« Pardon My Take

Open Championship With Shane Bacon, Mt Rushmore Of Worst Golf Guys With Frankie & Trent + Fyre Fest Of The Week

2022-07-15 | 🔗
It’s the dog days of summer and PFT has decided to defend Tom Brady plus Tiger might be cooked. (00:02:15-00:16:42) Golf Channel’s Shane Bacon joins the show to talk about St Andrew’s, his time caddying there, what happened to Tiger on Thursday and more. (00:17:52-00:47:10) Mt Rushmore of worst Golf Guys with Frankie and Trent from Foreplay (00:47:12-01:34:28) and we wrap up with Fyre Fest of the week (01:35:59-01:46:46)
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Let's go and the the violence and the not bad. How pardon my take What am my take presented by visible, go to visible dot com, slash pagano, it's single line, wireless for as low as twenty five dollars a month. Today is Friday July. Fifteenth and tiger woods is dead, yeah spear
italy, I mean: where do you live over six overs yeah? Something like that, and it was it's tough to watch. It's tough to I don't like watching tiger struggle like this, but but I do still like watching him play golf he's out there he's trying this whole tournament just seems like it's all setting up for rory. It feels it's giving rory. Yes, unfortunately, Music is rory's time right, I already playing some of the best golf of his career and have sat on. This show is a big moment. It's gotta be won by a big player, he's been defending the the sanctity The p g? be a random tournament winner. It will be the can't be. Just be random cameron. I dunno why all the cameras are good at golf games, but it isn't random. We can be young came young came young is the one is leading right now I am smith and third, saying it's it's the most golf name out. There have
cameron D, probably wouldn't open championship, scotty cameron, scotty, camera, yeah, slits, all your cameron, Kirk, nice, puddle cameron, Kirk him yeah, chemical, whatever cam newton, cam newton, cam, girls. He a lot of camps, hm bah, yeah, but the origin of each have always fucks me up cause the time change I just can't, but the I were playing while we're sleeping just my brain is a p and understand it sounded good eating or maximum. They did they re starting off at one, a m which is insane, but I accidently discovered a type of hacked that you can use when you watch golf when the open, as on I woke up in northern, I like to thirty, had to go pee on my way back to bed. I was oh, my god. The opens on right now,
so I took a six hour golf nap while the open was on in my bedroom listening. It was incredible that isn't crime never taken longer than probably like a thirty minute gophna. Our this was about six hours. Just set up. set up your tv. The automatic return on right when it starts yeah, just keep sleeping, is actually really nice. That is because the open. They always have. The most are the most like foreign correspondents that are in the booth. So not only do you get like the nyc photos, but you get like a scottish brogue accident, and there was one guy that was from the netherlands, I'm pretty sure lava. It was really. Nice is very soothing way to to fall back asleep and then wake up yeah. So we got open championship going on. It feels like this is and we've to really embrace this, because this is the last big thing. Besides, like the home run derby and the all star game, like that's, that's kind of
foreign off cliff yeah, really to me long summer. Let's hog it lets hug it lets hold. It lays kiss it wins. The whole thing game when he's all fame gave propose bad because then the week after that, I think hard knocks starts yet true than them were then we're all the way august for three years jack zone were right. There, like two weeks to get through yeah or right there. We also had the maybe the biggest football news that you could ever be announced this week was the white bengal helmet just so sick, it is, is variable or its. I I know this is be grasping for straws here, but no white bengal helmet definitely got me pumped house was big news in my life. No, it was it wasn't when they I tweeted it out, they messed up, so you didn't even get the video or the picture and nobody had any idea. What was going on the white bengal helmet in the snow is going to be incredible. It's going to be like you're playing against a team of of finnish sniper.
Yep they're, just hiding it you're not coming to see him it. It was. I'm all in on the white bengal helmet. That's the big news of the day. There's another venom came out in the nfl I'm going to do something I really do on the and and hank. I hope you'll appreciate it go out of my way to defend Tom Brady yeah, I'm going to I'm going to stand on the table for Tom Brady. Thank you, because your service in advance. He got done dirty yeah by headline expire by headline it was its classic new york post click bait, just trying to get people to do the quote, tweets on it, the hedge I had yet well was very easy to do it, but then I clicked on it and then I felt bad. So I held back because I read the article the headline- is Tom Brady, my wealth is the hardest thing about. Parenting sounds bad right I have yeah before you tell me everything I saw the headline and I
consciously was like I care and t there's context year, that is in bad, but I'm not I'm not going to spend the time to click on this sum is going to quote you. So was your quote. We do is just thoughts and prayers. Okay, yeah! This is very base. That's right! So in a way I I could imagine why that would be a completely appropriate headline, because Tom Brady has literally everything else going for him. So maybe worst part of his life, might actually be how rich he is to read, because this guy era, because he's got everything else right, but I read the article he said we have people that clean forest with people that make our food with people that drive us to the airport. If we need that we get off a plane and there's people waiting there for us and we get ushered in that's my kids reality. Which is the hard part to say guys. This is not the way reality really is. What can we do about that so teaching his kids? How their life is like a fairy tale right, but don't expect your life to be this is not real. You should appreciate you have this and
It's not always going to be like this, but it is, it might not be for his kids, though. What well I'm sure they'll still be comfortable but I don't think they're going to have people waiting on him hand and foot as adults when they get off plane. I I think, if you're a child of of of billionaires We have a bill they ever be to never be. I think that combined, they absolutely have a bonneau giselle makes more than him. I have a feeling that their life will always be in and is not shaming whatsoever, but I have a feeling, life will always be pretty comfortable here. So said he wants to make their kids reliable by Chris. experiences that are more along the lines of what most kids go through, which I think that's fair. It's probably tough to have your kid most of your. If you're at the Tom Brady level your children's friends, you're, never going to know like okay, who's, friends and my son because of the Brady factor that goes along with it, you have to give them ways to like relate to other kids, their age. and so I am going out of my way to say to Tom Brady got done dirty by this headlong. He absolutely.
Done dirty and I also just played into it cuz I was like yeah. I know I know this headlines, bad so he needs to Tom. Brady needs to just give his kids those moments that are the will to everyone else- yeah a little tipp Tom Brady, you could do what my dad did when, my birthday one year. He I asked for a playstation. He got bought me the holder for it of that and I opened it and I was like what needs like. I thought that's what you wanted. You gave me the places later, but it was, it was fucked and was humbling. For the moment I what the fuck yeah sucks, it's like no, no that's the playstation it does. It must be. It must be tough to be a dad, though, and you're like ok. I have I have literally everything in the world to give my kids, but I need to also toughen them up. How do you toughen kids up yeah cause I think, like any any dad would be like. I want them to have it better than I did. The fact is like I don't think that it's possible for temporary these kids have a better life than the yeah yeah. I mean it's kind. I Now that you read that story, I actually do kind of feel bad for him because he's right, it is like you, you have to.
Please say like I don't want my kids reduce bags. We I want them to be the rich ass, all kids yeah. So how do I do that without, like also like Tom Brady I could have change his life. I think debris should give us all of his money yeah that way for your kids, just let us hold it yeah for your kid for a year is not because we want it. for the sake of your family. Taken a pod cason camp make em blogger, it's actually not a bad idea or not part of my take fantasy camp yeah. We will will toughen up your kids for you for a small small fee of twenty million dollars. I love it. We will make sure we will we will. We will make fun of your it's and make him get us coffee, just roast him, yeah, probably suspend them yeah make him stay up late, watching football will do all of that twenty million dollars She really nice so hag. What you think about! I you think about me and began put on the cape for Tom Brady or love it. I mean it's necessary he's one of the most hated in an unnecessarily hated just for being successful people in the history of this planet wealth.
images, out to him more than Jesus, probably yeah there. There is a lot to do with its own, while ass people, when Jesus Tom ready was retired for wales in three days he still came back, other stories generate might be a pacer. They signed an offer sheet. I feel like the suns will be stupid not to match it, but I don't think they like on the the censorship You have some of the other part of sunlight open. I think that what happened at the end of play off last year, I think they were just that's the end of the rope of them here, the So anything else going on it's it's it's light right now we're going to I wasn't me be great peril of the part, my bag. It might have to do another one on grit week, because we will be out in rato. It occurred to me when we were talking about the the next white american high school basketball player to be drafted first overall. I think where we just ought completely forgot about barron trump ooh he's soccer player, though yeah, but what? If the striker but he's like six, eight right
it's still growing. So what if it was barron trump that broke the streak, I saw a picture by the way of chat, homeruns ankles that I don't know if they're photoshopped or not they looked like tiger woods's legs. They were his his his foot didn't fit in his shoe yeah. It was great was that photoshop? I think it was real. Wow too that's crazy. It is wild. In that way, we can put your fingers around his like yeah mandate, also feels like every baron trump pictures photoshopped, it's true which they might be they're funnier if they are yeah right right, ah anything Jake anything cool happening in the sports world? Anything wild? I don't think so. I don't say why other recurring, guest retire, lay oh missus, schwartz, ah Oh yeah, especially, you know he was out with injury, but but that yeah, oh, he did yeah. I want to see us real quakers for
for no taps, yeah, I'm not reno epro. I like you, but I'm not reading. What is it like? I am happy for you, I'm sorry that happened, yeah But I really know that what matters is, if you now there's a long for two. It's a very long for that socks because I feel, like his career, got cut short a little It did. He had a good career though, and it seems like he's happy anyone he went out. His last game was was super. Was it not? I think he got hurt right after that. Maybe not maybe played a little next year he's had a good career either way he won a super bowl and the flags fly forever and that's a fact. Him and Jeff are going to be doing a podcast together, real soon yeah, gee off and Oza. That was for band practice. Now is my time: band practice alarm. But that's fine, I'm here with you guys. I've been setting the jamun right here. Yeah, I'm proud of myself for that jake he be proud of me have been set myself. A reminder alarms great and I'm always like. Well I, but I don't my problem, is they don't put what
the alarm is for I don't do that either, but so then I'm always like what am I supposed to do it for fifty seven, while you can set I don't set reminders, I put it in the calendar just set alarms, and then I just get. I have a constant like string of alarms going off every day and I don't know what they're for yeah I did too. It was like a moment memento and I usually do it for like a minute before or the am I thought you like. I m. No one minute tat is ticking. What was I supposed to do right now? I've got, I think, like thirty different alarm set up in my phone there all off, but if I need to set alarm for like the next day, our schools One of these and then figure out which one I got closest to the timing, is: why do we have? Tea has led the way I do,
