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"Kevin Can Wait.”

2023-01-03 | 🔗

The House descends into chaos as Kevin McCarthy fails to win the race for speaker on the first three ballots, Republicans prepare to swear in a new member of Congress who made up his entire life story, and the last Congress ends by making Donald Trump's tax returns public and asking the Department of Justice to charge him with multiple crimes. And later, Jon, Jon, and Tommy kick off the new year with a round of Take Appreciator.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Love it or leave, it is heading back on the road for the errors. Tour you get it there s. This announcement is correct. And then it's all errors from here on out will be joined by a motley crew, comedians actors, journalists, politicians in queer icons, diving into the latest chaos in the news and pop culture, while raising money to fight trans bands to protect trance kids. The error store will take lubber leave it to fourteen stops across the country, including states were republicans, have targeted transit, gay people, because life was too awesome. It's gotta be an amazing shell and we have some really exciting stuff plans have get your tickets today by heading two crooked dot, com, slash events,
I welcome the pod, save america, I'm john fabric on drama that autonomy or happy new year, guys back. Why? back me. Thank you. It's great to be here: mister guys, you have a child. I do she's very cute. She eats a lot of groups a lot so far, so good but enough about love it. If we have a lot of news now, let's get to the news on today's show. The house descends into chaos as Kevin Mccarthy fails to win the race for speaker on the first and second ballot. republican swearing in new member of congress, who made up his entire life story, and the last congress end
by making donald trump tax returns public and asking the department of justice to charge him with multiple crimes and later will kick off the new year with around of take appreciated. But first the crooked store is having a post holiday sale, shot best sellers and more and get up to seventy five percent off had to cricket doc I store to shop and also don't miss the season finale of radio lingo. The newest pike has, from crooked and dual ngo in this week's episode, whose Ahmed hollyhock bar takes on a journey through the world of secret and invented languages, listen to new episodes of radio ngo. Today, wherever you get your pockets, let's get to the news. For the first time in a century, the house of representatives failed to elect a speaker on the first ballot and the second best. Thanks to a small group of right wing extremists who accurately believe the cavern mccarthy is an empty suit who can't be trusted. So absolutely not.
And can get done in the house until at least two hundred and eighteen of the two hundred and twenty two republicans agree on a speaker I can't even swear in the new congress, here's a clip of anti mccarthy congressmen, Matt gates and pro mccarthy congressmen, Dan crenshaw- that gives you a flavour of the substantive ideological debate that splitting the republican party right now. If you want to drain this You cannot put the biggest alligator in charge of the exercise. I may florida. And I know of what I speak, we will not vote If people think they're stubborn, they think they're not going to get that. Obviously they won't, but it's gonna be so much worse. Now they are enemies. They have made it clear that they prefer a democratic agenda and we're just just wonderful off to a really great star
There was a out some member described the cnn that this lay a gamer chicken but those eyes of ripped off the steering wheel, but I did so good. So we we regarding this three thirty eastern time on tuesday we push them working time a little bit later, because we wanted to see what would happen in the second ballot. So there are nineteen republicans who did not vote for cabin mccarthy on the first ballot, those same nineteen din vote from occurring in the second ballot, only the second ballot, they I voted for Jim Jordan, who was nominated to be speaker by Matt gates after he gave a speech Jim Jordan in favour of Kevin Mccarthy, that's where we are right now and afraid before we were recording. We said alright, let's watch the second vote and Andy our producer was like well how long that can be and was like what we don't know. Andy there,
been one in a hundred year hundred years in between nineteen, forty, five and ninety ninety five, not a single member voted for anyone other than their parties. Nominee on that first ballot. This is incredibly unprecedented, so listen about. What's going on here, Mccarthy has spent the last few weeks where we ve all been gone. Trying to win over these hold at specifically the five republicans who announced that they were going to vote. No.
No matter what. But then there is an additional nine that sent a letter. The other night saying that the concessions were enough and there's a few others that popped up today. What did Mccarthy offer these hold out and- and why hasn't anything worked just yet so, first of all, Mccurry is now saying yes to things that he said he would never say yes to a couple lisa, one of which is this ability for republicans to vacate the chair, which is basically read you the speaker, vote at any time. Now, originally mccarthy said he obviously couldn't do. This now is agreed to do it as long as any five republican yahoo is it. Many times say they'd like to have a vote on a new speaker. There are obviously five votes at any time to remove him from speaker. There are nineteen people who don't want to make him speaker now, so he basically conceded to that in fall, but then this very very uk
parliament in private, and he can seated on a whole bunch of other things, was actually hard this morning to figure out what he hasn't conceded to and then you go dig into the details and basically this group of Republican. They said we want to know before this vote, that you can. It basically put each and every one of us in charge of each and every subcommittee that were interested in. They wanted a budget bigger than the january six committee. and their own legal entity to soothe abiden, I didn't understand what that meant. I have no idea what to me was illegal and tat. I was hoping that known would ask just what legal entity or not, as I could understand what google at its listener. If, but I think this goes like branded baku used, her work for Paul ryan has an up and the new york times today in vain, where he sat and vainer rates. I who, where he said the embarrassment as the point yeah
I do think that speaks to like they're just make an optimist. I wonder if they dont be conceded to everything and then they just made up a new set of demand to know was there they were always working hard to get in the more pedestrian things are defending. You allow these legislative terrorists as John bade. Her once called them to define various parts, the executive branch they don't like eyes. Get rid of the mags outside the house chamber has nothing. Violence happened in the capital whaley, getting rid of them fines for wearing masks. He said he promised to put the conservatives on important committees, get rid of proxy voting virtual committee work in leather like you're, saying the big thing is this motion to vacate, but he already completely caved on that end. We have nothing left to give is the point. There is a lot and I want to promise for him to stay at a primary so that the republican campaign committee congressional committee doesn't support more establishment, Republicans are you all right wing, oh yeah, who's running primary fails us that they wanted this church style commission to look at thirty. Those of the the federal govern
war on the american people, which he basically said he would do said he would do that right. May I say that Here's a link mccarthy gave up everything had to give without a guarantee for votes in return. And it seems like. Maybe that was his only option, because the arguments against him aren't substantive. They just don't like him yeah The thing that gates is like, I really want to be an ex committee, so I can deliver for my constituents and it's just it's deeply, satisfying and ironic, because Kevin Mccarthy is the one who empowered and appeased these people for the last several years. Basically, since he was John Boehner's whip yeah, he has been empowering these people It's you know it's like that on the other twitter mean there, but the the leopard, sir,
