« Pardon My Take

Mike Florio, The Bucs Are Dead, NFL Week 8 Picks & Preview + Fyre Fest Of The Week

2022-10-28 | 🔗

The Bucs are dead and Tom Brady has found a way to make America feel bad for him. The Ravens might be back and Hank gets a bonus shot at the lottery ball machine (00:02:07-00:18:20). Mike Florio joins the show to talk Football, Conspiracy theories, history of Pro Football Talk and we do Fantasy Fuccbois with him (00:18:20-00:56:15). Week 8 picks and preview for every game and Russell Wilson continues to be a fucking weirdo to the highest degree(00:56:15-01:47:27). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary. can listen. Ad free on amazon, music forget The noise and pressure around fitness at new year's. I use a palatine bike. I'm getting back on my bike in the new year, gonna get back in shape, but guess what you should feel any pressure to have your body ready in three weeks to process to get. I join the process. The best way to do that is with pellet. On this new year, tons, making it easier to get started with up to six hundred dollars off palatine bike purchases and two months free membership shop, tons new year's offer at one palatine dot com, slash deals, that's one! The dot com, slash deals terms apply on today, Pardon my take. We have our good friend MIKE florio back on the show talking nfl with him. Some crazy can piracy theories. We have our weak, eight picks
preview that conspiracies when they're? Actually, true, that's true, that's true. We have our week eight picks and previews. We do fantasy fuck boys with florio fire fest of the week and thursday night football. Other bomber of a game we'll talk about it, though forget the noise and pressure around fitness at new year's, I use a palatine bike. I'm getting back on my bike in the new year. Gonna get back in shape, but guess what you should feel any pressure to have your body ready in three weeks process to get I join the process. The best way to do that is with palatine this new year. tons, making it easier to get started with up to six hundred dollars off palatine bike purchases and two months free membership shop. Tons new year's offer at one palatine dot com, slash deals, that's one
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fr. I October twenty, a and Brady should retire the buccaneer are a pathetic, pathetic football team, oh my god, tambourine should retire. Yeah? The short passes he was thrown tonight were particularly pain. it's all, go ahead because they were calling these. These very short passes formed a throw and he was off target on on the easy once it was bad, he yet a couple wide open receivers any miss tonight and he just look said he sad, he looks like the whole team is not on the same page he's the group. His quarterback of all time. Why does he have to keep doing like? This? Is one of those situations where maybe because he thought this defence would be better, so he does have more arm strengthen paid, manages last season, but then last member that last season update manning we're just after the first quarter. Every game in the amazon toward all shop? You no kind of dissipated ages. Looked sad,
we're not always there but the whole team. Is broken. And Tom Brady, look sad and so this in their which I think because Tom Brady gets all the headlines and like what's wrong with them tat boy? success, a couch, I'm sorry ie sucks. So you could definitely make the case that is as bad as the team is right now some responsibility, if not all, that needs to go to the taking of so many penalties into so many tom, so so they're doing the backup Lyman their office of light socks, Tom Brady mad at them their mad because they're getting embarrassing national tv leather geriatric quarter, screaming out and because, as passes bedtime and its its painful away it makes you it makes you feel add for Tom Brady. Yet, which is something I didn't know could happen like Tom Brady? There's a guy that got it all every until literally the start of the season. Yeah everything fell for Tom Brady at the start, the season and the field do like a metabolic articles of rome. Saying like it's it's
I am sad watch how badly decently you'd wish you could go back in time and just keep the routine behind us. But you know not only did it not like ie ones who bore tab ways we have seven. Obviously I think anyone will ever get close, that in terms of quarter backing and remember even though they lost in the play off last year. It was that crazy again came against rams. That was oh, my god, tumblr is gonna, pull one last rabbit items and then losing But it wasn't him. It was the defence it having that lapse. The of the game cooper cop, why it was not obviously we one offered his white horse and winning a super role, but it was pretty close in terms of holy shit are lasting memory is like even at the end user. We afraid Tom Brady, no matter what the score is. Now we get to see him on a thursday I football, which there's an iphone in its own has just become sad, and it just looks everything looked sad I add kind of disagree with the fact that he wants to go back
not even one's own, because because he arm you ever make really bad decision and instead of changing your mind about that decision. You, double down on oh yeah, and then you just dig into triple. That's basically like kind of what this show is, to a certain extent yeah and if you're, just if, if you wait out a take long enough, you'll eventually be right, even if you're very wrong, except todd Bowles being a top boss, I'm still waiting, What am I not now, but what are we going to blame gathered time to put gabardine no call trask, that's right counter next eyes, the future he's the future. Put contrast or blame gabert aim maybe maybe do a little bailey's api matt jones with the two of them yeah and then get a sparked on. Maybe that that way you can maybe beat the panthers the next time he planned yeah, and I listen we're obviously stories Tom Brady, because it does look sad, but the ravens were phenomenal and the ravens like they caught it got there. just back in terms of of running the football they ran for two hundred and thirty plus yards tonight, Lamar
incredible. Like I don't know the ravens like you I hate doing the yom argument, like all this team could be seven an hour, this team, but the ravens have been they ve got a fourth to lead in every game and they ve, had some ethnic failures at the end of games. But this feels like their start, get everything right and starting to play that football style had a few years back where they just run it down everyone's throat and there's nothing. Anyone could do mark interests out in the first group this game they didn't miss, be yes or no, We talk a lot about these Tom Brady conspiracies. We got florio on later to talk more about those. so maybe we can talk about some things are grounded and facts and help you theory about what was going on tonight right. knowledge of saint. I mean there is port. I saw us jerry thornton put up, it was like to sell gave tom, not the meda minnow retire. Now we can- maybe we reckon are things and in what way
anger surrounding that feels like a trial. We are we to say right now. I feel like a trap. We want Brady for listening. I know you're in eight february that feels like a trap that feels like you'd retire than she blight just kidding, but wait still divorced weight This was a jury thorn exclusive report. Well, no, that's just where I saw it. I'm just crediting my my where I thought well and we have the theory, because we were supposed to have julian edelman in studio tonight and he had to cancel about an hour or two before the game started and hank put on his team who happens like Maybe he knows its embrace, never tire. After yeah I came to the braided conclusion. First, after watching, like the the game, I said this is bad, is clearly frustrated. I've never seen a more frustrating after every thro. His peace, pollyanna receivers. Yonah himself and I was like he's gonna walk way like you might just walk off the field leave and then a clue It's like we are supposed to have edelman on he cancelled last minute. Maybe he knew maybe I won't be. That would be the ultimate gambling brain of Tom Brady to be like arms complain.
one more game, and if we win this one I'll stay- No, your team is bad, do just go away, what's gonna be tough on and because he he yelled at himself. So much like hank was saying he's so mad at himself like a he ever, every single miss throw he's standing alone, just like screaming at his feet and that's bad for a psyche. Does I mentally healthy for anybody in, and maybe this is actually is, like his master plan- that we always give Bela check the further the doubt with every movie makes like up belch, acted it again, Tom Brady's plan here was for american feel bad for him at the end, because it is Why don't you feel bad for the greatest kortright wielding power that it was possible to fuel? feel this way about tom re instilling temporary is all we are like the biggest pay because he's such in time winner and and never been a reason to even remote feel bad about Tom Brady, and now it's like
but Tom Brady. What's which places will have the opportunity? I probably would Todd bulls. I want some right now. I just that this is a very meat. Bali of me to say, but like just show a little bit of emotion here and there, when your team sock scream at someone get mad at something. You're a meal or are really set the rough just do anything just don't be like half dead tired time, like he's, got Jim Caldwell face just like. It reminds me of do something reminds me of Steve NASH. Yeah steve, What is causing the nets? Just. Does opened. His mouth was subject. Well, last. I skype pistol yeah that sarcasm, oh no! It in season. I gotta get good rags, no longer what it was all nobody really. It was actually thought you're making this point because it looked awkward. I did it. Like he was playing lying to watch me be mad in its like, oh, do not altogether in you, so maybe I take it that might be tadpoles shouldn't because I feel the same way would be like trouble
what's wrong with it. That's that's where I must get up this morning, yeah nay went nuts last night and yeah the ravens. I I I have the ravens back in my good tier, maybe even maybe even super bowl contender tier, I feel like they just always battling injuries too, so once they get everyone back, and we saw Deshawn jackson for minutes minute tonight. tom Brady Brady's, getting sacked we're still watching this game. Oh also, tonight Tom Brady get the all time sack record against them yep. So it's a big time where you off the hook, big ben, was number one big Ben. Might you know that movie with Bernie mac, mister, three thousand, where he comes back just to get the three thousandth it I wouldn't be shot. You have been tried to come later on this season, billet come on come on, might just just put The fourth carve a game, one time for old time's sake and Let me take one more about. The only problem is if Tom replace, like three more games, sack twenty five more times. Mr Creasy, just getting brutal. It's sports had had the comparison of Tom Brady season. Two m declared
movie nights till with his ledger. Where his girl told him. If you really love me, go out there and you'll lose every match that you have, and he was so dominant before that yeah and then lost it all for love, sending sending giselle a message. Yeah like I can't I can't go on without you babe really. You know it does suck to. Is that the people who basically spent the last ten years saying that Tom Brady is this the year they go? dissatisfaction. No don't you know, I do not know where they were there, not only because it is not true, because people didn't do it. I know you're saying I that's what we're talking like, Fitzpatrick and and jason mccord about we're sing like somebody needs to be the max kellerman yeah say, like I think, Tom Brady. This is the father time, winds right, but nobody really did that this year. If you get us all urals like their fighting for the overall EU, hailed status forever will stay until we find out if he gets the over here. I'll do an address where this will be an all time part. My take moment if we spent the last like twelve minutes literally burying tom bring all of it all, and then
Yeah, I know that I often sound on psychic, Ok, this episodes brought you buy curve it's for policies, which means you're buying beer snacks. maybe even a new couch for the most premium, watching experience. Whatever you're buying, if using a card for any purchased, small need curve curve, combined your entire into a single card, an app with curve. You upload your cards in the curve, app and then use curve, and you could swiping indicate what you want to use or you can assign your card to forced purchases with the smart rules feature, maybe one specific card to cover anything over a hundred dollars, while dip, more rewarding card to pay for groceries. It's easy, just set in forget with curve curve, also gives you additional cash back on top of any rewards you're already earning on your other credit and debit cards, so make sure to go to court. Dot com such barston, curved accomplish partial to receive, twenty dollars and curve cash once you ve downloaded the app open, an account made a first in section sign up, occur,
dot partial to receive twenty dollars a curve. Cash terms and conditions apply curve, dot com, slash bars to sign up today the books are still trying to get the over for us. Maybe awesome if my governs got a touch right, for you guys Tom Brady, no longer washed. If you just pass it's her to my sweet boy, MIKE yeah. So I don't know what else semi suggested the ravens are back in the box. There just pathetic, what are their what's your schedule comin up because they need they need to play like. Need to play. I mean northwest way north one that did not jinx everything, but things are looking pretty good for my falcons future or their homes The rams ask me it's off one home against the seahawks since then? I was gonna win again there's never gonna wanna game again why we can at least no yeah after germany
yeah, the seahawks, ok, big news, though look and write about it. Like you added pick out, I know you like you, do at a trip to germany and your team was playing and you could retire. Will you could get to get some kind of treatments maybe get I wouldn't, doktor Tom Brady got everyone the tree. I think I do not want flights and a great thing to push off, I think, deserves family, spend enough time and effort trying to get out of germany's everything's everything's, a basketball. Now you know at the buck fast say if they lose that game leave balls in germany, yeah I never heard that one before I liked that one, the other big news was lebron James disavowed, the dallas cowboys awhile broke it up. Friendship over the dallas cowboys, the cleveland, are now my new bathroom lebron James if the cowboys are too problematic. So now he's always rooting for the browns. Okay, you don't have any skeletons in their closet. He has no idea to Sean watson, no idea, there's a. Gonna play a touchdown but a flag on the play. I feel like it.
