« Pardon My Take

Kyle Long In Studio, 1 Question With Blake Bortles, CFB Talk + Bring Your LunchPail With Jersey Jerry

2022-10-05 | 🔗

Deebo Samuel is the best and we recap MNF and the Niners being back (00:02:22-00:14:21). We talk some college football (00:14:21-00:31:43). Hot Seat/Cool Throne including Brady/Gisele Divorce (00:31:43-00:48:39). Kyle Long joins us in studio to catch up on the end of his football career, O-Line play, podcasting and tons more (00:48:39-01:52:07). We do 1 question with a Quarterback with Blake Bortles (01:52:07-02:02:47) and finish the show with bring your lunchpail with Jersey Jerry (02:02:47-02:24:52)

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners. You can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary can listen. Ad free on amazon, music, see the beekeepers, starry jason state them state them stars is a highly trained acts. Operative of her secret programme called the beekeepers when he discovers that a powerful organization is exploiting society's most vulnerable and hard working people state them season unrelenting vengeance to end the corruption. When his identity is discovered, the stakes become higher than ever from David air director of suicide squad in fury see the beekeeper only in theatres january, twelve tickets, at the beekeeper dot movie on today's part of my take. We have our good friend, kyle long in studio, haven't seen him in a while catch up with him. Tell him the end of his career, his podcasting career, that's going very well coaching
school football lot of great stuff with kyle. We also have wait portals on one question with a quarterback and I There might be some news that you want to listen to that was broken in true blake flat fashion. would have been funnier. We have What's a bring your lunch pale with jersey, jerry to finish, the show, the little man and I football college football hot see, cool thrown pack show for you for about the noise and pressure around fitness. At new year's, I use a palatine bike. I'm getting back on my bike in the new year, gonna get back in shape, but guess what you should feel any pressure to have your body ready in three weeks process to get, I join the process. The best way to do that is with palatine this new year. Tons, making it easier to get started with up to six hundred dollars off palatine bike purchases and two months: free membership, shop, tons new year's offer at one palatine dot com, slash deals, that's one:
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from Debo samuel play football. That was my boy. Take away from Monday night for power. The quarter. The game was from debo after he said. Ah, you I just don't know what he was doing out there. That's what debo set on june ramses attempt to tackle, and it was at first, I don't care- was everyone on the rams and when we saw the attack libya he's just on tackling he's aegis of violent football player, he was basically made in the lab for kyle Shanna hands, often when they showed him not only catching balls running balls, but also blocking like throwing great blocks for spring? These big runs. It was a cow, shanahan master, classy own show mcveigh, obviously not the end of sea champion game is now nine in three against the spread. cash in hand, version mcveigh- and we ve talked about this before, but it's great Did the annex ii west? Has these three young coaches and they all just like have each other's number, like shah mcveigh, has cliff kings raise number. I think
no no, it's ok. I looked at this earlier. Cliff did ok against the niners for the last couple years, but overall, like fifty fifty. So it's like, kyle own, strong, sean ons click, click, If one's a very nice house to do cocaine in yeah, okay, so there it is, that's the nfc west and PETE carroll's, just hanging out chomping gum up in seattle he's just having a good time just can't be, but his vibes are immaculate. Still to this day, I actually think that pete carroll's having more fun with gino if, as is quarterback, is a combination of like ok, weirdo rosters around, so don't have to worry about. placating him all the time and pretending to understand his strange unusual motivational techniques, and also gmos round. If I win to game, would you know smith, that's cool yeah if I lose really cares, but yeah terms again last night, debo stimulus I give you just took gregg kittle unjust, shrunk him down until I guess slightly smaller, slightly faster version himself, but people like hey when are they gonna get Kittle involve kittle is involved, in the run game, and I think he everything I think
It can also get fancy points for unblock. I great because he's one guy that does make that much of a difference I was watching some of the some of the cow shanahan like one, zone blocking it's right. All acts is beautiful. There was one play that was like a nine yard gain that was like too pretty plain and ever seen among its also. So pretty that it's like he does. One thing is: is that his dad did with the broncos insight? Tat was just the best. One is ok, we plug any any running back. In is one caught in their gone and when it works like no prettier football, really as he makes running the football sex, its gorge yeah and then on the other side, the ball ivory Why? I think it's time that we do some blind rasmussen. Ok, I'm gonna, give you two random quarterbacks, completely random Tell me, based on the stat line, which one You would rather have on your team arroyo coca quarterback, one one thousand and fifteen that's a lot of the arts. Six point eight
words per reception yards per completion, touchdowns, six interceptions, ok, quarterback rating. Eighty one point, four back one quarter back to one thousand one hundred twenty six yard. Oh said point: five george and its promotion alone, touchdown, it's a lot more. Only three interception ha. Ninety nine point: nine quarterback rating just out of those two I'd want your Gough you'd want you're gonna hurt; yes, yes, and what better got at smart? So it's time to ask like who really won that trade cat the rams or the lions a good question. If we just take out super bowls, I think it's the lion. Yeah, I mean super bowls. That's a team! Stat! That's true just from a purely passer perspective and in the rams I mean the rams have problems, their offensive line is completely battered and they basically like It was essentially matt stafford running for his life, just storage, cooper cup, cooper cup running for his life. Did it for nice defence. Do I look like
if we had like advancing the lennoxes justly, they have dudes every year that just their violent and I like. I always are well know that werner yoni Alfred Warner there they are always are the team that like, if you can the ball in the middle, the field they'll have. What, for like ten guys tackling you immediately and I, I was impressed with the niners. I do think there is like times. Where are we thinking you Jimmy G, nice guy, but there was definitely you time, especially in the first half that one structurally, where he missed like three or four guys that were wide open. It's like ok, I kind of we're cash in hand was trying to do like cave. We had if you had stafford on the niners? I think they would be prohibitive. Super favorites because there are devil sometimes you like he jimmy just the office, is so great. You have so many weapons, just the guy was wide open. I it's always a chicken and egg situation with if you had a great quarterback and caution is often how good maybe because I feel like that-
That has always had medium to like slightly below average. Quarterbacks makes him run the ball more. Yeah utility and good. I, where, if you like, a great quarterback out there, probably wouldn't run the baltimore, I think, you'd still. I think he would probably still prefer for Jimmy g to hit the open guys and Jimmy G has moments where you're like. Oh this is this we're not talking about him the open, guys and yeah. I I think that you'd fall in love with your quarterback. If a guy that was slinging it, he just loves to run the ball, and then we also had the protester Bobby Wagner, showing way more effort on the part that best part of the debo touchdown run. It wasn't just jail in ramsay was like the entire rams team Essentially, it was like group homework assignment there like someone else will do it. we'll be fine, and then you get to you get to the day where you have to do. The presentation would like. I thought you were gonna, do it. Ambrose like someone else, will tackle em. It's fine. and every kind of made their own business decision, and it was like great debo, terrible by the rams. I dont do rams
the rooms have problems. I don't I feel like it. There offensive line obviously does, but I still think they are going to be they're going to be there at the end of the year. I think the problem is that matt stafford he's obsessed with cooper rush, yeah, it's like it's cyber cup, er, sorry yeah, cooper, kupp, I'm obsessive cooper yeah, you are the ginger, the ginger cannon but cooper. is like the only the only option that he ever looked out. He tries to get the ball occasionally robinson, but that's not it's very clear that his priority as well allen, robinson also great career, actually funny our friend Tom Fanelli. He has like the biggest grudge without Robinson his last year with the bears he was like. You know complaining targets in not getting open and stuff. It's like boy. He doesn't get open like he's with Matthew stafford how, He had an acl injury that he does not ever gotten that X. He never was expelled to begin with but he hasn't gotten means not gotten all the way back. and so maybe it's not the quarterback
its own robinson is as good as we thought. I think I ll end of his great. I think it's mostly on on mats. After being, please not open he's obsessed with him. but Ellen robinson, oh please upset, will I have seen of the kind of from our robinson like week, one we too, where there are people there that think, like our robinson, should be the number one receiver basin. How open he's gotten in weeks to write, but in terms of just like locking onto a guy like it's creepy how much matt stafford Isn't that other with cooper cup, just like nineteen targets, through through the bottom. Ninety it was it was. It was essentially like I said it was just running for his life: oh shit, throats cooper, kupp and yeah. The the only other thing that happened was the protester. Bobby Wagner, taken about which was great. I think there was a security guard that might have blown as acl. To start of it gathers lasting other angle. That's gonna sucks, so bad for security guards who are like there ready for that moment in their hope. Like hey, we get a moment. We get to just absolute power guy and take em off, but the
that. You realise o this guy might have some speed that has demoralising? Second, where you like fuck, gotta screwed but credit. security, guarding, yellow who just ran him towards Bobby Wagner and was like get get your help. If you mean get more? What you get act like a hurting dog in that situation and make somebody else make a play autumn germ towards the sidelines and hope something good happened. What was the protesters? And I don't know, animal no problem Secondly, Julian thuvia in favour it was someone who broke into a slaughterhouse and there now locked up, and he was asking them to be freed. Ok like a political prisoner, are they locked out in a locked up in the slaughter house, because that would be funny if they like? Now you can't leave You ve gotta visit here with these pigs that we slaughter every day and listen die. Tat would be cool today that I will soon bobby Wagner now. Think that I am, I think, you're like trespassing at that point. Now are the that take the night that was to our good friend and darkish because he said if,
we can do this to fans coming onto the field. Can fans players coming into the stands. Allah kyler worried in its agreeing on an issue that needs to be asked in the elementary also wasn't going into no, no, they got you a bully. He was basically assaulting them by by leaning against the bear here ferrets why this question a question dan. I say yes, I say that if kyler murray if he climbed into the stands and start to punch you, I say that you should be allowed to restrain them. Then you all physical means necessary s. Den also hilariously broke the pall Chris news like six hours after everyone else, is like I can also that's my favorite, while Chris has been fired whenever Dan does that I always like to quote. We didn't confirm his contents did yeah yeah yeah, so it was good Monday night football. He wasn't like you know the overdone hit, but you know what I enjoyed the game. enjoyed the game. It's always foreign watching mcveigh go against Shanahan. I do The niners like it's.
