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Are Republicans About To Impeach Biden?

2023-08-31 | 🔗

Friend of the Pod Alyssa Mastromonaco joins Dan to discuss the latest impeachment madness from the Kevin McCarthy, the Right's plan to destroy government as we know it, and whether Trump miiiight be exaggerating about being more popular than Michael Jackson. Then, Hawaii Senator Mazie Hirono joins the show to talk about recovery efforts in Maui, and Alyssa and Dan answer questions from listeners.

To support people impacted by the wildfires in Hawaii, visit the Hawaii Community FoundationThe People’s Fund of Maui, and the Maui Humane Society.


This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey you're, welcome to better tomorrow with Hannah brown. I am Excited had the space to build true commute as we dive into the big questions, I do hope to provide Raul unfiltered take ways and revelations that you also can relate to. This is for Are you and me we can make it whatever we want it to be. The patches rhyme, let's go for it, will be better tomorrow, listen on the serious ex m app pandora or, ever you get your podcast through prevention bought or simply safe home security if you're a regular listener. You already know our friends, it simply safe, have been revolutionizing homes, security for over a decade and now we're making yet another advancement with twenty four seven lifeguard protection available, only from simply safe on a fast protect monitoring plan. John lovett tell us why you love simply safe. While I set up a simplisafe and and was really easy to do, works rather box, so intuitive up completely reliable, literally never had a problem on a single problem.
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the in a pod, save america and dan pfeiffer at Alyssa semester. Monica Alyssa. Thank you for joining us again. This is, I think, time, you filled in during the month of vacations you're a cricket media it's my insurrection The question is: will you be here next week when we do the zoom, I'm I'll do any anything you need me five or anything you have me I'll, be there are excellent. Let's get into tat on today's pod, the house republicans unimpeached or by the right wing hatches a plan to distort the federal government
Senator maisie Orono talks or less about the tragic fires in maui. In we answer some of your questions, I display no evidence and I literally means zero evidence. It appears at the house. Republicans are about to embark on an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden having something. To do with the business dealings of his son hunter. Here's. What Kevin Mccarthy had to say The fox news is maria border roma on sunday. So, if you look at all the information we have been able to gather so far. It is a natural step forward that you would have to go to an impeachment inquiring, just so you're you're. viewers understand what that means, that provides congress, the apex of legal power to get all the information they need, our analysis, I'm not sure why this is not a bigger story and I think. There is a very good chances. We may be the dominant, storing american politics when congress comes back next week.
but it really seems like based on the reporting and count mccarthy's habit of doing whatever the freedom caucus tells him to do like the house is actually going to embark on this impeachment inquiry. Maybe, as soon as next week, here's my question for you: have these people lost their fucking minds body there s an else, get rights itself. I mean this is like he's practically hyper ventilating in that interview, because he's already stressed this is such a circus. It's like what do they say you elected clown doesn't make the place a kingdom. It makes it a circus out or something like that, but that's basically what he's done, and that is what conquers there's gonna be like when they come back the world. There are certainly important problems on this planet body, but let's make
nor that we use the apex of political power. For this to be just as people are clear, the launching of an impeachment inquiry is not does not mean they are going to impeach Joe Biden. In the history of the united states. Impeachment inquiries have been launched quite rarely and they almost always and in impeachment, because these get a momentum of their own in this truly, truly bizarre It is particularly bizarre in a world in which can mccarthyism incredibly narrow majority. He couldn't bear we pass mildly, Commercial bells, let alone the official in the present aid states, He has nineteen members who are currently in districts that Joe Biden one in twenty twenty and he is going down this path now. Kevin Mccarthy, because he is the kind of guy who likes to read the stage directions out loud during the play.
due to interview with the new york times this week, work he told basing told the times of the reason he was doing. This was a as a way to convince the far right members of his caucus to avoid shutting down the governments. does it make any sense? You urge that a plan so crazy that it can work honestly. I think it's not a bad plan for him. it's like look every yes, no or me out, hear me out, I'm not saying I think it's a good idea in general, I'm saying here's the deal. Kevin Mccarthy has three constituencies right, he's got trump he's got the freedom caucus and he's got them. Threats every day is about survival for this man. He serves two out of three. With this move, he'll be able to raise some money off of it. I mean buddy, listen, there's a time back in the day when you could buy votes with
We need to know where you know, but like now you gotta try and impeach somebody, and so like. I don't call me clairvoyant, but I can't help but think they'll catch again haven't heard the last from the freedom caucus on shutting down the government like they aren't exactly rational or cohesive. Now to try to explain the substantive logic, and are you The term logic quite loosely here. The art the mccarthy is making. Is that if the government were to shut down, congress would have to stop this impeachment inquiry into Biden and therefore, if you really care about a future by new, want to keep the government open right now, kabul flaws. This plan, one is Kevin. Mccarthy is essential, the one who determines what congress can you can't do during a shutdown pact so that freedom, cars just ass? You come to cap mccarthy and say no. This is an urgent thing and we're going to keep it going right too.
as a very obvious way here in which the house from carcass can have their shut down and eat it too, because they can start the appeasement right, shut down the government take a break. for three weeks. What the government should down come back and continually impeachment inquiry. So now can if he has the worst of both were ass. Witches gardener shut down, something he thinks is quite unpopular in damaging and he has impeachment inquiry which he has decided? I thinking erectly to be slightly less politically damaging, then shutting down the government so I just like it just as a look professional and a human being. who believes in rational thinking. This makes me want to scream, because the basic The most basic task of being speaker of the house is given a garment open. That is it ass, a table sites like that. It's when you think buddy, that's what you think Kevin Mccarthy thinks is only job is to try to keep his job and that's all he is thinking about right now and he doesn't care he's like he's.