could have been outside. I feel like that one's against above hullo jones, made an appearance. Also, now getting a bunch of guys we're, oh the over russia Yes, yes, ways. Forty nine seconds, yup too much time on the clock. I also later on the show we talk about the unifil upcoming weekend, and we see that was taped before tony Gatorade, the chief yeah! So now he's on the chiefs in everybody's, like that's, not fair, to give Patrick homes is whether another, where other guy, that I think he has. I too catches in the four catches, does tony always got more than that. He had like one or two explosive games in his o that he had. He had that one big game yeah he had. He had like a really nice game. Oh another, sad, it's just. I dropped passes. Sad What other flag! It's just sat bait
box all sword, I feel like anecdotally they run the most plays that just don't count gazelle just be like. They'll run a really long play, then they'll be a flag and after run it again just when so much acts. time running plays. They don't ended up, meaning anything fly. One on queen. This will be cell phone and sally barrier. Fifty forty one cat on a raw or tony, how many forty one a while ago at its that, significantly more than I thought he hang my. I remember he had one explosive. He was out for our foremost the season, though I just one If he's going to be one of those guys that gets to kansas city and he's healthy, I think I think he's down retire after this game how the refs are well nobody's ever come back up and then that's officially it just absolutely stuffed tom. During their eyeless do arm. I what if they come back and when, let's just keep all this in now be very funny. I
so we're must have jewels on hank asked for us too. wait to do the lottery ball machine. For when jewels is inherently said, quote unquote. I want to get my first win with jewels we're like that. We're still gonna end the show with the lottery ball machine, because that's what we ve been doing for Plus years now, watch p m tv out now, hank first machine He's just getting dominated, but The end of the show I did tell him. We would do an extra one when jewels is here this before we knew jewels out so hank this official this couch you get to. Since today saloon and snow market Yet your seventeen going seventy. If someone else gets it does account Yeahs position. I personally not sanction lottery ball machine What would the numbers that we have a gun spoiled only one of six Ok, I'm always going twelve for Tom Brady.
Also nascar the sunday parliament used car. This is our first. hudson's august, twenty eight, twenty twenty two could forget who remember gay max and twenty and they were to go round florio and then are we Eighty thank gets it. Animals will be so mad suddenly got those six suddenly hague, Just like I predicted, you worked gonna get this one good on. Alright, let's go jus florio and then we have weak a fix in preview and fired ok. We now welcome on are very good friend, recurring guests. You can see him, all the time on the cock. Pro football talk, got a website to its as its twenty first
anniversary coming up on tuesday. Do I have that right? Michael Twenty one years, incredible thousand one november one we launched spawning automatically career of your co cover That is our only purpose. We all have a purpose that was our per day. Thank you, mom, and dad for making a website You had any point like leading up to that where you like, there's a little bit more going on the world right now in the fall of two thousand one. Maybe I be using my time on on sports website. you know what happened was. I was actually working for e s: p, n dot com. At the time nine eleven happened. I mean you're you're you're, hitting the nail right on the head. Practicing off old time and as far as p, I knew I was working on them. insider and I fell website full time and like a weird sitcom permits, try to keep them from finding out. I also was a full time lawyer and there, for me a one year, contract staff. Right after nine eleven, it's like you know. This life is too much. I'm working for E S, p, n from five
amateur eleven I am and I'm trying to run my locker after that initiatives, this work isn't working out start my own thing I want to have immediacy what I write I dont want I have to wait for three hours for it to go through levels of editorial and and that was why I decided fuck it. I'm just gonna. Do my I love it. So, looking back twenty one years, it's crazy accomplishment. I mean we joke with. You all the time and we you know, but little and call you crazy. You d lose your mind the last few years, but the law twenty young being on the internet for twenty one years day. Day out is incorrect because we live on our side. We know how hard that is its an incredible accomplishment. What's that one story that you look. I can your like yup, that's the one that I love Writing reporting breaking whatever it may be. I think one really got us on. The map happened when they found dog fighting yard on, might fixed property in sudan,
county virginia and everyone was trying to brush and under the rugged my instincts from the get go pointed to the idea that there's no way to know what was going on there's no way he's clueless about this and he denied denied it tonight, we kept pushing at how some people think it never to come to a head. If we didn't push it as hard as we did, I do not believe that people want to think that that's fine, but I think that was The moment we truly arrived. That was two thousand seven April may june timeframe, but it was just cut gradual, slow, rolling, snowball, we saturated the people in the business coaches genomes hence media people and that still the case if we could ever get the same. Percentage of fans. Then we have percentage of people in the business who live on the website idea, retire. a couple of times over it. Never really. caught on that and that's why I'm happy with where we are
but it's not the same saturation of vat based as it is the saturation of the but we are actually in the business Jonah I wanted to bring up something that I saw you put out. A more recent thing that you ve done here this was october Many third a picture, of you in your garage. And you're sitting. Next, to you I mean it looks like you've got some great cars there and don't want to speculate, but that looks like it might be a an hour We are an accurate and you weren't isoude on top. Really nice suit and then bottom, your way like size, fifty five athletic shorts and then liberals, is this: what you're wearing when I see you on tv? are you wearing it's it's an absurd outfit. What is funny because the night before it was my nephews senior year home commingling. Unlike at all- and we saw mongols raleigh point maya, boy tat, we have
bunch of the kids here cause it's a very picturesque gas, been here in the fall very, very nice ways to do photos and so my wife's saw me going upstairs. Studio for football night in america. and you just started laughing she's like you look ridiculous as you phone. I'm she took pictures, you send it to a man beside. You know what the hell yeah? That's what's the point? What's the point? I mean I have genes on right now, like what supporters. Revenge picture. Is you you admit how many times have you looked at it where you posted it, because it's I don't care, you guys. Don't understand. I mean you know me well enough. Big cat knows me well enough to know. I don't give a fuck, though I know you don't give a fuck. I I mean that's very clear with how how your your brain is gone the last few years, and you don't You don't care! Why aside from football. My kids, would you have football we're talking about football? Why left you picture. Why does this season sucks so far?.
What do you think it such a meat from the standpoint of not enough points now is a trick question it doesnt sock as its football, but why there has been some what complaints about? Maybe not. Games some a lot of broncos in prime time. Some low scoring games is Any reason like talking to people in the leg is there any if can point to or just a cyclical thing that we have to deal with and eventually will get the grateful later on in the year. I think there's a couple the fact that soon, obviously we know it takes time for offenses to get going because of limited reps. Now in training, camp and off season in the pre seasons down to three games, it takes the as a while to catch up with the defense. And also we've spoiled the last five years by a young group of course or the racks and a great all group of quarterbacks, one out Quarterbacks aren't as great as they were, and it shows and the rustle wilson stuff we have for their games in prime time, get three more standalone. Broncos games that he just doesn't have it any more is only thirty three but
He lost his mobility to the extent that used to have it and it's affected his game and that hurts since has beery theory colors we have to live. Monday prefers yellows doing during the day and in season, notably portals hater Paul had and spleen. As I have read a yet. Explained jean hee hee that we got to the point, the nfl, where the thief sublime and are so good they just we're power the offence of lights, and there are so many good defensive alignment and his son value placed on pass. Russia but they are just systematically empowering. Anyhow, you watch the average gained as a lotta holding you see, I coming around the edge and get grab grabbed, get pulled and looking the other way ought to try to keep the quarterbacks upright. Let them do the thing. I think that's one of the big factors as well and and the score is down and the nfl says it doesn't bother them. But you know what, when the score is up, they send out press releases every monday. The score ends up paying record pace this. That and the other thing the this it's down
and the games aren't as exciting but it is still football. Sire, well, that's you answer idea. I mean the defensive. Linemen answer is something I haven't really thought about: ideal the it is, We do have same group, a talent when it comes to guys you can get to the quarterback. So that's it that's good answer, That's because there's they're taking kids excelling at football and school and an early years of college guys. That like, stronger and more aggressive. That could be playing The of line there like we could use you more is more important to have a strong pass rush than it is to build you up on the often like, are we steering people that are That would be great like guards and centres are we putting them along? that's a line. Instead, let me so, body types? It's not gonna matter, but when you have a guy you're like a tight end, basketball player type, Nobody can get more did in different ways instead of pudding
pounds on him and make an olaf tackle you? Let him streamline, and you let him be the guy that goes around the edge and gets after the quarterback with cave on tiptoe. So I think that, as we saw how much money has russia's make Helen, What made aren't it's usually round the posts season when they really remind us how important they aren't hamleys superbowl, have we seen in the past fifteen years, where a great password just overwhelms. A great quarterback goes back super forty, two guys patriots. There have been several since that words like were reminded you out. probably a good idea to have to pass russians and gas We get paid they're gonna grab, toward the skill sets. They are set them up to to get the money. And I'm really between all sorts of indifference of wine. What are yours? stats if your office of Line- and I gives a shit about- if you pass russia, you got sacks and so you have a way to chase some glory and become, star and make.
A hell of a lot of money. So I think, there's somethin to that that guy get pigeonholed and they get post one direction, the other as they're. Coming up it guys are going to willingly say I want to be a pass rusher more than I want to be a pass. Blocker yeah, there's, no fear! There's no fantasy stats for an offensive. Lineman! You don't get credit for pancakes are doing that yeah! You should do fantasy. We we do that in only think, that's possible, my don't! I'm not can fine, fine, fine, we we love to plague I'm here where we can just hypothesize what stories you love to write about, went to a guy costs for the second time in two ex were like all this is florio, like he's he's gonna be all over this and I also I'm guessing you love this new call worth. Anyone stands up and wobbles little there out for like three weeks, How much are you love in this? Because you are you like you like? I judge for the past interference, you, like the game being slow as possible and as many reviews is possible-
you know I'm just going to ignore the gratuitous shit, your adding getting a common and yet answered question luck? I think it's very important for the nfl to take the health and safety of the players seriously, because the play dont, that's one of the things we learn through the two up example here was the one selling the back injury stuff. Stronger than anyone to the point the doctors bought it and Didn't even bother to think. Maybe he's so on a bill of goods here actually saw wobble around. I think that the future of the sport is so critically, tied to the willingness of parents to let their kids play. Did the nfl has to button up its protocols to the point where its perfection and hope that those protocols, put out? I look at what happened between Sunday september, twenty fifth and thirst september twenty ninth and then throw in this camera bright thing didn't get the attention it should have. Where He had a head. Injury was off.
good for a couple place somehow got back in, and god forbid, got another head injury. That's what's what happens? The high school players meat- If on the part of a high school kid now- and I see that I say if the nfl care protect their guys, what hoped is rinkitink a little high school conference ever have protecting my son and I live. That three years, my son, fine highschool football scared to death every snap. What's gonna happen to him and, I think I forgot needs to to of confidence and parents and because you're gonna be there soon. Oh yeah he's a good points, he's a good boy, and so you you you want to do everything you can to make sure people realize they have faith in the system. They need to do more at the high school level. The need to be a greater willingness to pull guys off. The field is still kids dying every year and I spoke football, but the model parents say no more, no more that's The moment becomes harder for me and if I have a supply of quality football player, some eggs stan reality and it bob ten years ago and it's kind of back now
if this tour stuff and they're hoping that it dies down and the parents don't freak out, tell the kids. They can't play football. So that's the core of it's good. It's good! It's good answer to a to that question. You did love writing about. He did. He did look good stories. Whatever it is that people are interested in my guiding light twenty one years ago was, if I'm interested in it. I assume enough. Other people are going to be interested to come, read it so sometimes I'll admit my sense of what it's a little fucked up with that. Little. If I think I like it, I like it too bad you judges, scroll by, don't like it. Tough shit keep going, and you'll find a story. You don't remember. Ten years ago you were like, I think, be really interesting. If Terry Bradshaw was dead and then yeah actually be your personal credit, you yeah, he does die and I'm sure you as reported o'clock, broadcom yeah. You know what the internet needs more needs. You know fifty more blogs on Tom Brady having a conversation with Stephen ross once that's the stuff, you know, that's the that's the.
