« Pod Save America

Is Trump Losing a Step?

2023-11-02 | 🔗

Donald Trump's dominance in the early states finally has his Republican rivals and the press pointing out that he's no spring chicken. Meanwhile, MAGA Mike Johnson is embracing his nickname during his first week as Speaker. Plus, George Santos lives to lie another day and RFK Jr. is taking more support from Trump in two new polls.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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in the early states whose republican rivals in the press are finally starting to point out that the old man is lost to step in our f K, junior is taking more support from trump into new poles, but first Madam, I Johnson is living up to the nickname in his first. We got the job dan, even though, There is a bipartisan majority in congress to fund the government. He has decided to start with a bill that would fund Fourteen billion dollars and aid to israel by making it easier for the richest americans to cheat on their taxes which doesn't really fun the aid at all, Putting the irs budget will add another twelve point. Five billion
dollars to the deficit. Johnson, then reportedly told centre. Republicans that is open to a separate bill that would provide some support for ukraine, though not as much as president Biden wants, and only if its paired with beefed up border security. He also wants to blow up the bipartisan budget deal that Biden agreed to with Kevin mccarthy by demanding deeper cuts, which democrats will never go for, which means there may be a government shut down in our future fun. So then, it seems like we're right back to where we were when Mccarthy had the job. Only with the speaker, who cares even less about passing anything in even more about keeping the maghreb base. Happy sure enough how publicans had their best week of online fun. Raising of the cycle since Johnson was elected last week was at last week. I can't even remember what you read out all this dan.
I think we knew that whom ever the republicans picked was gonna, be an unserious, cynical mega ass. I got just that's a job requirement, and the only question was wish answer. Cynical, mag asked where they can agree on, and they pick my johnson do, It's worth under exactly. What he's doing is really to realise. Just how cynical and serious is obviously should stipulate he was never going to pass, binds hundred and six billion dollar operations. Quest, azra right is republican? That's not does what happens in about a government has a right to change it. Also stipulate that his own politics both in the country and in the republican carcass meant he could not pass israel aid in ukraine, aid together and so I was gonna separate that out, so we had a few At that point, one would be. To just pass the fourteen billion dollars with no cuts. no writers just pass it, as is he supports? What's in it? would be consistent with How these things are usually hand. These emergency aid requests are handle, that's how they might Johnson's only voted.
And when he was well now troubles president's how covered packages were handled. It's how the trump tax cut. This agenda, which is how we know that my johnson doesn't really care about cuts. So what you add cuts. Your choice could be like you, ve decided on principle, which we know he doesn't. We believe it is principle we are going. We feel like the deficit is too high. We should pay for this. democrats held that position when it came to bushes caught requests of funding for the iraq and afghanistan. Worse, Well, if that is your actual position, which you can say, as I'm gonna find, fourteen billion dollars largely inoffensive. Bipartisan cuts, raising customs fees, finding unused money here, fraud, waste and abuse all the sort of budget money. That's gimmicks gimmicks really, but That's the way to do it that allows you to have cuts in also have a bill that can pass thousands and it did he do that. No, he picked fourteen billion dollars and funny, President Biden, signature legislative agenda here
and to do so in a way that true to try and very specifically splinter the Democrats and make this a very, very tough from which he knows will do too It's dead on arrival in the senate, the president will sign it and it means now that it's going to take longer to get the aid to Israel. So he'd pick the absolute most cynical strategy possible and it's even dumb, because the cuts he picked actually don't reduce the deficit and still now, even because we know that collecting more taxes from rich people raises money doesn't lose money. He failed on all of his tests. Is it just is utterly ridiculous when approached us also Democrats have a choice. They are going to have to either vote for bill that adds to the deficit by making life easier for rich tax, cheats or
vote against a bill that helps Israel. If I were advising a Democrat in a competitive district, I would tell them to vote against the bill, and then I would run an ad saying that republicans tried to exploit the crisis in the middle east as a way to help their rich friends cheat on their taxes. But what would you do? I think that is the exact right message that Democrats are abusing about this. I think protein he came. Drivers will take care is to keep the number of democratic votes down much as possible. give some room to these members of congress in very tough districts, you're gonna under some pressure to vote. Ultimately, I think they see it gets voting for this are not voting for this are gonna matter close to zero by november its legs. Thousand votes now or that we also know the facts? If you will not not huge part of republican message, so whether you vote, if you vote for it as articles and they're gonna say why Is that attack off the table will do something else, but if
