« Pardon My Take

Max Homa, Aaron Rodgers Emerges From His Cave, Official NBA Finals Picks + Fyre Fest Of The Week

2023-02-23 | 🔗

Aaron Rodgers emerged from his darkness cave after only 2 days of solitude with potential use of lights. We got basically every fact about the Alabama situation wrong(02:38-21:45) . Anthony Richardson climbing up draft boards and our official NBA Finals picks(21:45-40:00). Max Homa joins us in person to talk about his incredible last 25 months, potentially winning a major this year, positive vibes and tons more(40:00-01:26:13). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week with special guest Doogs aka Billy’s drunk handler(01:26:13-01:50:00).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey, pardon my take listeners. You can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary can listen ad free on amazon, music. Today's pardon my take. We have our good friend max homer, person had never done it. person interview with him? It was awesome we're getting geared up for the masters speaking to read a full swing review next wednesday. So everyone go watch. It will have a couple of people, couple players that were on foot ring on the episode we're gonna do. Some aaron rodgers talk. We have fire fast. We have Billy here who lost all his chugging competitions. Great friday show for everyone. It's brought to you by mega, accounting solutions, attentions while business owners you may the eligible receive up to twenty six thousand dollars per employee through the employee retention, credit, yours, possible business owners
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are still sports now again, eight five five. five, zero, five dave, Is it omega tax credits dotcom such parts to sports? Now? Ok, let's go Let us not have any idea how much weight by post, While the report of my tea today is fry yea february each one, The fourth
an aaron rodgers has emerged from his whole from his darkness. Retreat. If seven more months of winter, yet worse groundhog ever ever. he has come out. He has, he did it in record time. He complete fifty percent. His darkness retreat so what he said on the pat that we show these going for four days he completed to day, That's all I needed! That's that's impressive because he's due to make what sixty million dollars yeah he figured out that he wanted to return for sixty million dollars guaranteed and only two days' time. It was either that or he went in there for like one sleep was like yeah. No, I don't want to go to the jets yeah It's like I'm good, I'm good, I'm coming out. Jesus did for three, but he was in there for two and he's trying to think of. I guess what his future has in store for him, trying to figure out. If he wants to keep playing football spoiler alert, he will want to continue. Probably wouldn't envy pay, so the report that came out from the guy
scott berman who own sky cave retreats. What crockett shit this business? basically The dude owns a bunch of trees and then puts doors inside these little tree. He arrives. like an elf, the after two days, They put him inside and a three hundred square foot apartment. It's got. Electricity he's got a queen bed, no, a bathroom and meditation light matt. Does sound like someone. Who's just come back from a long weakening, vig right. That's basically what I do every time after bachelor party yeah. It is perfect scenario to really dry yourself out in in it's it's I I looked at it. It looks like a manhattan hotel room, the ones that you get where it's like you you, up the blind, see the view images staring at a brick wall. Thence door, that's it actually what he rented I What it was like. I would love spend two days in here and just sleep. I could
slept twenty hours a day in there yeah. It does seem like an awesome place to just hang out for awhile yeah. Alright, it sounds like he was also just like cars playing as saddam hussein. Yeah, just like staying down a little spider hole hiding from the jets making sure that he's just in a right, sound mindset it we get boring after. I think three or four days but like a good weakened in their yeah you! Just? U chill out. You come out refreshed what I really want to know so the article it was it was hilarious just to see Adam Schefter tweet, where it's like. This is an actual thing that just have The guy, who one multiple and Peace has a super bowl is getting paid sick million dollars to play football and out of after treated the room in which Aaron rodgers spent his time, is partially underground hobbit, like structure with three hundred square feet, you space devoid of light with, we'd better bathroom in a meditation like man on the floor and it's just a link to the article and that's like that's breaking news today. in the nfl world and theirs.
but things I read the whole article cause. I was like what is this all about? It seems pretty good time. Just in the fact like I said you could just sleep the entire time and not very well rested this guy. Stop. I would love to find out. So essentially what happens he goes in there. You can turn on the lights. He can also leave and just walk around the woods fuel. So not much it salty solitude, like darkness, retreat, the guy who owns it comes food once a day and then provide I'm the person in the solitary confinement, whatever jail. What would you say jail just so its clear heap? He proved as a person in jail, Iraq, In this instance, I thought starter and People have been interviewed said that those thoughts, starters he'll just say, like a limerick or something will you do with the person at the interviewed? Was cardinal Brady, the guy that walked across antarctica? Yes, that's the guy that started the everest equivalent. Yes, and he also he call oh Brady was quoted in this article and it was like an
time, sick, flax, where, ah he talking about all the things that is accomplished and he was like yeah. You know people think it's tough too. a three hundred seventy five pounds sled across antarctica. But they don't realize it's really the mental toughness. That's why I did this like. Oh thank you for mentioning that you went across antarctica with three hundred and seventy five pants lead, but I am I want to do this for a night yemen If you're, just talking about turning off the lights and going to sleep you're talking about sleep, I'm talking about go into darkness, retreat every single day that I've found to to hack my body's circadian rhythms, to figure out how to get more in touch with the the global calendar. You just You turn off the lights at night and then you close your eyes and it's free asked. I actually have this in my house down to the scott berman, where my son walks in he's a little troll that walks in and just gives me a little limerick in the middle of the night, that usually dad can we get up, and then I think about it. I'm like no darkness retreat. So everybody made the joke.
This sounds like he's training to to live in new york city. yeah he's in a three hundred square foot apartment. That's done jades its damp inside completely dark. It's boring. This is actually the size of my first apartment in new york city yeah. If you don't count the bathroom, I had a bathroom not to brag, so I had one door, but it was about three hundred square feet. and it was like sparsely underground island for a year, don't feel like. I got it, for clarity about my life or staying there other than the fact that I don't want to live in new york for the rest of my life? Let me ask you a question, though, so you live there. it for a year. Did you me point say men. I would I could play football for sixty million dollars. Yeah say that every day, okay, so let's say it's complete, so it does work. So it's absolutely okay. So if, if you spend like a good portion of your life living in a three hundred square foot place with no lights, you're either go plainly enough: how are you going to work for partial sport, yet That's it that's. We have a lot of people out there that live in that
yeah, the only thing was missing is the mice. Yes, Cosette absolutely is, is what he should have if he's planning on living in new york. So why Why go to Oregon for this? cause. Acting like you sold out six months. I know why legalised hallucinogenic psychedelic so determined. That's! Ok! So that's that's bullshit! That should not count as darkness deprivation retreat if Turning your mind into its own playground, it's it's actually again. It sounds like a fucking gas weakened. Wanna, go and sleep and then, when I'm not sleeping, I'm gonna take mushrooms yeah. That sounds awesome. This is actually they should market themselves as being the after party for a bachelor party. Yeah like come to Oregon sit here in my tree for two days
I'm going to give you food and water, and by the time you leave you're, going to feel fantastic yeah. It's either that or my long standing idea is that if we could ever get medical science to focus on the important things after a bachelor party, if they could put us into a medically induced coma like you know when someone has a spinal injury and they and they bring your body temperature to like eighty sixty degrees. I would love to do that for two days. That's how I feel about the entire football off season, he had just put me in that calm get get me to September baby. Well, that's I mean this: is football off season cause we're talking about aaron rodgers coming out of his hole? That's true, like I said, that that that has happened, and he is I'm fully prepared. For him to go back to the packers and win an mvp, feels like this is just that: the cycle that wherein and he's probably be phenomenal next year and then we're doing the thing the year after year after year he's he's also upset at the media for judging him yeah, but I feel like it You put it out in the media that you're going on a four day, darkness retreat and
last two days in the darkness retreat users to be kind of raked over the calls for that I can I, for one cannot believe that twitter and podcast made a bunch of jokes about no, it's it's unfair he was fucking with us at first yeah. I thought he was just making this up entirely. Knowing that we would all make our jokes and- and he would be laughing at us, be like look how I told them No, this is like this is it. This is a field yes for us that that we should thinking aaron rodgers, actually for giving us something to talk about this week. Yes exactly and I was going to say the the only other thing we are a couple of things to talk about one his hand up, we probably didn't do job of explaining the alabama situation and ask me my retiring from from commenting on active. to the criminal investigation up ominous set the name or to similar. I messed up the names like three miles: miller, yeah yeah, I've, I've, I'm
now, as we had a lot of big hand. Reason I will not add up. I will not be commenting on active murder investigations going. We'll cannot Brandon miller. That said that, there's a bullet in the chamber now route was miles. Yeah yeah saying it with his yeah but Brennan, manaos, honour miller, they both are with am I I'm not a world renowned, educated version or good reader, and I thought that The car was also the one the cars at the scene of the crime was branded. Miller's right was found box in the other one in that had a bullet hole in it, so it for some reason his car was there too. It's not like he's not implicated in all right, but he did not taxed him like that I'm ready to be fire in the end, the story so there's two things had once been on for you and for this show in general alibi the fans- and this is just sports phantom. They will read everything and find the best will version of events to then define their guys totally understand that part we provided them somewhere
big time, fake news like look the media, spinning this the wrong way. They want me to get sued for libel right. So we, though, so that you albert venn, should be thanking us because you can, get mad when someone just says the facts, and there like this about. Situation: NATO's as head of the incorrectly death, not really like someone, it can be argued yeah, because it's just kind of a fact like his press conference was was, was was tone deaf and he had some stupid answers with the boys will be boys kind of shit but You can point to this podcast and be like these guys got it wrong. Look the media is doing so you're welcome. Album of we did get it extremely. Everything. All the details around basically, except we got the state of alabama, correct it actually is interesting, because if this happened to any other fan base, then I'll funds would be saying the exact same thing. They like tennessee, favours more resents how fat and works like if it happened and knoxville, and it was a tennessee pillar,
