« Pardon My Take

Jimmy Tatro, Daniel Ricciardo, Celtics Get Off The Mat And Hank Is Delirious, Lakers Get Swept And FAQ's

2023-05-24 | 🔗

The Celtics have won a game and Hank has not slept in 2 days and is delirious and half drunk. We talk about who has the must wins now and more (00:00:00-00:16:21). Lakers get swept and Lebron threatens to retire. Jokic is the best player in the world and the Nuggets rule (00:16:21-00:36:13). Hot Seat/Cool Throne (00:36:13-00:58:35). Jimmy Tatro joins the show to talk about The Machine, his career taking off, Simi Valley, The Lakers and more (00:58:35-01:32:09). Daniel Ricciardo joins the show to talk about his F1 season, love for Josh Allen and party shirts (01:32:09-01:52:06). We finish with listener FAQ's (01:52:06-02:10:35).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners, you can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube. Primary can listen ad free on amazon. Music Jim gaffigan here with some more straight talk. Now you can get a walmart plus membership plus not pay for it, because it's included with straight talk wireless plans. You get free delivery with walmart, plus plus a paramount plus subscription included. Plus you pay less for gas. That's a lotta process. Only straight talk gives you unlimited five g data and walmart plus included on select plans for free straight talk. Wireless available at walmart requires service on gold or platinum. Unlimited one offer per eligible account paramount, plus a central plan. Only separate registration required additional terms apply on today's pardon my take. We have a two for for the people, our good friend Jimmy teachers, back on the show scale: new movie out the machine with bert crusher out this weekend. We also have are also good.
dinner ricardo we take in miami. Ah, awesome dude good accent, great accent great to meet him in person celtics. He game for de los angeles lakers got sweat, hottie called ronan, some great f, a q's jim gaffigan hair. With some more straight talk. Now you can get a walmart plus membership plus not pay for it, because it's included with straight talk wireless plans. You get free delivery with walmart, plus plus a paramount plus subscription included. Plus you pay less for gas. That's a lotta process. Only straight talk gives you unlimited five g data and walmart plus included on select plans for free straight talk. Wireless available at walmart requires service on gold or platinum. Unlimited one offer per eligible account paramount, plus a central plan. Only separate registration required additional terms apply. Okay, let's go!
Let us not have any idea how much weight by post A part of my take today is wednesday. May twenty fourth and the boston celtics are off the floor there off the map have won a game in the east or conference finals. It is three one and also just
Heads up to all of us are Therefore, producer Henry Lockwood has not slept in two days and he is. borderline drunk on the lack of sleep. and we're loving it haig. I want you, first cause you're you're on cloud nine. I feel good, I feel excited you know I was. I was obviously procrastinated, my packing, so I was doing that last night, because a movers were coming this morning was finished at three, and I just can fall asleep and then was worried about policy like five or six and missing like I falling asleep the alarm and having people knocking down my door, I stayed up, haven't slept really tired. I was really like through the motions and then the address that when I'm just a buzz and lastly, buzzing Naxos jealous p is mad for no reason well, no, I'm not mad for no reason he has a reese. I've got a reason to be mad cause. You think
sucker and platinum gambling like I can't. I can't feel bad for you for making those bets and losing like you do in order to lose that no no listen used to feel bad about about me losing. I agree with that. One hundred percent, in fact, if I lose this bet, people should relish in not feeling bad for me the twelve that what was it twelve thousand dollars to win like one hundred and six know the heck math has never been your strong suit, you're, not a world renowned, educated person. ten thousand dollars to win eleven hundred dollars It's eleven percent wrestlers panthers and heat to to win they're orthop three are both up. I'm not worried one at a time. At the time now now they're up three one, I'm not worried. In fact I I'm glad this habit and I'll tell you why because what we're getting right now with hank is pure a hundred per cent uncut d Area from hag, yet we're getting we'll get you we'll get we're getting heck at his most cocky? has he won one game you down three one of the serious and
now you have hope not only hope that your celtics will win. You have hope that you, would golf and there's nothing. I would like more and the listeners would like more than to see. That hope give absolute fucking crushed out of your body on thursday night. He hoped I love that you ve got hope right now, as I look at those eyes, I love those eyes because their full of hope wonder. infinite possibilities, infinite amounts of gulf the month of june is about to be taken away from me on thursday and what are you happy right down? No such tee yeah you're going have to sweat. That's right, you have a little rough z deep down hastily chapin past tells me that you're fucking, whether it everything celtics are, presently better than the heat there are more town team they came through, is a complete fluke, but again. What are always finds level someone's gonna have to want a three o series, and eventually it was
zactly reminiscent of the yankees red sox game theory. They lost, like nineteen o eight got absolutely blown out. That game actually are used during the day. Important ivory recap The deal was either to lisbon in saying this not stopped the last three days I was thinking about. I remember going to that game. We had like our our suitor back in. We David and we were like armor document, so it home runaway sitting behind home plate because everyone left like the seasons over at. Promise so much hope so much talent their blowing. It there Joking, they came back, they won the shocked. The world first seemed ever. Do it? it is fitting. Guy not started right in iran face to an g2 aunt Jane reader, yet both of them court almost creamed doctors and they showed dieter. The islands dig adjective com so hank. I interpret the game. Creditors celtics because half time it look like it was gonna, go the same way. It would look like the heat. Were you know that the game
Part of the celtics came out to lead them. I started playing well. They they have, like a ten point, lead at one point. It felt like the heat were going to just make the celtics quit and the absolute reverse happened in the third quarter. they kill them, and I think this worth thirty points. Tatum got caught fire and yeah. I mean listen back to boston game for Are you saying that that one's a guaranteed when you got gave five yeah, ok, That's it must one. It's you have heard them ass, your outright. The fact that you paused on that. It really shows the lack of one dog just trying to. I was trying to think I'm the only focus hang on fuels are designated ass. It grew crazy about this up way that hangs acting. I was hanging by myself and it's like they don't think about yourself. Think about the team. You would think that had just one the series tonight, the way they are acting right now, you're down three one. It sets up three will I don't effective, is perfectly set up for gentlemen sweep thrilled the true gentlemen sweep three game.
you let the other team when one and then you knock I remember something that I don't really do. Sorry: billy billion from fucking Well, billy wording for less work. He found out half way through the first quarterings like wait. If the heat This game we don't have to record laid on thursday, will again and then he put on a each going nuts, I want to do something? I don't. Can do, and I am going to thank you phd you're welcome. I appreciate you on because you were the one that may the gulf that and when the southern shore down three nothing instead doom and gloom down through nothing. There's no way when the series I the will myself total. Then I had to do with some back to Monday. Show I had to convince myself right monday, show ended and then the wheels Turning the and I was looking at knock off him for a month, and I to convince myself that they could win two games and what I did that I realized they can win for games and that's where about right now I will not go into that. I don't know what a habit of it was put back. It's like
if war games as that of our way out of l l, is a big. It's a big o work thing to overcome it, it's like they seem to want to and if they went to their winning for everyone from knows this, is it actually agree with Hank? This is a must win for the heat game. Five uk let them win because not only will hang get off the gulf that which nobody wants, suffer hank and maybe some ground keepers and the greater chicago land area, though make a fortune. I thank the summer, but ah so I know for a fact that if it's three to there went for it and I'm going to lose my bet, I'm back on the heat to join me. I think we're going to get dunked again. Hank and I agreed the celtics are going to be heavily favored in game five. They should take care of business at home on paper and then, in my eyes, game six becomes game. Seven because of it's three three going back to boston, the celtics should win the game again, I'm wrong a lot. I've been wrong plenty of times before on the show making guess so legit
really that's where my. How are you point you have? You were why I said six and a half for six or seven at eight. Yet yeah. So I would like to sell definitely like air business. Ghana, like you, pointing at me in my mind, game six, could game. Seven, yes, Does that make game time, william? Six So that yet for must win for this the he will not necessarily game. Six months in game five chain We also have max who is very upset that hank found his mojo yeah. That scumbag, though, because he likes I'm ready for your headache and then, like you, hear and be like, I was at no point at no point were any of my I'm rooting for you, hanks genuine like zero yeah like it's not like, I was pretending like. I would obviously I'm not rooting for the celtics. Why the fuck would I be rooting for them in the last game.