I can see that perspective where a small handful of people in very tough districts get a pass to vote for it and it does it really affect the over I welcome because we're just this is all just a dumb dance, its wasting time in the anchors this bills not becoming law. You think that the Democrats and tough districts be scared of an ad. That said, you voted against a bill for Israel, even though they could also run an ad saying that this was just a a way to get to help rich people. My general experience is that democrats in tough districts are scared of their shadow. Yeah. So are they right to be scared of it? Probably but I imagine there also under some pressure, the politics of very tricky and intense right now. It's my just understand. I have no doubt that there is a handful of Democrats were coming to a keen jefferson saying: can we please get a passive up for this, because I have I'm taking on so much water in so many ways, because I'm in a trump district or it's incredibly purple district and politics, don't feel great for Democrat right now. I don't want,
one more brick on the load and ice imagined that there were some people who will give that pasto. There has been growing opposition to more support for ukraine, among republicans in congress and the public and now Johnson's, basically saying it'll only go through if congress also agrees on border security. That seems highly unlikely. What what do you think and easier resolution here now I kissed his is really really hard in there is the coalition in the Senate lead in part by miss mcconnell, to ensure that he can work in a bipartisan way with president Biden incentive Democrats to force the house to pass you credit, that's why he has to date supported keeping ukraine in Israel aid together, but he is under from all the reporting. I've read tremendous power, within his own caucus to back down from that and
He just we are really in a situation where there is pretty irreconcilable differences between what republicans would want and what Democrats can agree to and combined with there being very correct sums in the belief that if we do not get more, aid to ukraine is going to be a huge win for putin and put their in ukraine sovereignty at risk. I mean I could see Democrats probably going for a little less ukraine, aid than Biden ass for and some extra money for border security, but it doesn't seem like that's what republicans why It seems like grim somerville, because one no aid for ukraine, someone a lot less and then on the border. It doesn't seem like they're just going to be happy with more funding for border security. They want policy changes that are going to restrict immigration, which I don't think credible, gopher, there's already eleven billion dollars for beefed up border security funding in the bill by now where they ve already said no to that gives them press are open because we actually need more funding to manage what's happening down their base. What we know of one week, amalgam like they're, going to speak,
we demand policies. They know splinter democrats now because their good policymakers actually support him in his about trying to drive a wedge in the democratic coalition. Falada lot lotta shit, sandwiches coming down the pipe. The officer thrill should say much more dissatisfied Ok, well, the house did accomplish something. This week they voted against the motion by several new york, republicans to expel george santos by a kind of two thirds into one. Seventy, nine, with twenty four republicans voting to expel and thirty one democrats voting not to expel. The house also voted against marjorie taylor greens motion to censure rashid to leave for speaking at a pro palestinian rally at the capitol all the Democrats, plus twenty three republicans voted against. The motion to censure marge was not happy She said the republicans who voted against censure were rhinos who have joined the Hamas caucus. She's just lovely one colleague, one republican
colleague called her a very charming lady. It was a river, a lot of sarcasm there in case you couldn't tell I love it when you call her marge, Marge, schott large march two questions. Why do you think those Democrats voted against expelling santos and why do you think those twenty three republicans to save to leap from that stupid censure. Remember how our old boss, Barack Obama, used to say Democrats are born with responsibility, gene even in moments of maximum put opportunity. We feel the need to do the right thing. Most of these are precisely so we went looked for katy porter, who voted in this primary with two other democrats shift and Barbara Lee who voted to expel and she voted against Her argument was that he is deserving of due process. There's an ethics committee investigation and that should conclude before you take up expulsion, which is a very There is very serious, well thought out position that will frankly, probably get lost in this media environment.
