« Pardon My Take

Packers ST Coordinator Rich Bisaccia, Will Zalatoris Wins A Tournament + Mt Rushmore Of Bad Idea

2022-08-15 | 🔗

Willy Z finally won the big one (bonus time travel of the last hole during Mt Rushmore) (00:02:19-00:03:53). Football is back and we talk some preseason + Fernando Tatis suspended for 80 games (00:03:53-00:20:33). Who’s back of the week including Kentucky Basketball school debate (00:20:33-00:38:58) . Packers Special Teams Coordinator Rich Bisaccia joins the show to talk about being a foxhole guy, the 2021 Raiders, being an interim and why players love him (00:38:58-01:09:05). We finish with a chaotic Mt Rushmore of Bad Ideas + live reaction to Will Zalatoris and Billy showing up late (01:09:08-01:33:48)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, pardon my take listeners. You can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary. Can listen ad free on amazon, music, see the beekeepers, starry jason state them state them stars is a highly trained acts. Operative of her secret programme called the beekeepers when he discovers that a powerful organization is exploiting society's most vulnerable and hard working people state them season unrelenting vengeance to end the corruption. When his identity is discovered, the stakes become higher than ever from David air director of suicide squad in fury, see the beekeeper only in theatres, friday tickets at the beekeeper dot movie on today's party, my take a little grit weak extra. We got coach rich besought year now, special teams, coach for de packers was the interim had
for the raiders. Last year, great interview with him all time football guy through and through We also have now rush or of line. What do we have bad ideas about rushmore, bad ideas, roosted to mount rushmore, so I got confused mount rushmore and ideas with a bone wills, thou tourist watching the last whole live during them rushmore segment. We have, whose back of the week forget about the noise and pressure around fitness at new year's. I use a peloton bike. I'm getting back of my bike in the new year going to get back in shape, but guess what you shouldn't feel any pressure to have your body ready in three weeks to process you I join the process. The best way to do that is with pellet on this new year. Tons, making it easier to get started with up to six hundred dollars off palatine bike purchases and two months free membership shopping. on new year's offer at one palatine dot com, slash deals! That's one
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very party. He also a tweet from Adam sandler. Yes, sang. Congratulations, happy happy for you yeah rural happy for you. It was great, get real right. Yeah he's all I'm sure there will sell tourists when he was growing up, probably got compare happy Gilmore's, caddy a lot a lot, it'd, probably sucked for him at the time yup, but then to get a congratulations tweet from Adam himself on the day that you win your first term, that's big that the entire play off that they had was, fucking not yet it was not said. We have a little time capsule for you, so restarted rushmore mount rushmore. Today we are actually doing it at six o clock and you can hear us with the last haul. It was insanity. The fact that we had a three all plants, sudden death threats, play off and there were three different penalties taken and will it's all tours his ball like I guess it ended up. It didn't make a difference if it went in the water or not, but his ball bounce,
in staying on that rock. I still don't that's a billion to one shot, it's incredible yeah, but it was a fantastic finnish basic phd voice. Gulf playoffs go home here, yeah it what they were drunk and wills outsource. Also I mean he. What did he? finish this year. I think he finished second like four or five times including second, in in three of the four majors, so he was They were saying on the broadcasts. It he made six point: seven million dollars is sheer and those them money that ireland's ever made without winning a tournament zone. Finally, when's one that was the was the drama on sunday were still it's it's priests in football will. They have all the preceding games going on. I like how it's all spread out so as like, oh friday, night others three games or saturday afternoon, all cool. It's watch couple games, sunday, there's little lecture game. It's nice! I like precision papa. I didn't this we can get a low system. I wonder how it
the carry over two weeks, two and three but weak one. It was pretty strong. You just bet on whatever coach. If, if it's a match between a rookie head, coach and coach, that's been in a league before You bet on the rookie head coach to win yeah because I think somewhere deep down, they would prefer to in their very first game that they plan they might make. Some decisions, The game that, like there actually, trying to win right as opposed to look at the orgasm belgic. I think Peyton was this way too, where these are. Give a shit o also bet on the right way, because ravens are the best team to ever play. Precision forbearance, credible india was a priest. football. I think we all had the moments mean billy in means You had a scary moment on Friday night Zack Wilson through it was jane. Ask pre way, sir James James, now every peak in it, but he just pull aegis through a perfect pass through the middle linebacker, and I guess pick six and then not contact me injury, not acl, but what was going through
had billy. When that happened, cosette was that was scary, who is the worst sequence of moments in preceding lily back a so much hope going any like you know. Hopefully, there's been improvement and just interception Almost acl is just the way sequence of events, but I look the tape the linebacker did a blitz disguised wild. I suppose we routines dump off to the city a very safe pass in lie backward guy law low greasy those a better play by him than a worse play. The blackwell somebody was very well disguise. I get something that you'd see on Phil ends: He didn't have any that on film, Louisa will see the light back around play actor on him
I, pretended to defend against the run, yeah and then dropped back. I mean it's a typical thing: it's something to spot. He should have you know, but he was trying to get out fast and linebacker got under it was. It was tough on the on the group text because it was, I think, memes was already like Jimmy g, like I'm gonna love Jimmy Gian the jets gazette. Obviously, everyone thinks you know Michael floors, their office of coordinator, in an solve from San Francisco. They like Jimmy and beyond the jets by by monday, but thankfully have Zack Wilson, I've all dressed, I mourn my whose back? Oh, oh, ok do ass. You want just do it now: ok, yeah yeah! You know! Look I'll! Have your conversation! You looked amazing Joe flax, sam ollinger, you actually yeah. He looks amazing. He did he did he did he he I mean I saw stat line two touchdowns eleven. Did you actually watch SAM Allen's replay? I saw the highlights sick, highlighted in your defence yeah
I mean. There's I mean precision. Is it's really it's? It's such a test for football fans because it really is like watching them this game on sunday on Saturday nose like don't get upset about this, don't get upset about this and that if justin fields made a nice throw- and I was like dude he's- fucking awesome like you can't he you just it's so hard to watch it and let it not bother you and then you automatically. If a good play happens. You're like this is the best we're back. There is theirs. of coming out of training came from the jet said Joe flag was proof was performing very well. Like should we just start jail. Flag oak has reported that at a second, but the thing is that that's rose thinking. Boeing Zack Wilson got hurt, I hope, as equals, and has a very speedy recovery by I mean it, then you don't have to make that decision and without so bad. If that, if you, if you're, first round pic is in the second year and you're talking about starting a guy's. Forty, that's bad! Now
that was more just something, those more just like fodder to write about rights, sports writers, but like then, if that was a true in that situation than you could put, his lack of this is Billy is like. I think this is your son moses in being around us long enough he's becoming a master of the spin zone in terms of sports leia. What you just did I'm proud of you, because that's true like you like well, now they all have to make a decision. If you see a chill flak us get very little about closing you better, be backed by weak one, has it cannot and flag goes out and he throws for touchdowns, as he usually does. It can be very tough to bend, show flag on that point. I'm so happy time talking about yeah yeah. This is like so fond jake Jake. If you're a flock of place, we call on you know who's on the schedule. Ravens jack you married acts and added eighteen pounds, a muscle I I feel like that's, probably not going to go
I think he just hasn't shit in a while. I don't know, I think, he's wait. The night football he looks like some of that out. He looks thicker like it's, I don't I dunno Like he's that serbia's as quick It might be his way of holding out. He might be pulling a james harden because he says that he's not going to negotiate his contract. After the season starts, and then he's going to go into this offseason like a duck, or it's it's very weird. What's going on or you would you go into, the off season is a free age right yeah yeah. So this would be his like. Lame dossier is very weird: what's happened with them and they better they better luck amount, because if he is the open, marquise go get it's. It's weird, and this is just like my own personal experience with dies. You put on a ton of weight and then they play like they do either. You know you gets serious injury prevention from some injuries like broken bones are just like you concussions, you know, impacts, aren't as bad, but then you,
The double edged sword is: is the body capable of moving at that way yet like non contact right, Zack Wilson? He put on bunch. Wait this off season tat. He he had an come. I'm I'm talking more about like large ass. He looks thicker and it's probably because he does sustained some heads, although part of like what what makes him greatest he's able to kind of allude those heads but just can't imagine gaining eighteen pounds, a muscle like you can't tell me, he's going to be asked. He has to lose at least a little bit of quick, and you know that it's not new everyone talks about eighteen pounds, muscle no one ever actually puts on pure muscle. I mean it's deaf it's a mix! You there's always a makes yours always have you're always putting on you know: leg little bit of fat demanded the ratio. So it's not functional weight yeah will soon out of those those talking, Lamar jackson's body, tat I like to that is very low body fat, but you know it
