« Pardon My Take

The 2023 Takie Awards

2023-07-13 | 🔗

The 2023 Takie Awards are here with over 20 different categories up for grabs including Creeper of the year. Fall of the year. John Madden Still Alive Person Of the Year Sponsored by Queen Elizabeth. Game of the Year. Darkness Retreat of the Year. Blake of the Year. Podcast Listeners Of The Year and more. With special guest presenters. No Spoilers Please!

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube. Prime members can listen ad free on amazon music. On today's pardon, my take the twenty twenty three take ease, or here we have twenty categories. We have blake the year. We guess presenters. We have podcast listeners the year, the devils goin for eight no row. Hopefully they get A huge huge show, one of our favorite, shows to do every single year. The takings are here and they are brought to you by our friends at chevy summer's here, and what better way to take advantage of all of it, and all it has to for then, with the shabby silverado silverado summer. Think of all the possibilities from off road adventures. To de I, why project at home,
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All right mostly by welcoming apart My take today is fry age, alive, fourteenth and welcome to the twenty twenty two twenty twenty three hey geeks, yeah, most magical night of the sports year. We're so glad that you guys can join us again. The seven time award winning listeners ou going for eight there, the aide pete, never been done before, and sports louis hamilton, loose, ambled, said you and see where women soccer dynasty, are. They are the aid of yours, bad for podcast listeners might be
so. There are twenty eight I believe awards were giving out tonight, just that aside, we were so stupid, the award show in the middle of the summer cause. Then we always get just confused about when the year starts and ends yeah. I was like I hate that we did that. That was really dumb of. I was thinking that the other day like shut out to baseball they have there our season in one year, it's beautiful! It's the best thing about the game. You don't have to think about anything else, yeah. So, like oh yeah, it happen in this year. What do you mean what one super know? These are the takeaways from round last year. This time, to around this year. This tat, we ve, got some great great categories. Some classics some repeats. We ve got some originals, it's a good show excited by the way cheers everyone cheers cheers the teachers were all dressed up. If you watch it on the youtube. Ah cheers: hmm it's a friday, russian oil drink along
billy doesn't really drake anymore. What colleagues think I wanna see? I can't. depends on the lower our idea. How so Twenty two words are giving out give or take. We are going to get through all of them we're going to have blake of the year towards the end, we're going to have the podcast officers the year towards the end. We're very excited for this program. We're ready to go. Should we kick it off? Should we get We also have a few celebrity presenters of awards. In any any last words before we get going with the taking I'm excited to see who wins what year or how many years does he take? His eighth take he's yeah. We started twenty sixteen, so this is twenty. Twenty three yeah we'll say right now, ten take ease, we got a fucking, we got. Up to now, as you say, we go do alive, shell, I renewed for the lives we got. You alive, show ten take ease vegas. This is a big time: You trust me, I know, but that's ok, that's two years from now on, be so quota yeah,
in young sound live shell decade. Why What about so lovely. To hear hear me out responsibly. What if we didn't live show in vague is what are we alive, show in vegas sold it out, took that money put it on red will before responsibly. It would be very real work, that's responsible! Yet our hard work. We will think. I think we should do the tenth year. Life shall conventional gas, I think wish you'd somewhere random. Ok, I have fergus order? We did like a pop up, we're just like hey we're here, was in a random spot without blackrock colorado, ok, rods, black hawk, ok to okay, meet us in temecula, Afghanistan,. just drawing out some things: north korea, moderate and kim jong on huge J, w, ok, prague image,
both Ghana holes. One. All the time has not fake total, real, real, real, real you're holes in one or just as real jake? Ah, ok, should we get go unless do it so first stop the taken ward for two online person of the year has been. A lot of people have been one line this year to field. We have nominees, elon, musk, elon, musk bought twitter got very much my body- is a joke, lastly troll everyone, and then he also revealed. You have a burner account that his son, I think he's he's cosplaying his son. He saw his or account tweets were. This is my first tweet crypto is confusing, is a three year old so not understand. He adds confused retail, only one person is following me: sigh reliable, the love of god. Can someone follow me? Hello, pay follow me and then find
his last week from his burner, account is on April twenty. Fourth, I will finally turn three on may forth. In to be alone, musk interest interesting, so he was very much online serving so on line that you can get it very. Unlike he's very online only or he spent forty four billion dollars because he saw to get online Billy billy forepaws nominated for this this taker I very much online this year, a billy broke out in the cold, sweat the other day when read it was down. where am I going to learn about when I should would? I should think yazzi given moment? Yes, he was very much on line all year. Alot of I saw I saw a study I saw apply to hours still waiting for the picture of jimmy butlers mom with Michael Jordan. He hasn't been able to find that it claiming whose on tik tok I dont know how to find it billy was very on my did. You say bill. You are online, the sheer yes, it's because I'm always grinding looking stories doing the job, that's
That's where I to sift through a lot of trash, define some gold put it out. say I I'm glad I'm glad to be here. You did break the. We got weights and fish toward, but yeah how online you are yeah. Yes, lol, congrats, I've, I've as one new thing that Billy says when you can tell these went to lie about something or or quote misinformation. He'll say it has been said that and then he'll go on and see the thing yet does the new? That's new trigger phrases? Yes, yes, So we have Michael palace from gang at in green palace. This was during. I believe, the thursday in football game, dolphins, verse, bangles, went to a got severely, can cost off of a concussion. He had the week before got treasured, often in a cart he treated give a shit if you cancel me over this, but to a concussion equals January six. Twenty twenty one, so very much well, very, very basically taking the most online things and melting them together
Parents have for actually gets itself. Who is quite a take next stop in each online category, we have Chris imps also related to us. So we we talked about a couple months ago, the passing of the founder of two and on Chris simms got triggered about a man passing away, who had four kids was a veteran. And he was like, while he was mean to me online, so I dont morning yeah, he was basically like, ah well yeah. I guess it's sad that that he passed away, but also he was the guy that used to he used to say mean stuff to me, and I know I don't have any time for like he was a symbol of larger hate on the internet. No, he just likes. football real hola and he was funny and create. Then he basically makes our jobs, because the funds that are that passionate are the people who listened the shows.
yeah Chris seems a little too online to not be able to take a step back and be like. Oh, a man tragically lost his life, leaving four kids. He was like no, but remember that time. He, ah he quote tweeted one of my my two takes. That was very nice once in a while, I get the feeling that is the top button that has got button or just it cuts off the circulation to the brain a little bit, so I'm a little missoula a little bit and then, finally, ah we have rg threes thread which people are still talking about to this day. If the denver nuggets players each had a dipping sauce what sauce best describes them and they were all the exact same description. Yes, I'm sorry tat. He sometimes sweet. Yes, so archie, three, very much on when his contribution to the abbey finals was what are these guys? as sauces yeah. He had actually really great tweet a couple of days ago. It was the thread that was going around it put a picture of you at your job, oh yeah, doing something awesome and the picture was just him and his family. Oh nice, cars.
that's his most important job is being a he should have done it is. Him is subway urge three that may be made Archie three at a subway. Soon out of sight of me yeah, we re sick. the winner from winner of the two online person of the year goes too If you own moss grabs the locker grass the long long he was so online, he bought a website to be more online and control all the online. There also was a report that not only do you have a burner account, but he was able to seize an account that he wanted for a very long time cause he bought it. So there could be a chance. He bought twitter for forty four billion dollars just to get us do a back all over it and he probably bought it so that he could log in to his ex girlfriend's account and then re follow himself. Yes, yes, so, ah, congratulations! The elon wins the first tiki of the year. We will. We will have all the take he's listed on twitter tomorrow. We
congratulate you on, hopefully, he'd come on the show. Yeah yeah come on the show each one of us in the year you'll see it cause you're online, okay, next up, pft, okay, so we have the just chill out man of the year a lot of the nominees for the gesture out man the year first off we have shown in sharp shin sharp, is nominated for saying that he wanted to, honey all over Lebron James who, when lebron James, said that if you seem to fight it him in a grizzly, bear better start route for the bear and chin sharp said well, but a poor honey on new king o, the king part as a party king hardest hit The weird he wants you as somebody point out. He wants to glaze yeah, it's literally, what was the what was the exact quote. Is I'm pouring honey on you, king, or something like that and I'm pouring honey on you go yeah point: let's see him pulling it up right now, yeah, I'm pouring honey on you, goat, it's illegal to kill a bear!
unless under attack and laughing face laughing face laughing. He was so you want to poor honey, Oliver leubronn Next nominees shit and sharp o referred trying to fight jammer n o at the game, so to chill out discharging yeah views on some. Yet he made that point. Next nominee is shin will know, I mean he deftly needs to if he's gonna fight, jammer, yes, he's gonna get shot by the way we should have done: what you're Barcelona fuck with an honorary, take he just throw out there. What does give the take? He we should do gun wielder of the job market. You wanted it that way it's a huge job baldwin a year or two years ago, that was two years ago columbia. So you can't win yes, so make that graphic to genre gun wielder of the year. Shannon Sharpe is also nominated for protesting skip bayless. Yes, when skip was talking about what the nfl schedule was going to be like within minutes of Demar collapsing on the field and then shannon Sharpe just didn't go on the show. The next day, yeah chill out
also a toss, an extra nominee, shin short, oh for when cried on the air, saying goodbye to skip bayliss and thanking him. Who's, gonna win said that he wasn't gonna cry and then proceed to cry everywhere and then final nominee is shin sharp for grabbing. My elbow and approached me from behind and getting all horned up because he saw my ass are gonna ajax. This is gonna, be the winner of the just show out man of the year, a broad I'm saying, relaxed, calm down, calm down the winner, brought. You vs number two guest. Almost one you got ordered hang at it. I gotta get this guy. Give you a clear and seen any raise his business
ward presenter. I think every year nice shoot ice everywhere, nicely gung ho, basically as a guest on this episode of pardon. My take I'm going to prime my game pay or and announced instant. The take were just chill out. Man award the shannon sharpe furs. His erratic instagram pose defending le brows honour to chair. ouch ye way, we'll see. Annex episode of parting might take.