was the question of, can they stay healthy, but that team, their defence, is. It gets all over everyone. I can't wait to watch what's whose line is it anyway? The pan forty niners cause because holy it bakers and for a long day is already not an indian, for this gets in a clear. Caroline saddles six, and it has my set, not mice, mice, five. What do we got it's a long plane ride bad wifi, ouida, lighters, bonds oh there, legal high. Yet it's gonna, be a long long afternoon for baker. I kind of winning the carolina panthers on Sunday night show. I had so many people from carolina reach out to automobile. Like I watch entire game. I can't believe I did It was one person that mechanism out them. They work for panthers organization, part of their job, is to cut up highlight also and at the end the second half somebody said hey. We need, though, the second half highlight package and the guy was like
literally the only highlight that we had was a fake pont that was called back on a flag poster, so there's no There were no highlights in the entire second half. That guy is like the the the facebook quality control. People have to watch like horrendous videos of people dying and stuff, and then they get ptsd. That's no different than the carolina panthers social media team. Trying to cut up highlights, know it's stuff like. Would you rather watch this like person in the countryside, be doused with gasoline yeah? Unlike a political coup, would you rather watch baker mayfield hand offer to your love? That's a tough one, starting its work. The former sam donald by becoming back yet always bakers, kind of a troubled the minute you here like SAM Donald me. in progress with his ankle injury. That's its It's gonna be the same result for the panthers, but hey sure yeah that rule is on board the titanic and he's like now. Let's put this chair on the starboard side yeah. I think that would be better yeah. Maybe
yeah just try, maybe putting the whole thing in reverse yeats if we can just turn back time, so the bans plan right now is answered. The only thing likely to do a little more peppy of a tune like if someone put a pop in your stop yeah yeah. So it's not good for the panthers. We want to talk a little college football before do haughty cool thrown. We we, we talked about obviously Paul chris getting fired, which was a shocker. I dropped the fun fact on you guys that ass time. Wisconsin fired a footballer basketball coach withstand. and gandhi and ninety ninety five, which is hilarious, just don't level like They let everyone walk away on their own terms. Yes, yes, but Ryan walked away, gracefully on his own terms and yet exactly so its arm. I I I touch on sunday, but it is nice having now an excuse, because the badger sucks so bad to be like while we we whence recalled firing, what are you gonna do with it. So the fact that wisconsin has job opening makes me when my
thanks are due to just talk about jobs, yachts, football which I had a job nebraska was exactly like: less compare jobs, think I would rather out rather taken constant job than the nebraska jurassic fans will get very upset, but I agree, but here's here's a situation like Nebraska feels like it's. The entire job is poisoned yeah well ruined thought, scott frost, there's no If this fails, yeah he's been a success elsewhere, prodigal. Son returns home. This is indeed, victory. really, the only way that you can possibly succeed at nebraska is due both police did yet, which is just make everybody in town hate you, but when four In its also, it goes back to work wisconsin, for you know as much it's hard to watch. Sometimes there is strength in knowing what you are and just doing that well and not, deviate from bad, because if you have a brand and you can, maximize that brand, which is just running the football down everyone's throat and playing good defense. You at least don't get
play this game where you hire someone who's like you, Nebraska might hire someone like hey we're gonna run explosive off. That's in like we're tried this way. So you know just do it when you nine or ten games, Everyone knows what it is: its funds sometimes when you, when you went big games against rivals And yet that's that's cool, like I'm, I'm cool with that lets college for balikh, not everyone can win. A national title and I did like someone did tweet in all de being like was constance. give next saving to call the academic? like line up with what he believes in and you stupid, not at least give mccall call everyone yeah Almost like someone replied was, I wanna call bear bryant too. yeah dead for twenty years, but who cares you rodney yeah, it as well hotel, no, actually, no, no
Stone, uncover turn. What about Kosovo because, like when you think about it? Wisconsin is the louisiana the mid where it could be there like vaguely french, they have a severe drinking. Probably up a lot of big people like ride. Food in everyday seems like a perfect culture, fit to be ass. Yet it's he just trade jumble. I offer for brought yeah very easy. I think it is very easy simply other cocoa does like the warm weather. No, he likes to run out with sam bacon, with ray big raving rabies disk far on either, because leonard azure interim head favorite writer vault. Your favorite badger lot, people's favour, badger ends, he's gotta been hanging out for a while the coach in waiting in waiting almost yeah, they've got him with an easy schedule coming up, don't you guys play like northwestern? Like I mean it's, the big ten west? Who else do you play like purdue, literally the big ten there you go. It's so team suck. He should win to these games, coming up correct Doesn't it,
I won't get. The jedi probably won't get the job, and then he probably won't want to stick around in wisconsin. No, no. He wouldn't know, obviously, when you're going all in on him right now, yeah, but it's better than I'd rather this way than fire workers the of the year and then hiring Jim Leonard and finding out it doesn't work. Next year, the accent if you hire him for the four, its work for with him. But if you hire him after this year, if you say pop fireball crest january. You hire Jim Leonard. You then at the kind of key for three years and if he's not the guy, that's three more years down the line where you ve kind of fucked yourself, I think he's gonna be good successful. I might just you like an integrity the programme major pick wisconsin, minus nine, half against northwestern feels right. Ok, maybe pledge that money too, kids, Jim leonards future
I told you, I don't know the children's hoss yeah right. You say the children's ass, yet nobody in children's off ass, you, which one light, did we didn't talk we're on Sunday. I we have to be careful p of take as we have been playing a dangerous game of always saying we're in a match, charity and stuff, and I almost got fox I'll match your chair with his with Mozilla Jim via I almost got fucked with mozilla on Saturday night. When I said I would match, chased angels off for two hours, open bar at a big zoo bar and They almost be georgia, which it's actually the correct, because you always almost beats georgia. Perfect scenario, though saying that you're going to match and then never having to that's kind of the whole point of that you'll put, it was very close to have it like we have been playing with fire in it almost yeah, but you gotta play with fire yeah. I know you don't play farther, then you'll never cook a meal yeah! That's what I always say it's true. I I honestly will never stop saying that I will match or double I dunno, which is better, actually saying double or match. I think,
thea, you go, you go back and forth, switch back and forth other college football. I wanted to throw out one thing for the people: a future I have my eyes on clumsiness sixteen, the one to one actual time. I don't think they're gonna win the national title. I think they're going to be in the playoffs. I think clemson is sneaky a little bit back, even though they won ten games last year DJ angola. As we are doing. Well, it's it's. We ongoloo reject jake now the elder. Now we practise the beginning of season. I said he liked. He looks competent, even good. Dare I say and if they figure out their corner backs and secondary like they will feel, I think, they'll being that they play the two topics, teams and weak force. In answer, The ac see that division that their instincts if they have, I think they might have to play for the state. I think they might have to play notre dame but like no rooms down so excuse syracuse good point, but sixteen one just say
It's nice to be dj. Dj is like everything that shit peyton wanted taste em hilda be yeah. He's like a piece of better passer. I think, is more dynamic and more powerful runner when he said best he's like a more power. we'll take some ill. Yet, when he's at his worst he's he's pretty bad, like he has the ability to one shot me came out late, an egg and I so album? Obviously bryce young got hurt, he'll be back. Eventually, we don't know how long state looks good georgia. I it's crazy to say, but, like their last two games, they have not looked their slicks looks had some, but I'm wondering what they gave up twice. You too can state Missouri kind of missouri. Was moving the ball against. There were no, but I watched that entire game. Unfortunately, because I thought I was going to pay like two thousand dollars in a bar tab. I'm no, I'm not worried about there vincent arm a little bit worried about their often zoo kind of move, the ball like it. Wasn't it wasn't so fluke it wasn't,
it wasn't one of those games where it's like weird thing: kept on happening balls, getting tipped they were obviously still better defensively them. Zoos often put masood like running. The ball was thrown deep, a couple times, I'm just saying this is just put it little pin in it did. We get a little bit duped by georgia's dominance because we wash out forty nine to three game against organ week, while for sure and we're like this team is insane- and I think there obviously so very very good, but the last two one game yet two games in a row where they've played down Competition severely makes you such say huh. Maybe this isn't like the juggernaut. We all thought it would. I think their defence will be fine think long term. There, that's not can be a problem for them. They'll figured out alabama, I don't know is price young is a shoulder. Ok, it's brain shoulder right. Yes, oh that's, not bro football doc. Baby can share shed some light on that brain shoulder seems like a bad thing to have, as a quarter back like
something that you need more than just a week or two to recover from definitely some mobility, but can one of those things you just got: throw through ya, throw throw throw throw a guy, that's good, don't use it more it'll get better and they I mean they're going to. This is actually going to be great watching on Saturday night, alabama, vs, texas, a and m, with the backup with alabama who's, not a great thrower nick saving is going to just be like I'm going to try rush for six hundred yards on her face. and there's nothing you can do about the museum bow. We might see a ryan de Greg, schiano type, ending this game. They might run the triple option like I think the nick saban is it's going to be man football down there face all day, and it's going to be great to watch he's going to he's going to jimbo. So what I'm more interest in the handshake after the gatt handshake yet we'll fisher. I think he said this off season. They say like Somebody should slapped him in the face. I think that you can say that somebody should slap another man in the face and then goes shaped at other man's hand. Yeah. I think you got to have some sort of It's gonna be one. The handshakes where you grab and you pull in
hold on a little bit too long, and you like give him a little lecture with a thing point always loved the finger point. Addition to the handshake. Teaching some another man a lesson, the of the game or maybe snobs them I don't know- or maybe just stand there yelling at each other here who knows but I'd, that's what I'm very interest in seeing it through the skin. Then we also have the red river shoot out, which has got hot see. Oh yes or no longer say shoot us out. Yet the s out was giving the hot seat ball because obviously brent vegetables he's first year, so is not technically on the hot seat, but if we lose three in a row he peeped maybe very upset and then sark. Definitely could be on the hot seat if he moves escape. You think so I mean if they played alabama closer than they lose the texas tech if they lose too if they lose to Oklahoma. people to start asking questions. The lad always ask questions, but I don't think that sort in the hot seat. When you got your wasn't good yeah, but you ve got arch manning come into town and pretty big part of that I would imagine would be you. play with Steve Sarkisian. All they could probably get.
There is such a saying, it's so ridiculous. How much money they invested in recruiting arch managed because they know that he's gonna bring tens of millions of dollars to the universe if that hundreds of millions of dollars if they play well, I'm just saying ominous invite us some podcast are saying possible hot seat. If they lose their discussion. The discussion could happen. Tat people are talking about handling rating discussion. Yes, there's also patterson inverse less miles, T see you kansas game, yes both teams, five now going it. College game is gonna, be up there. Yes, gonna be fun to watch. yes, which of these two is kansas fraud here, Yes, a mercedes use going back in there. Coach was used to be the head coach, it whitewash yeah, that's history, yeah! Let's look at his ease on the is almost constans list for potential yup hires
Is he was at buffalo buffalo, in bavaria himself? He was in wisconsin right yeah. You know you yeah, he wondered billy said he one much model national titles. It was commerce cards on why water yeah I was it Harry patterson scuse me here. I don't want to mess up the name that coach for team. I was confused what you said there. I just went by it because it was like those are obviously the former code Scary, patterson against Lewis, my all who is odd texas staff now, which is crazy, yeah I saw waddling around that bert orange and so I had a lot of people. We, like you, don't know VFW football. I just said the question: is it not kind of us? I've been everyone's face, a tissue he built that whole program. Obviously, The time has come to depart ways. He goes to be this special assistant for steve cohesion on the texas sideline. That's weird to me. It is gunshots. Weird, too, is very solemn and say that is weird. We also have Ellis you play in tennessee this weekend and that's I'm I'm worried for tennessee.
Yeah. Now it's going to be an early game which is nice soon game and people are pissed off in baton rouge about that, because it doesn't give him enough time to get drunk. I to them like if you go and you watch red river s out there. That game is played at eleven o clock. Low they show down, there was no s down. Came, is played at eleven o clock local time every year in dallas and just as do stay up dropped from the night before they just don't go bad air that they should do it. Unless you I'm I'm a little bit worried, though, because it's a tough supply, regardless of how inebriated curtains are added feels like a let down by form after that emotional, where a week off, thereby weak, but still it's like this, This feels like a game the tennessee should win, but because it again the touchy sea should, when it actually feels like a game that they should lose. I also love the brian Kelly pet press conference. When someone from l, you asked them about the famous thirteen on the field game. In twenty ten, when tennessee had won the game, the game was over
and the rest were like note. Their dirty met on the field be one more play, and Brian Kelly was like I, I dunno what you're talking about I'll have to look into it. It's like it happened in two thousand and ten. It didn't didn't happen in the nineteen. Seventy two euro poaching college football when that happened, you that was pretty big game and a pretty crazy moment that happened in that year than you are of coach, a college football, so he just doesn't want to learn else. U history! I do not appreciate that. I just want. I want tennessee to remain undefeated until they play alabama that's what I want. I would because our game will be found and they're, not the oil. The thing I had was: u S. Aegis, has tomato guys out of you, so that club they they have tal guys. The ass just whipping people every single time. They they get a big play programme, which is, I guess, a culture change. I think that's what they're I do is mortals truck they're trying to cheat. just watch is clear, but tell me if you think, there's maybe you may tell guys put this in the youtube.
Basically yeah he just gets assaulted on the sideline with towel. That's the deshawn watson math. You have like four guys, yeah, four guys just whip and towels of people yeah so ass, devil's cauldron, hats, culture! Would anybody in this little room like to apologize regarding the discussion about James? You being rank in the top twenty five are the right the discussions happen it no. I said the discussion was discussions happening day. I think they got like eleven votes to be ranked at the top eighteen, thirty nine world. Thirty nine, as though we are the people left. So I say thirty icing without any so so he had also happened three weeks ago when they wouldn't get any votes, but now it's happening will know the discussion started to happen after they be appalache and stay I was having before I was having the discussion of. If they be appalache and state there will be. The scots right, which I was out of the woods, how is correct yet out and because the discussion it happened, discussion happened already, but then it happened after that when two, so now they ve got to They ve got archives state on the road.
You ve got another game. I think georgia state and then easy one ease; they should be wins. and then they got Marshall at home, They will be ranked at least twenty three. If they go into that game well, at what were they, be six. Now and I will be back on campus at home, coming for their marshall game, if their undefeated at them have to do it really crazy the fact that they deserve first year as a big a programme and their under no grand they haven't played like a world beater schedule. Yet I think there as you are what iraq are hardly blame on paper, I think would be Louisville who stinks stinks out loud, but yeah, prodigious, crazy, think Della j James madison yeah we'll be ranked. If they win all games, yeah are going to be playing in a bowl game and like on December. Twenty first is going to be great, I'm going to bet it and I'm gonna love it. They can't lie Ok, guys and for three guys dad. I don't it's three years, but has definitely this year they got exclude from the policies, can all shit because
moved. You know what we should start that movement at last. She let the kids play its use and punish the kids. Just like last year, you punish any team that moves up to division, one. Whether You, like women's lacrosse men's, fucker men's football- they should not be punished, for some Yet the school did to remove them up to the next division that hashtag bullshit, let the hashtag bullshit bullshit, bullshit yeah. Let the kids kids play. I agree. ok! Let's do pots equal drawn than we have kyle long in studio, awesome interview and, like I said at the top blue griffin, Our sorry blake portals one quest. the quarterback. Some breaking news all time, blake moment. Okay, this gets a hearty call. Drone is brought to you by our friends at coors light protect your chill this season with coors light. Coors light is the beer of college football weather Your team is a power house with a record to keep. Or an underdog with a point to prove
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Precision games and the sun's lost their first games good for us. They lost with envy l, team and australian league team. The adelaide six years, how to Chris Paul do. Thou legacy was on that. After legacy at his battery legacy. Eminem count that is another. Ok, I doubt examined colors another one. We blown to reply. I doubt it I'll check what that that even more cat, like he left us teammates out to draw up the up that's gotta, can overlook to thirty six hours, sons, verse, envy owl? tail is always time. Yeah Stunning loss, stunning precision loss, and I had a lot of that other controversy with their team in the off season, a team that was was so so promising a few years ago seems be falling apart at the seams ever since they stop wait. You verbal meme its age. Today's I right back to get back in touch with her. It seems like the whole teams been cursed ever since they just ignore,
the store they should have leaned into that a little bit more Paul played yeah. Oh, he did play so six points. Are you saying that a chris Paul team, as as kind of self destructed Well, it appears that what oh come on no way, I don't believe it that's the fun that was a fun hotseat. I member when they're gonna get katy like two months ago. and like all donors, chile, oh yeah, my out, chile, video out, go watch it watch the the the preview and laughed just knowing what was in store. Part of my take youtube check it out billy, try to kill us so too. de Billy, trying to kill you want a preview. It yeah How are you? How do you describe your character in this? Your story arc I try. I tried of controversial, didn't work out you, try to poison started, kill us I'd, try to kill their budgets and what are you hiding go by the book right?
