« Pardon My Take

Joey Chestnut, NBA Free Agency, Mt Rushmore Of MLB Names + Our Dingers Only Baseball Draft

2023-07-03 | 🔗

We should've been NBA players because everyone is getting PAID. We talk winners and losers from the first few days of NBA Free Agency plus Rickie Fowler is confirmed back (00:00:00-00:29:17). Who's back of the week (00:29:17-00:42:02). Joey Chestnut joins the show to talk about 4th of July, the hot dog record, how he's feeling and how long he can stay on top (00:42:02-00:55:16). We then do the Mt Rushmore of baseball names and then the long awaited Dingers Only baseball draft where we say a bunch of baseball names while drinking some Coors Light (00:55:16-02:24:29).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary can listen ad free on amazon, music. The personal support he's the best app to exclusive odds, boost custom offers and promotions, as well as brand new features, the partial sport, has many ways for you to put your on the line and win live in game. Wagering cross police futures projects and everyone's favorite parley download the partial, worse working see no up now, gambling price one call. One hundred gambler must be twenty one plus available in selects states on today's pardon my take. We have maybe the best slash worse, show we ve ever done. We have our baseball draft, we ve been seizing it for a while we're going to do a regular show to start so we're gonna talk some mb, a free agency, rickie fowler who's back the week, some more current events, and then we have Joe each
not getting ready for the fourth of July. The grace athlete ever created and mount rushmore baseball names, and then go to our baseball draft. Where yeah. It's it's two hours of do just naming names. I love this base all fantasy baseball league that we ve created. It's called dinners only it's gonna be fucking awesome. Do we have march, I we should have march. Maybe we forgot march were get march for the dinners only league, but it's gonna, be they sing shows me different, show em, for everyone to listen to. It is brought to you by friends. It effects is so it is brought to you by ethics, justified city, primeval basis, best selling, elmore leonard novels, Timothy. All faint is as marshall reelin givens, his hair is greater had his dirtier, while back Dancing life is a: u s, marshal and part time. Father a chance encounter sazen detroit where he crosses passed with the oakland
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how much is by post. Working party. My take today is Monday July third and pfc We should have been mba players because holy shit they're getting paid and it is awesome, yeah it really is like some of the names that are getting these huge, huge deals. A just
scratch ahead, but then you like, oh yeah, they actually have to spend that money. I don't want Michael Malone, a liar, We said that we're running this shit backward bruce brown either. He said at play. Damn right bruce come back a run of the ship back, Thank you said a championship red shoes be that's like that's client pace, confidentiality gap. can't hold that against anybody you're drunk at a parade, you're gonna say what you want. And yet good for him. I think you like forty million and another could only off from like eight million a year or so. They tried to keep the gatt to try to keep it, but I we said this right after they want the title, because member bruce brown was the one who said it and we're like you know in the worst time to negotiate a new deal is, is like seconds after you went to title with your boys transfer champagne, because Bruce brown the night he wanna title said I want, stay it's a perfect! Money is not everything. The money will come from worried about that right now, I don't hold that against some whatsoever, because
Five million is a lot more money than million a year. Yeah yeah though he said all the right things, but at the end, the day, when you're, looking at forty five million next year sixteen million dollars you'd have to be fucking moron, not to take the forty five. So congratulations to him. The biggest loser in free agency is We grant Jeremy grant got a hundred fifty million returned the trailblazers now on paper like well, that's a great deal, but the contract was the straw that broke the camel's back for dame. He was exists, This is what we're doing in free agency for resetting germ regret, yeah Do you guys, I'm out dame willard is in a so I said I was gonna, do it and I did it right away. I was like team. No, multi left in the nba. Like can't believe he would do this. People reacted accordingly, very upset me, but the these same thing with dame right now is he wants to go to the heat and the dont have the best offer
and now you have like blazer in heat vans, arguing online, where heat fans can basically be like well now we want him and he's gonna, be ours and there's nothing. can do about it and the blazers we like. We can't get any free agents, no matter what, so we have to get like a ton draft picks, and that will just you show down for the next month, it feels like who, like the blazers, actually get a good deal or do they just have to be like that I agree that the blazers should treat dame correctly so that they can get future free agents is the dumbest theory in the world. They're not gonna, get future reagents. They should get what they can get because who his name was for them he's the best ways of all time. credibly, loyal singly, dude. You can't just like because you are a great dude we'll just tyler hero and an college, even yeah. This is my favorite people online, the ones who are like well. Why would anybody ever sign with portland after watching what they're going to do to dame if they don't send the place that he wants? It's a good point
it's a great point and will follow that away in the future when they don't get, free agents, it's because of how they treated dame and, as he asked you to do with the franchise, nothing to do with the fact that people don't want to play in portland? it's just straight up how they're going to treat they really have no less like dame, doesn't really have any leverage in this situation he's just saying I would like to play for the he can we just make it happen, and I guess like if he- Has he has done a lot for that organization and so they might just try doing the solid and be like ok here here we go but, like you're, a gm your job is not to treat players that have question trades away from you as good as possible. Is it try to try to win basketball games in the future and if that's gonna beat the heat whatever maybe the trader yeah medium term somewhere else, and then maybe three way: trade, an we that we're not its ivan shooting on poland, because I think outside of like four five
ranch in the nba there's, not a lot of franchise that are like destinations for free agents such as how the league works. It's not like. there's a lot of cities in the nba that that guy, being like lining. To go. Do I mean I I fell for it when I thought la brahman delayed we're gonna go to chicago like well, that was fucking stupid, but yeah the boys are, should do whatever is best for them. I have another biggest loser for you. Phd its carry irving haters, because car Having who has played sparingly for The better half of like what three or four years going now got paid three here's a hundred and twenty seven million dollars to? with the mavericks I dont think they were bidding gets anyone except LUCA dodgers is happiness like it was just we beside him because we traded foreman we have Do it now, otherwise we're not gonna get star luca might leave so
The kyrie irving haters probably have to eat one here because he got a lot of money for not playing a lot the last few years. and I think, carries leverage was that he was. He was gonna. Take a visit, phoenix, We like one. If it's arrived to play for two million dollars he wanted. He wanted to get on an rv and go to a sweat, lodge or or have some peyote or something like that. Go on a vision, quest out and ex? Now is enough to make more cuban swear? We like we can't we can heavenly the state. We gotta, keep him locked down so tat his I paid a shitload of my friendly good fred vanvleet that used in do somethin. Houston did a lot of things and free agency, and they did the most would eventually. I forget how much money they're paying them. it was. It was about two hundred million somewhere somewhere in that facility for one's twenty eight, three foreign trade, etc. He's a cancer centre because you get paid for their culture, their pain for the culture, so he's getting like supermax money, but not just the like getting five years. He's gonna have another body the apple, soon but good for him,
I don't really understand it because they just drafted, appoint guard Cultures: room yes, he's gonna is paying culture a hundred twenty three million dollars for you, dont assassin. If he was actually good so you know it's it's an adult, you're you're, basically getting an adult in the room to be like hey! This guy actually knows how to be a pro. We have a very young talent to team we'll pay him a lot of money to, hopefully know some of that young championship, cow we want to title in toronto, rub off on everyone. I like that. he's just a role model, they they He bought a role model and free agency, for amen thompson so yeah. He's gonna. Yet I mean it's good fit in stress. If you look at like van fleet, and the money that he was making in toronto. I dont know what stating taxes and canada probably pretty high, He is going to be rich as fuck in houston, so good for him yet These deals are awesome. They they obviously the mean goes around. Where are you
they have like Chris. middleton sign for three years under two million dollars, and Michael Jordan made like ninety three million dollars in his career, which it actually is out the last two years of the bulls? Michael Jordan, other like fourteen years was Greer made. Thirty million dollars I love those means. I actually think we should go one further terry's. How burden and low mellow both sign supermax as those five years up to two hundred. It's million dollar cigarette paid. Like two million dollars a year damn arenas, career earnings was if the one point- five million. John always was forty five million. Now It's obviously different sport different air everything, but I think it's just for means means you're on this right. Now we need to just fine like babe screw earnings and be like look at this care. Liver is making like sixteen times what babe Ruth made his entire career
just for the reach would like that are like compare, compare them to like our people in them military or teachers the gathers teaching makes thirty seven thousand dollars year buccaneers. Look, there is going to be set, his grandkids grandkids are to be set for it, Secondly, the it's. Basically, whenever someone does a tweet, like thirty, five years ago. Diehard came out and theatres while yet time Yes time is, did time keeps going, money keeps going up. Time goes differently it just to those means, pat back and forth, about how much for these These guys are make yet is cool They are making so much money like all it. It's good for them, and I love. It is awesome to see like some of these contracts come. Can yours like holy fuck, this guy's going? What and I mean who doesn't even chance. I just got what for years fifty million for the next like. Why not? Why not? I think I think I think the moment that I realized that like to be,
Upset about any this is so stupid was when tony snl a few years ago got paid like forty four. million dollars over like three. For years to be with the box as it like cool jacket, You can't you when I heard about it. What do you do like to demand that the milwaukee box sign a bunch of teachers and firefighters, know you, gotta. Get your game up. My wish. when basketball players just going back to the beginning. We should have like if, if anything, this is a lesson to everyone out there. Listening like get your game up, don't be a pot! astral like us, be an m b, a player like that yeah with people who are like how come how come the nfl players don't get this much money unless you're like a quarterback? Well, because there's more points in basketball, so you get paid by the points. it's a pretty simple math guys upon and kick is very expensive on the bottom line for and if our franchises is putting that on has to be a headache yeah, but yes, shouts the plaza. Just got riches falk today, that's real good good for them We also should mention james harden. I think this is.
