« Pardon My Take

NFL Preview With Comedian Stavros Halkias, Football Is Back, Mt Rushmore Of Breakups, Fyre Fest Of The Week

2022-08-05 | 🔗
Football is back and so is Mark Davis who dominated wings in everyone's face in Canton (00:00:49-00:04:44). We have a fake technical issue and then talk Vin Scully and Billy got dunked on playing pickup basketball (00:04:44-00:25:18). Comedian Stavros Halkias joins the show to break down the 2022 NFL Season based purely on how well the quarterbacks and coaches of each team fuck (00:25:18-01:21:27), we then do Mt Rushmore of breakups (01:21:27-01:45:46). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (01:45:46-02:04:34:04).
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey guys it's brie and it's back to school on the bar still store so get ready because we have new releases across all of your favorite brands. Like kfc radio spitten check, let's checks in the office foreplay bus and with the boys party might take plan planetary and much much more. We have new, let's rage and sleep when you're dead hoodies at our available now and the parcel store has all of your favorite merge, like tease, hoodies hats, crew next jacket, anything that you need it's back to school, so shop now at store dot, parcel sports dotcom on today's pardon. My take we ve got our good friend, Stavros, healthy is back on the show, and it's a great one. Broke down the entire twenty twenty two and I fell season. It is the definitive preview for the nfl season. I know you can read all these books, you can design, a analytics we just went through every single team and talked how quarterback in the coach of that team fuck and now tell you how this season is: gonna, go with you
rushmore within them out rushmore breakups we have football back, football is banned, and we also have fire fast and we're getting ready for grit week. That will start on Sunday and we're to you by our friends at revitalize. Revitalize it is, is an advanced. rehydration solution designed to replenish vital fluids and minerals its power, by the same electrolyte formula found in the baby. I'll put it in of taste and texture, more appealing to adults revitalize is conveniently sold next beer wine and liquor, so you can like an adult and hydrate responsibly? They have the bar two black labour, which is very delicious perry, frost, waiver, prototype drink at night and the other half of the morning and you will feel as good as new. With revitalize you need those fluids, need those minerals bounced back faster with revitalize anna taste, great, so you're a vital. I black label today in store or online at the poorest Store tweet us or tagged
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and all of the art by trade is entered by first team sport. Rapporteur, might take presented by drink, revitalize, go find it right now in the bar stool store, or you can find it like, restores cross country. Today, is fry a august fifth and football is back. Are you whispering papa papa for food for thought it stuck it marked avis told a shell show. Mark Davis is the true back king here, because he came in with shades that he looks like he bought at the gas station outside a captain. He came in, he was
Just how sing buffalo wings with a shirt on his hair cut It's great. I know it's a whole fame game, but who is based like just put mark Davis on the screen, the whole time, because this football game its awesome to see the helmets. I basically every every hall of fame games, exact same were seeing How much is great seeing the field is great. And then you just like ok, this kind of alex. I want the real football will. We Oh hi dog fur for the visor make it appears that dog petersen and the game was over when they should. coaches on the sidelines, and just Daniel said I'm tougher than the fucking rain. I'm unaware visor and then they cut to doug dogs had he's guzzle hat with a roof on it in other real hat. Precision providers to Doug didn't want to show everything that he's going to be using during the regular season. I understand that I get it. I think he's gone a little bit grey in the last couple of years, I think he's tried he's he's. Child a timid come on of, shall put the visor back on for old time's sake, but
once again got started. I held on longer than most, I think I stayed pretty interested through the second have just because a cow slaughter who right now being the raiders three. Do nothing in the second half why he said What do you mean he stinks? He has precision quarterback of all time. He didn't get us a touchdown and I bet the over and I wanted a touchdown that mean there's quarter to it. There's a fourth quarter: cow slaughter. I still believe in him. If you watch from play, you should believe by my big. Take away was This was a get. This was the hall of fame game for fans too. Because I was not ready for football to be on tv. I was I wasn't ready. I ordered my dinner, my delivery and ordered it like thirty minutes too late, the game it already started. When I got here, out of my rhythm right now, good to jesse I'll get back in the rhythm sit on the couch watch, football figure out, which one is the volume up button and we where the channel a button that one fucked me tonight, Luba too little fans watching her mom we haven't,
for border couch in about six months later, yellow months, you're more thirty minutes lakers. We at the weather delay, which sought yeah well underway socks, We also had yes, basically, the game of Josh martino from always from people with that shit, ok yeah that did happen, and yet it was. It was like cool helmets field. Football kicked off I'm okay, no one! No one of consequence is playing I'm going to hang in for a quarter and then I'm like just get me this. Is it it's very funny when the when the first preseason game happens, I'm so excited to watch it, and then, as soon as we get through the first quarter, the first preceding game- I might just I can get over with the preseason, I'm done with the preseason, get me to the regular season. We still have one more week like preseason week, one we'll get that quarter from like team you'll get see the bears see the commanders for the first time and that We call for a quarter and then will be like oh yeah, precision, socks move along, so I would honestly
I think that they should have an that mark Davis box can like they do. The man cast cast should be a Davis cast a bull cast and just have it just be his his forehead. Even I don't know what it is. I think maybe the the people in the truck are actually fucking with him, because I do feel like we have more shot the mark Davis eating random things, and you don't like. I feel it does not have the time ahead. stuff. Cankers keeps holding is his earphones it I'm I'm like nor I dont. Holding his earphones like something very wrong andrews staring at many won't say anything, some very nervous at something isn't recording or something something's, not working or there's an echo. I don't know what to do. I gotta admit very thrown off by this is is. Are you guys hearing a faint echo is? I can literally like heard at once and then. I can't hear when I say some now: no
I guess it's all and I only wish. I know that we had this issue with when we're doing this with you, where you have a slight echo that you here, but then there are like it's fine, yeah, but he was trying to I was. I have been doing this. I think hank, my might be part of italian because he's been speaking with his hands law recently we did an interview which I'm not going to talk about right now, but in the interview that we did a couple of days ago, hank was over there. I said something to the press were interviewed. I referring to a specific game and hake put his hands up in the and starts shaking his head around look. Wouldn't I was trying to Alice acting. that already jaws. I was trying to get you to give context because you're, like this you guys are on the same page with the game, and I was like I don't know anything about it. If you're no game, I'm talking about there's a lot of what the hell I'm talking about defense was
his ball game from a very long time ago. So it was. You know here that he was like, what's going on, which I understood, but yet used and would even his face was like his brain swallowed, a sour warhead immediacy distracted at him just going like this, though, like he's like a fucking like dick low trying to avoid like some chick he doesn't want to hook up within the booth like going on right now in Andrews literally like you, I guess you can return the youtube. We may be cut to myself, I'm just like smashing my head put up to try and unesco that is to say here today. red alert, red alert has anything wrong. I know I know, and obviously, if I was trying to determine whether not something was wrong and above we ve had you ve had slight echo issues where it's like not been an issue on the right and also in, If I see an issue or not, it's like I'm, just like really transfer when I should say
to which is not the first day on pan arise first time, so she doesn't know whether jump in or not here. So it is a little bit more difficult. I get it and then the best part about then we should pause. I think we should pause. We ve got is harmonization like. I think we should pause, doesn't putting you you're doing the like Patrick ma homes on second down in a medium, quite stadium, we're is covering out all the outside noise yeah right, exactly at the best part, is Billy's. Just housing, corn speaking good, honest corn bet, and the least distracting part of the shows credits? Billy word: where was it is amazing, sweet corn by I mean it's shot out this farm. It we re looking at the helm, also made a real sent us a box of so much corn is theirs. It is amazing horn. They also sent a chocolate chip, cookies, barring white lips harm, you haven't you more billy I have so many challenges, these rural, graham banking horn. Given the robin corner desired, but what I want you
bringing into the office listeners, are not gonna, hear this break, but were about to take a break and will give you a verdict on the other side, Ok, we're back in the jury is out hank ruined First part: the shelf I'd have another. The jury is out, isn't it was it was? I didn't make the call eyes I didn't like a hook. no ok. So here's thing this is actually a little behind the scenes for that. For the listeners there isn't echo We are now using a new recording software called riverside where it records exactly. What's going in there is just recording was going into my computer. It's not recording everything else and all that come together, so that probably why we sound great for all the listeners. Maybe that's a shout out like hey, you guys are doing zooms, but you still so like you're, saying this studio next to each other and hank. Thank you for being I always attentive to for the listeners. I appreciate that Finally, I was not expecting out,
thinking about the fact that we are videotaping myself so haven't unwashed back in the too will be works. I was definitely like fully. locked in trying to just just just use my but lady the barcelona. Yes, you know you're the greatest and wrote right now by the way, when I want to set what I'm watching case. I start screaming the jaguars are driving for the over right, runny, all twenty seven, two three five minutes. This is slow to tie baby we're still. This is me if counselor gets me this over. I will be a cow slaughter believer. If he doesn't. I will mother fuck him forever, plenty room on the slower about baby. Ok. So I care remember what we were talking about. So let us say way: vince gully died wait moment. Sounds events gully next No vince gully would not want to have a moment's silence. He would want us to tell a whim. Michael we would want to spend a whimsical yarn regarding the fragility of human life and the glory that the opportunity of living or
that was really trying to do that. He would. He would want people to tweet random stories about taking a piss next to him, which Jeff permanent did. That's always nice. I hope I have at least one person when I die be like I took a net appear next to big cat backing like twenty five. Team man, he wasn't joking when he said his dick was small. Oh, I can't wait for yeah tells that story again actually told it the other day, but if you guys haven't heard of them, I'm happy to run it back jake. I would I talk about in Scully because you are, I mean, he's all time. Legend were its. I feel deaths on a little bit of a hot streak. Right now, like desk, I put a few in together here we ve blossom. greatly oda good good. Fellow you know god following knows bill Russell. Now we have the scully we're losing some legend, so I'm I'm gettin undressed understand just goin on here. Everyone be mine there,
in cuba, but go ahead. Jake, yeah, that is the best forever broadcaster of all time, he has moments that you could put a dictionary like you can fill addiction thousands of pages with the valves, you can write a book. I think we're jake stresses you could write a book about all of vin, Scully's jake was just trying to think of like what's the what's a book, that's called words in it: it's not really me being a play by play guy and not being able to articulate a sentence. Isn't the best look, but now, if I could have one percent of the success that he had I'll, be a successful agraea here, I think about it. I think. Would you- can say about vince Gullies- that he made watching baseball, exciting all the time be a shitty game. It can be boring game but he was. He was a great storyteller that one clip of him talking about madison bumgarner and his wife
killing the snake in finding rabbits inside and there'll, be three one count and like just going right back and forth into the play by play. I think. The best piece of play by play of all time, an end. We talk about all the time, but the big game voice and vince gullies, like almost the inventor of the big game voice where its. If you hear any clip that he's on your like up this is about be an all time moment that will remember forever, even if it is just of array I'm game in the middle. The season thing about his voice makes you feel, like the stakes are bigger and that's all I ever want from my announcers, and he did that to the nth. other. He called the game of the catch Yes, forty honours gay. I actually didn't realize then till guide I was watching the hall of fame game. I think got the technology? Is there where, if you run enough words through a sound board, you create a software system. Have the software system just be that person,