Jean valjean in les miserables? He just keeps looking at the mirror and saying one day more one day more that I have to say that is the first. Musical theatre reference on a thursday pod today. So congratulate you so much it's why you brought me here, but here's the thing The question, I guess the question is: what does the job give Mccarthy cares more about? Is it leader of the republican caucus or speaker speaker Right, I did then this it then he is choosing incorrectly, because polls show that these six percent, though this now a pull him out and we will see more than in the all was done by a democratic groups, will take it with a modicum of salt. Had that fifty six percent of people think that impeachment Joe Biden would be a partisan which hunt or fishing stocks from wherever languages, but we would like right a majority well, don't like it to keep us majority here to convince some number of people who vote for Joe Biden in twenty twenty and are likely to be
come again in twenty twenty four to also vote for a republican number, the house, how is impeaching Joe Biden or why sting taxpayer dollars on this completely frozen wondering. How is it going to do that is it is so damn? I do think we ought to stipulate that mrs very pernicious said this earlier and I just got so worked up about this. I went down a path of attacking mccarthy, which again times is I just want to be very clear, congress has investigated this for well over a year gap, a you attorney has investigated hunter binding. A trial pointed u s attorney, who was now special candles invested Joe Biden for five years, the back of the trump administration in that time The media has also dug deep into this right wing media. Mainstream media have thrown all the resources at this endeavour, At any time have they found a piece, a single shred of evidence that Joe Biden did anything improper as relates to hunter binds business dealings, not
that a single piece of evidence, the person Basing this honest, the testimony of a former promises partner of hunter by in devon archer, who has been convicted of multiple and is awaiting a sentence to prison and also did not. According to the Democrats, who heard is deposition indicate that Joe Biden, did anything other than say hello to his son and the people's I'm speaking too, while on speaker for buddy Buddy Buddy buddy. Are you under the impression that their tethered to reality in any way in any way whatsoever or, of course know that their language, nor that their linear thinkers booby it does, I think, I'm told to account for not being when you're thinkers agree more than one move ahead. There has never been a human being in the history of the planet with upon exception, Donald trump, more likely to fail them. mellow test. Then Kevin Mccarthy. If you mccarthy. I can pick your finger today
I can cut off your arm in six months, He would choose having his arm severance, exploit. That's right, as is always what happens down the line yeah it just it makes. Sense- and this is just so such idiotic. Galaxy brain thinking that I can take it and is frankly bad for about a gun mccarthy's after the house is bad for the congress in I was bad for the country. It is its idiots and it's about to be upon us. There's like, as you said, there is real things happening here. They have to pass a bill you for funding for natural disasters. Is our hurricane hitting are these natives right now, as we say this, you just talking running about the man we fire as they have to give money. What what did you do instead of that this bullshit yet? But there can this tracks this time. axe. I mean yeah. It's on brand know that the like the brand we don't have to like the brand, but this is like bait. They none of them. I'm just gonna go out on a limb here. None of them wanted to be in congress to help people- let's not,
other than that that brother donald trump, they will be helped. Oh my god, yes, help tram. One interesting wrinkle here is that in the past most impeachment inquiries begin with a vote of a full house to say this. Of such a silly nature that we are going to have a vote and to declare that we're going to look into the threat. Now in twenty nineteen nancy policy, quite deathly, I would think decided, given the members that she had in vulnerable districts said we are not going to have a vote of the we're just gonna began, which is procedurally you can do had made Kevin mccarthy, never republican, quite angry at the time he called it and abuse. As illegitimate blah blah blah I will give you one guess: how do you think him mccarthy plans to launch this inquiry as soon as september? The same way. the exact same way without a vote of the house, I mean they're, nothing if not hypocritical
now do you think that's a good? Should we like slam him for some hypocrisy? Are we going to get them that way? Of course, who cares they? They don't care if their shit is devoid of merit, they're fine with it, they don't care. If I mean they just don't care, and so there is no point in trying to argue the point because We did it and how they do it, even though trump actually committed crimes. Some on national television- and you know these guys- are trying to chase abiden down a rabbit hole I mean just so. We can refer Eric because everyone's memories have grown so short in this turbulence. We live in the region, the house in pieces tromp was because he was tape blackmailing the present it of you brain of america. As where are you all right? Yes, it s whole. extorting him over funding for the military weapons. He would need to oppose At times, you might get nebulous threat from russia in order to get dirt.
