« Pardon My Take

The 2021 Takie Awards Plus Blake Bortles, Blake Griffin & Brooks Koepka For Blake Of The Year

2021-07-27 | 🔗
The 2021 Takie awards are here with 23 categories including Best Load Management, Hacker of the Year, Take of the Year, 19 year old of the Year, Lib of the year, podcast listeners of the year and of course Blake of the Year with Blake Bortles, Blake Griffin and Brooks Koepka all zooming in to decide who is the official BOTY.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
On today's pardon my take the twenty twenty one taking they are. Finally here to take. These are here we have twenty three categories that are going to win in a ward, including pot processors, the year end Blake of the year, on the same right now say on the other end of the add as well. No spoilers, please, no spoilers people this new right away, don't spoil everyone else? It's a fun thing that we do it stupid take. These are funny silly whatever, please, no spoilers, let people listen but the place of the year. We have changed the rules we have all. three Blake's on these show to decide the winner of the twenty twenty one place of the year and again, twenty three other. Words that were giving out and we're doing it all with our friends a course light corslet sponsoring the twenty twenty one eighties. Do you ever feel
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wasn't part of my two presented by poor light beard to shield the beer this summer, the greatest beer of all time. Today is Wednesday July twenty Eightth and welcome to Detroit. Twenty one take welcome guy we just order a shitload of wings for the taking I'm telling you this is the most magical. Knighton showbiz is really. These can go fuck off right off a cliff Inga sought our day, hey espies suck my dick yeah, we're saying it sucker. Do you know what espies you piece of shit? I think, like five people watch the S business here We are at least double that yeah mean the espies. Did they happen? I don't know I don't care to take his all the matter, so it is your fault takes. These our annual award show that we, in the summer, this year we actually were earth. Usually we do it during the S
like week, really the Wall STAR, it's usually the weak or the day after the home, run derby or the day before the homely I also gave, but this year because of the weird NBA schedule, the finals were during that weeks we had a lot of things talk about, so we are doing to take here today you're very excited. We have twenty three awards for you. I think I might even miss counted that so it might even be twenty four we have Blake of the year. We have podcast losers. The year Blake the years gonna be intends to it. It's a week up with an idea to duplicate the urn illumine different way in the past we ve just called them, and you ever picked up the phone is the person who become like the earth. Just a major wrinkle in this year award ceremony. We also have guessed Prs, all the major, the major wrinkle in this year's Blake the years that we came up with a dumber idea, and it really was dumb. It's definitely dominates bought all three Blake's are in attendance, so we the more we talk to all of them, get excited for that
should we do which we happen to it, ability you have your say, grace a prayer, maybe a premium prairie essay, some good secondly taken me boys you go before we enter this award ceremony. I would like us at all be grateful for everything that has happened in the past that we Thankfully, for do you know you don't great year, you know in Austria, but you know there's that like people will use a tweet like someone said this, and I can't stop thinking about it like to really be like that or southern legally dubious. Really. Do you like that when we came a claw across a conclusion, their Billy is Estonia that doesn't smoke yeah. I can't hear his voice different was. I was at last episode inherit or two weeks ago. Yet you are high yeah Gillies brain is just your presentation like or cause so you're gonna need every. I believe what would happen if you get a haircut now,
say the was able, I know you said there, because it was so goddamn here. So to take these where they do and I met we regional back innocent rebellion, Billy go back. Is your our ongoing? Almost they treat you wanted, then you're going to go into the senior cause is exactly what happened before the shop three two one scene billion great nausea, Erika something not actually died. The Tipps invisible now weakens the majority to anyone taking just an unbelievable. Why you said that- and I I hate you idea was throughout a bad for me to throw out because of a bad joke, how awful it s. Parliament asked. Did you told me that words are yeah genre? They eat it. Yeah where's lay rider here I died. Dad did invisible. I repeat that one in the bank. I must do it so here we go
War number one. The hacker of the year award. We had a presenter did not get back to okay, so we at the end of this will have to pay. If you think this was yours, so me, you'll tell us who you were gonna have present ward, so hacker apparent hacker of the year. the nominees are the pipeline. That got hacked, which I don't still know how that happened, but it happened. Somebody clicked on their candidate Eddie, tidies yeah via the pipe and they got hacked and made us all pay more for our gas. For like a two weeks, we really pissed about that broke. Ro Back hacking, p of tea which tat was bad, that one day one start hand up: Thou hast Thou is mostly my full and then the presumptive favorite. I think this actually would be off the board if we had bets on the take ease, J Williams for being hacked after these Celtics hired a african Amira
coach and then Gi Williams treated the first head coach of color for the Celtics, an even more more importantly, he is one talented individuals, pages dues. Now, if you have even like a very very basic knowledge of sports history. You know that that's not in fact true. The Celtics actually had the first advocate. can head coach, maybe history a bill Russell and then have liked I've since J Williams, then tweeted about six hours later, as it relates to the Boston Celtic Street, the came from my account. A couple of hours Go. I do not pose that. My past code has now been changed, saw so wait, two to clarify, this nominees, not J Williams. the hacker broke into jail arrives? Account rats could about his kid could have been. An intern could have been someone from Russia who knows still at large. I general do. Without this firm, who would have announced it
it was gonna, be J Williams lines is on cameo. He has not responded yet now and I was gonna. Have J Williams give the award to the people that broken pipeline, yes, and then it turns out oops, J Williams, cameo count that so The winner is the hacker of J Williams. Congratulations! You have now one I'm sure that person listening right now. You have won the first taking of tat twenty one and thirty, two listen to me, you, son of a bitch. We haven't forgotten about still, wow We were at the islanders game. For that moment, it was incredible. Average everyone, was laughing. You got here, get that's that wrong as a basketball, it'll it firstly reminded me of that that Sunday night Baseball game where they found out. Been lot and had just been shot and like whispers going through the crowd. Yes and people clapping. That's what we have.
yet the islanders game, but it just people showing each other J Williams. I got hacked we yes and just at all time, hacking and all time fuck up on his part. We will find it just like OJ every day. He way. Looks like killer we're. Looking for J Williams Hack, we're coming, you send we're gonna get as we got coney your next. I hope that he doesn't have his hacker doesn't have covered and kick outside, so we can't find him, but maybe does yet The second, a word of the night, this one is a new award in Turkey's lore, it's for worst dog the year. We love most dogs on this path. A few that we don't Nominees for worse dog of the year are Doze anytime, you want, must doesn't tweet about it, which that dog socks that dog. Currently when you must, does entreated correct and he hasn't we're about, for what do the treaty law do the do those tweet on please I've lost a lot of money. Recently Second nominees Leroy for dying the third nominee for
worst dog the year is Major Biden and the fourth nominee for worse dog of the year is the water dogs lacrosse club I actually were so stupid that I don't even know who wins is already open like we put this altogether, but I would like to make a last minute plea for the water dogs across club because they do sock, even though they had a by weak, even though their in second place. I know what they're doing there just getting to a point where we start believing in them and we get so high up for the playoffs only to have them. Stop shooting the ball and lose by a million, so I know did their. Therefore I doktor five hundred right now them calling themselves like we're in first place. That's like our football team or the bears for three years, and yet we're not listen. I apologise for winning know, however, a steering wheel, realists about the future, the corrects club pandora you just gave her a look of like you, don't believe it or not, sank of Jake's announced in the game this weekend. So a lot more individuals we watching it they put on a show, then we're all gonna get a convinced are going
Fourth point really, though, all seasons for me at least on, sat with, without because it's one gave them otherwise gonna make or break there's this guy. You know my own, for everyone takes thinks that this game is the most important as experts, It comes to motivating our players. I think we have to give it to the water dogs and because then We need dialogue, they'll be in double revenge mode. Common at US comrade Jake FUCK, you, water dogs, you piece of shit, You are the worst dogs at here who is supposed to when I actually had one dogs highlight all forget it. I fuck you wanted. I knew how to another, so you miss further presented Can we go on this way that every Tucker Yak, as we have through three- I don't know yet they he'll get back to? Who is it? where is he now? He won't get back to you with us. Shall I told him that he stands for peace, shit, tweeted, PETE, everyone treat appeal. Whether he was included in this show or not all business. Peat is giving away free, Madame Codes for the rest of the summer. I,
stop the retirement of the year award, so we had some. We're tyrants. We had some people walk away from the game. think I did it. Every Sunday are Monday after NFL weekend, but the I'm not nominated. The nominees are codes Roy Williams for his classy retirement after getting pasted by Wisconsin in the tournament first time ever losing in the first round. Whatever that start deal rooms, classy, retired, narrowly Williams. He he said that he was gonna come back for another year and that he was going to take on are not already allow. No, no! No! No. Aachen way. He is just walk you unless, as he is he's retiring, yes, you mean he's retiring right now, corral, ok, we're taking this on Sunday for Wednesday. I just call my shot. Aaron Rodgers should have been nominated. Ok,
In annulment, has retired classy retirement went out with a classy thirst trap. We looked hot sitting in the fifty hard line looked awesome, joint elements, anomaly and then, of course, coach K, which I'm gonna call my shot. I wanna say: coach Gaze gonna win this year is gonna wait next year when he actually does retire, because coach gay has it said that he's gonna retire, but he needs everyone to suck his dick for an entire here before he actually were type and he could probably talked into coming back. If, like his young players, yeah go into his eyes, they will and they like coach K. We want to play one more year with the then he could have a dynasty of retirement. I could see he does. A press conferences like John Shire, came to me and said that he is just not ready to take up The team in the show John Shires gonna red dot, because someone's Gus sniper Rifle his postchaise white sitting in the rafters with a sniper rifle write his hand, we're gonna, do co head coaches for
yeah right, just really take the training wheels and then next year, I'll just do the ac sees it for the games. If we probably are gonna yeah, the ones it we're favoured and at home I'll take care of those yeah exactly and maybe the following year, the guy's name peak our debt who took off losses and ninety ninety four, which has never been done before. Maybe maybe, though I can, for years from now, coastguard will just take the winds and bring back peat and he'll do the loss. and leave. What could also happened is like shit, eggs over stinks it up for the first half of the Seas and Europe and coach gaze Ike? I'm your night and shining armor sure I'll come back here and immediately boots him out I'll I'll, come back and I'll, give a speech, and then more put that on my rack and then retire again at the end of the year, Ok seriously, just now, but it's just gonna throw them out there. Just so people remember their coach K had medical, you one year, the Jew, blue double devils. Had terrible tat. Were year, coach K didn't take any the losses. Peak Odette took the losses and then coach cave like ten years.
