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“A good day.”


Democrats have the best Election Night in five years, dominating races up and down the ballot in a decisive rejection of Trump and Trumpism. Then Jon and Dan talk to Jason Kander about his new Crooked Media podcast, Majority 54, while DeRay and Tommy interview Philadelphia activists Johndai Harrell and Nicole Porter about criminal justice reform and re-entry programs. 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Alpheus show they talk about criminal justice reform, reentry programmes to great interview from our last thursdays. Second show also check out the latest episode of Cricket conversations Dan tell us about it's it's one from you. It is one for me. I talk to market which of the near times who is running a book about the NFL, how the players owners and the league actually operate, and we talked about how Nfl is dealing with being the centre of the political firestorm here in the Trump error, whether it's about the room, the game, Collins, capper neck, the protests are taking place on the national anthem. I was really fun. Conversation marks a great guy and he is deeply reported the NFL it thinks about these issues. Yes, mark is very smart, very funny, so I'm looking forward to listening to this cricket gun station, and everyone goes away right. The evanescent area has been out for a day. You learn so logic
man, you know I'm just my drive to as is too short, I'm trying to unless integrate conversations like five minutes at a descent. I listened to your padded egg. I just finished I just finished arrays episode and prosecutors, which was excellent so the annex iii. I was next in the queue So what the election. Then the first time you and I have been hosting upon ass. We can celebrate the results of an election. How, my god, that's true Here's the sad thing. We re housing, a pike S for eighteen months now. here's a satisfying devil, I haven't had a night. The successful in five years since twenty Well, when Obama, one reelection we haven't, had an, we ve had a non presidential night that successful since two thousand and six eleven years ago. Never one winning was dislike. What our it was like. was like geisha, though I would it when we wine. I was like that.
With the head feels like it's a good feeling so good reflect. Let's let's rewind, to how we all felt before the election how do you feel going in MRS Youtube, can completely hide this now, because Tommy decided to weed out our sly conversation. I see was nervous and I'll be nervous for every election going forward for the rest of time ass I had been is incredibly nervous and negative for every elect. My entire life, until one. Sixteen at that. don't go outside and reverting back. I'm going to test Dan was always even though we had a little miss happened. Twenty six to he's dead as always the darkest most nervous person before an election, even two thousand eighty thousand twelve, it's just across the board and then you told me on our Thursday Pike S after this right. Sixteen election that the recent one of the reasons you felt better was because,
I was so not nervous, sounds right all nerves going but on this wine He was nervous before we got to the very, very nervous just from in the worst way, which is, I knew nothing. I was reading, tweets and hot, takes from pundits who also knew nothing, and that made me nervous. And then being in Virginia, maybe feel better. Me Ralph North Unjust, Fairfax and more carrying made me feel better going to those canvas kick ass. We went off made me feel better and that lasted in ultimately until I got an airplane to full backing forty and started reading tweets and takes some pundits again and then I started feeling nervous in the morning, in particular, because the route, the first sort of thought, even like it used to be the was antigen information like cousin went to the polling place in this precinct in the lines were short and we don't panic banality speaking people are smarter about it, so there actually reporting vote totals within the precincts
certain our compared to the same time in previous elections, and the initial reports were alarming but got better enable on. So it was a roller coaster. I guess his way and put it it was a roller coaster I felt nervous to just because of you know: twenty sixteen PTSD and because I dont really us poles anymore, which turn down this election. That trend continues because the polls in this election were further Humphrey actual result even the Poles and twenty sixteen, which were very off, at least in the states that the National Poles in TWAIN, sixteen weren't that off, but the they poles are really often once again. These Virginia poles were were quite off as well, but there is something liberating there and that you know what a pole, not that I am but even me is I'm reading the polls in the last couple days before the election is like wow. You just been really can't trust poll so who the fuck knows. I did feel better being underground. Two in our DC show than ever people who were there. Who were?
and they were going to Virginia and canvassing knocking on doors. Oh really inspiring, the energy in Richmond was really inspiring, so that part felt good, but it so hard to know the results of an election or predict and election just base to hunt the feeling on the ground, because you know that can always be good right before the election. But I will say if, if Ralph North them, around five points or less witches in a five points. Would Hilary one Virginia by and it was just a year ago, so there's not a ton of demographic change in one year, then I would have felt relieved and happy, but not this excited. You know the fact there Ralph North and one by nine points, something that almost no one predicted is pretty incredible. This is a complete and total victory up and down.
This is a complete and total victory happened on the ballot across the country. Democrats, one the governorship in New Jersey and took full control of the state government. There Democrats flipped ascendancy in Washington State Senator in Washington and took full control of that state's government as well Democrats, flipped, three states in the Georgia legislature they ve and they also ended the republican Senate Super majority. There they ve, looked to see Pennsylvania, a seat in Michigan, a seat in New Hampshire and, of course, as we said in the biggest rates for the night, Ralph Northern defeated at Spain. Virginia Democrats picked up at least fifteen seats in the house, a delegates nearly taking control of that chamber. There are still a few recounts to be done there. Let's start with the hustle delegates, because I think to me this is the most important and inspiring store of Tuesday last time. The Democrats, one more than five seats in Aceh,
a year and a half Virginia has a delicate nineteen. Seventy five, some of these republican seats, haven't been contested by Democrats for years and this year we actually feel did candidates sum for the very first time. Most of them were young women. of color people have never run before what a Democrats lot of observers thought be a good night. If we win five six seats in the House of delegates, the most optimistic activists thought ten seats would be at the far end a really great night. I don't know anyone who thought that fifteen was really possible do you know and which is sort of shows the poverty of expectation of ambition, Democratic Party has had as it legislative racists, because in fifteen of the district Hillyer received forty nine percent of the vote. so we were not running people repeatedly and
strict. Where that are occurring. Foot for Democrats in a state is turning more blue, so just think about that for a SEC yeah, which is crazy, I mean that is, there's a whole bunch of things. The Democrats need to do. As we have said many times, it's not like there's one silver bullet here and there that's gonna, solve all of our problems, but one of those things we have to do is actually show up fucking run candidates. That's like the most be sick. They re you gotta, go messaging problems. You can talk about you policy issues, but the most basic there is to run a candidate in the district where there is a potentially competitive, see that step. One we did that in the house, and Virginia has a delegates in a big way, and we picked up two seats in and the georgian state legislature that Denmark, that were so rather Democrats did run any candidates in a twenty. Sixteen yeah
We want them in one I'm pretty easily, and I think we should give a shout out to Amanda Littman, whose a former current campaign staffer, who took her frustration in disappointment in the election and turn around a formed. An artificial got run for something that has been encouraging people to run for office for office up and down the ballot from school board, to state legislature, everything about that and plays a huge role and getting a lot of people run for office south at say. for now you can't you, you can't win an election, you don't runnin, it's also. It's also who People were that one they seats that I thought was really inspiring the mostly why old male republican incumbents in the house of delegates were replaced by mostly women, African Americans Latinos Millennials? First time, candidates, there were many. person in the house a delicate raises the first to attain have liked it to the house of delegates. The first asian american woman Danica Rome became Virginia's first,
