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Republicans Strap On for Biden Impeachment

2023-09-14 | 🔗

With just two weeks left to avoid a government shutdown, Kevin McCarthy opens an impeachment inquiry against President Biden, even though Republicans have provided zero evidence that Biden did anything wrong. Trump outlines his radical vision for a potential second term as the President unloads on "Maganomics." Then, Representative Jamie Raskin joins to break down the House Democrats' counterattack plan on impeachment. And: strap-ons in the Senate! How a hearing on book bans turned X-rated.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the welcome the reply, save america, I'm John forever andean pfeiffer on today show Joe Biden takes on donald trump, magna comics republican senators make book been hearing not safe for work and later congressmen, Jamie rask, enjoins too right down the democratic strategy around our first topic Kevin mccarthy's announcement on tuesday that house republicans will be opening and impeachment inquiry into president.
didn't let's listen! Our job here is a serious job. Our job is to focus on the american public. Our job is to make tomorrow better than today our job is to legislate not to continue to investigate something in the back, when you cannot find any reason to impeach this president. Oh sorry, damn that was that was a clip of it was a clip from September twenty nineteen of mccarthy talking about the first impeachment inquiry into donald trump. Here's what he said on tuesday. That's why today I am directing our house committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry. Mary into president Joe Biden. This logical next step will give our committees the full power together all the facts and answers for the american public. That's exactly what we want to know the answers. Surely, for cabin mccarthy of twenty twenty three to disagree so strongly with Kevin mccarthy of twenty nineteen. There must
some kind of credible evidence. The Joe Biden committed a high crime or misdemeanor right in oh obviously chemical, these men of deep principle, and he wouldn't just flop like that. For no reason at all. He british waiting tell us what the piece of evidence is he's hiding it closely, which here he was not able to at the at the press conference and he hasn't been able to, and nor have any republicans in either house of congress. We call this an opinion about nothing and it is, but before we get into the politics of it all, what's happening with the impeachment inquiry, how it works, can you give us the short vision of what republicans are alleging and investigating I'm doing right now you ready say: nothing happened here you have set up the the idea here is some. insinuation some allegation with no evidence. The Joe Biden did one of two things: either
and if it is financially from hunter, binds business dealings with foreign entities or choking action, as vice president, too,. Aid, one of those clients of her by no one, not in the sketchy est republic. Your witnesses has allege that It even like we say: there's allegations an obligation of that. If there is just the idea fabricated, the head of a bunch of pickled. A brain congress, people that that happen, but even then. witnesses, don't say that yeah I mean look just since we aim to give you all useful information here and pod save america. Someone actually comes up to you and ass you. What there wedging, there's like there's busily a couple: stations that all their l bullshit, but just to go through them. They think Joe Biden was, but one allegation is the turbine was bribed by bereavement, where hunter by serving the board
that is based on an anonymous tipp that the fbi and justice department underdog trump already investigated. They found nothing drop. The case rudy giuliani during last campaign, paid some henchmen to go dig up dirt on that same tipp found nothing. Warehouse republicans found nothing and even dipshit senator RON Johnson said it was probably just a corrupt ukrainian oliver, there was making shit up. So that's that's the best the bribe, then there was the allegation that we all heard back in trump impeachment trial. When you try to hold military assistance in order to force the lens to dig up dirt on Joe Biden, god. That sounds like a long time ago now and the allegation there's that when, when Joe Biden was vice president, he got a ukrainian prosecutor fired to stop him from invest, getting very small. Only problem is it was the entire. Bummer administration, other countries, anticorruption organ,
nations all around the world who wanted the guy fired, because he wasn't doing enough to investigate corruption, including he had refused to investigate charisma, so that that one report, and said that hunter binds business partner was gonna, be there star witness star witness and he was going to link Joe Biden to hunter by and the whole thing was going to unravel, so they bring him in and they haven't testify and it turns out the devon archer, defies that hunter Biden never even discussed business or policy with his father and when they then subpoenaed thousands of pages of financial documents and be records, they found no evidence whatsoever, the Joe had anything to do with hunters business and then the last one is the big. In that somehow Biden interfered with the criminal investigation into his son, just as Recording. We learned that David wise, the trump appointed us attorney, did in fact indict hunter Biden on three charges related to false statements in the purchase of firearms.