Thanks, you're nice, I bet shoot ice can eat shit and sharp if, if he was covered in honey, as you say, was there an extra option to pay for him to just eat a whole thing honey because he probably would have done it haha that was like of of all the Should I see him is eaten. The ice was once he'd fifty tab most edible cactus guy can eat anything cans. I mean mcdonalds, the other decks. I used to watch videos when I was younger and then I remember when I got into parcels like oh, I gotta look up soon, as I bet you he's super famous yeah, somehow he well how he didn't catch he needs to. He needs to become like national team, although his dad he has to compete in in the plimpton seat on the fourth of July, hot dog, eating contest, chugging ever clearer, isn't really sustainable yeah, but he does more than that. Did you hear about the fifty tampons? Everything so I actually did know who she was until I started working here, yeah real legend of yeah internet I ate it will bill. Your brain has been formed by here, Joe, like you,
You know I've been in this world by the video Jim shoe nice before it like. Probably on barston sports is what he had. Also nine years old watching shoe nice. where's glue videos was the one that really put the hook enemy. It listen he's just full bottle and was elmer's glue, I'll just say, chew, nice being alive. That's incredible and he's a special human should nominate him for still lead. Personally, yes, he'll he'll get thrown in there. Okay, good job, congratulations, Jane and sharp rubbing hunt he had brought. He has quite a lot, but giving is bron obsession I think it started as a backlash against it, gives skip right and then, but then he d, totally bonnet point where he's fantasizing by rubbing honey, olive. Yes, yes, yes, ok! Next, stop lateral! the year lateral the year new category. So The nominees are. Cliff kings vary from going from head coach. There is on the cardinals too. The culture you see, so that's nice,
it'll move pretty much the exact same justice procedure yet just as prestigious I thought he was in. I thought he was taking a year off. No, that was that was that he just went to thailand for a month and just banged it all out of his system. Yeah we have Derek carr from going from the las vegas raiders, where he didn't make the playoffs to the new orleans. they re, probably won't make to play off, and also I mean in LAS vegas. Would he do you gamble and drink you, do know Orleans uganda unease rank unless you're derek carr do none of those things in that city. Next up, we have kobe myers for the lateral, the patriots lateral to lose game to the raiders. Ah, one of the funniest moments in we actually put in that clip.
If hank now reactor at maxwell putting that clerk in the line, that was the only time the whole season we recorded early, yes, and that just happened a bit michael mack Jones, getting stiff arm by by chandler jones, yes, man! So let's actually revisit that moment. I'd say it's a tie game. We got a tie It came there. Certainly all that sets a stage all my guy unilateral. They know you tie gay, rub my god. Oh my god, oh my god that was a very risky and then in the last now is given to rent from going im from the brooklyn nets, who, with Kevin durant, probably would have been a second round exit, maybe a first round exit. You know they did go first round exit to the phoenix suns who were second round exits. The job Kevin good, good, lateral, move, okay,
Do we have a cameo egg shouldn't? Yes, ok, let's go hank, so this award is brought to you by nice. that smart, hello, a w elles its meets him was- and I am here to present the taking for lateral of the year- and absolutely none other than jacobus myers and his lateral against the raiders. You come on up here and get your award come on it. Oh ok are I'm seeing that he has handed the award overdid chandler jones like that? Sometimes, though, do we want Ah, you when he cited died inside so fuckin good teamwork
just present all our awards. Actually he should be at the live. Show yes, oh he should. He should be the livestream yeah. We could just be in attendance ok, so lateral the year hake any thoughts on that could mean that was it the lateral I think I was gonna unfair nominations. There is no actual. The latter was besides that you go. We mars one social, but slanted, that's fine, but about their car, not other online, almost that's different than a ladder, alas, said. Ok, ah fifty we got Ok! Next up, this is a great award at. We love this word its pervert the year last year, things got little out a hand with perfect award. We gave it, the telling guys only turns out ten percent italian and then a priest, the two are actually destroy his personal life on the golf course. So we're not max cherry more when I used the p were nope, but the nominees this year for pervert of the year are Zack wilson for bang. In his friends ma,
I saw your mom's friends, monsters, moms friends bombs for zack. it's a nominated, then I guess his life gonna sell part next up dan or lobby. Anna landscape, pervert, the you're nominee force posting screen shots of him on twitter and very clearly using incognito mode. Four. Who knows what reason I guess he doesn't does want people vice president for me, yeah and also dinner last you for writing an entire blog post about how he doesn't masturbate. He doesn't as I rode by not ever looking at a woman, yeah dinnerless Basically the taliban. Yes, they never being in a room with a woman and just crushing game fell in his brain constantly just my wife, well he's like horror at the next nominee. Is italian people just in general time people dominated for pervert the year max includes you. Not include maximum. Okay. I was going to say, because maxima is italian, he's ten percent to ten percent italian. So he's like the letter. P. Ok, not pervert, just letting my children have all been
Next up we have livy done live on is nominated for raising up a big rock o gave they brought gave her side. How, though, can occur very little but yeah I'm so let a great nominees and are winner pervert the year. This is kelly. Weren't set of milk manner here to resent the talking award of. Of the year and the winner is drum roll. Please Zack Wilson, other new york jets. Congratulations that were so proud of you any web. Nice work anna. If you keep your balls out of the door, Maybe you can pull a couple comfor behind winds and we all know that you're more than a man than what most girls commandos tell. We hope you and Where does the word and were super thrill, but you're the one
alright. Thank you Kelly. A beautiful huge fan of her work, yeah, really huge rid of her shut up, milf manner. Yes, most men are big shout out. Ah, ok. Next up, we have fall of the year fall of the year. Take ye fall of the year. I dunno. If we had this last year. but the nominees are jason girul o following the met gout, I was so funny. Yes, incredible and credible. We have, Why not once but twice he fell off his bicycle and then he fell, giving commencement too Therefore, air force you up. people say there is a sandbag. I think you might just be old there was a wire that was next to ok. Look like he was gonna jump up and get him yeah, so he had to. He had act fast and he wasn't fast. We have will lead
It's falling in the draft friend of the show, but he did fall. He fell. He fell undisputable. He felt that he fell to a good place, it's out of respect out of respect, and then our last nominee is the tree at the seventeenth tee at the masters program, fallen fell, but it really fall because it got taken away in like five minutes. Yes and still incredible that no one was hurt and I don't know what the masters do, but they the patrons were safe. Maybe you think someone might have died and we just For now the just barium yeah very that I guess those pretty soon the new agri, big dimple had move right there. They have the name of bridge after you're, something he had ass, sure, ok, the winner from all if president Joe Biden, congrats grass present guy just can't stop following, and it is forty every time he's addicted to it, and it will it's also.
Great litmus test for his first real nice. It's also great litmus test of who just takes things. Wait you, sir, firstly on mine in the area. We should all be able to gather around join hands when the present each shit. It's like puke videos, not shots falls. I can laugh at all gather great the great. I hope you seven wartime yeah! I I actually, but when I when I when he fell. I tweeted, as I look at him, just pointing at a random object being like kill that object someone's like. Would you one of your grandmother. If she fellows. I want my grip on their dead and stuff president, so you cannot sign up to get made fun of vietnam at present. You fall because guess what walking is one of the first things we learned it yeah. I know I'm trying to think how many times I fell this year? It was probably three or four times trips couple of trips, but you know he had if you're young, you can play it off. Take that next step and then just pretend like you were. You know you meant to do it. Yeah exactly should be like. Oh no
we are who put that yeah cause. I did do that and was like who the fuck put put that thing there as excellent alertness on his part yeah, who put that platform there, that I've been standing on for twenty minutes who put the earth beneath my feet. This is bullshit art. So congratulations, president Joe Biden. Next up, we have the creeper of the year award the creeper of the year versa. nominee. Many vince big man getting fired from his own job that he created invented for anna, probably like a bakers, dozen sexual saw cases, but like a lot, it was a lot but then getting brought back into the fold and then selling for billions of dollars. Yeah all time. Creeper com
backstory yeah. It's touching really see negative. Some even say it pays to be creeper ardelia scott next year. If you just look evinced man next up, we have email, doha, O former coach, the boston celtics nominated for reacted. We don't we don't know what did he do? It was rejected hank. Did you ever dig into that? Now nothing nothing to find Nothing. There was nothing there ring camera, then that makes no sense. Why would they fire at that'd be bad organization? That would do that yeah? Well, actually, you know it was us or celtics fan. Sure that allow, great great. What with Billy, never I would say it's. The teacher said: wait: you can't wait us the nevermind. They asked him to stop going back to the house and just went in the back door. Ooh nice little anal sex joke! No! No! It wasn't like literally, they call them on the
camera. You know you know the whole story. I do. I still don't that's not true like the billions, how it was an old story right later, my ways of any valuable land, just a back door and they caught him on the back door. Ring camera related, in the us share. Ok, we're theirs is coming from and how we all knew that I did not know any of this No, it's not true. this is another relative, allegedly read it. Sort of big Billy should want to online. ok and require Jos owes a better fit finally nominee who the wife, nominee for creeper the year is daring. Revolt friend the podcast chieftain revoked malaysia and river himself nominee for the judge? What interception when What was playing his last game and I went to go talk to special needs. Children and their revolt stepped in front of the kids.