that's what we need to be calling baseball games. I think there's enough, there's a tape out their vince got. He said every word that your lot to say on television television just take, take the audio give me robot vin Scully. I don't care if we never get robot ups arms. Give me robot vin, Scully's yeah and the He also called hake, Aaron's seven. Sixteen, when, when he passed paper, which is an all time, call odyssey. Kirk Gibson, there's just a million of them. So are ve been Scully watch out for death, the goat the gunshot forgotten. That's all I want to say we will get who goats and yet he was a poor us. Vince scully mean hake got swaggered act by magic johnson, who, basically, you always want. I made up. You also listened the podcast and hankers like we should higher bill, rustles number for all the nba the next day. Magics like I know we should do. our bill. Rustles number for the entire nba so. Our credit to you hank problematic,
yeah I made of your. Should we just let me we were basically done. I the only other thing I had always second and god at the biggest pfizer slaughter tie baby. This is where I am telling you about back in subtle grad in Bulgaria. he's truly is is bad So don't I feel ass. No one is in incomplete cosette He was bad and it was bad in the third quarter, but he really slaughter. Time is truly. Like the last five minutes, we went out all what are they just need points? We haven't point. We one point. One point is what It's raining is terrible: weather they're, probably not even their product. Although the fancy go home because it might die from the lightning in the rain and all that stuff, but slowly after slinging it that's the kind of guy. He is we're not going to like this. Would they go forward just to get reps or like? Would they kick a field goal, even though there now you're gonna go for you're gonna go for yeah shadow. karlsson verges, bombing, kicks and precision. tough stance, loader, whether we
I wanted a hedge on long ago in the sense of my guy slaughter. I should retire right now wanted only nfl season. This is perfect start to the season for because this is indicative of what I do on just about every game is I'll bet two things and then one of the things will hit the other will not hit and then lose a little bit of money on the vague and then I'll. Think, as a win, only think about tibet that I want to go into the next week and then I'll check my account be like oh yeah, I have less money than I did last week, but I I walk away. A perfect season has ever been done. One what did our show MR massage halves, I did say that I was going to have the best gambling season of my entire life this year, How would you say put on it? I had good amount of units it was. It was a real nfl sunday play which is not respond, I'll just say it like that stupid during these games or not,
Who knows what's can happen in these stupid games? You stop, for the first game, beautiful hand offer to point vision, version by counselor right there I was excited I was very excited for this. Game is very exciting for football be back yet maybe I should I think this is actually the like one a season in a row that I've said. I'm gonna have my best gambling season of my life so we'll see alcoves one and always wanted no lasting before we get to starve we're going on great weak. we're gonna be in colorado. We have a big interviews planned. out there and we're going to we're going to be going around we're going to have a meet and greet for the people, but I just one last thing from billy you the coroner eaten, a corn, also, you were on a game, show that everyone watch and I want to give a quick how'd it go. A guy rigging locally Do you think that you had a good performance? Are bad performers hair
shelly, actually also, if you go back and timing and coach yourself up on your appearance. What would you say to two young bill? Ivy league this is and can be man, russia's wild life. Surviving in the wilderness has nothing to do with it and then once you are trapped in the woods for six days after being eliminated, like chill out and not be his angry, maybe makes it a water. That's alright, billy we appreciate you go out there. I think you should do more. Reality shows. I want to see and more stuff so good job, maybe maybe totally good job representing p m t, but good job being there, That is good. being you yes, cs, which address is our fault, because that we have you. representing the empty. We know you I mean I whatever, but you do, that
that right now, so you ve eaten a shitload of corn and we appreciate and a lot of coin. I am actually last day just in case this shows up in a video or somewhere. I got dunked on tonight and that is just going yeah. That's in case This shows an hour now. That's that's velveteen, smart, but like that I'd mess that hake egg, I it's very smart, put what are you just said, the keeper this is. I need the video whoever has like is we're. Billy just implied is someone might have the video I will for that I don't know who No, if there's a video bite these are only on the sidelines No, we, we were like three games in right. We'd won three straight times. It was the fourth game and a fresh team came in and we were just getting like destroyed because everyone's gassed and then I was getting
his dogs, my teenager. I have no idea who they are, but I just was piss off heroic quitting. I ran down our fast break to block a guy I He sat up trying to go for a lap he hit off the backward. I literally got. arrange went off the back poor guy with jason tarried yeah yeah? Really? What did he look like. You are. I think I never billy implies that he was an african american gentlemen. That's why I didn't want to say why asked to provide you re, actually In other words, far was the worst variable is after I got down don someone from the bench goes, Boys got monkey g parks know how that really, our very alright. I'm ok going to scooby really clear right now
if someone has a clear video, this I'll pay five hundred dollars cash manually, imagine thousand really it has been clear. Video I'd be able to see that like to see billy get dunked on. here. The monkey pox lined thousand dollars for me in pfc site become so many hockey's. What have you will give you cash? You end over your phone. The warming I can see that almost all the hard drives in every every fucking computer in the office, whoa whoa, whoa billy, I, as as as this is going on. As he just told a story. I dunno a fucking story is listening, but there's a rob tax of of just people that live out again in the specific area, but people live in this area that work at bar, so its kind just like it it's funny, but a kid just. At message in it and goes billy? Please tell me these rumors aren't true is facility at the office, though he might be, memes must be listening. Yeah all right, that's gotta, be it that area
it is not us. We now need to rio. I need a video. I need to know billy like dues, that somebody was accorded. You have reason to believe that somebody was regarding this no nose like one of those things where, like here's, do billy. how much meat outages arbitrate out, does anyone have video of billy playing basketball, knocker say anything else will see it's mine it right now. Now you know clean. How do we get out of it? I think that if this video does exist and is as good as advertise, I think we have to even go as far as putting like the audio in the intro part might take There's, no way that that someone was filming pick. I know I know I know I don't know. I don't think I don't. I understand why billy said it because you just where's, he got dogtown, but the chances a pretty video, actually existing are very, very, very slim put, but but but hank learn this by what you listening to all these crime podcast watching all these netflix things there
probably one of those cctv somewhere? You know we can probably like. The city of of Hoboken could probably send us like their one. Everything Jeff pesos, probably as this or a serge as this. If somebody that lives in a house nearby has a ring camera, how it even accept that that's what I'm saying they could turn think their video of everything. Now we need to go video of this yeah? I it's it's you now. I plague the pigeon competitive, the piglet competitive I think some of them were rutgers football players Ok, gentlemen yeah there was a tough one. Just had to get that you had to get there, my chest just so you phone the phones came out right after because
This billy did the game end immediately after because the dunk was so violent that everyone stormed the court knows our the thing. Was it wasn't the first time in a game that someone got downtown So I would like some people have been dug dawning that game so I did end game, but the monkey parks line did did get a very loud round. laughter and pleasant thing. Was we ve been running the court for three? for games. They got much team came on issues like now, ran on us until you ve got it off. I mean listen, urban dogtown. I played a lotta pick a basketball you they're gonna, get. Fuck alloway very quickly. What do you say? if you don't play with anyone who could do a google play yeah exactly when to go bordeaux billy or have played with many people that dug you either just get the fuck out of the way or you fell so hard. They can't dunk, while he was The thing was, I was unexpected. I was like seeing red trying to chase down a dunk, because my team would give up just playing george
That was your other. We are here. Why are airlines, lay our will You just said you're, teammates, weren't, playing art right, yeah. I got that dog me. right and then the dog got fucking jammed on yeah didn't set so. Yeah- I don't I don't know what's going on, I address its area has been voting lists. There's no video firmly stated this video doesn't exist now, billy when you say a guy, don't turn uses it tommy ducking on you can those games or fuckin. It's all fuckin smoking ears very does occur. We can all you're married, he doesn't care, he does it yet isn't right Tom. It off oh, he did give me and lowering the bar, which remember it. Carried over to the game. Show the indicator.
Yeah. So I mean I I gotta tat. He knew in my eyebrows shaved off in didn't win anything so yeah, so I'm since in a theme here is that you do play defense too hard. Ghana, stuff, like you, gotta, stop trying thereafter thing no are you going on. My ever is way too. I ain't, you hide, resides you try to know. Let me rephrase that as I said it, I immediately realized how big an air I was making by words. You tried you hard and things that don't matter, that's the problem, the familiar messages refocus your effort into all that do matter. Instead of things that make no difference. Let's end on a positive billy, you paid, worn bet. You ate a lot of corn. That's So where is your home years now in court billy? You now want to know you're one and only last one yeah yeah, that's a win. let's get to starve rose
the rest of the show and I'll say, I say if you have like young kids in the car that listen to the show. This is one that you're gonna wanna turned up turn the voice or not. And Kabul get like the neighbors kids in the car for this work. If you forgot your headphones, your work on friday, just you get home because yeah it was but it was very, very good. here is before we get to starve rose. We have a quick word from our friend better help. How well Would you take carrier car if you had keep the same one, your entire life? how our brains work. So why do we In that way, how we for our minds affects how we experience life. So it's him to invest time and care into keeping them healthy, better help. online therapy that offers videophone and even live chat. Only therapy sessions see Jonah the anyone on camera. If you dont want to its much affordable than in person therapy. You can be matched with a thing: piss in under forty eight hours. Listen,
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Stavros halkia. What's up boys he's back he's going to do a mount rushmore with us? Yes, sir, or else also going to just chop it up for a little bit we're going to do the mount rushmore of breaks stops. Now we decide this just totally random yep you haven't had any breakups recently. Have you not recently, no, no a couple of bad ones, so no no like hit podcast breaker yeah, that's pretty fun. Yeah! Last night I was like okay cool. I was like sick yeah, that's fun. I was like I talk about breakups in my comedy you're, so right, I've probably left comes out yeah. He did. I had no damn. I all my shit is about you. Women yeah. I know what you paid for me has come to yet he was Dig it like away our work
my should offer more arguments that we have just like doleful, so fucking funny so yeah yeah. So a little bit has happened. You know tat which, which I know tat the fell interesting. We we do. Would you make fun of the notes app anyone who notes ass clerk, you get over yourself, but it was a significant I had to do some cause. It was like we just kind of decided. It knows like no one really said it, and I was good. Just gonna be gone so and you know the show never really address- is anything right. So I just figured like I'll just fuckin put it there certainly knows that I'm not on an idea and people still think it's a beer people so like it's coming back waiting for dad to gita, it's like when your parents get divorced or you want to admit it or not for cigarettes, milk, yeah yeah, I should've done a fucking, some kind of video, but I'm just like I just want you know. I want people to know. I'm just like because I was going in all fuckin full I'm gonna fuck
vacation more, I'm gonna baltimore, because I got near where I just stare. I still got fuckin europeans on points on my car to the shortage of their work and whipped. It was born I received phillips. It was lazy boy recliners for everybody has tv's yeah. I was just going to get fucking jack dude cause. I got fat as fuck are on tour, I'm just idea under three bills and my little brothers, a personal trainer
So I'm just going I'm just going to baltimore just fucking get eyes. Yeah you're wrong thanks man yeah well you're, powerful. Yet by the way that you still got this fucking piece of shit cow. Usually what happens is we're about to get it yeah? I know I know they're never coming back, yeah yeah, so we're renovating and I see yeah there's a new paint can it looks like lumbar support? Is all fucked. I actually I I got some jimmy seafood last week, boys juicy foods awesome and they hit me up. They're, like hey just so. You know like stops what Your dad help build the play. I am I dead, my that every the greek economy works by you either a diner restaurant owner or you're the guy who build diner residents that there's no others. No white collar agree like greek men of a certain generation. So my dad was like he but