yeah out of money or not is probably the least amount of alarms. I see I liked I have like four. I guess authorities don't want to waste my time, creating click edit nobody's so close to yeah. I've got ones that can give me a time that you would need an alarm for right. Now, nine, seventeen, nine seven I am er. P m p m o p m. Okay, where mix it up, so let me scroll down. I go. How does the house pm sound, no yeah, how's avery and for and they never more than twenty four you're the neighbour. I should get twenty four. You should get every every may every minute and I just one tat age is present on that's out of india. Six hundred, I also have twenty two thousand unread emails. That no problem but alarms. I think just edit like, like, I have that. Probably you probably when you, when you have like extra time on your microwave you just you just clear it like you use that
what do you say the time on the mike yeah? You do but like to see the clock, no values of micro for two minutes, write, em, megan, popcorn three minutes, and I can hear that is done with thirty seconds left I'll, say those thirty seconds then use it for the next thing I like to see them, That's usually how how I decide how long to eat something up for is time is left on the map. We write about it and then just has said our late. I like to highlight two click: stop agitating zero and get the per the music stop. pre, you're microwave, know you and that's why I hit the one, the minimum power you gotta? Let go for like thirty seconds to get a warm it up. Not me. That's a fact, my house blow up why I just think that'll happen for pre heating, the micro yeah. It's still true that if you're lying waving microwave you stand in front of the microwave pad,
I just wanted to hang spray for a second and incompletely understood. That is the funniest thing of all the heating up heat, yeah, thats, a bad combination. You have the hadron collider or whatever in your house, pretty much yeah. I was always not to stand firm, microwaves, cousin and will be able to have kids yeah. What I'm asking that, because the microwave in my house is loud, It is my is my kid. You've got to skip yeah, so I'm like he's always just standing in front of it. Is that bad, I'm sure the technology has improved so much in the last thirty years. You did alright. Fine, no problem. Okay before we get to shane bacon roman is back would you want to last? What would you want to last longer summer nights good tv show maybe sunday night football days at the beach, Today's, the beach well roman, wants you to last longer in bed. Three hundred and forty percent better in bed. Roman swipes are the secret to longer lasting sex
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for just five dollars when you choose a monthly plan. Okay here he is shane bacon, ooh. Okay, we now welcome on a very special guest, live from the open championship in St Andrews. It is shane bacon. He is. You can see him on the golf channel. He also has a podcast where his pod, asked host ditched him. His name norma yup ditched, you shame, take you for joining us. Let's talk links golf because we don't understand it whatsoever. So I guess you you said you you, you ve carried at saint andrew before you know the course very well. what's the background to the we, we we just want to make sure that you're an expert yeah so er. I appreciate you guys have me on big fans, even you pfc. Thank you so much you look great and in a big cat I wanted to say you look excellent in your golf attire. The other day you looked very much like a golfer super dialed. Yeah, when I was done with school back in two thousand and six a buddy, and I were golf fans kind of nerds, and we were we'd sit on
roof of our house in college and talk about like what are we going to do when we get done with college. As everybody does, are we gonna go to grad school or get a job, and really when we go to scotland, be kind of cool and we flew to scotland and didn't have any plans is he knew one guy in St Andrews. And we met a lady named ivy, who let us stay at her house for forty pounds a week, and it was five extra pounds. we did our laundry. We obviously did that and got a job we'll job at ST andrew's day. Number two, while living scotland will, and I were caddying on the old course in a apology. To those early groups because we have Nor do we are doing. I think we had a real I deal we we're doing in the back end of it but yeah it was you three four months lupin around and we carry twice a day. Carry bag for whomever and yeah it was. It was white, so I feel like I'm, I'm dialed enough to talk about lee scarf, especially this got yes. How many times you think that you ve walked. I was talking about this with a buddy mine. Yesterday, probably four times at say, probably a relatively decent gas, so
more than most of the guys and probably more than most of the caddies out here this week. So again you know on my like wikipedia page or whatever. That's that's great, though. That's a great story in that that also just makes me think like how much it must have sucked for the guy who saved up all this money went out to saint Andrews trip of a lifetime and you're like hey, I'm shane just graduated college, is my third day from arizona the funny the funny part about that was if it was early in their trip They were in their americans. They be super pissed if they got me, but if it was, aid and the trip they were kind of happy to see an american because they dealt with scottish caddies. For you no talk interest is scottish. Caddies will give it to you straight when they don't sugar code. Anything they tell you when it's a bad shot. I mean I get on you about a bad shot. You know when you a bad pot. They'll tell you was a shitty pod, so you know when I get me, into the trip they were relatively abbe, that's funny. So what are the secrets of the course gimme a secret that nobody knows
in secret. Of course one of them is on the seventeenth hole. So that's like the famous hole where you hit it over the hotel. You know where you kind of let her off the wall. The ronald eagle, look at you you're, so dialed and you actually wanna miss it left of the green. You know everybody hits it on the green and it's so in fact fast. It goes over the green onto the road, the play as you actually get on eighteen t and it's a pretty easy chip shot. So again, not super simple when there's people standing over there, but if you were playing for a score like open the day you, bail it out left and you get yourself a pretty easy chip. That's interesting because, like if you're going up to seventeen and you're hitting your tee shot and there's a crowd on the eight like surrounding the eighteenth tee box, you might second guess yourself and be like yeah. It can be a big weird thing if I hit into that
but that's you're, saying that's. Actually the smart play to make will and then you have to say it immediately riot. I meant to do that so yeah, it's a big key to sport. Right I mean you tell everybody, you meant to do it so yeah, you walk up there and you apologize to the guys and you got my cat. He actually told me to hit air so on it when we're watching this this weekend, like what, at what point does the wind become just in insane problem? Because I feel, like that's a big part of links. Golf, and especially golf in england and scotland and ireland, where it's like he you'll turn on one day and like yup, no one's gonna be able to hit anything because the wind is so bad, Is there like a mile per hour or direction that we should look out for, like oh everyone's fucked, yeah thirty mile an hour? I think, is kind of my number on this golf course. If it gets to thirty miles an hour, I think that's when you might see place to spend it. If you guys remember I mean you go back to twenty fifteen and they sustain play at the open at in Andrews gives. The winds were up so high, so they're not expecting to be that nasty this week, but When I got to thirty mile in our ears.
brutal and balls wouldn't stay on the greens they blow off, and things like that. I mean. Even when I was caddy you not like in open conditions. They would potentially get nasty like that. So when it gets to thirty golf kind of turns from funding yeah. Does the wind help in a regard or with the most these guys out there, rather have it be completely still? I This is gonna sound, like a big jay. By the way I talked to Rory Mcilroy about this this week I asked rory this question I said: would you want it to be up or would you want it to be relatively benign and he said always benign? I would whether it not blow even down when, because it's so far, in hard this week over other opens at St Andrews. This is the firmest and the fastest you seen it, and so, even when it's down, when you simply just can't hit it short out, you know you'll hit it thirty yards the green it'll still kick over, so they would. For no wind? I think all of us would prefer a lotta win, because that's when it gets a bit chaotic and this golf course as historic as it is, and it's one of my favorite
is in the world. It actually needs a little bit to win, because if it's not blowing, I mean these guys will shoot zero here over the weekend yeah. So you followed max. It was fitzpatrick max and tiger today to tough yeah. So what happened? What tiger today like? What? What was it just his you know was pretty teague? Was it he just missed a couple shots here or there did. He didn't feel any moment like he had it. Ah, you know so he felt calm, comfortable and confident in his shooting it didn't ever feel like he had it in the the moment. I knew he didn't really was on one. I mean he missed about a four footer for bogey after he hit that second shot and the burn in the in the water in front of the green and those are that you know I mean we all know tiger makes those all the time it just fella. with super off with his speed and the weird thing about that was that was what tiger was practicing all week I mean on eighteen on monday. He was in front of the green twenty thirty yards short of the green hitting putt after putt after putt.
On every green you saw in practice on that was the main focus and speed. The day was dreadful. I mean he was leaving every thirty. Forty fifty put her eight to ten feet. and he wasn't converting though so this speed was off interesting. We look at tiger. I don't if you guys feel this way about tiger, but we always look at tiger like he is in? the machine that he doesn't. jitters or that he doesn't think about golf tournaments or it doesn't matter as much to him when he tease off and you gotta remember this guy's played what two tournaments this year and didn't even finish. One of many w deep in tournaments, so getting kind of the feel of play in turn him a golf matters even somebody like tiger woods and when he was led was long put short that was kind of a feeling I got was it just felt like he wasn't quite understanding the speed in those tournament can since it had just fell like every putty was sitting was having a hard time getting to the whole. Coming up ten feet short, he said berne, and I think I know what a burn is. But can you explain to me from like listen,
she's the general really of her and a creek yeah. I think it's just scottish think it's just like the scottish term for it. You know it sounds wiggling lord call to burma, I totally agree with you. The other thing about a burn is the balls they don't like. Hang up. You know if you watch the masters on thirteen, which has a creek in front of the green. Sometimes the balls will like stay up on the grass and you could hit it not the case of the burn. The scottish don't deal with that bullshit. If you're in the burn The bird you haven't you burned, I governed now max the guy who ditched you yup. Ah, how did he play today? Are we sure we feel confident that cause? I know I think he was what plus one or maybe even how? How did he look and do you think he is going to have some confidence going into the next three days made nothing. and I think, when you make nothing, you can have confidence the next day, because that means you hit it good and he had you know. Kind of the same is tiger with power pots max at ten to fifteen footer for birdie, basically the whole day and nothing will it really dropped so
again kind back on how well I played this year if you're maxima, I feel, like he's, got, go borrow feel like. I can go out there and shoot a number, because again he had brought it had twelve parts from inside of fifteen feet for birdie made one of em. So when did you say that if you are on the podcast, it was late last year, so we we had a thing rocking and rolling and then max you know it was like winning and finishing in the top ten in big tournaments. Like that and and he was like- hey man every time I do this podcast. I have to talk about my rounds and when I play bad talk about my bad golf and I don't want to do that anymore and I thought that was relatively fair yeah. Yeah. I mean: do you talk about it? Like you talk about your bad podcast pfc, you do when you have a bad podcast, all the time that the the bad podcasts actually become so bad that they turn into being good podcasts ok, oh yes, oh it so bad it! So it's good yeah we screw up and we like have a terrible pike ass. It becomes like almost better in a weird way, because that could wear that consistently.