You said you, I promise you are taking the losses, but whatever I don't know anyone a duke they could possibly does nothing. I can do there's out of my hands. I so we have a special gas too, present, this award Jake hit it hey. Everyone This is seldom wound. The two thousand twenty one taking for retirement of a year is none other than the greatest basketball mine to ever walked the planet. Yes, my coach cage Congratulations coat. I taught you re Roy, William. very like pop, a bitch soil Jackson, his kids with Canada Parker those are just can be the best rebounds of all time right, yeah, absolutely just eaten up ports. I it's a coach K. Congratulations, coach, gay! for winning want with the first of what should be a dynasty of retirement of the ladder. You should be the studio audience yeah, clap up, because again he is eligible next
yeah cause. You will officially retire next, you I'll just say this: it's gonna be a disappointment. If he doesn't win back to back. Like right now, he's primed he's rhyme yeah go in a nice little runner. I think Brady's prematurely what it could retire over the top of it. I could also see Aaron Rodgers pullao that bank too. He was this year, you ever, he might go back to back. Oh, come out combine Rogers, he so competitive. He might see that Roy or that they coach K is set up to go and like a three out of five run and fake retire. A couple times just to beat him up. Ok, make sure you put nominees to Aaron Rodgers official nominee this year, ok Fourth award of night is going to nineteen year old of the year. This is the fourth year in a row that I think we ve had this ward here. Has nineteen year old of the area was a stack field? This year we ve got Jason Tatum Kay Young nineteen. Ok embody one World cup choked in euros. He still nineteen big, show and then Little SAS. Laos ass
watch being in the future, the king, the one and only evil, forget that he's the king in a york scattered great new podcast out there, you guys download, listen to it's really good. For a nineteen year old son of a bitch dad. The winner goes to do it all its bigtime Tommy and am happy to announce that the boy you does it miss a K. Let us ask Watch is the winner of nineteen year old of the year due to is a Larry? Is coverage of Bryce all entrust riches? Social life? Congratulations! Congratulations! Yes! The nineteen year old in the year award congratulations from big time. Tommy importer might take. You are now the new recipient of some kind of trophy
You get one state of school. My Fred, oh as foil, light, take. It is why, while LOS ask What- and in no way did we just put that in if the words that he would retweet despots, GAD now that definite Happen also shot out. Our guy bigtime Tommy. every wasn't uncle chapter was big time. Timing appreciate you announcing that. Thank you big. To obtain a great. That was motivational. What he said to it was wonderful. why? Yes, there's poetical attic hoping Tom Tom it in letters, his dog killers, cat yeah. That would have ok here. I didn't say it. Pfc said we should nominated for everyone, everyone stitched Agri food that they said we have to use your denominated chaps. His dog is worse, started, yeah yeah, well that I think it was two years ago our double check with him I'll get the details billion euro clapping, nice, nice. I next stop! Next
we have a power of the year now this was a very, very tight race, this was an incredible class, the sheer some great apologies, so we'll start with the apology. Now you pray, expect see this guy in here, but Obermeyer did apologises for hiring the dialogue. Oh yes, he said so Yard Chris Doyle as strength conditioning coach, and fired him like an old two days later after the backlash, urban Meyer said that he accepted his resignation, I said we are responsible for all aspects of our programme and in retrospect shooting. Given greater consideration to how his appointment may have affected all involved We wish the best as he moves forward in his career. So
urban mire with a good apology for him. I feeling him he's he's well on his way to earn the lifetime achievement in apologizing, Lord. Yes, that was a for him. There was a great apology de presumptive Favorite Tom Brennan, with policy after his hot MIKE incident, which he trim. Grab is he said I made a comment earlier tonight I guess, went out over the air that I am deeply ashamed of. I pride by. Self and think of myself as a man of faith there's a drive and deep left by castle Llanos. There will be a home run in so that will make it afore o ball game. I dont know Bobby. Putting on the head said again, I just I still can't believe that happened. What fucking moment what am I doing his dad's on Twitter, now Oh really, dad's. On Aria, yes, Marty barometers onto our people are speculating. It was his account. You never actually claimed it Now, since he is no longer on the air he's fuel, he feels
to defend his son yards or has been like replying to people, be, like my son's, get a real bad wrapped roles that he'll pads all the replies that any one of his tweets is just that copy paste and than theirs deep drive to love a weird way. I do think you'll probably have a come back because of how ridiculous that apology was, and he problem we will never know no help. He could have a career like he come back. He could be twenty more years. He will always be the new Caslon ask it was always is actually a good thing form. The apology became the story. Right we'll know, monitors members out when he called it I have already said you hard ass. Yes, he is not a new job. Iowa merry go round already high school sportsmen since in that area. Why? And he made a joke at his introductory press conference, yeah, ok about his own dropped to the people. got sees back on its feet, cancel culture damn another one bites does Stephen S, gets apology over the year nominee for
His comments about show your tawny. He did so she dismissed as a lot of things. when you know that he is serious, he is looks directly into the camera. He did the same Stephen, a Smith tone- and he looked in the hammer and then he s be ended. Like four days worth programming offer. So you know I'm sorry, you know I'm sorry. I love I love when they would someone flexible As you know a great now, we can just fuckin sell, shows for the rest of the week and then they just put they. They use the bottom line on yes in and they run the quotes from there employees, apology like they do Have you no email, be then scroll to NFL News and then scroll Stephen, a Smith apologize news, and then run it has an area and then lastly, we have Jeffrey Tube and who have you forgot was the CNN reporter who forgot close and jerked off. during a company meeting his
his apology. I feel like oh! I wish you remember the story, but then they kind of forget how apology went. It was sought, my wooden looked it up he said it was deeply moroccan an indefensible and then he went on to say: I've spent the seven subsequent months miserable months in my life, trying to be a better person in therapy I need to do some public service working in it. Who bank king on a new book. What does what is a food bag have to do with jerking off and forty or co workers they are going to therapy. I went to therapy to overcome my addiction jacking off accidents are not closing zoo. What or on a new book that I'm gonna make money from What? How does that? I just so funny when people use therapy as like this is my getting out of jail free card? I did. Something wrong, but by saying that I am currently in therapy at stake. When Riley Group went to go, seek treatment for being races. You have Zuleika thirteen step programme for a week
They brought him back like ok, he's cured, it's all good taste. If I jerked off in front of coworkers on assume the analogous analogous. Apology did I would issue if I was a Jeffrey tubing, I'd say I've, really hard trying to I'm in therapy I'm trying to use and public service. I saw the pile for fifteen thousand dollars and working on some new parlay. It will definitely not lose down would be what I would say. I just say sorry for being horny a new book was sorry for parting guys. I will do that. He had seven months to be like a motive, in front of american blacklist guys I'm dig deep, I'm working on a new book. I help you. about accidently jerking often assume collect what I Four can add a wing on my Hamptons house, so working on new book. I do we, a pretty specials or we do oh yeah when are sceptical about the one you prepared, as for ok,
We don't know Phd Argon REACT in the boat, nails Helen that car my cake with have umbrellas my boys.
Are you mad gasoline here had taken in a bag? And point out that, like here on grass and by way of Tom, preventing the apology over the year, Turkey takes good shit. Man, hey Windsor, when you were aware, is ok, you don't want one was a beer reported icy, none more than calculating, then Tom, Bremen after he. Well, we would like a game silver. They have any ways wherever hundreds of Butter Bailey and number three. Here we apologise for years for recalling Kansas City, the band, there's a big drive to deep love field, Personal Kinsey,
human, for you guys, the exact same users are my take. I got you. He worries me one way or another and Jake Rigour, finances cameo. The other men use is so high that when you get to the point in your high experience, where the only words that you could say, or the name of the drug that you just oh man, when he did he ever there's a woman is he's a gas. Alas, this outlook, gasoline was the gasoline. I don't know you never heard a woman be reference like that. Before hey listen, give me some money there. With the Euro invested wisely ya, while sites or Tom vitamin that was no brain, and I don't think I'll take you really had image. Every juveniles is best competition and I still think he laughed the field I may it might be. The best
apology of all thought. I beheld a place forever. The tubing thing was a funny instance, but the right people will be doing in their diedre ducats. They ask for everything, for Yet this is like God can be carved into stone, wonder yeah! This is like a year when one of the best movie ever doesn't win. You know best are Oscar because, like some other incredible movie, was there so Congrats to Tom, brought him. It was really a great year and apologies. Yet one really was it was what The six award of night is Lenny of the year around Lenny Dykes, for it is nominated for early the year outstanding performance field of being Lenny, also nominated or play off Lenny Borst. An insuperable when oh and the winter suitable. Why? I think that when you have those three I was between bars to lend insuperable Lenny,
We lack a landmine Superbowl, really also revelation this year. Just let her forget. We love him. Yeah he's effort would be back on this. For gay schools, shit, very cool guy. I think he kind of hates us, but also loves us. No I'd loves us. I think. He loves us. I think you definitely had that moment. It is first interview with us where he was like. Oh these guys, ok they're there to bigger clowns to actually be offensive to me. Yes, yes and play off Lenny I mean I planned funny guy, my vote, but partial any. When I was Superbowl any several valuable running from set off trumps be my offline, and we are talking about like. Would you ever imagine yourself to be? He went from bust to scoring touchdown insuperable. I think we had a special problem. Two insuperable area and he did have like a meme. What were his? He had a ridiculous play off run so like that was one of those nicknames when you forget the backstory when Joe Joe Box set it in the twenty nineteen play off.