oh no interference there, David waste got to do what he wants to do just like he said he'd be able to like merrick garland, said he'd be able to an yes Joe I'd and let own justice department and a trump appointed attorney indict his own son, so there farragut and said that he was never interfered with the allegation from all these whistleblowers was that David wisest, trumpet pointing us attorney, wanted to become special counsel and merit. Garland denied his request David waste, public and said that did not and when David wise ass, we can social council. a girl and made him special counsel, it honestly, it's like the worst fuckin since the worst scam ever. The worst is the worst corruption can ever because Joe Biden made no more off of it did make any policy and that would have helped to sun really, we only have made policy decisions. That is vice president. Probably what I heard a son by fire someone who wasn't investigating breeze, my and as president, his sons but face charges through his own justice department,
you just gave with all the appropriate rebuttals. Of course, the aim cogent explanation. What this impeachment about than any single republican has done, since it became pushing for the summer They just sort of yellow the word bribery and corruption and Biden criterion. We don't even lay out the action, allegations because they ve all been disproven so they're, just using vague terms for the purpose of smearing Joe Biden to help donald trump. Yet, though, the then that they keep hanging on is like there's, probably a couple times where hunter Biden was trying to make money off the the Biden family name, and he was saying Like all you know my dad, my dad's bialik, he was trying to make. It seem his father was part of it in order to get money which is like again. This is why hunter Biden is facing all kinds of challenges, and so their bases, I owe you know what Joe Biden you know he'd be with a business interests
in didn't, and he called Joe Biden and get him on the phone be like hey dad than then be like. I was talking to my dad, but that it like Joe Biden, there's no evidence that Joe Biden knew what that was going on. What was your by knots was to take calls for miss I mean, and also so fuckin ridiculous. It's it is. I if I make legitimately enrage we're speaking about this, because it's so stupid I know, but it's those things that you gotta like people. She said no, because everyone's gonna be thrown out allegations, and so it's good to know the facts. I heard one Republican congressmen you that you're being like or why Joe Biden have of these houses, but as I wanted you to have these houses we now remember that when bovine was dying of cancer and Joe Biden couldn't afford his medical bills, he was but too EL his house, but a mortgage, his house and then brok obama, gave him phone because he didn't wanna, have Joe Biden sell his house, which is like one of his only assets at the time, Joe Biden has never been wealthy. He made budget
speaking fees when he left the white house. That was it. That's how that's how they made their net worth, and he wrote a book anyone anywhere to buck right. That's it! That's! That's the extent of it he used to be poor senators in the in the united states Senate. Look, I understand why republicans or upset about this there they're here I was enough from the straps kind of guy like donald trump, who was given money by his dad, or somebody just goes out there on their own. Like Jared kirshner, persuade the saudis to give em billions because of his mind in great come the fuck on people. So days ago, mccarthy told bright part that has republicans, but only move forward within impeachment inquiry. By holding a vote quote not through. The declaration by one person think he went ahead with an impeachment inquiry through a declaration by one person him which over the last several days when I saw the attic original reason that he said he would only do by holding a vote was a way to try to put off the idea of an official language
But we have to vote in the votes. Aren't there, therefore, that operate the freedom caucus to stop threatening my job? If I don't give them an impeachment inquiry, but they didn't care, and so he mad dates when the speech he ran to the rear. Basely ran out immediately and announced it. Here we have it. We have a clip of gates speaker. I rise today to serve notice. Mr speaker, you are out of compliance with the raymond that allowed you to assume this role, the path forward for the house of representatives is to either bring you into immediate total compliance or remove you pursuant to a motion to vacate the chair, so that worked words come Kevin got results, I mean just the if camera they had any actual war,
dignity or or even strategic thinking. You don't let a goofball like mad gates, treat you like that in your response as to be do stand up right for me. I don't know yes, this is the first time in history and in a strategy of impeachment has not yet worked like. It is just that, absolutely in bearer saying that he did it this way and he just breathe and enterprises, even weaker than before, yeah so and it wasn't just gates basically like the the freedom carcass hard line. where's the magnets, but none of them are really happy with the impeachment inquiry bunch of m have called it a distraction from their gripes. Oh spending, which is why they want to shut the government down. They want mccarthy too. You know just but more, even though he has a. He made an agreement with Joe Biden to avert the debt ceiling disaster so it didn't appease them at all,
some of them by the way just want to hold an impeachment vote. They don't even want a hearing. They don't want an inquiry. They just want to impeach Joe Biden. They ve said that publicly, as without europe wants a to mccarthy this he, I guess he went into the kok, is meeting today and said: okay. Well, yeah. I know you're trying to scare me if you want to have a motion to vacate go. Do it see what happens so he basically challenge gates. Back till I go ghost I am after you're too deeply after gives everything you wanted, I mean, I clearly not. I think I think we're gives basically debate gates called the impeachment inquiry, a baby step because he wants to fulfilling the full impeachment. Yeah I mean the contacts here also is, We are two weeks away from a government shut down the the last thing the house did before they left on their prolonged recess or biden, impeachment fact finding mission or whatever you want to call their sister the month of august for them
while they were trying to pass a far right. Conservative agriculture appropriations bill They couldn't get the votes pulled up from the floor. first thing, he tried to do when he came back. Why past the bill and he added because he can't get enough votes to pass the rule, not even the bill. Just the rule to consider the book is a freedom progress window, and so here's Fourthly, as for two weeks away, he has said He will not pass a short term, statute the how pretty regarding the problems, will not do that he will pass and comment on the misspell some sort of overall budget deal, and so we have to you. He wants to pass all of the individual provisions goals, but he can't past us we are barreling towards a shut down, and so he is flailing in the most desperate weak way humanly possible yeah. I guess he he I saw there was a quote. He said to Jake sherman at punchbowl today I don't know what they want. They don't want to vote for an omnibus. They don't want to vote for
