« Pardon My Take

NCAA Tournament W/ Mark Titus, Ryan FitzPatrick To WFT And The Bears Sign Andy Dalton

2021-03-16 | 🔗
We start the show in a world where Big Cat doesn’t know Andy Dalton is about to be the Bears QB and PFT celebrates Ryan Fitzpatrick’s signing in Washington (4:04 - 23:33). Breaking Moos brings us the Dalton move and instant reaction (23:33 - 30:34). Hot seat/cool throne and Billy’s long awaited QB bracket (30:34 - 48:09). Mark Titus joins the show to break down the Bracket, Brad Stevens to Indiana, sleepers, how good Gonzaga is and Big Ten excuses just in case (48:09 - 105:51). We finish with FAQ’s.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
At today's part of my take. We have a mark Titus great talk with Mark Titus, ah awesome to break down the bracket about every team. Pretty much. Every team sleepers who's, gonna win, probably Ginza. We break it all down, always fun have him on. We are going to do I felt free agency, a little programming note, you're gonna, listen to this show and for the first twenty minutes, or so fifteen minutes I was living in a world where, indeed, almost in the bears quarterback and then the news broke, so you will find that out. Probably twenty five you're probably say to yourself. What were they talk about? Indulgence appears quarterback. Well, guess what you get to hear the moment. It happened literally live on air, so that's fun. We have Effie accuse Great, said, Effie Queues and haughty cool thrown awesome Wednesday show come up in a second brought to you by our friends at man. Scaped, A draft season is also upon us is the best time because we get March madness,
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because you know a date is there were also. Happy Fitzpatrick stay there. It is that was it was the best night of my life lie and don't get me wrong. I am under no illusion that Rhine, Fitzpatrick Gonna come in and like immediately turned the football team into Superbowl containers, because we already are suitable containers, but he is the most fun quarterback I can vote for. Besides Winston I wanted JANUS vital verbal meme We have James at home, James at home, Rhine Fitzpatrick, it's the next day. Thing he makes every week fund, no matter what happens is going to have some games resource for five touchdowns. He's got some games where three four five interceptions he's gonna run for the smallest, even tobacco field and most of all, I've just accept that, like I get to actually route for him as a guy that has a vested interest in not just the fits magic, but he's on my tea, now, I'm like now I feel like I have its magic inside me. Ok, so with all that, sedgy reveal little.
add that I'm just sit here- and I am now my brother in it- you get an eagle Altea you get more rifle. Did you see that there is a report that are the best option for the bears are to convince Andrew Luck to come out of retirement or get SAM Donald? You, you got a quarterback but yeah. Here's the only thing I'm worried about with, with with wash in football team, getting life. It's Patrick, I think like happens. We're arrived Fitzpatrick goes. They will now I'll immediately be like well, we got a draft quarterback, yes, so that we can put him in front of ride Fitzpatrick, because that is rife Fitzpatrick entire career is, he goes to a team in their like. Will we need someone who's ahead of him on the depth short because you, you agree, fits patch if he's a day, one starter he's not
I have the same magic right. Have you Unita coming out looking over his shoulder common off? That's what we gotta primer. We got Tyler Heineken, who, I think is the ultimate Fitzpatrick primer, because he'll get in he's got a spark but he's probably gonna fuck things up and so he's actually the perfect quarterback to team up with this. Patrick to have somebody that we give a shot a young guy see the little guys got. He goes out. Their plays wolflike again, maybe game in a half they search screw up boom, it's magic time to come out. Yet now how many authors up your head? How many play off games you think Rhine Fitzpatrick has played in zero? zero his. Yet it has been applied, he's the best or best quarterback of all time to ever make the playoffs, maybe the Archie Manning, I think, never made the playoffs think that shirt pray marshal of middle class. Yes, it's also true, that's all I'm just I'm excited because it's like now jack and make is you know that second semester of senior year in high school, when everything's gonna
you don't really care, but you have fun like fuck it that's what this entire seasons can be form, because if we did, we go anywhere. Hey that's awesome cool! If not, I get to just sit on the couch and drink beers and forget that I'm suppose we D worked out. I'm I'm I'm very pumped about its own breaking moves our nose, greening containing now. It's not it's that four year time, just I've, I've actually been not going on Twitter. I've got shaft, I'm scared to go on twitter because I know you do the adult disaster notification set up here. One of my favorite players of all time, good friend, personal, LEO Guy Route, for always will Braun James as just analyses can become part owner of the Red Sox.
one simple matter: Carter, each joint or group as partners for lack partners and estuary history. I love it now. You are an hour, the bronze dad. I finally have our law on staff. I guess I mean you have to ask you half a year. I do I thank you, love the guy. You are you ve, always loved Europe right, yeah, you're la Braun through and through a special to me, great seven hundred and fifty million dollar investment. That's not that's a chump change! No, it's not that it's not Ashtray Mona! It's not that easy! Astro ashtray honey! It's not the Jesse Nets, investment that it's not mean swans. Yes, it's so he's like he's like a vehicle, my owner of the tea right. You can't see o o. Governor he's, a Vulcan minority failure of the team, I know that you can see the onward big outnumber economy minority. I didn't say that. so yeah, that's it. I don't go brawny guy
have we? Hopefully this means he wants brought into complete the subjects, and he can do everything here to Boston guy. What I'd rather not create? That's. Why you're gonna have to take some time to figure out exactly how to spend this creditable Bron, though he now has the Indians, the Yankees and the Red Sox he should, and atypical speaking, had also your idea and have a good chance of no Liverpool have a good chance of getting the world Series in the Dodgers. I assume nays probably adopted that yet he was run for the doctors lawyers, so he's got a minute Yeah there's like fifteen percent chance of abroad, James Rule, one of his team sea routes for when the world. Sir, so hang you are, you are for the Anti Nebraska, your head rude against them? You have
yeah you're owner he owned you. It literally powered motor boat. Here I gotta pee literally, that is also the key to the town that he like has most beef with either in Ireland. I wouldn't say that Le Bronze biggest beavers we'd boss, I did a parking. Hopefully you started this Europe, IRAN be the Celtics. I think that the beak were not something you really did not answer, but if you had asked around the well it's right city that he as most of you, I will probably that cause. There's one is young his career. He could not be the Celtics. Those like turning it like go over that hump when his first championship who's. That is why the Celtic, so it's like the only other ones that can be up there like San Antonio Fabrics, yeah. I got no golden State Oakland near, but he didn't really yeah. but they re, also beat them last one other point again yet at all also key have figures happy
in the West class. I gotta think I m feeling abortion fans really some reason. Some Boston fans haven't been the nicest told brought over. The years saw this program. You see that's good outcome knocked out banana glory. Dosim is going after review. All his aunts is here at a huge is leaving me. So am I now outnumbered Is it Leubronn stating that? Will you won't you later flirted with the ILO? Bride tried to be a brand. New knowledge is too hot, so emails are very difficult, so we still have a majority on the show, as I still a respectable bronze greatness, your liking, the Supreme Court, when there's one judge it can go either were yeah that you. So it's me verse, hey, I'm! You can go! I'm Joe Mansion of this package on the web browser for entrepreneurs. I feel like I've lost a friend, like this, is not as great as that. All this is, I feel, like I've lost neuter I've been nude. Yes, you this is I've been neuter outside Hating Leubronn is
price, seven presenting your personality yeah I enjoy Rudy against Leubronn, sometimes more than rooting for my own. Tea now spend your head, and now I can't through the same thing when I have work to do. Now, though, is like you have a tremendous scapegoating case. Things go very wrong. Yes, saga team abroad, I, like it Leubronn, had what their rights are. Soldiers have already socks. You have you been in a word last year, like with the whole muky bad situation, went down, you would have a hundred percent blamed him, no matter what the facts were so like that's kind of useful to have somebody to point B like Dat guys, the problem. While time this is wild times Well, that's great breaking news. I hope he buys everything that Hank likes Man phase clan, brought his entries clan art so to go back to NFL, free agency, so you're analogy of the euro. The end of high school second semester in your right. As in your eyes,
so all gone analogy for what the bears are doing in free agency. Errors are the guy who goes out to a bar and try, is to hook up with girls and then instead just get. A big pizza and sits on his couch, if you like, I could have fucking hit that, like you see that chick she was give me the eyes I probably could have smashed, but it's whatever boys and I need some pizza every quarter. Signs. The bears are like. While we talk to him, we talk to James Swenson, we talk to Ben Rots, Asperger, they didn't you know it's your fucking sitting with your fat ass on the couch eating pizza at three, a dot m watching like Etv and you're, going to fall asleep and feel like a schmuck in an asshole and that you rent a cement, alright coward? So I think I think you could also put into their like the Russell Wilson thing: it's just a victory for them to be midget like They use it. You're bodies are like yeah you, you could have that check you, ok. I know I could and then you go home and you jack off to porn, which is Andrew Luck, caress like out there
is what family owned, yet the fantasy of of what you could have his own Scots he's gonna be hitting all night. How could give Russia Wilson your problem? Can I can I not be some advice but gulp? Let me give you some advice I'm a threatened shutter among animals. We didn't get that I'm saying I'm fucking kill you do it. Unless you do the rustle, I'm saying I think you're going about that wrong. I think, instead of saying do the rustle Wilson tweet. You have to They announced Russell Wilson to the bears, because I presume that sorry done. Some of you might be able to turn national legislatures announced. Just I'm saying we do this. We announce it. That's what the kids are saying you gotta announced. I will I will. I don't want to say that I'll kill Adam shuts. If you listen to the tree, I am glad that I must say that I did not say if you wanted to say blocking tweet shifty. I know how can people I actually feel bad. I wouldn't kill shifty actual them. I feel bad for other enough see seems to have to now route against Rhyme Fitzpatrick. Those on the other foot and
say the filled up the Eagle Sunrise Fitzpatrick, who would actually probably be the perfect in that situation were Gian hurts just can likes, which made an outgoing back and forth from your tongue chocolate. I would hate rooting against the guy. It be tough for me as a football team. Football fan to do that, so my condolences as Wash in football team, fan I'm desire rooted for the entire embassy? I do I wrote for the beast realities. I'm just saying like I would not want to ruin head to head match up. I would not want. against Rhine, Fitzpatrick, Hank Patriots A check is spending spree very atypical, we're trying to figure it out Germany's jobs without timelines, pretty good Boston, tea party, but just tee. O t out Audio designed John Smith and Henry the so this is, genius on a macro level by Bela check simply because he
has earned, the right did no matter what he does. People right watch genius, so he He knows that he can just sign a bunch of people an emerald by while what is better checks. In that no one else seats. Yet will people jumping to say classic Belgic everything the patriot right when they sound smart right and it could be smart because I do think there is an element of what the patriots are doing where the cap went down. Not a lot of teams have cap space. You got ability take advantage of the market. I totally see that part. It also could be belch. Acts like we saw last year and Tom Brady wants war, and I want that to happen again. Some assignable did right and I people say it sucks apply here. Sulfonal Paypal, boom hey. I will I us something change this off season about Jack and it might be along like not the exact same thing but can have Nick save in his best friend switched up how he did things after he saw that he's gonna get passed by some people. Bela checked saw that what was by not having Tom Brady by not spending money was a worthy who's. Gonna like full in the other direction here,
I'm gonna spend more than anybody else amid change things up entirely or maybe just why Like a gun to Weird Youtube, rabbit, hold this off season. Thinks like mine, He isn't real anymore ways: it fuck it isn't there something words like there's gonna, be a new tv deal and once that could sign at the catching away up ever heard. Her speak Enzo turned me crazy ideas, the next season. So these deals that looked like a lot now. Organist seem not that big after a couple years pass that and the fact that most teams can't spent the most rooms or have money to spend right now they do so. He knows that. There's like deflated markets, even get someone for cheaper than they would be irregular year where everyone has money. It will also be great if you can turn Nelson Aguilar into a great white receiver, discuss Phil Evangel, just be like so miserable. But yes, yes, yes, or do you think eating gentlemen wants to ground airy thankee if you were to put inject truth, sir, billing Ottoman be like. Where do you want to play next year? New England,
store Tampa back. In TIM, obvious attentive. At my own question, I resign grunt. Yeah. They recital sign everybody. The shack bear it so yeah they are gonna, bring everyone back of money. There rumours about him come in New England play off Lenny. I saw Seahawks as well when the mixed reply a funny. The raiders make no sense. They have now like dismantled their entire office of line, which is exactly what Turkey its yeah. This is again the perfect analogy for dairy car is, which is a little finger from game. Thrones, it is a little fingers is sick game of no whose you gotta get his dick cut off, wreak wreak. Yes, these wreak so now giant the aunt Rachel, yes and out now John Bruton, is, is entering the phase of his growers, like I'm, going to punish him because for some reason John Bruton hate Stare car is it I'm not gonna give you any protection whatsoever, just get you killed for low, but I think the hook is gonna, be pretty quick fora for Marietta together.