You know I read them. I do not see katy statement, I saw jamie rascal statement and he said he also voted against expelling. He said: I'm a constitution guy the has still five people three for joining the confederacy as traitors to the union in two after they were convicted of criminal offences. Santos has not yet been committed, nor has he been found guilty of ethics offences in the house, bad president. He said I can also think of. Like four five has democrats, the Republicans republicans like to expel without a conviction- and I just don't want to go down that road. I have to say like reading that statement, I am somewhat persuaded delegation it is. It is a dangerous thing to start expelling people from congress with forget, or even about obviously no conviction, but also like no internal process from the house ethics committee that found anything it's like. We can all wait for this, and even if you want to go pure politics,
it does seem like a no one's too scared about running against george santos in a twenty twenty four, and it seems like some of these new york house, republicans put forward the motion to expel him because they're nervous about the politics and the longer george santos, in congress. Embarrassing them the worse. It is for them in the worse. The politics are, so I'm not even convinced that it's like the best politics to get him out of congress right now now think that right. The point of this resolution put forward by the republicans, was so that they know that this is gonna, be a huge issue in new york in twenty twenty four Most of them are a district said Joe Biden, one in twenty twenty, and they are deathly afraid having toward santos, be a huge political platform. So it's not jack was here. As I agree with you, I swear. I am broadly pursuit. It by the idea that, on all these things, censure, explicable, Their committees expel him from congress.
We have reached a level of ridiculous ness, the in an unserious this that does not fit with the historical precedent that you want and what sort of an attack for tat. Can democrats unilaterally disarm in this process now, but merits, I think what ruskin importer another said was correct and look you can say I'm sure some people are thinking wall, you known vague. They would do that to us. You really think that republicans would vote not to accept, well when a situation like that, like yeah, maybe who knows what they will do. I do know that twenty three republicans found it within themselves, not to censure rashid, had to leave when they could have easily done that, and so there's some that have a responsibility genes somewhere left in there by their parties. But I also think that, like, if we're going to be the party about democracy and rule of law, then we should
I wait till someone's convicted to expel them or, at the very least, is found guilty within a house ethics process because, like I think, George Santos is a fucking joke, I think it's very likely he could be found guilty. There's a lot of charges lot of evidence, but again like we can't. We can't adjudicate things through the press in social media and just our feelings about it, like you actually do need a process before you start kickin people at a congress. I cast where we all came to argue that george ando should stay in congress. That's that's it! That's like this. One thing you get from this package today is the george Santos. It's like that you two title. I just want you to see that clip on live. Ok, we're right back with more news, but before we go to break a few quick housekeeping notes, some pretty cool news this weekend were headed to chicago to interview, are old boss, bra obama on the fifteen year anniversary of his two thousand. Election filled in
If there was fifteen years ago, I now I'm staying I'm staying across the street from the old campaign. If you add I walk and slower demonstrates these days had thereafter, this we'll be chatting with the former president about what's at stake and twenty twenty four, how to strengthen our democracy in which of us, he still thinks but I did, I dunno that until just now for hope, it's a mere instagram tik tok and the platform, formerly known twitter for live updates from our interview and catch. The full conversation on next tuesdays pod also positive erica tickets for our november tenth show in new orleans are still on sale in come out and see us live many people are calling us the mardi gras of political podcast recordings. What is scum from here's? The good news we'll be joined by TIM miller or pal tim Miller, guess devonte and more who knows, be Dan will first, some bt sets it tickets.
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With just seventy four days to go until the iowa caucuses, the des moines register poll just the very best in the business, maybe the most accurate poll in the entire country shows trump at forty three percent de santis at sixteen percent haley, also at sixteen percent tim Scott at seven percent and christie and vivek at four percent and a cnn's poll of south carolina shows trump at fifty three percent hoof haley is at twenty. Two percent de santis is at eleven percent and love it sky tim Scott, with only six sent in his home state. He is the senator himself carolina and he is pulling six percent after a lot of money spent jaime. I D, especially in his state six percent for TIM Scott, not dropping out, tells us that he guarantees he's gonna, get.