congratulating give a big hug to judge what in congratulating first- It was quite a video that he willingly put out and What what did he say at any say something like I waited all worked to get into position for eighteen minutes, crying homology, crying mode eighteen minutes? If its inmates of of boxing out the kids with down syndrome great job there yeah and the present her for creeper the year, is brought to you by how we all otherwise you're percent attacking for creeper of a year shot out to dinner rebel. Your creeper, you win. nice job Genji was celebrated in haste. the island boys are back, there are back, they did ever leave on an island boil them in their own,
from the arabia know that without another ability that ability when we're putting together this list, realistic, I dunno. If we can use the island boys, I think that they were like with Jeffrey Epstein. He showed me a picture and with the five seconds I debunked of his being in a producer, image. That is definitely not from Florida yeah. I know it was also add up billy. We should just give you a mosque in billy when the two in the manga of the guy cold winters, yes, yeah retroactively have to be online every day. It's hard! You go deep, though billy, so do we yeah, We don't believe me every remedies for the internet, yeah scylla, you like! No, it reality. Ok, listen could break for an ad and then we have some more taking on the other side. Ok quit break for ro back the rollback question. It is one of our fever questions, rollback question, p of tea. What's your favorite peace, a row backing
that's a great question. Great robot question row backwards, I'm going to say the dinosaur polo sir Dinas on on past all colors yeah. Just without on the course, the other week, solid, structural, breathable, I I was. I love the robot shorts and here's why they have zipper pocket the zipper market is huge for shorts. Keep those keys in there. You know you need that one pockets, not all zippers yeah cause. Then you get a little tangled up. Just one zipper pocket for your keys in the row back sure. anything in there that you don't want to fall out, robot thing at all. Anything at all right, like also the diner shirt, the great part, about the dinosaur shirt. It's got the best dinosaur on it T rex, yes right, not the ala swords got. The t rex right on their t, Rex rollback is: are one of our favorite clothing companies most comfortable, close out there
q zips polos joggers shorts. She everything at roebuck, dot, com, hoodies, rollback, dot com use code, take for twenty percent off your first purchase, rollback, dot com, promo code, take that's r, H, o p, a c k, dot com, promo code, take twenty dollars off the first purchase performance gym shorts are a must have for the summer robach dot com, promo code, take for twenty percent off your first purchase back to the techies. Okay. Now take tiki. This is Jake marshes favoured award. It is the wild of the year wild of the year Jake. I'll, let you just say after each nominee how wild. So what would you say? Bill is the various had a revelation: Will you got a revelation of shi'a time? You just hit a home run? Okay! Well, we can talk about that now. Can we yes Billy who who hit memes for spec wormed memes? First pick? Okay! Ah,
while the year first up, we have Nicole yoke ich where the denver nuggets sweatshirt as a five year old, serbian boy and then Twenty years later, twenty three years later, winning an mba title, the first enfranchise history with the denver nugget, that's while that is wild. Jake, wild, very wild, the men. You would think a guy from international waters would wear a big market team. Now the denver nuggets, how I think, first, serbia has been referred to as international waters. Yeah I mean anything outside of you. Ok, next up we have made us travis, elsie and jason kelsey it gets each other in the superbowl and their mom was there. Oh, that's wild that
it's pretty wild right, Jake, their brothers brothers was crazy. I mean there's thirty two ways that crazier wild. Oh, this is wild. Mostly what the end is. The highest amount, there's wild, and then this is wild. Oh! Yes, this is what is wanted. Okay, this is wild. we have in the end We tournament amount for atlantic played the tent. the volunteers in what was it, the sweet, sixteen and the athletic director for both programmes. They were brothers, oh man as while pretty frickin wild. If you ask me so, was danny and Brian White you're going up against each other. I mean thing about this: there's like three hundred and sixty three teams yeah let alone those two teams making the tournament how about alone, those two teams being in the same region, let alone them playing each other in madison square garden, okay, but how many brothers are there that are both athletic directors, know just brothers in general. Millions,
and these are the two be more weight on it. I'm doing the matter of every billions are chileans. They're probably is built these are my gradually does billions. Brothers did bill is happen, wild wires, ok, but I'm doing the math. Now you said three hundred Sixty three sixty three now three and sixty three, the only the brothers face off how many nfl teams are there? Thirty, two in brussels that ok, I'm one job had that sound more wild me ass. Well, I see- let's say ah and finally, we have the pittsburgh steelers drafting joey porter junior named after his father, Joey porter, who played for the pittsburgh steelers wow that Jake crazy. I saw a picture to join junior at the super bowl but the other law, and how did you get tickets? Ok, dad was on oh yeah, that's while that is wild. Ok, winner Jake, you want to say
presented by jake marsh. oh the ball, truly wild and not the first superbowl featuring brothers in the last ten to twelve years later. That makes it less. Why competitors sock while its of the year of the year that yet, why were you? Who are you always get us out at shows how biases the judging is? What we're just given enough to competitors doesn't Oh, I guess they are, will see what happens when we get smaller monti it's really your guy to their mama mortgage and other names, donna geodata kelsey, once she's got wild over. Is she had to hire hans too and who then end up in a suitable, truly wild dad really get asia. Now that is a mom's time to get shot yeah, but that could have gotten in the mix a little bit. He probably didn't want to shine. That's fine! That's fine! But I just related. I don't even know who that is he's. Probably just a soccer fan, yeah, okay, what we got up next pfc! We have next
the year who's next, who is next in the world of sports, first nominee baby rock baby, nominated african stop by livy done, who could forget? Did he get? Did he raised I think he got raised up because livi went in for the hug. He gave her a side, hug, okay, yeah! Well, you say billy I mean big lt King yet may baby baby grog might be the new dripping. Trust me what's rising up, I mean I know so I'll tell you are raising you, don't know rising up to now. I dont yeah aids, when you are, when you put the risen someone here when you meet livy gonna get a hug Oh it's! When you rhythm, you dad, may have raised up your mom a guy getting out ok, yet it yeah yeah yeah. Okay sounds like you never rest! Yeah, you got a lot of erasmus phenomenon. Arisen is baby digs. Baby digs also might be next saw.
Poland in one hand, catches every calling on baby digs is I mean his lecture. Yeah no arisen shore for charisma, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby baby digs. I love be we take, I love, baby. Do you love looking at baby, I love looking at baby highlight reel is better than baby girl. One of my favorite things to do is: go online and look for baby yeah, just pictures of baby dicks. Yes, It's wonderful use, electra, it's a great way to spend a boring afternoon. Yes, next up, we have charlie woods, ooh see nominated we'll see wounds. Right I mean I, I almost feel bad putting in this category, because he's almost he's almost there, yes he's getting yeah next up is counterproductive. Let's get the darted in here. Yes, future star for the chicago blackhawks, already than conic david. Yes, future, Why did I impulsively by season tickets, the night that we got the number one pig, but that's that feels good
also nominated. We have victor women, young from France, france in france, the frenchman not plated summary. Bossed, oh ok. I like that take and here to present the award for next up of the year is the greatest soccer pillar of all time. World cup champion Lionel messy messy taken away I see this my order to present the danes, any three tacky for life over the years and the winner is charlie woods, telly I know you are a cigar file. So would do well I wanted to say you have one next yours. Our eyes. I'm gonna blow. You are at least wrong, that's charlie! Johnny saw something yet you so soon.
one day ass, he gave them waving his invention. I gotta go in december, a Yeah me try bias not apply such ali. I mean he's he's going is virtually there already This is gonna win the pda toward the entire thing fed ex cop ryder cup. With live he's going to have it all he's going to have all the titles he's going to be. Incredible, cannot wait, we're going to be and we were the first to get on him. We were we at we saw I wouldn't we jumped right on yet we were also the first. You know baby digs but yeah. Well, it isn't look baby dogs as a gateway drug for then jumping on thirteen year s. Okay, congratulations, charlie woods, whose listening right now charlie. What's up charlie yo jar, you'll, see money hid, assault, wouldn't come I'll. Show you wanna! You wanna play some video games supplier. Whenever you want to do one. What baby digs highlights? Oh, ok
This is one of our most prestigious awards. We done this every year. It is the John and still alive person of the year in memory of tommy lasorda sponsored by queen Elizabeth, take he withdrew. silence a moment of silence for queen elizabeth sulphur, everyone who knows we have done this. I think we have six Finally, although max, although don't put up, we have, we have successfully I think we had tunnel sort of one year. We John man and the queen was with last year. I think we're like three four four or three four in the last three years and of the person dying, who we have nominated for still live person of the year himself. The nominees this year are. luke harnessed sector. They saint johns famous saint John, coach, ninety eight years old at the press conference or was at a press conference. Looking damp
Spry Zenos intro, you look great great jacon you do. The math roquat can figure out how many potatoes that junk kind of second live for ninety eight years. Ninety eight years are divided, but how many potatoes has been thirteen seconds, thirteen get back. Ok, ok Next, we have sister jean still lie very much still alive, still alive with your kitchen, which is don't die yeah. We have two more him who still live so grass, along our prayers for tomorrow's remark. Great story we have are as it is, he still live or see alive again alive again a second time alive. Again we have bill Russell still I still actually should go on what di di yeah when he died. He sure is a fucked up joke. We actually were just putting this in to see if hank was paying attention.
Ok, you are paying attention. Congratulations, hake, john roms, dad still loss very much so still waters out healed up still. I lie under per cent and then finally, we have present Jimmy carter. Still alive shrinking by the second, but still alive he's been in hospice. I think, for eight months now we act, which is, I think, that's a new record, your record for that these children yeah. I think Thank you. Just hang out here have to work in a more does have to get on roofs and kneel down tiles. We love him. This is his retirement yeah by the way lw current. Second. Ninety eight years, three billion ninety million five hundred twenty eight thousand patina. That's a lot of loads. That's a lot of potatoes! Okay! Ah we have a special guest to give out this award hello boys, your old friend queen Elizabeth. I record this message. The second I was nominated for stood a new person of the last year because, To be honest, your truck
I with killing people's quite impressive This message is playing the twenty twenty three take. His then means I've. asked awake, I'm dying wishes to make my son friends Harry and his beautiful wife, man, Marco, the new king and queen of england. Please, if I saw you anything Sure this is done for me, as for this year the taking miss turner live person of the years president Jimmy Carter. I look forward to seeing Jimmy the pearl gauge shortly Now your boys, also my number this Besides sixty nine, I ordered was scary. I was crazy. I she hated when reenactments use the eight of us. We have to have her as a recurring guest on the show she's very entertaining This is the Jimmy Carter also shock. It ain't jimmy.
Probably a live person of the year and she also did ask us: we need to make sure the prince Harry and Meghan Markle become king queen I'm right on it yeah those were her dying wishes. So er, congratulations! Jimmy Carter still alive very much. Fucked up tiki we do the necessary next. Next category is for criminal of the year. Remember. We had a lot of lawbreakers this year, lotta lawbreakers, First nominee is donald trump trump arrested, twice yeah billy, whatever Whatever next nominees hunter Biden, yeah zesty does a lot. A crack. Yeah is either so. I don't know how much like a normal crack. it uses crack, but he out cracks them all. And bribery end, not problems with. Only one guy gets charge revulsion. there. Also nominee. We have stetson bennet. He had got arrested. Also this
father for stealing superbowl from max his beloved phil lovey thou. So this is there's a biased max. You put this in still complaining about the sod You are complaining about you complaining cause. I got this sounds like you're still mad about the song. You are complaining about the size. Okay and the final nominee is chiefs. Aholic chiefs aholic getting arrested for having banks, making money on the chief swimming insuperable and patch rooms, a belief, superbowl and BP, and then absconding running out on bail and he still and road somewhere, yeah ass. She saw it as being caught, hasn't been caught yet and so the award for criminal of the year is brought to you by special gust, especial guest. Who could it be. Wow, that's an awesome t shirt. I didn't know hi there billy here to announce the twenty twenty three taking it for criminal of the year after a lot of competition. Amongst all the nominees I'd like to announce that chiefs, alcoholic has one criminal of the EU
Thirdly, as I'm taking this video he's not been caught and he made off with bank winning say stashed away as well as chiefs, futures and patrick mahomet ftp futures she's is really the last outlaw the west roaming from kansas city to Oklahoma, even to arizona for the superbowl and leave. He did not report to court and he's probably down in the scale like many outlaws before him, You know a body the spirit of those like josie whales, while bill. a cock. And the wolf that he dawned the man ran across the planes in a way we haven't seen since the days of the west relations she's out hope mexico's is treating you well as he's dawning. The mask is one day we'll need you back I do. The job does a great job. Billy. The audio is much better on my phone. What do you? What are you charging for? Give me like? Ten grand, okay, my sake, I I the thought just occurred to me. What if Billy
chief chiefs, aholic this entire time, the perfect crime, and then he went to go investigate himself Allah. I can't find him anywheres wild I've never seen you too, in the same room together. More have I who decides in question ok moving along, we have a choke of the year choke of the year. A great nominees this year, a lot of chokes, we're going to start with Purdue the purdue boilermakers one see big joke choking as much as you could choke floor, fit for fairly dickinson taking them down. Purdue just keeps getting. worse and worse in march. I think they just getting more and more purdue yeah. They are the reaching their final upper due to make sure that we are very honest year- brooks kept in the masters, did choke big time, choke choky and assistance from Hank yep. He assistance from hank austrian we have the boss improvements. Choking number one seed out
we also have the milwaukee bucks choking another one seat out, as baroness all around or a failure on their part then show yeah, and then we have great williams, who had. His famous I'm going to make both free throws and then miss them both against the cleveland, cavaliers and finally, the last nominee for choke of the year is mark Zuckerberg in his jujitsu class are getting choked out, but maybe not ah the winner of joke of the year mark. like a bird, congratulations. Mark Zuckerberg mark he got out in a jitsu class and then went on full court press with his our team issuing a us, you ve been saying at no point during the competition was mark knocked unconscious. never happened. He also had his coach companies saying that Zuckerberg, it really just effort full grunting, so you,
showed tat. Pretty was thus chokichi who just trying very hard drug dealer, goes along the lines of of laughing at present when they fall down. If you have made your life's mission to have, Botz take over our entire lives. On going to last you when you get choked out in your make, believe jujitsu turn yes and especially when the then release statement, saying at no point at no point during the competition was mark, Zuckerberg choked definitely would not have heard about the story. Had his pure person not issued a public statement saying a, although hilarious! Videos of my client getting ruthlessly choked out those debts, we don't look them up. Stop Laguna! Please I am only raising awareness that people do not retweet. Yes, as it pertains to the choking out, it never happened. Never has it never happened, but it is the choke the year whether it happened or not, while he did get choked.