Play of day, I'm Damien Ford, What's his lot, aiming Williams is actually on the bears now for run with the chiefs and really there's no way, that's true and then play off. Lenny became something for real and then letter for net awesome. Guess he ended up with three touchdowns in the playoffs three hundred yards and for games actually for touchdowns was yet a catching touchdown also play play off Lenny super. I support many winds that I'd be worries our next one quick word reference a row back Ro Back award, so are h, o b a sea k, best performance polos out their use code, take on rollback dot com for a generous twenty percent off your first purchase through the end of this week. That spelled are h, o b a sea k, dot com, this twenty percent off all polos, cues, Ips, hoodies and tease with code. Take they just drop new performance pause. It will have you feeling good
and looking fresh rollback dot com use, promo code, take any get twenty percent off. Ok, next award number seven d, best load management of the year, a ward. We have some good news, monies. We have carry Irving, who played fifty four games in seventy two games season. Had a couple stretches there were here Coming disappeared, didn't tell anyone where he was, whether he's gonna come back or not. He stuck unlucky yet ashes load management as load management. We have Joe Biden because by just hidden is basement for the entirety of the presidential campaign that was fantastic, low Ben look man. It actually turned out completely opposite from, carries yeah load manage yeah. Yes, but I mean he he we didn't see him for weeks and weeks and weeks, and that's how you keep him frank, gotta, conserve energy that keep him in the freezer. I Paul business
more load management when we interviewed him about two months ago and he had done for inner for live streams and four consecutive days ass back to to back to back in credit, live stream. Incredible any also blogged people write any did upon gas either. If somebody wrote a blog about his pod, yes, yes and then finally are for. Will we in turn now full time, Billy Football for his load management for taking a month and a half off? That was great load management by Billy, he's come back than ever yeah needed that month and I have to get his mind right to get his chickens to get his mental sir. Billy's nominee. We do have a special gas
to prevent this. Let's go guys. It's everyone's favorite doktor Johnny since here to present that taking awards winner for load management of the year as a medical, professional load management is very important for a variety of reasons, which is why I am happy to present the award to. Billy Football, great job? Billy, you manage your load all season, Le Maire Billy. Would you like it said that word from everyone's favoured doctor? Johnny sins damage ever think you be world Johnny since my astronaut, do you see I II and iii in armies. Well, does allow he's like more scarp yeah he's. Wasn't swiss army knife of professions, but Yeah, that's crazy. I would actually like to thank you guys for
allowing me the to take some time off to you get my degree in staffing. let me come back. I really you know I like to stop their stuff was everything you got a degree the stock was fun stuff was it you know it's better. Of crazy year for me complex the lot when this award. What have you got a large out? I I came eggs, parcel yup trained for a fight for us it can take up and and I got my degree yeah and then I like moved out of my house, oh the real world a pretty, you hired, you gotta, look at the winds and like John Down- I dont language areas. Did there, I use a trained to fight those economic. Are we not saying that we kicked Jose Conseco's ass anymore? We did we did by ok? Let us call it the warm out. You want to, I can take us, I have a gun fired, you have fired actually gotten better at your job, which is shot hyped yeah
You guys are actually believe me, those like actually doing school every day, like studying late at night, her right now. I saw your war zone streaming every night for like seven hour and why had had time out sometime and those technical working, killing one more, let's check and on how good you don't run out the chicken wings are her. Oh hi guys are so Johnny, since thank you for presenting now is the plan off music from better than we do. This is alive yeah. Why we're? and I say so important to take these are by we just got wings: the middle, ok, next, one p, gee? That's you next one. This is the eighth worthy evening and it is for a league of the year. We had a lot of great leagues. This year. sword and airy, gentlemen: we have the store streams, jingling nominated- will you be put out one in there. I don't know that. I think that, as its fan, favorite writing yachting. I voted in Oh yeah, yeah. Second nominee is the Kentucky Handball League.
Third Norman, which we heard on the are Kentucky Sports Radio, where a guy called in, and I don't even know if it can be considered a league, but they haven't its ramp. age, so fuck it won t ever rivalry against Columbus's. Your height. That's right also nominated is the Kentucky. Excuse me, the lacrosse leads the premier. Lacrosse League is nominated as that, barely legal earlier. We are investors in full disclosure the last nominee- is the superbly. She hardly remember that really had a moment this year, yeah superbly that that Monday, Sunday night talents. I can I honestly kind of miss the idea, the superbly again. It's bad luck. Understand proposes sport everything else business, put superbly Goodwin. Second Loki. Imagine man, city against bar Laura on a when's like twice a year on a Wednesday that you,
that's just a great idea if there is a great idea, so we have, we have a special guess presented genuine, but this is the Castiglione represent the taken towards a year and the winner is the soup relieve graduation soccer vans? You get it. Oh. I wish that was bubbling legend public debt to protect a whose job is to agree on the Red Sox announced That is a that that actually is a perfect voice for the League of the year Jake. You gotta like study that voice in and learn everything from you gonna, who should favour voice right down the line there are great na Marvell but come on. Bessie low exist, anymore, Bess homework league others lot, god dammit, nor Eagle, the good friend Emma, ok worst voice in league thou ones, easy. What's I fuckin guy's name, Sicily, Otto
fuck him. I wake up. What about Tom Britain yeah he's back this unless you're, ok with everything said: disavow, ok, Our next stop great league of the year. The super league, I mean it's super its increase. We'll name for early real, he is someone needs the media. He probably just be the super. Yes, that's what they ve done. Yes, I next up. We got our full of the year. This is great category this year we have the favourite, the not back guy guy, so put that in fact, I think you're, not that guy fell. Just me you're, not that guy you absolutely you're gonna get a recipe Russia forget what just like people on the left. Somebody says something and you don't like it.
and you don't like it right. Is that what it is you a little pimp, not that guy guy I've watched the whole clip he was ready to beat the fuck out of that guy. His posture was impeccable for an old guy Yes, so I dont like he's got some stiff. Competition is here, but as a new cover in the field of being an awful on the internet. That's a strong showing from the not that guy got yes, We have wily coyote for basically winning Lebron James Species to the team on his back. He did. He scored three hundred points in that third quarter and then, finally, we have our beloved Jake Marsh for his best in the office speech. Drum roll? I was actually supposed to get where I reach out to mark Miller the bills, fanned the Alice is going down, yet I he did not get back to us, so he was going to presented, but drum roll. Please Billy Drum roll. And the winner is the best in the office. Jake Martini, J, English. Please
able to reach really means a lot. I wouldn't have the opportunity to have this unless you guys gave me the platform. So team award, not just about maiden. So? Are you are you. Are you thinking, Hank such for being so bad at pingpong now takes up out of poverty If you hadn't beat him, then he would never gone this word through yeah, but you know I mean I obviously it's right. Yes, but did you know you were an awful before that moment like this? You did. You know I was planned, game. Sometimes emotions canal and answers alpha win, but, like the your career or has forever changed from that moment. You are the alpha guy what would you say, was more of an alpha move, doing the I'm the best in the office on the best one here or the step over, actually that questions for Hank.
step over was was entirely or different? Really doesn't the officers like our initial emotions, like your disk relieved, the game that happens, but the step over was just completed necessary totally totally out for It does no other word, for it really isn't whose China opened up a great. a great danger that a great year for for the year good jobs, age, I'll, kick yeah next word: it's one that we ve done every single year impart my take you up with a take he's, it's a very sacred word and we ve got a great cast an ominous. It is the of the year Ward but the year of work, the nominees are Chris Log. He's? U want it! How many times I think Chris has wanted three I'm ok to run away wherewith when they bring out the mob set basketball game Lippman Autumn people always take patient like OSHA Chris Long, I have just pointed out
he is a world famous lit Lib men. So Crystal is nominated again he's almost like the demirel sweep. It really would be a category they didn't have christened through the second nominee is Billy Football offer graduating from a liberal arts college this year and forgetting the vaccine and regain the vaccine. Young backs the huge lab also nominated is such a liberal. The Billy's actually told us that we have to mention yet that he got the vaccines. He doesn't want people thinking since he got job and an end jaunts yeah. Also nominees call Beazley, CALL Beazley nominated for Lib of the award for refusing to take the Trump vaccine also nominated Dan woken just out. Standing here in the field of liberal. these airlines should be playing sport yeah. I know you think this or tat. He doesn't think that sport should ever exist. He things at balls, every bullshit,
deflated Erika until such time, the den woken personally bruise of it and then Doktor Anthony Fancy, none validity or creating growth of three. He invented it lab is actually from you and if you don't get to listen to the whole show its proud, because the rest of it was taken down after the senior. Why not definitely not put this up as a ecliptic on twitter or incidents. do. We have. We do not have a guess where Jake I think I should go lab. Where do you go I'll get the alpha? Does he want help with ear. He walked right out. You wouldn't say a word went to go, eat Billy's chicken, what the fuck weight what was it, Sir that was the most selfish thing he's ever done all right I'll do it. I had real quick before we get Sue's, as everyone wants to know who wanted to come here in saying that he just did that to us. I a time Jake it's back. Hopefully we will have the answer liver. The year go right now,
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you want the Althea than you just walked off? I was unnecessary for us to start from it. We didn't know if we had a presenting. No, I don't I'm too perfectly ok for what, to have already warning us solidarity. I too sure there were no pauses, God presenters got it so no presented for over a year. Now. What did you? How would you mean Europe. Where did it offer that well? Outside areas are familiar, my bad my bad card? I got I kept saying out of Africa's. You walked out stood up, you want an award, you stood up and he laughed, and then we imagined and told us that he timed everything perfectly and about what talent and yet I mind trick. He was, I know everything was perfect. We address. Did we actually have declined requests that right Maybe the year was declined by ass gone girl. had a glimpse of the year she declined. I then I think I just get a trump impersonator.
So we don't have Liberty Herbert who won the Bothy ergic. I forget who, one debits, ear, regulations too good. you really want, is clearly lies, cleaning incredible, highly labour. We're that's right. I forgot you one that so you got to graduate call liberal arts school and you guys the vaccine yeah? So engineering, o n a quit a job yeah. I quitted the data for little really mind. Thank you for the Arctic. Be liberal in the original, sense of the word. Yes, yes, freedom, okay, so what are you except you're award? I have guy kit drive do. I cannot accept it. No longer how's that actually, that would make it a super level. Well, like I think, have I except this award until
everyone who had a hardship and life gets in a word. I should the award with Chris Long lie down. So what am I doing? I might give him this one. a guy like that. That's worry! Also this year you you beat up a cuban person who hates cast an eye is ally. Is our blockers long because word like trying to beat him liver the year I know locked Chris, I forgot you did that you got no triggered online. Other liberal here he made a safe spent yeah that you had to make a safe space. You snowflake wouldn't keep melting. Also us the Lib cock of a year. Will we it might have been the live here about. I think cock of the year is actually a different category. Four LE separated the word not all lives or wait, not not all cocksure lives, but all lives or Cox, yeah, yeah, so good job, good job, billings, congratulations!
prodding when we do when we sponsored Elsie is our first and I M awfully Billy was like. Oh, my god, dream come true goals as reset sit on a text you is, I can I drink or bathwater girl, boss, I did and robust fuck bill you on that one too so hate one. I think that we cannot have. The note is taken of anyone here. You're clean adopted a here cleaning up today. I next p s t right now It's me, I'm all lost. I cannot stress enough Jake just with my brain so hard by getting up in just changing I still don't know what he was doing. I don't either incredible desire to project now had the purely about her. I thirst trap of the year Big Award Ladakh people up there.
Four thirds drop the year will start with us. Everyone in this room. We get their sharp the year for the post of us playing Demi as do fighters pool. I think women are still masturbating too that today, mixed up. We have Jeffrey tube in Ramallah. let's not be, that good of a picture there still masturbating show from their tail. Try get off it s, people, ok, my fucking belly that is overlapping, like just my my belly looks like it's choking my beatings. Listen, I think we all look good. We looked like real men should look here now. I fancy guys it worked out in eight correctly this is a real guys. Look like gas, yeahs, perfect body, art We have Ryan Marcello for the jumper. That doesn't make any sense. Where he's, floating in the air. Getting his shots up and he was unloading. Some pictures from his camera. That's sure, that's a photo dump for people in the world, Jeffrey Cuban. is dominated. We already talked about him, but his thirst trap where he's masturbated on assume call.