countries have added downfall. I think he, I think you would look better to have a little bit, that Russell wilson cake a bit less of the Lamar jackson pie. You don't make sense yeah, maybe pink. It think that out a little bit. What else we have going on there soccer drama. We addressed Harbaugh Schwartz. Handshake off in tottenham chelsea in I was talking talk yeah those soccer soccer. Although there was a few more things that happen in football, we got to see baker mayfield in a carolina, panthers, jersey, yup, fucking, weird it. I knew it was going to be weird because they've got such a like these modern color scheme right that baker was not gonna look natural at it. He looked good when you play for the most part, but, like I am not going to get used to love him in a caroline now he's deathly kiss, because the browns in Oklahoma had like they're like underhanded earth, took a similar similar
no delay yeltsin captain planet with strobe light on the panthers. That's not bigger mayfields game evils that he's playing in nfl europe yeah! That's what it's yes lane for the berlin hammers and would have yeah. They were is very strange that rules glasses of gun bigger. He was the big nonetheless, as and when other cover up his entire forehead yup said how future suitable and the appeal it's nice to see kenny, picket nice drive to which a win for the steelers And there I mean that the steelers. I don't really know what they're doing, because I they have like three. I actually think that, if you, if you like who's, got the best three quarterbacks, I think so the answer yeah they ve got. They ve gotta, leave off too risky in and pick it like. I think, if you had to gradually, we need, I think rude off can sink said a little but yeah yeah little bit put. Who else has who go? Three deep, do the steelers have not as yet in three hats arose and mike wage of lack of that's pretty big
three had monti, I don't know I just did. It was like cut of adding emerges. The steelers every preseason game cause like everyone, quarterbacks isn't like a back up here. Not me, I would say- maybe maybe the forty niners cults Jimmy G it's called savage too. I think I've nick falls, we have room for an bellinger, yeah, ok, just one little debates have who's, got the press who did the best starting three trying to think of other ones. Public whose hands The third matter there is every oh yeah, they got peggy walker. I say sates dalton, jamieson, bookie, unboxing book. I think that the panthers are definitely up there. Although seemed arnold and baker like what yeah bills of case keen em, That was he's gonna be the video where he was like pretend you get he's like who
recognize me getting signatures from other bills were like bills, players but even where disguise. Like everyone else, I did what you doing a josh. I was like what's up case It was a weird, very case, dislikes. Weird videos. You have your keys, always good for one of those every year, words I training camp, weird funny, video solely the joke was like he just looks like it. guy, he, I pray you kind of put down his bucket had a little bit so like didn't, really shows face. Like I spilled case, gingham kissed, you would be the guy like does a video it like sports authorities no one knows it it's mates, like all your case, keen like oh sure, yeah, right, yeah, yeah, ok, case yeah, I did that for a while you he was the king that he would show up. I think you did like a dick sporting goods thing there, where he was, but it was funny cause he was so people are buying danny what had jerseys and he was the that was selling them. The danny would add jerseys right, but they didn't know that that was danny. What had selling that yours right? That's fucking, some high level internet right,
yeah. I don't know what else. What else happened with the interval? Precision why what's in gaol chanted You, sick, fuck, no means no and the jaguars fence passing jaguars fans. Probably ever done, no swimming in the pool with addendum denim on yeah. That's pretty get out. I guess that's true just get getting your head stuck in the jaguars stay out us. Yes, there is a lot of questions about rushmore than them. Then the jackson de ville, like didn't like get strong for something. Yet Jacksonville is the greatest mask out, I think, and in professional sports he gets like loaded on his empire fat ass. He has the lower than others applying and uses. plainly passed out and his neck was like drooping for Sadly, the nuggets mass got to out member that video, thou art and sick. Tim Kennedy stews guy ass, our guy. Yeah I got home yeah tim kennedy from Farmingdale went off yeah. as many good hearted great,
for her yeah. It was definitely the beginning of the. I can't wait to some lines game. So I can see all the plays. I'm gonna see shot with a different camera. On hard knocks yellowing to hear what is he gonna yell bow yeah, exactly ok, what fernand attached talked all those good. We bring whereat ring work. Four, fernando tatties! Eighty games, you gotta, be feel real, lit the paltry statement that came What I wouldn't say was great for fernando. It was like what is what is realistic? No, I know they were very honest, they're like yeah. Ah, we expect to have trust ways and something is clearly broken because this Yes, I have him on my fancy team and I cut his ass. The second I found out about the ice, so I Leroy gave me the heads up. I brought the guy, If leroy came back for a brief time honour on Friday night gotta tipp get a couple tipp saying that for nato, she was gonna, be suspended for redress the season cause a p d
and so I immediately went to my fantasy up and try to trade for nato tatties. Is that, like is that a cobra? no, if were, if we're talking about like shit, I've gone smacked in my face by. For using inside enveloped. They didn't know no I was unable to find a trade partner, and the fifteen minutes in between when I found out when Jeff Pisan reported it. But I I stand with the pod reason: solidarity that, like we come this far without fernando tatties, we don't need em, we're gonna, keep moving on and like it just it such long. They built everything up to where to on the next year. Two and now you have this guy out I don't understand why didn't test positive like a? Why? I don't know, usually how it happens. Tat, there's an appeals process I came smith today that fuckin sought for anyone who beckham smith. saturday night in each shows up the driving range and they they hidden with a to show penalty yeah, which is this league with live
tour, of course, and then at the time it was also this league, you see scotty chef step in his line. Yelp be build step in another man's line, Haas big time big time. anything else, lesson parties, his excuse or for the re arm medication. It's a totally different compound, so I think it's like Whatever the word is then like euthanasia or something acetate afterwards in that's a totally different compounds that used to out ring worm than the one he tests positive, also uses bullshit. You still has ring worm. He entreated got it. What is ring worm? I think it's fun, yeah like what you really get a wrestling? You get it yeah yeah he's rowan around on that's what do yet ring worm. Ok, how's that he's right now what use met. I want a micro now, what what's going on number nine
Say I got this thing: a bag who doesn't each doesn't hurt was illegally lizzie turns ready. Yeah, I got it. I got kids. How do I had? I found the cares of take it all the way off. Take your shirt off. That's your fungus! Where's! It returned a pimp your pimples a couple. No, it's fungus! You have back acne Shows up in the heat yeah, oh, that is that's tenure vertical yeah. How do I get rid of what you should do? You should get some some dandruff shampoo, get like seldom and then rubbed that on your back everyday, also reviewed being on time, helps it too you also get that in mount rushmore rushmore lay was was a chaotic mass, because MIKE's wasn't working. Billy was shut up here, through and also we are watching wills. If the tories win his first PJ champion, it's very very good bill he's not in trouble just so everyone knows now, but it was great, the great watching hearing all of it billy cells in blue,
You really rub it on a bill: euro fungi nice If you are who's back of the week, then we'll get to rich person beside you who all time football guy like just he didn't. He liked us, and then we had a couple of questions that he didn't like us, but I think there was like we love him more like it was one of those interviews where it's like he might not. gus, but we love it yeah. We love him because he is the exact kind of football guy that doesn't have time for her to slap. This was what I stood there What if he already, he had a great. I forget what the exact phrase that he uses, but he you know how belichick every year, when they ask about social media he'll, be like I'm not on snap face yeah no like where he just except for social media thanks yeah, he did. He did that and it's perfect. He did that all right, so who's, better who's, back of the week's brought to you by our friends at coors light summers full of official events like weddings, graduations and annual fourth of July barbecues, but everyone the best parts of summer, the unofficial ones this
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vacation give whose mac you are sitting in a sea? Oh no vacant? back. Ok. I regard that, as you didn't know, that you are going to be called on to that's fair. I did back up. I was either going or that are shorts and repair. We live on its back I called this weekend. There was this beautiful yeah not to be switching pants. Pants pants are back yeah, it was beautiful, was like the perfect temperature in the city. It made. You start like falls coming in football, coming off. First crisp of the air when you're, just like I got tickets, the way to wipe out at penn state, my girlfriend went there so When I was a boy minnesota which caught us. That's why? they wasting away. I'm no odin idea why the added stuff what's the wrestler sketch weapon they're, not that good, when they do it outright right, yeah yeah right arrive there when we think of them wasting it s like that's, actually a perfect used for a wider.