Joe Biden, son hunter, and that was on tape. So simple ideas like are not to the same things, not apple, apples here now, even if the house launches inquiry and then can Mccarthy somehow gets the requisite number of republicans to vote to impeach Joe Biden on all of this bullshit we know Joe Biden ass. I can be corrected and removed from office because, as a reminder, it takes two thirds a vote of two thirds of the senate to make that happen. That is, that did not happen for trump either time he was impeached, as I can remember Joe Biden here, such as he did nothing wrong, but if you're in the white house, how do you view this? Do you view this as a jake? and pain in your ass, something you may be welcome politically, but what you're take on it
You know, I don't think they welcome it. I don't think it's that bad. I don't know that anybody welcome said it's going to be a huge fucking pain in the ass. You know it's like. I think that this is a white house that can more than is more than capable of of walking and chewing gum. At the same time, they will have a team. There will be people outside. You know an external group that will help them. They will keep doing the people's business. You know they will keep getting is done for this country, but it's it's a distraction and it's a pain in the ass again lot of other things happening in this country that they should be focusing on, and I mean I think, they'll continue to focus on those things, but this is like it's a pain in the ass. It's a huge pain in the ass yet the reason why this is more of a pain in the ass than the other. Oversight investigations have been ongoing for a year and a half now is The rubric impeachment inquiry congress has its highest power to investigate it. Subpoena what we thought at least, that its opponents will be taken more seriously, a lot, a court decision,
during the various trumpet pigments Prillie brought that into question by their there. Yes, officials or pete like requests for documents. Emails are more likely to have to be made shaded or a ceded to under an impeachment inquiry, potentially then under the normal bullshit that Jim Jordan's doing every data and upon news max or whatever Now I will say this is maybe a bit a fortune for the vine focus they just named Had Cisco, rang white house council, too, is to remain work. We love ass, we with him in the obama white house. He was very instrumental in helping us respond, although by was on peace, but that he was the target of one gazillion Bullshit investigations helpless, navigate all of those things, and so they have a very safe able hands felt them handle this. They have some really smart people do in the com stuff. On this battle bodies, communications director was the person who handled the response to all of the republican bullshit and even the legal investigation stuff. For us as well, so they are, they will. They are certainly not rookies now in this in any way, shape or form now taken here.
What do you think the politics of this offer? By? Does it somewhat, even if it's annoying in the short term is the mere fact of this a little bit of a political gift? I think a little You know, I think the president Biden is really good at taking on the republicans when they really sort of piss him off by just making them seem small and seeming unafraid of them, and I think that that's what he'll do he will get after gazillion questions when he's out campaigning and it'll be like you up, I mean like look when you think about it: donald trump obvious gates. He denies he tries to get away with things in Joe Biden. like damn into the torpedo. It's gonna be like yeah. Ok, fine come for me here. You girl will give you wherever you want like take everything. You know like dust on his shoulder. That's so I think it's you know I do, it's hard. You it's hard to imagine mean what you may dirt on his shoulder. I say dust did: I rely has not presently eric,
you must have the jersey reference. I meant whatever I'm supposed to have said, but I did the bracelet and I did the brush thing right Yes, you did, but no I mean like it's it's hard to say it's like a net positive, but I think that they will. They will make the best I guess no one wants to be impeached. No one wants to deal with these things. It is. It will be supremely annoying? If they, the house actually goes through with this, because one of these things that is like hard to explain generations from now right, like when people just like To whatever the hall, the grand three they met, a verse version of wikipedia is unlimited about Joe Biden and it's like how do we explain to people that there is, as peered in time of working party, was run by idiotic weaklings? who decide to appease the present. For no reason like that will be a hard thing. explain right bite it from a pure raw politics If somebody use this pole, they mentioned before the wisdom of the congressional integrity project, which is a democratic group. The push
you know of who hates poles you loved poles. I think that they despair. Ass, a little snapshot in time. Let's go. Let's wanted to take him in, and so this poll showed that fifty six percent of voters, as I said, thought that this bessie was stupid, partisan, bullshit, but in eighty eight percent of Democrats thought that I would like to speak to the twelve percent who didn't buy. It When you look at the two thousand and twenty four polling today, the race is much closer than you want it to be and the main reason for that is Joe Biden is currently underperforming. With democrats and people vote, a firm and twenty one And he's getting in some cases about seventy seven percent of democrats. Remember the long piece about this in the message box earlier this week, but one thing that will quit We saw that problem is republicans impeaching him have we exactly what happened and trumps approval numbers in twain,
eighteen early twenty when the recipe each time republicans went back to tromp right and his approval numbers actually went up during the course of that inquiry. and so there will probably this well in some way. remind people whether problems are fucking nuts, and I mean them it, one of the validation of Joe by its presence. He will be the these hateful more odds, are attacking him like that. It that's how negative partisanship and position works in this damage. Thank you for it. matter. So would I do that in the marshes myself is perfect, I'll get their money back switching gears for a. and speaking of cockamamie right wing schemes, the heritage foundation so upset about this. The rough that's why we had the they right wing or right wing. Think tank has put together a one thousand page plan and plans to recruit thousands of people to come to washington
to literally destroy the federal government, as we know it and fire up to fifty thousand civil servants if donald trump or some other mega friendly candidate winds and twenty twenty four. This is called project. Twenty five. It sounds very scary, but confusing Alyssa, you a you when you're house chief of staff, human had many many responsibilities, one How was your charge of presidential personnel staffing the government? Essentially here Explain what it is. Republics are trying to do here, and why would be so bad just know that I'm about to embark on a nerd spire also you can just sit back. This is first of all these heritage people they call their plan, it's actually packaged as like a coffee table book. Just I don't think about that for a minute, there's something about that. That makes it even more pretentious and annoying, but first the. U s. Government currently has about four thousand political appointees. These are
people who switch from administration to administration, and we have about four hundred and eighty eight thousand civil servants who are known as empty ease, full time, equivalence. Ok, those are the people who keep the government going. They don't change from administration to admit.
