« Pardon My Take

Max Homa, Vernon Davis, Reading Headlines, Mt Rushmore Of Broadcast Calls + Fyre Fest

2023-08-18 | 🔗

We start with what has become a summer Friday tradition, reading headlines and commenting on trending topics (00:00:00-00:19:55). We welcome on our good friend Max Homa in person at Olympia Fields, to talk about his season, Ryder Cup, Spicy Meatballs, Tommy Lasorda and more (00:19:55-00:58:27). We then welcome on Super Bowl Champ Vernon Davis to talk ball, all his hosting jobs, the time he got tackled by his penis, winning a SB and more (00:58:27-01:31:23). Mt Rushmore of broadcasting calls and then we finish with Fyre Fest of the week (01:31:23-02:12:20).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners. You can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary Can listen ad free on amazon, music, hey guys is big cat and fight night is here Robert rowdy, twenty two returns wheeling west virginia this friday night august, eighteen at eight p m eastern twenty fights with no head care in food, five round main event for the first time ever with a make it happen, first lights, outlying, rematch, black italians. Inverse american redneck for the super heavyweight belt. diamond hands. Worse polish hammer, plus the able brothers hot wheels trailer park in germany, psmith return. All with alive ring girl contests after the final bell join me, gave and rob box on the call for an hour, We too tonight at eight p m eastern witness every site. Kind of the action by ordering now on by r and r dot com or by the pay per view or on youtube for the first time ever
on today's pardon my take. We have a two four for the people are good friend max homer in person at olympia fields. We went and walked the course with him yesterday. It was awesome so We also got to interview on catch up with him. We also have vernon David. you all know him. One of the one of the best tight ends, the last twenty years vernon day on the show. Where do not rush more of best broadcaster calls. of all time which I'm shocked, we haven't done. The pressure on China? Do we look it up the pressure on triple jack, but I triple challenge our we're doing a lot of pressure on Jake, where it reads. Headlines goes not on going on. We have fire fast and it's all brought you our friends at cars, dot, com, wherever life takes you next in whoever you looking to be there's a car for that on cars, dot com, with your move, from the suburbs city see once more sport, your car or your expense
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the The ocean Pardon my table. There's an abortion sport. Health is a part of my take today he is, friday august, eighteenth and boys up right now, we have exact its loading, its loading, its loading ever, would there's website countdown to kick off its loading, how many days to kick off its twenty days- nine hours, forty
minutes. Fifty vice, like some rock hardware. Twenty days less than three weeks, I with, and I start to show this way, because I think we all I speak everyone here. supported the summer, just gimme for there were basically there already we got precision today we had had pcs regained. The precision takes, first injuries of sorting out we were. Does our view like there's, there's football going on? Yes, you never get overreact. Precision takes whatsoever, but yet is. We are, and I consider this to be- football is hard knocks- is going on which I've I've had a cup is to think about our dogs and cats to digest it for awhile. er docs, is, is not what it used to be. Sadly, it's still addressing you still get football. You still the shadow sprinkler you get paid hitting against each other. You get to hear football, that's canonized, but it's like someone like you. Your hearing like a train coming around a corner and you can feel migration on the tracks, but not quite there yet
I want that trained about to run me over. I want that light right, my face. I actually, I think the jet did the jets a ditch their second day of practice with the bucks today. That was a story. that's where you know we're at with the stories. I think that the bucs showed up and they're like wait where the jets are there's training camp fights, though that's where at that part of the season where these guys are sick of hitting each other, the one hit somebody else they finally get to hit somebody else and they get into big I was with him the skirmishes last about five seconds and then, depending on what kind of coach you are, you say this is So I am very glad that this happened, like D argues that, like mine, problem was the guys I didn't fight the up shut out. Dionne Dionne, not exactly a great gratefully You wouldn't say he's out a couple punches day, but yet get the coaches that are like you know, I'm gonna pull guys from practice. If they fight that's my rule, yeah I tend to be, if you suck last year, you want your guys fighting? If you were good last year, you don't yet everyone say you're, so we ve been doing this last few fridays. Worse,
read some headlights cause. This is what's goin on the sports world. We are sports. Podcast gonna, bring you the headlines that matter, from all around the gloom all around the globe. Let's start nuggets lakers sons warriors to tipp NBA season yeah. who would have thought that the reigning champions would play against the lakers writing season, then what was it Oh sorry, for a second there I thought the lakers, when the title well is a major in a wider while there I'm so excited about this game. You know why, because this is a rematch of the best india game of all time. Yes, and no one ever talk about is his game. One of that western conference final- yes, it also is a rematch of the best sweep of all time, that's true, yes, exciting sweep of all time could have gone, seven didn't went for so that will be funded, wash dns great great job, also the NBA needs to learn a lot about sports from the unifil, namely like allow tackling in that sort of thing, but and seven
in seven points which yeah that's the way I do a little shit given to us by troops the other day because he's got. You you'll be all that make for football right before bullets? Are you score? Six points is worth on one touched on in football proper for but what a blood burma clapped blood If you ve got one goal is only worth one point in it is again, do don't fucking idiot, make your goals were three point: make penalty kicks worth two yeah, both its varies very easy. Do you get the illusion of higher going, but the NBA needs to learn from the nfl know how to properly do a schedule release. I had no idea that the NBA schedule is was that the fell gives us like the announcement of the date of win the schedule release ruby release. Then you get the official date when the schedule is gonna be, and then finally,
the schedule, don't forget the leaks too, and you get to get all the leaks. Would anyone even want to leak this? No? Well, maybe the chargers social media team could do like an anime thing for the nb, a help 'em out of some buzz going, oh by the way that just triggered something in my head talking about seven points football, and you know how soccer should change their point scoring system big time. Big time get your math tightened up cause football math yo You know the first week you wanna, maybe watch preceding game. Do some counting exercise get yourself ready. Figure out where your own pace for yet totals math all that stuff and learn the channels and learn the generals. You gotta channels, can you remind us the week before nfl season, starts to go and review. All the new rules had been put in place. because you have probably like to rule changes. They did something with a kick off but we need to be honest. We need to be in midseason form week, one all standard that I will says that out of do a presentation
the entrance it. Ok, ok, I would like that and then I was young volunteering to do like a class project course. As mrs you ve forgotten to send our word. I was never to be sure. I get that comparison all the time what was in it that's ever Angie. I would ok why, because they said it before you, We also know that we do need a great jake ana curve because for the longest time we're comparing him to whom he happened, sit in a correct. So, yes sitting next to him. It's like yoke, of course, it'd be that guy now you're your own man Jake. We also need a reminder jake in that same episode. When we do your presentation, I would like to give hank a math quiz football match. This proposal will just shoot numbers ottoman see off that I can do it got it. get everyone regarding that europe gets our presided summer first era. Yes, yes, and acts. Maybe you do a slide of the new. New names, new places that we did a few months ago, but just baby refresh sky.
Altogether. If our target is my disease, will do all these things than one presentation? Ok, perfect! I headline sources, thorn, wins auburn, starting kubi job this second big story. Honey hit spirit, account my nose, the aubert sorted kubi job just using this as a segue to say we have college football coming up next week any staples in the show week after we're gonna Tom Fanelli. We don't forget, cultural. I am actually more excited about this calls for policies and there have been a very long time. I've I've been listen, listen to them gas, regional, I've issue. Any talk to salute about cruising message. Boards will have to get into that when yet, when he's actually broadcast on the show but going to cause for poor message, boards is where you get the actual truth about words and really life in america. I love ass. You see message boards there, that's tiger droppings hog, ville disputed in directly into moved into my veins. It's the life blood of southern culture. I've been saying that if hauteville was in charge of running or nations defences on nine eleven and tracking jets, they were
been able, as they are the true mark, waterworks ex northwestern coach, which europe volunteers in high school. we're from down revalue interesting. I hope is dearer vows high school that would be great interesting. I'm there and hasn't talked about. president. He has gone down to earth alabama yet, maybe he should go down there just for a week. That's the ultimate, have assignment for for a coach. That is, fired or has to be removed. grace you good alabama for one season yet rehab and next thing you know, boom new job, just go to walmart, buy a polo. Some some khakis stand on the sideline they'll eventually be like oh yeah, yeah he's part of the team yeah and urban meyer's should do that to the shirt, holy shit lions. Why does she were Williams, like the offer us a precision, Starting to think the James Williams might be cursed, because, if you remember he's already out for six games for gambling,
and now he's out there, which is a weird rule that you can play in the preceding when you're spending from the regular season, but he was because he was injured. Last year from alabama towards acl awesome It was the last year there were used, the priest and try to get him rap. So happily this season. They able to get him out. Insert him in the office. Now is again. He might be cursed. I think that I'm I'm gonna take his side on this because do campbell were saying? If he's gonna, to spend it he's gonna miss games we're going to ride him so hard and precision and practices can be other taking every rap? I think that here, we just got over wrapped yeah. We did yet only reptile attire, sources eagles radically have thumb surgery. Damn oh. We're just breaking new way back watching. Does you play for eagles rhetoric oh wow, the eagles have the same. That same city is sectors of the practices upright. Oh, no, not at all, ok? So, let's cook
open and saw me I'd like to have some surgery. eagles address your son, regular soldiers into early villages. What I'm looking for love on it and find my heard monday joint present practice of clean embrowns. Although rhetoric is expected to miss practice on the eagles or company, be ready for rigorous now to get together, the patriot hidden have them. He sacks less europe again none of the super fall out. We had sixteen sacks last year, the you this rule, no here zoo, deviants and I mean all the fucking. Yes, yes, are upset. Analyzer pushed back his sponsor commanders. This is some real headlong. That's josh airs baby. That's the gestures of course later should I should have, but then there was a quote that I read from jason right. the problem that people are eager to do business with the washington franchise that were once not eager to do business with them hide. so interesting edge. Addressing that one guy can make that big difference. Yeah things good things look again, although it would be very funny in hazard bush but light try.
