« Pardon My Take

Fantasy Football Preview With Jerry O’Connell, Russ Gets Paid + Mt Rushmore Of Worst Public Transportation People

2022-09-01 | 🔗

Russ got paid and College Football is back (00:02:29-00:07:48). Awesome night in sports Wednesday between Trumpets and Serena (00:07:48-00:21:43). Mt Rushmore of worst people on public transportation (00:21:43-00:44:16) . Jerry O’Connell joins the show to break down the team he drafted for us and goes through the whole league on who to draft (00:44:16-01:36:42). We finish with Fyre Fest of the week (01:36:42-01:54:28).

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey pardon my take listeners. You can find every episode on apple, podcast, spotify or youtube primary. can listen ad free on amazon music, see the beekeepers, starring jason state them state them stars is a highly trained acts. Operative of her secret programme called the beekeepers when he discovers that a powerful organization is exploiting society's most vulnerable and hard working people state them season unrelenting vengeance to end the corruption when is identical is discovered. The stakes become higher than ever from David air director of suicide squad. In fury see the beekeeper only theatres, friday tickets at the beekeeper dot movie three two one on today's pardon. My take our favour. Guess, harry o connell back for an extended family football preview, he drafted our team again this year. He then go
through the league on who you shouldn't and shit. draft. He has a poem for Billy. Just an increase we'll time with J o c, russia, Wilson got paid serene Everyone's gone crazy for serena. We have, rushmore of worse people on public transportation and then we'll wrap up with fire as into the long weekend last weekend a summer forget about the noise and pressure around fitness at new year's. I use a peloton bike. I'm getting back on my bike in the new year going to get back in shape, but guess what you shouldn't feel any pressure to have your body ready in three weeks to process you Fine join the process. The best way to do that is with palatine this new year tons, making it easier to get started with up to six hundred dollars off palatine bike purchases and two months free membership shopping. On new year's offer at one palatine dot com. Slash deals, that's one the dot com, slash deals terms apply The
and the violence none I know how my trade, by. welcome to part of my take by hooters go to hooters dot com, slash forbore, to learn more the best place to watch football all season. Long today is fry a september seconds. and Russell Wilson has been paid. His crew It is unlimited. It is quite right way to do it,
I was thinking about a cause. You got paid. What would the final numbers? It was some seven years, I think pretty much I feel that the seahawks were never going to give him. The broncos did give that's why I wanted the trade route so that he could take another big dip, so he's going to get paid until he's like forty years old. I think jizo. If you look at the per year numbers on him, aaron rodgers number one. Fifty point: two million Russell wilson number, two kyler Murray, then dijon, then Patrick So as first reported on board. My take. I think today that Patrick Mahomet signed a contract. He's going to regret that contract in like three years yeah and also you had. I wonder if Russell Wilson, because you know Russell wilson, let's just say it- he likes the limelight. He likes people talking about Russell Wilson. That's why he came back like four weeks too early with his thumb injury last year, and he does the you know: simulated games, the cameras right in front of next level, mental reps next level mental reps do apart from this little pissed, that than the men. it got announced ever was like Lamar. Ok get so much money. Yet
The second he got to the run off friend on that one and that's what it used to be all the time. Whenever quarterback we get paid, it would always be like how much is aaron rodgers gonna get paid. Now if that over two Lamar jacksnipe errand got his contract. So Lamar I guess he wants a lot of money guaranteed. Obviously he does, but I think both you're kind of far away on that one and now people. upset at Russell Wilson. For now, getting a guaranteed contract like to show watson got because everybody was saying what she wants to get his it's like Ok, that reset the market. Now every quarterbacks contract is gonna, be guaranteed, turns dad every team is the cleveland brown right when it comes to giving out contract right. So he gets a hundred and sixty five million guaranteed five. Extension worth to forty five hundred sixty five million guarantee who figure out how many turtle next that would buy em at the gap. That is insane how many like god how many bottles of nato bubbles he's yeah he's here,
paid paid paid, is he's truly looking out for his family's future. Yes, ass there it is he hee yeah, I was. I was a little upset, though, because he is mr unlimited. He should have just gotten infinity. Contract for an affinity years now exists and then then, like imagine, if after her report Russell wilson signs infinity contract for infinity years and then it's all of the it's like well, it's actually a hundred. de million over five years, but there's bonuses to get to infinity yeah buddy. I I actually wouldn't rule that out for us are like it escalates after he turns forty every year after he turns forty. He gets fifty dollars per year for infinity years, yes, but but progress can cut him out of it at any time and again they could cut me. I mean he should have thought outside the box. I, so football is very much back week. One college football. We are going to recap everything so next week, because monday's labour day. We're gonna show tuesday, wednesday friday.