Because I don't want to do the white out against like in ohio state. That's what they've been doing. Although they did win the famous one, they have a home game against ohio state and michigan state. Oh man, alright minutes white out, ok appeal to your, whose, but why was gravely rise by his back is a very good boy, but we talked about fernando touch he's gone back, so I'm gonna say my back, is soup and salad, so it happens. Every time this year. I know you're gonna feel the same way when we get back from grit. Weak usually when rat or most bloated, calendar year or deftly right out. There Jake's nodding his head because regret. Regrettably, every time we'd have like a burger for lunch. You could look. Oh my god reading like such shit yeah. He really latest your way, fatter than immediately that so many times that using we shit. I ain't exactly how Always you have to realise I'm someone who, on a routine in the office, I eat a salad for lunch five times a week so anything, but that we have back to back barbecues, that's my feeling! So sorry am I eating like. I should have used first person, not us.
Well, when you say I'm eating like shit, we're eating. Things than urea right under that's it time double sportsmanship. Where makes us feel? Well, yes, but but since the time of the year where we do feel bigger, bloated filled with but even bear usually so wade myself, I'm a little on the chunky side. That's fine! Where you Aina! No comment no come on. Give us wait, one! Ninety one ass, a pad every time I approached two hundred unlike oak, If I get over two hundred pounds, I'm never going back so Adam I was about at this age are about this wait last year at this time, so I'm gonna get back on the soup and solid train, and then it fuck it didn't matter. No, I think I don't know who to put my finger at exactly, but if you see the thumbnail from this week's tool scenes I've looked at begat no It's me in you. I got done dirty almost on their look. Look it up right! Now! I see reaction to it. You look great at it. I think use the slimming tool, a new somebody put the fat filter.
My face and on my boobs and I just look that is shit in this, but I saw it and it was like look. Into a window into the future. You gotta understand too. I don't. I don't care, like my my Pictures I always MIKE. I look like shit yeah. Nobody, oh yeah, yeah yeah. What? If it's more your face, looks distort they may be fat, and but it's you know it's good. the motivation, it's like this bulletin board. Cereal for me. Look like that. So I'm back on my diet, which I invented, which is just eating so salad every day during the week and then whatever the fuck want to do and weakens its fine. That's that's! That's your to either europe say that they put in all your mrs colorado. Now about what weren't any those right do. We have a video well from that becquerel. yet little being the recap. This week, najaf beautiful, so we gotta recap come up. Then we got avarice. Also at some point.
We're not putting a date on that'll, be the phone, but everyone check it out cause. We got some good stuff. We have. We have more grit week, stuff coming up content coming out. Ok! So yet out! That's that's put a picture of me up at your. What In the long run. I think that picture is gonna, be that's going to start a new good diet for yeah yeah. They they go. I like that yet that I like that, I might whose back his jacob degrom he's just we back in this is why, like when we talked Jake you're having people get upset when marilla, when he's like yeah jacob pogroms s picture like It gives a healthy he on saturday, night pitcher gifts officially, the red hot fillies. Ah, he pitched six innings ten strike out. Seventy six pitches. He still on, I think, a pitch limit. yeah, it's fucking insane how good he is and is full back because he's also back to getting the exact amount of run, support, yalta, jacob to grub up, gets yon run. One run out of the room was run support in his other start on tuesday. I feel it was like two or three react put its its
he is so fucking filthy, like the faculty pitch six innings ten strike out he's he's nasty anyway, When is it going to be means when you can be like back fully like one of these if they're going to let him actually pitch a full game. I think it's going to be awhile. Okay, but you don't care you just gotta. Have him back yeah yeah, they said on the pregame, show that his slider wasn't hitting and he still threw ten k strike. Fuck, not bad crazy, yeah, the other night he peered stir he pitched five and a two thirds and had twelve strike out he's absolutely and say yes, oh right now is pitch. Three got three games. Has twenty eight strike out in sixteen earnings? He's fucking filthy? Also, my jingsheng abilities back as I totally blew up that raise pitchers rat respite grasp. Rasmussen
it's a perfect game. It was even for me and I I do jinx a lot of shit. I was shocked because I I tweeted like congrats to the rays for the perfect game, and it was like forty five seconds later that the orioles broke it up. So sorry rays fans all five. Jeff Hassan also also jinx, that when I quit his dinner because he was, I got a there's something happening. I hate that touch that I'm not gonna talk about because well, I can't talk about it, but you should watch this getting There are so many writers saying shit like to end this game. Something's gonna, just you're fucking right or just say say what's happening so people go watch it yeah, it's crazy! Oh this is it's a tough look for the rays, because the rays, I think they ve got the most perfect games. Throne in them of any team, despite the fact that they only existed for like twenties whatever years and they never have a perfect game for themselves. So it's bad luck.
I think, they're number one I've. I believe that every time of siena, perfect, Dallas braden hit his will. There is so their tied for number one against did with the dodgers out, They've been around a little bit longer a little bit longer. I'd say the the twins have to the rays and the dodgers have three perfect games thrown against them and the twins have to have tournaments. So the last perfect aim ten years ago. Right now, what yo, extra mendez yeah might must ben yak proof james rock you, member, we're we're having a big discourse. Is dumb sports talk radios in twenty twelve, we were like there's something wrong with baseball. Why are there so many per for games yeah like something's change and then both ten years, none yeah yeah. I know it's been crazy. I'm in the year two thousand Twenty two three and twenty twelve yeah yeah, so is a problem. There are two and twenty or tony perfect games.
armando galleron got absolutely screwed up his yeah yeah jim joyce yeah, the empire and crazy that that would piss me off forever billy go ahead, my whose back is tat and fury thyssen fury, who had once said he was retired. From boxing I went to iceland to try to find hath or you're insane the mountain to do some sort of exhibition event. Oh very yeah are you being a boxer denounced retire right? I know I know, but he's back. That's that's! so have turbulence, and you probably know him as the mountain in game of thrones he's a you know, a explore worlds strongest man winner, like gigantic specimen of human. Who has been getting into boxing recently. This is just one, those pure spectacles that I think would be just hilarious. To watch cause
hath or bjornstam did when a fight against eddie hall and other strong man. His boxing is very limited, but it would be a total crazy thing to see him face off against the at nice and fear. These are too gigantic, like giants boxers in porn stars, never really retire, they always say they do their own. They're, always ready for one more Just always I mean he's right now. If you're pairs, one more you just agent to becoming a milk, the airline is just like up. I'm back for one night, only like dublin or like ok in some ways, the senior hunger we may was gonna fight, some random dude in fucking. You know vague. in a couple of years he's back just they don't retire. The senior tour of porn stars is almost more lucrative than the original tool. Just I never trust boxes. Important stars, you tell me you're, going to retire. I'd, be like alright I'll see in a couple of years. Box or charges, it's almost understandable because they just got done getting punched the right for, like thirty minutes right so most rational, p, would say
I I'm never going to do that again right after happens, but then boxers are like you know you give them a couple of months off. They're like I kind of want to kick somebody's ass, not only that, but someone's like hey how about we give you a twenty million dollars for one night of work. Okay, that's similar to pornstars how many? How many me since six is getting too yeah yeah, that's fucking, insane yeah! I just I just cashman last time we have breaking moose breaking move max bacco deleted in all. Go now, may I may I always am I gonna lose pfc? Does the telegram printing moon visited linden than the women now pay? I miss you had egg. Showed us work without you, hank amendment emergency who's back of the week. Stephen a smith is back mauro yeah? He just released this tweet. I haven't yet it just came out, but she would see basement has safer so
That has been a long time. I know go a little while I know that I'll be back, back Monday morning today is to stay at the top. Oh boy stuff, to get into I OECD stephanie the cowboys Lamar jackson. Less than a whole crew. but I have had an opportunity to combine a book the scope and cairo. allowed. A host of other days has been going on the nba nine struble. I do not know. Why showed still go, get some work to do. I'm ready. miss sharp stevie governess meter devilish heretics max It strikes me as fighting yeah he definitely treasury is doing what
Gonna stuivers Poland is in his house officer here, he probably has his own atm in his house yeah, but he just uses it himself and pays himself. Money is a bottom feeder self self admitted yeah. He loves the booty. You can't keep see basements mouth of a booty, but yeah it's good. The sports world is going to be. You know it's it's a it's a better place when Stephen a smith is on my tv screaming at me. In my living room, yes agreed agreed Ok, Jake finishes off no, it's a rich beset dishonor, my whose back kentucky athletics. We ve got a situation brewing and lexington. I really wish you guys or radio coming up because you with love. Yes, mathematical fan, so ass, John called harry wants new prowess beheld preparing. Yes, he wants a new path. this facility says we're about small school coach, stoops, thousands back, says or a football, school another kind of beefing Ok serve. You want explained yeah he's all yell
so we obviously stoops like I, we can be areas in kentucky. Football has been good the last four years. The thing is like one of those things that would John com, Perry said is not correct. He just shouldn't say it out loud They are a basketball school right. uk everyone's that right, but can fuck you propose been good. Before these, of course, put like this would be saying like if notre dame basketball, one national championship march madness, they wouldn't be a basketball school right boy. What is coach stoops supposed to yes, and, of course, to have some cover one republic, yeah yeah, he screwed up by saying it out loud, but what he said wasn't actually incorrect right. Stoops, also said stand by land yeah this one, so he's taken the highroad on it, but Jim kelpies, a hundred percent correct, like that
That's who they are. I really wish you got your hosting this week. We write about not is there if their basque moscow? What does that mean? Saint peters? like basket, juggernaut, yeah, yeah, jug, possible mecca, put everyone getting a dream theme. I get like getting upset about it if you're in the life programme football programme and put again what he said. What thou be like duke, like duke is a basketball. You know what basketball and football schools are you just idle. When I saw it I again they are a basketball school, that's not an offence. That's no offense! The football programme kentucky when you think kentucky you think basketball.