Three trade requests in four years, so we opted in, six sixers, which actually is a good move forward. sixers causing get something form. I think james hardened did because he's like, I don't we anyone who s salary cap money is probably not going to be good. So I'd rather opt in and then trade and be able to play for a team. That's good here! to go to the clippers, which would be the first this place for him to go. I don't I can't imagine like if they it carried out will be the perfect all, like least dependable Maybe Ben seminar is well weirdos, high report, appalled sure, but I think we said I don't know for sure. I think we're off there. When we were talking about it pft, but like the clippers, have become like the greatest legacy, changing thing for Paul George he's becoming. If, if james harden goes to the clippers, Paul George, easily like, though the most likeable and most depend we'll player they have yet,
because it would have their have westbrook. They would have in this case too. Who is the animal when we're depressive or not it? Maybe that's. Life is dependable. You know exactly what you're getting, I think he's getting like three million dollars a year for the effort. He's getting paid, nothing and obviously you ve got quite who I don't think, is this quiet best poplar sometime, sometimes easy. So please not, unlike all he's just not dependent, is weirdos. They ve just get a bunch of weirdos on the clippers, which is that's exactly how I like my clippers. I dont, like my clippers, to be feisty and to be the team that that has expectations on the clippers, always beaches very, very strange basketball players grouped into almost like you, a bunch of different animals, incited mason johnny make him get along all its also per. because their opening up a new arena. So the what we need guys to be able to sell seats in this new arena and that's essentially, what they're doing there just collecting as many guises they can, doesn't make sense basketball wise, but they like,
Can all the names we have, combine season, tickets, yeah like that's wrapped. It is a good strategy for them. who else? Who, who were the other big winners, all dream on later the warriors shadow lakers lakers, keeping their young guys together. Gatt rules Austin Reeves they got gave Vincent as well. I actually lakers like have a pretty I'm good team, funny how we immediately forget about the team that just one the title everyone's like look at you Eric Gordon went his son sons or feeling their roster and look at the lakers like added nuggets are still the best team. Let's lives with those pump the brakes until you know we start playing ball and we see that their like drastically different, which I don't think we'll be, but yet the lakers and think oh yeah, the warriors getting dream on green. I liked that, just because I dream on being in a different uniformly sucked. views on the maverick similar stockton It's gonna be weird, though, how long was his contract? His car
it's for years, a hundred million of the last two years of that contract. He's he's not going to be good at all, but I mean I I feel like. it is not good offensively already lagging he's. Just gonna keep doing like being done. On green and making our work defensively and that their like I like teams, even though it makes no sense. keep it all together, we try to eke out one more and What's the worst that happens like all of them age poorly and we have like a sick. You know like we're too: at night, all them together There is not really many hot other options. I think it can be called a have dream on around. What's chris Paul starts getting a little too chippy once he crises like the fates, you much that leadership really yeah, there's gotta be someone's gonna hit in the face, and let's get him the dick yeah so max or hank. cause you guys kind of share teams, James and do you want him to stay on the sixers? I dont know
I think he's going to start the season on the sectors are things we have Kevin direct kind of situation where him get traded later in the season, but I do think anyone's going to offer what darrow morey wants for this year. Sixers thoughts fix it. Accurate, I was gonna, say I said at first others say that too, If you were, you could say that yeah. I was just go say that, like james harden, he might decide to eat his way out of town. That's really the only that's! That's the last shot that he has left in his bag right now just get fat again which, by the way, now the all those those the funniest trade move of all time, like all you're, not gonna, hurt me will I'm. I have it in my power to get fat over the span of two weeks. Yes with the obese and pat bev? Also on the team, huge for for our guy rhone. I was a sixers fan. Having pap have beyond favour team and doing a pie, gasser them, but now Do you want james hardened to play
entire, seize him with the philadelphia. Seventy six from The reports of the guys that we would get back. I would rather have james harden lake. Okay, I well. That makes sense. I don't I don't need. I don't need norman pounds that have james harden if you're thinking logistically of like trying to have a winning basketball team. I don't think that it's going to stick I think, eventually, more he's gonna get thing out of it, but I think it's gonna, probably being led by like around christmas time. Ok yeah. I feel like that's that it's going to gonna be dear morey, doesn't feel like a guy who's. Gonna trade, someone just as he wants me traded why dont like that james harden, wants to leave us Do you think that you are giving a team that has a chance to where she had been ship? You'd want to stay right, yeah made you guys it's easier when right, that's all making! That's on adding up to me. It's great point
I love this city and I just want like I don't. I don't understand why someone want to leave it. Do you think You think he has less faith in the team than you do. As a fan I think that an opportunity to play with envy t like That's the guy that opportunity every every every year allowed. You be running literally running from it as fast as you can hear. Don't you don't you want guys they want to be there? Definitely hey you're, max's ain't, no formal! Now I'm gone now who I agree, I mean I'm happy that I have another six or seven, and here too you know just do do some discourse on on my my sixers, Of course, what else derek rose? he's turning to want this debt That tells me the jury reserve has really lost his fastball, not the fact that he can't field competitive teams in both supports it loans, but the fact that he wasn't
like last spring dirt rose back just to fill. The united centre could have not like tat was that I was gonna, be the move yeah. I want I like and we forgot dylan brooks dylan. Brugger hope you hope. You hope you have fun. Learning chinese body turns out for years. Eighty million for the rockets is a little different. They ve gone gone abroad I mean I like after the rockets to you, got for example, So basically be the adult roman dylan blocks to be like the past year I dont brooks there's no chance that he's as bad as we all remember him as being in in that last series. Is that, good picture he's up he's, not bad he's. Just he's just a dumb ass, and you can he didn't take Leon. Think syria he's not he's not done by his nature. He's a bad, a basketball by by gas, a person but he's just he's just stupid, and so in fixed stupid, sometimes yeah, and you also every single team needs one
like a rationally, confident stupid guy who thinks that they can apple abroad. In the seventh game series, that's not a bad thing to happen. How will you what one of those guys you don't want. A whole team, guys, but you need one: those guys who thinks there the player in the world, and can you know who told you tell with people for a game or to the big John thompson quote you did you can win a chip with two of those guys if five and we'll get you fired exactly exactly ok, any other mba stuff. This free agency for contracts everywhere. I agreed free agency overall, I be minus this year. Well in order. This is like I was. I was thinking about it because of a goddamn wish. The embedded frequency now on a holiday weekend when, like we held with theirs sports all year round and linked as the one stretch we can just bank on being like not a lot going on, but it's actually mark for them, because
There's nothing going on in the nba can just have free agency for a couple days, everyone freak out, and then get about who got signed until I christmas day you I just, I wish they carry a gun somewhere else that would have turned this would be modest until I get a minus began. It would add a lecture drama too. There are too many guys resigning with their own teams for my liking. I, like I like that this lead drama that goes along with our care. Accuse me. Coming back four hundred mill yeah this league bigtime, the sleek, ok, other news, pretty followers back being totally They ignore watched it people watch it on their phone CBS. I do stand what happened they. Basically they there the weather inclement, whether coming in detroit, so the rocket its tournament. they started everyone at like eight in the morning and the coverage in in the three o clock, so everyone had to just I've heard about you guys, but I just scrambled. I was watching a watch. Both things on he s, pm plus
and then I was like wait. Is it on NBC zombie golf channel and then find I figured I was on CBS sports app for life the last like three halls of the charter, and then the overtime, just a complete, the disaster of live rates. I don't understand how it happened, why it happened because it was in the script at max. Homa was going to get a whole new one. I still don't really have video evidence of it, because we didn't see it on the big screen. We only saw it on a phone. Was grainy footage that was uploads. We don't know Jake ida, If you have any common on that, I looked like max bakers, all unwanted, that yeah and you saw him celebrate very calm celebration. You act like you there before. I guess you didn't see the bog on all. So I guess they open case yeah. Yeah, but yeah he's. He said he hadn't seen either of his hole in ones on tour. It is good to have rookie back. Rick has been awesome for, like the last month he's just like he's the most likable guy. You can't root against rickie fowler, it
Also. I didn't realize the full story that he rehired his swing coach, I think, is out like he. Basically, someone like india to like getting back with the next and being like sorry, I was the one who fact everything up like it. It takes a lot of like swallowing pride to rehearse your coach and he went through dark times, those that, like us, was sixteen hundred days or something the law long stretches he had one of those twenty nineteen was most timely, one so yeah it's he's gonna be the ryder cup here awesome is good that he finished one day. Did. He finished one too, with that t shot on the, in time they played eighteen. I thought he was fucked and yeah. It's ricky's ricky great for gulf stamp. Grateful
golf yeah, recurring guest, a part of my take people forget that ricky you gotta haven't. We gotta have rookie back on. I can't wait if we win the ryder cup. I can't wait for him to remake that picture, where everybody's making out with their wives or girlfriends afterwards, yeah and ricky's, just in the middle just smiling like I don't have a face to kiss right now I need only him with Alison stoke right, that's his wife the olympian get full on just tongue wrestler. Yes, yes, bridges. kid now. That's doubt, listen as a. While we all age so fast, frick he's got a kid. He was. He was a guy with no girlfriend time we saw from the ryder cup yeah Vienna was awesome. It was awesome, see Ricky back congrats to him any sports news. I don't think so. It's about aids, draft there, we replace my ever baseball draft and very excited about that. We were drinking course lights because it was on hanks birthday. So we cracked up some forties and I just a bunch of deeds- names and at one point. I think
Billy had like five is to make a pick and circled back to him, and he did. You know that three minutes to make his pick after that but we have been keeping track of scores in our inner league over them. a month or so. Since we did the draft. We should say, though, because the original scoring format has she s a little bit so it was originally gonna, be dinners. Only so you get one point per home run. and then you had one guy and his designated spot was only getting hit by pitches so I was gonna, be worth ten every time he got hit by a pitch. Quickly realized that that scoring system makes no sense whatsoever because it just basically a one man team, where, if you have the guy that gets hit by the most bitches you automatically windowy, because our sole valued so we made an adjustment on the fly and reduced to five points per head by pitch. Jake was
happy about it, but hank suggested that we all agree that it was the right call to make for this. in fairness and competition, so think said hank has out to get him and was I Jake? I guess I'll. Let you state your case here, but I think You have to acknowledge that it would be unfair just to have your hit by pitched guy be the only player counselor roster. We should just make hip. I pick one point next year. It should fingers only that's the name of the leak dinners. Only. Take your notes whose ideas tat voice in first place I just want to have a hit by pitched guy on the roster just interesting. How first play sir second place? we changed that after the leak had begun. That's all. I said yeah, but it was late and everyone gets from fantasy football. You don't your right just in football, your change scoring them after
one jake's going in and out. I can't tell what's going on with his mike. doesn't like how we chain the rules during the season I think that's pretty screwed up I really. You voted in favour of dissidents and the only one on video sorry actually jihadi. I write your right yeah right. Everyone else did yeah yeah yeah. They talk to the first and second place out in time were not present for the vote. right, but it doesn't matter because five out of eight voted. Yes, I think we're shame I actually think hit by pitch was a big mistake in general. I think it should be. The dingers only is what gets me gassed up just dingers. I like having one guy that gets it by pitched? Ten point is way too much per hit by pitch. It should be, I think, two tools, the magic number so next year, all due to the shoe deal with five one, sports news,
you on mosque, the the country of ITALY has asked elon, musk and mark Zuckerberg to fight in the colosseum. There is good supporters. That's huge. the country of ITALY, think that, like a matter, they find the colosseum It turns out. You almost is actually sick, a jujitsu two's. It is actually a good match up, don't act that mean genius by ITALY. There, like oh, the two riches due to the world, want to fight wonder what we could charge for this We got a spot for a lot of pasta. you oughta must mark Zuckerberg. I want to throw this out there we will host in the new. bars office in Chicago. We will host the fight so walter, and will negotiate boy. But your hosts file- you, your assignment, kidnapped both of them. Gag just haven't, show up, ok,
lets you whose back and then we'll get to joy just and then we will do not rush war they spoke, oh by the way. Congratulations, Jake and billy. You guys are back as well on your mouse. Source kind of making a little charge. Make you an interesting we're down by worldly down by three point as you it's wrong white town back to victory so before to whose back it is brought to bear friends. If farmers dog with you a few weeks old, poppy or senior, whose seen multiple decades any a person like we know the most valuable thing in the world is spending time with your pet. The farmers dog can help to keep them healthy, which give you more quality years with them. Farmers, makes and delivers fresh healthy dog food is recommended by that's. Nutritionally it made from human great ingredients in safe, clean kitchens. It's the best option. dogs and always stages, because not cable not can do it just real food. Traditional dry and wet dog food options are shrilly process can use