openly transgender legislator, beating the man who introduced a bill that would have prohibited transgender students from using the bathroom of their choice. credit socialist beat the House Republican with just and Fairfax the next lieutenant governor becomes the, Second, african American, to be elected state wide, since the civil war all across the count. that restores like this Sheila Oliver became the first african american woman to be. Lieutenant governor of New Jersey, New Jersey, also elected its first seek american governor A liberian refugee was elected. Mayor of Helen Tana Seattle elected there for lesbian mare again in House delegates, a gun victim boyfriend beat a Republican within a rating from the end array in Philadelphia Rights were Larry Kroner who represented black lives. Or activists ensued. The police department is now Philadelphia. District attorney thirty to Europe,
african american woman unseated in New Jersey Republican who mocked the woman's March on Facebook. It was great it's just so inspiring to see all these stories its Obama's America strikes. It is the backlash to the backlash us with the data, Rome one is, I mean so many these are so inspiring. I, whether it's you know you mentioned hers too, it was his girlfriend who is the Virginia television reporter who was killed, live on television? quit his jobs in organizing for better gun safety laws. Undecided run for office in the sort of courage and strength. It dies to put yourself out there to do something like run for office after that is just so inspiring organic Rome and we against the person? As you point out, who wrote the bathroom law, who could not have been more bigoted to trans people, and it is worth remembering that there was a moment after the twenty sixteen elections when one of the real hot tea
of centrist pundits in Washington why's that Democrats loss because they fought too hard for Trans people in the choices election right, and you know what, though you listen to Danica Room speech after she won a hand. she talked about why she decided to run, and she didn't actually make the race about her being the first transgender candidate to try to run in Virginia she had I ran because I there is traffic congestion where I live in a traffic certain about after so dogma, economic issues like she rich actually didn't make the race about these. Bread and butter echoes make issues and locally who's that were important to people and she didn't and try to make it about who she was hurt, or only transgender issues. You know so there is. There is a path there for Democrats, where sometimes you have. Some of these knucklehead observers were like, oh just because you
a tragedy. Can it runs than Democrats want to make this all about her and gender issues and not talk about it thing else. Well, that's not really true. You know already. It takes our view for short You gave a shadow to run for something a lot of organisations. You know that that we worked with that we ve been talking to since Trump one were heavily envy. Dear flexible, dot, org did great work. Let America vote will be taken a Jay candor soon. His organization are friends at indivisible, knocked on a ton of doors and also you know we can tackle this Tom Parry, yellow, who ran against Ralph the primary you know we both parallel fans. He lost their rays and he decided to throw everything he had into trying his hardest to elect. Ralph North em too, like just and Fairfax Fax, to like Mark Herring intellect all of those house of delegates
candidates, and you know he could complain, he could a wind. You could try to start some kind of you. No party get to FED the party divisions, but he didn't any that he just worked really hard and you know, came through in a big way. I thought yeah, it's really. It was impressive in and Tom Tom parallels work on behalf of the house. A delicate candidates was incredibly important. Is he he invested political committee invested early in somebody's districts. The Democrats want people, were impossible to compete in just six months ago after the primary over and so You know he and all these organizations worked super hard to make it France and the id? we'll take one global positive. A decimal talk about more take waste from election, but is democrats caring about both both at the top of the party and the group of the party carry about state legislative districts. You know we met, we met we went to our House Party for General Carroll Foy, who won Susan credibly. Impressive
eating a little speech that House Party there's about what ten of us there and I was like this she's going places There was, I was inspired, it was. I got no smaller house Party, ten people there and she collapse in and gives us all speech to all the canvasses to go out there in this are knocking on doors. it. It was great awash with someone who she found out that she was pregnant with twins two weeks after she decided to run for office, and then she, you know she kept it up. All the way through relax into an act that House Party, which was I was a canvas, kick off of rosemary about their enact origin or district, and we people there who had been active and Virginia politics for ten years right ever got involved with broken up in two thousand and eight and have been doing these get hosting canvas kick off ever since, but also people HU, the and organisation called Sister district, which focus on that business people who got on a bus in New York City,
and drove down to spend the last four or five days before the election, knocking doors in estate legislative race in Virginia and the fact that people, the Democrats Democrats, motivate by this lectured well try to win state? Where does the races is such a hugely positive turn of events for the future of our party and in acting progressive policies at the state level who ran. There are people there, one woman I met. She said you know of Wearin Stafford Virginia, and she said this is in itself a republican leaning Place and as a military, big military community and that my husband's in the military- and you know say I was independent towards leaning Republican for most of my life and I've never really been involved in politics, as it seems. So. Why are you here that trump promptly. Tromp is why I'm here and I've been knocking on doors and try to like people's up and down the ballot because of them so that Sunday will die, but soon was about
one other big issue that was on the ballot Tuesday night and that's the medicate expansion in the state of main. So you know Governor Paula page. He has been vetoing medicate expansion in that state for some time. so the people of main put it on a ballot verbally initiative and it passed with nearly sixty percent of the vote, not even close this expansion The kid would mean that seventy thousand more people and main would have access to health insurance course. The next day, crazy Paula pays that he would refuse to abide by the law and not implement the program, I'm guessing he will get sued and that will not stand. What did you think of that in who I like that? You ve given Paula page, a trumps down he's
in crazy he's likely, as he's probably like the governor closer to trumpet and style and personality outside. He was probably that canary in their crazy coal mine dead, something my trunk can happen. Yeah, that's all I'm page can win made twice: yeah. I think the news and main is great because it means more peering at health care. That is hopefully also end up being true in Virginia, because there is a good chance right democrats in getting the full majority or not is a good chance of being expand Medicaid, withdraw your thumb as the governor and more seats in the network, and the Democrat Party also shows that giving people access to affordable quality health care is a good, strong message the Democrats should brought on across country, and you know there are a handful of states, including Florida Missouri. You tall and some others where you Do the exact same thing we did in man put it a ballot and run on it and expand Medicare in this If you do, when you didn't Florida, you would at because
size, the enemy, the uninsured population, that state you would make a huge difference, the overall an inch rate of uninsured in this country. In fact, I have a list of all the states where there is no medicate expansion right now, but you the losses that you can put it on a ballot. You mention Florida, Idaho, Missouri, Mississippi, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Unita and Wyoming would love to see ballot initiatives. Vert should expand Medicaid another it's. You write about health care, I mean if I were running a democratic campaign and twenty eighteen, the two issues that I would focus most on health care and this gross awful tax cut for millionaires that Republicans are trying to pass, which will talk but a little later. I think it is due to the two stupidest moves. The Republicans, if
