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First Rule of Republican Fight Club

2023-11-16 | 🔗

It's apparently Fight Club week on Capitol Hill. GOP Representatives are bidding farewell to decorum and possibly their own sanity as multiple almost-fights break out in Congress. Meanwhile, MAGA Mike Johnson gets his government funding bill passed in both the House and the Senate without any major cuts to spending or fulfilling any of his far-right fantasies. George Santos is no longer running for reelection as a House Ethics Committee investigation finds he spent campaign funds on Botox, Sephora runs and… Only Fans. Plus, Biden is getting advice from progressives about how to campaign on the economy and the New York Times says Trump may be more resilient than other Republicans when it comes to messaging on abortion. Finally, John Della Volpe, pollster and author of "Fight: How Gen Z is Channeling Their Fear and Passion to Save America," joins to talk about the President's struggle with younger voters.


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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I welcome the pod save america, I'm John forever ambient pfeiffer on today show republicans in congress are picking the literal fights with each other. Joe Biden gets advice. progressive on how to talk about the economy. The new york times thinks Donald trump is less vulnerable than other republicans. In the issue of abortion in Biden, pulsar John D, laval, pay joints to talk about the president's challenge with younger voters, but first met
my johnson looking more like rhino, my johnson now than he passed a bill to keep the government open that doesn't cut a single cent of spending or include any of his weird right wing policy. Kinks sprawly by the bill pass with mostly democratic votes and ninety five republicans voting against it. The Senate also pass the bill, and now it's up to Joe Biden for his signature by news and all this is that for some reason, the bill only funds, half the government until january nineteenth and the other half until february. Second, so we get to relive this shit show after the holidays, there is also no plan to pass funding for ukraine, Israel, humanitarian aid for gaza or help for americans dealing with natural disasters. So no welcoming my johnson's to the resistance just yet but dan. How was he able to pass a temporary funding bill with mostly democratic votes? And so many republicans opposed? Isn't that the exact thing that costs covenant
at his job. It is john, is the exact thing that cost Kevin Mccarthy his job. So I think there are a couple of things are one I think every new republican speaker gets one mulligan, and this is his. rights are gonna. Let him get away with it too. mccarthy wide repeatedly to the caucasus nosey there's no sierras, no temporary bills, no clean skiers, Johnson- and I say this quite rightly to his very varied minimal credit- did tell republicans before during his nominating species. Be speaker of that. This was the plan that he wanted. You do a short term extension, so they can pass all of the appropriations bills and then be in a position to negotiate with the set at the white house. Now there there's some wrinkles in that plan, because they have been unable to pass almost any appropriations, but they can't even get them to the floor by at least he will this. It was not a surprise to most problems, even a video and put their name on it. You didn't betray them per se and away that kept mccarthy
And an chip roy and some of the other hard liners are still pretty pest about this, but I also the he just gets a little more leeway because they see him as true mega and not a lying de bag. Like back ever mccarthy, white house, initially criticise johnson's plan and democrats in congress had a mixed reaction. Do you think that Many of them ended up voting yes, because the bill didn't have any cuts or bad policies and there's no other way to keep the government open. I feel like you're, leading the witness with that. With that question. Of course this is over. You know their funding, the government at last lashers level, was actually better than it would be if we are funding it at this year's levels under the budget caps and what has been agreed, get why the waiters initially put out a statement that was like there. His extreme plan bubble buzz. I got it seems like a fine plan. There are the budget nerds, who think that the latter see our processes. Irresponsible ladders by the way, throw you fuckin torques out there.
is I urge you not to give your explaining its people they're, not the dogs. The dogs are us for all of you, I met for all of you who aren't that's what I meant to say is the fact that half the governments being funded too where ninety than the other half two february second, which are even get that it is a must, not exe. all, I will say about it as it's a stupid idea designed to appeal to stupid people, and therefore you got fifty seven percent republican carcass of a foreign democrats when along because who shit, it's better than shutting the government out over the holidays right, and I guess the only other thing that date, the democrats and gave it robots talk about, is like you,
in funding Israel, funding, Gaza aid, natural disaster aid, and does he like shutting the government down over? That is also not day, not some, you wanna, that's what you want to do before the holidays. Ya! Think no! Thank you. No thank you. So how the hell do you think that gets done all that aid and like does it get done and to our question it? For some reason, Johnson tries to pass a more permanent funding bill. That's as acceptable to Democrats in january. It won't the hard liners just to vacate his ass. Let me take the second part. First, probably there is. There is a question about whether there is an appetite for another month. Long shit show in an election year there's a chance. They might
robinsons, tend to eat their own in the odd years and then kind of line up with each other in the even years. But it's very very possible is because all it takes is one asshole to do it and there's a plethora of assholes. Who could do it on the question? of aid really no idea how. I guess. I think there are a couple of options here. One the Senate passes something says it to the house tremendous. While the pressure is put on the house and eventually johnson, let said go through with most democratic votes that probably also ends in the vacation. Ass scenario that you put forward to the house refuses to do anything other than israel aid. The senate, eventually buckles and agree suggested, is relate and that I think the other stuff may never get done because passing ukraine aid on its own through this house before some possible third option is, and this will lead us into the next topic is trial by combat where one,
We can fight one worn democrat and the winner gets decide who gets aid yet I may look. I feel it with all of these. Every time we take about government funding government shut down and it seems like there's a solution. It's just kick in the can down the road. Inevitable showdown where there will be a shut down or we will lose another republican speaker. So sad but like I just don't get some point. The these assholes are going to want their maga speaker to act like a mega speaker right and so they're, not just going to let johnson pass some full year. Funding bill that doesn't have. a bunch of extra cuts in it beyond what they already were kept Mccarthy already agreed to Joe Biden. So I just feel like this confrontations coming at some point, but who knows