And our good friend Paul Rebel for giving the game ball, after a win which doesn't happen, often appeal I'll job for people out there the cannons the worst human life placed over their eyes. I've always brings out the up, giving Way, the game ball in his underwear. Well, everyone else had their shorts on an most had shirts on it was very uncomfortable to watch. I dont rident right down, who one this was decided right now I mean I think it's gotta go to to Paul able was the most likely to retreat at power. No law yet will pour able if he wins it might not be bran friend. Nor should we give it should we give a tie, tighter or so, and re balance. In your first forty two readings, we win the picture of themselves: yeah yeah, ok, soldier, quote card with Paul.
Or an Reiner Scylla and it will say in fine print. First reach. We gets the actual yeah. I like that. Ok, so there's chopper, though the year Ward is still to be determined. just shocking. That Julian element was not nominate, I know he had He put a short on yeah. Yes is thus he retired from average topless pictures. I this is taking history. Folks, we just didn't give. It walked away. We may hear competition. I think we kind of did because only the truth or strapper the year would want more people to see. Regional thirst rather served ass. Ok, good good award, The word of the evening is going to the category of premature celebration. lotta good nominees this year Nominee is everything. his van when there were eleven now maybe worst, eleven, no team in any sport of all time. Yes, but they were letting us know about it. At that point Also nominated is Ryan Marcello for adopting Chris Paul
making Chris Paul his son in what the sex round the playoffs just before Chris Paul fell off the face of the earth it was after is at its highest? Credit was after they wonder what western conference final, but I'll give him a little bit accredited he's. He has thrown out there that he thinks game for the finals will probably hurt him more than a hurts. Chris Paul mentally so easily things some ownership or yeah. That was, he was looking for his victory lap on Chris Paul. I think crisp cares more than everyone else now right. I'm game, formal Ryan changes tune when it eventually comes out to Chris Paul was dealing with like arrested. Who is nice you, gonna be like see. I was right about Chris Paul, but I didn't know he was hurt. We will say yes, oh the M, the winner of premature sober so the year goes to the sun's import man, because he had a moment yeah a moment. He became a public figure and as quickly as he came on the scene, he left
and he came on the scene with like in a ball of fewer. Yes, he announced his presence by beating up that Nuggets guy and it's over it's over. It's all over his its nice guy. We had him on the show deal teacher with them. Wish the best of luck. Sons in full or is over it's not it's. It's never coming back. So it was not you what a whirlwind he had a moment. He'll always you know it. He'll always be would it be like on the sons and forgot credits in four guys. Well, because I saw on his instagram when the sons were down Three too, he was playing chess, while everyone else supplant checkers, he was doing some charity work given meals to homeless before they actually got lost the NBA finals. He was getting ahead of it. So I appreciate
the? U S see the whole court and court. If you go back long enough in his history, especially Instagram, you can see he's gonna, be just fine. He's like a big outdoors guide, probably didn't watch too many lives. Sports is looked like. He hung out on big rocks yeah. King lot say I think he's got a good mindset move on. Yes, so great Award Great award sons and for guy he will definitely retreat, is absolutely he's got nothing else. I next up. We have the Baku Year Award Big Year and box. The nominees Jeffrey Cuban is still nominated. He's is How can a women award areas could be sad, goes home, always bridesmaid, never Bryce, being nominated for everything, fifteen nominated pm had an especially horny year and they have started with Ellie Cyrus and color was like a four. We form,
stretch worsening golf snowballs me. I don't jack on your age. When you age negative eight years you get a new sense of that's true energy and hoarding Frank Thomas's, testosterone yeah. I felt I felt like I was back in my mid twenties again yeah, just the Ladys. Don't complaining railroads led back to a sexual? If that's, ok, and then lastly, daring repel for his search or a random woman that he knew from work which country club so here's to quote. I three. I always loved girls, never thought they were discussed there. This is me friend, Leslie Ed Wood, Mont Country Club in tipped Tamerack Florida. I need help, Vernon catch up, guessing she's forty five now well guess what the Bonkers Year Ward goes to. Let's have it.
we have some by introducing an ok. Mrs Colombo pardon my take this book by Jake Marsh End about there. I tell you by the way, I'm body and Germany's dad behind that's kind of wild, although there are trying to make my more minor bacon well, what's up here anyway, tubes, how what I'm preserving the award for Bank of the year as interesting through the one and only their role
I hope you find Leslie, let's quainter, that's quite a different thing. There I don't know. What's exactly there all means a wider trade do whatever they say, and hopefully your good fan of herself we're gonna have great. You had a good finished. Last year we replace the sum for old six. Seven. Six five hours were to sixty three six, nine forward, solar, bigger gotta guards back with Jesse, had seller stand. You really get there and, of course, by others back so good team should be fun. Guys can shoot,
We will see how it goes, but this is from Jason. Hopefully there things are good for you. I think I am. I got all roads led back to what his basketball team looks like credible, who got out one. I vow. Okay. Tat was incredible: holy Shit, Jim Bay, first saying the its wild, then just being so confused why he was what Bergmann, what dare Marvell looking for? I was exam, closing Alaska, weird itself and then just giving us the entire scouting report a circus orange. I love that don't dance. ask about mind right there. He already all roads duly back to like him diagnosing. Ok, what are some things that we ve of granted in the zone? For yes, yes, I was three, I always loved girls, never thought they were disgusting, one
Weird Leslie from the poor. I went away from the poor. I hope Leslie found out that Dern was trying to find her because she should have taken some protective measures at that point. yeah restraining order and listen. I I don't know what state heap he was in when he tweed that, but it was horny because ass happy like this chick, I knew I want to find out about her, and maybe sear instagram for although just turn about data shrank back for all this, is that I get for for making. Horny jokes sometimes reveal is actually the king of commenting eyeballs. Yes, on an actual horny picture s, sometimes have like an eighteen year old girl. Yet as all the time revolt spank Bank is just any grows ever left to any of his jokes and then the gym Kramer show in Kramer show yes, Jim Bay, Haim, what a fuckin legend rate. To is that only the Tagus yelling take is now we know body and
James engineer, Jimmy Junior are STAR answer the show. So I won't say now and the next now I wasn't going to see what you thought of them, as Pierre Yes, they should actually beyond the show we should have them with European. I was asked going to say is a bad sign for Syracuse that that he's on cameo. Code on economic area, the item we will move. I note I think it is because he did allude to this. He goes by in Jimmy Argo me making more money than I will sometimes he's already he's thinking like this he's: I've wait a second. I can echo this in I'll thing, ok go to Syracuse Gazette! You can do that there we got yeah, that's the good spins out. Ok,
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hockey. The second Domini is the Montreal Canadians for Canadian of the year. They put it put together. Nice will run play off, they did almost took home the cup and then the third nominee for Canadian the year is Lou Dort whew Naw man, Lou Door to Door Meister the winner is its Lou door. Latvia, leader won his first taking the year other. Really, Mary, you George, due to torture chamber, give it up Billy lovely Billy you give a. I want you to give an accepted speech on behalf of Lou Dort. Thank you for accepting the word. Now. Okay, now that he got angry crush at all right next up, we got worst take of the year worst take of the year, so we're taking the year. We have a few. Very good nominees will start with young. In September twenty twenty said, Greek free, greek freak gone
ain't, nobody raising no family in Milwaukee. This was obviously after they got bounce from the playoffs. Everyone said: oh yeah yeah. This is gonna demanded trade that didn't work out, Well the next nominees Birstall sports for treating a picture of Tom Brady nine thirteen September thirteen twenty saying I've made a terrible mistake. What happened? The bucks went and won the Superbowl really mistake. I have finally been nominated for an award, for my diagnosis Bree, shoulder injury and He went on to have every single one of his ribs broke in just to run up the school I think, was fourteen red, is thirty five right. Yes, he just broken other when it was an impressive, lot of ribs more I learn more about anatomy Andrew Breeze, having his ribs break every other day than I did in any class I ever took
next, one is Louis Riddick predicts an absolutely fantastic monstrous year for Dwayne Haskins into twenty. I guess it was monstrous it why, in a way it was fantastic time it. What I mean it was fantastic for us to be a task for US data. If that didn't happen, then he would not have been bench the wash in football team would not have won the university beast. Yeah, that's true, so great job to every girl. Butterfly fact and then last up we had a manual show for his take about what is it? What was the Chicago? Richard very Richardson obviously didn't get the Olympics because of a weed asked in a male manual Otto in all, Ernest like this. Exactly he thinks I thought that he was bunking us. I thought he was drawing us too
legalizing weed and track and feel competition is all good if you're running in a straight line, legalizing weed and track unfair competition is terribly dangerous. If you throw the javelin, where do we draw the line We draw the line on people who have never smoke. We try to talk about art, I guess haven't hung around anyone that smoked with. Yes, yes, Yeah he's never been in a room as Billy, no just listen to the shell wants. I winner is, I also I don't know whether, for the sis is great, I think it's a main watch. I think you're gonna he's gotta have anywhere this actually great, because we now doing to take his in voting on the tickets for the people to see I mean. Who else could it be it it has to be? How did he has a larger it has to be Might we recently buys but guess what we smoke we'd? We ever shorter memory, surrealism analogue, exactly exactly charter will take his first, yes or no
supposed to help. You always help us out every year with the techies. We appreciate him, even though, actually I think I've beaten him because he gets all my tweets get tagged in it and he's just like. Well he's joking and half the time, I'm being serious. So I think I've been beaten old takes, but we ve blurred the line enough yeah right, whereas I don't know if this I'm gonna get send for an old takes. If I try to old, takes big cat on this right. he every single time. Issues like all that has been kept, making a joke or trying to jinx one of his that's which actually is a good bet by him, but yeah beaten him. Sixteen. The word of this year's techies is for trend of the year trend of the latter hot trends this year? Last after we keep it eyes on his body as staying the bleeding edge of all the stuff to the kids are due, when in saying and wearing we're. Probably the hip is podcast world. So the nominees for trend of the- here are cap saying that's cap.