it was so unwind the book that Brian Bob garner warned us before. We. It was supposed to be a blind test. I don't want to give away too much, but before we had one certain persons, chile Brian told us like, don't don't eat too much that it will poison. You alternate facts pity your high school drop. my hot seat is Dana white. Oh yeah data, get put on the hot seat. Big time didn't interview, I don't know who did the interview with it was only do you see main account or you have seen an account. And he said that he went to go, get a test Some sort of doktor and the doktor told him that he's going to die in ten point. Four year job so pale Doktor has attested taken run where they can. You, too, the month, when you're gonna die sounds, legit yeah. So then Dana change up his entire die and now he says he's extended his life. He hated that it had asks, because this doctor, who told him hey, guess what I can tell you exactly what food why? Why do
more americans, not get this test. I well it costs. We look it up the other day and cost so much money thea, it's the ten acts, fitness programme I think it's related to grant Cardon whose attacks he created the tenants mindset which delay when anything you want to do in life. Just to tell what is the little head is it called the ten ex nihilo fitness are some ten expect. They measure you tell em ears, which are something their souls to indicate how old you are biologically. So you can have like a fit like a twenty three year old, with the tell em ears of the equivalent of a fifty five year old, who just lives. Unhealthy boulders, like fifty five year olds with tell em ears were like thirty, so probably just had really old telling me. It also was ridiculous because I dunno, if you saw the clip pft but Dana white, was like yeah, I was not feeling healthy. I was waking every single night throwing up in my sleeps like yeah, that's bad yeah, that that seems bad. You should probably go see a real doctor
he's now back. He sees live in life. There's something weird about lecter, the more rich and powerful you get the worst. Your medical choices become yeah, because, even though you have access to make the best possible medical towards besides steve jobs, who he gonna play and went to Brazil and he's still alive to this day but like when you when you have like life changing money where you in charge of like hundreds and hundreds of people and you're there, boss, for some reason. You think that their health care that they get that's bad here I am the only one that can get the real healthy. So you not making like terrible decisions for your own body. The ten acts fitness programme. They have their selling these red lights, which billy you could tell me what red lights due to you put their like twelve thousand dollars. It's it's It's it's a a genius programme as you can essentially like what what a super crazy, rich people where they move, afraid of is dying because they love being super crazy rich. So they can spend money on we science to keep them alive,
He also said these fucking obsessed with finding out the exact month that he is on, pays to die, and I also have a theory that that's guys range because I great if somebody word tell me if you had to choose between like you, to know, when you're gonna die and you get to know the method in which you will die you have to lay there, but you have to pick one of em I gun to your head. I think I think method and hoping that it's not like getting hit by a bus cause. Then I just have to avoid all buses. My life. I think, if you have to pick one of those too, that's I mean knowing when you're going to die, would be terrible, be terror. terrible, terrible every single day aged like up on the dying this many days, yes of people are now the haters out there, like actual doctors, are cast. Dispersions on it, saying that these It's almost certainly do not in that it away morbidly irresponsible of any doktor to say itis know, I'm gonna go Dana white, so he's here
attended his life by some eu because of telemetry, is at a billy. Tell me tell me what I want to get this test, though you could you think so yeah how much you think it would cost a lot look up. Tell em is tests it just basely how the longer tell em ears like the less you ve aged, got it ok, you're cool, trompe empty. My cool throne is bears Yeahs fat person, bitch the the now pork up in alaska. They do this every year, where I think, I covered this fat bear race almost every year here on pardon my take shut, our guys geyser he's a big fan of fat bear week. Oh he loves god. I am I we. I think we've been going to fat bear week since, like the very first year of take yeah and the fat bears are back. Basically, they they hibernate in a couple months and the weeks spent up until they start to hibernate or just spin, standing in a stream gorging themselves on sand
and you can go and look, and you can see when you see pictures of them coming out of hibernation and then pictures of them now when they ve gained, like three hundred pounds yeah, so I've got I've got a front runner, you can look at all the different bears and then they put them in a bracket and they compete against each other. I've got seven, forty, seven, ok, I'm forty! Seven is a fucking unit, yeah that bear which great it's fuckin electric every single year, My heart seats is Anyone who hates on tony la russa because he's retiring because of medical issues. So I don't I don't know, actually going on with him he's he stopped managing the white sox for last month, but credit? this is the best way to retire, be MIKE, I'm sick. Don't make the jokes we'd like to see his tell him your test. Yes, the doktor would just printed Omby like that. You're just a jitters point or not you, your debt, your I should person but yeah. This is in in terms of like it didn't go well with him as marriage or the white socks who would have
We thought that, but I have to give him credit like saying I don't feel very good so everyone please be. Nice is a great way to walk out of a team that completely undermine. all year yeah, I didn't They got off to a good start up under loosen lasher there. Ok, but this year they were. This was supposed to be the year that they put it all together, and they were just never that team for yeah ghek lucy. Is he if ever do like an interim manager on a team that has some talent that's like on costs? I think you're gonna get good to three weeks out from right. Yeah, maybe maybe because I do not remember when we start with a white socks, nobody was like could haters la russa system, the old, Galway actually still work baseball, but now just starts by favour. Rumour, always whenever the white sox, new managers as again should be the manager again any psyches bees basely saying. I know this team better than any one yourself bring it back. My group road, is the league, the earth. Sorry, this Lee
because Ben simmons is back any shooting basketball. So you not to worry about that. It was great. watching the one highlight everyone, dunham, it's gonna be awesome one. It's like thursday night primetime game Are you not one of those featured games? They have and eat mrs a shot in the hole. this is now this? we're looking at one of the most universally hated guys on the internet and the the What sort come out? when he shoots in mrs horrifically, like he met the rim when he shot a fadeaway last night on so ready for it's gonna, be very funny to watch. It's gonna be like trent ridge. and and the holes that he's running through over against can be scraped or mitch. Trubisky, yes, and the receivers he's not passing in the best way to go. The best part is like he's. I listen I know that spans exist, but in turn a fair basis. They probably or in the lower end of like strong. History, a fan basis that will I come back people so data.
benson have defenders like offensives, was on the lakers or this six or the six while he was on the six years, but team had a bunch of wrath of the rafters match beds in the rat, raptors would go to fucking war for the guy, there's not a lot of defense for Ben simmons know, and they don't have to play defense on just let him shoot yeah. That's that's kind of the defense out there yeah it's kinda like the lakers fan or not the lakers, the clippers fanbase we're a big market, but nobody author, easy easy target right with no way to defend their affair. I might just they don't have number. You know what I mean the challenge. Big lie. There you go, I will become the been simmonds defender, yeah the guard, the press that was promised. I will guard him. and down man down. You don't do that, but just stand there. I feel like it's going to be it's going to be pretty easy job to defend them. There's the list of excuses I can come up with in my head. Then been summoned to start and ends at the fact that his right hand,
yeah and also just say he plays great defense, because you could just post a clip of him, locking someone down and be like no one else in the leagues doing the mental health care mental health, I believe, equal drop, my heart, his com, dot coms of the russian fighter, who we know is a great wrestler, welterweight guy. He just got detained in russia and his passport taken. So I don't think we'll be seeing him in the u of ca timestamp. Why did he do that? I know I went back yeah cause when he gets ten. Four probably too got fighting around the armenia. Are we then my cool throne is division to women, soccer, So a story is come out of d to women soccer. There's a head coach: it? U t p b, which I don't know it stands for, but of the karla tat s basically, units university, a texas, peanut butter,
that's what it sounds like university taxation, civic, the texas, permian basin, ok per he basin, really now it down there, so shoes jobs are based, this sounds like it's out a blue mount states whose arrested for deed of you. I am timber, eleventh I asked some players to how pair bail, which some of them did She then gotten to fiscal interactions with members of the: u t, p, b men soccer team, I, including kissing in public. As the physical interaction yeah distributed I'll call to minors. She was a tragedy. Fuckin parties issue, we suggested from a game sounds like Alex morgan when she went epcot centre, yet, like the prime minister of Finland, or whatever she We rejected from a game, and then she re enter you bach the prime minister valid sean yourself this. This was pretty, for how did you know who the promise refilling was hacked cause? He barked cause, I'm
while I well versed on geopolitical studies, aren't you go with his side. Scintillating diversity should orgy can work in thailand. No change names. she guy jack from a game in and came back into the game with a disguise all bodyguards idea of it. And then she was continuing to coach via walkie talkie in an enormous group alleges that she encouraged for students to cheat on classes cod. Crazy, a bad girl saw ever yards. Does there like this. Not brown is basically nick Sabin yeah just dinner. daylight did like I liked him do happen here. Pictures of her. I actually look for some, don't don't either of ochre
It wasn't a squash yeah. I was just asking. We know what you're looking for no. I was just curious, which I wanted to put a face to the activity. Let let pft decide Jake yeah, alright, Jake, my hot seat is love. We have breaking news. Oh great move after the law breaking moon, just delighted to know you're not going to do it at all. According to the new york post, tom, Brady and giselle have higher divorce lawyer. That's why it doesn't matter. Can we get a real cow for this breaking moose Ah it I'll do it breaking moves. I just wanna say giselle. I know you've gone through a lot and you know: we've been going back and forth a little bit these last weeks and I can understand. You were a little bit jealous when I did reach out to marjorie taylor. Green, but I just want to say that, like if you need to discuss any of this, it can be tough on you and the family.
I'm just a shoulder to cry on to lean on whatever you want to say, I'm an open book, so just you know, feel free. What does this mean? for Tom Brady legacy that he chose for bolivar family again for progress Okay, it is a reissue before walker had the week, lies the goat yeah. What? If now, what if he gets past all these are sources. I don't. I checks not really been. I literally said, according to the new york post, which can Why can you trust in new york, atmospheric eater as agreed? What a headline? Ok, good hot, see what, if what, if any at all about us if he gets back with brigitte moynihan then he's choosing his family over football again as outlined, ass, you call it my call a staff curry? He is To be playable in the gnupg, a two k game so that his sport and he's in the game does it pretty sick? What a beast yeah pass by back way too, asked. Oh yeah, I had a reminder ya. Kihachi started, although, if we're in
Austria here fellows, I have been betting little precision hockey and I have been Ok, so those too, I had a reminder whom I I on I'd thickets. I was going to new york rangers verse, the fucking I had. I bet a right of waste gadget redwings against the black box on Saturday. I was an easy winter I, but the cracking under on Saturday easy winner. I money because I struggled through college. Football is like boom. Precision hockey easy winners. Listen if If the bet winds, I should have to apologize for no, that's fair, I receive a minor freedom settled at that mba abu dhabi preceding gains a sweet? Oh as you said, to be at random time. Yet have a man box hawks thursday, at noon and saturday loving hobby timezone in in in ok, good job jake, let's get to come along with a quick word from our friends at roman
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Oh, come on a very special guest, one of our good good friends. Longtime friends spin wait too long. Since you been on the show It is quite long time is getting comfortable, we're tired, retired. issue of retired. I was talking to all day today. My my father in law was kicking. My ass or the golf cart, a golf course we put like a pitch and putt today and we had a third remember. Who is a random and he s name was add trader Jos, employ love the benefits it dj stronger He was talking about. You know all kinds of stuff they offer, but one thing he said is you know this is my retirement job and I was thinking to myself. You never really retire your eye, even when you're done with the main thing. There's always their side other side, it's like gta. We all beat the game eventually and then said Do you disorder football side, Cuesta retired football cyclists her time. I still think you could be out what if what, if we get a call ran out hosting high school and it's fun I give as jews out I'm gonna text. Finance from Andy rate is as hake
cows with you right now. I saw you guys interacting on twitter, we're going to offer. Fifteen million dollars to play the rest. The sea million I needed in writing beggar at, but that's yes yeah. That's why I write it if its a controversy, vs contracts, abs, sports, that's where you can find me billy football. If you like to watch me if he, if you are a fan of me on the field, you should check me out CBS sports on sunday morning that other pre gameshow monday's green light pot, I'm getting the plug either way yeah. So we can just hang I don't we as quick as Chris made you signed a contract. I have the cards or shit, whereas if my body that socks you gotta retire from that, I bent the knee here- has shit made to do. The whole thing is like the whole see put. Faith phenomenon has, and I ask you know of the sword- came out many war, the dog mass for italy. How would you know just sit in the sidelined being like this is so stupid wild you ever did I mean he's. He's he's happy that we're friends he's happy. They will get to make content together and christian
and our way at the pod. You know I said at the desk with him. First, I don't know my place because I've been playing and he's making com. And he's been running a media company. We as the under Making is so much more than just showing up and saying funny interesting shit. It is, and people don't realize that, and I I've seen that side of it and how stressful it can be and yeah now I'm at the desk, and I don't want to fuck it up and I'm getting a text from Chris. It's like hey we're really having a good time. This isn't ass well for me by the so, let's fucking keep keep em fought. Yes, that's what it's all about! What's the drug testing policy like over, you know I'm still figuring out the boundaries in the office this voice, but you try to keep things separate. Work out our car you play hard. Yet it would be ironic if grave chris was just like no we'd in the autumn, say how much they, how I said at the time to work in this time, but it is true you chris out, like you know where we are receiving poles from Chris for very long. Well, I think when he started, the podcast, the media company. It was very stressful, he was
This is a lot harder than I thought, but you guys found like a really nice, like footing and it feels like. You ve paint your group, it's nice, to know that the things that I consider my weaknesses are absolutely chris historic yeah the details. Preparation he's got a real gritted guys up late late nights early morning sees you no father of two shadow The fathers out here I got a lot of nearly six month old daughter out. Their shot out so chris his christmas burning, the candle on both ends, but On my end, I can just show up and be loose and shoot from the hip and a lot of the shit they're gonna have to cut out of the show, and that takes longer, back end, but you know we have on people get to look into what we're really like right and we ve never really had that rising hanging out with you guys for me, has always and fun, and always been a pleasure, because I can just fuckin hang out and pack a dip and feel like myself and relax like oh wiser, this equipment and
we're just talk right now is with Chris now it'd be like hey talk into the mic. Don't talk to Chris, I'm like, but I am talking to cry. That's pretty cool. Does Chris ever like texts, you before show he's like hey we're going to talk about bridges today, so just prepare like five bridge yeah. He gets into these weird ill, see something online and we'll get really into it. For a second billy will you do like thirty minutes on this? One thing that I'm gonna deep dive on? He loves deep as any like anybody else and billing and appreciate this one as well. I've got a strange you tube algorithm, for whatever reason when I go to you to dot com on any of my devices, it pops up some weird shit, but I love the deep dives I've taken bridges could be one of them. You know what I'm saying triangles. I reference bridges, a coach from the bears career Did my blogging technique? What time is it a triangle goin on down there and I sent a coach using a fuckin bridge
he's trying to ever has very strong, maybe a little triangles rockwork. I liked ass people, fuck mary kill, equal lateral, isosceles are scaling Thank you marry the equal admiral this this the eye saucily, that's the one with one wide angle: that's a long line at the assassins is one that has led to and are the same, two are the same length? and then one is different like I think I think, that, would be ass words now if we are looks good excuse, my mind's eye, I fuck the scaling. Ok, because I could crazy shit. You'll have a guy and there's one like a character trait dragged out to ninety nine yeah yeah. It's like I love. Looking at like a madden rating. I know you do too. The scalene is is awesome for one night the isosceles, I would marry the isosceles, because it's it's pretty it's cool as also like alluded corky, and you can see yourself, no, not being bored with it. The equal Jesus. It's also