As you know, I love how cocky hake is right. Now this is perfect. Are those asking That was a good impression of mac suggested something dying alien movie now we're getting we're getting pure unfiltered straight from the source, Henry Lockwood right now it's there's no restrict your play on his brain is the same in all its egg. It goes back to my packing, like you can do it. at a time, you can be proactive and get it done at a normal time or you can wait till the last minute. We have no time left celtic no room for error, yet acts against the wall to get it done. Hank is a professional crashed, Nader yeah, so we're like we're not going to win a game until we absolutely have to yeah right now they were well be I'm not gonna pack, a box, Jake Jake you're, not a cop. the night. Before what would you say before the game? you said. Ah Monsieur down to miami and he put to suit in the ceiling. Yeah, he's left assume ceilings. I will come back and pick us up data and it doesnt work soon, but
you would have to be having games. and also it doesn't work, no comeback, backup games, who's, your put the pseudo game six which has in a way a whole again, he does not where soon and then we can and where it again games. Seven. no it's gonna leave a suit in miami said he can have it after they when gave sex or way back home to wear a suit, so he's going to wear a shirt on the sidelines and then a suit on the point. There might be a number of listeners who are lost in this entire world. Really, so are we, but we would have, would get it. He combined two great coaches where's, one of which reilly. He left What does what he said? We're only packing one suit for the strip, because I need two were closing it out and one game and then there was another instance. A couple years ago, where coach left like a thousand bucks in that will result is because women come back here and we're gonna get a thousand bucks back, but mozilla is taken in the next level he's leaving a suit behind in the ceiling in the van again does not wearing a suit we should
keep them. I think that Jake there there are reports that tyler hero has been cleared for all basketball to basketball. Related activities. Well, first of all, I don't know what basketball related activities means. Secondly, is there any chance he plays in the series, probably not, that the target was always m b, a finals should they get there, so I would say no where you going how the fuck do not play this game of your health is not clear to play in the basketball game like each other for basque right. It is they who carried shaggy fuckin play, while I dont think he hasn't played in three weeks, and I know you think that you can just like roll out and play in an m b a game, but I think that probably has something really good. I just don't like the attitude,
yeah so and Billy did not care about the series two hours ago now and then a fifty minutes, zoom posts, game thursday change this all she doesn't have to be there. If I thought you were gonna live stream it and in record really late. Billy was upset that he was gonna have to work for days. This we know. No, I just wondered pizza traffic so you want to leave. There were to do that oil day traffic still do that and I'm very happy I tag well. Congratulations that you it's good to see some fire from you. You yeah, I mean you're. You are temporarily back. could you were The saddest sack the last few shows, and its could be so great- what you get when you doubt through nothing. I didn't truly fundamentally oil down one now understand and when you're to answer, we literally the blue and you're around three to never need to sleep again this, he's the best. Also like, I think something when game five, but the heat when game six hank won't be as mad, because the gulf
ass natural light, hearted idolizing big, our two male, no, no wondering why we extend that make it make it if its three, due to the new golf, and what am I getting in return for that now, you tell me, as if I am going to think about that deal, but I'll get back to you on an if I think that makes sense. It's not a bad strategy by pft cause you're, not thinking straight about anything I think the straightest, when I'm not thinking straight death through eg you just you, do have to not sleep, no one. I believe I've always raw. I play a draw for something. Are left comes right when you, when you fall asleep at night, that's when the enemy takes over gas? slipping Ballmer weighted down when you sleep there, you ever think about that. I mean I've always wondered why I'm dumb in that I like to sleep, I I do love to sleep. I always wondered. Why isn't it all? Just that's
that's because you're basically trapped in your own brain, where you're thinking about why you're dumb, but you can't figure out cause you're dumped yet cause. You turn your brain off every night. For too long it takes a while to reboot again stop sleeping hank with no sleep. You haven't even yawned, which means you, like broken, the war. No, I yeah, that's those they driven. Yeah you're like books, are the panthers game. Alright, congratulations hank! syria's I and I dont you hit, but it is an is always on its eyes. On it's its on max. Like we ve just run everything that has happened in the series because of one quarter of basketball I know the like. The celtics played well in the third quarter and then the heat were like alright, we'll go in game five, when the celtics, the heat and celtics had leads in the fourth quarter before this. You know it but like wiki, we want to everything that has been said about the series are, that is that the heater different team. The heater are resilient. There are like photography,
mac fact or to sell this one the fourth quarter and gives one. Today we have three one. Yes, but it is little labors. What do you mean you can view can play with that? Both sides. Now we got through battle, the brandy and water here is the year when the heat or gonna win exposed, ernie's bring one suit lawson, once once with your hair, one paula pan, ah, ok, other serious loss legally pat, really needs to go to Boston. We answer yet we will be their brand sooner. The los angeles lakers got swept Lebron James, first half throwback performance put it but latest leading on the line. Thirty one points red the gas. and the nuggets we're just better. There are the better team they are going to the final for the first time, enfranchising if they went to the finals, the ab, a team, ah first sweep in franchise history, forty four playoff series- first time they swept someone-
and yoke. Kitch is now he's averaging a triple double any. Has eight triple doubles in these playoffs, I'm very happy for the nuggets. They're just fucking really is that they also record to four triple doubles. Ah, he tied wilt yeah. Every I mean ever occurred as well, might have passed earlier, but the fact that he did it only play for. names, a certain kind of crazy you up and then it actually was like up as far sweeps go does come answer here was every game was pretty close and The lakers were not bad right nuggets register a wagon right now it s. without like to admit that I was wrong. Dogs and six, where it kept saying I was wrong about not being right enough about the nuggets Zia so hand up. I didn't realize just how great they were. I knew there were great there, another great great like that, and you could just just he's a story that everyone should be rooting for he's guy who drafted around a case array took his draft moment, was, will overweight work
self into envy p shape. You know like play off, play off Your bad plan last couple years already go. The west counts found the bubble, she don't count but getting, that wall getting the nba files. The nuggets look like the best team. In the play ass, they look like the best for a long stretches. The season I'm for before have we made any progress, your appointment, to talk about any progress on them, bringing back the case fredo if yoke, its winds in beef was empty p, a circle back. Ok, I get it. yeah, put penicillin link back with me I would like to it's a delicious menu item. Oh yeah, I'm I'm very press nuggets I've. I grow more and more fond of them. Yet every day there fought their so fun to watch Jamal murray by the way he He might have had a better series and yogurt should he was who is phenomenal and he's getting to the point now, where he's getting so good The playoffs their people forget that he videotape himself getting sticks out. I did forget that yeah,
I'd very, very hard for so he will he's getting to that point now, that's it You have to do a lot in america. What do they do not forget? How he's doing it he's getting to that point? good for him yeah. I'm happy happy seem overcome that yeah air gordon, was like you know. or land or Erin gordon like he was. He was awesome. I found some shooting threes case. People are well K. C. P is a very good point. Like John green the league, yet jeff green kcp is one of those guys like hey, maybe lakers pressure, you wanna title, lakers, half title mozart, a real time, I'm also addicted to yoke its course. Content is the best watching watching yogurt do that behind the horse, which I always feel worse for the horse. When dragging yoke, is big ass behind them and when yoke is riding a bitter, so many awesome pictures of yoke standing to horse yeah and you like, that's a minute your horse,
Oh no wait: yeah yoke adjust an absolute monster, he just the biggest you'd ever that's what he does. Every off season goes back to serbia, unjust, hangs out with horses, yet housing and his brothers yeah or bad ass. His there's throwing Michael malone up in the air after the games now send out was amazing, also yoke, it's getting We saw this moment, but when they were it's alright, great whenever team wins on the road and they get the emptied out arena and like it feels like they ve conquered like territory, words like it just damage yeah but yoke. It was handed a shirt heat star, to put it on any immediately was like this is like a large and I'm a triple x out and the cliff him like their handing the trophy eddies pull over his head. He just build on. It is now No, you don't I. We always talk about the silent arena. After, like a staff curry three on the road. Yes, there is moment right after the game was over when the lakers announcer had to announce that the nugget yes just one, the western conference files- and it
The saddest thing ever was congratulations to the denver nugget. Yes, western conference champion kid. The the voice where it's like, please, please stop throwing objects on the court yet very serious, hank hank is welcome back up the blake's. We we forget about that yeah, we had a meeting at the blake's tonight, that's down in miami thinking about that when our sun, which nuggets eager to claw back we saw we solve rocks you use in court side projects tyrant, looks like he's right. You go to sleep him and hank handshake and then also the peace game. He asked at the people inside the rear, yeah we'll talk about that a limit later and and blake griffin was also there, so we had to know, did they say hi to each other. They did in fact again at each other up for the game started and says was there too, we might have had three
lakes. In about like two square feet. We need to get the courier enthusiasm footage like someone's gotta. Have that, like a pig video of it happening, was actually the curve. Enthusiasm I saw the murder or something it is hard to decipher what you're saying, but you will get it eventually. Yeah. That's I mean that's. I feel like that was a big. Everyone knew that what kinda you're talking about a guy who got acquitted of a murder and in wanting a footage of a dafoe, he was talking about the music play. It means you, that's what I thought, but now we get it. We follow yeah. We were on the same wavelength one. in are we had this will get excited talk about lebron James? Getting swept that's incredible, Jordan! Never Jordan when he got swept, he didn't three games. Yeah it took around for yeah I mean I'm not, and I don't have much to say about that. We can't lose for one and I can't really be dance on his grave, his old eyes washed up. So it's it's, not it's not the
the way was he just you know, he's going to retire. Well, he's not gonna retire. That was ethical bron to basically be like all I got swept. Let me talk about retiring, real, quick so that the store then becomes the broad might walk away instead of lebron got swept I thought I thought it was a little classless distasteful for lebrun to tease his retirement on the day of his best friend, carmel anthony's, actual retirement, which I have to admit. I thought he retired like a year ago. Well, at least I don't love you know this, but will bring new about that week. He did when they made the video that was but yeah lebron zero point zero percent chance. He doesn't play at least another game of basketball. b. I didn't miss as missing a hundred three in the fourth quarter is play out. He was a hundred. This is exactly how this seventy has actually how they decided. The series first told miss under three yeah he's out retired. Now, there's no ways return abroad. There's a couple things that make it so he is not retired one,
you ever in a million years, see Lebron james, not doing a reply. I know that he's going to require a gift from every every team that he visits on the road there he's going to ask that they retire his jersey number yeah. He is going to pull out all the stops. It's going to be it's gonna, be a big thing. Is we big thing too broad is playing us see. He still wants to play with brawny. He can't retire if he wants to play with brony three retired. mentor, pfc guess where the all star game, is the envy. All star game is in twenty. Twenty five and lebron James is from I forget where he went to college. He is from cleveland akron he's from ACA Is it in cleveland ohio? It is not its in los angeles. So the broad james, the twenty twenty five, also our game. I'm, assuming, though rename it trophy after him suddenly that, will be the lebron fast. That's what's gonna happen. He's gonna play two more years, there's no chance! He, It is ridiculous that even say well, let's also say that lebaron play this game injured.
an injury that many people thought nobody could even walk on so after you can set your watch. Its chris Paul or of his braun james, losing the playoffs within about Eighteen hours, you'll get a story about how entered they were now. Braun was hurt. You I mean he's he's old, he's playful season, he's probably Double who may put story started come out red afterwards. He's gotta some time off. He's got his retirement gonna say it. I want to go through the review process playing seasons especial gruelling. then he's going to be like you know what I'm gonna lace it up for another year, yeah and then he'll be back any look. I I know that we're the most probable bron, pod, plato and stars- do that were just teaser and then come back. Then oh yeah we're not the most. Oh la brown, packets, but what he did the first have last night was special. Is thirty, eight years old he's not the globe braun like you played, I think, all, but we're seconds on Monday night like
was pretty insane but whose able throw back for he did run gas police thirty, eight years old, the the lakers like found. very special ennasin reefs? How more play great the all these plants? The big question is Davis, like you needed, Davis to be the alpha because abroad, thirty eight years old and he wasn't that guy on both ends. I also something For you, pfc that I just I I like, I was having a debate with our friend kirkman ahead about top ten players. Vol time take, brewing for later on some other some other day out, we'll do like our worst takes her takes. It will get us in the most trouble. But anyway I think lebron center, yet no, he is he is that wasn't the take. Ah I went and I looked at it seventy five all time the list they made in the other two. Whatever was two years ago, when it was seven seventh anniversary, where's, Anthony dave, so tough, seventy five.
He is, he can't be that higher priority for yeah or is it? Seventy setting safety, I mean it's a! U turn your bike up, bitch, seventy one the boy, that's great, just crazy, that's when they put him on that list. That's that's people in a room, just thinking themselves, like imagine heavy Davis like try indeed up by pistol, peat and dumping on his head. That's why they put him that high on the magic, how far they gave us would rock one of bob coups. Lay up yeah exactly they like. This is just looking at the Davis, the freak athlete and then comparing him to old blurs that were by any objective stretch much greater nba players and anti Davis was a has. Fifty three, unlike yeah I mean he had moments in these play. Elsie had some games, you two forty point came equally great events at times put like he was not what
lakers thing, lakers need for him to be special beneath him to be the guy and he wasn't there wasn't. Why did the threat he wasn't? He was healthy, though you it was nice to see what about what about the rest of the supporting cast schroeder you like schroeder. actually think would deal with the leg you should do, key to their season this year getting rid of westward. They need to resign web Eric and then trade em away. Again. Yes, and then vibes just skyrocket. They should maybe try to their chris Chris Paul to yes. We also had em at the lakers game, we're already starting the rumour mill because leubronn seduce me retire, but we also had a player there who the brown my play with again. So curving was at the legality right before and That will sort the rumour mill. I look. I don't want leubronn, fair bright, a wonder. Retire pieces fought it's one in that, unlike from appear basket,
in point watching him put in thirty one in the first half and being like I'm going to like empty, hank trying to will my team to knock it swept with special and its funding. Draw, the leubronn stands out there and also leubronn eight or so I guess in this threesome thinking about right now, it's a shannon, sharp as a lover and then new. right as lovers and skip bayliss as a hate. when Lebron James retires, the still gonna do like two years, a content about what Lebron would have done on that night. If he had been on that. Yes, oh yeah, you can't quit lebron cold turkey. You have to wean yourself off him. He will they will have tweet alerts on and if leubronn tweets about any game that will be the lead store yet I'll be there take on it. It was some people say was disrespectful to the nuggets. How much attention being painted layers. Guess what does layers its law on its also like my attention, you talk about the losers when the winners go on That's I'd, never understood when people get upset about that. You have.