But you know what I mean like where you bring it back: yeah you're like tiger in his prime, you could save around you know when you got a wick, I asked you guys, have a links, golf questions her as you guys are kind of watching the golf and everything like that apple had explicit. Does it do it for you guys like when you. I've seen Andrews. Does it make sense duty, you need to be here, see it or do you just enjoy it, because it's a major and all the guys are playing. I like it a lot because it's different, I would not want to watch it week in week out. I think that will get very, very boring, but seeing just how fucked up these courses are and how deep the research. Is the courses are designed for pain, but in a much different way from? U s open courses right which no, they d. Let the rough talk till they let the rough sing at the. U s open on these courses is like you're playing golf on the surface of the moon, which I kind of love yeah, I I I don't understand how it's hard- and this is very stupid-
but we actually only talk about it with frankie and shrink coming up in the mount rushmore, but I don't I watch it because I'm such a bad golfer, I'm just always in the trees- and I look at this course- I'm like no trees, easy, just fucking hit it straight, there's a myth, the fairway. It feels like the fairways just the largest thing ever so I think if I went there because I remember, I went to arm the u s open at edda olympia fields in san francisco, and that was the first time I ever went to a golf olympic olympic club. Sorry, I went to the first time I went to a golf, a major tournament and I remember standing there and being like holy fuck. Look at this fairway. It's like totally slanted in it's such an insane angle and I finally was like yeah. I get it now like this makes sense. So I think I have to go see it because, as I sit there and watch it on yeah just hit it into the
can part out grass and they had another one or two more burnt out grass and then I'll just role, and it will just go into the whole. Yet the hardest thing for you, we're gonna caddy in the hardest thing when I had like american players come over, was explaining to them that the shots that they typically hit won't work here and so to your point, it does look wide open and the greens are huge, but you're going to have to put from forty yards off the green. I mean you guys have seen that Michael phelps put what he made a kingsbarns years. It goes like one hundred and fifty yard pipe, like that's kind of normal to do here. So it's a different type of golf, but I think that's why you see the pros have so much success. It opens is because once you kind of understand how to do it. You can get around relatively easy, but if you're playing for days and you're going back to the states, it's not going to be that easy and now, in terms of like the the fair way, it's all sand under very little grass right like its pace. Exactly sand shot so
Is that you don't take it? You don't take a big debate right right, so yeah so yeah. How does that affect like hot water guys doing? Are they using different clubs like? Are they are they? Are they saying like? Oh, why can't hit this as hard, because I can't get underneath it is like how does that work? Yeah you'll hit you'll hit more club and try to hit it softer. So, instead of hitting a nine iron from one hundred and fifty, it would say you might hit a seven iron from one hundred and fifty and try to just kind of keep it low and take a little bit off it and so, when you watch like when you watch this weekend, watch how short the follow through zara from the players because I don't really get it all the way through cause they're just gonna knock down. Every shot almost looks like out. Tommy fleet would always place so in a whole, like the road whole, if you're not taking the expert approach which, as Everybody knows is right on eighteen, eighty, two, eighty three! If you were to go putter off the tea on that one, how many? oaks. Would it take a potter on the road hall? right now I mean I think, I'd set your over under at like you. Could you hit a pft? Could you to put her up
arr one hundred yards, you think yeah. My putters is strongest part, my game by far rabbit If you can hit upon a hundred yards, I think I'd say you're over under its seven and a half on putting on the road or easy. That's nothing yeah I think you could make out. I think you're gonna, let the other I think. I'd put. You would think that put you to seven p tiger scylla guy circuits are a real question which the most common mistake that you'll see a caddy make like a refreshing cat on Saint Andrews, a professional caddy mistake on the old coarser, not not understand how far the ball rules out you norman. I like there was a great podcast with steve waves. Not what are you guys bought gas but another person's pike s competing podcast. Out the two thousand open the tiger, one and steve, would literally right down all the numbers of where the ball I out, because you think, okay tigers in a iron right and it's three hundred and twelve yards the bunker Would he, in theory, could hit in a bunker here to drive four hundred and twelve yards today tiger did so that it landed
three hundred and twelve yards and rolled one hundred yards out with the driver. So I think the mistake is not understanding how far the ball is going to roll. Because again this is probably the firmest that we've ever seen. This particular golf course so you're going to see players get in trouble because the balls going much further than they've ever thought. The ball could go off a certain club, we're going to get back to shane bacon in second, but before we do want to talk to guys about skrill skrill is the best digital wallet for gamblers, because it was built by gamblers. Sophisticated gamblers use it to manage their bankroll, whether they're playing games like poker or if betting on their favorite sports, they managed to bankroll using the wallet which allows them to pay instantly and securely it's payments without limits. Basically, you can access your bank roll with instant deposits and withdrawals and also draw the cash using your prepaid card, let you say: scrolls the best digital wallet for sports bettors. So it's a no brainer to create your free account right. This very instant, make sure to sign up at skrill dot com, slash, barstool, create your free account and complete
account verification by clicking follow the game after registering, so you can start using their digital wallet today that skrill check it out, skrill dot, com, slash, barstool and now more shane bacon, alright, so we're gambling guys. I know the tournament has started, but you can bet any time. Ah, looking at the current top ten, who do you think, is the best, or you saw you know you know, maybe in the practice rounds who you think is like this guy he's he's in a really really good spot to win this Why I love the rory this week, because I think that war played well lately. I know it's been a long time since won a major. played well lately and it is the kind of guy that actually cares about sports, unlike so many athletes? I mean he dives into this stuff. He eats it up. He knows what it means to win at certain places, so you know for people that aren't big golf fans winning at ST andrew he's probably the biggest accomplishment involve outside even of winning the masters? Now, there's we open here. Every five
years, you know you play eta August every year. You have an opportunity in the masters every year in theory, but if you're good player. You might have three times to play St Andrews in your prime right. I mean, if you're a twenty five year old you play when you're thirty you play when you're thirty, six or thirty seven, and then sudden you're in your forties and you're a bit past pasture, prime, it's fight crazy to say, but this might be Last time, war is really in his quote: unquote, prime playing the old course and he's played great this year. So I think rory, the favourite it's funny. You know I like this week and I really didn't announce it, and I should have was pasok harrington. Parent and gave a good week. Anyone out there and play grated he's in the hunt, so that was kind of my sleeper was potter carrying that now and what do you think the score to win? This thing is going to be like: where do you see it on sunday, I think it'll be nineteen. Twenty twenty one under wow. we have kind of just the way it the as a he saw in two thousand and ten rory, shot sixty three in the first round? There was no when the wind blew in the macaroni shot. Eighty so
and can change the whole dynamic of the old course. But if the winds, not blowing Not very long, especially for these guys and especially I doubt it is so I just feel like with the wind not up much sixty five sixty six sixty seven, if you're playing wells about what the pour is. I'm watching, and you can tell me if I'm way off cause. I might be completely wrong about this but alive and I feel, like the players are playing today, they're playing essentially the same course that has been played for years, years and have they updated it, have they made it more difficult, or is this relatively like pretty similar to what they were doing back in the fifties? Sixties, it's it's relatively similar, they've added a few new teas, but not a whole bunch? I mean it's when you look at the scorecard, like I tiger target four hundred and twelve yard drive today, I think I added it up in a minute. If you hit that on certain par force, he would have driven audrey it over seven par force had said Andrews
I look at a: u s open, you think about olympic club, big cat. I mean you know these par fours or four sixty four. Seventy, sometimes five hundred yards, even five hundred and twenty yards at certain. U s opens that's just not the case here, because they do want it to feel. As Pft said one of the few like it felt in the nineteen hundreds in the eighteen, hundreds and when jack Sadly, one and two you're one. So there are, changes they do, but not enough and in the thing is when the conditions are enough. All these guys hit him in these guys hit at three hundred and fifty. Now, went to get drives around the greens on a whole bunch of our force. So I need to give you a moment here to tell us about your luggage situation. Oh my god, cause. You did say that it is more than a twitter history. It's been it's been an insane time. It sounds like everyone's dealing with the same thing rigs I think, lost his luggage like five days.
if you remember, I don't think he's ever got all the gear he might not. The guy is so is that there's just everything I've understood, there's just a. Where is that heathrow right? You gotta find somewhere else. So if you flew through heathrow was the issue. So I flew through heathrow to edinburgh, and that was the big issue. He throws losing a ton of got that ton of bags and then don't have the people at edinburgh to help either so the somebody airport which is one of the airports. In scotland I asked the I was like hey just what is the deal here, because there were bags big cat regards decided. I lay mountain of bags odium. I lay that a midnight and it was just a meaningless shit everywhere in the carousel. It almost look like if you are making a movie, how you would make like a bag baggage situation, look like
sat, and I asked lady, I said, hey what what happened here. You know what's going on and she said that the baggage situation he throws so bad there actually flying planes to edinburgh with no bags autumn, so full plains of people, not a single bag on the airplane, and then there and a whole bunch of bags at times, so my golf bag lout lost my normal. My clothes got here, which is nice, but my golf not law, so I was gonna play a whole bunch of god. If you know it stays lightyear till about eleven o clock in the summer, I was in a play golf much every day or every night didn't have gulf of don't whatever it's not a big deal and some random person on twitter, I was like having fun with it. I lost my golf bags, his socks, you know whatever being stupid. Some random person on twitter sent a pic, avatar on twitter, this is a random. It was took a picture of a whole bunch of golf bags in edinburgh and my travel bag was on top. So I circled it my phone, I posted a picture on twitter. I knew how bad the situation was, and I knew I was you get my bag. That was a thing I knew if I didn't get my
from a random person? There was no chance. I was before, I left scotland, so I said if you grab my bag, coming up the saint Andrews I'll give you two hundred bucks. If you get up this way, I go play golf with riddles. Again, I told you it stays till Levin. So I'm not on my phone, I'm not checking. What's going on, I look at my phone. I have all these messages and people like hey, hated, look at twitter, some girl named staff, grab my bag. She was coming up by St Andrews and brought it up with her. Her boyfriend brought it up, drop it off hotel like one thousand one hundred and thirty. I took a picture with her but again and do it in the world good on twitter twitter. brings us any total and an end hundred percent happiness- and this is one of the rare moments that is hashtag golf resort, so I got I got Steph or I don't even think she knows the show, maybe I'll announce this on pardon my take. I got step two tickets for sunday at the come out with your and er today is saturday, so sunday, her and her boyfriend going to come out to the open and opening
What I can do about getting them in places where they can get some free drinks and stuff, but yeah, hopefully they're there be excited about that wow. What a story! So you you mentioned that you can play golf real late. There is light outside till eleven max did that at the scottish open right, yet he loved the course so much. He wanted to play a second time any chance. He does that again. Today, I don't I don't. I don't think today I mean he's getting off. That gets nine forty one here. You know he got off the golf course at night. and he's got to go out early tomorrow, so I don't think he's going to squeeze in the team, maybe mine. You know maybe like a quick six yeah. I don't. I don't see like a full eighteen this evening you can't play the guys kick place St Andrews. After If done right, can they know now you you can't go back out there and do it. I actually think that's, I think, that's against the rules. You can't go practice on the golf course you're playing a tournament that saw this man- probably smart rule hank would definitely just go ahead.