aid since Trump has taken office, and it is extraordinarily unpopular to take away people help people's health care and to give tax cuts to reach people. It is unpopular with. Democrats is unpopular with independence. It is unpopular with some of trumps base as well. I would add to that guns yeah, I mean it's that can be true, is actually true in every district and we have to understand that by the I thought I think wanna take away from across the country from Tuesday is the end our does not as powerful as we think it is, is the NRA does very well in elections. When democrats don't turn out like twenty fourteen and Democrats turn out in huge numbers like they did in on Tuesday night across the country the inner re gets there, ass, kicked up and down the ballot, and that's what happened on tuesday- and you know, you have there is,
section of voters who are incredibly fresh enough set by the lack of action on this issue over years and will turn out for it, and we shouldn't be afraid of it. a girl that voters are gonna turn out no matter what they that That is the steady right. That's what holds steady, the the or the energy voters, the guy in the clinical gun voters. What goes Up and down is the amount of Democrats of democratic and progressive voters who support. Can safety measures and so we gotta get a reason to vote. You give me a vote by being on this issue, yet and if your democratic decides that you don't want to talk about gun control, cause you're, afraid- and you tell people how much you believe in gun rights and you, again and blah blah blah guess what that's not going stop the and our aid from telling everyone that you're take gonna, take away everyone's guns. If you believe in area control of you believe in gun control legislation, you know make it known to people if you're running for office, I read her pretty great peace agreement made about this than a mother, so got little chicken
it's an excellent piece of work. It out. It's my I So what the size, the Democrats victory in Virginia Your ago, Hillary Clinton, the state by five point four percent and twenty thirteen tearing the call on the governorship by two point: five percent, of course, northern led by three percent in the real, clear politics average, and why by nine Dan. What do you think happened? Why do you think northern one by such a big margin? Well, I think the most important like Tromp is obviously a fact right era, but regardless of what her people to turn out. People turned out at a presidential lab Democrats are not a presidential level. So Democrats made up forty one percent of the electorate on Tuesday night, which is about how much they turned out in twenty twelve in that's a five point increase from
twenty fourteen, when Mark Warner, barely wine and a four point increase from twenty thirteen when term Aleph once a Democrats were fired up to turn out and that makes it Hugh. That's that's the difference. That is always the difference right Republicans always turn out just a question of which Democrats are going to get off the couch NGO vote and when their inspired to do that, we win elections. It's like it's none of the finnish artisans yeah. I also notice that Furthermore, one sixty two to thirty six percent among voters who decided in the last week Means that all those undecided lot of those poles just this- this is actually similar to what happened in twenty, sixteen, that when we look back on the poles and why They were so wrong. One of the big explanations was there is just an unusually. High number of undecided and no one can figure out who those undecided we're gonna break towards.
twenty. Sixteen most of the undecided broke towards Trump, more than usual, the break in a president for a site that broke towards tromp in this in this election a motive of acute huge huge number of undecided, broke towards north and broke towards Democrats everywhere, which is interesting because you know all the Pandit resulting in the last couple weeks. The election, the news were so bad for north men. You know it didn't, feel good and there's the Amis thirteen and the gangs in the confederate statues, another kind of stuff. But you know, despite what the news environment was undecided at then the people who work paying that close attention to the race but did want to vote. They broke towards north, and why do you think that is using? That has to do with Trump? Well, aid has to be there's no other right. There really is no other option because all the like we spent a couple, they and they Virginia media markets in there Nothing would television ads on all the time in it.
in that way for months. So there was no new. Information about the last Bjorn Northam that came out those last few weeks. That would move the numbers like that and there isn't it It has to be tromp, is Normally in this situation the undecided will break against the Incumbent party right and North M was the court important comment because he was replacing a democratic governor and the fact that they went so a wrongly against Gillespie Peace really suggests that. The only thing that can possibly think of is it is that people really do not like Donald Trump, That is sophisticated analysis. Butter I mean, there's dad others pauling bed. It seems as if you're from a rating is hovering around thirty five young, not doing great yen export. I think his approval is what forty in Virginia so not only too well
You other interesting stats from the exit polls. I thought college educated, white voters surged for nor thumb, so interesting to see the groups were. North them ran ahead of Clinton in twenty sixteen heated sixteen points better than Clinton among single women. Fifteen points better among eighteen to twenty nine year old voters, eight points better among White college women and seven p it's better among white women in general. Those were the foot of the four groups where he did have the biggest difference between him and not in Clinton share the vote. What it! What did you think when you take away from that Well, I think, are motivated inspired demo electorate is very important and trump. Certainly did that. I think some of the sky staying shy, for racist tactics that aid can be used in the final stretch which most of the pundits interpret it. Thought would be
helpful to him, turned out to people. inspire some Democrats to turn out to stand in. I want tend to be pretty freezing rain on Tuesday night to vote. I think that's important. It is very interesting also that you know the view of a lot of people myself included was their tromp was the floor for how Republicans would do and suburban areas they Gillespie. By being a front Cambridge India is actually from New Jersey, bad moved in origin to by a very large house with his lobbyists money behind it, we eat over the. He was more when he was not saying in doing racists things. He was a corner got more normal republic in that trunk, and nor the Virginia is a supper with swamps of some of the swamp like activities that offend people across the country. That may be less of it.
If they're, so we thought glass, we would do better than Hilary ignore the Virginia, but less be actually did worse than tromp and a lot of northern Virginia suburbs right at saying a lot, and that that is the thing that is a very interesting take away for further twenty eighteen house elections in particular yeah. I think that's right. Also. The fact that I mean not only did North M dominate among eighteen to twenty nine year olds, but the share of aid in the twenty nine year old vote was up which is really encouraging. Because, as we know and off your elections, we have a lot of trouble turning out eighteen to twenty four year olds and turning out younger vote is usually they just show up in presidential election years. So the fact that the share the vote was up and the Democrats dominated among that age group says a lot for the future. It would it mean those people who went and stood in
Yes, it for hours in Dallas Airport went out, voted I guess maybe it has if protesters new branch voting no happy hour, but what what little young kids do these days? Leverage not really old. I now number one issue among voters. Virginia was healthcare. Thirty seven percent said it was their number one issue: it blew away most every other issue, including things like immigration north on one, those care voters, seventy eight to twenty one. So again we ve been in his throat the Episode Healthcare Healthcare Healthcare. Although I also looked up and saw that there, the Republicans errors are still trying to whip votes to see if they can repeal the end. your mandate in this tax bill. So lesson not learned Woody thing, Northanger Win, says about the future of the Democratic Party, or does it tell us anything idle?
