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"Fox Trucks Canada."


Democrats need a better plan to fight inflation anxiety, Republicans get bolder about defying Donald Trump, and guest host Erin Ryan joins to talk about Fox News' Valentine’s crush on Canadian truckers.

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The presenting sponsor this episode of POD save America is simply safe. Home security. Have you ever wanted to know what's happening at home when you're, not there sure a big fan of the new wireless outdoor camera from simply safe. It lets you see, what's happening outside right from your phone and alerts you when anyone approaches see always know whose their love it has simply safe, and now he uses the new wireless outdoor camera on his phone to check what's happening because he just spies on Ronan. Basically, when romance in the yard, we're he just wants to cut Emily coming and going I'm just doing this to like I'm, hopefully getting you get love in trouble. Ok, so we'll see what we have run unless they want. A lot of either of them were sent anyway, Levitt, spying on run. It simply save as everything you need to know to keep your home safe from entry in motion. Answers to endure in outdoor cameras. It is moderate. Twenty four, seven by professionals ready to dispatch police, firefighters or empties to your home supersaver lesson one
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Much for having me, I am delighted to be here in it feels so weird to be back here like time has passed, but also has not passed. Erin, I think the last time you and I were in the studio together was when indeed, and I covered the Cavanaugh hearings. yeah, and I was on the verge of four years ago. I wasted shaking with rage me. I remember that things become great things, On today. Show Democrats need a better plan to fight inflation. Anxiety, Republicans get bolder about defying Donald Trump and Fox NEWS has a Valentine's crush on canadian truckers, but first check out this week's offline, where I talked to Youtube Hank, green about How inspires curiosity online? Why? He believes the internet can still be a force for good and what happens to candle wax when it burns
besides of offline drop every Sunday right here in the pod. Save America feed also check out the latest episode of take line to hear Jason and Renee Recap: the Superbowl new episodes of take land drop every Tuesday. Wherever you get your podcast, I must get to the news on the heels of last week's Labour Department report that inflation grew at its fastest written for DEC, it's: a new CBS says that nearly sixty percent of Americans rate the condition of the economy as bad. Despite unemployment, rising wages, mainly because the Ass majority of voters say that their rating is based on the price of food, gas and other services. President Biden was about inflation during a pre Superbowl interview with NBC Lester Holt, here's what he said, I think of it, I can July, you said Inflation is going to be temporary I think a lot Americans are wondering what your definition of timber areas well you're, being a wise guy with little bit stand at your job, but look at a time when happened was tat this
look at the reasons for the Atlantic region from inflation? Is they supply I changed were cut off, meaning that the price works, for example, automobiles, the lack of computer chips to be able to build those automobiles, so they could function. They need those computer chips. there were not available. So what happens when the number of cars were reduced? New cars reduced it made up at one point, one third: the cost of inflation, because the price of automobiles rob. So when I did when I went out and made sure we started to make those domestically got, entailed a command and provide twenty billion dollars to build on the facility. A number of organizations are doing the same kinds of things. When could Americans expect separately from this story and play Cora Nobel laureates for tuna that contact me and a number of corporate leaders? It's going to be able to start to take her off as we go through this year. Woof air? Would you think, binds answer there and how should the President Democrats be talking about decision? I wasn't.
Good answer. It wasn't a good answer at all. It sort of. I don't know when don't know when he's deploying the noir slang like a as guy over here, likewise acre yeah yeah. Hey, if any raspberries say what's the big idea when he starts like dropping out of you, know that it's not going to be really in touch with what people are going through now, but the Nobel Laureate part, was. I think that I think that He was answering it too, as though he were speaking to an insider rather than speaking to the american people, who are the who are they? and who are an alert you're. Here's. The thing, though I dont want to downplay inflation because it does affect people's lives and socks and its heart and it's one of the economic indicators that you actually feel every If your regular person, like most regular people, dont, really experience a stock market drop,
ass. They like me, Google, sad stockbrokers on those days to get pictures of them, looking really really sad on foreign exchange Marilla that's one for you just in fun. For me, it's like also you Aaron Rodgers after the Packers loss. Pictures. That's that'll sort of that sort. Famous ninety exact exactly so here. You know he deserved it anyway. Arms the thing is in It is a story, but it's not the entire story. It's only a piece of the story and what Biden missed the Maternity to do was point out the fact that economic relief was a huge part of his build back better under and that agenda was blocked by Republicans and two wacky democrats and here's it's like immediate, too. people who experience like the temporary provisions of the bill back better agenda like that. The child tax credit, for example, on the child tax credit every month, was putting money in people's.