on tuesday- shall we will recap all the college. Football also have a college football friend on got to decide who I bet you don't want. I must say we we haven't talked to foreign alien, a long time for now he's going to come on you, okay, without hank like easter, show oh yeah, what we should have we should have fanelli. Do Hanks my rushmore pecks yeah. Oh, he should team with you. That's all milk is to choose. Everybody thinks almost should anyone that only the finale of mount rushmore, this great too, because I haven't texted tom and aegis gonna listeners be like ok, I'm in for tuesday, but would you have done? you're a brawl tonight, we're gonna be great there. So many good games also special shot out because the part Jeez stake truck is gonna, be live ads? You owe em a texas rocker? b, c b. Why U s f and the big one. No raymond ohio state Saturday night so check out the part might cheese
truck can choose the we know we launched in the summer, but let's be honest when it's, when it's hot, it's a little, it's a little bit harder to harder to grasp. It fall football cheese, steaks, great, drunk food and it's perfect. Did you see? Keith onslow was given the hype up speech. He at the pep rallies. It's so funny to watch. Keith onslow was be like fuck West Virginia is he's like the ultimate calibre right and is also I'm a little nervous about this game tonight, just because they haven't had this game, since two thousand eleven I like we're. Gonna get maybe like this is the perfect storm fur fan fighting stance, oh yeah, there we haven't seen. You know like we haven't seen was radiant pit for so long. We gotta get all of our rage out. We're gonna just very drunk, I think, people probably drunk as we're taking this at noon. ITALY at the great gates, west virginia yet Mister J west Virginia has been pre gaming for this game. For the last one, eleven years. Yes, that's what they ve been getting ready for. Yes, I I
don't know much about either one of these two teams. Besides, no I've read a couple of the previous that they put out there. Big pine you gonna gay. I scan those the pay ones, as are tough, does it pits of red? Oh ok, I think right. I guess we're gonna where's your pits gonna, and cover. So I guess what One of us will look stupid great. Which is no different than any shall yet well go to the heart of my take your first time were wrong. yeah. I saw that I also saw the twitter edit botanist coming I'd. I don't like this no idea. I hate this. I think that everyone's take should stay forever. Oh your mistakes, the right, although what you can do is if you have like a really bad take, that's getting ratios I would like just be able to change it to give the edges people replying to give afterwards and just really confused people. The I so there's that there's rules that are put in place. I saw that their it's gonna be thirty minutes that you can edit it and then, if you edit it, you tweet
like underneath shows this has been added, so you can then click on it. so essentially when they actually role this out. My first Just could be like the bears or back the bears are not back. The bears were, and you can just click and see how many innovations I've done. Does it show you all the edit history bananas? Yes, ok, so dis information, sorry billy won't be we'll be gone on one so that the beauty of twitter, though, is that it doesn't have an added button right. You only people that complain about edit buttons or big jays, and they should be making a mistake in the first. Was there actually, the ones who should be held most accountable for two that they do need at right. Eye The idea of an added button come back. Ilan, dude eli come on get back in, save us, don't do the air button, Don't you know what he wants it. Here's a perfect one, a perfect example, because I know that jake, what were you he's? Gonna want us to talk about serene ass this from eva wallace last night after serene a one. Serena Williams, says tiger. Woods is one of the main reasons she still playing. He was like ok we can do this together. Woods was
her box tonight. it should not be edited. It's not. That should not be edited for three fucking. A man should not be able to be edited. That should not be able to be edited. I will never edit a tweet. No, I don't care really, no, no promise. I I will, I will without doubt will not. Anyway, we all do lately. You'll know. All of us will eventually do it. You you will at one point in harare, are so here's my thing. I was a joke or career exactly I will. I will at some point added tweets to be funny I will not added tweets because I have made a mistake corrects which I never do on twitter, corrupt or because I want to change to take corrective takes that takes as they are, will stand forever. Those might well be written in blood or com. cover of metallic is load album, but as far as changing something after the fact make myself look better, not gonna and a half. I might change it to make myself look worse yet know all the time allotted enormous state yeah. There
I actually want. I want serena goes epic. It was which helps out of an underdog wish it. I don't know the last two hundred ok, so I was wanting look. I there is something very cool about an athlete with their career. Having that one last stand and mean tiger at the masters was incredible story: endings aren't that yeah they are, aren't they. What in April, there was a storybook ending right? Oh yeah, coach k, object, yeah now true that didn't work out, you're right, but It's called a watch. These last stands. I also like it was that big of an upset she's still Serena Williams right, but the number two seed you expect, there's a very good chance. The run ends here yeah. I I wanted to hate it. I wanted to be like you know, just like. Oh it's only you know it's not a big upset, Serena still pretty good. Why are we freaking out about it? And then I checked the twitter timeline and you had strap chapman, and dan dockets while the ending of applauding for serene what been like this is incredible.
so even my like coal, dried troll, yeah heart had to be like. You know what, this is a good moment for yeah. No, I saw I saw it. I I tuned in for a little bit of it, and I was like this is not main tv bottom tv, no sound, but this is fucking cool this cool moment This is why we watch sports. I was just curious about the get because the gambling side of it like. I was actually the reason why I asked or looked it up was because I was going to be mad at myself if she was like plus one thousand. I didn't bet yeah cause like that. Would piss me off like how did I miss this? We also have to take into care that people are probably betting on Serena more than the underdog would be so if she was not Serena Williams, oh yeah, if she waited because she has unseated versa, where to sit in the second round is brought usually much more yeah right what it is to renew it, but it was very cool moment and it was also cool because the whole crowd, like I don't know everyone's rooting for yeah, this poor girl, a net. I dunno. If I'm pronouncing it right, a woman can't have it woman, sorry nor was ready for at one point,
She had a shot that was barely end and the crowd sort of booing serving as a life during the finger out like don't do that ground yeah. That's us also simultaneously happening when they had the timid, trumpets guy playing the trumpet in four d, as in in city, feel which I again, the trumpets are so fucking cool, but I have to be so scared if you're a mets fan, because I know but no, but if they, if they lost that game, which I think a lot of mets fans thought they were going to it's a one run game. It's like, it was kind of overblown our guy. You know we brought the guy in house, they lose that game. He blows that save like the seasons curse, but now they're going to win. They're gonna win the championship. After that I was like the mets are going to win the championship. They put their balls on the line that went where it says we're going to go. All in we're going to have the guy, I think Steve Cohen, paid for him to to stay in new york like an extra couple of days, just to do that, and we're gonna, do this live ants, it's incredible, but knowing act fact. If it doesn't work, if it blows up in her face
the entire seasons over yeah. This is going to be so that could be a disaster, were You will not even want to hear that song anymore when it comes out, but he's coming back a said that he's coming back for the playoffs good again like that I'd ask Gary die alarm. I point it's the coolest entrance right now going in sports, it is, must see, every time. It happens like all this. Is it it somehow? Doesn't it doesn't stop by cool, like I've. Seen it many times now. It is still like this is for nothin, but if timid trumpet. Guy comes out in a one run game in october and edwin dear blows the the game, the means and like the mocking, that's gonna, come back on the mets is going to be an avalanche. Yeah but like risking at all likely like going all in on this, but you're right, I gotta go in all some, I'm looking ahead and I'm seeing a future where like the second round of the playoffs, not in the in our s, they lose.