I got choked out, but he did get choked. It was the most talked about choke of the year. So congratulations mark Zuckerberg for getting ah choked out or effort lee grunting, yeah ex up. We have the wife guy of the wife guys out there these days, yes, wife. Of the year. Nominees include orgy three, just huge huge wife guy most of his poster about his wife. He had the glamorous pregnancy shoot maternity shoot that it out also left the game. Those are those are always really weird, where somebody puts out like a combination of a maternity shoot, but also a boudoir shoot. Yeah, look up, look how hot and focal my wife looks when she's been fucked, yes, she's pregnant ken bone, yeah crazy. He loves that number can bone yeah yeah. We should believe we should do take he presented Yes, we should do or remember that guy of the year, yes, the guys that you fall by the wayside, yeah ken bone,
next nominees j j? What for retiring from football to spend more time with his wife? Yes, pretty gave you ask us: spending are buying a soccer team of his wife yo sauce next nominees data. Dan fur only think about his wife, all the time and never jacking off, never ever in the winter of Wife guy of the year is drum roll. Please Genji why here, our good friend, Jj walker, congratulations. You do in fact have a wife. He awaited love. Your wife weirdo we, you burnley, you kiss your wife with those lips disgusting imagine being an equal partnership with a woman and haven't feelings for one does Burnley season start, I think in september, or no august, yeah it's around football seasons wouldn't really pay attention I'll jump on burnley excited. Ah it is so fucking hot in here
his lights, the cold can really. Can you go taxi one more time? Ok, please! Please, please! I would for some ac, but make sure to take your bear with you. My my glasses are getting fogged up. Croissants, it's a it's. A five I can walk and billy reached over to grab a beer before he left he poured out in the trash. He doesn't like look how many I drink, we sombre is. We know that move one score to the bathroom with my beer, no big deal. Did you guys finish yet unfinished? Where you got billy nothing worked before. Can you leave the door open his favour? Sound feels great for me I I'm sorry dude. I keep him like I put on here and put on your mic. I'm off my glasses. Just keep going farther. It's it's insane! This! It's the hottest! It's ever been woken my world,
and yeah we're just fighting we're just basically getting the reps in for vegas for the tenth year anniversary white vegas, so that we can gamble is regard atlantic city. Courage, troy stood on juliet river boat on louisiana. We, I won We do in east chicago indiana, so yeah we could do that. We're going to do we're going to do we'll do it. Ah, he scarred were in the eye of ours. Forget you got screwed up by that rule cargo is in Indiana yeah yeah fuck, that call another chicago, but it's in the linear, ok, stop oh, take a break for a quick, add we're going to get back to take techies in a second. There brought you by the bars to sports book, the all
designed better than ever birstall sports book, better odds, smoother operation. We love the parcel sports book. I have some major investments that are putting into play on the parcel sports book right now. I'm sure he'll die in vp a monologue that in that's what I'm goin with partial sports book is a must have if you're a sports fan if you're looking to get I should, in on upcoming college football in they'll, be games. We ve got the system which is making a lot of money in major baseball. If you want to stick to the ownership of the oakland athletics make little cash on the side. The boar supports book is where it sat terms apply most twenty one or over gambling problem call one eight hundred gambler, download and sign up for the barstool sports book today. Okay, next up, we have coach in waiting of the year lot of coaches that are waiting for their big shot or the first nominee. We have Eric b enemy, who is now offered to court,
therefore the washing commander he is he's the system mamsie system quarterback. I got the system now. Yes, so he is. The coach in waiting has been waiting for a while. We have john shire, who is still not coaching. Do we know coach case pulling the strings behind them is lurking. Yes, covering. Yes, we have J Williams. Who is hoping to get the coaching job a georgetown. He would entertain, If he was ass, you would understand it, and then we have J right. Our good friend, J right, who is coaching waiting for the six years end next simultaneous trouble ok, the winner of coach in weighting of the year, goes too Jay Williams, Williams, J Williams for tweeting january eleven, twenty twenty three. no one. It asked them. No one had talked about it. He said so. People keep. Asking me, so I will answer georgetown Basketball has always been a dream job. It has.
has an arm, so junior eleven, twenty twenty three when using patrick viewing was fired. Jane, you know, march second, march nineteen, twenty twenty three sometimes feeling was still the coach georgetown. J William said so. People keep asking me so I will answer. Georgetown bass was always been a dream. The weird thing. His J Williams might not have been a worse courts and patrick you yeah it while I think we're J? things like hey. This is my shot, be the first african american culture, George YAP. So what happened to you would have been mass. What have been massive, ok That's a J Williams, keep trying what It is true. I hope you get tired what the weirs he doesn't coach. No one talks about, I'm the guy. feel had a job anyway. ok people keep asking me, I think, was his It is the same, however, that they will have to account from earlier yeah yeah that happens with him. Yes, next,
category is the worst person to fly with a war who worse person to fly with a lot of strong nominees first up is odell becum for now getting up out of a seat, making the entire plain de plain the up while he was, flying not not private, but he was lying on a commercial flight east coast. West poston and yeah everybody. I dunno why everyone had to get off the plane for him, but he certainly made them do it. I don't get. I don't understand that oh no becum nominated next nominee is acting basses, wife spilling pop worn all over the plain and then making a flight it in that clean it up, and then tweeting out how inconvenienced by texting, anthony bass, then tweeted out how inconveniences wife was because she was for months. Again she almost pray issued a five year old. I'm sure you're in a five year old, just build pop whenever couldn't clean, it can clean up next Domini. Is that guy that open the emergency exit on the south korean flight to the united states, europe open it up before it
and then just everybody had to sit on the plane in a vacuum tunnel, essentially that move, Ok, I just wasn't. I thought about it. You see it it's like seeing. You cops gone you exempting what? If what, if I put the handles I dare for alarm if it was really that important, they wouldn't make it so easy for me to pull yeah and I'll just say it, though, if I was on the plane that kind of wood rot, they got really hurt tonight. I don't think anybody just go right next to the window, get sucked up yeah so did he get hurt? I think. Well, he has seatbelt answer is fine. So he was okay, but I would not have had my seatbelt on that would have been. That would be so. Cool you'd would have been fine. Who had been so you want to fit out the door right, hang nervously, and then the next nominee for worse personal fly with is Jeffrey Epstein Jeffrey Epstein, don't wanna don't be caught flying with that guy, I feel as if they were finding out new people. Flu
Every day we have certainly our island boys, everyone everyone's flow. With that guy S we took off last nominee. I noticed ass category. Mohammed oughta. Oh yeah tsunami ratio fly away. And the winner of worse person to fly with award goes too. From rome, ethic bass, his wife yeah rats, mrs bass, what it all the time, what an all time. Backfire between those does bad, and then I think they get the flanton fired yeah for making her clean it up. Just overdue That's ridiculous thing! Thy kate, you here internet my wife, whose again not that pregnant and a five year old, cleaner popcorn- and this is in a job, this issue of all also probably ratio the year on that too yeah knows a huge ratio. Yeah yeah I thought I was gonna get nominated there day. I fell asleep on the plane and I was thinkers leaning over.
They called under woke up, because I was a kind of leading the guy. Next to me, and when we landed, I was like hey man. Sorry, if I was leaning, he just didn't acknowledge me. Yeah, you got a boner yeah, you're, probably yawning in his face like a cycle I hope, the hours tat I tried to try them out, make good. We landed aegis. True! the odor yeah. Okay, you remember, thank you. Remember the threw of yogurt olive yourself on a plane, yeah yeah. That was that that was really. How old are you like? Last year, yeah. When I was a kid, I had some some insight. It's unplanned yeah we're driving to vacations for a couple of years. Yeah. Oh, my god, we were up taking off and then hank source gets oliver If it's a yawn or if he's actually choking on something or dying or coughing, looked like he was on coughing and then go good speed. out of his mouth, like like a reverse Tiana
just and then he like, sticks his hand out to try to catch it. It just flies all over the place. I am looking at like what the fuck is wrong with Jesus Christ. liar. There. There's people out there. You are this africa's cause. I do feel bad. I do. I understand I'm probably bad person fly with an honest. I kind of black when I fall asleep, but there's definite there is most people do act. There's like a supporter about their that probably exists that they don't know that. There's pro, at least a handful of people that have gone off with me and been like. I was on the fucking. I was sitting next to the worst person in the world. Ye fall asleep on twitter, Firstly, talk drew lean owners challenges facing all of it you're, whereas our congratulations to make just leaks out. It's ok. Next up,
If game of the year game of the year, we had a lot of great games this year, a lot of great nominees, so I'll rip through them. We had two vikings games, vikings bills, which was an incredible incredible game. I remember that for town catch or pass to justin jefferson and then obviously the fumbled the goal line- and I think the bills at one point had twelve guys on the field yeah yeah yeah we had caught, we had vikings colts the incredible we'll come back in a way that came thirty, nine thirty sexually down thirty three or something you I was at christmas. Serious threat in nothing knows a random saturday game and it was like the week before christmas cause, I remember, being colleague, shells there's somebody on again mariners asked Those eighteen in game what again, that was, that was an awesome game. We had nuggets lakers game, one of the western conference finals. We had commander
twelve bear. Seven knows who could forget who could forget tat? You bet I came here, We had broncos twelve colts, nine, the famous overtime game, that was one of the worst games the year, but became one of the best games and when the most memorable and then finally, we had georgia forty two ohio state, forty one of truly incredible game that we got to witness on new year's eve, drum roll Roma drum game of the year echo two nuggets lakers western conference final game one, and we have a quote with a quote from someone a reporter on the scene. Ah, who said people will dismiss it because it's not an m b, a finals game, so the stakes weren't as high, but what you just