yeah they're collaborating party to eat my face to face eating part of my face, but the other the other piece of this tooth. It's like this is something we've been talking about for years, that, like these people, demand concessions and mccarthy gives, and he gives- and he gives now if these were people that really were interested in getting the fruits of this negotiation. They'd vote. Yes on Mccarthy. At this point they a ton adam, they did a negotiation, they gotta turn out of em they're, still no no right, and so there is some some republican Numerous quotas and I'm worried that these that these two factors are not acting in good faith. Oh, are you. You never was at your fear, that's their whole thing. We have you have
it s been there. They dont, like Heaven, mccarthy and their knots, which these people are not interested in governing in any way. They are only interested in like becoming the next hugger karlsson or Alex Jones. You I thought there in it for themselves. They don't really care about governing. They don't have an ideological agenda. They have a policy agenda, they just like to embarrass the people they can embarrass, which in this case are you know what they consider. Establishment republicans like mccarthy and his goons, keep saying you know our strategy. Is you can't be something with nothing? They don't have an alternative candidate who can get two hundred and eighteen votes, so our plan is just stay on. The phone
well for as many votes as it takes, but like these aren't rational people that are dealing with it. Your look you're arguing over a parking spot with a person that has nowhere to go after you've got places to go after they will stay all fucking day, they're the kind of people that will stay for that parking spot till they die. They will have family and friends, bring them food. smart lawyers, never ask a question: they don't know the answer to Nancy Pelosi, never scheduled a floor vote that she knew she couldn't wasn't going to win Kevin Mccarthy, just like Yola the Zala guy. Let's go to the floor and try to wait it out. It's just like what about these people make Kevin Mccarthy or anyone think that they're going to be amenable to politico pressure right, that's what this not what they're all about, and it is only on swamp trump plus forty districts, their safe. They can do whatever the fuck they want and its it isn't it.
satisfying to watch the same dynamic that we ve been decrying between the parties playing out within this party, because you ve been saying this for years that this is not a party acting in good faith. You can negotiate with them, but there's never gonna be enough. They'll never get to yes on whatever issue talk about and and we we've and now we're seeing it exactly that same dynamic playing out inside of the Republican. Well, you know they used to say this about obama and allowed europe, I'm like why can't they bring around and why can't they just negotiate with the republicans annoy and get them to do what you want and shouldn't take more arm twisting and all this bullshit like no, they can't even like the leaders of their own
hearty can't even get him in line what it is, and it is also a bit ironic too. It's like why can't this group of insurrectionist get together and pick a leader yeah, don't they care about democracy famously famously a tough group to wrangle, so people are probably wondering what happens now and that could be resolved by the time you listen to this podcast, but it seems unlikely. This could end today they could figure out a consensus. Candidate or mccarthy could somehow get all the let's see. There's nineteen no votes. I think he can only afford to lose four. And he should have fifteen people by the end of today. Unlikely or a bunch of people could not show up for votes and reduce your win number and that's sort of the x factor in all of us. Yet hopefully that doesn't happen.
blogging over our president. Is it I've never soup idea, but it could theoretically go in four weeks. The house of representatives cannot function if they can't even swear in new members until they have a speaker because of this good last. For who knows just because be what happens? Is you pick a speaker? Then you pass a set of rules. Those are the set that set of rules. What allows the house to function. Otherwise everything gets a full majority this is just a group of people without a set of rules that pass everything they do. My majority, that's why they're gone all these other ballots? That's why that's? Why Nothing can move forward without a speaker. So let's talk about who the possible mccarthy alternatives. Are when they all be worse. Worse is harder to find here, potentially yeah. I do
they like. I think that there is one threshold question about who the republican speaker will be is some of them are people that will, for the sake of the country, allow a vote on a debt limit or budget bill to go through another ways that a bipartisan group of Democrats republicans can get around that. But I do think that's important right like who is? Who is the person? That's gonna relent and say we got a raise the debts healing without you know, putting the country into any fault, no one. Can get the mat gates in and now got perry on on board here yeah. Let me that level so that does not to talk about steve squeeze is potentially being someone who could pull enough votes. I don't like keep her. He once described himself to a reporter in Louisiana as being like David, duke without. baggage all citizens perfect, for so not a great demands, a great fit yet Andy big, some arizona stocking horse of the anti mccarthy crowd. I saw Patrick mechanic for north carolina bandied about the night
scenario may be as Jim Jordan the that yet I suit jacket zealot from so that's who all the no votes have coalesce behind, at least in the second ballot Alyssa. Farah, who was trump communications director left the white house. She was, she had previously been a spokesperson for the house. Freedom caucus a great resume. She. She was just saying that in fifteen the plan was if, if Hillary Clinton won the presidency was going to happen, is the freedom caucus was going to challenge a paul ryan and they were going to put up jordan to challenge ryan, to show that ryan couldn't get the votes and also when they realized that jordan could could also not get the votes. Then they were going to have a consensus conservative that they all got behind to be the new speaker and back then it was going to be then house, member, MIKE pompeo's million of
went onto bigger and better things but they're trigger, and she basically she said that, because maybe Jordan is sort of the stalking horse now to show that mccarthy can't get the votes, because it is hard to believe that all of these republicans, the eighteen house republicans who are sitting in Biden districts districts that Joe Biden won, are going to back Jim Jordan. I yeah I find that artist, which makes you think that maybe Steve Scully says the play here or patrick. henry or at least a fanatic or the maggots fantasy scenario is donald trump or they and sorkin west wing fantasy scenario, some moderate unity candidate. This two sides coming: their input for a moderate, like was changed. Area not hard to get it. I would say it's hard to get towards the west wing scenario when Jim Jordan didn't pick up any votes on this second round either. No so much He didn't didn't pick off anybody who was doing a protest vote which a very bad sign for him, but it's not like a lot of people jump from mccarthy, so it's pretty stock. So I do still think like what
don't know, what's going to happen, but like one scenario, that is the sort of like less fun, but still a real possibility. He is Mccarthy you know he puts on you know he gets done hands and knees and crawls across broken glass, and he puts in the ball gag and takes the photo and it just gives in to whatever they want. That's their king. Their kink is making him suffer so that he just really goes through the whole thing. But to me that's speaks to a Scully's win here, because school uses mccarthy's number two. He gives them everything mccarthy would have given them ya know or because he's not given mccarthy he quickly. If one you think of some of these people who are voting against mccarthy, saying it's not personal. It's not personal, actually, it's the definition show, because it has nothing to do with policies or rules or concessions, or in that its purely that you think Kevin Mccarthy is full of shit, which