just sit back and then the eighty mitch barnhardt blames the media in the world were living in for the contribution of blaming the mummy count hurry. He did. Ye did come a step and I should have said you know you're on the right side of history when these are blaming the entire world yeah. It's not me. It's the media, literally everyone else. Yes, it's actually yeah I thought those are rare conquerors. I have the two to coaches kind of beef and get out of guarding them must be to be the only correct person on planet earth yeah. It's got a sock, Yeahs everyone else, craze except me, but a fourth. He was when the fence by one cat- that's happened now, but a guy like that of whose international title whose more likely ass I was about its eye, is its very clear. I do like what james scalp areas Which is those vision, calverton cows? He is completely like thrown out the idea of what being the only thing. College basketball, though lawyer, were so much to the point where he
players that are getting drafted in the first round that just never play. I can talk correct, so it's just a farm system right, rational basketball. They just like the when they get away with the one one undone role and they make it so high school players can go like james. How prepared is going to figure out a way to have like dudes go from school to mba, but make sure the wearing of kentucky had on draft emulate. He would of. He would come here. Neither one for us or just market himself like hey, come here, you'll get a million dollars in denial, yeah stay on campus and we'll just have you practice for awhile. If you don't like the teams that ordinary people, we in the lottery this year and you wait out for a different lottery, like sequence, to come up, then yeah come hang on Kentucky, for your will A million bucks you don't even have to play yeah or just commit to us and then go to the draft yeah. You only have to show up sooner had on yeah just know that my wanna be on top of the commitments every year. Yeah, it's true but yeah kentucky. They are beef
I guess is also not a problem to have that. It's a good, probably have the fact that football now takes and to its present actually shows like, if you think of it. That way too years ago. No, heed! said that no one would have said a word right, so it's actually good kids kentucky should be proud that there's actually people were upset by that. Now, please, he's. A football has been better than average, yet I would say that they cooperate is actually putting himself on the losing side of this argument by half. to say we are basketball, rank and took yeah sure should not ever have yeah yeah. It's like what settled the the political thing where, if you can, if you can make it, I wouldn't say I'm not a pig fucker yeah, even beating you already won because you should have Jim Caldwell had answer question of whether he's dead or alive. Exactly ass, you think, is he dead or alive? It's not
I like watching, a live person would ever have to answer yeah. That's what that that's! The old David stern member David stern, did that too who'd. He fucking do that to you too. Oh, have you. When did you stop beating your wife? I think he did it to Jim Rome. I think so yeah, it's like. When did you stop beating your wife all time, fucking pretzel them yup he's like what no good answer. No good answer. Ok, let's get you interview great interview again, if you think he might doesn't like us, is probably true, but we love him even more cause he's a true, true grit. Football guy is rich percent besought year. It has brought you our friends at shabby silverado z are too was built attain. The trails is most offer road ready, silverado ever created and there Eight more silverado models to choose from to make sure one fits your life, powerful engines available, advance, trailing technologies, plus a spacious and pray. Redesigned interior silver.
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yeah sure, but had over to shabby dot com to learn more about the shabby silverado today. Thank you, shabby are wonderful. Wonderful sponsor here is special teams coordinator, rich besides this grip interview is brought to you by coors light. We now have a very special guest. It is special teams coach for the green bay packers. He also was interim head coach for the raiders last year. First, ever to get coach of the year and assistant coach. The year votes after the twenty two one and it fell season. It is coach, rich besought year coach. Thank you for joining us grit weak first, and we ask on grit week what is grit mean to you or how would you define the word grit I guess grid to me would be my dad gettin up it five in the morning, going to work and driving a truck come on almost seven at night in genoa
morning in five and work java truck and get up next morning, and your know, fitness six gets a grid is you're supposed to do when you should also do it the way I supposed to do it and you fuck him Anybody else on the planet. That's a great answer. I love that doesn't mean I'm ready run through a brick wall. Everyone always says about your players for you. Is there a player that, like has tried to run through a brick wall for you? I don't you know The equation is about them improve at everything that they are everyday. Can they be a better sun and be a better? has been, can it be better the craft, everyday just improve a little bit and who you are day and then we're trying to do for each other, such as too. Mere one in particular person. It's really China do free. that's the particular thing. Football is, we need all of us you know. Maybe Jordan can go often score. Fifty right
We need the guy next to us and he's guy behind us. We need to get in front of us, it's just a different game. So it's really about all of us. So we're telling you right. For we started that when you got the job with las vegas last year when it became the interim head coach, we had our good and bugger macfarlane on, and we asked them about you and he, the year, the number one foxhole guy number, one guy. They want to be a foxhole with, and it seems, like everyone, has that same opinion of you were players, one for you. What is that about you or your personality that guys all the sir. I love coach. he's always you know been straight with me, honest with me, like I'd, run through a brick wall like if tee said. What is it that makes guys like drawn to you first, the test of time I always have issues with or talking about my personality early, HU. I am, I don't know if I can actually explain to be honest with you. I think a lot of players I've been for and to be around and people I've been around. They do their job. Explain to me than I do to make
One thing you know he's been a lot of my meetings and don t happen. The fox old thing from anthony Is it all right, I do this thing about the fox. All you know is like fucked a fox or make them dick. We dig. And I'm not a dagger. I want to have our guys to dig we're just gonna go and that's what voxel thing. He always you know. He leaves me that a lot of times when I messages you know, fuck the foxhole, joan of arc Tat is what the fox or make them dick were run That attitude in its genius, because what he's saying when he said like your dinner one foxhole guy, what do you mean? by that is, he wants to be. Also with you, because you're not gonna, be. Axel when the other guy level thinking well. Just again, is it that you know it's all rights, a mindset, it's a mentality. We run into circumstances all the time. How are we a deal with the circumstance and if we run into that circumstance, were I guess, just I'm gonna get a little fool enough gas to go in the same direction.