watched was one of the greatest games ever played I'll. Never forget it, because that that series went on to be just an amazing series right. It was like seven games. a billion fork and fourth routine, getting winds left and right. Yes, that's excellent! Let me read it again. Just so everyone can let it set in. This is from a report. Let's comme de reval. Ah people will dismiss it. This is not an mba finals game, so this sweden is high, but what you just watch was one of the greatest games ever played ever play ever played, and I can't I can't stop thinking about western conference final game. One lakers nuggets nuggets suite of any sport for all types of wade go on ice, Joe Carter, cause. I don't remember you know, rumble the jungle now lakers nuggets game, what
Western conference finals was one of the greatest games ever, but if you're real, who poor you know that one there. Through one twenty six high score, all crowd of others. Yet a budget bitter and everything when a great game. Who could forget next category is. We have trade of the year rate of the year, the trader the year lot of big trades and sports big trades everywhere lot people got fleeced this year's the year of the fleece. first nominee is Russell westbrook we're getting traded from the lakers. He got trade to Utah and because then got the Angela Russell. It was a three team. A player deal and the lakers just turn the seas around, because they just got rid of Russell westbrook, so shut out to the lakers and rob lowe for executing that trade. Yes,
trading wildfires to canada for continued stanley cup success on our part, so I think, gets a fair trade. There are never going to win a stanley cup unless we get Alberta or fifty four state which are talking about. We want next now me for the air was aaron rodgers in russia. I finally got off his ass, got traded to the jets and brought along basically every teammate that he had that he liked which actually another thing was probably only like two or three yeah: they got traded. jets or signed by the judge with them in the file nominee. Is brittany greener, getting traded for the murder of death ooh. That sounds like a bad ass to famous prisoner, swap yeah famous prisoner, swap where I'm at the merchant of death yeah yeah. Ah so, let's get to the presenter for this award ooh, we have Special presenter high by mostly bosky voice actor in, could have duty modem over two million arouse they're taking full the trader. The air
Let's do our inner margin of death and briefly, grinned united states, absolutely fleece, putting into the great If usa burden of death is washed up go. I just have the question: what is Russia ever won? Oh it was we got. We got fucking host yeah. We got hose it is, I'm gonna wait till their careers. Then we can see, we ve got more ranks episodes. True, that's true. There was the trade of the year it was incredible, talked about trade of the year we say billy. No, he comes to take them on Billy. Let him fly to take his cum on virtue of death. Got back moot was that except figure it out. Okay, I probably won't speaking code right now: no ok! Ok! Next up we have the darkness retreat of the year darkness. Retreat of the year. There were some great darkness retreats
First nominee is chrissy teague in quitting twitter. Yet again, that's the fifteen time she's quit as multiple ward nominee for this category, every time said digs. Did he quit yeah yeah yeah. I see where you're going yeah yeah. I know what you're saying haha yeah baby digs hot in the streets oh okay, next up, ah to more hamlet at a quick darkness. Tree came back incredible story story of the year, yet that was the ultimate him and Jesus yeah. Let's start disagrees, maybe ever yes! Ah then we have aaron rodgers you had the most famous darkness retreat for what a day and a half I found myself already wanted to be a new york jet also in his darkness street. There would be people that would show up open the door hand him meals, talk to him, tell him riddles surreal, darkness retreat, yeah, yeah and then finally, Chrissy teigen quitting twitter. Yet again
again again yet again again. This is finally last time guy. She doesn't need this anymore. She swears she's don t, get nine burners, yes, okay, the winner. We got a special guess prisoner, if my old friend, that's right, I'm frank tank. I'm here to announce that take you for darkness, it c of the year the winner is aaron. Rodgers way to go erin! Congratulations! Looking forward to having you back on the packers this year. Let's go okay, congratulations! Rodgers, he's making Zack wilson's life, Heaven right now, yeah! That sounds like he's killing him. Yes, yes, so yeah, Aaron, rodgers darkness treat if the year good job, I dunno. If that will be a category extra, probably not, maybe he will and then decide he wants to go the viking, oh yeah, he's definitely and then he's going to go on another one and then he's going to move to mississippi and still welfare money. Yes, yeah
our next category is taylor of the year lou, big tailors out their first norman. taylor, tiller lou on Taylor had a great year. Being taylor this year I get injured, as do as he does he whispered. fraid by amazon, authors and game as being in a wheelchair. They did the boy dirty I'll say it was a tough luck. Tough luck for the boys out there for the two once Next taylor, swift tellers. if this nominated for making like a billion dollars on her tour and then getting forced into breaking up with her boy and by the swift union. Yes, sir Taylor shot out to tailor. I respect you as an artist taylor, but you ve done a great job and in tricking people into thinking you're. The most persecuted person on earth, who is also making a billion next nominees taylor, hi till economic of retailer of the year. The Jordan's everything just outstanding work in the field of taylor. Hunter keenness
The next item is the sean taylor statue at fedex field, which, under when I think, three four admirations. He was wearing different style, pants and gloves and socks and home There is actually no statue there and it was the first statue to never have a face. A body legs arms girls hands anything. It was just a uniform. It was like a march a stand up, merge shop for taylor for shanties yes, and the winner of tailor. The year goes to drum roll right. the jean taylor statue, alright great job, great job to the washington commanders for screwing, up sean taylor dave for the second consecutive year, unbelievable that video still shocking, you know what's coming, watch it again. You like what the fuck are. They think it shocking. Even for the commanders. Yes, yes, which sank, something. Ok,
We got a few more rounding up where you get to play the earn little bit here. We have no of the year no hitter. the year lotta no hitters this year we have some great nominees. First, connie wes no hits this year, none zero! no bankers zero. His appearance of the Alex Joan show was pretty far, though that's true, southerners part we yet yeah I was. I was bang, hey, fuck that he might well, let's see if he wins, but yeah that was a hit. We have re det, merce, Anaheim angels on june, tenth, Twenty two, no hitter YAP knows a great, no matter who could forget What are the best means of ever seen and then We have They use it. Ass rose no hitting the philadelphia fillies in the world series. Pretty crazy came for the world series. I know her. It was no inner wow yeah why oh yeah crazy, redoubt, mirth, just pitcher
scheme that on the studio right after the idle hats, wild throated for next year's, while okay, ok terminal and the winner is max you like to announce it kanye, no, it was not kanye was the Houston shows no hitter other philadelphia fillies in for the world in the world series, and we now exaggerate was that happened so rarely yes, it s biggest stage of sports match July. To accept this, No! I would not cause its attitude towards a fake award wind, it's a fake, no! Otherwise it no better could or should I know, is I don't know respect way and how we weigh is max. It was a combined. I didn't hear you say it was a combined what it was a combined zero had. No, it does not. We just talk. All additives yeah, fortunately, does have the control the edit everything we are one of the more memorable. No hitters in this shows history. Wrong always hairs about that now at her
this law way only be the only raise your hand at a level I know enter enemy is another about that. No reactor effectually very much like to see what bars I five yeah yeah via hazardous I've. I pull in this room five to one it's a combined into combined. Yes, it's no hatred against. You know. Hitter, congratulations max the philadelphia, fillies you're going no hidden the world series things now. Have gaps that after game. One, that's true. other than the world series yeah. I mean we went up to one I mean whatever or overturn with the sixers. Now. ah, ok. Super noticed. Category is tie of the year who, at the time of the year first up, we have Jim Nancy tie gave way. the last time and all the people that say that he stop giving way to die. That's not true! He just stopped making a big deal out of giving way to correct you can't just quit giving away a tie. Two years before you,
away from it all. A next tommy's commanders giants tie in the nfl this year, and we also have the courts and texans nominated for tie of the year at Ty actually went on to be very impact for huge, huge time ass, a child. And then we have? U? S, england, tying in the world cup huge, which we won yes and the winner of time you're goes to the united states of america. Yeah. That's a z, You say You say we tighten the world also out of england. You like yours, I saw her. Yeah you'll appreciate the beautiful game like we do now. You were at you were there. I was there. I went. I went halfway across the world to bring home a tie and I fucking did it yeah
that's how you are. You can also were literally just asking apparently like twenty minutes ago, yeah? Well, that's out of that commitment to my new friend, J, J yeah nasser unchanged jj borg, but but I'll. Tell you one thing burning. tests that friendship, oh yeah, I'm going bet on him, but I again has happened during covert no sports on their soccer bet on it. I thought I was born so alive committed dove, committed to being a burly, then granted that he said submerge. Ah, so one condition but I'm going to try and give my best, but ok, we got a few more and then we're gonna get to we get like five more than were to get to the blake of the year and then see who gets podcast listener of the year. Next up a very big award. It's loser of the year mm okay. So this is a new award and I thought with a new award. Let's keep it in house
so. We have the nominees jake marsh for losing the panthers, and he in the finals also losing the illusion that he actually hit a hole in one whenever no need at all. I wanna washes away I'm a loser and losing his pants during every peel outbreak. Yes, yes, I am nominated because I lost my eagles future. I was over to engage the years and also to of my favorite teams, were the worst teams and got the number one pick. Peggy, began losing time losing and losing out there. If you're going to lose this when we get the winner better, be a massively yes. Yes, we have next up p t the joint pet. Big big that I may lose, especially that hank celebrated his when right. In my face the ass, he took the other side as he hates me yeah, and he dislikes just going aegis.