What time to talk about the nuggets are playing in the NBA funnels. They have another series a team loses and get swept like if the seller gun swept tonight. We would have talked about the celtics. That's how it works. You talk about the dead corpse The team is living and goes on You have another data. Talk about the year, John John wasn't saluting Jackie onassis outstandingly she was seen by we're dead. I just hate that shit I hate, would be like all you don't talk about that yeah, the winners gets he plane. Yet we're gonna talk about them. The nuggets have two full weeks wherein we aren't. We lead with the nuggets here. We talk about. The nuggets were lakers I have to four weeks where they get praise and they deserve the fucking specialty. I did also now I'm certain teaching I'm getting into the lake same way to really nice things about Leubronn. Ah, he will eat, If a quote, there was anti honest, which I appreciated cause. I liked him saying this. I don't think he was like sub tweeting, yonder I think, but it was interesting seeing it he said when asked about it.
The season says, I think it was ok. I don't like to say a successful year because I don't play for anything besides winning championships at this point in my career you know- get a kick out of making a conference finals, appearance. I've done it a lot of nice brag fair and it's not fond of me to not be able to be part of getting to the finals, but we'll see will see we'll see. Then he talks about his retirement, but I shit on was being honest reads like enough. Can play basketball, thirty years old to be in a conference final yeah. No, I think that's he's a hundred percent right about that, like, of course he's not he's not gonna, be going out there and put his body through all that shit. this too, to lose again right. He wants to when I respect that about leubronn So what you want about him he's always wanted to win. never either he adds there have been maybe one or two games where he's come up and just laid a complete eg in the playoffs, but for three against dallas was it came forward years? Korea, eight points
but but for the most part like Lebron James, he competes when he's out there and when it's not flopping, but it was a I'm going to miss. Talk about him when he's god, but phenomenon he's those are gone yet he's not everybody out, there's can faked out by the leubronn retirement. If Lebron James retires from the india I will, also retired from the india I actually well, let's go on further. If lebron james, James, retie, Israel, bronchial, doesn't play a single more boot, the single, more basketball as a bad sentence? Hank help me if he quits thereof pink or have you got it If a broad james doesn't a corridor stat in an mba game ever get ok nice I think you and I should have to wear the broncho seas for entire month, make it a year fine. It's year a year I wear leubronn jersey four year, that's to a month. Would you a month Well, then you get a cat, you fuckin pussy. What
You hear what I said. I put irish the cat a month a month. Go for an entire month I will also you don't we'll get cats for I will read the godfather I shall read the godfather and I will get a cab. I will not get a cat. A were lebron James jersey before. Every fell sunday next year. Alas, easy now that you got you mom gonna cap, aware for all inefficiencies in every day, every day get corners for a month. I will get caught up. Why corner We run James you ever had corners. Does I will go bald on his team. I will go. Bald was going was here now, but my hair is growing back. Oh nice congrats who's back of the week. I know I will now aware Lebron James jersey and for the seats to the entire bases and I'll get a cat yep. So he
I also will not get a cat if he sits out next year. I think he would, when I e lit out next year and then play with brawny may come back play for the wizards. We also could just say always come back. The other defenders occupation that ok, yes, that's those mistakes, brontes moms hot by the way the bronze wife you have brought. It will rise. Mom survey yonder, I am part of her name. She has a name is brought his mom. That's your more severe, not ass, her most important job. She savannah yeah sven it good. Looking girl dont in other respects, we arrived at the park. Why? What is that clear. Now, oh my! it's so funny! Meanwhile, our jackson I don't know, I do know the contacts, but he let who says I knock it off. With all due respect? Bronze? Why? Yes, it's it's! I would not knock, I would I would his sack fly. I I hesitate to europe
reading that was that his wife savannah had a sinker ball and a fastball as a high school softball? I tell you what and you know what I was thinking of running debate- we've, whether more could put into play against an average unlikely. We dragged our top yeah hey. Why didn't? I never heard this part of it. Yeah, there's no way hey could put into play. I've only heard this already cause of her sinking. Gotta love the regard, I'm shocked to downplay savannah. He said she was all sitting down with all due respect, so context matters a context, battery weight that is rural, you'd, just be living in a world. Where mark jackson said on national tv, I will fuck lebron James
why you would have been idle. They re. I think it outlines vienna knock out the park with all the respect which, without the software context, is the forties cold war time and now it is rooted per myself in programmes There will be a nice idea, but I guess that's makes more. So would you hid sven? Would you not granite Parker you bid, it makes sense, thou art hidden where's the mound hank. We ve lost again? Ok, I would by the way march accident in japan, gandhi. I don't know they like basketball anymore. They complain nonstop. Yet I know that like sometimes it's it's good, because they're saying things at the end: doesn't want to be said, though, that but like they really jump there are times or might do these guys even want to be here. They just get frustrated with the officiating with everything they load management with the officiating with fowls winner, with like everything you get old, asked its over ass. Watching sports everybody becomes a boomer yeah. I just
I used to love those guys, and now I'm like they're just feel angry I love how mark jackson always calls jesting gandhi coach, That's. I do like that part of your life koto to life. Ok, our nights or went away and our panthers peace or one away up the penalties and that socket hockey. Ok, let's do I'd, see cool drone Don't you dare anyone tweets and you didn't talk about? Are we did yeah just talked a nice hurricane shall start we set them I don't know I mean this year. I've been watching all the sooner the it's fun to watch pathologies, but it's hard when it's three nothing and the panther like the hurricanes put they. They played a very good game of an ancient just one nothing. Yet whose cable or fire wall Bob he what is lacking is sixty seven sakes
so he's lumber they hold on fire. I think you might have been her friend pompous net might have somebody else on the desk when it went to overturn the other night. They said it was stars knights and they said you can have. You can have a night with no stars. and there are some stars- we're gonna win. That's just not true. You can have a night, no stars easily, but you can't have we have you live in a city with air pollution, air! Yes, you can it you can they met? The other thing, which is you can't have stars with no night work tackle not. I saw your sons, a star fog Would it not have his eyes? And here he is, is made us all a little bit hot. You got your honor. hot in here yet is takes her heart, Ok, let's do party cool throne is brought to you by ourselves again, the bar, so sport stores full awesome. Stuff, though, make your dad feel young in cool are merged for fun,
today, is incredibly got all new pardon my take stuff out for fathers day dad rope hats polo quarters. If the best tasting, coffee, so blue coffee. We have called out now so tough, Dad march for fathers day, dates coming up, make sure your dad some cool this fathers day get em parmiter, rope hat and maybe some sobol coffee book shop now at the store. at barstool sports dot, com shop, now stored up arsenal sports not come stored up. First Worse, I can't go, get your dad some special hank classical too oh. This is because so hang my heartsease wee wee wee wee recorded every queues noon and hague said to us is like we doing how ciccu thrown relax I'll have anything, and in the back of my head. I was like we're gonna flash for twelve hours and he'll still have ok what's wrong.
Ah my nobody really have any there's pants, ok, good, its get, not out of sorts, again: other odds they, I guess there. yeah then, I guess all say this way. My cool throne is is me because I'm a mature looking gentleman, I tweeted in and said rob not my twenties couple weeks, I'll be thirty, so this summit we learn tonight was the game of my twenties. Put a decade on the wine? the borderline, overwhelming response of people saying I thought you were already way older than thirty you're. Just think someone could look at as an insult. I look at as a compliment because I'm a mature older. That's also internet age, like people I have known you for eleven years now, it's ten years while yet yet
in its bit, but I'm saying like they ve known, you watched you for the ten years as well as a really long time, yet so cool throw me right now we re strategy is or ten year anniversary menu What's a ten year anniversary gift jacon, you look it up the traditional one. Then I tried dinah lives of diamonds yeah I was hoping began, aroused them when I visited lane this time time line timeline does matter. you and written about it. You ve talked about it. I fucked up ten or aluminum gifts Of course. The strength and longevity hank actually just got this for you, it's the pardon my take cousy or six or assets. I know so. You get me, I got you a attend is part of his pocket. I lost it. jackie, I'm actual, not army, okay, so good, hace, cool throne.
Like you re job hang up. Really don't want you to ever sleep again, it was like I'd say it's just like this is like the Dwight schrute, where it gets concussed episode yeah. I said I don't want you to go back to just regular dwight. I love the tank you're fading yeah. Did you drive today? as you say, or for supplying the wheel that god, okay, we got early data, we do you're, not gonna, make it where you going to morrow morning. We gonna shoot she. What of it? we're gonna videos at a golf course, hake, so I'll just say it: it's got. It's gonna come out soon. As its forty give away. And I ordered a shoe. The golf course duties. I literally need to shoot. One shot piety and hank keeps in planning this he's like yeah, we'll play like three or four holes, I'm like no. I need to take one shot. I'm going to take one shot
in the congo and work evella, you know, show business. It's like you, gotta take more than this. The hawks outwards like will do three world like now One shot is all I need hang needs to take zero shot himself. Zeros he's your take shots, good During a playful nine, now I'll, tell you this gulf, that it's it's heavy and important seo yeah more than this. I don't give a fuck how about golfing? Oh, gun we're gonna carry school up again. You thought about it. The second. My hot seat is the europa conference final and soccer. Because knows he's gone, that's right, bitch, This is because no nosey, now nosey, is the west him fan that actors My final match it was against, are easy.
All Kumar revenge or the ultra zella bigtime hooligans, After the game was over, the ultra tried to storm the west, him up and family section in the stands and this one big british unit, this absolute lad stood. On the stairs like you is that the three hundred at thermopylae bridge fighting them all off punching these guys in the face. Keeping this is probably like. Twenty four thirty guys. How do spell smell nosey? His name is kristen but the calm nosey, which is a perfect name, form ok, k in o l, l, this can you? It was just up their swinging punching deeds in the face. knock em, all back there. With viral west him might my club they reach. to whom they bottom tickets, final match. Next month. They're sitting. There is like an official fan represented. This dude is awesome, but I'm That, if you look deep enough and all these internet history, I'm guessing you might
something that I don't know. I don't know about that, but I know how stories. Go jack, Pritchett, nausea in the moment. Okay, so I such nosey me. I want to watch the video and the first video the pop them was so nosey. Didn't do actually do anything. Just got it attard haters, a video of I think, nosey getting his it's a bad angle. Look at the other one! It's it's! The best angle causes. well from above, look at the other one though okay you'll see nosey just defending his defending walk, got it and he's a fucking last out that one bummed me out, because it was just an older guy, getting fucking worked yeah even if he did just get worked, he stopped his body on the line and protected everybody else that was at the stand. Yeah shut out knows: ok, shadow knows in absolute lad, ok and then my cool throne is thursday night football ratings because the Unifil announced that their flexing weeks, twelve through eighteen, thursday night football
thirteen through seventeen. I read twelve to eighteen, Jake's right probable ethic. There's a thursday game. We gaiety or whatever jake sorry it was mine too dude knows he's getting his thirteen through seventeen ne can watch. You can watch the good angling in a picture to is gonna watch the other guy because he fought forty guy, I find the one I'm going to wait, I'm going to wait to find the good video. I don't know where the other angle is that shows nosy like protecting as you search nosy on twitter. It looks like the the fake news has gotten a hold of the nosy story. No, no! No! Oh yeah! I see in the other goal which is kind of burying obviate. Did a good job. Nosey beat the fuck out it's hard to erase where I saw first noses so weeks, thirteen through seventeen or now eligible to be flexed on thursday football they're gonna if teams a minimum of twenty eight days notice before the decision is made. That feels like
lot of guessing to be like a one month from now. This game will be better than the game that we have in its place. So ones eligible reflects dallas at seattle, pittsburgh, new england, Saint Francis at seattle, the rams. At the saints and browns at the jets. So at least one of those will be flax? My favorite argument when this this came up was the football like what I say, one thing: the fans and are planning their schedule to go to away games like yeah. Ok, I there's probably a couple hundred that we're gonna go to a late weights in thirteen I came away, but how many millions of people are gonna watch the game on t v and we might get better football yeah. So that's that's what you feel bad. You probably won't, but also they're telling you right now don't plan to go to that game. So my idea for announcing nfl schedules in in a perfect world just for tv purposes, if there were no fans in the stands, would be Sunday night.