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florio just got like of four months workable on two right, that's perfect! For him, I'm happy for him more than anyone. Knights instead, goldmine and also he loves posting those so that he can get mad at his own readership online forget Gloria wire, my faith or they call it yeah. Well, comments section, has migrated to twitter. And still he gets down in the weeds. On that. Yeah I don't care about this response to the current cap. Panic, I started to rival the. I don't care about Michael SAM comments, would come out. Everytime florio would write a michael sam article, so yeah the replies for flourish is gonna be like who cares care, but people just letting him no. Like hey. I don't care about this, so much that I love, dawn to factor of adaptation, to tell I am using, where my rate limit tweets to let you know that I don't care about this article. Yes, yes, ok, good, whose back pft great who's. Back at my, whose back the weak again
united states soccer bitch we're up for nothing against trinidad and Tobago. We're two teams that wants to countries at once for now and I think one dude had a hatrack. So we're back big time, this isn't the the gold cup. I think that's determined that we made up just that we could get another dub All the north american teams, plus we put qatar and there too, because our technical, with american. I guess in some way we're on the on the fast track from other gold cup bitches forecast school usa, are my, whose back is the friday before July. Fourth, news dump because There are a lot of firing. We actually had a couple people let go at barstow, which sucks, but it was yes, baron had like, friends of ours, people that you know we without on the show many times that socks, and that was like it. Actually, became so big that it was Like it wasn't a new stop, like the EU thought you could maybe like
get it under the rug right before July. Fourth, we can, but that was a lot of shocking names at he s pen, I know I injured martians twitter was like was like Boge yeah, it was crazy. Steve leaves no doubt mean adjusting easy that children was thomas j R. Nobody reads, though, there what. the oblivious, though there aren't any actually read that way Certainly, Roy gently roy breakdown see Steve had like a tweet that was started by how good it was. You talk about other people, leaving her I sprayed it out cause Andrew Martin, co treated differently, refill fully the sp and he was reacting to his colleague being let go, but some have misconstrued his tweet, It's questioned about his status from the drawing room, datum he no! He he got. He got me grill and brown them. He got me good cause like Jalen brown were when's. That happening, hank has resigned yet. The failure of guy bs
Ok, they soccer steve leave. You said, feel numb been try to find the right words. Maybe there aren't any that's me sounded like he was gone. I dunno for his friend yea servers, reclining ransacked. It's also like a reminder that we work in I mean everyone. Everyone's job in america, like the old people, you're fired every day everyone's You're fired eventually we'll get fired, eventually me empty, neither suck. It might be cool, though, depending on what we do to get fired like if we get fired for kidnapping marks A bird and elon musk thou would be awesome, play a lotta gough. If I got fired, imagine how much gulf hank would play. Oh my. Whoa, hake, wood fire us he would keep the job, he probably take our salaries, languages, we're just doing some. Some cleaning up on the books, we're gonna! Let these
two guys go I'll, do their work for them. Hank would pay off as your job. Does that still count as taking some time off to play. Golf like you need to play more golf to to calm down and relax after playing golf at work. I will now. I hoped I hoped to find that I wonder how you gonna brow, love it. You re, it sought a lot and I feel really bad forever. Fired and new takes join any of em socks, but It was one of those like private news, dumpster became so big. Wasn't it had. opposite effect of a friday new stop yeah! the fourth of July induced opposite, tried and true to tradition in sport, usually the nfl that has like seven, pensions that they hand out like four, fifty eight on that front, right in saying that I think most that had already like trickled out slowly. During the week the asean rogers news and all that stuff We yeah, if you need to bury anything, just get it out there that friday,
I changed our billy you're, whose back that is, the call see him and the forest fires. The smokes back. Yeah forgets You other more your. I learn today. There's treason in canada than there are stars in the milky way that true and yeah. I was myself today. Why does worry like canada hogging all the trees? Yeah, it's fucking, some very play lookin at me for hank. the trees, canada, maybe it's now than there were a couple of weeks ago, it seems like an impossible staff. I found your jewels at a fucking museum today saw some dinosaurs Billy, yeah. They cast all the water, they pissed all the water. They show you to act in such through. I looked it up after the showing that is true. doing the forest fires billy. The canadians and they won't purim out because So at the museum I took my kids at maybe the fun
where's interaction. I met our good friend, stavros his brother he's jack's israel. Here it's not like. He was like hey what's up big cat and I was like hey what's up and he's like, I'm stops brother. I was like fuck dude. That's awesome. which regime where you at whatever the natural graduation regime, that that's perfectly my favorite museum, just one point that out there cool museum. I went to the butterfly exhibit and I was like deftly afraid. I thought my son was going to just stomp on a bunch of butterflies and they had like butterfly police there that don't touch the butterflies, even though the butterflies were touch us. The butterfly museums in the butterfly sanctuaries are the best place to go when you're hung over it's the most axing stroll of your life it also just make sure anytime you're looking at insects in a glass case, I just think of of sounds and lamps yeah well, this is fucked up cause. I went to the I went to the chicago zoo on friday, checked out, some of the animals they've got
glass case. It's basically a closet, that's phil, with madagascar, hissing cockroaches and there's like tens of thousands of them in this clause it is the most fucked up room in the world. Joy, it's funny are on most dangerous game. They, sir, give me a plateful madagascar, hissing cockroaches, and I thought I was actually and have to eat them and then right before I picked it up and was about like bite its head off. The bug. Guy came out of nowhere. Is it no you're not actually supposed to those areas? I did that. data blended up meal worms, it had it the bugs do, as you're told to wear your mask as firefox expires outside Billy. You live at alright jake you're who's back yeah, now, who's back pfc hinted at it, but complaining about twitter elon dropped the new rule, saying if you're, On your own verify the only real up to six hundred sweet today, but if you're a proud will check more hold you like me, you can read up to six hours,
and I personally have not noticed the difference, because I love how my lu lu check- and this is just another part of that. Obviously the railways package. Is you bragging about it now, people are really pissed off. I love that I love the anytime you want can make like of twitter collectively be like I'm quitting. Follow me on blue sky. I am so funny should ever leave yeah. The table was so far because I think what happened was there was something I got fucked up with the back into the system and then he's like. Well, no, that's just my new feature where you're not allowed to read all the tweets and then only advertisers are like weight. If your limiting access to viewing tweets does not mean that you're not gonna, sell enough we're not have our add shown to people being Those are limited to then Ilan was a go fuck yeah! That's right! I guess I just better make have two timeline adds now so now is like ray to pose some seeing arm was his name tommy charm,
tommy Chong, unlike his wife, told me to buy seaweed. Oh yeah, yeah, vagina whatsoever on twitter, rare. That one in the all quiet on the western front for like a month and a half year, seeing that move Actually, you did. I might block. I blockade hudson on twitter, because I got sick. You see in that that implies this game that she was always advertising yet may be the only thing I have done in my life Let's do weren't you joy, just not there weren't dumont, rushmore, baseball names and then the base- draft, which I'm very excited for to listen to forget to joy just on his brought to you by rocket money. we all know those catchy sayings that you're, something like try free for forty days just enough time to try it, and then you completely forget about it. Rocket money The personal finance at that finds in cancels your unwanted subscriptions. Monitors are spending and helps you lower your bills. All in one place over eighty percent of people have subscriptions effort about chances. Are you one of them?
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here's joey chestnut, ok. We now welcome on one of our favorite recurring guess it is joy chess not who I have called the greatest athlete in our time said it every fourth of July thing, for, like the last decade, the we are lucky enough to be alive with joy. Chestnut is competing joey Thank you for joining the show. Let's just go: I too it. How are we feeling before your big day, like George July fourth, is now Joey chestnuts day how feeling bill great, We voted last year, no gas. and I asked happy in hungary. That's what I like to hear what number that we're going for this year? What is successful guy? We then that now for its own sake that they could go down. Ah, What is the government had been there? norms and it's been a long time. Simply that reigns, though I don't know it well.
Yeah dogs not gonna, get cold in their hardly so I'm really hoping that you know rain, but Getting it s your weapon What is what does, in due course? We ve had you on a few times in avi, say one of the times we talked about the time competed, which was seven years ago, and you famously told me famously to me that the bond look and fast. Today it was like how the fuck, what What is a fast one? Look like so what happened? if it rains is that, like the is this like Tim Wakefield's knuckleball like he needs the perfect weather. What happens to the buns if moisture and year, yes over the past months, maybe They'Re- not stale, a camera bind sometimes the bunker biscuits, a bad. I don't know why when it appears there than in aachen of groundwater quickly, but if bar
if there's a storm raining down on the budget, and we are aware that they might be. that might be faster but neither the hot dogs it all. And then a robbery. dogs are an argument in and it is not ideal So if you could design like a perfect morning of whether further targeting contests georgia like have optimal eating conditions. Where would that be a little, What has been agreed is it may be that some not been crying out the banks, but also a warm enough that you'd one. It is sometimes hard to get european being. As hurry We need a little bit of me as your swipe inwards. So what are what are we doing this week to to train for the petition like what the final two days before a big contests like this look like for you. He asked I have been very little
for dinner. A broken supplement tomorrow will be a big plans. might be a be living out. Also, I have the age or something tomorrow, but I really We liquid dire I'm going to day, I the idea ongoing would be empty. Bearing on this so who is the competitor right now that you have your eye on or is it just you? Are you just competing against yourself at this point, because you're so much better than everyone else now I'll? Never did murdered. you guys a passport also meet her at a box, and these, it beat me a bunch and for some reason he hasn't been able to put together. I got the former surrounded by. If you're going to say he didn't want any day, isn't going to surprise a lot of people and I got I got a nice story, but I'm not surprised- and I'm not gonna be lady, and I'm reading. This misguided really can any six without hotdogs, but
we gotta, get what what's the number you seventy six, the record. What's the number that, like you will never see a human being, throw a hundred and ten miles an hour. Legged, probably just won't ever be able to happen what's the peak, for hot dogs you're like this is the number that, if I hit, pretty confident. No human can ever touch this. Not I can't that way. and I assume it. I think we might also limit eighty five and then somebody mounted married to eighty six and then I've already monthly block myself I'll, never built beat that guy. So that's right. Now, new red tape. To somebody came out here. Didn't you got it so I'm not gonna. Let myself and I am unsure wine made. Some studies can come out and just push me. This is why are the greatest is? Why are the greatest? Because I was a trick question and you didn't fall for the trick
there is no limit is so you know I visited a mile was impossible to run, tells roger banister ran it, and now it's like. Ok, they just redefined. What possible was yeah. It is the hunger, the feeling all the feeling, I'm ignoring those behind them. I love it. Ok, so yes, are you you're shootin for record tomorrow? I hope that you get it. I mean everyone's can be rooting for you. so now you ve managed to be both dominant and also universally beloved. Have you ever thought about that? Like most people there's some fatigue that goes along with dane bout, some success and you dominate the sport of competitive eating people still love. You I, a my people who bear it and I am it it. I really like you: did What is allied, I get a of support None ass. Their progress report in that it be were put to me that to be met, asked them about their born,
which you on another rushmore, That's how a man, that's how america, George S, daughters, but being serious? Joy like I know your humble guy, and I appreciate that, but when I think of like the greatest athletes of all time, it's like Michael Jordan, secretariat tiger woods, joy, chestnut God be my rushmore right there, like you. So crazy, do you like? Do you scoff at it me putting you in the conversation with those guys, because I truly believe in my heart of hearts. You dominance on July. Fourth is so incredible and joy to watch That's how I feel If you do retire, then it'll be a lot will argue with you, but right now I have. I have to agree with you that I'm putting hard I'm I'm I'm going, I'm not going to You look like a great shape right now. You look like you been working out. Guns, look nice and swore local over jacked up joy, the right to work out. The lash knows so bad and sobbed.
and the leg injuring and multiple infections. So this year I've been working out and a capital letter, in those making sure that keep your dinner. So. How are we testing the limits of what is possible in terms of eating hot dogs? Like do you, ve been so dominant for so long that you have be looking for like these tiny ledges like safer metrics almost like trying to find out. away that you can get better, that other people haven't thought of yet so what's been like the latest development in terms of your training regiment, are what you're focusing on to get those extra couple dogs down open It's me around the couple little thing reminded ducking liquid and please the judge s heart a warm water the little girl thing. Maybe I'll help. I guess you a little bit by bit the presidency also remington, would be the lowest number that grants in task. For so long I've been doing.
I have been my left hand, so I couldn't wait reflected. I want to build able to do dunking with bands and vigour that other eventually had met delta some time on better it merely really adding my help right now. So what like, in terms of your career, Where are you like the one jeffrey. How long do you think he can do this for because you still shock me but like is this something that in ten years? We're gonna? Have you on part? My take god willing. Although we have, in the same conversation, we're like joy chestnut twenty years in a. I hope that happens, but have you is there? the party you that, seeing the end in sight now a days Forty years ago, unrealistic, but I didn't Tom Brady too greater a forty five. I did, It's really hard retiring on top I guess it's gonna be here.