Gets and research into what they were doing with that money showed that there are spending and on their kids, like it is They were using at exactly the way they were supposed to use at it was lifting children out of poverty was doing what was it what it was supposed to do. So I The inflation thing is not part of anybody's agenda because it something that sickly happens from time to time and you can make reactive choices to mitigate it, but eight. The real story here is that inflation is hitting people harder, because Biden wasn't able to get fell back better past, because Congress is completely dysfunctional. You love it look. He's asked a question which information is the question the framing of it doesn't matter how Lester Whole framed it doesn't matter. He starts at the time. What happened was: let's look at the reason. Two Nobel laureates. According to corporate leaders, he is it's a man on a train looking out at America, passing by
there's no on there's no agency in it. He gets a week. He tries to get. It thinks he's kind of doing tat sort of addressed it in the middle, but it's all a bit muddled, and there is a kind of I feel like clean message coming Gimme. Let's, at a time for sixty seconds, ok, I like this at a time of her sixty seconds. and I'm going to do, and I wanna be clear at my phone tat of time for sixty six and I'm gonna do I'm. I'm gonna do a sixty second inflation message: Lebanon's distillers every minute cause it was set for fifteen minutes from a covert test, but I get it and this is going to be- and I believe I believe that this brings together the alpha and Omega Offensive America, David acts or odds advice in did vapours, advice or allow eradicate. Erika start Inflation is unacceptable. We ve got giant corporations with record profits, taking advantage of this once in a century pandemic. They ve never been doing better. They see a chance to squeeze people because they ve gobbled up all their competitors, their pay, the price, and hoping we just take it so we're taken them on we're gonna manner.
actual products in Amerika, we have more jobs in american, less dependence on delicate international supply chains where one book- stuck in the canal. In Egypt, in all hell breaks loose, we're gonna fight these megamergers. They make a few weeks it is rich, will raise prices for the rest of us and we face a lot of opposition from my republican friskin tyrants point. But we passed a big really built, but more money in your pocket right now, Republicans in the Senate are stopping us from doing more to tackle higher prices to help a child here to extend the child tax credit, but I'm still fighting were beaten. The pandemic were creating jobs faster than anyone predicted. Now we have to make sure folks, don't you like they're, taking a pay cuts, because the price of gas for meat is up because you work too hard to see all your money go, not as far as the gas station of the grocery store and that's what I wake up thinking about. That's what I go to sleep thinking about, and it's no malarkey AIDS, can t go desire, I believe, like that is in the ballpark yeah, I've got something active lives at. I think that the important thing there was it is active in its. It goes to earns point as well, which is especially look this
I want to just pick only on Joe Biden here. This happens to President's this happens, to senators and and and of Congress in both parties, when you ve been in government for while and bring literally when you're in the foxhole, and you ve been criticized was of you. What you want to do is beyond the defensive Explain your way out of something always about idea, terrible your I was not to narrate what's going on in the country. Necessarily your job is to say that you're gonna fix, what's going on the country rightly say that you're gonna fight is hard. You can to fix it and normally Joe Biden, but every single democratic country needs to start thinking about every time you get a question how to draw the contrast with Republicans: here's what we're gonna! Do! Here's what they're doing or here's organ do here with their blocking like that. That's the whole in and feel people's pain will that's why you're doing it too and don't tell them like don't worry, the Nobel Laureates told me that it's gonna be fine later unequal. talk to them on your text chain, but I don't know anymore, I'm a Dutch with the Nobel laureates behind would have
I wouldn't worry debates the global or its think. It's only a couple of months, but the thing about so frustrating because, like There are actual, I think, reasonable time I'm to be even to be more like you're talking to insiders right there. There interviews that Joe Biden will give their moments at a press conference where it might make sense to give a kind of war. Insider answer. Just to give his actual perspective, let something a little bit less on message, this Super bowl, pre interview is not the place for complete your chips and here's what happened last year, it's like you get it. You understand why it's important! You feel that that you relate to the people going through the pain and here's. What we're doing a fix it like just a super simple could have
in any knows how to do that. It just was a color. I think that Democrats do better when more people are paying attention and right now I give to get a look at. The numbers of, like CNN, nobody's really paying attention, because politics is kind of back to being a little bit boring compared to you know what it was when trumpets in the White House, and everyone is afraid, every single day that something terrible was gonna happen. This was an opportunity for Biden to get people to pay attention to him and to pay attention to what he's doing. I think a lot of people just sleep walking. through this administration because their busy taken care of their own lives and it's not fireworks all the time and he missed an opportunity to I hate I some heat this, but came he missed an opportune need to go a little bit viral if he would have done what you did, he I mean maybe not talk so fast. He could have taken more than a minute because he would have had like a timer carpet.
