians, that's the real and an end lying, and all this I mean come on it's if donald trump in his buffoons we're just run and out of the white house after they were run out of the white house because they didn't want to leave and it just grab boxes and in some of the boxes, were stashed. Classified documents in the archives reached out mass from them back and they gave them back. It would have Like I don't know a couple weeks, a week story had been aware stories. If that and then we end it would have gotten some criticism and people would have called trump careless and stupid whatever, and then we all would have moved on that would have been it. There would have been no raid,
where's. The raid I mean the the raid didn't happen because Joe Biden gave back an idiot, are so fucking stupid. It's important to recognise that obviously taking classmate information and protecting it is very It is very serious and whenever there is a violation either intentionally essential, there's always some sort of investigation to find out what happened, the to assess the damage. What secret I've got, how can people passed? access to it and if the trump they had never happened with, that They and all we heard with this report. That Biden had had a handful of documents in locked places that he should have had the men. It would have been a them a one day story, a minor story, because this action is a minute doesn't happen
all the time. But it is not unusual for the incredibly unusual extraordinary for there to be some for people to make mistakes in the hand us or information. Are you one of the first things idea I worked to the white house was: I would attend all the the media are you. Are you better confessor crime here? Shall we go a lawyer? Yes, you're gonna get on twitter and find me a lawyer immediately set up up up up up. I, this is not about me here, because a region, but I will attend the very meetings for all the people. We are going to put up for confirmation and alive the folks you're looking at are people in the the security space former ambassador, he working to foreign service in it with every one or even monsieur whether frequently you would have someone who at some point in their career, I made a mistake of the classroom information. They had something on their desk. Instead of locking up there He had The wrong folder home, or maybe it sir something that they inadvertently said, something that was classified to people who do not have the clearance for it.
and in everyone's situations someone investigates it and makes it for me and maybe there there's a sanction there, and so the fact of a mistake here is serious, but it is very, very different than what trumped it and I think we have to understand that and put that into context, because treaty means is the same thing as I treating someone inadvertently bouncing a check and f textile financial fraud, there there are similar the they involve documents.
But nothing else is to say I mean this is the same. We sound like we did in twenty fifteen twenty, sixteen, where you're talking about Hillary's emails. This is the same thing like there was a, and you know what they ended up, saying that all she was as careless. That was the most they could say about how Hillary handled the emails right. That was what the government and then that could be what ends up happening here too riotous that they said yeah. It was bad. You shouldn't have done that whatever and but like again that's what they would have said to trump. If trump just gave the fucking shit back yeah, he just gave the ducks back, didn't lie about it. Didn't move them didn't obstruct the investigation. This is why trump's entrance- it's not just because of taking the fact of taking the documents or having the documents. The fact how he took them, re uttered in that case, to taking a whole bunch of them intentionally, is a key issue. Obviously, when, as a prize, you know that the right wing media's haven't, I feel they with this, but you know
cnn spent nearly two hours talking about the story on Monday night alone. The lot of content there are cable and other less responsible news platforms just going to like gloss over the differences between the trump and Biden cases here, because you can tell that the play for trump and all his pals are for voters to just hear. Oh Biden and trump both have classified document scandals. That's all. That's so they want people to hear and because the media over simplifies everything and people don't pay that close attention to news anyway. You know you could see that get out to people. Yet that's got that plans, gonna work, and the goal is to. the muddy the waters and the press is going to aid and abet them in that they are incapable of doing anything else. This is how they are. and obviously their individual reporters and individual stories who have done a great job of outlining the exact differences in how this work,
it is in all the stories, and even in that two hours of coverage that seen in hand is an absurd dedication of resources, there was a moment in there where they put up basically a graphic showings, actually differences that we set. The problem is that In the overall conversation and how the vast majority people consume news, the differences are going to get lost because when you treat it a giant deal a nuisance, gazillion push notifications and you a thousand tweets about in We must react, somebody siren emojis and all of that, It seems like a usual in the vast majority. People are not- and I say this- and I apologise for the poorest rightly stories with ambassador people are never going to click on your story than a real it s. A headline if I click on further not ring to it paragraph, and so, if you just simply imply that there are differences, there are you, the terms without screaming at the top. There is nothing the same here, that's gonna get missed
there's a whole bunch of forces with in how the putative lee objective political media works. There are going to push them to ensure that they just simply remake all the mistakes of two thousand and sixteen yeah. I mean look at the differences that we just talked about, like charlie savage new york times reporter who's excellent on their answer. expert on these issues laid out. A really great story explained the differences in a really fair and objective way. Even within that paper, though, they'll be political coverage and headlines up, probably treacherous us methods and bring jointly story, may get lost straight and then, of course, I knew or times russian oppose it is not usually much more responsible than cable and then twitter is even less response. Well, then, cable, you know it just it just go! It's it's! The media environment on this is going to be tough. So then the question is: how does the white house handle This extremely annoying development.