Morton was set up an idea. You everyone, how many times is every time we bring it up on the show. Hake comes at me and he is like You and your stupid internet. Dad you're entitled twitter offenders love to swaggering problem. What he thinks that is fake news. You things at tom, Brady was actually going to honour the dolphins. The guys bruce veal, not stephen ross, bruce bills, the right hand, man a stephen ROS bill. Brady are tight, and this is coming for several years? At a time as as the others are found. I mean I don't know what else I need to say The nfl issued a statement saying they tampered with Tom Brady and twenty nineteen they tampered with Tom Brady and twenty twenty. They tampered with him in two twenty twenty one they tampered with. twenty twenty two, this law bruce be up, Try to get Tom Brady onto the dolphins and talking about it too much tampering happens all the time most people the mouth shut about bill talking about it too much, and I also think that
The other found new that Stephen ross was trying to tank and twenty nineteen to get Joe borrow, but they dont want to tell the world did that's going on, so they felt like. I had to get him some way in this kind of fell into their. Let you have a common about that, so myrtle you're not supposed to save their. Yeah I mean I said that early on ethics details of come out that might lend that to be true early on the floor. You know all the all the facts came out. It seem like a toll to bring the facts. You will find out what you have rats wouldn't like what do we want some radical speculation less so some maybe inform speculation about. We have under way. This is MIKE florio from his barn. Nothing could be held against. Somebody's is born international visit theory. There's a theory in league servers. I think counting it properly that the shoes with Tom Brady and his wife blew up. When the league announced the punishment. of the dolphins because it flirtation with Brady
she had as theory, goes no idea. He was talking to the dolphins about now. pray divorce. I like this mike, I wanted that's- that is reckless speculation. Colonies are people who are employed by nfl teams you think I mean you're gonna time on that came out the next day. He started myths and practices ultimate snake. While this year, my thought games that for games for deflate gate was bad, he's gonna intermarriage, that might you got to you got a good man, I. So what would you at a more sensitive subject, area that was too much where hake hitting hitting with in tough spots arrivals. Do people think Bilbil check is lost his fastball I think he's the issue would go back, check and its grayson hake is giving your face right now by the way? That's okay, that's ok! He's got
two kids working for him and if those kids needs to be fired. He can't do it anymore, impossible for him to hold other people accountable. I think that's the route of where things kind of got wobbly. You know they get. There asked to get forty seven seventeen and play off, maybe did Bela check should have been fire. You can't fire Steve Bela check if your bill, that's the problem with nepotism which is rampant, coating of his reasons for it, I coach a way to reconnect with the kid that he ignored. While the kid was growing up cause, he was working all the time and now they get to work together. All the time and the kid been around the game, so the kids not freaked out by the kids, in a position where he understood as the sport he can maybe ease I didn't do it is a good couch, but I think that part of the problem when you can hold your kids account, will you cannot anybody accountable and then you hear a lot of belichick saying I'm responsible. I'm responsible, I am responsible, got all the suitable ranks he doesn't work the board anyone accountable because he can't hold There's account will, I think, that's the route of it and then this. Josh mccain of leaves
and so may a play on joshua pepper for the record. They did make the planet slash your hank once they did make the past, but they lost forty seven, seventeen for the record to, and then returned leaves Joe judge and Matt Patricia are getting the to the office. People are like what the fuck is going on with that, if it was any other coach would be laughing we'd be it'd be like this is ridiculous. Merwin Andy redesigned make one castillo the defence, ward nader. When he'd been the offensive line. Coach people like thought. Well, this is crazy. Yep! That's what we'd be saying about bout check. If you didn't have six super bowl wins so you'll get better, but he got caught a bright yeah, just ass cultural ironside and look at the stuff of mac jobs, something Weird is goin going on mac jobs, they just like the guy he's, not from Josh mcdaniel to a couple of guys who warrant offensive coaches, adding macro Maybe complain too much about that two other people. It's gotten back the belet, shack and now there's you know, Bela check proving the point.
with some of this stuff. It's gone. I would say that is necessary and ideas are just tell you guys, use now. Don't only allocation pink mike would never just like make something like that sounds like one type patriarchal neurotic now want to defend max. I would defend mac jones in that. If map patricia became my office coordinator, I would complain I wouldn't fuck like what are we lent its either? Haven't looked was that he stopped it's the game and then they yanked him out and belichick says that was the plan all along and guys like vermont ray stevenson and jacoby meyers like that, wasn't the plan all along. They said that that was the plan going into the game what might not have to like one or two series I don't take like that's that. There's no chance that that was the plan to take macrones out that early to have intel on the sp and sky came wire. why did not hit this guy can of course
Can I just say that? Can I just say this? I don't know what I'm supposed to say this, but I'm going to say it anyway. I go off. I've. Seen the sky cam video, the the the the the thing doesn't wobble at all when the ball supposedly hits the. Why interested billy camera emily separating through the whole town, when there's a stabilizer in the care of you know that my best brings up a question. I don't think I've ever asked you. What fan base hate you, the most? They all. No there's gonna be one. There's gonna be one day. It's like it becomes personal. It depends on what is going on at any given time where did Joe borrow, for example, is coming The draft. And I am told by people that I know and trust you are connected to Joe borrow that he's thinking about making a power play and not play the bangles and some tells me as its quoted, the record, of course, in play makers, its gilbert actions, athens, georgia and not athens, ohio. He wouldn't have played for the bangles Ivan
his fans I may, even though it was one of the percent true would I can and then you I can confirm that I offer drew borough hypothetical A hundred million dollar guarantee contract to go to the excess fell at the time instead of the inner fell. He said. If you get me a hundred million guaranteed I'll do it. So you right. The dolphins fans with two and on I hear you're wrong about that. What do you mean you're too to non exists. Expect us you You and your in your but buddy Chris simms but who is not a good quarterback when he's proven that he is. What happens is when you just tell the truth, and you say what you think: your criticise any team and you don't try to sugar coated people get pissed off at you when you say bad things about thirteen. That's just the way it is people watch games and they get mad at the announcers better. Biased in favour wanting to know what the fuck are you talking about, the cats fans are passion the draw
Them to the sport and gets them to consume our content, yours and mine. That's the passion makes them go a little nutty, sometimes when they think somebody's being unfair with their team. So I can live with his fanbase that likes you. I get the feeling that that the saints and base likes you because you're openly, antagonistic sometimes of the inner fell in there. They dig that about you well. I mean I want over the sage fans, because I thought down a gate was bullshit and said so. I want, we're patriots fans for awhile, because I thought deflate gate was born and said so and really any time the nfl goes after one of these teams. That's when I haven't today to start looking the bullshit and more often than not? I find it now doesn't want me any fans fancy three forty five park avenue. That's different story altogether, but the fan basis persecuted by the lake. Those are the ones that end up aligning with me, because I feel it far. More often than not, the league has some agenda and they clumsily investigate these cases and they make an example out of some one and and and
ends up being something that was just handled in. A very poor were Can you I can you give me a little bit news or make me happy with you that'll make me like yeah florio he's always right about everything. Can you just tell me that? that's. Nighters gonna have to sell the team that dimmer say the power play that he's pudding Dan siders gonna work. Well, what has happened errors we only two key pressuring the league to do the right thing and be objective and fair, because the wilkinson investigation would have resulted in a report if they had actually for a written report that would have included recommendation that he be forced to sell the team and the league rushed out under the rug because they didn't want god damned started the time, and I think the concern was the league didn't want to set a precedent that could be used installer owners We have one disgruntled employee who complains loudly enough. They feel compelled an investigation and then scarcely find all this shit. The next thing you know the owners gonna sell. They don't want that
coming back around it being used against them, and also this idea from the european report of a couple of weeks ago that there is a concern it's not just got dirt on people that is ready to unleash. That's part of it too. I just think that there is a choice, Ann arbor brewer mentioned as the other day that this its brushed under the rug with america white investigation did they find the claim made by tiffany Johnston sparked demur. no white investigation, go nowhere. The notion that money was being around in a way that screw the other owners that is inconclusive and they just I'll, go after dancer If may go after this guy, it's going to be expensive. It's gonna take time because he's gonna dig in he's already done it, and and I saw owners to. I think they like the fact that. The commanders dysfunctional, the euro, saint dysfunctional team, do dysfunctional thank side where shock jerry jones wants dance now to be in place.
Is more likely to kick the shit out of a commanders twice to europe. That's the case. and there are owners who, having bad owners and dysfunctional team because Easier to win day and if you know, there's a cluster of teens out there. it'll run by bad ownership. So yeah, look I like, what I say is done and I The time is confidants not to be got up. What its gonna be as easy, and I think we all need to keep pushing and pushing and pushing at about to do the right it. I well it's my theory in all major sports. Major the vienna fell in particular. There are a group of owners that don't have he desired did they have desire to win a suitable, but they dont would they will never take the steps to actually win the superbowl, their hoping. The luck, The one and the eu basely can take advantage of those team every single year. So speaking, my team virgin mc caskey when she passed away. She might live forever hope she does live forever
will the bare cell and an move darlings rise, because I've always assume that's a two part: three where the bears are gonna move, because some some rich persons, a common by the team and the land because they want to own their own stadium. Is that is that gonna happen? You think, here is one of the big realities in its happen from time to time it happened if the commanders when jack can't cook had to solve snyder the frame Guys value rises to point where, when you throw it in with the rest of the estate and some one in the family inherits it, they gonna come up with forty percent of the total value of the estate to give the federal government and, as these values are going up and up and up broncos went for four point: six five billion to see her I think, we'll go for five billion plus when their sword, and I think they will be sought in may of twenty twenty four adder about that too. and the values keep going up because of all the money that's coming in from gambling the increase tv money, and that is more and more and more so, point. Is this online
the cascades, have a very good plan in place. to transfer equity when he passes vein in a position where they get a tax bill, that the only way they can pay it is to sell the team. That's what happened to jack Kent Cooke, happened to your robbie, it's happened to others. It may happen with the raiders when caroline was passes. these realities that these families have to deal with and it takes very careful planning and a lot of money to make it work. Saw there's a chance. The bears will be sold in his home. Move to stadium, just part of making the team more attractive, because if we're gonna have to cash out, let's maximize what we can get out of this branch yeah or your team you're there not real right No! He not! I agree with you. Okay, I read all right cause. We we deal with crazy, vikings fans all the time and kirk calls Stands they look at box whores. There steam there
he's a nice guy, he's a nice guy, no losing in the divisional round. That's what I'm on with Paul Allen the voice of the vikings every wednesday morning at at ten eastern and I've told him this all year This is a team, that's gonna go eleven and six, maybe twelve who knows, when in the wild card round, if you're lucky enough to get this kicked out of him by the eagles or the cowboys are one of the elite teams in the nfc, because cousins is limited. If everything is perfect, cousins can get it done when things start to All apart, he's done, when the running game, isn't there he's done and the deep is it nearly good enough to make up for an offence? Is it where it needs to be it? Everybody thought or criminal conall comes announcing to transform her cousin, he is who he is he's been around for ten years. So division around they'll lose and continue as long as our cousins is a report about that makes sense MIKE. I want to thank you. We ve been bust. Your balls a little bit, but I sincerely thank you for being the voice of reason are sometimes
unreasonably on football night in america, where you have to do for the games. And you seem to be the guy that will not let everyone across the board take the same team. True, so thank you for that. That being said, you have a very difficult assignment this sunday night, because it's gonna be the bills and the packers, and we want the bills to kick the shit out of the packers I'm pretty sure that everyone is gonna, pick the bills. So I'm I hereby humbly asking you yes to just bite, for america and picked up actors, so it's not all bills logos before the game because you think it's all bills, logos packers, when we know why we know yeah well, I took the steelers to beat it, vince there's your last week I was the only one cowboys to pick two beating the week before, using only one and you're right, I took the bullet and everybody else was made to look good
fuck, it I'm not doing it this week. We have to do it. My tony dungy it might give the packers win this game, I'm going to I'm going to khurshid, I'm a cursor born, and I will I will curse your barn, you I know I and crazy things have happened, We seen it it happens every week and let your pickup, maybe I do. I don't use that so many who were telling on Sunday night like aaron rodgers. This is do or die time form its always run this time of year than that media, berries, aaron rodgers, They say always wash up, doesn't have the weapons are receiver. He's matters coach, he's dysfunctional. He's real ass, all that nobody likes hanging out with and then what happened: a criminal, these criminal. He goes a little tear. Yeah. He was a little shocking to r e our acts MIKE here's what I as legitimate as relates to the packers. I think it's better for them to struggle, and then get into the post season as like six or seven see they want to
the boy twenty ten as the six c I like theirs a very real psychological, lived in being the team that nobody expects anything probably got nothing to lose. Let's just go play whenever one seed they seize up. They got that you think too much aaron rodgers too careful. We put all this working to be the one seat and, oh my god, it's slipping away, honest a three hour window, about feel. I really do think There are more dangerous if they get in by the skin of their teeth. Then, if they rebound and when the division, alright, why don't want be more dangerous? So just pick up Look, I'm going to do to ten billion. I'm sorry! I do it! Bills are going to build together. Mission. I want to close game merlin be seen purposes nigh the body I want. I want them to kill them. I want the bills to just. I want to be the best three hour. My life, I want Josh island to throw four six hundred yards.