Iteration, I oversaw the political appointees, that's how it should be. We were in the administration. I ever saw the political appointees. The empty ease are basically our safety net there. The reason we have a smooth transition of government, because there, the career employees, with specific expertise that keeps the government running and if you actually go to usa job stock of you can see the process that they have to go to to apply for a job. What the right wants to do is returned to the spoil system. This is what they want to do. It was actually president carter who reformed the civil service in an effort to end political bias, which had been a problem since the eighteen hundreds. The civil service, is what the geo p has done.
The deep state because they believe they stood in the way of trump. But, to be honest, these people are meant to be the guard rails for all of us. This is what they do. We all come into government. Most people haven't done it before they have the depth of knowledge that helps every administration be successful. So, basically, what the g o p wants to do is bring in fifty thousand people to eliminate the people. I just told you about so in essence, I'm just going to make real clear example. They want to be able to hire somebody to work at the: u s: d, a forest service who isn't required to know how to put out a forest fire, that's what they want to do or like they don't even have to know what a tree is. It's fine. They just want to bring in all of these new people and the this is the best part buddy, as I went down the rabbit hole on this, the heritage foundation actually
hold it jobs, fair for the government in waiting and do you know where they help the jobs pair in a fox news, green room even better it was it the irish state fair they held their jobs vera. The I state fair, because buddy bring your turkey lag, and beer and come over and learning about working at treasury. That is why they want to do with their government and waiting, and but they are putting so much effort into this, and it is truly so stressful to me because it first like when you get in the government you made the career employees they might be a little jaggi of yield or like whoa. Are these political whippersnappers and the truth is you're like who are these people who have been here for forever and guess what you fucking need them? America needs them. We all need them. They are american euros, and this is such a tragic situation mean to put it into just like some roma contact from
lives. Yeah, like you and I, and I think that was with Us- were on the first bus of people who went from Barack obama's inauguration the moment he becomes present. I was already there through the what I had to miss and you We always forget this will then you can speak to that because you want in to the white house in obama, became president during what we now know to have been an active terrorist plot right yeah. I think the and the white house feels empty the bush people are all cowardly. It is tumbled, where's tumbleweed through the army. Would you think it's tumble yeah right in the offices that were going to sit in writers posts with your name on it. There your desk empty other than some nice people put like. Pencils and pens there and there's a phone there is a close it down on him, with your temporary podsnap. Yet that's that's it. That's it But then you go downstairs and you are like who these people waiting, aligning coffee.
And you realize it's all the people in the full time now: security professionals who ve been there for years, who are monitoring the sick room up to make sure that the country is protected and thought through and there's a continuity plan. If something were to happen warmer than right and I take the eva and they want to get rid of those people and the reason they want to get rid of them, and you have to think of this in the context of january six yeah. The reason trump could not pull off the Things like seizing the voting machines instituting martial law various things he wanted to do. The justice department was because they were career employees there who would not sign off on whose right to reside in mass, if he did, they think that's why he had some trouble with a penny. because there are all these career military people not gonna, do what he ran it, and so they were get rid of the ship, because those are the that is the bulwark against the craziest things that the Republicans want to do, and then you have to put that in the context of the overall vision of right wing government, which is as governor quest. The republican anti tax advocate one said is shrink
down to the size. You can drown in a bathtub cos, get rid of all these people right. You can't do research climate change, you cat implemented stan programme everything they want to get rid of. Is they want to break government so that people don't want government more and that's what this is about mean. One of their plans is to give him flowing he's at th s. Power of law enforcement, like political point, is how little everybody a whole bunch of peter whole bunch of people. Just you know what you work here you're, no law enforcement. What and there's no one stop, there's no way to devour them if they, if they, if donald trump winds or that other guy rama swami, they will do this. They they will absolutely do this act, it is it is, it is really, everyone should be really
This is truly terrifying. It's hard to explain to people, but I think you did an excellent job of explaining why it affects people's lives right and that's it that's the thing we have to do during this campaign for a lot of people. Yeah, ok, illicit donald trump before presented states with a hurricane hitting his home state of Florida went on it. I am to offer a message to floridians and, frankly all americans. Let's take a lesson Wow my interview with Tucker karlsson, has turned out to be the single most watch, video and interview in the history of the world. I guess such a great honour to have participated. Two hundred and sixty two million views and counting the doubling the long time raining champ the up. Winfrey interview of Michael Jackson, so I want to congratulate Tucker and I want to thank everyone. Thank you very much. It was a tough it for over her. How you think is handling this. You know what I think she's doing great
no, why I don't know what other people did, but I went back and watch them. Oprah, Michael Jackson, interview wonderful trip. I had only forgotten about that T. Ninety three never felt so fresh, but was it I decided to put this in the outline two and half hours ago, yeah. In that time you have interviewed a united states senator and you wash and eighty two eighty three interviewed Michael Jackson, for it was incredible. Elizabeth Taylor was there buddy? You know that when you invite me to do the pod, I was prepped and ready to go by last night. I had nothing but time on my hands this morning. So, yes, I watched the video the interview of Oprah, Michael Jackson's house. Neverland ranch that shit was wild, but also, I think you and I both know like as many people watched the donald trump interview as attended. His inauguration
are you saying it was not the largest crowd to ever witness an inauguration. History is then I I, as the soon to be dancing with the stars. Contestant Sean spicer said I just think like what I doing he's so pathetic, like he's just so pathetic like like you have to like how does milady even look at him, but also he's always so horny to like be with the elites like he had to say, Oprah, because secretly he wants Oprah to like him. He wants Oprah to call him up. good job, and that's never gonna happen, because that, in our view, as I contact we did is he has many times over. The last seven years mentioned the fact that Oprah used to be nice to him and now she's, not. He also invited the Clinton stores wedding. Just saying he's had a real journey.