you bet your ass. Everybody now they'll be like dat. Kid should not be planned for the rest. The seas rightly kick him out of school, but when it depends on your own campus. You get You read more about the facts of the case and then find the little cracks that you can use to justify, why this kid's being railroaded little. But now I'd, say that he's being railroaded entirely, but I am saying that I gave you a faded out team there's enough out there for you to look at and to say well of course course. It's what about eight, you basically gets a spent a week saying well actually on on the internet and if he was ass mostly and if he was the eighth guy on that team, he definitely wouldn't be plant. Not. We know that, but not because he's a star and he's very, very, is really good their sporting men, forty last night against south carolina, unlike. You just see you why every watch him play you're, like the other guy's gonna, be an off, and be a player. I hate I am neither spends onto ok. I disagree with you, though. On one point I think actually should do any breaking new,
is any legal matters, hague exploiting the whole. I think that should be a segment on. It is good protection for us yeah. It's like will. We def have done you're, not gonna, get a right. You got right like hague, breaking news happens, tell what happened, and then just get it all wrong and we go from there yeah I'm in the names of roger had also a larger cossacks. You all are our legal and I was doing some review some some internal walk in this paper, ours as cringing and myself. I thought I was I to people, but it was also with third, the miller really. This is our little enjoy asked where we have to road together as a team, because you were giving us the recap and getting everything wrong and- and I were sitting european like. Oh that's, interesting, no good point hag like just as much to blame as you were, to blame for trusting hank yeah. That's all that's our biggest crime in this situation
yeah, I'm not I'm not an act weekend. I'm a post like once the trials done then I'll report here. The act of stuff is where I, when your your pre pre law right and we can't to to to borrow from nate oats, we can't control what happens outside of this podcast room. So we don't know what hank is doing in terms of his law degree outside of here hanks. As far as we know, he's he's a juris doctor hanks will be hang russia has. What would you ve taken away from their my other spends owners? I actually think this helps us draft stock. Oh ok, go on think about all the attention he's getting. Everyone knows who he is and then, after all eyes are on him. He drops forty actually I dont totally disagree because again as we as I owe who we was before, I knew what we like. I knew the top me another, the the projected lottery picks. I don't know much about it. My watched the whole game last night and was like while yet this guy is going to be a great number because it is if we believe the court, the events that his lawyer put out there and understand. I were,
That's where one right now, but he he has not been charged bathing. He it seems, like you, didn't, do anything wrong. It seems like it, it was a fucked up situation, tragic situation, and his name is involved. He did answer tax. Would someone saying? you know like hey, can you bring my god? Is a yup I'll be right there, but either way, maybe outside iran either way, I think the story again is how need oats is handled it more than anything theirs but there is also the aspect of just the student codes of conduct and, like seen when we were to allow state we saw like you know, the teams have their team, Oh, no, it's very cleared out. Go no guns a lot. It's made that clear allotted teams have an absolutely no guns policy that has got finger guns enough. The count for when urban was at florida? Yes, correct, yeah, and if you're really good yeah, you know no guns. If you suck yeah, if you that's kind, fair rules,
basically, but yet I am sure that alabama has some sort of policy like that which they will choose not to. or some brandy miller, because he's really really get it back That would be funny if urban meyer like when he was called you allow state like the minute. You get your fit if buckeye on your helmet will you can have you gotta get anyone, I'm curious! No, what we got Billy he's in a hotel room and d c right now, dukes billy you did put out sick talk about how NATO's heads council with. some legal advice of his own is that He sought out council for re louis, who had been in a quote unquote, similar situation. So I was thinking about this. Actually, not the worst personal talk to review of your discussing murders on a team, but probably not something you say out loud releases, a great personal talk too. If you want to hear somebody speak emotionally for five minutes feel
afterwards, but then not understand a single damned thing, they asset. Yes, and also whose whose after him the whole thing speech was a peyton. I forget who followed him. Who just like its? It was a brutal form like shit, Maybe ray lewis went last, you just had to sweat towel out yeah. I think he did go for or was that Michael Irvin, no, no ray louis had to sweat Tom. He was gone for ever. He had like he had he had like the priest though the pastor big time like tv pastor, microphone, gives you Mohammad, be walking around yeah. is really going to explore the city again. So he talked to re louis about to handle a situation like this with the media are what was what was conversation about do. We know how to now have murdered charges, stick maybe like Dealing with committing a murder after the fact like from a player's standpoint, basically like
so you bought a house what now yeah like slaughter for dummies right right mothers happened what they should talk to Marvin Harrison view more protein firstly, fast browser with I mean by that logic, like wine, he hit a budget simpson yeah may probably know how to yeah I would say I'll, probably be the next call he makes, but it was we did. Everything, wrong ready. Where is playing. I hear I have been charged, so I don't really know. I mean it is weird that he's playing it feels like alabama. Maybe she has been like. Let's take a quick time out like a quick, Well, maybe one game just reassess yeah, it's a it's just a bad situation all around and it's it's a legally ambiguous situation to where it's going to be very tough to prove, especially,
page with eggs, might actually area regularly. Hate ahead is definitely muddy. The waters waters enough to the point where nobody really knows. What's going on thursdays, so you might get worse, for I might get a thrown out it's out of court yeah. Well, we don't really know the facts. We listened as has or part of my take on february twenty seconds who's to say what a little piece of free legal adviser if you're alive for Brandon miller. You can say well, the entire jury pool is tainted loose now, because the whole town listens to hang on part of my day right and now they all have a preconception of what had that night, and that's not actually the events that took place yeah if you're an albert bare, muffin or lucius right now, you need to download, subscribe, resubscribe and listen to Wednesday's show like ability like that should be our highest. Listen shown, then, we could actually prove this in court that we have lead we have led people of alabama straight mostly hake is it is weird because it sounds
it's gonna, be tough to prove that a crime was committed by him right because it's not illegal to give your friend his gun it wasn't any unless he knew that something was going to happen. But that's that's where it comes in where it's like. How do you prove that he knew that something was going to happen in it, but then the car at the scene also, and another recollect sounds like something a nightmare really too to be able to sort through others details same time. You can probably say if he wasn't on your team? He probably shouldn't be playing right right right, river crazier. Take that light takes him he'd off hank, o k. Thank you. People are forgetting that the the boy friend the our also had a gun and shot back right. He returned fire, which is, if you get shot at you're, allowed to return fire. I know, but so, like the his lawyer could prove in court that he may have actually gone before it. Everyone gets off war. That was, I think, that's what they're trying to do. I think they're saying it was self defense. but either way it's a tragic, tragic situation and are
yeah, we got a lot wrong so hand upon us our first time for everything we ve never gotten anything that that was the first seven years doing this podcast. I was the first time we got a fact: rotten, we're like Lenny dykes, her with five hundred three and one it's up. We always got it. Ok I have a couple of things before we get to max homa. First thing: this was sponsored by chevy policies is over, but that doesn't mean we're. Gonna stop rooting for a favor team, team is Cheviot its franchise player, the silverado, a truck with unstoppable. Written determination accordingly He power shabby trucks, heavy earned more or new vehicle quality awards in any other brand, some serious hardware, we love chevy on the show. We actually filmed some heavy content. There will be coming out in a few months very excited because it's something very cool that chevy is going to bring out so make sure you're gonna be a truck. I this year truck girl,
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thrown around there in mock drafts. Ah, it's it's favorite time a year to watch as the draft guy get involved and start clipping self and putting it on twitter and and and talking about the draft. Like we, but I washed and play yeah There are certain guys this happens. Almost every season, where the longer they guy Now I was idolized first overall back the longer they go between playing actual football. They get better at four bright, So this happened with, I think famously tom savage, remember, Tom savage help, pittsburgh quarterback right and I think yeah he. He like shot up five rounds yeah over the course of like a three month period, where he just went and train with front dover, whatever anthony ridge. And he's gonna live arm I actually can it. I saw I've seen the comparisons to Josh l who- and I kind of like that, just like putting a minute in that discussion
In my brain, just when you, when you link somebody Josh Alan, he jumped up top tat my book, so I dont I've. I've watched him play. Hang you watch from play. I I would not. I would not touch one foot put on ice. Pro anthony richardson side cannon arm can run can do make. The throws the game against future was phenomenal. The game floor to stay I think I've ever seen a wide receiver group drop more passes. The the con against ITALY Richardson its that I believe very strongly and I show me a quarterback who played power: five, who is average who then ended up having an incredible career. I'm not saying, like the riis wizened incredible was you're the number one pick you should have like your programme. the you have a very good nfl career yeah and so
it's like, if we were talking about the twentieth, pick that's different brought party proper, If he actually was pretty good, I was he was ok, but he would he definitely wasn't. I mean they he he was the reason why he was miserable. He peeked out at the store we still got to find out. If property is tom, dude to so so Tom Brady is gets thrown out. I'm good though I was then he was good and also got fucked over because they did the poor. with. Hence it is senior year, where they basically like. Will this get kids from Michigan he's gonna be the best time let's play here, Let's start a game where Tom Brady starts and then drew handsomely, for the second series yeah It doesn't happen off. Often it doesn't happen. Often like Daniel Jones is a case where Daniel was average duke any finally had his first. Maybe he will be the guy who goes on and has like an incredible career. It's just I I think my the the draft, like all that stuff matters,