He is which a record and also it demonstrates the terms that, if they make it someone who is any if whoever was the first person, if they defeat the first person, it has demonstrated their power, regardless of the difference between Scully, said mccarthy, who might ultimately look the same in terms of whether speakership will look like, which is probably true of any of these people that end up as being speak, because, like this is the dynamic. What we are seeing now is the dynamic that will play out over the next two years. Will, let's good, let's that brings us to the next topic, which is like what we can't predict what's going to happen right now, but what does all this say about both the republican party and how this house will operate over the next two years? Yeah? Well, I think, like the simple The biggest thing it says is that there are not two hundred and eighteen republicans who want to govern. That's that they're not to under an eighteen republicans who will vote to do normal politics past normal bills, conduct biz
is that they would much rather grind the congress to a halt and let anything through if it is not purely and perfectly conforming to their ideological priors, and so what that means is for anything that we have to get through this congress and through the senate and to Joe Biden dusk. It is going to require a bipartisan group of people and a way of getting that vote to the floor either with the speakers permission or outside the speakers permission to get things through. Otherwise, we will be in a situation in which these nineteen bull or fifteen people or whatever number ultimately joins whatever fight, have a gun to the head of the country. Basically, and again, I think you talked about their ideological priors. I think there's only one ideology that these people have, which is to own the libs. That's it the policy. That's their ideology. There is no there's. No more policy agenda platform for their public yeah. Listen. This is fund a watch today, but I do think it is
empowering the fringes of the party, the nat gates, the lauren birds of the worlds and Kevin Mccarthy. If he becomes speaker he is weak and feckless and can't deliver. If someone else becomes speaker, he or she is probably in the same boat and again like John Boehner called this legislative terrorism, and I think that's what Joe Biden and the Democrats should expect going forward, which is starting with the debt ceiling vote while so love it remember. We talked to Brian shots right before the break and we asked him like what are you gonna do here? What's what's the plan on the debt ceiling, if we don't, if they didn't lifted during the lame duck- and he said the messages you get nothing yeah right that you'd. Basically, you don't negotiate with legislative terrorists and at the time I was like oof that we're going to go with that, and it totally makes sense to me now because watching Kevin Mccarthy offer all these concessions to people in his own party.
and just failing miserably at it. Now we're going to have the Democrats and Joe Biden offer concessions on the debt ceiling. No, I think that is the message you get nothing and, and then hopefully love it. You are alluding to a way around sort of the debt ceiling debacle. I saw this in in playbook the other day that people close to mccarthy were saying that there's a a, maybe a a get out of jail free card for him. If he ends up being speaker, which is Democrats and a couple, moderate, republicans or sensible republicans, wherever you gonna call them- could file a discharge petition to force a vote on a clean vote on a clean debt ceiling on the house floor and then macarthur could say I'm against this later republicans could whine about it, but there would be a majority in the house to pass that bill. So like you, maybe there's hope that we could get the debt ceiling situation solve, but you're right that these people have no intention of governor. Now you see it in their demands. You see it in what Jim Jordan said when he was nominating
earthy, but also giving what seemed to be an inaugural address. do you, like my gates, denominate Jim Jordan, their ideology drawn attention. They want attention die, they want the heads of these committees. They want attention to these issues. He was you ve already conceding That is the issue of them, while they have their minutes their rights, its hunter bite in its manufacture, attack on the american people by the irs. It's their invented idea that World government is targeting people all the nonsense that they whip up and in the right wing echo chamber, but like that's what they want. They want the ability to have that microphone ohh and he even conceded in that species like well. Even though the things we pass will die in the senate will make them pay for that. A twenty twenty four. So he's. Basically already saying the job of the next speaker is to pass a bunch of message: bills grind the government to a halt and then do investigations and get attention. That's why their demand is for these subcommittee chairs they want.
they just want control over cspan. They will control over these sort of television opportunities. Yeah I mean, I think, they're also doing the bidding of donald trump. I mean trump could call mac gates, I think and say do vote for cap Dude, I wondered, if I may I say it is, it is he's noticeably silent, he's been treated our today and nothing on this yeah yeah. He jackson sovereign every single race, but not this one, and I don't think he wants the job he just sort of like on the trust, Mccarthy. I prefer Biden I mean I think you have to lift these clowns up and run against them. He had folds to this broader narrative, like Joe Biden,
You dealt in the room, these more moderate than these kind of nutty fringe republicans, who are clearly controlling republican party and run on that. These republicans are giving Joe Biden and the democrats the opportunity to run the same play. They just ran in the mid terms. We just had an election where swing state voters rejected mega drifters up and down the ballot because they thought they were too extreme, and now republicans in washington have essentially put them in charge of the house when our Kevin mccarthy pulls this out or not
They are in charge. There are eighteen house republicans in districts the Joe Biden, one many of them are in new york in california to states where the difference between turn out in the mid term and a presidential turn out and twenty twenty four will almost certainly helped the Democrats and if I'm the democratic party. If I'm democrats running like Joe Biden or democrats in the house in the senate, I would run against the chaos and extremism of the republican party and use the house as the prime example of that over the next two years and who knows what's gonna happen over the next two years, but what's happening today. I think, does set the tone for exactly what we're going to see whether at the debt sailing, whether it's the government funding, whether whatever it may, whether it's you instigations into hunter Biden. These are not serious people. I have obviously been half tuned into politics in between diaper changes. Why is Joe Biden doing something tomorrow with Mitch Mcconnell in Kentucky? So you know the infrastructure bill heard the average so now there
we don't have the money and the friendly units are starting projects. Remember the brent Spence bridge between how could I forget Kentucky, not ready for the listeners at home. He done so many events. There was a broken bridge between since in Cincinnati in kentucky between the ohio, kentucky side and you'd go there, and you talk about why infrastructure in the country was was broken and need to fix it and rebuild, and that then we ever pass. An infrastructure will put her at her tears and now that the the bridge is finally going to be fine That's great you! That's all they had already so Biden is going with Sherrod an Mcconnell and like the senators in congress and members of congress from ohio in kentucky to to do that's more so his plan at least yet I have an envelope as a metaphor, kind of an on the nose in it for sure. So the new york times said that this is part of their plan. To sort of you know, Biden's plan is to stay above the political fray. Let all this you know, craziness in the house, go on and show that you know he's been bipartisan and actually gotten a lot done.