how come no one said the all time, passing record in like seventy years. What's up with that, isn't that amazing, nor read brooklyn five hundred and fifty four yards back in nineteen, fifty one against the new york yanks, and it was a blow out. It wasn't like a game where they had to keep scoring points. I in an age where the game was built for throwing at lasted this long. Joe burrow got five twenty five a couple years ago. Yet for eighty one there was a game. Twenty twenty bucks, lions saturday game where took Tom Brady out at half time, and even our pace for like two seven hundred yards So I gonna happen one of these days. It really is ridiculous. It's been that long. It goes back to norm van brooklyn and nineteen. Fifty it's it's crazy, okay! So MIKE the game's about to start. I have one last thing: it's the rollback question it's promo code take use. Promo code take for twenty percent off your first purchase
It's hoodies, polos, joggers everything, robach dot, dotcom promo code. Take for twenty percent of the first person purchase are each o b, a c com. This has been what catching up with you, we probably have waited too long. We're not to have you back on again this season by we do our stardom sidham sleeper every every every friday. So gonna do right. Do is whether or not surmount we do actually did whether we want a real italian arm with us. So, whether you I do yeah weather yeah we're going to do our times. The only people that can still be made fun of the guy is that I guess you're ridiculous. We fall in this sweet spot, the most fun of yeah as well cause you guys, many people, and this is why I actually because talons can take it yeah MIKE I back I'm an owl I might buy both my children or a quarter italian, so I'm I'm allowed to make all these Joe and I'm one percent Sicilian I'll. Have you no yeah? I'm
I'm allowed to do all this? We have our producer. Maximizes italian is gettys, sweats, greece, that had at one time the crow happy to be here, yeah see that's max, so Ass names ended, avow, you're, ready to go home. Ok
You understand, yeah. What's up it's fucking act, Escobar, Mario cristobal by storms, Matthew, perry, weirdo, fucking, Keanu reeves die is all up in the news is everywhere we are caught by sedum is Jamar chase yeah. These ally can't afford to sit around tragically hip that it might have stolen that old boys. You gotta go in the backyard on the bond fucking rip a couple of stove on yeah, real italian eh. What's up, this is vikki polling day. My that's my need to make my own viewpoint. I'm like hey, I gotta promote something, or I would say you could talk about your little guy, get a cut. Don't forget my cut to get a little tight, you'll you'll get you'll get a chance to what's up my reply was my poem son trains. This week, I'm gonna go sit on the train for awhile. A train ride like nothing like it to go to the store. Oh yeah drains is bad stuff that crosses jupiter's, get grief, I'm sitting Antonio gibson, I think he's. I think, he's kind of a bummer things get a fumble lightest and can sit in them is going to be robbed. That's another guy ryan robinson stay on the train, store to know what I'm saying, I'm sleeping meditation, podcast good way to fall asleep at night. You listen to a little guy. Tell you a little story about a whale read: moby, dick and sooner or later you are the one that says I like it. I like it what's up, guys probably might be following mikey and starting, not kenneth. Walker he's my guy seahawks big pan runs the football knows how to get yards mike kenneth walker, saddam saddam started my system, I'm sitting real doctors- oh my god, the props they just ran into this one guy goes on the other. Then the ravens live game. More so my my cinema, bizarre doctors, real doctors, suck real real doctors are actually connect. Doctors, quacks biologists, real life and my sleeper is anyone bond that does depict the bills on Sunday night would be a real shame, real shame. If the blonde went up in smoke, yet he had insurance policy on the guy of his hey, hey, hey! Let me know we listened as yeah as a general allegro eighteen. I started my studies. I you know why you had to hear about this guy saying that one guy I used the top guy year round around the year. My setup franklin, delano, roosevelt no aikman said he didn't think he took care of that before you know it turns out. He couldn't stand quote from a guy. I was referred from. A guy in my sleeper carries a boat. Luckily I was sleepy and there's no dodgy see something like that sleepy check out check it out not too hard what I might go ahead, which I know I'm not doing it. You're elaborate on average, though calculate calculated. Why the reality nobody cares about like pirates lived through this year. All we do is share with you this year for good, we'll do this every friday. So what's your thing? You've got a plot. You started: okay, I'm not fucking anything I'll start buying, playmakers yeah, okay, said Patrick mahomes he's not abide it's nice because you know he's on the cover, along with bill, belichick start bill belichick and the coaches fantasy league this week playmaker special
promotion on tuesday especial promotion, if you buy it on tuesday, you gotta it on tuesday special problem tuesday, the twenty first anniversary of bf tee. Not People know about it, but the eight w Wowzer collude in gas at the promotion, if you buy it on tuesday, show up to they might end. And if and if you don't buy it will sleep you we will literally murderer yeah. That's it That's a guarantee! It's like you, you! As a lawyer. You say that we can murder people right, sure, that's fine, but for my part of its along italian tradition to pay people often election, damn I'd like it mike bike. Thank you. Really, do you do that every friday we thought it. I didn't I just where there's no way, there's no way. you saw my text I had a high level meeting in new york city late august.
It crossed my mind on the way to the meeting that this is some fucking thing. Big cats setup, so it'll be a question about the game and they're going to swap in I dunno where I'd say. Nobody gives a shit well to be honest with you, we were you know I was thinking about different things to do, and then I was like, isn't the best way to florio this year's just to have him constantly thinking. brought to get him for all of august? They not get him. It worked. It worked, it worked, it was beautiful It was wrong one might think he was always ever go by play makers. Shooting MIKE he's been for twenty one years. We love you can gradually. Since I seriously is our guys as much shit as we give you, we do love you and I always always love that you have our back. We have your back. It's for its family, Oh, it's all thing gotta go there. my legs, like nothing, before it give them preview, or here talking about chevy, we love chevy trucks were star.
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the crazy that wording we gate wordy are done with october after this week, when I going The thing where we get scared about the season ending bought. It started trickle of my head. That's all I'm say it's not. sixteen games anymore. I know this because I would not like it. We get the full another week with eighteen weeks. So next week is hiding line. If it was, sixteen games were not there yet because guess what it's not monday, I think it's still have this week of games are two things that always get me to be like woeful balls. Locker last forever is when we change the clocks, which is this weekend and when not told her aunts, because then you get it feels like october. I know that it makes no sense, because we have a simply football all throughout genuine february, but in my head symptom October november december. Those are the four quarters of the seas. Yet is the start of
I have score bug, update season, so we're going to see the jack o lanterns y'all on the scoreboards. We won't see the leaves fall, monday nights, the best color matchup ever halloween, but what I wish it had been: the commanders in the black and the pairs and the orange without celsius. Matchup of the time I went on watch that came again. It was scary It is just. It was very frightening game. Not for children but neck and then next week we're gonna start cornucopia season with big the horn. That's got to squash coming out of dental the animals, the leaves bossy, it's for policies and it is for policies and we're in weak. Eight jake give us our standing. Then we're gonna talk about every game good games. This week some. Also, some bad games go ahead We have a new leader, it's you! three in war resting on cattle is only for tom, and I ask me, I do say every week very pumped up by every week, so we
I've had an open for participant every week. We kind of crazy and take the honour this week, so they cannot. Fourteen and fourteen nice surprise leader has us. If this is this is like the? U s open when the leaders plus to know the course of time of course shallow to the court's failure, yeah, really good big cat at fourteen and fourteen hank, one behind at thirteen and fifteen max and billy at eleven and seventeen me and pip Pft at ten and eighteen, so the whole group for game separation fill anyone's is chilies, isn't listen, we're not even halfway done through the season right now, so it's pointless to say who was in first place in last? Should we talk real quick? I were going to go through all the games, but we should at least address before we we go through these games, the Russell Wilson. Ah, going to england and doing standing on the plane justin all time. Every time
russia, Wilson, we'll have a revelation being like hey, maybe I'm doing too much he's like no, I'm gonna do even more know what that's the thing like heat He thinks that the way out of this whole that he's great from self is to do everything that he has doing accept harder yeah. So he just leaning more and more into the rustle wilderness of the idea of what he thinks if the one should be doing to yes- and I don't like ie doesn't have buying from his teammates, because you can do kind of shit if your winning and his kind like corky, Oh that's, russ, wasn't he's a weirdo but its work you can't argue the results, but when you are to lose. While you do know this weird shit, I remember our three in his rookie year. He would he started nor the veterans like. sure why yo your why the ride you play football and they started whenever everybody was like this rookies precocious, but he's get the job done. Then. What sort of all parts like I fuckin hatred in doing it in the wise we're getting paid
every week money everyone wants some money in rustles has his money, so he probably a noise, the fuck out of everyone even more knowing that they are still trying to get their money. He has them is money there were but if you missed it was Russia Wilson, on an eight hour. Flight from Denver to london, did hi knees and stretching for four hours while the rest of the team slut. So Initially, I like well that's weird, because if everyone sleeping who told them then? I saw that russia Wilson was the one who obviously told reporters any. Actually the court was actually worse what he said to the reporters was for the two hours, I watch films, film, then, when everyone slapped so is basically throwing his whole team under the boss idea. Hi knees and kept stretching then the law two hours. I I He started to say that he took an app and then, as I well, I slept for an hour and then I watch more felt so pace Could he in an eight hour flight he's only com bring to one hour of sleep and the rest,
that he was working his ass off and stretching and everything to make sure that he's ready and again I like the actual act, of keeping loose and making sure hamstring ready for the game. That's fine! It's telling everyone that that's what you do. that is so reject, I think, for hours of chinese. Just simply too many out. I think I think maybe four minutes of Chinese is the most that anyone should ever do after that? Would it you're just showing off yeah he's parties. Do the thing where he was doing the like? Does the first football pass, whose ideas, highest needs of all time that they will do cause I'm on an airplane. in its I'm really get it. If I was a pilot, I would have said somebody doing high needs for four hours. I no disrespect I caught. The german wings flew yeah and I was like okay, we're going down yeah we're going down right now. The his body must be like just begging him for a break too. It's like the inverse of my body. Every now and then my body tell me like hey. May
today. You should like try to lift await or get your heart rate up for a second just, let let's feel good for a second. His bodies like hey rust, Maybe what you see? On the contrary, the potato chips once instead of every fuckin, waking our making me do something that I dont want to do. That's what is by its body screaming for help. I can almost guarantee that russ Wilson in the course of the day, two years will enter end with a partnership with a mattress company that eliminates the ah weakness in sleep, there's, inefficiency and sleeping bag cat. You can't work out while you're sweet, yes, he'll figure out some way to make sleeping work out yet and then the nobility. It's me Russell wilson, even when I'm sleeping I'm still grant get your hands on the ross mattress at that I could aftermath admettre happening he's. He is quite quite something so. Let's us do our pixel talk whatever game, but we had to address that start with our favorites but the rubber quint worried
oh yeah, why had haven't under the bears cowboys it when, if we discuss game I had thy- will discuss again, ok arc using the cowboy taken the bears out. What are you doing? Favorites first, ok yeah favorites first, but robert when trade, I I still think people under and I put myself in this camp. I dont understand how the cap works and orson trade volume fell because everyone always like whenever someone gets traded there like that's all you got, the bears are not compare like a contender right now. They are have to rebuild their have to get as many pictures possibly being up on shitty teams, but that doesn't mean that targeting delude ourselves: robber, quitting two years old had an incredible. Your last year has been ok this year last couple weeks have been better there's. No reason if you are ryan poles in a if the, if the, if this a tear down and build a back up, a thirty two, defensive. Lyman is not part of the future get his money.