after the afternoon slate before the night game starts on football. I'd america at that point they announced what does elections with the games next week or daddy? And if you like, guess what you have something to watch that show for cause, there's nothing worse. If you lose on sunday, you avoid light shows yet like it like the plague yeah, but if you watch that for the selection for the the schedule unveiling for the next week. I loved- oh, my god, thou be sober. So awesome. I predict right now, ram sense, lacks. What is it? You? Have your cowboy see dallas at seattle? I could see the cowboys sucking this year. I hope so does not feel like they do that yeah, hey can have it all be here where's that new england don't keep that one. Forty there's at the seahawks I can also see the seahawks sucking this year, and then the browns at the jets they're gonna want put roger on primetime.
my hot seat, similar football is the dogs to make roster, because it change a kick off will again fair catches, which cultural body has I'm fine with care? yeah the bombers that we're not gonna see any returns at all. Yeah then we will see some still because if a kick it like the ten, they might return and gradually phasing out the girl yet, which is it does so Little bit, but I also in already have the college so. I m always like of the belief that, if its, if it's a rule that have as a college football, they make the nfl I'm ok because my brain was already split halfway downwards. Like you know, you college football game and there was a first couple years were happening. Why they fear catching my boy, suggested you know when they the kick off. I will know: what's going on we're always going to have the quarter rel patterson return of the sky, cam yeah! That's really when kickoffs, that was the last great kickoff that we got to see, yeah the risk and ah puch kicking it to twenty and they're going to cover and there's going to fair catch.
Forward. If they missed the pooch kick exact and then they get to return. It can be squib kicks. The return of the squib is an art in that Ah, ok and my culture on is corral anthony. We alluded to it, but he retired legendary career linking our party mellow three times gold medal winner, yet american hero People are dying, maybe retires number for the nuggets. He does where the same numbers yoke ich someone had the good I on twitter vicious make fifteen the best. It's player, yeah, it's like number. Ten in soccer right exactly, I do think he might get retired. I I wouldn't be shocked. The knicks retire, his number they might because what a you're, like the second round once more, he was the best nix memories in the past thirty years. These pick the knicks, though over cause the member after the lab bosh wade summer and everything will melt.
Want to be with the next. He wanted to be with the next. He pick the necks tat was they are coming home or two about that video. I think there's like this one, what people pick in the next! You know what usa basketball should retire his number. How about this? I maybe they won't. I just know that knicks fans do love melo. He picked them yeah he's your diary numbers for four winners, not like nice you're- like, oh god, surges retired I wanted a championship, he won a championship, but yeah melo was he. I I actually think that like turbulence who, with numbers, are tired. You, I note your religion was like really good for a month Chris. What about him? They love crystals yeah, but he then at a very early in the play, Austria and it They were doing second round I that whenever a map taxes
you know what hanks right. It would be weird if the next retired his number, I I'm not basing it on what he did, I'm saying because he picked them and no one's picked. The next acme trophies oak. Okay, I wouldn't be shocked. Maybe I'm way off. They love now I'll, be Actually they are saying it's off. Ok now what and next year, if say, the lakers low posts season, policies. Noise turn down the stretch another body. The miss injury, can the phone get mellow their necks mel is gonna, be body people a lifetime, fitness, that's what I'm. In four yes, he should still for asian play as much basketball. You play more basketball except just casually at the gym pick Ok, I'm just going off of a treat from mba central. Should the knicks retire carmelo entities number most people are saying: no ok, so they got no. I will
change my take? No, no gag really picked him. I just think these to have a special place in their heart, because picking when no one picked woody, whereon, usa, basketball. I don't know price. I think money once carmona anthony yours, by phone number. Seventy should regard also fifteen competent anti. Ok, That also goes we're tired maybe the coolest thing you could say about someone: he was walking bucket, that's whatever almost say and I also saw video today that may be. very sad and feel very old. It was some guy and instagram talking in a u team and they're asking him who melo is, and they all were just saying la mobile yeah and that hurt neto said They should know better as bad parents and stay mellow. Ok, billy How to use italians turns
there was recently a crisis meeting in italy because the price of past has been too high, so they had a pasta meeting. I like the sound of it, This meeting in ITALY our light since past me, I know I just think it's hilarious guys. I stated the past You got a positive from having passed right Passed a rebellion with pink! Why you eating yourself. what about yourself just looked over And your gnawing on your on the inside of your finger. Have a little bit of his skin for hours in which golf. are you trying to bite off your tat through you? I mean carbon turned the kick off things. I wasn't trying to be contentious but like kick off like your best chicago player of the last forty years as a cricketer. I I agree, I'm not saying I, but they found out the kicker,
the pretty dangerous our football. The last forever slide into I feel like we're on the other side of the delirious mountain. We call me out, they aren't just walked. Looked over you're going like this work weird. you know where you are your hands. Are beer hands off your early on evaluating the ability? As I saw a man who is again like our people, how yeah yeah what I want? the good argonauts he built a guy, the plethora of cool drone jets out lazard had to leave osiers and aaron rodgers. They both their hurt. turns out Allen. Lazard just got hit in the nuts rogers, I think, was tried. except time off to chill gotta around.
School so, and I thought he had a calf injured, yeah we like worthless, worry and then we're not worried. Yeah you're stress worried now not were hit and your little calf, yeah mozilla, everyone thought lose. I got seriously injured, but they didn't say that he came back practice, but they are like carried off it is, I just got hidden. The nuts Gardens sprinkle got it. Ok,. go. How to conquer my hot see my hotheads birds. Ok, there There is a bird sitting in the field of the guardians and it got hit a nod and there was some pitcher was warming up in the outfield drill a bird with curveball killed the bird to two days ago. Yeah, so not great ah of the sky, horses of course, and we should apply based licking what the animal theme I call thrown. Squirrels,
squirrel whirl was running along with wall of yankee stadium, the railway squirrel and off. We now have a thicket illustrates why it's a bad look for new york sports fans. terrified of the square I retire summer, yeah Jeffrey marwood and snatch that squirrel is alone crushed into death like this. oh yeah, they were scared, terrified of asthma, gassing with fad jaws or on the floor. The squirrel slow motion running on the wall is short reports and he. and he goes okay, good good call off before we do Jimmy Teatro, wait, hey Hank has a point to make important facts now this is actually just a fun fun. Little stat or the celtics had a outing at top golf after their afternoon, film session Maybe other whacking golf balls help relieve the stress cats to fund fact. That is, it is a fact.
fun fact: I'm in top golf is fun. Do you have any last words? Hank is what we're going to say goodbye to this version of hank. I assume you're going to sleep at some point, but this guy, yep so maybe say goodbye to the to the aid of. U else we don't know one will see to leave. Thank you. I, what save us on a night I'll be right out monday? Oh you, How can a sleep now on sunday on purpose there smarten, for what, if there's no game, there will be a game there will be just guaranteed. Games began to get around this game ended. You like will see him on the night the aims. Seven is guaranteed henry lock. What right now the fog it be at his shitting himself? I well pit in us Second, I saw two years. I will sit myself if this attitude winner of ok yeah. I do I do it is a bet that will make me no friends ill. Just make me hope.
Ten percent richer. It's called math hank, it's cold compounds interest investing in your future, don't laid out. I already went out. You don't have to go ahead, cannot do it nowadays. I was thinking sir Pitt pity apart blood you can't among pickle. You can't bite me like I'm your hand, we got nothing yeah okay, he's reached is takes empty right. You could buy him. Hank won't bite me you ok, I was kicked yourselves Jimmy teach row at dinner. Ricardo, both in person or no jimmy vigilance, zoom din ricardo in person in an ethic use, great effort use after that gonna get to our good friend Jimmy. Take your own. A second before we do is brought to you by the league, let talk about the newest league that you guys need to join no not an mba bracket and not fancy football, its updating dating called the league
sign for busy career oriented people define their other half many athletes especially those making hook a career out of it. Have the passion and work ethic that the legal for in their users, but you don't have to be from now, like school, rich or yo. So what your passions, business, music or sports. If you value your time few to settle and want to find out in a partner than the league is for you speak of the leagues user base, they boast a sixty forty girl, guy ratio straight out look that much better odds you're compared to the mainstream apps, where you're lucky? If there's thirty percent women alone there are you having? I find that fine hank on the league do some scouting get out there. Thanks got great combine numbers How are you? How would you measure two and a half ago yeah, I'm dating profile, six one and a half easy and clear blue. Is that a supporter per a supportive partner is the best career accelerator that there is so when you're ready to find your special someone pick a partner who will challenge you to swing, for the fences were going to get hanky hank,
connect with that special somebody league, because you, my friend arc rear oriented professional you base We see oh this company, I'm sure you for another. Like minded woman out there, that will have shared. Same drive and ambition that you have facts were to find her download the league from the abstract today and message: your concierge hashtag, m t and skip the weight about that good to the front line. So all you have to do if you're, looking for your hank or, if you're, looking for your henrietta download the league on the aps today and message that concierge hashtag p empty and you can skip the weight and now here's jimmy. a true Ok, we now welcome on, are very good friend, recurring guest. hollywood star Jimmy a true now europe would star Jimmy looks so that what is life like now that you are a hollywood star. If has changed,
the hardest thing about being a hollywood star has been just completely replace in my friend group with with more. star power No, I'm not I'm not really that good friends with all these new friends, but their better yeah, they're, cooler, friends. I know it is still necessary to adjust The friends and family closest to me but I'd like to support. It appears that Paul, the hollywood there's you now yeah. That's it happens, so you are with us, because the machine is coming out this weekend, you play a young burke crusher. Our friend perks, sure? So, let's talk about the movie first, what, when you who signed up for this? So your point burke, closures in the movie: it's his life, it's his story. Did he
you now and he was like this is what you have liked is how cool you have to act like you. You need to look like this. You do this because it's my life. He'll be always know, he didn't even do that even a little bit like. I think I would have liked him to do a little bit, but he just fully trusted. I guess every part of the process, so now you do that, for you tell me anything that I should be doing or like mannerisms, rising, but it was a little weird being on said. With a guy that your plane While he is there Could you just like I'm tired like you like I'd like a little, my my lower live like my wits were more like? It is and I use it. But I think this is to look like you, slavery.