think wall. If we force ourselves to live in a wash uneasy twitter bubble aware flowers, important issue in the world is what's in. Between the pages of Data Brazil's book it doesn't like Would it tells me is that this? What I see is this existential struggle between identity, politics and centralism and populism and are we sanders? Democrats are Clinton. Democrats Obama, Democrats is all stupid and it's the wrong conversations have Ralph North on who was a very. Even if his history was more central, he ran on a very progressive platform we viewed him. He was very strong on health care and calling out racism and systemic racism and under that mattered Attard is a Democrat running who was promising was on a progressive platform, to make it less better and it didn't matter whether he supported here
or Bernie Sanders. Are he ran down his room down? Brazil's book adjust get overly focus on this idea of a demo, a democratic. If the democratic process in the middle of a civil war, we would have turned out at present however your turn out and in off your group, interrelation right. Yeah me look North M, isn't unlike or or seem like Bernie Sanders in any way or even a vote? You know Elizabeth Warren or or any kind of democratic, that's units squarely in the progressive tradition, but his I'd form fifteen dollar minimum wage, expanding Medicaid. He opposed these pipelines one or two and on right to work laws. Free community college is an extraordinarily progressive platform, and so I think I think the Virginia result sort of scramble. The debate a little bit among the party and also you know like. Yet it is a democratic. So when in the house delegates and then you you know. Ralph North em, who, like you said years ago, was more moderate when we note the governorship by nine point so uniting Queen something
We we oversimplify these debates, which are still important they are important rights, especially when you get down to the policy. I think they're less important when you get two personalities right and I think they are their visit. They will play out the twenty twenty the play out on Twitter, because that's done things happened, but they will. play out in the twenty twenty democratic presidential primary is that will be more making choices about the future of the party looks like and who we pick? Wall say something about that and it will matters you pronounce party platform by it. In dated day wife of politics out in the country, though, so Debates are much less important than beating Republicans We have to remember that, and we have to encourage that. Do you think Gillespie could have one with a different strategy if he did not embrace Trump. Ism, of course, are in a genius Steve Bannon in the New York Times
a couple days before the election said you know, Gillespie's going to win or Gus is going to do well because he's going to prove that trumpism without Trump still works now, Steve Bannon's, of course like. No. I never liked that Glosbe boy. You saw bright bird after tromp attribute. It said that the headline in bright bar on the after the election result was establishment. Canada, Gillespie loses Vieira so? Why don't you worry it or it said that he, basically you know imitated his entire campaign Egg Gillespie in this local environment could not have one but if he had run less like tromp, he could probably sleep at night This was too Miller's good advice to Republicans on the night of election. He psyche run as you. If you're not trump don't run, is you still my lose running as you, but you're gonna feel better yourself, and at least you can try to see if you can do better. You know like you're republican out there,
You really believe that the answer to everything is tax cuts for rich people and fewer regulations, go ahead and run on a platform, see how many votes you get I'd look, I think unless we could have made the race closer had he not run my trunk, because running like tromp caused him to undergrowth perform. Can finelli, who was MC correspondent way? Thirteen in the suburbs in conclusion: it is a right wing lunatic and if he had run, is an established nut I don't use establishment like part of what tv run is a typical Republican, yeah he's probably would have come sir, to the twenty thirteen margin. The action asking was for being a racist what are the results? Tell us anything about twenty eighteen. We should run candidates everywhere, yeah number one we have we have a real opportunity. We have some work to do
yeah that just Virginia is a state. Hillary Clinton. five. It is not enough to win the districts that Hillary Clinton one by five and take the house, so we're gonna have to do. We have to do more than just run off the margins in the suburbs, and the question for Democrats, nay, cone of the near times whose main job in life simply running on democratic parades, but is very smart, usually write about it. We should pay more attention to amendment sixteen by. It makes the point that to take house we have to. We have you in place of the trumpet better and There is some signs of hope, because we outperformed and all special lush elections that we lost since are so crushing ways in very republican We just did not perform enough, but in those districts it or between the sub, the Virginia and Kansas Young if we
and do well there. We have a very real chances taking back the house with the current political environment. Yet I think you can say that We are slight favourites to take back the house in twenty eighteen. Just some people get an idea of why this is so. Fifteen of sixteen of the House of delegates seats. The Democrats captured in Virginia came in districts, the Clinton carried and twenty sixteen so you know, you didn't have there was expected. But you know, Democrats have just one there a year ago, so it makes sense that with the right candidates, you could put those districts in Self Western Virginia nor Thumb actually underperformed. He ran behind Mccall off and Obama, and a lot of different places in some districts, some he didn't, but in some of the Trump counties Trump districts you know he didn't make up ground and in some cases he ran behind. So
does that look like now when we look at the map and twenty eighteen, so democracy, twenty four seats to take the house, there are twenty three republican sitting in districts that clear carried. So even if you one every single one of those districts, we'd still need one more eighteen of those districts have more white college graduates than the national average, which is like Virginia, which is why Virginias attending them Riddick State or one of the reasons why it is another. Thirty Republicans are sitting and see, that have higher than average numbers of White college graduates, but, of course, only eleven of the republican districts, the Clinton carried our places were Clinton one by five, more so even in those republican districts,
Clinton won. Some of them are really close. So, like you said, I think, obviously, there's got to be a suburban strategy that we replicate that we, you know, ran on in Virginia across the country, but that by itself is not going to guarantee the Democrats pick up the house if we do as well. If we outperformed republican districts by the same margin, we bow performed in the Kansas, Special, the Montana Special on a special and even the Georgia special? Do we have a very real shot at winning a lot of district, but we have work to do the the one upside is north and did not you as well as Obama and an calleth, but he did you better than Hilary and a good in an number those important counties, and so that is worth something like a weather and that's it. Question that we're not going to answer to his was that, make two Hilary, because who she is maybe some sex was probably she running that who should
and against or also Jim co me. Russia, like was that or the razor son over those voters who are disappointed in Trump and willing to consider a democratic and foreign. If that's the case, then the other there's some optimism. Last question. What impact we think Tuesday night will have on legislative fights in Congress like tax reform. While you would, Think you just got why Devon down the bell. you would not, and if he had wiped out another ballot, you know that your best chance to hold on to the houses way to generate huge turn out among populist white working, less voters that you wouldn't move for and with great speed on a massive corporate tax got, but how are they going to do image? Graham trumps, new golf,
Nor was pretty honest about why that is. He said. If they dont pass this bill, the quote donations will dry up. Chris Collins Republican from New York says similar just a couple days ago. It's like a fucking disease. Now there- are always saying it is this is the most of us in this acres guns that we're not gonna get any more money. Unless we cut the taxes at the people who are giving us, the money spent secreted Quota Gary Cooper, on global golden. Jerry was in an interview today where he said The people were most excited about. Tax reform are big, see, oaths. What is wrong with these people can see what we have. I get put this that I want to see an ad from like he's like there's always a rich democratic donors were spending or whatever money on it. I don't know what the spyware put the money into some ads on tax reform. The show gas Collins Interview put Chris COL
this court on the screen, Linsey Grams court on the screen and like Paul Ryan, saying like full speed ahead. You know we're willpower, industry, that we made our choice. Wherewith Trump GO had put it off altogether and as the random everywhere and take this take. Gary cones quotes about big, see us and the value of trade economics and show that two trumpeters yeah see how they are to see whether they will turn out wait and wine and the rain and cold and twenty eighteen to vote for a bunch of ablishn mad, corrupt Republicans, who are giving taxes. Wealthy in exchange for giving contributions, yeah see how that works. I mean, I do think, look we know with when we tried to pass the affordable care act. We had some my some electoral defeats in the midst of that process. In a most, notably when the Sky Brown One in Massachusetts and in a week we pushed ahead because we deeply believed in the legislation we are fighting for
trying to provide more people the opportunity by health insurance that they could afford. So you know on one hand, you say if, if, if these Republicans really truly believe in tax cuts for rich people. That's what gets them up in the morning. That's all want more than anything else. Then they're gonna go ahead and and still try to fight to pass it because you know electoral consequences be dead their thinking either we go into this next election as failures, who proposed tat in a way healthcare and proposed tax cuts for its people, but didn't get it done. Org. Go into that election, saying you know here is our tax cuts. We did we asked it. Maybe it doesn't help you, but we believe in it we passed it and so be it yeah. I think that's right Like I wool, I would prefer that destroy the economy and make sound and in dramatically exacerbate inequality in this country by your ideal scenario for running for real action, is, to put your name,