As you can do it right now. I think it's actually wait for the eagles as well as now they have depth at the past russia position, which is what would be the one thing you could say like all their defence great against IRAN. All these things. They probably you get the quarterback more. I love the trade and I everyone will just shit on, like all you got as a fourth, I actually think that's pretty good value, it's like the clue max like when guys get older. You don't get a lot for you, don't draft picks are very very many years. Did you have again I I don't know you can get caught? I know they save some money on the cap future cap, but it's it's portrayed, because you need as many picks as you can. I pose the question to twitter yesterday, because there was one person was like the bear should have tre roque one for two firsts and I was like first of all, rock on, I don't think, gets one first because he's an off ball linebacker, which Not a premiere position, but the amount of guys in the nfl that would get to first that are non quarterbacks delicious
we tend to fifty errand donald. I don't even cause. You were tat. He almost retires every year. A shrewd yet like it's it's it's air down three years ago right, it's pretty much guys were on their first contract Like it's, Michael parsons, maybe some coaches, maybe Sean mcvay yeah- may show he also almost retires to tj why people are thrown out justin, jefferson, Jamar chase. Those are good answers. Ah, it's it's sam bradford's, a very small list of things on qb I know, but I think SAM bradford, then he got traded for like multiple round picks over the course of his career. He did so it's, but but the list like that well. What about my lot of jobs was an atrocious trade at the time, Joe douglas fleece, the sea hawks, and we all thought that at the time so yeah I'm cool to trade. I wish the timing was different. That's all! I say because you saw pokemon smiths kind of get teary eyed in the press conference. The bears just have their biggest win in a long time, and then you, trade robber quinn,
does that has to hurt the locker I'm a little to be like yeah we're not when I actually can competing for it. You probably selling at the highest point, though yeah it's like? When are you going to get the trade deadline too yeah so, but that that's the only? That was my only critique of it all right. So, let's do the pecs favorite green bay, packers I mean I built buffalo bill, splendid remit, green, the past ten half I'm confused with the favor. an underdog thing here, yeah it does like a shit, pumping waiting to happen, I'm soaked it feels like a game, I'm just going, I'm going shock for my favorite and chalk for my underdog, just the biggest biggest of both worlds. Just feels like everything is about to implode for the green bay packers like this, it was like the second before it all comes crumbling. Aaron Rodgers is saying his teammates like aren't, trying or there's twenty percent of plays where there's a lapse in judgment jar of lapsing like paying attention so that that can help this
it has a personal spot of in my heart, because this is actually how I became an honorary member of bills, mafia two thousand. fourteen the path the bear terrible thing was the second year trestman the packers were very good. They went to buffalo whose cow orton the bills, beat the packers and weak fifteen. Essentially stop them from getting the one seeds of them. They had to go play that I see championship game in seattle and I went back. I looked at my tweets. That was the day that I was like is being built. And always this one, they were shitty team that then- and I was too bills mafias, and there were those perpetually shitty era. For the yes and I remember, I went and looked at my tweets and I was like I'm part of pills. Ma We are today because this is gonna, be there, best moment of the bears. Twenty fourteen season is the packers losing the one c to a bad buffalo tee. and so I love this game. I love this game. I love the eleventh bills, did for me that year and are forever love the bills for that
and also this is the first time that aaron rodgers, in two hundred and thirty four regular season and post season starts, is a double digit underdog, that's crazy, longest streak ever for a quarterback to start a career as an under or to never be a two. Ah, digit double digit underdog that has taken the bells I will be taking. The bills are not my pick, but I will be taking the bill light. It feels like it feels like yeah this. This is the moment where it does SM so everything's, adding up to like even la flora saying guy deserve all this criticism. I sucked myself Yes, he's even admitting it there's a problems going into it. They don't really that many weapons on orphans, They should run the ball a lot more than they do, but they don't aaron Jones should be featured just not going to. You should give the ball to AJ dillon, you should give the ball to Aaron Jones is still hurt. I don't think so. So this is this: you just run the fuckin bomb or because you don't have the weapons and their, even if even if they were to pass the ball more. I don't think Aaron rodgers wants to throw the ball to those.
on the earth. I think he thinks are bumps yeah and also the bills. Writing I have the momentum of releasing the new pictures of their stadium, yup, which It's awesome. There's no dome on it. Josh Allen is an outdoor cat, look very cool. I'm sorry, Kurt Warner he's going to be playing outdoors for the rest of his career. I love it. The giant buffalo outside the stadium were awesome. Yup they've got three like three giant fucking brass buffalo with balls hanging off their legs. Just right, then, be bigger, though I want like. I want to build the buffer outside the seem to be bigger than the actual state library itself. I agree it shouldn't be like something that NASA can see from space. Yes, but you're like look at that. Did you see the great wall of china? How about the bill? The buffalo in b in buffalo yeah? I wanted to turn into like a tourist attraction. People go to buffalo to see the giant fucking buffalo yup, probably bills mafia climbs it after big victories, definitely be somebody that tries to jump off that buffalo into a table they're going to have to rope it off yeah they're, going to have to put a big big, gator
found it or just a lifeguard, have had to have pinto ron on a lifeguard stand sitting on the buffalo sitting on the buffalo and you squirt ketchup at you. Try to climb up yes, Josh Allen, also tenant three against the spread in primetime, pretty good. I'm going to love this game. This game is going to be erotic for me. I want them to absolutely punish the packers. Ok, that's your favorite max your favorite fell minus four and a half the panthers, I think panthers. Thank you think the falcons are good and I think that line is low, which scares me, but mrs falcon is the first time that falcons favours this year. Yes, I will. When we get two are underdogs. I am against you on this house buying what I was wrong, up about the panthers. I s against but right now, wave the panther I didn't realize that still Wilkes is from charlotte. That's a big miss Might I do know that the interim head coach from charlotte guys afterwards they gave David temper
gave him a game ball. After the win against the box, there all tat, like the locker room is talking about how he got screwed in arizona and they want to have the job and they're playing for him like he means a lot to this franchise. The city, it's also crazy to say this is nuts thing, but, but just follow me here david temper, was on the carolina staff when they won, the annex south at seven, eight and one that year in two days, fourteen member on, talked about- and it is a press conference after he got fired, which was very bizarre if the panthers beat falcons and the raiders beat the saints and the and will already know if the bucs won or not say they lost. The panthers will be in first place, which is in saint, Denis, that's insane to think about that they could be in first place in the nfc south. On Sunday night, that is its not spaghetti swoop. Adele. To put that means, though, your resume, saying that,
is because, when I saw these quotes been like we're playing forum will die form we want to get the job as like what care they're out of it, and then I was like we are they out of it: they are out of it, but there also technically not I you're, not mathematically arrived at work but they're out of it out of it, but you can only also employers right. You can delude yourself and being like we're not out of it, because mathematically will be enforced. place on sunday afternoon. Yeah, don't forget, though, that the falcons had an extra half of practice to get ready for this panthers game. In the second half of the game against the bengals last week, where they just decided we're not going to pass the ball, we're going to just When we're gonna do our first half script gives a packard urges Answers in the second half of our game against goes where they threw thirteen total ashes, yes, after losing by eighteen points or while losing by eighteen points and the arthur smith coach of the year buzz is picking up steam. Is it is going to be tough to beat Brian Daboll. It can be very tough to be Brian Daboll. However, you never,
Yeah I've gotta go in, I think, he should be in the discussion. Absolute he's in the discussion right now they have finalists for do they get like a bunch of coaches together. Do they just pick? did you just say we have a vote just give our voters Arthur Psmith right now. I think we should split it. Ok, Arthur Psmith, enable ok paper. Ok, so in the discussion, so we at one way we're going to win this, so yeah fighters are going to be my underdog, yeah, hey! That sounds fine. I'm weird and I hate it. The the charlotte part I'm so mad at myself, because I consider myself a little bit of a guru on interim coaches come come in I just somehow missed. That part was because we were so excited about the possibility of getting been mac. I know as that which we completely overlooked, Steve Wilke, I know- and now these guys are believe in and getting a game ball from the owner or the pounding. The drum are they bringing back to keep pounding? I I dunno I'm just I'm starting to I'm starting to
in the end, this panthers team to not be terrible. I want wanted. I want to clarify, I do not think they are good. I do not think they are going to win, go to the playoffs think, they're gonna win more than like six or seven six games, maybe more games, but not being we are not actually a worse team and being just a little bit better in the worst thing is a big difference. I like pga walker, yeah Rees fun for pc walker in and heineken leading the excess all research. Yes, your favorite fifty my favorite favorite going in this weekend. I want it I want to be a basic bitch, but I'm not going to undertake the pats. Ok, I'm taking them trees. So bell check is something like thirty, for and fifteen against, the spread after losing as a favorite he's also thirty, five in eleven straight up against the jets in his career, and I don't think he's lost against the jets since two thousand and fifteen fifteen. I think
six years. If you whilst rise, that's a lot of my arm straight, I can. I can never tell all the hot take shows that there are going to be talking incessantly about like mac joe bones bailey, zappia wire, which one which, when we can always talking about the wire I've, seen a lot of what would you mean the wire hank, the the wire, the magnificent in manila? Football? Can the? Why for it. The sky came mac. Mac jones ball hid it technically by nfl rules. If a ball hits on constructed like non the game than the play is called dead. The ball clearly going out about is done in a way it hit. The wire came in bounds and was interceptor guy then Bailey had been put in so not to go not to go on Alex Jones on you buy it. I saw with my just so happens that brought obama was on the man and cast at the eggs. Time that his beloved bears got a drone interference, penalty against the against the patriots, I'm just looking at the documents is adding uploaded, but hague
what I'm saying is like you'll hear you probably want me to talk about macrones billy's happy what you see on tv you see other all the lame och shows or to try and get clicks and talk about a quarter of our country, I worked hard, but patriots, defence, because patriots defense, I think he's going to befuddle zest Wilson sat worsens can be befuddled this weekend, and then you gotta be so confused ballot. It knows how to fuck with befuddled quarterbacks ends. Wilson, I think, is one of them. One of the more affordable, quarterbacks indiana, forbid, donaldson ghosts the end in obviously breeze. All injury hurts their office of tackle. So out for the year tuna sucks for the jets. I've had some injury bug degenerated for James Robinson. How we feel about James Robinson, good I mean the judge, s aims and providentially. Ok, yeah yeah the judges I live. I did really Michael Carter's good young carter's, you an idle. James Robinson is ok, he's good, but Michael COD.