I've heard about you from your players is just that new care deeply about each and every one of them that you yeah, you think of them. First year, authentic guy they respect jackets. Players can tell their deal with like abortion artist, but you really care about them, and then you want them to succeed is are one player in particular, but besides woke opted besides will content, but whose at best blurry ever coach That's you know. I've been I've been for to be around I've been asked. I struggle with that, might be you go way back for me, I was fortunate in my college career to be around some guys. It became storing sharp and narrow green induce mcallister and Robert Brooks way back when you know, started in college and and dumb your improve football to be around early randy, Barbara, Michael Stott, and their brooks, and what I saw one sat practice. Shit myself for me,
and interruption by run like that that size and practice like that and Smarty was in and the way in which he cared about honesty, it's a way in which you care about, plays and being with John lynch, and you got Brad Johnson and then and have it worked out, in category iv goes. It goes on and on and on you know, when you talk about, a long career, the list of the players, that I've learned from of adapting to be around a minute we get there. How shall I guess in IRAN? I forgot a lot of guys but early my career, my first got into the nfl felt to be around those guys on that defence. You know not, consumer rights was on the defence and you know I can explain the things I've learned from those guys and in know, derrick are still extremely. Some and have conversation and when you want a super bowl and I've tried to tell our guys are the places I've gone. When you want a super bowl with a group of men heroic
axis incredible in order the fungus picked up like that, and there sir sort of a bond when you in that one game in this league. That's never ending in oh, and I have been fortunate to be a part of those men doing so we're here in green bay, its training camp. We, you know, we love talk enough coaches, why? My good friends doug around here, that is sometimes a practice. He lies close his eyes and just listen to the heading of the paths and helmets. What, when you like, stay training camps. You have an extra pepin, your step as there's something about football that like just give, you extra life, this something's little thing that you know maybe aspect don't realize I mean all lyman souls cash. You know they hit all time from lemon house, in the bronx and and are not a long time, but I just fortunate every day that I get to wake up do this, you know it's been a way of life so I have a certain for the mornings, because you get to come in here and
the players and see their dreams come to fruition and and why There are the only people get excited about first day passed or coaches in places like australia. What I had said. He knows what you guys have been around for a little bit, but again too and coaches always talk about this, but have to be on the grass, is what we all we all strive to do right. We all want to be on the grass. We know the meetings are big deal. We know, although sir, but you know, being on the grasses that that's coach and right and that's plain clothes, my place packages so meetings or to put something in, but actually go on the grass and walk through it, and then the seat I in seed happen, lives, seed, the fast and up the physical fuck. That's why get up and go to work in our. So for me, so so you're from new york to draw up a baseball fan huge, very often was going one fuckin team known as the yankees How do I respect at la people feel the same way as you grown up when did you realize that it was football that was your passion
yeah good question. I am. I played basically out reports you know most through all high school and dumb. I just canada bored with baseball little bit just got to be the point where I like this. I like the the physical myself. I liked practical part of it in all, learn other positions and I'm all now, so we came out the field s fortune, highschool put often in defence and kick we did all those things. So I think that just a The zeal for football came from the. county over to some degree and that to the chest in all known all the positions and You know how it works together. I think that was always. For me. It was something I just I thrived on to some degree. The physical part of it, but the technical part of it was fun and we all of those ports but yeah. yeah, alright, so special teams
we always. You know it's a third of the game. Everyone or my reminds everyone of that when you're watching the packers hedge, well big time last year were special teams. You come in what? How do you fix? It What is the what is the rich versace, a key to special teams that you tell guys day one like this is how we're going to do it. Players, that's it. Players and players have to believe in what you're teaching them and you have to be, stewed enough in what you're teaching them to gain their trust for them. To know that, ok, that this has worked over test of time. If we do it this way, we can have some success and then you just you know the position of do they do well in and let them play hush teams is something it's bad right, in Austria the ultimate football player. You know you talk, take the punt play to meet transitional plain all the football you have the ball, so we have to protect the partner and then next year, transition into a defensive player and there's gap, responsibilities have lain responsibilities, does integra
covering the whole field. The transitional play that usually office can get forty two Five yards on a play solid awfully glad there we can make up for them. Not given enough in three douse yet one down, you know to set the defects and that's kind of the mentality you try to take, but it also gives guys affords guys the ability to play for a while the national football league taking adapt the team worst attitude takes to place special teams keith burns. I had him and tapis and indemnity play for in years on the restart start again played all special teams: having everyone always saucer, I think, did aegis retired matthews later than usual why and coastal plain, but like easier he's, a pervert case of a guy who's made, isn't we're all special teams, and you can tell like a guy like belichick looks at them is like he's very important to this to coach belichick started. I was especially team's coach yeah, so I mean that's. You put importance on it and you put a priority to it and players. Can
that you do that they want to give chester can honour astern. I found a way to do it. So what's that It was the biggest change and special team. Since you ve been in the lake, come a long way yeah. A lot of changes, I think the based ones, workers on a kick off return. Now you know no more. Three men wedges, no more basically back and two men workers. A guys in the set up soon no more cracked back blind blocks like that? no started off for the kick off team, whose land guy toward oxide him tab. It says a lot about fifteen, your life, you know to take off move the ball up, because we want more touch backs things like that there. Constant rule changes lot of amr made towards safety to some degree in the kicking game, but you just said adapt and know that everybody's doing the same thing. What about strategy wise? it's. I came in a week or two there used to be back in the day like when I was in college for nineteen years, you coach a position and you work special teams. Something's broke it up. which had kicked off return is culture, pot, return and other
which is all helped. I think it started. the vulgar in there football league in all the coach west, ass, the bread series guys earlier career coach opposition and did special teams once they start name the guy, just especially my coordinator, and now he said to put a new schemes because he has a lot of time as longer meetings, while just became more of interests and now you're the play against that guy? So they're all donate donating time and just one coach special teams so the teacher part of it has grown immensely, over time, you are all looking for the weak link on the punt team. Who can you beat what scheme scheme up this week to be a certain guy they ve, eliminate. The points you raised will pull a guy out, shooting guy behind it, because guys got pretty smart and doing those things has been guys if you'll go rush these two grab a guy and send a guy out stand for an official go, get see the guy grab and a guy in order for the shoot. So I don't get it.
What's going on in the past, understand now to some, schematics going into the special it's because of what happened earlier. Were you the coach on the box in that game against the colts, where the thing is Monday night? Football sure was that was bullshit right, the end of that game. You know, long time ago, but billina we had our chances in their game. And obviously they came from behind. We should give up big kind of start their their role I didn't really score up the score on the next plane. Really I thought we just we We are big leading discord. Again, we get out of turn next thing. You know you get a big players. arriving. There was for answers, kicks in a game and and no one was ordered. Lynch aside, I know and most middle the middle got one and then became the phil gould the ball. go and yet which is aimed at stall year,
and jack yeah and they called like he missed leaping on Simeon yeah. I went back and I watched that when we had booger on cause. I want to bust his balls about it and I was looking at those. I still don't know what they call them that play. I don't understand why they call leaping. I just don't know if they saw that but yeah ethical yeah we're going to get too rich. Besides you in a second before we do he's being brought, you buy bartle bites by part of my chief stake, specifically parma. he's. Take we love it. It's a delivery and pick up. Only restaurant bran, bringing you crave aboard the stakes and load rises from us here. A part of my take part, my cheek, it is now available. In hundreds of select locations nationwide we do have new Patients being added every week were getting lots and lots of tweets from you guys asking us how come port my cheese take is not in your state or your hometown, we're adding them rang. Slowly were finding partners work with so hopefully be in your backyard next thing, you know
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Rare instance where you'd want me to now I'll ever wants? You know how we ate it. Our pride not go to the bathroom since avi its accurate Billy, don't you dare not hazardous video careless persons on jake from because we're going out? That's that's you saying you stole the microphone. I mean to say you saying the part, my cheek take is only for the strong allowed unable canning, rather weak myopic, as we have been fine. Yes, I wear this idea. we have. We have six inch and twelve and cheese stakes lunchtime Late night delivery were opened seven days a week. Brownie bite fantastic free. for great too good. A part of my chief staked out come to learn more an order now endured ash breeds posts, mates or grub checking. and now more rich research in some measure, the top the raiders last year, first culture. to get assisting coach the year and head coach. The your votes, It was an incredible year. Just because of you know, everything that happened with the raiders and you come in
have you had a moment to like look back and be like that was I am proud of what we did, because I think other team has Adam much adversity with growth and going away, and then you know the henry rug situation like you. You kept that team together. It was incredible that thing you guys got to the playoffs and got to that point, and you probably should outside of a bad call against the bangles. Could it maybe point in the second round like have you had moment, really that was thou some spam because it was from our point of view, this week? We deaf, I think it was such a special. Certainly saw send at the end of the year and use that last game and you unilock walk home with those? guys went through all that I'd like to think the coach After we had pull, thereby in the same direction and the players just decided to make. The team is, as we got going. I think which improve low, but every day that we are improving in games as the season went on
Credit really gets to be spread amongst a coaching staff. Amongst a person people that were there and make morocco have known for a long time and then certainly the players adapted. thing that happened. You know a lot of times in adversity. You know it's a breach, shrikes and because a national football league One really gives a shit to be real honest with you you. Gotta get up and you gotta go play You know no one cares type deal and I think we got the point where We advocate a rally together for the things that went on their work. Control, but what is in our control and how we can respond to things that happen. That's life right, circumstances. I come up. How are you respond to the circumstance, and I think that everybody on that particular staff and team adapted to here's a circumstance: here's looking, respond here now that, came before the play off again, if any part of you that was like, let's play for a tie, know that was one of the craziest like events basically the nfl, the fact that we had two teams They tie they both get in and then have a b.