you buy. It went away for a little bit within cap came back with a vengeance. This year, short shorts is nominated. The altering the year five engine in seems right back for those of short shirts on girls, where they wear the tea shortages, way oversaw com is everything up I wish I could do. I think those the short that say just like cheer across the back yeah. I think those are coming back. That's mom, stewed my shot You also not more not been saying that for less than five years and the same of always at all, we re so that its horny I just like reading here, you're just like I, I want to see. I want to see a bunch of chicks where, if something on their ass, that I can read, I like what yeah they shouldn't Osama, says on. We can better, is reading yeah. They should put novels on the back. The mock everyone gets everyone get smarter, also nominated turn of the year getting vaccinated, vaccinated and Billy and then not posting. A better social media also show our Billy another
friend of the year. That's nominated this year is being chewy chew. He took by storm this year, when some chick made a tick tock about and then another chick wrote about New York Times up and then now now its massive. Whenever one saying yes, So the winner of trend of the year is being chewy non Ets cap cap as Gatt words I just kept hold It's not it's not true, he its being its capping. He's not here, no cap, what it's worth, graduations unbelievable run for cap. You have you, will that's a victim who is it that you brought it across the finnish lad? Came back bigtime anything did I start bringing kept back because you guys refuse me been horny, know you This brought it back because I think you will bring about you. You tried yeah you discovered it and then you try ladylike you play
offers like no, I knew and then he try to bring it back. No, are you beat us down with it out back? No, I did know that it was a thing and then we stop talking about it, and then cap came I'm sorry. I was in the middle of spin zoning against something else, which is why brought cap back, but I'm having a hard time. I think you are, I think, goes beyond horny might abandonment of fear in theirs. It's either horny or being cap news to states appear to be, up backs up. We have Monday reading of the year the Monday of the year. The nominees are we have. The waffle I was reading the White House Fight reading, we have the chewy article, two pfc, just should we New York Times we have the Disney. emerging Monday reading and guess what you're gonna do with you put in the show and put them on Reading the winner in the show, so here it is,
So we have this post called my boyfriend keeps getting into fights with a cook it waffle house here how it starts. I know this sounds really weird, but here it is my boyfriend had been together for three years. We met and started date when we're both in graduate school? That's such a good note to have their. They have advanced past bachelor's degree, but I dropped out to go back to college. I just have to go back to college to pursue a different career. We are both finished now and live together. Making a fairly nice combined income or income is relevant because we could afford to eat somewhere nice out and about, but he always wants bricks, breakfast, ok, real quick! First of all, let's not shame people that EDA Waffle House because now If you're a millionaire, you should still be going to offer us on a regular basis. It is the best Knight food is.
drunk food. They generate wallflowers shrunk. Waffle house is one of America's finest institutions is who she goes on to say when he was a child. His dad couldn't stand eating breakfast type food in the afternoon and evening so as mom would make him waffle, Slash, pancakes, eggs and bacon in evening whenever his dad was busy or out of town, it's a wonderful, unsafe memory form and when he goes to his happy place, he says that's where he always goes. I like this memory because Basically the grown up version of one year, eight years only say when I'm an adult I many candy for dinner, and then I spoiler I actually had done that many times it is kind of, weird move, though, for a dad to say we don't eat breakfast food at dinner time rules, that's that's kind of his Maybe I don't like that. I once I'm I was at a grocery store. Those person behind mean line. I was buying stuff to make breakfast for dinner and the guy
like. Are you making or we make an breakfast? I guess he was my wife wont. Let me eat breakfast for dinner. Tat I felt so bad for the guy sat net is really set out. My boyfriend is an incredibly nice and caring person he's am I love these these long diatribes, where they just try to set up like no guy, sees actually totally normal and then drop the hammer like my boyfriend, is the sweetest nicest person ever occasionally he likes to fuck. His mom in front of me put I love him. Otherwise, I'm in the best relationship in my life, my boyfriend, sometimes likes to bring guns out in the bedroom, but I think we ve all got her kinks. My boyfriend is so in tune with my feelings but we now and then he fakes like he's gonna push me in front of oncoming traffic. Ma am afraid, he's gonna kill me, listen, I've got such are. rate boyfriend were the best relationship of all time. It's something I could only dreamt about when I was a little girl. He owns this.
Alan called little Saint James and he goes. There are a lot with some of his friend and he makes good money so we're who, in pretty well with a beautiful house, men had okay so back to the store He loves animals in his kind. This is really she doing the checklist. Like he's, not a sociopath. He loves animals, ins and his kind and gentle with every bug, bird and pet- that he comes across to you not to be gentle with every year with a bug like a spider ominous mesh nets by murder on it, gonna fuck it up he's almost always willing to turn the other cheek and social situations where somebody tries to insult him or get aggressive towards him and usually wines up defusing the situation having a productive discussion about whatever the issue was except at war. Perhaps by the way. At last point you get points for being an adult that doesn't get into fights. It sounds like he doesn't get into fights alive. Right like this is a common occurrence forum, where he should get into a fight where most people get into a fight that he calmly talks his way out.
Fortunately, that's not like you don't get to walk around like a boy scout with being like see, this badge somewhat took my parking spot whole foods. I didn't fight, that's how it works. My boyfriend fights using logic and reason he likes to use his words and diffuse everything, ok, anytime or out. He wants to go to the same goddamn awful house and get breakfast food, I'm not a big either. So I used to not really care out just drink coffee and read my book while he enjoyed his food, which is that we often visual just like honey. Let me get my happy place put that became impossible once he and this one cook started chirping. At each other. Every time we went there, boyfriend complained about his eggs one time because he likes him a little Ronnie and they were served heart. The cook responded by giving him scrambled eggs, that's Larry's when he brought it up again. The cook served him too hard boiled eggs fun in funny very funny. I think it was just part of the cook stay.
which who doesn't know a cook with a stick. You gotta have you if your short order cook? That's it. You know what that's a feature, not a bug for that Waffle House, because that's the funny that fox up your order, and it tells you if you gotta waffle house and you expect to have your order- a hundred percent correct every single time you, my friend, are not understanding the true charm of going to obvious it's like I want break. food. They serve you a breakfast food and then you kind of yes, it's kind of. Maybe the cook responded by himself when he brought up again, the cook served him too hard boiled eggs. I think it was just the cook stick. It was kind of funny to be honest, but my boyfriend wasn't able to laugh at all off when we He was in kind of a bad mood, but we didn't really talk about it the next week without getting some shopping done and he wants to go to waffle. House again, I suggested that we try out a different place or at least a different waffle house location, but he only want the same office which, if you ve been so there
walk wiles every other boy and they look identical on these out. That's it! That's the entire point of the applies just a food station. It's like being like. I want to go to this Mcdonald's, not that Mcdonalds. We went in and sat down and once again the same cook service eggs wrong. My boyfriend sort of snapped at him that he was an interesting messing around in just one of the correct eggs. The cook then served him a piece of toast with a whole cut out in the middle with affrighting in it. That's on solutions when told in the hope that my boyfriend got really mad in through the egg toast at the cook. Made the cook come around from behind the bar and throw back at him. They ended up sort are wrestling fighting until my boyfriend was like this is bullshit and walked out. Nobody got hurt, but the few other people and there were watching and laughing a bit Here's the thing you don't want to get into a with waffle has cut because wallflowers cooks know how to handle themselves. Mostly clientele is drunk their belligerent. It's late at night. You have to be able to fight. If you got
it's like the most dangerous, the most outside the most aggressive, like self defense capable jobs in Amerika. I would put waffle house right up there with like black one employee, someone, someone replied the first reply to this tweet was. I went to a job interview for Waffle house one of the questions was: can you fight yeah? It has there I mean, have you been to offer us at two o clock in the morning and you handle use after during remember, storing the news like a year ago about a waffle house cooked it took somebody's eighteen, forty, seven away from other they disarmed dude with an air of fifteen very dangerous and that's day one training, your wife, Alaska, art so backs the story. This is the crazy part. My boyfriend keeps going back in ordering eggs and getting into fish fights with the same cook. It's almost its at this point, my boyfriend orders runny eggs. The cook serves, some other version of eggs and then they beat the shit out of each other.
quick going with him after the second fight, but he kept going by himself there like Peter and the giant chicken for family guy. It's the weirdest thing. They physically fought like six or seven times over this. I think their action. Fry the oh they all. This is just guys horsing arrest. This has become a french they. If they weren't, actually friends, you will not be allowed and said well Farsi more if you get into a fight among say. If you go into a fight, I will add a walk out. You're, never welcome back, because it would have no clients it. You get into a fight with the same person more than four times and waffle house. Then at some point will be ok. Can you just come back when he's not work? It is sport there, like the debates they protect each other before any. You want a brawl. Today go yeah yeah go body. I've tried to talk to you about it a few times, but it keeps saying it's a matter of principle. I told him to talk the manager, something like tat, but he just waves me off. Apparently the cook hasn't yet made him the correct, runny eggs, but it's like he spends the weak learning new ways of preparing eggs to piss might work
I think he does exactly that. I'm wanting cook here I want to get out for that. He's almost seemed all anti both sides because he's right It is a matter of principle but asking or an egg, that's a little bit. Runny, that's a tough egg to make neither committed, but if anyone could do if you're cook at a crowded, awful house and you ve got a million orders going on making the perfectly runny egg is a difficult task. So I don't want this is grounded. I think this is the middle of the day when, while the US has no one, if that's in fact corrective this guy's for a casual lunch at Waterloo using for inclusion, it's gotta be a lunch or dinner and they were one day, Goin out shopping, and then they went to offer us. I think it's just middle of the day there just fight won't, let you know You know about that. You either go to waffle house at night for dinner you go early in the morning for like a lately, the meal that you have a wolf as you call it that what we do not want breakfast lunch dinners ye say she. She said he does lunch at dinner there. So then it finishes up. The thing is
Mary. This summer is accepted a job and a new city no be easy for me to find work after wedding so will be moving away from his sworn enemy Waffle House guy. He hasn't really been out since quarantine started, but at one surprise me that's the first place. He goes when restaurants open back up sitting customers, but my main worry is this strange vindictive side of him. I've never seen before that leads them to fight the same guy every week. The violence itself is an issue for me, but the obsession over it almost bothers me more. Should I be worried that this side of him we'll come up later and our marriage? How do I get him to open up about this? Is this type of obsession, a choice or is it ended in it indicative indicative of something deeper You need to cook him eggs and easy to cook him, the perfect runny egg and see if he has any desire to stop going to that waffle, Hoss, because if he decides to stop going there
and it was about the eggs this whole time. If he keeps going back, it's just cause their brows and he misses the human body craves contact right. So you like skin to a fight every now and again, I honestly don't. I think this guy is actually the most well adjusted adult I've ever heard, because he seems like a great guy, put having a grudge or a point of principle that you will not let up it's like a bull dog with a tennis ball in his mouth. Sometimes guys you have to do that, like sometimes you just have to beef, silently or actually physically fightin like I'm thinking about I have I have this guy was my building who, on July, fourth, I was using the grilled community grow. Any came up any moved my stakes over and put his own food on their without asking me. I scowl that motherfucker every time I see him, I haven't said anything, but I have a grudge and I fucking hate. I think if I ever get a point, we're like he lost his keys and I have a chancellor men. I won't let him in
it's a passive grudge, but having a grudge and having a foe, they you wake up in the morning you're like fuck, that guy it's healthy, a grudge not so much a foe is very important. A rival right born for guys have rivals you arrivals against grill guy, I'm rivals. Decay met calf, Hanks, rivals with the english language, and I guess chocolate, milk, somehow donors, owners hanks right. We were rivals but all good point. Hake actually declared he and his impieties rivalry. Overcapacity can't beat, which were beaten literally fifteen minutes. for months, I figured you are using light event is too good, but events took. It still contain interaction. Ok, so that libraries over, but yes having arrival you see the world wasn't last answer right now. I'm just has rivals like fake, real doesnt matter. Having something to drive you every single it is healthy. I do think that waffle houses are great places to getting fights.