because the end of the day you do want a guy who can make all the throws? You want a guy who's faster than slower. All these things hand size we joke about it. I'd rather the guy was huge fucking hands, then small hands, but foot while you play, should still matter a little bit. There's the draft guys when they get involved. They always just look at traits right leg out, I'm just looking at all. The attributes are looking at a simply madden ratings right on a quarter back and not watching as much didn't put as much stock into watching film, because there football, so there's ten other guys on the field right language, so there's very but he also he he misses. A lot throws he's gonna cannon for an arm. So seventy yards but ages. As far as I can about us goes. I I should. I should put a caveat out there where the committee are looking for quarterback if we after him, I'm going to be oh yeah, I'm gonna have to walk back all the guys going to trade up I know Lamar and yet and review listened. No. He didn't
It didn't listen, you just spewed. Will you just ask about album a basket until he just said we get em you'll be pumped, but you'd have to trade up the number one I guess at the end of the day, this isn't like a crazy take that it's just hard to figure out like what quarterbacks to draft, because it is, and it's it's a very like fifty fifty proposition in the first round. It's more that like anyone who thinks that the combine matters is an idiot, anyone thinks it only college football matters, an idiot. It's got a bolt. Half the matter yeah, the kind of where I land, where how how The guy go from. Like or to a number one in the mock draft would not have having played for on the last day of three I'm going to withhold judgment on Anthony richardson until he does his pro day. Workout, okay- and he has one really sexy- thrown he's got Zack. Will you know he's going to have a sexy ass, throw yeah, and then I'm going to be all in on him right right now, I've I've we fall in love, Joe milton I'm already circling
I mean your hosts. Did you see that he threw an orange one hundred twenty yards? Believe it for the orange bowl? I believe they put them on the practice field at the end of the end zone, and they said how far You throw an orange the man programme. George a hundred twenty yards. I don't need to see anything else from the guy. I want. I just yeah yeah jones gotta, an absolute. I like watching your milton play just because It reminds me of when you accidently mass the buttons and maddened too hot yeah. You just hold why you heroic green pass a hundred miles an hour. You hey look at that video of him throwing in orange. I is the most the thing I've ever seen on a football field. That's a big one! Yeah, that's a big! it's eight min he's number one on my big board right now for next year. Yes, that was the only other thing I had him in theirs, he's coming back cause It was a long and be a break. You think so! I fell long is felt like tuesday and wednesday. I know it is always noise, it always seems
I did see that made began had similar takes about how to fix the nba also gave yeah and tied into their contracts. The idea was that one will you like through the nets on fires that looks it can be a giant that basic not to french us, not that if not the french us they did that themselves. to wait. What you should do is, you should award the winning team. Every player in the winning team should go one year off their contract to become a free agent whose they hit free and see one you're sooner, and then that in that would incentivize I'm. I dont think that the most of the over the gun whenever a clear that no they want. They want agreed to any ideas by the about fix it. Yeah done contest should be the winner. The dung contest gets an r, oh all time for the rest of their career, like basically add me that team and he has to happen or give, maybe the winning team they all get. No trade clauses yeah, so they can control their own destiny yeah I like Yeah guys, replace guys will compete
Are you ready for the home stretch, mba hank law, stake, Jan getting hurt, helps you Yeah, I'm in the east is going to be a garment. I think. There's there's three really good teams- and you know getting the finals- is be tough. If we play the sons This is when the celtics turned around lasher some excited. Why do we have played a sense? I just want to go back, there's honour! I wouldn't really got there yeah one series I dont want of where the woman the warriors like felt the wars, the celtics kind of bogeyman. So could be anyone. I worry have to wait. Should claw and out into the real play us, but I dont want I'd. I hope they don't disrespect being thrown at the box recently
eleven game winning streak gives all jonas Jonas having a wrist injury. Definitely it's not that bad, because he did. He did start and scored the first two games, the all star game. He had two point where they just they treated him like a make a wish kid. Yes, let him drive to the hoop and dunk it and then checked himself out. I love on the heat that it's not enough for them. It's not in their there already good team. They added a great. what about we haven't done. Why don't? We ve done this year on the show? What stew predictions for the NBA funnels? Ok, Axons aren't going box, sons, I'm gonna go. Box, I want to say my nuggets: how do you actually, like all, do you against rodriguez or friends blake the years on the celtics? Who has no respect, no respect? That's actually Your point: I'd celtic sons! Thank you. I'm gonna go I usually made a very fair points. Just remember it next time, you'd put smarts jared god, name cap his name yet. Not just remember that you hate oliver shall in just remain
hey watch. Aj was just remember this Morton. I am going to say I would say sons when this is Chris Paul's year I mean Chris Paul the ingredients him. pause, gonna win! This in congratulating the sun's you ve got katy and, more importantly, Chris Paul This is the time where he puts altogether for sure and was a chip. If the sun's do win, I think was used as a podcast right now decide that will have rousillon right after and then we'll just pretend his internet connections, bat nook, We can hear him he's gotta, be to such a doubling and when writer Chris Paul there there definitely agent, babies come out. She's gonna have been getting ready to go. The I've been saying that we should get eight eddies on the package is due. dive into what happened in that who, how rejects were sacked the crisp charles dickens? Go the nba funnel, he has not the suns, I'm going say a mistake with my nuggets, my nuggets over hank celtics
that's the big like everyone's getting pre mad right now about joke. It's winning a third straight mvp, which I think is that we looked at Last night it's larry bird wilt and bill Russell. I think of the only players that have one consecutive envy peace problem getting pre mad cows. If he wins it eh BP, and they don't get Lisa converts finals is a sham. What again there it's a regular she's an award that's just what it is you never actually, member back the day, when they would have. They would do that. They change this by the last ten years, wherever it is, they would, The envy p come out in the second accept their envy, p and dirk how to do it after you got bounced by the warrior yet, and it was like this is awkward yeah like it's. A regular sees an award their ship finals. we I'll I'll, say means more to me than the regular. Yes, like the president's trophy ad hoc right, it's it's a regular season thing does not
It's mean that you're going to get to the finals doesn't always mean that you're going to win the finals averaging a triple double it's inset. Well, westbrook did too yeah, but that was a little bit different. It was just statutes I feel like my nuggets yeah, so wait what what's your final production, I'm going to say my I wanted my heart's been with the nuggets, because I've been on them for like a year and a half, he has stick with But I just don't see a the chris Paul lose nobody but be gotta. Stick with ok, nuggets because, if the, if the nuggets make the files to blight- but you gotta nuggets over the box because I So, what's the downside of the nuggets getting bouts earlier like? Well, I'm a writer Diana, I'm sorry for believing dear heart, in my guy right right, having high altitude makes a difference. It's gonna be nuggets over the box. jacob bill. You want your new year and beef this protection celtics lakers, oh ok, twenty three most important games and bronze career coming up. Hawk for that load management. I will
with warriors over six years and felicity philadelphia completes the super fact of second known the add what there's a zero percent chests warrior sectors include such find. What about your hometown jake, what yeah we're? Not he he culture! Obviously I want to eat, sounds like you: don't what would you like? You definitely don't jake. What would you rather have the the heat make it all all the way to the finals and lose or the sixers beat the heat, make it all the finals and lose did, he go farther yemen, the heater like they're, not its get out of itself, xbox drop off heat. heat sixers calves. Calves cap should be don't eat or seven aims behind, show that they are, if you weren't reviewer, ranking contenders and in the east, your comrades, with it, the calves not be like. I agree. Celtics boxes, the that's those that you bessie so the teams that I trust the most little step down. The key
that's be mentioned hank the hell. Is this your calves guy last year? I know they know they got rid of their their leader, their veteran having your have yeah hegel undergo vacation that you took in arizona. Did you happen to leave your wallet behind in arizona? I do not think that would be an issue for your sons, Yeah, I'm not rooting, I mean I want the suns. I like that. I like her I've, always like Kevin durant. I have no issue with Chris Paul allison's, you you little, although I don't wanna go figure, I do have remained in the history of this progress. Have we ever now, I'm like gone to the location of the indian fund, now, switching back, ongoing sons box again, because that would be funny if, like the sun's clenched before the celtics bucks, these ends and eggs like got my ears owner to plant. I did I think I talk about the show I accidently in this we spoke out looking at futures, I was
the nuggets championship, and then I enter that in two thousand. We're talking about and new the championship. I'm going to. Let them know unless accompanied finals accidentally did both a lot. So I have a big cats out such a nice guy. The big nuggets convert, while the future is accidentally put the same amount on the nuggets to win the championships. Oh no, I'm just I'm just trying to get them to like a cash out spot. So I can the gate, some of the o now you're gonna, be a big yoke. Inches of fraud advocate the sahara. Oh yeah, you didn't, I need them to make the conference. Finally, yes, yes, meme sooty got mavericks personnel, oh, die benighted see out will come. I like it. I like it. We got some, We really should have just figure this out before him in this like every iteration just sent of. Yes, we concluded it will do that as of a social clip. After what you say, every permutation, we called it. We got it
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In the last. What is it like, twenty five months? Why that's More specifically, I did is what happened twenty six months. It's like it was the old turkey and am obese stats. Ruby, like he's, the most home runs on thursdays after nine p m. That's they fit me and ass. They lay down social media, so they make me seem a lot better than I am so we who who who one all the tournaments twenty six months ago, private yeah the case around scotch yeah you're on a hot streak. It's good to finally, have you on in person you are, a good friend of the shell. Do I get my shirt now that we're on the way to l a urinary you probably missed it makes sense kyrie he was going to bring it up yeah. Maybe we are going to go to Dallas yeah. You can pick up their minutes max yeah. Maybe it's max. I like the hat wearing the positive vibes. Only hat,
start here. Do you think that you need us to stopping mean to you or with the last podcast that actually gives you the truth? you're really wants to keep a real, yet you're on every show now you're on every slut exactly who I am even on the couch, exactly rosy need to cease mighty. If that's weird that you know how that starts at rs, I dunno what you guys would put it on. The list have put me in maximum list just skip that part yeah we're talking about what we're going to keep we're going to keep pushing because we want a win in Augusta yeah. That's all that matters, that's it roger gas is at it is I like, if you were pick one one term into when its augusta, That's not yeah I'll. Take any of them yeah I've been there that in the open, our my to fail. Events by other masters is special plus on others, two interesting place. It's just like.