continuing resolution. They don't want to vote for individual appropriations bill. I don't know what they want is he's got control now mccarthy's, reportedly telling people the he'll, eventually hold a vote to make the inquiry official. You know I'm sure, he's saying this, partly because back and twenty nineteen he also said that when Nancy policy open impeachment inquiry are announced and impeachment inquiry that these I go, you can't do that without taking a vote in the full house, she ultimately did hold a vote in the house and and opened the impeachment. inquiry officially. Do you think Mccarthy will go through this and hold this, but I don't know, maybe it seems hard to imagine he could get the vote as we sit here today in its if they really want to pursue this they're, probably going to have to take the vote because in the We nineteen impeachment the trump offers of legal all the others. When the deployment of justice that essentially issues the official legal position of the federal government road, an opinion that said, a
impeachment that has not authorized by the full house is not a valid appealing. Therefore, the administration does not have to comply with document request, subpoenas witnesses, etc. That opinion is still on the books today. So that is altering one of the reasons that more motivated the house to go forward with voting for twenty nineteen, and so, if you want there just going basically the vital white house administration they want, you can just basically take the trump motion. from twenty nineteen and refine them now with the same arguments, if they don't do it, how is because, they get eighteen house republicans will represent districts, one Joe Biden to vote for it? treatment of Joe Biden based on, nothing seems like a tall order to me, but will say yeah. I kid
I wasn't sure he'd be able to get the votes for opening an inquiry. This is different than actually the votes for and which meant that sort of its put. That aside, for now, but just to get the votes to open and impeachment inquiry, I could see him getting them I couldn't before, but then I saw like you know my carcere, who represents a Biden district, just north of us engine. here whereby one by think by thirteen points- and he was on fox or somewhere yesterday- being like oh yeah, foreign impeachment, query done again whose, like the most moderate, the most moderate members of the republican caucus report, is always go to for four quote: shitting on republicans, don bacon said that he was against the inquiry, but if the administration stone walls and doesn't hand over what they ask Then he before so you can imagine the scenario where the vine and wine does what you say says: ok, there's this opinion on the books for d from Dio j that it does How, unless it is a vote, so we're not going to hand over anything and then
publicans and a wholesale will were voting. Opening impeachment inquiry, necessarily because we think there is evidence of a crime of me as the vine white house is obstructing and stonewalling. So that's why we're doing you think I could see that russian if you're one of those eighteen members in his by districts and you have a choice to every politician is, would rather defer pain, and so we would vote for it now and then face if it ever were to come to a vote for impeaching by and then you might have to make a different choice, but in the short term you can profit Are you well? I just opened the inquiry to see if we found anything. Oh, we didn't find anything. I didn't vote to impeach or whatever else. You'd rather do this and face the wrath of downtown, particularly while the filing deadline has not been reached yet, and somebody states we could get a primary challenge from a maga republican. One thing I can't figure out is: you know while these committees in the house, all these republican, led committees have been investigating Biden and
I'd and family and all the other bullshit for many many months now. How does the impeachment inquiry look different than what they're already doing? we'll theoretically, they would have a stronger argument. You making court over witnesses, documents, etc Now we remember from twenty nineteen didn't really pan out the way we have thought it would when these things take longer, even if you gonna get the right result, the the link that which takes some hosting exceed the patience of the house to actually have an impeachment vote now Democrats were on a shorter time line because they wanted to wrap this thing out before the presidential re started in twenty nineteen. I twenty I could see me the in the houses lightness thing go the whole way right if it I think they can actually get the full vote. Then keeping foregoing the other way. It may look different in this will get to the slow, but later as they are
things that are currently being held by Jim comber and Jim Jordan. Don't really get a ton of attention com. impeachment inquiry can see all the sudden rise starved cable channels covering them. Why the networks which cover the trump impeachment hearings live wearing live in it. It raises the stakes in the coverage. One person clearly pleased with mccarthy's announcement is the mega king himself down trump, whose reportedly and unsurprisingly been pressuring republicans in congress to impeach, is likely opponent eating he's just pure vengeance, Farrell trump or is there a political calculation here as well I ironically enough, he wants to end Biden for this strategic reason that he himself got impatient twenty nineteen, which is have always knows that he's never going to convince the public that his opponent is more corrupt than him or more or more of a criminal than him, but if he just convinces them that they're corrupt enough that everyone's correct
that they would you either can give permission to some people to come vote for you or more likely and perhaps more damaging to us. Can this be able doesn't, is not worth something like what all he wanted in twenty nineteen was just forbes linsky to say they were investigating Biden so trumpet say, vitamins under investigation he wants and being impeached for this same exact reason was that whiteboard somewhere at mar go probably not, but there is a strategy behind it. Yeah, it's just how he understands. Hoed media works and how pilot It's work right and he's right and yeah right, does a lot of people are not going to dig into the details of this and, if, like you say, it gets a lot of coverage and people just hear Biden impeach by an impede shore impeachment here our impeachment investigation, whether or not it actually the impeachment happens. You could see this working on the margins, for him, perhaps or at least elicits, but without a lot of risk for four donald trump.