one at one or two of in iowa, which is fuckin hilarious, so the race for second could get pretty heated at the debate next week with an end, Nicky Hayley just gave us a preview of what might look like when she did an interview with the charlemagne on the daily show this week. Let's listen to the cliff are you wearing higher healed and ron santa's next week at the debate, so you can look taller than him on the stage I don't know. Why have? They will have to figure that out? I can tell you. I've always talked about my high heels. I've. Never ain't no head that for many body have always said: don't wear em if you can't run and I'm so we'll see if you can run on em, does the whole thing now, then the diseases is wearing lifts in his shoes. There's like articles about this now don juniors haven't some fun with it. He's been havin some fun with it for a while. This is what this is. What ronnie D is dealing with, and you know it
I'm enjoyment. I also think that Nicky hayley not suggests give her some advice, which you have just said. I don't need to on taller than him and bare feet. Good line now galina gaily, I we know she's a listener, big fan, I fear, if you're listening before the debate next week, there's the dangerous gave you the light. So I during our last show. We played a little fantasy politics and ice it's got a scenario where everyone, but Nicky Hayley drops out, so she can run against trump and a one on one race based on these poles. How do you think that would go well not great, has what I would say a couple. let's start with the iowa poll. So in the iowa poll sixty. One percent of trumps voters said I've made up their minds, are not changing, and that is an.
presidentially large number, Steve cranach. He pointed out that the last candidate to have a lot of a significant lead in nowhere near as big a lead as trump in a republican primary, was george w bush in two thousand, and he generally We had twenty to thirty percent of his boat was fully committed, so trump has a locked in electric they asked about enthusiasm to eighty. Seven percent of his voters are, either extremely enthusiastic, forty seven percent or very enthusiastic forty percent. That is wild and here he's quite popular among them. Half megabits I caught the the base named after his campaign message. Yeah. They probably had the truth that he and the other thing that is notable in there is of Scientists is lobbying. Sixty percent of voters, forty one percent of them have trump as their second choice.
So if RON Desantis were to drop out, those votes don't accrue to haley, a portion of them are created trump, which actually put him over fifty in that state. To me, that's what it tells the story of the entire republican primary and twenty twenty four, which is that ron Desantis is the only candidate who can draw from the maga base like. If you look at who haley's supporters are. They tend to be independent college educated like just sort of the I don't want to say anti trump, but people who are willing to look beyond trump right people who either art favourable towards trump or who were like looking around for another alternative, like that's haley's, that's whose haley's consolidating, but that part
Publican party is not nearly enough to win the only candidate who can draw from brought the mega base and the group of people. The haley's strong from the anti trumpery is rhonda. Santas sure enough to scientists in this domain, registrar Paul, is viewed more favourably than any other candidate, including trop, says the other thing for all that we make went around us answers for and as bad as a campaign he's run. Republican vote. In iowa, actually like him, they just like donald trump more. They just want donald trump, and it's it's like it's weird that it's nothing, it's, nothing necessarily against dissenters. They love them. Some. we'll trump and that's the fuckin story. This primary. I think the analysis of the primary that all of us have brought to bear has sort of two
Initial and fundamental mistakes in how we understood that have sort of been fruit from a poison tree to everything else. One is this idea that this is a battle between the magyar wing and the non nag. Owing that's not a thing. It is that it is almost entirely a magazine, and it is a battle for who can consolidate parts of that nag one. There is not a day like twenty five percent of the republican electorate is probably not yet what that means. three of every four republican voters is, is yet believes in the treads value of the world than because there's always that in every primary, but it We came into his head. He was a little closer to fifty fifty, which meant that someone had a real chance and the second mistake. as we treated donald trump like a present like a new presidential candidate, like he wasn't twenty sixteen as opposed to who is Essentially, the incumbent president for these people. So much of it I'm, a precedent that many of them think he should be president right now, because he didn't loose and sign the fund.