City of a guess, it has not been except like a gus national, but ever since you know I play my first two years. There were like the covert year. So wasn't like a lotta was Fans leg was content dull, think tiger played one of the years and then last year was my first real one felt like an ear. You start to get what What all the hypes about. Well, I guess I'll take any of em, but that would be that would be defiling way. on that less about what you're, you're champions dinner would be I have in that's my problem. Is I don't have like some? These guys have All these guys are so damn rich. Now too they're like oh, you know, I got the chef from my favorite restaurant and I'm like I don't know who meets the chef at their favorite fuckin restaurant like I just eat it and then lie so my friends about how good it was. I don't know what I would do. you know I'm half jewish, so maybe I'd throw in like my mom's matzo ball soup, ooo, good yeah, I'm not sure how everybody would feel about it. But
thing I'm gonna be merry borings. They are. Everyone always does like a stake. A fish, call somebody to figure out what kind of wine Israel good. Now, I'm not really sure what I would do, but that's a prom out fucking I have to have. It would be very funny if you serve the matzah ball soup and like fuzzy zeller was like how the fuck did he get yeah. What the fuck is going on here, you're, like fifty percent happy that carried in Google and maybe even the one percent yeah I mean what did you think so we're we're going to run this, probably in a week or two, but this is a timeless tweet, your king, lebron james? Treating maybe it's me it's is That is a gets for the lakers right now,
Why do you feel pathetic? You should yeah. I always the funny part about like people today on the range you know. They're like maya kyrie like dingo legs, I'm like was: was he going to fucking fix us one piece away here? So no, it wasn't super devastating. Karina- and I have our background- he he likes movies. I don't like as much yeah so wasn't like devastated, but now it's exciting cause, like you just never know, with some of these players, like pat babs on our team and like him and Russell westbrook seem like they hated each other. Now they like each other. I think that's exciting, so getting to watch like the car.
incidents like this could be a car accident. I mean just give it a week, yeah and just never know, and then it was going so well fuck this. I can't do it and I love that it's exciting for sure I read something I actually just googled your name earlier. That's the prep that we do on the show. Sometimes you just sign, to play and tiger woods Monday night golf league. Who can you walk me through what that means? I know it sounds like its golf on a monday night. You see far so good him and rory building like of small bass, while court like arena where there'll be lives like people like live there they'll be broadcast, live so its basis, simulator Gough league. So you, I don't know who is doing. I think this company called false swings doing technology, but you're here and we're like alternate shot. It's six seem that three alternate truth shot. in the simulator- but they also affect the putting an end-
and shipping, and all that. So I guess it's pretty expensive survive. would understand, I get there, but it'll be obviously might of whom I am bringing some flavour and I do believe that some of these guys are they they seem funnier because everyone last of their jokes yeah, I got up still up for debate if tigers super funny, or I dislike af alot, but I haven't got comfy enough with them to like dissect. Was that actually a good joke, or is it just tiger? And I got a giggle I mean because we do have to keep it go with you. Are you little nervous because remember you like paisley, cried at the british open cause you got to stand ex tiger was then you miss the cut and he like bodied you mental, I think I said some things leading up to I watched it is ass, beat him yeah beat him the idea, but you, MR cot, and we said that that was gonna, be you. You were let the moment get too big sir, you little nervous like
You have this Monday night league with tiger and you're going to become a puddle again. I wasn't until you just mentioned it so now I might need to make some phone costs yeah yeah! That's going to be tricky. I will say, though, that there is no cut, which is okay, that's good! For that sweet spot. Wait so can I can I give you just one thing now that we're in person is caleb started this shit about the you know, work life balance you never make cuts. I think I've only missed cut once. Like the last minute. Jinx must share the feelings open. Don't let me for like six or seven months, and I still get the all whole look at you playing golf on a sunday, and I do it listed worst. I like that we just keep with the storm and we we still were waiting for gonzaga to make a final four that I wasn't even born. I don't think they only made their last final. Think peyton manning hasn't won a super bowl. There's certain to have us I'd. Listen to this way too often that I told you, as I was listening by my way over to the judge, to mow one and
It is weird huh somebody you got your guys takes. In my head gazelle really has paid many one for can now think about a battle. I'd say it's him, then den reno patio weight, so the monarch off you think charlie will be there. Can you make an intro he's a huge fan of ours where we when I actually did see that those pretty cool were big, charlie, guys we Charlie's next up he's gonna. And beat your brains in like jesse. You know what what are you need to take that tiger woods? The sun is going to be really good at golf. No one else is it not time travel is gonna be than tiger yet after the tiger, better than tiger and jack combines whom we better than you get oak village. So I heard it isn't it to sell here right now, because we consider you a friend and we love having you on, but if Charley like bats, an eyelash at Anna's, you're gonna, see. If I really I imagine that this this Monday night league, if, like charlie, gets the night off of school and he's like you know dad. axis spot
Yeah don't be gone yet is actually pretty exciting emerald category? Four! No we'll do it. We will celebrate your guys. Tat spot is really don't actually have to carry a bag. It we just sit there and it runs the other carrying in an indoor golf simulator assigned me out that I did you guys know that one. I just see how many minutes tiger, let's go. You're in the league. Get us your bag date yeah. So they finally zine me and then first day, hey so yeah one request is kind of crazy. What what golfer or dimple heads perverts? What are we calling or starbucks or barbers are good we're so in tune with golf like we discovered you out of nowhere, and now covered charlie. What you guys are moulding the future the game haven't face or by that poverty thing also sidebar, pretty cool coogan called a pervert every fuckin weeks, wife and family, and that people have to explain it. But I was in nationalist last weekend and that walks by me any goes: hey
if you max homa and I'm like yeah- and he goes bonaparte might take later and unlike What that means in any and all my friends are there they are like laughing and egos. He goes. It can be the real max home. If you don't know what pardon my take is. I'm like no, I know what it is and that's a weird thing. I just don't know what we would do about that and ask. Are you trying to do an hour, long podcast, how fucking busy food and then I see them, maybe an hour later back on broadway and he walks by and goes hey? He goes. He goes. I realized what I was supposed to say. I'm like what the ghost pervert the fact that he owned you. Yet no one. You did Russell's life advice and you guys were talking like hecklers and you're. Like I like People say something original and in Actually, I was like he's devilry saying that, like all the aid of yours just need to come up with new, only, why didn't you just can't stand my caddy Joe can't stand?
when people just like everyone else, big cats says high and it's not because it's the like what it is like a very you know that I've, that's nice, like it's a nice plain one. I can resort to every single person. Yes, as he always says that he's like a thief in the time and there's no fucking chance, big cat told him that, and he doesn't go on twitter ever so. He sometimes asks me like typical tweet today, like tell max hi fuck, I'm not there anymore, then I think the pervert we just got to keep hammering yeah. It is like
I get called a pervert, pretty cool like an exploit. You have to have like a card to hand to be it'll be like this is why they just call me if there's an explanation, yeah, that's I am italian. I mean there's a really easy way to to fix all that and that's just to win the masters, and then everybody will just be like well he's not a pervert anymore. He's masters champion yeah. Those are the two stages of gaga and that's how that's going to end tiger's career yeah. I think I'll just be the most perverted masters champion tiger tiger yeah. Fine, listen, we're in the same boat. We don't bash tiger any more, because son loves us I never say anything bad about. We think about. Charlie is the direct product of tiger being a perk, but we also it's true. I do have a kid. I guess so. Yes, you've proven your perfect food, so you do actually maybe have to ask charlie, like does he like, because there's a theory
that he might do like. I talked to part, though like this, can you send them, as it does a theory that maybe likes part, my tape because we bust his dad's ball, so we need to know where to go for there you are actually back. He said he said yes heights. Alright, the limit values for sex and you need arrival you need lie back in the day there were tiger had like a thousand reasons. We are, we We are your throaty for my bets to lose them like. Nor do I want money, or do I want to bash max values or on what that Zella crossing a major line and gone some way towards a two year. You don't say I think the lawsuit parts are deftly like a bit ahead of the tea, but I mean I guess I didn't know. I never had somebody throaty right at me
and he fucking rifle that thing yeah. It was a sad part of the fucking video was so just the opposite. Just like I had to read about this all morning. This is what it was but you know I think it starts with the lawsuits pretty far up the list I put tease prior, like we're pretty benign suarez price to second place where s way, furthermore, field on thanksgiving into law suit. On christmas, like he time that he might say, one hanukkah yeah I do feel lame, not getting a lawsuit? I of suck is kind of your left out of the party. He's he's he's just one day. I want to be like the bad boy like I want to, subpoenaed yeah yeah, what are you going to do about it so that they they have rules? You have to wear. You have to wear pants when you golf. Can you wear jeans? No, no! no Denham their anti genk us. because I be really like where some like serious cool old school scheme. genes your instantly street cred price times. What, when do, you think people
On you we get credit for being the first it'll. Definitely yeah. You led the mob with the the fucking fire it'll happen. I think, they may be when I do if and when I do when a major cause I feel like? Then people would like. People are always hard to hate you when you start playing well, you always get like a weird crowd of people was like no, that guy's not that fun goodies, an asshole and it's like well, fill you loved him like a month ago and now so maybe that, albeit without will be another thing I'll be it'll, be cool I'll, be cool! people hate me if I had won a major and I could just shit on new guys all the time, but I'm not sure I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to push limits could be any day now it could be tomorrow. I actually don't think people are gonna ever turn on you, like you, I write to liberate the nice. Don't I truly believe that, like you like, you are refreshing for golf and you're a fund to listen to and yeah. You might do too.