Extra, I think crude and should be the hook should be quick for him, but it won't be not only one says like seventy million dollars, but what are the ratio did? I should probably will go like foreign one and then finish the season six in six and ten yeah like that, like they always do at this point with crude and other news Jamieson New Orleans, which is huge, I just hope he gets full starting duty and it's not like a back and forth to take some hell. I assume he will be the starting point it's gonna, be like an open competition in the camp, but I think, based on what we ve seen JANUS Winston, probably buttercup. Back and take some sites. I still like watching towns and villages run downhill into linebacker yeah, that's always fun to do, but James Jamie should get that certain job. I wish his his contract had been like infinity dollars for fifty years, and now,
on your guarantee, all yours void of his little. But yes, I'm excited fur for James to potentially get a fair shot in euros and the joke duty went to the chief. So that's big fur patch from homes ever was making a big deal about obviously had to cut their fantastic tackles. But guys were also injured, and I think it is expected that, but that that will be like if the chief can figure out a way to fix their office of line bogus snap Offenders, Nagoya member, the teacher on stop Indiana Lofty already said: they're gonna go undefeated next year, yeah Sudan, Dando seventeen. You know, if he's dyslexic here yet and this is a great quote- so we are amateur cap- biologist- we're trying to get better at studying the cap on the show, but the Raven not the raven, zero manager, air to cost. I had a very good description. I think that we might be able to learn from he said at some point. If your hungry and you haven't ice cream cake, you might eat a big piece which leaves less ice.
in cake for everyone else. So that makes sense to me right now, but then what about when, when you want to cut When you want more, I screamed cake. You can stick your finger down someone's throat and have them throw up heavily ice cream cake and then send them on their way. And then people can eat that guy We can do that. You can get somebody else's barf right, an end then import as that Arizona, quarterbacks budget, as I think we understand, like irked costs. I think we understand how pie were how ice cream pie yeah right, but I think the part that everyone struggles with actually know what I saw the proper tweet somewhat. So what do I care member who said it put the way Look at every single contract, the NFL is it's a two year deal every contracts, a junior deal, no matter how many, how many doll
say throughout their how many years throughout their ever understand through your deal and then they can cut, except for coaches. Yeah put that's that's how you, if you look every contract like that, it all kind of make sets its to your deal and then everything else after that, like taking eat some cap and get rid of you get ready view with no repercussions. Everything is a two year deal just go with that it makes everything a lot easier donor statistical protest. If you are looking to explain anything to us just say it's like an ice cream cake at the very least, will pretend that it makes sense. We owe you now get it yet. I have only makes sense absolute devilish. Nice could keep for I, let's do hot see, cool throne, then we will have our good friend more, Titus on the show. By the way we also on Friday, we're gonna have Stanford Steve with some guy, going Pecksy gotta make sure the you listen that I think will probably drop it a little early so that people can actually get the gambling picks and also bleak Griffin.
So that people can listen to the show before the tournament starts. Ah, before we get there Patsy cool throne is brought. You by friends, simply safe, simply safe. If you have thirty three minutes, you never have to worry about breaking at home ever again. That is how quick and easy it is to see. shut up, a security system from simply sacred kind of thing that is so easy to do. You can do it during a Netflix binge watching the game or listening to a certain point, S called part of my take. You could tell Billy to come in civil save is incredibly easily customized for your homes go simply saved our complex, p m t you can easily choose the exact sensors you need or get help from one of their exports. It'll get your house sat in about a week, which means by this time next week you in your whole families to go to bed. Knowing your home is being guarded, your families, Orton, your house's important year,
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We did not actually just happen literally right now. We want what does Europe walk everything the bare sock. This is stupid, advice, or maybe god dammit you didn't do the rest. We the or invoke that cancel everything's gonna auditors, another nail ideas, all destiny, because at one time I said that it is always better than J Color and the J coloured and taught me find out I call this we're gonna find out. It is gonna Poplar that George you're right Billy Ok, so that actually little behind the scenes MAGIC Phd, Bro, we need all news to me right is, I was standing up. Right is worsening finishing the show, and I had to run and jump on a phone call. I did the phone call. I didn't leave the office, because I got even more mad. So here is the less. ah knee jerk
more mad reaction, positive Ives only though beget start out say something nice about Andy. Don't I saved his luggage once he's not Nick fools, That is correct. His I dont physically he's a different person. Action Nick falls is actually let me I'm a counter. He is for opposition. It Nick followed me for my wanted. Nick falls. Actually, pickup could be a good thing. Because I don't think they're gonna start Nick for they know Nick Force is not any dont. Ok, so the knocker started force then restart ended on this other. Now, when is Nick falls as at its very best as a backup whom but the. Why didn't he was back. You got Nick falls much Mario car mushroom by getting any dont vomiting wherein the trust researcher mobility. The worst part about this you are, the ever listened to the first part of the show where I was like. I hope
site any Dalton. The bears are just like going around. There's a guy sitting with the pizza. Did the now do the coward analogy. I did all that deep down in my the back of my head. I was like, I think the bears are signing any common cause. They got some in the works with Russia, Wilson and wrong. Every time the bears had the chance it's too possibly do a franchise altering move. They find a way not to do it every time they figure out. There's it does a chance, and maybe the rustle Wilson was never real chance. Shifter reported that the sea actually we're not trading, I'm so shut up John wants? It and auditing calls. I get all that the those are just destined to never have a quarterback and on top of all this you can say to me: That's ok! The plan is not Nick falls in any, don't be put the starters all year, they're gonna draft someone, but nickels and any Dalton or just good enough to keep you out of the top five of the draft
You know what now that I've even said this of work this through my brain. It doesn't matter if the bears have atop traffic because we had a top traffic and we try to mister Bisbee Mitchell I ate locate. These are sucks, who saw this sucks all the body out of be it's gonna, be here, because this is the one tiny that you guys can make that innocently ruins the next ten months of your life. The end. You know that is going to happen. Like our you, is there any part of you at all? That's like Andy could. Do
I'm excited see anything any don. Does yes, yes, big hearted absolute! I already tweeted clip of him fired up the boys in the thought. I've told myself can pay any dull had that year. Were everything worked perfectly? The problem is the bears now have two guys that are what we always talk about. The everything else has to be perfect guys. Everything else asked me perfect guys for any Dalton and ethnic fulsome succeed and not everything is perfect. The orphans voiceless problems and guess what, if your defence, a player, but I would be shocked if cool matches retired, I wouldn't I wouldn't like payment, yeah, really really you're, not its test, be my blog about tough. To have this look. Forty four, the future stay woke. I dont think that I think there's a good chance. A rustle Wilson never even wanted to leave Seattle. he'd. This might have all has been one giant joke on the bears from the gecko. We're Russ was like What franchises would you like to go? I mean we should known it he's a rough. Where do you want to go play? It he's like I'd like to be the quarterback for the bears are the jets. I think he was just.
pity the sincerity probably wasn't you know what I was the worst, what about it was I was going to I was literally gonna become like a Jesus Freak for us. Alas, I was ready. I was ready to show up. Do this park ass, a lane cliches you gonna sit down, take water, it ever owned by what was she like? Now I just love Michael, I mean that's what it means. You're, summertime attire is not far away from Roswell some cheap gas line, shirts light colored genes, outgoing to do that. Sneakers, yeah, just old work, is a sick that what do you think we listen here, because I actually I'm like This is gonna ruin. My night is gonna room. I favour week of the year, Do you think Ryan peace in that Nagy Lagoon, think when they sit there. All the lights are off at House Hall. It's just it's just Ryan Paces Office, Matt Nagy's grabbing his suitcase whatever the fuck he's got his clipboard he's walking out after a long hard day at work and he stops by Ryan Paces Office, and he said
How did they rehash, like men were nail illness like we're, fucking were crushing. I you're talking themselves into. I think what would happen was they re Two point where they're like, I think Russell Wilson's not going to come here and then they said, you know what we don't want, come on guys that want to be here. We want, as I want to be in Chicago no more us wasn't any don't. Would you like twelve million dollars in music? Yes, hers, ok, good! He wants to be here. That's gotta wants to be a bare, and so there like. Yes, we do good job, because we could have tried to keep pursuing a guy that didn't want to be here and so yeah. I think at the end of the day, they did something they they they executed a transaction. I don't like that. They're making me hate any dogs, any jobs, a nice guy, like he's a nice guy, but I have no choice you. The bears have made me hate nice, guys, like I didn't want it, but they just did they do this they're, just so, incompetent in so fucking stupid and they're, going to do
press conference tomorrow, the next day and be like? Oh well, you know. We think that anti gives us good shot, win, gonna great quarterback competition, competition breeds. You know that the short iron sharpens ire bubble by competition bubble, blah blah fuck you met, need you pulled fuck to what end right pace your hairs. Not even that, could I actually I actually mean didn't mean it when I said his hair was good. Oh you mean that now we would have found a place which I would now. Where are they trade up and they do the same thing they did to gladden this time round. Would you be like yet that makes sense good whatever it's just get a hyper quarterback in here sure yeah. If they got MAC Jones, somehow I gotta be all in I just I have a feeling They think this is the move. this is gonna, be we're going to go into the season and maybe what that's lightning in the bottle. You know what they are their running. The bears the way I gamble like Maybe today I'll get hot guess what, I have never gotten hot they're saying,
a maybe today the signing is gonna work. It's not it's just not in stuff, because they got like diet. Kurt cousins to come in there. Looking at the Vikings and there like you know what, if we can go with their model and get getting Kurt cousins type guide here, then maybe we can make them application. They honestly should trade for her cousin vision, trafficker, cousins, issued trade for Alex Smith, collect him all just collect them all. Just get all the quarterbacks that we know cant do anything like of substance, but our good enough to just look the part. A few weeks of the YAP Gonna get get all the guys that we remember that, unlike the end of their trajectories Kipling Gabert in their Ryan Mallet, all my friends, rain and Weedin Let's do hot see, cool thrown, I'm just sat art huts
cool it's wrong bill. You start yeah hot see, looking good Missus Jerky when we said. Let me I, like others again: terror, Sir I've yeah. I want that yeah we're gonna need. I think what we're gonna do with Danton shirts my plan for the future. The line is just like we're. Gonna take all the best classic rock album covers of all time, and just Corporate Dan Campbell Unwarming, we did you D Antarctica Cosette is, is favourable, would do dental guy. I wanted to him with iron maiden with the trooper. That's can be sweet. I can't wait to steal all those from the office cool Billy. You looking good. Thank you cargo. You are your ravens fancied. I know you get the cargo camel pants. I like that for office, after will fix it. God. That's right, see the NFL about Jack going nuts and free agency? How we're why we read it out? We spent couple hours talking about that. Well,
but anyway she or not he has gone rats. So we wish to take on that Billy I think he's just knows that he now he's got my expand and he can absolutely possible. Dr Agency can utilise money to acquire, shares our cheese and additional everything. I'm before me a few sites that data our friend worn, sharp, The obvious budget that is spent like foreigner million dollars and last fifteen years and where I hunted and fifty in last two days to personal yeah, ok and you go to my cool throne. Is us because brings home, yeah sure sure ass, you get a Billy just walked in here from driving to work. So that is that's a really good. Think on your feet. What is I think,