The deciding game on a tippy trumpets kit, meat to be trumpets, tipp, Timmy, tiny, telling of semi chorten up a tiny tim tim trumpets these, tommy Kennedy Tom Timmy, tenants, ramparts, tommy, twenty minutes, frothingham kennedy, tommy trumpets Tom, kennedy trumpets, if they lose the elsie s on a trip. Game that's gonna, be so fucking funny, that's that's kind of what I'm running together. I want the mets when I think that, like I, even though they are in the inner east, I'm supposed have rival would have bullshit. I don't care about that stuff. The york, met or funding through for this year correct and with a trumpet factor, I'm route for them to go as far as possible, while still admitting to myself having them losing heartbreaking fashion in the playoffs, with a lie. Tom you trumpets, perform idea would be the optimal and for their snow. The stakes could not be higher because you, if you become the darling of the sports world and everyone again,
besides, maybe braves, fans everyone's like this is pretty yankee lack, saying no, he doesn't like he fillies fan, but me fans- maybe not the nl in the eighties- think it's a very cool thing So if it comes back on em, it's gotta be mocking season, like even ever one other slight critique. I think the from pits should hit when he gets on the field Oh that's like when the drums commoner would delay eternal, assessing the trumpets, don't start until he's like already in the inter alia. It should it should. We maybe sent him a letter, yeah tweet out to see if they can change. Also isn't a song about selling sewing narcotics, not about narcos, o o. Hops. Oh it's about it! So he's a cop! Not definitely I just can't wait. I can't wait for the first person to come out with that. Take people. Should we really be promoting this, like it's we're talking about drug distribution, someone will know who is the cubs guy used to come up to I'm in love with er
the company had had? it might not have been that one. But there was a cubs guy in the two thousand and sixteen run who had like one of the most egregious sure sure retain one and that's pretty good yeah? No, I are you talking about. The warriors did the I love I'm in love with the cook on the I'll. Look it up. I think miami dolphins offensive line needs to go out into the field. To that one ivan castro, no cash a different one. He also wasn't on that team, but yeah I mean the walk up arms are cool, this room and other sports. It was seventy one of those nights. There was like sports rule because serena end that happening at the same time, like a sports vulcan roll out, though, and when people when the night like that happens and and nobody can fighting to hate on right, it's so good. yeah, it's so good, because we all that's that's what we all end up trying to do. If there's somebody hit on the internet, somebody will find the figure out a way ahead on a bed last night seemed seem
a pure night like a clean night online yeah, don't really get that there was one guy saw, one guy who was getting ratio to fucking hell. I think he was actually the the sports sports junkies in DC. He was like I just never have liked serena and then he tried to like double downs. Like I like, Michael Jordan, I like tiger woods, like DR lecter yeah, but I don't like this woman. I, like venus basic I dunno man. This is one of those nights. You just kind of keep it to yourself. Yes, it was cool surreal. I got the three yes readers, the idea to read its way. Serena was often a sore sport and very ungracious loser when she, when she's awesome. She just always rubbed me the wrong way. She's the greatest of all time, though no doubt I just never cared for her. So I said yes to save that, for that's possible ratio the year. What how many quote tweets on it right now. Sixteen fifty, which guy was it
oh yeah. That's a lot by the way denies junkie. That was one of those moments. It's like you, don't have you don't have to share that. Take yeah, it could just be. You could just be like yeah sports cool. I mean we all remember when serena threatened to hit the ball down the the line judge's throat yeah. It was kind of awesome by the way hobby buyers walked out to a song called snow. Oh yeah, yeah, okay, well hobbies just got sweat yeah. It was a great time, but it was like what this song about cope, though. Yes, let it happen. Yeah If you have you have that type of swag, like you, There are certain players and baseball it's get. They can do whatever they want. They just got swag and when I was a hobbes having been harvey like to swing it, everything may crazy, is charged steel, every base and tigers. Have him for like seven years. Three hundred fifty million I do did. You see tiger in her box more the gap like what I think, every time happy that can't be edited. That's why a lock these we need to have some little like we can't lot. We can edit do. The best part was tiger woods. Fist,
dumping, her box yeah, like the entire box. He's? U is lit, it was standing up just ripped to sell his fist. right through the box. I there could be some big names. I might be going shot up game time. Serena doubles together from law at all said earlier, the minutes all kind, mickey mouse to joke riches near women's novels, yeah geography would have won that too yeah george ray he raised. The profile of women's doubles yeah that that should be fun. I like to see joker, which is a true hero of mine, because Serena had threatened the ball person and joke which actually just smoked the ball person like he goes through with his actions yeah before we do more, rushmore is low. playing this weekend, Boston massachusetts. Yeah, I feel like live, off is now it's it's over laugh because they don't have about what they were getting on a warning they're getting most of their publicity from
pga tour right that was yelling and crying about how bad live was, but now that the PJ's and playing its don't they don't have anybody to fight and there are no up, for there were no more emperor, socket rain, they're gone up against football, and none of the tournaments matter right there like friendly stupid, friendly yoga. I guess I'm not saying like the people want their money, I'm not judging them. I'm just saying I d, live is on my calendar of this weekend of must watch you not at all runnel eight. It's funny gear gary player enter fray. Yesterday and Gary players he's getting paid by golf saudi arabia. So he is actually like himself personally, a spokesperson for the saudi arabian government. Has nothing to do with live tour He just love Saudi Arabia that much that he made a special deal with them on this it will promote our country right. Gary pleasure came out and said: I hate them tour it's bullshit they're taking these players away from the mediator. Tour. and the ruining these players great so he's here like so pro saudi arabia that he,