podcast, but that's ok, everyone has their faults. You know faults yet right exactly. I know I do think like I would imagine you ve had have you had like sponsors reach out like trying to get in the maximum of business yeah, but I tell him all the time that the mai feedback to depart my take part, as this is too damn hide, setting any more money so My my checking counts closed I saw it so let me ask the question this way. When do you think you're going to get so rich? You stop answering our text. Messages it's. Never your guys is maybe wells when I saw well earlier we're doing something tomorrow, but I already have that I'm not going to spoil, but I have an entire idea. It is going to be one long running joke that hill I hate by the end of it, while he murmured, I don't cry, but he's not yet it which would be better for possible imperfectly. We didn't do you get your recognise, laana outside. the gulf environment, yet going back to the guy screaming
herbert in my face? Nashville yeah? So you wouldn't that start far too long ago, considering people I'd too big of a fair base for how not great I was a golf so it would be even weirder to people want to take pictures with you and then every one of your friends be like why the fuck do they want to take a picture with you and I'm like cause. They liked my tweet. one day they to agree about some damn shit. I've thought up so it's a it's definitely growing, but I dunno I still like to at least put myself out there a little bit. Do you think that that's had in him? actually honour golf game, the feeling that yours, for well known for being like the funny golf twitter and you like shit now, get actually I am, however, all running jug still, I just always want to be as good off as I was at twitter. So I'm trying to like well, those two out a little bit so every motivating you also do get, no. I am like lucky that
it doesn't matter on social media. What I do people are always like. I see where there's always a few guys in there, of course, who will say some shit about you know it sucks, I'm a good, and that is leah motivating factor when you write something very benign about? Like hey, you know the sun, the squire warm today ryanair everyone's agga max itself. A great what a great point than one guys like. Oh yeah, we're still fuckin suck a golf. yet our I argue that stop tweeting or I could. get better at golf, and I don't really want to stop tweeting, so I'm just going to get a little bit better at this game. Well, I think you did it like it's interesting, because if you look at your career and what you've been able to do, the last five months, enlightened, more legitimately of the very good golfer likely you are. What are you two top fifteen in the world than twelve twelve, so you're twelve in the world? Right now, that's crazy! It! I think, if you word that good right at the beginning, you never what have tweeted and you never would have shown your personality because, like golfers, that are
good right away in their winning right away. They use get to know them because it become like so corporate isley right away. I also but you know, like comedians alot of him say like their depressed. So I think a lot of funny starts with but most of my tweets started with just like constantly having the weekend off to think and then I would try, mask while the sadness with, like, but that sunbeams, so hot tat would like if their vehicle means so relatable, and I and I was Didn'T- make very much money and I had a lot of weekends to tweet, so I was as feel like. I was the sweet spot by. I agree I, I honestly, don't know some people ass being like what would you tell a college kit coming out about? What? should do a social media and I'm the sky, I thought, maybe they don't go on as it is, it is sad like the whole reason, for it has been great like for everybody likes. Such media is awesome, but there so much of it. That is just a cesspool like angry people. How sure you guys get this too, but, like I have
ever really had. Somebody come up to me and say anything that mean, unlike some after a murmur of part of your honesty, getting like recognise in public and and and take Patients whatever has having that happen. often has helped, because I think like Sadly, you'd only noticed the ship people say and when, I realise that my dude everyone is so nice and like personable, and they just like there, there's fans of golfer whatever issues like man. That's that's like refreshing cause. It is weird these people like they look up to you guys, like you guys, big deal with them in their so be people in their saint Michael parcel stupid, and they only do it's Y and Z, and it's just like no one ever actually would say that, because they don't act, I don't even think they actually believe it they just like. They have to be different and and harder. I dunno it's it's Like truly it sounds cliche, but its hurt people hurt people, whenever someone tweets, really mean shit at me. I'm like, like this guy's going through something we have actually reach like there's been a couple times
wherever I I remember, there's one kid who was like tweeting mean shit to me at like one in the morning I was like laying in bed, and I was just scrolling twitter and when it's like that late, you can see the like yeah, both we and I would his timeline and he was tweeting like really depressing shit, and I hit him up. I was like dude. Are you okay and he was like yeah, I'm not a model while like like that in a kind of like put a face to it, works like yeah like this makes yes like if you're angrily, tweeting it someone at one in the morning, you probably have some chicken on your lifestyle and great. So I have little sympathy That is a good boy no, but has also almost always the political activists, scientific area that he also that the man s nice of you to do that. I have now I thought to do that yeah. He did I actually I actually I get it. I mean it does make sense that your be most people, even in real life like if you're an angry person. It's usually because, like some, you know, your wife does yell to use your like that, the yelling whatever it is, that thing from how I met your mother, the fucking telling terrain, and it just like. I don't know man, I think it's
two or I think is also like I'm fucking. Thirty, two years old, I grew up on my phone is fuckin fun. Reading all your guys like tweets in and bored stakes from all over the world, like I love all that stuff so like I'm, not gonna get off of it. but it is so wild how people just decide like this is the time like this is the time I'm going to say some shit that I will fucking. Never I say protein, sometimes people they just they need in outlet. Little gets him takes off yeah, so they liked. We like fuck you yeah can hate you use fuckin suck no put their found out at her daughter's birthday, yeah they're like super happy in that moment right there, but then they meet you face to face and they'd be like. Oh max. I love you it's just like whenever I needed to These words in this ass sentence can make me feel good for whatever reason decree they need to do the right thing like all these fuckin angry, if you'll just have to table in the word.
Yeah and it to ryan yeah right, so we could figure that we could figure out the anger problem this world real fast. But I'm telling you this so that to finish that story, I think I've told this before, but I sew better helps a great sponsor of ours. I told the kid after he was treating me mean something I'll dm them. I was like dude I'll, buy you, want to better help go and he like was he was like now. Only a few months later is like dude. I feel a lot better like that's only sorry is like yeah. This is the way shouldn't interacts, like only mean like interact anonymously online probably not healthy, for that is actually really that's. May I remind you that the other three million people do it later made me feel like a? If this is what this case was. It probably happens, yeah for sure, and it's like you, gotta, put into perspective that people are just going after yea arise. except us, we're going to keep a because working against you, we're gonna bad max's. Second, he's brought to you by pardon my chest, take part my cheese take as a delivery and pick up only restaurant brand brings you cry
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her cash. Once you download the app opened in it, and made that first transaction term. In conditions apply, and now is more maximum. We gotta we just gotta stay consistent in our cause. I don't know the guy dont, what I want you guys, we genuine and just say I feel, and if its mean it says, fine, if, as nice as fine, I would I would be so upset if all of a sudden, you guys basin, to me what you're doing a charlie words and dislikes now you and every job you'll never be charlie. We wait. What do you actually? What we ve been charlie would fit for thirteen years thirteen year that thirteen, yes, his entire life. We have been rooting for charlie, How do you know there is a charlie woods twitter account, but it's not it's our dear. We run it Oh, do you exactly what it is? Fucking hilarious talk shit about people all the time. You've got gotta look at above this because it is really fun to start started. Twitter got charlie woods, goat and just like, with all these up about how he's the best of all time edit or should we not creepy, isn't how old is he thirteen
it's you guys. We know the weapon. Diana were just those are our next thought, oh wow, another another on the way. Okay, you gotta get on. I'm young you gotta start. I don't really think that guy is going to be a basketball used to be the best of all time really and I'm a jordan guy, but I'll I'll concede women. Many is he's got he already might be. That he's the best prospect, wow. I love that you guys are going to be in my town the week. Lebron breaks the scoring record, we what town? phoenix owing to the railway, we're not gonna, be I get to feel your guy sadness eyes. I personally don't carry I've noticed. Even you he's a stack compile right around when you don't go to college which not something we should be aspiring for. We should have people get educated in this country is widely recognised. That annoys you wouldn't even down to go into women Yonah. I think you got studied abroad, yo and international education. They do differently in france, jack, don't listen! You can't change the goalposts ami here Brandon go to college. That's why he has that many points. Studying, he would have them
I mean it's karim, was what one and done no way he went off. What we're here is also years at energy. What we're things rear. So that's interesting. Isn't that interest. He and also the might do steroids. Maybe later they hang on. Nineteen may, my actual my ass did. Leubronn do steroids outweigh the headline of the? U two objects. I could you imagine if the wrong, what have played like three years in college, and I would like to be asked what would have been so much, but what would have been the cool thing? I wish someone would do this if the brown had just gone too. Here here, an ecologist sea like how far a talent like Could tax school like magic, app and goes the final blow they'll beacons, agony before yeah right. They gives a file with accuracy ivy even like you know the ball brothers, What's she no hills? High and, like you know this basic, where I'm from issue, and so my friends would like, I had four:
go to their keeps relax like the family and maybe I do we got here at seven at the time and like there's, fucking thousand people for this high school gym just trying to get in it's like. I don't know if you've ever been to the drooling, but that that's how going to the drew league is so that high school, opt in and issues like you would you would never really go there and you show up. We went to a morning game and early heart in cp, threeam westbrook, we're coming through that night and where we were like, man out of a mistake for nine hours and we left and the guy's a year. You you'll never get back and back in his chair there can be so many people here in any society. Crazy. funded sea, like you know not like, do not like. He has, as we got these big arenas sea like what now, if you would be nuts yeah yeah when you go for speak when we peak Is there like a? Is there like a seventeen year old golfer out there? That's got all the tools.