it seems like everyone is everyone. That's out of awful houses is ready that there might be a fight at any given time. You have secret all the tables or have rounded corners item. So if you follow you're, probably not going to split your head open, it's like chest boxing, so I'm with this guy. I think totally, I think he's a well in that mean maybe the actual fist fighting is an adult is a little much but accident sound like a fist fight, no more wrestling, which is that's just you're. Basically doing it's gentleman's fighting no face stuff, everyone, some for dinner right now. They way from the growing automatically aiming to their boss. Like what happened your face, you just wanna, use our Russell each other in an like feats of strengthened. Do you think that there is not a chance that this guy has a pre existing relationship with the wealth louse cook, in a way that he told him? Hey, I'm gonna Work with my fiance. Let's get into a fight and have a rivalry every time I come to a restaurant and then he just never told
This fiance he's like point a big prank honour. Well, it could that that theory could make sense if he was like. I love my happy place, but were really bothers me. My fiance demands coming so he found a way to go to his happy place, whereas I'd say refuses to get your happened. They go in there the first time and he's like that. This is as you say my happy place for me, that would be a place like Buffalo Wild links. He go very sit down your guaranteed of good time. She comes along What does she do? The first thing when you sit down, she opens up a book. She doesn't even try to enjoy waffle disrespect. And so he's like. You know what I'm going to get into a fight with Skype until she leaves and demands a stop coming, because I listen, I'm gonna get me
brain smothered covered and was it jumped diced in front of her? If that's what it takes to make her stopped reading a book at a waffle, yet he pays. He pays this guy off. He tips him extra to be like hey. Let us make sure that I can come here and he's probably getting, though the best eggs every single time. He probably each is runny eggs that are perfectly cooked and then and then he says, what's up to his cook friend and he's like hey, can you just stop? Maybe gimme a Nokia and give me one solid, like punch in the liver, so that I can go home with a couple scratches yeah I mean I, I love this relationship. I love everything about it. I love this guy. I really do think that, having a point of principle having something that you like one of those stand off sea, like you know what today, I'm not gonna give up. I'm not Let someone push me around. We was less I'm you go into a fight, fistfight, we'll just like a fight grappling fears that sort of thing fifteenth areas, fifteenth Jackson's college. I don't think I'm trying to think now think since
What are you had some of her glove besides that outside of a sanction event for college Knowledge College, I got into a fight in Hong Kong, but it was a kind of a RO fight is the guy was wearing the same outfit that I was. He was shitless, also wearing the same color shorts. I was always looked at each other and you news on and then afterwards. We were friends we were. There is no better feeling in the world s all fight, then getting into. fight with somebody than afterwards I in the middle, the fight you realize a fun rat. You- and I are more similar than we are different. Was this when you were high on access This was when I was high. India. May yeah. Ok, see you might have just been kissing the dude boy you bought adjustment groping is milk is on camera. Ok, so confirmed, not kissing. We fight confirmed Ras? It was a rascal yeah. Also, isn't that, like? What isn't that like saying hello at a rug became much is not only not other at just browsing. Guys out of each other. I so this
guy yeah wallflowers guy level, I fuckin level the eighteen? The word of the twenty twenty one take ease his the award of the year very special category to first time award. A brand new award in taking run down here. now many is the envy P award the Nickelodeon Vow global player went to Mitchell travesty in play off game that we all remember with slime he s what a time that was what its high, what time? What again you might be, the one, and only winner of the VP award, I yet it would be incredible if it were the reforms that were the case. There is definitely, operation happening and dick loading right now like I, we can't do the envy pagan cause those shit heads at part of my table just Rudy and we will we will. We absolutely well we'll try to get mixed with the US economically. For a week the year is the Where did the year award? Oh wow little matter in the first time, the first time nominee area
time and at its been awarded crazy, taken away by storm the neck nominee is Tom for duty for having a hall. In voting sucking his own deck and making that giant video about how great it was and how seriously he took his his job as being a hall of Fame nominee. Often voter and then the last award of the year is gone Zaga for making the first final. For of all time, they finally achieved that great award of making Mark Fuse first final for incredible getting over it. huge hop huge job for the programme. The winner of award of the year goes to Tom. Luigi for having hall of Fame voting, sucking his own deck Congrats Tom way, that video gap greatly in those sweet moments when the one half of the one percent gather as one seated? Above all, others
that's when you truly understand the weight of what you hold in your hands, unbelievable. I still can't believe this made it out if possible, aliens come down to earth and there like sirs? What is baseball writer, I'm going to play that video for them. I think actually, only thing that Tom renewed you could use it as an explanation years that during covered maybe use from home. Maybe there weren't they. people around him to be like hey. This is a really bad idea. You look like a tremendous douche bag, but even still someone had ended it someone saw it before it came out. I think there's a chance of Tom Verducci was just like I'm going to learn new skills during covid and part of those skills were I'm going to get final cut pro when you get a brand new Cameron, we get alighting rig up, I'm gonna get like you, it essentially one of those SL our cameras, and so he got really to film making for a couple months ago. Burnham.
yeah. Do it himself in this? This was the output yes next up with a few words less overdue Blake of the year at the end. Here come up all three Blake's in attendance This award? Is ratio of the year award few aren't twitter, you don't know what it is. Ratio is when someone tweet something very little retreats in likes and a lot over responses. Meaningly probably said something crazy the nominees are Kevin Durrant in reply to some when talking about five years ago today have driven us his decision to join the warriors kept and said this shit a holiday now Seven hundred and ninety eight replies the second Domini Kevin to read when someone said: Durham, relax, big dog, your cabin around life is too sweet. He replied, there's no relax champ, nowhere, when I'm on Twitter, I'm on ten until the second. I closed the app you relax,
love that sweet, so my rate tweet, my Labor Twitter Volta. The next moment is Kevin the rat for his reply I too red Layman's, who said those who are lucky to count. Jackie is a friend of the better for it. You should try it. When Kennedy was sung by Jack him a calm and kept her aunt said congrats my g enjoy. Which is an all time reply cylinder. so what you're saying I'm for with woman enjoy being friends of Jack and and then Finally, we have, Kevin to in his reply to Nick Right Nick Rights. It Doubt why talking about Kevin? Camera was saying I do so much a d, be a switch. Will defender in a room protector, lead it illegal to Nick Rights, had no doubt those welfare point.
Tiny bits. We're picking the more fun thing to do is an actual trawl player draft, alternating picks and waiting on a flight and have time if your game, you can have the first pick any spotted. I'm good that's so good god dammit Katy is so fucking good. Allow and all I have one last one actually this one's a winner. Ahmad call this when the winner, because actually has the most responses, has two thousand responses. When she and Sharp talked about Kevin Durrant saying he was misquoted, dressing winning championships, not the end, all be all wipe. Why play the game? Kevin rant quote tree and said you are drunk uncle, here lie again. When did I say this yet too in response to that Kevin IRAN's you are the ratio, quick, in a good way now, just because they all get
incredible interactions anytime, you have some twitter tweets, I'm just I get to press, sometimes be cat. Thinking about all the great tweets that covered ran has put out there. That will never see because came from her accounts. Yes, I want Kevin up like when he retires. He should go back and publish an anthology of all his burn recount tweets. Yes, and I mean I would sit down and read every single one of them. Yes, absolutely greatest writer of our day and age, also the ratios a really hard five, because anyone who ever gets ratio deletes it yeah immediately keywords: yeah yeah, not Kevin, rent, ok, next up Billy, oh yeah eligible all right up. Next we have the award for the worse prediction of the EU There are a lot of really should predictions this year. So was tough the narrow these down again shot out to freeze freezing cold, takes old, takes exposed for helping, narrow the category down a little bit. The first nominee is from Kevin sing, he's a fifth greater
and they were ass. They asked these fifth greater than the yearbook make predictions. What's gonna happen in twenty twenty. And Kevin Sing, said my prediction: for years only twenty is Everyone will live peacefully and they will cure Every disease there sit out of all the great Britain Holy Shit, great predictions that was actually from two thousand ten. Why yeah, so called growled the great job Kevin sing. Ex nominee for worse prediction, goes to an anonymous scout, anonymous, baseball scout. Sporting news article, the anonymous baseball's scout. asked about show here, Tawny and whether you will be able to adjust to Big League pitching he's basically like a high school hitter is what this guy had to say turns out. Not really. The case
That's that that any member France ESA he had. He had a good one about Yoyo Toddy like he should never be a Yankee Whisky Saki up yet also nominees James Harden James hardened in response to a tweet in two thousand seventeen. somebody said never ever ever ever ever, leave Houston at J Harden exclamation point exclamation point: he replied I promise I won't hashtag rocket for life. That's great and secular James. he's, never tweed if you're not really does really know up side to it and then the final nominee for where's predict. Show the year comes from our friend, conquered Adam Gaze plus Gregg Williams plus SAM Donald Anyone know where I can pre order. My twenty twenty eight FC championship tickets admit life's stadium, it's a great
incredibly protection wholly earlier than making the ABC damage your game, but they also have home field advantage to play off the New York jets. Who probably should it gone windless last year. Yes, great job count, incredible incredible and the winner for worse protection here, goes to conquer, stuck to be going on, but we have to be real tough to be no real, tough to be down next up. We get a job. Three laughed and then we're gonna get supplies of the year. We have post season the Duke didn't qualify for of the year guy like a pussy like a tournament that they didn't castle. Yes, certainly army. He could this be well. The nominees there are the NFL laughs. Ok, the I'll, be ploy ass, yeah, the end. A point: the Stanley a boy ass and the israeli turnips
Those are the nominees and the winner is the example. I turn immature did not qualify for the answer daily tournaments They also want to cancel the season when it is pretty clear that they work and qualify coach K. I think they did. He said we you need to be playing this game which he deftly. One said if he had a good team, he was upset because they lost. He thought that it was ok to play in conference can write, but after they lost now too First came right. That's real! Israel's right. This is also a little note here this. You're in a row, the Duke as well. Oh excuse me that the incidentally tournament has won the award for she's in turn that do not qualify. Five, while could be a three p next year, will be incredible. Metaphysics, great poverty just finish in third place, so coach caters, wins. Ok, that's good point, fair point point taken: maybe she quit on our country and still be coaching
I say, let's also fair point where you can only remind vector for so long is important. Passing the torture is giving us the S Emmanuel what's been tunnel these up at his still carrying the torture don't know, zero, caring towards you and be losing this game variously orkut his Kuwait. Did he quit or do not quit he quit. Usa, Basque he's right is a quarter on the country. That's even worse! He's a trader pressure served in the military. I haven't azure her therefrom, Rico boss. I think he went, he went to West point yeah, so he cares about our did he did he fight? I don't think so, maybe not a communist soon that doesn't want to West point the idea to West point a lot of people going to West Point, but a really. It's captain comments. I did say that ups, no he's actually smart, smarter, great quarterback, too great quarterback will use things Niagara, quarterback Billy to the court four army prose d want Gatty. Why we got Bora Diwan Shallow Captain counts, cosy beauty. The next word go,