It's and gives me I'd. Try to tie. We talk about whatever I gave you that bet I gave us, I told you I was you didn't know that the no doing spent was even a possibility. Until I told you, I was taken drawings and then you're like opium d, I'm going to fade. You write your face, No one ever decide five. How did I lost? I'm had a whole gas hold was fucked up yet his father was every mother fucker. Ah speaking hank, he is up loser of the year the celtics lost in to the the heat, an eight seed, the bruins loss as the one seed patriots had a very bad year, and if you sum it all up, he hasn't won a title. Since twenty nine, damn big time. Loser reddish! That's out a long long time ago, bigtime loser one water bomber, ok world cup, that next billy Billy lost too hot sauce yeah. He lost to his anger,
he lost, while he actually one soft his hands in the store Joe Biden. Still, president, your bride, still, president and billy So had his famous quote when the jets were five into saying, I feel bad for you guys yeah and then, where did the jets end up? Not the playoffs with the rest of us, ah jackknife, Klaus and last year- I don't know that was presented to lose another them here. and then last but certainly not least, we have max self explanatory zoom in on max his face. head, tighter under cameron, tighter turn cameron. I I the cameras on when I can't swim and move your fee the closer the camera sloan, I'm not moving my face closer to okay, and so we have a session presented for this, and I want to say this when I reach out to this person to present the award, I did not know
What teams this person rooted four and then, when I saw the video I gasped go head max. Man is great hi, I'm doing dvt winner. the twenty twenty biggest lose. as a guy who lost a lot I know a loser. When I see you, So without further ado, I'm happy to announce the winner, the twenty twenty three taken- The biggest news of the year. In the winter is and what it is. Well, congratulations max the latter. Congrats max quite job you're such an incredible loser Now, one What makes you
if you're losing then congrats max. I picked red. I just searched biggest loser, so that guy, I think, lost like two hundred pounds a few years ago and then, when he said his his video back at ease of filling his that's incredible, justly serendipitous all max. To sum up, we also want us to forget the bowling yeah you're on a hail mary. Yes, god big cat, the number one pick which then spills yeah. So actually, second place you lost in in fortnite two. You got second place in fortnite, the first time that you play for me now. Who cares yeah that so you lost the philadelphia phillies? the world series after said and getting no hit com You champion, syria, cherries title tony said were: basically
at one time was even saying that about the heat and sal in miami one person said well not in this room, but out there. Basically titled out, you lost the philadelphia union you're a huge mls guy. You've had season tickets since the inception of the team right. With a leader in the ninety six minutes when he's out a shrewd habitat only how many minutes in a soccer game, at least ninety. Five linger. Ninety minutes, yeah, that's impossible. You lost the eagle superbowl with a ten points, it was a big and you lost six thousand dollars. Oh yeah, you d lose six thousand dollars, oh yeah, then Actually he also lost his iphone for the game. Some of that loser did. I did put he. He paid me back with six thousand dollars, and I said I'd put it on a future for him and he did that with you, cla bruins, and the answer to that with Maxima yeah. He did with max homa
when the masters do usually bruins. He also bet against yukon every turn him again. What pity who have the dude? I think they smoke everyone, oh yeah, that's right, a cupboard, every scrap didn't want it all, and then you lost to the celtics which pre will be hurt? The most out of all of these losses- and you had to shave your face, what I hit or hurt yeah I was gonna say: let's, actually, I'm at a loss hurt the most it's. The super bowl will always hurt the most okay. was to greece. The video of of you to rob me of my Kalen heard also gives deck right now. What did the whole clippings? It's? Maybe the funniest goodwill I will we'll get to that show I was, and the sun was ridiculous. Sun was insane fucking at a guy that I fuck the guy off Pakistan
hank, stupid fucking face phase walking back into that room, walking back in that room. I'll, never forget that feeling and is looking just looking at Yes, you, ok, A video did not put out good good video. And got to establish section good video. You lost all grades video game too, because to you're you are you're hurting so hard for the heat. While I mean that identify you had some positive, so you, like fucking dogs, you did say that you don't I had not had now. I don't hate comma fucking dog. Ok, so right losses eagles like for sure by foreign away number one, the sole path, Honestly, the sole patch her more than the sixers losing is that those pictures will last forever they get put on graphics,
months. What penalties later David Ricardo he put a having? Actually you I know, we're out- was the biggest ricochet out of nowhere shot of all time. What pictures the pictures that professional photography that you decided to do the day after by by happenstance, we had a professional merge shoot the day after I had a look like the ugliest man in america. Ok that one her the hot dogs real, I didn't think I was gonna- hurt as bad as it did, but doing the hot dog that was really tough. I really did enjoy that, and now it was almost worse because I didn't actually lose. I came second, which what would you call that? I guess that goes along with the rest of it such a loser such a loser. You are a loser yeah now join it, I'm how you,
happy. I came onto the show at the time of lake, The year of my biggest down as I do perfectly really is remarkable, what do you think about it? Like everything got so closer you? If you just one, one of those you wouldn't be a loser, but I will win one really that much. I will women's report what yeah union know, that'd, be awesome and it it'll be so much sweeter than if I were to just come on and just start winning right away, because I'm going to be building myself up to that, it's going to be a real redemption hero story for the ages. I'm sure people are gonna, be writing novels, and I want to read books yeah. I cannot wait to read so I stopped losing starts
max the intro max puking in the uber. That was one thing about me. I can. I can be tough talk at a yeah one thing about you max. You are a loser, so you're loser of the year yeah, which one just as the side in this is like postproduction suffered witchcraft. Should we use of matter matter the years we do, the eagles private goes over more at all patch. Yet in the chair, when hairs icon, it maybe have the sole patch maybe have sole patch. I think we need a stamp on the deserve the baby's so passionately, the o unloose area. There should be that many pictures of me I haven't been on the show. You learn, learn not even full year. I like people work there. Years for those pictures you got you compatible round. Fingers are but whole how yeah did finger your. That was a good moment.
And in the circle of the r. It should be him getting kissed that picture too yeah man. What a great year for us yeah got getting to laugh at max yeah. It's been so much fun all right next category This is a avanti category here in the taking towards women? Every single year, it's the liver, the year the liberals. The year nominees tar Look, I know it's, it's not! You not ignored the coup in work once you take them out. Building Where you take it out, let me just sauce me: one was called cruisers. I think we're out at the last one I'll take that one here we got more in here, billy taxpayer beta, Alright, the nominees for libya. The year are billy actually billy. Congratulate billy for being nominated again for lower the year for
wearing a mask last week It also not eating red meat anymore. So thank you, billy for all that you ve done for the environment, stopping the spread pig liberalising services. Next nominee is aaron rodgers in rogers numbing. Liberty for moving to brooklyn, yes, selfish mandatory. Yes, ex nominees Jake Jake marsh is nominated for libya, the year for tweeting up. Architecture with obama getting political. You got little political with jake cigarette segment. It's disgusting is discussing what you ve done to the show did even it out, though, by making sure geo peace I hope he yeah he's playing both sides. Republicans root for the panthers to next nominee is Dan Snyder for letting his wife run. The team for awhile, big, big beta girl, boss, move energy from him. Next Domini is J. J want for liberty, for literally having a bleeding heart. Yes, we did you, he did and
The final nominee is donald trump for calling to defund the police who, after he got arrested. Oh so, really some great nominees for liberty year this year. And the winner of liver, the year goes to none other drum, replace. Then the pc sensible himself billy for life life imitates. Ours is three years running. I think Chris forms one of which korea is your dynasty and Chris Travis you're into guys. Well, the the forest fires did require a little bit of a mask and I do still eat red meat just makes you break out in hives, but it's worth it. Okay. I haven't eaten red meat that much recently had a burger smashburger for lunch with a hug and shake. It was also the impossible one yeah. No, I don't think they haven't passed. He can't do. He loves ice cream yeah I'll, give you said headset that Libya scream like jenny's, none
What's the most the of ice, we hadn't in one sitting chinese is alive but yeah jenny's is also Ben and jerry's year career ahead of for the first time when I was in Chicago what jenny's yeah yeah yeah. It was good. It is good, yeah ice cream. great, I screamed either I should be going like they do not take ice rooms, good I should like a my pillow ice cream guy this over tangent, we're going on here. Everything about like mozilla, is appointed point of music. We get to play off public in iceland, ivy healers. think there's this now. She has like entire refrigerator than just film James ice cream. Just like you, billy purse, like you in the winter was billy football. Civilian, so liver, the area, liberally, liberty, good job, billy, ok,
rallies shape. Here we got a couple left. Ah we're gonna go with worse take of the year worst take of the year great year for bad bad takes. So, let's pull up all the bad takes. You guys have any that you have yourself. I had he culture dying, so that one was bad. I want from myself for the second straight year. I pick the unseen champion getting eliminated they want. Arizona arizona this year and last year last year, who did you have lasher? He did Is it though yeah? It was a really bad time. Yeah, your college vast, very bad. Anyone else have bad takes. I didn't have any bad takes us here. You had only internally perfect takes, I said Pierre you on that matter is the worst days. He was kentucky and same peters, but he was in fact the best is.
yes, ok! I haven't I alright the nominees we have some really good ones. This one first up is chris Broussard, saying it's on the table that the chiefs miss the playoffs next year. Hmmm yup did they miss the? I don't think they did. I think they beat max in the superbowl yeah. Once you what they want is simple. We also have just in barney who are chopper thirtieth. Twenty twenty two said with the first pick in the twenty twenty three nfl: craft, the jacksonville, jaguar, select, dot, tat, thought judgments of the yeah yeah. Basically one every game since that tweet bad take betting. We've all had we've all been there. Yes, I mean just off the time I had I I should say I did pick the chargers to win the soup. Yes sure sure take
by the way. All these the words I'm sorry all these worst takes our good friend, Fred segal helped us out with these, you should go buy his book. Freezing cold takes nfl football media's, most inaccurate predictions and the fascinating stories behind them he's fantastic. If you don't farm on twitter, you should holds us accountable, holds us accountable. We, I think, we're probably his most difficult accounts to deal with because of the amount of jinx sing trolling. I didn't really mean that yet so he gets tagged a lot, but he does great work so check out fred segal check out his book. You buy it on amazon all right. Next up, we have ah gig Greg Gabriel, who ah covers the bears former scout for the bears. Ah tweeted, the experts said the bears would only win three games all year. They've won two of their first three to these seem
do these same. Experts feel the bears will go one in fourteen the rest of the way these so called experts. The bears went one in fourteen the rest of the way. Actually, when you look at a bear season, starting out that it was that hot but like getting two wins early and then having and often that sport has many points as they didn't still managing to lose almost every game. It's pretty incredible. It is pretty incredible. That is an all time, all time bad table. Do they think that they're going to go on and fourteen? Yes, that is exactly what they did down the stretch. next. We have call coward who said the denver broncos have in the end. I fell off season. They should be a super bowl favorite for the next. Several years came out and thinking that the broncos we're going be good training camped this year can be made not me he can't fucking idiot and a fake soup guy here we have stephen a smith who said I've got the brooklyn nets going to the finals. Curry is going to be a leading candidate
mvp ben simmons will return to all star status. That's a that's a hat trick right there. That is quite something. Next up. We have dan shaughnessy, who said expecting the cowboys and their fans to be humility. by Brady tonight. This is before the wild card game. They will they Who plays scared? lose their minds and Brady will carve them up. Saw this movie a million times here in new england than anybody else in this room. Think that the buccaneers were going to do well in the playoffs I did what about what about Henry? I did in that game that specific game. No, I didn't now, though, he didn't. Actually I didn't remember, he took the cowboys. Oh that's right, yeah yeah took the cowboy I didn't know I didn't he want to give somebody identical gets already aged. I bet a future on the cowboys, won the super bowl and who were they playing in that first round? Okay, be like that. Doesn't that's not how futures work
hey man, ok up! Oh again, spicy julianne, Israel, spicy I'd next up we have Jim or say after just saturday was hired, and one is first game. He said all you critics, you criticise, All of us, the nfl, fell for losing. We make moves to win you act. so righteous who you crap and just windy, who you cry, That's a famous my projector quoted such a good guess, quotas on people, Yes, you grab age, they lost all their games. After that. And then finally, we have. This is I'll, be fair. Jeff Saturday had a player on his defence, who is betting on football games ass shortly in courts as true? Finally, we have. This is from kaplan anna fell. He said it's not even close Whence is so much more talented than hurts. I mean the guy can play com. There's fans are going to see this season they're going to do some gate. They could be some gay
where you're gonna go? Why did philly trade? That's quite a dance programme, so wrong yeah, that's the wrong estate! Wrongness! I tremble worse! winter goes to stephen, a smith for his brooklyn nets. Take me to take that, was it really hit everything just reiterate: I've got the brooklyn that's going to the finals, cairo. Is going to be a leading candidate for envy, p and Ben simmons will return to all star status. He added beauty that take his it's over three in a single tat. Yes, is incredible, and the nets like could not have imploded worse. Yet was bad yeah, ok, What we got knocked next up, we have football guide. The year ass, the football guy of the year nominations. We have first off peyton hillis for saving his niece and his son,
in a reptile pull them out of the water almost died when in the hospital had kidney failure had, I think, fluid and loans as well and pull through sought to decide saved. You live so dad the year nominee and uncle of non rosier nominee, as was football guy the year next nominees timor hamlet, prince. Furthermore, yes pursued risk remarkable guy the year and then we have mike leach tragically passed away, head coach, mississippi state. You know him from the washington state cougars from texas tech from just basically being football, for his dna was football for his entire life and a very interesting guy as well.