our chaotic three five hundred years. I have your whose body armor highlights is fifty commentator Drake Release three new songs last week and they are now one two and three on the billboard allowing the actual or real painters that their high there, you gotta find out how we always I'm sure they're not happened. There was transported yeah, I think so, not sure they actually are ok. Well, a lot of people voted for Hitler too, so Wolf, nothing just because I like it shit ok, Ah facts: don't care about your feelings, also indian offence, hoping brass, even come in there in the hot seat. He officially said that he has no interest in going he's gone. What we're talking Titus about this country lump sums but yeah, but I went to me
Stephen just kind of fuels like that, the name out there that's more fun to talk about all the time. It is like the second. He goes to India and it's not funny more. Yes, yes, will never know. It goes from approach of the college unless they thoroughly shitty in prose, which is not Jim era in basketball in basketball. They don't, but you know copper socked went back where we might learn radical approach. I got very brown socks and then I think I d get chip. Yet they went to the is, he was regularly work sought. I couldn't you have see. So you have see announced Yossi to sixty one is gonna, be a sold out full crowded, Jacksonville stacked Card Obi first time were washed wow crowds. What is that I think, a month ago, while people are a jump down Deanna White Throat about this, but I actually agree with the location, because if, if use
money for view swam that pool and Jacksonville Stadium you ve got antibodies for every vaccine or every disease. Its ever been conjured up on planter uzbek massive autos. By the way the arm pipe, the India I argue Miller, it's crazy. How quickly, like the perfect higher becomes terrible, but I read I read a report, a report offered whoever it was never the perfect higher. Ah I read reported It was all just basically to boosters. Yes, one boozer pate paid ten million dollars to get him out to buy em out. Another Brewster is like wallpaper. Whatever the new coach, I love that of how to get it, but we should, during at a big booster, on the show like how much money do you have to have them in their, although you like, I want to depending on whether to have a fucking basketball coach not beat about hundreds of millions boosters our assent release. You are rich and not your super rich, like a Texas stuff to yeah, but you're, not rich enough to own a team yourself, so you based
the kind of owner team by being a very influential booster, who the second you don't like a coach can view. You can say I get him out of here, I'll pay for gay you can. You can think that you own, the team was the best part of a sort of do own part of it. Like the guy who got Archie Miller fired, he is kind of a hundred deemed the essentially said he called models like I've. Seen enough of this shit, I'm sick of it. Ten million dollars get em out ray. I feel like. I would like to be. A very small booster for programme like just contribute a small amount of money, but enough for me to say, like you, I am, I am a booster and then just go, which ever way the wind blows so wind all the big booth want to coach out. I could be like yeah what about two and then I'll get credit for taking that guy yeah yeah having yet again to tell people that you have. The power is way better than actually having responsibility. Boozer life's gotta be sweeter. Had asked me sweet, I pity
alright. My hot seat this week is is gonna, be damned bulgarian devils areas on hot seat, because I've decided that I am going to give six back in a beard and and just take me, giraffe all summer, I'm going with that beach is gonna, be that this summer of the beach for me, you can't go back the actual expert. Actually, you went with beard. First will actually technically in theory fees well, here's the thing you could do. You really are growing your visual hair for no rest of your life, and it would only gave me a supplement earlier today and the supplement I forget was called his colleague man. The fuck ups sounds like a legit medical product and is supposed to just grow facial hair on dude that can't rotational here I am
all support. Anything in your endeavours, your mid life crisis. Yes, it's been going on for why. Thank you, I'm gonna, struggling living at the beach is constantly changing. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get a jeep wrangler yeah, no I'll. Let you go get through it like eventually reached bouquet. I am in my late third yeah like oh. This is this: just how time more, but not yet Romagna push you that, but not yet I'm not gonna pushy there. It will can. Why do you guys get on territories? She, HIV Eddie? I'm I told you I want to start run. I have low to yet, but I just told you I took a supplement called man, the fuck up. If you put something in front of me, I will take I told you: I will tat on myself get on Uganda! Testosterone. I told you I wanted some tea party. Ok, why'd! You look in the Camp was it you haven't had recently, XO definitely have easy. I just do. I guess you. Arts is super male vitality in parks and talk in New Jersey answer who chemicals are as old people. The people- systems in which you are one sister, genus back synergies:
onto the term and that all thirty six and thirty six in that's fine, but I do I I get cardinal retie over there ah sister gene is going to determine so I don't know us more of an idea. This is like the fact that we're gonna get to talk about sister, Jean more such arrive during which this your genes, life gonna, be like during quarantine. It's just drive, you should write, I don't you sit in a room watching prices right all day, long and others even ass. Warranty Youtube noses she's a guy can go ahead, spy going. As a Finn, I think going with the team, though while not just gone already. The teams already there. I think they just they took her. I think today, to ending up in her life is probably quarantine, yeah sure, she's over a hundred right like nothing, How old is he just change the lovely a hundred and six
sure Hoddan six hundred one is born in nineteen. Nineteen. Damned dude gets her easy. That's when Babe Ruth known of the Bourgeois NOS nineteen, eighty mother, That's crazy. She is good for her still kicking, good for her. I, my hot seat, is me because the Antietam Tat is back the picture that looks exactly like me. It's a bad luck. I understood too bad. You see anti forget because Billy I need you like, but tat exists that is Billy getting me testosterone and ten years of hard work and diet, naughty, carbs and deep academy.
four days of eating wings, which I'll do this weekend. I will see Garth in a scarf I'll, be anti forget nuts, how that's how unfair the sliding scale it didn't help that he had the exact same type, a facial here, elected the beard that was made a three days without shaving up and just a look of despair and his eyes get after an opening. Night came after any doubt at all. That is their seat, cat post, any post, no Russell Wilson, fuck, and then I had vampire Peter trigger next to me. So that was interesting. Tab opens right here and then my cool throne, I bill you cut a soul. It is, it is all of us, because I am I just want to just taken a moment here and just say that I was coming to work they and I realized March man is really is just the best thing of all time. It's just the best thing of all time spring coinciding with March. Man is Saint, Patrick, nay, just everything feels like it has been restored there's nothing like.
This weekend. We're gonna have and there's nothing like that's the first few days of spring we ve all got a false start, winter came back, but the first few days of spring, it's just too soon brace it, enjoy, I did throw my phoning its water. They because again alert from whether sing snow should expect start following an Ex fifty metaphysic fuck. You are worse shorts. Last year, nine I fall start always to it, and then I looked at so last night. I looked at Chicago whether we'll be in Chicago this weekend of four March vanish, and I put up the maybe it'll be sixty international. That's not how now whether works learns out so but yes brings here. Listen this, weakens goby so fond of it. It really is I've or days nonstop of college Basque filled myself with so much information. I can't wait to just go against everything. I've tried to learn and I always like
I do. I watch and gamble on college rest. Will all your long- and I do like have a pretty good grasp of what's going on, but it still does not matter. I still just it will be Friday. Night will be a train wreck, a train wreck, but that's have. You guys noticed that the bracket industrial complex isn't really Kraken about, like they used to mean by that unlike the brackets words like fastfood brackets brackets, unless all out on oars, I'm so I don't know, I'm saying like it's been. India has done and done and done every single year and they just happened and it did. That was our meeting and I hope there was because I'm I'm over telling me all right here. I don't want to look and only bracket I want to see, was fillies quarterback, racket, which I think he finished today really yeah. So at present, one- is Trevor Lawrence Verses, SAM, Eleanor and thousand one seat verses, alas, seed
and, what's the last say melody noble revising the number is, does the bracket and I dont think I got in There- isn't a mental bracket? It's it's. Twelve. I was out of town where quarterbacks to name remotely mental Bruno is. Is it ones legion, yet is there's twelve in each region, Ok, all their suggest beat you quarterbacks the once seen, travellers and the twelve seen SAM elder- that's for sure it, SAM Algae, in order that there is a big upset. You said that we have SAM Eleanor verses. This it does just accessibility ran. I like desirability going. I dont like this, I'm back again, just in fields, young wine, a gaze plan which was a plain game between Joseph fields and just in fields and beat ah
and yes, you, kid trailer, Harry Lance K and enjoyed fields beats same ollinger. Ok, and he's a championship, whereas on the other side to the other side, ok, we have. the Texas ain't M, quarterback Monde, Mind Kellerman, yes, Kenny Football and he played on the zone. Well some. Yes, I should have given you the YAP place out of its actual was Zack Wilson, one, ok and then he played ah Jones MAC Jones. Ok, I want again to MAC shows her by his you're, the National Geographic solely backyards. Please just in fields and nowhere Mac Jones be Zack Wilson. Yes,
Ok, so backwards adverse MAC Jones, verse just in fields in the final right way, and who want wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Will I hope my she should we wait to put out the winner? Yes, what about you? was complete or you have come, look was the buying of carbon economy that is playing in the hallway torn out an echo guy wagons. Your account yes, noise transferred noted, aim now a real hell. You grab year, Jackie Eyes, doubtless stressful, I feel stressed out looking there was a great bracket like exam at nine, a m tomorrow, I'm very. stuff, releasing really that's it it's now. I can't get over the hours from now. I can't wait to gradually college, unlike figure out what excuse you gonna use when column no excuse right where you are now for your. How will have an exact your Billy known issues will be gone, you'll be like well well. How did he
You so much work. What how did he do well when he had excuse me. I'm such a union refrigerators yourself as well. Yes, we'll talk. Billy TAT was impressive. Now, that's the best thing in Bremen, wrong type. Eighty some awesome weak clip that LEO by watering or academic, so people can vote on it will vote on it right they'll, be now set on fire and make your own bragging in the programme behind the bracket. You did. You did programmer voting element right in the coding know what this was through. The I won't that's Penknives Yahoo or ESPN back failure bill. You have the complete brac right. So U S make your own bracket. I just see them the up and we'll figure write em down to draw a bracket on here and take a picture of a blot out picture. Ok, let's get to our friend Mark Titus before we do that's a quick word from a friend it new year grid,
friends at noon. If you're, like me and you're gonna, get in Hellas shaped the summer agree, do it is with our friends over at noon. We can think about. Everything you ve ever learned about getting healthy, there's a ton of contradictory information out there and things like tat old, fast, and food pyramid aren't much help at all so enter noon. You know, to you not to use chopsticks. Maybe you not afford a slice of pizza, so cheese isn't slide off and get that perfect first bite But do you really know how to eat names? If you want to lose weight, it's not about one thing you today, but about how you eat in general, have you forgotten quite food advice. I know I have Billy's it tell us all sorts of weird stuff we still have a sunken tells but then replace our food every other day, because it turns out that that's happened, not wasn't. Actually friendly. I've got some bad advice in the past moving forward. It's not about what you just eight, but about how you eat in general. So Numa is gonna. Teach you about eating your cravings, her build new habits that the most important that, if you can build a habit, it gets better.