and then on ukraine and israel. I do think that if you have a bill that has bipartisan support in the senate, and then they try to jam the house and it's up to MIKE Johnson, to put the bill on the floor and there's a at least some group of republicans in the house who want to pass it, which we know that's true. So then you've got democrats and republicans in the house democrats and republicans in the senate, Joe Biden in the white house, all saying to pass this bill and MIKE Johnson's just going to hold it up like that. that's a lot of pressure. I could see he could just decide. You know I want to do it because who cares and I don't want to get my ass vacated, but who knows in every other time in recent history, where that's happened in happen, a fair amount during the obama years, the house would eventually buckle that happened on fiscal cliff. It happened on, etc. The peril tax got. It happened on aid for victims of they
hurricane sandy and other natural disasters, but we were not in a world where it only took one house republican to throw the entire thing and cast it may be in there and Johnson. We decided that the only option is to shut the government down here, has a drive. The car off a cliff to teach everyone and his party that gravity exists right, you, you also might not do it it. It may fail buddy, eventually on that this is actually what happened at twenty four team. With that shut down with it was over a mamma care is at once you once the government, which I doubt the political pressure mounted so much that enough republicans asked for you basically gave in and that you can see that having happened again, but it if a sugar michel's down, there's, not a grey path for reopening and again with this house. Under these dynamics, cool are at us after the funds. Tough. For some reason, this is the weak, the republicans all over capitol hill lost their final
of sanity and dignity with tantrums and melt down so epic that they merely led to several physical altercations. First up, James calmer has oversight committee chair who's, trying to impeach Joe Biden for, among others, it's loaning his brother money when he was, even an elected, official or candidate. Well, according to storing the daily beast, it turns out the james comber also paid his brother. Two hundred thousand dollars quote related to the dealings of a family company that appears to have never. Existed on paper, who knows of a shady or not seems like it could be shady, but clearly the same thing that is accusing Joe Biden of doing, and so when Democrat Jared Moskowitz asked comber about the story during a hearing on tuesday, things got a little heed. It lets listen, you are continued. You look like this
Murphy here just gone around and all this stuff you have done on democratic did something you did your new and starting in your brother, asia. American public have widened. Why it's lady of the rosary chairman that seems to have gotten worse. It seems to have gotten under your skin. I hope that bell means this was the first of a couple of fights we're to talk about. Then. What do you think, the old I'm, not a hypocritical crook. Europe smurf play a murphy, I have a very dated reference. I have to say what we are. What Jared mosque was does not look like a smirk. Did you see what he was wearing? No but I just about yet not yet unable to be here on a particular blue suit this day, The at the recital is a dumb comment: ah not befitting a member of congress, let alone just a groan adult, but there was context for it said: okay! Well, that's where I dont like I'm here. Just to give you a little fairies point point four com
that one, no, no, no, no, no! No! No! No! I'm just trying to give you an hour listeners such viewers context, what's happening here and justice just to give events. Some real info might johnson the other day said that doesn't seem to be evidence yet four and impeachment of Joe Biden, while getting my combers james come flailing around in hearings that he's he's gettin accused the things as he's accusing Joe Biden for he's got. No evidence doesn't seem to have gone well for them the chance to put out a statement on tuesday, tuesday or wednesday. I think reiterating his belief that Joe Biden is committed, impeachable offenses and that he should breach bring everyone in under oath, because every non insane. Action in a report in congress requires a much less you're insane reaction, and so because he pass this sea. Are he s like triple down on the fake impedes thick impeachment fight number two? This is when things really good at another hearing on Tuesday right across the way. Capitol hill senator mark
wayne woollen of oklahoma, real person, real name got so triggered by testimony from the president of the teamsters union, Sean o Brien, that he stood up and challenged him to a fight, for this is a time. This is a place. You want to run your mouth. We can be too consenting adults. We can finish it here. Ok, this fund, perfect. We want it now and loved it renault was stronger, but up there, you sandra bullock, already I'll stop. They lose forever A down, I call it out old. It answered the questions are young one. If I hear you made a lot of statements right in his statements of action at that section. I read them because around what I'll answer the question, please, I can understand them to be honest with you, or do you think Bernie sanders woke up on tuesday expecting that he would have
Stop one of his colleagues from beating the shit out of one of his witnesses. Things in this day and age rarely exceed exe. nations, but when I clicked on that link the other day, I could not it was one million has grown. I thought it was unbelievable them standing up the making the winners, making fun of them just truly great stuff, I had heard of mark rain molin before, but I know a lot about him centre from Oklahoma. This deadly me to Google Oh now, because he will end, he was very mad. The channel brain called him a greedy, see Oh, by the way the whole hearing was about trying to pass the pro act, which helps people join unions mark wayne wanted everyone to know that he is not anti union, but he's tried to stop unions from being organized around his businesses and he's we're
over thirty million dollars mark hamill and he is so extreme. He won said that is as if his wife's life were at risk during pregnancy. He wouldn't want her to get an abortion. That's just a fun fact about mark wayne mullin from Oklahoma. He is a person serving in the. U s. Senate got up tried to challenge this guy to a fight. Now, in case, you thought that mark wayne felt any kind of name over this incident. Think again, because this is what he said afterwards and keep in mind to this. Isn't anything new Andrew jackson, Challenge to peep or nine people to do when he was president any also not one guy out and what else bitter there's been caning before and send it to. Maybe we should bring some of that back in I'll keep people thinking there so tat, not afraid of binding. I will bite biting like I'm fine, I'm gonna buy up.