Cool. I like how Mcconnell is trying to do a big event today about himself be like I'm. The longer servant leadership mark marriage revealed that y wasn't bad guys. Thank you just kind of gurgled, so we'll we'll see what happens there we'll see what happens tables who have watched the space listen here. These predictions are on pod. Save america is brought in by stamps dot com the new years, a great time to set up for a year success by saving money and be more efficient. That's one thing: them that's a point that I'm supposed to make here, but it's true jane, it means dealing with customer emails, returns gift card purchases, and the inevitable increase in postage costs would stamped out com. You can print europe
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The speaker fiasco isn't the only embarrassment facing house republicans they're. Also about to swearing again, if there ever is a speaker and they can start swearing in members, a new member of congress who's been caught lying about his race, religion, heritage, education, employment, philanthropy, marital status, the circumstances of his mother's death. And even his name, george sent us also known as Anthony devoted her one a long island seat in an upset so surprising that he escaped even the most basic scrutiny until the new york times began to unravel his entire life story. A few weeks ago, santos has admitted to some of his lies, is now being investigated by federal prosecutors, the nassau county district attorney in brazilian law enforcement for potential financial and campaign fraud, but, as of today, he's about to be a member of congress. So first of all, this guy flew too close to the sun. Alright, he just went too far. He does too
scam, you tried to full too big of a scam buddy one thing: that's really funny, as he's literally sitting visible, kim Mccarthy can't criticize this guy, he needs his fucking bozo and though he's sitting there voting for Kevin Mccarthy in these speaker votes by himself. Nobody will go near him, he's basically like radioactive, but one one member of congress walked up. They think it in recognize. Him walked said, hi, I'm so, and so, what's your name said I'm door sent as the guy just turn around and walked away, so you have to write. It can't go near observed. He like oh he's, been avoiding. For that reason has been avoiding reporters he's been avoiding people, and that's been ever since he went on Tucker carlson's programme. Heaters thing and our intensive gerald by took her carlson's under study. Slash protege tells her gabert, but we have a clip weakened my my reservation, how I worked with firms such as it is debatable, or is it just followed ass? It is
Bela resented sustainable. I know I know its not false at all. It's it's debatable. I can. I can sit down and explain to you what you can do in private equity in capital intro via servicing limited partners in general partners, and we can have this discussion. That's gonna go way above the american people. Had, but that's not what I campaigned on. I campaigned on delivering results for the american people that this is not about settling scores, and I think you just you just kind of highlighted. I think my concern the concern that people at home have you're saying that this discussion will go way above the head. The american people basically and insulting their intelligence not only are you now that I've got that? What am I ve told, but such saying that you can not. What do you say? We need that your constituents will actually be able to use it in a way that you realise integrative me the time I can easily give that. If you give me the time, I can easily explain it for you just the full at the fuller sister. He claimed the article
degree wasn't true claim to be jewish, a college degree to college, neither true, neither he didn't even attend. Either college claimed to be jewish, but now said he meant he was like jewish was like I never heard of this guy didn't work at citigroup. Do you work at goldman sachs? claimed. He had multiple coworkers die in the pulse nightclub. Shooting made that one. He said he own thirteen properties doesn't own any any said. He ran a pet charity that claimed to rescue thousands of dogs. As far as we can tell the charity doesn't exist. He also has said he was gay for a decade Is it because he was married to a woman until twenty nineteen as divorce wasn't finalize until twelve days before He and now I to know that doesn't mean no, there are part of that, so maybe look whatever whatever whatever journey he's on good for him. But the point is that he said he was openly gave her a decade, but he was married to a woman until days before he mild he was evicted from his apartment for not being able to pay rent soon after he won't campaign. Hundreds of thousands of dollars and at the end of is the part that, like
what about somewhere. Where is money coming randy paid for rent at a house that he said his staff lived at, but apparently he was living and, ultimately we from being broken animal, to pay rent to claiming a network of eleven million dollars in a short space of time, so That is where I think I think that'll. Let out really got to start looking resolve great, but you missed my to favour account, which was they came from his own responses on twitter one, someone said what race is. Are you he said caucasian and black, not true, and then He said that his mother died on nine eleven, and that but then, later than years later and twenty sixteen said, but she just died, while also that that she, he also at some claim that she was in the tower on nine eleven children didn't. That's, though, that there are more difficult, multiple claims about his mother connection did no official.