Get in and like reverse their image, because there's the rumblings of the yacht, the camera. change the name back to the redskins, so bud light strata swing if they're trying to. On the other hand, we like let look we're in favour go into the redskins. Please start our beer again yeah, although there now jason about the risk is that this should be the hawks last one chief superfine indicted on bank robbery chargers? how many times you re going to date, this guy he's like tromp yeah? This is its absurd. Is a witch hunt is keep thrown indictment. I dont I'll say this is a very politically motivated idea, I'll say this I don't really understand what an indictment is in man is wind. They fight, enough evidence to bring charge against you, so they get over an inch. Are you going to jail or no that's. The arrangement is when they bring you and when you get indicted yeah than they bring you in and they put you out Urim and what's the percentage of indictments it end up in jail. I think you have to You have to be
prohibited or shop to an arrangement if your indicted, so I ve been really say just ass: it. They basically like send you you get a warrant, If they send you a letter in the mail being like hey, you ran this red light they get you get a warrant. I got it. I did a lot of times in new york. Yes, so that you, you have charges that are formally press against you when you have an indictment, I was reading some these charges. They seem just mickey mouse it does double jeopardy exists in this country. Anymore assured, I think he got indicted on eleven charges of robbing banks others are about trunk. No, no, no, not him What do you think about is about jobs, and I actually have a piece of legal advice for trump yeah he's flip on his son. Oh how How funny would that be? If, if trump actually want to turn states, witness is like dont junior was in charge of the entire thing since his son to prison donald trump gets, god. Why minutely? He could also just put in jeered, kirshner
Jared Kushner is Tom mom's camp get rid of all. He is just sitting on a boat being like you're, going to do the time getting rid of your son in law. Somehow I think he hates his son more than he hates his son lada. I could see that yeah I'll just be very funny to have to have trump like the like in in a court of law pointing finger decisive, I want to get. I wanted to concede the election, but this son of a bitch put me up too. I just know not to get political. I just have indictment fatigue. It doesn't mean anything to me I just keep seeing this word and I'm like tell me when something happens, because as of right now, it doesn't matter to me. What do you think? Trump's weight is going to be because after women, when, when they bring them in shit, he's a hoss, he is all so I'm not gonna like whatever's weight is that's hoss. I think as off that his horse to fifty felt like a linebacker yeah he's us basically brine, cushion his horse and then trending stuff on twitter. We thing I saw was we're. Laughing Theo have seen his trending cause. One yankee fence who'd. You rather have be your gm next derek cheater theo, Epstein
who'd you rather have beard and we like dirt eater front of the programme. or a guest. But would rather have direct eater are the greatest get out gm guy I would rather have dare cheater be the dream of the yankees, for my offers. An act ass yet logically, is the OECD, the gm vehicles will win the world thirty complex five year, yeah dirtier great player. Maybe that greater your manager, who people are asking ok, what Person is and any other any other stories. Any other things I did see Chris Bosh just had just twisted a little bit. He said I have the bulls were able to trade luol deng to the clippers back in two thousand and ten. The big three would have happened in Chicago that are yeah. I feel so stupid for that whole summer. Thinking that it was going to happen, do you We did yeah oh yeah, guiding chicago new york. I can't remember If there is another.
I mean cleveland. Obviously thought lebron was going to stay in nyc, so I had a chance to see new york chicago new york yeah well yeah, and you wanted that to happen time. Yeah so, yeah what had to be around for that? Yes, we want to know tat. This is thirteen years ago, so he's gonna lot baghdad for the world as it is this your first time. Listen a bigger talk about sports. If, if he can a great plans to say completely flip his opinion, and you got him in his way and moving on board for that kidding me. He had one. You say you in a minute usual around, we were all connecting the dustbin like it's gonna happens, gonna happen and it didn't happen. Country president wade played here like yeah were very happy added for the cap still. Yes, he did, which, as we go anywhere played for the gap in its last year, we should put together lucy back to miami yeah yeah. We should put together list of holy I forgot that guy play. There's yoga. oh mount, rushworth yeah, that's a good monday love it
while rushworth holy shit. I played there. I guess that's great. Ah, ok, anything else, borg alternatives. We have great interviews great mount rushmore common. I can't think of anything focuses its football. Football, your back pupils, so back we've done great football interviews coming up. I know people that go to another golfer. First of all, I'll have maximum on whenever he wants, because I think the best interviews we do are the guys that were genuinely friends with and second of all we have football coming. We, So much for welcoming you have the football convey your fuckin eyeballs ass all tat is sensible There is a women's world cup finals this weekend. What I saw you s party ways at the code, yet eight other heartily lying near the supply and you can watch the england was pretty good. Actually the island at the minute, we're out the determine was cancelled. Knowers elsie, I think it's coming home. What when and where its england against spain in the files and then it's when it's sunday morning what time ass a way to her. and then there's a consolation match which
take the over on the consolation match: whose games always have a lotta goals for disclosure? I am five am I am I'm owen, twelve in the women's world cup parlor, somehow money, other women's role in twelve haven't when a single bet, MR women is just now. Working out this time round. But when very misters, demean general five, a m- I don't know if that's local eastern Not that I like that computer does it for yes, that's five m goddesses, sickly, okay, so I'm taking the over and consolation match and then I'm taking a tie, I'm taking to draw at the end regulation in the final cost cause is rigged, people forget that that's a great sleep but yeah a draw. What I wake up a wake up at about seven, a m as the games ending yeah and I'll get to see. Hopefully, overtime, yeah, see but see boats play ok, this contrivance. Max maxima, then vernon Davis Maxwell was brought If our friends at game time, the exclusive ticketing partner, barstool sports, created by fans for
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It is max homer where the fedex cup play off. At olympia fields. second, the last tournament. I would congratulate you by the way for making the cut this weekend. So congratulations on that. There is no cost yeah, I didn't know you're. Getting congratulate me. I'm getting honourable mentioned for the mount rushmore, this is now see. This is the problem with doing that about russia, every single guess we truly love comes on their like, so That's how you hail banks in trouble with with settlement yeah, well, orderly. We would appear to you, but he made us pic. I know I heard its area in a podcast, its filled with bad ideas. That was by far unaware, worse regular friend, terrible publicly. Here we gotta get your last year, our friends, yes we're here, weekend various If you ve got to walk with you, we had to walk behind you watch how the site this gets made. You look I'll say this watch
the programme in seeing you play up close. I do actually have to put the ball into the hole you I notice you weren't doing that every single haul yeah that's a tip yeah. I was scooping a lot of them. We get this lovely thing and pro am they were pars? Your friend Worse, you can make a party, you feel real good go into therapy, yeah, yeah or friend yeah. I saw you warming up when you were putting out of the pedigree. I think I figured out your little stance that you do yeah you. You got your legs spread apart, your turn. Fuel the fuel, the undulations of the green, and then you do this little flex thing with oh yeah and that's what that's where you figure out what the slope is separator yeah, because what is it like one, one knee stop spinning before the other and that's how you can figure out, which way it's going. I think yeah. I I if you is he can like see part of a slope and I feel like I'll go in there kind of sideways. When I do the little cool, the cool new thing yeah, I feel like I come back at zero, so that I could actually feel what it really is. I don't let myself can you lay down on the green paper.
Probably tell you actually is not about idea about a level. Can you put a levelling out, so none lydia. That would that's. Why practice my feet? I use a level that I'll send you a level you just got wherefore or just what you should do is just put levels in your shoes. Only you today. That is not a bad idea. You is that employers are you employed, nice, dear, I watch youtube, video eyes headed. I tried it and- and I dont know how what I'm doing here- and I was like yours- was a guess- the thing from one to three and then you do the gases pride, not the right way of going about it. I was doing. I went out. Nose like armor, do important yet nothing for you sound like every everybody I mean that does. I saw you to video. Yet an idea right near my thing now, I'm pointed that's how I feel like I'm a watch youtube video before I go to sleep about off and then
I think about it. In my sleep and I'll wake up the next day and be like that was a great practice session, so yeah now I'm back in what they say in highschool or college. Have you slept with a book under your pillow? You learn it by osmosis. I believe that leaves it. One hundred percent recalled yeah or just you know, take a bunch of. This is often the library to the library same thing as anything, but So I know the season is incomplete because we have this weekend and hopefully next weekend. Overall, what would your rank your game right now? You're gonna, ten, a m, Do during the balls method go anywhere. Five five. The max like for wait: three, ok pretty good when three bali to leave a little room for now yeah. So if you are like, if your judging your game is there, you have you ever played a five or is it like four point, five the best? And then you need a couple lucky britain, brick yeah, I probably never upright. Never.
I ended a five. I've had prior days that were five star and Gay may play for days, so you always feel like an idiot one of them. we also hear you usually get la, especially when you, when you get lucky a bunch in Things seem to go your way. I would love to play to five months for four days it was like that'd, be so cool. I would imagine point well know when you, when you broke the record in l, a country, that's probably forest snow, so yeah, we call it a track. Actually we defended you because we love you. That is part of that. That, actually is the good news, because when we do the mount rushmore and we forget- you or people you on the course does the bad sides, but we defend you on the other side's people were coming out you for practising after the. U s, that was a wild yeah. That's how it is the people because, like I feel like it was a totally regular thing that people What the hell you like! It's almost like the dream. He thinks he's on the tee thou, That was one of those I value
a good nice, I was really really bomb. Doubt friday, like really bummed out, and so when price saturday. Those one of those moments, I put my phone on and I saw people saying why's he practising what get me a moment- and that was when it was like- I know for a while rat. So I don't think it's very rare or weird. My coach is at the golf course. So I'd like to practice with him balls at everything are set up. I would still like to call it sunday. I won't play golf with my friend drag a mark in all them, and and we got to go to their golf course. But saturday morning I was like I'd like to get some working cause. I miss a cut. My coaches, not going DR all, over los angeles voice. Also coaching people playing rang the weekend right and then, when other people said why
Are you wearing your logos? Those are the only shirts I brought cause. I thought I was going to make the cut so so it wasn't like a jj watt moment like bringing the cameras, know if anything is mamba mentality, yeah, always trying to grind get there. If anything, it's I dunno why they were filming me when this guy used to go fill. Somebody else will it's also a very simple rule of like? Did you post about it? No, so clearly it's like he. If, if no one had posted that you were there, no one would know one another. So it doesn't really matter just try to get in and get some work get out are just trying to get better at this game. You can't yell at me because I lost money on your bets and then also yell at me for practice. That's true! That's fair! Also. I think people in a weird way are like well. He probably took a practice spot from someone who's I went as far down the what he's got nothing to do with all the right. You were my ass all week. I wanted to just live in anonymity over there, so we do have to respect you now, because you did finnish top ten at a major, though
cow s. Open shape is not available. In that way, I felt a too in my bank account it was. It was amazing. Thank you for that. Now I've got a very broad work, so you feel like you are you played the best go through life? It's it's been this year has been for sure the most consists, our feeling I have a glaring weakness. You still go through laws where it sucks, but for the most part, feel it when I'm playing it you're Hartford those theirs. It was a tough one. Well, when you did text me like two in the morning. You're like hey. Are you in new york this weekend and like friday night, and I was like oh max going through it. back then I can escape. If you want to go down in the war, so called heavier is met. Court knows no corners. Works out here. He does. He works for each other, encore stuff, and I Wife Natalie, who close with was had come in for calls birthday, and so she hasn't doing well he's at the golf course. So she she's that we should
I have a girls day in new york and do all this stuff. I'm a co are going to admit this was at one, am, are going to go, like god, with a spa day and do the whole thing I was like. Oh man, I've. Never I've, never gotten! the bars of his mouth, you that it takes you to walk on like there's a zero percent chance of finding all the way he saw it. When I woke up at like six thirty- and I was like yeah- I don't think this is a text wood that was with sound guy and I've, been I've been doing better with the the drunk texting as I've gotten to be in my thirties, but that was that was definitely a bull, damn decision alarm honoured that I gotta you are yet that EU area. So it's been you you said you, it's been the most consistent year. Yeah, it's actually has felt really good. I feel it when I'm playing well I've. I've had good results and when I haven't I've turn those in delay top twenty five, I'm pretty proud of I'd, always even in years past, when I had good seasons last year was my best season up until this one. I didn't have a tunnel hands, but my high finishes were really good this. I met ten tonnes has really proud of that. So deftly been better. This overseer logic
at golfers I got to continue to catch up to buy. It's been nice just see the. see some of that consistency, translating too, like the results in your six or seven place, what are you in red x x play? So you probably don't know this are the top you had how much money is that translates if you finish insects like two point: five I appreciate you do know: yeah, that's a lie. Gonna last year sign who had the brown like basis, it's crazy them, antimony that they put into the fed ex cop way out absolutely. We are very someone asked us why we we go to memphis one of my buddies. I said why did we go to memphis like last week's? It was hot as this, and yeah you said you wanted to rip all the hair off your body. I yeah. If I had enough time, I think I could have done it and just shave the smoothest, but I mean fedex's there and I made the least we can do for fedex us play in their backyard. It's not like the biggest biggest ask, although I would like it if they could somehow turn. The internet. We see how are aware how how's your pants situation. Last week, I wore why
On sunday the lg did not get the memo I mean they were just following them around. He was wearing like it looked like he was wearing. The thickest I know on on friday was hotter than sunday, and I wore a dark because I was talking to Joe prior this stuff is the inside as far as what color past, if we're here to morrow is Sunday was only worse. He goes basically where, thought about. Save white for sunday had his dark grey. go dark and I looked at him. Like the maybe like the twelfth hole and he was wearing just the worst gray color. You could wear and then also get in my head. I looked at him. I was like it looks like he pissed himself and I look down as it looks like I pissed yeah seen. It was very high and we're we're talking earlier on the course about what programmes that you got to plan your are up Chris. The oil, which is amazing, like you, can't draw that up any better, and he's, obviously known for being a sweaty guy on the golf course, but you were saying that he shot the round of his life. It was the best I've ever I he was fire, I think we became good.