Mental problems and some still think he is, and then the other challenge here is that people like us have been pushing and pushing and pushing this idea that why don't these guys run on electability message like why? Don't they drag the one that went to shit when Joe? Paul numbers went to shit that so that problem, one right republican, probably voters, believe donald trump is the most likely to win. But in this, impulses very interesting question which they ask: what is the most important quality it you want in your presidency. mandate and the number one choice. Why, by forty one percent of voters was someone who. It's for conservative values, even when their unpopular, way down. The list at sixty percent is someone who can reach voters outside of the republican party yeah, I will say that if, in an altar universe. If Biden was really strong in the polls- and you were just seeing pull after pole whereby was beating trump by like five points-
six points by rhonda, santa's or Nicky hilly was tied with Biden. I think those electability numbers would go up like more republicans. Would care bottleneck debility because they would be so worried to lose to Joe Biden, but they and had to make that choice. The end is in. Would they actually see that information more? That's the other brighton is that they were shocked that Joe Biden won because they weren't consuming all of the polls that we were that showed that they were incorrect, and so maybe these people were correct and we were wrong but throughout the entire general action, twenty even dating back to the permanent, all every single pull the entire. Your time everything a high political show, Joe Biden, winning by a lot in many cases, and that has never penetrated into the republic in media, that's the other others. I just want to say this is a low likelihood scenario very likelihood scenario. It seems impossible that someone other than maybe TIM scott, who is declared it is going to win high or other than donald trump. The question would be: could Hayley win in new Hampshire
New Hampshire is a very bizarre electorate. It is an open primary, primarily independence there is no real democratic primary happening on the same day and in a scenario where, where that, if that were to happen, I'm talking like a one percent or less langwidere Then you had to south carolina which is her home in, could that the thing we don't know, because we ve never really seen is donald trump, taking a loss a significant loss in republican primary and how that would affect things, and so that would be the all in the only possible shot ever and require a lot of things. Donald trump doubt pressure by ms strengthen donald trump than we can probably require rhonda scientists to strengthen among maggie voters, to take some people from trump, but not healy and have here. We have some sort of massive, incredibly lucky, highly unlikely surge with independent vote That is a good evening. It would require dissent is to stay and after coming in second or third after me, a thing word: paley is gaining either
Anti numbers go up because he's taking some from trump or his number stay, the same of the composition of his fifteen percent changes. It's more of those two of those people who are trump for trump voters who dissent as scissors. Choice, change into the sand us and then Hayley taking some of that. Some of them, the college educated more independently, nay, more moderate voters at our little that are or over represented in new Hampshire than in the other primary states, and I guess, If your hayley or dissenters, you really run on alike, Billy big does the inevitability of trump is puncture by losing him And then you had to south carolina- and you say you know he just lost in new Hampshire and look at all these legal troubles and blah blah blah, and we all love donald trump and he's just a he's. It's too much of a risk and look how strong nikki haley as new Hampshire and then she puts out some poll saying she could beat Joe Biden and then she's off to the races. Although I still think at that point, that's that south carolina,
trumpet and fifty three and hayley at twenty two now we know from experience that numbers in south carolina can move quite a bit after what happen and I wanna Hampshire can would like a lot. I happened to break obama. I Hillary Clinton, in by a lot in south carolina up until we want I want, and then she wasn't so bad change, but that is a big gap that having I cannot say, mrs likely problem well possible maybe pass slightly, maybe in some strange role possible. But that's the scenario there were taken and there were. There are a million variables that have to go right for that to happen, but I think it's new Hampshire has is the key. If donald ones, I wonder Hampshire, it's over, the pod save america is brought you by rocket money. So we've used rocha money when it was called something else. I don't remember it was called anyway it's great because if you have a bunch of subscriptions that
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to finally starting to pay attention. Here's the new york times quote big story. In the times this week, MR trump has had a string of unforeseen Ass garbo and general disjointed nets that go beyond his usual discursive nature, and that is publican rivals are pointing to as signs of his declining performance story. Also includes a quote from Rhonda. Santas quote: this is a different donald trump lost the zip on his fastball in twenty sixteen, he was free, willing, he's out there barnstorming the country. Now it's just a different guy and it's sad to see what could run possibly be talking about. You ask Well. Here's some greatest hits from just the last month have weapon eyes: law enforcement to arrest their leading political opponents, leading by a lot, including obama, was teamwork. You take a look at obama and take a look at some of the things that he's done and we did with obama. We wanted, action that everyone said couldn't be won the war males? Are their driving
the whales, I think, a little body voters, Europe don't worry about voting. Devoting we get plenty of answers. You gotta watch, victor or did anyone of urban areas is the leader of turkey. For you, spell us right these fellows? U s return! christmas? I remember the ensures were they refuse to use the word chris christmas being allowed to a place where we ve done very well. Sioux falls. Thank you very much evolves so soon, civic, let me ask you: is immense protective tear? What what are you doing? The terrorism, hezbollah and home adjusted closure
we have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst precedent in the history of our country, who is cognitive, Lee impair in no condition to leave. We would we rightly while that's good stuff homeless, indication that republican primary voters will suddenly think that donald trump is losing it run into the arms of mickey hayley around dissenters. Can you lose a step if you never had one yes, like what was his fast by well that, like never got him again above, like forty seven percent in the in the national popular equity talkin about, I think stuff is all feature not bugged from voters and then once again, for the people too actually see this summons
to show it to him, and we know fox news is not doing super cuts of donald trumps worst many for them to say without showing up on radio mean fear we this or someone else could run adds showing the stuff I can imagine they actually do that, but most people who do not record podcast for living do not once watch trumps rally from beginning to end on one point: seven five speed on youtube: I'm not saying you do so you don't have to and when he did- and I promise you this is one of the real problems with in the ways in which the present, if you had a cover tromp, is that local news, tends to sanitize trump. They pig is more coast, Or at moments are trying to tell a story about what he actually said: Anne can't do that with like him, calling him hamas and abiding staff they those veto, donald I came to town today and he called for X, Y and z, and then they'll play clips that support x, Y and z, as opposed to the worst stuff. Republicans have a media apparatus that will take the worst moments of Joe Biden in show.