Get there early yeah, he played good t square. Get there early, the chips should go, go hit a whole bunch of putts on the holes early. That would be a smart production. Here's a fun fact we did. We did fun facts on our last episode of my take, I'm not sure. If you're familiar, you probably are cause you there. Do you know what the national animal of scotland is? Is it? Is it a sheep, it's the unicorn. Can you believe Is that an animal I guess so they just they declared it to be their national animal? I just thought there was a fun way act that that's not even that's not even real if you believe it is do we have fake things as state birds and like mottoes in staff will burden real and earl purpose. But I'm saying we have like a fish, bird you know like like too can sam is the state bird of thought, new, Hampshire. I don't I think we would ever do something like that, but I I think that it's like scotland, like you, know, harkening back to their mythological days and all the knights of the round table, and
like that. You know it when I say you're, gonna, Lena, that's my item. I learned that iran, scotland year how? How is your golf game? It's ok, it's! Ok! I try to play back in my earlier years. Obviously you know flamed out outwood didn't do it I shot a I shot. Sixty eight, my first pro tournament, big cat, and I was like thirty eight hundred heater board I mean I play my ass off I've vertical ass to hold us all fired up it out. That was almost about the peak of my professional career, but you know I still play competitive stuff, still play amateur stuff, I'm playing the connecticut open in a couple it's a qualified into that so yeah I mean I still play a little bit and get it around here. There that's fun. We we we so coming up is the mount rushmore of worse golf guys. Do you have any one that, particularly like you, hate like guys you play with yeah I mean our
would say I mean I mean slow guy. That sox's is number one to me because you can like people, you don't people come up to me and they you know hey. I I just religion are not very good mean I don't care if you're the worst golfer I've ever seen, you just can't be bad and slow. The same goes for good player, don't be good and slow either been fast is important, so I would say like the best slow golfer and then the person it's giving advice to somebody it's better than you have we have a way of about the body names mannered and jake will Tell anybody he's like an eighteen handicap. He will he would break Del max's swing of max's around thou. I'm sure maximal of that. What about this golf etiquette was and what I like to when I'm playing someone in where maybe playing for money and when they're on the green and they're about to pot
to pick up their ball and put it right back down. Is that legal or not I'd, say I dunno if it's necessarily legal, but I really like it in terms of gamesmanship yeah right, if you put as you put in the same spot, same exact spot, I just pick it up and I'm just like. Let me look at that. Real quick then put right back there right before there, but put I love I might start doing if I might do that at the connecticut open it always fortunately vehicle ours is no law yet not doing anything, I'm just lily pick up put it down It is going to show you how little we know about golf, but when you're caddying Ask the guy like a? U want to intervene for the pen doesn't make a difference at if the penicillin in or out not really. Now I mean it. I think I think golf I would argue with me say not really because they get super golf nerdy, but I mean like good players on the page, eight or power and and good players dealt with it out, like it doesn't really matter. I was assumed that if it's in you have a better chance of its common hot too, maybe catch up on it. They that that, I think that's probably true.
Of if you did a whole study on it, but at the same time it can also like it could reject it right if it's and with speed, and sometimes those fast puts it. The pins out hit the back of the hole pop up in the air. In writing this out on that opportunity, which also secure way to make but was going through my head. Whenever somebody asked me a question, if it's in there just means I've already accepted the fact that I am not going to make that point, if it's ours. That means that I'm actually I've half a chance that it might yeah so talking about. By the way we talked about bad golf guys. I got one for you, it's the guy that changes that dependent on how far the putt is. So I play tournament golf before with guys that want the pin in on longer putts but when it out on shorter putts, you're kind of going back and forth, you gotta pick one or the other be yeah, that's true. That would be annoying. I have one last question for you: it's the rollback question use promo code. Take you get twenty percent off your first purchase great golf, a cue zips in hoodies and polos robach dot com use code. Take for twenty percent off your first purchase. I dunno why it took us this long to get here, but
I mean your last name, dude, like that's fake right now. I know I know so unfair that you have a last name bacon. That's the most. I mean Kevin bacon and shane bit like you. Just have the most memorable name like people. Don't forget, your name, shame bacon same amount of letters to the others like a lot of symmetry. You know it's kind of five and five. I married a woman whose last name was beverage, so she went from belarus to bake it. How about that? Why kept her last name right. Her middle name is now batteries that he she she hyphenated beverage bacon The thing is she switched to bacon because it was beverage, but it was spelled without that it wasn't a typical spelling. It was like. I d g e, so she went to bake and to make things easier cause. She said she had having to spell it out, but I was really pushing for the hyphen because I thought it'd be really funny. Where does she have any of that Tito's money cause? I know that tito from Tito's vodka has it was tito beveridge a did. It was a moment. how old were you when you realise that my last names awesome?
you know, I think it got you get through that awkward stage of eleven twelve thirteen. When everybody thinks that the jokes matter and think when you get to fifteen sixteen, he realized, if they're making fun of you. That's a good thing that was kind of a good moment in my life when I went and then you get to college People like you said never for your name, because your name is bacon at the end and everybody in theory likes bacon. It is one if the rare universal thing it would be like, if your name was, you know, p puppy, yeah! I was like oh wow. That last name is great. Everybody likes puppies puppies, not a bad name properties, a great loss and throw it out there, throw it out there next kid. Next kid! Oh man, that's good! I will shane. Thank you so much reprise. She ate it all you're. Now, a recurring guests will have you back on to talk golf and good luck with the rest of the tournament watching everyone in and hopefully tie it plays better. But I don't I dunno. If that's going to happen, I put money on him to win the. Let's go that little. Let's go max.
Maxwell bounced back tomorrow, bounce back tomorrow and also I just wanted to tell you guys- I don't normally wear a backwards hat, but I spilled ketchup on it. Thirteen sex before we started the podcast cool young, yet pull it along with your name on it, and I would be way point of your house forward how just catch upon hat I mean if I'm in the booth like I'm still in with a new theory, were you wearing it when I still catch up on it, yeah like what I got to zero ketchup right here right now, I got to my sandwich: was taken it off at catch all my hand, okay, not a great situation. I think you're lying. I think it was a ketchup packet explosion, No, no! No! No! No! These lists in these uk packets, don't explode. It's serious plastic over here, I think you're lying. I think you like to eat the fries off the top of your hat and yours, a weirdo now if the cutting isn't that who now you call me I knew I should have brought an important scotland question: do you get good straws over there? Are they the papers from now now pay paper at starbucks? It's brutal, listen! I I think it's lame, but
I am one of those guys that go to starbucks everywhere I go because it's the only consistent thing on the road yeah that makes that lame. Know yourself. You like yeah, ok, thank you. Yeah paper, straws, awful yeah that if I'm gonna see turtle shane. Thank you so much repression it and I yeah what everyone check them out on the golf channel all weekend or shaded thanks guys, we're going get right back to the show. Are you look at a book a tee time? well, the best way to do it is on the barstool golf time app will be hitting the course. The summer me honk big cats, getting back out on the links and working on putting game we're going be using the barstool golf time app to set up tee times, search for tee times and get some deals search over sixteen million tee times at over twelve thousand golf courses in forty one countries. That's crazy for
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take first time being in all go. I remember a couple years ago during the masters. I remember speeding down the highway with rigour and we had you guys on speaker phone out all media other time ozone, but this is the first time officially in studio. Welcome I love it. I loved you guys. Just came back from scotland in playing links, golf correct. We did dare to grind over. There is a totally different game. Got back two days ago. This course our water and now is just it's an absolute beast. So you play this course. You play all. We did not play saint Andrew. okay around it, we would I play, but they shut it down, so they can get ready for the old. So this is a dumb golf question, but, like I will say, this causes a beast. I I think I understand why, but I also like there's no trees, so I can't get lost but like it's just the most, it's like an unassuming bees. If that makes any sense, there's oh trouble. When you look out there and then there's all these pot bunkers, it's almost like there's holes in the ground that just go on forever, literally com,
it's right yeah, there is one row that it's the coffins and there's three in a row that just are you can't get out of them, go backwards. Yeah, and if you look at american golf, it's more, sticky and soft like you can hit a wedge super high and it will end on the gray and stop in scotland. It's much difference all burnt out and hard and firm, What we learned when we were over there. The caddies were telling us where you think you're going to go, landed. Twenty to thirty yards short and it'll, run out and go towards cause if you landed on the green next to the law, you're going to be like thirty yards past, the whole judges are always at the front, so it was really hard to like accept that if you hit your nine iron one hundred and forty five yards you're now, using that on a five yard, shot a lot stronger. I they probably don't even make golf clubs that I could use on this course. Yeah she's everything, your game piety and are even plain about I'd, pretty strong. Yeah. I almost had a par a lot of people that you probably already heard about. I almost had a par on the iconic ninth at whatever county course I was planning.
week yeah, I hit my nine iron out of the fairway. It was about one hundred and forty five hundred and fifty five and I'll put it within about twelve feet and then hit my putt like four feet and so left myself. Eight feet for my boat, the internet be nice to you about your swaying, everytime. You posted well honestly others, is like you swing spent in tax, who s the may come hangs in hanks, been basically doing trent you're breaking hundred series, but just every single day by himself and not docking. Eddie has broken videos up broken hundred. You have motor, like I scored one hundred That's probably broke into a hundred constraint. When you re isolated, though it wasn't a hundred. Was it ninety five yeah right, but you're, very great, french, improving, so wintry does his brow
one hundred breaking ninety videos. I have to watch all of them and it's it's not just you trent, because you're a very likeable person that everybody roots for you, I think you're a piece of shit, but everyone else seems to really love you. I I watch it to see you get your heartbroken, but then Frankie is such a great wing. Man on these trips, so, like I, I just dig the whole dynamic that you guys have going on, is very soothing to watch you play around even if you're not like playing your best it some of the best content that we put out so have it'll yeah Frank is as much a part of it as I am like. I mean I try to make the score, but he's gas me up Tom What I need to do tell me what I'm doing wrong. Sometimes it's a good dynamic and it works, and I mean I'm trying to break ninety we're still. Where are you right now? Are you consistently shooting in the nineties, so on the series so far no, I shot ninety eight first time, and I went one oh three, one or two one, a one shit. I know that it's like were basically back a breaking one hundred percent right.
But I played well in scotland. I think I figured some things out, so I feel better about my game now. I think I'm going to start putting up mid nineties pretty much consistent ice yeah. Now what about you? for what are you shooting these days? I had like the round of my life the other day during one of the episodes I shot. Seventy nine, while I was on track to shoot like a seventy four and I kind of blew up on one hole but yeah something about playing with him and trying. Accomplish his goal. I forget about all my mental demons and I kind of just like hit the ball and then go to him, and I I realize, like my balls right in the middle of the green- are all making the pot or making the birdie and halfway through the round were like holy shit. At what the hell's going on over here. It's awesome yeah. I also think that that helping somebody out in bye, bye, kind of like giving them pointers here and there if you're teaching somebody else something you're also like obviously reinforced to yourself here, and so your coaching yourself? Are you and even realise, and he's been working with a mental coach shoe as usual, fixing Frankie this guy, Dr Brett, who works.