to perfect it yeah see- and this is this- this reminds me of hanging out on the couch with Chris, because we can talk about shit like this in deep diving and you Do it everybody, but you Chris his mind, easy uv. Gentlemen. He considers itself to be an educated. Person writes a man of the world. I don't junior college associate arts degree can go a long way with an associate arts degree got my cape and my hat. I don't even know my cap in my gown, not my I'm, not a I'm, not a superhero, it didn't even fit. I walked across and I was like this shit doesn't even fit, but are going to give me that piece of paper that I keep Chris is educated. He wants a deep dive. Everything- and I appreciate that about him and that's. Why, like we play off each other well and yes, all right, ah awkward, question for you for the howe and chris being around them. Do they ever like fuck with you and like a you, don't have a soup roaring I made it has come up. I
ask cause. I would I if I were one of them, I would do that to your dad. I mean dad. Does it all the time you know subconsciously? He does it without even doing it. I'm thinking that he's doing it in his mind and it works right, like you just think about him holding his hand like this, with a ring over it and there are just look at you and be like not superman, that is a raw material. You're put, I remember, there's a lot of talks with him. I was like this test of a man. Are you going a sharp and playful football when your team is three and twelve its weak? Sixteen and you're in you know whatever minnesota and how they give up a sack the bear and blamed on Joe, not stepping up. Now that you think Four years will go us. Don't brian robbin good player guy you did, about our very good player. I'm gonna give you may give you my half resumed on who have better you're Chris. I would pick up your powers. Chris was a sack, get her aunt. Run stopper I was probably
much better run, blocker that I am a pass blocker. He was more complete. He was an equal adderall triangle, yeah equiangular, yeah yeah. Is it equal? I think it's you can say whatever like he it sounds. Waco were sick, you The fact that you even know what a triangle is with your cape and in hat yeah like you're doing well, that's good yeah, we're we're getting started on the right foot. Do you remember I remember so vividly we went to a black box game who's your rookie year. Yes, and it was like you are like this- is awesome like arrows kyle car up near the men and they like and then their building you out of this other. Like the bears happen in your life. the shit. It was just isn't as fun. It was a pra. It was a learning process. Man, you guys are so good to me early, like particular, you began. I appreciate that I've never thanked you publicly, but hey you're. Welcome, I you know the media, I didn't know how to navigate it. It's a huge market out there and I can see why eyes like just in fields are struggling at and sometimes are at a loss for words or the right words to say
dude. I actually I was. I go to the podium, I'm not fucking doing tat. I had experience as a rookie, so I reference due to twice last week has just fields obviously had his comments where he was like we, we care more and fans got mad about that. I said that was actually very similar. Remember after I think was the dog funds game and you are like unacceptable for the fast who was an embryo is like no fuck. You dude, it's unacceptable that you say that he needs a free needs. A friend like you in your car, gotta regions. I hey like just don't say: that's right, yeah, you're, fuckin right but dont say, but people's wounds are just as fresh is you here? I can't wait to point two fingers the middle and then the other one. I reference was out we're talking we're joking about how every pie case has a cue beyond every week now, and I was saying that that J always did it the right way what sylvie and then, as soon as the barest return, he just be like hey
I kind of, want to go, fill in for me for the rest of the ses. I was the first one, the it's funny that you mentioned that cause you'd have to go after the worst jay cutler show on a monday evening in wheeling yeah, it was you know, I'm sitting in front of the the jay cutler show banner and I'm talking to these guys and the the special guest that they had. A big surprise for was brian or lacquer. So I got upstaged by the banner and the hall famer and many too his hat and he had a full head of hair was like now we compact lost, jane and show up earlier did dead. Fucking was bothering you dude your trooper, though, because it was like literally after every bad loss. You just turn on the radio. I welcome J cutler show on wattle sylvie. We would a cow long. Incidents like so kyle when you guys zero lost by twenty twenty eight this week and how they feel you sit there and take
Like I miss seven blocks, I counted them all my for what is the road map if, if you're giving just feels advice on on how to handle the media is we ve talked about little bit, and I think I've come to think that there's a lot of stuff that you just have to lie about all the time like if you're, especially if you're quarterback, uk the honest there's no way they can be completely honest. I and have people happy with you, because course. You don't give a shit about every single fan in attendance. You care more about people go to work with every day that practice with everybody would feel that way. Is that city care about the fence, but you probably care more. The guy that you spend you know eighty hours a week next to fighting with these kids So what would you? What would your be like what are some things not to say, or some things that you found that you can just like
pull out of your ass at any time and just like throw that out. Here's some red meat theory go pretty. Basically, I would say be yourself, but always keep in mind how the message is going to be received. So there's there's two parties to the phone call that you're making. You know you're going to say something and then somebody's going to be on their saving and and are they going to receive it? Be yourself? The emotion is going to be there. People don't need a calculator to figure out how you feel about it, but the way you put it can set you up to have twenty thirty forty fifty years of success in that city, people will love. You ha ha based on how you treat them and in large part a lot of people aren't gonna meet you. you say to them on camera feels like their first time meeting yeah. That's really slides a good point to think about it like if you, even if you like a mediocre career in a certain city, especially big city like Chicago, if you're, just as to the media there and fans like you, you right, You will be set up if you want to get into.
opening restaurants or a car dealership or wherever You ve gotta, remember that, like I saw him on that, any of you want any always may days kid, and you know what a fuckin respect right right. You talked about bear whether there are yet it's like plateful all yet to do virginia mc caskey. The goal every week show that we get the goal from her. You know I talked to virginia here's what she said play hard. barefoot, that's all they fucking caribous its way, hard beat the shit out of people and then be the path yeah, that's rule number one that doesn't so. Maybe we like jazz. She thought about like like. Let's let fly you're some extraordinary technically, maybe just reversing wanted to beat packers one and then I'll beat him up to take it off. The list do it weird when you went to Kansas city, was it like? Oh, this is how a regular organization is run. It was It was really really a breath of fresh air. For me,
being around the best in the game at multiple position, the multiple coaching positions there were players that I remember from when I was growing up there on the staff helping out and and players. Listen to those guys, you nonsense! I told the special teens legislature chicago behaviors, we had a rough. Alas, wait ridding them out of jail, free cardiologist on the pelts on the wall for dave tell the roof was open, yet Jimmer, say If he called it, the roof was open. That was fucked him up. He opened the roof. The sun came in on kelsey touchdown, catch, ants and sky, more sky, more yeah more. If the rules as I was now is to this guy many skies two areas. his guises more yeah, yeah, so yeah, nobody, it was, it was I'm sure like in being around them, so yeah yeah, I'll pay I'll pick up where I left off. I'm sorry so and Andy Reid first off is a great coach, but it begins with his ability to teach in and he can find guys you need teaching it's like that. Really cool high school teacher jihad, or that one,
de jure member from middle school you're like a fuck everybody with that guy? awesome any on our backs and he cared about us. That's andy reed yeah. He loves workable misfit toys and I consider myself one as well and he the working on man and master with me come out a retirement. He had a lot of questions for me, padua homes, treating me like I play with them for ten years. That's all I was you know. I was slotted to be the starting right guard and I broke my leg in the last week of a T. A's and you know pat fuckin, took me to his golf tournament. Hawaii Travis kills me kelsey treated me like a brother. and you know you love that and you earn that through a career of treating people the right way. I go back to the justin fields thing. It's like you treat your teammates the right way. You treat the fans the right way. You play the game the right way, yeah, it all comes back right. So what was it about? What is Andy redo in practice like? Is he a hands on guy cause? I without having watch them into practice or, like observant, close up. He seems
he's been around for so long that he can. It would be guy who could sit back and who could just you know, design what the game plans gonna not like a hands on coaches. I would like to argue about in the tower exaggerate coach on the vs will lose his by Andy's. You know the guy, that's walkin around stretch lines in us lobby on our men say some corky. You know it's almost like the joy bow and arrow skits worry. He does the coaches, because that's exactly what it's like he's dead, there with the guys, everybody loves it when big red comes up to you said something and when he leaves arise, get a fine you for getting caught out by the head coach and a good or a bad way, but an He was airforce once every day I see whites he's got the knee. I socks on shore he loves watching I'm thinking of my head, he loves going to watch the orphans of line during individual, so like right, one stretch break and we go to our individual beer. He's down there with the allied, he loves watch an alarm. That's what he's into! I think that's why I took a liking to even more so than I
yeah what about what about my homes that he gets you present he did what he has line and I love the stores somewhere tonight. Show that watchwords batman rolex. Oh, I dont have a nice watchin and he got the entire align watches amazing. Is that the best gift you were gone, I've got some awesome guess, but this has to be the one that I get the most you said of. Wouldn't you you, you are obviously sidelined for the bills. Gabriel was awesome, that's I actually weirdly enough, I happened. They were playing it. I think, on espaa and last night they were doing like the mike dub retrospective of the game that moment when travis kelsey with like seven seconds left, turn him. Homes like yama, be open up the same year and then and then more homes like do it. Do it do it in the right before it stops the ball.
the play happened before the play. It was crazy. It was like something I'd never seen before, and and I'll go back to the things. I was appreciative about being there as you get to see the synergy of some of his hall of famers. Travis kelsey puts in work when the when, when the offense and defense are over there doing their drills sometimes Travis will take five minutes and I watch him. He goes to the other field. Any he closed his eyes, actually rousing. Visualizes things and you kind of Adam found you're like what's MR me oghee doing over there goes out, and you see the same three moves he was practicing over. There come to life on the field. It could be against the charges got caught the ball over the middle of the offer, in writing. Ninety nine, whatever the hell it was, the up the game was over same thing with the bills game. It's a pat and travis finding a way to link up and it man so special it was. It was very, very cool for him to just like backyard football. Be like hey look, I see, I see the lavenders and I see the leverage the quarterback has just I'm. Just gonna run up the seam here just hit me. Yet he did and it was like that was the game.
It was I dunno about that first game that Chris went to when I was on the chiefs and cause I was like. I was back in pads. I was on the active roster I was you know next man up and I was ready and radiant special teams. I was, I was just back up right, tackle regarded a guy and every day when against frank clark and at first I was on one and a half legs, and then they put me a guard, and I had to figure out how to get onto legs against christians again same He landed on me I inadvertently and in the spring, and that's how I got my leg broken, but going back against him was like a mental hurdle. mass. I was ready to go that bills. Game dad was there as well in the sweet, so they got to watch that game and dad it has an in person appreciation for what patrick and deanne and what the offense is capable of yeah yeah. How long did it take august? This is vowed this year too, but for you last year, how long did it take it off into line to jail because when I'm lookin out right now is the bangles right bangles. I guess
theory upgraded the line, but we haven't seen the results of that just yet. So, if you're putting misfit toys as you call it together, you know they might be talented yet ever play before. How long does it take to come like a unit, I would say it takes at least four to five live weeks before you start to really feel comfortable plan next to a guy, let alone entire patchwork office of line. Now. The one thing I have to think about is, to other guys came from superbowl champion teams yeah. They get a vague and alive. And from paris right they get care as yet from the paper its he's. A super bowl winner right they get Alex kappa from the box. prevail. When are you bring an absolute hit? Man in LEO Collins the autumn and put him right tackle you It's gonna work immediately, but then you go look at it and Jonah Williams is having technical issues on the left side. His I talked about it on the green ipod. He's he's
in hands, he's drop in his hand instead of making first significant touch. They want to pull a guy on power, but the deuce is in blown up in the polar can't make it around his little thing? It's like the fundamentals of football, which goes to your point. It takes a while for these guys to gel. They know how to play football, but they haven't figured out how to do it together. You re other certain types of players that you would longer than others to learn how to play, and so on. and that's a really good quality, billy a guy guy. That's really easy to play next to the easiest guy ever play next, who was like Charles leno draws on junior of the commanders. You know has tat nick was something that you saw repeated everyday practice. He worked it and he did it intentionally. Sir. If I'm watching him, do his technique. If we get in a certain situation in the game, I know exactly how he's going to play it because I've seen him do it a million times I haven't seen him. Do it another way you get a guy who's kind of physical freak, but maybe not a technician he gets in he does. What we like to call rogue
in writing off one rooms dislike and a guy gets hit it off. A guy gets pissed off. Maybe he got beat the last series And- and the sack didn't happen, but he remembers that it happened and he's pissed. he may go rogue and his technique goes out of play and if there's a bonacieux with him in the center of this combination with him in the tackle he. not being the right mindset tat to do the right technique, a guy like Charles Lana, very easy to play next to the guy goes rug. That's not it doesn't look good for him. Doesn't look good for me and somebody's going to get hit. I understand the mentality because it's such a physical position that if you get beat it's like it's human nature, to want to go out, and you want to get that guy back yet to remain calm, and you have to understand that that play happen, and that you get another opportunity and potentially dozens more to go, get after somebody, yes, it is the right way who would you say on a football team? What room is the biggest group psycho
beyond the fence. Allied, ok, I've heard I was a corner backs. If corner backs were any bigger, we would have to just put em all aware a thick and they just have so much confidence and you have to: u have to produce, put him away, let him than it has had so much. Confidence at all. All corner backs safety's there, some guys that are different, but the coroner backs in particular are psychopaths, these kinds of why men are just you know standard, looney, bin character, riah quarterback have to be really good at cheating. That's what I figured out about the position that splurge sandwich urbanization are the one who get away with cheating all the time they figured out the tricks of how you can cheat and not get caught, because if you don't shoot I'm going to back the rules are set up to the boy. Were it's impossible to play the position? Yeah you. it'd, be a good cornerback, not cheat. Each is actually not possible to do their they're. Cheating technique, obviously, and sometimes they get away with it to your point, but there also cheating percentages. I played with kyle fuller who are you gonna the macedonian ears when it comes to prep? These guys are so
often in their percentages. I know on thirty seven he's gonna throw that hedge. I knows you to throw the hatch I know, and then he breaks out. He makes it next thursday and I know he's gonna he's gone- for a nine rout right, kyle fuller led the league and pigs because he prepared right a lotta corners, dont prepared, just believe in their ends taken they trust they got back to the psychopath, yet craziest confidence by far the field and has to be because it is also the position like you're on an island more than any one else. Yet you're, not with your teammates half the time and they leave illegal, pointing at other people prefer. My labor is like right as the balls going over there had they look around. They start leah, like where's my help, where's my right in its also the one position where you have literally an insult saying for every time they drop a ball. You like that's why they're not a wide receiver,
like all. That's that's very true, and also about the my I have a real gripe with them. Celebrating one is just a drop area or like the added the ink blow like I've, been overthrown out. A brianna maui you're gonna get rose tinted meetings by your cogent, aroused by teammates at all, to celebrate the small stuff jumped out you're right yeah, especially when you're on an island have added. I would do it. I think it's another would saying like any day. Wake up is a good day for them. It's like any past. It doesn't get completed to the person. I am directly correct, assigned with covering that's a good plan. We can relate as often sublime in their because even if you get b and you say, throw at J m rights, the ball out any gets murdered, but the ball gets out. If not a sack payment. Ok, here's a question that I feel like his. I feel like we ve gotten a lot smarter, not us like media talking about office of Lyman and understanding what they're doing shower Jeff Schwartz. If you like, he's at the forefront of health, smarter than smarter than you I'd says.