I'm a writer ragged things the wheels Bala. I love it Junior dominant, like big cat, said you are you're, maybe the most dominant american athlete of this generation, like Do you ever do ever maize yourself? We how much you can eat. Are you ever like a holy shit? That's incredible! good idea, Nordmann, sometimes, where ups I in a practice practice in like five minutes and I'm more than fifty hotdogs and like whoa. This is it will, this year, ending up I might add my limit of that matters. though its leaders whereas late they had good, has clinking perfectly and my breathing everything working together and I added it just doesn't. Magic. I just feel good. I love there's this zone, there's being in the zone for hot dog eaters too, So I have one last question joy. and we will be rooting for you on on fourth of July
the robot question- are h. O cicada com use promo code. Take twenty percent off, purchase cues if polos hoodies, joggers shore, everything it rollback. Our compromise could take- said: seventy six. Knowing what you're doing right now we're taking this sunday night, do you think seventy seven, you got seventy seven you on tuesday, we want people to tune in being, like some specials gonna happen. Can you I am not going to make you guarantee anything. We put our you thinking that you are in a spot where seventy seven is he's, probably like its doable. Let's do it. my donors thing now to my control to be silly protest, dirty little reared a thunderstorm, but my without feeling good. I have lost the last two weeks good. So ok we're. What are we looking for at lake minute number eight, Where do you need to be firm, everybody that we will be watching home be like Joe? He said he could get some seven today. What's a good,
smart like minute number, eight that your within strike indices, in that's the way I like that, giving our guns in five minutes. Really right right there, many a spencer, about I've bilaterally about doing since minute sets some five hundred zero That's sixteen! If I'm at fifty five and it had been a I'm, it's almost guarantee that the nominated. Ah fifty three is getting closer to that. I like that. I guess last last question the night before are you will sleep or are you just like a nervous, regulate what time you go to bed before you get up to eat seventy plus hotdogs I try to get better like nine and I awake up a vile drink. bring my last like little water jug and outline goldsmith. Inspection there, but the idea I sleep. Well that way:
I love it. I love it will joey We love you man, we're route for you on on fourteen july. It's what am I we're things. I will tweedy out again when you were Well, I must say that you're gonna win, but when, when you go out and put your best effort, that I was lucky enough to see joey chesnut and his prime, so Thank you. As always, and best of luck on on fourth of July I think you are right behind you again you're, just I was brought up by the bars to sports book. That's the partial sports, but we ve got exclusive bats, live every single day there. I've got my system. You can bet on the system going against John, which is named John fisher, the owner of the oakland athletics, stick in it, that guy we ve got all these two. Postal better popping up all over the place. I would actually took some of the nascar bets today, courtesy of spider, large and rubbing revenue raising guys those parts of sports book is the easiest place,
to log on get some action. The games, I'm looking at exclusives tab right now looks like we've got wimbledon odds boost venus Williams, cocoa, golf and sloan Stevens all to win first round match that was plus three forty. Now it's pumped up two plus ten, unlocking it in right. Now, let's ride here we go put some money on the tennis every day, I'm a little bit nicer when you ve got some action riding on it might well put the action on the bottle sports book terms. Apply must be twenty one are over gambling proud, call one eight hundred gambler download and sign up for the bicycle sports book today. Ok, before we do our baseball draft, we do more rushmore mount more of sport may surgeries. It has occurred, We're gonna do about two hours. Just saying names based gathers god, it's great its awesome dinger only leak We should make some shirts figures only yes thinkers. Only so
small names, be player names, it's going to be. The rules are you can do now names, but it has to be what the announcer called themself perfect example. Chipper jones would count because it's his real name is Larry, but the announcer called him cheaper jones. So that would be good example of a he's paul name, a baseball, nickname that countless everyone get it everyone on board and one line give easy enough. Yeah hague, is staring off into the abyss. Oh I'm good k, okay, so I'm thinkin you're thinking, thinking and aims well, listen! Fucking, good, ass names right now! Also to give a little. You know story of of the person's name. He set out work, two billion jake you're up first you're on the clock.
Now rushmore baseball names like oh, no, oh, no, you are you gotta, say the avenue say. Oh no, If he's he's, you vetoing We have a really great relations. I dont know why? Who away do who said? Didn't you guys don't understand what I'm saying? I thought that there's there's a pick. That is clear that I wouldn't expect jake to say go. ok, go, had got first patent? Gatt now you have! No! God got see. I know others. Ok go higher, should still now yegg over rusticucci.
Oh that his name, that's not his name. What rusty his name is name's rusty cons right no, but you have to say the pronounce always pronounced kuhn notes. Can so you don't get cuts, cuts cuts, cuts cuts across the country? Are you guys get rusty koontz? Why is that a cool name? On the graphic? It's k? U, n! What we're going to phonetically put everyone else or rule yeah? No! No! We don't. We always do for that. Guy's name is rusty. Cones we got, we got his name. His name is coots yeah. Okay, great, he fell for my trap. Nope, you guys fell from and I will I was not going to say caught us goods, say comments. Now, then
I can't say, conversely no cause, then you don't get credit cards concert. She has to say. Billy said it isn't a hunch contents know I'm I'm a professional. I say it how it's pronounced so then, when people are voting, please remember that you're voting for rusty koontz. It's actually not that cool of a name is not that cuba name at all. It won't count. You can't vote for rusty constantly. You say it. You say no say it's all right. I'll imports has no say I'd, say an australian access by doesn't count visa or no one can say it doesn't count of shady english I'm so when you are voting for paul, is them time embryo banknotes, I'm talking about no were voting seconding jake we're out everything going were voting for what you set yet, which is Are you asking me why space care you aunt izzie say that it rusticucci? Okay, so that you're, both rational hands, ok, cuts
they're gonna win, causes the graphics knockabout. Did you can't you can't put contacts on that graphic, hookah? Ah, oh yeah. I don't really know how to go here. I'm just going to go with I'm going to go with go crisp; ok, so great name, great name on our list on the list. Feel like I'm, might have some off the boar there, but to grinnin scrape now, there is only one. We have players that nobody knows who they actually are. That's not true at all, though. That's not true. Ah He lets. We got, we uphold board in front. We get a lot to work with you as we never would stooped to doing rusty koontz. No, I I like there's that goes like I know I noted ravine in three Since this and salt gonna peppermints salt, pepper girl stood. Ok, you go first. Our first pick will be pete lecoq people.
oh yeah, sadly, a fig here, lecoq, we'll wait till you here aren't expect. Oh, I can't wait to meet the car is a feeling of no one knows these people gets a you know. I like, like our strategy on the ground, like a congress, are no sooner who'd peel car play for piloting this year, the cubs icy oils, went so were in the, king seventies! Dude! Wasn't that I take it. Wasn't that long ago, opposition reply pity I d was you tilting after you left it first basis. I take you pete Leclerc, why are you not money which rose you running up right now? They really are right for a second. Maybe that maybe the battles are just a fun little people cock story, the final appearance for wholesale pitcher, bob gifts in pete, lecoq. grants them off them. While who could forget yeah pete a
That's you clear, not laugh about that, because he's right he was a first based sooner. We know our people caught lefty lighting, uk you not laugh. When I say people caught funny are easy: pick force, maybe the best play on this list yogi bare ground, great name authority that ngos normal booze us back I'm going to be eyes I was going to. I was thinking yogi bear before he said rusty, oh wow, you, then you get credit for it. Yeah! Not! I bet it was in my head. Okay billy No we're not gonna get a great pixel, yeah. I can't talk now. He bears act of love, but I am I wished I gotta get a video that avoids the max is good because it was worth it was a dire near the site, the accuracy cock, just working slaves, I was, I was to go with my heart, I'm gonna go the guy love the most. You said the name storage. We got em
came the red sox than trade deadline usage, through the ceiling. Make unbelievable plays shore Zob second basement pokeberries. Good name got great aim them great gray. Feel there great great vibes, guy. Two thousand for world champion near dear to my heart. rainy, also randomly as a huge bulgaria's van, what we'll figure is truly bonded, overly username, and it was like wearing, I was like. Are you wearing a pokey reese fucking jerseys uh yep and I was like yo your man after my heart, procyon valkyries good pick probably not grave the graphic, but. for my heart aid, guys what position russie constantly no idea with the graphics. All don't give up, we'll sell out You have two picks. Yes, so first pick take you pete lecoq in raising the johnny dick shot. Yeah, deep. Why don't you huh
One is a badge of australia, ramallie, Australia, how'd. You get his day that we look at how we develop research. You let bleach report picture to ike. I've got it all seems all day picking. We knew off the top by. I don't. I don't hate annul hate this strategy now rising or rafik people will that's all that messages say: team tv. We want a retired oil, rich europe. We want to start alluringly mount rossmore, baseball players. Who was in your lives? You got us all, not only offers. No one knows well because we know that of our own nose. Lakota, everyone knows a cock. Are Fine, fine! You don't want to go in order guy warrant an oath when every one of you you go, you will go, go active for you that, ok with you guys Oh I like all you do. Is they can't smokey bats? Ok,
I'd, say, that's a better name than procure isa, great name about great neighbour dog, active player. Everyone knows we re great pick great peck. Thank you. Contentious now I guess I am also marrakech, Madame max's out now, the ball today, can boyd their homework. Can on the when he was the answers, I feel it It did they did when the Brockton rox. I think they did. If you go to the baseball hall of fame, you see oil can afford. Okay, if that counts, I mean I have other ones have not, but that counts. He played like the brought Brockton like a town. His name was dennis, yeah, there's no other way about it. Now, you're right, I never Dennis boys there right, you actually right could pay Good petty played, he did like the it's single eh, maybe not even willing international league. He petronia like sixty and master
it's for the broader ass, a phd. We got a lot we can go from here. We ve got some Down towards the end of the the last guy still remaining yeah, I like fifteen seventeen, and I also an offence six, so you You got what you got it's a lot of good names. I think I think I numbered my list differently. The new, oh shit. I not send you the number to me fuck wow, okay yeah. That was, I thought I did know it's fun. I've got a number list too, but I think it's different from what I just have a slightly different numbered list. Jake and I have a really awesome, shared dark hair. cause or same page. Now we feel good about hours, nato. I was thinking fifteen seventeen and six what what? What do you think it? What do you like? I like.
Albuquerque yeah out, because my friends, I so Jose albuquerque yep great forking, clip we put that clippin my friends. I know that's p that speedy. Why, as a p, the hearing. Somebody else it yeah last pick for Ah,. we're gonna go with a minnesota twin. When my favorite names out their booth, bonds or booth, bonds or pitcher. I love saying his name. I remember him playing. Don't you worry jake don't get your quadratic iago zalm, written We are going to want to came about through full answer or last pick, cod, hake or max. Our last pick where's my list. I will go with you with a cinematic one: ok, moonlight gram, ok, which interferes in my ear so probably feel the dreams was real. When my grandma was the whole premises fill the dreams. She
jackson, no moonlight graham, was the guy that was the was the pitcher the ghost ochre murmur. Yes, sir, my group has been a while, since I saw that one set angel india field now, that's it movie, though their lot. baseball movies, arthur so lonely more than any other sport, in my opinion that flies yeah,
how many lately I wish my voting. Will my grand, I think in the movie moonlight graham like he play online game and then what I wanted to play a game play one gave in and he died worldly no aid and have any need for like sixty more you something avenant. He was like the hero of that movie or do I d like he made me want to warrant and using the doktor you haven't in the graphic one game played which war the civil war is born, and I don't like rain reeled heard was. I worry about everyone moonlighting. No way they introduce was moonlight graham. Yes, I'm one game which violate fight on voice. My ram, yes, he's a easy. Now he's real miser motion picture as the moonlight grimly announced right. The actors in the romantic granting the guy from the movie yet, but he's a real guidelines alive or a play, who played in the major leagues. They like rails, one great pagan, europe, moonlight graham, would gray, fucking shuttle up We see the man that quickly camp enjoy triviality and the chimp was baseball, yeah, ed,
ok! What okay last pick goose gases ok, you're pedal one ass played for the yankees know who he is yes noon, see him play, but if that's ok with you guys good peck fixated whole guy who's, a cheater you're. Ok with that, I don't know that no yeah, that's what you now for he lou all up. I could kraft? What are we messrs? A shitload, though we missed, there's some great names. Their dizzy dean too good Randy johnson yup Al Qaeda I'll alkaline on oral, her The aura size is great, but it is also we're saying we were walking over because pfc. I did this just off the top of our heads: barry bonds, the great day bearable the great name. I know that, maybe it's because you so good but very bonds is great babe ruth babe ruth great name for a fucking neighbour, katy bar after unesco Betancourt is always fun to sir. That's a good one ryan Sandberg on their milton bradley, milton bradley,
you guys did you guys only have four willy mo pena. Yeah. Let's get now want to use our like move on. Do Yes, I can t we re, not less bonn who is peer please? He was a periodic your! I owe you put his arm around Jackie Robinson. ended racism remark naxa. And inspired me to pick poky because of up Maybe they are reese, dusty, bakers, good name too, If you, if you there are some hilarious ones from way back in the day, if you just I just google best names pro Zullo. For the phillies, let's just like makeup someone's, like funny brief, like spit shine, louis yeah. No, these are some some are. These are just bill. Billman malarkey, phenomenal smith. Can you not see that eighty four to eighteen, ninety one or this one's good, the aim of these are lacking?