to all of their voters and then pump that content through social media in front of people who aren't just their voters. Democrats don't have that brad us at least to strictly does not have it. Edison way they would reach republican voters who would otherwise considered santos are highly except, of course, all the republican voters was an impulsive america who just heard that wonderful compilation? Yes extra. That's your info We should put that online so that our friends can share with the republican yeah uncles and does great well and speaking that the Biden campaign has been doing this. They ve been having some fun tweeting out. All these clips there's a thereby hers. Each q twitter account that is its awesome. Ahmed Arabas john sauce, three other larry. I live on the rapporteur. Maybe they too, maybe they skate, I don't know, but it ass. Well, anyway, they ve been treating these out from obviously presents a lot of targets. We talked about this scary demagogue. Criminal defendant, congenital liar. What do you think of that? easy old guy strategy. I think this is more tactic and strategy
I don't think this is a silly how Biden is going to run against trump, but I think they are trying to solve a specific problem, which is the media coverage of is centred around this narrative that his biggest political weaknesses, his age and so every time Joe Biden who- in dealing with a lifelong stutter, says something the wrong way or, trips on a sandbag or anything of that. That is then used as a massive political gaffe that could cause him to lose the election, and so it's all framed through that, while Here, don't drop, who don't get me wrong? Has own serious problems, separate apart from the crazy things he says, since of all the time, but it's never put in that same framework, and there is this really what I know this. Frustration among by needs that fight and trumpet basically the same age, but it's all about Joe Biden being the oldest present, not defective donald trump. And he will also be the oldest president american history right Secondly, there is an american history.
So there it is trying to change the matrix by which the press is covering. race, to focus a little more on donald trump, suffocating. If I were the right thing to do in plus, if even more Joe Biden's campaign for the last seven months or so since he announced you deserve some fun and an easy seven months. This is fine. Let's get you the day! I fully support it, so I think there's some nuance. To the trumpets, crazy old guy argument, which is like I dont think, and I agree with you that you don't the thoroughly went a battle between Joe Biden and donald trump they like I'm, not old, he's old or he's just as old as me, or you think I've lost a step nearer he's lost like I don't know, that's the field they want playing on anything like, like you said of the tactic. I do think that reminding everyone what a fuckin clown donald trump is is actually effective. I think that's
authoritarian leaders fascist throughout history, they they do not like to be made fun of they do not like to be marked. Donald trump does not like to be marked, and I think we need to get back to like he. Is an extremely scary, demagogic, great at that we send a million times you get taken seriously. I'm literally, we ve all seen an action for four years that you too are seriously and literally I am literally yeah we all. It's a you know he he tried to overturn the election incited insurrection. All of that for sure second term would be fucking terrifying, but he's a clown and I think for a of american. They don't want to be embarrassed by their president. They don't want to elect a clown as president. They don't want to have someone who likes says crazy, shit, all the time we even among republican voters, the only sort of crack in the in the armor. There is when they say, oh well, I don't like his tweets and I wish he would I don't like his behavior. I wish he would you know, and so that is Donald trump's weakness, and I think
getting that out there more reminding people of that. More is going to be important and I think that's slightly different than saying he's lost a step, but it is, it does require us to like make sure that people are consuming content where trump is acting as crazy, as he always has I think that's right there, but I am specifically referring to is a serious attack that campaigns often due to try to affect the way the media tells the narrative of the right, and that's what that's? What we do here, that's why this is framed through the cognitive decline right, which is how the the headline of I'm sorry that was surprisingly great was about how this was going. Donald trump says: a lot of hats has a lot of misstatements and gaps that make it harder for him to run against Joe Biden as someone to old or going to khartoum to counter whenever the republic messages, I think the way to think about the crazy trump moments To make him seem week is too much of that