bar, he built everything. I had my first lobster, one of five years old jimmy seafood. That's a sufficient, oh yeah, researchers. Yet building each other died ass, the exact and then you don't you you graduate. Like a you know: fuckin insurance fraud unit as mothers other minor scanned, the killilea paying belong to the table, so security fraud. Just that kind of thing I saw how Ben, though the brittan like the break up, obviously people or are curious, but like as our people you online or oh yeah. Of course, erosion, remarried, always good. I mean listen, it's all love! It's all you know shut. You know god bless the adam freedom show. You know how boys six. I gotta go. I right now he's right monologues. I have miles or sound, I'm completely off, I'm completely off everything. Not even you know that show just everything so yeah, it's all like they're, going to be successful or hilarious as shit, but I was just like honestly did. I think, because I was at the end of this fucking tour and I was so tired. I was like
I do anything you like. I just gotta quit everything unearthly. I'm gonna go fuck it. I'm just going to get go fuckin find myself. Eat pray, love in baltimore, ready to come back here for some other shit, so I figured fuck it. Let's do mount rushmore be I'm gone. I've been in baltimore for like a, a machine. Hang out my family writing. Fuckin, you know, try. trying to get under three bills. You are trying to I'm at a I'm at a at a fighting three. Oh four! Oh that's, gotta close anyway yourself naked in the morning. Right I go. I go boxers! Okay, I go. I go naked in the morning every morning that cuts off you are right. After that you gotta shit, you gotta fully shit. You all know real fact. I think I do is. I sometimes at night we're way myself for clothed with, like my and then be like. Oh I'm going to be like five pounds lighter tomorrow morning, like totally it's like I'll fucking hold a five pound weight, while I'm weighing myself at night just as easily get myself to
point words like oh. This is all gone to baltimore, more yea pro move, yago underwear, you know three or four three o eight. When I'm hard. Ok, we outrageous works. I just kind of like like you know sam. I was like fuckin dude. I wanna do shit I am burned out and also I talked about it's so funny cause we I was on the show, and I was like dude I have casting and it was almost like party like
when the press run. Actually I was like talking about it and I was like oh so you're you're you're, talking to you guys you podcasting so yeah, even like an extremely successful pocket. Six years for one afternoon, you're like yo. This sound like these pies that it's cool, because you don't have like very diehard fans that will totally blame us. Yeah, we're fine it'll, be fine. We don't have the luxury of going to baltimore on vacation and logging. Are we gonna year? Yoko Ono do so it was like it was like yeah. I think it was like lego, gay kid re like getting when he first like. Jim teacher him be like oh
Why don't I like girls and they usually your gym teacher? Like oh he's, fucking hot, like a brethren I was like I came out as not wanting to podcasts there. Mike pence was like I'm, I'm the I'm going to make you not a podcast, so I mean look probably fuckin you at this point. The way like media works, you gotta have something for your fancy. Do like every week burma take along ass break up probably do some kind of bullshit pod MR video show, or something, but yet you now just fuckin burned out and satisfy we know just why ino on These shit- and I was just like this- is fucking. I still want do shit Yeah I've just been kind of joy. It it rules not doing shit is all so. Your special was was great. What they did was a success in your eyes in terms of numbers and everything yeah dude I was really put, and that's the other thing: the plane, they would leave a podcast that make so much money and its
stupid to stop touring the second, your special blows they were like? Can you come and as I I just I'd, rather have a crab cake, a jimmy seafood and then make the tens of thousands of dollars, but yeah I was just like. nothing. I'm doing makes sense, but I was just like I don't give up. I think you'll be fine, I'll, be fine. That's the other thing is like you know, I'm just I honestly love a fuckin vacation. I love to just fuckin, I'm already story like The tourists, starting again in September edge took the whole summer off year, and so I'm just going to do it slowly. You know, get big arms little teddy's. That's kind of the fight. Also like that I admire anyone who thinks just solely in the present moment were quitting everything and, like september, is going to be winter everyone's going to be shutting yeah. I wish I had a microphone I'll literally probably start doing some shit once like the two roles rally or just like. If I get help enough where dick pills work easily you know I got so now. The oh just like I have just spoken.
poppin dick pills like tic tacs also come on. Let's get some movement, it would take like seven dick pills and my head is like about to explode. My my nose is stuffed up my diggers hardest job. I have sex loud yeah, that's how I don't even want to my heart. Would palpitate- and I was like this- is I'm going to die on the road with a heart as dick and I would rather just live. You know russia is just like a fool like I should. If I maybe should have planned it out better, but it's it's an all or nothing type of mother baby and it's just like a quick break, I mean september- is basically like next week yeah. Well, that's what also sucks I was like I'm going to take the whole summer off and it's like it's fucking next we ask the like I've too I'm about to go holmes like three weeks and then I got a fucking start up again, doesn't have sucker when your kids, you go to school and, and you get every single summer off and then what
edgeways like oh yeah, that's not what happens in my condition. Guy I every christmas, some like somebody else, buys you shit in total and then every summer you just don't have to go to work. You have to share this ox, been adult and haven't actually a drive to work and be sweaty in the summer time. Yet, actually actual I swear. I just realized like I guess. If you have a dumb ass job, we don't have the work here when you know, and as I might- and maybe I don't have a job next year, but a fuck. It live like a schoolboy jan and it was certainly those fuckin odyssey. I'm still on two more, we some exciting for it. I'm just gonna fuckin. against war. My brother, by the wash plug his shit. He starting his own gym. That's the one thing I want to go spend time with my family, I'm helping my brother started gym, so it's actually. I, like I'm doing other kinds of work that I like, and
gotta, be sick, odyssey, strength and conditioning, if you're in forgotten maryland. Now that this obviously isn't the case, but it would be very funny if your brother looked exactly yeah saturn yeah. That would be so fucking funny if you're going to l a fitness and there's just some absolutely like one hundred and one one hundred pound woman getting worked out by like a four fifty a guy in a rascal scooter is fucking. One of his feet are missing that congestion around like a realistic trainer, though so I get to spend two weeks on me and you'll be able to get it up. If you take a formula chicken wings and not throw up before you leave the tabs, the diarrhea will will wait eight hours, it won't be instant. That was another thing that was going on with me: things are eating we're. Just
coming out of my ass in twenty five years. I'm running ten minutes late. I had a very unfortunate timing with this shit and I was like yeah. That's that's actually a normal. I didn't need all that information. Ten minutes late. Now that I tried to have so, I tried to shift up a little like a homemade bebop like the fucking korean shit. I made a little korean I made like a little rice bowl for breakfast and I was shooting it out within within seven minutes. Actually, in this case, I dunno what the fucks going on I've got the opposite problem. I haven't shit in two days and that's that's the point where it gets concerned. I'm going back and doing the math I'm like what did I eat two days ago right what's about to come out yeah, what's going to come out? I guess it was spicy yesterday. Well, I've eaten a lot of spicy stuff, so I got home from work. Yesterday went on the toilet just because out of routine, I didn't have to shit. Just got home. I was just like it's been a long day. I sat there for like ten minutes and
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use, he's a fucking he's, not ok, like he's not a rape is technically, but it's like our eye. Man, How about the gene watch and instead of getting he should beforehand is a game a guy should have to. He should have to be forced to watch a guy beat off on his thigh, and then he can play a game. Every play, one game. Every time, some stronger, richer man than him beat off on him against his will. Big Ben has to fall for the job. You were talking about this on last night's show, but isn't it weird that judge is like having to do the equation of like yeah. twenty five women jack off onto against their will. sounds like about sixteen games. You can't play football for six. We didn't fully realised with the judge is kind of a power move by her. Could she just through the nfl language back in their face shoes? I use it says right here non violence, sexual predators, art like sixty.
it is correct right through it right back at them, and we are you figure that nobody is proving that their whole shit, I'm in the revised we are we going. I know this baby, it's like there's no fucking Anderson do just the fuck they want not yet, but at the same time it's like our. I will just because they're fucking, dumb pieces of shit doesn't mean that you gotta hold yourself today: stand right, automated sake and also fought. The brown van should be like. They should only here when you have no way to reviving thirty nine allow related delegation that was like lamented. There was a now, of course, every avenue for sports is like all the bronze must be pumped area. They made a bet which aim at any time and that's the thing at any time, your life,
I'm betting on a sex criminal, getting a light sentence. That's the good thing that can happen for me, a mere five paid by early made a correct, better ira, which must not see anyone. That's ever struggles like betting on, like hitler to win world war, to write you want, but it's like now, you're the rape is stranger. Congratulations who gives always gonna be one of the more than they already know. If you know anything about like how that should progress through yeah he's not technically erect a rapist, but he's probably probably on his way there before he got caught, naval, she said he was online god, that's not. This is fucking twenties yeah this star, which is why I wonder if you like, you know what I'm sick again. You know of jacking off on girls against their will. Think I'll just go back to normal sex. Now works. You just keep pushing those boundaries until you get to a very, very, very bad place. A hundred percent, and also this is what do how he behaved when he was a multi millionaire corridor. Act store.
hot shit in his twenties. How does that's not tonight that the height of your creep them now and when it becomes a guy right, fuckin, former player whose if money's gone, it's like how do you think he's going to come then make me feel like it's going to be fucked, but it is going to have a fucking. He will we, you know he would have had a fucking basement or fuck. Basically, it is funny to think that, like the FC north has done a very good job of just passing the torch hunted like re louis, too, big bad. I never did equivalent in the way I do like their parliamentary fact and the bangles adjustment, like oh, a brush fire, the entire tommy I m just so, fucking our lives. He doors is done. They commit their crimes on the field, the open, what a name by wave on his birthday, the us so so, where we want to start with our now, that's go fc north ok,
It's close to holiday. There stay there. Ah ravens number one baby paid a man pilot Joe burrows number one fucking club fuck, Joe burrow luke coolness and ability to pick up chicks in the yeah. It's true job Joe burrow is like is who jack Harlow thinks he is he's like? He is hottest. Shit he's a fucking he's got great hair he's got confidence, that's real confidence, not fake. Contrary conference already got two super bowl, and yet obviously I can I sit here and say that it's not going to be right, you I understand this year philosophically ages, I believe, even end psych outer. Even I can't even Lamar, such a fucking, weird guy! I can't even fathom how he fox, like that, like him being his own in being his own, like fuckin agent aging is weird, but it could be that kind of thing we're it's like a weird guy often has either fuck it all, he has top shelf dick or are you I mean, like you get like a fucking weird
I've had friends minded like I, some anime nerd and he fucking war me out. And I'm kind of thinking, Lamar's mars, he so strange, but winning when he's zeroes in on pussy he goes. can be heard on account of you can, if you can like find, you have to find somebody athletic enough to be his partner. That shows you absolutely jobs out of apulia. I love. The idea that is likewise is try to welcome, is acknowledged, wiser, we spend my other analysis, will have a very high floor ceiling like you you see the ravens win the FC north, but they can also like they have a lot of. over recent events doesn't look now now, whether the Van gogh's multi resistant and they the steelers anymore friends with kenny and Miche. So steelers kenya, which can suck my dick and ball but they're they're right in the middle right right yeah. I can't even mitch, I think, we'll just give you
A solid like quality, start security oriented run. I say I think if you gotta taken both at the same time in the EU asean relations, kenyan midge double team, any image double teeming between them they could satisfy one woman yeah. I can see that each other and yeah I'm going be rich as the pussy wide open. He just throws it to the left side that I'm not going to laugh at that one she's got her mouth open waiting for the cubs shot. It just goes behind know also that you're going to hit me right in the tonsils that slipped out of my cock. What can I say? Yeah, let's ignore yeah, let's go amc east, only about jobs.