of hates the live tour which doesn't make any sense on. If you hear like that, but he's here packing saudi arabia. Because he's morse pro saudi arabia than they are right in its it. This is what we are finding out, though, with like the live tour, and will see where it goes, but they have to have to mean something like we said last night you know Serena again like its renewal, just playing some raw tennis tour around, like ok, cool Brazil, s open It's something that I mean something like imagine. They played it. You know there's El teams are broke off and they didn't play for the suitable. I would so watch yeah now and we definitely want that actually live If saudi Arabia really wants to do what they should, do, figure out a way to just split half of the nfl. So yet nfl football all year round, I mean you're tobin tax. I found put no but actual nfl players and have second suitable, yeah yeah. It's not take just by the highly having just like we're.
play this in the spring. Yeah agreed has any don't have to deal with. You know they're, not as good players. Ok should we do MT rushmore, we have two left mount rushmore is brought to you by our friends at paramount plus. The nfl on CBS is streaming, live on paramount, plus all season long kicking off september, eleventh watch your live, local nfl on CBS games every sunday at home your tv or any device on the go catch each holiday, match ups on thanksgiving christmas and through policies and games, including the air, the championship game. That's a big one. We are to be giving way. One code for free, paramount plus account she can along with us to on youtube. Going to put the code in so young do is go to redeem a gift card in the bottom of the paramount plus website redeem the code beyond the youtube, so go watch it and we're gonna give one away. Wouldn't do that at all times
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I got it also around here my plus kicks ass. It's got beavis and butthead yeah. That's all he needs got great stuff. He was about had maybe the best drove a great great kid shows too. I use paramount, plus all the time. Ah, okay, MT rushmore of worse people on public transportation, hank since he has gone, solo, has put back to back thirteen percent votes, consistent threats, twelve of their time and also is getting worse? Jake with such now move right there being factually correct, but completely unnecessarily bearing hank. This is the penultimate rational. Ok, penultimate route map rushmore, which you who shall we have go? First, I think maybe we ve got a deep roster yemen ever hank and maybe go hank and then jelly and then ass. If hank
bullets himself again, yeah, just yeah you give hank is as much rope as he wants and he'll just hang himself. So yeah go ahead ain't. He! I actually had someone text me. He was like who's. A friend of mine, who's listened to the show, but not super into the internet and he's like. Did he pick the terrorist organization like no It has been so there that's about the pic. Was hezbollah worse people on public transport, isis. So often I mean I mean you can make. The arguments have actually had actually goodbye. We will give that away. The person who plays music with no headphones, ok, ok, good choice. Thank you. Choice, excellent edge right now now now yeah you're, looking around to get a fifth avenue edge. I've lost my age. You dull, derive no edge left
magic, smooth tab, what's happened or boy somewhat someone someone treated me this morning, Pft. I was like when mount rushmore season's over. We stop bullying hank and I was like to be treated both of us was like no hate bullies. As yet we may I mean I don't I don't have an edge and under some exciting for football, the come back in a pause of arms and all that shit, but you guys drawing out rushmore forever. You took a bunch of dynamite and blew up last. I think that when you ve been in ridable mountain and you're going to lose the pizza toppings MAO rushmore, you bet you turn our sworn to live the lift or ok, it's just an exhibition and that's fine. I notice that you're reasons for us ruining my or have changed. No, that's all we ve, been at that and look at that. I didn't you men as very funny, very good mount rushmore yep, whatever you're it
I know it has been great. Ivy reacted with guns been from an irish. I'm happy for you guys are happy, I'm a growth, enhancing our great anchor happier than all of us are. You have been very happy and on that consumers are you happy billy, yeah, yeah billion put up to jobs in the last sixteen. Naturally, happy on the ok. I will thank anymore. It sounds like devised. Your great here are all happy thinking obtained Chris from first yeah it's not about heck. the worst people above transport. Now. That is not our pick. Ok, what is your pic without honesty, in the lack of any thick althea figure. All pretty similar yeah
Now, I'm just about heinous. Our was actually maybe figure this out before we saw recording, I'm not going to say that I'm here, I guess I'm just doing this anxious anger, cause he's losing, aren't gonna go way through and enter the disk off video to talk about it. What is it comes out? It's it's out now, if you're getting or is already, it may not be. What happy time show much worse than I remember it show by re ever soon jake at more odds than this video. If we re love, it was so great to because it was. I remember, vividly was the end of grit week in week out just like ready to go home and see my was Emily. Every last day like right before we went to the played, so everyone was so on edge and like it was like I did. I would hate him attention and I was united Yannick watching these guys until I wish I was an edge at all, but I think Jake was a little on edge. Casey
have as much water as you like animals. I broke right before he answered. Jake had had to make do playing like nine wholesome many golf with two giant water bottles, and he was stressed out about language. There are worse than stretches out about the sun. The tariffs ought to be a visa and jake. You know it. Jake is here. Is that really are a road dogged or things about road life that I think effect jake's Today, schedules more than an facts: really messy unorganized people like myself, so at the end of this he was he was on and hank knows exactly how to get under skin and also versus or get out it was great. There was. I think there was a moment where I talked to pft on the side- and I was just like these, like jake- It hasn't been on seven grit weeks. You know at the end of grit week you just gotta, just gonna shut up and go home. Yeah yeah boy, you're go right after itself Were you right where great we're happy? Now? Ok,