In your psychology and new will teach you how to accomplish achieving those knew. How So you can reach your personal health health goals and stick with a long term. You don't need rules to lose weight. You need knowledge with whom you picked health goals. A right for you and new personalized await lost programme. Tell your aspirations become reality. How much weight do I need to lose? You think to get us expect Billy. I would say about twenty T pounds fly, I'm reed, I'm rethinking the six pack plan, after the lottery tar and I thought we could get you that's. A lot of weight cannot build a six back, while not losing all that fat. Yes, you could build. The core must that's. What I wanted to I just want to have. I won't have adds that are so strong that they poke through the fat in my stomach that they defeat the fat around it and pushed around moved down. Like my thousand ass, I do that yeah, ok and noon is going to help me with the eating component to teach me how to feel better. It's going to help me understand my cravings, so teach me how to shop and knowing that no food is bad food, for example. If college basketball's on I'm probably going to end,
in a couple chicken wings hearing there. So again, it's based on psychology will teach you cognitive, behavioral approach to losing weight and building habits, to keep the weight off numerous forgiving, your human. If you go off track today that we back tomorrow, don't worry about it. They just ask for ten minutes today that so easy. They asked you for ten minutes a day Eighty percent of numerous finish the program and sixty percent have stuck with the goals for at least one year is a site. to getting healthier, it's called new sign up for your free tragedy. Yet in oh, oh am dot com, slash, p m t in oh, oh, am dot com, slashed, p, empty and now here is more Titus. Ok, we now Well come on are very, very good friend from Fox sports. It is marked I guess you can go, listen to the tightest in Tate Podcast ready for this I'm to give you a nice little plug the tightest tape. Podcast has the best ensure music
outside of electric avenue, and if you haven't you, you gotta go listening in here, because it prompts me up all the time when I hear the technical file tackling allow it's it's a nephew, Kyle original. I think I don't know. I don't know get him out and I'm gonna where the Sakharov? I love that we try to put like any bars over. I know that he wraps it probably deadly I'd. I'd legitimate have no idea when, when we started the pie cast, I pitch data and eightys here, metal rock song as general and Thailand tabled looked at me like. Why is the like? They did their very into not that kind of stuff. So I know I don't know where the sun came from the they dug out of a major what, but it yet will take their it's. The asked- and I I I think I can say this, because we have met nephew Kyle when we're out for grit weak, but I still just laugh about nephew Kyle having ah the one shining path. Ass tattoo on his leg. Now reserves. Let yes on his leg, not understand
our visitors, for our understanding, did in the media world people, don't you stay companies forever, yeah not everyone are related, and so you have a job for light. It allows. The leg is great taxing quite but yeah, but ethics is love em. You know like that's. That's what, if you didn't do that sort of thing? That's a writer die when Levin was Maria, hey Goldfish, honour his leg, so we can relate like. We know that the stocks of March badness the biggest story about this bracket is there next year will be looking at one end. Brad seeds, we coaching Indiana, ha ha ha. Let's do they can't you speak of my language? I I have been very distracted this week with with Brad Stevens. I I reached the point where I no longer know what were I stand where reality in the meme world have come together, it is all merged into one. I have made my me myself into believing that this is possible thing,
I'm watching press conferences that I'd never cared to watch before I'm on it. such boards in ways that I never thought I would be yeah. I I'm talking myself into and it doesn't matter if it's real or not. I think it's just like the state of the world were coming out of a pandemic. We didn't have any data and last year I dont see the harm and wanted to believe in something you know the acid arm. So his wife it is actually from India and write his church. We put here's the harm Phd actually is, as has made this point I agree with him. It brought Stevens goes Indiana. There goes all our jokes. That is true I won't uttered either we shut it down the aisle. I agree point I think I shut down my twitter account. Oh yeah is like I picked up the man from trill balance when he, when he left wing, arousing out I'll, take care of this myself trial because we're both like kind of leading the charge patrols. Better than I was second a step back and then Look out of twitter. Obviously celtic. I guess I gotta keep it alive and here again Brad six, a job
It's like Heath Ledger in the Joker, Circa, two thousand and eight one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven. Nigeria, seven when he says I'm like a dog chasing an ambulance. I dont know what I would do if I caught it chasing, whenever it is unsure. Generosity. Clear me up on our way out, If he goes to Indiana that I don't think that's gonna, be violence is gonna, be like oh yeah, Brad Seasons Quota Indiana. Now. What do we do agree? I just can't look at each other, like I guess we'll go home now, but it will we finally go back on twitter and see like trip back in two thousand and twelve, two thousand thirteen being like I'm here. Brad. Stevens is gonna, go to area, there's gonna be like all these. They already knew accounts like retweeting this guy Bay Holy Shit, the Scotsman site. Britain If I remember I trills drills bit suicide, always misspell bread state would be like brand some of your brand steffens when it comes to the actual job, Indian. I I think you and I might differ on this one.
I think that it's that great of a job people talk about a job like it's like you're, the king of the world wants to get there's the pinnacle of, like is the best job that you can have in America, regardless of profession. I don't think that it's that good of a job the more I I see why you would think that I think the reason people are excited about bread going. I you is that the list, I don't actually think it's gonna happen all honesty. I don't think it's gonna happen. I do think more than its greater than a zero percent chance. I think the people at her lake he would, or do this their justice good. As guys like me that are trying to me minutes existence. I think it somewhere. But I d like any and he's gonna leave any and offers and like a ten year contract for the devil's, a salary of course he's gonna be, are not think about. It then call back and say never mind, but he's gonna he's gonna consider it surely be stupid not to but the reason it's it there. The reason like it.
beaten down that he's from Indiana is because I see this as a guy who grew up in the town next were bred grew up. I'd hit. He was from signs villain from browser the right next to each other. That that the culture of Indiana Basketball deceives India. You did and I'm talking about the university. It's like you whether a fan of I you're, not you dislike it, it is it is it is. It is like the panic, it is one of the programmes, its Indiana Kentucky. in North Carolina, Kansas, those it afore the lake. If you grow up in those states it you can't escape, he'll, never escape it, whether your fan of it or not There is almost like a sense of obligation to like I feel guilty. I already start thinkin. I live in a lay. Now, obviously, I have already started thinking. Yet. If you heard so from now grim, ire,
I have already started thinking as a man who is not married. Who does not have kids. I start thinking like if I have a family, do I need to move back to India, and so my kids can grow up and play an Hoosier hysteria, and I dont know if you feel the draw its real also in that regard. I think Indiana is still a great job for people from India. Now like the idea of like getting a j right, for example, or Tony Bennet, who didn't grow up they're like yeah, that's absurd they're, not gonna, leave to go back to Indiana, but I don't know you grew up there. It's it's it's one of those deals. It's just like it's a cultural thing. It's they have unlimited money. It sounds like like the way they athletic director stalking his like they'll pay, whatever it takes to get, whoever they want, and I don't have the fan rapid you're always gonna have great recruits yet, as the that's, the dear people bring up Nebraska football like that's kind of the now GI people scene of eight between India have been a brass goblet indian, a bit the Stephen you still pumping outlay five stars every year, serene I don't know
yeah. I still see it as a bit. I sought. The seed is a very good job. Braun, which should want, maybe not, like you, said, a J writer, someone like that, but they do have the home grown talent and that's like step one soon succeeding in college sports. Is you just basically show up do the press comes, would be like hey we're, locked down the border and will compete yet the analogy I would used to believe and there might be a slim sliver of hope of Red going die. You is when Roy left, this to go to North Carolina where he was, and is it not It can't it's not the Boston Celtics like I'm, not saying it's the exact same, but like really waves of plain in the national change, your game in two thousand three, he had obvious. a great programme, a Kansas cancer is one of the blue blood, but something in Roy Williams as like? I have to go back home. I have to do this for Dean Smith. I have to- and I think, like Indiana fans have convinced themselves that that same thing as a ruminating, a breadstick. I d like who cares? If I do this in Boston, it doesn't nothing like
my career matters in this happens in Indiana cassettes this. How people in Indiana think it's like? That's the only basketball state, the matters and shock smarts could do the same thing with Wisconsin. I'm excited for that absolutely I'm actually retorted somebody's gonna. Do Tony Blair I'm running against taxes in the tournament just saw my k, maybe if he gets bounced early, because there is definitely some smoke round shock of the sheer, but they had a very good year, but maybe maybe this could work and he can go to medicine and that would actually and everything. If I remember I came on the show at the beginning, the season, yes, we got Texas and I said they were gonna, be that there are high expectations, but they were gonna just flounder and end up in the kind of like sees another. Having is sort of what I expected, but the vigour really good. I'm start believing that do you believe in them, then a little bit. I do I'm the only thing. Is they dont there really good? I watched them they're, really good that that that big Twelve championship game Obama State was
weighing unbelievable basketball and Texas really gonna. Had that in hand for the majority, the game, I just think that they play like good defence, and I don't know Shaka like Maybe it's one of those it's kind of like when you see which Cha state, whose garbage, by the way in the turn any say to yourself. Well Wichita state who knows shock us something about him in its setting you're like yeah. We could do it. Why not these done it before it? That's all that matters. Yeah that that's a big thing with college basketball is if, if you ve done it before people, believe in you, if you ve never done it, nobody believes anew and it's a sport where, as as our friend John Rusted says, the unexpected becomes the ordinary and yet we go. Every journeymen were like there's, there's no way that this day there's no way bather kid gotta final, for they ve never done it before. I don't trust him. They're gonna choke which is what the last you tournaments. A sixteen z, beat a one seed,
in Virginia one, the national title, which was never gonna happen, is Tony Bennet started work and then eternal was cancel. I mean those like the last three things that have happened yet people are still say this year like there's no way it could happen because that just the just doesn't ever have I'm gonna take your request, but I saw I think, they're like that that either in that group of teams that they don't do anything exceptional, but they do both things. Okay, so it's like you if they could just do both those ok things a little bit better in a tournament setting who knows the thing I love about taxes? Is they they have experienced guards were a little crazy in a good way like the there. They have guys, who I was swill during the mallet invitation which, like you talk about a bummer, is like see and Molly Invitation Branding Oliver Asheville North Carolina an edge who's playing there in and so like I got up close and like I was one of the few people in the arena. Cuz of the bubble situation- and I say, to say like the Texas Guards, Macklewain Corner Amy
especially ah they're kind of crazy like before it before the Tipp of every in the like talking to themselves and hype and themselves up, like you know, honourable house, explain about their lake that there they are. They are out of their minds in the best way to you, wanna, basketball, player, to be- and I I love that idea of them in March to slay going crazy enema. Yet it works. For me, which stock start you put in momentum going into the turn, because there's one team in particular that I feel like all the casual out there, of which I am not one- a perfect storm of of peace. Of regulating around this one team, because they have the momentum, that's Georgetown, so they won determine right there when the biggest Herman and then they ve got. Patrick doing as her head coach? They love Patrick doing. They love a guy that goes back. His alma mater ease. Their coach takes a mantle from All the John Thompson's builds on the programme. They ve got acute dog that rides escape skateboard across the court. and they ve got when those names were. Like you remember. We here george any like yeah. I remember when there were good. You know the old school like tough hard. No,
no blood? No foul basketball, I feel, like a lot of people, are doing a plus its there through the twelve seed. So everyone also knows, like twelve, always be to five so, but I feel, like all those people are kind of way off when it comes to George shouting, because I dont think that distorts our teams actually any good at all the other, not they're, not good birthday. one, the one, the biggest term you gotta give improper there yet square enough. The Georgetown looks like the Georgian of Old, Patrick. You going looks like John Thompson and the right you know did it. It feels very similar, though the big guy, the big imposing a figure on the sidelines. The other thing we're in their favour the plank Colorado pacts halting. So this is all big ease versus pact. Well, we're gonna get like a definitive answer on the softness of the West Coast, where's the softness of these coasts, don't know, but the thing is scarcely got Georgetown is that they they seem not that they and celebrate one of the biggest tournament, but that seems like that seems like feels like they might be happy to be here. You know
it feels like they want. A big ease that was like their crowning achievement. This is the trophy they're. Gonna put their trophy case. I dont want one Twelve five upsets typically happens. Twelve is usually eyes, usually situation situation like Winthrop, Vila Nova where small school- that's that's really good and they just in play the hardest schedule, so they get its oilseed. It's not. I dont really I don't really loved the believing dwell seeds at her power conferred school. So I don't know, I also did not think Georgetown is going to win a single game in the Big EAST tournament they one hundred and forty two row. So what the hell do? I know other twelve five that I think everyone has circles, the Creighton You Csp, because Craig is the other side of white momentum where they live yet fleetly fallen on their face. Obviously they had the key word then dug Mcdermott dropped, senior Doug return senior. Let me just throw them out there. Ah, I use yes, we everyone's pigott, I'm always word with twelve five. I just listen to like this. The twelve that everyone loves her my couch Zack gonna work like crate. gonna come on beaten by a hundred, probably