on potter legislation and then pass it from your your next best would be to put your name on unpopular legislation and then has it your worst scenario, which is partially what led to what happened on Tuesdays, to put your name on unpopular legislation and felt a peasant right, which is what they did. Health care and there's a chance. They may end up doing Scots, I suspect they will pass something because they want those donations. since he grabbed said, but it may not be what they think. It's gonna be right now in other some talk, they would make that a major default to out just a straight court. Excuse me, but you would definitely solve all the problems in America. Is. Corporations are struggling mightily ever this record stock market and record corporate profits that trumped it's not yeah, and in one lesson we should all take away as it was activism, and advising that stop the repeal of the affordable care at multiple times this past year. It was
there's an organizing that won the election on Tuesday night, and so we might as well throw everything we haven't stopping this awful awful tax cut. That would not just give rich people, but a big tax got but heard a lot of other people by raising taxes on middle class people leading to huge cuts in Medicaid in medical care and education. In again I clean energy and all the things that we care about. So you know, and then, in the coming weeks we should throw everything we haven't. This tax got five to eight before we gowk zennor you're about to do the transition to our interviews shot. I would Catherine guys were wild card in here. sure I did with dismay outlined, but we should talk for sixty seconds about Doug Jones in Alabama, big. Yes, a lot of people have been. Treating it ass in saying that, you're crazy to invest in this raise. What are we now? What's going? I've been here, so I think the question is for you. How do you give her? What
on Tuesday. How youth are you thinking about the Alabama Senate? Special actions were more any differently. I'm thinking that not any differently, because I always believed, and we had done loans on parts. If America, you know, I was believed that you throw everything you have into it, and work really hard? You know damn the Nepal who cares, what the pulsate you fight for an because look. It is fair. we close and but also, I think, more than like a political imperative to beat Roy more. We have a moral imperative to defeat Roy more because he is such an awful awful presume doesn't believe in the rule of law, and you know believes that homosexuality should be illegal and you know just would flouts all kinds of Supreme Court decisions because he sooner. He knows better and thinks that nine eleven was gods punishment, for you know us being in a moral country and all that bullshit so yeah. I think we're
worked really hard to try to like Dr Jones, I don't know like a deep. I think he has a chance in writing as a pretty good chance, I think, has a better chance in a Democrat. Hasn't Alabama, and you know as long as we ve been in the last ten twenty thirty forty fifty years, the attic that's right. Look, shouldn't. We should be realistic about the odds of winning a recent Alabama. We should fight like hell for it not being We could win like that that we wanted. Tricks on Tuesday that people thought Democrats could never win it right, and so that's one in two. If we are ever going to build a system, Annabelle National party infrastructure. It's gonna have to happen in by running well funded, well run grassroots campaigns across the country. If people go to, Alabama and they organise, and they fight for Doug Jones, and he wins. That's amazing if he comes close if he fall short, the next time
a seat in Alabama to let me have emptied it, could be a school board seed. It could be a state legislators. Data can be a mayors raised. There will be in infrastructure to go, do that and when we ignore races- and you say we can't Williams do nothing. We don't just ourselves in that election. We have ourselves in every subsequent election, going forward damage a throwaway breaking news grenade into our conversation about Roy more a divergence. Bright part has just run a story that starts like this. The Washington post is eminently planning to runny peace, targeting Judge Roy more claiming that he engaged in inappropriate conduct with forty age, girls, thirty, four years ago, the alleged incidents all strongly denied by more were set have taken place between night Seventy seven eighty. Eighty two bright Bert NEWS obtain details of the forthcoming pose story from the newspapers letter detailing the allegations sent Timor's campaign for comment so that something yeah that is something Jesus Christ
here statement, I guess internet hesitant till I jump in. I know that we are well we're not knowing I now. I wanted to read it because, of course we're time, but this innocent, we finish, recording the several treated us. Did you do it before the story? Yes, sir, no, we didn't wear reading a now, but we're not gonna go wildly speculate from a bright Bart story, though, their rang the story based on a letter. The per cent for comment sound like the stories coming out. So I m per my my push invocations you like the posters published it okay. Well, there ya, like we said this seems like we said moral obligation to fight as hard as we can to make sure the Roy more does not come to the U S Senate. So for everything you got into the dungeons campaign. When we come back, we will talk to our friend. In candor, the host of the new cricket media podcast majority, fifty four but the Americas broad you buy Palatine Darwin,
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the supposed November. So So now we are, we should start their move forward for hours. Yes, you say we should let's talk about your new pod and a little bit, but I first want to get your thoughts on on tuesdays election because I know both just Europe, political taken and also, I know that let America was heavily involved in a couple differences there. Yeah sure we'll just in general. I think that the biggest thing- quickly or TAT is the fact that the judgment and off your election. Were you have essentially the same sort of turn our numbers as a presidential year which rule speaks to just the level of enthusiasm out there and in our ban thirty states in twenty seventeen, in democratic conventions and dinners, and that kind of thing and and what always reminding people from what I've seen through my travels is that This is real. What's happening, this level of enthusiasm in it and it's a movement that is all the country and what so exciting about it, I think, is that its
the kind of movement. That's always been the most. Effective in history, the country which is the kind of to Washington instead. certainly manufactured one that starts in Washington and they try and push it out and the other thing. I've seen it and we clearly saw this and Virginia is the amount of people who just getting involved now wait I talk to folks or the country who are super involved and I'll. Ask him how many years have you been doing this and they say years? I got involved on January twentieth of this year and you can see that everywhere and I think that's what we saw in virginia- and it's it's a good omen, it's really exciting and so Jason. As John mentioned, let America vote was very involved in this gaping Jacques, about a little bit what the organization did and where you had success shirt. So, first of all, thank you to bother you, obviously both in the Advisory Board and try- and you saw speaking of the momentum both of your dinner
Skype do one of a cure nays with our in terms of regional, yes, which was again, we actually met some of them to later, when we were in Madison was constant. We didn't event at the University of Method and a couple of the students It wasn't like you guys, Skype with us, where let America were Jason Candor people were let him in Ghana, people, yeah man, I mean they're, just like a shot energy autumn awesome. Yes, so let America vote. The mission is to create political consequences for politicians to push voter suppression. Basically, if you're one of Republicans you make it harder to vote. Our mission is to make it a lot harder for you to get reelected and we look. Virginia this year. Recent! Ok, here's the state, where their one seat away from a veto proof majority in there and their house they have pushed This vote or suppression staff that Governor Macaulay but vetoed, and now they were looking at putting a republican governor and maybe, regardless of a veto, prove majority. So I put out the call on Twitter for four. In terms back in my may,
and we had just hundreds of folks apply people who are saying yeah I'll, just I'll put everything aside and I'll go to Virginia, that's the place where we needed and we'll get to. where can we got? We ended up with over a hundred and thirty people do in full time door knocking enriched, from all over the country. We picked nigh legislative districts, ADA which, by the way were held by Republicans and as of now one is in a recovery. Never as of now, we won all nine. We flipped eight seats. Ended up. We also were really involving the gunners race, so we in it, fucking a hundred and ninety four thousand dollars in Virginia made. Thirty one thousand phone calls It made a huge difference and really proud of actions kids, but I'm really proud of these- gives them in their autumn. A college kids and I think, but everything assigning going in doing that. That's patriotic and it's pretty inspiring very inspiring. So what did we saw on Tuesday we ve been talking about. This is you know that the biggest wins for Democrats were
in most of these suburban districts, Jenny was allotted districts where the Hilary carried in and twenty sixteen, where either you nor democratic. Put up a challenger before or there was we didn't invest in the race enough so great to see so many people turn out in some of the Trump districts. The trump areas you know, Democrats still didn't either flip seats or or do, is as well as Clinton didn't twenty sixteen. What do you think I mean being from his, the clamour castles up, she's a Senate race and in twenty eighteen. What do you think you know? Democrats should do to try to eat into some of those trump margins in the rehder areas. There was one thing, and this is what I ve been talking about all over the country and it because you know you said I'm from Missouri, because you know I'm the guy who outperformed the ticket by sixteen points. People keep inviting me to come in and started talk about how I how am I won't stay, widen twelve and elect. thing it, and so what I want.