Right there in the podcast title. But how much? would you say, like on a given sunday how many sacks are often women That's on them or it's the quarterback. That's all that baby and stepping up a new clean pocket. They held the ball to because I think starting to realise, like people just say: oh joe, RO sacked like thirteen times like well. Each watched Joe borough, like he's, got balls hold on the ball till the end, like that's, actually good job eyes, That's why I'm in that's kind on him, sometimes soak a chris always says job rosa quarterback without conscience. Yes, yes, as a great saying, you know, he's going to keep pressing he's going to keep, throwing to be yeah and if you know he's going through the base we see here last second, because he's done it really hot. Before so to your point, with univee fuck the saxon like how much it you can. A trip, So why that's orphans of line a lot of it? There's a third category and I'm trying to figure out how to say so
friends of line, wins writin, offensive line, lack of technique or failure. To be within the framework of our playbook. You know. Sometimes a guy expects have help. He doesn't have helped It looks like shit on tv and it only looks like gimp for one guy and that's a left hack writer like a tight end supposed to chip and he doesn't chip and it's like well that kind of fucked me up so there there definitely needs to be like, I would say out of There was a nine saxon game, our seven saxon, the commanders game right. Everything is nine. I nine yeah I've, I've fertilize arrow yeah yeah, so I went and watch those sacks and all five those acts in the first half or on the office of lime, ok, really the fletcher cock sack the alignment got beat at the drop of a hat with inside bull the hard grave sack. He beat him with the same move at the right defensive tackle spot charles, I got two great hands on the guy and a few paused at on the on that still frame, you would think the guy was, but sweat was blocked.
So I had some whether to hand swipe and gets to carson. Then you get b g with a sack on the other. they're all throw wins by eagles de line right. Then you look at second half Carson might be doing too much patent law floating around. The pocket but not really move in anywhere, like my guy mitch- basically I'll give him as his credit he gets out of pocket within tat. go pull up somewhere else, but he's not gonna linger on the park. I like this, because that I know it I shall in the same way right he leaves erasures very similar, but Doesn't look as explosive, his Josh Alan right right, but no aaron, rodgers voice it like erasures, ambrady or very simple era, raining always shit, but he can get out of there. Their mobility is actually like one of their best attributes, because it's it's like you know, they're there I'm in a slide this way and not take like an extra step is not that they can run.
It's not often built into the protection. They think they know which side the rushes coming from, which way the allies and and where the corners could be. Adding in late or line backers- and they find a way to step up and find the sweet spot now that does quarterbacks are very rare right and they make a big live in doing it, obviously, but the rest of the field here, floating around. I don't do that and Carson whence patted the ball bear. He was here floating into his alignments backs. It's almost like he closed, eyes a little bare. Thank you guys know he does he actually up when he gets. He gets anxiety in the middle of play. I can relate about like they had put it he's fine when it gets the ball and they say should I have to play football right now and then he panics Yes, you ready close his eyes and needless he gets here.
Sacked by his own office lemons, backs probably like three times a day yeah he does see and that's just pocket presence. He needs to go back and play madden. Two thousand and nine. They had those many drills. These drills, whereas like the pad, was just full. Attaching at left stick around the circle. You know right, stick you're, just out there fucking to church, what about a guy like we were joke it on on Wednesday, show Daniel jones, who sometimes internal clock you're like what is this like. He just doesn't think there's ever gonna, be a defensive lyman about to tackle any it's like you, because you have to watch the film from that Michael Parsons debacle, yeah. You would understand that the right garden, the right tackle and you Zack, I'm talkin about it all over twenty three guys are right. The right guard does I even know what to do with a looping three technique and billy would be able to tell you what to do. You're going to snap off you're going to snap off the loop or get him off the hip of your tackle. Then you can receive the next guy. You know
right. It didn t first and then an e comes not tea or the neither hung caught pushed over. Yet another dangle jones working, we're gonna get back two kyle long in a second before we do is brought to you by simply safe. The numbers don't lie in the last. I gave over four million people have chosen simply safe home security to protect their home. You don't. The trust of that many people without doing something right at simply. If your safety is the only thing that matters they protect, you with cutting edge security technology power by twenty four seven professional monitoring agents. Always have you back here as well. I love it with twenty four seven professional monitoring Please saves agent, call you the moment a threat is detected and they dispatch police, first responders in an emergency. If you're not at home or you can't be reached simply blankets, your home and protection with advances for every room window adore each seasick. the cameras for inside and outside your home. Smarter ways to detect motion
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like how you can play their part in tat house. I don't sign a tackle I can play in the back of my mind was like. If I can go blocks some people they gonna pay me like a gal. Even a bottom of the barrel, tackle gets paid better than a girl, so that was your doing because I feel bad for you because it was like, and I would argue that during a new forking position, most intimidating was weak. One big cat, julius peppers, J, F, p. Ok, he and I gave up a sack on the third series or something like that and when I want go block him. While he was already engulfing cutler three my fingers separated and were laying like this. I just put them back and they like I got there and I was like god I don't know. If I love that yeah I went back out there and you remember the cast I wore for like I wore a cast for one year and because I dare put my fingers on anything. Research and John Fox gave me so much shit he's a car along mister practice with a finger.
he made a point to say that the effort sucks man banlieue, what the hell. I don't. I don't think so. Could pay me enough money to have a job where have to go in the dislocate. All my fingers my other hand, put them back into place and then go shove. A three hundred fifteen our guy that a man who loves you get back on the best idea. The crucible told me a story how how use this is what happens when you get injured. You get injured and if you have to the locker may take in the locker room, and then a guy who's like a hundred and fifty per in khakis of team polo, just stares at you kind of like sighing like you're gonna, get back out, there and he had to sit there be like If there's one thing, I'd give the nfl credit for it. There's always a decision to be made. You always have a choice. You know ryan right, but that guy he was like that. Guy, just stares take the red pill or the blue pill, I'm not saying medicine. It's like two paths, you're going to take you're, either not plan and we're going to figure out how to get you to the train station
right, you're going to get back in there and you're going to help your damn team roster right right, but you have that he that stuck with me when he told me that stories like there's just a guy who sits there, he looks like he should be an accountant yes, if you like you pussy like what do you mean? I might fucking fingers, always an orthopedic surgeon, there's a room full of three guys and I always talk about the guys in blazers right yeah, it's like the men in black. You know the aliens are near have at the guys in As you know that there's a memorize coming, when, when their lingering, yet how does it work with the was like the hippocratic oath or whatever that doctors are supposed to take, which is do no harm, but in this case Doctors are back there and they know that if this guy decide he's? Gonna go back into a game. His it's not like. I would say that I was never pressured to go back into game by a guy in a blazer. I was often gill tripped by trainers. They get back into a game
right, the guys that they have they do work for the team. The authors, that's where they're going to send you to get shoulder surgery, and you know I've. I've become friends with some of these guys and they're. Legit third party Looking out for the gods, yeah they're, never going to say get the fuck back in the game. You're at your policy, yeah they're, not going to say that to you, definitely not to my face right, but the trainer is they'll, say anything and you can't hit them when you're a pro bowler or, of course, are you bummed out about the pro bowl? I think that there should still be a list of pro bowlers at the end of every year and I think there should be some form of fan interactive experience where the guys get to showcase their personalities. first and foremost I was thinking. Maybe american gladiator style on american lady had fallen on. I want to see Russell Wilson and like a spiky, shoulder padded thing up. Their shootin tennis, ball guns at lie. Actors, and I want to see errand donald- are on a giant cat walk with one
this gladiator stated just fucking people up and then someone gets her and then and then I want to see, and then I want to see a seven on seven game where the office of one plays against the defence. and the court of actual real quarterbacks you guys are running out and gettin routes. I wanna see lane johnson and miles garrick go man to man. I want to see two of our best specimen beyond the field going at san, because I got the you and me we want to see freaks yeah exactly care. If there's a football europe here in the free category, I always thought like you. you are how much weight of you lost. About two ninety right now, so I was three forty when I was I remember when we stayed at your house too, like that was what you've told this story before, but like we stayed at your house for a few nights, you didn't even know we were there at the end. You we we we got. We came up from your basement. we're like a cow gonna, be out here and you're playing video games like out. You guys are still here, but you fridge was elites. You had like
You had probably like thirty frozen pizzas in the freezer. Just having the yacht ought to my buddy nick, yes, live an area and it's a whole time because you're just like I got it like, I remember you pounded a full pizza at like a letter, thirty at night I pretended it was a chore. Well, no, you are just like. I got a key. I got to keep my weight vanity. I just you know you get to eat a gummy and then eat three valentino's, just pounds of ice cream and don't do the whole. I love it and then you're still twelve percent body fat, three, thirty, alright! So how fast? You think you throw baseball right now, right now it's funny. You ask I, on the on the way to the football field from where I park at the high school, where I coach there's a baseball field where I played at in highschool, and I would stop by there all the time so I stopped by yesterday and there were just warming up. So I grabbed the baseball, through a couple hours. I down. Iconic got alive arm and- and I were the way was a good time to walk away. But when I got the car and I shut the door, my shoulder, nah I shall try to make her up
I need time John and shoulder you should make a baseball, come back as well throwing at european, I was I sit in ninety four to ninety six from the left side. You are a freak. Are you? Are you and chris at the level in charlottesville where it is? If you just show up at a random field, you're like hey, let me give you a couple of tosses in there I can do whatever ball. You gotta push the dads out of the way that feel like all the au. Dads are just get the fuck out of the way, I'm sixteen yeah, daddy amanda. No, I mean it's. That's the height Well, I play that. So it's cool to walk up there and some kids don't realize who the fuck I am and that's awesome. I love that because I'd love to make a first impression on on people, but some kids are like hey idiot, that's his name on the wall. Like seventy ryan array. Chance as your job is coach gone, it's fun
it's frustrating, it can be frustrating and it's rewarding. Any coach can probably relate to what I'm saying. I want nothing but the best for the dudes. I I work them hard and there are some kids who are like. I would love to play with that guy there's some kids on our team that, unlike at the door, your cut out mentally for the nfl. I don't know if you have the what to go diwan or our planet league, but some guy tough and then some guys like who major blink like this. If somebody may did you come here: yeah yeah, just mom, getting you out of the house for a while yeah, please we got rescue the babysitter yeah, which are described to me, your offense, what kind of what kind of sits where and we like to run a lot of spread sets we've got. We got a good running back. He we got a christian mccaffrey type running back and we got a quarterback who can sling it around. So we put as many skill guys on the field and do a lot of anti protects.
but you never learn where learning some heavier formations we worked on. Double teams is weakened. Coach long was getting his ass worked in Dublin. Yeah. I was like, if you can block me, you can block them or you do jump and some time I jump in there. I throw my head on the ground and I'm like hey and they're like how hard you want me to go. I'm like please harder than yet owing regime miss that you miss contact Do you? Do you miss contact, but you never want to be like alright johnny line up, I'm going to show you what a driver that becomes a viral okay. You guys can hit me and I want to prove a point that working together and being hip to hip is like and you can be violent and you're still a nice kid. It's ok, yeah, do you or do you still talk to chip Kelly at all? I don't talk to. When I was right dude, you know we gotta have on the show, he's grand I need to catch up. He talked to my dad. I guess got it and I doubt would weird
I was I was. I was lucky enough to spend like a a long night at a bar with chip kelly over the superbowl. He's a beaut great deal he's a beer. We gotta have him on the show he he feels like he'd fit right in yeah I mean he, he revolutionized college football. He, like everyone, does what chip kelly did ten years ago. they probably do a better off as was dom, and I never I never more. My career middle school little league- a u high school. I never We are going to win more than I did stepping off the bus with the oregon ducks off at the my favorite like I it's sad that, like some of my favorite memory, just gambling memories, but that is enforcing my brain. But one of my favorite gambling memories is betting on the organ docks and not even worse, in the game, but the low. Third, the score bug switching over the like
minute into the game. Eight! Nothing organ in here like out the outward there were. No one. Would you like a little like thirteen? Forty seven in the first quarter eat nothing org internet, forty, eight against france. No in the first having shut off the right. This is sick, like they're gone far too early thy, we warned that we use every inch of the field where we put a guide, marcus marietta quarterback and gave him. ass, to run a juggernaut, often with a bunch of freaks on the outside, and we had some good lyman on hands. I do but chip kelly knew it before we did put us in the right places. Why why it was a difference between playing that, often in college and then trying to take that to the unifil? I never work old men, money really money money, convinces players not to go as hard and practice and train yourself to be on the bar for twelve seconds and catch the defence on their here
and be able to shut down the defences throw its also, I always thought because, obviously, chip kelly would that eagles like when they started that that you know that was the first week, the Monday night football game when the when Michael Vick head. Oh, it was like it's going for like forty two point where I don't know he was, I think it was fifty two de seve was crazy. That's a go! Look at nick foles numbers. It was crazy, like fifty touchdowns, like three interception yeah, something like that, but I always thought the problem within the nfl as like you have to you, have to give your defense a break, and you can't like, if you get, because at the chip Kelly offense is great, but if you get a three and out and it's like you score touch on a minute and then you get a three up next time, then you look up in here like wheat, our defence, but on the field for this I never thought about it like that. I always think about it, as you can rotate line men if you're gonna really fast and you're, trying to really out puzzle ever putty yeah put in a budget charlie, also guy spend all your money on skill, guys that are actual track. Athletes, yeah ronald yeah,
yeah? What about? What I think is maybe the most impressive under talked about plain enough. Football is at the end of a game when you get a first down and you have to have your entire office of lines sprint like thirty four yards down the field get to the line of scrimmage and then everyone has to stand completely still what before they say, after born spike it to get the big dude running down the field that fast that quickly. And then just like stop on a dime. How much suck it sucks. As a coach, I can imagine it sucks it's awful as a player, particular when you're moving down at the end of a game. You're fucking gas yap and there is never a times on the bears we had come back gains dozens of too many girls in the fourth quarter. Some won't some one some lost. I remember was tired, every single one of them that the thing is, you got a spring up there.