He recalled from your ass a second failure. I all by the way, this entire conversation, the entire time villages bidding by terrorists on his head. Why he's been mark waldron himself being like I'd taken down so fast? Ok, here pick it up. Alright, we're going to go without personal. in the phone on speaker, yeah, ok, just so unnecessary and no one cares now is our age yeah Ok, what do we want to do? I think we need to clarify what yeah: let's go. Terror he'll go tyrants attitude. We should turn our societies are the worst. I can't believe that you as anti terrorist, like do nothing worse than tat, are terrorists on a public transportation. Really bad time, just a really really bad time. ok and then our second pick will be the guy who poops you get on the train and adjust smells like shit and just like I'll fuck, you always show up. A train you, like all nice lot of secrecy jerry,
No yeah well, it can be yeah no, but we, I think we were thinking of the guy that maybe has already pooped when you get on the train, oh, that nobody got to the train after jersey journal ones at that end of the train right on your like free c, and then you get on you're like oh fuck That's why no one sitting near here, because there's poop, so yet jersey, I can't believe you taught me how terrorists yeah I mean that was a great pick by. I honestly don't think that we need to pick again terrorists and poop. How can you say like what would you say like? Oh no, this person is is listening to music too loud. Oh no. This person is trying to kill us all which ones worse. Work on music is ok there's a cabinet, we actually taking charge the next one drunk and disorderly pewter, yes, good on it, I? U pukes on the train, yup yeah, it's the causes of the poop guy yeah, you just like, while this ruins the whole train car yeah yeah good. One of you
been that guy have you given that guy those yes, those extra, no I'll job will light, I go between the cars in puking p in poop nice because I knew risk, my life, that's illegal! big laws, yeah, ok, hank yeah. You assured now I know- and I want to say something else but now mike and I wanna like go over the top well just what could be more over the greatest ah had. I was Yeah, that was pretty yeah, but it's going to look bad being the second pick that yeah yeah, true, you were in the order of crimes listening to music theory, no headphone, yeah yeah. I know that whatever by the way, can I cause we're in the true trust treatises, we are to say right after you said rabies is your pic, but I've I've caught myself
couple times not having headphones and listening liked. I don't on the train but walk down the street others have it on like a podcast on trial. Listen for a couple blogger! you, didn't, have we heard of the kind of our move? I was hung like a lot of close, but you could deadly hear it. I don't know come into after being the park asking for so long. I know that there are so many times where we say something on the show that I would not want somebody to listen to me listening to carry on speaker phone, so I did we go like right up to the very very low I have something that is probably make unlike an absolute freak? But I think about it. All the time when I'm on on public transportation. I oh and I should like, if I could, I could pick a superpower would be like the grid. upon the world, but I wish that I could nowhere Other people are listening to like it is look at the people. You want to know what is priceless yeah? What is oppressing? Listen to us that person? Let's do it be so
it will like that I've always thought, I'm always just like what is like. Are they listen to music? Listen to podcasts, like you know, size them up. I've taught her. A cool thing would be if you had that feature. If you were in a car on the highway and get to know what every other car around be cool to have on yes and then The person is not less than eight, you you'll stay away from them. Data TAT, breakers that and then we'll go with a long story. Short yeah long story, short similar vein, the person that puts their bag on an open seat next to them. Okay, okay, okay, add the next go back. Okay, thanks Jake, you guys have a pic. Should we go with like the worst person If ever there were what the hell is going to go away jobs, lousy here. Firstly, I wish I could announce it or make my bed someone who it's warm food are just me out. that's a good one. That is
good one. Ok, what Do your bite is not a bad, but he's a take the trail. The time re. That's true. your king. He's a big train guy huge is always he half of his football com would be about the seller and the gash white. I think I think for actually so was thinking more. I know It is an arrangement, but the important thing to do is well rushmore for like a month he contributed I think the guy standing or we could do. a black eye sucks to rule. it's bad. The up for bad and you know it all evans, bilateral lights will go. I so are our next week will be person who doesn't let people get off before they get on? Just doesn't just Listen to like the most basic rules of decorum, where they're just trying to shove their way on,
for everyone get off and it just Spock's up the whole flow jams. People up a grades like the traffic jam goes all the way back to the inside the I like the middle of the trail worst, No worse, I knew and everyone I think I'll go. Eight. Ok, we're. Gonna go huge by guy huge by gather standing there with his joy like that. He could be riding exact time. but instead he's choosing take up space for about sex eight other people. That could be on that. You have the means of but that is only if its crowded put him in yeah, yes is public transportation, yeah right, it's pretty much, always yeah. So if any of these you could say if it was like an empty train. No big deal yeah like if I was on an empty train with terrorists. It'd be like whoa can only kill one person. I guess I'll skip today. Yup, I'm right yeah me too, not worth his time right. So our pig so we're gonna go with a grass, if panhandler look, I like it's. Ok, if you down like, but if you
aggressive getting people's faces like almost shake shaking them down with the intimidation, yeah, that socks yeah, that dialogue. That definitely with yelling young yelling, the oven. they spend on via yes right, you get you anything opposing I didn't lived. I bought an item Step back, and I was like it's not you know it's not worth it, it's one of those moments where it's like. Oh man, I would fuck someone up and spit on me and then, when it happens, realities don't talk to any you just shock one I don't know, to do anything here, there's nothing! I can do ok, Last pick my last pick When I used to live in whims, there was always enter. It is because it along sub. right from the williamsburg stop to that and hatton so people like the entertainers, basically just get on, go to manhattan and then go back reverse because it's like a ten minute stop. You can do a kind of performance, right,