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I what do you think are used. Was a sanguine about the politics of sediment. I'm not that sanguine. I think the most likely scenario as this is where it is bad for house republicans, but it's not without risks for president by, and we too have to be to understand that any time this is a huge unknown, that's being injected into a incredible selection you're putting yourself in the hands of just it has. It has risk right enough in absolutely has some rest to it, for the very real say, were to some as that people will just surf the headlines and thank all suddenly Joe Biden is corrupt without no without no whoever get to which the press will probably almost always report. No evidence
that may be in paragraph two or three or twelve, and the facts will get lost in the overall vibes of a bunch of corruption and crime yet end the man you were talking about just leaving the inquiry open like it seems very unlikely that the increase open, there's gonna be a day where they say you know what we got. All the answers We didn't find anything Joe Biden's got a clean bill of health, but we will back off now. Isn't it doesn't happens? Other they're gonna need to find something and probably can be made up also by the way, a number four entities with authoritarian tendencies that have an interest in donald trump, being elected in Joe Biden, not being elected again and so there's all kinds of late. the conspiracy that got that mean there's just a lot of shit and then Back my mind is you know we went through the benghazi shit and he'll remember. Hillary Clinton had to testify for like fifteen hours, and everyone was like. Oh, she kicked their ass and there was nothing there, blah blah blah, but then they kept going
when you're going and that's how they found her email server and then it you know it went on and on and on. We know how it went from there. So it's like not not saying that they're going to actually find thing here, but they will continue to dig and dig and dig and dig. They either find some bing small that bacon blow up into something big or find nothing at all and just make shut up. you have a court system with a bunch of right wing judges. It ends in a rigged conservative supreme. cord making decisions about what has been a privilege who s to testify what documents can handed over that gets alarming, very quickly, yeah. When I sent a letter yesterday to news organisations debunking all the republican allegations which read in part it's time for them. media to ramp up it's scrutiny of house republicans for opening an impeachment inquiry based on lies covering impeachment is a process story republican, say x, but the white house says: why is a disservice to the american public sort of an unusual shot across the bows, though there certainly correct about how these things get covered, why do they sent the letter a largely
We should all by attempt to work the roofs right and with the other issue is also nobleness, as they included fourteen page fact check with it which push back a basin of yeah, I mortar version of why you did at the top of this by gas and that we sort of get in their hands and just it's a warning shot right up. Does it going to really affect you think they're all sitting around in the in the meantime meetings this morning. I well you now, but I do think that this is a legitimate conversation within networks of good faith. which is they know it's bullshit bright and give be this tension between the journalistic side in the people, care about ratings and advertising rates and all also a little push here there. It's like there's no downside to the white house in doing this. In my opinion, yet will just it remind me of what you were saying earlier, which is there to have to make decisions about coverage in impeachment inquiry, and did they give these guys air time or as much airtime as they gave the trump impeachments, which were over legitimate issues,
legitimate crimes and they're going to have to make that decision, and I don't think we're going to be happy with all the decisions that they make regarding this, the media outlets, but at least it will. It is an attempt like to work the refs in it it's a shot across the bow. How would you handle the strategy around this if you were in the white house or on the campaign, and also I'm interested in how the have a split it up between the white house and the campaign here, since this is a it's clearly, you know a play to hurt Joe Biden's approval rating two in this campaign that he's running in, but also their impeaching. The president, I do not think This is how Joe Biden will want to handle this, because it involves his family he handled at a certain way. When the original feature now job was about his son and he tried to not stoke the fires.
But from a pure- and that is a admirable and example of like sort of by Joe Biden such a good person. But from a purely political point of view, the republicans have handed Joe Biden a gift and he should, the living shit out of them every single day. Look at what they're doing, instead of dealing with inflation or raising wages, are making your healthcare more affordable, just hammer them. This is ridiculous. It leads right into this shut down like if you look at where turbine local seeming has basically been frozen for two years. The next to The four months are probably his best opportunity to up- and that the hammock. Much like it was for a break a bomb in Israel act. Because you're going to have this impeachment potential shut down the republican primary heating up you in uses as a huge example to brand republican extremism, focused on a bunch of bullshit. Instead of Actually I'm trying to help people saw probably can contrasting mister