I did work in the towers and then died in like twenty sixteen and he tried to say it was because of exposure as soon as there's absolutely no evidence. That was the case. So the question is: how did none of this come out during the campaign? Dropping balls, yeah. Like new years I mean this and everybody dropped the ball. Yeah I'd say that I'm like when a car crash when a car crashes, one thing can go wrong when plane crashes, everything went wrong and it just seems like every single person. The boy media like exempting your time new york times cover it, but it was in december now I went back and looks missouri. I heard maggie saved it offer her book yeah people, the people who were yelling at the new york times when they read it's a guy's, I don't they don't have time to cover literally everything anyway. I do think that there's some something was happening during a campaign, because the zimmerman campaign put out a statement after the times story. Can it like this doesn't come as a shock. We were trying to draw attention to some of those like okay buddy. If you go back and look at what the d triple c was saying about
santos, so they have some of this in a really had had some of the scenes but at, but I just think it's worth like the way that they were talking about centres. That kind of treating them a bit more like a normal candidate. Basically, this is what the this was like them. Any statement on their big clutterbuck otto dump about him, which is that, like he, was a joint from joining insurrectionists. I to overturning roe sanchez. Has a radical record he's? Not there are better, you know like he was sort of going through the litany and thence as long as voters will once again make sure george santos fails in his effort to get the congress and a describing his like his shady dealings until like on a litany of things, the fact that he was lying about some of it's shady dealings was like part of the story, but they never hammered him, but as just a fraud, straighter fraud. Here's the thing when you're in, like a democratic primary in your china, be subtle with your upper hits, you pick them to reporters. You try to launder them through news outlets. He get people to write things for you when you're in a general election running against a guy who said,
I went to n Y you, but he didn't. I started a dog and cat rescue charity that doesn't exist. You just tweet, it out. You know what I mean story out yourself in the fact that they didn't do that suggests to me they didn't know the extent of it they somehow and found all this like listen the opposition service operators are searchers. They miss thinks I remember. right, I'm sure you guys too. It took us a little too long to remember it as a challenge back in two thousand and eight, but like this is just a catastrophic failure. That's a good point, because there's I've noticed quite a few stories that sort of fold this into a larger story, about the decline of local news. You know- and they said that also true news- day was like busy covering a lot of the other races on long island and in a look, george Santos ran in twenty twenty lost by twelve points, so there was on the republican side the democratic side and media
all thinking like nobody wanted either not theirs to me, races to cover their close. This isn't one of them right by your fate. Like you you'd the democratic campaign, you have it If tweeted out, he also said he was an early covert survivor. I think he said he didn't when I was reading about santos. All of a sudden, I realized that we were introduced to George santos years ago because he was the gay guy at mar a that said the times covering his mass list attendance to morrow. Go party in january, twenty one forced him in his fiance to leave their home and this fiance a pharmacist to lose their job at all. I don't either it wasn't. It was just in this story at the time like he was just like. Oh the media is attacking me and destroying my life. Probably ensure at all. He was by making it all up incredible, but he was just it was just at the time you just another random, trompe congressional candidate. I do it yet describing him as a shady wall. Street bro does feel like the paint by numbers version of how you attack this guy,
ever really flip. This wish at a really hammer home that what they were fine It was a frog has, even even when they were putting this apu. They knew that he had made up his charity, listen as a card. in brow. I think we're letting that the aperture on that terms two bra embedded in a general manner, we gotta be more specific, brower credited acknowledge our breath. You know what I mean like that. This guy is just a serial fabulous go with that. The regulatory fabulous such a it has another his by raising the values like that's how it did MR ripley stuff of my guy, don't talented colombia, exactly color, I to a handful of hives republicans have called on centres to resign, but most have just refused to say anything about her usual Nancy policy seems to think republicans compare political price for that. She told reporters that santos is now quote tattooed on the party
Is she write? What have you really? They got bigger fisher fry today, just sitting there all alone, you know making up more stories, but Kevin Curley can't even when the speaker, we had a lot of tat. Look if if, if there too, who, by their worst members, that it is like very little space left to get more tattoos green. They learn bobo, they got Jim door, nay, the worst mac gates. They are touched, one with jewish space lasers all over the place, cholera and not a deer spaceless retarded the certainly trying has Democrat richie torrents introduced a bill that would require candidates to disclose under oath their employment, educational and military history. It's called the stop
other non, truthful office seeker- and you know that stands for and toes hazard as accurate agreed that legrand great and I do think, have what they do with this guy wills be another chapter in the republican parties, just total disregard for facts in character and credibility. Madonna Tromp is, I think, still gonna, be the the leave case when you're prosecuting that one, but then those adds to it yeah exactly this. I think this fills in the story that they ve that we been trying to tell right you throw in the bucket of here's another kooky. right wing extremist who is not fit to govern just like the rest of them in congress yeah. I do. I also I I I think the I There is a lot that the math The money doesn't make sense and there's is criminality here, that's going to be in the lps too yeah he's he's got problems back in brazil to leave the party's got sociopath, they got criminals, they got both yeah and it's a lot that sees both
one sociopath republicans won't be able to run away from so easily is donald trump. Since our last episode, the january six committee voted unanimously to refer criminal charges against the former president to the justice department for four charges, obstructing an official proceeding conspiring to defraud the united states, making false statements and inciting an insurrection. Democrats in congress also released six years of Donald trump's tax returns, a there's, a there's, there's a deep cut tax returns after the supreme court ruled that he could not keep them private. Anything noteworthy to you guys and trump's taxes or the january six committee's final report on the tax returns. I mean I I think you ve been out there, but I dont know that it was totally confirmed that he had these foreign bank accounts like you, he had you have had some sort of
or in banking presence in places like the uk, I think because he had the scotland course, but the fact that he had an account in china is notable is weird, I think, is politically dangerous for him. That was part of the day. one of the Biden cars was the new york times came up, but then we confirmed it and then I do like that trump promised every year to donate his presidential salary to charity, and then he just refused to do it in two thousand and twenty. So. I do think along the line of the m bitch secret chinese bank account, which I just remembered to fund the extra it's beyond obama line in twenty seventeen trump paid more in foreign taxes they needed in you tax. I was dead america Jimmy first. He just inherited all his money and then his businesses run rundle ass. You do
I feel like you've put a lot more. We are a little bit more information on some of the more like nefarious attacks avoidance strategies that trump uses up, making big loans to his children that they pay interest on, which is really just a way of giving them a tax, free gifts, ah These deductions that he's taken for not developing land, which is a pure fuckin scam. Yet he buys a bunch of land and then he says I am not putting a golf course on it. Give me I can deduct that If there were a golf course, I'd make a bunch of money like there are scams like that all over his tax return in the only question is whether or not actually not even specific, to Donald trump, whether the irs as an institution cares about these big ticket violations with forces. What they normally do, which is go after small time can buy, could have now income taxpayers, but the whole point of the money which is gave the irs was to make it possible for them to investigate and look at cases like this. You are raising his eyes axes because of the anti anything on closed closed the book here on the january six committee, which
now. I wrapped up so were now or dissuaded from Eric ireland to see what he does. On the criminal referrals, even though their sort of on their own track anyway, but there is also there was a final report released and there was just stay: a avalanche of documents, texts every evidence that the add that the committee also released along with the report, I would say very Many that I think, for the most part, was masterful in using the media to get their information far and wide. A news dump like three hours before christmas was like a huge fucking mistake. It just like it's over, like. I think that the as a results I dunno. Where else could I have done? got it out earlier. Yeah knew somebody that was just a time like that. Yet either other the I I you know, listen, I I'm of two minds about this. I agree few. The ladys major areas bordering it may just be an unfortunate wondered if I guess I've you're. What would it have done? If I mean it's the damages that way