Yeah did you have to do? Did you have to put on wait for the role No, I I actually please do not ask the directive So! I'm not going away get big. Jesus, just so you know it's mine. You're like a college version of birth sign of taking it loaded actually put on anyway? yet I was I was. I was unwilling to do that. oh really, so we I mean it going forward because you are a big hollywood actor. You won't do even the other way like christian bail on the machine. Machinist, like you, do that. Well, I'm not. Not down to do it I'm not going to do a wound, plane crash you know. There was a raw where I was like these guys. You now you got it
big forward. I would I wish I could probably do it, but to play Yom kippur initiate the way you do you like the road, the right one yeah I mean to go method. Acting for bert would actually be pretty easy. You just yet you get it all the time why go on every party asked in america on a point of view, dominant Nonsense, because, You know. We have sat there in serbia drinking. The whole time albert I definitely there was a blind to do the movie with burt and definitely why I would call a bad influence great way it seems like because always seems like he's. Having the best time ever. created like such a fine and answer. That was just so no one was stretched out
no, you can't is in a position where he sets the town like a girdle leader, the movie, it's kind of your job to set the town he's just so friendly personal boy might just fine that it has created a really did. My answer- and he just right on one So what are we doing? Outed? What's the new what was it like in serbia? How are the serbian people serbia was interesting. You know The people were nice it was like a very interesting place. I love going to place like one of the good things about this job is, I did you go to places? It probably would never otherwise go on and so I got this thing like two months in serbia just being immersed in that, sir, in the culture, seeing both sides of Nikola jokic everywhere you go.
is that why you don't like it? That much is because it reminds you too much of yogurt you knew we're gonna get here in time resigned. Why do you not believe we're gonna get here? It's actually credit to us to get almost ten minutes in the interview without talking about how washed your king looks ah the franchise really. But this as this is coming out when tomorrow, either windsor friday, so we'll be over. So So by the time he comes out The labors there will be three one. Braun. again. Last night or the night before I forget, which one Eighty really came through and we need. I mean be honest. You thought that this year with special, you thought that after beat the warriors it's like this team and they looked really good day. They ever since trade deadline. They look really good.
and now they're just flaming out spectacular fashion. The indies tunnel rig the games for lakers and they're not good enough to win Where are you at with the future, because again, bronchial can old yeah. You know It's tough! It's been a top three games it. Been frustrating because it felt like every game. We had so many opportunities to women and we just kept over and over again I still think there's a chance right now these that wishful thinking, but I think anyone's anyone do it it's squad. I all season every game. I think you and watched I've been like it this clear defence. We'd be good. First half
neither team play device during the regular season we'd be winning second, comes along. We can do not play defence, voting placed events. We live so. It seemed ass if it might be a pretty straightforward, Solution and I don't know I just don't know, what's been going on these last three days, I thought we were good on a good roll, there now. Yeah, it's tough! It's tough, it is starting to feel like the nuggets are made looking a little too good, not now Would you if, if you do under get, swept or even say it's for one. Would that be so bad that you then leubronn below kogi inure, all time lakers. I know right now. You ve brought above Toby. How would that shake out? Yes no
He got Leubronn pull this off me way to make lakers category, for now I mean don't put him above tat. We saw Oh, why spicy now? Could you consider the seas and be a moral victory? The city is. This is a moral victory dimension that you got all the way to the western conference finals. Nobody thought that was going to happen like good job. excuse me. I think it is. I think the only. I don't think it's a bad result. we if we even, don't make a miraculous come back and when does not exist in setting out the result, I still think it's impressive. But that's loser talk
great connection. Religious, that's loser is not a failure. The season yeah failure. This is the once proud, los angeles. Lakers way we got swept the western converts. That's it success to what the title when the bronze forty five no, that was just me, recording giannis yeah, it would be great of the lakers hung a banner that said western conference. Final ou won a game. Maybe I look but the shit out of upon it just one. it is there the? complaining about the falconer forever. I've heard time with you it was a little butter that be more willing to include in my top lakers category, but watch yet yeah, often
Reeves is definitely in their, though our guys, the best. Austin is I swear to god. We fuckin tradeoff off reefs, I'm going be so a star, we leave us in greece? He's he is, is a glue gaia. Are you at the point in your a list celebrity life that you get free courts. I too so lakers like have you been ice? We ve been shown on the jumbotron right. Is that the official made it in a moment? had not been shown jumbotron boy. It's fine ass? I did actually market down court side It's a game tonight which I'm with regard to the ice. And just simply not no way, and it was it wasn't going to work, but that was bored bored invited me to come with them and I learned how to sing. Oh.
I'm still an uncle merged together? If you lose it's your fault, then yeah. I could It can make a difference. That's true We'll have to think about about ports. I see it. Is you actually can kind of make a difference my red nose, my friend It is like right in front of them ass? They were issued breeders alike Do you not see you can you can the impact on the game? You stand up and screams and shit when I read those like the one hundred percent So it is my pleasure, but no one could no one on the cord is like that lakers gains. A joint they're just stages people are trying to look so cool on the floor. not a thing could really create a lot of chaos if they just brought a whistle into an mba again, if you're so coordinated, and you have a whistle you can. Actually you can stop the team from one is coming down in there's like thirty seconds left there,
get their last shot off. You blow the whistle yea get kicked out, but that's a defensive stop. you don't you get one you get a blow the whistle one time for you to accede. To really be strategic about about. Wind blew yang affair break our game. Serbia, it's a home game, there two minutes left you get you to bring that whistler. You gotta be waiting for just the right time. You could actually when a championship routine. While this is but you did it, you blew whistle you get that for a wife for promptly via, but you get a championship like this is this is sacrifice that you would make one or it could totally back, in like they could call attention. Fell on the fence. That can happen, I'm pretty sure they can do that, which would be now I think, like you know you ve seen times when, like fans gotten unruly in the coach, has come out and like to give a warning. It happens in college bass, but where the, like a warning to the students. action
Maybe they would be. I gather that fan me What you do is you, where the other from other teams colors and then you blow the whistle and then just basque confusion, false flag. You get, you could actually win to technical fouls it's for your own tv. Don't do not work, The deal for years Maybe now that I say that some someone who was still the idea, but two seats. Right next to the lakers or where you literally like it's like lakers lakers workers, when I get that sea by that see our figure out why europe, one you're wearing that and I want to get the warm ups- the jersey and just on the floor, just attending employed the team joining the huddles. You know, just trying to get my head in there, I love that idea. I've actually had the idea of not for basketball, but for college football. If you
this put on a pair khakis, a team. polo there's like too people on the sidelines, could easily just run out there and just be like yeah he's one of the you know. Grad assistants like no one knows who he is. It would work. I don't remember Why is this so many guises, Norway, the coachman and all those names yeah, facts hanging out, so on the on the transfer, but always work. exactly so you knew although the new were cool yeah, look at these plays a got drawn up, since we last had what a few many times spot. the first one. We had you own. It was like right before everything's taken offered you. Ah, what is dumb question, but I'm just curious. Like the last five years your life as it ben like holy shit. I can't leave all the things I wanted have are now putting home economics? You been in a couple, time movies like it's, it's happening,
happening in front of our eyes. I definitely feel grateful for. we're on our but the united states. It weird like from my perspective, did you seemed like I've just been slowly, crews, in making progress and making progress. It hasn't seen bikers been like a significant. Might you know Jump at any point it just seemed like. I, like others grinding, working hard and like it's cool, it's cool, to see things to happen, but from my perspective just the mother, slow and steady grind here. Have you have you had? Have you had people? in the socks asked, but like fancy, youtube back into davy. Unlike our dude, you sold out
first, it was you guys were you did. good, No, it's honestly pretty cool, like a lot of my fence for youtube, will come up to me on the street and just be like hey man the crime I didn't call me the day it was like dude I've been watching you since I was six. I was like yeah how old are you? Ninety Well yeah. I guess. I guess the knife, the night works, but that you know what you were six yeah his brain has been moulded by you. Yeah where were you pig, is watching those sections where flat brim had the my child. That's all
we actually had we had Andrews home on the show and he was It is about his can begin the scenes warehouse is being offered to home economics job if you turn it down. and then he said he d m due and was ike. Where he put, it was very funny. Was I try to talk you out of it? Not talk you're out of it, because I think you, he wanted a gig. I think you said like jimmy you this this, I don't know. Say that this spot is beneath you, but you have unlimited potential and it would be the worst thing if you, if you turn this down. Let me have this And then you go you big star. Actually live. So cool about it and he was literally the worst person. I call him for I was trying to figure out by showing up and I knew that she had done like a network show. please also what you gotta make his own stuff, so I called him to be right. There is one night,
opinion on on you know your experience doing in a network tedious shop, and he was right before discussing further. I gotta just be honest with you. then told that if you turn it down. They can offer it to me and I would love to do. It we said, the legislator, conversation about about? You know Are we talk about the whole day but really funny like the one that I called frame. I use? Unlike should I do this or not was like me, don't do it aren't going to do it and I want to do yeah so did you or did you take like? Was there a little bit of guilt when you said I'm going to do it I there was a little bit cause I was like. I could feel that he really wanted to do a multitude of lights. so the young mothers,
the amount is there waiting. I did. I did decided here. Do that's quaid, super happy boy. That's funny. I hate Israel, Rosa Simi valley? Are we getting another season, I do have on sunday. I can't I can't it's unofficial right now, but there is I will have some official update, next, like cop woman. Something else something is common. It is it's crazy, because when we first interviewed you we were in l, a and hank our producer was like. I think you guys got to interview Jimmy teacher. We have. We admitted it we we didn't really know you, you didn't know us and then, since that moment, like wheelbarrows, seamy values like maybe my favorite show, and so and I know you ve you're, going for the cycle. you're, trying to get it on the fifth different streaming platform.
Yeah I want. I need another season like it is such a four. it's one of those shows that you watching your like. How is if not the most popular show, because it so that funny? I know There's been a lot of Frustration with here, what's it called the people that are in the position to make more happened down there with you We finally found a way to the more. I think that as much as I can say, it's been it's been a journey, but we do have just like such a great idea for higher bring the thing to a close. the it was like so much left to do. on the other, I'm very excited, and I will live, will be the
want to know when I'm allowed to actually say with what it is. I like that an ad hoc will be like what like eighty five years old in this last season. It would be great He will be very old matt definitely zander at this point. yeah yeah. I don't get away better hawks hot, Story is a big part of of We're going I can't wait. That's gonna be awesome which what's next for you are you have you reach a point where you're here Ex superhero like marvel movie calls are gonna, be a big actions are next. I'm still waiting on my on my superior role. That is why I think that is one excuse to get really good shape. And realistically, if I don't go by the action or superhero role, I'm really
I'm not gonna. Be that discipline. All all exhibit some discipline, but I'm not gonna go all the way. Unless I like really need it, Saunders way, no, my call you know to be urged to bin something had of superior universe. That's all that's all I want Ok, Would you rather be in like the word nine, or would you there be in fast and furious fourteen woe. Well, obviously because I feel like christened worthy such a perfect or that anyone who comes after him is just gonna get, endlessly shit on the vast fortune. I thank you. getting fastened furious. They could get you in good shape. For that too, In fact, you get more. You get work. These moments. yeah, no good. Will you heard is dramatically the camera slides in some some shit, like daddy's guy
The work They didn't want the audition I just want my dramatic turn moment. She turned over his shoulder and decision warning shit. we could you are, who you are you willing to get on the gear for one rolls roles country is the secret of hollywood just get on a shitload of steroids. I don't know I had a bad answer jimmy in the guise of pigs are watching. You know that the eggs of all these major groups. companies, they all aid up. U else there like up so jimmy change. Your won't get fat, he won't do steroids I will do anything: okay, okay, good good. maybe maybe share them with us? unless you guys I slipped them under the table with war
was beyond our honour. Hence, pike osteologist, all looking fucking massive, tat s why the instagram, like adds blake ten tricks, Jimmy teacher used to be in fast and furious. Fourteen, and it's like all these ridiculous doubts in really the bits will ya gotta steroids. Yeah, it's like me. Nine of them think that have nothing to do with actually getting jack dislike every like. These routine podcast, guys guys, like success? Wake up call plunge back an affirmation do five thousand push, and am I When are you making? money you're not ready one dinner bringing any kind of income I the goals, talk to my wife. That wouldn't be a business.