thanks. You can get more wraps and he's also, I think, been overshadowed by bristle. Ok, him getting more wraps, I think we're gonna see mix, will either you're offensive line. Injuries are low. he more important than resolving yeah yeah and hank? If you would like to deal with the jets fans on sunday, you get in into any nine dollar one. Now you with what I had to deal with a few weeks ago, if you'd like, I am that's pretty scary movie for having their ankles like mac jones and crying yes, so I had to the game time at flash deals. The up exclusively, the game time offers that you won't find anywhere else download gain time after the account tab to create a log in him deem code, p m t for twenty dollars off first purchase terms apply. How much was it to get an eighty nine eighty, nine minus twenty assets Hu, I says there you go billy, that's your great hours! I now I have to go yeah you you have to go now now it's good could spend. Had you wanna, go hey, come on
I do really want to go. Ok, go actually got things go we know you billy should go now actually takes away. We should go peggy ago. I would have forgotten our way on sunday will go he's gonna work. Are you scared that you're gonna lose you're in green right now I am wearing gotcha, now untamed black jack. I, where I am wearing green right now for can aim, and if you really like your pats, you should go I really, I really like the pats. I just like I'm a workhorse. I know what you want me to say. I just got. I mean, there's, there's a lot of games, game, long content, we weren't workhorse the work, he's work or yeah. I'd say you have the patriots yeah yeah. I got the patriots minus two and a half okay. Two weeks ago I am going to usually go in my stead. It's a big game billions and gave you got it you recently via, although all the good vibes on season kind of is a major
breaking the next three weeks. I know I had no problem with billiard. I went to like three or four past just games and they're all disappointing when we first moved here like I have no interest in going to the middle and cause freedom, so battered throws a nice game. This may be no more exciting moment game. I think scared use. workhorse. I'm get scared, I am workhorses end the corporate corporate life, never sleeps, but I love watching all the other games, like I don't like being at one game on sunday, knowing there's other games going on and then having to work after if it was a normal sunday where we could just go the game, get shit, face and go and then go home or go to sleep, different story yeah I like going to the game missing all the other games and then having to come to work for the rest of the night brutal, but not scared, not scared, oscar, ah, ok, my favorites! Ah I'm going to take the forty niners minus I assume that was where you can it be tat basic yeah. No, I agree with you, but also some point I feel like every time. This happens. It's like
If you really enjoy abandoned, then they get mainstream and everybody liked or on the radio ever but like we ve now for a while that Shanahan always mcveigh yeah. Now everyone is talking about it. If you like shit, answer much name three of his old running back put its it's, I don't know, can't like he's aid four against mcveigh overall straight up, and then so one of the losses was the annex ii championship game, that of niners. If, if they don't drop the east interception ever win that game they still covered, and then Other three losses, seizure, battered nick and Brian, where two thousand seventeen eighteen windows, nine years were horrendous. Us in the rams will were superbowl. They went to the superbowl in eighteen, so it's not only that video you like really only, and I just I'm gonna go back to the well. I'm just gonna keep them I keep adding the niners have been last few times they play. The rams are gonna, keep doing it until something changes or something looks different
for sure mcveigh and the rams against against I'm, I take the ninety two. I think that's a good bad because they also the the rams or missing some off its alignment. Posters common both come back. I think both he's gonna feast posters come back, and what we saw in the nfc championship game. This is this is a home game for the niners yeah there's like it's gonna be like sixty seventy percent niners, I also like mccaffrey like if he has two days to learn the playbook. Imagine what he's going to know on ninety a couple of special packages: hell yeah yeah! Ah, okay, that's my favorite bill. Your favorite is big weekend furry chad, kelly change. First, professional football start same ollinger is also getting his first professional football start. Ah, so all my picture can reflect on my team: if you're planning, there's a liability, yeah you're, you gotta, lock your reputations on the line. I know I know it's so we're going. Colts minus three over
mandatory man in my favor, making it worse now yet even like doubling down under its either, where either gonna be crashing burning or celebrate. I, like I, just go all put put all your chips in the middle yeah and just hope it works out on Sunday night. I might be in shambles now I'm very prepared for that same ollinger. think he's mobile quarterback enough to light up in all, we see these mobile quarterbacks gang first downs extending drives. I think sure. You know the fire in the belly and also, as we heard of the commander setup already on Monday night perhaps an already. I don't think that's good in it. In germany we sixty had ever yeah, I mean you know. I'll call has effects for like two: after you drink it certain football coaches. Okay, I know I can tell like I can still hear it in your voice. Exactly from Saturday yeah, I watched your cetera. It was great decorous long drunk, oh yeah, the yankees
say crystalline got him during the early was tat, was a fit. The bill told the adele chris long claims that, because I went home early, it means that no he got you drunk. He paid for your drank zidane and then you re right and then he left, because you are so drunk milk, as I had to wake up and departments, it was wrong got you dropped, oh yeah. Wake up and do pardon my take right away at I had a letter. You watch football all before, so your green with hank, whatever he go to the game to watch all the football yet warheads, like Mary, later watch out of a bull love your hearing that you are here and the younger like five o clock at night. She doesn't want to wake up and he was watching formulas watching these working from home. I guess it was like the czech game. That is what billy said without government for the show better. If you watch from home, the jet wait dejection was in the afternoon that's why we should hope, not at all. It was on here. It was
she gave every day levelled in during the jets game. I have time, Unravelling for mobility. I can even be mad at you for taking the coarseness the course of my second theme, thereby of sea team pending MR says deposition of dense cider. So I don't. I don't hate, I don't know, for I mean in waves. I guess Obviously I want the commanders to win. Obviously, for how to get really like him. I will seem to do well, but can also reach that point where, if the courts in a beating the commanders I can spend off into being, like the seasons all about next year. End! Yes, but it's gonna be it'll you interesting addressing the watch Elinor out there, because we don't know we're going to feel like it's been so long since we ve seen him in the game but I have no idea what he's gonna look like against it and Ethel defence yeah sure word with stars are weak. their regarding what happens? Ok, Jake your favorite or regret way. Are we betting hot sauce, tibet, billy, yeah
yeah, rising and burning. I like it. Ok out a moderate dosage medium doubts are yet you added. I doubt it Idiom medium douse, medium douse, ok, Jake I am taking my amid office. Three and a half, and in Detroit lions the dolphins have yet to lose a football game with a healthy quarterback and the lions. They are bad They are bad scholar. Thompson was healthy. Sure about that girl that there are a backup, quarterback first backup. Yes, so we had to vote of confidence. Is this week from owners? One was Nathaniel hack it and then the other was dead. ample, so the lions, I think she's, a president sheila half whatever marked, affords daughter. Came out. Did a press conference. My favorite quote from the whole press comes but the rebuild, how painful it is. She said. Nobody,
its losing more than I do that my family does, but we ve gotta get through it. I think I think they like losing like day they lose along its impact well for her to say that nobody he's losing more than because, if that were true, she would be. She would be hanging from a rope like that's easy to say you ate losing, is the owner of the lions. I am, back on that you almost get off on. You might be in the wrong line of business right. It's the one job where you just lose all the time yeah it's like. If you worked for barstool and you're, like I hate going to football games right, it's like well, it's kind of that way, yeah kind of. Think I hated it ass yeah now me, I I hate not knowing whose ass anybody know a company. Are I iowa a crazy sentence for her to say, but yes, she did come out in the employer do press conference midweek to say we leaving even dan Campbell is always a bad,
This is a I I kind of like the dome dogs, though I like a lighter too. I liked the lions at home. I do too three and a half If it was three everything in a little bit differently behind allies and escape dome dogs, you be barkin. I just think it's like what is this world coming to. If MIKE mcdaniel beats dang campbell in football, yeah you know, is lands of asia. The nerve gas is a major lay its battle, the heads hot verse, meat which, when you got the eye on meat, had I also just like the lions cowboys game. Last week we watch our whole game. I know that of course, as twenty four to six with the lines were inaccurate, entailing like variant yet like with parsons isn't just a total freak. It doesn't make that tackle the goal line, the line could have won that game. Yeah they fumbled at the one right after Michael bars. They they were down. They were down twenty six with three minutes left in the game yeah. So I yeah, I think the lions I dunno, I'm feeling
film lives this week. I like it or not send, but it seems like the lines. Don't know how to use them correctly, yeah, because I read a stab the other day that said that he, was standing up when using a two point. When he was a michigan? Is effectiveness was like you is twice as effect. Basically, we are getting to the court, This year he still twice as effective getting to the quarterback when he standing up, but they haven't points dance like ninety five percent, the time which is not good for him and not good for a strength, general standard, again standing up and I just just one pit- is years back yeah, that's what you gotta do: go, get the quarter tel eight and like pin your ears, we're gonna! Let you pin your ears back. This weekend heat up the quarterback at the corner, dial something up yeah. I agree. I right your underdog dovers yeah I hottest him therefore use doing this to fuck with me now to have
the called, I don't think, would do that. Ok cause him straight. That's one I don't. I don't feel very great about this game. The robber quinn trade short week I'll see if the barest together two games in a row. I was thinking about putting them in the hungry dog again. I would never do that to fuck with you, you put the box in the can't lose to fuck with Steven, but I mean they couldn't lose against the theirs. I I was before I knew that steve works from charlotte. I had no man I want to put him in there. I thought in my blindspot, I'm gonna have to rethink that. I thought you were going to be like fuck yeah, let's ride on there, yourselves in the mirror. Now, if you'd asked me on tuesday, when I picked up justin fields fifth year option, I would have been like yeah they're gonna win by one hundred now that we're to reality and I'm back to like hey this team might not be that good, but I just want you just appeals. Do well we'll see some pills applied Monday night, greater than deck a great one
again, why not again? Ok, I I you know it I'll bet, I'm going to the bears, not enough. Ok, one of the points. A lot of these guys are paid to play football to you know, that's where I want one for I'm, just gonna, I'm just going back to the well and it's just like biggest. I guess I would have to take the steelers in this, but also grown big Joseph fields, conrad on turf, the viking his game and the Monday night game against the patriots? So those are his two best games this year, he's looked very very fast. Last I checked dome on turf. Look fast again. Look I am in match your underdog You just talked about love the lions behind the good, their great peck grape max your ball. You do ball. I appeal to my under I love this underdog so much in fact, and I might be bearing on straight up texts, Let's do at home we're gonna get her to ask us to tighten up this.
They gained by the way for its if it closes the two and a half. This with the shortest spread the Davis mills will ever have as a quarterback. He has been while his eighteenth start he's been an underdog, all eighteen, all over three af point, but we're getting closer yeah ever getting closer, and this might be malik willis, because ten, eleven walkie boot on after the last chance, you don't know who it's gonna, be I thought too. So I came up with just I was. I was just going to say that what is lovey smith fail for as deepens guy covered for two weeks. after two this week. Yes yeah, it seems easy, it seems like it was written in the stars. Cast is random, but tightened sections should always be a one o'clock game. It looks weird at four, yeah! I guess that's want a clock aim for like commanders consulates, we're too for if love that farmers who, yes, we're we're it's a weird match up like. I can't remember the last time the football team Redskins played the casa. There are certain teams that you feel like
play other more than twice a year. I would say the titans texans is up there, the aperture, if you like play each other like three, others teams it just never played like I don't. The dolphins have never played the seahawks as far as I'm concerned, no are the I would say even like the panthers playing, against the chiefs I own the ads ever gets literally. Never, however, no history, no it's true. That's a fact. my underdog. I we already talked about it, Steve Wilkes, I'm right plus four and a half. I don't know. that that whole charlotte thing really really got me going when, with its listen to the right those quotes from the guy's been like we're winning one for Steve Wilkes, I'm in may on the. answers being that wrong, get your underdog billy go into jets two and a half to you have just it's all enough: it yeah I like this because on the table, in our view than you know these again fight club door, we walk out.