People. Is it's actually there's no code to be cracked here I mean it's pretty simple. We have to make our argument. We have to make it with courage. We have to make it to everybody and that's true, whether turn my politics are just like you dont. When arguments you don't make me let America vote is designed around the idea that we do not really made the argument about voting rights. So it's gonna make it and that's what we're gonna do in campaigns. That's what we ve got to do all the time? So what I mean is part of being, Democrat is. I believe that what we want to do, better for everybody out. I dont think that there's like some Americans who don't do as well when Democrats are in power. I think that whether you're rich or poor man, woman, gay straight black white city country, whatever I think that your you better with the things we want to do and if you believe that you do really have an excuse for skipping any voters. Make your argument. Everybody that's what I have always done. That's what I think works and The example I usually pointed who here lately is, if you go
happened with Obamacare right leg. Your past mean you in the Obama, administration or democratic president, a Congress passed, a law that exceed healthcare to millions of people, save lives and then hold Democrats refused to defend it and we were all shocked when it became unpopular and they November comes around of sixteen. He get a Republican in the wider, Republicans up and down a congress, and I got a friend like to say that courage is just the lack of any other options. Sometimes ants, immigrants are linked arms. Instead, we better go make our argument for this thing and we did, and lo and behold it became pretty popular and again we were all shocked so to me the lesson is we need to be on healthcare, for instance, making the argument for what we truly believe, which is that you know it should be treated as a right, and we have to make that argument with the same level of passion that we defended, Obamacare and not slow down and we ought to do that everywhere in the country cassettes- can improve everybody's lives, Jason, Looking at you, obviously, you mentioned even deeply involved in Virginia and has been pointed
Virginia, is It's still sort of Obama country right. It's a state that, despite our how everything went wrong in twenty, Hilary one by five points, doing as well, if not better than abominate and previous elections we know? What do you take from Virginia that you can a week? Can it be applied to those purple states like how do you think like what it? What lessons are there from that race? For how Democrats should approach races all across the country up and down the ballot? the biggest thing is turning the enormous energy that exists in the country under into work, I mean from one american vote, that's the biggest take away. I have riotous that we knock. The hundred. Ninety thousand doors it may allow two different some in there state legislative races there that were won by a thousand two thousand less than a thousand votes. Where people around knocked over thirty thousand in the district of you get in addition to that, you know in Manchester Craig. Just when the mayor's raised their two years ago, she lost
the Republican by sixty four votes. This year she won by fifteen hundred. We sent a rapid response team there. They knocked on ninety four hundred doors in the last couple weeks, so you know What our argument is the better argument, and so we just have embrace it, and then we have to go out and deliver it, and the best way to do that is to send people out to actually do it So that's why you know people always say there's other synergy out there. How do we harness it will? The answer is we harness we give people actual work to do. We aren't you know people at some point, as you are well, no folks get a little tired of just being told the collar member in Congress. Over and over again I mean it's important. Lily people should keep doing it, but we got to make sure that we have. We have actual tangible stuff for free to do, because when we, when we do that, we win elections, yeah- and you know what we say- and it's not a slot. You know we were in Virginia. We were on the ground there into a couple. Canvas kickoff is inspiring being on the ground. You know you you're not in the the Dc Twitter
the above all guenaud cynicism cycle where everything is awful all the time, the ground. You hear people knocking on doors there, making arguments in their persuading people in their inspiring people to get out to the polls, and so it's not just like work that you have to go. Do it's actually fought and an amateur be right on cluster munitions, its outside the sort of the social media cynicism, holler the cable news thing and because most Folks, who you meet particular the people who are who had been brought into the movement this year. There not like that it's not a politician on their tv that brought the man right. It's it's their neighbour down the street, who is like hey I know what really read district but we're going to this town hall. Remember, Congress, organ and demand answers about healthcare. You want to go with us that those are the canopy but who are bringing folks end and so on. I remind people all the time that we all the platform. You may not realize it, but you have applied from you gonna hundred friends on Facebook and you get
six coworkers. Well, then, you got up the form of a hundred and six people, and, and that means you know you can expand- my turn into the person in the grocery store behind you in line whether looking at the tablet but the alien pay be insane have you heard what they're trying to do with these massive tax cuts for rich people unscrew us over, I mean you. Can You can use your platform and sort of grass Anor, which is how I refer to the world, we're living in like grab an orange and start rowing in that retorted that we're Lebanon. We all have a responsibility to use that platform in its it's really inspiring. When you get out there, you see people who are doing it every day and they're not look in brackets waves that Jerusalem for change yeah, that's right, so tat! about majority fifty four her work on this for a while. You know what thinking behind it. Why do you want to do it and what it sounds like warm super excited about it. I appreciate the arbitrary do with your Anna. Yes, so were made fifty four is about the fact that fifty four percent of us actually the folks averted fifty four percent wanted. But he not named Donald Trump to be present and that's that's the first part of because, when
people say to me man can you believe, what what's going on with this country, always remind people that you know that he may. Well the election, but he's not win the argument about who we are or where we're going, and the format for. I guess comes out of the fact that one of them, the common questions that I get as I've got around the country. Is people asking me how do I talk to my republican aunt had talk to my friend from high school, who voted for Trump And- and I just of this person, but I don't feel like we can have a conversation I want to bring them over, but so that question all the time and when I'm always responding to people with is I'm always sand will cause. a certain subjects or say they bring up racial equality and they we talk about that issue. As somebody and I say well why You believe what you believe about it and initially the sort of come back at me with some status, dick or something. That's not why you believe it tell me about what's going on in your life or who you met
that lead you to your point of view and then once they do that, and they told me I say: well, that's exactly what you should say to them and in that The thing is sometimes it's for those with we ve done politics a lot and have spent at a time with real people in campaigning. Sometimes it's it's easy to forget Why do people haven't had their experience and so for me, my taxes really informed by all these people, that I've met an end, its theirs worries and- and those are the stories that I relate to people when talk about what I believe and it's my story, because politics is actually a lot more interesting than people realize you gotta, look inside yourself to know why you believe what you believe before you can be out word about your power Dixon, convince people of things, and so that's what this If this is every episode will be. a conversation with a single person to start with about a single issue and its really but getting to know them and their journey and how they came to believe they believe, and its somebody in each episode who is
is not an issue to them. It's just their life, it's their living at every day and And after that, we're going to talk about some of the most common republican talking points on the issue, on with an respond. Omen will draw on the conversation we just had, but also all drawn my own experiences and the idea, is to help it go out and use their platform and be able to have these conversations. That's it so what are some of the examples of issues and people that we can look forward to hearing about? so the first episode November, seventeen so weak from tomorrow is one that I am obviously equally excited, but all of them, but tat. The first one is is with again Bruce francs. Bruce is a friend of mine in Louis who is an activist use is Ferguson activist. He say in addition to that he's a rapid he's a guy here at whose, on his face, he hee hee says himself that he thinks we know when people first meet him, they perceive them is as a thug. Is this how he puts it in and out?