Pathways in the nam the winner is for football guy the year it's going to MIKE leach likely just gets football guy of the year, much deserving less deserving. He was a guest on this program before and he's a fascinating gotta talk to. I understand why the media loves him so much because he will just he'll talk to you about anything. Sometimes he cares so much about football that he doesn't want to talk about football in there, like small breaks in his life that he has from football. So talk about literally anything else. Yes, but just a a fascinating dude great great, head coach change, a game of applause. We know it actually with iran, air, yes, yes, facts! Also, Rui officially named the sword after him get out three girls like leech winds by the arrival of the year, we forgot, we did Michael each way the football guy that told you guys you did that yeah, okay, well, we're getting we're getting old. We did it yeah, we did it. We did it joe okay. Last up before we get to blake of the year,
we have two more we have taken is that we won't do, but we thought about It is a brand new award. There'll be no nominees, you can guess who might be nominated, but we will not be doing these awards. We are just going to say the things we would have done, but we're not going to do it and the nominees for taking that we won't be doing, but we thought about doing our I semite of the year hm hm couple of good nominees were taught my head. When I could say- and I could have said yeah our next up- we have slur of the year. Some crossover there. Yes slur of the year whether they be rap lyrics, whether they be on a hot mic slur of the year to skin, drunk, saying stuff, we're not going to do it Next up spicy one most dominate trans athlete, women college sports- we're not gonna, do that we're, not gonna do ward and let us best questions asked about the coffee.
recovered vaccine. Is it pertains to mar hamelin, how can I download I do, but, but just you were not yet there just ass our sight, the winner, I take you that we won't do what we thought about doing is anti semite of the year yeah! Congratulations! Yes! Yes, we're not doing we're not doing it, and I do not do it. Okay, all right! Let's, let's finish up with our future. Take of the year before. To break the year. Hank rejoice george particular me, so we do this every year. Throw to take, you think, will happen. we'll see how right or wrong it is time. Woods, father, Charlie his own golf league oh ok, he's gonna be indoors, has arisen, as rory gonna be partnering up with em sued. Now a professional golf professional indoor, godly, no professional, professional, professional, ok aside twice as much calmed, o interests like that? I'd like that,
max because a visa golf league, the saudis, just buy him out. True true true max, though no you know is a national championship this year. Oh Other laws are not make them, so we actually arrive in europe in future take of the years to catch another loss while not out again There is a vital for a while now. I know, thanks to the georgian front it before you got in your wildest dreams, overfish out here. You're a bell hop at the high was only I was going to say final four, and then I knew what year joke was going to be. So I said at first but it is still played yourself. Big guy was already say national championship why you should have said national championship eyes. I suppose that ok, okay, I might be right actually yeah, I mean, given your track record backs if I feel you're right on track for this. Yes, it'll be it'll, be a good, take alright jake. You listening right now the abu ALA will turn into the parallel tonight. Yes,
sitting on bags. Yes call watergate dogs game tonight. Now, that's yes, pm plus love is it by takes the beer guard? Oh, we will now be the hell you doing what I think is ring night. billy, accepting the rings on your behalf. I do not want is held on those ranks. No, no! No! No! No he's got such soft hands. Yelling shrill damage in ozma s. Yes, ok, billiard future. Take the year by year, unaware. Who me there will always be jake socket aware: pants, deuce gonna, be there. You got. Bring one suit: jake where's, the top you, where the pants only yeah be great I know what you're like what you say like dues, be there like will make us more confident things going well, If dukes you know, safety in numbers have also asked you what you're gonna wear and you just said, dudes is going to be, then you'll be wearing dukes So my future taylor, you won't tell us what you were home planet area, I'll think about my clothes,
I like the cargo pants blue polo. You had the other day that yeah really puts on a polo shirt outside somewhere. None of the buttons or button up so he's got the callers just flopping in the wind everywhere, never seen an iron. Well, I'm just saying the cargo pants are important, because I have to carry a lot. the right. Has nine army to tie up to carry the beer tabs to give out people? I have to get a phone jarred, disallow, stuff, extras, infer tat out, their tanned area. So note seriously. This is my future. Take the year took her I really think that you guys are going to take pardon my take and barstool sports is a whole to the next level in Chicago. I think you guys are really into some amazing stuff out there crates of awesome That and you not only do I know you're gonna- do some awesome stuff. By wishing you guys the best headache, What were really nice billing. My when we are a great year. We are really,
add through one one. One is the two. Ravens are gonna win the super bowl. Ah, I just feel it. I dunno why and to Lamar jackson have a great year and my other one is Dan Snyder's going to rebuy the washing commander's you mother, fucker mistake. jake, there's a chance. It would not be the forty is progressing. As it happens, deals of art, It's interesting because my ticket the year was going to be the dancers we're going to sell the washing commanders this year. He hasn't Officially put it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen soon. Wait that actually hasn't happened? now it has been signed off right along the owners. How to get it right. You gotta get finances in place and in what are the finances are in place, then the owners- but I was joking- I thought it already have the interest we have to go down. It's happened like seven times as is happening in either July. Twenty three august. Eighth, my prediction poker one of those two dates: throw darted important. So since big cat to kind of
I am sorry. I really thought he had sold the team. I'm just going to say that Muhammad bin Salman is going to buy the lpg a and the women are going to be allowed to use drivers anymore. We go see that happening. Okay, let's do a quick ad and then let's do some blake of the year.
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If you haven't been to an event, go, do it this week in July, fifteenth in San jose a pay pal park, and then next weekend at high marks stadium in pittsburgh p, it is going to be awesome. It's a great event, a great summer vent drinking bands costumes and then he gets watch guys and girls plate here, rugby seven's, most electric sport on grass, okay it? that time of the year, probably the most important taking we give out, it is blake of the year we have our three blake's brooks who is suspended momentarily for twenty four hours. Last year, blake bortles and blake griffin, we were just talking before we started blake If, and I think you are blake the year right like this, you still on the crown dialect I believe I want so I
I've got the titles right here in two thousand and eighteen, it was bortles two thousand and nineteen griffin, two thousand and twenty griffin, twenty one birtles twenty, two griffin, so capita you've, never won blake of the year, looking to get the monkey off your back at this point now, eighteen through twenty those were the years where we did the phone call yes, and there was an end and griffin would train yes, you would have like a guy that has phone autumn at all times, even whose practicing so there we switch off the lot machine ball and then back to trivial. With a coin toss last right and I think if you're, watching on the youtube, blake grip and is playing golf right now play cup kept goes in Portugal and play what else is in enforced, we're doing? The first ever played the year from four different we're in chicago threats for different time zones, international blake and yet California, florida chicago Portugal play griffin is also frozen in a shot
we have agreed a great of him. So, let's until we get him back, we'll start with you Blake portal, How are you feeling this year? I feel good, I mean really retired from the inner. In order the train for this, so I don't have much else going on Look afford to it: yeah, yeah, yeah and I'm excited I'm very excited, blake kept guy. What would winning your first ever blake, the your mean to you. I'd say out, body are denied already, but this would just a whole new atmosphere within a party heart would have solved by this better, that's better in the five major. Let's put it that way. at an bloke. Wait, don't wait! You yes, and help linking crippling as cost mary, whenever we do play clear. You have to show, however, you're in a golf cart with just finished up your ass,
you play by yourself. I just finished up here, so you didn't hear about your partner. is actually pretty good. I caught him on about all approaching I that picture, who is your partner, none other than the boston celtics. Superstar jayson tatum, fortunately, is gone, and you couldn't say anything to him. I would let things to them were actually coming down the stretch- and I got this- I got this left. I got this left to to either tie I this hole or when this hole and win the match. Okay, so here we go here comes the shot broke. You give me tips right here. What can you pick a twenty yard shot, Can't see anything just this would lead you other problems withdraw give it a flop. Put some backspin Have you
a pot it. We have no posters and our friends member that could play yeah plague. You should duncan people forget you can still doc
automated the alright so should have quoted blake of the year. This year is going to be three rounds, so the first round is going to be every blake, giving their speech as to why they deserve blake the year. The second round will be blake trivia in the third round. I'm not going to reveal the third round right now cause I don't want anyone to cheat. The third round is going to test your intelligence as blake's. So, let's start with round one. Let's start with the guy who's never won before in play. Kafka tell us the panel. Why? You think you deserve blake of the year. You can talk about your your past year. You could talk about whatever you want, but why do you think that we should give you blake of the year? Why do I think I deserve your bomb? I'll be honest. This is here was a great year for me. I just wanted to say it would fit in with the place, because the last years haven't been going. My way, I decided to blow the lead at the masters, because we don't want the help, though
that was my way and unfortunately, a couple of weeks. I what but yeah I figured that was a yeah. I mean lower lead. You know, lakes haven't won anything we've, we've tried our best, but you know I'm here, I'm here in this one. You also have a son on the way that's potentially going to be named blake. Yes, I could name that kid blake I full effort of Janna is not a huge fan and he quite breaks. He hates it, but they are pushing for it. I'm not going to lighthouse okay, like portal, is, maybe that you can use this opportunity if you were to write an open letter to younger self about what it means to be a blake and what it means to be a break in the year. What would you tell young blake in a letter from grown blake. The well, that the key
we're gonna end rather abruptly like brook mention, there's not a whole lot of winning going on and then your fight, like hell with your wife, to name a kid after you yeah. Have you had that conversation about a blake junior? no I gave up. I think I brought it up one time and it didn't go very well, so it was a that was done. Yeah, it's hard to envision a baby named blake coming out to get to have like frosted tips, yeah, a necklace, cool, very cool, so blake bortles, if you were to and how would you carry yourself with such an honour of blake the year would be massive, I mean adding since last time we spoke of when the exact same thing, which is a lot in nothing, but doing in doing that. Nothing would be just that.
their level lavoie of confidence and a greater reward. Okay, you've excelled in in bleakness this year for year. By far but living in it yeah I and then blake griffin who's. I think putting right Well, ah, why do? Okay, yeah alright go ahead? You can put why don't you give the phone to the other person we are with, so they could play? No! No! It's fine! I'm just going to quote one handed okay and why I think you deserve blake of the year. I dunno I've never seen brooks, put one handed and break a hold on hold on real, quick or pleasure. and he's not I'm not. You talk to me like that.
This is how they give and take his coach cared very restrictive coach. That's why you No, you. I dunno, I never see I just I dunno, I just drilled the pot one handed never seen brooks do that: okay yeah, I guess now a lot of hard work to some big fan is what actually about you, it'll. Take a lot of haters are saying: blake griffin, that your system blake, that you you've won a majority of your blake of the years based the phone. I let my books be from ice, speak for itself three time champion.