Privileges, journaling cold, plunge called brew, steroids and then finally, the donor this is mark wahlberg secret, forgetting in shape will, besides, like waking up to thirty in the morning, every day or whatever, when he plays gough he's sprints from shot the shot Oh yeah, you please speak up, like you heard a shot and then run up to his neck shot and then hit that one here, belie the more I think about. This might just be a big lie, but- and he also has somebody else, dr his clubs around form so he's gary sown bag. He just are hitting shots and running up to the next one. Imagine how much it would start to play with them. Yet only bad wouldn't be fast Wait: gas coffers like to be a game that you get away and like relax, and he just how fast can I do this?
like starting again. Shades spread on the walls were meaning, more closely that's pretty budget go where they work. I will Jimmy has been awesome. I have one last question: robot question r h, o b, a c k, dot com use code, take for twenty percent off your first purchase, cusack polos these jogger shorts, everything rollback outcome use from could take. Ok, the machine out this weekend. Ah, what what is like. Are you gonna go see it? You see movies. At your end, you watch the movie urine. I watch him a lot of people. What others do like a lot of people are uncomfortable, we're going in seeing their birthday. I didn't tell but I see a lot of when I go and watch stuff. I learned a lot about self and my own performance. I also just enjoy see it with her with a group of people and ask you in there
reaction, If you can either when you watch a movie or eat with people you can kind of, like I can see things new performance where you go, I'm not going I'm gonna, be ireland or that work. Almost like watching game film yeah. that's gotta, be a weird like out of body experience of what you were. You actually go to a movie theater. That will be crazy. That's honestly it's when at the premier in stocking this year. That's it's more like. Oh, this is doing it when you, in the movie the trailer for your movie beforehand. You got you're there to see something else and all of a sudden, your faces on the street we went on the summit was what you wanted. You jumpsuit, but to see Finally, right there, it was the signal I'm running you go first I was so tempted to just tap on
I know that one, you wasn't really wasn't it I'll, tell her that I say You do behind the scenes dvd commentary for us sound that he's watching us. What movie? What movie dat you ve been in, has been the best movie to watch and what movie has been the worst. but balloon has worst and. The movie that's been abash work is honestly This movie with war quantity, two jump street. My favorite movie that I've that that watch like I would recommend watching twenty have jump done objective one. This movie- I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it. I knew he's gonna be funny really funding on paper. It's so
it's like a really big fun action, comedy that they, but I want to see more movies like this, so it sir, allow for everyone to see I'm excited for you guys to seattle. I think you'll really enjoy it. So yeah I say the word is better than I thought it was going to be That's that's like when people say see me in public in their like: oh you're, not as bad as I thought you were. no you're, actually you're you're you're, just that jacked yeah yeah. I do have a pose that I can like pop some muscles. It's just when I do it. Like. I need to sit down and and take a breather for my ten minutes after, but I got it, I have it, I can flex it the director of this movie puritans yeah, he Like really took. Great was great like the way they turn the story The writer can build a really good job of that, but what year was able to do
but he just really elevated the to to like a level that wasn't really you didn't furiously. On the page and see it and I'm like oh fuck, you need this letter. It feels like she looked up. Massive, like that. I like it. Say to watch it and arm. I do want to say, like I can tell by conversation that you actually think the lakers are gonna come back. I'm gonna tell you right now. They are not so be the first to just. Let you down as easy as possible. It's over You might want a game. It's over I just I don't know there's no way to know for sure. All we know right now at the point canal, is that the layers of the their come act is currently one in three. and we don't know what's going to happen after this, you know, but things are looking good on that last game. I really like it's going to be a nice sweep, you know them Its have never had a Even the history there franchise so elites your party,
it's: what of the history? They ve never swept a team in history, the franchise. Well, so, why are they ever been in the conference finals? They have rising up because I was in the bubble, which we also agreed didn't happen. Yeah, so you memory hold it. That's another thing that we always I disagreed on Aren't you the same fourteen to win the bubble? Yes, yeah, So this one camps the bubble didn't but Have you come off? who stands on the bubble? Not out of none another. Is that if we do not when the series it just proves that this is the team that would have won in the bubble if there had been fans and the bubbles yeah. Okay, yeah and then in the eastern conference you know we can. We can flip the eastern conference. Just further proves the heat were the our team, even though the bubbled and cap killed you open the obviously what we did.
Yeah. So if that works, for you guys roll with it, but, like I said I know right now, is that it's one three and you will see what happens and game six. wait for this sweet that happened. You just oh man, We're going could that clip the up. We look. What a great actor Jimmy Tito see was convinced himself to believe or in order the oars Jimmy teacher losing his mind and just not Acting reality, We have multiple ways to spend this We're gonna have a whole lot of a whole section of clips. I'll. Choose your own adventure. Jimmy, I'm a teacher, his loss reality. I man, Well, thank you. As always, we love, haven't you. Aren't we love your part of the show and hopefully we'll see soon yeah. I was you guys.
I met, will let you know next somewhere in california, hell yeah! oh also. No, what we'll see you when the real boroughs news comes out yet and we want a cameo You can have your game now. I actually have does in another. with that. I will not so We will talk more about that deal you're in July. So out of him or were moving to chicago. So then you'll come eat cs in chicago, just take a flight from new york chicago, you're moving to chicago yeah, we're we're we're open a big warehouse that you'll have to come and show us your skills, because we have a whole basketball court. A pervert he added Yes, maybe we'll do like a bubble championship there we all know who's gonna bark Titus, who is gonna, be moving sky was well played, ohio state, so thou be perfect. Let's say
Are we want the cameos, though we I want to be in real breast, even if I'm just like a due to escape park, any just like have the freeze it and be like we without pay tea and big cat tat thou. Make my world okay, its doable. It's ok, the eyes and take you jimmy you're. The best siege emulate Jimmy trot was brought to you by pardon me. Cheesesteak stake. That's right. We crush import. My cheese steaks live on this from there were delicious by the way: either Japan Chicken she's take another we have had to put lay yet the regular she steak buffalo cheese stake there, all good and if you're, tired of sad, limp and flavourless cheese takes, you should be craving something that will make your taste buds. Would join happiness, will look no further, my friend, because parma cheese take us here to save the day or stakes are made with the finest ingredients. Don't take it fort or satisfy customers rave about the delicious menu items of the brownie bites to I fries rise. Somehow stay nice and crispy
From the delivery process, what are you waiting for? Order now expect The taste sensation than his part. Much at stake. You won't regret it. Unless you're on a diet our delivery. Only restaurant created by part my take part gas enjoyed logistics and loaded fries from the com. Of your very own home there. Also in stadiums look for them around the country there in baseball stadiums, college football stadiums, part my chest, available now at part. My chief staked out com can also uber eats grubhub and doordash and now yours, Daniel Ricardo, another something completely different. the k. We now welcome on very special guess: recurring. Guess. Third time on is Dana Ricardo. We're here in miami F, one for oh great, to meet you in person We interviewed your teammates. They were saying that you ve been lifting a lot and your your. look Jack Can I see real quick? You have already jack
So you just do the? U only do the biceps, yeah just every morning before breakfast, just just pump out ten kills yeah the girls yeah. So the big question I know this is has nothing to do with racing, but you went to the met gala and we still don't know. what happens to make our? Can you tell us what happens in the mech alex's like every year we see all these famous people dress up. Then they go building and we don't hear anything else. So can you tell us what happens in the mecca? Yes, like this pretty basement down its will, firstly, good to see in the flash yes, this is this is real school yeah he's a beautiful as well in person thing I use, I say tat regime. That is, I think, that our arms, all. Hookers use a huge fifty. I think he dodged the mecca crushingly question, something out. I guess I got to be so,
it's some, no it's kind of because well, I think that's why it's got a nice is there's no like meteor in there you know take photos and staff and mostly like you not bringing a plus one. So you kind of force to light mingle in and just talk to people, especially in my world like there's, not much people in there that I know of come across before so I really enjoy like cottages making new friends so to speak, so it was fun. So what happens? You kind of everyone's kind of standing, hotels and you go in sit down at your table. People are still kind of standing move it around is not very formal like it feels for them but it's not here kind of nice, like everyone's cottages there like movement, The table saying for stable. They know it's just like a big kind of conversation. Then I'm trying to make this fuss then I'll, have it before we go on, so lives. I went on. She was awesome. Ok, lobbies romancing yet people are dancer that car like there are the type of waiting allowing actually ok
it's a big wedding for rest. Famous yeah I saw Anne Hathaway came over introduced herself she's, a massive fan of yours, yeah, that's pretty cool who's, the who's, the coolest person that you met there. That moment was pretty very funny, because, while it was cool for sure and funny cause, I was like, looking at her waiting could she was up next to like kind of do the photo thing, and then I was like I guess, go up next it's a she was there and then she kind of looks just like oh daddy ricardo, and I was like, oh that otherwise I probably would've loved to see my face was probably just like. This although I was kind of I think I've for me. Especially going there first time. Unlike you know, gonna know who I am right and then like for her call me out of all this is really attic that decision was just so. Has it been weird like having drive to survive the success of the show like have you noticed that people recognize you so much more in america now and like you're, a celebrity. America's I'd. Imagine
for the show you more anonymous. When you came the state's right, yeah like very anonymous, and now it's yeah, that's yeah, pretty much and it's funny I find new york is actually a place and probably get recognized most like around the world and maybe its causes fairly international. I dunno, but yeah, work is, is a place where I get us a lot. even there like a gala, Those people who even if they didn't know me they're. I like, I know who you are thanks, yeah, you know my name to anybody as you do shui do. That's actually a great question, so I did No because I feel like it it oh, I was, I saw trevor Noah and those actually he was really nice to me. He was like show me the ropes, so we quite a bit that not. And I did a shoe with him. on his show? The last time I was there, so
it's! Why I knew there was like some sheree relation shut out trevor trevor, yet I mean it's: it's been cool to see, f one grow here in the united states I saw I saw an interview that you did last week where you said that you, you ve, been more recently, whereas I think you said before you are a selfish driver or whatever. Don't you have to be selfish to be a driver? Is that is that kind of a trade mark of like you. If you're not selfish, when you're trying to be the fastest person on the track, then what are you doing out there right? Yes, tour wrong. I think it's and it's gonna not to take I mean there's still a selfish pado element that you need like absolutely like you can't khan rice fully selfless, you just one, you one take those it'll take the edge enjoy you can't live Maybe it's ok, yeah yeah, yeah you're, not evil. Meeting last night you shall hear gets you can't be like that, so I think you're, the the hum thing was like the last couple years were a bit more of a struggle for me for sure
and it was you know you go three whole career like I'm the best of the best and I'm invincible in this, and that an yet is obviously moments where you aren't, and I think you know I probably had more of those moments the last couple years. So that's squirrels are okay it was more distant, odo awareness as well to know that the erika this things I need to work on and if I do want to truly be cool invincible civil than these are my witnesses, and I have to address yet so in that interview to you, you talked about, maybe not our grasp like. Maybe was a mistake to leave red ball? How? How is that, like the last few years when you left and then coming back its? No, it's been a journey and it's been weird to watch the different teams itself so are like mad yourself or you just like hey. This is a learning process is what this is. What happens in sports? yeah, no matter myself. You know, I think, I'm kind of adults yeah kind of that point as well. Where I see things I feel, like everything
for reason, and I feel like these these last few years, all made me, you know it wasn't all bad like there was some good moments. Don't get me wrong, but gets kind of like it made me see things with. fr in kind of perspective made me mature, mainly appreciate things in a different way, so now going back like full circle to red bull, and even though I am not in a race said the moment it's it's like all yeah. This is this. Is the family like this is where you know I'm happy to come home to and where I feel like. I truly belong, and you know it's yeah. Like, so I don't. I don't regret it because at that time I really felt like I needed to see something else I you know not think the grass is always greener and of course you young and your hungering. You want to just go and try and take it opportunity in front of you, but but now where I'm at I'm like yeah, I'm so happy to be back. It's a cool story. I mean it's. I think everyone has those moments in life where they, you know, take a risk. Do something different and they're, like, oh, maybe was better so right now, you're, the third
I. What does that look like dated to week to week like what is? Are you doing the same rapid them? Are you like doing this schedules them yet, so I'm like preparing, although meals in the hope that one of them is slightly tarnished, Are we actually know like? I am enjoying this like a little bit of time off for now and the hunger is still there, but I'm like I'm ok with whether he is out and having this time often yes watching the races. I do feel a bit like ants in the adrenaline spiked, but on mom you kind of just happy being lets a patient. But yeah I'm doing my all like the the meetings in that and I'm don't simulator when I'm back in the uk, with it with the team, so like stay sharp enough, but still giving myself some time off to yeah. Just a recent myself. You gotta realized, like we are the biggest backup quarterback fans in the world like we think that is the dream job in any in any sport, like all sports being the back of course.