I think they have to walk a very fine line here between adhering to the standard they set in talking about trumps conduct. They classified documents should be taken seriously and inadvertently buying into the premise that this is a big deal. because it's not if we now know everything there is to know about how the documents got out, how many documents where and how they were stored. This is a big deal. This is nothing like drop in walk into a lot of the folks who worked for secretary Clinton in that campaign. Some of them will say that one of the mistakes they made was they bought into the narrative that Washington wanted. The sc like that there is a body rhythm of how you react. Scared. We have hearings in subpoenas and then long stories of the political implications at who said who knew what, when and everyone does puts on their woodwork, had pretends there and all the prisoners. Men and I don't find homeless was pretty good
a measure, I would have said, the locks, the court, the corvette part, but that's Joe Biden, and that's fine but as you say, you're gonna cooperate express com. It's about what they're going to find and don't make us a gigantic scale. Don't yourself fall into the thing we're gonna I have a special spokesperson in the white house going to do all these things is don't buy into the premise that this is a big scandal, because it is not a scandal and as astronauts seattle, and I also think that wisely they didn't make a huge deal about the trump investigation, partly because there was an ongoing investigation. Then he didn't want to comment, and- and and so you know, they made some comments at the time, but they didn't like use this as a huge political issue, which I think is probably gonna, help them now right. So before this happened, this massive scandal for Joe Biden has Paul embers. we're really on the rise over the last few months. He's got some positive approve. Ratings in some poles for the first time,
How do you make of that? What he's been on quite a run, a success better than expected performance in the midterms terms, an incredibly print. Active lamed accession of congress, where your passing laws to fix electoral count active? important spending bill, the legalizing same sex in interracial, marriage spin doing great and at the same time, the backdrop of that are two things one, republicans have been an absolute high profile, churchill from donald trump dying nazis, too All the republicans fighting each other about how they lost the election to the cabin occur. Should show to george santos and on top of them Probably most importing were important. Anything else is slowly, but surely economic conditions have gotten better. Inflation is still high, but it's coming down. People are feeling less pain when they go. There
she saw the gas station than they were before and while those prices are higher than anyone but like trajectory matters or why are they getting lower or the getting higher in recently them and taking down lower and That's been very good for germany. I think all those things are probably more important than this document: stupidity. This moment in time, but the documents he does, I think, indicate there were entering into a new phase of the belgian presidency, which is now he has a president who by all. Airports is running for reelection with a republican majority in the house where, in a phase of conflict right cooperation is when Joe Biden was focusing on in the first year and he was judged on what success he could get from accomplishments, corporate publicans or cooperation with national centre,
and now it's going to be how he handles the conflict with Republicans and I think we're going to work, it seems like the white house has been preparing for that based on today's press conference, but I think that is going to be what dictates his approval ratings going forward in combination with, obviously the larger economic environment in the country. Yeah and look the macro. Economic factors are large. we beyond their control? It was beyond their control. When gas prices were high, inflation was really high. It still not continue until
under their control. Now that gas prices are lower and inflation is lower, but it's certainly helping them. But then I think the bigger issue here, as in it's something that we saw as far back as the two thousand and twenty election, all the time like when trump and the republicans are the story. It is not good for trump and the republicans when republicans are able to make Biden and whatever phony scandals they come up with the story. Then it's not as good for Joe Biden and the Democrats, and so you know the Republicans had, for the first couple of years, a whole bunch of stories about democratic infighting and democratic legislating and all this kind of stuff, and so it really helped them and now that they are govern one of the houses of congress. Then it gives Biden an opportunity to make them the story every day and, as we have seen today like they will try to make Biden story. They will try to investigate them. They will try to keep him in the news, but to the extent, that Biden can not only make the republicans a story because of scandal, but make them a story because here's what they want to do to make your life worse and here's. What I'm doing to try to make your life better
then I think he'll be anita and stronger foot except the white house is always a hierarchy of strategic priorities and in the first two years legislative strategy, often trumped communications and political strategy, because mattered, his aching. You get something done. That's why you're there in the first place, you want to help people, you want to put your agenda in place and police that was also the best thing is if he had to take on a bunch of short term too. Once so. Did Joe mansion gets sit in his houseboat for an extra weak and be ok with inflation reduction. Not then you did that if you had to be quiet about republican scandals or
Mitch Mcconnell talking about cutting social security, because you were trying to get the bipartisan chips bill or bipartisan infrastructure bill done, you did that now. For the most part, legislative period of this presidency is over for at least the next two years. It is now a question of information warfare and is going to be about messaging and communicating and defining your opponent in setting narratives and so work, we're now in a very different phase and is going to require. I think- and I think we saw that like the job. I did this press conference on this day with this documents, bullshit in the background, shows that they are making the pivot to re election war footing pivot, we had a pivot, does a pivot of a pivot. when we come back, I will talk to come women Katie porter about her announcement for the? U s
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Joining us now is a friend of the pod, who recently won her third term in the house and just announced her candidacy for california, senate katy. Porter. Welcome back! Thank you. So I wanted to start by giving you shit about not telling us you are running for senate when we asked the last time you are on a few weeks ago, but then I remembered love. It didn't even wait for your answer when he asked the question and let us not now waiting for the answer is classic mistake in doing oversight, you half the pause and you have to stay into the depths of the witnesses saw until you literally oh yeah, for roma. So with this, but are you weren't within an hour you does it mean to do that? so yeah he like media. We want to get to the next joy that you ve got nail.