All worthy adversaries are really proud of books. This year, blake seems like he's really hitting his stride for us frozen Dana. He frowns at his back and okay. Let's let let's that was good answers by everyone, maybe not the best answer by blake griffin, who do you think a yacht will reveal at the end who won that round. Okay, I've got my pick.
yeah. I don't see what could for the box what? Yes, it's like boxing, so where the judge will unveil her cards. Yes, yes, it has three rounds so on filler cards, the alright! So next round we're going to go to blake trivia, we have a question for each blake. You want to start foreplay kafka and then I will do the portals question. Yeah sure blake kept the first question of blake trivia goes to you. The question is: what is the world record for going the longest without blinking? Is it over thirty minutes over an hour or two minutes and thirteen seconds at a hockey game? Definitely two minutes and thirteen seconds at a hockey. Wow trust me so like. I would know that. That's it's not technically the right answer, but I do like it. I am going to count that as a correct
ok? The correct answer is: there is a guy in the philippines they kept his eyes open for one hour and seventeen minutes linking so I dont know what term intimidation, whereupon I declare by this- I mean boy, didn t the game- oh okay, so yeah! So it's you would say that yeah on fellows yeah, yeah, alright, cool, good answer. I for blake bortles, here's your question and this: it's commenter got so triggered online. He complained about a father of four who tragically died because, while still alive that father of four liked a certain quarterback who played for the dolphins, it might have sent him a couple of memes.
Chris serbs, yeah yeah answer yes, christened, did actually attack a father for who tragically died and was still upset at that man after he passed away. He was mad that you get me with it Was it actually christa? What's he got the two guy, unfortunately, passed away, really really sad story, and chris beams, when I'm pro football talk. The next day was like, Well, he was really mean to me on line or so it should. We really feel bad that this guy died. That sounds. Are I play griffin, we're in the middle of plague? Trivia? It's your turn for your question, p of tee ass. Your question: are you ready? This are blake griffin, your trivia question, blake trivia. I think you're frozen is frozen due tribute question will be recite. Your favorite see
in from the quiet place, because I heard a body sunday in ill, cajole by good actor. Okay, I tat was round to were now and around three it's gonna be lucky. This is this is have no direct this speed round for the blake's, we'll start with care. We'll go to portals and we'll go to griffin and we're going to go until two or three can't go any further, so this is called rhymes with blake we're just looking for work. It's that rhymes with blake and as soon as one of you can't come up with it ah you're out and then we'll have one winner for this round, so Brooks you're up first rhymes with blake any word to offer, but drake okay up that counts. Alright, blake bortles break okay.
face blake griffin frozen. What did what? What did Brooke say? I couldn't hear him, he said drake and who did what did blake say rake stake. Okay, wow is getting a fake, fake portals lake lake okay cake cake, make it answer. It's flake flake yep shake shack all right on lake blake. What does wrong with blake? Wait? No, I will gladly literature. Lake lake has been saying lake in fact that what you said lake you didn't you say, lay your heart. You have already said. I know he said he's only That is what our approaches out. It
Pushed portals snake stagger griffin, shake both spelled like the muslim religion. jake. Like c h. I care about. You will accept successes that account Well, portals is getting a tense. copyright which, with its ten dollar words denoted, arrives either captain how you like yeah
The european? But it's started to stop this. How did you get from the fucking eighteenth green to the car so quickly, yeah, I like through my stuff in my bag. I was like they didn't. Like my. I got a guy, they didn't like my first answer. Take my stuff I gotta get in the car. Also, I think I don't think calculate is a word. I think you meant to say copulate yeah, alright, souls com- this has been the brit. Blake Griffin is if he can get
one word here. He could win this route. Quake earthquake, oh yeah, that was the right way: crimes. Alright, so blake griffin wins round three, I'm going to say: blake bortles one round, one yeah you're right his round. One answer for what he's done this year to be a blake as it was fantastic and then and then round two I'm going to give it to Brooke. I think it's going to get brooks brooks set the all time record. He is the correct answer that trophies are questions. So let me get my calculator out. So that's one round for blake bortles, one round for blake griffin, one round for brooks koepka points, there's a tie. We have to go to our tiebreaker and Please show what our tied breaker is. It's a lottery, ball machine, but there's a twin
there's. So let's do it. We're gonna, give you guys all three thirty two numbers correct. Yes, so you get so Brooks captcha you get one through thirty, three blake portals you get thirty four! Through thirty, sixty six play griffin, you get sixty seven through ninety, nine and first to three wins blake of the and the reason why capco gets more numbers is because there is no ball number three, but no ball number three. So everyone has thirty two numbers exactly
So, are you guys ready, oh and then there's there's one hundred ball and a ladder machine, and the hundred ball belongs to everybody else in the world nameplate. So if the hundred ball hits three times everyone else, except for you guys wins, I I gotta, I gotta pause for a second and just be like I. This now blake of the year isn't got a name, my kid black. Yes, yes, one hundred ball hits three times we we have now made blake of the year. We've pushed these guys to the point where I don't think they'll ever wanted to this again and I like iron man, yeah it is it is. It is a feats of strength, alright, so without further ado, we're going to hit it so first to three wins: blake of the year not plugged in oh, it is here. It goes first number, I'm so excited this huge creature on the sound in the in the us studio, locked in.
Can we and I'll take it all at one more drink, please! Okay, first boy is they're going to show it up here. It comes get closer said, closer. Ninety six, ninety six, so that is referred, blake griffin has won at huge risk. I always went to Greg Olsen. phone number to how that looks like a single digit tat looks like a single digital access. For fifty for that for blake bortles bortles has one fitness for much karma next number. This is huge. This is intense and he wouldn't get a two. Two ball lead. It's going to be. No one's ever come back.
back, what do we got it? That's too for blade board old, avow holy shit, he's one away, he's one away a play: The here give me the whole bottle. Please and the number of that looks like I'm thirty, five Thirty function as portals such portals, blake, bortles or wow overcame a good luck and deficit. All the cerebral trading all year for this blake bortles. If you'd like to give your your your victory speech, yeah, absolutely I'd like to thank everybody this past year this past year, that's helped me train, shut out the brooks and blake or blake and blake or the valiant effort, and I'm going to have to call somebody to break this poker machine
We don't have to do this again or I'm gonna say this right now, there's been fantastic, blake bortles is our blake the year, we're not releasing is still friday. So so please don't celebrate until then, but I'm gonna say it right now. Next year we're getting everyone together, we are doing it, we're going to figure it out, we're going to do a scramble, we'll do a golf video we're going to get everyone together, no more zoom and we'll figure out a way to do it in person blake of the year, I know if, if brooks doesn't win, the golf scramble scramble blake of the era I dunno. What what's going to what it's going to take? I think what we're gonna do is we're going to do agree to a five man. Scramble first brooks so be nice. I mean that's, that's
We all have to get strokes too, no way of example. Here we go. What it should be, it should be brooks has to be just as drunk though as he is. It should be brooks and max going alternate shot on Wednesday. nuts are sitting in front of a black to pick your city perfect appealing, it was probably some blackjack. If you don't eat always do you know what we'll do actually we'll do? All of football toss will do a dunk contest and then we'll do golf and then, if it's after that will go lottery ball more lottery, but I will Thank you to all of our blake's. We love you. I love you guys. You guys are very important part of the show, so thank you for everything and congrats again to blake portals this socks.
Super arbitrary by borders. We need to get you do not like, for. I wanted my take again yeah you you'll be boiled down like a super out before you, but this fucking starkness hearts are knocking the liberals. How many guys just wanna reusing want from last time I know blake for the last time he delivered the most monotone. Welcome to part of my take effort, yeah alright! Well, thank you. Boys will talk to you appreciate you love you. He goes ooh, okay, that's our show. We didn't forget any awards right. There might be one big cat. Was there any jk? Look over the list? Was there one word we had left and oh yeah, there is one: what is it award winning listeners of the year? Well, no they're, not!
We want our visitors of the high costs of jet lag. They become award winning once they win, so there on seventh street years he had the poor, meticulous are certainly are, and I do love them more than anything in the world. Besides, my kids, I loved the ito fuels because they ride or die with. I do love you guys are really crazy. Eight. I want to give it to them and wait It is just as I had never been done in terms of past, but what about all the kelpie pike ass, the other pretty good, the daddy gang He had tat against right ear. What about the resolution? Oh yeah, the rhine, boys right boys, the problem right, where other both I see a lot of good ones. There's the the the the bill crew, billy crew for simmons, yeah, there's billy goats is what they call holy ghost.
millionaires, their own fuckin podcast. I'm too legacy for my shirt friedman, listeners. Yes, humans been common on strong. He has allowed a letter, really stiff petition right now, a boy and like this, the swiftest candid adam Friedland, show listeners the fifties. Yeah, that's the little bugs yeah yeah they're, pretty good, okay. Well, I have a coin here. Shall we flip it and decide cause? We could give it to all the ones we just listed or we could give it to our listeners. Who are right? die and we love them very much, but we do want to be biased. We let slip the coin decide. Okay, what What are we giving the listeners, heads or tails out to give every listener heads K everyone. One of you entail point
can't wants you call it. What ho locked also we lay maxie Alan. I like that. I got a call now this disc had anything with it. This is max you gotta do area to be something to her. I beg you I will say I'll, say I'll, say: tails tails prevail among land, the actual loses you're completely, they might yeah. So why do we do the valise? Let the quickest light of windows- seven million- Let the quaint, oh Nor do we just just let him we like you,
you know the eight years in a row will be the first one clearly hit the car. Did it very clearly, it always never counts when it hits the car when the cop yeah good to hear to the contrary. The listeners max oh shit, eight years in a row. We, Sincerely love you guys! So so much! Thank you for everything, honest, You guys you guys are a big deal to us. Yeah procedure tuning you listening all the main tool. it's all the nice tweets everything. Ah we do. We do very much love you guys yeah, we have, we are all blessed. We have the greatest job in the entire world are still days I wake up and I'm like. I can't believe people like listening to us we're a bunch of fucking idiots and losers max. Ah, but yeah. I I it's it's it's incredible. How many
people, listen and ride with us and support us, so you deserve it eight years, romania did it caught. We all saw the cup it. That does not count bounce right off the top of the car, but you can't have it sideways it ninety degrees off the cup yeah. You can't do that. We all know right because it's the cup right exactly so he w else. Eight years in a row, I'll hit the fucking table? If I want eight years celebration? Yes, congratulations get up taking all of your ls, how much money he sells tickets to ten years. I'm actually doing about in my head, I, depending on the size of the theatre, that we got weep wheat. Why don't we we wish to its how to get rid of it? We can. We can put a hundred grand on red what a thrill yeah that would be have a road just walk down the casino with us and yeah. Oh man, I'll get excited about it.
ah last up the queen as taken sixty nine now, which that false start the thought Storage, unless she is a wonderful presented us get special privileges that such aid also lily, which is pursued, still be alive and wait for numbers. Yeah comanches dead, drag queen, get sixty nine numbers, seventeen, eighteen, twenty six, I'm gonna go ninety nine! I was married, sixty nine! I'm calling fields and freedom peggy. Another number, oh yeah, which we go, the queen, aren't you down like yo. I how I see how I see a forty six rather out. Ok, I'm going to provide an arab or the air yeah. It is true to form the electric or someone got this idea for the
It looks like a eighty seven baby, frog yeah he raised up that lottery. Machine am a very I'm. A baby pigs guy who's really love you guys. I mean I love you. Feel alone. In the I'll be it's ah in the
three how I did He you all
loud and kindly the
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-03.