You think I mean I'm not above it, and I don't care where I bike that way. He was the bike And doesn't allow any just tell her where emeralds, never never bit by miller, think someone in his staff propose the caning doing talking points I mean we should bring caning back, I'm gonna buy and I don't care where I buy what what is going on in the? U s senate with republicans work. These are the results is fill the congress in general, prickly the republic of the relevant carcass and both thousands and is filled with a lot of very angry assholes, who don't like to work very much and have been working for like a month straight, so I think they're there, all the other end of the robes, I'm losing it while Dan. Finally, we have saved the best for last disgraced, former speaker, Kevin Mccarthy, known to his fans. As the backbencher from bakersfield
seems like he is definitely not over getting ousted by magda hardliners. Vase stabbed him in the back, so he allegedly elbowed one of them in the back also on tuesday, must have been a full moon. Ah, here's republican tim burchett on what went down and Mccarthy's response. At that time I got elbowed in the back and it kind of caught me off guard because it was a clean shot to the kidneys and I turned back, and there was there was kevin four minute, guys gonna? What has just happened in a changed after him? Of course, these are used, diaper gabbett when you're a kid with them. Iraq over the fence and run home and had bandits mama scarred aegis. and the way we handle things in east tennessee. We we have. We have a problem with some item. They'll look them in the eye. If I, if I would have someone He said he was in pain, but you can now reset- and I you don't expect
a guy who was at one time three steps away from the wide ousted sucker issue with a punch them in the hallway, and I first of all, billy, given mccarthy probably was that kid now ya want ever sat very precisely. How much are you I had him dead to rights are now? Do we really think that cabin mccarthy meant to elbow a fellow member congress, as walking by while he was talking to an mp, our rapporteur. What do you think, I think, is a trick question. it's the right answer here like am I defending Kevin Mccarthy? I know I'm not trying to get you to defend Kevin Mccarthy or ten birgit. I'm honestly curious, because it's like I do know that seems like seems like a risky move, seems like I dunno. If you'd want to it just silly, I don't have a couple of things. I would be surprised if his go to move is a running secret, album
The kidney like that. Isn't that he's a nice? That's why? What during live interviews, because in fairness like you're, not be, if you're talking to the press or information, pay attention like. If someone were me and kitty right now, I would come as a surprise second when governments are said. If I hit them, they would know what I find that when also hard to believe so very arts as an all these guys, whether its mark wayne molin the secret spot by or or tim or like just stop pretending to be tough. You are met. Mars, have caught my way. Molin was a mixed, martial arts expert, and this is what I also learned about. Mark waymore, cuba s. I don't want him elbowing me or biting me anywhere when people ever like these guys are so members of congress that they should act better their adults. I don't care what Job is ok, you're in congress, anything else congress. Anything don't act like us like a thought, without the rays congress up to a pedestal anywhere and polite society. Dont elbow people don't chase after them. Don't threaten them to a fight in the middle,
are in the middle of a hearing over nothing like it if it s a bit like the equipment in someone's office to during a meeting just standing up in trying to do that across the conference room table? It's insane. I've done a few times with love it I believe it I've believe in this case, who are you the secret elbow were are you the lower or the biter we'll who is? Who is unwanted on? Who is love it in the story of germany? S state, of course, there's one more addendum to this story, because none of these morons can just let it go. Here's birch it giving a post fight interview on news max, the gut way more interesting than anyone expected he also at seventeen million dollars in an account you'll be messing in a lot of people like mine and nancy masons campaigns. I'm sure I don't know you know as that would Nancy may she could come back at him with some stuff that he doesn't want out there out, like. I think if you know what I'm saying yes, she she's
they tell me she said I shall be. Does that we may end up in take care of it. What what? What is needed today is gonna come mccarthy of all the things that we have talked about in this section. That is the question I am left with more than anything else, I don't want to say about that, and I really don't drop the goods news max guy to be urgent, refreshing punch policy of jake sherman delivers on the subscription money. I am unbelievable, unbelievable speaking of people who don't in congress. I realize this wasn't on the island, but we, oh my god at it, because it just happened. A bipartisan ethics report from congress that was just released Thursday morning says there is quite substantial evidence that george santos violated criminal laws, which has led him to announce. He will
will be running again in two thousand and twenty four, though he will probably also face another expulsion vote in the house before then. Among other things, the report says that santos spent campaign funds on botox designer goods, fancy trips to atlantic city and one fans the thing it is so good about this, as I've been in back to back meetings since early this morning is goes time, and I have learned of this for the first and it really is glorious, I'm so happy To summarize you, yes, I knew that. I knew that the ethics report came out and you ve never debated in the outline before us. I thought I was safe, but not read the details yet, and so I do want to quibble with one thing as someone who grew up in the mid atlantic region, there is no such thing as a fancy trip to atlantic city. I've been there a few times, and I understand we're just
I thought you were going to say as someone who has an only fans paid? It's my actually check on me. One suggested to you. You should called only then yeah, some people They fancy some people are such that a more the sums that crowd only. given that it could have been the message box tat. It could be that in so great a kind of such a guy. I just feel like this expulsion vote should go forward. I mean we talk before about how you know Jamie raskin, Katie porter. Some other democrats were like we want him to have due process. Part of the due process was about, like you know, he's been indicted, but he hasn't been convicted, but also that there hasn't even been a house ethics process. Yet now there is a house ethics process. They had access to more evidence than the public about george dresses, potential wrongdoing, and so the fact the ethics committee now says. Oh yeah, he he's probably committed a crime and a bipartisan ethics committee yeah I'd vote for that expulsion. I don't know who wouldn't dare adding that's it. I mean, I know who want the republicans who can afford to lose
However, right right, right, right, reminded democratic democrat yet for charlotte, and it really in you know. We talked about this after that vote the I think there is a very legitimate argument that we should at least let the u dont. Some doesn't have to be convicted to be expelled from congress, but official governing body of the house should render or finish its investigation before you have that we react to expel. Someone's analysis will be very interesting We can start on this. there are only two more pods of america live shows this year. If you're in l, calhoun on December, seventh or san jose on December thirteenth, come on out and experience. The only one hundred per cent correct political opinions, live You don't want to wait that long and also live in a completely different place. You can catch love it or leave it in phoenix and of thirtieth for a night of purpose jokes and gay man tickets are going fast, every