out there they got out there, for it is that we now know that, like, though, will be wild tweed, he wrote himself and then he had lived a lot of the most incendiary stuff at the january six more details, you more details about the fact that he himself was like wanted to go to the cap at all had a walking their walking there with a sort of growth cheaper than the the tony or not. Oh, dear no secret service thing. That was that's all the color. Needed on that well angrier, pretty clear out when I think I think what I take away from the final release is degeneracy can't committees, report was the friendly made along the way it was the hit. It was what we got out of these national hearings in the attention it brought to it before them in terms of use good to put all the stuff out there for history for europe. Firstly to comb through, I mean it off. It like the whole process shows you that obstruction of justice is frustratingly effective. You know, like dance, could be no just refused to talk and he will not be prosecuted and I'm
that guy could have filled in a lot of holes, a lot of people that I don't recall and just kind of lied. Their way through it, but we did like it there, some loops were close. Like trump does, the call with brad raf his burger, where he asks for just a few more votes, and then he dumps on a call with Rudy giuliani, then another one with mark meadows, another one, Steve Bannon said like the closed circle of who he was really collaborating. With on that georgia approach becomes clearer because of these this release. I dunno
picks whining about her image and becoming unemployable. Lay a little anecdote saturated with this. I dont think anything I mean I don't think they released anything that was more damaging than information that we already knew. There were some fun color like that. You know: trump wanted a trademark rigged elections and in the hills. The hicks of vodka chief of staff stuff was great. These texts between opec's and of august chief of staff, carly class supermodel, who is married to Josh kirshner jurists brother. She tweeted during the insurrection that transfer boss was anti american, and so, as chief of staff sends that tweet to hope, and they start complaining about it. They say can't believe her she's unreal of august, so pest and then they start going back and forth and hicks says in one day, trump ended every future opportunity that doesn't include speaking engaged
The local, proud boys chapter and all of us that didn't have jobs lined up will be perpetually unemployed, I'm so mad and upset. We all look like domestic terrorist. Now this has made us all. Unemployable like untouchable, got him so fucking ma just great for us. It is, I m an amazingly perfect it. As you know, I honestly, and sadly she was wrong- yeah, there's a worse by assuring you that a million and a half or very far worse, but also the exact. Yet everybody was wrong about with the consequent injure indirectly, but that in the same way, Mitch Mcconnell and can Mccarthy spoke out against that they really are. The great sin did donald trump committed was making them less electronically successful in a great sin for help hooks hickses that you couldn't get another job mark merely said he had to talk the trump administration out of court marshalling retire. military officers who criticized trump height bed, let's adjust color a lot of anecdote that I dunno remind you of how completely out of control that period was, while so trump's venting all this
stride after a truth, the other day where he wished a happy new year to radical left democrats, marxist lunatics, clueless rhine. in china, loving cocoa chow and her obedient husband, Mitch yeah? It's just. He said it wasn't his fault Republicans didn't do in the midterms. It was quote the abortion issue poorly handled by many republicans. He specifically criticise them for taking a position on abortion that was no exceptions, the right is a right that that was a problem sure it is either to problems he's to ease. They were both problem He was one of the problems relating to the other underlines how big problems he was one, and this was the other absolutely and also his judges allowed. The other two happens congrats. I think it is interesting for what that says about the primary that we're about to see if there is a republican primary, if someone else announces against
dropped because you have tromp who clearly sees that abortion and the way that republicans handled abortion did not go too well in seems willing at least two
take a position on it. That is a little less extreme than some of the Republicans did in the midterms. And then we've talked about the santas before trump's potential biggest challenger, who has only signed the fifteen week ban in florida in a you wonder if abortion politics in the republican primary is going to be different than you might expect. Based on what happened in the midterms, my guess. I I think that the far right or anti abortion people are some of the most transactional human beings out there, the sort of right wing, evangelical christians and they are thrilled to work with an imperfect vessel with imperfect views in history. Yet as long as he will do, their bidding and trump did their bidding for four years and gave him the courts, they wanted that's right and surviving. We could see a different, a different kind of primary than we might expect
at issue. You'll see it a knob. Even if it's a descent as trump debate, you can see it a kind of falling by the wayside, as dissenters always goes back to a line about the bill. He passed in Florida right right, something that neither of them actually want to browse and problems and trump taking credit for appointing these judges, although trump has for years for years, have been like look. This is what these racketeers want. They want me to do this. I'll. Do these judges, but I'm gonna worry, there's gonna be bad for us, like he's always said that for us in me person ever me, I'm especially by us any me, I don't. You are just meet zombies that wander around to serve me. I'm afraid I don't care what happens if any of you sacks of flesh is. Can you say, sir Leon tool? No, I will not go into hates based more than donald threatening. right, but I'll give you did see. I mean to your point about the primary john MIKE pence was quote
tweeting. Some group called sb a pro life. Four out there saying the approach to winning an abortion is to have the clearest contrast with extreme democrats in in pence, re tweeted. That saying well said: sb a pro life whatever. That is again. These guys are trying to sub tweet their way to victory against donald trump in the republican primary, and I just basically where, unfortunately basis not pro life when it comes to make pets loss at that I do that I got there's there's there as an outside of trump and a santas. There is an entire republican debate about abortion amongst those who have recognized that it cost them votes in this, which is on the one side you're the people who said it causes votes and good. That was the that we said we would do this and was worth it and there's the people like mons make pants were trying to make an argument that we just got outplayed. They painted us as extremists on the issue. Our position is actually popular, they're, the extremists. We need to run harder on abortion anyway, it seems like the republican party is in great shape, cheers copy
twenty three or when we come back. Elijah Cohn will be here or chief, take officer to get us through another and to take appreciate the pod. Save america is brought to you by blue land. The holidays are upon us, food friends, family meaning our loved ones can be a bit messy and more mess equals more waste, but not with finland billions on a mission to eliminate single use plastic by reinventing cleaning essentials, to be better for you in the planet, their ideas, simple: they offer beautiful, endlessly refutable cleaning products just fill your balls with water drop in the tablets and wait for them to dissolve you'll, never have to grab bulky cleaning supplies on your grocer run ever again, refill started just two dollars and fifty cents. You can even set up a subscription or by
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three terms apply. You won't want to miss this blue, Linda, complex crooked, that blue dot com, slash crooked. I were back before we go. Our chief take officer. Eliza cone is here with us once again to play game game of take appreciate, has has gone happy new year, its grey guys, happy new year did break you get them too you have a cap, I got some eggs, you just been collecting takes philosophical beliefs. Yeah people than figuring out later is no off button for takes content, never sleeps. I love the badger redo before. Let's go who had stood away. Let said the town for the current year and tags eurozone theirs have a game works did does everyone knows. I thought I was now ok. What's his garret and earn if you don't know how our excel figured out, it's pretty easy but start by looking backwards from the washington post? We have a piece, titled
ten worse things Joe Biden dead in twenty twenty two yeah. I got this one. I know it us here well and scrape martinson chicken It is not a road. The ten best things Biden dead, China be hey. Look at this, to turn over a new york times, column but sorry, logic, daily, preventive strike against David French written for our kids. I voters jump straight. The number one, the worst thing Joe Biden dated twenty two was quote: he slow Old military aid to ukraine, out of fear of provoking Vladimir Putin, is the kicker. As Tommy noted, there was a ten best things less than the number one best think oh by the dead was quote. He saved ukraine, yeah, I mean consistency is not.