so, like maybe stupid, because you officer more competitive than we are and like you have the inner drive but seems like sweet gig like I'd. Take that gig. It is out there doing more than hang out but backup court like too, we have a chaste, Daniel backup, quarterback and mercury is thrown like I don't know, maybe like two underpasses and he's made like fifty million dollars in linked, would like fifteen years YAP repeated nice. So it's my might be and how to Daniel. I know you want to get back in there. I know you want to get back in there and I want to see you back in there, but it seems like it might not be the worst year plan absolutely like. I, when I when it was like. I knew kind of deep down that I need this year off, and I needed to see step away from the sport a little bit moments last year, like icon kind of keep going through this and and dumb year like so, it was very risky in terms a lot of yours as if, if your movie so from the sport, then you'll never come back
like it such a risk. No many drivers have kind of how does about equal. ever come back, but I knew that it was like just for me, the best thing and already phil kind glider like fresher, I feel, like re energised. I don't know think as well. You never. I never would have given myself this perspective to see kind of from this angle with this time, So I know that if I get back in the car, like oh yeah like why was doing it? That way like? I would do this and even just like maybe it's the people around me yet do that and to cut these things out, focus on this area so like just with Why? The season is you just don't get the luxury of tat really how that evaluation yeah so deep down inside you. Probably you still feel like you're the best driver in the world right there. there is certainly a very big pardon me which still feels that bought I know that, like us, of holding myself, and this I d like to keep that fly. There is, like I said,
prove that to myself like, I believe it, but I want to go out there and prove it and to myself, so I'm not gonna go and like blow my horn and make too much noise for now but yeah. I feel Phyllis, certainly an elm, and you tell us when you want to start your own, we'll be right now, so I hope you have you tell us like hey like maybe end of the year like yeah go time. Let's get the pr machine gone, we'll, be all hot yeah, it's kind of like a you're you're, a bills fan stefon diggs. He stayed on the field at the nfc championship game to watch this liberation said he would have that killing and sound like I want to get better. I want to remember this feeling so that I won't even What's it like work hard on the off season, overcome everything every time. You see somebody on the podium. That's honoured That's not you you're! Probably thinking like yeah. That's coming me as coming. We wonder yet, as is honest not like what you said. There is very, very iq, like a lot of us. I think think like that, and you can have want to put your
vienna in a bit of luck. painful situation yet that drive and dumb I I've met stiff at the guy or as well, and he was called which I did a bit and I think he's the racists we own eyes. Yes, you went to a bills, game issue, right yeah, which I still haven't been to buffalo gate onwards, which I went met life our thousand early next year, so best runs josh on were best runs the josh on. So we thought it out We do want asthma, gall comical willie on a phone. How do we go about rare He does I fifteen million dollars a year Really that it acts or friendship little, but yes, You can actually ask him that'd be like are. When are you going to pay the guys, the fifteen million dollars, let me say if he picks up yeah telephone, so we saved your speaks out.
Yeah? He'll? Probably pick up for me. It's a facetime as well yeah, okay, well, you'll, probably pick up for me, but probably not you. Let me do. Hopefully he picks up for you alright. Well, this this week, Josh Alan or are friends, here, man there's a lot of pressure on you. I know he loves the guys. It is a lot of pressure on you come on. I think he's going to pick up come on Josh. We're good order, When they got home rule we go we're gonna, call nor come on you, address. Yeah there is that the question. Josh there are you better friends of Daniel Carter with us rick. Hang you that's because you over fifty million dollars you owe them a lot of money, apparently how to what's going on allegedly
What did we have to teach? I don't think it's alleged mean, did yeah, I mean you know you can like hell tank and rang or see about the fight by like rang or theatre now you keep your happy. I'm ok alright, so you'd need us to just say that. Okay, alright, alright, also put you on the small side. I go to the eyes so yeah your hair is blue full by, I would say that to josh your beautiful he's going is going thinking, personalities, beautiful josh, but in an artist gorgeous. I think you guys, I think he's got better than I do I don't act, drawing back how else elsewhere delight a what of dog, he's dead, these are the accident, the yeah. Can you may do you do an american action? We both admit so I just let me just I gotta get the sahara. We both like
very comfortable, saying like where each other's man crush, Oh it's think hard, not love, joshua yeah eyes. I am speaking the three of us. I actually have a man crush on him when he would, he felt easier. Aids will just be like well. Look at him. Look at him running. Are people these majestic, so tat all jumping over people think he'd each. We we call it I dont, have you ever played like like madden or video games like football, the against what we called smashing all the buttons we're like Toby who plays where just smash all the buttons and it will work like words. What is he doing up it? We worked out It's like a spin move into a hurdle, eighteen, seventy ladder and la yell at once, yet its electrified two large national, but you gotta get to buffalo. Yes, so that's an essay the beauty of this year and having now this time off is, unlike got bucket list that I'm taken off, and that is one thing I like. If I don't get to buffalo this year,
cause. If I'm on the grid again next year, I could be, it could be five more years down the track. Yeah. I don't know why I am so we'll go. Haven't you yeah you're? Always you? Yes, because I remember you guys, I think said you like. When I go we're gonna get yes, we'll get pinto rounded to score. Will squirt catch upon him and everything out of you ever seen that put the whole video the bill. Mafia wait. What its delegates incredible pinto iran is a guy, a bills fan he before every gaming he gets a hand to hamburger. Bonds stands underneath a van and then like we ve done it before, like five people, just squirt catch up and mustard all over him. It's what yeah he just feels like an obscene yeah, you gotta, you gotta gotta, do that with penn so, and so we would be the yeah we squirted olika yeah and they they they had this station. Where you take bowling balls and you fill the bowling balls with liquor and then you a shot. born. I think that's how lying out it like the single hulls yea. It sounded gross colonel awesome, yet it is evil they use went on. It was actually buff.
Alright. So we have a present for you. I know you have got a rungs. You've got a busy schedule. I wish I could talk longer. So you are nice enough. You did send us a party shirt. It was, Michael. I was not. It was like us act like a cocktail hour. I know about it, so I wonder why didn't want to have an acre? Oh, I got, I would to us, we are not alone yeah. We should do party shoots out of your party shirt I think that is a pretty sure. Partnership his interest interesting is this. I feel that this is a long sleeved number. It is yet you prefer shortly, I do know is party showed if it's a long, slow, we yeah with, could sleaze off is this? Why am I wear a party shirt right now? What's oh, because it's not you, don't have buttons all the way down. That's more of like you're going gulf in that shit, okay, yeah! Alright! It's I love the! What
called agenda. They go swimming. I am telling you to know that those who cause I? U yours, Australia, what is it is a pink spider, doesn't kill it. I cannot deny that everything's wider too. I feel like this is said. The old, where the wedding all ass, a good heart of certain large on our agenda, is better than the party sure you gave us I would say we both need to do some work. Yeah. I think I think you went to kohl's and you bought like a fifteen dollar shirt off the rack. It was like a urban outfitters, I'm going to give you guys a real story, key real of anxious nice one. africa, who I can I not said that before, but I really need to live up to my word. Nights shows, as fifteen million you support each year,. One of you could you could swat to Josh. We give us apart. Assure you, give us fifteen million. That's how you guys settlement. I will be there
components. Are we going to buffalo whence we know the schedule what's going on with aid they release schedule next week, yet they didn't have monitoring at least four. That's got her release last really, the wings. Everything will do it all pain. What Well I'll call you drink and out of the bowling ball. I know that I think they do like it's like a cherry liquor that that they poured for you. Oh so it's a whole station. I don't think you can make demands drink what they put an end. They were were for we love buffalo to the point like we ve actually the joke year. Eat like you. Did you watch the pablo escobar show on netflix Maybe I'm titles one year either way he like when, when all hell broke loose and he's like I'm going back to like home and like everyone will protect me there, we always made the joke like shit, it's a family, just moved buffalo and like the people buffalo will protect us from everyone else. That's that's buffalo salesmen! Earlier the apple yeah we're going to do it alone. I will good luck. Rest of the season. Thank you.
snow when we need to start blinder london yeah we're gonna hit the day. I ricardo barber yeah he's back and he's gonna win them all. So sign em, you just let us know we're on it. Gonna be even more jacked by that point, healthy, ass, strong and you get to jack for race, carlo problem. Why you have it? I know they will still pretty like us. I will thank you so much may agree to see in person like eyes name more beautiful thanks thanks man Daniel card was broadly by hymns and hers spring is here and without warm weather. It's time you deserve to look and feel your best. All the time thanks friends over hymns men now have simpler, more affordable access to prescriptions products and medical advice that they need with hems, you access, personalized treatments that suit your needs. With process that hundred percent on no co pay, no insurance, I'd, say goodbye to awkward in person appointments and that you visits struggling with edi, No, that you're not alone hymns,
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wrap up with some f a q's hank yo, hey dad cat tarpey of tea in no golfing hague. False my washes aping this by the way before, fix he game for vos, so the sell this one. So this one easy game, your twenty easy gave up. As my gave up my twenties, which decade my twice, ok, join! My roar ass wanted us three weeks. Slimy less than a week are no less than three weeks. You don't know when you put the moving Well, but, like you know, moving sometimes it gets, it gets the memories go on it. You get like a weird, weird kind of like yeah. You think Were these invades actually julius stout check it out, like dame obama, a moment of my thirties, and then I realized, I had never loved a bad as much as I loved the celtic tonight social. tat when I wrote me yeah hague, I'm I'm rooting for you, you wanna. Why,
I think you be much much funnier. If you lost the gulf that, after going down three one, then if you just get totally swept yeah. I think if you lose year. minus sign, maniac parlay. You should out even know what you should have. I like that name for its investment egg. I'm gonna eleven percent back returned and hang out daily to watch. It waits insane. I know there's nothing think about that. That is a right as jailing. I'm writing with Jake. I put ten thousand dollars on the panthers to close it out on the peace, go, peas and the big parlay that, with the heat closing it out at some point against celtics As long as they went to search both they're gonna win, throwing away at the door, you gonna go run back to solve that. Maybe you got there. What and whether it's too much because ten thousand dollars and losing their yeah maybe I could sell the hair for ten thousand dollars to a rich cancer patient who likewise, with being on the internet as your career, which piece of content
in the hardest to explain to your family, friends and loved ones, saw a video of big cat kissing a dude in the lips, and can only imagine that conversation with the in laws thanks yeah, a few, but the others pissing. My pants is a bunch to choose from pissing my pants deftly up there. My wife isn't a huge fan whenever I take off my shirt and that's just kind of just which fan and me take off my shirt on camera. Does she like try to avoid it, but then still sees? I told you, I don't love it when you take off your shirt and I'm like well, I told you this is my job she's like fair to their commands? He's probably just like I don't want you put the goods out, there are other peoples, not just for me. It's. It is a beacon for women to start enow flocking towards me whenever they see my large nip. Yeah. I would say, probably the time I from the time I m dark eyed horse shit on camera. That was that was a tough went to explain away. Not doing this. I'm doing this statistically. This was
this is a bit. I was eating horse shit as a joke yeah, but I kind of had to do it. When you explained to somebody the reason why you ate horse shit with so capitals could win the stanley cup and then it happened takes a luminous thing ever that that visual still gonna be out there for the most say, families very, very supportive, because you can't do this job without that I have my own goals are in laws. I get your things are more like, like I saw it like that. I saw you pass your pay and say what was that about year. They ecologists expected at this point that I would say there is definitely a part of me. knows that I've talked about safe drug use and That will make it a little difficult. When I have a conversation with my children, gazelle be like a big, don't do drugs like what about time. You said that you like mushrooms, coping. We notice a bike thought that was old guy yeah, it was a bit, don't worry about it as a deep, fake yeah, maybe I'll just like fake an injury and be like yeah all those drugs. That's why you're dead?