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President Biden and democrats, we will dig into the dead in a second, but the main take away which they reportedly shared in a meeting with white house officials is that it is extremely difficult to convince voters that the economy has improved and much easier to persuade people that binds plans are better than trumps plans dan. What did you think of the pole and the recommendations acting, as you said in incredibly useful exercise right for all and complaining and screaming about pulling? This is what is ultimately for not to tell us what's gonna happen, but how to give us the guidance and strategic advice to get the outcome we want- and I think this is there's two very findings here, the first one is that we have to start by acknowledging that people are unhappy with the economy, and I think, for a long time, particularly over the last year, know basically the last six to nine months. There has been this sense
that perceptions of the economy were a lagging indicator, that the economy was actually getting better because all the macroeconomic economic numbers suggested is so, people are eventually just going to like wake up one day. happy about it or we're. Gonna grab them by the lapels via other tv screens and france rains and make them realise that they think we are. the persistent and growing negative perceptions about the economy. Think suggested. There's something else going on one: the macro economic numbers we previously to suggest a good economy through the through the lens of politics. Dont work any more in the same way and either an orphan might potter's or was odd as our clients punk ass than he was hockey. You talk about this and he made the point that in pre in previous era, before we lived in this world of really yawning economic inequality, prosperity with shared right under built when, for example, when the jew in gdp went up, everyone benefited that's not how we live in a more right. It is those benefits
not being distribute equally, that's one too. We talk about inflation, all of the time and inflation is coming down in the in a report today on wholesale prices that is now actually below pandemic levels, but people don't care about the. How much costs are going up? They call it care what cost are, and then we still, I don't think we have a way of understanding the political environment in a world of interest rates. So I think we are passed. The point if like trying to make people, feel good about the economy and tried: do we do Speak to where they are because, as we said before, on questions of in politics, the customers always right- and this is where the voters are then. The other point is comparison and what I found really interesting. This poll was a tested, a number of messages and the best comparison against trump was that narrowed. The gap on economic approval, the most had to do with trump's support for big tax cuts for corporations and supporting corp, science and so that's like a real formula in road map for democrats to adopt coming for that. It can be very, very, very useful, just and again on this, because I think a lot of folks
wondered if the media's refusal to cover proving economy or refusal to cover it extensively enough has contributed to the bad feelings about the economy, so what they did in this politics, very smart that they presented the pole. Respondents with some information about the economy to set economists have found that the rate of inflation is going down and unemployment is at a record low, which statement comes closer to your view. One the economy is not getting better. For people like me or to the economy is getting better for people like me, not getting Seventy per cent is getting better thirty percent and there's also you know, there's been some special. and that may be people's views of the broader economy is bad because the mood music is bad and all they see the headlines are bad, but their personal financial situation is good. This suggests, that's not the case, then they added some messaging to a the two choices:
and they even gave them. You know the kind he's not going in the right direction for people like me. We need to change, direction in reverse Biden, economic policies or we should not return to the chaos created by trump. Our economy is beginning to turn a corner after a few tough years felt across the world. I trust by more than trump to crack down on corporations that inflate the price of gas in food and fight for people like me that brought it down to fifty percent trump. Forty three percent the Biden statement, and so it's like it narrowed it a little bit, but that's it still the statement. We need to change direction. Overspends economic policies still one out, even when you that messaging into your point, what really change the polling,
was talking about both of their visions for the future and what brighton and the Democrats would do and what trump and the republicans would do, and so, when you say like the most effective statement which made people trust the Democrats, fifteen points more than republicans on the economy was democrats, support, increasing social security benefits, increasing taxes on billionaires and fighting big drug companies to lower prescription drug costs that made people trust democrats more than republicans on the economy. So I do think it is it's about like is. It is about recognizing that people are still struggling, that costs are still high, that prices are still high, even though inflation's kept coming down and that Joe Biden, the Democrats have been fighting on your behalf and will continue to fight on your behalf if you return them to office, if you return trump to office and the republicans this,
what they did last time. They were in office, cut taxes for billionaires, and this is their plan going forward, and I think that is a message that would be much more effective. Has gives democrats a lot better chance than just saying over and over again look how many jobs are created. Look how many this we created. The media wrong the media lab, but like that it does not work. It's not gonna work. minutes a relation, be that complicated in there is this level. I think of a we desire in this idea that these people are all just too dumb to realise how great the economy us right, which Yes such leaders and what I ve been pervasive, ince not more, not all, and not even most democratic message. You made a lot of the political conversation around the economy. Is that view is that people would were arguing accused from sea and out another bank account or their grocery bill, or trying to figure out how to pay didn't just the basic you dont cost of living, and so we just is not is really not that complicated and the messages here are the ones who have worked in every campaign prior, and so we just have to do. That
now you ve written about other pulling the shows more people approve Joe Biden when they hear about his accomplishments. Is that because telling people about his economic accomplishments is different than telling people that the economy is good or that he fixed the economy. I think that there is sometimes a sense in politics that reelection campaigns, whether you're running for mayor congress, senate or president, is like a report card where it's like you have? If you do these things, the voters are gonna. Thank you by sending you back to office, and that is the exact opposite of how it works. People are not vote, they're not going to. We ve what you ve done. There can vote for you on what you're gonna do and these accomplishments are not so people say. Oh thank goodness Biden brought us kind of because there is some tension of saint look all these great things, you did annex was also not yet great what the reason you till you have to tell people these things is, gives them a foundation of belief of what you're gonna do going forward. It builds credibility with us and because of changes in the media. Environment vote