this is for in the category of pre emptive taken the year. We have to take it easy now. I have no idea what the nominees are going to be for this one, because we're all contributing what we think will be the pre emptive taken the year, so we're just venting takes that we think will happen some point in the next one. Monte. Yes, my nominee for pre Emptive take the year is MIKE Florio of profitable taught per se. That. If Richard Sherman had an agent he wouldn't have contracted covered, That's gonna have yeah. I like three legs been that drum that all players should have agents, no matter what like that. I might my able to take the year is at its current cheating, but Kellerman saying this is the year the Tom Brady falls off a cliff yeah that yeah, I mean you know what you're doing here, you're doing a MAX Kellerman to MAX Galileo right our year. You like this is the year that is going to say right. Yeah says that every year is probably gonna happen again. It probably imo than Hake Europeans to take their water
We have to set this out. I just came of one of the top, my head and with all the car. Israel, Lyman stuff going on not entity play, and I shall I think that the instant doubly will be defunct within five. I like it. I like that there was the SSC just gonna come the the inevitable a the inessa feels tourists, training anywhere where's, all this money, they're taking out the administrative school part of it and people, can try and make as much money as That would actually be funny if the SSC got so big that it took over the entire country. So instead, Since you have lives, yeah Washington plays in the SSC, lively, it's all the SSC, yeah or give forborne basketball, don't are part of it and slip away like them. I salute sensitive lay like rice what about the basque Bali correct? I mean if it means that we get to hear the SSC Intro theme song for every football game which is going away wishes remind you know it's going who's. Gonna win this. You know what list some special Billy
if you give us your pre emptive take of the year and you win no matter what you say. I think that twenty twenty two is be sick, really congrats Billy, your third taking you put them, on a poster boils ere. I think twenty twenty two's gonna be sick. Coach K did serve in the military use, an officer from nineteen sixty nine to nineteen. Twenty four did he's gonna. In order to avoid us. Why don't go to Vienna but on the contrary, eager Vietnam, after by not coaching this year's team yeah using directed services teams, so it sounds like you is a basketball coach. my last up before we get to Blake of the year so here is the last taking before Blake the year. We have all three Blake's on reminder it the Tommy Lasorda.
Memorial still alive person of the year. We have some great come. in addition, this year, Dickie V, has been nominated. He is still alive, Willie Mays Yes, still alive, even though very bond street picture. We look like he was smiling this Willie Mays casket. John Batten still alive in opiates he's trying to kill him, I'm not trying to kill a man has to happen in the end I will mention two Prince Philip, who all made it this year. Still you, I think that we need to acknowledge the fact that he would have been nominated had he not die absolutely who he was, we're the only thing you can do to win this war is stay alive. He did not stay library die. Others are that big box again to check often aegis, failed croaked, big
die dead? The guys I will be asking the million dollar MA am, and I am here to preserve the take you that would be the port might take. The turkey bore the Tommy Lasorda Memorial still all alive person of the year, and the winner is John Man, John, Madam, is still alive and doing well and Congrats to John and all other celebrities, and I would but myself in there as well that are still alive, I'm sixty seven years all, but I'm still alive and kicking out one more thing before I go always remember this, including all you celebrities, whom I see this everybody and I mean everybody's, got up for the main, our bad guy he's got a price tag. It deviancy sixty seven years old.
That is, every wrestling years, I think, wrestling years in dog years in the same yeah yeah, there's no, I think he's the oldest living wrestler, so steady, BR, see that would make TED deviancy real, quick little mass for sixty nine years old. Incredible is four hundred and sixty nine years old. Ok sure we do when we get to Blake of the year has just real quick. I've looked. His service record coach case service record here during his military service. He coach service teams and serve for two years at as head coach at the: U S Military academy, prep school at Belvoir Virginia. So His time spent in the military was spent coaching basketball heroic whenever it whenever it would be nice if you were to run that back right now. Yes, still do it freely, for our country go back to his roots. We all love coaching for team you Ok, here it is Blake severe.
Before I get to blame the year. It is brought to you by our friends and zip recruiter. Zapruder knows that the general experience of looking for a job is pretty Sukhi. That's why they figure out a way to make it on sucking. When he sat up and hypocritical com, you can create free profile, then you get matched to great jobs. Plus you get a lot more interpreters, gonna, proactively, pitcher profile to employers whose jobs match your experience, unlike with other job sites, if an actual person from the company really likes what they see, they can personally invite you to apply to their job candidates, who invited to appliance hypocritical nearly three times as likely to get hired. That's according to ten thousand plus logged in Zapruder users, who reported being hired through computer during September and October, two thousand and twenty plus. If you like the job, you can apply to it and many others with just one click. So it says you saved you a lot of time. You just click once and it sends out your resume all these respective employer.
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calls so we're we're make out more analogue, his yeah yeah. So it's the b with a lottery machine, how it's gonna work, is ever Blake is going to pick a number we're going to hit the thing and it's whoever gets it first and we'll just keep going so I could go one round. You could go thirty rounds, we're going to leave balls out, though so could get down to like three laws, and then you ve got a hope numbers right, but before we do that we want. We asked you guys to prepare, maybe a little speech as to why you deserve Blake the ears. Let's start with Brooks the New Comer still Brooks. What did you do? This past year to deserve Blake of the year it being a man of the people. I figured the amount, is all wind, the people's open. That was a good start. It start beer brought back the the nineties pitcher goatee fashionable, does not help
and ended a lot of things for charity cheer gave way. Free beer asked an utter. yeah and you too will be telephone yeah. So true true. There is a lot of things. What you encounter lets you encourage fan, participation and golf some exactly lullaby glory, yeah, exactly the people are right. That's good! I blake if you are the two time defending champ, so it so for anyone who does know there's been three Blake's of the year by portals was the first you. He has one title than without: without year, Blake Griffin decided that his country was more important than this competition and was like a practice or something Conaway, but the last two years, Blake Griffin is one so Blake. Why do you think you deserve a three PETE here? what should be historic. Yeah, I guess so truly tell a story to take this back to item twenty
here, the pandemic of sufferers are rather gate. I decided in what will help those who help us. And so early. I donated to the little seizes Reno, explanatory betimes or into the air. It supports those usage arena utilised and now the stars and that I thousand born if we're touching on charity, the other. sport. I held it out on Don t. You stay for swift. Suddenly MA am I could I dont yeah sure, but I need something to hold in my hand on the two thousand to anyone like the year. So it was more you know when somebody's ass to approve a point yeah now fast topic of your personal Ramadan share, didn't. I I broke my fast this year for my campaign for Blake
yeah. We re certainly appreciate that Would you say that you are? If you win three lakes in a row. Some people are saying that you might be bad for Blake's, like the league has gotten almost like super team of Blake's undecided. to watch anymore. Would you agree without urge? You think that it makes more exciting if we have a three this joint wonderfully. It didn't Jonah superbly, things I prefer the easy way out It is a very good parity and, like the answer, is no briskly newcomers. I was young when you have a great lake at borders as one and an spinner spinach address, Bros Fire minimal, Successful here have most people- I don't know, acknowledge Mostar. here? We are so I maybe, but I understood
it in a weird way Brooks accomplishing things is actually Anti Blake Bees cottage just chill out like be good, but not great. You know so like he was trying to hard right, yeah right. A great I didn't really, I think most people would agree. I mean he hasn't really want anything. Yet that's true! True, that's true. While he did when he did, when the British Open become more common, won't play him in a one round plaster. Oh, he kind of one so Blake borders our original Blake of the year. why do you deserve it? I didn't know we're doing a thing. That's what we're doing my chair to go after them. It was actually just can't study. No,
the Kobe, but we are going to get going again. So I get my money back and they loved back into the home town. I mean I ate compared to these two have done absolutely nothing. I had been active streets though, but written all that stuff I've been active streak of seven consent. Trips to the gas station without binding law. I managed to manage to keep my hair from road to act and I knew I had another kid so united oh shit or I every guy. Are you and that's what I got our young Green Bay right now? No no night! Yet I also got a new job, yet the Green Bay I threw give or take for touched on past the stern a tac so with it. I never take overtaken how many, how many jobs throughout Europe, a wicked number. I
a more in their under, I think as Blake's. You guys have accomplished a lot this year, I so I don't understand the rules were. Do this, it's a number one through hundred in their hundreds in there is it yeah, I think a hundred is in there maybe see night and want to ninety nine just to be safe. I can remember: four hundred is in there and we're gonna. Do it until someone gets it exact and that person will be Blake of the year and on top of that they will be the new voice. That introduces you two part of my take when it says it's part of my presented by parcel sports beginning the show we decided we're going to have a new voice over there, so you also win that which is pretty awesome an what. What do we say were Blake the ears gonna donate ten thousand dollars to us. Personally, that's also something you ve won pretty gabarus so rose. Girls just arrived about demean, also get by and then
play. Don't everybody everybody has at the same time, don't worry Blake, there's no play off yeah yeah, no playoffs! Don't worry. we were a little more dynamic and has a part to play here. Ok, I see idea so everyone guesses their number and then we'll hit it and then we'll just keep going in and Billy's keeping track here. So that will probably be disaster Billy is keeping track of the numbers that are pick. So we can shout those out before she don't real repeat something. It's already off of the board,
I'm hoping personally from a show standpoint that either someone gets it on the first try or we sit here for an hour guessing ping pong boss. So let's hope that one of those two things happens: Blake S as the Blake Griffin. As the Blake of the year. The reigning like the Arlette, you chose, choose first and then balls you can choose and then Brooks Youtube. So it's all the same same spin buckle had say number three to thirty two Blake portals, ah nine, nine in Brooks of twelve. I write those down Roquat, yet I regard from thirty two nine and twelve. Mrs intense it's gonna be terrible, terrible podcasting. If we go like ten rounds Worse than this, eighty four already long rows
hello. Hello, what's happened. Was our Baltic swung over nothing? So how can I go again? Six thousand two hundred and sixty two one thousand nine hundred and nineteen seven thousand four hundred and seventy four sixty two one thousand nine hundred and seventy four. sixty two to scrap the sixty two wants it to be so bad, Ninety war, no winners, Those are just very sad, eighty four and ninety four off the board. Yes to to twenty nine thirty seven, The Brooks is really get about it. No one's life
It doesn't seem to be a strategy. Seven, twenty seven one is: they haven't lost you off down right there, this really Sweden. This through isn't gonna go had got at eighty, nine, thirty, nine, thirty, nine forty fourteen o k K wanted no guide It's
the eight it's not in. I was eighty nine dollars. Eighty nine pop up like good with number, almost with the three Peter wow. Okay, we go again. Twelve twelve, forty four forty four eighty one, eighty one whose dogs at forty four Braun round. This is intense. Twenty eight twenty eight You guys haven't even gotten one now motion No yeah, we haven't got one. I here we go. We go again be warm. Ninety three eight eight eight could pay feel like. That was a good pick by border. I think there's a good man.