There is like an eight year old kid. That's real real good october tia, but he's been even probe for, like maybe nineteen o five to three years it's getting younger number. They sit a step on the top fifteen in the war. then golf right now for men, the average age is hike. Twenty six and the third this war s weird like for a long time, gulf was like a middle aged and that by thirty three thirty four hours, all school man tradition, yeah sure I, when I got a thing for them by age, you building is sustainable and when are you can play like? Have you had to change or swing because Well, I'm crushing the shit out of the ball, but I won't be able to do this for six seven years now that I think that's also why I don't feel old yet is cause like my bodies. and broken down, but that's what scary, as if these kids are that go in there twenty two and like, I think, what is it there's a male. In four years. That say on thirty six, my steadily fuckin like
Can my task as if I slow down I'm already legs scratching the like stay up with some of these his, but starting various wealth, eurobonds. I work my ass off. like I, I I outwork the twenty year olds. The problem is that they are. They have. I have a lead on me, are going to think the mental game because remember we had you on. I think it was like, maybe six months ago, and we talked about like the changes you ve made and how the mental game like that, the last twenty five months lock, the may like that, has to be an advantage compared to the young, kids began. Wouldn't you say that like also done Well, yeah right, but wouldn't you say during your twenties like the mental game, was you probably weren't great at it? Yet my mental game was just getting beers or tucking that away tweeting on Friday nights yeah I'd every day is in advance. I deadly so we're interesting. My good person friend aaron
a couple years ago, sandbag is the same as everybody care he's. You said yourself, there sandbags or pieces of shit and should go to jail on the reseller pack. I thought I said prison but yeah the hummer, the boy, a metal gains, important yeah as always, when it here and tell you just like what like he was held me once I was ass to how the fuck do I get better than sound so he's I go find they're, not good at be so signify like big that your strength and then and then like that's how you'll like creighton advantage and was funny as you get higher iron up and it's just like people don't have big strengths, and I can't like quantify how good someone's mental game is, but that is becoming a thing I'm seeing that, like might not be some, you can put or two, but it's a noticeable france when I'm out there, when I'm at home like conference, does go a long way and I think some people
In in in life have that, like Faye confidence, we all know these people like Billy, they say billy, now Please delusional billy's is like he's like clinically he was it would be like diagnosed with being confident, I'm not sure like so so but like mine is like true, because I've gone from like zero confidence like some so like, I know minds like a genuine confidence. I feel like that helps were some of the people you'll probably meet and you're, like, oh, that guy so confident and to the same things that tweeter guy is like man fuck, maybe he's not like the same man, skiing it. So I think mine is cool. Cause like I do. Have a foundation based off a bunch of shit. Have no confidence hit, while bad all this stuff, so that, when I do play while I feel like I own all of it, I feel like I've heard athletes talk about like when you go through swing. Changes you go through struggles with your shot, combats basketball, or what do I have to re? Learn how to do it if you can make it better? You start to know,
hey I'm doing acts. I know exactly. How did not do that or do that better and either has helped makes. I feel like I'm like learning all of these things, which has been not like an advantage for sure so like interests in terms of like how your comp, It's in mental game has grown is as simple as bad shot. You're able to just overcome it right away, a little bit. It's is ever changing, but I would say, like the general crux of the idea, I guess would be that. I need to put more value on how many good shots I hit ass hard when you play I saw this when I first from problem. What really like fucked me up for a while and like semi down a rabbit hole was I went on to it the driving range, and I don't mean like we just once again. Colleagues like metaphors,
I and I went on, and I was just like? Oh man, I would see so and so hit a ball and I'm like fuck man like I. I need to hit it like that, and I see somebody chip on my god dang. I got a tribute like that. I gotta put it like that. These guys are so good at that, but I'm looking at like the three guys who are the three best at those things you obviously do not We the best in every area of the game, to be successful, so chasing something that I know like that. That was, trainable to be that good. Honestly, both sides tiger tiger is the only person in history. That's been the best at like four to five things in golf. I get it's it's super impossible, except maybe for charlie. I guess your guys are pointless. so it's like it's like now, I don't know that's the top are about like the youth come Is you don't know yet what great golfers, and these are to play you fuck man. I've been like it's been. here the whole time chasing something that's not really real, and it is helpful, get is motivating, but it's not helpful because it's not real
a stick and you might already, if you ever make it in any area if I already doing some goods built like bees best. You push push that as far as you can I'm not gonna ever like hit a driver like roy, mockery, its it way further me higher all these things, but I can I can new things within myself together, on the whole the same amount of times. He does that's kind of the game. Yes, I mean that's it's a very healthy perspective. It sounds like you, you ve learned that by just knowing that all the work that you put in that nothing, What you're doing is a fluke that gives you an advantage and as far as I mean that imposter syndrome like I have it a billion percent, but I you hear so many people josh do your guys parkers like that, is easily preaching and passenger skies, really good actor. He's readily hot and very like it he's a man. I don't know if I could be an actor rights
I think they could just put a fucking picture of you up there for an hour and a half and there'd be at least be a turn out of women yeah. That would be like fuck. This is a good movie and then guys they'd be like this. Is my new favorite movie so I don't know. I think that that just kind of comes from religious, unnatural, thing, but there's again there's positive that fuck, you makes you work really hard cause. You're scared. It's always going to go away, but part of it is like you know the whole kobe bryant stuff like how he talk about He puts in all these hours that when he plays the game, he can turn his brain off and just play it right. It's like I do those things, and then I get in the game or on the course I think, to myself. It feels different today like to just at some point, thereby putting culture the best one of the better things I've had a coach tell me on Saturday morning before the final round of farmers, my my putting show it did feel good. friday, and then it didn't feel very good. Saturday was warming up and I text them a video. I said: does this look? Okay and all he wrote back?
it looks plenty good enough to make a lot of puts today like just go, fuck and pipe right. weird? I was talking about it today as like. It's weird how I needed that, but like I wanted everything to feel perfect and to be perfect and what I've worked on with my my sports psychologist that A couple months is like we ve been time, are winning ugly, like I'm looking at it's exciting to for a day where my shit feels terrible and I can still be like. Alright, I'm still beating your ass and it's like. That's fun, but I am not. I've never been good at that because I think, in the back. My oh, it's a fluke like today's dates gone over, it's gone forever and they are catching that ten years of doing that. That's that would be the conference to be. Ok, I heard myself say it. She always sold wishes. Thoughts can be thoughts and they can, move away, but if I can I thought I'd like. Oh no, it's acknowledges it. That's your debts,
That's your crazy side, San! That's it that's! That's it asshole tweeting! The thing you don't need to finally to take any stock in it. You'd users. I mean you just explained why your mental game has become like gone. So far as like that thought of I can we, this without yea. Owing perfect, you need to know that we all have bad days. Were it's like? You can still go out there and do your best in usually the next day you feel better It's you start to feel back to normal, but I mean every day, shit like sundays. With my kid I'm like off, and it just like. I like crime, for the diaper dynamic, do things out of order, and I don't put stock into it. Is it's right It is feels more mindless about it when you do in your your own thing, it's like it gets you get scary, it's also. I think why some people, get in the way. Some people don't is like self awareness into me in in sports, especially, is a big deal because you need to be in your head without fuckin up your head.
As a great mess. It's very profound we're going to distill this all down to max homa credits, aaron rodgers or golf sweater. A felon he'd throw another jail with heathrow, a different type of tea at you, yeah you're, picking up on putting too you ever take. I was good like let's say you had the yips That is why word and I don't know last actually got if you get the europe's are, you is, would you take? I was gonna fix, it doesn't fix it. Probably didn't fuck. You asked me: what have you ever get the apes? Here's, what you we will be your sports psychologists for a second. If you ever get the apes just think about how much will be laughing at yeah and that will get you out of it, because if you got the ifs, oh my god, it will be
it'll be like it'll, be like all my day for me to sit here and watch max every episode, it'd be a tough day for me. I I would immediately call you and say that I have billy's job. I think that's when billy tweeds the very disturbing animal video yeah, that's what I do out in the country said. You'd see me walking to the fairway I'd. Look at the video right before I hit every shot. Now that's a harambe video! That's when he drops another banger, bolstering it. How many times have you done? Iowa iowa? zero times, I don't think I ever wanted it scares me actually it looked like he be scared of it. I'm dead, I'm one hundred percent scared of. I was not on drugs, I'm not a drug guy. I took cardboard and qatar. That's is close as ok, taking. I was I was that high. I was actually really really awful time to choose to do ass it for the first time you're in it you're in a foreign country where Drug use is like punished by beheading, you're around seventy thousand strangers your phone.
at work and you're being videotaped watch a football game yeah that that yeah and I couldn't watch the bills game yeah that checks off like the entire? Let's, a clean sweep of places that you don't want to be when you're doing you're, not a drug guy seems like go out of your way to do something so dumb. Well, I am not actually drug guy. It just so happens that every time I do hard drugs it's on camera. I do my hard drugs off camp. Yes, why? I can skirt, so I'm like I've been unfairly but yet quite fairly, pegged as the guy you get it it's not it's not! You were, Do you have an actual gladly suggestion? Go I don't have to do it does show a coordinated boy. I'm serious golf question for you: can you give us your top three fifth majors yeah The genesis invitation, the farmers, insurance open and the foreign
why what you ve been grossly? Oh shit. Mega lot of age, Because we can stop joking about our now thats the max lamb clip here it is, you went three ideas of somebody: do not only play in all three of those, but when all you're, probably the only person to win those three tournaments in, was that a calendar year. It was at fucking twenty five months, twenty five months, five months, yeah that'll, be rats I remind you running Joe, is when you go in those three and twenty four months. That's the slam, I'll get you a jacket. Are you do you need tips for the? U s open after I shot a seventy two jack, ok yeah! That was pretty impressive, really impressive, people always sweden. We that is fucking, not real. It's crazy! It's like one, I ever spires! Yet again, I you know, I didn't do that, I'm like how no yeah you did it. I don't know why aid immediately the baton about haters along in a minute, here's the problem, I post all my scores every time
Real people thought it was fake because, Two weeks later, I shouted one. Thirty six, given there lay just talk about days. Man right, I watch one youtube. Video screwed me up. Yes, What do I mean? I did the same thing then I've literally the day after the farmers. I went and play golf and I shot one forty right I trust sixty sixty just a fucking kept screw with me, and I didn't I, my caddy happens. Another serious golf question: what's your favorite club heading shin hocker, sounds pretty fun yeah? I got a seven wood and it's my favorite cause. I love hitting it, but it's also funny because most people are like why the fuck would anybody have a seven when it's like that used to be back in the day for like the old man, but it's it's made a revival in this game, so I I like it about the but the practicality of it and for the content yeah a I like that,
so I have one last question. Robot question: promo code take. I know you roll back on course, even though snipe response or r, H, o b, a c k, dot com, promo code or two shirts or t shirts protocol take twenty percent off joggers polos cusick. everything. What are we realistically thinking about augusta this year? I'm going to make a bet on. You are you're, like thirty frida. One right now, cottage disrespectful says really fucking nice now, and I was just what I thought I was I was like ten has this from our refilling conference. Did you make cutlass? Yes, ok, I realise that the cuts yea our right and you did within tiger bodied you because you just we're like a little baby. I get quick, quick side on that. He played behind me on Sunday and I finished, and he baby, one and there is a long walk firm like eighteen scoring.