I have never ever in time been more ignorant about the the huge things a president has done than they are with Joe Biden right now I mean it is, and it is mind. Boggling, like the inflation reduction act, should be a kind. to either the stimulus orally formal, characterise under honourable And although it may not have been popular in their time, but they were known you have all these popular things and no one knows, and if you tell that to people it gives them. I a a reason I believe that Joe Biden can do more things like that in the future. If they think he has done nothing in the first one, why would they elect him in the second or? Why would they believe him when he says he wants to do x, Y and z in the sector? yeah. I think part of the reason they're not as known is the information environment, as you said, but also there's a huge fight over the affordable care act and a huge fight over even the recovery act, and I think the inflation reduction act. While you know
most republicans voted against it. The fight was about like what Joe mansion would allow in the bill and then passed and it just didn't break for, and then your publicans did not spend a lot of time attacking it after it passed the kind of moved on to the next. You know crazy conspiracy, theory, the aid it help to the knowledge of, and approval of, a bomb. I carry mensa the republicans capturing to repeal. every two seconds yep. So the economy is usually the number one issue for voters in every poll, but abortion is right up there too, especially for democratic voters. Biden wants to pass a law protecting abortion, access for every american trump's out there bragging about ending roe v wade, and yet this week the new york times wrote Trumpets quote showing surprising resilience on the abortion issue appearing less vulnerable than fellow republicans. Despite his key role in shaping the supreme court that overturned roby wade,
story made a lot of people on the internet very mad, including the Biden campaign which criticized the media and specifically the times for it's trump coverage. What do you think is trump less vulnerable on abortion than the typical republican? I think imagine we're into one of those very pod, save america like things where he tried to hold to beating notions are held. At the same time, I think it is fair to say everything is by now lies in light, the I decide it's fair to say that over all the press, coverage of trump is not as good as it should be right. It is too often through horse race coverage it's not actually focusing on what he's doing, although I will say the times has written a lot of stories recently in great detail about all the terrible things trump plans to do if he wins and yeah just because it's longer than a tweet, there They're very long well reported story about his fucking terrifying immigration plans was outstanding,
project twenty twenty five stuff from the times and others is that, like that's up is happening now, people aren't seeing it in the way we want them to see it because the information via because long stories don't get attention like they used to The anger over this specific story, which has written for the upshot column, which is basically appalling, alice's column for the new york times seems a little misplaced to me. I will say like yes, the problem being pointed out is correct. In broadly, this was not probably the right target for that, because what the bull, what that article says, is actually true it is. There is Is we should stipulate that donald trump is actually vulnerable? Abortion, as he is the person walking this planet? was singular responsible for overturning roe v wade. Yes, he is absolutely incredibly vulnerable on it, but voters don't yet hold him accountable in the way they should, and there are a couple of reasons for this one is in you. If you listen to focus groups, you or you listen to the focus group.
worlds are long while who just had an episode on this? Do you have to jump if he is anti abortion or pro choice, shocking number voters will say he has personally protests in some other and for this from multiple people who focus groups will put up there hasn't? I would beg. Outcrop has personally paid for abortions because he is this, thrice married new york, sad wanna, be playboy cheats on his wise people. They he has this sort of aura of liberalism or cultural issues. It is allowed him to whenever voters who another risk- and you see it in the point right in in that that times ball, which is what this guy for a second, horribly derided these people for peace was written by nasa. Nine point advantage on the issue of abortion is one of his biggest margins are issue margins across a thing, but trump gets. Fourteen percent of the voters,
who trust by more on abortion well and in that simple, four out of ten trump voters believe abortion should be always are mostly legal as a big chunk of his that that that shows that either people dont consider voting for him again a threat to abortion access, or they don't agree with his parents. On abortion and no it but are voting for him. For other reasons, the there is a very interesting question that times for they ask people what was more important to their choice for president economic issues, like jobs, inflation, etc. or social issues like abortion, democracy and guns economic issues, one by more than thirty points. in a number and a number that has a number has gone up: twelve points and four battleground states since twenty twenty two. So what should democrats do here? Besides the tweet at the times cancel
subscriptions other that kind of challenge, Joe kind, who I think has the utter the times now to a fight by allowing allowed or no not allowed look. Every Everyone has one which would bring one weapon to the to the combat But if you want your tea I'll, be the weapon nobody's eta. Kidneys, look Think there a couple of things here, one There is- and I think this is one point that were that critics are of the broader coverage of trump and abortion are correct. It's always a ton of trump has been so careful on abortion. He so smooth on it. the guy brags about overturning Roby. Wait. Every time you have ever microphone is a internets worth of clips of donald trump, saying incredibly damning unpopular extreme thinks about abortion all within the last year, and a half like like also in their lives, very famous one from the twenty sixteen campaign where he says women deserves some sort of punishment. Yes, yes, and, of course, the can't their campaign, of course knew how damaging that wasn't, and they later tried to walk back, but he is
video saying yes, women deserve punishment, and so we should be shut. We, the broader us, with our networks, we're friends and family and democratic super pacs and campaigns showing those clips to people just in their own words. We don't need fancy political ads. We don't need voiceovers, just like video of trump saying those things over and over again. Do you remember in twenty twelve, when we we polled early and I came in and we discovered that romney's mitt romney support for def plan? Parenthood was incredibly damning. Voters hated that they also is race, very analogous situation. Voters also didn't believe that mitt romney would actually support that position
because he had been this pro choice. Governor of Massachusetts. There was very very somewhere to trump in the sense that people thought he's kind of faking it on the social stuff to get through the primary, and so the obama campaign went up and I think it was April with sort of a low level cable by that there was very targeted at at women voters and also young voters about romney different plant barnett, it just stayed up and it went up in never came down and other. You can see a similar thing having here, where you try to do that now. The second thing I think we ought to do, and you see the times were even one of the most unpopular thanks of the times pulled is support for a federal abortion them, Yes, there is even a significant number people who strongly oppose a photo. Abortion behar voted for job, and I think that in part because for it may be their other issues, but in some cases they don't think a federal abortion ban is going gonna happen, and so we we talk of this last week. We have to make that a central part of this. Every single day, Donald trump winds, with republican congress federal abortion bent and adding this william.