you're doing every day, like look at what I'm doing why these guys are doing this, rightly like you how to foil use it and he started that he was an event. I think it. A fundraiser last night was asked about it and think, there's there is sound from it, but dumb the quotes worst, much along the lines of what you were just saying, which is like I, I don't wake up every day, thinking about impeachment and I'm trying to avoid shutdowns and I'm trying to help the middle class, and I mean it's, it is sort of tailor made for a message about. Why he's focusing on things that matter in their focusing on bullshit because they want to collect donald trump? That's all they care about, usually. You tell politicians to show not tell the message. This is the case. I think we ve tell as much a show you can't just me like born the hard parts for Joe Biden, where the challenges is the press doesn't cover all the things he is doing so The strategy is I'm just gonna to go. Do all the things that have to be the contrast to the circus. Capitol hill they're not going to see what you're doing wrong circuit, so you gotta go out and find that circus aggressively yeah. I agree
one word and before we get here every with jamie ruskin. First we had by ex now we got mag dynamics. The president is giving a major each today where he'll use the term which arise they came from the trump administration. They they point at first to frame the public and economic agenda. He'll talk about the house, republicans proposal too Is the retirement age for social security, so they give more tax cuts to the rich. Just this week, Jeff stand at the washington post, had a story about how trumps advisors are working on a campaign proposal to give another huge tat cut too big corporations, possibly lowering the corporate tax rate to his little as fifteen percent or even lower. If you read the story, think about the by not mix verses, magna mix framing. I think we are at the point now, where so the economic messaging has to be contrast. Yeah you got, get away from the referendum you gotta get away for like if we have this fucking bait from now until november, where people are like
The economy is better, but people aren't feeling it our people feeling it. Should he tell economic progress? Should he not like we're just gonna get trapped into this fuckin cycled, it's not gonna, be productive for any one. You ve got it into a choice and you like there is work to be done and that's why the binding ads right now and the ads that future forward, the super pack have put up in battle runs aids to credential Biden? Has an economic messenger, you gotta go I'll say he did things so that people know that. Are there some contrast, but very quickly removed. Into a choice between two different economic visions and that's gotta, help because if it does not warrant big trouble, but right now all Biden, is suffering might only in the country, because people Justino, as he would say, jimmy against the almighty, not the alternative. So let's get some alternative in their yeah and there's a shorthand too, which is like do you
the the Biden economy, or do you remember the trump economy? Wasn't the trump economy so much better and of course, people forget that then covert hit and things like really went to shit and also inequality was pretty brutal at the beginning of the trump years anyway. But if you tell people okay, this is a choice and it's not just like a political framing, it is a choice in this election between two visions and here's. What Joe Biden has been doing and welcome? and you to do and here's what he wants to pass if you give them enough democrats in congress Hey everyone, but there was a story today or this week about how poverty rates have increased, because the child tax credit expired. While of course, Joe Biden wanted a more permanent child tax. Credit Democrats have a whole bunch of other great proposals that would help families republicans are blocking them. There's a then now there are, the houses. Can a republican, so they can't get it done. So Biden can go out there and say you know you gimme a democratic congress. This is all that
for all the things I'm going to do as president to help you you vote for donald trump. You get republicans in congress, we're going to have more tax cuts, we're going to have gutted social security, gutted medicare, gutted healthcare and were more poverty and we're going to have lower wages. I mean you just you have to make the case because it has the benefit of being true and it's it's so much better to frame it as as me, so much more effective on trumps proposal, I was told that republicans are now a working class party. Would you things going on there with the corporate tax cuts, but the good news is that most voters don't think the republican party is working class party. They still think democrats are better for working class people for oliver's reasons that challenge in this, and this is why this this proposal- actually very significant campaign campaigners. Voters think of trump differently than they think of the rest of the republican party welcomes economic issues. And so the question is: can you they won? As you point out, see this even Democrats in focus groups. Finally, if the trump economy, that is the challenge there,
they mostly blame, covert, not trump for what happened. Yet they blame Biden, not covered, not how it after blemishes, I now which is very annoying drives the president absolutely insane as it should be can you undermine trumps working class can you show that tromp, like the rest, republicans, is a plutocrat and populist cutting? Can you do that? he sure, as hell going to try- and this is a good way to do that- yeah and I think in the larger effort to tie republicans to trump and to make them the maga party. It actually helps in the reverse here, because tying trump to the republicans in congress who people are already prone to believe, love, tax cuts and and gutting important programs for middle class families, because they that's what they do, that's how they vote and that probably ties altogether pretty well for people before yoda break one quick housekeeping note mid westerners, get your milan out, love it or leave it to chicago in september, twenty first and madison on september, twenty second, with wonderful
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johnny us to discuss the Republicans impeachment gammon and what to expect in the coming weeks and months is rubbish. If Jimmy rasping congressmen welcome back to the part, I am delighted bearded gas, so start with the basics. Here, publicans and, to a certain extent some the media are trying to draw parallels between what can mccarthy announced there are problems we do this week and the did you guys undertook in twenty nineteen when you pete didn't tromp for his interactions with ukraine. Can you do?