yeah yeah you're, like a micro machines, guy cadence kind of bitter, but you know if he would have taken that opportunity to just be like I'm gonna, be grandstand and Joe and and really reach through the camera to the audience? I think it really could have been a moment for him. I think he's also, uniquely equipped to do the same. there's two different versions of buying you get their Senate Joe and in their Scranton Joe, and I think, screen Joe in up. Sometimes you can tell stories about in whatever goes on, but it's in this moment. That's actually what he needs is to talk is too like really identify with the struggles of working people in this country. I mean the New York Times did a focus group Margie, Omero, democratic pollster conducted it, and it was twelve Democrats, an independence and other asked about the state of the economy. and you know the words they use. They asked for, like one word, to talk about the economy, scared, sad, ripped off annoyed. Everyone complained about prices when they are asked about,
the federal government, they said the politicians and both parties are all talk and no action on this issue. Now, obviously, you heard this life from voters, but I think sometimes we forget that all the stuff we are talking about the insider conversation sort of MRS, that most people in this country. Most voters in this country must most democratic voters in this kind we are just thinking about like how to get by and if prices are high in and you know, their wages might have risen, but there, but most of that increases eaten away at it by inflation. That's tough in that's what you're thinking about all the time yet, and I do the people should read that that peace in the times they also. I think that there is this sort of I think, some people who spend all their debt time on twitter or we're just more steeped in politics generally. I think sometimes they underestimate and overestimate people at the same time, because It's not saying that old, Joe Biden instead dumbing down, say something similar like they're really kind of sophisticated com
decisions about what's happening. What's not how vaccine mandates could help forces? How they could hurt like theirs? really great conversation in there, but like there's. Also, there is a feeling that politicians are different. Did from their daily lives, and there is one woman Jenny in the in the in the eye, Europe. That said something that really stuck with me. She said everything feel so unpredictable. It's like ever since March. twenty twenty. I don't feel certain of anything anymore. It's economics, politics relationships, I'm single idea in the team. Even dating, is different. Now how we treat each other is different, where we prioritized these days is different and bite and became a stick out of me to bind these president of United States right now, because he was able to be the right person at the right I'm too both speak to the limitations and dangers of tromp. While also a candidate who understood intimately the nature of grief and loss and real pain, and I do think that that first principle of wide Joe Biden is president has not gone away like that contained the country is still in crisis. The country is still
reeling and whenever the the larger economic indicators, wherever the contribution of inflation might be like this is a country that is saying things feel bad both because of substantive, practical, measurable economic reasons, and also because we have been through, a trauma- and we are still inside of it- and the trauma drove us online, more which made an entire. You know group of people extremely online Fox NEWS. Viewers are the most extremely like. It is incomprehensible to me too what what the fuck the story, it's it's a meme that became a story that got responded. You and it's just so far away from reality. It because it so digital. I feel like the theatre, when we went through also was a trauma that was particularly cruel because, It made us all worse to join his point, wellbeing, mean partly by being online or being online or the tactics absurdly entreating each other like how we treat each other on shines shines a lead on our worst impulses, total levity. You meant
this in your answer and an Dan Viper had some advice on this in his latest message box, which is the democratic point out the quote, while american families are struggling to make ends meet corporations are reaping record profits. but political points out that one reason bide might not be embracing. This message is because a number of liberal economists dont believe that corporate greed is causing inflation and say they would call Democrats out if they say that everybody with Japan, but that that is a talk about an insider compensating like a holy shit. I'm I pulled up the I was I googled highest paid ceos as eyes looking for the show- and I came up with a website on the ethical ceos website like this- is a way that union's recruit. By being like we're, gonna fuckin much money. These people are made hundreds of millions of dollars to run companies. I've never heard of our age. What? our age, I don't know, but Gary Friedman is getting paid a hundred seventy million dollars to run it simply sprinkled he's not a hundred. Seventy millet nobody's a hundred seventy million dollars. Good at anything, I feel, like you know,
to borrow a Mitt Romney quote: corporations are people friend at least at the top of the corporation. That's a person who is making a fuck load of money and who is answering to shareholders instead of their employees in their cutting the the quality of life for people that work for them. In order to paths markets and in order to enrich shareholders and and that's a message that I mean look, I think I'm pretty regular, but as a regular person gets me pretty fuckin mad mode, it will as it would most people like. Look, you don't have to go out there and say ninety percent of inflation is caused by corporate greed and consolidation of that's not true. No one saying to say that. Ok, but like this, this happened a month ago. There is like a couple days where people on Twitter spent a couple days yelling at the New York Times for writing about some guy
I who complain that he was spending too much on a chip wholly burrito. An it's like you know, maybe like the guy, was a small business owner, and so he was wealthy enough that he should have been complaining about the rear who the fuck cares. But it's like Why wouldn't ages yell at your poet lay for raising prices, even though it CEO got a hundred and thirty seven percent parrys after a year of record profits like I get that you put, we can't do much about higher beef prices internationally, but like they, dont have to give raises two their executives when, charging working class customers more for food, and the only politician is a point that I was Bernie Sanders like everyone, museum of that yeah Amis Emma them easy compiled. Basically, I think, what's happened in stepping back is that inflation has been sorted as a political problem in anything in his country, sorted by the mainstream recipe. Little problem is something where you the Republicans winner, democratically, like those of the kind of two options, and so it is that it is the problem for Democrats to sort out amazing BC gathered the