because in a lot of states because of the great work that happened in twenty twenty, two like whether it's michigan or wisconsin, for they have democratic governors, a pat in michigan's case passed a an abortion referendum to guarantee access We need people to understand in those battleground states if, even if they feel safe right now in this very short period of time, that a trump victory would mean abortion is banned everywhere in this country. There is also a storing axiom, this week, the heritage foundation, which is the idiots behind project. Twenty five is urging all republican and its president to unilaterally prohibit mailing abortion. Drugs, which are the most common. A safe and effective ways of getting an abortion trump has been vague about this, but republican centres so that they insist that ex president does this Sleep mega mike johnson in the house wants this to happen, so it is not even you even have to put congress in it equation here, Donald, could unilaterally. Ban abortion. dedication and yes, it would go to the supreme court and there's all kinds of legal varies.
did. I would hold up or not, but he could do that and I'm sure and and Why would run those adds now and also force him to have to answer it now, while it still a primary start run adds now about how the heritage foundation all these people are, that are doing donald trump plans for twenty twenty five want him to unilaterally and the ability to male proscription abortion medication. So I think it's gotta be perspective because, I think you can a lot of people. You get a lot of people to believe that he's the one responsible for overturning roe v wade because he brags about it all the time, but people are are going to vote based on what is going to happen to me and my life. If this person becomes president, and so we have to push towards trump's plans for the future as much as we talk about things that he's done in the past democrats, also in two thousand twenty two talked about give me, your Biden said: give me a filibuster proof.
majority, and we will pass a law codifying row. We should go back to that because we have an earlier that a year and I think that's an important part of this campaign. They're gonna be states where it like, potentially arizona and others that have abortion referendums and guarantee abortion access like that I just saw in ohio, but we should have that. I think you raise a really important point here, which is donald trump is going to put all of the worst people in like mega might Johnson cloned bureaucrats and they are going to use every lever of power, they possibly have to try to destroy report. Freedom in this country that ITALY is banning abortion, medication, everything they do right everything the Joe Biden, his misery. I tried to do after the dog, drawing they're, going to undo that, and do things a thousand times worse, because they're they're going to care a lot less about what is legal and appropriate use of government etc, and it's it it is a it is a nightmare.
in the election of donald trump as president, whether he gets a republican house republican senate or not is a nightmare for reproductive freedom in the country agreed. Alright few quick housekeeping notes before we had to break we- are excited to announce inside twenty twenty four hour, new monthly paca series available exclusively for friends the pod subscribers shows a chance to hear white house alumni. Like some of us talk about what It goes on behind the scenes of a presidential campaign, everything from debate, prep and conventions, speeches to campaign ads and botch media appearances to get access to incite twenty four. Join our community, overt friends, the pod, by signing up it crooked dot, com, slash friends, it's gonna be a dantin Alyssa so soon going to be even better than the main tommy episode. So now, lotta great stuff coming to us We are crooked. We love carrie, humor and they're comfortable cool sustainable made sneakers. We love them so much. The cricket released our second collaboration with them, a love it or leave it sneaker. They come in pink and black and really fine, Ella inspired designs. Now is the perfect time to step up issue game plus carrying plants to
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confident that young voters will do the same in twenty twenty four for Joe Biden, what changed over the last few years one of the last few months. Actually with the last year, John, the for me, the best predictor of What do we expect an average above average. Double elaborate churn out are, instead of two, no measures that we developed over a couple of decades ago and those two no measures when I look at that set of data, in two thousand twenty three compared to the same point in the two thousand and twenty cycling, two thousand in spring, two thousand, I t I see increasing levels of cynicism across just about every significant socio economic and demographic group, which means that there is less confidence not just about nobody, but is less coffins in the system. Does us competent politics conserve of the people?