I don't want to play the role of fact, checker or something I pointed myself to at last week's part now by it to be clear when Donald trump says tutors. Sixty two million people washes interview that its natural now I'm sorry, it's trip over his record stand the test of time. With one extra veto right over here. Is your arisen. We shocked to hear this bit. Elon musk is playing a little fast among us with the view count on twitter. What twitter view means is really is what we used to call an impression All it means doesn't mean you watch the video doesn't mean you started the video it does. It mean you Paul, just on the video is a risk, aren't the sort of eat it means it showed up in your feed, so a for instance. You follow donald trump, you follow Tucker, some reporter you follow, retreated it either councils of you, some Progressive person you followed quote treated to tell you how stupid, bet trumpets that counts of you, the folks at me,
apple. Did an estimate based on the video view count, and that just means you watched some of it or started it. You don't have to watch all of it or even most of it that it was closer to like twelve or fourteen million people. I think, and that was actually only the not the most watched. Video in history is not even tucker carlson's. Most watch interview his interview with Andrew tate, the one that kind of sex, trafficker and misogyny that one actually had more video views at the time than trump so the only reason I bring this obvious because trumps and not, and we should make fun of em but also, I think there is like an object lesson here for progressives, which is donald trump, did the tucker karlsson interview because he's a shallow spiteful man he wanted just grover fox. There is nothing more to tell fox that mad at them into doing away with the person that foxes currently in litigation for over violating his nine compete but he also was doing something that is like it's not we shall see jake, but as something that he that ends up happening so often that it is like downs
we introduced. You benefit of trumpets, sort of crazy media style, which is done believes that tucker karlsson helps him become. President yeah and therefore he takes his time any ways hands on Tucker Carlson as a mediator, distort arose and went off into this twitter. If you really is anyone even thought about our cross ensigncy launches what does not know? What is it? No one cares about, is how can I just think of a better interviewer, then Tucker crawls, I'm. The battery is bad interview to also why people dont have to link duncan trump, like we all hate em, but stop quote tweeting. It's just giving him we're view. yes you're giving him what he wants. Is your attention, whether he it doesn't care of your attention is good or bad. He just wants attention, but from does my doing this interview is, he helps make Tucker cross. A more influential figure gives we're followers, more viewers, bigger farther conversation and That is a lesson that Democrats up and down the ballot can learn from trump, which is we should do the same thing for our media allies right. It is why we it is.
If more positive was why we loved one politicians do interviews on the pod, save america or hysteria is why eliza and then make me beg people to smash, subscribed button on parliament youtube channel because that helps build up are following and make sure more people see our stuff? And so, if you believe you think progressive media is have your press, a politician, you think progressive media is a net benefit arrests, causes and arrests. Politics than you have. do more stuff with them. That is my pitch people to come on and a stereo that was well done, Thank you I didn't give you anywhere was going right at first then I was like I get. What he's doing it forced made me forest people to listen to donald trump for twenty eight seconds, but hopefully we offer there's a pay. I'll get worked up, Oprah, Michael Jackson, that's where you get a lot of that area.
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The cricket senator from Hawaii maisie hirono welcome to pod save america good to me you're you're always aloha alone. We are a few weeks out from the fires that ravaged maui, specifically in la hyena and cooler. We see the aftermath of hurricane italia across the south mother nature feels very pissed at us right now. I saw that are recent brush why another one, albeit brief, causative evacuation of the hyena, are the fires, it contained on the island. At this point. The fires contained a one hundred percent that, as far as I know, in line up. everyone is ever watchful. You can imagine the fight Thirdly, taint, as far as I know, what are the unique challenges of being an island state when it comes to recovering from a disaster like this, we are
saw a very tourists, stirred dependent state our end, something like this happens. Then people novel I come to. Our state is have a devastating impact on our economy and our ability to recover and others the governor of the mayor of Maui county is asking people to to help with the economic recovery by continuing to visit it, not the high now, but the other parts are married being very sensitive to the fact that There is a lot of breeding and lastly, experienced by the people of my way, but still there, A recovery is gonna. Take time. Resources and part of that are too welcome a comment and and support the economic recovery of Molly again are being very sensitive to work. We are going through. Are there other ways that people travelling tomorrow can be caught?
anxious tourists other than just not going to a high now other ways that they can help overcome you're gonna. Go to a website that I ban suggesting people gotta. Is that call hawaii community the foundation, dot org and they have set up a special fund. and for molly recovery, awake community foundation, dot org, all under not underscored just your type that in end of the day are accepting contributions, from literally all over the country and the world. There are. A lot of people hold hawaii maui dear to their hearts. Since all those kinds of country Just are really really important right now and I have been following them as well senator and they have been very transparent about how much money they're getting and what they're giving away and to whom. So they have really been doing heroic work. Yes, on However, there are still three hundred people reportedly missing several news reports.