Friends because of it, and it was the I've seen play it pebble for the lively programme for the urgency and I've been out there. I've watched him and I mean is the most happy go lucky like there is no mention of the best dude but he just like he does it move great an hour and I went out there and I was not expecting a tenders from what I had seen and he played unbelievable. So you, I think I think, a few. the programs we might be linked cause. I might be his eye with its rabbits foot use yeah. He needs needs a little max touch. The touch max or whatever I want to bring this up, because we do take every opportunity to dump on you when please we bet on your new finish outside the top ten on a major you so mean you did all of that. But why is good? This is good. This is good. You finished worth in the comcast business tour top ten spent on that. That's like hell, yeah. I didn't I didn't bet on it. Unfortunately, I didn't know that I could bet on it, but that's like a sneaky couple mil that is
and talked about that. It's a super top tat. I know it's not a legacy might like to think about it. One week of golf, you get top ten, that's good, but think about like thirty weeks of golf, your top for you yeah, that's basically better than winning a major yeah. It is a good point yeah it is. It is so congratulations for that. I want to make sure bring that up. There's another thing that I just learned today too, because we have this handy dandy, prc. So I looked through it. Just planning on ask you like the most generic, whereas I could find her. But I learned something about you. I don't think you ve ever you ve shared with us before. Maybe have you got a phone call from tommy lasorda, oh yeah! What's, so you're. Obviously your big rendered, your big, I know well that are in the afterlife yeah, I have a it's a funny story and art Peter told me he was awesome and yeah the the original go. So I met him doing a inside. The PJ torp shoot we got to. They took Joe and I to DA at the stadium it was awesome, was empty. We had to run around the bases like little kids, it was the most fun day and then they said you don't
citizens office. Would you like to meet him, and I said of course he made it Give me that day that if I ever won, he would call me- and I did not think that was going to happen salsa in the press conference and they said that there's a phone call for me and at that officer was not thinking about that. At that point, that answer the phony. You know raspy voice, max stormy with sword anyway, you could do it. My favorite part of the story is your time is going up there and age. The I walk in his office. Inches myself and I sat maximus maxim of that name. and then he saw me store and he's going to sign something for many. He asked me six times what my name was,
in the last time he said at the beginning and in the very last one goes. Oh max. I love that name and I looked at Joe and I was laughing so hard because he was just like the most perfect. You always want like a story when you meet the legends of your heroes as like. We finally got a story. He he what I think he was probably the oldest person we ever interviewed. It was awesome that he was able to do it before he passed, but it was a great interview where you're like this guy has so many great stories, but we realize The interview was over when he like went back to story net, any just started telling it like you'd, never tolerate, like more will hear it again gives its awesome there's a good round. You kicked billy fanatics with it. I was most sores until it is about different fights. Grace. I fear that run together are really call video cameras versions of yours at the game, but he was he got to do that. It's time for dodger baseball, that's how like we, we, as dodger fans, start the game. Somebody gets on the mic and desert and he got up there and the hinnom is MIKE and I don't know, the woman with him, but standing examined.
I've done it once you're, slurry, just what the hell it's time for debate or odyssey tommy says some more things, as he should it gets into like a rant of a speech. Somebody goes it's time. Yeah, it was awesome. That's about yeah he's an ultimate dude. Alright, we met Joe We swash unites completely squash that the irish likely he doesn't yet he I was. I was afraid that he hates us. He doesn't he I didn't want to warn you that he that huh, told me last week that he squash the beef already by the only dismantling squashy eighty tommy goes man. I did it. I caved it's for policies and I have to organise our reply ass. I have two lists. That's I mean that's good grudge They were so so. Obviously what There is no are people saying PA where they are yeah, so we have to stop it. I mean sure mean they have to stop giving we're telling you we've told you before directly. No
p word like it's. Actually, it's actually bothering me so the other thing is. I saw that you also. We met my not like spicy meatball anymore. It's that that they would not like you spoke to me, but when I feel I only, do you feel about anyway, because I have people set yell it or you something and then that joke is it's over like any joke, it's like it's the fiftieth time heard right like so it's not as fighting. They expect me to laugh. It's like I play with brooks one time I actually than the day he died. His hair memorably yeah on a very for setting the dude equivalent, just like cutting your bank and a life crisis victorie. So we are all going to turkey. We play it than they for normal air or is regular here anyway, t like takes his hat off to colleagues, know brush back his hair, we're like war that is now what you had yesterday, we start talking about it and one of them as in the crowd yells. While the real slim shady please stand up and it was
it's funny because it was like I hit him. Everyone at least gave a chuckle. Well then, by the fifteenth hole, we've now heard that joke seven hundred times to the point where it's not funny anymore, and then they look at us. I was like we're being rude, so that's how I am with spicy meatball. You guys are funny, and you came up with a funny thing: spicy, and you said, say something like spacing me right. So everyone said yeah That's right! I mean how yeah I'm so we needs. I just like you pay regional. I like some arrhythmia here, which, if you want me to lie, I mean you're going for the laugh. If you just want to read that you, cinnabar magic, that's cool to buy! I just your bags not going to laugh cause. I hear it hear it all the time I was gonna say: maybe we just have a good good, dr max, could you are going to love that yeah you're going to love that always plays good or bad by the way I just want to just but people listening. If you heard someone taking a pass, we thought it was. It was my nephew. I brought out the golf course today. He six
He just relatives of arrests. Europe is an area which is all very fine work, so so we need to find something more original gauges. you could go with space. We want what everyone a man's ip word. I will not laugh or I don't. Condone it. I'm not caught that one. So, as you, I'm cool with your priority, a reactive you'll forget, a reaction may be just like come up with your own joke and which people that max is doing his job. I am very stressful job, so maybe you know after the round, spicy monsieur or night again encore support. I am very thankful for the farm, very thankful for the support of a strictly does through this progress and my friendship with you guys. It's been awesome but I don't I also am trying to the way in which an right, and we actually care about you as much as the bad we say like I do. I am like when I'm watching you, I feel like it's. You have The best comment I can give you is: we have a few relationships through the years this progress where it becomes.
a situation where, like I'm rooting for someone more than just like all the other guys, but on the show yea I got it actually like. I want. I want you to win. I want you do well syrian for deck prescott this year, but the question is not in that list: the listeners I will you, I would say it's basically you it's your job, you know what you're not you're, not amount, rushmore, recurrent guess you're, my rough but human. Being yes, that's more! You know a man like you really think you, young josh, almost said something unintentionally mean either I mean this is a meeting is goes. You may have me with it you're, better human being the aggregate love that well, it smells like art. Maybe once knew I'd like you to be kind of it economic growth is here. I would also like the hard, because our reflex is mean that's what we do. We bus balls in the show we even had a today when you're walking up one fair ways in a random one was like max. like I love you, a huge fan, you're amazing and I
his blurry, arsenic, welly. Seven, so he's not least he's like very good is actually set up as a. Why did I say? No, but it's good, I mean it's that guy's been guy, earns we riots, that's how it that's, how we shall affection, but we do your only nice to me. I would be laid me yet. I will be very brief. We do very much care so We want everyone to root for max the original and also remember he's doing his job speaking of other recurring you guys met brow, armand yeah and you have got a deep into the mega course marguerite mega friendship like me. I get to play them last week and, I had just had never really noticed. Is that I guess vore and that's all it's all all. We also cause I'm stare. It's just yeah regular. His caddies also like six five tells you how countries? Yes, it is with that country
big country, that's just country country. I could tell he was the man to cause. We were talking to brian harman for like ten minutes, and he didn't say a word. He just said something like very funny at the oh yeah yeah he's he's a quality over quantity. We I mean I've known him for a while now and he's awesome brian's great, like we have really good relationships? I love playing with them, but countries like words per round are very low, but they all they always hit yeah. I went up to them and they they looked at us. They didn't recognize us because we've just interviewed them over zoom one time, so we don't have like an established relationship. I walked up to him.
His caddie looked like he was going to step forward, yeah yeah, and so I was like mega corp, oh yeah they're, the mega court. Did you by chance me JT personally know: do you know his caddie air cleaners? Nickname is big cat, it's been big. Really ever yeah got to meet them yeah, so we read about. He was asking if you guys were out or if I was gonna, see you guys, and I said you were going to be here today- cause we figured you guys had a link on how how much of the guys on the on the tour you like going to dinner with and stuff that always is interesting idea because, like you, always are competing for dollars and you're like. If you get me, shop with some of your friends with on a sunday? It's like now, conversation, oh yeah, so like are you do you try to keep a distance or you like? No I'm with these. These guys know my life better than anyone else as most things go it's who my wife wants you to dinner worker who she's friends with your manager, my manager, she she's very she sorry this gulf. There,
each thing. There is definitely a handful guys I'll be friends with if we didn't all play off vienna work together and then the rest I get along with, but pride, not well enough to just say, go to dinner right, so I dont do it a time, but there's a handful guys all we'll try to link especially if everyone's kind so low in nobody. I may I have a nine month old, nobody's grinding dinner with greater, ray weight. So if you get linked up on a sunday say, you're like our fourth or fifth, and your with like one of your closest friends Is there no conversation it actually to that person so call outside caught colony and J g. I, like my closest friends out here and when we me and justin play like we played travelers. The other will talk a lot and there's moments where you can kind of telling. Maybe you know he was. He was playing great on friday and I was trying to make the cut and it kind of felt like one saigon minute we both kind like one or several ways and on our super close and I love playing with him and we played the open together, we so we talked a lot, but we played the final final round it
the farmers this year and we barely Really I and I just you gonna getting grooves were like you know, one guys playing really great you you. Some If they get near the lead, you almost kind of stay away a little bit. Let them gonna do their thing and then, if they're not playing while you also kind of take a step back, but if it's a thursday friday you're kind of chatting all the time, but this call- and I really didn't talk much at all till after- and it was nothing weird- it was just one of those we both cannot work. line involves other yes, we want to do we're going. repeating and and he's a he would have that gave his answer. I'm gonna take on my list It's gotta astute, were very stupid sports fans and, when you talk about like oh thursday, was all but more relaxed friday more relaxed weekend, more serious, the strokes, at the same of the usa, to who, on some have actually been trying to a better job that I notice that if I want to talk start talking like it's gonna help me that really matters thing was his last week I poet tommy fleetwood on Sunday. The
He has this this, like me, driver thing and I've played a recovery will pay. I've had it and I haven't really seen anybody hit- that great. He headed unbelievable, at least when I play with them. he had humbly born on seventeen. He hid it and he was right. Actually doing is one back and he hit it right on the fair. When I almost went to go, tell him like oh I've, just seen a lot of people seemed hit that left like I was going to ask them. What do you do different to not and but the next one, as water like all the electronic, I'm gonna wait, so he teed off. It took a lot in me to do about this, but I asked him. So you try to pick your spots, but it gets. I don't know it for me like. I am been big on that hey. If you're going to treat thursday like it's just a walk in the park like tried treat sunday that is well said I too, and if you're struggling maybe talk your way out of it a little bit.