serve quotes from financial executives at companies, and they said things like this. We ve been very comfortable with our ability to pass on the increases that we ve. Seen at this point. That's from Kroger are limited. and we ve been expect that to continue to be the case we're very good at his pricing that colleagues, from all of we have found ways overtime to recover that in our margin line- and that is certainly the focus right now is a business Kellogg, very, very strong performance mostly driven by price. So all of these cuts these are being very explicit when ever is going on in the market. They are passing on higher prices, whatever they are reaping the day. They are keeping their profits incredibly high by passing on how to prevent the costs onto consumers, whether or not you can point to corporate consult Nation is absolutely true that one trend we have seen over many years is that when corporations gobble up their competitors, they are able to work people on price. we take advantage of an opportunity like this, where there are is Madaras, is, is much competition. They know they blame this of supply chain. They know, there's no one else. It's gonna force them to keep their prices low. So whatever the kind of
some people are so smart. They get stupid and enslavement come on one other option. Democrats on the economy is to do more to help workers organise employees at the Amazon. Warehousing Bessemer Alabama will soon hold a second vote as to whether the form that companies first union workers at a few Starbucks locations have recently voted to unionized, there's even a push to organise Capitol Hill staffers and the White House released a plan last week that detailed several steps to facilitate union growth within the federal government and in the private sector. What do you guys think are that are democrats giving the labour movement enough attention? What else should they be doing? Other need downsides to go? No one on this issue really well. First of all, I think a Starbucks unionized they should change the name to our bucks. Just reflect. Thanks thanks for being here, man you know I was. I was part of the union drive at Gawker. Media
I remember when it first started was like Hamilton Nolan in a couple other people who worked there really worked their asses off together buddy excited about the union, but even at a place like a new media place, it was tough to get nobody on board, because the corporate line is always like. They always tell you. Oh it's better, you dont like we? Don't you already have everything you need were: aren't we generous enough Bob LAW and all Lee after a law, drawn up process. We successfully nice and since then have been a ton of digital newsrooms that have unionized in New York to the betterment of the employees at those newsrooms and when it so much better hurt to be secure enough that if something happened to your job
like there is a procedure in place that must be followed. There is a set of steps that must be taken in order for you to be, let go, and if you are, let go there's a certain amount of compensation you get it used to be that you could just kind of like get. Let go and that's it. You get like one week pay per year, the work there and its digital media. So everyone really work, therefore, like six years or whatever, but you know it's it's I like it's so much better to work at a shop that unionized. I can just say that, as someone who is in a place with that wasn't united's and then was, I think that the thing that is standing between average workplace and the union is corporate rhetoric that it's not a good idea. It's also a ton of work not I'm not trying to to downplay the value of joining the union, but is a lot of meetings. It is a lot of meetings a lot of. Long, boring meetings, a lot of meetings where you have to sit down with your boss and your boss tells you a bunch of stuff that you don't know. If it's true or not and it's it leaves a really bad taste in some people's mouths. I know Alyssa had to sit on the court,
idealism Esther Monica during the vice union negotiations. Already the whole thing made her feel real Ikey inside. So you know it it. It's an uncomfortable process But on the other side of it, it's really great compared to what it was before the politics of shifted as well like only ten percent, only ten percent of belong workers currently belong to a union, but a whopping. Sixty eight percent of Americans approve of labour unions, which is the highest measure that gallop is tested since nineteen sixty five and forty eight percent of workers, they join the union is given the opportunity, so even that Delta, between only ten percent are part of a union. Forty eight percent said they would join the union. Is you don't? I think the Democrats should be out in front of this issue more and so the by demonstrations credit it has been a mean even the vitamins.
in issuing a statement about the Bessemer organizing process was unusual for a president. To do now, we look, I think you draw, can extract direct connection with the decline of unions and the decline of power or some in their workplaces, and there I think, some those yet fed on each other. I think Republicans have for forty years. Let a concerted effort to attack unions, ah wretch work, other kinds of attacks and Billy workers to organise and as we look at ways in which corporate power as a key. waited companies have consolidated, has taken power from consumers, and is it your power away from workers and unions or where the people get that our back. Yet I think we have also seen, in recent years a lot of examples of people losing a coveted union you're having a coveted union weakened like in public sector workers in Wisconsin, for example s when Scotland, became governor, that's one of the first things he did and after working with the protection of a union for
long time and then having that weakened, like that was a loss to teachers. That was a lost. Two people were working in public sector in Wisconsin, and I think that there are just really Recent examples of people being like wait a minute I want. I want that back, so private sector workers wanting to unionized may be, is a sort of like funhouse, mere reflection of what Republicans were trying to do in states where they just kind of took the rain the democracy laugh pod save, is, you buy into GINO finding a signature, color wearing a more flattering cut or getting a new statement, peace, the right detail can take wardrobe up a notch this year. Let Indochina take care of your twenty two style at it: customize everything from suits in short to Gmos in bomber jackets, at prices more affordable than you might expect. We all know about energy. Our long time, friends, but I was just at a wedding over the weekend and of course, I warn Indochina suit.