He was very involved as an activist in Ferguson, and then he decided at Saint Louis needed an activist in the state legislature. So last year he ran any one, a seat The legislature but it's a really cool. in conversation with Bruce who one of the most weren't things for the interview about Bruce. Is that he's a guy who he's a first activist who went out and start an organization to improve the relationship between on this man and in the community and that's really what he's about, and so the conversation is about the issue. Of a racial equality, but it's it's from the perspective Bruce francs and he's he's a very candid guy who who said some pretty provocative and I think important things in the conversation exciting well I think that this is coming out right in time for Thanksgiving I can go? Listen! A majority fifty four and then you go to your relatives and make all kinds of compelling argument. So that's about
That is like the most common thing people treated at me when, if we're just like they, like all my uncle, I e thank you. So that's what they're like, etc, lookin for just a way to get through Thanksgiving Day, Jane we're very excited that you're doing this podcast and that Europe, your hanging with the crooked media, Pham everyone? Please go subscribe to majority fifty four right now Thirty number two in the Itunes store about that after every out into no no pressure, Jason thanks again for joining us, and we will will be talking again soon. Thank you Nobody, ok thanks. Jason and when we come back, we will have de ray and interview with John D harassed and Nicole Porter from our Philadelphia show a criminal justice reform, and reentry programmes, positive merricks brought you buy parachute, love parent, our old friends, pursuit they make the softest most absorbent, towels
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We want our conversation today about the issue of mass incarceration, because we live in a culture that love to talk about how tough we can be and criminals. We chant political rallies that we're going to lock him up, and there is almost no conversation that happens about how to help people re enter society after they paid their dues and on their time, there's almost no conversation about the systemic problems in our culture and our economy and due to racism that leads more the jewels to be locked up than others, so we're thrilled to have today John die her l, whose executive director of the centre for returning citizens into order in the coal border, the director of advocacy at these sentencing project
Thank you both of you read. It happened so John Ass open. We need to start with you. If you could just tell us your story. We got all night this vote came home in two thousand nine. After doing eighteen years of age, twenty year sentence for bank robbery, weapons charges and assorted acts of the gangsterism, because I was a serious gangsta beckoning, during the second year of my course I was blessed to come under the mentorship and into the circle of documentation core the stepfather of off or a wise African. And also one of the co founders of a nation of New Africa after them twelve years through three penitentiaries I was able to side by side with him to try to help
transform the minds and hearts of young men inside the prison. So they can. go back out into the world and have a positive impact on our communities. I came home and two thousand nine continue to do this work. I started the centre for we chinese citizens and start out bean Rex Service organization to assist people in transition. Because it's extremely difficult Monsieur Alexander talks about being a second class citizens. We are the last second class citizens in this country. made against in housing and jobs in education every other group is that discriminate against in the same way as we chinese citizens. We began to look at all the areas that we
to work in the struggle against mass incarceration and social injustice. So we advocate we gotta Harrisburg to do with the law. makers because So many things around with the system in a pre trial sentencing how your treaty while you're incarcerated, and especially when you come home you try to make your way in society. In a whole year had distancing project- and we have you dont know anyone since he Braddock you should go with, and when you go home, incredible incredible organisation. Let's do some. building the foundation of this issue. Can you talk about the difference between federal, the people federal prison in jail in state and local presence in jail sure. Well, there are two points to make
people locked up in prisons are jails in the United States. Most of those hopes are locked up in state presence. Other the federal prison system is the largest single prison system in the country. Over two hundred thousand people are locked up in federal prison when you locked up in federal prison, obviously can be sent anywhere at any prison in any state around the tree in and state prison, unanimous as we were locked up in those jurisdictions other. There are some states where people get locked up and they get sent out estate suffer ample Hawaii since its prisoners, prisons in Oklahoma, even California, because they ve been credit. we overcrowded other. The prison systems have come down, people in that state have also been set out of state as well, but Yet there are significant differences between the federal system. In within states systems and there's a lot of variety between states so the highest, and duration states would be No one surprise in the south, in the old compared
see. In fact, if you look at the map of the confederacy and the massive the highest incarceration states are in the country. They line up almost exactly the lowest incarceration states are states like Maine Minnesota! There is a range of areas, for that and that we can get into the weeds time, but even inside it's with low rates of incarceration. Those rates of incarceration are much higher than other western countries like Germany or a scandinavian nations where the average rate of incarceration in state, like main, maybe one hundred and fifty persons for every hundred thousand. Those numbers exceed the number of people where the rights of people who are locked up in western states like Germany and Norway, and what it is in jail in prison. so generally in jail. You can find or you're, either help pre trial, so you haven't been sentenced yet or even and to a misdemeanor events or a felony events that may be a year in some.