enjoying your day, but it is tricky everyone's different. It's nice being out here long enough, you kind of know the guys who liked to talk and the guys who don't so right if they don't like to talk poor joe. I end up just talking to Joe the entire time where I'm out he gets it he's out there. I like Joe, a lot of felt bad. When I was talk to him, I was like I would have to avoid java. Your measured out, Jos meant because I hate that I like basically took it out of my big cats. If you have a deeper cause, he goes. I love them like a pog as he goes. I just don't like what he has he. that more than I do the egg I can set it off and just keep walking in. I'm sure he looks at them and arrive heard him say things that people like you, don't icy shut the fuck up, so he deals with a lot more of it than I'd. Are you still doing the no fox given on your way where we don't know? That's all? Yes, our yeah it up. She had no idea what to me I'll have liked the I've read a couple, different versions of that there has been a cant think of thought. My hat
has been some good get other gases, very people who gets a socially just start doing random letters. and have everyone just try to guess what you're turn out a fucking guard as well, We we made a very inappropriate joke about that that I won't repeat cause you can go back and listen to it. I've made a guess at what it meant and you're going to be in the ryder cup this year I you're joking ass high ass, a lot of pressure, lot, oppression, compete. Now you not competing for tobacco competing for america, which is way bigger deal going back to the holy land. Back to the Earl say: hometown europe, that's your home job, so have you thought about ever you allow yourself to think that foreign events where you like water cubs coming up. This is gonna, be cool, honestly. Not so. Last week I'm tryin, to I mean I've been in getting a pic cattle. this whole time I felt like last week open really, but
sweet solidified it were now. I think it would be crazy if I didn't yeah now, but but yes, I sound like a dream, but unless we get it would be, amazing washes so much on tv and last year the present cup I was playing with billy horseshoes and his At the time he's played foods is benda bunch, a rudder cups and he said our yeah, I'm fine. I see this. Of course I have ever done and he goes well. The next time, it's hot in arizona. The next time you don't know practice go practice. They promise you the ryder cup ten times greater than this really imagine manual. That's like lasher was insane at the presence cup yes m m both nervous, had excited but it'll be fun plan for countries wild I've done it twice. Now is insane so tat a whore every crazy do it over. There were they're gonna hate us which yeah I've only ever done it.
On our soil, where you feel like the king of the world. We can't stop them from so now. I say also whatever their money in their prey approaches ordered gonna, look all right. I got it. I know I ordered order and that this area is rather cosette. I gotta be sick. I wondered: what do we do if we do pretzels and they do most people's weight? So do you do, What are some of the guys that are going to be on the team? Are you guys like had a conversation like hey? This is coming up. Yeah, like start game plan, yeah. Just curious, if, like who's going to play with who they do a lot is that they have statisticians who kind of like pick who you play with, but we all have, like preferences of you know like colin, like I'd love to play with Colin. And things like that, so we just have talked a little bit about about just like what we think would but the team still so much influx? You don't really know how to get around. I wish you'd get john wrong.
you wouldn't arizona yeah, like god, s philosophy. Basically, what use like I'm gonna go to the forest place in america of such a heavy of textile trade together around it. John are fleetwood, he's gotta mollet, as he can be it at all events. We know. There's no difference here. Are you visuals asian guy, Here's a great headline, just visualizing this headline ruddy after the ryder cup over land the free and the homer. Let me think about that. That's really good You ever see the whole picture. There's a couple years ago at the open championship, Kevin gives inertia. first, they were the seventeen seventy six, a law that soft law than its crazy, because I feel like this one, especially like Everyone song always make the. U s team, as you like the europe team, is so much better feels like you guys gonna be the underdog yeah so that what better than
underdogs on a role we so and we have only one we have one on the road in since, like the early ninetys, that's crazy. Should I didn't realize two years ago they actually dominated by one of the most dominating. You are performs, every? U s! One like they won by their yet europe has said that it was cause a covert while making obscure yeas those costs are covered because there are no european funds over their yeah and so is like it was the american fans and there are being loud and it was. It was absurd. They undertake an excuse, the sounds like an excuse, although I'm leaning into that exists here. We have definitely after these will happen from know. If you're an american golf, then you should start planning efficacious right now what a great trip That would be awesome. If this is, it was weird. I've had a few people say: oh I'm coming to rome and this, and that- and I think to myself- that's while, but I guess it makes sense- I mean ITALY's italy's awesome. I went for the first time. I sure the food is a joke and yeah I mean it's incredible:
We get the wall whereby spicy me, but I'm not italian, but I'm I have italian chick children, so that counts. That's got yeah worm or some other billion assurances me round italian far yeah. You can't figure out if it means an arm italian or my kid. He adds my kids die every year. I think I'll take that good. Why not yeah? Alright, I have one last question: throwback question or h: o b h, K, dot com wherein the q, the and the short right now rollback outcome. Promo code take twenty percent off first purchase roebuck com, pitch me on cow, come to the big ten cause you geysers completely liar you wilderness is very easy. What usa comics you like a cat?
easy winds. Oh that's like to expand your fan base to the west coast cause at some point. They cow fans might turn, but they'll go straight to the big okay. But I'm just say it's you I mean have you? Have you followed all this yet in congress? Incredibly chorus right now, I know, since the I do feel really bad, because I watch all the cards realignment from a perspective of my team is safe. but I also know that, like maybe they aren't intent see I like you could come for everyone who is not a big deal. I think the benefit now they think about the cow will bring with all that that the smartphone
have gone there in that go there currently is that we can help you guys change your name too big tend to big. However, many axioms are ones they can they could do the math rogue is securely. You guys have not quite figure that when I am that doesn't seem like a heart adjustment is even if one team, but with the lady I go home for a very long had so long as they say it is a little bit concerning that has been adjusted. But, yes, I think those are a couple of the couple of the few things we bring. Ok, let's get some you beat kelly, hinges, doc, honour roger. So as true, yeah I'll blow results. Friends, yeah no around the big and rodgers feel future and be crazy. If anyone was an anti great I Now I hear looking guises shilly shallying present. Fifty percent for discuss through should do everything in order, if it for I don't joke about. Why
I'm not sure, I'm not joking about that. Oh yeah yeah, those those very funny in like retrospect. That was a very funny joke. They said we're not joke yeah fucking neutralize it yeah so fast or it will so I'll. Think about it. Yeah I'll talk to I'll talk to my last is just please please, please, please could maybe get she didn't want to join the hcc. No, no, I don't I've looked they'll, be just so weird if that, if it was by coastal, take ten salvage cooler we were talking. I can't imagine like ok cow does have an enormous budget, and could you mentioned awful team or our golf team biogas of travellers- a lot but like some, baseball team has to go play like rutgers rockers gets the wreckers always get screwed in this? research they always get thrown over the always like organ.
To prescribe rockers. I bought. What are we going to do what we have here on a bicycle, our budget, bus budget yeah, it's gonna be interesting, so we got a but you didn't graduate from cowbell. So I can- we take anything. You're saying shows every four years you are therefore idiot graduates have to do my thesis are you serious where this is the most malcolm laid for my country weighing college, and that's why I didn't get to go to my last thesis now You might not. Yes, it might be ugly. I still do it and getting you well. It might be illegal to do it, but what? If we had billy football radio for you? What is it on like this, he sociology interdisciplinary citys cos you can see many we ourselves in such a million. You know sociology rumours, behaviour, localization, that's billy! That's right! I believe he's got that for you. sociology is the major that our only I'm gonna go. Prow, though tat do sociology in communication at all. They can to help I've got in there, and I can I nudge. The advisor mackay you normally in europe is that it
We are always very. Are I take this class. This class I want to ask you roquat. Before done, you were to tell us we ve got so I did and he fell asleep during the kind of way you out with lurch. To get random did not know, is going out somewhere in the picture at so disrespectful to tailor. I didn't nice leap, knighted apps. How is a swift, high herds? Eleazer, who told you that my life's tik tok, yeah, yeah yeah sitting with your eyes, arresting your I kind of blankets gown. For that show it just do the ira's you try and re hours play golf for four hours every day and you walk and, of course, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you this right. Now we can protect you from a lot of things are not just with knows we will I'll join this with an idea that I certainly and are, even so, our buddy Josh's inner, whose days body took took us to the concert learnt, showed up. He works for josh, so as a fun reunion. So it's ford
or guys for their wives and one of our connor is six foot eight, which is not good at a taylor. Swift concert and everyone stands all the time he was being so friendly sitting as much as he can, but he ate one to watch at some point who stands up so we decided to switch and make it guys and girls so that they could all hang out and swift out, and we could just talk and so I walk over. There. Hadn't seen him in like it's a long shot and seemed like an hour and a half ago has a shogun were standing in the the girl behind me is, yells at me and goes hey it's not social hour. It's a concert. I can barely hear myself talk and I laugh I looked at her. I laughed and she looked at me. Dead oh yeah serious and she goes you don't know how? this means to me yeah, and I was like okay, sorry, so I stopped talking and then she started yelling at him to sit down and then finally, Connor had enough after two and a half hours of being yelled at for being tall being tall shamed
and a right around in Lhasa videos. You know get better seats text that I do not know what to tell you, I'm very it's all his other social and see. If I sit down, I was exhausted. It was very important to her though yeah it is. more important her than all of us for the record, you were not sleeping, not sleeping giant guys, don't like taylor, swift, it which really you don't you ever tailors philip saw. my least favorite. I think a great writer all don't you you don't care about her? It was awesome, plus she aus, adding to seek as if my angle at stage, but she gave combines two The that news was makes it felt like then it was like false. Yeah, I remember cause my job running joke for a very long time and it will continue as anytime a clippers fan talk shit to me. I tell them that taylor swift, has more banners at staples center. Yeah, that's like Michael Jordan, ryan numbers retired at the heat. Yes, they retired is numbered. I like this all good.