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sitting, the New York Times Times unwashed imposed, suggest that actually trouble be losing his grip on the party, or at least some republican leaders think he is JANET And says the Mcconnell has been telling potential Senate candidates. That quote Mr Trump is losing political altitude and need not be feared and a primary. As the Senate leaders lieutenant share pulling data, they argue proves it and Michael Sheer and Josh Ass at the post say the quote. The former presidents power within the party, in his continued focus on personal grievances, is increasingly question behind closed doors, republican gatherings. According the interviews with more than a dozen prominent Republicans in Washington and across the country, including some Trump advisers. What do you guys think who went? Who wants to make the case that this is wishful thinking on the part of old Crow and his pals trumps power is waning. They said skulking behind closed doors, hoping and open catches, them, ok, yeah sure aren't rate. You don't believe it.
Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not! These stories are not proved to me that trumps power is waning. You stories are proved to me that there is a small, very limited, very weak group of people who hope They can take advantage of the possibility that his power may be waning, but they don't know for sure cats power is waning so, mice scurrying. I know a lot about a click on I didn't I might through it would not come out of war. I also take issue with characterizing, which Mcconnell as an old crow, because crows are really really intelligent and cool I think and told him ankle. He's not in your right. You, ok, reimbursements, of course, apparently recognise people's faces say hold grudges, we in the house in the China yeah they recognize, but they bring. You presents you they like you, they bring you later. He here anyway, something which I dont want to present from which Mcconnell. But I do think that some of this this is like kind of
media inside of me, but I think some of their leg republican sources talking, like you know, offer occurred with reporters as a way to lake source? Greece, like look, I'm not crazy, like here here. You have a story, I'm not crazy. You can like dont report mean things on me because I'm behind closed doors, saying these things about the crane the ones in the party, and so I take all this with a grain of salt because a I think that Donald there is evidence that done Trump was never quite the kingmaker that headlines made him out to be in the first place. Otherwise, why did you have to Georgia? Senate seats go blue after he was really harping on that. That's just one sample of him growing all in for somebody and it is not handing out what was the child?
Lester in Alabama. That was another while young, I'm the Georgians Romeo more Roy more so I don't think he's it was ever really like a political kingmaker. He was good at making himself, but he was really inconsistent at at spreading that around two other people. He could make media stars MA, but he couldn't really make like political. Like me, ok winners. That is true. I look. I am someone who, even though we're out of the prediction business I have felt since two thousand and twenty quite confident that it is Trump's nomination if he wants it for two thousand and twenty four reading these two pieces, maybe over the last couple weeks, is the first time I start going: ok, I'll I'll, look at the other side of the story that maybe he's losing his grip on the party, and maybe there is some evidence of this. I mean I think, that as Republican
I feel more confident that they may win the house in the Senate because of everything we ve talked about. They may start thinking that they don't necessarily need Donald Trump right. That, like you need what we did is we will care, but they care, but they don't like some of them. Don't love Donald promptly to care about winning if winning requires pretending to love, Donald Trump they're, all for their rights or whatever gets them to win, and I think that, like you know, if they start, I am confident that they dont need him. They might start thinking well, we know that Trump still turns off a lot of independent voters right there is a Poland Michigan just a week ago that show that his popularity was like thirty one percent himself, lowest ever in in a swing state of Michigan. So if you're republican or republican strategies yearning for officer thinking, ok, how do we get the base? If I can get them,
and I can- and I can beat a Democrat and a competitive rates because of the economy has been of whatever it may be, and I dont have to turn off some voters by embracing Donald Trump I'll. Take that and the question is, can you can you do that all the way through twenty twenty four in May? excise term from the party. Now I think you are, I think, you're a writer and it's very different when he's running on his own versus when he's endorsing someone, but that's the other case that it may be possible. I don't if I buy it, but the other shrugging, there's fascist like I, both am with Trump and am not with Trump, but when, at the same time right you know it is the difference. The right decision is what we're doing but endorse myths inside of you centre raises, but but in terms of a republican primary and twenty twenty four truck, as already in many ways, one the propaganda apparatus, the republican base, that is, is all kind of created. The dynamics which you know whatever dough goes into pasta maker Trump Ravioli is what comes out. That is what this machine now throws out wrong: Santa's, Josh, Holly, TED crews.