walk. The thing is I'm pretty sure that if we're too Parents are parents, laugh at the stupid stuff. You guys, like my parents, would laugh the suits of you guys did on camera. Your pair It probably wouldn't like watching the stupid stuff, but they'll laugh at the stuff that we did. That was just as bad. It's just like seeing your own flesh and blood. Do it they're very supportive, oh yeah, mike direct family support. When I got arrested, thou is like every family party for four years is like. Do you arrested like yeah too complex What was that about the indian explosion? The empty amazing was tough to explain the hired hard time without yet the progress of saint. Like that, it's just, listen! It's it's you! really can't do this job unless you have very support a great support system- and I think my supports us- My was eating the hot dogs with no hands. Oh yeah yeah! That's my bill. I didn't duty and one is dead. Calm get near the go deep into its hanging. You know I had eight minutes to make my time
its core easier and a lot of explaining to do there. Although, since shake talk, their lorries we definitely need much arms around another has never been more upset with anyone other than yeah. That's, ok, ok I'll! Take it you're! The re entry did not go great. I'll say that when I doesn't usually doesn't usually technology doesn't usually like shall send in the conduct of like yeah yeah. That's not great yeah, when, when I said a couple weeks ago that I was gonna have a baby after what is more? I got a couple from people that are usually I'll get tax from asking me What was going on with that? That was that was difficult to explain here I will have it
yeah there's a hard and fast no tattoos and no motorcycles rule my family good thing, you've, never gotten a tattoo! Ny got one on the bar, my flow yeah yeah. You called me and said you have to reimburse me. I was like yeah. Why? No tattoos? It's just the thing! I dunno was. I did feel bad you possibly as tattoos animal recycle now just People have died, a motorcycle. I feel bad for billion that moment, because he was Very mad put he called me and was like you have to pay for the tattoo removal, and I was like I literally had nothing to do with this. It was like a totally separate piece of content. You just call me want to bet, but yeah it we rubbed off right, yeah, I'd I'd. I took a sandpaper. And I just scrubbed it off, because if they, if they say no, it was on the bottom is for if any of them saw that side of you I'd be disowned out. I know she's like one of those thanks for having a tattoo on the bottom of your foot. It's just! I dunno! Ok, What about you hang is everything.
You ve done on camera that your family's been like. What's going over this yeah, why? I'm trying to cut your cut your finger over the drone counterfeiting. The drone that actually is what my mom started. in one day like shops, I don't think she was the biggest fan of dave early on, especially with how you're kind of mean he was to me, like she shit like that, but he like took me hospital and I look out maybe after that was like got like he was super helpful. Here's. A here's, one that will probably start conversations, but Tell her. I had a really bad thought. When I got home last night, intrusive, intrusive thought, Pierre tee. The bears and commanders play weak five thousand I for poyser too. We should make an attachment. The top is, it will be the dumbest game ever to have a tattoo bet it. Why would you have? I would like my way so that out loud for the irish I'm on a hot, no ideal conversations that happened worked here will table or table it put. I wish I mean.
What happened was going home and I was just laughing to myself being like because tat you that's kind of they reach peak when fancy football got big like fifteen years ago, puts just we like. Why do you have that too? tat you it's like! Well, the like! six and eleven bears lost to the fire. In twelve washington commanders a week, five, twenty twenty three season, The dumbest reason to get a tattoo will table I'm in uk. I mean I'm at yoga. We should also we should. We should make shirts for going into it like the like. The inaugural pmt will have a pissed off major today facing off against a giant. Bear yes, hubby, sir! Yes touch touch, wet for weak five. Thirteen april yeah just means more it pretty good, I don't want to read and you guys parade, but I'll say this question cod foreshadowing for that tattoo. That hate me cat p of tea. Mr title town and hanks dad Jake.
yeah. How is your guys fantasy baseball? We go, questions were, were we're get closer? Every day that we wake up, we are one day closer to doing the draft. I I have to admit I miss playing fantasy baseball Well, I'm a little bit bitter that the league hasn't started. We're going to start. I should be knuckles deep and fast we're going to start now, we're going to start it within the next forma if it does, and start by the ostler break. starting my only so we had idea and people can tell us that your sound off in the comments- let us know week of July, for We will have a new dungeon drags episode. Would people be upset if we just had an entire podcast. That was just us doing our draft sound off in the comments, because I think that's what we should do. all star break, we're still literally have dealing with it.
Spectrum taken, this guy, might trout and then looked ip if the europe, yet oh visuals yeah, we should we should do it with no reminders whatsoever of which players have been drafted and just see if we can fill out a fancy ross or just by naming current play would be one of the worst episodes river tom. But I kind of a kind of like the idea. sound off in the comments sound off in the comments, because that would be a horrible ot terrible, but it would get good cause. It's so bad and I think it's like if you're in a spot, you know God willing here just gettin chip is having a great time for the job. We give your sit in that office somewhere, like yeah, and why do I regard with rattle baseball, dr? Yet exactly just be saying names here to our direct, probably longer actually, some fellows. How did Brooks kept koepka get into the bleak of the year running? Oh good,
And so the first time we interviewed brooks, it was right before you played it, Beth page right, yes for the for the: u s open yet which he won, t J toy nineteen fifty eight, when I think they inject vehicle weight. Thank you had even cooler very cool cattle own journey added to endow reversal, girls donating who got alibis may have done it there, but now it was. got. It was interviewed him for the buffet point. Nineteen, oh shit, you should get answers, have aren't you jaws Jake issues So we interviewed brooks, and we were talking about his his mentality for golf. and he was just saying that he got blacks out between holes. What like eight and fifteen Yeah plays, and Chill and so in the interview began, I looked at each other big echoes, I think, he's a blake, I think discuss a blow.
and so we just start caught him blake from that point on, and his name is close enough and he just has Yea just chill dude like the epitome. blake split, creditably portals or two foods that are professional athletes and millions and millions of dollars and are better at their job than like. Ninety nine point nine percent of the world there also just regular dude that are also to be around here. That's the definition of a blake and in looks was socio. last night, the peace game yeah just hang out to spin relax like a blake hyper chill. It was insanely chose colombian night yeah, just not blinking. That's how chile was This actually another foreshadow question. This is now some crazy f accuse sup, father, three at pee of tea. Hag Billy jake and max vic, have you had any idea? Oh my god max back me. A few seconds they have. His fast
yeah that's right! Now. It's fast loves game changer. Have you had any ideas for the show motors docks that you would be. Awesome does not have herpes, do not murder dogs but ended up being a complete. Flock will say it again Have you had any ideas for the show that you thought would be awesome but being a complete flop yards first idea for the show where we decided that we play air horns and between segments and limit interviews too for good minutes anti, but in the morning and tape it in the morning at last a week we interviewed Chris long. We didn't ask him. A single question are saturday shows were well your salary. Let's get weird that was we realise hey, we already talked a lot. We don't really need to just add a saturday show that was thousands idea, yeah they've also gone yeah. We do have to get him back on, but yeah, I would say the the the first iteration of the show where we decided we are going to tape at like eight in the morning. And yet I was stupid.
I was very soon give us I'll, put my hand up and say that I believe is my dna definitely advocated for doing the blake of the year. Lottery ball idea now get out of the one that was now is a dumb one, really bad yeah us also really like. I was like out o b so long. It will be funny and it actually was beyond pain. Encouraging billy to do his kubi bracket every year, ass. She loved, Yeah no fuckin. Last year, a crash, it highlights, love the cubey brok. I wish we could take a do every day. If you don't love the cubey bracket, then you should not be listing the shell. I loved the jubilee bracket, yeah. I think that's the others. Probably the majority jake what why you say something bad about part. My take The worst idea with her head. I didn't know you guys did saturday morning shows it was like two or I was so scared of us because it also it was back when we were just starting and it would fuck up our download numbers to cause he'll, be like a minus
that up. You could have we got up just to get us not to do it, but yeah that was There is one word like you know. We don't need to do this four times a week. We talk a lot. We talk so to eight hours every single year because, like well core Friday afternoon, doesn't know yeah yeah I those seedlings a vacation hanging there. also this and it fighting, because yell at all in doing the show I feel very similar to how I do in summer toy sixteen where it's gotta one summer in front of us, and then it's going to be an unbelievable new opportunity in which kind of grant oh yeah, I'm so excited like just The change of scenery getting into new studio new office, like everything, has me popped up. I can't life is like, but. There are still some sign gaston. haven't I summer, then we'll go on it, sixteen. It was. It was a movie You really want to sixteen different changed. Every summer did change every billy smiling, because this thing
our job. Both your world order is thinking. Donald trump, Jonathan, arabic wrestling pokemon go at it, yeah, ok, what lottery ball numbers? How where are rejected? We have someone who can build this machine that I have looked through the cars I have it in my head and it's enorme yeah and it's cool yeah. wanted to come out of the out of the floor. don't be so says. What did we had to come out of that? That was it would be set out will be so there's no way that nobody would. It would only talking just sick, a trap, door and austin powers. They got out. That's all. It says one number you're talking about like an air pressure machine that goes underneath the flag, the as it comes out, smoke billows I'll yeah on its augmenting or than big. Yet we like have like the undertaker, come up pretty much. Every single episode, yeah. Also, congratulations to max better late than never. Yet that was you have the lottery banana gotten it already. Yes,
sorry! It's only until deserve yea suppliers that year job yet It was such a sad thing to join me yeah, not here long, you want, if you're, not if you're, not saying the number in this room, I don't count it okay, I can't I can't I got it. I wake them is a dead man. is beaten, hank, the yes side with me max beaten eggs has the lottery ball for three months, but he has, but he has ah ok, numbers twentysomethings Susan. five will go. Twenty nine we won't where's memes means is out this week, so he would guess two jan one will give him one. Has he got it? He has never gotten to twenty. What was your gesink twenty nine eighteen,
was your guest beauty, fifty five for winning my game, I'm giving my decade the I like a game of my decade, not the decorate your decades is the world's decade starts. Seventy five rose decade starts at different times. There was no year zero. Seventy five vince wilfork love, guess the time
The dingo is a unique australian species dog. That's not a wild stiff.
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Transcript generated on 2024-01-05.