there's always somebody lagging behind, and you never want to be that guy, because it shows on film and you're going to see it on Monday and the code you gotta call you out for it the guys on the bus. Aren't gonna talk Do you hear it sucks? I says one video, the diamonds getting up the line, scrimmage and then just staying perfectly still, but looking at the earth about very dear energizes that mises, the mode of operation of its wine under all circumstances, even if the skies following yet and you too fuckin playful. What see this might be a dumb question, but if you let's say a drive right, what's the point, DR laser, like a play, point nine tenth, eleventh play where you're like this defences. Guy We gotta that's a really good question and it was always whenever we crossed the you know the the opposing, like forty five now mid field, like the battleground. You know what I'm saying, but if you can put a dent in that defenses armor and move the chains once then you can prove to yourself that momentum, that's confidence. You know what I'm saying
I repeat that again and usually after you get a first down, be it on the ground. You can hit him with our play action and you get the energy turning our up in a place like soldier field man yeah, the other one, that I always wondering in our good friend, SAM schwartz dean kind of. Like me, he put it the year that I never really thought about it, but the nfl like everyone's fallen in love with the pass you see, the bills gets dolphins. Herein, like ninety plays there were no longer run, plays it as an office of and that has like you have to go forward at some point right like is there a point where you're like we can't pass this much? We have to run the ball because just just purely like going backwards, constantly kills your office of life in turn you're, talking in terms of stamina, stamina, mentality, as I think it takes a huge mental hit on you as an offer. The lima, when you know you're gonna, be blocking past blocking fifty plus times in a game right and it becomes a big twelve shoot out because, no often sublime and wants to ever passport act right
that's what he said. Don't worry we're on defence. Now great office of Lyman the elite, as the lane Johnson's of the world are going to put paws on people on their plan offensively within the past game, there's not many guys. You can't do that from a mental standpoint, let alone a physical by. We want to know where the was going, what the snap count is and that we are going to be able to hit them before, They had right and that's the running right and that's why guys, like andy hack off its line, coaches, stand on that overruns and anti reads like That's a good. Seventy got right that eighty heads like well If you want it, we got five yards right here on the right right cause. I I never really thought about it like I. I think everyone falls in love with the pass and that the analytics of, like oh yeah, like passing on first down it's a great move in, like you obviously more yards, the passing came, but if you just ash big eyes to go backwards for an entire game? It's gonna
walk for them and it's not going to be as if like you have to, and you can let them go or you can flip that on its heels and say we want them to be going backward right, which is the run game and like, statistically speaking, you take a look at teams that lead the league in rushing touchdowns running the football into the end zone is demoralizing for a defense, You ve ever take a still shot of the defence three seconds after you touched on, scored heads down, hands on hips, alot of forest dumping point hand pointing fingers. The past game. It's a quick touch, ok, we'll get him back; they threw it in will write a liar yeah. We saw what it looks like it's easy, the running game as I go fuck and replicate tat. I love that mentality replicates out ass weapon. We just put on rife right because I assume you see it on on twitter. Sometimes we're like some when the analytical maybe like. Why not just pass more like gotta passports like well there. a guy's playing in this game like there's a mentality that involve is involved in this game. You gotta, the ball just out of pure, like let them, for
put their hands on someone got germany smart guys in the building, yeah tomb too much brains in the building. I like there's easy like run the boy there needs to be a limit on like iq point agrees: yeah degrees accrued upstairs yeah, I would say the number of people who wear glasses or have had lasik yeah we're at one in one out. That's why, like we got jake in the room right now, rapes, there that's plenty of, and I had lasik so yeah. cow J. What's the what's the best block you ve ever made Spock I've ever made. There was a run we had in indianapolis. I believe, whereas Jordan howard is a running back to the right side was a good one. It was a you know outside zone we had another outside zone against minnesota. That was a real fun play. I mean I'm sure you guys could pull this up but have outside zone to the right. Both those plays peggy explosive rounds. You know what I mean:
easy to find. Probably on Jordan's highlight yeah I'll at every block I made for math forte massacres. He makes you look great all the time any highlight founder and with my four day you look sex, yeah, either you're going to say I dead spent when they posted your cock, the other, good. I like the block them as mad for you. for he was a weird, is and you guys again the hermes. We did it yeah we've had jobs right after to get out in front of you. Do it you do it yeah get right on it. Like I saw you guys see like I, I called you guy called you and I was like because Chris was fine. goodbye all was mad because fuck them yeah, oh yeah, big time, fuck that and now like I, I really did a good job of like restoring it away mentally and not even like about an hour like none Recently, I've been talking to Chris alike. yeah. We gotta do something about that and I called you- and I was- I gotta- make some jokes about this, because I'm feeling
I've away right right, you re on the bus and there like. Have you see whatever yeah my oh, my what happened on twitter by oh cool, you gotta, win. I didn't block anybody against the law that they were posting. Your your cock yeah, I feel like It- should be against the law. Why she didn't do them, will soon make me calm down there, handle it yeah and also showed face here today. I know you've talked about this before they had the conditioning humming in that light work. There was efficient balmy evening, so there was some moisture in the air, those cool, you always were a cold shower guy. After again, I was I called cold tub fair because in fuckin you're a warrior and these women you view audio you only in women in cold water, all fuckin you're doing wim hof before you do know. Breathing exercise is called minus eight get in there and I just got Jerome
like a roller coaster in the drop, I was a messed up day in sports. I just say like we: we had you back on that one feature you don't post salute to all the soldiers. I I'll say that it sounds sentimental, but, like I learned through our stool like there are it's hot to be friends with guys because Eventually you have to criticise them. So, like I made some friends early on in those guys, are my friends forever and you're one of them, and it's like? I now I would keep a little more distance cause like I probably have to criticize this guy, but I always like felt personally attacked when people would attack you and it's You know it was called. I was able to ensure that I got cut out a j J life for like five. You got cut out to write for a few years of color yeah he's lying guy, have you got cut out of jail? Cutty has to give us this year, he caught you and then he brings back. That's I'll go get hungry again. I would like,
five years rows cut out, but I'm back yeah yeah! Are you back? I've been she. I was chasing the train for like two years and I slowed down enough that I grabbed on your back yeah. I think it's got good. It's good! It's good that we're back we're both back shot. I thought I'd come back players of the yeah it was. There was a time where it was like. I may never be back, but I'm back yeah he's got a good sense. it keeps you hungry, like oh yeah, he's keys. The most loki mysterious, however, like a one day, just won't get a text back and then that won't happen for five years. They leave you just wait and we get billions of casual billy. Infernal happened at the very first time. Billy met kyle. Billy looks at kyle like like stever, when looked at gigantic crocodiles for billy was just super impressed with your size of someone, and he studies. You know crazy stories, so it was when I first started. It was an intern in summertime seventeen, so he met kyle first and we were going to hey, watch, ajay,
and so seeing cows are holy like you know, when you have a dog and like I have a big dog, and you see other dogs in there like that, even though, like just juxtaposition like that tiny dog compared to my dog. Yet I was with that. I look at whitey compared to the area was yeah exactly so kyle would autonomous cots anymore oh, no, no death so who we didn't each other's guy so we re already I'll get a job, xo. Then what we saw, J J was actually a judge you. Why not like this? Guy? Isn't that big kyle like like see J J. I like you at that time dwarf. J J wanted no longer blew my reply, new online jobs- and I always said like when people like all Women are great assets like looking at long and looking at lean johnson and tell me the lanes,
in a different. You know like simeon rice used to salmon are different like what it is. I echelon different than ever. That's lane, Johnson, An extraterrestrial terrain like a four eight or something yea beat me by like a point one. What did you run? Armstead, hemant or Amarth Theron Armstead beat me, and I think I ran like a four eight eight or Or nine and all natural till natty aid like fresh offer, maybe can adapt our are you ever you ever get carry on the other thereby I caught a ball off a tip drill in minnesota and Brian Robinson, and I believe the other defence events name for a minnesota. killing niger! No! No! Ah flock they cut me in half This, that's that's what it always happens like they. Remember the Then a marginal issue, our supply. Yes, where you get flipped over Yes, I was to hear his eyes get as wide as exciting to guide the miami dolphins guy. Yeah. That's our guy and they marshall new house.
Positive new by any doubt, miami dolphins. Last year, the up when the alignment went head over heels at the girl one thousand years I've been on a hitting street ever since you owe me be the the stratus throw the football the fact that what about arm have you ever been used as a full back in high school the additional users a full backing, the unifil. They should have started in a more often. I have nothing to talk for that. You think so. Yeah but yeah you. You got good hip. Flexibility could have flexibility to get low if you want to yeah, but you gotta start low. You know you can't just run in there high and then get low. That's why fullbacks are just built by god very low as true both have. You said griffin ever since.
Inside me and he asked okay. I was gonna drive me nuts. If I didn't look up his name lotta, as I heard that name a lot. So yes, what's the what's the hardest you've ever been hit by somebody my rookie year? I believe it was. I pulled against the bengals and rey maualuga was there on power and his head is as large as the pumpkin that my brother's going to float down the fuckin James river. and he hit me so hard. I could have sworn ahead a concussion. I never ask anybody about it had just kind of when it. I went along with my dad: blockchain no act. I said well that fuckin hurt now I gotta go blog gino us ox. What else? What are the question? You got? Billy spill longtime uneasy I've used. As I saw you, I wouldn't we wonder what psychologists out here and what's your favorite thing about being here, since I saw you ask as when you started you're like manage a fuckin crazy, you know I'm just trying to hang on here. Yeah I mean it's be here: it's theirs is something new. It's all yours are excited to just like on a sunday tedious, getting involved
really just hang out here like yeah, you got you're gonna do a sunday with us. We come in sundays, it like noons. I bring beer now drink on so well. You're too, like two in the morning you can drink beer. I thought was religious. You guys, you guys great rigour via keep the beer from other people who will not be named. This is like trim and show in terms of, I guess, we're just I'll. Hang out get fucked up and watch and sports events. I hey you gotta sign them yeah well, the thing is, I people think that we get fucked up in sit around watching our china laying a preamble, but I wish that's what we did yet to be light, be gray eyes you great born out of me increases. Maybe we'll do it one one sunday, just having a holiday handy people always say like on the streams like toby watching us and the streams of blake, not appearance.