name it any Republican that might consider running for president. Some point is very out just how to be their version of tromp, a smarter version where sophistical Virgin more accomplish version whatever it might be, a more state version, they're, all going to be some version of Trump, and it's going to look like a bunch of chumps out there, and sometimes it's going to look like seven small trump. Sometimes look like one big trunk, like zebras, I really do think it's interesting, at least in the New York Times story. They show that basically, Mcdonald's plan isn't working as well as he'd like it to be because he didn't get Larry Hogan, whose or modern republican governor of Maryland, to run for Senate Maryland- and we don't know yet. But it's looking like Doug Dog do see the governor of Arizona who Donald Trump does not like, because he refused to say that the election was stolen from him. It's getting hard to get Doug do see to run for Senate there was a democrat- I'm thinking like there's some real wacko Republicans in Arizona and if Doug Deuces running against Mark Kelly
M more nervous than if some of these other wacko doodles are running against markedly. Yes, I mean Thirdly, we need mechanisms. Strategies is right here I just don't have it can be successful? Yeah me, I think you know, troubles on the sidelines like kind of women shed a people write anything about women should a people. Is it's hard to get somebody to do something, but it can stop you from doing something right like I think, Trump has kind of anti power in these raises. He can scare people away from running more than I think Mcconnell can convince me to do something very hard deciding to enter Kate, wide political race and that's the power. I think he has right now, which is it like? You have to decide who just raises the stakes. I am I gonna get into this and decide to spend the next six months of my life dealing with like just an endless river shit. If it's another hour threats to me and my family, I have learned about like
Cindy Mccain of it all like she is still pretty beloved in in Arizona politics, and so you know you have to shit wipers here. You have the full of she would probably I mean yes, she whipped shut too, but they both are whipping shit. A dick, candidates. You know- and so I dont know enough about Arizona politics to go much further than not only to say that I think Doug Duty is the most recognised name in Republican Arizona. Politics is he's the governor, but I dont think I can't think of another errs on Republican off the top of my head, who could
matching anemic mission. Yeah I mean you, people are Kelly Ward right now. I would actually batch absolutely batch it and I do think I'll. Look there's this sort of like independent central streak in Arizona like I remember, route for the wilderness, headed Fergus Repair in Phoenix and people by everyone in the group was thorough. Her swing voters now like we have, you can have more politicians like John Mccain, Kaerusson Cinema. I know of a there like you know. It's too Donald Trump is to extreme. For us. We hate Donald Trump and some of the Democrats. too far to the left, but this is a real exit. There is like that sort of feeling there a little bit but am but yeah. I don't know Mcdonald's gonna get all his candidates Macao wasn't a genius. After all, it is a slot things like a rock that lands in the middle of a highway. Isn't a genius for stopping traffic. The only like an absurd
structures doesn't take genius to pull up it. Just takes being an asshole zennor majority leaders always look dumber than sentiment. Our leaders, because the Senate sucks the, but I expect you would like again to their work is his. Is his grip waning like the American? certain effort, like a lane chow colony on the phone, you got Georgia, we observe choose calmly reopens wife to try pressure to pressure him. George W Bush is land on that famous charmer has meanwhile Trump just tweets. This guy thinks the election was for a fraud, so I like em, that's it that's his. Did you like the amount of effort that goes into fighting back against a fuckin, buffoonery trump operation, just ever minder of how much more power there is in the in the base that he has versus the dwindling support that people like me, but I also wanted to add your talking about social media and reminded me that trumps suspension from Facebook,
is gonna cut like come to be revisited. I think this summer, oh isn't so yea, it might be. You know that might be reason that people are a little bit like hesitant to take him on, because who knows how is going to take advantage of his new found access to the Facebook rains if he's allowed? So that's another question mark nor without either those it resumed. The stories to is that there is a trump has felt like frustrated by the fact that he is not getting the coverage that he wants dead, and maybe that's partly. Why is his is his group is loosening to continue to use a metaphor, but that's only whether he gets twitter. Bad weather gets Facebook back. If the guy is running for President the republican primary his gun get more coverage again, but about that's. That's just gonna be because he's running for President it states and if he cleared out the field or even if it's just him in Rwanda, Santos or whoever he's gonna get alot of coverage and then as it gets coverage because he's exciting, like now
mean exciting, like how being on a car. That's on fire going off a cliff is exciting. You know like, like all your very agitated when you're dealing with him, but also at in terms of a corporate media, are desperate for ratings, gets good ratings when they cover Donald Trump, and so, if he does run there'll be it'll, be in corporate media is best interests to cover him, not America's best interests, but it would be in corporate media is best interests and that sucks cause. I don't think I can take another year of wild while Trump that, although I do think that it serves, remains to be seen if he runs its be different and in these stories will be looked at a different light. I think POD save America is broadly by just egg but it's couldn't the best omelettes you'll have all year all changing the world one egg. At a time, just exit cholesterol, free plant based egg. They will give you,