Why I dealt with is a lot in some or good. I enjoy the people that dance, even though you know they borderline. Maybe this person's persecuted kicks someone the face like be awesome. Maybe there maybe that some cool shit. It's fun if the guy that's always bouncing the hat around yeah like I have no problem with that. I enjoy it. It's a nice little mix up, you know and they work like you gotta entertainment, but by far. The worst is is a bad singer. yeah somebody comes on in there just going through the motions, they'll sing for Two seconds then walk round expecting money or they're. Just there just bad like they're. Not do yet to entertain. There is doing because they think they can entertainers about entertainers panhandle and get a little money, and it's just like its brutal yet that singers or or when their singing right next to you and you like your headphones in its eye, but you can't even hear your music there ain't block em out I agree that we had that on our list as well. I think we talked about this and show in time about power. one biggest fears. Are we end up in? a viral video awareness that that's mine. It's like.
class musician, playing the most expensive violin ever created. And people just walking past them in that pay attention, and then you end up on their inability, look what society has become. Look at all these ass and then you're, one of those guys yeah. That does I think that might have been on like irrational fears, mount rushmore yeah that that I think about constantly then yeah I'll just stop and stand there for two minutes just in case all right. So what would we miss? I, so you had pack on the sea guy, I think there's a different one. a cousin of that it's big back back I when you're standing and they don't The thing with a glutton front that sucks, dad always socks means texted case. it's guy who takes acid and starts pretending to touch people, then he then the guy he pretends to touch beats the shit out of him making a huge scene. What, it's pretty, which want to both of them? I don't I don't know. I think you have together got beat up. Yeah means yeah. We use that one. Nobody knew that one. I think that has to have been a meme,
he said it's all from personal experience. Oh ok, the person Pushes you in front of a moving train and season two of a tv show, because your dizzy politics blogs gain to close figuring out your plan to go from house whipped president, like I socks, but we sucks in real life house cards, we can't watch anymore. The guy who jumped from the tree natalie's everyone, so that happened three days in a row and the path train, guided the same guy if they are very eyes alex and when our writing is predicted, I think I think, and I ended up on the fair. Yes, some comedian had a bit are just your site. That's how cold people new yorkers like they'll, come over the overstreet over the intercom being like yes, do have an incident. Someone is you don't jump from the train and was like mom the miss my meeting get someone died, maybe if they work considerate life, yeah. we're about the guy that
that yawns really loudly. Strangely on the train, proteid yeah, the mets family? We, we don't audio their loyalty, public transportation, jerk off guy I am working off the subway. I can't like that. That's how you are going to become a new yorker is that for the first time you encounter a jerk off guy here and it doesn't phase. You know it's the is of the EU will become a new yorker until it doesn't phase the first time- and I was like woe and then there is during covert there is like a dude who preachers jerk off every day at the corner of our office, not just see him every day, but I call I was out. Do you think I was four run. This is like a year ago. I may have told you about this and I come around the corner and there's a guy that standing on the sidewalk a rough. You came round the corner, yeah billy are the cornerstone I was. I was ever jog. I was coming around the corner and this guy
looks at me answered kind of a secluded spot that his not like a super public part of the road and he looks at me- and he is the prize because I'm coming around the corner and Oh, no, because he's nothing he's starting to not just as I come around the corner- and I stop on my oh, my god, I run, and I hear his his spur hit, the cardboard box. That's in front. It was fucking disgusting. I dont. If I don't think as many years as you can live in new york that will now but no never be. Desensitized ties to hearing and other men come now defiling. I guess this would be related to the good guys vast range pda people, the address make it out in everyone's face what Three have oh, I did say yet the the big mats fan, both literally and figuratively, who just screams it everyone whenever theirs Why yeah incompetent out anyone specific, but that guy
who else we have iowa. I do love that guy the one he did the other day like he. I I just respect his like lack of of giving a fuck where delayed and it is without a cell phone screaming and like there's people like from me and Jake's distance, it was like panning around like people. Oh, it's awkward, we're all in this together, deploy your cell phone out like start talking and ranting like. Usually try and do it somewhere. Private like he does buses phone out was just like screaming. people are to stand there like allow the average like we're all just sit here, this socks, yeah body, odor guy terrible smell, person terrible. I think that was it. for our whole list Oh, the oh, the person who just doesn't know how to ride the train and doesn't hold on, and then you get a stop and they just like fucking, domino yeah strangers had ever like a bowling ball. I do that by brace my feet and I want to touch the balls
especially during codex, so you are that guy, you don't fly and you go sir hair, your subway surf, but you definitely fly sometimes. No really. I've never flown you're. Going to. U just changed herself up you announcers jake's, yourselves gonna, happen I'll, say I use have a big problem, differentiating tourist and terrorist when I was much younger age to use them in the wrong places. What why waiter Melick last month, much younger No like younger, like the words like are those tourists are terrorists. It I'd pointed out when I was young wait. Are you really bad? Are you saying you didn't know the difference between the words or you saw somebody like a tourist with a map and a camera? We liked our terrorists out mix it up cause they're kind of easy mix. Up torres terrorist. Also, I can understand, like my and is now at the stage where he's like just said. stuff out loud like you, we saw twin the other day he just like said out loud, like what are those.