with John rom and billy Horschel, all these guys on tour, just trying to get Frankie like a process and figure out not to be such a neurotic weirdo on the golf course it's been working too is chipping insane thinking through a golf shot, makes you better yeah weird. I don't have the time for that. What's your yeah, I don't think through anything, what's your biggest neuroses that you have that you have to work I'm very self deprecating, that's how I get through life, and I feel like I'm back on the couch this year doesn't come out yet, but it's like it, he literally sits me down is like what's wrong with you, and I say, like I like to make jokes about myself before I accomplish the thing that I'm trying to accomplish rooms I'll be over a wedge shot or like a little tight lie, but with a sandwich in my hand, say well, everybody watch out watch unique ass watch. Legs are things coming in hot immediately? say that I'm already setting myself up for failure, and then I felt so he was saying like. Why do you step up to a t and rope a drive with a little bit of a draw right down the middle? It's exactly where he wanted it. I was like, oh because I'm confident that he's a step up to the wedge, like the
So we did all these like these things, to make me coffin stepping up to the ball and it worked. I liked it he's a therapist in his first question what's wrong with yeah? That's a guy and we drank during it, which I think might have been like narcos know, that's good! Actually, I think therapy they should include a bar. There should be an opening to he was saying and- and they should just give you a ball to throw around me in fights, discover this when we're at the ocean. We were down at the beach last year and we were just like throne of vortex. Football to each other like calmly, we start talking about our dads and next thing. You know we're not really expressing ourselves emotionally to each other or like. What's going? Oh, yes, because we're fucking playing sports. While we do this awesome this around and we should mention before we do the mount rushmore do we have a comment on? because I bet been a lot of money on him to make the cut. He is so bad right now. Ah, I saw your tweet where you're like here, like he wrote the first drive of the day. Hey best golfer in the world. Many put the next one in the drink,
where we at because we were talking before kind of thinks he might retire? Is that on the table so they actually somebody with sky sports. I think this week asked him about that, because it's the one hundred and fiftieth he loves this place. He said it's his favorite golf course in the world. He walked having fifty, Eight holes during the practice rounds, which is way more than usually does, especially with that bad leg, and they asked him like. Are you going to retire? This It's like you're, trying to savor every moment here. I maybe your last go around. He said no, but it's going to be the last time that he can play at a semi high level, obviously I'll play playing out right now, but for the next time that it comes to saint Andrews, it's going to be a few years with the rotation. So, I don't know I mean I wish you were playing better. I wish that we could do one more magic go round at St Andrews, but it does not seem like it's panning out that. So, if you like I would assume, though, like even if he retires then stops playing like every time he's still the majors right
like retiring golf kind of thing right. So when people retire, they just retired play more golf right. This is exactly right and also like he gets to choose. His own schedule is not a part of a team he's not like retiring hey, I'm not coming on thursday to that game. He's like I might show up to the us open next year. I might show up if my life feels good to the pga championship. It is always going to be in all these things. He might show up. I, the next ten years. Who knows right, I got feelings he's always give way. The masters right that the planet has always said. That's the plan calls out the hogan schedule. Ben Hogan had a horrific injury and then would always pick and choose his turn him and said he would plant tigers into the same thing. Yeah. I think that's right, so retirement doesn't mean he's, never going to play golf again for the rest of his life, but I I think, like looking at his lego people, for he has like half of a leg. He there is higher riyadh at his calf has gone the picture that came out like a month ago, where usually we're in the sleeve like when, when he knows he's gonna be in public and photographed or video here
his sleeve on it. There was one time I forget where he was and somebody caught him and just took a picture with him and he wasn't wearing the sleeve and people are like that's about one hundred million it's worse than we look like a scarecrow like he was literally piece together. What did you guys think about Riggs street when he'd just tweet a picture of the crash was like disguised dominating right? I mean yeah. I remember that was like a couple of tournaments ago. It might have been the masters when he had a little bit of a run and it was just a picture of the saying guys working plain ivy, all listen, that's a balls in aggressive tweet, but if you think about it, the if he was playing well enough to make the cut at these tournaments after he went flying off a cliff eighty miles per hour. No lay there nor a great marks, nothing. He just where's interesting, it's pretty yeah, it's pretty yeah no blood tests either. That's kind of interesting that the police didn't find anything. He also said: hey, what's up tiger, can I get an autograph the sheriff, I think you said he held a press conference was like. We have the answers but
close in this case and we're not going to release her to to be there, he was wearing a tiger woods hat and nectar. The only problem, like the retirements of I don't think he's going to retire, but if you're looking at a tournament where he could essentially play well like he skipped the? U s open at brookline for a reason because tilly and he doesn't want to put the his body and he was saving up for this tournament, St Andrews, it's flat and the weather isn't as bad as it could be. So that would be ideal This is for him to perform any. Not so it's it's a red flag, and that is a difficult one need only reason why we have always in a debit when he had it hit. The second went into the burn radio I wonder why they call it the burn by the way it's filled with water. It makes no sense we're going to talk to a shane bacon a little bit, we'll ask him that yeah yeah, who do you guys, have beef with right now, Geoff Shackleford of shaw inferred, very much all the old, not all of them, because some of them are good, but there is when we were in chile for the president's cup and we fist bomb tiger- and we put-
video up and we were giddy cause, that's just kind of that awesome! Video right, that's kind of how we are are like was friendly with you, guys, oh yeah, so we get giddy and then I think Frankie tweeted during that, like he was playing a guy named a dancer. Frank was like. I want tiger to beat a dancer so badly that he quits the game of golf and those two things combine I turned I went to live so we kind of do a couple of a couple of old guys were like. I can't believe these guys get media credentials, like Bob huggins Jeff shock for those guys suck they're mad, that they've spent their entire existence inside that media tent clicking away at all the words that they're going to write that no one's going to read to geoff shackleford dot com, about, like the the presence of the game of golf in all of our hearts and our minds like what the fuck you talking about we're going to get ten times the amount of views ten times the amount of clicks by just giving the guy a high five, because that's the world we live in, we live in this world. You live in anonymous You guys are fans Wife was fine and we would have never said those things like we didn't we weren't on the offensive. We are on the on the defensive because
they were saying like. I can't believe that these guys have credentials We've always said that there is enough room at the table for everybody, her the written, the journalists, that side of it is fine, the side, the fanboy side of it, that we aren't that's fine too. You gotta see these guys. They literally go up to the desk and like try and get her credentials taken away from us their complaint. intellect that heads over the PJ channel, but we're not writing. If they're on out there, it's nuts, that's pretty yeah it'll, probably be like okay, see ya, you can actually turns out. You can write words about golf. If you watch it on tv, we re in want to just shackelford things was like you. making it about yourself not about the game or about the golfers and, like he just said his website is Jeff gopher dot com, same thing, I think you guys are making it about the game but like by making it about yourselves to a certain extent when they show those moments like tiger woods coming up there, everybody that watches it get. This gets to see tiger woods. Meeting a fan, that's been like you know, appreciating the work that that guy's been doing for years and years and years grown up watching Monty
If they get to see you guys, get super excited about that people like that. Like it's meeting your heroes, people like seeing people meet. It's it's what it's! What all these? Like? All journalists like when, whenever they complain about their flights or the press box, as we always make fun of it's like dude, you realize that a lot of people listen to us in like rhys, because they know that we have a dream job right. Why would we pretend that it's anything different I was like no tiger. I don't want a fist bump and the number of response response we get to those videos is like I feel like I'm, the I feel like I'm living vicariously through you, because they feel like they know you and you know exactly yeah. So actually, my favorite video that you guys did in a situation like that was couple of years ago when tiger came up to you guys for the first time and he just started like chit chatting with you just like making small talk like he knew you guys, and then he asked trent. The famous question where he goes in entrance brain just froze like a screensaver appeared on transfer phase in which is, I mean, that's a very like weird way to ask: I'm still not even sure what he was asking.
well sorry he was asking right yeah, exactly he's a navy suit. He is a navy seal had a set up at pebble beach for barstool radio, so that could have been the station. Is he asking us where we stations that weak where's, our house, where our whole have ordered right, where you are saying so, he actually turn said trot actually. I just the first time tiger whatsoever. Look me in the eye. His hand said words my direction. I just had nothing for him. That's an awesome power move, though, to like that to ask somebody question: they don't No, the answer for it. I mean you don't stay. So do I give you ask you again d of where you station I don't have any one avenue. I want to get on front of it if we ever have the opportunity to interview him or have a sit down with him, I want to get in front of it and be like you broke my brain by ask me: where am I station and I need to know what mean by and then yeah that's question and then give me
answer, the question: if once he breaks it down a little bit further because as it stands right now, I have no idea where I'm stage do you guys think you'll get them all eventually, we've had them on our show. No big deal for here we car area, I think so. Yeah yeah we ve pretty tight with his inner circle. So, like I just got guys who are always around him, were that's how we got like the the pebble beach thing that you're talking about Pft. That is how that and right? guys around him know that we're like not psychopaths. I you love tiger, we've loved him forever. So there is that side of the. But like we're not going to be, crazy weirdos to him right. Maybe I'm just weird on the other side of that are regular weirdo, so they they trust us to a degree. So I think, hopefully, at some point in the future, we'll get some sort of interview with Abby. I think most people would turn into like a little bit of a weirdo tiger. Woods he's there's a class of I mean you guys know it, because you've interviewed a bunch of people.
same with us like you get a little numb to it and then you'll have like a step up interview where it's like. Oh fuck, this person, like Maria interviewed, like Adam sandler and kg, was oh whoa. This is I totally different. You know chris get yeah, you get the nerves for an tigers. A little bit of a weirdo yoga a little so we have like no, I know but like that energy was with my nervous. Energy is like it'll, be it's interesting, I think it'll be good mix, though I think actually think you guys would call them download, but I think tiger would come out of his shell a little bit if he was our hope. So we would love that when pebble, beachy It was the first time I was ever lost for words like I always heard that term I was like that's impossible. You can always say something I actually tried to say something I couldn't get the word out. We were talking about. The bass will gain in the lake is playing, and I was going to say who do you like tonight and it actually leg was very mousy. I couldn't get it out, will you and I, I grabbed it from you grabbed it from me.
Would you like a pissing himself in order because she's been like you check out the fuckin bombs on that love? guys, it'll be it'll, be right at home. Just bring like bring some playmates with you like. We brought this gift for you tiger. Alright, let's do mount rush yeah. Let's do belt rushmore we're going to the mount rushmore of worse gulf guys So open ended, you guys are guests or you decide the order. So, as can be t team are frankie and trent together, hank or bubba and jake, and me and pft. You guys decide your snake draft okay, and how do you want? What do you think. Stuff swells I've done over, think it where you guys want be stationed here, go through second, ok who do you want? first. I want pft to go first, teddy us after you guys
first shot, the second you go there and then yeah. Okay, alright, we'll go first Okay, so are most annoying golf guy. I think we go with that, one that that you wrote me back about Pft that I I said to you, because I think that will get taken know I it's my pick so you're wrong, heck, yeah, you're, being a piece of shit and do you guys have a producer this, like so annoying that went upstairs and is now in the c suite thinks he's better than everyone yup, oh okay, good! cool, so you and you can relate to how avery is by the most annoying guys on. The golf course is the guy that thinks that, like the cart girls into him- and it's like you're always hitting like very uncomfortable, why, like while you're sitting there with the cargo comes up hitting honor like asking your questions, be yeah trying to be funny, and then you get back in your car and like yeah. She totally wants to fuck.
it was it's target is usually the guy. It is the only woman that person gets to talk to that's not their wife during the course of a week, and so then they're they've had a couple of beers. She has more beers, and so then it's just like open seas. Yeah ages, like let's all this pin up sexual frustration out on this poor cart girl, who's going to be polite to you, because she wants your tip and you know she wants to keep serving. You are serving your beers for the rest of the round, He thinks it like being on a golf courses like international waters, where you can just say whatever. It's like dude, stop like this uncomfortable just get your fucking, you know beer and, let's keep going. not into you. She pours the beer he's like. I actually had a guy. Do this one time she pours a beer and he's like wow. That's a lot as I am walking back to my career in lower singling out of my dad guys, like this girl, brene yeah, it's like well you're, given a lot of money, it's like kind of why we're here or he'll, be like when the car call comes I'll, be like dibs.