yeah, I I don't think you see us, please get away like that. You just want to turn again and there really good. But what one of these is weird about this season. That's differ from from typical see. When you look like the mid majors that are winning a ton of games, they are these teams are not playing? They think the majors typically never play Austin Schedule, but they usually like play like a handful like power conference teams. In the non conference as a covert their allotted teams. I call gauge the most extreme they played before they I've teams. Yes of an annual. Do you like our you're fourteen and one you're, almost undefeated, but at the same time like what does it mean any that I've? No idea, there's no data points. That's what's terrifying me about this year is like, like UCSB as a team, that I would look at under normal circumstances and say I might believe in you, but this year their schedules really bad. They want a lot of game good. What I don't do it would not surprise me all created just like blows the doors, often especially how good training could be when they're good. Yet this is now
a fine time that this is the worst part of my job. This by the worst part of my job, is like this. We tried to like predict. What's gonna happen, the out. So I just wanna note when, when Mark says, the Kogi has played like fourteenth he's, not joking, their regular season. They played Army four times. They played Bosnia, the four times they played wholly cross four times was there untiring over six and then in the average? Certainly they point B, you again and then they added, but now a moral Maryland. It's the craziest scheduled to look at me. I wait. They actually literally only played five. Total teams is entirely So in cork, galaxies and come up against our concern is: he starts just giggling, because you can't stop thing about how great that games gonna be in how up tempo it's gonna, be it's actually pretty small sample size of differences that that call gate offices played against yes
it's. It's like, like Moses Moody is ten thousand times better than any player. Corrugated seen the season, and sometimes that matter, that's what's yet it's never. Unlike try and figure out what the hell's gonna happen. This term it but trying to sell stuff like out for this term and also like trying to remember whose on whose coming off of a covert pause, who who got like better to co, sometimes I got better when they went on pause and they came back in their like somehow, better, sometimes or worse. I can't keep track of it. Nice, but I don't know, I'm not. I've learned a lot from figure. You help me like the others like watching you. Fire off your pigs can be wrong over will have the courage to step up its terrible Billy. I think this is gonna. Have it it's? I cried. I turned out the ship I every time I put out its. I have a burner personnel who puts out all my pigs, because I can't I shut off the replies. I couldn't the negative energy was all encompassing when people like a loser, loser loser, but yeah you're right it is their all losers. All this is,
This is a Haters Paradise this week. Fur for college Basketball mediators they dislike there lived in their lives, is waiting to see brackets there take it receives, left and right, and we gotta keep her head on a school bus mediates. I you know want all. I aim to me: it's the man in the Rina speech like I'm on their Myra Low Hicks. Ok, you wanna tell me that afterwards, the thousand dumbest pick ever I'm out there on stepping up to the plate. I'm fuckin firing off picks men in their Rina, put a jersey on comments he and tried to better. That's a bronze feature of Braun actually said Teddy Roosevelt at all that a foreign afterwards forbid, I would add, is by far my favorite speech that any coach can ever give its usually after they just lose its just basically saying you know what we're not losers, because at least we try. We tried it's a participation trophy, but it's in speech form that you give yours
so I always loved the out. I want to get you on record about of Virginia attack because I love you saw this. We got, we get dragged. We got caught for an old, take three percent. We had three years ago about Virginia Attack not being deserving of ten seed and so we want to get you in the boat with his actual be good. So hopefully virgin takes me department will clip all this once you tell us how much they're gonna lose by against flora was that this happened to me too, by the way Michigan State did the exact same thing to me, stuff out of context stopped at my face, but whatever, like mission I sit on our show leading up towards the indices it. The whole point I brought up on the show was that Michigan stay still had a path to determine. I was like everyone's bearing all these blue blood's, their Saint Dukes, Don Kentucky is done at the time. North Carolina was done. Michigan steak, make the tournament. I looked at their schedule, and I was like oh, my god, they're going to play like five top ten teams, Never was a day. They were loaded schedule down the stretch. Ah they're, not
out of it yet, but at the same time, I think you're gonna be able to beat all these teams so whenever they collect the part that I said, I don't think there are to be able to feed all his hey. Here's shutter live it up, put so we're all in this together I saw that clip, and so I was like the Michigan state had a video. You can say nothing about it mission states. Video said like work left to be done. Virginia attacked with thanks for doubting us. Is yeah, I'm gonna keep doubting you guys, your ten tendency yeah, but it's it's
good for its good, for the shoulder Rights Grant is grave eyes like we do you like that, all the time people they will probably take some these a way out of context, and this show last that we have lost all his blood sugar spiking. We don't counterattack by yeah. What will we do that shit all the time, and so I just charged with game? It's like you know. I respect what you ve done. Your virginity Exo way how much you say they wouldn't lose by again lit. They are very scared you this is. This is a very dangerous threat because virginity, if they went or can apply, I've stay in the second round. W painful for me just be like virginity tests ox, I just said you did not refer to just one fair part way. That's the entire Carter. This interview is ok. So let's talk about your book, I throw quick. Do they just don't play deepens the dollar? The did seriously do not big. I have. I have this thought in you're, gonna you're, gonna disagreements gonna break my heart, but I generally did
pilot stage as the most fun team in the country, because our offices, incredible we we are so skilled and we're very versatile. Every guy can can make threes and and put the ball on the floor and we're very, very good offensively. We play no defense. We choke away AIDS, and we ever game wherein seems to be close like how is that not exactly what you want out of enlargement is deemed as a neutral, yet know they re, they have absolute and they have the big guy, who I fucking love, who is a mid nineties reliever through and through with the facial hair? In the end, the arm sleeve, I hope, yeah. I love him. I don't. I agree with you that they are a fun team, because every game is just like it. They could be up fifteen they be down. Fifteen at some point is visually like watching Are your car, like you know, what'll I ate you'll, get a lightning bolt and you'll be back and first orally,
has a guard who lead the country and scoring and his head multiple forty point games this year that we play in the first round and I dont think we're gonna lose click that far by the ok I dont think we're gonna lose, but I think it's gonna be not. Some game is going to be worth watching and you know what even if we went by like fifteen, I think it's gonna be funded watch. So that's my. I swear we're fund a watch yet on internet. I totally agree with you. I've watched many Ohio State Game this year and it's always been a minimum of submission game that they played before the big tents. Hermit was one of the best games the year. By far like I organs Agatha that one and I actually there Alice you album ass. You see change your game as others. Well, let's go other side of the spectrum of fun. Wisconsin badgers are just brutal of its own. rare, usually I'm used to it because it's like, I know what the badgers do. The only thing that I have taught myself into is that
once he always does have trouble with Virginia was nonsense. I never Virginia light, maybe that will be maybe Wisconsin. Their jumped shots in turn in Turn Virginia urgency over and that's how we went Wisconsin feel Blake Loveless marriage. To me. That's the way I would describe as like they they all like you're looking at each other. They ve been together for years and their like this just isn't working, but at the same time like let's stay together for the kids and looked to see this thing there before the kids get out of high school is what they're waiting on and that's that's the industry. That's that's that's going to come on Friday when they lose the North Carolina and then they're like all right. We can all go our own ways now, about you, don't you realize your best one of the season? Loyola? No, I don't you be sister. No! No! I just wanted to see that we be Louisville what we ve been going well. Tat almost may determine the first floor out in
you're right, it's a lovely you're! Actually, that's a perfect analogy with depends. They gained even go Micron. It depends. The game was like having some Saxon being like old issues to be fun and then pens they came back. He like all this is why we can never have sex, because we end up fighting afterwards. Bread Davis. Winning the game by calling time I'll lay still. a finger in your boy? You're like oh, I feel alive again and then your leg, but at the same time I don't think that's enough uranium is that has been set to highlight Brad Davis, and it was so. It was actually an unbelievable play by him. Yeah invest time out ever it was. It was a fucking great play in that thing like they'll. Do things like Trice will just a bunch of trees or veto or Brad? maybe some do like I just it you're right. It is I think this is why it is. I still am going to root for my hope that they win like they all are nice guys, but it does feel like some
they ve been together for too long. It just doesn't work, the gate should work and it doesn't work. It's it's the team. I mean you remember last year they sought and then they got hot for light at the end of season. This is seen that sought. Yet no reason is the team that they had seen. They were all long. They were playing the best basketball in the big ten last year in the month of fibre, like they beat the last game that I watched, they beat Indiana add in Vienna to win a share, the big ten and obsolete. Why watch out for them and then that just disappeared I think, the most frustrating barber Wisconsin issues that are not even interesting in how their bad you not. I mean like even when their bad, it's not like. I don't feel like. I want to call people talk about. What's wrong with Wisconsin, I don't feel like it just like that you can make yes it's like. I don't care enough to. I don't care enough to care
hence it is. I can tell because I have like a group text message with with my best friends from college in its like, as the season is gone along its now just me and one other guy watching every game like it's like I'm an opt I gotta watch was constant, lose two ILO again like I'll just sit here. Let me no one when the tournament mark I want asked about. I wanna get you on some small records for some fraud takes here. So I'm here, I'm just gonna. Have you incriminate yourself fewer to give life to please the academy of you can only pick from our team seated won through five. Give me your top our fraud teams and determined frauds won through five obesity is dry ice edge tat. You should be good, it's different Alright, I use Houston's. Whenever one fraud there, twenty four and three two of their losses were one of their losses, the which does state
They lost to use Carolina, I believe, and they they lost atolls. Who did these are very bad bosses Houston. I don't know I used to me is what can people think and zag? Is that that's what I would say that that when you think Zog is playing. Nobody reckon up a bunch of winds and probably gonna flame out early in the tournament, which is not good I give you more that was, can Zagat fifteen years ago. That's where Houston is now. I Ninety good for you, so maybe maybe fifteen years from now, will be as good as contact is now. It won't shock you I bet on Houston in that easy. You game, there might say teen it was like it was a ran. It was like a three o clock aim on Thursdays. I got about it, but you are right and the good thing the Houston does. Is they kick the shit out of bad things like that, so yeah, accusing winds by forty and you like, while uses and credit
but I'm ok. So what's your second suffused it though the one thing about use- and I will say, is they have a pretty I like their draw in the sense of Lake West Virginia? Is it I like the idea West Virginia more than actually like West Virginia? Is its you hear that Bob Huggins as a team that can make shots in your like? Oh my god, that's unstoppable, but then they they don't play great defence in their kind of they can lose a lot of transition. Syracuse, sending us it like the whole region like used to go it. I don't know cute use. my might surprise me and go to the thirty day, but I don't think it's because their good, I still not. I still wanting their good, so I don't take on these used. Events. Are you? Are you thinkin, Rucker says answer the second round. I actually do the rugged garv, I'm betting on Rucker rockers wins the second round game. I wanna Bitcoin let me see who else is a fraud or throws used out there?
should you drew, the Tennessee has been a little disappointing up and down. I think I don't have their frauds belay day coming into the season. I felt like they were good enough to maybe make a final foreign and they ve been just kind of blood. They didn't happen as yet their offices really bad if it isn't. I mean it's good, but it's not like it's not good enough to make up for our bad, their offices that they have. essential due to seize it seem to like you catch him on the right now. You're like this team could be something but then which does not allow the jug, as this is a completely swung the pendulum where now it's like, if we re litigating the shock, a smart Rick, Barnes situation like if your taxes, you rather have shocked smart now, that's a great question. Would you rather have I think I think in the end you rather have Jacques Smart, because its lake-
It was just one of them. It is it the RIP Barnes it tenure. Texas just got to a point where I think there was a stale and it was like we don't care. If we have the exact same amount, a success. We just want to look at a different face. Satellite, that's really were revivers, Texas fence related. Shocking that that's were shock was relate to your sex life. Again, please This information is all missionary all the time you like you know why. I think we both I'd like to look at somebody else. Maybe look at the back your head every now and again, that's very much. Our shock is basically doing what I need to be fair rubbing regards with, I therefore also arise shock is still as you. Some work to do to catch one regards did their boots. Yeah. I do. I don't know I'm trying to the other other Frauds Iowa, I Ville Villa Vila Nova gotta be up there just because they can Gillespie anymore. I don't know, I don't trust Julian over without pointer idle, no Iowa. I was interested, I think I think I believe, and I were real bitter their play it better.