You'll get it cool, so yeah We're saying billy I used to ride the bus with my grandmother, sometimes in, and there are some nuns on the bus, and she told me that there were witches ooh. That was good. That fucked me up for a few years, fuckin roald dahl's witches movie that fucked me up for a while. I watched that way too young. That's probably why I hate sister Gina shattered. I think I saw that movie when I was like seven in that movie is not for seven year olds: okay, good. Now, rushmore last one on tuesday team team, Hank Super team levity, team, hank squared with Tom, for knowing I pity you gotta quickly. Before we get to jerry, o connell yeah, incredible fancy football Forget to jail, see he's brought. You buy game time, Jake's about use game time to go to the? U s open this weekend; we ve all use game time here. Game time is a very, very easy app to use and you get the best last minute. Take it deals. You can use it for us
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Debbie elsbeth clamouring for this. It is our good good friend, jerry, o connell josie J, o c for our vanity football punctually national be technically are in need of you. Well I mean, I know that a double hulls clamouring for it, but I am clamoring for yourself actually I was shocked to hear how many people are basing its summit. It's a joke, because, I have no authority in the fantasy purple isles, at all like these people. If you listen to these podcast these people, numbers in everything and understand about the fences and offences and contract negotiations and whether lamar jack, where marge action is in his negotiations and all that sort of stuff. But I have no
have a degree, and yet you have strong opinion tomorrow in the thing is. I saw somebody tweet this the other day. I m excited to hear why Thirty players should be eligible to be drafted in fancy football because you hate so many team. Yet what sixteen teams are we not drafting anyone from will? Actually You have a lot of bum I do have a lot of negativity toward a majority. I believe that a correct and just comes from experience of being, let down here four year, ah in fantasy papa you know. I have said this on your show four and I'll say it again. The last time I won fantasy football Eric Anderson, braylon edwards, maurice jones drew were I orders, and so that was before. a lot of your listen, but I think that very reliable they don't even nobody wants fancy for want of nobody actually winds in this sport because I never went either but fellas tell us. We
really good dry yeah. I gotta say that she Jim column draft. They were really drafting. You know they were just They were just drafting whatever the website was saying. Oh, this is the next valuable player, but I I have spent fell thousands of dollars on programmes and sites and I've done research. and I was picking the most perfect picks for you and your family see league last night. I really listen. You doing. I really invested not only a lot of my time but a lot of my money and I really had to sift through when you're good. Help from fantasy sites, some of them. You know I just click on all them. I get a little tipsy at night and, unlike all this looks good and you'll click on it and you'll give them your credit card, which is just as it should such a mistake, because it's like it's like joint,
like a vitamin like a vitamin like programme where keep charging you for vitamins, and you, like literally, have to like get a lawyer to get them to yeah yeah. You could just say only comes. We know that you signed up for only bands and then you just always every day when they're, like hey, look at these new pictures and ears like I hated it. It's ok, we'll itches difficulty. because I am not going to mention any specific sites which you mentioned. That site like your family, then, and see on your credit card bill, what you're paying for and then its brought up in front of your children, and it just becomes yeah, the thing you know, there'll be a very embarrassing for it to be read aloud in a court of law if it ever comes to that situation. Where it's like seventeen different sides are recorded. It's more like it's more like therapy. Europe is slick, YAP lights The that's like embarrassing when there's evidence when there's evidence like you have to be careful, this paper trills, but you know
we won a joint work fantasy, like guidance site, and I could just tell they were like from Chechnya, unlike if they were like. Yes, you will draft norman, when your legal- ninety ninety two year so jerry species quarterback for your team We need social security in europe. to see league and date of birth mothers made. There is only one person that we have been asked to be the general manager diverting we try to do last year. I sent you a wild, goose chase for doubt around. I apologise for that. One of those, debacle. You spent probably hours at a computer waiting to get the right information. I can get it to buzz manner.