I cut it out. Yes, yes, ok, Jake, you're, underdog gown with a new game, I'm going with the giants plus three at the sea ox Last week we all went against the giants who caught because they thought it was a rat line. We were wrong, so I'm not going to go against them again. Obviously cross country, road trip, but giants are hot, but we were right. This is a rat line too, though we were right last week. I guess about it being that line and worsen. no sense. So in a way, but we nail way last week, I just here's what I would say to you Jake. If, if anyone pushed back you be like, I just want to keep the giant, so they they dont cover the script. right, the six and one against spread. They keep winning these games also for a little nugget for anyone is trying to maybe bet this game a different way, Seattle is six and one against the spread in the first half the giants are six and one against the spread in the second half interest, you could do a little double dip there. I feel liked it too,
feeling you tables is very good in game, coach and pete Carroll. I dont think, is a very good and game. Co yeah, I think, be careless, he's got a lot of strength, but in terms of adjustments and being a strategically exact challenges, time out stuff like that he's not even in my top ten, which is, I would want Yeah tables got seven games. Government has been good, let's not get caught, I would be happy for. I am out before we invite even a girl. I, like I mean he's. I welcome our great dude, I'm saying, like p Charles koch, one hundred thousand games tables coach, seven in your talking about them like see the guy that they they brought on the active roster kansas this week. You know, I'm I'm sorry. I apologize and see that who's at hank. Did you see? That is that the guy kanya listens to yeah, no clothes candice. You didn't see that candace owens. It was a it was a candies nuts yeah. I got that. Oh you got. It
That's right, gables favorite. I do think it's fair for us to say that brine table based on what we ve seen he's been great yeah. He has now be carol. Thank you. of all people. You should know. Pete carroll doesn't always make the right decision at the end of games right. Can I put then terms you, you understand what I'm talking about. some time are you doing replay dumb again what about the angels are out in the open. care all decide a passable and sit around them all that that's my entire because a great coach, a lot of but I dont think that he's better than brine table at in game adjustments and at like crunch times, the makings and strategy. Yes, I just don't so far. I agree and I apologize for fur disputing or take. Ok you before you, the overs pfc. You got another quick ad and then we'll do our overs norm out rushmore. Yes, before we get into the overall, talk to guys about visible. Why
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a thousand thirty one dollars see wireless, isn't so scary after all switch tonight, a visible dot com. Slash. Switching our for ends at eleven, fifty nine p m pacific time, ten, thirty one twenty two requires poured in from eligible carrier and three can of service payments. Two hundred I'll give card also requires eligible device, purchase no purchases. void were prohibited, see visible, that comes less witching hour for additional terms and contest details, okay, Overs hank overs gotta come back eventually up start with the lower. Yeah. How hang? How could you- oh, my god, so draw, and I agree with jake on this. This is mess you know their own or take the under in this game. Let me do the lover moreover, the ironic, thirty, nine and a half jaguars bronco why london jaguars wow, there's gonna be a gross game gross game.
I don't think so. I think I think you are Russ wasn't this is the weak, he puts it all together. We, his hamstrings, very loose, ends and again precision One of the broncos two weeks ago, you guys were love in the broad jaguar saying that one of the most fun teams, explosive teams teams- will our potential, things from issued out, have you ever set explosive? this takes against us. The legs hitchhikers, ok you're over max fuck, thou giants seahawks or forty four and a half. I think both these aims are good. I think, is actually me a great game. I like it. I like it p of tea, My over is gonna, be steelers, eagle, oh over forty three. I think the birds are gonna, get thirty yeah and then I just need any too. I just two of the steelers another. Like a lot of people. Talk about MIKE tomlin as an underdog, There is a reason why MIKE tomlins been so good. An underdog is cause. The past hasn't happened that often, and he had put,
good teams right, and so this is an aspect of a team that has had so I'm not I'm not gonna take steelers, you know it's a big spread, but I do over forty three and here's a fire. little story, corky little story about. dealers and the eagles Did you know that Steelers and the eagles were at one time the same team. The eagles They were the steagall act in world war, two, so They were combined because the eagles lost a lot of players to overseas and fight more. More to the press, at the time after your said he wanted major baseball team to stick together and give them a cheer about bathing that same directive to the inner fell. So the interval a lot of blurs they combined forces they play. Six out of eight games in philadelphia they played to in pittsburgh. They went far three and one I believe, on the season, and that was the philadelphia.
Eagles, very first winning season la was when they were the steagall so shut out to steals. I went I went on pittsburgh. Radio this morning was we do it every other week, be impunity in our guys, ready a bill crawford. They. He, he told me that next year I did his entire press conference talking about how he grew up a pittsburgh fan. We love the steelers and their worried that he's base. Lee so not concerned with the steelers that he spent the entire time talking about how much he loves them in estonia and also a staff for everyone out their undefeated teens offered by we can last twenty years or fourteen into against spread that pretty good, that's pretty good, so they've had a lot of time to think about have had a lot of time. To think about. You know the coach of the eagles was then back in world war. Two max did not
the guy's name was greasy neale nice. I like the rearing of the then the coach of the eagles should always just be called greasy greasy like how how the grittiest player in ls you wear is number eighteen yeah. It should just be greasy nails the coat risi nail. I liked that okay, my over I'm, I'm I'm kinda riding with billy in a different way. I'm taking one we're thirty, nine and a half the commanders colts, because I think the ability for both taylor hide a key answer: bellinger to do fuck shit. Both ways is high. awesome passes for touchdowns. Also me some awesome passes perpich six yeah. I think that that There is a hive activity in this guy, it's a good game to double by the defence. Last special teams touched a battle sides. Yes, yes,
ok you're over Billy, I'm gonna bears cowboys forty two and a half who low number at cowboys. I actually like the bears office watching them against patriot. Thank you. So in the cowboys I think acts that back back his band ass. We won't. I word you're: what The football similar mess that right at the old gave me angry acts, but also it happens that oh tat, great last week at all, yet all rust rose. I could forgive billy for now. I think you're being allowed by tax. No, I mean I is deck fully illegal logging- I hope so nobody was- is, alas, it. Ah, you wasn't fully back I'd worry this week. I think I'll be back only been fully okay. Jake, I'm with billiard dax backs were like this guy's breaking news. Deck is back for the programme part might take Unders unders,
talks about a phd. Just did I'm going under Philly steel, or do I basically, with everything that pay. If you said, I'm not don't links, the steelers are going to have any points in them. Their often growth to watch. The sailors are good. They have robber quinn. Now I think it's gonna, be low scoring blow out. Ok, yeah, but I just need just give me two touchdowns last one is asking: couldn't even get one against stimulate needed. That is gimme one one in and then let them let the birds get up to like thirty five point: thirty five, seven that feels that way that saw the elder that's under but then they go for two thirty four thirty five Thirty five eight and that's noteworthy Get me, I'm betting on a push you gonna, get a push. Ok max I think dak is not back under EU healthcare. How dare you I love you max discern alike. but as a homer is at fault. The cowboy you're the guy
I've gone negative towards the giants or cowboys every single time do everything I can respect it. if, under I'm taking the london taken the guy to god, take the london jags broncos could be some long grass over in england. It you gotta, you gotta, take the under jaguars are playing in london. Okay on my unders, going to be the panthers falcons. We've already talked about this game at length, but I think both teams just going to want to run the ball, and we we've established that the falcons will not pass more than thirteen times so just gimme run plays all day already wanted one half yep up billy under dolphins lines. Fifty seven of fifty one thing you love at a fifty seven. I now live in this red mine. My note one fifty Ok, just that's high. Those two teams is a lot of points. The latter point scope, ok and I wonder why it is our last chance, owing through on the year we have
you're not playing its autumn. This time it's wembley, yeah, that's good! I agree items the over stadium yeah he's not november thirteenth of sea hawks box in germany and niners cardinals the week after mexico solved. Brainstorming, ok is, and how does it mexico over oh yeah, mexico, vs gerard his fun. I would take the under they blitz alot over there. Yeah figure it out figured out. I games, we missed carter vikings. I think this be the fraud alert time for the vikings free, yup alert. I think the cardinals might win this game outright yep and I think this might be the fraud alert there in the hungry dog parlor. We should talk about the mount rushmore to yeah. We will yep- I I don't hate this, because the cardinals are actually good. Traveling eats yes, they're, the team. That's I think, they're thirteen and four
Will he go east, it's funny, because it's just a different way to. I was reading that same stat. It's just a different way to repackage that the cardinal suck at home yeah cause every stat is like the cardinals suck at home and then you're like yeah when collar marie's in the eastern standard time or central time. He is like fifteen and four. So why are you just sucks it all? You could also repackage that that saying like when he plays on the east coast- servers yes like there, maybe maybe faster. Yes, yes, upload your upload took algeria comes out tonight I also today, I so maybe not fraud alert for the vikings this week. other game. We missed. Raiders saints should push Jacobson rushmore he's been here. I was there I put on my beautiful. I have duplex was a chalk pick ones. You know, let's get nuts pick I'll, let you guys decide which ok, okay, so I think that's every game. We hit every game other than that good for us yeah. That was good for us good, good, tight tight.
If you there- and I just think it's bullshit- that the the coach of the saints then the sound, came out and said jane, mrs healthy, but we're sticking with Andy yeah. That is that's fucked up. I also just I'm so sick of the ST shit. and they should be good in their. Not I don't know if they should be good. I feel like they should we don't have sean payton anymore yeah, they I I was just expecting their defense to be good and it's just not. I would never ever bench Jamie in favour bandied on, that's champagne puts is not sanity, that's a fact. Bullshit! Ok, so we have just jacobs in the rushmore who else I'll. Go mine I'm going to go, I'm going to just go back to the well kenneth walker he's going to be awful. rookie of the year. As long as he doesn't get hurt, Kenneth, while why we want fix them, ollinger put like plus three thousand earlier, more
not crashing and burning when they can pick whatever they want, but jake like that sorta. You guys have to know we're not doing that. Okay billy's on a kamikaze mission. He's like hey! Could you like do navigation for me? No, I'm not getting in your plane all right! So not so we have Josh Jacobs, Kenneth walker, you wanna do not or chalk we'll give it it's the now I want out. I want you to, oh god, for nazis, probably going to do Josh Allen again. No, I want nuts calamari, why I cannot see what about They did they play last year. Is fraud alert you? We just talked about it. They're gonna, fucking role, the vikings man frogs and he needs like four scrambles, so his rushing yards the last season. Thirty, a hundred forty two, when six, eight twenty eight twenty nine. So he has not got it every aim except one. So do I don't know was, it was another one.