defense. I just want to believe in, and I think if you don't pay attention, you think I was LUCA Garza A bunch of slow. Why dude that don't play defence budgets can hit shoot such shots kind of true, but not really any more, like they play d, I think you're always gives gonna be an MBA polarities Joey's gets bases the next Duncan Robinson that always gonna look up and be like. Where did this guy? come from and everyone that's been paying. Attention knows that he does not mess and he's like six eight and knees unbelievable, but I I I I could see, I would go there. Then I can make the final for preserving daggers region, but I can see I will make an elite aid for sure. I'd know you're saying they are like you think: let go That's the guy or team. There not play any deeper. They play a little bit better, really still don't our great defensively. My problem is: whenever LUCA Garson I dont know, if there is Well, you see would be that big guy
yeah. We going up against Look Garza, like I think mobile would would would eat, eat em up yet worldwide. I I admit, but I think Garza, the kids part part of Iowa's problems down the stretch they're. Not even probably, let me look at like who they're losing to they're losing to Illinois and Lake Michigan, and you know they're losing the great teams Garza. going to feast on big eyes through our coffee cobra, an hundred Dickinson, unlike seven foot, four and three hundred pounds into dislike the rest. There is cheap and each other all delegate, not only yet Mickey needs. you need some some undersized guys it he can. I had no more, but mostly skinny, so maybe that's good for Garza you immediately. There was ass into you. Can you say Mica Potter, neat, rivers guy. I know that's what you wanted to say better. That's what I've been Ohio state that it killed. I were killed. Ohio state Columbus not too long ago, we don't have any big eyes and guards was. It was given. Also
yeah. I don't know, I do believe in Iowa and I understand why people won't want to, but I If there is one surprise me, if you looked up and like they are wanted, I stand in big in teams, even though some day they feel like there s a level or to below like the upper tier of obtaining a sore about Michigan. You didn't mention Michigan under your fraud warrior, but all the talk has been about Alabama. It's been about Texas that's the Heron zis bracket. Therein is he's region so with Michigan like gathering banged up, but they are still see, but no one is talking about Yeah Michigan, I think the reason I was talking about Michigan. It would be Isaiah livers. Obviously we don't know if he's going to be here, it doesn't seem like he's going to be able to play in the tournament which really sucks. Also I think that the word is kind of and taken out of Michigan sales, the way they entered the season they they want. Big ten, I M not putting an asterisk.
a big ten, but at the same time I'm going out of my way to say I'm not putting an asterisk on the big too, because Michigan wants you for your games in Illinois. Ah, they you got there ass, it had to do and violent or even one livers was plain all the Toronto lose of Michigan state. there. There are already some like warning signs that maybe Michigan at peace. But he soon- or maybe they weren't, quite as good as you know that there is a structure in the seas where few words about Michigan been better thing. It's egg, like you'd, see people on tv there, like is machine. Do the best even college, but ask of all- and I was scratching. head, like I mean genes, jackets, beating, beaten everybody by twenty, so would probably say until don't be teased by twenty. There, probably still the best some Michigan, just got to come back down to earth in Illinois, is going to take a nap mantle as like the hot sexy big ten team. So I think that's kind of what's going on. There I don't know. I don't want to make a Michigan, because but they they still have a really good team. Even if livers doesn't play second, the stern at their good enough to international title, which is other sir.
And I could be the same without him, so we're gonna wait to see what you're gonna look like without. I think that I think that's the problem. The livers is like their seal, is national title with livers without em, it's a totally different. It's there still very good team, but yet like his a bit, leads to get shots and like he adds that element than ever team needs I think there are totally different team without him now and he's a guy that, like you're, not necessarily key and on in your scatter report, is Europe focused on hundred dickens, enter your focused on France Bognor, I'm in start to say is not want the best players. Obviously boy part of it is just like. a trickle down effective like when you have like five guys can score and the neck its put the in suddenly it's like four guys. I can score now. The defence can focus on that. Nevertheless, gotta worry about that throughout their lake Michigan thrown out these other big dude lake. You know John answer. Austin Davis are ever make it more minutes, and I did-
stop to start shifted around and then suddenly, because, like that, that would be a lot of liver livers. Get a ton open, looks just a new dynamic. Knockdown threes doesn't use your focus so much on hundred Dickinson and now maybe the guy taking those shots is an essay livers in its someone you know lower on the pecking order is not as good and that's where please get a matter, but our mitya still really good and I would be surprised bullet its I gotta wait to see what happens in the first couple games. I get it. I got it before. I start talking myself of academician I'd five tarts, I didn't really talk. Should I just kept on bumping guns. I get down on my top ten just to get people docking. I knew the whole time I was basically old. Take exposing myself because I know Gonzalez by foreign away the best team this year. What is the like scenario where they do get knocked outside? I dont, I see them going too fond of war and I get a good man,
the argument that, in the final for, if there's all of this, for really good teams, no like Yo Cinderella yeah, has anyone could beat anyone yoke? I will actually did plaguing Zaga really well in that game. Right ever was December. But what is the scenario? Workings aggregates bounced? Is there no scenario, they're they're gonna win it I mean I, I think they're not breaking a sweat to lily date in and even then there are probably gonna play. Even think that you know it looks like they're gonna play our Kansas. The way the bracket stays true to form Ruby. Both those teams beat him rather easily. that doesn't always necessarily meaning. By the way I mean and twenty sixteen. I think it was Oklahoma beaten. I want a villain overruling the season they re mad. They did it to remain a final form, filling a would be the breaks off them so
hell no's, but I get done with the wig exact losses. I mean I'm trying to think of ways to get tripped up Creighton, maybe in the the the sweet. Sixteen like it's just an up and down you know like if they're, both great offensively ratings, that is mad shot for shot. You jack is like we're. Fine and an AIDS miss a couple shots and Creighton. His greatness scores created, can Djinn fill it up when a yard. So maybe- but I that's not gonna happen- that they don't play. Gazeta does little foot off the gas defensively they dont have necessarily rim protector like drew tat, they don't have a guy, that's like swipe shots living. If you can, penetrate on them, which is easier said than done. Maybe that's it, but I don't know. Maybe they're good they're very good, and I am not exactly fan I'm not like trying to say My chest down say like this steam definitely going to feed it. I don't care is needed if they lose. It's not gonna break. My heart. I just feel like
my duty to give people Pierre say that have like, if you think it Zaga is just like every other executive. In your mind, your moron. I do think that yeah like this is now- Two thousand six can Zagat this, isn't even twenty thirteen twenty seventy! This would be the twenty seventeen team. That was two minutes away from a national title. By the way this team would beaten by, like ten fifteen, probably I think like they're, so better there, so so good. They have worked there This leads me to say this is what you need. This is how you you would phrase it up. Before guys that were top five at their position in the country this year to have orders forty five were in the software. for the final, this list, through their position in the country and its our country and I think two or three of them are gonna win their word. So it's disgusting. Their very good? I think it is good, zag, diversity, field and every time I see that people are people like coming. Get me as Obama more on in there like yeah we can talk, you lost and I'm like yeah, I didn't say: they're not gonna lose Kentucky
we ve lost, I did say what they like I'm gonna lose I just now Would you go get Zog? Is there so much better than everyone? Indeed, you have like their bracket, which you should do for the for the team. That is the number one. Overall seed should have an easier bracket. The OIE team, I would say good I'll, throw out their Kansas as playing really good basketball. Before they got you down with comment now they would meet the delete. Eight so would be. The unstoppable force foresee move will object in Kansas, playing really good basque Bobo pill Self being in the elite which means you will be down his leg. That would be the only team I could see. I'm gonna get some I'm just shooting on Iowa here, whatever old habits die hard, but I do think you forgot about Kansas and that they were playing a lot better down the stretch and then the covert thing in the big twelve tournament. Cod stocks
from yet decades is also woods victims and all the talk about the blue blood sucking and leg out every time Kaintucky would lose a game. It's like Kansas in North Carolina and everyone else would have to where it is. Everyone wonders how bad the blue blood's are in Kansas financial igniting on we're not that bad Breyer Burnett we're not winning eight games this year were still decent team or does not, as goods were last year, yeah, I it in all honesty. I exaggerate. I see them not even break in his words. I wouldn't be surprised if zag even has a mean. if this is two thousand and eighteen Villanova all over again. I would be surprised at all cuz that, again and again, I'm not telling everybody like it's not Privado, that's just like it's. I thought I'd everyone's been wanting to make an interesting all season, every time, a big sentiments we're four games in a row really like the stinky baby challenge. Gonzaga, I don't know, I will see you, then they fall off a cliff and then the new big teams in big ten steam rises up
we are there there there ass a man so but Europe's likewise new data, as as a big guy, we're both Picton guys. Do you feel the pressure How good the big ten is this year, because this feel like it it gets. Echo has to international title, or people will never shut up about it. They know they'll, say you, you can never you'll never won a national biofuel. In addition, I feel the same is true of the big deal with how often everyone talks about them, the big ten is we have fourteen in the top. Ten at all times We have then the whole tournaments taking place and big in country. We have to end the title to right yeah, so I guess my answer to that would be. I do feel the pressure, but I also know at the end of the day, if the big ten gets eliminated in a terrible fashion, I'll just go too much Hosty tried true method of deflecting ignore, so yeah just figure out a way to spin it ah deflecting ignore figure out Higgins AG all you know what they can. We not other up or see. I got one right now you get
is best player jail inside right where's. He from all our own, an odour, great boy, tat country, for there you go on to say that I do this were living like this. Is that that's a big time when it concerns That's a big ten when batches. its rigid outside those fall for not getting em, we can't be richer preteen. If not in the big ten anymore. So we can't be held accountable for the fact that right, there's, an incompetent coach, they couldn't keep jail sucks in state in the big ten. He wasn't big ten strong, exactly cities, richer potatoes fault, no one else and guess what we ve already rid ourselves from Roger Patino he's at New Mexico now, so there is a spends on poor. It's easier that that's a great point ally like that. I did just feels inevitable. Americans egg is going to be a big in team in the town. Again, I don't know what Picton team it's gonna be, but I'll states on the right side of the break up and some across my fingers unit that just that's what we do. We do better in any conference in the country no conference in the countries is good at losing. Title games
yeah. You know what actually happened on the railway will happen. Is that good Zaga beats Island, elucidate, beats Michigan and the final beats Illinois in the chair. I gonna sweep of the big ten and I'm sitting there. Like. I really like that's what he gets signed by an MBA point gets agate its goods, agony and three big. Indeed, the final for kids Agora designate, like gets egeland both gains by twenty ass, like tat of its use. If they ve got, they ve got five or for players are in the top. Five, their position. How many MR basketballs today have that's a great point, how many Indiana Mr Basket, what how many guys who grew up play, you guys want Indiana, state, Highschool, basketball, titles that
the eight that everyone's a MR basketball. It is like saying somebody you, oh, he was gone gloves fighter. We talk about everyone. Everyone is also a number one recruit of some sort. You could do number one recruited your position number one in your stay number one in whatever and yeah they go around Miss Mr Bass. It's a good point. How do you out we're going the quarterback? How does one when Mr Basketball, I know few states have it is like Ohio? Has it? Indiana has decouple others too Illinois has it. I don't know I think you're just the best player in the state. I think that's pretty much ready you yeah ready for this El incisors, looking up, he one Mr Rasmussen and Mr Ferber yeah and enriches GINO, couldn't keep him in state. That is the big inside of this is the most big. He's a football or he's the most big ten player. That's ever not played in the big ten the imo rooting for Danzig. I am officially exact, fan cause. They are part of the big ten
yeah and also, when do be your beloved Wisconsin team, twelfth eighteen ties joneses from Minnesota De Luca Forests from Chicago up. There. You are that we had shouted for us yet and guess what Spokeo Washington being in the big ten makes just as much sent sense as fucking rockers like so who care point of the risk of their part of the big ten unemployment We have to say I want to get you on the record for Windsor. They pick are for Thursday, Epic, it's ok and MR plan. The playing guru Mark Titus yeah, you know if you know everything about the playing games. That would be a good bread right like if you're, the guy there. That's you that is, that is. That is an untapped that that that's a freebie for Jake. maybe marched exasperation runs with it. We're he's like I M Mr Plan and
but she just goes all the way and, unlike the for an early and then astuteness playing it robbery wiped his answers. Like have fun everybody there s a sermon about. I just got how's your bracket years plain. He has a plain bracket on this law. Is that the majority of plans at my once deeds in the play a game here, but I mean the big one. It's is oh against Cronan its two began to big names: Michigan stay. You see allay. Give us your lock on the playing games. I lake Michigan State, I you see allay, is free following they were like they were pretty good a couple months ago. that's not! It is never some! You want to say about a team in March. I think not like me and Omniscience Day when an especially because if I dont see me it states can aware- and I do when I have run back in my face- a vessel there- yes yeah yeah, they they usually it's finished. Having grown for game losing streak they were rings and there they just kind of fell off the face of the earth and they lost Leah yet
so they ve got bounced by organ state. Who that were still is, is shocking to me. Shout beefs. Ah I any other, like sneaky teams that you got on circled or whatever to to break down help. People felt their bracket yeah I like Ohio, Ohio is a team. I believe in. But a very biased, other head coach it, oh, oh, you was was an assistant, Ohio state when I was there and he's awesome and they have a David. Do Jason Preston who's going to be the best play on the floor against Virginia I'd over genius favoured and Virginia? Yet I put that. I think that's enough said that I thought what the Hell Virginia is coming off a cobra pause. I think Ohio is going to have the best player on the floor in that game. So that's for me and I love the had good, so I I like Ohio, I'm trying to tickle, who else I don't know without a mistake because boy if it feels like
The stars are lining for something special happening with K, Cunningham Upper. How much you guys watches dude, but he is. He is every bit as good as he was made out to be am I really enjoyed him so another force even feels right. I mean like what was Carmelo and in two thousand and three: what is it worth? A look at three seed and when he took him to the title game, I can't decide. I agree with you there, especially because the Tennessee Organ State game, like those Oklahoma State, should get the sweet. Sixteen you guys another one. I remember I came on the show before the season and you said picketing this knocking this going when asked Isaac anxiety, said come on, have some fun pick. Some one is not rank and I said, will keep an eye on you. Can it's kind of the stars are sort of aligning for you as well as I wanted them to win the Big EAST side. If they want a big EAST title, I would have picked you gonna win the national championship. I think, but Creighton Creighton got the better of them that they had like
jobs are tied a game at the end, the obvious, but I dont, like God, yeah yeah. I know that was those brutal I like you can strike. I do like Alabama, that's not a sleigh against Alabama, but I like a match up with, but but Marilyn's gonna be tough in the first round. For you can see, I don't know guess I'm talkin myself into you, can still having a shot year as as our course. I don't know, I'm all over the place. I really do like at the end of the day. I just come back to get Zagat. I'm like this is all just a fun distraction to give can Zagat trophy in three weeks. I can tell you refer, didn't exist. Who would you pick? ooh dragon I used to like who would I pick you doing this when I say it. Can I say the winner: Can I say the winner of Illinois, Yokohama stateless. We sixty. I am one of those two teams, whoever wins a game. If, if good Zog is gonna lose, I think whoever wins Illinois Yokohama stayed I'm right that in the three sixteen d Let me issues about Illinois, real quick. As I find myself like, you, don't believe your hasn't pants.