Darling drop is running on a classic straw, man strategy and too much of our messaging reinforces that element of him, his authority, he's and overturn the election that all makes him seem powerful. In fact, in some ways the indictments have made him see more powerful, not so much He marched out of a court ruminant orange from suit nazi making about, but the fact that You know the narrative that all these government agencies, the deep state everyone is coming after him is may, he has turned into, and evidence of his strength are messaging needs to be about evidence of his weakness and that's what I think, somebody's the moments that are currently being put through the sky. We have declined framework can be used for right. Is that this guy? He is a clear well, he is not serious, you can't. You can't be strong if you're a joke is the
warrant thing here and I and like just colin, I mean like we have to show his weakness. You know and not tell people he's weak cause. People aren't gonna, be primed to think he's weak. But if he's a joke, if he's marketable, if everyone's laughing at him, no one's really afraid of him. That's not scary! That's not strong! He wants us to be afraid of him. He wants to seem like powerful and strong, and I do think mocking him is going to help fix that a little, but do remember the ad the Biden campaign ran in early two thousand and twenty with the footage of all the world leaders laughing about trump from some sort the g, twenty or something like that and people, we either give you a lot of. I said that this was a great added, a lotta people like no one cares about foreign policy. People hate other countries. It's like! No, the point here is he's a joke. Yet in a joke cannot be a strong man who can protect you from chaos in the world. That is right. That is right,
I also ask you about a few new general election pull a fund that that tested and third party candidates particularly are of key junior. So the new quinnapin Paul has the race Biden, forty seven trump forty six, but when they add an hour of kid junior, the races Biden, thirty, nine trump, thirty six hour of K, twenty two and when they adding Coronel west its biden. Thirty six trump. Thirty five hour of kid: junior nineteen cornell west side, there is also a noose us we're gonna, pull that shows are of key junior hurting trump and a three way race, which Biden does when so similar to the canopy at Paul. What do you make? Those poles? Are you more convinced that our kid junior will hurt trump more than Biden, or is it still way too early to tell have a lotta thoughts on the strong yeah so sort of surprise. With, as it wasn't in the online, but I was too, but I do really. I do read it when you said the script back, so I was a parent. I appreciate it
I'm not your co host. You surprised by the questions hook. It's so I, spoiler. It's not. I still too early to tell for a couple reasons: one it's gonna to little bit r k junior runs campaign is eagerness. his time and money at attacking Biden trained to appeal to disenchanted democrats or is he going to go after both of them or go after and try to get some sort of the disaffected public in some of the trumpet independence who did have not do not vote for a whole against other than tromp try to get them. Just because that there's a dynamic of two on one and advertising, and I think, if tickly problematic, for by this a former democrat name Kennedy going after, but that's one to the numbers in these poles or kind of absurd. The idea that one in five americans know enough about
Robert Kennedy junior, to pick him as a presidential choices, ridiculous he's essentially representing the mystery box phenomenon right here, where, if you don't love in a and b you're gonna go see, was behind dorsey answer. sort of he sort of, I think, representing generic other in that sense, and then the most important thing of all more than any of pulse whatever they say now, whenever they say a year from now august, a year from now be pretty consequential with this six months from now, is he gets on the ballot. I was gonna, ok, ok, he does not. He does not have guaranteed bout access anywhere he's not running on the libertarian particular the green party ticket, where there are not many automatically gets on the ballot in some states he's gonna Coronel west now or incorrect, we should say, and so, if he, gets on the ballot in alaska kansas and california. It's not gonna matter. If he gets on the ballot, it has again wisconsin arizona, georgia, one of those states, or even just one of those states. It can be very consequence.