Hide late. You know There was never a point where you're like we just we had the ball and we had the clock in our favor. So our thought was. We just gonna keep running the ball and I thought we could a fifty year feel go with no obviously so, but we get in position where we end up with a big run, time out, really relevant labour. Make such big deal over, but We descended with a big run in our jargon and just push them Our position to kick it, but we're gonna be opposition to kick at least a fifty year. We thought now do you feel at any point of the chargers were like? Maybe there Ty. What is it, what it was crazy? I mean I'm just thinking back of it now like it did feel The chargers thought, oh just run this out like will we find that we can really coach one thing at a time so scared it was critical that I answer it is how how long did it take to write all those handwritten notes cause for people? Don't know you wrote one. No to every single player. I don't actually like I'm not going to commend you cause like that. You just did schoolwork, but much time did actually take. Is that part
like norms, got type this up? That was actually you know my darpa than on face patient faced by one of those things, but I am, I was really happy with their first. I certainly appreciate her thought process in which used now that it's gone through, but come from, a long time. College coach, no, we just arose notes all the time. You know written note those big deal recruiting at that time and times. I left you know you can ask to some cows journals yet left notes in their lockers and thanks so that we're just gonna work. You know we're in of game and news, exciting time for everybody and gonna leave stuff in their locker, and I was just finishing up some. Those actually the morning of the game only had a few left to finish up. I've been working. throughout the week shoulders like
we to finish up and that's when the picture was taken, compton get one because I don't think he was annoying. Actually let them go before they gonna write him a note. I gotta bring that up. Come on you gotta write them a note. You own the note you want to give them all the time. So it's exactly what it was a cool moment, though I mean I just like. I said: there's there's we're drawn to football, guys who is clear players, will do anything form and its clear that you have that with your players, just some things which most to be private, some degree in and dumb. Progress should have been one of em again, my daughter, I loved a death, you know she's school teacher and- and I get her being side of her dad. Damages something should be private in our world because we don't really live in the real world. people on the outside like to think that dumb we do, but we we really don t. Just we have this thing about the brotherhood of men and families and which are to create a family.
unity within our team. But the reality of it is in a family. The weeks at the pace, you go to the zoo. You got your little kids. They spend most of time on top your shoulders, you notice Excuse me what your grandmother, economics, you're gonna, get to see you care everyone in your family on this. Strong set the pace weaker, cut out. They'll come Mr brotherhood, american oil companies go play. Sneeze grudging for education, we just had a numbers issue: yeah yeah. I liked the math didn't work out, yeah, be careful being a wise ass with a wise, ass yeah, but anyway go ahead. I read that you worked for Charlie Weis right off the bat one of your not right off the bat but out of aft out of wayne Charlie's one that hired me as a gm south carolina back in eighty eight, we worked offense defense camping eighty seven who's in charge, higher energies at us out your line and So he heard me after the eighty seven seasonal at wayne state nebraska our message
in south carolina yeah yeah did he have a parrot back then not the best of my knowledge He ended up again apparent after that, and then every time someone governors house, appendages, attack on yeah. I've been on the pair case we ve got him on a couple times: insertion for that kind of obsessed with the parent What two thousand doing one sided, seperate, really you're lucky you are one of the lock. You will see why you're sitting here today, jobs good to me naturally help me get my start. guys have football countries really mobile to give a shirt off his back now. Yet is deeply about people yeah, your guy. I was noticing that through your career, you know you ve got you ve got a lot of places you ve traveled around wanting it for two logical that we talk about as the culture that established there and so on. in a fell, especially so translated people come in and out seems never the same year after year And you're working with a different group guys if you move relic, I know you would san diego in all around. Is there something that like do
evolve with the culture of your football team? Is gonna be based on the players? Are you haven't their personality or is immoral? Ok, here's what we need to develop. I know that this work if we all believe in X, Y and z, and that's how you teach it where you go well, I think I'm trying to figure out the headquarters culture and what's important to him in a direction he's taken his teeth. and within that work build our unit. Culture and special teams concur with what is visionary. so so base off that metal floor, his culture? just looking like a pretty boy. So Have you adapted that there's no wise ass. He now of course, I never met metaphor to talk to him on the phone thought. I had gone to a point where I really want to work for a coach. I didn't know and dumb but my conversations with a mobile phone. In my conversations with, your bury about him and then I talked to tide torricelli, who's, the trainer it tennessee. in front of miles was met there and I get
unbelievable amount of respect for his respect for players, his zeal for football, In its drive to win and enjoy coming to work with him, every days is bent phenomenal to me he's incredible with. Coach and staff and with their families and the way in which It addresses the team and the way which he pray me you look at that time. Are there just a whole offences, ten to fifteen yards behind Since I feel everything but your screamin you're, not him all the time. The discipline of it is closed, your weapon game's over and over and over can you guess not credit for doing what is done? The gas side for the journey without them is good. Looking guy huh, I guess I don't look like Yeah I mean I do he he's a good looking guy, I guess yeah he's a friend of ours. We've got him on a couple of times, he's good, got a like I'm lost fuels. That's good for you here, Did he actually bring you in because aaron rodgers getting a little older, so you're going to have to pump more? We have to
We have two pepper a couple of these in ok. Here's a robot is requested. You can't you mention to the guy's a coach back in temper John lynch Michael start to heavy ears I heard rumour that they were not allowed to hit each other in practice such her befalls. Oh wrinkled and thereby somebody china. I could do don't win, win. Lorenzo NEA was also there although no laws and sending out and temper ok yeah but in the collisions that would occur and that practice as think I we love about michael starlike. In all time, brick guy, probably never frayed, put his face down the list would would, with those noises sound different, I always hear about like certain matters in baseball balsam stiffer author bat The dose collisions if you hear more you don't know. You're like a hit the nail cut a deal. You know that you feel like fuckin horses, finnish another. the quarter mile you no one but the closer. I don't know
praxis back, then we were two days in orlando in the heat and a walk through at the end of the day. I you know these practices we have now is a good coach. These from a barstool sometimes so, will those guys. Gunnar men were still men yeah me too. It is crazy to think about how the nfl, like just even seeing the bumble bee thing on top of everyone's helmet, the fact that guy's, the first seven days or whatever on eating, and then you think about twenty years ago, two days and all that stuff. And just like those things, are good. We like to think we ve learned right. We'd, improve we ve gotten better in the grain of safety and sufficient extent guys careers and keep guys play a little bit longer plain at a high level, because they take your other bodies today, It's a year round, job right. It's nonstop to where they get the place. I think we can extend careers and and have for a little bit longer than anything. We can do nothing to say it is a good thing. Yeah I've got arm.
One suggestion a little intimidated to tell it to you, because you've obviously been around and you've seen a lot more football, but we had qatar bought from their from there ravens on a couple years ago, This answer he's an old special teams guy too, so he he cannot. stood still I was get at, but for the onset kick I've been trying to tell people that more effective way to do. It could be to do a dry so in rugby, which is what I grew up playing. You can get way more air under the ball obviously fades the ground. First, kick it. up in the air and the guys that are going to be catching it? Are they going to be the guys that are right up close to the ball? They don't have a lot experience catch balls like does at some, though you ve ever considered, will again, if you're gonna allow them to do that, you just should allow the fair catch it like they do in college yeah. Can you put those after that, can do that if we could just get a fork. So what if you're you're, the one kicking off they might not know that its common got some saint, I'm trying to say like of surprise iona, surprise, and then your guys are able to get down field unity
your ten yards balls in the air for Go tribal was agreed that we always teacher frontline of kick off return always assume is kicking you, the bar and then He does. You won't be surprised. good. I mean I've always thought your ticket is harsh again at someone someone's face I mean that's what I'm going to do shit for a living, yeah yeah. I have one last question. We really appreciate this coach has been awesome, throwback question already be a cicada. Come get pulls like the ones were wearing take for Twenty percent off will send you some you like this example. That's not the robot question you like it, oh great, yet as negative yet that precede that a lot so The last question is actually from the definition of grit. This is a stupid question, but what your dad go to bed at night. He got, but you wake up at five till seven and what's up, go to bed. We probably like nine o clock, someone at ten o clock at any
watch it everyday. I gives us great shudders eulogy. I just feel like he was here. The power of example, not example power. You know, and I think that that was for me To some degree you I got married thirty. Eight years of my life is a trauma. I see you nurse for twenty five years and so she's the power of example, not example power I think, throughout my life, I've tried to look towards those people there. The power example and try to live your life, certain way, and I think that we were trying to do we offer our players is one us do. They were now example we're guessing the first time ever? I've never even heard of this shit, the walters yeah, so I'd say we make a living and all that we make a good living being assholes, that's exciting. Yes, that's the power of example. The way the world is actually followed today. Is there anybody in the nfl right now any coach that you think leads by that power of example?.