to make a systemic changes that young people care about. That's the warning sign that are most concerned about right now, and I guess, if you look back over the last year or two is this, is this increasing sense of cynicism about governed It is just as it has built gradually over time, and now it's really hit a breaking point I think a lot of it is about expectations to just to give you a little bit more of a of a of a backdrop on this from two thousand and fourteen. the two thousand eighty roca we saw cynicism going, went down by ethic fifteen or sixteen seventy points, as youth participation increase by that same number, sixteen seventeen point from two thousand to two thousand and two. This is a real till they new phenomenon, and I think it's great certain complicate, there's, not a silver bullet, there's, not easy explanation. I think ass of roddy of of different reasons behind it one of which is, of course, the the challenges of communicating, especially from the boy pulpit. You know in a corner
the elder rhythmic. You know series of bubbles thing people find themselves, but I think another part of the of this conundrum, frankly, is is that because of the concern around mental health, both pre and post covert, and what we've continued to find is as connection between negative feelings about the country, the director of the country and negative feelings about mental health, which means John, that younger people, millions of younger people, are choosing to turn away from current events, shooting to turn away from news to protect their own mental health, because as a correlation around that which means that there are less willing less able to see some of the positive news that happening because As I as I've written many times, I don't think there has been an administration. Certainly in my lifetime, that's been more youth focused more youth centric than the by demonstration. However, a lot of those accomplishments just aren't being felt yet or being communicated in ways in which they can understand,
That's fascinating to me: do you have data that points to young people disengaging from the news to protect their mental health, because the other you can also see a factor being just the media environment itself has become so fractured, That's if someone is let's say only getting their news from tiktok or twitter or wherever it may be. They are in either an ideological bubble or some kind of other bubble where there were they're getting just not there, good information or not the best information. To so a couple things, one of which is the more you father news, the more closely follow news and more closely for politics, the more like you are so poor present by his re election right so that, as we have seen that For, while the more you know that the better off that campaign feels the two to people but published a study on my on my sub stack, gen, a j d v on Jonesy and it had about how happy are you ok? Add third
something variables and I look at a cross generations, the best predictor of what not a gen are young. Millennial was happy. That particular day was the reviews about basically politics, the instability that they felt the other it's about climate, the economy, our place in the world, that was a number one predictor more than personal relationships, work, school, their finances, etc. When we looked other generations, janitors and folks older the number one predictor. What in politics, though, that was important: it was health, your health and health of those around you. So I think that's something that really needs to be understood because before this is it just a persuasion, mobilization game at this point before that we can have a meaningful conversation with young people. We we need to kind of respects can have. Who could have where they are with. Were there met health? We also need to
to base, will show them the impact that they have already made, that we have a different and better country. Because of that one thing I'm confused about, though, is if you would think that the people who are most engaged with the new. in following the news. Most closely would be pretty bombed out but you're, saying that those people do tend to my vote for Joe Biden, but it's the people, were more disengaged. Are they disengage from the news, but just heavy general sense or general feeling that there's chaos in the world and that and that things are going bad and that politics is going bad just from their periodic scanning of headlines Yes, as those that have under stick right, the negative headlines you know it and and and extreme amount of cows that they have not just felt over the last year or two, but literally john over their entire lifetimes, This is a generation jonesy which has really not known, maybe an evening you maybe
evening of hope in optimism in two thousand and eight right, but they do don't remember, now live in, which means that a member of an airline which means they have a member of september, twelve and thirteenth, when we all put flesh Yup, regardless of which kind of red or a blue county we're in so it's just not just the cats of today, it's as chaos has been that's been building up over the course of their life. times, so you just did an audio essay for the new york times. Where you played a few clips from a recent focus group you conducted with young voters. Let's take a listen, I know I just don't think it makes a difference, sometimes like yeah. They were as bad as it really fans waiting so the comments from the young voters neck group reminded me of what you call the modern go down effect theory. Can you explain that four people she while the original trickle down effect was mostly positive right during the other kind of reagan era, the idea that the that they super wealthy incorporations, the more money they may, the more that would tripled
to help the working class folks, instead what I've heard The bar focus groups of last couple months is that, rather than the well trickling down and make an all of us, feel better off. It's the reverse it a negative trickle down effect where the problems are challenges. The wars from previous generations are trickling down and have in order in ordinary impact on them? those who are most vulnerable and again that gets too. I think out of that that does the cynicism that is driving much of the deceased disaffection with two politics today. So in some ways it's it's generational, not even left right divide, but almost a top bottom witches like young, people feeling like that the older generations have screwed so much shut up for them. And that the people in power also you know in older generations, and so they take them, they mean hold them accountable for that right
that connects democrats, republicans independence alike. You know- and there are many examples of where, where younger people, even across party lines, have more in common than younger, democratic and democrats and republicans in older republicans. The thing is the thing that to me is often frustrating. Is that this the generation who d by the cynicism. Every single year are becoming more progressive right who asking they dating understand that we need government to two to work in collaboration with the other institutions, private, except. try to solve these challenges. So they're, not like disagreeing their values are aligned with democratic party there, just not seeing the democratic party right now as being is delivering as much as what I think they have actually delivered. Last couple years re honest,
you were saying in early november that the President's handling of the war in Gaza could cost him potentially decisive support among younger voters. Can you talk about where most Voters are on this issue and what you think Biden can do to keep or regain their support It's obviously incredibly complex issue. You know I was. I did a review of the poles in the second half of of october, in When you look at the overall approval writings among younger people short by handling of israel and hamas in Gaza. Only about a quarter or show said they approved, and that was basically on the low end of a series of issues, so they disapprove of him more on this issue than other issues, and what is of of of concern is really about a potential cup disconnect over values that what young people specific a young progressives who are
It's so critical to to not just voting but the energy around the two thousand and twenty cycle they're concerned about and up they're concerned about a lack of recognition for civilian life on both sides of that border, and that's, I think it's what is really kind of driving this They don't support Hamas. Of course, they see what happened october, seventh as a savage terrorist attack, but they also or moral fraud in terms of a basic completing too. to have new thinking around the best ways to protect civilian children, women etc, and it seems like there's only but wait what Joe Biden can do about. This is easy. I join the calls for a ceasefire or somehow condition aid to Israel based on Israel, taking different actions are conducting the war differently. it feels to me- and you tell me, because you ve been in the data that its it