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stopped american rightwing media from praising with the chair of Otto, as police Board is calling quote a new. sure wide insurrection. According to media matters, Fox His devoted nearly fifteen hours of coverage to the story over the last few weeks here is a clip the Kennedy, trucker convoy. Is the single most successful human rights protest in a generation they can? the UN. Truckers are here, they are patriots and they are marching for your freedom and for my freedom out of touch provincial guy women's drunk on their own power, thought that they could keep committee and subdued where these covid rules forever, but they were wrong. You know, what's going to happen, All hell will break loose. That will be the gun when starting a fight people may die. What we want is what God gave us freedom that's what this is all about, and God bless those truckers for standing firm. he's goin on here, why wise Fox so excited about these protests? Loving words, it is
amazing how they can just with no Information is be like these out of touch provincial bureaucrats, even walk in anything Canada to broaden the unbelievable game, the bureaucrats and they remind me a lot of what happens when they decided that Rebecca Ox News just decided to sort Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip as Republicans and Megan, Margo and Harry as Democrats, because Mega Marco is black like that's it they're Democrats, those Republicans we're on anyone, I old and their their wild and white old. Why they're they're us mega goals. Then let's go. Guys is read her back counts, not just Alec and draw out of control? No, it is look there just you know, same thing. We're done much earlier flow boring down here. So I don't know, let's fan the flames of hatred and outsourcing Eleazer, let some export some of our worst qualities to Canada. Let's, let's get him
consult all riled up. Let's get american donating to this caravan up therein in in Canada and was just makes him entertaining hate. Hate filled nonsense, our aging American. Oh yes, I say this with with love. As I do love Canadians, I think the great Canada's beautiful country but you know how, if you're the phrase its America's hat and we ve got here you don't you know like HAT America's hat and our hair is licences is anyway. I don't think they yet it whatsoever I'd. Canadians overall tend to be a little bit more compassionate. I think then, a lot of Americans also that aim. Is that really the thing that really gets to me about this is just the strange bedfellows of these pencil Necked Dartmouth TK which Republicans trying to get in bed with these, like truckers, like we ve got Tucker
sherry call him trucker, Karlsson sailing is trying to certain missed her Rucker Karlsson, trying to profit, offer the protests by selling tee shirts. I believe our hats on his on his website for thirty five dollars that take, Heart truckers for thirty five dollars. I will teach you how to iron on decals onto a t, shirt and then you can. You know teach Amanda, she'll inner life areas building to countering the segment. She just farm in Gaza. Looked no the back up. It's like it's annoying to everybody lives in Michigan. It's just it's terrible, but you know took her curls and is I cannot imagine him and his Just imagine that his hands feel like Plato. The just came out of the the can unused played a soft hand. Soft soft handed people being like. Yes, we what you truckers! We understand and another thing about this whole. bizarre extremely strange media storm on the right about this is the truckers are
doing something that is obviously obviously about the vaccine mandates Obviously about this one thing, and then you have people on Fox NEWS being like it's about freedom, it's there following behind them in like still like rewrite what they did their like redoing their homework for them in turning it enemy, other intellectualize, never sure they have to make a more sophisticated, because, basically it's a there's been a massive propaganda effort to make these people afraid of a vaccine that is safer than fucking Tylenol and then they bought it and now they're, turning out into a movement against having against it for a tiny, tiny subset of people that are, if you need to get the vaccine even a ninety percent of Kennedy Truckers are patently vaccinated more than the general population, so and so it basically you know it's the propaganda gets them all. Riled up. Another propaganda keeps going in a sort of
simple. But it's it's simple and quite you know it's not a righteous cause. It's you know it's a very fine thing to do, which is it fit me? It fits neatly into their larger narrative about this working class revolution against the elites right. Only thirty, two percent of Canadians of express any kind of support for these protests. It is not the idea that this movement working class protesters against these. Like remote, affluent elites is sort of belied by the fact that, like I, the p of Ottawa and Albert any everywhere were these protests are working. Peoples lives are being disrupted. There's a factor shutdowns that are happening because of these protests, canadian auto autoworkers are suffering from this. A working class Canadians are suffering as a result of these protests. Again, like you said, not be not for some like high ideal, but just because they refer
used to take a lifesaving vaccine will in no way the way that this is organised is kind of evil genius, because what they're doing having their they're, sending their dogs to go shit in someone else's yard. You know if, if those truckers were blocking major american, citys it wouldn't be everybody in America who is watching Fox NEWS is in favour of the truckers inconveniencing them over there. But for what happening in their cities, it wouldn't be as possible like I want air, I think they wanted they all they want is another problem for Joe, but that is what this is: an effort to drum up enough nonsense and noise to get the sister happening. The? U S, and the next thing you know Joe Biden. Has it with America's trucker problem in the open revolt that they are continuing to spread and what's what's its its I've looked at its. It's also simple that it's like it feels frustrate even have to talk about it, but like The are, we are liberal people we believe in you know: civic protest nonviolent resistance, but we reckon but like the way it is the
the level of the disruption, is meant to match the righteousness of the cause and Fox NEWS has spent years demonizing any kind of protest. Black lives matter protest. That is a far more. I just a noble cause, which we all know that has caused far less disruption, but they treat it like. It say it. I get anarchy they back they ban on area. That was that allow you to hit protesters with your car yeah, but because these are conservative because he's our anti max, because these are white protesters for the most part they are treated like protagonists supposed to aunt guess you shouldn't you in Minnesota, there have been some black lives matter. Protest that block it block off them all of America or disrupt the light rail between the airport and the mall, it's usually the mom America, usually roundup, shopping holiday and Fox NEWS, isn't doesn't think that's noble at all here. Will they also look