What do you do as on whole one oh yeah. I would all up in Seventy tips, yeah tips, are a little too much. Sport like I'll show combat and then the move is a let the car girl ex swinging sowing the club, That's right, you how I doubt was workin here on all my god. I've, thankfully never been around Tyler lad, lose its bad. Ok go to your first pick. Your number two also wish you say you can't ik rigs. I know that everyone's first pick we're going with the golf tips a guy who always have to give out a tip is nothing than when you're playing golf you now the ranger trot, you spend money to go play, and then you If someone right there in the first he be like you, I saw you swear. I think you're taking a little bit too much on the agenda. I do too you suck too? I you suck. We also. I don't need your tip. You came in at the door.
Yeah and there's a way to do it, there's a way to do it. I've been on the golf course where someone will say like hey. Can I give you took my guess please? Yes, you can consent to the tipp, yes, but the person who gives unsolicited tip off all round that drives. That's the worst to be her. I had happening in. We just got back from. caitlyn we're playing one of the all time golf courses I'm going to play on the driver driving lesson from a guy that was like well swing and now have a son said the first year I even know who I was anymore. Yeah I was playing the cleaning up the it should grow in my day, yeah yeah that that yeah. bottom line. Is the lesson I like you have to take the lesson. It's like you, kids, back get away.
Because any become like another bad golf guy words like you're just and ass, no, that its yet a boy of user. Can I give you a lesson yo just like I see you do in this like won't, you take a more finance. I takes videos and me show me now I like it, it's like what are we doing now? It's it's! The simple: can I give you a quick tipp it all you say yes or not, like you can say, no girl, I'm good yeah, then you're an asshole in the new extract. The first one is, I want to take it love you get the version of it. It was the your caddy, We all know it all. Oh yeah, oh my god, we I am with with with our jobs, We have the most videoed swings in the world and I'm trying to sears one try to bring on it, I'm trying to break ninety. I don't even look at ams anymore? I I heard that every foreplay listener shoots under par. That's what I've heard as well. It's bad! It's really bad and they'll trick me too they've they've figured out cause. I've said this publicly that, like I'm, not listen to anybody except my swing coach, John Tillery, if you're trying to dm me tips, and all that stuff like I don't want them so that now will start the dmz like love the series.
Have you got out of it. I heard he paused again and there, by the way you fucking stuck at putting like figured out, revamp the thing about gulf tips to especially when you're reading them, as they never make any sense the elise to me like a lay person is always amazed Oh your hands are releasing a little bit too early. You need to bring the elbow inside and have it clear your hips before they who am I have none of that makes any sense to any. I accept the person right again and fired up your pollutes enough in your hips are activating as yet. What is this Reilly, combat and bunkers, and people tell me to satellite there's a dollar bill under. Unlike what That means that there are no that's actually good tipp not to do that as yet hank you, your team as the next two yes I have one similar to their first one, but I'll save that for the second. Our first pick is the guy who has a couple bad holes and becomes a total asshole, and just was the mood legged, as has been said, don't pick rex not not rigs. this happens all time. People take it a little bit too seriously
and then all of a sudden they're, just like not talking they're, not cracking jokes, yup, they're literally just like hit get in the cart, don't say anything drive up and then god forbid, they have another bad shot and then it is awkward What I think I wanna make great honour is like once you start fucking up, you should talk more, get it out of your system to just be opened without bad It is true that the energy vampires of golf course he had ass. Yet the ok good pick. My second point is our media, that, as I play a lot of, I play a lotta like random phil golf games like at skyway aches. I don't have idols, go out there by myself and get paired up with every out there. just mean one other guy He started asking me for tips after every single shot. So like the guy, that's like asking as I'm not a good golfer.
I I dunno what I'm doing and he's a. What did you see there like? What do you see there? What you see there, what you see there, because I think I had like he's like all parcel golf like I- had the barzal golf bag and he was like all like you play. A lot of golf was like not really yeah and he just kept asking me for swing tip, so the guy who asked like over ass for tips I don't want to give them yeah. Do you ever make them up? I was literally just like yeah. You know what the people tell me is like Pacino put the ball into front foot, like you know what I'm saying, I say that show that people demi, that I don't even know what they're saying. So what are you going out there and getting peered up with strangers than the fact that you do that on a regular basis? I find to be incredibly brave YAP areas like I get incredibly nervous and anxious about that cause. You don't know where you're going to get and I suck- and it's like. I know everybody sucks, but you never know what you're going to get. So that's I find out to be incredibly, I got it all. Tommy brings like all my clothes and label handed out to like if it's a person at a medium or a large from my closet.
it's like you ever hear of barstow golf. Here's a here's, a quarters that that's where all my clothes I'd love to have. You know Frankie's dad he's probably the most proud father crazy. He he gives away wonder medium shirts. He probably cried yeah. You could just be like frank he's doing a great job. It'll start please listen to this right now he's Christ yeah. Alright, your guys vex pick, which one you want to go. I think I think we, I think you gotta go with those two. Let's do. Let's do that! One cause! it's the strict rule follower, we had that tiger woods today in a fucking dive. If you're making me hit out of a go home, different, don't want to play with you if I'm just off put on the outside of the white steak and you're making me take a penalty stroke. I fucking hate you If I hit a ball out of bounds- and I didn't realize it was out of bounds- and you make me walk back to the fucking t to hit my third shot, because that's what the? U s ga says,
I don't ever want to see you ever again rest of my life, so we like to abide by rules of golf in certain situations. If we're playing like a legit match lot of money on the line or something fine play all the time you want to write my time, please, if I'm not there at my buddies, and I have a guy out there. That's just telling me like all the rules of god or you can walk there. You can't put the it's just, doesn't make it far down my boys like an inch in front marker, you wanna up a little bit what we cinemark to accomplish that goal. Mini golf tournament oh I didn't know that was time and place. That was actually it wasn't. For me, it was a stickler for rules of any golf that I am on the actual. It was a little bit before the toss and he's like what are we doing here, yeah that was kind of in place. There was a lot of money on the line. I was trying to win that there. But no, it's just that it ruins a day, and I always say to myself like what are we trying to accomplish out here we're trying to become professional golfers? Are we just trying to get this ball in the hole me moving? ball an inch out of the divots not going to affect my game. Read today, where it's going to make a big difference in any of our
Let me have a fun time, he's actually rooting for you to have a worse time playing for anything ears, playing like what the fuck do you care also. There should just be like buddy's rules, even if you are playing for something where everyone just agrees as if it's a divot you roll it out or like dick yeah yeah thought of another one from from that whatever you want on the course that enable if you try claim like a real score and, like you know, you're shooting in the seventies or whatever then yeah. I don't like, take your ball out of the rough and throw it onto the great. But yes, please give me the opportunity to cheat as much as I can, because I'm not like actively trying to beach. Yes right. Yes, all right so for number. Two I'm gonna go with the guy that wears spikes as a spectator wholesale guidance. I block in the course and he's got his golf. She was on yeah hank gave a shrug light bulbs.
Done this without you guys I was going to say, but I was talking to my grandfather actually recently guess he used to cover golf like way back in the day when he was in college, and he was like one time I wore shitty shoes and then at one of the other, like older professionals, was like you're on a golf course like you should wear golf shoes. you like that is like I had it was brutal and I are wearing offshoots- is much better to be a walk around and, interesting have the other side of the argument for it. We wear them because first of all, like g for shoes are incredibly comfortable, they're, basically sneakers they're, just like the then they don't have spikes in them. They're, just the other types of collagen molded promoted, like so like you, wouldn't wear ice skates to go cover hockey, but it's like you're, also not on the ice when you're covering hockey What are your literally be after shooting? What did, who s not to finance will also when they were gloves to tournaments too that's correct. Yeah a glove to a I actually have once like god help here with. They asked me to take you in areas where his joke, but you know, but
like if it rains the night before the guy's arrives the players- and we were in gaol shoes and then, if we're out their walk in the core with them. You, of course, are talking about spectators behind the, but aren't aren't they wearing the spikes, because they're they're swinging and so they're, like energy, is being further, the needle traction I don't want. It is because, like their walking across the fair way, no, but like there are I just walk in a hilly grass, of course, that that meant it a great point like we're not really swinging it. There was grabbing beers and eating hot dogs, but I just think it's attraction thing. You don't want to be the guy falling around on these hills and it's like slippery and bentgrass it sounded really. You guys are really thought you guys were in between the ropes we're talking about spectators. Yes, walkin against stating the gallery word. Spikes would about what about caddies. Do caddies always wear spikes, yeah yeah? That always said. I are next pick this one. Actually, I'm shocked got
this far, but just slow play guy yeah yeah slow play guy is the worst takes forever on. Every shot million practice swings has to like you know who he is full play. Guy, usually is. reading the yardage and shit ranch eyes, Emmi native you're, stuck if you're playing one of those guys, it's completely get you out of your entire rhythm and everything sucks becomes a different sport when you're with someone like that, it's like more serious in your like. What are we actually doing at here right? Are you? You know that? What that guy does? He reads the pot from behind then walks around seen it on tv serious, you don't even know what he's doing or do the thing where they hold the potter up to goliath. You don't know any of these things. You just read it in a golf digest magazine feeling is when they take those first two steps and you like, oh they're, going to. all the way around and then you're like now? I've got thirty seconds where I'm just be watching this guy. They miss the part, and it's like
in their their hands and like pointing all. I went right max homa does that because he actually hit it where he wanted to and didn't know that the pot was going to go there you're doing because you suck a guy with a nomar garciaparra pre shot routine. Yes, let's just come on swing and it's like you could deal with it for a few holes. But then, when you get to the back now, you're like we just been doing this all day for five hours and then what I what happens to me, I dunno, if you guys, are the same, but if I'm playing with someone really slow, I end up speeding up yeah because I'm like I just want to keep going so he then fucks up. I mean my game can't be fucked up more than it already is. But if I were a decent golfer, it would fuck me up even more because I'm like you're playing slow, I'm going to play fast yeah, because then you have like there's no worse feeling that knowing your with the slow play guy and then you have people living alone because a little I just feel like we let him play through and usually slow play. Guy does not let him play through no end, it's the worst. I actually think it's worse, though, and when you're not when the slow play guy is a group, and
if you want to yeah and then there's people behind you and you want to be like no like it's not even us- is actually art in the middle of the fairway runs and gets his ball and all of a sudden you're. Like look at this fucking ashley's running back to his car, you start getting. aggravate the guy in front of you, the guy in front of you ruining your little boy. Guy could ruin it and it can ruin basically the entire ecosystem of a golf course yeah for the day. That's right, we write hake, like everything, is a traffic jam. What was Frankie's example there, because I'm afraid of might be that guy, like you'd park, your car in the middle of the fairway, like There are certain, like some guys will just have no awareness on how to move the day along so like they'll, just leave the car and then like they'll, go with a couple of clubs and like move forward with a couple of swings, and they have to come back to run all the car parked at cart like on top of that is perfect. We should be doing move move, keep going, alright, good, alright next pick for you guys and the other one yeah yeah country club.