saying the mayor of Maui was dear elect in his duties and didn't call the state for back up. Are you confident that if people made catastrophic mistakes that they'll be held accountable? I think that that is all going to reveal itself, so we contain to recover and, as you probably know, there are multiple losses. The county has already father lawsuit against the electric company. I have to cover. The public conor sooner than there are five is just going on. So all of that kind of Information will reveal itself and there will be a lot of finger, pointing I'm sure, but at the same time the recovery is gonna, be time, resources and really there We should reflect the values and the vote. He says other people of the high. Now in particular, it is not about, as the president said. Yes today,
it is not about the federal government or anybody else will be. Is re use when you all about it? Do yours what liner is going to look like you know it's going to be done very much reflecting the values and voices of the people there. To that point, I think, for a lot of folks, it's hard to imagine a drought on an island, but maui was in fact experiencing a drought and fires were largely fed by non native plant is something I think it's really important for our listeners to know loads of plants were brow onto the island in the late, seventeen hundreds and eighteen hundreds like guinea grass for purposes they longer serve like feeding cows. Colonists turned from cattle farming to other forms of agriculture, but left these grasses that grow up to six inches. In a day there, both drought, resistant and decompose less quickly, making them essentially kindling. In a situation like this will recovery efforts include addressing issues like these invasive species that make europe
and more vulnerable to fires. Of course, there are other areas of the way that our honourable hawaii as wildfires, just like any other state, the numbers of acres percentage wise is akin to other states, but of course, The is the most devastating and loss of life and property in entire town burned to the ground, He distort town and yes to the conditions that led to this disaster will need to be was getting putty they process of invasive grass. Does that needed to be cut back? There are other places. Were these invasive grasses? have a groan and we need to make sure that the management of the lands. The fallow land is part of our efforts to prepare and then he gave it these ties of disasters this need some news broke. You can always on open to make a splash this morning, news broke that,
bread and the rock have launched an assistance fund called the people's fund of maui donated ten million dollars to kick it often say: every cent will go to the people of Maui according to the press release. Residents, eighteen and over who live in the affected area and who were displaced by the fires, will be eligible to receive twelve hundred dollars a month to help through the recovery period. Maisie. Do you think we're at a point in our climate disasters are so frequent that we're gonna have to rely on private citizens? provide relief for survivors. I really glad that private citizens particular was say all other people, I have maui. When I was there visiting the shelters, it was very clear all the the people were there, volunteering, including high school kid sewer volunteering, but this is a joint effort by a government. We have to acknowledge. We that our country has college. I would say the connection between global warming, climate change and the future see and other they have
damage in all of these disasters are so hurricanes. And flooding and wildfires ease in my view, and that in the view of scientists, are connected, the global warming, and we need to acknowledge that and as a country deal with it, and that is why they must sure reduction act, as three hundred we in dollars to deal with, global warming and climate change. But we know Well, that there are some states where he can't even use the words climate change. Hey everybody! Wake up, because this is a this is a time for all of us in a bipartisan away to say that we are things in ireland and in our globe. That is it is really setting the stage for these kinds of other global climate, damaging events to conceal, to happen, and we need to deal with it in that will prevent mitigate global warming. You touched on this a little better go, but we have been,
stories about unsavory developers and real estate agents trolling to buy up land, to have confidence that the people and molly will be provided with the means to keep the land they own and rebuild the homes that may have been destroyed, neither the ruby ways there, that is to say that at the current level there may be a moratorium on building or surveillance of land whether that that can that will We challenge, I'm not sure, but There is a general, I would say, consensus and support. This is no time for people to come. Flocking and I'm trying to buy up the the land. That's a la hina that this is not the time for any of that kind of job activity to be happening. I believe that there is a marked oral on that this kind of activity. I certainly hope so, let's talk a little bit more about giving and how people can help. I have focused my giving toward the maui humane society, I'm wearing their teeth.
Lots of day since in hawaii, pets are considered part of the ohio, the family. They are doing it. credible work. Are there other organizations we already talked about the hawaiian community foundation? Are there other organisations? You would love our listeners to be aware of and to support You got a committee foundation. There is a list of all the organisations there trusted organizations that are the money that goes until this special fund through the whole committee opposition. These check, through that to see if the humane society is among them or aren't you can probably just gonna, go chill society, Maui and and and go through, or make sure that these are legitimate. This issue said are accepting these funds and we will make sure to linked to these organisms
and in our show notes, so people can just click over and support and also I just want to say that for me, growing up, we always went to Molly in the winter and our favorite thing was cocoanuts europe, so I have ordered loads of cocoanut. Europe to help support businesses. So if you are near me, you'll be getting coconuts europe soon. No! Thank you maisie. Thank you. Thank you. so much for taking the time to talk to us today. My hollow and thank everyone who cares about the way to help our recovery by holland or lower thanks to ruin. The focus is gonna, take a long time for us to recover from something as devastating as this is still heartbreaking. Its heartbreaking just watching, and I really feel it's terrifying to hear people talk about the conspiracy theories of what they think happened so
I really wanted to get you on se to be able to kind of like. Yes, we need to push back and and focus all our energies. It was really going to help, and neither that is not about you know, there's going to be as kevin Mccarthy. He wants to do an investigation as to the federal response. Politicizing. This tragedy is not what we need no moment or any time frankly Thank you so much thank you. Hawaii community foundation that are part, Work has brought by fume called turkey may be great on sandwiches, but there's a way to break your habits instead of a drastic, uncomfortable change. Why not just remove the bad from your hat? few as an innovative award nominated device. That does just that view, This is all natural, delicious flavoured air with no harmful chemicals, for he was a hat