I think your lives. I don't know, I just feel in it. I don't know, I don't know no real. To anyone, ninety three Are we thousand because it cannot doesn't cow? Ninety Nightsy, nineteen with the assisted by ninety two: thirty, three, thirty, three, forty four, forty, four, twenty twenty. How me please still listening. I think all I think this is the best part of casting that we ve ever done its report also one you should probably go watch this on her Youtube Channel, probably way better on their three thousand three hundred and forty four twenty Oh No! Oh yeah is if I thought it was a false start:
we want to make some of these guys are go again. Eighty nine again, eighty nine again, seven, seven, forty one, forty one! Here we go! Eighty, nine seven! all right there night, I wouldn't worry on a number of those borders pick from two rounds rounds ago, Daddy's on it he's on it. He also pick seven there in seven popped out, yes like when you see a batter step up in their hidden varied, but well yeah broke. You got your timing to hurdles is definitely sniffing around it. Ok, Billy you! I do a quick reset and tell them what numbers they can't pick. So we
outside of the pool, eight thousand four hundred and ninety four two thousand seven hundred and sixty eight two thousand eight hundred and nineteen. Five in ninety three or can you do you guys? Remember all those the twenty three August. Twenty three is picked for four Blake Griffin files: five booth, his like tat up suddenly three. Seventy three yup that still available ok go had hit a Phd twenty three five, Imagine if it's five magic for this whole five was part of the answer wait.
now we're getting what we wish for this is going on far too long. Ok, you me twenty four, twenty four, fifty eight, fifty eight thirty, nine thirty nine, I'm surprised you just gone with the same number. Every time seems like a strategy where you will have to remember what yeah. But that's here you know tat twenty four, fifty eight seventy one. Seventy one leg Griffin picked at four turns ago, wow stuck with it, showed a stuck with it very soon,
Thirty, two, seventy seven. Seventy seven! Sixty sixty years ago, thirty per seven thirty, seven, forty seven seven is the most frequently selected ping pong doubts acknowledging act, yet you just pick that you would have gotten it takes to listen, showed us very true thirty two I wake reference, the first typically These latter Georgi up the actions the yeah I thought: nine, nine twenty one while so now there's a little game for going on
Nine. Twenty nine almost jumped up there already five, the number no time. Fans will run. You run again, Blake running back what thirty, two again for Blake nine, our rights we got, few people on the strategy, they're gonna toy anyone. I like this, thirty, three right there right there, in the bow running back. Everyone wanted a back up. Ok, thirty, two nine twenty one by celestial do yellow just hit the bottom running. It back goes the numbers now, thirty, two, nine twenty one, first one again,
Ninety nine and thirty two are up their sixty five hit again like this this machine. My brow beneficiary, know this misery. If we just keep, I don't want this fishing cost me a thousand dollars that water from China. Broken forty one off the board. Doesn't matter we're going to keep going the Blake stuck with the same numbers and we're unsuccessful four hundred and thirty two more turns and stay.
Playing that audio podcast. For ten minutes, we decided to do this voice over on the appeal to you to channel. We will have the entire competition it, for he cared watch that now, let's get back to the action big cat and Phd take it away. But anybody like a clear answer back. Would anyone like to change their names to nine point? Three percent occur fifty fifty that's almost there. I can feel it
I got there is an option. Do it pits going at once those like to return to sixty three ass? We ask
You sure got a tender aviator, forty six, a pause pause has everyone feeling mentally dream, Atomic supposed how many browser window forty seven we'd, know we're force of numbers. Left you counted wrong. He had arrived. We counted wrong fought Billy. What are we at? We have fifty three boggy,
it also hit again ready to work, were almost double the expected him there is we again Emily three again two nine twenty one like it is all the more it it's gonna hear said I d just joining in this is our first point here. One of the all time, MRS buy me a phd in terms of ideas. I think it's funny. Some won't wait. Wait a minute numbers here, when it is not ok, I, like it here
the blank of the prestigious award and Rawls for Northlake will the two time return: shipping Blake Griffin have a crew two hundred and fifty five the machine to mine the eight! I'm sorry, I didn't really say I want to apologize profusely poured out. I just knew about the with your charity. Will donate double magic devils. Twenty doubles Madeline, my hypothetically
I like it here. I can feel it. I feel good energy go right. Now, it's a shed its as it Moreover, the original Blake returns to claim is thrown. Oh my god. What a story he out last autumn, holy Shit. Playgrounds allowed you never give you. Can you give us a victory speech or something The mental attitude he just add was unbelievable. Unbelievable. Thank you to all the same, as I read, supported us longest journey Blake and broke through incredible competitors. They deserved everything have come in their way and their future endeavours are now. I'm just gonna throw the small yeah incredible moments: Green Green Blake Packers. I feel bad for Blake. Finish his dynasty run is so ass. You know, if you win next year, dynasties back on three out of five year, three out of four would be would,
It icy Brooks is still I mean it's tough he's got nothing to show for the personal it's. What were you going to right now when you what's going through your head on Now I'm so lost right. I did everything I could this year, mental Army get it. You know I mean, I think, maybe need to change up your strategy. Go towards more of a numbers based approach are of change, your body In a way I got, I could be bribed be more scientific with the next year. The up So if you had done that this year, you probably had a better chance, because you were just stuck with a number right off the bat. I think you pick twelve in the opening round, and I believe, twelve hit- didn't ya. Oh yeah, maybe it's a merely to enhance Grognon IRAN is over. I mean this. Is gonna, hurt you still its
like winning a masters or sub, do you still are a Blake of the year you just not the reigning Blake of the year yeah, you do, I'm all your first, I thought about logging interests, these studies does the handshake lie down. formed. You know. There's know this is the summit. Cyber next year I am not. Now RO. I think standing there and watching Blake give his acceptance speech. That's probably gonna be all the fuel that you need for next right Friday's coming down your watch, em up and among the guy's a The picture me in the tomorrow morning originally and the worst part was you had thirty two and I think one hit, so you are basically your toe was on the line.
I see my backpack Blake Blake Brooks. Thank you very much. We appreciate. We know how stupid this was with the fans. Do love hearing from you guys, wouldn't you may do him? Oh yeah, what's the intro exactly. also Blake portals. Can you say it's part of my take presented by bar stool sports. Now be now the new it is a dynamic to parade yeah yeah you're, not going anywhere also, I want to say this. Like four months ago, I I change internet providers for one reason to be able to answer a phone call faster. You guys, total change the cop somebody owes me like nine. Ninety, not okay,
this is borne by take robustness course pursued about Marshall Sport. Part of my tape presented by parcel sports go whenever its porn might take prison about Birstall store. still you to Morrow, just just due to me. I am just saying just go over it by three or four times. Ok, it's part might take prison about morsel sport yeah, maybe with igerne, might like us. A little little bit. Energetic Griffin is not only a young ass. Its point might take prison by bicycle sports. Its port might take presented by partial sports. I feel like I could always it boys. Thank you so much we talk to you later. We appreciate it. use this is fuel yeah get better in order the break the year competition is now. there's, there's no three! There's no three PETE
I you guys are about that those terrible it was just the worst. Unbelievable take. did all the awards. Great joy, everyone grey, job to all the nominees out, their great shouts, all the nominee in a lot of fuckin morons, no spoilers. I I think it's terrible to do this right now, but to reach we do numbers was running back was one more time number, so everyone say their number, send everyone on their way will see on Friday. Sixteen I'm sticking with nine Blake, easy sixties. is what actually counts is one. Actually counts. Folks,
Ninety six, ninety six, the Incas Road Lamas when the Spanish showed up because they didn't have horses lava, guess who book Did you reach readers rebuff? Did you as a listener. Did you reach? We do not issue, I think it's time for them to take a good look in the mirror. Big cat. Did you support us? Do you support the boys? Listen are you to be a friend or you may think friend, fake friendships, Rover question, I'm done with toxic relationships. Sometimes you know you. You like you givin, you give look in the mirror, behaves Then you it's another mirror and then another mere, and then it comes back through that you stepped through the mirror accepts that's the music video and then I reached my hand through the mirror, and I take your hand
please take ease or here in past castle sooner really and the nominees are prepared, skirt Vespuccia, what's nerves, survive deck? Shepherd? Let's get a retarded in here still gets Army Message Board for years. Only birds within it Bill Simmons. The billionaires should pay for their own fucking spot of eyes my gray Bird radio show listener. Please be me. Tat was even born, however, was written right, and gives the reseller nation world. Just since Adrian moves around skis, podcasting sets, Woe J, simply adjacent Scott. It well Jason.
all right who will lead you're missing one: oh, isn't, whose Eddie eight of U S, W L! Well, guess what gonna give you thirty seconds retreated again and if you ve got this far too, the very end. It's time for the parade five times. He did it why the greatest biogas listeners in the world that is with us? a doubt we don't say enough but we really do love you guys yap. We actually tried to make it every year, later and later in the show we figured, we put it in the song, all the way to the end, but you deserve it. Thank you all. We have the best jobs in the world and it's because of you- and I thank you listening to take Turkey's without you. There is no US, also sorry for Blake the year. That was a debacle, lovey guess,
Transcript generated on 2021-07-28.