Fuck, I hate that I also don't match Zack Wilson that will be Andrews, zack well, so the baby raising only answer alters the answer: solid fox marsala. He puts in workshops solid. If you know what a solitary, what I saw was a guy that, like he he's probably been fucking the same person for ten years, but knows exactly what makes them tick. Yup he's got a system he's in he's out he's efficient is efficient, replacing your buzz. He might even have a clipboard while he's fuck, absolutely like okay. Alright, we did foreplay yeah chad. I will say: what's nice, about sala and of jack Wilson Is they fill in each other's gaps. You know what I mean: it's like a sours, a fuckin veteran pussy getter. Iraq was as the babyface you know he is. He seems to be slinging slinging that dick he seems to be fuckin myths. Is was right there with the east. They got that europe. The europe is very important because animals and has worrying he's, got the physical tools, but he does
have the know how and I think we saw in his ear the ravine for the jets josh out as a friend of ours while he's. Obviously he flock area no judge hours. I believe your betting on like the highest ceiling of dark horse gesture, I care again. I don't know Much is the fuckin steelers. Obviously, but I just cannot. I can, bring myself to give the patriots any sort of any sort of. Like you know, com, it's whatsoever, the one too much, and also your man, I mean the ravens have played spoiler to them a lot of times we have had we ve got a lot. We were like a sneaky rival of the patriots that, like nationally people, talk and talk about, but like we ve We almost fucked up their undefeated season in the regular season out when we sought that was closer and broke a dorm room, a cabinet warehouse It's I want us to when I remember exactly where I was: u embassy dorms patapsco watching that game. and then you know we had we ve just we ve had a lot about them, beat them in the playoffs. So I just
can't bring myself to do it. Whatever the fuck they're doing with the offensive coordinators are weird yeah so that you could have a lot of there's a there's, a lot of miscommunication on fox strategy or hunk. Even if they have, even if they have the right tools, They don't know we'd pussy, first right off the ass right. Here I mean I think the wires might get cross. That's like neither guys even know shit about often right, I would do The guy's name goes to map patricia patricia the beer in africa. Right now, there's no change my projectile far enough. pretends he does has or that he does, but once they comes out, he's scared. That's it that's what I have just like. You got it. Absolutely loves porn,
you loved a senator legs watching it, and he knows the history. There ought to be good if I use it all the best year at nursery taking notes, and I think the dolphins, where private, Steve Bela check, I actually think oh yeah the tongue honey, is his rug doc here, but you know nepotism. You know it's like bill fox, but tat Kennedy, in writing. Hu, I just let him fuck on name on existing rights and rights and their exact. We gotta see it and then might be data in the end. The dolphins I feel like he's cool guy. but he strikes me as a guy who, like good too high and forgets to fuck and also their quarterback, situated the fucking mess to Aren't you a non we're opportunity here to a non partisan? Aren't they weirdly religious? Like the two of you heather's like theirs? kind of weird christian, like some some fucked up scorn on their death. We don't know how to. There may be when there finally unleashed,
Maybe you know like they'll, go crazy like a like a kid like an amish kid and rum. Springer know what I mean, but like tua doesn't know how to fly their bottom of the barrel. As far as I'm concerned, too, just got married to his, I think his college sweetheart, which is weird like risks, are outside of college. Like that This tells me that he's taking like yea the college was the best time that it was also your fucking. I want to play the field in miami. He went to miami and then he's like you know what this girl I met in alabama, sick, fuck, wise, that's, the that's! The nail on the coffee is done, it'll be two years because if he married her right after it'd be like, oh that makes sense to wait, divorce coming yeah and then the micro deals he does seem to me like. He would like the
It would basically just be sitting on a couch, so high and the girl would be like hey. You want to do so. He was like no I'm watching netflix right, yeah and you're, like alright he's like addison mentioning stuff going on about nine eleven yeah yeah, I'm taking out the vibrator I'm getting dumbed out, though, like he's wearing a mask and just like chained up against a wall just going with not ever fucking, which is the guy that have you ever seen, the videos of the deuce. It just gaelic need in the balls for europe s kind of like what I picture him just gets stepped on. I could, but I think, he's more go with the flow, though you know like you, I could, I think, there's other subs in the nfl or garlic. More even more specifics object. You know I m c south so I love Davis, males were davis, males guys his long asked neck long,
is a good sign. Yeah a lot of pussy. Getting there yeah it's, I don't think something's wrong. Something's off there, Doug peterson, he fucks with the visor on yes, yeah sure yeah he's he's got doug's peter. it is probably the top of my list for swingers
yeah. It definitely seems like absolutely leave the garage to the towns. The whole, like my wife's, actually looked at my wife's tickets, yeah give them a squeeze. Squeeze has committed without question without question. Like seven different blenders, I get here's my entire themed, fuck rooms for sure those guys that, like you, see them at like do whatever, like the hedonism, guys the guys that go on these resorts, where they're not in like great shape, but they were at one, they were young and you could kind of tell they got that confidence like. I want a super bowl I'll fuck, all these chick.
in front of my wife hundred percent I'll, have her get fucked too, and they will smile on me happy yeah. That's probably why he started nick foles, yeah big. He was like this dude fuck yeah reward him my wife, his wife's pick it up. The kids from soccer practice was just full of nick foles juicer that we're never going to get an interview that ryan Matt ryan. Is that right, Matt ryan's, like he's, he's really good at missionary yup yup. Like you know, he's the guy. I was Actually you talk about with southwards, like he fucks his wife, yeah. That's what we say about mary:
he sees another. He sees a color nipple that he's not familiar with africa or hot pagan. He sees a dark brown, he doesn't know to use the web m d yeah same thing for a long time. Does it any solid right, frank reich, I think I think frank reich is one of those guys that is so religious that they just don't fuck sure yes, I figure on any more across a couple football guys like that for sure yeah yeah, I know an f c. Well, Israel I have rarely ringle causes take off,
We call on talk above rebel because is his wife is also a big fan of this here, very lucky woman. For now, that's all my might. We love you and your family congrats congrats epsilon everything. Yet we know you don't like it whatever we know he's pipe really well, firstly, gets tired halfway through so fc west I don't know where I mean roswell since who had so interesting about it, because I think it's like Obviously your initial knee jerk as he doesn't fuck right or obviously the initial things like he's too much of a fuckin loser here he's he wants to pretend he school. He can actually fuck, but he knowledge you know he's been married to somebody who absolutely fox there's no way around it right here, Can nerd he's got who's been too
To learn how to her aunt, we ve watches youtube videos and how, to yasser absolute see, there's no. I envisage walking through areas, got she's extra she's athletic her in her own right and even though he is a fucking, a loser. In the right. Can't he's cognitive, walk right, I'll call. Germany's highly glass is highly echo. Your move, you like here, yeah, yeah yeah, I needed we ever be up there. I think you're exactly right. Thinking, studies, the comet sutra he'll try anything on, but when the rubber meets the road, he doesn't have the rhythm doesn't like yahoo did in any position that you want to be who do not adequate job, but it's not
passions, and I actually think that russia was probably like care so much about doing a good job that he would like invite his train or to help him wives and fuck. You earlier restrict he's fucking he's got it is. It is greater eyes, drowsiness layer, let your cheeks free, much attention to change for us, and this is the main way listened. We all came. Another has broken, I did lead, took those I dry reps on the practice will probably does then from the mirror. Dislike fully hard no partner, and I was working with absolute ravens like a nice benign pattern of george could also just like it When he's not getting the job done, I think, and he would build in actual fact robot and take his joy, oh you're, so right thinking machine, I don't guess I don't give a fuck ego. I think he has the right and the rest of his life. I think but how is perceived koran men, I think an actual fucking. He will
will do whatever is ness. Yes, he wants to win and he's been elevated. Actually he's been elevated with you know. The it shares programme? well, I mean why it's like you know like like fuckin andrew wiggans, gets to be in star this year decision with a warrior? That's how he sends got great anxiety, not the storms of sexual all star and even then borderline all, because it was what I ve had to carry his own team. It would be more get anyway. My homes, I mean my homes. I think you do anything. Yeah This is why you do everything. Absolutely it's like he is just so athletic that, even though his swag levels are low, their high you know it's like it's like it does. any sense, but he just that gifted that he can fall right yet his ears. Abilities become his swag. He doesn't need any actual example. Work on any doubts exist, even though in fact right, that's what rustlers
thinks is going correct. You know it's like that, but it's like now did sorry the different level right and then, of course, the fucking. My boy envy, and you know he's getting his nipples sucked. He hasn't been ten years, but he's still come soft. I don't even consider penetrative intercourse, but he's doing everything else is a master tactician a fucking. He knows that are on a sexual thing that can hit a cum shot from across the bar, which dig behind his back. Nunnery doesn't touch you really. You just get minds free, just like I'm done and he's like
and yeah. So that they're, my pick, even though, even though they're loaded, the the west is loaded and then the whole, you know Derek carr. Is I dunno what he's made me again similar to Matt ryan? I think he's this generation's matt ryan. Maybe you know basically it's not it's not like it's not lack of effort. It's just you know. There's limitations, exaggerating and you're. Fine, it's you're, not even bad. It's just like I dunno You just met you just some sums missing a little panache is miss miranda. What it is right, but then fuckin herbert is fuckin. Is that in that division, right, yeah yeah that fucking kid fox without question he's like jack rabbit. I think he just goes like pound town he's. Really young he's inexperienced. He might just be one of those guys it's like if he wasn't fast as possible. Still, though, if he wasn't in the division with it again,
and the more homes or want to put right he's aegis being blocked by them, but I do think he's dead just play with some swag at the folks that similar swag. He has all the tools to become an incredible fuck. Yes, absolutely absolutely the building blocks are. There was damaged with our eyes yeah. Why should I get kind of again just a better version of Zack Wilson, sexually? Yeah. Ok And of sea? yes. Yes over the east sorrow! These look. I dac does
if he's doing that little. He fucks with that one style, yeah; okay, so that we got and then the currency that's designed to exactly spilling on himself he's yeah the master. He goes to eat, pussy trips, fucking chips, a tooth on his wife's, clear packet of ketchup, and that was a quarter horses. Are you bleeding or yeah? He gets his foot stuck in a bucket. He disqualifies the cowboys so bad. You must be the worst worst guy getting pussy in the whole league reserve infomercial that, like we're just he's in black and white, everything on the car and then Andy Reid, is the in color version better way. Yeah forget the most sophisticated viber years working at like a fucking maestro, like yo yo ma, plays the cello yeah eagles eagles eagles fan now back girl over here, okay she's a she's, an eagles fan. I dunno man, the fuck in it
I think seriously has he's like drunk sex at the jersey shore yeah, like it's fun at the time. but then later on, you're gonna be like that was I could have done better than an actual and then their quarterback situations like you want to believe in what is an inhaler you want to believe in it, but then it's like a little to eat now I'll, say little jail and earns the dude squats like six are fifty pounds so there's deftly power, there definitely power, but they just I just to equate him quarter. Likewise it just like it's a coin flip. You're, really going to really buster. It's gonna be a bad night like I feel like he would be pretty ease, ease jones urges fucking powerfully, but he just never hits gees, but yeah sort could ass if you could just get a little in your tantalize saxon, my mouse in every home and re like every find it s. What we re actually
I think we need that that we are even back girls, everybody here, Carson whence he doesn't work. Now he now heat wave. brain both of his ankles yeah. That was just a ploy for him to be. Like I get beyond bond for the next yeah, I get blow job a big dick that is useless, probably gets blow jobs like yeah. You know like ten ask what he says. Yes, yes, just like. Oh, I gotta eat, pussy and, like I've blown you like seven yeah, but it's just so annoying to anybody. That's that into hunting hunting is fun, but that dude fucking loves to kill birds. He goes on those hunting and he's got like four hundred dead birds. I have some practice. Something's weird about sex is a very primal thing and I feel like you're you're, getting your nut off in a certain way. With actual violence
animals, sort of fake violence towards your wife yeah. I think we're on the verge is the consummate pro like he just does he he he's one of those gets. The job done. He's got the transition lenses when they turn to the sunglass. Absolute damages, horny yeah. You think it is triggered by the light, but it is pheromones. Something goes off. It gets cloudy. His wife knows. Ron Rivera, also strikes me as a guy who, like he he no. He he can't make pie love, but he knows like how to to the love type of areas he's doing all the right things where it's like we make love absolutely not the best love is not Fabio. I have no complaints right, but sex, it's love. Yes, yes, it is love, it's definitely love and then who are we forgetting giants, Daniel Jones or bad day? They're just tiny little hand, yeah yeah,