We always so thou smart of you. You just invoked kobe, to make us back off. What are you doing in his utilised genius we're already unwittingly, like you're, even wearing like a home, decorated taylor, swift, I'm not home decker lurches was it was painted on, but I had the either bracelet I had. I had the terror so sure I was full knowed yahoo com and I will call the dogs fleece air frightened. They are. You don't want you, others, Kelly. No, no. She I've seen her videos shot. That's no! She very very, very serious about yeah we're good greatest, the great as if she should be queen of the world. Yet gathering up between the world like tat I will max best luck this week. I guess we're rooting view very, very much, and everyone just now lay off Excellent go to work said something after the round
Yes, we all take anything. This is not the key word whatever it s. Only the most original common max will give you comment of the dead. Yet, in order of the day I had it in my brain. Just remember max is always great for us, because he he gives us time. He comes on whenever we texan these again come on. If he wins determined he'll come on drunk the next that night. So with that, we have to do our work. Yeah, so I ve got you they're more drunk me yeah. We want more joint you out in wonderland laundry drinking us up. We want all that's sick of second place max. We want a winner was more like a town. He says that lack this guy he's gonna be caribbean, this closer to trophies yoshitomo. Again he ever to break down the era when odin was black and I walked in
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Stars. He was on dominoes masters american cornhill league professional, a horse lily. Here on average aouda busy man how are you doing there? May yeah yeah felt like mother, get you some of my friends, you selling my grandmother, my brother. I was that because I hate you have you have time to do all this stuff and I just tell him the bow. I just try to maximize my time as much as I can in any. I get another opportunity that seems right you're an actor? you're musician. Yet I dont know, however, enough time to do this, but maybe most of all from our perspective You are an owner of a basketball team We part owner of the brisbane bullets in the nba australia. We are the owners of the new zealand breakers of the envious. We're gonna rivals right now. I need to. obviously what would happen the last time we played against guys, but
only two owner. Let's start here, you played for dance, Snyder he's gone josh, vs now and how excited are you about a new owner in Washington d d c cause? I know you're from the area yeah, I'm extremely excited for this. hey this is new ownership group because Josh hairs, guys all about community, is all about the people that make the team what it is. Even please in the rest of the group are the upper management I really feel like as a boy. Dismantle entity, a general anytime integrate those core. This is too what is it you're trying to do it for them the china wanna championship? I really think that they're going to make a difference. Within that organization. Yeah yeah paeonies,
We very excited, that's how that so we run the new zealand breakers as well. I thought the community we ve done great things down down and in christchurch. Yes, yes, huge I got a question is start it is about to be football season. You ve been out of the league for But now do you find yourself this time a year they in like manner? I kind of miss it like I miss the the maybe not camps. We know the actual like physical toll of camp, but the comrades the grass all that stuff. No, I don't anymore, her that, in my view, because I'm so busy with everything else. It's this strategy is like a distraction for when it comes to football That is not a bad thing, because I want a minute My life wish that I was still a football field. I had my time I enjoyed it, there's nothing greater than being able to look out forgotten on sundays and play a game there. You grew up playing and playing or teams that you grew up. Rooting for So is an amazing accomplished,
I would try for anything in the world. So without being said, I just tried to move on and to take the things as they come. Yeah, that's good perspective. That's very good perspective cause. I there's a lot of guys who leave the league in and you can tell that there's like a whole missing there and they they wish. There were out. and so it's good perspective that year even able to have that happen and then pass yes, absolutely and you during your career, you played for samoa. You played on a nice little stretch of all time football guys as your head coach. As I do. Obviously MIKE Nolan people forget he wore suit on the sidelines. At one point, two its honours. Father, I think, is less costly. That was like humans. del rio, they kind of pushed the dress code. I want one season, then laid for MIKE single terry, and I have a question about MIKE Mike single tariff for you delay. Walker, your former teammate you know? It's a big story: everytime you and single, sir don't get along. Well, you had your differences.
Said what you said, but Delaney walker shared a story that at one point you're coach made wrap song about you after you guys into a little argument, and then he can into a million at the next day and he made nobody listened to a rap song about how Davis is all about himself and just wants the ball. Is that true? Why was it I've thought about myself. It michael criteria to tat Michael crabtree came in he and I got into unaware. b, I wouldn't say an argument. We have today things could tell heard about it either he saw it. I can't remember, but. stood up in the meeting. He made the song about criteria, then what is it? We third I mean, the might signatory clip, obviously a very famous clip what's up afterwards in the locker room, when he does the whole can't win with them, can't, unfortunately, for you, it was very quotable, but what what
the law is a conversation like after that went out rather play with current guys that one is all about, and what good would it do can't we will go to its I've watched over by single jury. That was his. Defining moment as a coach, I obviously had hall of fame playing career, but what towards you watch idea like hey what the fuck ouch like I'm trying out here. We are back on land with MIKE Mike my girlfriend, like his mom. At the time, and I'm look here, lay why this is crazy. This is the most bizarre thing of everything, but as I had it, the ponder on it. I realised that it was the way it was I think for me. I needed it at the time because coming into the national football league being able to whose success get it game out you develop. You have this chip when you're showed a work
You need a humble, a moment That was a humbling extreme for me that I needed we're gonna say that he was wrong because that can What he did get me it actually helped me then what about when, when he took his pants off in the locker room and said you guys are all playing like ass and appointed as pothole to that was that a defined that help you that's light a fire inside? You know it did it did, but I get what he was trying to what he was. do what china I would use. What do you want to related came I didn't have as we would lose a man. We were well again pig Oregon parched with his didn't he, the winning team at the moment, but it's up to you to go by the get better and better yeah yeah Harbaugh harbaugh takes over and you guys have some immediate success with him another all time football. What was it like? We ve talked to qatar bob. from this. We know we are pretty well, but I'm
interest to hear stories from Gaza played form because it seems like it just ever day is a brand new story about. Oh, my god. I can't believe what qatar bother today, so that, from your perspective, What was he like as a motor national guy. As a head coach, our ball was very erika attic. He was ray energies, great human being he was there. a guy like you. he's gonna. Let you do what you want oh ass to be within cope with the team. Like has to be you can't go outside the t lie. You know you can't do anything foolish. You can get into accidents. You can't do and you can. deal you dont want do on account of them. That's a good really apart. Retreating, I'm on his side with the please, don't get your car accidents rule yeah, we're not, give an example of something to say, I'm just saying like he he'll, let you like he'll, give us you know The ball here they're like yours, some guys my wanna have I don't know what
in the family got my brain families to practice on a monday tuesday, yet they might wanna have extra spaces for the family to pop park at the gate a game day, a heel the work with it, but only if we'd winning games are doing the right thing. It is amazing coat. He knew exactly what its door like a great energy gray spirit about him and guys just wanted to win, I just wanted to win with them and that we we love about arbour, yeah and then you what's Jim Tom, saw who isn't all time for poor guy, but maybe not the most successful head coach ever, but we love him He's a dossier, we look, we look, we love gm counselor counselor was quite the gangs. Actually, my neighbour for a few years under his family, his son importantly on the same flat football team Oh it's attitudes to really get no know absorbed in his family in San francisco, as well as in washed, and he was also what, with the commanders, announced there. Yet
so from those four guys? If we on Nolan, single, terry Harbaugh, Tom Sula. That's That's a murderers row of just intensity. One right after the other that you played for out of those four who is the most intense outlook and set them how to save my secretary for sure, yeah the aim is intense man. He was, as you just said, it always made for you. or tat the assignment and make sure you just you right thing around him: he wasn't. He was no joke yeah he has that stare. The could just see you're like oh man, he's he's he's intense all that We interviewed him once and I we started talking the and I thought he was going to cry. Just talk about football cause he's that intense yeah, I figure we're getting it back to vernon Davis and a second he's being brought. You buy via tour.
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advice or has to offer they ve got great options. Great opportunities check it out. download divide. Europe now use goodbye, tore ten for ten percent off first booking one up over three hundred thousand experiences that you'll remember do more with via tor and now here's more Davis. I have tweet. I want to read to you and I want you to walk me through it. This is from, does never to swarm twenty thirteen. It's from you. and it says should be a league rule saying that an offender cannot tackle player by his penis nfl, the most full thing ever hashtag nfl you got tax dick manner. Painful for that day. I remember that that, like the back of my hair, now. We may never come what What happened when you like you, got tackled by your penis? Did you say to the guy? Like hey dude, don't tackle me by my penis? What the fuck are you doing now? I was just trying to figure out
what was going on me- and I know that therefore was the uniform, but I didn t know you painted with probably body So what are because it's like it couldn't be. or apparent that he was like, try it your big guy hard to bring down as well, grab for the penis and bring him down that way. Yeah I should I should award some pants will put a sticker across across my crotch, then don't touch yeah yeah that should be a flag. I mean there's a reason. Brett Favre never got tackled by his stick, but you, on the other hand, may maybe bigger target there. yeah so you've had you've had some interesting times of your career. You go out to denver and you win. A super bowl was that the You were peyton manning, He was injured any. He had the famous picture of him in the cold sub wearing the football studying is ipad. While you guys rather practices, I guess he was living. then, but what was with or without a bigger. I don't have it if culture shock is the right word, but going
sorry to play with the alleged like paid manning and how intense that guy is and how much you prepares. Is there anything that you had to change about your game going out to denver playing with him paid met, pay peyton? it was a special individual. He was able If a man he was put, we save him the b, He is v very very about football he's example. What a football player is Both physically and intellectually He added all amandas watching him be a leader in a locker room was quite experience. I I thought of myself ass, a leader during most of my career. I would say. the way he lay was different. beautiful watch, not definitely some advice from him and learned a few things yeah. Minutes, obviously the it speaks for itself as entire carers. Incredible,
I mean it was. It was cool to cease you cause you're such a great player, on the niners. It felt, like the other. We talked about the sum of the losing years to see you have that moment, especially after the superbowl against the ravens. To have that moment. Words like it all comes together in sight yet you deserve he's a guy who feels like we're watching he deserves to win the superbowl ring. Yes, after That was probably a relief to like you get you get. People ring? You still have a lot of career in front of you and then you're like go play wherever and just make for money, and I don't have to worry about chasing a ringer or finally getting one is averted gotten there, yeah I like to look at because you want to win the superbowl with the team that you started out with, but you have to keep in respect of that, even though you know you you did it even though you didn't want again attempt with the family, we're initially on.
about the hard work, the hours, the dedication all the time, put in to being the best about where you could possibly be all those their blood. When tears that you put out that's what you did it for you, data for the moment to come, And that market to come comes in any way does it. I called you always say: he's always say: doesn't matter how you one as long as you win yeah yeah, you know like a bugle, maybe maybe we, feel Golan when a game that way or maybe not put up with any point tweed is are built. but it's ok. We won the game. We move on to the next one and we can do better yeah, it's a I it's it's a good message for everyone. Listening would of course, I'd like to ask guys who who played like you did. What is the thing that fans get wrong the most when it comes to the professional game? What is it
that, like you hear fan say in there just like yours is wrong. You don't understand how the game works or the preparation works, or what goes into this well out of town. He put that about play collar. Why didn't coach play what incomes, but they don't stand like his all situational made if not what they lining up late? We might come up Might we might come out in the team? We plan my plan for cover tutsi right, but the team I come on different coverage. You know it might be covered to man. You dare to train regular cover too to man. What am I have one one week they might have somebody else over the tight and then they put they might free safety or all alarmed by becoming tighter than you planning at a corner you and a nickel on switch it up, they take it according to put him a nickel?
It is never know you have to be prepared for anything, so certain place that we plant, but we can't really run in practice and then and or someone on announced that might be looking at the play totally different than office coordinators. Looking at looking at yeah yeah I we were like that was best for the team yeah. Sometimes it's not about how good a player is right. We might have Calvin Johnson, okay, some people might say why didn't he just told Calvin Johnson he's lined up on salty sam's right over to the right, but yeah, maybe but the way to coach. The thing is that this is the better play for us in this situation. We could take a chance where I hit a calvin Johnson yeah shirt, but this might be the best situation right here. This might be the best mismatch mismatch. Maybe calvin Johnson is its current, like three path is out. It prepares is out of seven attempts. Maybe that go his ways because might look one look on his head.