mud cat grant. Oh that's good, Why mordechai three finger brown? All this one's colorists playing second base? Third basin shortstop from nineteen, forty, three nineteen, fifty two snuffy, stern, wise snuff. stern weiss, possum I don't wanna sit ass. The stubby clap now was two thousand one. Remember stubby, clap I like tug mcgraw to tug mcgraw's great one, mysterious walker. This really is a football player. That's gonna be probably playing college football next year for universe in north texas, His name is mo m, o h, last name. Ability Another way doesn't mean I dice k is a great name: yeah roget or a pitcher oil slick, magee nineteen fifteen, the night they now steam for max's philadelphia, fillies bud, wiser hey these work, but we live course like we do. Of course
Razor shines, dick pull it is there. Some chicken hawk Some of the old- that's not a real, may affect the cannon baltic. Come oh yeah yeah, I see tee the baltic come what What kaboom, reach yeah based was gone for a long time. I good mother, more you gotta be job everyone. object, even they got very of said. Anthea. Russia various just say to save. You can't, I got absolutely say, rusty cuts. No, I saw one vote. Remember you wrote if nasty could arise, thank gaslight, It's not gaslight, say the name that you want people to vote for tyres. for luxury and competition that doesn't matter or alfredo I've been making them up the whole time? Jake, I'm just curious why people would vote for rusty coots? Why is that a fun name right, because
it sounds like an appropriate worthy. You guys been saying, does really sound like one, you ve been a real contemplate this up. I find you sonny now, if I say it now, If we gave us some more, my ground hurried averages, rubber voted rusty codes. do on the matter let's go! Oh, oh! Oh! No! Let all love anti ass, the symphony, ok time for the baseball draft okay? It is time for our baseball draft dingers only and it's brought to you by our friends at coors light. Everyone thinks about the day. They'll eventually get to retire and enjoy all the freedom that comes with it, but who says you have to wait decades before we get to kick ball and chill out too finish. Their free will and spend the summer chilling like a retiree impair those moments course light the burden it showed the beard that's made to chill pairs well with it
state of mind. We reject of course like during our baseball draft. It was hanks birthday. I would everyone who is listening. Mice will kick back, have a little bit have a little course like, listen to some dudes Some baseball so perfect for oil plans, or lack thereof, no judgment here this summer. Chill you're tired with course, like your course, I delivered streets, your daughter's ear in scarred by going to correlate dotcom, slash, take celebrate. response record: brewing company golden colorado, coors, light dot com, slash, take delivered straight to your ga as your into carpet going coors light dot com, slash, take Thank you, of course, we're gonna do a little retiree this week. We won't have another episode until friday with dungeon dragons, but please do joy, r, m l b. dinner's. Only baseball draft presented by course, like okay, It is time we promised aid of. U else,
be doing a fantasy baseball league this year, and we are ready to do it. I'll just say this re now pay. This could, me a true test. whose related we're out who's. Not we have to take his coming up This could be the worst thing we do well, it could be argued. The best thing that we do, because what we ve done is we ve snatched fantasy sport back from the nerds, yes were taken into the real jocks. I understand how to play ball. we ve changed russell, but yeah sites are complicate yearning to bring decimal point. Is it a sports leave we We have a new route new new league. It everyone on board my take. Evidence shane, who work behind the scenes are co. Owning a team means is also here so there's eight teams total. The league is called dinners only in its view, simple to follow every has there's ten rounds. Everyone has to pick
one position player from each position, and then you all get a ten pick which I will explain his second. But the rules are simple dinners, the only status dinners If you hit a home run. That's a point, that's it! That's the whole game the matter of the type of homer as a I've of type there's, no pitching there's. No, it is only angers. It's who, as the most dinners at the end of the day, see basically were plain rotisserie style soldiers be off elite teams listed, always got them. Stingers is the winner and then the one wrinkle pfc. Would you like say it yeah? This is what I'm very sad about. We get one other player. One extra player in a unique position, so this extra players prison their home runs. Don't count you dont accounting dinners for this extra play, the only step that will be counted for extra slot is hit by pitches so you're gonna get one person and then you're gonna just route for them to get b.
Because every time they get hit by pitch it counts is what ten ten points as opposed to everything else, which is points, that's really the wild gardens. Yes, if you pick a guy that gets beans and honestly rooting forgot to get hit by pitch is gonna, be asked yes and so yeah I have your lesson is right. Now it is July. Third, we're starting the league on July. Third, nothing else, matters proprietor were drafting the league in early june or MID june. If your player, if you draft a player today- and they get hurt before July. Third- you we're allowed to switch one player out. If there's an injury that happened at the that doesn't matter if it's before or after you get the there's no adds or drops in the entire league, except for the one time injured. Ok, If a guy gets injured, you get one time two guys get injured. Europe replace one of em sugars only your team, is your team. There's no changing, there's, no picking players, there's no Should you trades yet
yeah we can, I would give trades trades were allowed see how anyone who trade, but it the simplest fantasy. Small league that you could put. We follow its diggers. Only parentheses and one guy who gets hit by pitches. What If there is a trade, it would be hilarious because you'd only be allowed to trade. This position for another visit, so I could only afraid My short stopped to somebody for another shortstop. Then someone got fleeced, yes, exactly exact, nor we argue trades, were drafting positions, position and our noble hank. Very well. I think it's outfield right is, do you know, hey easiest league to track of all time and hague straps rarities out the window or dinners told us before any site. I've got this. I have a system that is gonna break this week, yeah that that decision, part I mean it was it couldn't have been more civil when you're talking about well, I thought it was literally the zingers know. Everyone's gotta have a second baseman every other third baseman down the line.
is it a dinner is not adding yeah right elbow. I guess I got a no ball, also we're drinking some forties at coors light. While we do it, yes causes hanks birthday that will date when retracting. This can be funny to watch. he's gonna sock to watch our like if you draft tonight and your guides goes hot, dinners and none of them count wasted. Dinners. Not a word. We count right away, which their knows how rare earths twittered of twitter account is just a home run tracker at the turn of occasions on storage. third actually would be kind of forty if we start counting tomorrow night and we just then on July. Third, we had an updated leaderboard yeah. You do that as well. Do it on your account to stand starting to know when the june forty forty two people suffered at this hour? if we're going to be rooting and no one else will, though yeah that's fine, and so it's just strictly based on points. It's not head to head matchups slashing years. This is great, because people are July third they're going to like no
be invested on came one of the imo pcs. Nor can we invested when its zeros all around on July, we're going to reveal the leader bore, so we can't sweet about her anything that extra. We owe our your word. We can strengthen our group. Chap lay you can updated and send it was I love that I'll make this league this link public, where people can edit linkages view its second all update daily they can see. You mean and when we go live on July third august. Yes, I'll tweet out this link that will tweet out a leaderboard every morning from pardon my da I'll. Just the thing is only alright. Last thing before we start the draft of course, because we're doing this and were competing against each other. We have the punishment, and I think this one will be. We drive we ve tried. you punishments that will pay off w else so the boiling one was eye opening how many people thank you to everyone who watched it. Live we have them out rushmore where the loot team is going to have to do the solid,
confinement with each other, This one is what it's gonna take little logistical work, but I think we can pull off the loser of this league, we're going to find a college baseball team, most likely northwestern in evanston, and the loser of this league has to get six. Against northwestern itching yeah. So they the pitch six hours, and we're going to be learning about we're going to be in the field a little bit too we're gonna have we're going. Have the the outfield will be a combination of us, so loser ass, the pitch and second, second place. Pass the catch sorrow, his hat, Suchet's loser, that's the pitch will be quite something. It will be call it max is gonna have to catch. Looks like a catchword. Catcher, He crawled out the wound just with a chest. Pat on should protectors. Wait if there's that, like dropped third strike thing.
We don't have to worry about that. While we gave you the catcher. Well put you think anyone's guess to anyone out billy till they could. Will end up hurting myself thrown this ball. Oh, no, better help. you have enough medicine to you downwards. Applause were like have to get Tommy John. If I lose this struggle finding the plate, hits of one off. That's where I was born at all. My does that's right for an item like I was one of my favorite clips of all types home through about I get a horrid ignores all haven't. We hold all services strive, for that would be a good july. Fourth, posts will be here The best part is: how can we didn't use that clip for Zach wilson throws this year off of imperfect best part? Is I blame you? The best part is with the second place like it's. You can't do anything. You can't change you can't sit anyone you everything the ugly, your team oh, it's, how you could trade
yeah good trade trade to get raid at that, strategy like if someone's in last in the second, that Not that you understand the concept of the trader, you'd have to trade, a position for the same position is subdued word yet pray for an injured player. so that will hopefully be one of the best videos. We ever do someone trying to get six out against a college baseball team, while the was around the outfield Ok, we A teacher here out t I would like you to do one thing for us: ass each round. Can you just give us a quick like twenty? Second draft? Great? so we can great ass. We go I like it. And then I think, that's it. That's all the rules, the oil, The thing we had was in the eleventh around since ten round draft the eleventh round, while pitch want I'll pick, one pitcher, which will only be for tiber acres. So if there's a day tie for last place, the the tiber
It will go to out of your pictures, you'd need sorts ease, picturesque. Will you do with it, and unless a typewriter comes into play, ok draft order. You have objective, I've got deck of card, so you want just to high card lsd, I cadre I'd, say: hi card gets to the draft order. We probably try to go in a circle: yeah. will get confusing other go around yeah, okay cat. What's your your yeah, I know I won't I you will just pick a card card. The king regard Has any higher le, and you want me just region. I think they, as I card hank, got an eight. as this is gonna, be a bad politics episode, just let it got kicked out of five back. If you mean ayscue lilies, jack.
Max is higher it. Six. are we doing it by that's the order beams his own over gonna go and we're gonna go, and I mean at lunch. You means I, would you guys rank the suits nine Happens if I said aids bears the best spades best corridors, so some of them. This is, I went. This is me. I got a ford So max your rights was to three for the pocket: first do shaman. Oh you're, going to shane and she didn't have a shade oven. He gets ace of spades. You gotta turn your mic up. Oh I didn't. didn't throw matt machine Evan, you it gets to decide where you want to go in the draft order and then we'll just go in a circle around that and I'll say says about change, change, change, the newest guy on the team and he everytime, I'm walking by his ass he's, got multiple games up, he's he's always on yeah he's a sneaky.