just walking on eggshells type of guy went to a. I went to a place, pretty stuffy, really like nerve, racking type of place me and my buddy. We introduce ourselves as the ham frankie guy goes hey, I'm rob, and he goes you guys are members arya, and I said no, he goes. You know how I knew you didn't say your last name: oh that's yeah! If you were a juror, that's exactly what it was going to. Let you in what are we doing here, man we've been to places and we've been lucky enough to play some of the best courses ever I love it and and don't get me wrong like I'll. Never take it for granted, but sometimes it's too much where you're like I'd rather just be playing at my old new municipal golf course hopping. The fence with my dad then have to walk around this. Please take the had off when you sit down, there's a place on the ground. Where you, you can't walk into the club us unless you're wearing a sport,
so guys are walking around its in low first shorts and sport, goats and and the club ass is three feet long. So you literally where this market walk through the club s take this work off and then you have to go get you now shared. Do you think that, like when we went in thirty years that will kind of be gone a little bit because, like that is variant old school thing that I think might be dying off, but I owe you I don't big kids, that in euros that their worse and there you right yeah rose always going to be a rich people right, that's what I'd is done there. Always I want to feel rare. Yeah you're right katrina is that more than I do you're fucking like I'm finally feeling weird going in those places, because I don't enjoy myself I end up like I don't want to Do anything wrong, but I'm also like I don't think I'm actually doing anything wrong. You guys have created. This system of rules that is so stupid, I want to be here any more I'd rather just go play some were. I can just have a smell. The poor on yeah young noah imagined the love of clean cut. You have to be to look at Frankie Borelli, be like tat guy.
People, another love. I could pick up your last. You pick skies we're going to go with guy who takes a gimme put on a put that is not a gimme ooh, yeah good one, so the river it's like a hybrid is an awkward thing, especially if you're playing like a match, and they just kind of pick it up, and it's like oh yeah, I as as friendly, but also right. I had honorable mentioned the reverse of that guy, who won't give any gimme putts like if you're two feet away he's like no, you gotta put that out or are you serious there s only molly, an imaginary allocating party who lease in general, yeah yeah either way sock. I do like, though, every now and then justly unnecessary joke when you're like forty feet away like this good good. Just could gulf Ah, this is from Jake. I think this is extremely relatable to florida, and I guess maybe country club golf, but the guy who drives too close to the greens against the cards stuck eu like I feel like that's only in
the nice smile, the nice golf cards that like actually have do yes and then it'll shut down on the river yup, that's bad! I would actually say that actual system is the worst part of golf going right through the gps system that stops you. When you get to you, can you can't go forward and were so? Then you have to reverse back and going backwards in the car with one mile an hour, yeah you're, always motherfucker in that reverse. Now, Jake howard Do you, though, like you're a huge trump guy, and he does not well not oh okay, I the other guy. I actually love on trump guys on the great yeah guys. I think he should be allowed to drive on agreements when he drives with the grades. I laugh everytime he's the only person in the world that should be allowed to do, and we played trump ferry point it's right over here by the by the bridge and there's a sign there. That says he made a hole in one on the first day open yeah, it's just a wind rightly was like with they haven't. We
and play a ruined as he didn't play, though I think europe with nine all that's like the trouble yeah yeah we talking about yours was an amazing. Shall we actually we talk to Michael Cohen, about that we asked and that question is like it's got a lot of holes and one that nobody ever saw. The best part is he played with people that are like no, he didn't yeah. Stand forever. What's the blackest, it's fact What are you guys? It's got your name on it. You say what every black was on the ground. I think people are pissing out, so they moved to a postage raising. This is more my pit. it's you a great golf guy, is the guy that pisses outdoors on the phone all right I'll, say it is it's like? and I'm not even a beer deep yet- and you know what natures conquer take a leak in the woods there. Okay, your guys last pick good in team, hank, yeah, that's a good one! Jake were you close to the green. When you drove the golf cart off that bridge now I can show the picture, but I almost died in. Like seventh grade. I was drive
not a charity. Golf tournament. I was looking drove off a bridge foot drover my walk underwater flick a minute and who said Why does succession Jake, who saved the troll a guy at the golf tournament. I was driving alongside a former mlb pitcher, because it was a celebrity charity, golf tournament that my dad was helping on, and I was thirteen years old and I was trapped under. It was crazy. Ted. Carry with them like all the bottom line is a ram Let's go there: Peter what grandpa oleg no minds through yet like nobody wanted tell what not the picture I'm saying but who is the major league baseball Chris Hammond yeah a pitcher, but I'm saying, if you go to the bottom of my instagram, is the picture night yeah, that's crazy! Treasure treasure taunt yeah, really hard to watch god. Why don t, we may well have been fucked up, look like ones at one moment so fast. That is like a labour man's grandly typing it directly in this industry. Our time, what's in my cousin, goat, full speed in a golf, cart like it was like a game
chicken, where I like always going to move just, did not move probably, I was just like it was like a family outing and like my aunts and my mom came like sprinting around the corner like he was like dead like he was fine, but it was dude member, your history years. theory with gulfs are hidden yeah I was. I was one of my honourable mentioned skies. You don't think it's funny to hate each other with calm embryo said that got with rigs and yeah. When Dave was like, I want you guys to be like posting stuff and guys were like we're. Not various were funny that was so funny lucky, though, that nobody actually killed each other. I agree with both yeah, I don't mind, god, I don't think it's. You shouldn't hit your friends with a golf cart but every time I saw the video I laughed yes, every single time when their bounty on rigs, five or ten grand thousand now bride was laid in a million withers like actually running over people. It was like. I can't go anymore. I keep hearing a cart and I look over my shoulder. I think riggs said that if he, if someone hit
the guard he would actually shoot. Are your guys last pic yeah, the one we want to go with. Handicap police, oh very specifically, had an order and more specific to frankie in and rigs, because their genuinely pretty good golfers with a handicap is low. and then when you put your swing in your game on the internet and they see a couple of bad shots, people you're, not actually a seven or an eight you're, actually a fifteen, it's the worst go insane. If I were you actually it can vary with every being like discourse, searches and eight. It's like yeah, I'm actually just doing what the handicap system does, though, the handicap system, as you put it in you, you just input all your scores. You basically put your scorecard in the app and it just delivers you a number you're, an eight point: nine you're, not point to, and everyone thinks that, like if you're nine, if you're not
ten that you shouldn't eighty two every time that right on our part, but that's not how to handicap system works. The handicapped number is it's your best possible round over your last twenty. So it's like saying if you play the best ever today. You need to, but that also means you can chew. Ninety five writing more recently and I got to everyone's doesn't stana and my right most complicated system and its it is, but like it's the only thing we act like you're, not a nine you're? Actually in eighteen, it's I'm talking every single person and it's just like I'll, go and see handicap police, just the fucking worst. and when you finally have a good round, you like wanna, call them It's one that you can count every shot here. There are also just there's internet forums that are like dedicated people that are in charge of like looking up potential like handicap misuse by people. It becomes like a true active thing and they do the same thing and like distance running we'll have like these forms are like tracking people's gps asses.
Yeah. There are times same way in golf, it's like okay. I figured out this purse has been lying about their handicap and they feel like they get a little feather in their cap. For that yeah, you, you guys should figure out like be great if we could figure out a way like the barstool. Maybe the comment section were like on specifically on your posts like. If someone wants to critique swing it like has a gift of their sweat. Will I want that? It is at a bar, so classic has been my dream is when they sign up giving it away now when they sign up, we ask them for their twitter and instagram handle, and Just saying all we just want to do something for social and then I'm sitting on a tee box with every once yeah and I type in my name and then anything. If I find a guy that talk shit about me, I bring it up right before he hits and I said: look like see it now yeah and then we just say it's just like a roast of all these guys that have just been talking shit about us forever. I think it will like curb people critiquing everything if their golf swings one hundred per cent right. Oh yes, I love a good idea. Ok! Our last pick,
Okay, our last pick for annoying golf guys, you, I think, we'd go with the. I got one crown prince muhammad Bin, Salman he's an annoying he is annoying he's taken, he's just ruin the game of golf for everybody really, probably the most annoying golf guy, as me say that you probably saw my arms yes, so gotta, be what are your thoughts? I know I agree with you guys I don't like, I think everything's. I think the whole thing's weird, but also cover the live, tore like it's like. What are you going to do? I don't know what you can do if it starts become a real thing right. Even rory Mcilroy, who is the prince of the pga tour, came out last week and was like listen at this point. If it's helping golf like so telling off ass. A thing is going to take us next year, force them to have to adapt which would be but I you can say that the guy that that murders people is bad, him guy, Phil mickelson accomplished what accomplished
the pgs office. That's like alright. That was definitely what he wanted accomplish. Yeah, that's one hundred percent. I would like a list of commandments that he wanted from the fucking pj tour, and now they are just checking off the list or they're. Giving more money to the paris program was the perfect example of how they're just trying to pay the higher you know ranked guys and like you, see it where the J tour and all these major, like all they just having a fine more money, not a persons are bigger, like I was part of fills point was like. we want more money. We know you guys have more money, but you are holding it for yourselves and now that live as offering you billion dollars a tournament, the pga tour, to try to fight that I know we can walk up our personal it'll be all right, so it did to a degree filmmakers and what he did worked. He just had to completely torpedoes. I repeated yet. If I was on the tour right now, I would definitely my my investment habits. My spinning habits would be way more reckless, knowing that in my back pocket of always got to live tour.
I can do no write me a check one. If, if push comes to shove, the somewhat scream to fill today it open something about live and he's like. Will you just stop it, I'm loving life right now. My life is great yeah yeah, That is the any. This was a great mount rushmore dude perfect amen corner they defiled augusta. I no longer same lines. I that guy, that you golf with sometimes that were just silly hat- take steroids that guy I think I excuse maker. That goes always something that, wrong with the pie wind blue on that one, or there was a debate or some. Like you, I mean, there's always a guy that, like didn't do the wrong thing. It was everything else were all bad. So if you can, admit that you're bad at it makes things a lot easier. Writing it's. Not! The wind saw the break of the green
and it's just like you're just were all pretty bad. At this thing, it's a hard sport cause it's similar to the gimme, guys, the guy that does give them like right down the wrong score. Yeah again at the five. Ere, I said I hate you. I do I want to do that, but try your account. May I used to be thrown out, because I am that guy's and one where the process sometimes they do and I'm the better you get the less you do it, but like when you're, when I was really really bad, I would be on like shot now I believe I gotta go through this again, because I've been so many here so that guy I veto thou in four hours. I just wanna say before you guys leave. I love your gun, tense, you guys have incredible. Look at look at those four. after returning to the top of the earth. That is incredible. Those are great, I have a really bad one on my head to like it's just right here like if you see me in like a knot with all the bright lights. It just goes right across and everything's just white appears really bad. My last one was a guy who won't play rigs in a one on one challenge because he thinks he can be a pro.