this is more than a Joe Biden, can fix this problem by you know talking more to some of young voters and re engaging them. It feels like up like they need a policy decision here or it's not that that that feelings not really go away. I think I think I think people want to see the present as well as a peacemaker right. They were You feel good about the present. They want to feel about themselves in the country the degree we talked about them, watching a lot less news and there's a lot of data that indicates that is basically watching thirteen april. less news account appeal than they did at the same time, the trump administration. So some of the news that is breaking through are obviously the horrific images on october seventh and beyond, and that just is is is something that really, I think, is, is having a a greater impact on how younger people thinking about politics and government, then
people might otherwise suggest beyond Gaza. What else do you think the bind campaign and democratic candidates should do over the next year to win the votes of younger voters? I think it's a it's a it's. Not it's a it's, not a one step into two or three step system, the First thing they need to do is they need to recognise I said earlier that there's a better country because of what young people day before President Biden vice person harris are not enough. I'll trumpets without younger people and what tat means is we have the first african american female supreme court. We have the first significant gun, violence, prevention legislation and not one but two generations, the largest investment climate, a hundred twenty seven billion dollars. Last I counted in student debt relief and we could go. We can go further, so I think first thing is to recognise the important part that young people played thank them for that denies that and let them know what has been delivered but then to say
no guarantee that? Obviously any of this continues without can a further engagement, so I think they really need to kind of build some some some some busy. Some trust that being part of the system actually had tangible results that the first part and then the second part, is very different electorate, they need to also can build message, around that that that that a vote for I became lee of awful corner west of over anybody other than then they embody in or not stay or say home is about four to real tromp, and they, we'll have to be reminded in terms of what that means. I was going to ask about that because it's a sort of a a delicate thing to handle and obviously pete young people. The third party or independent candidates are choosing not to vote. It all seems like an especially serious threat to the president's reelection and, of course, at the president loses. As you mentioned, we get donald trump,
what are you? What would you say to a young voter who is considering one of those options because there's some debate, whether you say I will if you're doing this you're just going to vote for donald trump and then that sort of puts people on their heels and say. Well, I you know it's it's my choice and why you telling me what to do or do you say you know these these third party independent candidates, they are not going to be able to fulfil what you fulfil the promises they're making because they're not gonna, win or oa. How would you handle that? I think I would even think about handle not now, for you know, for nine months in instead, what you need to do is understand why they're looking a third party candidate right there looking a third party candidate, because they don't think that, as you heard in the clip they'd that they don't think that voting, has made a significant difference in their lives. The lives of the lives of those people that they care about, and I get really needs to focus on the tangible difference. Our government has,
will continue to make when they engage. I think that's can be critical and in about messaging and comparing yourselves to third party candidate, it's not going to be as effective if they don't have to full a trust in the system, yeah you been talking a lot about through focusing on like communicating Joe binds accomplishment the Democrats accomplishments. How much would you focus on that versus focusing on the contrast between both binds accomplishments and his forward looking vision, and What trump would do in a second term? Certainly certainly there is, I think, what we learn from two thousand twenty right is either there is that that that that balance, that chemistry between part, having negative person ship right. Certainly, there was concern about americans continuing to feel like you're losing their rights, and we saw how many right we're lost because of trump supreme court. So absolutely that has to be an important factor of this, but listen John. I dont know if this boy, what the right mix of cartel is between the negative,
the poznan partisanship. All I know is that we need to an innocent Why wrote that listen? I didn't write that headline. Of course you know they have editors in your time. I read headlines, but I do think that your listeners, the people who support democratic campaigns and causes need to appreciate the fact that this, despite the fact, we've had three incredible turnout among young people. We can't guarantee that every cohort is new, it's different and we need to kind of kind of build up faith in the system. But of course I think there will be. I think there will be a significant part of the of the contrast. when I look back, you know it. Two thousand and eighteen right that was, I think, the right. The right combination. You had the deep concern about the first couple of years. A trump administration with the hope of of
at the march for allies, with David hog in and and his friends were doing those that was an interesting. I think, combination of factors. I think that really lifted you support and it's gonna be something similar, because at a time extort. There's a terrific story. I think anyone vice president harris was on her college to our. She had incredibly enthuse yeah took audiences. She literally showed up where they were not just on social me but literally cannot have you know in the in the car and in the auditors, assemblies, colleges and sheep. She spoke to him, ball. She listened to young people and I think that responded, and I am hopeful and expect that dumber I can do this, but again the reason I Rita was pieces and I've been have been thinking about this as these under a
and concerns. I have from the attitudinal data that has been highly predictive for for now, a couple of different decades, and the sooner that we recognize that the more I think we can all engage in in and helping people appreciate the importance of of a civic life and participate specifically in this next campaign. Will last question you mentioned vice. harris said going where voters are in a media environment or an information environment. That is this fractured. This rampant with misinformation on platforms or emotional polarizing content like what's the best way to communicate, who are the best most trusted messengers to reach you voters where they are. I think other young voters I think other young girls and I think the white house honestly, you know probably know about an eye, but why does I think the first couple years up? Don't terrific job at at empowering?
kind of younger activists bringing them can have incited to share some of their accomplishments. To listen, for to listen for advice, on other ones- and I think that was a big part of the democratic success in two thousand to twenty in two thousand twenty two may terms a big part. I thought you had cut alignment among many of the of these progressive groups and we need to continue to to do that. I sense I stance based upon the number of text messages. I have found that some of those progressive active r r r r questioning something's now, which is we are related, Israel and in gaza and and and Hamas, but it's really about I think, of empowering those kind of micro. What everyone calls micro influencers, those everyday folks and mentors and two to two to communicate, has to be, of course, from the bonnet from the top down that needs to be improved, but certainly can have on the on the vino from the grassroots up
John Della Volpe paid. Thank you so much for joining pod. Save America again in that talkin us through this and keep in touch over the next year will do Thanks agenda, we'll pay for joining us today. Everyone have a fantastic weekend and we'll talk in its week by everyone pod save america is a crooked media production. Our producers are livia martinez and David Toledo. Our associate producer is fair. Safari writing support from Halley keefer reach. Ireland is our executive producer. The show is mixed in edited by andrew chadwick, Jordan. Canter is our sound engineer with audio support from kyle segment and charlotte landis
madeline herrings is our head of news and programming met to growth. Is our head of production? Andy task is our executive assistant thanks to our digital team, eliza cone, Hayley jones, MIA kalman david tolls, kyril tel Aviv and Molly labelle subscribed to pod save america on youtube to catch full episodes and extra video content find us at you to death. Come slash at pod, save america. Finally, you can join our friends. The pod subscription community for ad free episodes, exclusive content in a great discussion on discord, plus its a great way to get involved with both save america sign up at crooked dot, com, slash friends,.
Transcript generated on 2023-11-24.