no blank eyes, look for jamie diamond himself and was waiting for the person to go on like I didn't expect you to to really give an altitude or announce then, but I thought that maybe we'd wait like five seconds. You know just a little bit anyway. Well, you you can see the take, but I did. I was wearing a pink dress and I did or the color of my you did yeah and that's and that's unusual for you probably like a good number of wrestlers to think they're necessarily listening. You guys can not exactly say that there was now a little bit of a of a hand. So I guess my first question: is you just won your third term in the house? You got a spot on the oversight committee that lets you kick. This You gotta see us and in twenty five you're, probably more likely to be in the majority,
the house than in the senate. Why did you want to run for set it at this moment like what is appealing about the job for you? The first are we're gonna, be in the majority in the senate in their hearts. They much and I like it- I'm not only to win this race in california, but if I need to go out I help people in swing states around the country, I'm from a swing district in orange county. I know how to help people win in swing states and that's exactly the things that we're trying to do was help with your summers. Hot mixture we're delivering the majority in the senate and look why now? Because the us Senate is broken and the Senate traditionally was the last line of defense in our democracy and today it's a place where our rights don't get revoked where special interest albany, where Mitch Mcconnell spent a long time in charge. So the Senate needs to work better. I think that's one of
love our right there, at least to work at all for the american people, and I think we need is californians to be sending our best warrior to washington somebody. You cs. The doorway congress has been working for years, not working for the american people and and that's a real problem, and I hate we should take that seriously enough. How I'm going to ground when he and peters be willing to tackle that problem, standing up to special interests and powerful people to fight for families. What was your thinking behind announcing now, as opposed to waiting to hear whether or not centre, Diane Feinstein plants, director and incredible respect for senator fine saying she is a pretty ways are- and I am one of so many women in california. Politics who walks in the past, but she created limbs, are grateful for that. The seller will make up her mind her time having a lying. I hope what forward to hearing her decision- and this is even be a spirited race- I'm gonna, be in it till the
and I am I am. I think we need to make sure that this is an urgent will, the pro democracy we need to be funny form vibrant people to Washington who are able to address the new challenges that our countries facing. So I asked if they had me questions for you and by far the most common, when I got with some version of Oh, no, how we gonna keep her, how seat? Now? How do you feel about it? credibility to women seat and twenty four, when you know winning back the majority, may depend on that seat. Awesome, I feel often about it, and here is why we have done the work in range year after year, six years now and you years for my first election two years later, I think you're going to die for six years. I carry a place where Democrats outnumber republic it or how many a place where a progressive. Let me gotta, let it not one. Why's that three times I'm in including in some really tough elections. That was not really so. I feel really really good about being it'll keep his seat.