NATO's guy, literally just caught in the corner of my eye, was scratching is used scratching his penis leg, It's always offers. When you play a big ten scheduled. You know, you start to hate all the teams, but handle want an island in coffee, covert play like dear, and I've always liked bread Underwood, but I owe so much fun watch and I'd. Our knowledge is either quantitative spawned what you find something like. I don't hate them, because I think you somewhat from the watch yeah that that was the most frustrating par eyes. They lose the big game and overtime, very heartbreaking loss watching the Buckeyes blow it down a stretch and I wasn't even really that mad, because those like this is great for Illinois and also just illinois- Illinois didn't when the big time, but they felt like they should have the younger season says like I. Can it really be that mad? This seems pretty likeable though, I am a little worried, though bigger too late there there that it feels almost they in that.
this has happened? All season with the big ten seems that happen. A house data happen in Michigan happened. It was consequently guys be guys be Louisville. I feel like have had their moment, we're like where subtle You look up in here like oh, my god we are, we might be the best in the country right now. If we play in the best conference were chicken everyone's ass, we are so good and that every single one of them falls back down to earth and that's what I'm worried a bullet noise like you, don't wanna be feeling yourself too much yeah. I don't know. I don't know because at that, That's that bitten every other like that it it's ruined. All of I am worried about a big ten bubble to I'm worried that, like all these teams in the big ten, they beat each other and were convinced that they're all like really good and I
while the Bargemen set so high for the big and I dont know how we're gonna talk, that we have two basic. Yet three teams in the final word for it, or else I was going to say you guys were overrated, just just follow my lead I'll, be the lead, blocker I'll, get fleeing about reasons. Only spy like that answer, the winter of Illinois, Oklahoma State, would win if you ll an egg and Zaga. I like done ass. Yet I feel like if you're sedately dogs is a big ten state, Diane Diane. Then she caught as well, because in theory you are target school. You could play in the bright your breeding ground of greedy, exactly your big attended, Jason, your large ten Oh yeah yeah? What are your brackets you to get? probably will take in Zagreb. Well, I guess I was. I agree with you, like. I don't know I just. I think they are that good and I do see like flaws and all the other two black women talk about paler and failure. They they there are different team ass
you're covered than they were before and I dont know if they can like find what they had before covered. So that's a big question. Mark me I would say: oh I like Illinois, but I'm just taking Illinois, because I want to have some indifferent, napkins Agri environmental differ. I don't have any confidence in my pigs lake in the in the first and second rounds being done. it's better than everybody else's picks up just be able taken Zagreb and shocked rest the way I also just like. If there's, if there's a dominant bigeye, I can talk myself into like if that guy brings his egg in every single game? He kept us stop and that's that's weak governance. That sells ago, the southern Revell tweed of like analytics of like actually you're better off, not picking the team that everyone else is gonna pay. Don't don't shares my toys Alice. I mean I've that basically, we were even saying the whole time which is concerned. We all think inside is gonna win but- and I am actually I'm saying- I know that I socket picking the earlier games. Summers
I want to bet on something different about this. We have about the values better for Illinois, its direct plus seven hundred to win the tournament. So I wonder where Mandela ears real question. So first game believes off at noon. Fifteen on on Friday. new, twelve fifteen eastern, I believe so over under three thirty that fire off the well. There goes my bracket we hired did it It didn't write one enough bracket, a Marty dawn I gotta know the way you gotta get all the way right away its roots way to do it I have one last question for you mark, because we actually we didn't even throw them out there. I actually have a team. Oh it's, the robot question. Thank you. I am the robot question brought Europe by row, backed outcome for twenty percent off your first purchase are h, o b a sea k, doc com and forgets at eight If you get the robot thing you get it rollback dot com
Is it twenty percent off bookmark? We have this free. It is my rollback quarter, zip you have to come. Who do York to get it it is here, for you were gonna, put it in a little cubby and says: Mark Titus do not touch so you got that it's hit, you're gonna put it next to the tea and seizure that I asked you for That is where it stands on the way I don't worry about its own America. I believe we didn't throw this. I have a dark horse. I have a dark horse team that I want to throw out there because they are Ethically, you know the campaign has become the most part the guy in the world. Everyone is on that site. You know, does feel like ten years regula I know, can pomp Purdue does technically rank top twenty. I've been in office of efficiency and deepened sufficiency. They have those too tall guys they basically pill them in a fucking face
three words like every year? They just have a new seven fodder, whose lanky and frustrates everyone's ah Purdue is like I don't know. I mean we should on produce. Both of us should pursue a lot but produce produce a great slivovitz through they they You saw if you watch your house state game in the big internment, the last kinda replayed, their doubt eighty to have time they they don't give up the claw back into games like d the very young and other there so young, they almost like, don't understand her out the one you're supposed to fold. You know like you, you have no chance of winning this games to stop playing. Please like they're like now we're just gonna keep lay our look up and maybe to be close at hand. A trivial williams- is awesome, he's a great big dude did they have shooters, they have they have guys go one on one ivy was great. He's east is a guy. You stole the ball to and he's like our it I'll go, get a bucket and my pain,
we're just like my painter for a long time was a guy that, like you, didn't trust in the term it and it's always, interested when narrative got a flip on their head. Now. People I'd like map painters like this the best coach behind is probably the biggest in war, and you know- and you know it is a basically one like an a half- a national title by yelling Virginia the toughest when they want to national title. They have that banner. Actually Macarena says we play Virginia the toughest that no, that is not all that seriously council, I think it, Paul Ryan was would like, I feel, like people so respectable Ryan. When he played that Sean. May you and see team in the elite, eight right better than anyone areas and ever went all right. All right so, like a close loss, can do something for you for your street credit, also think he's guy other ready over the years he had met. Painter used the word it like. A top five college, basketball, sweat guy, like the old Scary Williams, type and now
somehow I don't know, I don't want to say it's like a prince enters its way. He stopped sweating, doesn't sweaty more and you look more presentable and people, I think we'll work it out and also we should make it the noted. The whole term is taking place in Indiana, so I don't know what kind of advantage producing have there? You have to think that the fans, whatever fans, allow the building peruse gonna, did the scales in their favour. They got. They got they're gonna, probably play to tailor the three sixteen. As you said day, a failure has been a dominant team for most season, but since they come back, their defence hasn't been awesome. So who knows what that's gonna? Look like a bruise. You could pick perusing sleeper picketing. It's also. We are at the point now it we're taking this on Tuesday, but we use basically spend all week just trying to find like who what's the team- and you just out think yourself. It's going back to the gagging,
then you don't have to find some crazy upset. Maybe it's just Gonzalez really good. Maybe the big ten is really really good, which I have my doubts as well, but, like sometimes you know it's a weird season, but you go with what the teams that have been consistent all year, yet our ban, but we didn't talk too much about album, and I said you can. You can't has a chance to get out there and I, like you, cannot, but Alabama is good enough to international title, and I do I you know, I think Alabama fans know that, but they have the formulas well, they issued basically nothing but three lapse and they play unbelievable defence and you at all that up in it, you get to say I want to shut out Alabama. Didn't I didn't tell you about them enough, but I think that's it I think I did. We hit the national champions. Some Werner I've been through a wide. I will talk about almost everything: Arkansas degree. You click it up when all those other seems come at our next, we can always find the one people grew like I, like this deed,
read that always a sucker haters, how you know I would like to see that a team that wins actually like take a clear of us talk about me like thank you, pardon my taken, my earnest right, you in Spain for believing yes target Zalm, USA, our Arkansas argued scientists or other my sleeper team yeah. and also of Kansas? Would you say that taxes. I truly believe in West Virginia yup Oklahoma State. Not yet all taxes stack when I'm your insides due to be shot, do not be shocked, of Syracuse, puts it altogether. Ones. If you gave makes us we can job. I think I think, be why you can do it. Yeah total have long been a believer. Aided and coach. Israel as well be be why you has one of the old Purdue guys that harms the driver, undrawing shit and they just reschedule them, so they dont have to play a game on Sunday area who sets I, although, madam, I don't think so
they got big ass, a and b value has the guy is fuckin. Annoying issue is going to make it into the fuck. I forgot word you haven't. I just got seven abide by big produce guys and I couldn't I couldn't stick to the scrap. I think George sound. You know they got. They got the pedigree. That's right. There highlight man are well able to forego Billy. I want to shout shadow Billy. I know this is news. Your guess is world, but I for kick in hoses ass? I bought the fight. I watched the whole fade out ten seconds of it and I want to admit that I bought the fire. Just watch Billy die just one day. My words into my cap, two billion say with his perfectly
his billion drew Billy form just walked out with you to cut this part out, so he actually does. All we want is the outcome of this aid leave your list. We identify when Billy shining compromise, not here today to receive. I literally only bought the five because a billion I just wanted to see whether you die out like I'm curious to see this kid can go and has often dad turning back the billiard never to Hizbollah, you son, encroach anyway. I will thank you, mark repression, tastes and take all listen to it. They go and depth about everything, college, basketball, great time to us, and they do everything. So I wonder- and I wanted to I- want to put some elsewhere- go. I'm hosting is three x three tournaments at at at the final for, and I'm not doing this because I want a plug it just because, like I generally think its awesome and it's fun and people should watch it, so you ve gone to any scene it yet. But, yes, all people do is Jack trees or try to talk on each other.