He'd on them or more before now and again on a joint everyday learned from that, what he's doing We are a great young staff, a lotta young, kids and and down to my wife and are enjoying things that we ve done is a family, but I think the way that met is dead than the practice schedule that word. If this is to hold it brad practice yoga either benefits doing so at the way, the details that he puts into practice schedule to details. What you, make it to the players. The week is gonna, be like day is gonna, be like I'm really enjoying learned from him every day. It's better! experience for me so far. Also we love the glasses This is another thing that, like us sitting on our couch when you break him apart and then put
back together on the sideline. These are the details that we we always watch until we really know, or should we know ball ball will thank you so much coach, ou coach. Besides, she was brought to you by bird dogs, I'm rocking my bird dogs right now. So am I now it's time to talk about our favorite shorts in the world. They're bird dogs, it's a fact. I were bird dogs on every day, the weak. If I'm wearing shorts, I'm usually wearing bird dogs. I love my dogs they ve got the built in liner. They solve a lot of problems, have the perfect shorts for summer there, also the most comfortable shorts, and it's not even close. If you don't have bird dog shorts, you're missing out light breathable we're comfortable. They give you the freedom, you need to go out and joy every second of summer, not dimension. They go with pretty much everything I was where member dogs this weekend, I was actually play. I played mini gulf, forgets jiffy low the distance, double bogey, I guess, as I kick his ass,
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committed with him he's like he's, like the human form of the fifty fifty raffle. For me point, so you also get some reactions throughout amount, rushmore and hank his on vacation. Billy is late, so we might have a billy show up at any point. I think I think, I'm lot, maybe two kids give bets on www z in play offs. It did he he finished he's finished. Secondly, five minutes: it's been infuriating that first one I had both him and just and thomas, and I I shout on justin thomas I was like you know what let's just ride woozy. I feel like this one's different, though I think dell alba knocking on board. I argue I am also looking for to Billy. Come then, because we were taken bets on what his excuse is gonna, be I thought, maybe you'd be a phone excuse my phone didn't receive the tax. I'd like a child
and I think he's going to go traffic on this. Okay. So I I would like to hope that maybe he's shown some growth, because in colorado I had a heart to heart with him that was basically like, hey dude, sometimes just can easy l like when you're late, We like hey my bad. I fucked up. I know it billy he's probably not can do that, but I'm holding out like hope that I'm basically you know like I'm in the relationship and just hoping the husband or wife just changes, even though they ve shown over year over year. There never gonna change a moping this, we'll be different, this time, a walk in and be like my bag it'll never happen again. It will never happen again right, so he was we're at six it six forty, but let's do them. rushmore, so hanks on vacation That means that fat, girl and means are running the show That also means backers means. I think you guys one the candy draft, so you get. Pick the order
our own record onto an hour after contributing to mount rushmore as I've yet to live in this file on this show. So, okay, hang the banner wow one thing that that's one thing to note memes about that can just these taken all the shying away from the team. Actually What, though, for even answer. That's that's hanks phocas hank. hey makes it an individual award. To the way that I used to go would be. Hank would listen. Three, though be one really good one, and that would be means yeah, the guy was may. So. What would you think whims? Oh you're, not on your not on no, no, no. Turn the knob switch. The thing I will ease eons in tracker or walking up to the third playoff now will is easy at an all time. High forehead, tango, noriega. It is crazy. I love him so much and he just doesn't when he just finishes where I was. I was listening
on the way in and they said that he's made six point: seven million dollars this year, yeah that's the most money that anyone's ever made without winning a tournament, always the bridesmaid yeah. So it's it's tough! Alright, so means gotta figure this out, and maybe he won't that's fine, Ah I so we're doing the mouth rushmore of bad ideas. You I can't hear you either jake, oh, oh! No, feel like hank, sabotaging. He definitely sabotage that you guys yeah he's like wait. Wait back girl crush. but then it would actually be bad for him because when you can't go on vacation anymore- and he loves me case where he just wants to be wanted. He wants to. He wants to know if the show cannot happen without that's true and its It seemingly right now feels like that's The worst thing that you can say to hank is actually like. If you tweet at him and say air, it is hey. Hank, Please don't take another vacation. We need you to show me draw so much better with you on the show who be, like god, dammit salsal. It's all right,
to filibuster. What are we really hot hot willie just hung his hand out water, I would say by my god: what do we know? We all know. What does that mean? I don't know what gulf rules or I don't know either I think he's dead. I think he's. You can take a club from their right. I don't think so. You get relief, there are rules guy. This blocking. Tournament makes no heed bow about on the wall nine times and then some lynn. This is all very army I think Yeah Zere means where you want to say: we just saw willie What are you going out with those device? There's a buzz the buzzer. comes back their leisure no others a bad. This is great we're keeping this all in. This is what the people want our turned dot learn oh they're, both fuck themselves out of this does nobody wanted this tournament. What is happening
biggest cause like the more money they win. The less money goes to the kids. This is so sanity is. Great you, because when we start to show until everyone just tuning in rushmore to see our instant reaction cause, this is all happening live for all right now, So how do you go in the water after he got on? Not if I If I was set, I would simply hit it on the great yeah. I shouted semi to its should a cock. I would just be like. Let's play it safe fear and let us go on the great I broke a hundred forty we're so book I'll tell him of my potter. The other stuff this means, I think, maybe just turned from her forward up. but still I jake's mike now, as this is, god has gone gone. It's gone, ok let's reset means, try. Now meets high. What, if you don't have to go silent means silent names? Ok, What's the order, this has been chaos already. What is the order who I can't believe that shot does enable didn't watch the gulf it literally bouts.
five time, no more laid right on the rock. I think it was like nine bounces on the rock yeah and then sep went in the water that fucking fat fuck. I I ok, aren't you go here. We go What's your order, the order is paddy. MT, rushmore, bad ideas, bad idea Not hitting it on the green when, when the other guy hits on a rock, that's just that's just a a little test of of what it is. That's that's bad lies got the yeah thanks bear hit on the rock you should take over the job, but he could just be his caddy. Take the penalty and drop there too. If he's not why maybe, the water again, sap you fucking bitch Oh, are you how you gonna take the penalty let's go, let's get back on track, and what is this like? The into that that raiders charges game when nobody wanted to where we go back girl who's up
Jake's going to go first, you guys are gonna. Guess that we're going to go third, okay, this this mount rushmore. Has it all, because it's not only going to be a great mount rushmore, but we have the people. play off and billy still has to show up at some point. Ok here we go, Jake are at one one, bad idea, drinking and driving yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's a bad idea. I didn't know where the audits yeah You can't really argue with an eye Y gotta. Wait! A second I was a great, but then, if our you than I am arguing pro drunk drivers gotta go. That is a very bad idea. Murders. Also bad idea. We don't have that our list put I think I'm gonna go. Although murders yeah, you know bad idea, so every second or secular. I think we go with the first one. I just texts. Do yes, that's a pretty bad! Yes, ok, having a kid to save your marriage, very bad idea. Things are on the rocks, let's scored another human being into the world, I'm sure will grow to love each other as we go through one, the most stressful things that a couple can do together.
Ass, maybe maybe having a kid will will fix all our problems are very bad. I think it's like you know how they say that money never changes somebody just make somebody more of who they already were yeah a kid is probably longer same lines. Words, like you, find you find the true colours: yeah if you're in general, as a father? Two, I could say kids definitely add stress, so don't do that if you're, if you're on the rocks, that's a bad idea, sparing of on the rocks, will Aziz trying to hit off a brick right now, oh my god, alright max back girl shit, I shouldn't use your government. so the first one we're gonna do is due wilhelm lab in china that was about. I gather that, ideally bad idea, shot out. I mean means dominated this one. He that this is just all a meme of everything of bad ideas. His brain worked perfectly for that, as I considered that putting out putting eating a bat
on there yeah, but I think the woo on lab. I think history is leaning more in that direction. Yes, that's very bad, a bad idea, still a bad idea to eat a battle for the record, and this is this is direction. And from hang fur, how we're going to the phrase this one trying to go space with a frozen o ring. So That's a really bad idea about the challenges soon I mean I don't know what else to say about that. You gotta go a really bad idea. It's ok! We gotta, we gotta go with a really bad idea after more than war, riddick, maybe we maybe go with the seas and one that we both talked about. The apiary areas is really football. Well, I really welcome a part of my take. Let's see what his excuses. Let's see his comments, I know she's. wow what a moment's notice big billy billy. I said we we were talking about what you were going to save for your excuse, and I was like I'm hoping
You don't like Hell. That's thou as this I feel associated. Ok, you got a big. I know german make it funny the donors, but I'm actually sorry, I can't do yeah sure I came fifteen minutes. Early to the time I had my head okra over it's the same problem we had on the bus where I really like you just Yes, isn't real tat! Yeah! I like that I'd blanked! Ok, No! No! I see all those things really. I've just had the biggest pantech. which way, did you realize you were late, texted jake on the side of your big side tax will because it is going to noise. Will ireland what is and what is he doing? Sorry, did also watching golf billy. Are you saying the relief you sing the relief smart move? Okay, so Billy's beer we're doing bad ideas, bad idea, not text, not checking the text. Message thread to see what time we're starting. Ok, it's! Ok, billy, I'm
like of all of all the ways to sit down. I thought that was the best thing you could have done. I said it before. taking an l is a is a. She is a sign of progress. Just being like I fucked up things. I don't want to your play now, I know I know I am really sorry guys it's about it. Now, I'm not crying, don't cry. We we did. We we chain The time later. Last night, sir Initially it was that we would certainly make I'm gonna be told the israelites only at all today, yeah yeah with which you are you're, flowcharts billion terms of texting people on the side to see like which really going down when you, they call this man. How does that go? Jake's? The safest jack is yeah cause you have the most leniency. Ok, What do I do phd? I think we got a season, one, that's a
I think mistake, or is there another way in which season one, while the oh yeah, okay, alright, so yeah bad idea? This is a historical, bad idea, multiple times invading russia in the wintertime bad idea. Never one really bad idea. Never history will judge you unkindly, yes, just being like hey, you know where, where it gets really cold and hard to like move tanks, let's, let's just let's just fucking, invade them in like in like september yeah, but I hope it works out at the russians won't be accurate and fighting a war in the winter bad. I alright bad idea. You got jacob bill. Europe will wills outsource is by the way, taking a penalty stroke, but that's ok that goes a step is in the box, so there and there on the same, that this will be the same shot except just took to the bunker so willie's you can get on the green. Here we got a chance. I ll I, like his strategy, get strategy. Get ok, bad idea. Number two! Four
julie out, we're gonna go on, go with taking a dump without checking paper for oh yeah, yeah, really bad idea. I've once I've once used a coffee filter I've used my underwear before and just we're out of that stuff. magazine pages up back in the day. Put your button the same. I'm never done that. I haven't either. I have on on multiple occasions taken a shout right after right, but I could see some time I could see. People having to put their bottom missing. Yeah. Ok, will is yet another shot. He doesn't like it. I love you. I love it. I like it, he loves it and ass for the wind for www z. Ok, next week, no, no, no, not at all, nigger drive up a foul regulators and made us has made this me? God border, you lose a turn girl.