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ins were submitted by people as part of that community Alyssa. Yet our first question is from Monte, govern who ass, in light of Mcconnell's, apparent health issues if he does retire in the near future. What do you, who do you think replacements a party's leader in what would that mean for the senate? right, Johnstone, wouldn't don't replace them. There is a battle between three johns John thing: John Cournand John browser, who I swear, is a real johnson and don't tell anyone. John doe is the most handsomer, though what you were speaking to someone I know the spent to years of their life running campaigns and- and I didn't say that he was smart or capable. I I dont think any of the three of them are, but he's the most handsome would you say: Mitch. Mokanna was a successful republican leader. In other ways, we hate, hey successful, I mean yeah pro. Please would you say he's handsome. Definitely not
despite some contacts here for people who may not have seen much Mcconnell. latterly earlier this year had a bad fall. He was absent from the senate for weeks He was very mysterious about what cause befall or how he was dealing with it. He came back to the senate during oppressive. ability a month or so ago. He throws up, and during than it had a clear health issue, while speaking to the present had to be escorted away from microphones, I the three jobs they just referenced and they just yesterday I went day at a using kentucky, he had a similar incident where he was asked a question real action and then just first he did not speak as an aid had to come up and talk to him eventually had to be sort of taken away from the microphone. Mcconnell staff has told no one anything out what is happening. What the issue is, they haven't had a duck talk to anyone, and so there's real questions about not just what
what kind of a run for re election in a few years, but whether we can continue to be senate leader or even get senator from kentucky right now. Yeah and you are probably right. So their order here is that food is the number two in the senate corner has been incentive leadership for a long time he's a sort of all but more political per se. Then soon as he ran, the energy see he's a little more of a mega media personality. I can tell you nothing about John browser, and like at all, I dunno, I dunno I'd, argue that anyone could either, and I appreciate that you could tell me a little something about the second john, but the reason I said that John thune should do it cause he's the most handsome is cause. That's all I know about any of the three of them Third, I, as I mentioned, I ran to help I write don. You send it campaigns against whom we won the first one lost the second one He is a able politician, I would He is not a deep thinker, fair wages. He certainly was not strategic like Mcconnell, but he would probably be a bit.
Messenger if he were to become the leader assented like Mcconnell has never on television have, as the maybe where is utterly. On telegenic and he's looks like a dream. Mcconnell interview, his whole career has been busy like someone reading the almanac your proposed amendments and about what you just can't understand the words in the words of the senate. Jargon. It's terrible through is a good messenger and probably better for them. corn and is really a kind of aggress discussing individual, his politics but also their messenger and, like I said, John barrasso, walked in this room right now. I wouldn't recognize him, so maybe people The one who's gonna win by the change in the senate would probably be same politics. Less able executioner, Mcconnell had I advise I've. Not question was in this. One is definitely ran up you're out m g asks Was the person in the white house in charge of all the flags like or is there a room for their country's flag and they just pull it out during state visits?
Do you send a long flags before international visits? Angie wants the flag, scoop and also want to know when the, if this person in charge of flags retires, can they apply for the job? Well, it's a matter of fact. Flags are handled by the visits division. At this stage department and they work in coordination with the white house military office. When the visit is at the white house and since energy is very stoked on flags, I will add this little nook. which is that the lowering of the flag over the white house is a function of the white house staff, secretaries office and they actually draft a proclamation for the president to sign that determines how long the flag will be at half mast is a room of the flags I mean they're not kept in a bunker, so the other secures a room somewhere with flags. Were the state flags like the united states of america.
He had the fifty states because they are there's always put up all the time. Why are you trying to make me look like an asshole who doesn't know anything? I don't know what the fuck If the flags are cap, I'm just getting there. They are. I I am fairly confident in saying that they are kept in the white house military office. Okay, that's good! That's a good answer! Thank you I could train your asks. People make fun of the west wing for it's rosy portrayal of an idealistic white house team. But surely you met a few west wing moments over the years? What's one you remember? What's when you remember minds not that rosy but I'll give it to you anyway cause. It was quite funny minds funny you might just funny I was in the er I've ever early early days when asked me for we'd, only been there, maybe like a month or so, and for those now on the weekends white house staff can get when the press It is not working in the west bank white house staff can give family friends a private tour of the west wing ray you can see. The oval office behind robin stance in the cabinet ribbon all this other stuff and they can have
after hours during the week and on saturdays and sundays, and in the early days when a republican, everyone after publication what else. For eight years, the white house was packed particular there's so much excitement of obama. Being president, the white house was packed with people giving tours and it was like. There was traffic on salaries and sundays, like trying to get your office consortium of people doing tourists, and I was stuck walking up the steps from the basement. the west wing, where you would get coffee and first agribusiness me and visit me. yeah yes and also was why I had gone and got breakfast, and I was headed up to my office and I was behind the family, getting a west wing tour from a staffer and it and the. One of the people in the tourist. As you know, this looks Nothing like the tv show the westward, which is true it does not, but exact moment she said that, for reasons that are still hard to explain our round, the corner comes rob what now like justice,