yeah jones. Georgia accidentally hits the bottle when he says that he doesn't even care because his dick association, yeah yeah, yeah, the giant steak or updateable, I think table, can fuck that no devil could fuck. Okay yeah, I think bald dudes people that that shave their heads there's something about it. Where it's like that guy he's been around pussy yeah yeah, I'm not as familiar with the table. I just I just always think about the giants, just not knowing what they're doing there and as just like by default. They're, not gonna, fuck, it yeah Ah I see south Israel, starwood Brady em in asia. Who did not less every fox looking at each poxy, allowing any five zero civil he's like almost better virginal Russell wilson, we're like he will
If he does something wrong, he will fix it. The next mistake this. I will never make this mistake and he doesn't eat carbs or me yeah sure it's not only sex but it's hot sense. Yeah, yeah and nourish good he's getting a lot of his calories from pussy juice. Yeah cause he's on a strict diet, plus he had a hunger to isolate the enzymes that certain days he makes giselle take your temperature is ok. This is high quality. Joint elasticity sell really well she'll, just rubbish snickers on her pussy for a second that he has that sugary yeah, that literally everything in the air before he gets to the air time is like he can. He probably still remembers the mistakes that he's made. Fucking a photographic memory probably drives him to be great, but every now and again you know he gets pissed off sure sure, but yeah jamie Brady, looking in the mirror with beautiful bodies, but he still sees that they're fucking wolverine flabby, weird motherfucker yeah, when it's fucking he's thinking about how bad he used a vacuum started in front of him was a fucking, oh shit and and yeah he's he's like saying the name, the whatever the breed said: oh yeah fucking, I remember his name, you guys from yeah he's got drone footage of them fucking their wives, he's like I have to fuck better than that yeah. Alright, Jamis. Definitely I mean unfortunately yeah we do. We could just fast forward. James Mckee has gotta be like slapstick benny hill music yeah until he turns around backwards for dessert,
oh marks, mary learning wandered over the fire. Yeah really take is mary. Oh right, I feel like Hawaiians they fuck like point blank. I think mariota is a guy that you think he's gonna turn you out and issues and he's got. Oh, his cock looks nice yeah, you see it. I started salivating a beautiful golden brown, seven and a half and you're like. I cannot wait and he just go solve this rhythms of which is like, but it's the tools are there again told you there's a reason. It was yoghurts before yeah. It hurts work and it does work sometimes, but not all ever perfect. Yes, yes, yes and oh fuck it up big time and then baker and SAM darnold I mean sam darnold like mark
yeah you can get naked girls and an open kiss you and then it'll pass out, and I think bakers of various a guy who is skilled, but his dick is four and a half inch yeah. It's like he's trying so hard and he's not, but it's just like he. You know he's just he's limited by his by his ability to read the pussies limit. It's always there. I won't even say four and a half I'll say five and I'll put them in where my dick is five and three quarters years Ivan's requires. I didn't want to bratz a brat yeah. I remember if I were there gore were going to say you know six or upset or before six hundred theaters. If I really want to stretch it yeah, if I think we're going to push push push your hand, push yeah in fact, actually here's what we should do this have, you guys are into merchandising and shit like that. We need, look like some kind.
Girdle, almost still your lies with pupils. On top of that year they pushes the man, it's the it's when you like have taken x rated. advanced yeah, but it looks like you yeah right, let's rock in sticking out dick. Is it a guilty? Yet Europe is genius, we'll need we lead this underwear, absolutely I've heard was value as few felt the ties round. The back you ve got more set you Joe S, and I need only forty points on that, but I brought sticking out like getting along is also where we are and have seen orthe and, if so, Fourth, we roger had evidently rogers use ie sting
ebay. Is the outcome for four days yeah straight YAP, a scotsman approve Vienne any earlier. I used to be lay easily easy, just lazily fuck, but now it's like I got some norfolk improve I was gonna leave em, I'm still here right, he's gotta he's got a fucking he's got. A he's got is most megan already, asthma, everything I know you started fucked like a chap. Your busting He's eating pussy you're, not he's not stop until you bust three times right then he's taking you down then for awhile he was like look, I'm fuck, I'm I'm not eating, puts a finger poppy till he come, but that's it. You know he was lazy with it, of course, had to deal with the the
actual fight. He added you might require these wise guy. Why so we got a little disillusioned and now he's back he's been studying. Weir's boy called the place now admits right, not just Mccarthy. When I got there he was, he was backing up brett far right for asia, like Why is this mother fucker? Starting in front of me, I said to the girls: are these data they get like crazy
Craig, ninety seven, we have seen it. He has forgotten more about saxon Oliver also like searching for like the next, but your ranks triumph that he hasn't. Yeah he's just laying their like, like with his legs cross. May here, come on his lap he's doing any yeah. He's gotta get rose, coins got a crystal but plug. You know it's weird crystal she now please aligning his cot. Shocker is, I think, the crystals danica they want. We are one of the weirdest moments on this package is when I showed her the yeah it is, the cry had a jerk off energy and that's a practice which is like why this question? So I guess guy uneasy at the crystal sharp data which are to be crazy, did some spoke up sexually so any time a man in his late too late there he started to lose his mind. He which it does
years going on half way with rogers that the hare got the fuckin that tat. That tattoo says, I hope I'm open to any orifice. You want to play with maintenance. I am I'm a fugate he's, he's good he's going to get into some freaky shit, so it does unfortunately, because I hate to say this to you. It is it is It is rodgers yeah. No, I treason fields like I don't even know. If you can I don't even know if we can say how he fucks his like. Who the fuck knows. We don't yeah he's a vegan soda that's
that's, never quarterbacks. Now, good yeah. I know it's very bad, yeah yeah, initially nerve. Her cousins is like vague adjacent, not cause he's out. A girl is the correct oil on the girl. He wears everytime. You have just and she's got the dental, damn or whatever expert above jesse, hourly, always sheets giant age, our three times in a dental them no flavour. What you ever known on succession is going ahead with a condom. Yeah lock you just fields, I don't think, does what I'm ruined for my actually do. Thank you. I appreciate I am also admitting I it's more. I have said before but like I think he could be a great court
AK, but he's not going to do it with the bear right because they're just not going to set him up to be success. It's a it's a sub that when people go through like who the knicks could have drafted- and it's like if he comes, he comes to the next as far as we were used echoes what a brilliant idea fact without question. The gulf is a good friend of ours. I'd say he just fox. He has great sexy other relax. I've got flocks best daytime cable,
if it gets, it gets bad. He enjoys watching the ice bath after she reflects that. He literally is biting her knee ever labia reattached opposed to literally the compete. Only one of us is going to come. Yeah yeah, Kevin O'Connell, the coach of the vikings there's no film out there, though so I dunno, I just assume they even know who that guy. So he comes from like the mcveigh, okay, three, all that stuff, okay, I I put him in the ranks of like a dude that you hear your friends in high school, like the best, pussy spelled alphabet right that I try to re run and he's gonna obsolete by getting worse mcveigh, yeah, yeah yeah sexual fucking, like the directions? Yeah yeah?
the arts. Now we gotta go where and have sent us out, though we may have she south and see what is our last want speaking we covered him before yeah, big bang works. Might little too. Maybe little too vague the earlier in the mirror, too much loses sight of the pussy, buy up very good mcveigh, definitely actually the energy wesson like kings, very mcveigh.
It's very similar like right. They definitely have the the mirrors on top of the bed, so they can watch themselves fuck yeah. It mirrors everywhere and he's doing pushups before fuck. So he could. He looked at her to himself here. Yeah. There was just a funhouse yeah that'd, be vascular, he's gotta, see his own veins, the basic one superbowl away from piercing both his whole time, frosted tips and just we can see the piercings through the polo yeah yeah he's sick mcvay has like daddy energy, but he's not old enough. Yes, you're, so right we got, we got appears those nips. I know the super bowl their next super bowl ring will be nipple rings, yeah. Eighty carrots weighing his nipples yeah, alright, so I'll be Tyler
it'd be like so on the boy but like he definitely. He definitely has a girlfriend who's like we stop playing video games, yeah and, as I randomly saw that guy I was in texas as he frontex I dunno. This is a couple of years ago and I'm just getting breakfast a childhood friend and moved there, and he was a god. that's comrades, like there's no way that's cause guys fuckin eel is so much the little, I think, he's gonna be any say, he's gonna fuck. It easy that enable all here- and I do think similarly he's kind of what I said about greece or like the turbo baker. Words like you know, he's limit by his body? sexually, but also just like attention span. Yeah no he's like his girlfriend is definitely like doing like very likened incredible like why
walks in front of the more naked, of course, and he's like no. We gotta, like the gulag right now, yeah I'll deal with it in a minute, and then it goes any fox for, like five minutes he's like back to the chicks that are like six foot, three thou and he's just eating her pussy standing on it yeah. That sounds awesome during the stand, he's standing, sixty nine but she's standing yeah him upside down. I hope he dates like a female wrestler trying to wrestle walking around with him strapped her ability beyond that. He didn't believe your these guys are fucking. Like that carroll peter crystal, from you. I think he karel has great. Like
probably the best sex of any in a fella, goats but in my mind, he's having sex with like a beautiful, female version of exactly pete. Carroll strikes me as it has great sex, but it's like birthdays and anniversaries old. You know what I mean like today's. You know, but I do think he'll randomly get in the mood for the irish and then sometimes some more hit, please sitting in like a cialis tub yeah, the pacific northwest. Absolutely I just think if you're, if you're, like a fifth a hot fifty year old woman, it just watching pete Carroll, chew gum would get my pussy. I exaggerate fucking. Clearly how he's a double bubble do there in the rain rang out, I thought, but not just launched an snows drew off I've. I feel a geologist box like like a junior fraction,
yeah he's just like. He comes really fast he's like it's just cause, you're, so hot yeah. You know I can go again in ten minutes, gimme a sec, absolutely back out there. He goes. He crushes like a protein shakes that I'm ready to go. I got my electrolytes, I'm ready to fuck yeah july. Definitely, texts like all his friends from college after he has sex just Does this morning lifecycle poor notes wanting tat out of school? Can he knows. I saw the person how many gypsies had sex with a two hundred seventy six years, any like while you
I bought not even while he's fucking was at the bar he's thinking about texas boys. He wishes he could fuck his friends and women as the conduit for sexual love between him and his fucking. Lifting partner sex is very much secondary to the text. Yeah he's got like a nice house. He calls it. The boneyard, like a fucking, Tito's bottles, cabinet bed frame box spring without question. That's exactly who is last. We got as we get the niners Calculating is definitely attack to strike the yard. I got I like Jimmy jeez gay people. This risk Jimmy gi because a whole porn star thing, sir. He took her on a day like what a gentleman Jane I do that he took her out like a lazy, jpg, fox and he's also so hot that, like every like, he does not
do a lot and they're, not even mad yeah right, I mean like if If I don't make a woman cum, I'm hearing about Jimmy Jimmy g ain't, getting any complaints next to Jimmy g and they're like this is my life. This is ok, yeah yeah, it doesn't matter whatever you want to say. He is definitely better at sex city as it being a quarterback and he's a solid core. I think Jimmy g has he's got like a very intricate scheme of plans whenever he brings a girl home because he always has like a second that he also wants to fuck rights like he'll have saxon. They will come up with a reason like Oh you gotta, go because, like I got a house cleaner coming in the other girl passes, are in the hallway on the way into his apartment and he's like. Okay, let's go, or even he doesn't even fucking care he's just got women are in the they're ready waiting for an audition s, got a lobby in his house for a pussy lobbies, get an early regime many nights
well that was great. That was good. I feel good. I think we yeah yeah. We were not going to put any of these clips out in social because we do want to do interviews again right. This is for everyone. Who's diehard are watching on youtube yeah. This was a fantastic segment. Super bowl champion, kansas city chiefs. We've got it's going to be chiefs vs, who, in the nfc dude we usually decide flux the best. Is it going to be Brady? I think it is a kind of came to that conclusion or, or or rogers unfortunately began. We're just barely fuck wise he's gonna win another. I know it yeah cause it just procurement, yet another at or I ll just be like. We have one superboy of none yea. I know he's going going to get back to stogie in a second, but before we do is brought to you by chevy the silverado zr two was built to tame the trails as the most off road ready silverado ever created in there.