It depends those that way and yet I think, Calvin Johnson catching three pets out of seven cars. Look Calvin Johnson! Isn't that perfect, yeah he's the hall of families to go for a player, but the great players, have bad days even greatly is sometimes it may I go away they planted by a nazi. and they want it. They're gonna come through its. I mean it's The point is, I know we sit on the couch all the time we're like. Why did she passed there? Why don't you run there and I know I'm wrong, but it feels good It feels good, critical eyes, coach really good to just say. Then it does something up here, because you can always dials something up heat up the core If that's all you gotta do on defense and take a shot. Take the top off the defense. I like saying that too, it's really easy. It's not a hard! respect a deeper than the underneath opens up see? All these things are like things, We kind of like half way here from commentators when we're watching the football games and they seep into like of our brain and we just regurgitate it back. Like it's her own thoughts. You, you think we're smart. I know you think we're
you, gotta scholars, IRAN. What am I take good? I think what am I take, what you guys us alone? yes, what was a conversation with your brother when he retired at half time these right there we want to come and tell us that the market we did not. The phone just is what it is actually just want to go see my grandma, his easel, at the door happen through interview. He gave up the funny But what a mockery? You haven't. We how to close the tat about about these always been declared the kid do what he feels he wants to do its bit like that, as it was whatever you want to do. He always felt like at the freedom and liberty to do it again I to judge, of course, there's the older brother, you wonder why wide you try to figure it out, and you say: hey what I didn't tell him that I didn't talk about this right here, but
you gotta go back? I ask yourself: the question I wanna mentally with his kate. I don't know. What's going on with my brother, maybe there's something in his head that I can't see that I can't believe. No one knows about you don't know so I can't judge them. I can't say that what he did was right or if it was wrong. I don't know I don't know I don't. I don't know if worried that, if I was in that situation, I dunno. If I would have done the same thing, maybe I would have I dunno depends on where you are because some people We are all different and and mine We were so caught up on with how things the work, oh, how the world sees things or how things supposed to be if a month, if I'm a tough guy, I don't give up I'll quit. But that's not always the case we have the king. Could we got have taken into account that life Some have tough life in its ok like this entire stressful. Sometimes, like
We too hard and the walk away from south is something that you and in a moment, no right or wrong way to that person. So I had to really process all that and think about it. I said: ok, I guess This is it. This is a very compassion a moment, and I had to be there for my brother and I happened and understand it, because that could have happened to me yet as you say, I might have asked a question wrong. We judged and we thought them the the moment not Now we ve got a ruler was ass. It was also decided which who'd who hasn't been spot. We're like you know what I've done, that he knew I loved. He knew he was done. He walked away. He was like I'm not going to go out there and pretend I quit we. I am always like this awesome. If I did it, if I did it, you got to talk about me. You could say whatever you as far as everyone has a right to an opinion and one has to take their perspective and the wedding, as is ok and you do it. I mean, like everyone has their
it's about whatever it is. That did happen to someone or you know is it is. It is the way like beer is ok yeah, but we had his back. Record like we thought we thought it was very cool yeah we light was admirable and my eyes I love quitting things. Yes, like my favorite yeah when it You're done why? Why going when you're done now, you can make fun of it, you can make fun of it, so he can make fun of for the rest of his life. he can become a comedian? They talk about actual spending, something pause. That's a fact so you hosted the challenge after show. I assume you're a challenge fan- and I want it, Ask you who your goat challenge competitor is ah mad. The question. Thank you. Thank you. I really like fathi. We became really good for I, I and I people will say, he's a goat,
Yeah there's only one answer, but I think he with his background in sports. I thought he did a wonderful job. Although he did a great job just just settings, I dunno doing what whatever it is that they do out. There is crazy I can't even rather myself what they are doing it in that matter, so I take my hat off to all those guys just for everything They are able to do from just then. is being just a total athlete. The car is now easy. I beg you to be led it to do a lot of stuff. Did you know I mean the answers, johnny bananas, that is the guy. In a pause man who knows: I'm not a jolly bananas. Guy put. How is the girl say that many years ago, You know he is the mental, the physical he's, the go you. How do you had a little period where see tee? I god is cardio back any was used focusing on that western stare
Now why, when you say cd because somebody like johnny bananas over quickly because as much I love city, He doesn't have the longevity that johnny bananas does and he didn't have. The mental game. C t was a was a guy who lived with his heart on the sleeve he he you know his son some off. He let it no. He bashed atoms skull in that one season episode one. He ate his brains, its mental. You know it's mental. johnny bananas, the it's johnny banana when I'll go to the city, because it only bananas, unfortunately is johnny. Bananas is the guy You have to be impartial as the host you can't, you want to say is johnny bananas, but you can, but you notice look up the like. I said I, like I really like fifty, I like it. I like his potential. I like his athletic background and I think if he, if he's one of those guys to stay around, I see tee and I've been out, there's been around there. He could become one disguised the weekend. We can talk about an and really be in. The rockies were still like. My thank yous they needed
when for job you, you famous. You were famous for your your incredible Let us ism going back to the will you set some records and track and field going into the the draft, your combine stats were just unreal, go back and look at at will. He ran and in the forty hour dash how biggie was how strongly was, but then you two dc and you get to work with the strengthened conditioning goat. Do rudin, who I'm surges, took your body to the next, Well chiseled it just she isn't it yeah. What's tell us tell us about deuce gruden, because we are a big produced. Gruden podcast, we think he's an absolute beast. Yeah dude is one of those guys when you say don't let the size fool. You right cause he's like what does this, like, probably like five, yeah on a good day, but he was really. It was very. as the borrowing he was it was cool to be able to work man,
they parted strengthen conditioning team? His knowledge. His experience in his energy good vibes provide so be able to be run. That was pretty pretty fast. Yeah or match what have you ones last sunday lifted, because europe your peak I'm reading these numbers. foreigners, sixty bench press. What was it eight six, eighty five squat. What if just got on the bar right now. What do you think you could still put up very papa come on. Coma shoulder my short lived, my bodies good, never surgery, but I had, You know shoulders, doubt here and there, but I did try to stay away from events. Was
Ok, that's a may! Not! I feel like that's a mark of like every ex great athlete I like yeah, look at my numbers and then you ask them they're, like I just use resistance bands and it's like well, I can't say anything because I know you squatted six. Eighty five, when you were like eighteen years old yeah, Let me look good. I gotta look. Let me look at you you're an actor now yet yet have the yard the popcorn muscles for the screen right. So you. coastguard in a movie with with morgan freeman. How is that I imagine that that was intimidated, work with him, those pretty pretty amazing working with morgan freeman. I I just like taken his energy and is taken and how his work programme. It was It was phenomena. What can have a debate with the director of fifteen and after we were done with rehearsal, it was I was pretty hard to see the best voice ever ts. By imagine anything any says sounds good. Yes, by far by far more in the tough question?
take patched becomes out of this one quarter: right now. Would you have liked to play with Alex smith? No right now is, I met a plane. with the other guy could still could still be playing. I dont know not that our lovely lovely play with ok. Why? Just because of how good he is or what, like anything, can do it all when you were young quarterback yeah I just like playing when you have a quarterback that can that can run pass and run. I mean that's the dual threat. You can, the causes of them away when a heavy ship very high up somewhere. vaguely Lamar jack the one one championship. It begin still one between now and the next three years yeah so give us give us. Social protection for the seas and whose, when insuperable and then secondary. It seem that's gonna, surprise somebody, but the pain is going to superbowl will probably be watchful rabies. That is why I think the watchdog
the secondary school is good. I like that, I like. I love you sort de roo for the commanders yet because I'm here washington dc and I pay for them for years. Vernon. I have one last question. It's actually a guest question, so I saw that you are an avid curling fan as an honorary captain for the olympic games. Ok, so I have the only curling fan. I know our guy all business pete. Who does our text stuff? Pete? You have a curling. pushing for vernon Davis because I never met a curling fan you're. Second, in front. I've ever met so I don't even know what to ask you about curly time we got you. yeah you can it's, it's robot crush, go ahead, what you pay sport and wiser. Curling lot of people say I don't think my favorite sport is curling, I'm not going to say it's about my favorites. What my favorite sport is basketball, I love basketball, I tried to support when I was in san francisco and
I went on the ice. Listen to me, it felt like shuffle board it felt like I was. It was equipment who being. Yeah being in front of a scuffle border, the strategic, irish happy to game after but figured it out but why is it that is pretty pretty cool game? Yet will you? will you good when you are the honorary captain, because pete here tried once me failed miserably, so large is it- is it translate, being a curling fan to actually being good at curling? Well, I think. I think that if you you can if you can get good at you can get good at. I got a prac arlene be good at anything. I get ice time really put the time in to perfect the craft and the craft is just it really is interest in the way they deal. Then the stone and slightly- and if we to get more distance it
he says weed science and really what it is. A game is science yeah all right? Well, that was I mean that I had to have pete. He literally is the only person I've ever met, who likes curling and I saw that you are an honorary captain. You like curling, so you're the only two people I know in the world that, like curling, it is the It's boring sport ever created. That's because you know not a static and doesn't getting one rainy can't figure it out. If you use spin, the rock onto a dub, its target, it shuffle board is exists. Gale. I understand I like watching curling once every four years when it comes on it like out o seven, a m when the olympics, Erna wit, weird timezone, is the first thing they put on. its relaxing way to start your day, but I don't think I can you drinking came out of it. If you can make a drinking came out of it, then a watch yeah, it's called shovel. at a bar of the drug belt gaza drunk when there, and I think you should lead without PE here's. What you should like earlier. I'm trying to keep it at school.
of the hour- I am he won't have you could not can be brought a blow it up. If you tried we're coming to their coming to jersey, yours nationals are linked to the american dream enters though one area everybody's invited every everyone, everyone, everyone everyone's invite everyone's invited prudently, but well everyone, not every, not everything or not every is busy We voted your famous words bass. What was your favorite player who's your coat, but oh, my paypal account Michael Jordan. I could answer and who's. Your way require right now operate. Well when it I can't go back. I'm gonna stick with this guy, even though he's getting old, I'm gonna, say Lebron James now come on come on, don't you think it's weird It is played twenty years without an major injury it. What play for three years with no surgery units. We're too never others an make it yourself.