I was there with my family and I turn rocks tigers woken up and he is, it was the biggest limp I've ever seen in my time. and I was like fuckin that guy just beat me man, as and then what was an idle limp? No, it was fuckin agora as big ben But yes, so realistically this year, the masters I will say I am- I mean you can never know if using for one. We can win it, but I am confident I've had a very I've had up. I learned throughout my career of like being a slow learner and as much as it was like a funny joke and I, like I indulged in the joke, making the cut in it and making the continent others there's a year like getting the taste of what four rounds and a major feels like the pigeon. Where I did play well, there was a part on the back now I thought, if I like went for black out like I could sneak up till I guitar leaderboard and at least play some of them
hold on a stretch would like some kind of major pressure like I do think it helped. The agusta fits my game. It is just a big it's a big like spot to be ok, you got this big spot by. I knew your country, my golf game will be there. Yes, I know so I just have to go. Make sure that I do. I do the little things right that weak, but again part of it, like I said Andrews, a fuckin, slow learner side is needed. if four rounds. Sorry, I'm picking up what you're saying we're going to go top ten this year, so we will bet top ten, not when I think that I think if I understand, if max places best golf as Jon Rahm plays like his victor in charlie, woods can't eligible to be in the tournament up. I think you can definitely when you would. You say that at your best peak max max to the max you could when and how to gus,
yeah haliae, because you do that you do that, but that's all Why? Just one right now, when I arrive colleges, regional regeneration, even know he listened with. Let us be the first to congratulate maxima on his master. Exactly like you guys. What do we have for dinner? Lots of also gave a lot earlier ready. I will mac stake. You erosive gulfs wins right. Now it s a lock were written. If you genuinely so will say the nice thing right now. I'm genuinely rooting for you, I genuinely like you as a person and consider you as a friend and then we'll cut that part and max your your you're, not mechanical oak. I have one requests: do we have the lottery ball now? Don't we I did it can I
face on you. Next, someone studio just hold their number twenty five running I wanted to be ok. Quantified here beforehand gives you're gonna, be them because I didn't say I dont worry for you guy. This can go no twenty, four twenty five, twenty five, you get it you can calculate nor will add to your career earnings, okay, perfect, yeah. Twenty three million wow. here. It is a report that petition no. This is coming out two weeks from just one on acts and just ass. It is I myself will be water said where we taped the lottery ball machine for two weeks is we're not the office max has idea. We tape that just between us, we say anything. He just said he wants. we five in two There are now twenty five will be revealed is number you don't act like an easy there. You know any hard games. Twenty five. There is right there,
well, it's well twenty five idiot you want. You won the superbowl lottery machine, these biggest spot pass. Thank you! So much works. Max homer was brought in by pringles. If your hand is currently stuck pringles can don't worry about it. as the best of us judge, his game show contestants ceramics is the top real in southeast Houston and even happened to your dad getting stuck in happens. All these people, you shouldn't, feel bad when it happens to you. After all its flame, worth getting your hand stuck in again for If you're not stuck in a pringles can yet don't worry about that either with so many delicious flavors, it's only a matter of time before you get stuck into pringles get stuck in. I love our cream and I love ranch? I love original. I liked pizza, flavour and go. They had a hebron euro pringles. Instead, on pringles to experience the worth at risk for yourself visit, pringles dot com.
Ok, fire vessels a week ago, excited here this one. We have billy and dukes ya know Yes, I would they do exist, is correct, organizational charted, parcel he's, probably the knights most important employee. We have I love dukes. he's right or die. Duke was tasked with being in charge of billy for his free beer outing. so usually we saw with hank, but I think we have to start firefox this week with billions. so is there a fire fast besides the bad bead, we had last night not really work I lost my should be a gigantic as you. What was a bad beat just sewing. so if you know the plm championship series going on right now in the first night, a games We wash discourages you're, probably the only reported watch this, images and also gave pigs we ve won the first game. We had the atlas in first game, and then we had the crowd with a second game
put out a parlay and straight picks through the atlas in chrome, and the Alice one big we're riding high, we just need the second layer, parlay and then The crew went up by ten goals and second game over time, seven. Unfortunately, day lost by one goal. They tied up so are tied up with, like ten seconds left. Yeah yeah. They blew tango, lead to eat seven wood jake's had us. Let me get this right. Are you guys telling me that europe, and to break vegas would appeal Championship series didn't work out. I thought you guys can also Billy's Billy's talking like. It was watching the scrimmages and was like inside information. He was looking at his phone, the entire look at we're. Looking up statistics and making content watching, discourages yeah, you're, looking up statistics and making content you're on your phone, the entire time set of being present
you're such a genji, usages, zuma, Billy, so We also bill you gotta, buried the lead there. You went owen three and chug ass, terrible performance, not even get one single dub, dukes, I was billy entertaining clients at this function,. He was really good entertaining clients and in I'll give him his part there. I've for a little bit, I've got the night which gave me a little nervous where he was he's doing. Chug are under the age of? U else, having one thing you don't eat of yours. If someone aid of you all comes up to you and to look at their husky and they're like Billy to do and it showed off their problem and yeah. They know they're going to kick his ass in the truck. I like how you phrase that to Billy I want to do you in a chug off. mobility. We tried to do which ought to do a beer for every all like the way bogs challenge and I think, like three minutes into the game, it was like by four
always we like, we did you guys hold. so you guys we're gonna break vegas. We didn't realize they score in the cross. No wow the new pr championship? Serious sixes is actually, I think, like the best lacrosse Product I've ever seen like adding it's gonna reply. Regular, the regular rules, this mobility legacy one thing and be like this is this: is the future every day that you guys would enjoy watching it, I'm sure the goals we didn't. it's like all transition, it's more like basketball, unlike the off It's a playstyle and Basically, we are like. Ok, we're here, drink beer, very goal. They get scorn, that clearly there were none the goals scored forty five and each game. All the overs that were posted were just destroyed and it was awesome
that's kind of how we are going to go it, so he can only drink a beer for every five goals. I I get that, but also in lacrosse there's a lot of goals that get scored so a typical lacrosse game with, what's what's like an average score, jake called Levin I'd say there is like one in total was in a normal game. Yeah ever take in this format. It's going to be double you'll, probably see each side score rounds warnings. So when, when Billy came up with this challenge, it was under the presumption that you would have to drink forty beers in like two hours, which is also not realistic. I'm just well I'm curious years. Weren't full size, beers, ok, yeah, somewhere Gabby their public finances some would say. That's nostril sent you the one that has really nice to every single tele mark with Billy what he's talking about the new new across its borders, the casual candelabra she'll articles. really know how inside he's giving like it was just drink beers and we're pretty drunken and watching a lot.
People score goes like this is awesome. I have a simple brain. I beers alike goes like this is. This is great. they re labelling the ghali's billy, causing concern about golly safety there like if, if beavis butthead went to price billy you did you delete your treats like calling your shot that this was gonna revolutionise lacrosse, I'm trying to find it. maybe yeah the wheel the tree was essentially like. Listen up if you've never watched lacrosse before this, This new champions league lacrosse will be. The best lacrosse you ve ever seen it oh boy, your minds, a great book, this hypotheticals I've never watched lacrosse before
sounds like. There is another reason: why do we think of you? If you ve never seen the cross? This will be the second. He said it lets say like nigger licence laws in certain terminology need to be deleted. Got it Somehow billy finds its way tangled up at the law everywhere. He goes so overall. How drug was billy dukes we were deep eyes germs isotopes ass dukes is I've seen him worse, so entertain his skies at the very best, and he wasn't quite there. I would give him like b, a b, both sides side. Note what What was he like when you seen him worse, nor was it, was pretty good,
just chugging was the last time I saw all kinds of ways: goggly, just just worse respect. What about what about the beer parties you guys play the giant pierpont outweighs the funniest part is that he was clamouring for this. upon torment, like in the meetings that we had barely what's sergeant I think we should really get like a beer pong tournament like an snl sketch sketch then move on to the next part of the meeting he's like yeah yeah, but like back to like the beer pong tournament, I would put a pin on the phone I'll take notes on this meeting and then you just looking at the paper after just says beer pong, then the whole thing we see him at the end of the night is like: did you guys enjoy the beer pong believe like nope, didn't even play it mod billy though, but there is that there's court, all you throw bags and there is a big beer pong, but regulate. Shewed on legs differ the table, but you really. The best part was sitting and the bureau
If you're going to go to the below, then definitely taking the bar down beer, because it is awesome like you can you're basically like right on the field and you feel good, appear and you can drink like you're, not a vip so late. so. What else do you guys are planned where you gonna do any sightseeing, yeah yeah keeps mentioning It's wanna go to the capital of urban. There again now never been there. I to see it for the first time he's asked me likes on the car ride up alone. He asked me seven times how forty of a bit would it be if we just stormed out, why did you? Why? Don't you drive up with them? Jake good question. I think oh yeah, good question, I was gonna now at them, but billy tax. Amid the night before He was like by the way there's a ton of dog hair in my back seat yeah. It would have been like thanks for the heads up, so what, fortunately I got a train, but it would have been really mean to make like Jake just be allergic to dog hair for
hours. Yeah sounds like hell for begging. Your legs are dogs. Neither we nor the pressing to go the capital bill. You are sounding like a fed. You know that right leg, it sounded iran entrapped dukes into something tat judge and I don't want to go with them. I feel like he's setting me up here earlier, but I think it would just be great to shoot. Take talks on the capitol mall like that area like the monument stuff? I really going to take a picture and pretend that the Washington monument like lay down in front of me and pretend it's penis yeah he's basically asking me to do like a picture for, like the eighth grade field trip to DC with your buddies, he did the ability to say yesterday microdosing that driving through DC, it's blown as Because he seeing the military your complex up close and personal data. Again all sorts of ideas about it. So I'm I'm interested to hear what the act after this trip is gonna, be like baby hope. Respect will be changed on stuff, Jeff Another thing is we're good fortune, broadcasting we're going to try to do like the longest make up ever piano across event. So, hopefully