His eye on marks list of things he cares about. So did he slew role you? Maybe I was elected on a nuclear war seems like a temporary while bringing inside compared to prudence is a low bar It's a bar. We get a clear now that you know that's my bar. You know what those is pre dumb probably week, I'm running on mondays and I'm saying no polluted. As of doubling, one now I never ever give did turn best. What we're can applaud marty's for doing and best original lara rogers zone visiting Joe by none his top ten best restless has reared its. It would call ban like a slob johnny cash I usually get on that list, without sleeping with him a boy one, one politico for me, yeah, send me too scared by partisanship is back so says Paul gosar.
all so move on the number to this very requested. Yesterday, I it's a patiently atlantic titled. The Senate needs more kyrgyzstan, cinemas, oh boy,. This piece I couldn't, I think I saw this I didn't collect. I couldn't recognize the author either. I don't know who that was. I didn't click on it. I saw that I saw it go by was a conor few years, the door You aren't even want to go the extra server's going straight to get out again iraq or video super. Do I know what I think about the take it sucks danny. I retain the rolls eliza yak. such are the same respect for dignity. Ok, let's go for it. Here's the quote! although three independence, who caucus with Democrats may not be enough of a change to make congress more popular, less dysfunctional, ten in japan, senators can wield real clout as a swing block fifteen. Twenty independent senators would transform the institution and offer encouragement to them
The american voters, whose policy preferences do not neatly align with democrats, bore republicans. We already know it honours just got. I'm breeders dwarfs. I know you got a nice. Congrats can save us name I'm gonna go to political on this one. It's not really. Let me get my get my hackles up. It's pretty stupid, though, that the the o imagine if there is ten or fifteen independence, what we're getting getting this from, where they coming from. Where what has made you think this is a stability yeah I'll give it to, but I also I too am exhausted. By takes that describe some sort of fantasy where politics, what does it is very errand rosemary hours out of, and it also like? Finally, the the all the americans that looking think like me will finally have their tribune and so you're alone, my friend you there's. No one did this like this occurs
part in libertarian type. You have no one there's. No one with you also wheeling and dealing Joe Biden is is is in the democratic party. Right now is cutting deals, he's a peasant by partisan legislation What are you talking about? We need more independence and the centre. The programme parties fucking crazy, advocate unjust and he's heading like that. You could have done. Maybe writing this nonsense. A year ago, there's been an incredible weak months of bipartisan legislation over and over infrastructure right that chips thing, that we love and care about. Three and a half got me Well, I'm johnny underwear and nowhere where I saw two to three hurrying: to have political stagnation. Who can get you before now, yeah that'll, as is going to say, the color is of this- was that you know it's like. Oh, the three parties, Democrats, republicans and independent who are a uniform group with policy positions. They agree on also to also true. We have
silly, but this whole thing is, I know we ve decided. The parties are bad, just sort of by definition, but really what they are is just a way to group people based on what they believe. I think politicians should believe in things and vote accordingly, so you're kind of gonna end up ending up in groups there's the most of the people that argue for some kind of broader independent movement dependent party are people who want a Democrat, party with a new name that isn't getting attacked by republicans yeah yeah forward. Are they want? They, like you know, there's there every always saying they want a centre left political system. They just don't like that. It's democrats doing politics to actually make that happen. There should be no labels, no liberals, Sarah three and a half anymore santa through naff, okay, I buy an item signalled made of the same. Ok. Well, now we're coming to a fork in the road where, instead of going to a third take ahead of you are forty
some of them are normal creators. Some of them are just fun topics that we thought would to talk about naso, I think, will do well on tik tok every time. The first path will lead you to undertake slash credit hamburg. The next patter of worldly judy lass on in the film. Ah, the next path will lead you to height, like how tall you are, and the fao no path will lead you to southwest airlines and PETE buddha judged which pay would you I've? I've been familiar with all four examples of all four of them takes I have not. I am not. I am, I have avoided glass, onion news, because I still need to watch and I haven't even the crown. Yes I'd like to skip that worker, ok woven I'll just say I saw, and then I did read the bench appear, a thread on it why? Oh, my god and we need a more please we can talk about a lightning thank wasn't failures. I'm sure! That's! I knew if court you kid.
You're resisting a been shapiro, take come on. That's not even that's not possible a martini since Monday save, ok so that when I was at so the shorting is was surges without one are bad, but that interesting about, as it is a good time to be short. Yes, I will have. I agree I will say southwest- is tempting list Doubtless, ok of that kind of been want to know what you're. Never your do. You know what there's no rules, we're doing we're doing southwest emerging gretta number of village the eyes out last year to another s, versing scroll down, so this is a peace from fox news. Dot com titled is pete buddha judges, political future, grounded forever after south west holiday travel disaster. That's good! That's good! This p is about the disastrous melt down that south west airlines had over the holidays? Who, when the suppressed hand, have resulted in a huge mounted the ways and cancel flights?