spasm learn there was while yet he had been in the white house were meeting on in our policy, I think, with our with our climate change people, but it was just like exam perfect time, and he was just like. So that's what you think I like that they just like jaws draft everywhere body, that's an amazing story, actually never knew that. I didn't know that story once areas story about where the entire cost of true blood was trapped. Outside of the of the white house. Try to get into toro during the on the david one was killed because everyone is in town for the correspondence dinner, you're right, I'm here what you're doing or sell my stories about the two of us- and I bet you will remember it, but I every time I'm like a little down and the dumps or something I will think about this. You, and I was I don't know what you're was, but our offices worse across from each other right next to the over
And you know you and I we would always pop into the other person's office, and that was that was twenty third january twenty thirteen until march of twenty four, so we were across the hall from each other and I'm pretty sure it was well. You know how my feet would always get hot, and so I would not have my shoes on in the west wing when I, No one was paying attention so I'd. I popped over to your office to chat and the door was open and, as I'm sticking barefoot in europe baby Netanyahu, I'm pretty sure, was bb netanyahu and protests walk by importers who, like didn't, always stop and be like this is sunday on ah stopped and a meat We looked in and saw my feet and gave me the face. It's like Jesus fucking Christ, Alice and I was just standing there in your office. Leg shrugged analogy, I can now anyway, it's like can you I don't like that? Doesn't it like? It was the weirdest funny
thing- and I always remember it, because you are also quite embarrassed- for fairness is broken off his fault. He knew all of us when it for many years before a higher does to the white to these jobs in the white house. No one should have expected anything more from me. Ok utterly professional got job done, but often barefoot my last question gin ass one. best advice. You ve, given each other? Ok, so I'm gonna go first, because pfeiffer has given me to hugely important pieces of advice that, can I will utilise weekly ok first one was. I was in my office and I was like real bummed out and I wish the reason I love to tell this is because I think that, like people who listen to the pod, think of you in a very specific way- and I need to see this side of you- and this is not a now carry out. As I know you want no story, so
the best, in your comments and your like, alas, body what's wrong and unlike- and I tell you a story about someone who is really let me down and you like- buddy, ok, I say this with love and I was like oh you're, like that. You have to stop being constantly disappointed by people who will only disappoint you and it was like a light bulb went off in my head, because that is literally an entire quarters. My personality is being disappointed by people who, only in my life to disappoint me, so that was the first one hears the other one, someone new york. You might remember this when someone new had joined us in the west wing, and I went into your office- and I was like I don't know about this one and buddy, listen, you always dislike somebody before you, like them, and two weeks
to be cackling in your office together and I will be right and you were right, and so now, when I go through life and I meet someone and I'm like what a fuckin asshole, I'm like Alyssa hold hold your fire pfeiffer might be right here and nine times out of ten. You are correct, so you have really just lifted burdens. off of my brain, I know exactly four you're tired out. Isn't that enough- and I felt like I feel like that- I'd like that advice worthwhile in both cases and in life, and so I just you know it's been- I don't know how many years we ve been friends, but since you gave me that advice, I think that you think about it routinely women fronts for sixteen years. Also, just alone, I look better than when we met. That is. That is a fact. Thank you. Thank you. So much leaving government does wonders for your skin. I didn't know that. its single out a single piece of advice. You gave me because there is no question in my mind that I would not have got your called fat alive. Does europe goldfish like one of them
means you have no memories from every bit as I know there's no way would have made it through. The white house a whole bunch of like really challenging It's my life without you, there there's no question about that by the way. most of 'em in an you literally save my life once by centimeter, the housemaid that during a medical emergency and getting me top notch metal air from someone who is now a rambling about other epoch. The time that took the time. Now that it's a very wide More like I've seen the most impact fall, and I always venture gimme is that you told me to date. My wife, like our idea, You are a fool endorse eu encouraged me you so without I wouldn't have my life would be very different, much sadder, and so that was the couldn't be more likely to have. You have done that so thank day we had to give the people what
what I know it ought to tell you guys this, but everyone needs more or less the master monaco in their life, so be it check out her podcast hysteria. Were she and co host aaron ryan break down the steep? Is that a fact? Women's lives time on everything from reproductive rights to run coms? New episodes dropped ever They make sure to tune into hysteria wherever you get. Your podcast positive amount, is going back on the road tickets to our life shows this fall winter available. Now there are no our fears and politics and with so many important state elections this year, twenty twenty three weeks to be stopping by battleground states to help break down the news and help you find ways to make an impact and as for live shows in cities like louisville, cynthia, sent us a washington dc in orleans, get your tickets now crooked. slash events who for joining us today. Thank you to Senator Verona. We will too, to every one. Next week, pod save america is a crooked media production. The executive producer is Michael Martina. Our producers are anti gardner bernstein in Bolivia, Martinez its mixed in edited
by andrew chadwick. Jordan. Canter is our soundings near with audio support from cairo segment and charlotte landis, thanks to halley keeper. when her under our schwartz Andy tat injustice. How for production support into our digital team, Elijah cone, Phoebe bradford me comin, then have coat and David told subscribed to pod save america on youtube to catch full episodes, exclusive content and other community events find us at youtube: dot com, slash at pod, save America This shows sponsored by better help. It's a simple truth. No matter who you are mental health challenges can affect you and how you manage can make all the difference that way. Everyone should have access to mental health. that meets them where they are and helps them get through. Better help provided my therapy on your schedule, its flexible, simple to use, more affordable than in person. Therapy connect with a licence therapist it just for you learn more better help that come. That's better hd lp dot com.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-02.