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with a shabby silverado chevy truck grits and smart, You unstoppable head on british chevy dot com to learn more about the shabby silverado today now worst of all. Right, so should we do the mount rushmore of the face? What do you I brought like famous breakups see I brought like. Would you famous breakups yeah yeah. I brought like ways to get broken up with, I brought like you know, you know what I mean like. I might have been confused. You wanted to take a second and think of famous breakups. I I think we're just going to have to have a disjointed are going to have you guys, naming stuff that you hated that broke up and I'm going to have like ways that devastated you, okay, broken up. Ok, I do you start, although so, if you go third and we'll come back round, so much so that right you I started my word. I really competing How can one one a calm down
okay donbass for easy broke everyone's heart. Sorry, to do I mean the fuck yeah, there's no I've. you did get not you dig at the nice, like these marrow breaking up right after I helped you look a little heed. Adding a little here. Son was in the air. Yes, it was if, if you believe in crystals and all that gonna shit, maybe there are some in the area fifteen. I actually had to have one of those like talks like a real case, as this matter is working well, you know what it's inkling of it out. That's all! That's! What's the woods driver movie that fuckin marriage area, you ones that with you with your wife or girlfriend you definitely like, walked waving like we are we going. yeah yeah and everybody's got like a couple that they they look and they're like oh they'll, never break up, then you find out they did and what makes you think. Oh shit, like yeah.
happens there s going to happen. The authority, the hours of exactly arts, appear to your next one discover sneaky one. I've got. Damon and many drive, because everyone wanted them to be together? Come you remember how they broke up now. This is crazy part. I think I do. He goes on Oprah and open asked like. So how are you and many doing- and he was like Oh I'm single now and made a note, was being his interview on Oprah that he was dumping that brutal Where is rural areas always like whatever relationship happens like vince bond agenda, france and after the break up like when they started dating emeralds rooting for it yeah real life here, so it's an actual of course. They are acute and that movies great you, I'm not that movie to be real, meaning it's like your. Your dumb brain is like, but
like stars are born ba, rightly cooper, lady gaga performed at the oscars corridor. Fucking Riah like I, was actually just seventy eight. How if I was thereby perspectives, they get others because there were men get me that was more than saxo ass, I may get us anywhere that was very in the moment, so you now we're historic. This is like yeah, just devastating break break up, so you ve gone through or like a way to get broken up with devastating Ok, this you know will start we'll starts seemed a getting murder suicide by your mistress in the spare condo. You rented specifically to get us in an area as we thought was back to tolerate our memory. it was raining in chicago, and I was like. Oh this already sucks to see, mcnair got shot and killed was like whoa yeah. This is a bummer of a july four of july. Fourth, there had gone from
our enemy with the ravens that he was there for the last couple of years and that cock sucker, fuckin peyton manning. I, though, we're going to beat him. He it is at home. I forget that broke my heart, but I guess, where's breakups. Go you your your mistress killing, you is, as bad. As that sounds like a hostess at the cheesecake. The deal of a lifetime is good to go on a limb and say that's bad that you don't want that could avoid something that would be one yes, absolutely yes, okay, good one does a snake back around by then I'll. Just stay with the I'll stay with this kind of applies to is this going to be very funny too, when we list this out in the first pack, fucking Steve mcnair, getting murdered yeah as a bad guy on this one sort of is between rs and it's the it's. Let me see here and getting your car.
Chopped off and thrown into a field. The cabot breakout out your wife chopping off and throwing it into hey. I'm obviously right now, you've won this year. That has seen cops like walking through the field liking for his dick, like a fire line here, can't find your dick, that's also insulting to take. So small we gotta bring our dogs to find your dick, oh and then what do we get targeted? Don't use it. There's no cock sniffing dog refines. It is going to think it's. Food yeah is a good pick good! Thank you. ok, so for my second, what I'm gonna go way back in the day job. mary, oh betrothed, to be married, and then Mary was like: hey some pregnant he's it when you mean and she's about it's god said: ok, you got caught by god. Guy lasted in so you can be noticed like you're. Going on throughout. History is the biggest cause.
Walter. Yes, yes, that's a tough, because it's like Now it's like you know, he's this fuck. You know he's in these amounts. The figure in the one of the biggest religions ever, but in that village, they're like oh yeah, oh god forbid. Your bitch marries praying pregnant, but like it's god, yeah, it's all roads on me bad. Was he fucking? That's how I was ill selfishly, whereas like Ok, let's go get. There is Jesus as as a step that yeah zero parents and children this one up, go back even farther than you then hooker hobbled, pangaea com,
Everything on how much of the world's problems would have been solved. We obviously on the same fucking stupid, like cholera, is like saying it altogether: cops need to live in the neighborhood that they Policia, like we would be getting into these wars in the Middle EAST. Right had to go there for barbecue. We can't we just all live on this fucking piece, a lamp altogether. I love it How cool would it be if you just like yeah, I'm going out to the ocean? It just goes forever for all. Are you fucking forever to go all the way back totally take a road trip to china for dumplings yeah, the car yeah. That would be fucking, like the reverse, like chinese people being like hey, let's go see, fuckin iowa play nebraska that time zones really do separate us as as, like a globe yeah, it's it's crazy to think about, but for most of the world right now, it's night at light here we're never on the same page. Yes, alright. My next pick this one
personally law, because it gave us so much content bill, Melinda gates bringing out and the fact that we got like though the melinda was like hey. I can't be with a guy who's like hanging out Jim Epstein. Then we got the story about how bill every year gets like a weekend fuck his child good sweetheart. What Though we re really real, gave us we're talking loser. You can have any girl in the world why my whole pass any fought. Someone is exact, same age, brutal, brutal, I'm gonna put back on that because I actually dont think the bill gates could get like anything besides.
since high school girl. What are you talking about? He's got money, I assume doesn't matter strew money rise, every Eric, he might be. The exception would read what I say is gonna be cheap. Not when I saw you ten million, because I'm you'll give a fuck bridle. Think like oh ito, alyssum olano, just taking one ran variety would be like or So you just see someone on tv. Like is now We forget, prince airy, lilies watching, suits and is like What does she looks like available? Do that was just anyone a billion dollars generally one, but he could pay one billion dollars to suck him off and said he was saying now and said he was like yeah. Remember that you know when I was sixteen and we kissed under the bleachers cause she's, also seven yeah. Those stories that came out are just so fucking funny. Money is wasted on those jagged nerys like you, have no imagination and listen basil can suck my dick
he's a piece of shit. He should working workers a living wage, but a guy as on he's on a fucking boat with high class prostitute. Yes, that's a little better I'll give him that he's spending his money. He nation, yeah, yeah, the fucking space shit is fucking stupid, but the very least you're having a good time no he's not enjoying exist. You can tell is pretending so me on a boat with a bunch of fuckin models you bought. You know you, like fuckin, paid to be there, I'm having yeah he's either he's on a boat with like a bunch of beautiful women and he's like I really wish. I was just in my office to figure out how I could squeeze an extra said. He had had a lot of thought of fine employs for pissing longingly. Thirty, because he's a good I I
I feel like. I should be on a boat exact with these hot chicks and with the amount of time I guess I guess I've kind of turned around on it, because bill gates understands he wouldn't be able to do, and this is the only other, pussy I'd say yeah aidan. So far that just blows hers like I know you know how gross you are when you're seventy years. Oh yeah, you see it every day, but then I want another sam. Then again I mean yeah,
talking, you should go! Eighteen, that's great! Not I like fifty five yeah, you know like yeah, like maybe like, or even just shrugged her on instagram. Yes, yes, niger, appropriate secretary of two in fucking middle school right right, exactly yeah! Alright, your your next pick might expect mount rushmore breakups. The space shuttle challenger was a tough one. I mean everybody was on the news like live. It was very much. I must have been crazy to watch very much. I feel like we can joke about it, because I don't remember watching it right. I think that's! That's the difference in what you're allowed to joke about right right now, if we have like a fifty five year old, listening they'll be like oh that's, fucked out there but when you talk about it a lot to this day right like per hour brad, I'm gonna forget all and it was like some old ladys, the worst day of her life. right yeah. I mean yeah right and that's how zimmer's have even more fun with nine eleven like a zimmer will go up to like somebody like you know whose fault it was. You know, they'll go up to pete davidson and be the
acknowledge with organ holier. That's a good one. two more picks two more pics? Ok, when other horrific thing, you're gonna, I'm gonna, say you're, you're, or partner coming out of the closet is a bad break. Okay, because you can't what are you going to do right? You know what I mean. It's like you want to be support like this happen when I'm, collins game the closet, the the n b, a player jason cause like everyone's celebrating him, and it's like yeah, that's a good thing, but he was still marry right and just like this, this woman, who was like they might lives been alive. You like yours, and you can't really be like what the fuck and then They cheat on you with a guy or a girl like what still cheer army. But I guess, like you, like dear you're, gonna, tough position here. You can't really complain, but it's also like well
kind of strong me along the air lock in ever also like. I think you hear stories every now and then about like you know like a couple that was demerits like forty years and then they you know too garrison. It's like go Ok, one side is right there. Ok, I wouldn't like, like replay everything, every everything everything you. That's that's a tough. We have to be areas like. Thank god, he's living is best life right now, that's that's great for him. He actually make a ram brought this woman. It was like you know, whatever tat, they were there for a long time and then it's like what, if she you know it's like anyway, and if not the other way around, like you have to think yourself like, was it in my that bad advice a day I made you hate. My It's so much grey eyes were off all dick. Yes, yes, yes, ok, you're! Last pick! Ah this is I mean this. Because these are, it is good and they don't even fit the actual seem. So it's like, I thought, I'd I'd three hot ones that I want to encourage lilies pass. Let me