Whichever grew peter eggs from, and we should say it is not an easy thing for an independent candidate with no party libertarian green, whatever to just get on balance in these states like that is a pretty difficult process right of actual of its it takes gives it a ton of money, is very expensive and takes a lot of time. You have to there is a tremendous number of signatures. Some states have very difficult ballot accessory. Yet the signatures have to be from all of the counties or something of the counties. Then they have to be verified, it's very, very expensive and one of the problems for a few junior is his money to date throughout at him. Primary. It was me donors who thought he was hurting Biden, funding him and if they now, think he's hurting trump, which the term campaign reportedly does. So this is consistent with their appalling eisen. I don't You can find the money to do that. That's that's! That's why he turns all in part of his rating, for you to say, tat
they like him know. I know I know his. He does have some money, so I worry about that and look. I think I agree with you that twenty two percent is sort of absurd. It does give me some concern that so many voters want that third option knowing that it's not gonna, take many defections to swing the race to donald trump. Yet these pull numbers in all the third party polling and all the pulling it asks you want by tromp or someone else or not voting all speak too. Our biggest concern, which is Joe Biden, is currently not popular enough to guarantee of yeah right and we need more enthusiasm on the democratic sodomy. More of the anti mega majority in this country to come back to buffer job again and we have zero margin of error. Okay, yeah, alright! Well so before we go, I just wanna take a second to remember our friend ADI Barkan, who ah died this week from complications of Alice
thirty nine years old. So a lot of you probably heard oddy on the show trying to get people involved in the fight to make health care human right first time. We talk to him was right after he was arrested for protesting, trump's tax cut and twenty seventeen on his way home. From that event, he confronted former senator Jeff flake on a plane to a bay. him to vote against. Medicare cuts, the video went viral and then we booked oddy on the show. So he he starts off. interview by saying, hey guys. I'm pretty excited right now, and I said all will thanks, that's nice to say we're excited to have you on, and he says no man, I'm not cited about being on your podcast. I'm excited about reducing in our democracy, with thousands of my closest friends. So he then, let us ask like two questions before he completely takes over the interview in starts enteric It us about republican politics, economic policy, Barack Obama,
shortcomings and, at one point he said ok, last question: for you guys in love, it says, will now you're just fully hosting the show and ADI says too bad guys. Do man gets to do what he wants and that's who already was. He was every bit as as brave and determined and inspiring as he seemed, but he was also witty and self deprecating and darkly funny. He was walking.
And shrewd and tough. He would call you on your bullshit when you weren't doing enough or fighting as hard as you could ADI did not become an activist because of his ale ass. He was an activist, his entire life, who understood that his ale s would allow him to reach more people, organised, more people, persuade more people pressure, more politicians to do the right thing, but he did all of that with just the most big hearted, generous spirit and in what he taught me is that, in the face of pain and suffering in and even death, it's important to find joy in the struggle for equality and justice, and the reason it's important is because that struggle is is with other people and its for other people, people you love and people you we may never know, and that's I think why audience
That's struggled right up until the day that he died. He did it for his brilliant, incredible wife, rachel his two beautiful children, Carl and willow and dumb, and for all of us he was the best organizer best human and I loved him very much and because he wouldn't want it any other way. I will go ahead and we will give ADI the last word today I've come to understand the difference. This way I can do nothing to change the. My terminal illness. There is no cure for ale s right now, and there is nothing I can do to stop my rapid neurological decay to flail against it helplessly would. Cause me additional grief and suffering. So the only thing I can do, is accepted that isn't true about the health care crisis in this country or systemic racism or the climate emerge, see barreling towards our shorelines every day, resisting
those challenges, whether by marching or voting or petitioning, that's the The way to solve the most pressing problems facing our society? And that is why I am everything I can, even as paralysis, groups more of my body every day. Struggling for justice is a fruitful endeavour. I'd everyone thank you and we will talk to next week by everyone. Pod, save america is a crooked media production. Our producers are livia martinez and David Toledo. Our associate producer is fair, safari writing support from Halley keefer reach. Ireland is our executive producer. The show is mixed in it is by andrew chadwick. Jordan canter is our sound engineer, with audio support from kyle segment and charlotte landis. madeline herrings is our head of news and programming met to growth? Is our head of production? Andy TAT is our executive assistant thanks to our digital tv. The larger cone hayley Jones me a comin david tolls. Euro police and molly about subscribed
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Transcript generated on 2023-11-07.