yeah how how much you take yourself? How much does it cost a month? They carry yourself all your friend Why will go to the cap that would go out, get him such methods to three times a week, that's about one hundred and fifty dollars per massage chiropractor twice a week. That's about seventy five bucks- Then I have what does that mean stretched So those are my maid who owes it to me two things that I would do to take here myself, massages incorporated yeah we love those stories come at once a couple years, but a player that just lies and say that they spend like seventy thousand dollars a month on their body to stay in shape. I think about forty two thousand four hundred but point four hundred bucks a week. That seems are alive again
Yeah million dollar contracts? Yeah? That's good yeah! I think you'd be yeah. You made a sound investment yeah. I think I know I wouldn't go anymore. I wouldn't go more any more than that. Okay, alright, how depressed you be if you woke up one day and your body just looked like mine, and you look at what the hell they to live. For you say I should came yeah I wanna kms vernon when ass a man appreciate you come on aids, I'm you wanna come on talk, bollworm were open, haven't you! so thanks so much ram company chicago, sometimes yeah the studio. Yeah. Ok, actually, thank you guess what It's my rushmore second points brought. You buy babble gift. who plays a summer? We can learn. Speak like a local with babble because of babel. You can start speaking a new language in just three weeks. Why babble, because it works. at a pang. Hundreds of dollars for a private tutor are fooling us. language acts that are little more than games babbling,
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Rules and restrictions may apply. Ok, my rushmore time mount rushmore of best broadcaster calls jake. Do you feel the pressure yes k? Do you think shot of a lifetime will be picked Ah, I mean it was either get picked by you guys who talked about during a lot. We were knocked what's your job honourable mention your going to bring it up. Ok, can you give us the scout. Now that the paint poverty has been dropped and be twenty five, four become pfc. Twenty four for acts. Hacks max and twenty three for also point separating everyone, men, seven left anyone's game. The only ones game I. What is the order today? It'll be me and billy behind him. Acts will be bags see, there's so much pressure on you for this one jake, though yeah, but
expected to win right, hank expect anyone talk about them that's what he was yeah and you just read of buzzfeed article. Also, what's the paintball video? Yes watch? Meanwhile, the ship is speaking people that should have won the fact that Billy's team was the only one that didn't when was you had me? I was scared. spoil. I'm really awesome cheated alternative. Billy's an army of one. I would actually can't we all see the footage easy. How much billy really choose you I wanted. I am looking over the last cut right after was a clear with pillages kept on getting shot, not current doing anything that maybe it's not easy at all use a good amount, because that was maybe the The frustrating thing of all time is shooting Billy and then him being like whoa. It didn't hit me bro yeah, it's like dude, there's paint write letters. They are generally gentle and very difficult to play at least one like at least two tough for paintball. He doesn't feel the bullets hit him, and then he pulled off his shirt and he had like ten welts on his back. Do we get that footage too
yeah, that's good good! Ok! Yes, I one one. The doing I'm excited there's no pressure on this pick the greatest colonists, sports. Do you believe a miracle? We do not follow a good peck could pass through. Oh we gotta play all the pics doubt would be great also, I feel, like I learned this summer recently, not the championship. We urge you to know. I knew at the entire ever seen miracle the entire hearth. But I thought it like element risk. That's the whole point. You have so much miracles and element ritual. Whenever a team are we not everyone movie? I didn't get that could you try again came out fuckin makes I saw in theatres. Let me repeat, but you know that the whole of the origin of the people forget that segment was just repeating that people forget that I was The championship game, I obviously falsehood
yes great! We want just. I think it should say cause. We only have so much room, for it should say: do you believe in miracles and then save are talking about lake placid, yeah, okay, okay, good pec, great pic, And we're gonna go with down goes frazier. that's one later was gonna. Be too was the official. Ah razor versus foreign, warm at yeah I'd say that I think I'm day I'll, try and are right that I may I thank you, my era anyway, no mandatory, I could pick well sure do phd we. So we those were gonna go want to. We did. I think that
the third one on the list is iconic. Alright, it's third or eight three. Okay, we're going to go, though our first, but you say our first pick, the band is on the field band out on the feel it's out at a game, so famous they call the game. Yup cow Stanford the band was on the field was literally on the van was literally on the field and ran on the field. I soon know how to stop that play. It's insane oh. It's just called the play apply pretty thick
I brought it does not work out about rugby baby and many reigns over. The edge of this solution would have been right. You know it was rate cover. All the haters think rugby latterly can't watch football bear witness to that. Play should go five. Yelled C4 means you'll. Love is pick Do you can use type or any up yet? I know you had a lot casinos home run.
It's so good, it's so it was on our list, but I couldn't take it one. One that would just be a slap in the face of is true to the hole and it would have been to the, but it is such a hilarious funny call iconic call became a meme, that's prague and when you guys the draft just because of the social media- and I mean I just made a comment earlier tonight- that I guess. went out over the year that I am deeply ashamed. If I've heard anyone out there. I can't tell you how much I saved from the bottom of my heart, I'm so very, very sorry. I provide myself and think of myself as a man of faith as ears I live in a de plus the fact that it was during covert too, and there was no crowd noise. Nothing more game! Yeah! I dunno. If I'd be,
not apologise, because I'd like to go further well, that's like one of those things that, like I can't wait to like my kids, are older I'll, be like hey. Let me show you this video like and let me set the stage for you. It's so good. Oh okay, you guys, hadrian expec. Yes, This is a favour, one of my lifetime that isn't necessarily my team, but and you know when the football ocampo chaotic x x kick six good one. Good. This is all going to be good. This is gonna, be the landscapes anxious on me. I just really like listen to these two tat miss. They saw this is think about sports This is their home radio call yet I would want rod bit bramble it who, on fourchan, passed away.
of years. What a bummer not to get the context context the guy died. Hey, I'm just is the voice of the tiger. It's just an extra task. I don't want to think about, guess is that the authority failed it and rotted out alright. Here we go the alright fifty six yarder the gap does not have a leg, and Chris Davis takes it to the back of the endzone he'll ride it out to the ten fifteen twenty twenty five. Thirty thirty five, forty forty five, fifty forty five, the part to the field. Also. I, like the analysts goings on my god, the elaborate say that after big enough for when in the se see everybody stingray steve comes out a little bit, yup yup those great call, alright,
good picks, all our guys so far, we're. Gonna fix all right. I don't have anything to say bad about like pure. what's wrong with you guys. You stood about Where would know bickering we had always heavy machinery. You know that don't know shit yeah. I guess that's good. Are the next one bill bognor behind the bag, then Scully, sir, during fever, jimmy foul, and I think you have nightmares from this. There's a scene k this one doesn't like hit my brain immediately, like some of the other listless unfamiliar, but it's maybe reach see what the voters say. I will say: oh if you can't find it, then that's the source. Pic of all time. It's the error. I think you pass a pillbox. tween alike. Ziad theatricals muky roses epoch it back here
no it's a great balkans, been skull. My dumber than the first I mean, maybe for our fan base, it may not be the best bet saw its it. Isn't it play ok, I think it's a grey call, but next policy, our next pic is going to be wait. Wait, you're snake works. ah fuck factor we will see you tomorrow night So when we were on board too Jack jack works better than one Joe said it
so which one I mean there's a right answer. There is jack buck yeah you do. I would have gone because his was a callback to his dad's job, all the sentiment in it. Unfortunately, jack buck passed away. What a fuckin a yeah, alright kirby pockets. in the original screen. Plexiglas place had no idea. Why was there has been so hard for the bridge at this point? Also be public was ass, yet its things we don t get what you say how he was. He was so yeah he's a horse to a house of ashore king and a great name. Ok, People forget that the twins pinstripes yeah, and for a more general one here, but we do have a specific
website. Do you want? go back and can't do that. You have to a man of guys. Pickaback, ok, give us your best, bang max kurt, the curry from three bang after you, your mother, ok the regular, seizing aim at the thunder yeah. I weep fifty we with I think we got two great ones coming home at once. Most would not apply falling away. We'll go rebound circulating about what they do. Other time now decide not to use a wide level bearing a double yet two bags out. I mean that I do like is the best like by plague, I call, and that is but that is the best one that he writes, the rare double bang. When it happens, you get goosebumps yet I pity
I think that to me this is pretty easy because it will go number. Eight young we'll go number six yup, You! I was same. You go, go eight first same exact way. Blank is exactly what I was thinking. We just tom, and I can't believe that this baseball call is still on the board and I dont believe what I just saw: kircher gibson, homerun yeah, that's what I was going between back and forth and then was thats evidence. I only got an eye over yeah. That's really lando underrated part about the skull. He doesn't talk after says that he lets the moment exists. Yes, jazz. If the words that he than other issues, I think Of all dodgers moments like oh, I must have been Scully, I mean it's icon. Iconic moment
believe what I do not really so great. What was the buck? Ripley up even better park, park ripley I mean I don't believe what I just saw. That's goosebumps way why of the article on reading is crediting, been Scully? No, it's a credit, then scully for jack box, historical, wait. What we play that it's not been Scully swear. It's it's book jackpot jackpot, yet checkbook. Yet.
It makes sense as very dull moment of our susan. I was buck gibson buck ripley to do so so here's what happens right. I, when I typed in the google who said I dont believe what I just saw. big letters the big headlines comes up is It looks like it says, buck aped, rip, yeah. It's analyzing that jack book ape. A guy named ripley like copy that guy named ripley, alright, so so So this there's a whole story about how people think it was, Scully, because it was the dodgers which we just did. Yeah boxes the game for the national radio broadcasts it. I dont believe what I sauce Scully was the game for the local tv. Rock ass, it equally historic call in a year that has been so probable the impossible, as happened while so both credible calls, but I dont believe what I just size is I caught yet alright last one I can't believe this thing get picked. I cannot believe this and get paid. maybe the greatest call of all time. It is.
Jim Ross mankind has broken enough. I cannot fully the single act. I got an old score. I admire Wait here are usually only. Let me know another murder format it out means people actually is as maims thing to kill them. Movements is broken, it that is means backs up. Does absolute meme is good neck, maybe said I mean. Do you like to call yeah? I just don't know it. So I'm not going to pixar like me. Actually, that's not true, but you've heard it yet you ve deadly heard in a meme format, but it's always the last for the print Helen cell undertake,
maybe I'd I'm on it. back to more historical iconic, one that doesn't necessarily mean a lot to me, but is under the conning, although this means a lot to you, what giants women die. If you hear it, negotiations are still one more there's, but I refuse to take what are the results if you got sick? Aren't that you do what I want is a giant when the ban, Oh, I know you're gonna see the other eye. Now I know what you think I was going to say I I said: giants win the pennant okay good pick a story, you don't need to know what that is, but you say: giants win the pennant and people know. Yet what what you're talking shot heard round the world?
Are you doing up about everyone about the one about something about that night? It's ass! Good! Luck! I like to beg you classic less panting, fifty one! Yes, When we are going to do this one earlier this week, so means gave a recommendation that I can ignore. One adsum comedy to this so Kevin Harlan, announcing a stricter, The man is drunk He goes
Do they somebody's one another feel so good, a red sure how he takes up a sure he's running down by the people is very bad. It is just the opposite. You wanted a fifty you're, not gonna, get a weighted, chested somebody's tat, the blue eye tat it's so. I wish I was most exciting happen and I will not go beyond our. I heard by all so I'm ready for the last thirty one now, given the workers, the there might be fournier what we had Kevin Harlin. The lebron James call. Lower need us with no regard for the guy. I so there's
funny ones. It would throw out that you can play. We were about doing part, always done it buy outs on more. What am I that will be one of those government's. I am shocked that have a check, snowball wouldn't get picked a handkerchief, and put it in there. I'm sure it's the one that I was gonna say I wouldn't say it's touch, 'em all joe Oh Firstly, the dead, so tat, the other was the best part about deck, always right before the pictures were to look for his first it'll pass the other
this one's a classic. They were think it highly considering doing you're clubs in the box, susan walden. Maybe the fight is call of all time? What she's crying on air who's in georgia's box of all the dramatic things I've ever seen in my life. Roderick atop one the good? We also had friend of the show Joe buck a disk, sitting AG anymore. I thought that was gonna get picked for sure it's tough,
because you see the phonographic doesn't really paint a picture. I think everyone knows it plunged thing in general, in general attacks on the road at random laws without even since the woozy disgusting, let's get back to it, started yeah social media every day other classics that we missed. sending jerome
bill rats or after your play. I thought this. I hope this will get picked. Likewise in your life, the out, I like it better messrs there's a really good, when all these are mostly been from the side of either just pure excitement or from the winning team for losing one idea: the plano east highschool football championship in texas. I forget there were They were winning by like twenty eight points, with a couple minutes left and the inner choking way the game at the end and then after the comeback happens there, The team that was up, comes back and beats the team Just came back, the announcer The team that end up losing just goes: god bless was kicked. Kids, I'm sick. I want throw up. Who's got the best yeah, we almost picked out one o thou improvident. Looking on the graph, I think the best might bring bang is round. Oh, we, so we're thinking about doing noticed, spectra knocked out of the park. Yeah It has also said, Michael, you stuck it out
after after the shot against the calves. I also wanted to say that the villain over national championship outside it was an offering idea where it's fun. I was. Looking, though I thought in my head that Bobby knight call was better the the chair on the floor yeah, but it wasn't yeah. I think it's just the moment. I have to call the long home run by john carlo stand that end up just being in and out that's thoroughly. Actually, listen that that was a funding we have about. One is very, very funny steavens the two three thirty five homers ninety seven army and for wacky who always catches offers us a boat is saying that, while I want politely to catch me, but the numbers with of all day and for working are much better than a quality. And vasquez. That's why poetry's? Oh no! This isn't it. This is the the signs of being a single. There was another one where it was caught or there were two different to go
If I had a out of the bull bar and this is the what what did I do wrong way. Yeah faith it's good to stay in tony and home run in a while. I thought it went out. Aaron boone is looking. Are they going to look at it? yeah. Then they tried to cover it up when it wasn't it was they closely how the marshalsea see. Let's see, I thought it hit off the top and came back. yeah there's another one from a home game. It is gone, but cosette yeah sterling. I could not. Rushmore, though, you're good about the I apologize to the youtube viewers right now, because you're just gonna not, showing the yeah you're give us can kill, you play one more its ashore one. Can you search for that
gay college football. It's a very funny, guy son! caspian down looks like a pass that needs to be caught. You can't use your shoulder to catch. A football you've got to get your hands out there, every night that I'm out there with my kids working on catching the football I want to use their body. It's just a natural instinct as a human being, but you've got to learn to be able to put the ball in your hands. Your hands are what makes it possible your shoulder. Pads are hard to steal, your hands are, are tender and they can move in rest, the ball as gonna get up yeah. Now I would never pick one of my calls, but if I were the ending of the arizona balls the ass many ass regards even offering. I figured out all over that by accident. Now. It's all good idea.