youngest team had an evan Evan. Does our youtube stuff is great, except for that one time he had it up late, that you can play him evan. Ah but this is some text some technical than ever. This is actually the healing process to get roasted. That's feel good and chain if everyone remembers shane, is the tasks behind the scenes? Guy creator, the greatest of all time on a t, shirt that a user photoshop guy People in this house about the aid her Lamar jackson photo shops which took like too Is a piece thus all right so time shane and oven? What what pick do you want to bet anything three? you're gonna. Thirdly, that it could act as a white. So it's a signal that works. That works you much pressure on. First now that we're so means you First of all, max, will go second chain level, go third pillar. Let them go round the room
so in a snake draft that way. We can. We need to say in a circle because otherwise we're fucked, you agree. I agree, there's no way we're going to remember if I'm just picking last here too, in a row I get so snake snowdrift. Why are you fucked? snake draft everyone's eating everyone's out today. That's the whole point of this nature. I like going to together. How quickly do you think we get through the draft before we start picking guys vote I've I've got I'm on the topic, but still how personally for pics, I was going to say I don't know if my guys are still playing Two aims skull again, the worse than we have ever done to try to do a quickly? The steward was too was but too quick, picks yeah Oh no also say their position, I'm gonna take go daddy,
So who are you, MR oettinger? the edge the age. I accept your max. shhh warmer left field. Am I right in all the picture reach running on computers? I think you're ready a real, slow down. According them you how come you're running in order that we may be sure, make everybody rain. Their own pigs would pay good pack, our fuck that he had forty six hormones, lasher duties, can peace for? No, that's that's a lot. O business holds good. Oh tom formula. I feel that we can help you with us. Means and Evan or associated Evan, go mad olsen kay Her spaceman, Lena braves, never heard of him big fan of the
Is he one of them? He went as big castle, we'll, never get them off me and, like I've, never heard of them, because I just stare at them all the time, because that's how much I love him. Yeah shut out, Matt olson, eight wl, let's get him on the shellac, get you're on the show. metals is probably like. who the fuck Our sheen in Evan, I want their team figures only our bill, europe, I'm going either with huey Jonah air judge, he gets a either. That was he'll Jennings he's been hit them entire judge enjoy to judge K, go with the leader at the time of this recording pete alonzo, could pick dice pick it alonzo is out fitly five weeks time. Frontier via said Huey jennings. Would you guys have made me? Have you jennings? Yes,
They make you how the present draft. Yes, when you say a name, your draft, you just put the plane. The fifties kay I hate children, he said times in his career, so you looked up an old. I was looking at who who's been hit the most, and so you are going to pick a guy's been dead forgot or craig busy. Okay, ah Hank This is no brainer he's gone base off the people. The highlights I want to see the diggers. I want to see the most vlad junior and Wang. What was all he hits the by what I wanna get tag knows tweet. I want to see the videos gimme, while the I'm I'm I'm going the same way hank former cub. I'll go Jorge solar the marlins I free fuckin hits nukes can play in the cold, though that's not a problem not a problem, the best when it in like April, he would have be wearing like a wetsuit. I hit dinners. Ok,
Here too, you have to pay. got two picks back to back. I'm going to go. First of all europe on Alvarez nice, a big mashing boy too, when he mashes ass eaters get smash. Also her but he's a that's, ok, courtesy mri, an mri or the other night yeah. Now I cause I wanted to take them to, and then I looked it up earlier and it was like: oh yeah: will the astros be able to compete without you won't be back till after the all star break yeah, fucking adalberto montes see all over again. I was you know what pft can I just say that when you picked it I was pissed. I didn't pick up yeah, so they also did notice a nice pick. It was a good pick. I mean that home run of the world series iconic it was was okay I'm going! That's your deeds pick! That's my de pick. I'm gonna take my hit by pitcher guy who at shorts
I'm going josh smith from the texas rangers zoo. This guy loves to get hit by baseball's, He loves it so much and I also looked up the list any false on twitter so that Basically, why I picked him. Josh Smith, amid rerouting so hard for you to get hit units. Ten ten points worth one hit by pitches. I always wonder if this is like a kicker situation, where you want to save it or not. Yeah, I know it's like. Is there going to be a run? Now? We don't really know his his home runs count. No! No! but follow judgment. Our values can be like. Why did p of teaches phone you'll find out josh you'll find out. Due time affront. Ok, I I am going to now I'm worried about injured, guys you search whether guys away. Oh Away Josh smith, less tweet was thank you to everyone who reached out and prayers, I'm fine and will hopefully be back on the field of battle.
April. Fourth, so is back so you'll, probably get hit by pitch back he's back he's all the way back. Ok, I'm called oh, my god. No, he got hit and he got hit head with a pitch home and was The very thought that he was gonna die are the same, It's bad starts my draft. Should we do twenty points for concussion? Ah got a route for the sky. To keep being here I want to pay cause. I'm going in front of his head when he comes back ever odyssey factor muky bats redfield, her dodgers look, you could pick. thank you I was gonna, take him were bought. We'll go with my third basement. Current red sox red sock, wrath, our diverse debars. I should concentrate yeah, That's a rapid big, so it from Caracas, Raffi, big schools that name he was
happy birthday, shout show them yet. I I test small time so of homes. I fell back. It was our last taxes. Him takes me happy birthday avenues ike. I didn't say anything to me this past year we have had tat it can you are back to back happy birthday from him. its brutal. At least he made it. He made it. That's all he made it a joke, but I was a young boy. Talkin is going without an interim dmz. We it's nice where else In reply to a story be like you, How can I get built while they built a german is basement out like this? Is fucking, sick or dude? He sent me a video of his house. He basically bought a house in sagas. the whole houses. Jim they have until I know he's living room, is a chance that we have talked with the text. Seeing it and tax fraud was tough. But, like us four bedroom ed. I was there. I was joking. I say: if we're not friends on we're gonna know new birth is. We are friends,
It is not even a thing that I'm a boy him he asked of whatever luxury: ok jake. Yes, I took an image I repeat: alonzo looks like three to four weeks south and not not the end of the world kay I would we should she, the stats after the show airs. Warfare that in fourteenth, though I can't wait to rule this is point of this was superior modernization. Rare done so we ask players. So, you can do that for just singular players, maybe on em I'll, be up look into it or yeah. You might be right, I'll, look into it I'll. Let you guys know I am so for hit by pitch. Theirs look it active leaders on baseball reference to either thinks don't whose name healy, no, he's like number one all time. What's his name, he Jennings So am I a real number one hit by pitch buyers. Two hundred and seven- and Second- is one. Fifty one song take
anthony rizzo at two o, seven. Okay, when hit by pitch two hundred and seven times, he's my hit by pitcher. He allowed his guys that are good, yeah, okay, billy taking my trout, smart, her, please. please I'll, be ready. Oh we were did I did I'm tease child centred had willing billy right now georgia to our billy yeah Allah, Billy, yander, thel ball. Oh man, I'm judges also her by the way lights. I've got no yankees, really pronounces unknown timetable on now. I know it's a balloon use playing my song What was that they appear? Pitch clock like a month ago, will do a great after each two rounds when it comes back. I who's up in an oven chain in Heaven.
we're gonna go with adults. Garcia, current version, he is outfield. key on the rangers yup I feel there I feel very up on a feel like I feel, like fucking, shade He knows it is the large area, while he had three had three Emily games on in the middle of the day. with all these rights? Fielders them grow right now I mean that's our position, air judges turf tell socks. While he was a great time capsule, yeah, whose apparently was when he went through the gate to make that clear, shit, those Suchet's who say, ok max How many a by catch her out of the way here, Salvador pres, could be heard, haven't checked whatever it's good, good player, you don't seem had expressed lesser, very good player, ok and then means to complete the second round a go through.
the keener, ok, good one j, quick rates hank had the worst back, bloody garrison on the top sixty in home runs this year. Aside from the injured guys, that's a really bad back and he does hit home runs. Dj is a tank ass, but he only has nine home runs this season play for. Oh man, they rejoice. It's early. His early, really, where it's really at all the fourth of July, the all star break he's going to get hot. I beams you've got another one. What do you have update or I'll go with you as the others. Ooh ok, it's not in one eye, braves I'll, be Don't hate that strategy just raises. Produce them ass. He now I'm gonna, go with bryce kay, said. is even what what position has been playing this year's date? You ok,
is. He was like when they try to mount a first base to night yeah vague. They talk about it, but Yeah really played. cation and Evan were going to go with boba shit shorts that I'm gonna name, I'm gonna, say to watch him swing to say right now, I'm so lost on, like who I is still available for in the three looking at the yeah. I just I might I dont know what to do. Have a shirt, shortstop red hair, Maybe the best hair in mlb right now is a great name. Yeah great baseball name replaced on a show as good as peacock or giant. Alright go ahead. Billy I'm trying to figure out the skies injured or if Still live yeah supply I was born in in the nineteenth century- would jeopardize martinez, ok designate hitter, the dodgers
source legend, as we are seeing it f. Some people at was the show. Maybe I walked into baseball but then the da to the national league. Now and it's it's weird to say, er yeah. I knew that breaking news, obs yeah I'd say. Obviously we know that, but there's probably people listening that are like what da the dodgers. How does our now innocuous? You like a pitcher hid election, Tiny light: that's pointless shohei ohtani is a pitcher and he does hit. I know, but. He paid, no one guy. When he preaches. Does he hit now you see people don't ya. Willis was a picture that can take a break. What's the poison brought out fass raked was appointed. at a pitch in knowing how to hit? If you can't do it in the same game, lincecum hit two yeah he had to yeah jake, Arrieta yeah average on lesser hit, is one home run as electric one part.
Cologne is one arm round. I was awesome, ok, whose there are men moon. We yeah. I'm gonna go with. Randy, arose, arena, left field or tampa back kay, really good yeah. I have a future on the ice I'm gonna say billy hold onto because you gotta thought. Here's a thought give it to us, saw the devil rays anymore. It's just so tawny get paid way more because you can do both I dont know what is contract me still on his first contract. He will get paid in massive massive amounts of money. I give you can catch and hit. They should pay him as a pitchers, two players who eddies very good at both air. He will get me a shit of money like he's yet like way more money. He's gonna go out of sheer like to contracts where the money is going to get a lot of money. Smoking kills Hank people can tell me a fake fan. I don't care just moved to Chicago. I will
be watching law more cubs games a moment of trying it into the cubs trying to know chairman sell for that reason that reason alone, I'm taking Patrick whizzed ass garcia during a lot go on petrol. Ism does rake here today Jesus I mean I, you know he already took a third basement. Oh, how now am levers Yet unless you wanna make wisdom you'd hit by pitched guy. Funds, ineligible, now: you're passing the attic now Monte is third base to fuck Gimme, a qr junior gone gone. Yeah. Give me jake burger nope third base lender. I think he's available. Okay, sure! the eleanor shortstop. Ok, I will go with
I'm shame take max wants, even though he has hamstring, dammit I'll. Take that It's monster! Pack! It's not that bad of a hamstring are all going to have an injured player. I read I read it: even playing field is not going to go on the ios my move All right, I'm going to take, player that has not been drafted. Yet and that do this. You know what I'm going take patrick wisdom, nice, the base hope you get so many homuncio beat us hope too. I'm ruined form and then next I am going to go with us. Whereas Nolan gorman been picked jet and if so I got gorman pace can be second based phone at the infield field. Ok, ok, I am going to go with sir field or for the pittsburgh pirates
the star of the season so far, jack's whisky right, good, pick that acts wincey fucking crushes balls, chicago guy, a sullen ski huh, you're up those pity, I'm going to go with the system shut up. For the arab yours, I was just thinking I was like this is quiet no one's watching this, I'm brutal I'm going to get drunk drink, a beer because guess what it's July? Third and there's no way you have work today so drink, with us as redraft it. Why the fuck is the baseball? Read it just order? watch baseball private, what the fuck of it accepted! it's fuckin. They know you seem had. Aren't they striking right now, when it's all fucked up, veterans higher something? There is a third party quick explanation. What's going on sub credits are just all locked up and must operate. I got it. I choice, herb quits.
Billy, where you going to just quickly be like hey, I'm doing a tinker's. Only league everyone drop your favorite dingers. Oh no, I was researching something else. Okay I'm gonna to go the legend from Brazil Gums I catch her cubs funding. I say yon to shrink I'm gonna go with this guy who's been all over twitter since he got called up alley daylight. Is on the rise everyone's than talking about him, their eyes to the pact with the kids tat. Yes, What was it, though? Yeah those guys? I have a question about that. You know not to not to distract from the journalists good bill. You think. While we talk about it, fuckers are locked all the reddit's. What is that use them I'll, be back on the internet. It is billy's brain! That's what you feel that accrues such northwards positions on red dot com is a shortstop.