Our isla. If I asked for not so we have units calamari. I look, gave gave left it at you're, right, you're, right, you're right. I will now you're your pick. You we could just do semoga cause we're nothing don't be a big fight No, no! No! No! Don't do another one. What would we go with Jordan? Tell he's gotta backed by injuries and writes Jonathan taylor, Kenneth walker job, Jacobs collar murray data be some decent. We ve already. I we ve had a two weeks in the row. Yeah, let's get not now we were up some units, we had some little reality shout I'll get it That's our mouth rushmore we have one or two weeks in a row ever go back the bar sports book. Let's finish up the show with Firstly, the week is brought by the inaugural parcels invitations coming to wells, fargo centre in philadelphia. on Friday november, eleventh We are now and sail for the public in schools and who fans from around
Can't you be there to watch barstool sports, palazzo college basketball event like not none other. in game. One. You a be our guide: jelly walker taken on toledo five pm eastern fall by mississippi state vs akron lot. Prize in between I'll, be on the core. They will be on the college equal beyond the call, the rest of the team, be thereof november. Eleven in philly, secure seats now at par stool d, link slashing invitation, that's bars to dot links such invitation. Also, it is better! stay november eleven, so we're running something where, if you are a veteran, if you dm chaps or kate, we have some free tickets for veterans, ideally or billy. Yes, the billy as well. It's going to be great time. Everyone come out. Philly, it's going to be awesome, t shirt cannon. They went through my pile they're gone. I think the teacher candidates just can be sponsored by my pile. So I'd get this free shit but There might be some health violations now stop that sought that ok
it s the week in what way just like. I hope they get so ties are washed or like no washing. No, you get all you get the piles think because the pile is like it. It's a of chile like it's like there's a lot of shirts, but there's a lot of other shit. That's just in there, it's great, rodent bedding yeah, when all we we we took care of that. I I went last time. I cleaned it. We got rid of it and I have some mouse traps underneath there ok, heh, hang added again ago, I'm just it is like to chile, the piles of a big ball. Chile, Give us your fire fist. Alright is a real fire fast. I can't get the lottery, but now I'm no one five grand Like you, I've I've had a few weeks where it's like, I don't know, I don't have one. I'm just make something up a little short story. This one's been been rattling me. I've had no anxiety and just regrets about it. All week we were at el issue last weekend, fred Friday night I got notches very, I got pretty much
legless banged up banged up work, on saturday, like. my knees were on the ground and I was Face down early lying on the chair, I know I always even on the bad. I was fully clothes like like not even ass, our precisely these on the ground, for whatever reason not bend over dislike, it sounds like you're in a bento, looks like a leo in wolf of wall street like crawling to the car, basically like how it was just like kind of off. My arms were just up. my my sink was on that was our holy fuck. That was ended. I you know we usually cause. I was just running yeah, okay, I was like what's going on and I was like: oh we were at fred's. I must have came home. It was fine. Whatever I was fucked up or whatever. Then I see we go to the real back to frederick cultural bush. I was seated
I came, who is using with raising keynes like we met and came friendly at final for, and he was like. Could see last night. It was one of those moments where it all was back to you, You see someone here. Oh, my god, I don't get back from friends and go to sleep I went into the casino and I saw he was withdrew ski whose huge van abiding is a funny is due in the world. and I remember our holy fuck. I was so fucked up and I went up to him and we obviously deal you guys do with like stories made up. U else, ninety nine percent of the time, they're fine and then there's the one percent of the time like they're, just fucked up and you're like they're talking when you can tell it like this document bahraini this conversation, their use. I kind of annoying are drunken. They realize how known there being an idea, at the moment of realisation. We're like. I was that guy look out of the true scale, just like your pocket law. Do you like your soul, funny and dislike, I don't even really remember what
I was saying I just remember like I was super super fucked up talking to him and I probably make an absolute fool myself and so like all week, I've just been like you're such fucking idiot. exotic through them. Now I was megan beggin was there and she said that doesn't help some came up to wait for her fault, but like some, came up to drink. Goes, I take a picture or can we take a picture, and I was a girl get, and then I was like, broadside and they could even take the picture like ours too drunk to take picture mega guide like take the phone and like take the picture, So that is just like one of those. I just I've just had fires all week. I've just been like four did you say you should dm and be like yo man cool. Then we still know we saw. We saw him on the field and and like that, there's probably install scenes here
I saw music all you fucked up last night and I was like yeah my bad and then in the camera. This did not happen, but it's going to be instills in people going to think it happened. He was like yeah this too. You to the table when I was like whoa and I was like out- I didn't even play on tables but like he was like was joking around but yeah totally, that's it. That's out there. I believe the hague definitely didn't pick out to table a dismal using a pint of it. I didn't write it. No. I just wanna be crystal clear because it's gonna be install scenes that future table. You didn't, you can not tried to not only I didn't even get on the table. I didn't have no you're, not even close to two things we found out on their show dac is back. Hague did not pure puke undertake. Thank you. Thank you clear that another long on my cat began that just one of those like Yes, the war drunken regret. The worst never meet your heels when you're blackout drunk, yes, I'm sure, there's a lot aid of you. You guys know exactly the type of person They come up in your dislike.
Its ivan annoying. Yours like this dude is not remember any of the realisation right. So I'm just leave behind that was me. that's the worst. Feeling too is like the next day. You see somebody and the four thing they say to you is man you are fucked up yeah, because then you just use you try to replay back everything that happened all that, but there's all these gaps and you're, like you, think the worst part. the worst was using save yet, which would you do you think? I thank honourable thing can like his his the guy. He was with friendly with you and he was like all. I could see me last night man and then it was like the like everything, sorry flashback. Oh my god, did see him last night and he was withdrawn like what we need now to his place. Indiana tiger seattle, futility, mangled deny you can think people by a two hour out. I keep getting if she did not know right. I think my therefore that story throws is hague. Waking up
with this building on what the fuck. Ok, I think that's a good one. I don't know that's a very good firefox. I can even really hold a candle that my fire first, I gotta per new shoes and it's a thing where you think back at all the stuff that you wanted when you were a kid and that your parents wouldn't get for you and then you get older and you get a job and you're like you know what I can it all the stuff my parents said was too expensive back then. So I got another pair pennies today. Actually yesterday parliament for the first time that we see them hate zoos. all other sectors- sector clean physiologist exercise- and I were local socks with him in. There might be My heel hurts that I can only walk for like out. No thirty feet time that I have to stop, stop working and then reach my walk after the blisters start to feel better, which is to choose six you. good totally worth it. Ass, I went. Girls were hills,
times. You gotta, you know suffer for the fit yeah. I should start to carry around like just a pair of flip flops in a bag, and yes take my shoes off letting see that once you get drunk, take your shoes off Yes, I'm talking about here in other words this. But my son is now like actually interested basketball. We play every night in his room. Promise It is confirmed his lefty and I dont know: let's go ass. He got away. I dont know how to teach him. How like I know it should the easy to to just flip it. I cannot like makes no sense to me. Shooting left these. trying to show him and adjusted. You a baseball, yeah right back oliver uncle hag mail. You know that was yeah. Show me how to shoot left because it just left. You two are you well, I can live together four year, not laughing golfer. Now,
yeah, maybe I'll just keep pushing righty. So will it at an dexterous put it just raw? It's a boy all lefty! I owe you right left these waves of ass spoon lefty and then, when I was trying to teach him are you he was like it wasn't computing for him. Wasn't competing for me and then he did it with his left hand, work that's exactly what they did to bend. Simmons, that's what his father. I can't she. Ok, let's keep him lefty, but he isn't. He is in the india now been. Simmonds is right handed right, but issues left him. but what they switched up right, but he's in the nba ripening he'll route, right but he's in the internet. Here's what you do. I would be found my son. If you got the nba, couldn't you here's I do just take. I tell you some six, ten Who knows how he's like two, two and a half years, happy to take the hoop away and let him work on his handles yeah and got Ben simmons rather an hour or I think bill is right like give him a baseball because you're a lefty and basically, you might have struck a goldmine yeah, that's true with baseballs or you could try Do I don't know,
with the laws are around parenting, so forgive me, Zat abounds just ties hand despite no let up in just haven't walk around just we only using is right helped for, like a for. We are put his right hand in a cast yet bridge roger, had no link. They like to say that in the fifties, you were allowed to be a lifetime or innovates right in a lot to do all that shit. What think like in general, like if you are left a you'd, get like stoned to death yeah resolution, which I am a recent book about. A pastor breaking his sons left hand, so he became a ready. While our remember what book did you hear that I do not hear them? I rate is too dumb to figure out how to teach something left. You just whatever you do. Don't let him be a quarterback yeah. It just looks too of software again the exciting. These too, are like. If you look we're the nfl, topical random, creative cat chris I can I'm my brain is in a twist or trying to figure out how to teach things lefty, billy
so the bass fourteen that hagen iron eyes to know now and but our hide up at the end, the regulation we're supposed run, I so play I was out of the way and then got messed up. I end up paying the ball with time about to expire. I had a chance to win the game. I missed and I've thinking about. We ended up winning over time, but I had the chance like law. How bad was shot is a mid range. Jumper we almost one and was it like? You were words and pillage shooting we hogging it were now am I was now I was I guy. He was the third option, or guy wasn't expecting to get the ball. You can imagine yourself, I know, but I could have done it had been shoot. Well were also went to legal. Tell you everything. I know he has not been shooting while we're all
of what use your words hog candles positive eyes were: haven't amazing, see their behaviour. Hank gave you. This look like, I think we're gonna be like, or you also play like shit and can't shoot, which is true, but though, but are you out of here I haven't either I haven't either, but one Thank you. I heard I ought I can always out of her for point basketball like he will show up and he will literally miss the rim and hit the side of the like the the side of the back board, and then you like ten row swish anyway. Transitioning from outdoor courts, indoor courts, shot hasn't really adapted. Yet I just show up: Ten million narrowly of more women eames so should be measured against, actually should be the main rodya rims like batting doughnuts, and now we must at all times on either already moment what these, rather than the game, ended area at the billy missis shaw and the go are that's it. There's no overtime regulation earn in regular season seasonable at what the fuck and then we like.
we send to the right to give us act. One give us two minutes of overtime, but the rest were really raged. Leave yeah, games over time we had also get. I mean thousands one of our toughest opponents who paid a bunch of fire fighters who had like set play everything, but now we all set to learn like we had. First, I'm with refuge to shoot free throat. So like. Rather your praising wraps to make first responders stay longer sea could beat them. Yes, I got it, that's what happened, but it is what the does someone fun jake finish soft yeah, so my apartment elevator broke down. I want elevator on the seventh of a force. Sense of the whole and anyone in the autumn when it happened No, I don't think anyone got stuck but yeah. It was a lot of stairs over the weekend, but when you're working with an otis or thyssen krupp, I have no clue. Yeah yeah yeah, I'm an otis man. I've got a lot of experience, dealing, broken elevators and in new york. It's it's really a.
Come to Jesus moment of realisation, winter elevator breaks down, and you in touch with your building. Super and you realize that he just has no motivation to fix it quickly and he can tell you at any given time, we'll tough shit just take the stairs. and then you like. Well, I guess I'm gonna walk up now, yeah stuff, that is stuff, I'm sorry, sorry, we're lost. Not have you gonna, look good though, or get so Hey wants to get his first win with settlement in the room, but we should do our picks right now. He can just do his do you want to do all we can pick now. I now seven and now he's not yeah alright. So what what's everyone else's? I'm doing I'll do an eighty six where you're? Are you now going? Eighty seven yeah, I'm gonna? Go I'm not we're not doing this too. We're not doing this we're doing we're all picking on you should let the guests pick the night regard: okay, yeah I'll! Let the guest pick tonight so we'll get to yeah, we'll get to art. Eighty stuff, you know what fine I'll, let you have two shots today, thanks alright, seventeen Thirty two.
mine, was eighty seven, seven I'll watch pm tv for the history of the lottery ball. twenty. What's your shake? Eighteen, the seventy eight, the top? Seventy eight, if you read it backwards, if you read it in hebrew, he got it. Hey! That's gotta count for something. You're too shocking and get it we haven't even take their yet, but I guarantee you won't get that one either oh man in the painting behind handful of the new number one, oh lottery ball machine is going to it's quest. How many numbers we have are: six: twenty, six, twenty seven, twenty nine! That's it sore for numbers to beat hank. first machine, as is like John Henry,
oh man, seventy eight you're! So close you were so close Our see everyone on Monday love guys a bar tailed, god wit, flew from Alaska tasmania eleven days. That's a bird flying across the earth go boroughs, poles and let her days almost ass fast is a boeing. Some forty seven, not exactly, but now it's it's.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-09.