explain why these are two entirely different things by the basis is there to their talent entirely different things. Well, the ukraine shakedown was in extraordinary assault on the rule of law trump without hundreds of millions of dollars in order to try to coerce, presents a lansky into concocting were at least representing a criminal investigation into Joe Biden. They want to impeach Joe Biden now, literally for nothing I mean we ve been in hearings, an oversight for seven months. They do not have a single thread of evidence of criminal wrong doing or what would be an impeach, a boar fence. The constitutional standard is treason, bribery or other high crimes and mr minors, and they don't I've, even the most meagre evidence at any criminal allegation. In fact, they can't indian agree what they're saying
He did and there are twenty five or thirty republicans who agree with us in summary, very vocal about it. Now, including can pack who was formerly the chief of the criminal division of the? U S, attorney's office in colorado, need you said, there's nothing there, there's no evidence and so that their single move. When would you and peaches when you give me some evidence of a high proudly misdemeanor mean it is this is it seems quite bizarre because David. These investigations have been going on you ve, been part of this. Is the right number, the oversight committee, Every time, Jim Jordan, Jim calmer. Whoever has one of these big hearings that to take away has been theirs. There. There, com This goes away for a month comes back now, on the face of the first day back, there are launching an impeachment inquiry into job, I'm just
what happened in over this period that led us to this point well way. I think it's it's a classic example of the difference between the magyar republicans and the Kevin Mccarthy republicans we're simply craven and the power slashing and the mega puck republicans actually have a program. It's a program, that's utterly nihilistic and destructive. They want to tear stuff down. They basically have a three part program since we've gotten back into the house this week, one
They want to impeach president Biden for no reason at all. They want to shut down the government and then three they want to overthrow Kevin Mccarthy when it's all over for not being sufficiently avidly sycophantic and in responding to Donald trump's demands and marjorie taylor green had dinner with trump two nights ago, where she promised him that it would be an impeachment of Joe Biden. That would be an agony. as ugly long and difficult debate. You know a form of torture. I guess one basic options: do the republicans have access at my eye, not just in they have evidenced by is there anything that they have seen or claim to have seen that you have not been able to access in your role as the writing number one
What do you know? You know what kind of evidence is stow exculpatory of biting that they were able to? It's destroying it and they've certainly kept a lot of things from us. For example, we've never seen the putative alleged hard drive of a hunter Biden's laptop. So when I marjorie taylor, green were perjury traitor queen, as some people call her, but not be funny, but when, when she decided to display the pornographic photos in the oversight committee,
and then asserted that they came from hunter bindings laptop. Although it was completely irrelevant to the subject of the hearing, we had no way of knowing whether it actually came from the hard drive, the laptop and if it did where she thought, it'd, whether it really did because the guy who is responsible for putting it into the world has said he can not account for the chain of custody and whether it has been contaminated since he let go of it. So nobody really knows, but in any event the they ve gotten pretty much everything that they ve asked for in terms of documentary production in terms of witnesses, and so there is no shortage of evidence. There's your twelve or thirteen thousand pages of
bank records and documents and thousands of pages of these stars, the suspicious activity, reports and hours and hours and hours of witness testimony, there's tons of evidence. It's just the evidence all demonstrates the Joe Biden didn't do anything, and- and I you know they- they have continually looked for a smoking gun, but there's no smoking gun because there's nothing there and you don't have to go much the love partners who was really julia on his right hand, man in trying to concoct the original bereavement conspiracy theory who calabash it all over the world, the jury on a trying to find a dirt on Joe Biden who wrote a letter, but a letter to german comber into me, saying there is nothing there there they have not shown anything. Nothing has been proven in
All of it was based on this attempt to get dirt on him that never went anywhere, and so he literally called on comer to call off what he described as the wild, goose chase and yet donald trump won't. Let them go because trump does not want to be the only person on the ballot, presumably the general election ballot, as he sees it, who's been impeached. He wants to establish some kind of false moral equivalency between the two sides. The guys got four federal and state indictments against him worth ninety one different criminal charges and he's been involved in hundreds and hundreds of lawsuits of a criminal. While nature he's been determined by a jury of his peers, to be a sexual statement and to have sexually abused
men and then I did and then defamed her by lying about her and yet they double down on it and Joe Biden record whatever you think of his politics or as policy yours age or anything else, has no blemish on it at all. There's nothing outstanding criminal charges, there's no criminal prosecutions, and so If we just can't get dragged down into this authoritarian underworld and we're anybody can make up anything about anyone mccarthy just unilaterally declare their support. Me inquiry was happening when you as originally started, taking in beginning quicker against trump, You also did it at the beginning. Without a vote. If the house, the trump department of justice took an opinion, took a legal opinion at that point that that made it an illegitimate inquiry that do not have to be incorporated with what is your position on whether a
vote of the full house needs to happen for this to be an actual impeachment inquiry. Ok, my position then- and my position now are the same, which is the constitution simply says that the house can impeach, an impeachment inquiry or investigation is something that has evolved through legislative practice, but under the house rules in order to render subpoenas in the name of the house and to compel production of documents, you do need a vote of the house, which is what mccarthy said then it's what mccartney said now up to two weeks ago and it's what we did. We did have a vote in the house.
And yet when we launched the impeachment investigation and inquiry against donald donald trump. So I looked at the curious thing is why the cabin mccarthy did a? U turn other than that? You know standard operating procedure for him, but I just two weeks ago he was saying he would only move forward if there were about the house. But he did not proceed with that, because the votes are there. Now, that's right! That's not what I'm coming board thing! I'm not voting for this, and we can, but has been the most lucid and outspoken and he's got a moderate republic. It and I mean he's out of freedom, caucus, conservative style republican, but he just said
We did the means, the meaning of impeachment I'd. Do it like this in lots of them feel the same way. They understand how ludicrous it is. There is no evidence linking hunter and Joe Biden in terms of the transfer of money. The receipt of money by Joe Biden for any of hunter, pardons business ventures, there's nothing there. They found nothing. I mean those are just two completely distinct things, and so that's why they keep talking about the fighting crime family, which is revealing because it is obviously a projection of the what they understand the trump family. To be, but the reason they keep talking about the fighting crime family is because
can't talk about Joe Biden because they don't have anything on it, thereby forcing you have been helping spearhead, ass and tragic sessions round democrats about how you would how you will hit respond to the to this effort. From republicans anything you can tell us about what you guys are thinking about the best way to respond well wait, really what I've just been doing? What you and I've been doing? How can I mean was I I remember, never one come on pod save america, and then it takes to efforts from there
It's alright will look what we've been in this process for seven months. They have declared this their paramount top priority investigation and obviously it's just the excellent and distinguished members of the oversight committee on the democratic side who have been through this over the last seven or eight months and who are educating the other members of the house and the senate and the public about what we've learned and and it's pretty open and shut. At this point- and you know what we are- we've agreed, of course, to follow the evidence wherever it goes, we're not interested in political corruption or public corruption and we're not out there saying anything about hunter Biden, other
and let the rule of law proceed and he should be treated fairly, not unfairly, but he should be treated fairly under the law under the law and charges of our were already brought on. I failure to file taxes and gun charges, and we didn't start whining about that. Imagine if one of donald trump's children or Jared Kushner had been charged with gun charges, I mean you can, in the second amendment riots you'd be trying to whip up around the country. Right I mean that you can imagine him comply We villain ionizing and castigating in demonizing any prosecutor who would dare to bring charges against one of his children, but that that's not be what Joe Biden stewing. That's not what job I sat with. The Democrats are doing we're saying: let's have some respect for the rule of law, but the republicans
turn everything into a partisan club. Before I let you go congress and we are a little more than two weeks away from government funding running out just today the republicans had to pull the defence built, as they cannot their own members to support the rule.