Well is it. Where do I get my opinions from now? He hid his first home run as a walk off and that everyone was online be like got a home run out, negotiate for so much? I would ask for this. This reveal. What would ashley what says that, but it's kind of like being in a real negotiation like. Would you ask at the balls to really try, negotiate some sec or I feel like what he got compensated for what he did or to just catch a home run. Ball was pretty fair. I think I would give us a slick era. Judges, lasher, you'd ass for money, but a first what. What what do you expect at yeah? first home run. I think you could probably get away with doing like free ticket to aim. All you can drink. There seems like fair trade right, yeah that one Particular one is like that this kitchen to ask for more- and it's like its oh, he caught you got, didn't get us that too got everything if it was at like a nationals, game or pirates game where they do, the races
I would want to be one of the perogies that rest. I would if, if I caught that ball, it would be like sign bat pick picture. Let me throw out the first pitch what about a record breaker record gregory hold onto it. So as this fact, but that it did hold on to it tried to auction it. It didn't go well for him. I would also, though, like if you caught judge's record making home run that wasn't actually the record breaking home run because the record is seventy I would of offer. like I would. I would offer judge to buy a ban for less than what I could get an auction. You mean, like a five year, five hundred thousand at auction about judge. Let's do too if the sign some stuff like a dick about it, cash said you have to pay tax. I think that cheater, three thousand it was. I can halt I'm pleased by the yankees weather where is your home rock, I it was a home run, he got it and he said for like play off tickets in a sweet, and he had even like six gained at
they tat they took him in the back in lake. I'd want to give basket asleep over and a gift ok, so I ve been trying to find who my hit by pitch guide. So you we ve, been doing all this and you still have a perk. I got a guy who try to figure out who is the most hated man in baseball, currently that people want to hit the ground That was my strategy like guy who, like it's gonna, get beamed ends want to know. I read it factors into because, although the threads or whose almost eight is headed man, all right now I'll. Try I think like jose. All too they like everyone's overheating, guzzlers repenteth, Fans in the media is still there. I'm goin carla's is even playing Those korea, ok, okay, wait. As you hit by short, You already said it, but What do you do this as a matter of very so your planet? you're, using a measure hit by pitch guy yep curls
the greater thank you its autumn runs now. Might get a matter is owed by taking him is my hit by pitch guy. You guys can have a correct, just move defence, smart chain and open. you're gonna, go with we're going nolan gorman he's gonna based gone, oh no, just command desk with chief got it go Francisco Alvarez catch, the mets yup, okay, I am going to I'm gonna. Go it these impact. I think, is wainwright field this year, francisco over I'm putting yes, sir putting a bounty on Carlos careers head any em I'll be pitcher who hit him exists? we'll get somethin, sucker, dick sure, hump,
It was her suck your dick. That's that's bad bounding! Yes, terrible we can jill worse bounding, tore the borders to office. Kay who's up, I'm gonna go with ready, freeman kay loves a brave man on the dodgers around the prayers higher salaries on the top. What he does the race and then reads legend. No, aeronautical casual third base, herpes Does it is madness? Dismay I'm gonna go with Oh shit, again, taken great picked, a great value. Gray value hey pal, you are now back now must now more than ever, because I was pretty was definitely gonna happen. Currently around five Korea by the right. The way has assumed homelands, swatted junior
he's right, you hey now invited junior to knowledge about a thousand adversary. Is a stud, not atop. Sixty I was last year, shit gimme. Some time The main economic players are seen as everyone knows. In other words, we already is ok, satterfield, we're gonna go with carbon carol left field. I'm a backs No one taking european albert yeah. You can look down upon a sheet. I took when the first round, whose pic is it now max billy, o routine? you have a great of that was at fault, and I was the end of the fourth year. where's picking them in those two routes. Do you have eat you. This wretched place now can I add, or probably because he determinants- ok, no kurt! Yet
but also to take away homelands. Rather people sure about the negative home run, erect yeah. I'm undertaking to subside I'm going with barrette. Do we do say Brent Rucker sounds good. Rucker very close, motioning four billion put on our draft, I would, if I could, I'm like I'm. got aaron judge might trout. I like audrey names, you got good names rate names. Ok, my turn I'll go where chicago louis robert care And her feel the ox itzhak fifteen homers time this recording kay. I'm going to take a left fielder here, The film my left field, I'm torn between people I am to some progress. Like the one you don't take. A minute give it the idle
past idea, you on the other he hears hoo, hoo hoo you deserve he's more tied. The show is more tat you and pay of tee. So I oughta steak. One so talk you peace! I wanted. You have now I'll, take christian yellowish live. We need positions. First, theology little yields a meaningful and have left left field. As you speak, gentlemen fill in your own. I am asters dammit, if you keep track of what you need and what you'd data does whatever cursing all she's going to is going to do it for stinks fact, they're right next to each other as like, I should take one subtle, but also yellowish yeah you could have, one so that accorded to me more when christian yellowish want trade first rate of the season different player? No, We had to trade position purpose, it's it. I know him say life. Let me free up, I guess not, what'd. I wanted. I wait. Did you take out? I want. I want wisdom,
That's one wisdom. I got wisdom. Review f have now, like wisdom, we have to. U have to pick that sense. So do we diverged are. I got who picks so I'm going to go with can Why has he been taken? I don't believe so. calm, I'm going the elder right filter my weight left field right children. I feel right field or san francisco and by european and will be up right field or so for my next pick after that, I'm going. To go with. hullo Rodriguez, song emmett. I had some radium pick way I don't think so uncertain max dead. I did yep did, Are you just road j rod of you? Look at the top writing a draft, I'm gonna go with first baseman Milwaukee brewers, rowdy tell us
It's a great great name route for nice, nice. ok, so I am up whose tough boys, skin really tough, Let's see I want to make sure that he hasn't headed in bunches captain Oh no. He has now home, run your fucking forever. You know what I'm gonna. Do it Do it because the future on this team? I'm gonna take ryan mouth castle. first base in baltimore ills, no thirty, five, the one like light, My three futures, azure boreal start. The one race, thirteen one and the chicago cubs a hundred to one look so good. Actually funny because, when I put in the cubs at a hundred to one day, then
down to sixty to one- and I was like damp great value by me back two hundred to one so not so great glucose go rico article chicago. What do you say I am going to take my designated hitter and I'm going to take Marcello sooner ace. Atlanta braves thirteen dingers on the year but the extent of what I know about them, yeah I used to play for the marlins is the dealt are dealing with some legal troubles grade up thou, I mean she's gotta play harder illegal, oh yeah. He had a do you. I video something. Rattler. but when a hunk of mac I mean lesson this. Isn't this isn't an ethic who isn't report, Ourselves, una, I think, maybe use him. Oh no, a fuck
was it the die. He I just I just search him. He provides an update on the status after exiting last night's game, flung a hit by pitch on his right wrist, awe as the thing hit by this guy's yeah. He dangerous because you get ten points, but you get hurt, hurt or jake and his day to day is fine. She touched orange a ten foot single. What a piece That's it. That's a guy! That's that's diggers! Only guy, if you Foreign or ten foot singles. only Gaza had dinners can do that. the other means it has hustle. Now we're that's! That's a guy that his fingers together, it's. A bond is like that honour that once gone, kay I'm gonna go right. Filter hunter run fro, Kay said homeward three minutes ago: maybe he'll get hot for my ego. Is changes walked up to The roulette we'll backtrack number like our differences with it, hey billy.
Bobby with junior lobby, which junior is a short stop me to add up, be wet nice up, dub nice who's up. an oven, we're gonna go at jose ramirez their base. That's good! Pick up! He's gonna get hot indians guardians, sorry guardians, Do you think that historically your ladders, further them as indians liked the cubs beat the new calves radiant within it, but then but then does not open when, if they played again, if guardians the site redskins won the superbowl did. One three of them. Actually I mean it's like baltimore cults. the m skull, yet the I've seen em It is what it is part of our history. Hank. Generation, shameful as it is, they changed. Ok, who's up! If so bad a change while there
I'm going to go with o. I work paul goldschmidt garden. The first is that of the summit had stingers, he does his enemies, then? As a guy that does your taxes What does that mean egg, it just sounds like a normal sounds like an hour or more hallowed. It sounds like a guy that what what what else you want to add to your doctor, your lawyer, maybe Go to church on Saturday, gonna guy now doesn't I mean of his last. They were just schmidt. What would you say then just doesn't sound like a guy doesn't bother pages gathered his fingers, he does it. Ten years will see K who's up. I'm gonna go ashore murphy catch her breath came alone on the brains. loves us, but I like that strategy. I really do yeah, I mean they're, a good team or his fingers and then shortstop willie adonis.
Kay result yeah. I'm up by your plaza and an x ray The large majority Jared idea, the soda opec, was the best out of that bunch of eggs. Back he's real stay tuned- might get about yellowish heat up any care who I am might be stupid because I don't know what he's coming back, but he such a vibes guy, I'm gonna go jazz, Chisholm nice, quarles or horror and rename greece. That guy hurt right now it is our job that has a jazz chisholm. Yes, like its thinkers box bitches as children, whose name was slow motion that can base max what have you done with his last house? Secondly, ism they have chosen plan centerfold could arise
the second okay baseball reference at second base. Shortstop said: where is he trying everyday shane centerfield dirt is shane alright? Now I'm all out. Do you have a center fielder? No, yes, I do No, you I mentally available, so I don't yeah, I'm so excited for the fine fucking I'll. Take labour. Then ok oz, he's vines, he's playing. Second right, good pick. We and I go with market simeon second base o k. Billy, I'm going with jake burger third base, Kay drivers and to hope Go where Brandon LAO second baseman tamper, back, ok, ok, craig pick. My wrist a plan was
watch the chicago, cubs and white oxford. I realize now a lot of amid dinner so that that that got run its course, but, now. I think I'm gonna be a pause guy. I love zodiac, I'm taken tat, his junior or a took him already to honour us all along what doglike rate pick though yeah when, like fifteen minutes ago, I would do its rights. he's on the old scores rights you you can afford. AL brain, allows us put on the injured list and his draft is awful. I'm having a great time I. I will take Scar Hernandez right feel their seattle mariners guy, you took vlad jr. Rightfully.
oh thank you. Work are frowned hell. Lads of furs, baseman shade, yet schenken we get a ruling on the lads positioning, I'm sorry Can we really on wide positioning whether this position I think he's drug to look at what you re you're. A position has widened blame for space. Listen, I know it. I call a colleague so loud your first base, the orange and anti oscar Hernandez? Yes, I feel there is touchy. Soda want to punch, will have my rate is hurt I'm gonna, take national trade. No! Thank you sure. No! Thank you. Oh. as this guy picked, you sure skin yeah, but you re diver. Even if your guys hurt the editing, are guaranteed the score, while their hurt thoughts is great about there's only,
It's only I'm trading, a guy that has eleven home, runs regard as twelve. That's all that's good value, I'll trade. You I'll give you something else max. We can do a double trade if you want no. Thank you, dear phone, your honor. I, like the vibes totty survives guy I mean that's the guy, you want that's the guy. One of my clubhouse always suspended his teammates hate him. Now he's a great guy I'll. Give you Yan gomes! No! Thank you. I never take wander franco. What position shortstop raise? Ok, I could pay just picking teams guys from teams that I have bets. To go with me: go with siri fats other from the from the rays position. field and then I'm gonna go Dalton far show blue J b j nice left field, I'm so stupid, I should it contains his answer if you want to feeding shortstop bank. Let's go with
I'll go with. A story. We are you serious look at my computer. Oh, I am sure we have the same exact thing pulled up Nl we baseball player stats hit by pitch You didn't believe by pits by league with twelve. What are the estuary? Yes, estuary, like a river legal he's got twice. small river hundred twenty points. It's incredible him to keep up the pace. pirate silence on me. Simon says it is what away that's was wild pick up I was about maybe in action. What a steel by may that, literally I had a meeting the Lee Adam pulled up m m. That change everything.
I will go with zach neto opposition tippit, santos is no less energy rees no, a more god. If that change of the legal pick right, there could be huge. Big round eight pick two can be huge, I'm gonna go she's humming along area tumour to nap rounds, low. parts of its collective down me canucks I'm gonna go third I'm initiative there basement of he do nowadays. Third baseman, further braves austin riley entire. We pick out with them I'm going with yeah. Indeed, Diaz as my first basement, He's listeners first base and a moron
I count on your frank and outcomes: earthy of young Khamenei, girls command deaths, yon d, so the Andy He has first base yeah. but for some reason, he's listen third base. Sometimes shane can u. What's up. is the anti as a first basement or third basement is first core. Nice could pick Billy. I shane and Evan rethinking. We're gonna, go Jonathan india for are hit by pitched guy. Ok Jonathan india is sixth right now hereby pitches. He has on the tenth last year's work in his way. Oh yeah he's got all your stats. I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go another fell, trey turner share social, Please come battle possesses vintage max talking himself. It yeah
I'll, be here he said sure to know. I was gonna take effect that there is one zealously source sure, are you sure max now, he's just sure. No ya know yet no no yeah! It's max means question. and this is very no one- no one who's listening right now going to know we're talking about just scream live in the office yeah he's a hours, in cars walked by yeah, it's tuesday and I am jack mac and travelled for the boys are in the cave. Eleven thirty aren't. I, like the grinding you got it, you gotta, add you invent barbara that less yet, and I think that as the vizir viva, anything as the view of many new law now on around here are the same. Four solely pustules stories on com very guy He's already moved to chicago
he said that anyone who works past six p m is sixty m. Yet you call that beaver hours hours have now begun. Its manton do dormant. Ok, who's up. I'm jared kalinic yup mariners, this good, we're learn. Names aired calling a composition about, that's the beauty of this is that you ever we are following us. We need an update from T J. We have a down. Oh yeah. I did a lot of value left on the board, a feeling you got your point in a less too much and not to the names. My titans old, carlo box thinks right. You just get only pick one position here, scroll down a little bit. Others some, like huge name guys that came off injuries afterwards. Our current leader, yeah, that are going to hit thirty sir at home, run in the recently the year and centre feel there. She would take.