restrictions, I think in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, maybe two years, our last in your laptop locally and the local system. If you have a longer sentenced in that the nourishment to the state system, there are and full of states like Delaware and New Hampshire Withers a combined system, so people are in a state detection system that may have folks in prison longer than a year and also jail detainees, are locked up in this facilities as well. There's not a lot of political support behind better treatment of prisoners, sentencing reform or or supporting ex offenders. But you have a politically focus group of people. What can they do to help push? Politicians too? I place on these issues and in get meaningful action. The state level at the federal level sure I mean I think that, obviously we have two point: two million people locked up and even There's been a lot of energy and enthusiasm over the last couple of years to focus on met
conservation thing Michelle. Anders, but the new Jim Crow really opened up and created space for that activists. Movements like the black lives matter. Movement have helped to create space for that and yet still We have a lot of people cycling in and out of the system and people serving really lengthy prison terms. So what People do is they can contact their state local? maker in their federal lawmaker around their interest. In seeing a smaller prison system- and they, should know that there are states, and even the feds ever do have release tens thousands of individuals in the last couple of years without crime, I'm going out and without compromising public safety. So there are practical solutions to substantially reducing state prison systems, and even the federal system and since two thousand eleven California, for example, has reduced, has released about forty six thousand individuals. As always. Of a mix of change in policy and practice, and just
yesterday November, first Sustainable Louisiana release make fourteen hundred state prisoners the Louisiana, which is the highest incarceration state in the country So there are prison releases happening. People are returning to families sooner than they were expecting and showing that so for communicating to your state lawmaker, you're federal lawmaker, that you support that that year, encouraged by their activity on that is really important. I think first of all, we must be clear about issues and educate ourselves, and those around us look at. Reality of why mass incarceration exists versus economic? It they ninety billion dollar, your business rural areas in this country, are
powered by mass incarceration? Whole towns are built around mass incarceration, it's also a form of social control, racial control, that is a foreigner and a descendant of white supremacy, oppression of black people and slavery. What can we do about? This is legislation. First of all, the Thirteenth Mehmet clearly says that slavery can only exist inside of prison walls. During the years ahead, behind the walls and a federal prison, I was asleep a economic slave. Eight physically slavery exists this country, but as a nation we views, we refuse to recognise the needs to be a constitutional amendment. Two we worthy
if amendment so that economic slavery cannot exist. Mr, we need to look at the conditions they create crime in no Philadelphia where live. Our community we do not control the economics of our community. Most of the businesses are owned by persons of other races. What that means is that our young people cannot be employed by our community, so they turn to drug dealing and from the daily comes about which allows the police to come to our community and. treated as a occupied zone,
the police, brutality and eat. Surely that you see or a reflection of the environment that is created, but we don't talk about that. We don't talk about bringing opportunity business and rest. Forces into urban areas as a solution for mass incarceration. Also, we not honour and respect the voices of those who for me, cursory, mass incarceration and the struggle for social injustice is the new civil rights movement of our time, and it has to be led by the voices of those who have that experience one of the things that we can work you over the past three years in protest has been helping people think about these issues differently. To think about this,
the police is a third of all, the people killed in the country who are killed by strangers is actually about police officer, which is fascinating, and people often don't know that now bring that up, because I want to talk to you about what is a mystery to encounter so specifically, there are people who talk a lot about private prisons. Private prisons takes up a large part of the public conversation And then there are also people who talk like releasing every nonviolent drug offenders, I love you to respond to those two issues. They, for you, you talk to people all the time about issues of like what active incarcerated, and I want to believe that you probably here things just like our our true about the system, either about returning back to society about being insides, I'd, love to hear you both talk about those in terms of myth, myth, busting, well working, I'm having prisons is important but is over inflated in terms of its impact on mass incarceration only about eight per
and of individuals are incarcerated in for profit prisons around the country in some states, its substantial in New Mexico, for example. Forty two percent estate prisoners in New Mexico are in a private at present facility in the federal system for profit prisons and make up a substantial share of the people locked up in the federal prison. But some states have no people in a private for the New York, for example, no people are locked up in private I am familiar math, our an egg in southern states like Louisiana North Carolina? There are no people in private prisons, but there are people profiting off of the prison system. Public institutions, public officials are profiting under the present system in those states, but it's not an issue bad corporate monster who is incentivize I intentionally working the map, people app, that people may
heard of that KEDO Paris share a couple weeks ago, who opposed the prison, For me, this data losing and As you know, we have to stop release people, because the good, what we don't even want to release the good ones, because they help watch our cars into our oil changes. Things like that so he's our public elected official who runs county jail, data Louisiana that contracts out with this state, in Louisiana to hold state prisoners locally. So he sent is he is incentivize to do that at the summit situation in the state like Kentucky, another issue that you asked about is a non violent offences. And doing reform just focused on drug offences and low level property offences. reality is. Is that even tomorrow, if number thirty five
issued an executive order and got all of the governors around the country to issue executive orders at state level to release all the people in prison who I had a jack events. We would still have more people locked up today than we had locked up nineteen eighty at this day level a substantial majority of people are locked up for violent offences. now, those violent offences could be impact by drugs could be related to their participation in the drug war, but the Reality is not just solving nonviolent offences are reforming nonviolent offences, that's gonna fix mass incarceration and what's we do know is that there are practical ways to divert people who, would be otherwise bound for prison from prison into community based alternative, even if those people were convicted of violent offences in target. People convicted of armed robbery, offences, people convicted offences where gun might be
changing their outcome from prison Inter Community based alternative won't compromise public safety. It will be better. for the individual. It will be better for their families and it will be better for their communities because it won't leave to the extraction of individuals even if they committed events of violence it's really important. Given the conversation we ve been having a the last couple of years when it comes policing and that we're getting. man in the fatal interactions with black man, that even people commit. Violence there a range of reasons and factors that may have contributed to that violent offence, but that doesn't mean that that shit, marginalized them or isolate them from opportunity for the rest of their lives,
I think, when you talk about prisons, you have to talk about what prisons are, what they could be and the effect of mass incarceration on our society. What prisons are are punitive places for punishment. You are sent to prison and four x amount of years or for the rest of your life. You deem the person that a society needs to be put did from and how you are treated there is not conducive to return. The fact is Percent of prisoners who are incarcerated will one day returned to society, so at present could be. Is a holistic place where for many prisoners this is The first time in our life were able to slow down, take off
Look at our lives are situations and begin to work on transforming ourselves. Weird programmes could be created so that you can't go to college loader skill learn better time management learned ethics, take care of yourself how to respect people parenting skills. There are so many skills that should be taught in prison, but they aren't let's go the opportunity to be on paints, a campus for a wonderful programme put together by the Penn State School of nursing. called enhancing the care of aging and dine prisoners because they are five thousand lifers in a state of Pennsylvania.
and a life sentence in our state. We call it the death by corporation you're, going to die in prison as prisoners age out. It costs eighty thousand allergy dear to care for them. So this study- was a study on how to holistically for aging prisoners and do hospice as their die. We ve. I've been working on legislation so that that programme wouldn't be necessary. Why should people in prison. When you give someone a life sentence, what you are saying is redemption not possible that over course of years they?
not feel sorry for what they did. Yes, you took a life, but at what point have you paid enough for that and should not be able to work towards your eventual release? On a final note, there's eighty three thousand children in the state of offensive you, whose parents are course think about that. Eighty three thousand children growing up without a father's direction. Without a mother's love, we need to look at the effect incarceration has on our society and begin to deal with that on all levels. You guys want to learn more about this issue or, if you want to support the organisations, the nickel and John, I are leading check out the centre for returning citizens in these sentencing project. Thank you.
So much for being here, really give it up progress down dynamical border right. That's all the time we have heard today. We don't have love it here for the ultra, so it will be brief, but it is the New York where he's doing two shows at the beacon to overly which, as this How did you possibly get him into a second show that must have been hit hard if hard to get him in front of a crowd method. Was everyone is this. I think he does he wasn t because he wants to make sure he knows that he knows what the news is for. shows beg you again to Jason Candor banks to Saudi Arabia, Nicole Porter, for hanging with us, but Althea everyone goes subscribes: Jason Candles, new, show, majority, fifty four and we will take
you again on Monday, I guys.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-17.