there are a number of, I think, very strong candidates who will think about running and will run, and let me reassure everybody I am going to be there doing the work making sure we keep not just this house seat, but we win house seats across california because we we left alone on the table. This past cycle It really hurt us in keeping the house majority letting anyone like you who has ever been on the campaign. Trail knows that I entitled I will knock every door and will shake every hand. I will take every tough question and I'm going to bring that same kind of energy to my senate,
campaign, but also to people up and down the ticket across california and hopefully across the country, to make sure delivery for the american people. That's the kind of Democrat I am you, and I talked in a previous interview about why housing is in a bigger part of the national political conversation. You mentioned that in your first race, your then consultants tried to unsuccessfully talk you out of making it a big issue. How much will you be talking about it in this race? And what do you think you can get done on this issue in the senate? For california and the country? Housing is a huge challenge in california
nuclear across the country. This is not just a coastal problem is not just a california problem. He is an american problem and a big part of it comes from a lack of federal investment in housing and failed federal policy, and we see all kinds of problems flowing from this and young people unable to start families and people not able to start businesses to accrue capital to be able to build retirement savings and to homelessness. So this is something that we can work on and it's something to be here. This looked to governor Anderson well below the federal government, needs to be part of the solution here. The federal government can't do it alone either we need those partners, but for too long washington has has kind of shrugged it
where's the housing, that's kinda of like a private market problem maloney. There are and have always been federal public policies that affect the cost and availability of housing through the tax code through rental assistance, and so we need to make full use of those policies and because the cost of housing is a huge concern from now sancho. What is most californians and we need a lot of people who are living in California today, and you understand that problem, one new responsibility, you'd have a senator is confirming judges, including possible supreme court. Justices polls show that americans trust in a supreme court is now the lowest its ever Ben. I know you ve cosponsor, to bill that would impose eighteen year, too, limits on supreme court justices? What are your thoughts on on changing the number of seats on the court or other potential court reforms
is clearly an institution that struggling and those of us who who loved a whore, who believe in the importance of having a functional, important to be leading the way being willing to reformat. So I think we need to have a vibrant debate about what are the kinds of changes that will work best. Supreme court has gone through other changes. In how it does business in a number of justice is, and we work fury where we need to go back and have that debate? I think that the work of the court has expanded on the number of cases, the number of people, the amount of litigation- and I think one of the things I saw as the consumer protection advocate is turn after term some of the law,
are most important to our economy, never make it onto the court's docket and they never get the enforcement and the attention that they deserve. So I think we need to look at. How can we right size, the supreme court, for the amount of work that it has in front of us? How can we restore judicial ethics to the court, and so I think that kind of discussion of the court is the same kind of discussion. We ought to be having about the senate. The filibuster needs to go and we need to be rethinking about some of our procedures in the house, and I think people can look to some of the ways that I try to do congress differently than typical in the house to get a feel for what kind of senator I would be somebody who is willing to say out of love, our democracy and a deep respect for
institutions. I am willing to push them to be better. That's my promise to the american people will apply equally to the senate after this report. Something of the supreme court has a lot more work. Maybe they need some more justices. I think that's right. Maybe we have to look at our entire pharaoh judicial system as well, because, as we saw me, have judicial epic start up and down it's not just the speed of. We have problems in other parts of our court system as well, and so I think we need to take a look at these institutions and make sure that their work, it that's part of doing oversight its work, passions is making sure that we are looking at a government and whether its delivering for the american people. I think, in the case of this report, The answer is no, and we need to work to get that first back, because this is very blue. California
and because we have a run off system where there's a decent chance that the general election will feature to democrats running against each other. It does seem like this race will be more about the future of the democratic party in the direction of the democratic party than most other races. What's your critique of where the party has fallen short. So let me take us into pieces first, then we go back where you started, which is that this is going to be the probably most likely. You said to Democrats, maybe- and I think that good and healthy- and not actually, if you look at most of our statewide contests year after year since we'd had the top two systems, almost all of them have a democratic republic. I can only be one really permanently. That was true democrats, which of course was the senate race would come
It was somewhere around the entrance, so we might evolve that way and it might not. I think we don't know that, and I think a lot of it goes to your second point, which is: how are we going to make sure that we are part of a democratic party that is growing and I think we have to be honest, independent no party preferences that mindset is growing and growing among young people is growing among new registrants among immigrants who are registering to vote for the first time why Why do they not trust the democratic party? The answer is, they don't say the party because they are willing to say washington. Is it working for everyday people and why are they will? Why are they? Why do they feel that way? Why do they think that? Because the time it's true, we ever washington, that is more control than ever by special interests and big money? We have corporate pac money everywhere. You look, I don't take it. I never have, and I never will set me apart in this race. We are people,
behold into lobbyists. I don't take federal lobbyist among the lobbyists wants to meet with me. You gotta bring a good idea, not a czech, wherever we ve covered all of that treaty people feel more we're getting secret information and were used to get you in which ourselves anybody's welcoming, I don't mind in vail that there's no enrichment going on here, and so I think we one of the things we need to do is we're competing for do people trust, government, that's what we're competing for two people, trust us to make government work for them, and while I think the effort to whether you can trust republicans to work, for you is a hard. No, I think we have to be able to some members of our own party bears some responsibility for not taking actions or not enacting reforms that can help us grow our democratic policies, this could be a crowded race. It already seems like it could be contentious race, many of our robin make it like all my other races.