Oh, don't give out the Tokyo material. I keep seeing c and thinking center catcher. I'll go a jazz, Chisholm. Now. You know all the guys and taken well yeah, because he couldn't take him. if the other to get valley straight, never make a list of names have been with tears. Could tell us the end user. This may sound excited hurry. I obviously pressure as the person who played baseball longest on the show for sure oh wait a minute. Let me just make sure we don't have an injury and then I'm good three too the ash. Manny Machado could pick.
Do you know that one of the aims you are thinking of teaser? Yes, let's go You can see my computer, any machado third base. to be fair. T J also gave me a name that I didn't take because of the integrity of the game, Joe Jake. I think I deserve credit for that huge was then, and I can tell you integrity at all a member state intervention and Emma Jane we're gonna go Madame duval centre fields, Duvall, I'm going with jerry sanchez thatcher factory. The paper inquiry by blogger than the us nickname, l gary, but he. What do you mean we share? I'm devolves what position center revealed purple. Ok, so Gary what's wrong. Gary Sanchez is great. I loved him on the yankees he's just like not guaranteed to be in the league. Why not, because he's been on the
That's he's been on. I think the twins Hidden dinners he's got file runs a season, a catch. Take all game. It a player and he's having a bad year. I can switch my pay cannon Oh, no,. You cannot. no he's like a better here than his catcher shooting a majority edge puck up. What with John home rose up. If he said. Journeys de age for game that count I go, no way that anyone can it like catch on that to your go. I'm gonna go with hardly watchman, nice superstar super
Others baltimore hank lessons from it. I do not gums. Take my leave any feel their own. Take my son to feel their mask. I grew up with his cousin great need. The legendary name mike is trump sky centerfielder san their services to drive a good package. Could pay alright, I have pick a medical with I grew up with his cousin. His cousin didn't have the same last name as trump's game. I've always felt bad. It does suck get a chance higher salaries grandson, but ilona, I'll go with you, cow rally. from the seattle mariners, hooker, a fan. Grass right now is eight home runs mine, three and a half. You should have eleven and a half home runs for that. Graham eleven and a half home runs. It should have a levies. Underachiever got lucky. I just just found this list. I really wish I had it. Cholera, second miss.
Culture. Our ali kutcher, seattle mariners got it, I'm gonna go with Adam Frazier. second baseman bomer oros k, and then I think I'm gonna take a short stuff Adam Frazier second base YAP second base and, at short, stop away, took no gorman wait. Did I. Yes, you have no one gorman. Of course my man, no gorman, so you need. We need a catcher testing. You hear catherine shorts thought. Pierre fighting. All catchwords is known, gorman, a second basement I haven't satisfies me ass. I see I dont see red blue on your team. I needed I am not to go with the anthony, evoking o nice.
yeah sure yeah he's been playing short, so yeah I'd pick pfd a pick axe pft. Well, so I looked at. I looked it up cause. I was going to maybe pick him as well. In the first article was, I keys, awry theirs now, prank. What the fuck is named, bob brett boon. Airborne says that every evil is staying up can that's gonna answer goods unless thing after we're, never good conversation that we have to ask if this thing up downwards. as well as your question it now, my my freshman year bass, barcodes this guy's, a legend coach dj? He everyone's infirm. Any calls them every year on their birthday called you just but I didn't answer all come back. Woe first, It was intermission time. So the final arouse whose lives are you still
I am still have codes eg, I'm actually recording I'm recording a podcast right now, so so you're so you're live on the air. Thank you for calling and the I love you and task very glad. I missed you last year, but I wanted to say happy birthday. Thank you coach. I I appreciate that. I always appreciate your reaching out. I'm glad you I'm glad you're on the podcast and and I'm sorry that I'm so old that I actually don't know what half the things that you do, but I'm glad- The gear that you're doing so well parish appreciate your coach hope everything's going well. Everything is antacids. Just went to saw this to drink guys today, playing a wellesley wellesley league and they won by two and a buzzer beater, but you know love you guys. You keep me going love it thanks coach, absolutely lovey, happy birthday and keep doing you do it. I love you too have a go on you too.
I thought it was my heart war, my heart dark eyes, the man. I was your age, everything we only shit, these. How long were you did? It was your coach. Freshman year high school over sixteen years ago, yeah cause you every year. There is every every one of his players. Oh my god that guy's the man, but he probably just has a call people all the time. Yeah, that's awesome! yes, probably ruled he's, probably get to call someone every day a ruled as usually gets tragic. Is man thought was the last round? So if you look at the top, this should be one missing color for your final position. I go parties. You already pick your last pick. Oh, the pic! That's right! You, slovakia, Bobby, so is definitely staying at sea. Happily hydra yours you. What do you think tita above all busy definitely staying up here? Is that can hit a bunch runs what you don't know that is yankees when I say twenty max. Ok, Twelve more home runs as it does it
little homerun swell more points. Who'd, you have taken teacher catalyst packages that you do our culture. I know I know I needed catcher and so for my catcher, I'm going to take a guy, a little guy. You may have heard of him by the name of J t real mutual ice, ice billy, but that max, I was took him in the third round, but you didn't I now I got a real new doll, baby, big, cigarette is about pick, but I have to have at least one come on. My team somatic be corner. Second pace same yes, yes, no home run like a month hank. Also, second basement yeah monster strictly on name recognition cover I beg you haven't. That was the guy was looking up and I was like who is having a bad here.
yeah. I know this is adding one. Ninety years old runs out right and I looked ok, I gotta get to our two o nice so teach it won. T J tipp the off. I went and was deep in the list trying to find someone. I saw him I saw that hasn't played a ton games. gotta get injured. He just setting a bunch yeah, but he's a bit. He had a home on tonight. Oh bag His account housing cow count tomorrow is the first day. ok me. I need the h. I think this is someone t J Cynthia, but Carlos then has been injured and he just as fifth home run I d hate. Should we really really dumb? I almost that's lippman he'll get injured again, probably, but also like tunnel runs before them. A dam is shit. The edge then Sieges out who you're talking about that was on dammit room.
Be the off the only fantasy baseball ii that You didn't have a lot of Carlos than an actual we're doing this leak from game. One thing is only rosa. Are we worry about several of jack in us? Ok, Billy last pick figure out the skies healthy, Go in the mick, hence near my number. close billy. Oh, you need a second based lookin. I worked on this whole time. I just found out there's projections too, that you could find and looked through those I'm going with you Jorge polanco k, that's good name or local twins Yeah, ok, who's up in of any is. What do they fuck me?
Why what's wrong have indeed taken great torn absent. Oh no, I'm serious, yeah you're going to have a torn rotator cuff, I know, but then I can expense the surgery suite. we're gonna go where we're gonna going just internal russia as the age. I will go with time ruinously. I will go, France as my hit by pitcher the up there and there he is to whose number one. rule Oh yeah, that's right through real sorry, hank ask him. She asked to change its fate. Think about it like one soda could hit like five more home runs and christian yelich.
Professor risk issues hit by a push to more times. That's the same value. MR relevant mean It's a hit by pitch player. I was gonna. Take I've read Andreas Heaven is ok Microsoft site real quick, go, go back through its law ash pictures for tie breaker this strike. Out, shrike pictures for tie breaker through a fast my approach at just got work. We weren't damning. Do you not to be a first. I think I should get to go for a couple of years, so at last I'm going to go with strider yeah I'll go kevin Goslin depicted Thank you. This means very little now in online everything that you know it max instead max ensured that is, come down to his picture in the
SK gave shut up with. Peggy shut on the last hour, you don't think it's out of anything, but it could mean everything for second place, to go, show how nice been picked up because we have to its baby, I'm so happy olympic. That's impressively incursion. So duty was he picked up. The fort was the second people know over on our agenda. First overall pig encourage other gathercole lennox task ash. Our seaward cloud of of things that we ve said during the strange thing is mostly just fuck. I billy I'm going to shine a light. Colored, Clanton, ok, because a good paraguay her rays. We're gonna, go hunter, green kay,
rats. we'll go with trysting mackenzie They pay gurgle yeah yeah it sucked zack wheeler wow. How do you know the exact wheeler max thick than the arrow? at pit the pitcher doesn't matter. It's like in a matter of regret this and strike out. Starting ones. Is your fault. Will you be like tied, preserve accurate breaker, not lose who'd? We leave out newcastle, honest answer and for all we should take care to row, you're forgetting and gunnar henderson. I think he's a merely yet brigman. we take bregman joy gallo has eleven should a guy named Vinnie ask latino that allowed our those eleven homers jugglers destroying them antennas hurt right now hurt renounced. Oh, my
Eighteen only way. Take David ask when tina now knows no boundaries. We should have taken a cable. You know it ass long doesn't I was looking at me like was on me recently, who once again its desire for cincinnati thing. That's your fairy Alice houses, civilian quarters, gonna die any day now asked llanos is gonna. Hit have aroused. The honors has been really really good this year, he like he's been on fire, but he still asmund hitting that many around. So. floating, they'll probably had a shitload home run. I think that, like he he's playing as well as you possibly could be playing right now and still nodded like using a shit on a doubles. He beat kay. It may also asked his dinner saw the john K Jong okay taken. I just have one from a position teacher. You should do you have one from every position and it a pitcher. you should track yours
an official left to reach our basic resources that are at stake. We react aegis, like the heat on draft, a team tat. You put it put into the text me or less out. It's why she got it. damn or well. If you finish top too, we should it's ok get something laugh at during the video. Is you get What are the what what the pitcher ass to where stop. Do I mean This is this been painful draft get through, but the fund of the league starts now? Yeah can be very friendly to keep track of, and thank god we take I listen to podcasts, so people could listen to this and be like what did I just listen, just listen to guys saying names, many of which were repeats. Forty check yeah. I might he's gonna knock at last. You think could be good enough to come and study it. Those guys we're going harder than us.
In this room. There nothing says: jaded ever met business. They took no hesitation, I'd like to apologize to Josh smith,. We'll be rooting for me to get hit by pitch after he battled back. Like almost dying getting hit by a pitch yeah, I would like Josh not apologize to estuary reis just keep getting fucking plunked gosh. I just hope you get hit like on your shoulder! Alot it will be. Such a game. Changer saw it as a guy get hit by a pitch like ten times he had to stick your ass out there. As huge they've got a bounty on Carlos Correa for any animal b pitcher, when are you gonna do have. And give him a tour of the office is out there gardener yeah. or the whole office, the deep office or the office at the very, very back of the office tj. Can you do us one last favor yet can you How can we trust you? You go hit the lottery ball machine. Ok, before you do that.
I'm not gonna sit in word yet. Numbers ah ha I didn't say you said numbers really. I just said numbers isn't that what the fuck are? Some numbers, like, you just said, numbers in a central. I Numbers you, if you listen back, I said numbers after you sent me, go twenty one today, all that or you can just tell us, make you put a bank data. If there's no t J. I'm getting the room up here, what oh tissues, rushlight, I'm doing I'm doing forty adieu, what are you now do seventeen I'm the only with a drink. All forty ounces memes have you ever this the hell, let alone, I don't believe. So. I could get it by Days airs bribe neither they'll pay. not as of now, probably not with one is now
the all you got. It means and shame numbers twenty one. Twenty two evan. Five hope I haven't gets a divorce fit his fifty five. Fifty five is perfect for you, I think, To genuinely burden cree rank with I can't see church of camera. oh tj, oh, is that oh yeah, oh, my, oh Jesus, so close could have gotten it on his birthday even those three weeks later, oh man, I could have been rough No, I will also schedule. No show, obviously July. Fourth, for no show on Wednesday friday.
we have dungeon dragons with special guess. Donnie so get excited great great episodes, him what's back and then
On sunday, won't be back together, not guessed when it comes to
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Transcript generated on 2023-07-04.