And I'm hosting that again this year and they D Ancona, I want I want to pay tax. I think people enjoy watching that's all three of them up in a few minutes. Unless I am to see you favour college players, even half was in it to your yeah yeah. So it is time anyway aren't you guys the best thanks for have me, Brad Stevens, dynamic, Aben, Gaddafi sighted see up. Mark Titus was brought in by three key. We love three key three times. the industry, leader and delta. Eighty eight products, all their products are for delay by biochemist there made right here in the United States with USA grown him. Three cheese dealt. Eight is a federally legal version of teach, see it's a much more functional alternative to marijuana, get amazing buzz. You get a great body feel be get a clear head. You get less anxiety, he get less paranoia available online at three chee dot com. As number
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excess just pretend these are often girls, yell pretend these often girls. I also like the idea, sometimes when we do something in the shower say we're gonna do this today and that we just don't do it in and justly. I imagine there's just one guy who's listening, whose super high in just sits there stereos phone like what he said, guys on checks and there's no gas. those lost tapes, you guys are fast becoming and actually like studies have shown. If you make a list of stuff to do at the beginning of your day, it's better for you, Even if you don't do all so yeah, we might say that we're gonna do stuff sometime that just for our own mental health, yes care Hank, Why is big had so bad a gambling in what is he going? talk himself into a continent, if you run only to get crushed, ok earth I'll. Do the second question. First, I have taught myself in Wisconsin making run. I actually did that. This more taken this on Tuesday night that this morning I said myself. You want row Williams, like he's gonna, good coach.
They're gonna fuckin turned the ball over they're gonna they're gonna win their hit, the jump shots, so I've done that yeah. at a given, what we want, we say, emeralds back gambling use was doing. Hundred came at one hundred game of your problem? I don't I'll. Have you you know I'll say this about beget he's these bad gambling yeah. You know some people out there like they get really stinks gambling. You know what the right, but he's responsibly back yeah, and I very was never give up you're the worst responsible gambler that I know I'm fine. With that. I here's the thing I think it's way worse, to be bad, gambling and pretend you're good. That's like a terrible person yesterday then I just tell it out it's like. Maybe every everyone's while get hot and I'll tell you I'm hot, but we all know where this is going to end up its could be me losing, but guess what I have fun. I enjoy it. It's my number one hobby in life. I love it out. stop doing it, fucking love it I would say the gambling telling people your records is a lot like height size. So, even if a guy can be six foot seven- and
the programme always say six, eight or six nine on it. If you guys, this guys, gonna watch out for are the ones who are like five foot, eight and then they tell everybody that drive for ten is like that's a red flag. Now you, on the other hand, you like yeah, if I were to extrapolate height you're like on five April in reality, or five seven right which not migrate moralism for Latvia. I also just as it is a clue to everyone. Could I do think people like will sometimes I found this guy's really hot the people, we gotta gambling, they don't talk about it. They don't exist out in the open, so just know that when you get into it, if you're telling my picks a mockery, and it was some honest about that. Have you considered moving the p m t studio to another location, I my amy or another spot, where the cost of living every act is morally already high. My no there's a lot going on at the main studio, newer city as far as content, but the pen
Nick, as shows us still being shown costumes card. Listen could be called out a secondary partial occasion. Some were warm Marian. I dunno write them. Avian situate Massachusetts erode Lothar movie. I ended cold Xo Ella. The answer is yes, in fact, or just have this conversation Euro area, where, if we, if we were smart, my movies at the start of the covert situation this year would have been perfect for us just not be in New York City like entire calendar year, but we would like who knows like. We didn't know that we're gonna be out of the office until August September. What, however, long was so yes when I think about every single day my life, I also have a child. Yes, sir just like some excellent covered thing like Kailash GO to Miami Bro out, would be talking about. we could use you could Skype Endymion hang up, I got ya, got it you why and how did big headstart clapping begin every show such interview. I was actually rundown cause Hank you.
Make me clap on the run down and then I for some reason in my head. It's like Pavlov's dogs, where I can start taping anything until I clap and its he told me he broke my heart like three years goes like you, don't need to do that, but I still do it right: sometimes come out with the slate reforming. Some no slate it and then the guy walk off in a plot right now for can steal his job. Yet, as I was a record things that we do the slate good and any right through to clap yeah. I just I have to clap Panama wrong with me here asshole pieties foot is all better was the worst injury. Anyone the show us suffered in the pursuit of content in the pursuit of content buckled set them. I think we was coming to work when he broke his foot. Yeah led got hit by a car he yet he ran. I think Liam ran into the car. The car had see the car, most died in the ring. Thank God. Yeah arrived its job. I've age
actually really tough. When you get a paper cut and you have to blog and you have to type that's happened me a few times. I did break a rib demolition derby, packing the whites Yes, I did. I had a fuckin broken rip. That's why I'm a rib expert brow. I remember that I remember that are broken rip. I broke my even very badly but remember grit weak.
Like in California, Euro at TAT may get that no, no, my boy! I was not California. That was indeed other found. This was on the beach. I tried to do the work on the beach and I broke my rigid Javert library that wrote nor literally I went to the hospital the x ray. We. I actually had a fractured really trying to do the work on the beach because I didn't know season ass. I had never done the work before so sick fuck. It looks easier, try. I know that you land like on your legs and then you easy way down to just. I just did a swan dive into the hearts and probably only personas broker rib doing yoga yeah yeah, probably. Some fellows crusher rapidity is your vision, fucked up from wearing sunglass Hawthorne yeah, absolutely hundred percent.
that's it. I can blame everything wrong. I do about vision to so like if I second wars on GM and my eyes sock, because their shielded from light all the time but yeah absolutely when awaiting my glasses off after show's over I'm per Watch walking around like a blonde adieu ever worry that our ears to look I've ever heard talk to people in the industry in their like my during my hearing you shot because I've just had headphones on, for I never thought of that you're, probably fucked in that regard. To that sounds like a soft me that's something over. It was only the names governed by yeah that Soft Scott Scott does even really where your phones or you get used to subdue real hours a day three hours a day, yeah yeah. I don't know that an item be how lazy witches were. Seventy two. He s birthday was last week earlier submitted, is born in nineteen. Nineteen, how do the job oak of piety being in this twenty start because
as you are in a mid life crisis are not actually a mid life crisis, but I don't feel like I'm thirty six soviet when it turned thirty five. I was like aid, no big deal five, but then for some reason, when I saw the six, I was just like that: that's late birdies, that's old and unfair It started with Kevin surpass he when receives thirty, eight is lying. That's old and I was like do work were thirty six more. I don't feel yeah. I just went from there. I feel, like I'm twenty eight. I really do honestly. I feel I'm twenty eight hours
I don't work through a toilet when you said the beach ourselves some weeks ago, it you're like a gateway to lose my credit card at a bar again, Amelia audibly should be doing at thirty cell ivy. I remember Levin Baby Absolute, listen, you can be nay big, neg captive. All you want. I haven't been Chaus on budgetary, I'm not a negative onawandah put his shirt on for the environment that it I didn't say I cited as you could be able to great cheese amabel. I didn't see anything hour to hour Tom who you were gears xml next year, when you wanted were cowboy Owsley. Do it all worked out? No, no way, I do not say you are. I can do tat and then I said you. I will say what I did not say a single word every day when you came in the studio and then put on your cowboy and then took off- and I put it back- I touch I say fuck and our. I do not, I will let you worked through everyone, whatever you're gonna work through.
whose schedules interviews and how do you constantly have three sought interviews lined up week after week shall Kelly and Peggy wow? went straight for path. We can't you tell him you're onto old, takes expose and Hank, yet Peggy Kelly, Great guess book. It actually is the easiest part of our show. Other independence gun easiest over the last five years as we used to book, every single engine herself were, and if you will be like, why are these guys? Taxing me again, especially at the start. We still do some eminently like we yet, so, like thirty five forty five year can you guys doing episode, or at least an extended say when were you or pretend to be a slash mimic each other like big halibut really do you Jake Jacob Bp Ftp. We had a heavy pay gap something along those lines? We did the sponge timetable. Reader breakin wait, I'm all the voices we have. They go get bigger.
Billy Billy would be Jake Jacob, BP, fifty fifty be Hank Hank. The big cat got ready, go guys, wait. What will you gave all got with whom I do myself, but I'm unemployment on p have to wait whose Billy, whose Billy he's telling otherwise, our lifestyles. Why I was really mean I'll, Neurology row, like literally, like literally. I was in war mode, I certainly feel they might. All noise has opponent, let's go the thanks where does not, as I think, he's a quick way for us to all Haiti, just those questions brought. You buy stool shrimps. This quickly his regular, when you're done other people, do it a big daddy? at PS squeeze in Hong Kong. For every game, retired NBA, shooting our Jason Terry of too much information you'd see his opponent shorts.
Alex Ovechkin of the Washington capitals. Has anybody reported it to try and have sex before and after every game, Jason Giambi's to try and break hitting songs by wearing a golden thong to games we are pushing rituals, you all have that eight of yours may not be aware of the cookie we happy gentle face, like Marshall Henderson them stand hallway and is hit me harder right as refinish. So we finish it. Various can sometimes events like super late. We won't do it, but we all get together, we just do one quick, kiss right in the middle. So it's like us six, where it's gotten Hardwicke has its six of us now. So it s a quick look and then we can. We say you guys tomorrow later bodies, We used to play light is a further step as bore before the show is now is for those with today's trust fund
every day we go India, we got a two week vacation every year together. Don't I wanted to say that we were well. What are those which are those camps like how come every business in America is? Like you know, what's gonna make my salespeople butter, I'm gonna go take a zip line. I thickness I think it's really. They just there I give everyone it's what's the old Rome thing of freedom was. Bread and circuits breadwinner research. They basically like borders, can eat omen fuckin in throve drinks that are ass. I have them, do a couple games and nobody bothers jobs, really sick. I know it's a great thing for you. Pr organizations is strap him into belay for three area once a year, but want to part of what is parities, heritage and Willie ever cut it and will the cat ever have any. The puberty grew babysit little cap bacon, real yeah billion, maybe not Billy.
The order powering yeah, he won't know Jake might be want Jake. Actually you egret Group. I didn't liners signal that Spain is one pair of these. Two Hank is three. But I was thinking about the hague- is definitely through. I know CPR, then there's a big drop off to two Bubba who still can't stop getting hit by cars. Then there's a few drop off to Billy, I'm the only one is it saves Billy you have my son, getting fought by a chicken in like a twenty minute. True character, build the writer exactly was in part, my hair to retain, and while you ever cut it I will cut it. I need it so I've, actually fall into a little bit of a right here because it used to be when Danny what had once a suitable cut their but then Danny Unfortunately, sadly, no longer the Unifil and I've been searching for the next day and daddy said Quint Nelson, but that it really catch on for me, because
How am I gonna get a big Craig, artisan God? I gotta USA was World CUP right. It's better start spoil him. None. now? That's winds play off no story and apply our wines where winds of work, if right ever been to play off, is rife Fitzpatrick interplay of game. I will cut my hair. How short, like shoulder shovel now you do shoulder regularly ear lower than it would be weird if you weren't, like actual like yet they get older shoulder and my hair carriages like I wash it every couple days shoulder yeah, that's about like derived its project winds and play islands, a laugh jailed for the football team. No, I think it's It's either. You have always last year that will you get a forever prized if that ever say never with rights? Our say when much ass, when Ryan Fitzpatrick Windsor play off game, I will cut my hair. I love it. I love it now but why should I come around your long here, though I don't know that weird
Nor will I like your hair, but we have a look together like here: you're an anti fa and I look like I'm at Woodstock and Hank can never shave his beard again see horses are the only a fish with diving. I may say, depending on what you think about shuttles voice. I thought I heard a keyboard. Fifty still one hundred about that, because I do think about eels lot like you, I only I never saw not think libraries. The body started no like how if a dog were pants like if you were to cut off and eels Haryana Guillotine, where would go to things I think about the most in life? Eluder eels, love. Yes,
Transcript generated on 2021-04-04.