it seems like we are headed towards a shutdown as what? What is your take on where this is going? Well, when we first got back to town a couple of days ago and our republican friends, if we've got them, I certainly have a few basically gave us the word that they thought they would be able to avert a government shutdown by launching the impeachment inquiry. That would be the price to be paid, ah by Kevin Mccarthy and the house in the country for their agreeing not to drag the whole country into a government shutdown in some kind of economic crisis that would follow. I mean it's quite a choice to present your own country with either a presidential impeachment based on no evidence or else a government.
I doubt based on no plan and no purpose, but we we thought that that was basically the deal that was cut within the constantly tumultuous and riotous g o p conference. Today we are hearing you know in completely predictable fashion, that that did that did not. I fully satiate the monster right and so, and he tried to appease the mega right with that, but now it of course it's turned them just more ravenous and they're demanding a lot more stuff in a lot of different ways. And, of course, as we saw during the first week of this horrific congress, when Mccarthy had to go, you know cup in hand begging from each of the republican, something and each one of them becomes a solo rider right there acting for themselves through their own negation, don't think so
is everything else, it's extremely time consuming, but that's explains the proliferation of committees and sub committees and special panels and selection is. Does everybody needs a gamble on everybody? You know we have five or six committees and subcommittees doing exactly the same thing which are going after Joe Biden. They got no other programme for the country, they introduce sixteen. They literally adopted no platform and they operate as if they have no platform and no project. They abandon us with the inflation return.
Not for pins gone down from nine percent to three percent. You can bet they'd be blaming it on Joe Biden if it was up to twenty seven percent if it was multiplied by three, but it was divided by three rights. They didn't help us on reducing prescription drugs. Your class right, we cut to thirty five dollars a month. What diabetics have to pay for their insulin shots? I had constituents paying more than a thousand dollars a month to try to keep up with their insolent. Shots is now thirty five dollars in the domestic, your programme. We don't get a single republican vote on that right anyway. I sat there for four years and we had infrastructure david infrastructural week. We had infrastructure, but we just have an infrastructure bill
cake, but Joe Biden got it and we did that in the second month the Democrats got together and if we did that at one point, two trillion dollar investment in the highways, the roads, the ports, the airports, rail trail, broadband, high speed, internet access in the rural areas until we actually have a program say what you will about us. Wherever I go, you Democrats can't message. You don't know how to message fine. Well, I accept all of the criticisms, the imperfections the flaws are ours at least we are fighting for america. We got a vision of the common good and what we have on the other side, it's nothing but selfishness and chaos, and attempt to reinstate the worst president of our lifetime to who views government simply as an instrument for personal wealth maximization. their vision of cup congressmen rascal. Thank you so much. We appreciate your passion. I came to see about their fighting. And these guys, as they try to push this bogus impeachment going forward. Good luck,
everything talk to you soon. Thank you kindly and thanks for everything you guys Ok, before we go, we obviously talked a lot about the house today: but we be remiss if we didn't mention what the Senate went up to this week. The full judiciary committee held an important hearing on a critical issue during which republican senator John Kennedy of Louisiana gave one of the most extraordinary speeches. That's ever been delivered in the halls of congress, though I would like to warn listeners with young children delicate sensibilities, you're about to hear some strong language. I got a new, strap home, strap on harnish. Today it would fit my favorite dildo perfectly I put some whoop born and got him on his days. This was my ass. An I was struggling to imagine someone inside. I can't wait to have your cock in my mouth
you're going to so hot I'm going to give you a blow job of your life, then I want you inside of me, end quote, This is an arby's while loud ever need a minute just to sit with that That is an idea that was no pun, intended that better Kennedy, quoting the most sexually explicit passages from the two most censored books in amerika, my a co babes gender queer and george m johnson's. All boys are blue. The hearing was called a book bands. Examining has said: ship limits, liberty and literature and was actually organised by dick durban, of illinois dan. I thoughts. That's hearing, thoughts on John Kennedy. Just you know just reading his did not expect to hear that I guess you know, once a staff are always a staff. Are you but on the health We cannot know how these things go,
So was there a meeting delay did how to approach this right choice was they have the senator read this passage or, as is all in the case with senators who are The most assiduous proper for events where they just walked since learn, learn the questions from hearing for, this time when they open up the book at the hearing. This the first. He saw this. It was halfway through wait. He realized what he was reading. My guess on this. If you ever have seen John Kennedy give interviews, he says grey should all the time he is in a very safe sea in louisiana and he kind of just does what everyone. So I think I think his plan was.