and naturally the implications for transportation. Secretary P, buddha judge here is a quote for almost every democrat and sadly too many publicans. The federal government is the immediate scapegoat of every problem under the sun, even in the private sector gone days of free markets and letting consumers punished southwest by choosing, airlines for a democratic party soon in search of its next leader christmas. Twenty twenty two could be a make or break moment for one of the potential contenders I don't know if you guys are gonna get us through this author would. What is this argument? What they're saying that that they shouldn't blame pete budaj as well as his cause. Agra thought me too that they're saying that we shouldn't depend on the government to do anything about the airlines. Looking up
should just just put our money when with what why I guess her saying that, because democrats are responsible for why the government is so involved in the airlines, therefore, the Democrats are responsible for what happens when the airlines veil, regardless no people to judge, will now pay a permanent political price for a weakened of weather, related southwest issues even know there is a real issue in which four years for many years. I have nothing to do with p buddha judge. We ve too many airline murders and we allowed the airlines to get away with murder. We did deregulation. Ah and, as a result, these airlines can now run their running their running, much fuller, flat it's with much fewer. I I I I have backups or rooms for problems they they cancel with impunity. The mystery passengers with him indeed like. There is a big problem here, but it's really really hard to blow to eat buddha judge or to the point of whatever this was. Ah, we can't just have consumers punish the airlines or vote with their wallets here, because they are
I have that much choice, because it's because, because of all the murders, the murders that that we should never have been allowed to go through that reduced competition and and put people at the at the whims of these harmless giant, airline is not a competitive market. If I'm going to get in a tin. Can that goes to thirty thousand feel like the government to be involved in the regulation that the government or elon generally people that have interest in direct gabon and I'm in a I'm saying three politicos for that that that gets three cm go down to two cars I just think was so poorly. Are I don't it didn't make sense to you know ago three, because it didn't make sense to me. I've discussed his thing. Is that pizza most intense crit? ism came from the left. Ah, so they can like a fact. It may be a primary here that there are certainly some people, some of the money he has. Some of the burning the world from the primary were far more focused on. You know airlines, specific issues during that time here than they might other,
I have been. There have been a lot of people on fox news that like went after pete for this like, oh, so you want the government to step in and more heavily regulate and control the airlines. Fine! Let's do that great good. Yes,. Should we go to the gothenburg entertain out of failure of the greater? Is the grand fanelli here all right, so this requires some set up. Because I know a lot of people here are less online than we are over. The break in internet shocked, jog, massaging the same andrew tape send a tweet mocking climate activists, gerda thunderbird. He I agree that he has a lot of gas guzzling cars and yas for regret his emails. We could give her more information. She replied quote: send it to small dick energy. I'd get a life dot. Come home replies, I worried and tiger firewalls. Imagine you just? U turn a trawl, a teen and you get absolutely bodied great odds. Make history where's crazier undertake was shortly thereafter.
ass data for human trafficking in romania has with me so far Do you want to comment on the story generally before we get to the actual? Take here notes extremely bad human being. I would and yes, I think he's like a really. He probably will do some time, as the I was gonna say, as the human trafficking charge shows he is a despicable. I also will just say that, like this is one of the people that elon wanted to have that platform back yard or somebody that he that elon felt was needed in discourse and granted him His eye is a sanctuary. Yes, I wrote in the beginning of the paragraph before the ad and in hindsight I should have described him at the top as a convicted human trafficker or you know, arrested for human trafficking arm anyway. Here's one of the most vile taste to arise from this answered, and if you are familiar with entertain again he's an extreme and rate, I confess massage earnest quote. The undertaking of the world would not exist.
If men word demoralized, degraded and confused about what masculinity is and isn't thanks feminists for their, we shall show you create Why were discussed every girl? That's the fort, that's the full playbook. I know it's like the guy with the us, like the wrong scale, further harm in that its thea I wish you d. I took my extremely disgusting position because you made me I'm always the victim. Right. I did not. I do not choose this. This horrific lifestyle myself This is not yet. This is the you drove me to I drove me. Would you drove me to add that you see this with? Like that? You know the answer. Sullivan's of the world said this is what's driven people to the right, it's because it what the left is doing partaken to just such a disgusting.
extreme, ah where's, that from yeah who did it? Who did it? I it's not just a random guy. It's kind of a random guy he's has a sub stack. He refers to himself as a non woke poet, which is just like a huge I am magazines young, tens about out himself got it now. well at nine o clock, in it. The taliban I expressed our concern, about how Andrea penetrated so it's a real israel whose who's the falcon worst human beings on earth. Chiming did of twitter spaces ran out there is a whole thing that the the agitate video that he posted in which he goes after gretta, is what, the romanian authorities to him. That's not true, lately, bail that wasn't true was not. People do not want to be sure. It wasn't just wanna make sense when they said it like. Why would they what? Why would they wait for the pizza boxes because the once, we get. What did we ever whence? I saw people saying that does it, but that doesn't make any sense.
yeah, I mean it was wine twitter account just sort of stated it. As fact in news you good and range of actual outlets, it up without yeah. Doing in london I taking, if use twenty entered it social media feeds. You saw him post a series of videos and messages before that there are Look him! He back in romania, so it was not and then and then his people were correcting it. Then there is a group you believe like. Why are you d adding Andrew tate, it's like what no it's just saying that this is the real story is why this is why this is what the whole thing about. Ernie's, why I was not on twitter and why I was focused entirely on building a magnificent austerity based bleed build in elden ring, oh, my goodness off any of that. I dunno I mean he's alive, japanese one of my larval tears in one respect, all my might seem I put some. I think another thing I would have put some of my points towards I'm gonna. Do an intelligence expelled, huh did you when you complete again, I know.
I want to respect before I get into the fight, I'm in the land of the giants. We just lost, and I really want to. I really want to respect my character and I want to have some sorceries going so I little bit more range battle cause been just all deck, seven dump. In all my points into dex love just lost the third through time ballot and arm, and I'm still look. for some of the talisman that help you with the bleed built, don't have if you're still listening. That's our show for today, but I've been Using a gangster Elijah. I used the towers banks, you're governments, our inability to my oarsmen load. So I will use a heavy armor, but with a medium role, John of democracy and Ivan She just using the hookahs, just a girl who cause this just in this just in camera, currently set to lose. The I vote for more republicans defect to georgia. That's not good! See that that's that's the! That's the writing is the writing is beginning to be written now that got us off elden ring and now we're out by everyone
pod save america is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martinez, our senior producer Andy gardner Bernstein. Our producers are here, use in bolivia, Martinez its mixed in edited by andrew chadwick. Kyle when in charlotte, Linda sound engineered the shell, thanks to helsinki ferrari, schwartz sandy gerard anti taft adjusting how for production support into our digital team illogical. Phoebe bradford. My look him and Amelia monday. Our episodes are uploaded as videos at youtube dot com such powers. Save America.
Transcript generated on 2023-05-13.