good, more rushmore good, my road accidents, solid about rushed, we're just good vibe feel good about it. Yeah I feel great, but our pay yeah, I read about it. I feel real good about tax we were were were on, saw mathematically, safe legs, He has won this. Nor do I think we will rats I wish to reject number. Then you gotta figure out, what's your magic number so that we don't have to use punishment, yeah well, you're, only up three points and there's twenty so now I know you think I want to know what we still got to know what the magic, knowing who knows no jake. We said no one. I know what you were not as may, and we ve hit it. We're saying what is our magic numb right? So please forgive that up, figure out what are we gonna start talking magic numbers. I feel you to tie for any imagine number three we still want to know you can have a magic number in day what a baseball, your majesty number. They want to base one hundred sixty one
and when, if you win the first game, you're one hundred and sixty what year is your magic number think it's like yeah, it's a weird formula. I don't think it's that weird. It's winds, combined with last place losses, but if you know, but if you win every game, though jaguars euro, your reason not yet than your guy, so your magic number would be seven. More points, seven more wins, the more wins. Some more went so fourteen team is our measures. Number problem will not slower than yet we it's. How many points to learn that one is so fifteen is your magic everyone this one be thirteen yeah? Ok, if you ever get bigger, alright was do our last ad we'll. Do fire fasten said everyone along the way for the weekend you before you to firefox. It's brought to you by our good friends over paramount plus paramount plus football app, you need to know which acts that you have to have for policies, and you have to have paramount, plus paramount plus is here for
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I'm moving on Monday. Let's jake was only a longer life fighting a disabled person, it's exciting, but it's also it sucks because many spending the weak actually Yet nor were there any things about your apartment. You're, an american disabilities act approved department that you're going to miss. Ah, no, no Jackie, said in socrates, your be moving in what you said sucks to not be use your legs cuz, I more, he has so exactly proactive for opening up that spot for someone who needs it. More than ok just fell back so guilty over last month. Living boxes. yeah. You had a really tough yeah, so actually thank you jack. Thank you for doing that for living out of boxes, given your spot up, yeah. That's why you're here I couldn't imagine doing it another day, yeah, but now someone who needs it will get it and I'm going to be moving again, very good, very good.
Fifty my fire festive the week is that blake, my dog bit my penis. What Is it my penis tackles your penis late, vernon Davis got to undermine speeches. He bit my penis he's a little bit right now so he kind put his teeth on everything I had his robe toy. I was holding his robe toy. He leaned in or to try to grab it. I pulled it back, He missed low. He bit me on my penis. Bit me directly on the piazza and always get it four penis, so no penises safe around him. This is we're just gonna try fly at everyone's dick and whose get sex from guess ex browsers lex lakes gotta sex problem, but yeah that was it was very painful- do not break the skin. Fortunately, so I'm awake your dog, gave you head I gotta see ya
yeah. I got a really bad sucked. You off. I got a really bad blow job for my dog, but he bit me right on my penis and then and then yesterday he had his in two by mistake. That was the rocks is wrong. It does rock Iraq's he didn't swallow, but he chewed he put his lip actually yeah. So I just went in. Free milgram got it out. You didn't even puke anything He don't complain about about trying dip for the first time, unlike somebody else, it sitting in this room with us so aptly cut it. Blake is at war point like super masculine and then add another point like very feminine yeah, so loves given head and loves in alright. My ma am, I festival, see mount rushmore rushworth. I. so I have two one. Is there was a guy with a big belly walking down the street the other day my daughter was like a look that's dead my son actually corrected her was like that's not dad, but yeah that hurts a locked. So
admit that, like putting obstructed the like what they see, that's bad so die. It's going well, though, lost, but ten pounds, sir, and then I also put almost what my piss almost spooked I didn't tell you guys the full story- I told you guys that I almost I was it was emergency that I put my PA sit down and did the spin move and just barely didn't almost rimmed it out. Whole story is. I didn't just barely get in the toilet, approved on the floor a little just a little bit yeah. It was bad. It was really really bad, I don't really know what to say other than it was really these bathrooms her. Second, whereas it was I. To have yet Jake's toilet, eyeballs email. It was at home, but as a thrill of victory agony of defeat moment. As I thought I had made it
and then I was sitting on the toilet and then I looked down on the forerunners like wait. A second. I owe you how's that poop get here like a phantom poop there. Every time you go to the bathroom, our spats, that's, where was it was bad. I just I didn't put what has put almost worse put on them on the ground, yeah yeah max. You have one Ah sure I've I've got a coffer like six. It's now I can't get. I can't get rid of this habit forever. The and that's that doesn't that's not a thing anymore. Long long covert, yet yeah other thing I don't treat max and give him remedies for long covert. I thank you and the last one. Is it more problems here cause he's gone vaccinate seven times, yeah, that's true, but max and I bought a new like bad frame. So get cheap, one that doesn't have a headboard or border anything it just like you get your bet off before and. Doesn't have like slats
and I move around in my sleep, so like my box spring sly, it's off of the bed like midway through my sleep when you say move around lying sleep you mean like in your bed- are too like the next bedroom next door. that will not, as you say, why, investment in your girlfriend's bad verbiage that I live in Chicago now coming. but I wouldn't put it past. You just hop on while sleep walking up in her bed. It moves around a lot. He fondled his feet, yeah he guy Also, we saw picture weight so max we hold on to your bed. You get your bed at night, you sleep and then you wake up in it just completely. It's not off of its like half way off. So I also might be a year of my way your violent sleeper size. I think that goes with it If you're going in bed move the mattress, that's a lot of force, but what of the fifth?
it's just like a violence yeah. I think it's a violent thing. I think the violent roller will probably with you know, all that's been going on for your favorite teams. You're, probably you're bottling it all up and it gets out in your sleep. Maybe I've never thought it. I didn't think about this as awaiting it could be. Because the only it always goes like me put me on the force awaiting yeah, my kids point too. Fat people are being wasted, daddy, that's a thing! There's a lot awaiting weight things almost exploding ever tommy, add five miles an hour. Treadmills! There's! Once you, you realize we ve also sign yet for this five guy, that's a real firefox. The future max is wrong and I worry scoggin five cases means. Are we all doing that? I have Wait I'm running the five guys you don't have to pity college football shows that we can so I I'm not gonna attend, but max is running. Hank is run a means. Running Jake is running Sixteen is running. I'm going. Should I be running if you want to knock it off, You have made everyone else,
well. You can take my spot at that. One Pft that might be the weekend where I do my marathon max density box gets five thousand dollars. Fee runs under thirty three minutes. I I hate that you're saying that, because I'm not going to be able to run under thirty, I'm not going to be able to do that, and I can't do that. why not I also that attitude idea. I'm telling you right now, that's a very kind of you can. I don't want to do that, because you're going to get a cheque for five thousand dollars out at a charity, allow it you know he's like. I don't even want to say this. I would give it to them because I'm not going to build a finnish. It's like can't give it also that I'm not going to also you hate dogs is actually happen, though, because what we are doing, the opposite of video forestall blue and I just randomly said max. You gonna run it and he gets five cave does under thirty three minutes, and he said what If you pause and I said well just match So now? Actually, you would attend Kay
but you're not gonna happen didier. My old man style that for the door, is very sad that you resigned. The fact that you can't run in eleven middle mile, I can run one a lemon minute, my hand you what is it like? Three africa one? Currently I could run and eleven minutes eleven miles, not half an hour, but three like the date playing one. the distances, gonna going, I'm going to end up I'm gonna get an injury like my back he's. Gonna is going to come out with you. So for me it's gonna, it's gonna! a distance run it s, not that far into it's mitchell, far best what a train for this right, practice wrong. I'm all! I also reflects what about this. What if I read it, the four with a time and then you ve got beat me. I'm not! I'm not gonna, be you you. You run I have never run three miles in my life and the most I haven't run three miles in fifteen years wrong. You did it or you did it. Oh yeah did do it at the super bowl yeah on the treadmill.
yeah, but rather than ever I am ass. The beast I forgot him sneaky draft bill different I've. Try to try to run three miles and then I got you gotta get my this was like out my motives that lead to mangoes that lacks. Would, if I read it with you, And you only have to beat me by ten minutes If you can beat me by ten minutes, I'll kick in five, can wait. If you bought a spot in the ten min daughter that five minutes out you ten minutes. I do I Don't think I can do it. You don't think You think I don't think I should be denying realising art is the best margolis we're gonna find out the outward, and if I'm gonna find out yeah yeah. Ok, the line is set. Maybe you don't have to run it? If you can make sure that you can feel max all too well that, get it right it now. You could get on the pike You should read the the front seat of attend a bike means or at the back backward
You probably don't allow bikes in five k on the on the race course. I think they will we last year. I know, but I'm good or I'm gonna run it and max. That's that's the goal. If you beat me and if you can cover ten minute spread against me, five thousand charity The only way would work is. If I could give myself breaks in those ten minutes, will you can't you can't walk still goes? We also know that we start at the same time. You don't know what my finnish timescale, yadda yadda, twenty five five, I can do that if you get when is it September night, the day before an offence. like lorry weeks here, I'm also
on vacation next week, I'm bulking yeah, no pft, don't I just make him run the thirty three. I said it. I said it I'll I'll stand by it. Okay, I just need a course map, so I can scout out where the water stations- oh, my god, okay, it's going to be fun, though it's going to be very fun. Jig with that, was you doing a bit? No, not okay always be ready. Yeah, okay, numbers memes ever gone this eighteen, six hundred twenty memes as one It means that we get this on eighty eight paucity of greece
let me guess the eiffel tower gets so.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-19.