This is gonna go viral, and this is going to help make my point, and I don't care if I sound like a fucking, just old white republican from the south, whose talkin about Lubin strap hans. That's that's my that's my theory. but could be wrong. Kennedy was reading this, of course, to Ellen secretary of state, alexey journalists, who we know well from the obama, is and who just pass a law in illinois that prevents book band that it was the first in the country his whole x? You responded with all due respect at the words you spoke are disturbing. Specially coming out of your mouth is: very disturbing really speaks for all of us. There really settings. I mean there is a to get somewhat serious? There's a larger point here about this book ban debate. We ve worked with us before. It's an issue that you know
I think it's just pull seventy eighty. Ninety percent of people are against book bands when you ask and pull so it's a majority, republicans ivy sooner democrats, independence for certain know what they're trying to do here. What kennedy was obviously trying to do is pick out the most explicit language in some books and try to say that That's all there doing is trying to make sure that young kids aren't exposed to this until they are age. for it, and I wonder like what would you say to me who here then think? Well, you know I don't have a problem with my child reading that when they a little older, but is this what's happening when their twelve, when Thirteen- and I want to make a decision about what my child reads I don't want them to learn that, like what will you know? What's what would you say that I think The way in this is something that I hear my arrival people pick up a sort of.
social media, some of these examples and then become concerned about what is being taught in public schools in their districts and so The thing you would tell parents is one be involved, and what is happening in europe should go to your school board meetings, pay attention now. What's up, for two reasons. One you can have Examples like these but you're what these are away way to just distract people, so they all these republicans, the moms for liberty and the rest can go in and start banning books that teach people The real history and states yeah. Angelou, tony morrison they wanna insured. people. Don't learn what is really happened and want to know about race engender ads actuality and everything else in america and so dont be distracted by these get involved and what what's happening is they're people ain't, no matter what, whether you are in rural districts,
A suburban district has a school district. That Biden won by fifty points. There is going to be efforts by some of these groups to try to affect what your kids read and learn and participate, and I think it's important to note. This is not about telling parents that they don't get to decide what their kids read and when this is about saying that a few parents, can't make a decision to censor a book for every other parent or a politician or a politician or a politician ripe it like a few and they Emily knox speak at the hearing as well. She's a professor at the university of illinois, and she made a good point. You said when it comes to parents, they do have the responsibility to to their kids about what they are learning and reading into steer them towards appropriate choices for their children, their family. However, they do I have the right to make those choices for other children and families. You do not have to read books, you dont like, and you can work with teachers to find an alternative for your child if necessary, and that has always been true.
It remains true in the idea that there is just these. You know these districts, where these liberal teeth. Are secretly teaching. six year olds about all this? stuff in all this explicit languages like this is not happening. It's not happening. and when there is some kind of controversial book in a curriculum parents get a chance to weigh it and, like you said what Compared to trying to do in a lot, most of them are right. Wing activists are trying to ban a host of books that teach about race in under and sexual identity, and not just for young kids, like all the way through high school, I mean these books are being taken off the shelves and libraries throughout the entire school district. So this is, What about just like what young kids are, learning or not, or parental involvement? Every parent gets to decide what their child learns and they get to be involved in their child education and they should be, but you don't get to decide. Other children's education is apparent, you'd get to tell other parents what to do, and neither did like you said neither as a politician
anyway, John Kennedy. Thank you for that. That was our something Are we somehow turn that into something accusations? since in value Does it mean the shorthand for that set segment? Was just lubin strap on here. It is up to you, but I mean that's what the cliff was tight, interpreted. thursday fairly. the two hours of that hearing solvents Zella cut? couple times. We we had we a lot of work on not here. For I'm glad we met a real point out of it anyway, thank you Did you offer bearing with us? Thank you. Thank you, John Kennedy, for giving us that material. Thank you, Jamie raskin for joining pod, save America today and Everyone have a fantastic weekend and we will see next week by everyone. Pod save america is a crooked media production are produced, our libya, Martinez and David Toledo ourselves Producer is fair, safari writing support from how we keeper reach her
is our executive producer. The show is mixed in edited by andrew chadwick, Jordan is our sound engineer? Audio support from kyle segment and charlotte landed madeline herrings is our head of news and programming met. The growth is our head of production. Andy TAT is our executive assistant thanks to our digital theme, the larger cone hayley jones me comin David tolls, euro police and molly about subscribe. Deposit america on youtube to catch. Full episodes and extra video content find us at you Come slush positive american final. You can join our friends of the pod subscription community for ad free episodes, exclusive content and a great discussion on discord, plus it's a great way get involved with both save america sign up at crooked outcome. Slash friends. This episode is brought to you by star feel embark on an epic joe through the stars and bethesda game studios, first, new universe and over twenty five years in this next generation, roleplaying game you just who you are and what you will become the most?
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-16.