like at least a hundred ok sick, sir, By the way you heard boy seems found the quote its if you ve never sperience lacrosse before you need check this out. It will be like lacrosse, you ve, never seen it actually factual because you ve never seen the cost of war. It will be like lacrosse, you ve, never seen I mean it's trivia, I think this is how the game is can be played in the future, like this So the future of a future sport yeah the best across product you can put out it's like awesome. Ok, she's a highlight machine or to the future of the future. Yeah yeah. Ok, I ask the ground redo the lottery balls and minute Hank your firefox or was it alabama, it was alabama. The other one I was going to say was that I am all the way back in on anti richardson the two to tie up go for. circle with its stephen Shea, our resident draft expert knows:
What love anthony, richardson and like two weeks ago was like you know. He also knows I value nosey does my love for value and he said anthony writers and plus ten thousand or what it whatever hundred to one, go number one and, I said say less put it in. Oh, so now I'm now yesterday the news going. I when I put it in those eighty to one, I think when he told me he put it in the night before so I have it at eighty to one to win like six grand so yesterday, I'm all the way back in I. It was one of those things where, whereas like yeah anthony richardson, he could have said anything and I would I mean angelique richardson. And now I'm like reading all, articles trying to his will. Him has somehow become the number one overall pick sounds like maybe for- little piece of that pie. We could start a draft that you shouldn't yeah, I'm down LUCA, will think about it. Canada cannon arm asked fast? All the trade elusive appear to you, what your firefox, my fire
as is, I got, talked into doing something. Last week, kind of entrapment that I'm I'm objectively terrified doing you play in the long run began your climbing up until I cannot say I guess I didn't actually read the story of a building its very similar aboard scarier oh, I know the answers. I was that I said he held, though so large wealth, story. I heard so large, oh no, I said hell. No, so so large! You would recognize him. He does partial finance twisted history here at barstool he's a big guy covers nascar for admission referee he'll, often rowdy he rubbed his racing. He was asked to go up in an f eighteen before the nascar race at the Poconos later on this year, and he was like. Well I'm a big guy. They ran the numbers. He was too big to fit into the cockpit of an f eighteen and then he asked Dave if they want to go up and down. like not, they talked a big cat big
also too big to go up in the effort to now he said I could go up. I said no story. I heard that big cat was too big to now. I got into a large asked me if I wanted to go so I would assume, and then sir, it's a large which is the largest and going in asking a guy named big hat, probably only large, you live in a lot bigger than me like wise and probably very wise, ok you're, not that big, but you're. U big for enough eighteen, and he asked me if I wanted to do it. I said helma, yes, so large said will be fifteen flies and f eighteen, the simulator over time. Well, ok! So this is where the single largest does not at home in the false leprosy. Let's see if you have to be done to do it well, so I large came up to me and said Do you want to do this? I said how now and I said but phd, might So I put that in his head. Okay, so big, I was too defend her and then he hit me up last. I was drunk because I was on vacation been outside drinking to kill all day, and I get text from large saying
pfc. Would you want to go up in an athlete teen hornet, before this scores and me reply was fuck it. it tells you. I was just like a bit state of mind to make that type of decision, and now I'm into doing this thing. Where I'm gonna go up in enough eighteen and they're gonna pull some serious jeez now do have experience in the cockpit of an f eighteenth familiar with allowed. They know how to work my way around there, but I am also deathly afraid of high and this seems like it's gonna, be though the work experience ever while also being the coolest experience. That's right, but I'm we'll get a flight suit. Get the helmet know. That's why I told large task you Yes, I know your deftly afraid of heights, but you also love finer points I do and maybe the girl, let me take up and sticks for. Second, when I'm up there may, if just for a moment small for that, all I'm saying is if there, if there's any balloons up there, I'm going to shoot a fucking balloon down. If I see a balloon on
to make sure that we attack that below what is the move you are the guy goes up and when those plans imputes all over himself, I came. Peter out jackass jack, no, I don't think I'm an appeal jack. I don't think I'm in puke think, I'm alive ass? I might pass out just from like the anxiety of going up there. cause. I've seen I've been watching people do it on you too, because they take people up and f. Eighteen, something the blue angels and why they do it. They. Actually I pull back hard on the stick. They go upside down, they make high it turns and shit, and I my body is just brains, just gonna struck down. I think I'm in up there my body will go into like possum mode, we'll just passed out for a little bit. Aren't you tom cruise his height now wait all tankers? Isn't it why they chosen fur top gun to know? I think that because of top gun, one no in top gun one they chosen colors height, I don't fiddle. play. I know I can definitely fit into an f. Eighteen though the cockpit is friendly, five, nine gentlemen, such as myself, I saw
like. I am excited about it because I'm gonna, actually fly in a jet I've flown on in the simulator, which is very realistic. I'm not I'm not delusional, have to think that I could land the jet My training comes landing, the f eighteen on an aircraft carrier which I could do describing airstrip, but I do think it. They gave me the controls I be able to lease like hit the way points and shit I pull some sick moves so and at the same time, I'm deathly deathly terrified of doing this you're you're going to be fine by the way I just looked it up. I had all the it all the requirements, I'm almost too tall. That's my only issue up to two hundred and fifty five pounds gets me is the movie: I'm takin off get smart ogre classic you guys are so you I'm going be I'm to look like george bush and my flight suit mission accomplished that actually I'm looking at the height restrictions actually largest too tall,
yeah! No, that's the funniest part! You would have bumped his head on the yeah. That's crazy, so it'd be more than six four. I think I'm going to have to get back on the sticks in in dcs and do some more ghosts, manhattan streams to get fully prepared for this yeah. I'm just going to have to know the f eighteen, cockpit, like it's back my hand, yeah, ok, my firefox hague, I'm unusually for my first Why I'm an unusually for my firefighters lie? You can come back here in two minutes. Why I'm gonna need you leave for my therapist. Leave for my firefox, I'm asking you to leave for my fire fast. Thank you. I appreciate. leave me. I'm gonna wanna hear it lie. Ok, thank you. That's an extra download! We get Please let us in the past the automatic downloaded. Please please leave for I first thank you.
And did you go fly see I miss vacation. We can only this vacation whose great I'd like to get him. I really wish to go back on vacation that ruled seen all of us in the studio with our hands. It is pretty the air like. I am. big vacation guy. Now I think what s tat from doing the package is always on vacation. The vacation boys yeah. Well, I'll, tell you what status. Excels faction, Luckily, I had had to have and leave the room. I can't have him be like Yes, let's go on Morbi. If, if he was in the room right now, he already would be planning is vacation on. He is he's utter slowing it down by at least an hour So yeah, that's my firefox wins explication. probably moldavia, day yeah memorial day in July, yeah, alright, to have agreements at the Yeah july will take a week offer July. Fourth, printing.
it's back but yeah. I miss my big. I missed vacation because she kicks ass. It was fucking not to like about it. I have cut back in like oh, it's not coming back in texts hi, I guess lottery more, so That was why alabama said there were soon. Oh shit he's back in My five rest jake, so I've been sitting on. one for a while, because you're all last week, I think the f b, I think I told you but the foreigners, while last week realize I hated I love being with these got with you last year. I would I hated Maybe you can organise a work harder than no it's nice to work hard, stop full, stop! Fucking work hard, vacation boy, you're soft bitch, all these vacations you're taking I even like to it. I want to be working with the boys with the fellows Jake go ahead, take one after the powerful odo share. We horseshoe
I'm a shame you for use vacations for suckers and losers J. two weeks ago here in arizona. Europe are still scottsdale. First, there was sunday and I had to go to the bathroom at the two minute, more warning and miss the end. You may see any superboss jake I mister Browne bury wholly. I came back out. I thought of the opel How I got rid of they had a bad. Having burke are on. The speaker is even heard. How bad did you have to go to the bathroom? Worry. You couldn't wait for another two minutes, a last two minutes of football for the entire year. You're like gotta, go yeah. It is bad. Why would you have for lunch that selling off valuable slayer we were voting period is all night work. We are eating all night, yet guy stall yeah, unfortunately
hours on the end of the road for me, but I got back Alfred backers. Google, Edna Jake being in the broadcast, bruce what would happen in a situation like that, if you were calling the superbowl it, what because I wouldn't put myself in a position to eat rescue right ways ass unable risky his lisa wasn't from that? Ok? Well, I can't leave you miss last two minutes of the previous elections, How could I saw the end the last buyer Were you literally had like I screamed sunday. He just left little ice room at the bottom No thanks. Senator embody doesn't care. I good job. On monday, we have our good friend christian knowledge, so and while we got him in person and super week, two and its power, a mistake by us. because that means the ass eating. Bat is gonna, be brought back up all the time he looks. He looks big. He looks,
He looks like he's. Gonna worry sign here and also just a reminder on Wednesday shoulder to do a full swing. You mean Jackson alone It asks homes thou either we to the Luigi aprons you bad billy with that club. Where, like I was, I was on vacation all week and all I could think about was jack's modes, ouch liquor. It was used to take. I had With a part of I was on vacation and that's all about. he goes on. Luckily, he conveniently removed Iraq. Apart were asked if, if Jackson eats more ass than christian does yeah, he edited that part out of those smart of him. but yeah in full swing, review on Wednesday server watch its netflix, it's fucking awesome. That we have a couple golfers it will be with us. Then.
Have you were gone, this lottery ball machine. I have not all that a new. Do you want to start us off with what number you want and you could have sixty nine if you like, sixty nine it take it. Take six, Are these sixty nine, so yeah dude yeah, number eight. Ninety eighteen, seventeen, ninety nine. four shall j J around might have got under way this. When I watch he can't help it Can we can? I start bringing in business is, doesn't count obviously If my own altered the final surgery and he'll get it before you now be funny. What was your number? Ninety nine? Have you ever gotten this now three is missing
Al yeah, though idiots. How did you not know that the what oh all sixty I thought it was sixty nine, our been incredible, I really don't want to just spend the rest of duty. Billy's day would have been billy just been like bro. Why I could take my number sixty nine though he would have won all the money yeah anyone want all the money will do it. Sixty nine heard too, it's great. Have your dukes! I still see everyone, my back, let me guess merely grabs stating what s actually allowed.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-07.