wait. What is this? Well, it's our job. That's right! Yeah! It's like yeah profession! I would like to drink and sit on my couch on Sunday. Trust me, you don't want us to drink. You're, not gonna. Wanna watch know yeah that yeah drunk PA we do is I'm going to get angry. We do it a couple of times a year, it's funny, but more than that, and it's like what are you guys doing we have carried away. When were you increase? We ve had a couple. People asked a mean because This recently like when we fight and I am always curious smoke suit. You do park ass, a quasi seem like you're close. You guys seem like a good friends, fight a bathing. Oh yeah me. We find all the time about stuff and we were getting more adult about it. Ass we get older, but oh nice, agreements. Agreements are really, you know like even harder than fight because fights there's some closure to at least physics, but yet we never really fast fodder. Anything. We had the rare opportunity play against each other, and you know I broke his rib wants and there was an actual bra
and Saint louis. He outrun year on thanksgiving and you no punches were thrown, kicks, were allegedly kicked. Did you kiss him hollows again. You always get her. I heard that you knows who knows a microscope. I heard it. I heard you killed him. Who told? Did you guys? hurry because it emitter any game. Do you want? you're always handsome gazing at actual right there. That's amazing, that's his name. You can jason kelsey stunt double to oh, that was nice told that I'm a big eagles banter. Oh my god, on the area. I was told that one time in a lulu lemon best compliment I've ever got back or my entire life has, however, had to step in to be illegal. yeah I mean sometimes a disagreement pour over an almost via yeah right. Unless everytime till a flat, topped shows up in his eye
what's on? It's got man, the bats are broken. You gotta be like, like you see your dad and you're like I get to look like that when I'm that old. Like he's that odd, I know his habits and I know my hair. Oh he's clean living. I'm going to put these genetics to the test. Yeah see how far you can push it yeah. I still feel like when I see him on fox on on sunday he could everybody's ass, and that is that very true. Yes, like you very tricky, why these items are yours, easy, a pity me of old man, strengths right, yes and he's gonna be hands. He was like a national trade which a boxer college cheeses. You don't senator if I think this I mean. I don't know this is stories you dad doesn't talk about himself. So I hear this about from his like uncle as a national championship. Your day went out there No roby, just shadow boxing in the other guy came out. Your dad and just turn back and that was the idea that the national champions is why
daddy's. Ok I'll give it to this guy. He wins it. When you were grown up on. Did you ever think tat terry hatchet was mom. Sometimes no, but I wanted to ask me that yeah, you know my mom would picking diane pick me up at school and they built where the fuck is your mama hey, unlike that, this is a strange way to get in a fight over your mom, because I know it was a radio shack commercials, radio, shack china three years, yeah they they just they put them in a room together and then for some reason of america thought like oh they're married. I guess they pits and enough. They were trying to pitch it that way or what I was like super young, but I can undo the confusion right. If I see two people on tv, I'm a simpleton like you're already painted the picture for me right like you, help me the there to get but had we're fuckin for the long term, Brian and stealing. I've won questions, robot question promo code. Take he's good promo code, take for twenty percent off your cubits hoodies polos, everything,
robot dot com or each o ba cicada com speaking a robot great gulf gear. Ah, what are you shooting now because I feel like you're, one of those guys it like. I wouldn't be surprised if we similar like danny, would add our friend you're Ok, I'm gonna give this gulf thing a try and oh shit come along just qualified for the? U s open. I love gough, but I love my wife. more okay, that's a good answer! You hit bombs. I would thank you. I mean I see the game and I'm always in constant pursuit of you know trying to go lower and I probably am trying to shoot. Seventy. I've by christmas. Ok, what's your low score? Seventy nine! Ok! I shot seventy two china cock, but whatever father, yes, nice
worker, yes, sick legit. I grew up on the last run on the eighteenth. I wish I hadn't, I would have shot seventy. If I didn't have got to go for a sixty nine, I'm gonna try, I think I'll get it. I will say golf is one of those things where it's like. You can put your phone away. You can go out there. You can be in nature. Every course is different. It's almost like why I liked baseball as a kid, because every park was different dimensions. All that kind of thing every first hole is different and it's fuckin dope. I mean it's a great way to spend some hours with them. and you don't have to get fucked up because you just fucked up on pure life, yet friend and I take it off out of town on life fucked up online, and I love your wife. That's not yet she ain't your dad. She's done. I think it's the end, is it your wife yeah? You love her a little too much high kids, yeah and you're dead, and I'm a dad shout out to Frankie my six month old daughter, nearly six month old love it and I love it. She's back she's built like me, and she looks like my wife and that's a problem: okay, maybe
apple catcher, monitor shocker shopping was jenny finch in the picture yeah a beast! Oh my god, I dunno catchers, I just know pitch dude. Also, I've always thought like softball, like software players, are incredible ass It's like it's fun when they they have went to college world series softball, and I also always think about how osment must be for them to then like to the next portion of their life play in color. Leagues and just dominate dominate because, like that's always like you play in a coed league, it's like oh, we'll hit it to this girl like oh, like no, they just come and there's nothing more girl power than just getting absolutely fuckin. Yeah railroaded by some guy so used to play per right like all around her and then they fuckin hill a bomb over their head? That's that would be the cool thing ever just bo race. Yes, it think they have the
it's like synchronized team celebration, yet they're always on the same page. Well, that's good! That's good! There's a lot of behind the back like finger, pointing and stuff, though signs and shit. Oh, I got a question for you. How how many different handshakes did you have a teammates man handshakes? I mean I was pretty standard. I was just trying not to fuck the dapper yeah. I was trying not to be in the the Barack obama meme. I doubt that I can't I can't J. I wanna be adapt yeah we're? U that guy or were they hear? You know, that's a good, it's like being bill. You want to have one question: yet you do allow woodworking in your backyard recently woodworking yeah! I was building some raised bed gardens. I had some ten by eight, so really ten by ten weather treated wood. Ten v long I built for big, raised bed garden, so my wife and I love to eat out of there.
For every night we get a little bit basil. If we're making pizza hell, yeah lover yeah, all that kind of stuff she does. She does all that stuff. I just have to build it. They will come right, yeah, yeah, that's true! Actually basil is pretty cool right. I know that was pretty cool. I saw you with that wood. yeah. I saw you at their work on their voters our low, you have, let you gotta will call you the bow man we're going to people watch you yeah again. Thank you green light podcast on Monday. So with chris long, my brother and then every sunday, you can find me on CBS sports with that of the pre gameshow nine to twelve I'll, be the sunday and you're doing a sunday with us. Yes, you I have to do a suckers you're here in new york, and then you re, I might have to do the red I drive from new york different. You know, you're, just like an eight o clock flight wordy wouldn't want all the game we have to be home for is pockets.
yeah we can. We have. We have Zoom here, so you could zoom it. Why don't you know the vibes aren't right unless you're at the desk together, you guys don't want to zoom with you know, we should do as we should have fucking Chris come up to the podcast here. I think that'll be watched. The whole the whole slate a sunday do a home and home yeah yeah, I'm down for it. That'd be great. We could do get some glee do sunday night takes and then we all sleep- and Well, everything we said was stupid. Here's what we think and then monday clean up everything that we got wrong six hours ago. Yes, I can't wait to do it. Yeah yeah, that's perfect! Alright, we'll call it's always great. Thank you! Combo the. How long has brought you by three g, whether you live in a state where marijuana is legal or not? Three CI now offers federally legal dispensary a delta. Ninety see products that delivers straight to your door. In case you didn't know delta. Ninety eight sees the active ingredient marijuana that gets you high, which means that three cheese now knowing the same edibles you get from a marijuana dispensary, but at a lower price.
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Two to you to see if you could get a train come in, maybe be back How are you are you in good shape? Are you ready to be signed by a team? Maybe even the patriots hank is trying to turn a hog all the brakes. I didn't, I heard hank connected with it, and I appreciate that hank. I have not touched a football since january. That will cut the wait. Wait, wait! Is there a question or share it, but I've got no. You can't be careful a big cat. Do you think that maybe there's a football in blake's backyard that he's in right now that he could just go over and touch so he could be like I touch the football this morning. I don't know. I wish I could ask him yeah me too. I know I quietly I quote, didn't tell anybody retired abruptly tell anyone. I guess you guys are kind of the first to hear it publicly. Maybe wait
in the quiet quit wait now you quit nfl, you have to ask them, so this is an exclusive Jesus Christ. Now there's a lot of pressure on blake pathetically for ten million dollars to york? contract. Would you it coming out of retirement to join either the new england patriots, or the denver broncos? I know you're familiar with nathaniel Hackett system. Absolutely for fifteen million I'd. Be then I'll, be ok, so you we're really fucked our so black hake. What your question How was your saturday rate bill. What are we gonna? Do you have a question? How mobile are you feel? No, we want one we're trust, kneel down ahead: monetary J, J, good guy, rightly retired. No doubt the fuck, I go retired jake! I blake take more power.
I take cod catches, so in terms Retirement is a two year: fifty million dollar contract, the only thing that would get you out of retirement or are there other options, yeah, I'm pretty pretty us with with where a man. The decision I mean you're. Somebody were were done enough to offer that kind of money. Then it's gonna hardship, on I guess you agent, you make it more difficult than it needs to be to get you millions of dollars here we need to need to work on your pitch. yeah, ok, we may we could weaken, negotiate with fifteen. started fifteen two years. I like that max max. You have a question I just tested you, something unrelated to this, but you have a question: would you like to
Is there any way that you could officially say that on this recording that your retired it it are you ready, I lived officially returned. There. That's what we just have to reconfirm. I mean it was you we really. We really in with one question. Is this if it is officially retired including a two year. Fifteen million already are correct No, it are on the table. Then we hear that we're starting at fifteen. We mean will go up the air we will go up now, I think so. I think it's just fifteen. Sixteen now.
years are relevant. One two three ten will be amazing. Yeah give them a fifteen year deal and said the million dollar deal like the the Bobby bonilla contract, except you have to actually keep working until you're. Sixty years old, yeah, yeah, blake blake signs over his children as well. So it's like he gets paid one hundred thousand dollars a year for the next three hundred years yeah. I liked that that's good billy go ahead. You didn't get a question, go ahead, how you actually feeling do you think you'd get a game and yeah, probably like I'm still in shape, workout Occasionally I mean I think I could play I don't know. I played catch with flexing kids in the neighborhood the other day. Further first time and my arm was sorcerer weak young gay?
The arms in shape to throw were within, like forty balls in like a two week span, but I'm sure we can make one for your dual threat. You're, like you, have the highest career rushing average. I think for any quarterback of all time Would you see those stats when they go up to it yeah? He refrains like. Let's do this. I love. I love it. When I see that stack or revival cause, it happens like three times a year where it's like blake bortles, better russian quarterback, Michael that yeah? What We do this. Why would you this? Let's have you this isn't a question. This is more of a just saying it out loud. Maybe next week you come on the on the chauffeur afore interview yeah, but I don't get ok them outside of it. just one question, yet we really fucked ourselves. This is the entire bases of this segment was basically like bit, based on like having you on every week, ass, you one question and now we're just. but so wall for the aid of you also, probably gonna be pissed off that didn't ask any follow. Ups next week,
they will be on the show off the full interview we'll make sure he's on a computer? Not his phone in his back yard and boy. Yes, I do, I know it's, not your fault. It was one question that was, I said, five minutes. Do you have a question for us to wait? You have to not ask that and co yeah, but I bet you blake has a question for us. Yeah here you go. I have a question previous. could you ask us what day next week, the hour day, next week's you guess, What do you want to the tuesday tuesday, eleven tuesday, at eleven that would work it's tuesday, eleven, where nah a wall beyond I'll, be driving. Ok, that's bad
what do I get all get home like tuesday, probably around like lunch time after everything we alone, we say to thirty one. Thirty, two, thirty, two to thirty yeah now worked. Also, we are choosing to thirty we'll see you for a full public portals interview. It will air on Wednesday. This was question with black portals doubtfully. Gotcha Congratulations, you have the exclusive we are useless, may be being retired, maybe not being retired, yeah underway, congrats yeah. Now we'll find out. I look for it, it's tuesday already, and if anyone reaches out, don't don't tell them, you know you wouldn't, but you know, don't yeah, no, no, the exclusive pardon! My take Does it really amped up? I think I told you better whenever that was like, I really I in my once a year cannot public
blake at a year, and now you know we're gonna get work seat in the once a year, yeah yeah, it's gonna, get you back in the rotation. You won't find. any any? Bigger blake portals defenders in the history of the world than us, I think big for everybody in this room, when I say we would die for you yeah I die for you. I appreciate that for you all well, okay, I dunno about billy but I that would be a waste of a death billy, wouldn't want that he sees all about sacrifice wants to serve others. Yes, blake we'll see next tuesday, Is this the other ethics now word from response or better how more athletes are speaking out about the importance of mental health. But I don't have approach to want to be at the top of your game. Everyone needs take your their mental well being whether you're an athlete or not therapies. best way to stay in peak mental shape. If you're thinking of giving therapy a try better help is a great option is convenient its accessible
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praise you in this game, if you live and die by a rider, die choose wisely how and fans will lose their minds over some of the big name, that's riding into the competition together this season. We ve got tory endeavour. Jordan inessa instead time to johnny bananas is back hoping to secure. Victory with fellow challenge, queen nanny, don't miss the channel broader dies. Nuisance the next wednesday october, twelve at eight seven central on mtv, ok, wrap up the show with our good friend jersey, jerry, spend a few months? Man, it's been a few Any any big news in the steelers quarter situation that you want to yes, as of about seventeen minutes ago. The steelers, my tom unannounced skinny pickett quota, one wow, we reacted that re like they were going to go back to match that is right. You knows jerry bring renewed, is all.
say it again during my time as confirmed as guinea. Pigs starting quarterback. I I can confirm that I will also double conferring a match and he also confirmed mitchell, still be a team captain going out for the coin. Oh that's weird guys, but that makes you nervous What no it's kind of hard it's like if you start dating a girl and mike sorts in your face, her ex boyfriend is still making her breakfast every day. Yeah, no yeah! I dunno. Why still going out for a coin? Toss must be a team leader, well yeah, but I mean I feel like it's a little disrespectful to match. No man, I dunno a little bit I'd I'd, say so I'd say it's kind of disrespectful on both accounts, yeah, alright Ask your question jerry! So Kenny's starting quarterback, have you ever showered in Kenny's house, that's a good And yes, yes,
oh okay, wow! So that's a pretty tight friendship, wouldn't you say yeah I'd, say pretty tight and nice bathroom. Oh really, nice, your water, which our working with traditional water ed are like, was at one of those ones on the ceiling. How what was so it was. It was traditional, yeah, ill, traditional. What size lou for disease standard size or not? You know there was aloof in there, but I chose not to go that route. That's nice! You! I chose a just to just two used so or so is not widely used so far, ass kind, where we has put the soap like the bar of soap, like on your armpits indiana, your balls, and you have the option of not so far. You can use your hands with our liquid so eloquently yes or no body washer. Now there was Oh, you weren't, you, social, simple, that's the fate. I thought I had it been useful way. Why jerry? You guys, are you guys? Are you planning to use when you put the face bar in your asshole?