I offer something extra that way, yeah so good. That was the best saga. I've ever started was that as yet he was. He was also at a movie with his kid and he left the movie. that is good was crying back, have kids grow you're, making me curs, whose ability to my child links to get the whole guy you I like you know that, maybe not add a gulf like avenge, but I will get the whole guy. Like you cheat cheer and on your friends. Must job that's not like at potatoes five wake of the year there's another like there's, one that is very specific to actually playing with people and it's when you hit a bad shot and everyone says it's a good shot. Oh no like when you the drive and everyone's like all good one and like it starting to leak way laughed and wealth. Now, all of a sudden out of bounds, it's like well like we don't have to sugarcoat how bad
shot that wanted out you're hiding a lot too like. If you miss a pot, it hasn't at all, and sometimes you want to be a dick and be like. No, it wasn't. We do, John s eyes at all the time and area names, though, unlike the king of meaning, are nice role lying. There are to be like wondering. I should like to offer, like I'm doing my friends billy, I'm with randomly all that the earth is like? No, it wasn't a day what about, but I say like you're, going to love that pretty much every show is that okay, it depends on like that guy if, if he's continuously hitting bad shots- and you keep saying I love that he seemed like. I don't love any of that when you like completely like completely slice one of the woods you like yeah I'm trying to accomplish something else there, my mom, definitely on the list of bad gulf war akin I, when we were out in vegas there was one guy who hit it in the sand and he was like playing through and he came up. I was like yeah you're in the city,
it right here, he could see that was in the end that did there in the sand. He knew he was a bit sad water, though yeah I was putting well that day. Alright, thank you. Boys subscribed before play. They'll have a recap of the open and sad about tiger, Well, what's a cut going to be, he just made a burger, not even going to be close and he's gonna get like he's got to shoot his balls off It really teed off the lead right now: anybody's, capable tigers, I love frankie and Pft. Oh yeah, ok! So it's July, twenty ninth atlantic city, anchor rock club, yup, ranking drummer, frank forced to write. Im gonna sing a little bit. It's going to be an amazing venue. I looked up two of the pictures. Ankara club is awesome and then a new york city July, six august, six august, sixth, mercy theatre, grandma's theatre, so yeah, Oh look at our socials. We have all the links for the tickets up there, it's gonna be fun. I love getting back on stage can be good time. Yes, alright,
thanks, again guises agonized. We were never for this big dance, I gotta gray. Ever so great, you have thanked the great job sway great mount rushmore by those guys now, rushmore was brought to you by visit. There are moments life that are just absolute vibes, like your team, getting the draft that keeping praying for or shooting your first birdie on a par three wish. I could say that I've done that, but when I do it will be a vibe. The best way to celebrate those moments is with the drink that matches divide busy, hard seltzer. All his brings a good vibes with a variety of delicious fruit flavors in anti occident, vitamin c you guys know, will of course light. We all of course light and that hasn't changed. What I'm craving a heart cells are visions and when I go for, I was back in situ last week on the beach vibe out on spit probably had about a hundred visits over the course of
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I am moving monday. I haven't packed a single thing and I've had like this whole week. Like this whole week, I was like alright I'm going to slowly. Get my shit together pack, it all up. I add the time and then I've just gone home every night this week and played video games it's impossible to pack when it's more than the it's two and a half days out, yeah yeah and in your defense moving sucks, yeah yeah. I don't, like everybody procrastinates to a certain point when it comes to move, because there's nothing fun about the moving process and the worst part about what you're about to go through. Hank is like when you finally mentally get to a point where it's like alright time to pack- and you tell yourself: oh this- isn't that bad, add, and then you get into it and you're like oh. This is like a lot of like. Is there something I wish? I had more time to get through all this shit there's. So many like little things that you forget about moving that you just like. Oh no, all I gotta do is get my emails to my plates and my bed and I'm good. No, no there's so much more Gonna put the getting new stuff cancelling.
are changing, addresses stresses the worst, I think is the kitchen part where you have to put like a pieces of paper between all the plates, so they don't break to them oh, you did did really sure, yeah. Okay, I'm grown up for you watch this tire remover I like to do. That too. I was talking like that. I was talking to a moving company last week and they're like oh yeah. That should be fine, we'll give you a call back and then in my head I was like boom walked in and then I was driving back from the hamptons like I never, back and then I realize, like. I still need to get a companies so that all like it's all these are thing. that I've had more than enough time like it's. Not it's not like. This is something that snuck up on me. It says almost that I had too much time yeah that actually it's it's it's times fault
Yeah. Forgive me again, it's my brain. You know just my my crushed professional crass needing yeah. What do you think is a perfect amount of time for you to know that you have to move in five days five days yeah cause, then it's like. five days. We can what make moves a little stuff here and there yeah like this is like I had technically. I had two weeks obviously last week I wasn't here, but it was like yeah. here's an idea next week for that, as we go as I wall you're fucked what, if what if they made an invention, that was just called like the apartment bag, where you could put everything in your apartment to one giant bag and then slide that out the door and then on four wheels yeah, but maybe not four wheels, maybe just like yeah. Maybe it's got something on the bottom, but he's a bag that you can throw everything into and then just pull it into new apartment hank I'm confused you're moving, but it's not the end of the month. Yeah, that's a whole! That's a whole nother story, firefox that I'm not going to get into, but
What happened? It's it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. What happened? You had a couple of places. The air current yeah right, rainham or wait. Hank doesn't mean that you have fifteen more days to move all your stuff out. That would I gotta be on Monday. Are you sure, I'm extremely sure what they do there like? You ought to be a monday, and I was like what did you pay for the four month now? Okay, that stuff Ok, that's good! Five have been moving, as is the worst thing I like wild, that it be afraid it would have it's it's it's So how do I use with my building this entire time? I've lived here and I'm happy to be out of there. Put it that way item I you have to your firefox. My firefox is I I feel bad for the listeners, because I fucked up billet. Oh well, that's Monday's fire fest. I feel bad because I fucked up
and on Wednesday show. I did not say I love you guys, oh usually in real time. Yeah ended on such a high note that I was like you didn't want to. How did we end that show you ended with the seal joke again? Oh yeah, the callback was too perfect of a callback, but in my defense it was very high and I forgot so it's not that I forgot that I loved you guys. It's that there were. There was an imbalance between what my brain was thinking and then the words that were coming out of my mouth when people forget at one point I had to like call bub over and be like: hey bubba. Remember that thing that we talked about, because I couldn't even express the words to him of like what we talked about, but I just I I forgot it's not that I don't love you guys. I do love you guys and whenever that happens, I get that's probably the most like the heads up that I get of anything that ever happens on the show. There'll be like probably one hundred people that tell me hey. Do you still love me?
that you love me. So don't be so needy and yet won't know. It's ok to be needy, like we were expressing our emotions, which we don't say it enough as men as women to each other. I love you guys and I I can't blame hank or bubba for editing it out. Making mistake. My mouth edited out did a bad job. Editing my brain. Stop you stop loving them. I didn't stop, I'm not for fucking. Second, what sounds like you did, because your brain was so high. You forgot to love, not not the case. I love you guys, don't ever forget. As I'm, going to state multiple times a day. I love you guys. Okay, so mine is all about that episode as well as for the few, the proud who hurt us as chipmunks when they woke up on Wednesday morning that sucked, which sucked even more was, I think my this is like another sign that, ah I'm probably addicted to content too much. I woke up in at five in the morning, just out of a dead sleep looked at me,
I phone and saw like the first two tweets were like. Is this the minions episode and why do guys sound like chipmunks, and then I just didn't? Go back to sleep cause, I we were trying to fix it, and it's just like why. Why did my brain have to do that? Why did my brain have to have like a subconscious alarm, go off being like hey something's wrong with the pardon my take upload? That's also, maybe the funniest episode for it to happen to just like stone at records. I was crazy to take cause. I was like oh no people just listening it for x or two x. Wherever you listen to Nora, we literally sounded like chipmunks apologies. It was something about the ad insertion, so it wasn't even us it was our upstairs. So actually was us who's hank. Ah, it was upstairs had something wrong, so it's not our fault. I I heard somebody play a clip of the show,
Where was the fast version but slowed down to half time? That was very because it didn't even sound normal. It sounded sound like drunk drunk chipmunk yeah, but if the whole idea of us going out early for the mini golf tournament was we didn't have to wake up at five in the morning to take a bus from manhattan, and then I ended up waking up at five in the morning anyway. So that was awesome. That's a baby alarm yeah! It fucked me up. Fuck me! No, that's not the payment, my kids sleep! Well, it was the chipmunk alarm. Somehow went off my brains, eddie since I was just me and beg her light and our boxers five in the morning at eight only area alone- I really like. Why do we sound like trip marguerite? The alien I gone to sleep like an hour before because he was editing the show. So he had one hour sleep and I kept on. I would be like hey: can you re uploaded and he's a guy got it and then I'd go back to my room and then I'd come back for like three minutes later and he was back asleep cause. It was so it was fucking five in the morning but yeah I was just standing in my boxers,
in his room being like we gotta figure this out and get a picture of the chipmunks chipmunks evinced infiltrated us you'll, see other podcasters doing that. Just remember that we care we care, maybe too much. Sometimes alright. Jake finishes off so a few weeks ago, my fire festivals that I left my sandwich. A few holes prior had to go back and get it this time. I remembered it. This happened last week when I was home in florida I but one picked up the sandwich that was bringing I put it in a red ant, pile, oh no. I got only one bite. Somehow, but I have an extra of it. It was there are like a dozen of them on my grip price and would have had a stroke no way what I use wipe them off. I took water and dumped on the that on and is that you have a valid got one by one by one by you. Everybody knows the rules. Have you ever stood
in a pile before no cause. Sometimes, when you stand in one, you don't realize that you're in one until you get that first bite and you look down at your leg and it just fucking covered in fire and yeah, and that will ruin your day. So I dunno what to do with my wedge these this yeah. Hopefully I can just put it on the green or take it out. Yeah there. You go. That's your fault for having to queue up using it. I think I'd only one, I had a crazy I'll, also never promise of a six pack during the summer ever again, heck you're, so close interesting. I never saw that one coming you're so close, I am we're getting there, but you're, not no you're doing great sweetie. No, I am yeah. You are I'm on the road there I'll do you genetically can get a six pack. I just got get what the problem is. This is your last year to have a six back, yeah being weird yeah, but wintertime I grind a winner, yeah yeah grind
I was going. I was going to hard may june and then the just the summer hack article. Why did you do crunches every to every hole you get to thirty crunches in the tee box You just walk. Instead of taking a cart, I do or incentive any three pot it crunches you're, not gonna. Do it alright numbers. I think you look great hank. Have you ever gotten this before wait? Put that back spot, you just said it out loud spoil, no okay, I'm going to go with forty four gay male. Eighty eight I feel like if it doesn't come to that it's coming soon. two thousand six hundred and twenty seven
sixty two all are recounted. A wedgie accounts It is a way, but it's also the uk scouse. Here we go sixty two. It's official love. You guys are auteurs or necrophilia jokes. The the the
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Transcript generated on 2022-07-17.