Welcome what server. I have a five way primary in my first race for hunters I could not have the endorsement of the democratic party and my sen damon did and I managed to win the primary get into the top two. So I'm I'm used to tough races. I would expect nothing less of this and, let's be clear: californians deserve a competitive race. They deserve to get you know who's going to fight for them. They deserve to hear what they think they deserve to get a chance to shake, are here to show us what's going on in their community. So I, as you can probably tell I can't wait to get the heck out of washington and.
on the campaign trail in California. I was going to ask like how how tough do you plan to get in this race, because I noticed you know many of your potential rivals, if not most of them, like they greeted your entry into the race by taking shots at you over announcing during the storms this week at some of the shots, were oblique, some were less so, and what do you consider fair game in this race and and how tough do you plan to get? What luck? I think it's pretty clear, I'm a no bullshit girl, some how it is but this isn't about personalities. This is about policy. This is about leadership, and one of the marks of all we are is you're willing to squarely tackle problems in a productive way. So I am going to draw contrasts where they're appropriate, but I'm going to try to show her that, because that ultimately is part of what pushes people away from politics when they feel like it's
when they feel like it's nasty, then they're not willing to engage at all and I've seen this in orange county time and time again. So you know I am I personally your fear what better way to find things that I would just echo to everybody here. Until the mindset will learning I have announced? My candidacy said: she'd welcome to throw her hat in the ring and run that system. I agree with that and Senator Feinstein may choose to. I do not presume to know when and what decisions surely, but I actually think that's the right attitude to have I think our senator. He was actually showing some raw maturity and real leadership and real thought here, which is it's a competitive race. Let's go speaker being tough, it's one of the personal qualities that made you such an effective member congress. Theo's are afraid of you wall street. Afraid of you love it's afraid of you, but but there's been a budget
worries over the last few weeks, based on mostly anonymous accounts from former staffers that you're also tough on the people who work for you. What I've been wondering? What's your reaction to all those stories, while I'm really proud of my incredible and I could not do the work, I do in the way that I do it without their talents without their time and commitment to doing their best. But let's see twitter, of course I want their best or worst, I want minus the american people deserve no less and you know I'm. I regret if this plate feels disgruntled. She finished her term and her fellowship was a two year fellowship I enjoyed working with her and I'm excited to continue to get to work with my staff on this campaign and on the official site, but I you know I'm willing to to expect people to work hard. I work hard and I hate that
american people should expect yeah? I will just say from personal experience: I've dealt with your staff, some of your staff a couple of times when we tried to have you on the show and dumb they don't have the the fear in their eyes that some staffers have considering who their bosses are. So I was surprised to read that, but he'll flourish and I see miss. I have staffers who have gone off to law school. I have staffers who have gone on to work in the administration and in some really tough departments like homeland security. I'm surprised, you've gone off to work on Senate committees and that I see a man go forth. He probably did together and go off and build your career. I was a law, professor, I'm a teacher. So if I see a tougher making a mistake or b, we can do it better, let's work on it, and I want them to think the same thing to me and boy. Sometimes they do and I think that's for the better of all of us last question. Once told me that some of your most difficult constituents are your children. What are they
oh mom running for senate the wind, which was encouraging, because that's good this last election, they were like not so I think I'm gonna win, which I appreciate, but they also- and he lied for my daughter- that if we didn't will this last time in this november's past november, that she could get a cat so she's now saying- and I I won so I don't know knockout knockout She's bargaining with me like, if you lose the summer, can we get a dog mean? This is what I'm saying the ceos like to take lessons from my children in how to negotiate and how to be tough, katy porter thanks so much for joining and good like out there on the trail. Thank you.
All right. Thank you to katy porter for joining us today. It is a three day week, and so we will not have a show on on tuesday morning. We will not be recording on monday, but dad, and I will be back next thursday, so we'll talk either by everyone pod, save america is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez. Our senior producer is Andy. Gardener, Bernstein, Producers are hayley, muse and olivia martinez. Its mixed in edited by andrew chadwick, kyle england and charlotte Linda sound engineered the shell. Thanks to Helsinki ferrari, schwartz sandy gerard anti taft, adjusting how for production support into our digital team, illogical, Phoebe bradford, my look him and Amelia monday. Our episodes are up his videos at youtube dot com, such pod, save america. This apathy
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Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.