yeah, I'm the vikings that so words yeah fuck. Let me do ok, I'll I'll, just keeping semi sports related a little bit this is again there's just a mouthful, but it's like knowing someone is trying to steal using them. and being powerless to help yeah. So, like I don't know, he's happens, lodging habit and you know that it's gonna work is this. This will always there will be worth Gabriel union met de wade at something where his wife was an the day she was like, I'm a big fan of your husband's yes, so she just called their shot like babe ruth was like I really like your husband and then like. Nine months later you get the wars of the edge gabrielle you, but now you see, my name is hot shit. Shit I told you Joe call you sean she's, yeah, she's good. That's a good, that's good peck,
for the way I interpreted. I'm really happy with my with my. I think you do now is mergers. I keep getting chopped off. It has a strong, strong, showing number for the first two rounds: yeah. Okay, pizza. Your last pick on my last I'm just going to go taylor swift than anybody mac, because I fucking love it when taylor swift breaks up with somebody, because he had some bangers about to come out. Yes, yeah- and I was thinking a few months ago about trying to work out a situation where we engineer taylor swift to have the worst possible like most ass lighting relationship with somebody, Joe
for the sake of the world, social without good art later the eyes. I have somebody treaty really poorly standard for dinner. He asked art fucker mom, maybe you're, like per like break up, therefore best friend yeah. I didn't he tell us. How is your ghana Helen? She can't get on a private jet anymore. Here. Has that bug you dumb bitch? I, like she's, worse than bays, are going to the movies. You just got out of luck in private plain for grocery, assuming like sushi at night, yea ike itself. My last week I call future one sure because it is one that I have said many many times, but I can't wait
sounds terrible to sail out, but I can't wait for christina john I'm gonna be all these people be. Like was love any more. We know these. I just can't wait, for it will be the greatest break up a false. Let's get there would like eat. They were so perfect yea. As a kind of shit you, they posted what they wanted. A pole, of course, other their private life must be of a horse. I think it goes something like this. Where crises, just like constantly things into her phone is IRAN or house yelling into her phone the jobs in an extremely complex. Yes, Turkey's please can we not put this online. I love you, I love like she had they go. I think she's kind of changed what she posts, but like that breakdown if had like, maybe a year ago, words like came the realisation that posting every little piece of our families, life online, isn't may be healthy right or oh shit. Absolutely and its fuck is it's like so many people, just with online as
evolving. Rightly you like I've made such errors rang, whereas it- and I don't want people knowing the area right now, just here forever and people warship their relation, show sharia and also to John legend- that's the kind of guy the cheats was he gets older. You know me: I write like a musician. Do he's not, the hard he's like a handsome like it's about like his gravitas, it's about his like talent, that's gonna age, great and playing the piano wearing a shoe, you oughta mean, and it's like. That's the guy we welcome musician in his age good and, I think he's gonna. Do it like in classy way that allows like he like it's gonna, be like a young up and coming composer than like someone like musical genius stimulates is mine. You can either be a form of friendship. You sure he doesn't know. What's going on as it's happened, you can even be like all. Do you You know you just
decided one night to fuck. Whatever is in front of you, it's like no, it's actually like. He fell in love. He refill in love. She doesn't have a twisted. Some girls like I don't even know what twitter is, and he just got hard that the model is like a really weird way to age because of your entire profession. Is just people take picture because I'm hot yap- and you learn the sharing out almost razor yeah and you know. Ok, you know all the players, you know the difference between the different magazines. Different fashion shows, and then you stuck in to your forties than your fifty's We have no career now, your because I'm not hot anymore urologist societies tougher on women to begin with a guy can look good and he does you know he looks shit for your lay guy and it's like we say, guys, look older they age, but just like we're
easier societal, jan men and yeah, no, we don't have to like gamble on plastic surgery may or may not work. You know your lines in your forehead for guys, like wow he's wa distinguished yeah. He looks like someone I want to talk to my talk to about my four o one k yeah. Absolutely this is good, isn't being a model weirdo just like you walk into a room, and then people like people all around the world want to look at you righteous, I'm just going to make people look at yeah really strange, alright. So what did we miss? I had a I had a couple. I had a brad pitt jennifer addison either that was more heartbreaking, then, branch lena o without question for like cause like everyone, because brad pitt his place in the car, sure to engender ransoms like see,
a nice grow and it's like Angelina jolie was just like it's kind of we're done with the Gabriel thing. Yes, she could she was she stopped her man. Yes, what do you think's gonna happen to you for all these like mid women that were like yeah, they were like. They were the prentice, the friends people were the predecessor of the office, people right where it's like just kinda, fuckin boring bland peoples like all these women who aren't jim well you know to be in that. Second, now now they see like their idols and a lot of ways was gentle phrases like if PAM They have a lot of women. She was there PAM Sagan. She was with the hottest in the pan was married to the hottest guy of her generation and then a hotter woman. Crazier and crazier everything better than you takes. It's like its symbolise like. Oh my man's, not safe right right, I'm your have power. I think that was so devastating for so many women here that one What else have? Oh? I had
operating Bela check. If hank was here, he probably say that one year gums, he ah fuck them jello, nay rod, thou and broke. My heart, I thought is, alas, for the first time you have better for our united as they are doing a victory lap for better for the second time. That's gonna, be out you don't you will benefit like Ben definitely spent the last ten years of his life. Just constantly thinking about jayla turkey during the my jerk off in the shy, I'm so happy for him, I'm so happy for that it worked out. soviet union yeah, it's a big mafia Well, russia is a lot of stabilized everything, yeah yeah iraq. You could say the middle EAST after nine eleven did do it. He fucked up the whole world yeah and let's see
sit down whisky, look whatever they must allow me was keeping some order. Is another area that matches the mafia when there will be further Deborah, was alot saving energy who do I was in prison, hops, and data on and off, like which dinner was it? Oh, you will like multiple children with close cloe he's a but he's also like broken up with her several times right. He just keeps getting. You can't stop cheating or let me finish up. I had the robot question: go to the aerobic rush to be a cicada com. Use code. Take twenty percent off your first purchase to use its hoodies palos everything. Lisbon awesome where what's next like give us yeah plug it. So the tourist
running up again my youtube. China still out there were about had three million views in two months when the special statute, how it comes. If you watch iverson, person just just odyssey, Fourthly, the waiter was just the premier. Nobody on me on youtube, you not hidden it just walk out. I should learn. I don't know why that's crazy! I'm leaving money on the focus is on the table. How much you may purview. I don't know but a minute? I've made my money back already in a little more. So yes, so that's good, and I'm on a little I'm doing a little tour, I'm Donna be a huge, torn twenty twenty three and I'm just gonna taken this you're a little easier. I will be doing I'm in phoenix the eighth through the tenth of september. Nice I may not pittsburgh the twenty. Third through your shortish fancy pittsburgh, I'm in denver the six through the ace miami, the twenty six to twenty eight richmond, and then I might be. Burlington vermont. I might be doing some warm up chosen, the city at the end of august, just the characters have taken through two and a half months off. Yeah just fucking go good
youtube generally put on different, like clips every week like longer clips and yet what next I'm just gonna show in our little bit taken some time to catch. My brother, then some up others I'll. Think of some, probably maybe in the next two weeks, I'm just going to clear my head and figure out what I want to do next before I go see me on the road. I don't have any other income right now. I could really use it and go go to the youtube channel and that's pretty much it for now or you'll. Try to act. yeah. I really want to act it's fun. I think it's like you know I love comedy. I love like getting a laugh in every way like I don't want to be fucking Daniel day, Lewis, that's an I'm, not a good actor, but I can be fun yeah. So that's what I do nice of you know.
Many famous fucking directors are randomly watching this and you need you want a fat guy in your fucking fat dirt ball in your movie. I'm your guy, I feel, like you, need judd apatow to get back on his shit. You'd be the best friend who helps every girl. Let me get in and character can't find exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah chris Pratt is your best friend. He can't find love again as long as his emotions and I'm fucking everywhere, yeah yeah. No, absolutely that's the role for yeah. That's what I'm trying alright we'll stop! Thank you, as always, has been awesome. Thanks guys, you shared it. Thank you. Starve has brought you by bird dogs per dogs, I'm where burdens right now, you guys. I'm always winberg dogs rocket shorts bird dogs- that's a fact. Not only are they the perfect short for summer there all the most comfortable shorts and it's not even close. If you don't bird dog, shorts, you're, missing out true story. I
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Certain liners feel the comfort of built in liners today, let's wrap up just another reminder next week is great weak, get excited the next time you hear these voices, we will be in cholera, in writing EL back girl. You gonna learn that on the on the special, special opening to grit week. We do it conversion. Electric avenue version of electric avenue make sure that we include that. Take you missed it. During the starve interview, I I've of elevated back girl and I just started calling max. as I she's she's back girl, she's, a feeling of I think I'm gonna work. I mean what better way to prove to our audience at me. Impiety are gay than have becquerel Luigi, exactly on leashes silverstone mackerel when you remember that shitty batman and robin movie oh yeah girl? I got. I guess it is.