disperse after outlook. A couple hundred people want a couple hundred anti backs truckers, one: a protest outside the just stand outside the canadian parliament and protest. Fine, great move, your fuckin trucks, we don't have a society here today and I think we all like the undercurrent whenever I talk about it with anybody, is just like annoyance. It's just so tedious and it's not really it's not convincing, but to be on their site. It's just convincing people that they will take extreme measures when they don't get their way, which is not a great way to win the hearts and minds. But you see, I do think the word foxes really hoping for, and some republican politicians as well as at these protests, company it states. The grand Paul was quoted as saying like, I hope, not disrupt the Superbowl. Nobody wants it in their city ran Paul. Wants it to be an allay radio like ran on eleven April blue cities right exactly it's like doing. Have you ever been to allay we already? You can't make the traffic anywhere
think that workers have been protest here. Double years protest lieutenant LOS Angeles, we'll Hollywood. What's your dream? Take fountain, you know, ok, Now we have a very specific policy, but you don't know, that's a famous Betty Davis, Al Qaeda any advice of any we become anywhere Vanni device relegated to show business. Take them That's insider began. No. I do think they think that this is going to be like the next tea party thing yeah, you know, I wish you know something: it's something to watch certainties, hooker, Lord undressed thinking about the people who you know. This is where it were. I pathetically on top of hypothetical zere button. You know just thinking about the people that Donald Trump turned off enough to lose. The presidency twenty twenty, and I'm trying to imagine that the white, suburban moms,
in cool with having trucks making it, so they can't get to the pre school to drop their kids off. A war or blockading supplies so that, if they, you know, are going shopping for the family, they dont have like what there king, for you know, I don't know why. I told I think the reasonable people- it'll it'll rile up a certain demographic of people. I'm real fired up. It'll get him to fork over thirty five dollars for a short this, as I heart truckers, hipster golden five years that one and now to say one. I think lesson was what we ve been seeing from across the border that we should take to heart is in brain boiler. I think what a great peace in big tend about this. I think a lot of Democrats Sometimes we like to wish away the scale of right wing medicine, this country or we're afraid to really tackle it or afraid that if we are honest about it or confronted with the full force of the law, actually says, I will face even greater below back that somehow
we should be, we had to cower or not out. Take these or not dumb, apply the la fairly to railing vigilantes, and I hope is a lesson in effect the like this. As an end on its own right, you have to actually make clear what you, what you stand for and not be cowed by rolling menace Yemen. They in turn to connect the governor, Michigan media storm. The capital is another playing around here and I do think like Tipp Winter and we'd like before, about how their sort of people are exhausted. Pandemic restriction stuff like that that exhaustion does not extend to now, I'm happy to have my city locked out like added by a bunch of earth like there's a difference between be booby, like I hope my kid gets back to school soon and yes, I love a bunch of trucks in my city blocking all rights, but nothing is the trucks, are promoting circumstances under which it'll take even longer for the kid to get back to school, link
Just on Friday, the CDC and Visor announced that it's not going to be the shot, isn't gonna be available, because I know. I know not gonna be available to kids until at least April, which is horrible for parents time. I'm just on that and I get it like there's a lot of very smart people on Twitter grew at who I trust medical professionals saying it just means that their being careful and they want the science behind them- are to be safe, get all that the communication around it has been a does. Its entry ban would be expectations, raising human dashing, his right and awful right. Nobody wants a shot rolled out if we haven't prove that it safe and effective, especially for little kids gladly asleep, but these parents are so desperate for it to be the case that its safe available. And ready for their kid. And then, meanwhile, we have these people protesting. The fact that they have to take the shot earner go, took some trucks and parliament's idea of two phenomena
of yellow by refers us, I'm not sure where women are going there. Those unable chrome ask your aunt emails on as the changes by the David either. I'm fucking furious embarks on company or house where you one of those people are. You know mass en masse. I used to live right over there and I thought I reckon nice one of their shouting voice as it was you that you could have been made. it's all the time we have had the time we have today, Aaron Ryan, thank you for joining, plus a America. This has been fought or enjoy guys wanna join. Thank you. Pod save America is a crooked media production. The executive User is Michael Martinez, our senior producer Andy Gardener, Bernstein, are produced. is hailing Use and Olivia Martinez is our associate producer, its mixed and edited by enriching, Kyle settlement is our sounded. You think The tiniest terminator Sandy Gerard Housekeeper, Madison
in adjusting how for production support into our digital team, Elijah Cone, Phoebe Bradford, my look him and Amelia Monday. Our episodes are uploaded, is videos at Youtube. Dot com such crooked meeting. Are we ever gonna get to universal health care in America? How did jewels jumpstart, a new epidemic of teen, smoking and speaking of epidemics? Will this pandemic ever and I'm doctor Abdul, safe and each week on American affected? I speak with doctors, scientists and ultimate shaping the future of health in society. Together he disliked how scientific discoveries trillion dollar policy. Cultural friends are changing the world. What that means for us new episode to America to second drop everything, listen and follow where every day
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Transcript generated on 2022-02-15.