Aid is never said that I was going to make a pic. I was just trying to get on as the will on lab with your name Are you having pig about that at the time that is gonna fuck them It's fine aware that, I'll that alright, here we go team julie,. staying out too late on a work night, yeah we had that are less energy and clients on a Wednesday night was actually the specific bad I know is staying out too late. That was the issue is just a simple matter of the clock. Ok, p of tee I like who I think we do are hyper specific one yeah, the proper way I answered. I when I do it ok, so we had kicking a few. gold down eight with two minutes later, the best quarterback of all time on the opposing team in the inn of sea championship. Get yes now would be a bad idea. That idea
really bad mathematically, an end spiritually, also just bad vibes from the decision. and I actually had, after than anything you'll hack it interview on friday, map afforded tax. Rumours like you guys. You never know what that guy. Like? Never I mean it's a pretty. It had a piece about liberalising when I made my goal is to never ever let that cares about the choice. Was it is it's my go too when I think of coaching mistakes? It's so bad that it got big cat to finally forget about denk winfield. Yes, yes, that's true, that's a good point! Ah, okay, I back girl. You guys are up. Is it good is a good mount rushmore. I like this about rushmore. yeah, I'm slowness am really confused about this new draft and I dont understand how swine, inevitably venice, equal yeah, I don't know I'm another said I'll, just be ok quick number show you eddie. When we went you when you went again, we went they went. They went and ran. We were right, ok for the land, back, I'm back onto the when
so he did it. We learn really really really see incredible. Oh man, I love this guy so much it's kind of weird with three people for the snake chest. I I get what you're trying to thank you yeah. I fucking love this guy, so much ok, so I finally like that was I've lost so much money, betting on him and I'm fine, I'm even me out for life here. Very hard to lose. This yes, sap sub tried. Even always crying. The f course do. First win talk in love, this guy I like real, got late night, dress, next year acts one very bad idea. Very bad idea could call and bringing to up with drinking as well and the very late night shot round for the for the ten year. We had that, sir. That's a good one, that's a really good
oh and then billy just text. The group chat villages, tat. It has spread to the group chat live so do we take Billy's until I met you tax at jake? No shit, we to be fair billy. We had we had some similar ones, as you had just say it because then he can't say yeah, so I thought about doing not pulling out or doing like just the tip. Let's not have sex, just he just put the tip and the Feels Ok pfc. What do we want our last one to be theirs? I think I think, actually, the g three one is pretty good, yeah yeah, so that I Godfather three really bad idea that it should have done it, but the poor, two movies, probably one of the only times that the the second is better than the first and then
Let's rock n roll, the dyson go again yeah number three they're gonna: do that would top gun to terrible I'd sure of it. There had godfather three awful movies so much so that people just don't acknowledged that it exists result yet pisa watch. Sometimes I wonder if it would godfather three b that bad if godfathers, one and two were just like mid yeah, but they were, they got, they got better. two got better than one And one was already in a masterpiece, so yeah I'd, love to watch a documentary about godfather three. At what point did they realise, as their fill me like? It is gonna sock yet, but we have to put it out. Yes, yes, ok! Next up it's finished azof. Finish on a speaking of finishing isaf yeah, Bill out, don't pull out, risa pick them. Of course, when we come to see you I get caught took it up till I get really
when that is what do you got the ideal of a decent one where we listen, I'm so happy wills out now. Now, you're not pulling out now now, while the outcome, and so what you're saying that pulling out as a good strategy, it's just if you actually, improperly? Yes, ok, ok, I got it sweet yeah hold on. Is it pouring out you wait, or now he sang general, using not pulling out when you were supposed to pull out you you're against cream pies Is that the sounded of ignited separately, football antichrist imply, put it on nicole card? I think we have a shot here. Oh guy now goodbye rushmore feel good about this. I know I think that arm team team back girl,
One was that one's gonna people. Be very excited to vote for that one. That's a good one for everyone We also had prohibition. Imagine that who fuck that prohibition was a good idea. The up isn't ok nobody's led to drink anymore, cold, turkey yeah. I also investing in beady babies I was a really bad idea. Yeah, there's documentary than I our just so funny. All the people who, like, like my my entire life savings, is in beanie baby. But in all its I'm funny, meme, whether in court, yes and their driving up the rainy baby as part of the divorce. I had everything that sandler dozen uncut gems yup it just like. Why are you doing this thing? I removing the wheel? of good ideas, to letting our work in say that actually he did when that, like it at the end! So it was correct. I hyper specific one for our good friend Tom Segura trying to do, When you're are overweight in in your forties, that's
bad idea, said general woodstock. Ninety nine was a bad idea, the up the the thing that you do after you say the words watch. This is generally a bad idea up. I'd say: it's strip club before nine p m, the guys, let's go to strip club really early, that's just a bad idea! Yeah! You can also make the case for like the the same person whose, like, let's, let's go to the kiss, let's drive to a casino before, like seven p m, not one, vegas gazette. Just you go there. You go there to gamble, but like being like alice scholar, casino, ah, ok, any others. I really wanted to say drafting joan rigour, but I thought that may have been happy to myself. I thought about that to our debts to fully centric, but I think he's ease the current one where you like, you can name all the others that were drafted rain had passing on petrol homes, yet thought about doing that, specifically to you, the owner of a kind of cot have indicated with disarm watson. Part true, like the listen
ryan pace being like eight mischievous, you gotta or beat up car like he's good guy turned out to be rang. That part. I hate eating greasy food before part of remember. I am what I mean by greece and jake or anything that could upset your stomach yeah. What about saying a slur on appeal I'll broadcast thousand. I don't want you yeah, but luckily there. I love it. I haven't done button everything it's about, maybe going to a small liberal arts college. Instead of going to rutgers and playing quarterback yeah fuck to bill, you would have been so awesome at rutgers yeah. You would have ran that campus but now it's actually a good thing, but it was a good thing because using your degree, read this if I like, like went to the college, the middle of the woods- and I saw it was like he became a woodsman. Yeah has hidden, they don't have any at. We didn't have any other ones like that. We, where we are greatly
most camouflage knowledge ever in boulder. Let me do this if, for a while, yeah yeah, that's true yeah, if you were at rockers it would have, you would have been on the radar a lot more that's Yeah, I would have a nice ago. Your games, though, dressed up as like your parents. carnations unseen, unite though it is a great big pins. He stole from us. That's ok, churns all ok, that's a show with two numbers shut up will easy. You fuckin did it? Finally, did it nerdy three I'll go with what it was really these final score No, I'm fine, sixteen underwrite all they would offer ties round You he shot sixty six. He shall sixty six the ghost sixty six twenty six. Four. For me, ams, sixty nine three for me and fifty six
with loving incentive to, I think the first ever dented ball. Had you quick return, I had a who's back. I was really excited about. We haven't done that part of the show. Oh, we haven't yet good.
I'm, really sorry about billy comic dominant over prepared forty minutes late, I'm really sorry is levied us today is not to be training. J, J, J d say better to be safe and sound.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-12.