That completely out of my mind, because that movie sucked so bad also the the that what we read as the original girl, but the backer of that most comic nerds know, is a completely different story. Yeah. It was like to back commissioner gordon's daughter, yeah. We should have Rabin climb onto like do not rush more of comic book characters and just let them lose their minds. Yes, they were. I mean it's very funny. It's like we either comic books. Are the one thing that I have the least amount of knowledge, not not even just the regular. Oh, I know a little bit. So when every time we get into it, They just lose. Their minds are like how could they be so wrong about all this, because we don't know, I, when I think of comic books, I'm like oh calvin and hobbes yeah Garfield the cartoon like the animated shows, but that's not even well. I just had that scratching the surface when it comes to that. I also think there's there's a little bit. I guess Robbie would be would be contrary to this, but there's a like when you're growing up you're their comic book guyer wrestling guy, it's kind of like what
switch fantasy world? You want to live in, I was now live in one where everyone did steroids and a lot of them died at like forty five years old. Some from killing your own family members. That was I think there are other. There is a third option. Author yeah sport play sports yeah. Well, you can play sports and watch wrestling place. Morton you, I don't think so now come on. Brad work, will bring walker could doc yeah. He wanted canister, ok, far faster the weak, but again we will be in colorado, huge grit, weak very excited, look out, as always, for week. We will have a pair you video sunday night at some point, get you pumped up for grit week so check that out on all the social henry starts off, I fast very excited for great week. I honestly like I was. I was racking my brain on the way into work and and and and I think I'm just so excited for great week. We have a lot of good stuff planned and we've just been. In that really in the trenches this week like getting getting, should figured out that I haven't had a moment to have a bad moment:
and I feel like I've- been bitching about moving and deal with that whole thing for the last month, and I'm just like me moved in and settled and just like having all that should figure it out like I just I feel great, I'm not you know I have had no I've had nothing to to to fire about. I mean this means that something's going to happen. Oh yeah, probably yeah. Well yeah. I mean that's what great we like very bad, now you're going to you got it. You gonna die in the mountain, yet you're gonna die Here I am actually yeah yeah. We got a lot of stuff wherever grit weak, but one of the one of the play unconcerned about attitude. That's all! I was gonna, get you too much detail, but he tried to pull hey It's going to be a problem for editing reasons hard on me at all. I know I feel like this or something else going on here. You can tell her. It has been the summer of thanks. So far, really the last, like four months it was out of shape it of I I was in shape at forty five day. One private did like up today, twenty then July,
happened and then I'm going out, there would have been, only problem can be working out and moving correct. the six pack. So common though it is yeah. Ok, pity you're I've got a few firefox gonna. Take it sank into a giant. Do we have any there? So my first fire first is that we're not getting we'll get ripped off. Why we get ripped off his apart? ass, because although they are yesterday saying that people are paying up to fit thousand dollars to appear on pod guess what the fuck yeah! That's! Why we get that we can get paid. Seventy five, chaotic, itzhak, rail or not. We have to get three hundred dish that no, if the other way I get three border, I know what you guys have to take us seventy five in and give some of the gas no no easy way. That's the coal- is that someone pays pot like so I saw the headline. I assume a guest pay. Yes, I assume so there's a couple people I did have the clock back at one guy today was like
Is this? Why you guys don't have good guess anymore, because you're just getting people to pay you as like? What are you talking about like yeah, blake, bortles paid us and Frankie muniz paid us We don't we ve gotten zero dollars I assume this is very much the world of awe. Like me, sir? podcast that are like it is little motivational. Podcast. Isn't this broad like pierre or selling a book logo, motivational book and they'll go Bilbil paid beyond like a business parks, like we ve ever gonna doll was so here's here's, what I'm finding to be very concerned about this is that no one's ever even approached us and ass no to pay for coming on our part guest. In fact, it's only been the other way around, like I think, Lenny Dykstra asked us for money as pete rose, penrose is the one guy in Lenny did to his manager, and I told him no and they're like okay he'll. Do it for free right, he drove real hard bargain and p rose, asking like yeah. That makes sense. Yet I wasn't I wasn't offended. I was like I expected that like if we reach out to Phil mickelson, I'm sure he'd be like yeah. Actually can you pay me?
ninety seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars like a very specific amount that he owes this week. Yes, but yeah we're not sunday night. Football goes under and he's like. Actually it's one hundred and fifteen thousand yeah, I'm gonna need some retrofit. It always should do we should start billing. People It's already been on the show. Yeah. Does the invoicing of necessity and belt see if anybody pays yeah, we should tell them supporting yes, yeah, whose riches person has been only to see that plays out Reimer so even to his house yeah market Look, you can kill anybody. Can we sent an invoice from argument for fifty thousand dollars? Yeah spilling europe for your most recent appearance apart my take and if he doesn't respond within a week, we on the Dallas mavericks yup include that yeah, the were were definitely were open to getting paid. We ve never gotten pay, but we're not saying that we wouldn't, if someone wants to yeah yeah boatman that will be so. What do we do? Have someone who has like ten ten ease,
the tips to become a millionaire by twenty five on the podcast like in the middle football season were like yeah. We just want to talk to this guy. It also does make sense that, like the comics have it makes zero sense to me because not not to brag, but I feel like we are pretty big podcast I'd say so. Nobody has ever approached us to pay. Fifty thousand hours come on you're telling about like the niche business podcast that they would be I can't imagine that it would be worth fifty thousand dollars to go and live smaller, beware or maybe it maybe our booking team is just cut, no miracles on the money, big, my something of an allergy like she's bitter about the person yeah she's only has a hundred of them. Yet what she's got a kid about to get popped out gotta college fund to get that money. No chance like his can be smart enough to go to college. that's gonna, be a text message him so sure go to gonna harboured up. We will pay for sir and the virus. I got stuck in november yesterday, owner so bad bad luck,
family. Do with elevators. As we talk about is not underneath my great guy and not hundred. And yes, my great grandfather had an elevator fallon, his head kill them. never known so rapidly that sad. I can talk about it. You can't, but stuck in over yesterday at Jim and its sought, because It was on my way out of the gym. So everybody in there just like really sweaty going back down, and it became more. Those moments words like was someone has to make a joke. I tried to make the people joke I figured that, like I went to the flow chart in my head, like I could make a sex joke, probably not appropriate for your first proper inclination, probably knee jerk, probably not appropriate in an elevator filled with strangers and then next what was I go, or they probably asking the office or make a p corner joke philip, a fierce I'm. So then I just shut up. There's nothin like make it I've, not even a chuckle. There might have been a chuckle out, and I was as what expecting a minor matter reaction. Yeah I've been someone elevator he's in there. Is that
big over there's the initial reaction of like oh we're, we're all gonna die and then dissipates after, like someone comes over last week, like hold on, we'll get you yeah Zella sizing Alec who you'd have to eat. Yellow if the strong alliances with I was the strongest on the elevator I did not. I took it noted that sounds like you go to a pussy genitive very much very nice cause like I was the strongest fucking moms around. Now it was a it was a police classic gotten out and also most people were up there just to hang out on the roof and get sun yeah cool. So and then so I make that joke. Nobody really laughs. I didn't really say with my chest to that's on me, but then too sport is right afterwards, this other guy goes. all aboard when it starts to move again and everybody fucking. Oh that's good timing, good time he has like a huge laughing sound of applause and I'm like fuck yeah, so I got older. I got elevator cooked on that one, but for a second, when you do get stuck in an elevator, you think it's
I thought I'm going to be here for for the rest of my life. While your initial reaction, when you get stuck, is like now we're going to go in freefall, yeah that is always like. Ok, we're dead, you dig elevator subways worse depends on it. hot train in summertime yeah. That's the worst to get stuck on the outside. It also if your under, like. You're, not a cloud. He had no like podcast or anything. Listen to and take it on your phone yeah, that's pretty bad You have to be alone with her thoughts. Yeah! That's once that ok good virus. Take you Fire fast is, I guess, it's to get a friend to selfless so sunday we're gonna good about go to colorado. We booked our flights and a phd in I have got to a point where we do take first class. Ah, there's only one first class ticket and I selflessly gave it to be empty, and now I'm driving this floor.
I would like I didn't know that was going to happen yeah. This is by the way, big cat being a good friend you're going to do this is such a transparent move on your part. So I would like to know if there's anybody that's on my flight, that's in active duty or retired military. No, don't do that yeah! I'm going! Oh! You don't want me to discuss. No, no, the reason why I'm saying don't do that yet is because I said I was texas, back rising, give it a parity and edges, keep look! because obviously no want one. So, let's see, if I get one, then we're fine, when I was going to fight. He was going to find one. They might be some of my counselor flight. You know one pops up, I'm just I think you, the you're,. you have size. Problems do not know how many times I thought we were talking about a diagram height lake. Definitely you, like you, do not need
the first class. No first class ticket is more beneficial for someone, that's taller, that's what I'm saying great, but I will I feel bad being like taking the old once eyes like given appear team will see if I can get one hour. you how I would like to give my to an active duty or retired military member on the flight. I'm dreading now Billy's, not getting a pill is gone and the luggage underneath armenia, dog, kid yeah yeah. No, I'm dreading this now, but it will be fine. Tell you what, if you guys want to just like put in bids, if you want that ticket I'll sell it to you yeah, I falsely on every flight? Does my assessment? Doesn't matter fall asleep before he gets on the money it? Maybe the funniest part of the most recent trip that we took with max he's me back girl getting introduced, hanks yawns for the first time and he refused to believe that they are actually on he's. Like that's not a yawn days. I just I wasn't he's a clearing his throat right now I was a thousand
do not think it was really always really. It's all scratches the back of his throat being as it did that wasn't real weight so not only on great weak, but like the fact that he's already worried about the oxygen he's gonna have to do the biggest yon ever get that oxygen in his mouth. I got this rain firing, he's gonna just be usable, open the whole fucking time, I got some tricks up my sleeve, oh yeah area, you, the don't worry about it. Reality The worry about is ok, bill, your your fire fast. So there's this dude I've been like watching since, like early college, he, there's a northern iowa, but Disguises or what is mean, what what does that mean? You ve been watching him oaks there's been clips of this guy's not offensive lyman from northern iowa he's been actually destroying deeds in his savage, his name's trevor patting reflagged reflagging I've been so like, I kind of feel like one of those guys like out following them. When there you every day I got so now all of his. So basically he just got kicked out of saints camp
for I desired. Aren't you hard he's an absolute, in this area is awesome. I did you for three days and a role as an idea. So now everyone else is getting on the bandwagon, unlike ok, gate keeping like I was there when he was doing this like a freshman in northern ireland and those now everyone's on it. Billygoat manage gaucho cool, but you're talked about a more I've. Been posting is clips. That's an ox three year old club. I don't want to go back and do that, but this he had a crazy and then everyone who post about was trevor pinning yeah just make sure that the internet knows a billy had at first as he's a savage as first reported by billy for just such billy. I actually agree with you here. If you like, he's cost Not someone that's ever gonna have like crazy fame and you were on it. So the bills I just want to play annals on the media, ask me was my favorite football That what your favorite
literally assaulting a person across from him. While he said he said, he's such like he's like such a meme that it's hilarious, because it's actually going out there and mauling dudes to the ground. I love you. I always liked him here. That's always guy! Don't you like a wild life expert that that tagged shark when it was just a little baby fish heroes track reggie incognito after I saw Billy's got him first, so everyone back off. I like that. jake finnish off yeah, I'm pretty sure the face was I've been using. My whole life has been discontinued why your whole life my whole life when using one face one january, did you start using face wash rallied middle school? Ok here and I ve gone like fire succeed. The asses dwayne reads nothing new, gino website, sorrowfully inconvenience were sold out on em it's going for seventy dollars was to be were hoarding it yeah,
by some. Now not I know I've been transferred. Oh you have yeah. I've noticed you had smack me problems recently. Make up some funds here. The fact that I have a little I were, I have a le pen. I have be serious. I swear to god I owe you drove mostly but I understand what progress, but you get not make when you come in now That's it great going to behind gotta. Be careful that if you're going to russia it was like. Oh Jake, a penny by one of your high I've got the government may apples. So what have you switch to? Ah sorrowful centerville, I'll get stuff signals. Good too. I like simple, but so I was gonna make fun it jake for like having a face, was but actually think that important night. I a creature habit
I do see the green bottle muddle through. Unlike ok, that's the stuff tat goes on my face now. My ass rises get that and being out of stock yeah. What now I will act. I wouldn't know what to choose yet after I'm sorry, scattered rina figure it out now I'll fuck em for speaking. Quick, brandy, reiner, Did she s? Bro nine was tweeting restraining. Atwater knows that bro nine? has everybody's reaction to her getting nine years was broken iris awareness of the phrase, bro, nine and Emma jumper got arrested too We have six pounds six and a half pounds. A weed free amount the gaza so lotta, we that's a lot of wheat but I mean if you like. We that's you get your six, not positive. right yeah, I feel like stew, finally does six hundred pounds in like a long weekend, yeah just gets like. Oh, we have seventy five bagels talks to them like they're, like he's in beauty and the beast
that's a weekend. I was due numbers whenever off, go, get excited for grit, weak. nine. Ninety, nine, sixty nine, Twenty seven, twenty six pg forty two. Well,
at ninety one. Ninety the beavers have never been audited by the iris. Let me guess the.
Transcript generated on 2022-08-11.