I don't want to talk about yeah, I'm sure they threw stuff away. No one you have to show you went in there is. I go this jerry soper, what we're going to give the shower shower probably upon ok, so that's that's good to know that you are you tie with him now We're coming eyes always been categorized. Love kenny been on. This show recurring, guest hypothetically. what if he has a bad game? What we're doing that as you have. You shouted the guy's house yeah? I mean listen man, of course, is gonna be some and bruises along the way. You know, there's gonna be ties where you look at a game like Kenny master This game, then there's gonna be times like wow Kenny, really won this game for us right. So it's going to be up and down all season. Okay, I I think you're actually in a very cool situation for an nfl fan, which is you have a new toy yeah and you are like more. personally invest in this new toy than the most fans are, but just like getting to spend a season rooting for you new toy. Did you cool stuff? That's a fund,
to be legato. Real experts believe in you, want to see a promise of? like a bright future, yet you know I add, I had that call that moment when, when it, when it actually happens, epiphany, possibly I was on the field pre game for the steelers game last weekend. The jets are, you know, and he comes out warming up. You know You know I get ahead, not from Mitch like They know who I am Kenny had not from there is the guy who's been damning, my wife, no no you're not going to do that, and then you know that recognize me daps me up and stuff like that. So it was like a a moment where I'm like wild man, I'm such a die, hard, doers, fan and light guys, know jersey, jerry growing fell grain, Did you ever release the dams than the man playing games, I have had those have never been released. We do one reading of one Ah, you sure, yeah. I think it was funny what is the one that was fun Do you have any? I have us it's my our homes scream
how many before you start working here, what percentage of steelers players? would you say had received the dm from yields at some point light on the roster. man as a fifty per right back in right back, you know what I see as players. Never ever contact me. No until until this past year you to say why you you just kept writing back though you were like eventually somebody's got exactly I mean listen. If you want some bad enough, you gotta do some things. You know you don't want to do. Yes, so this was this is my personal favorite read more sure, yeah sure those good is not bad about it. Jerry up. Ginger, service, schuster, mom and said hi. Huge fan. Hi sammy, I'm a huge fan, she's twenty one thousand dollars since she's, a public figure blue checkmark,
hi sammy, I'm a huge fan of your son and a big fan of the pittsburgh steelers. Your son is so humble and is so refreshing to hear him talk and watching him play. If you can do, if favor see, maybe if he can play me in a game, a man of places and it will make a twenty five year old kid from new jersey dream come true. volume watching off his games. Since you usc, that was nice. That's That's I die hard for, I think we're done I don't thing it's all. I listen. I like those messages that shows that you, you have you you're the grid, span. I know as a fact I think so too. Yeah, I mean listen to it, one way or another they're going to find out who I am yeah yeah. You know what I mean, what about what about the haters out there, because I'm sure they're, all yeah, of course, lotta haters that might be like yo jersey, jerry's, not blue collar. Any more air is working in the big city. His white collar now he's he's rubbing elbows with a starting quarterback, going out to the it's using their shower their soaps
would. You say to those people that say: that's not blue collar, a lesson that I could still. I could still go back to work for a moment. And so work just as hard. I still no I'm doing I just did my mom's kitchen, I mean that's one color at it. You know what I mean we're in so. We did. We did the countertops and then we did obviously no appliances that was really nice and then the floor, Beautiful beauty. It takes care of his mom. I like horse tell a lot about a guy who beat their mom. What the cookbook yeah that's true, Jerk george jerry's grandmother, whose passageway nanny any what she's my nanny choose your nanny. The name for that's the name. My night, by name like I have here and I will go beyond the guy's, my grandma, I saw his grandmother pathway issues. Incredible incredible. Italian cook has an incredible cookbook lead Did the jersey jerry before she passed away and jerry
not share it with his mom his bomb ass for the recipes and he's like Why are you making the meals for your mom? No one, They can the meals. Nobody knows what she does. She tries to You know. Figure out what my my nanny used to put in this. Putting this and she's always so close, but it's never the same, and it's in the crock pot luck. Why not? Because I wanted it to to do it ourselves. Yeah social learn better if she could yeah exactly we give her any, hence like I mean yeah would be benefits like a game and play with great. I love that stop. You agree. You could say that yeah I don't mind it it's great. No, it's just getting closer and closer as the years go by. I love it. It actually makes sense if you could turn it into like a good annual thing. Maybe on christmas you you release. One voice appeal: excellent idea: the jerry vault,
good idea. It may be publicly release for the people of europe want in a billion jerry. That's why I love you like those little stories, you're modest working, hard hard to try We create her own mothers. King and she just can't get it in your. Like I got. well what she does every time is she calls me pal especially like pal is it is a closest, the same and I'll just be like close, but not at my clock. Yeah yeah, artist yeah go ahead. I was just curious. I'm sure a lot of people want to know how how things are going with a the old digestive system. Accidents recently now know nothing, no clue. Calls either that one just there was I dunno what went wrong here in a lot? A lot went wrong. I like everything that possibly could have gone wrong, is a nuclear meltdown yeah. All of this noble, passing momentary shit himself on the train yeah, it's a disaster for everybody, I'll retreat it just so. Everyone sees it and yep yeah
retreating, like a thousand, that's a great video, it's an all time. It is. It is ok, though susan question, hey jerome, it's actually gerard. I made the mistake of utah. in think a thing of of writing my my ways, though I do a lot. have you ever gotten injured a job? If so, how did you deal with that? I tore my peck on my first shift of my new contract. It really sucks because I was only one minute away from being off the clock boss is telling totally angie lay off work for at least six weeks and my crew Well, it is yeah my crew's badly struggling without me, the same brew without me at all. I feel like I'm soft, because my brother also recently suffered a chest, injury heartbreak and went back to work just four days later. Oh no yeah yeah. Definitely so I know the camera can't really see, but moody call this finger ring finger ring finger yeah, so it's permanently dislocated just, nothing left
so I was working in a broken hammer. Cameron and impose slipped in it hid it crushed. It never got a fix it pops out sometimes, but I was told, like hey, don't don't report Ask us we get in trouble for not having gloves on and weaken the whole crew could get in trouble. So I suck it up, and back to work while its rights and work out whether this guy is, I would say, just suck it up. Man near practice, team needs the crew needs. You get back to work properly. It's like some new guy that joined your team and you had to set an example for him exact. This is how we do it on my team, but what? If? What? If the, what, if the guy in question, comes back and then gets reinjured? Now it's like two years that he's out that's another. The question I would say doesn't matter at that point I would say: doesn't matter what jean, like? You have no choice, come back here. Would you say, like you, should do more steroids to try to get back faster? I don't think this guy said that he was doing steroids, but if he were a tourist packets I guess. Maybe I'm just reading between the lines should he do more steroids or less steroids
I would say less there. Ok, some days to dial the current steroids use back a little bit last question about this guy. We don't know who this guy is, but, like we get injured, and then he realizes like. Oh I'm not I'm not even healthy, and not even the best player on my team on the league in this construction league. this guy in Dallas who's been playin crazy. Did he do we? Damn you guys know, those soldiers, hypothetically What would you say that like if, if say a guy who's been played some great linebacker ball down in dallas lightened summer, saint he's the best player in the lead direction, construction jeez vested of construction player in the week for the cowboys like a person, I would say no, okay, I would say the numbers tell a different story. Ah interesting. You know, I think I think there was another guy forget. What team is he on starts with an r just got his
zack or such like all. We are weak, yeah teat. Now, there's a guy named teacher. What he's on pace to shatter that? Oh jamming shatter it not even close, but it is by the exact same position right they die. But I'm ok notes rusted mean friend got new discussion about what a blue collar job actually is I'm in, nicole equipment, technician which I consider to be blue collar. He is a teacher. which she swears is as well thoughts now don't take, the teacher is I would say noted at not blue collar medical equipment, tech, dad would say yeah. That was just got the word technician in it. He got equipment in it I don't know. The teacher is in no disrespect to teach tsar like a link. How did my faith? Half the members of my family or teachers have great respect for the teaching creation, but
I don't I don't think they say it's blue collar. I see that there is. There is like a separate definition for being a tv. I think I think we're in brown bags to work book. Brings added value in the cafeteria yeah. You know you could say that teachers, a lunch pale, They might not the dollar, they don't bring lunch pals they bring, they bring. You know lunch boxes, that's a lunch pail! Now it tastes different yeah. The pales are har har I think, if, if you have a job where you could get thrown up on by anybody else. that's its own dutch, like out teachers almost in the same category as like service workers What what about? What about a lady who's working at a psych ward in a hospital map blue collar? You think that seems I dunno. If that's cholera and mental blue collar. That's it that's what we need really mental blue collar, because teachers would be the mental blue come yet like tat would be their category four. clean, maybe not, but mentally. That's blue collar work, no addicted to blue collar shut all teachers.
best lunchtime to take off in time to take it who, in martyr gray, clashed ass, say that again last on time, we'll go on time. As lunchtime, ok, I would say best lunchtime, eleven What we are ours I mean a story like six thirty in one get home to like ten, where they now wait. Six. At ten p m. You know that was every day pretty much role we're time you ok, overtime, eleven that seems early. I would like to extend our take lunch. The afternoon take lunch really really early in the dew double lunch in the afternoon. He do that. Could I guess so I thought of the problem would taking taking that early launches. It makes the afternoon every time you look at the clock. It goes by so slow. If you had a lunch, at eleven a m your back at noon. You check
it feels like it's five pm. You look at the clock. It's two ten year data take off best data to friday and best time to take a best time to take a dump after breakfast lot accrue set everything up smart about everything, setup, yeah, good answers with the worst time to take it up on an emergency right after jerry on the trail act that should now it's probably one of the worst times you could. Or on an airplane airport. Does anybody to hear our last one jerry What is it ok to snap at your former, I worked as a rule. A couple summers ago and never talk back, my boss, my life until my short angry. Red headed foreman was on my ass for everything So there was, maybe war did but one day he let me out for doing something wrong that he showed me how to do after exchanges. Fuck use I thousand was since I was never
those newer and should have taken. My lungs was I in the wrong thanks yet say so. Never really to talk back to those guys maintained a command during charge for a reason, I mean, I remember spits specifically, you know foreman, saying: hey you, don't like it on micro, go find a different girl, nice. You know what I mean you listen to what I say and listen that guy happened to be a great guy that was nasty new beginning, I mean you, look at your paycheck there's a couple the showers in there. You know what I mean they take care. Yeah you keep your mouth shut, they take care, you got a problem, come see me exactly yeah, exactly that's it right there, but yeah. I know Eric was trying to jam me up, but my hours are pretty are pretty long right yeah. What does that mean? That would mean I'd, say about ten ten, ten. Thirty! I would I wake up. I wake up about a now. Yes m, forty five eight I get here- ten thirty, I'm out by light five: five: thirty football night.
Little bit later. Maybe that true is that true that you're out five five, I would say some I mean today I'll be out at three yeah. I got a couple a couple of things: business wise to take care of, but I'd say for the most part. Five is fine. You'll be back on streams on sunday yeah people have been asking like yes, jerry just isn't here. I don't think they've been asking if you could find a tweet on that. I think I'd give you some money. Ok, I mean now because someone's gonna doing now, whenever I find a true right now, you would have to find it. Wait. That's it he'll, give you some money, yet basketball slate jury. I liked the new haircut people are asking: what was the motivation behind that yeah? This is a dunno if the camera sees as a muller yeah camera works. Jury can say that the camera's not going to get this and he got in get it. It's a herd looked at what was the inspiration for I tell you what a couple of years I mean not even a couple of years ago, about a year ago, a year and a half ago I had long hair. I had hair down to like the back over here. Yeah yeah pictures.
yeah. I mean I got a couple. I want to see some longer some shaggy jerry yeah. I gotta I gotta quit. I dunno take me a miracle minutes to look it up. What you're? Looking at something, unless you that zero, Reality. This is where sherry been on a streams kenny. What the hell today, then I'm a burner accounting, jerry space and then make any better get. Is the avatar? Let me talk what what? What do you think you have burner? although this will just for copyright it all, but like would it? What is your too? I don't. I always want to know now. I do not I mean I don't either by guy burke out. Why, though, I start because, if so much fun, we have been like. Are you like harassing people? Sometimes you should never do it yeah never make a burner. I never make a burner. No, but it's fun. It's
Iphone, I know, but it's a dunno I I was thinking about debating, doing it, but then I are you, don't you you don't burn? I would. I would suggest that you don't make a burner account and my burner car was really. I wasn't harassing people. I was just using it to get some takes off that maybe, I felt like I used to be able to get off that now. I can't get off anymore gotcha, just kind of like a throwback just for me to enjoy beer, you're, like you burner energy as a person, so you just a day, you remained there. I got my, control a few times already here, yeah, that's, ok, how dogs do good good, actually just ordered this new collar for poor peppers yeah, it's a shock, one. Oh yes, it's probably pep talk yeah years, not the best dog or treat that out he's like look at like one year ago today, poly peppers and then routes, plied was one creepy and, like turns out, play peppers real day, is, do you have any you getting new letters coming out,
no, not done man, that's hearted and raising the reason, a kid man yeah. Can you explain the methods like how you would how you'd rages poppies, how dude did you have thought so pretty much weight to the beaches and heat and Her period will turn from a dark red to a really light red, almost bank and then from there. You have the mail go sniffer out and then you fuckin, you know your thing with the male, where you do, I do you jack moth. Yeah, once you smell, like he's he's up, there is rated going smelly, Stephanie Melanie, so he's like fake humping he's not having sex with her. and then here you know, do nothing and then pretty modesty wire got the dog. Yet my mail, while you actually like put, I shall just let them false cell with the french bulldogs it's really weird. It's really hard for them to naturally do it for them the actually lock in place. They can do it but like your legs, are so short, its hard for them to to
actually lock, there's like a locking period that has to happen for fertile So it is easier to boston a cup take like a long like flexible, syringe thing and then stick it or the. stick it in the right way, because yeah it's crazy, the ears to separate on it in a desert? And I can I say in it: in Virginia j? Like that, you know you have to hit the rights by because, if you, if you go up you're, just putting in the bladder, guy down as the year end or a hundred perkins, has like a million dollar. The average broke bulldog breeding. He does the same thing. Yes, do you think can repay It's actually jack's off his probably, I would say he would probably have some. I do a foreign while I would pay more money for a bull dog they got jack off by personal edge. Zero point eight point this year. That's actually done about idea of having a sort of certified like this. This bull dog was made by
I jerry masturbating, a bulldog again says we should call your right hand, the J J numbers guess? Ninety one boy Griffin now there's no chance, no chance so jerry. If you want to get the number right just get any number but ninety, how do you guys feel about blake, choosing or blake being ninety one? Well, there's no numbers available in Boston is that the year is born. As I figured maybe two years older than now, I feel it is older. I, what number you pickin jerry at twenty one I was ever kenny, Pickett yeah. I was born in eighty nine, so yeah I dunno. I just assume that I think there are just twenty six there's no numbers available. Twenty celtics there tyres? Sixty nine for billy was yours, fifty toilet? I'll go with five for a friendly portals.
Where's your number to carry for sixty three way. Are you guess? At the other day,
pubic laser endangered because of habitat destruction. Aerial debated,
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-10.