I go to a fedex office and die. It was a major star punched in the way that itself and some people recording me and saying. Look at this. Look at this unhealthy person going gray, you end up on tmz somebody taking a cell phone video, jerry o'connell breaks the fedex office clean open because he's straight. I can't log into his fancy draft, but we should say jerry: This is a real week! So silly. The coms league, where everyone here in this room and in part mighty groom, we're paying real money and twenty five hundred bucks real money, you're, our general manager. So You! We have no idea who you drafted, one we go down. The list. Ok, give us! You drafted Tell us your reasoning behind it, and then we can. We can do some big picture stuff for the people at all If you have an affront to you, know you're going to break the news to us, we haven't checked it. So I dunno, if you know any of the other players in the league, but the ones that you might know Julius Randle, isn't that league and then turtle, jerry for as long as well.
First of all, those guys phone three, I will let you break. It was because I dont I have no idea who you drafted. I'm just excited, as you were last night. This is like unveiling it to me. Alright. Here we go My teens name is jerry's kids. With job whales who may or may not remember that was. They were special needs. Children is isn't that was oh, it's a joke! I've heard, a lot that is adjacent huskies No! That was, I know no, no! No! No! No! No! No! I just no doubt the nurse now or something ok. I just want to make sure. So. With my first pick last night I took the dairy Henry now I had a choice between. henry or or delving cook, and I have dalvin cook in another league last season and He didn't really produce.
I'm sorry. He did on one like thursday night game against the cardinals, unlike weak eighteen, when it didn't matter- and I am just dumb- the compute hers were telling me to take calvin, but I went with Derek Henry he's: just get for play against the jaguar glories texans toward yeah. That's always good, ok and, and they don't have really. I mean, as far as I'm concerned any other weapons other than him, so he's gonna see a lot of production and dumb. So I took their kennedy. Is your first pick, unlike the rapporteur, through co, as nickname, very cool jia? Ah, for your second pic, I took up reese hall, because I love a jet and I'm kidding everyone yard regards year. Your words,
guy. That's that we thought about tat. Have no for your second point. Pic I took gum and I'm withdraw on would be see on this one I took giovanni Williams. I think the the arm would be see here and I believe the broncos are going to have a pretty epic season. I think it's going to be an offensive up and down. house. I also have a theory about the broncos, because the air is thin up there. They just ere it out. And mcmanus is just kick him feel goals and just Wilson is just doing it in the air and the ball traddles farther cause, so yeah, ok, so we're going so there is a people that say the zero running back shrouds. You were going with all running back strategy. I listen! an old school gentlemen? I a draft to running vaccinate two rounds, that's how I go and I'm not drafting a tight ended till the fifth round. That's how I am I'm old school. I came up on
fantasy to see when you would have to open up the paper monday morning and checked your stats, and then you would do the math and tell the rest, the team, how you did I'm an old schoolfellow, a lot of these kids have there Talks have their websites, that's not how I roll their draft. In a lotta leagues. Justin Herbert has been going. The third and fourth pick that that's not how that's not how I do it, I'm in old school fantasy player old. Well, oh as your smasher. Now, okay you're a smash mouth. So, but what would you say to the people that are like hey, jerry yeah? They throw the ball a lot in denver to air out lotta letter being put up by russia Wilson as you you actually just said that. A second ago Seventy Williams is a running back so I don't know how that I trust you listen a lot of kids. Do you know stupid things these days. They do get. You know tide pod challenges as well, and does that mean I should go, do a type of challenge like no? I don't care what the kids are doing. This is like
this is how I wrote you made me look. I mean you have called you on the other day. He block was like real old school emma I'm old school. I'm old, scrubbing and your job I learned. Ok, I would your third pic. I took keen and who are its so funny had some options here. Just another went. I had a shock to go for Josh Alan, but the computers were telling It was a little more and more of a stretch to grab him, but I I what with keen and Alan I'm gonna, tell you in a moment, whoever one shouldn't shouldn't be drafting. I should say this it just my opinion. Please don't you know right me after say, you lost your league because, as it is vice. This is just dumb. I mean this is a bad time. This, but it just like whimsical its final like that I am I
I have no. I have no proof MR these results. So no homes or anything. Whereas if you listen to a real fantasy football podcast, they have numbers to back things up. he's just based on my anger and yet how many teams in this leak, twelve twelve twelve votes I'm just looking so just trying to figure it out dodge avanti Williams, ranked you no easy tear through running back. We got em in the second round. No, that's pretty good value right. You know I'm gonna one I want to apologize, I may have tickets. No. Ah, we are all aware that still do fine was you probably would take him in the first. You know I had to. I had to circle back in its that circle. Back you get so scared of somebody else, like god forbid, jerry Pereira pick some upper something or yes. What word for word picketed. We have we, derrick henry. What was he like?
Ok, that's all residents! That's where you got bad luck with the draft what're. You don't want to be six yeah. I think Sixtus a good place to be I'm not taking christian mccaffrey, I'm not doing that I'm not die. I'm not technology. Harrison doctor. such surrounding more round three were out. I took you now, ok round the world. But this is where you you're gonna, get a little upset. I did take us how to have happened. I want to share it on my team, but I can't take Zach Wilson, who knows what's going to happen there? It's probably going to be flacco. We we gotta have a jet. Do it for Billy, I gotta do it or with we gotta have a cat. I mean we're gonna watch the first two jets gains anyway, so we might as well see what has actually first strategy. I like that, looking at what teams will be in prime time at start of the year where we're going
have to watch their games and then drafting players from those teams. I like that because it just it makes it all the more fun the jets are. Never the protein out. There I mean I live on the west coast games, We, the game, start at ten, a m which is a awesome reason to move to the west coast by the way. Everyone, because you wake up and there's football happening immediately. You don't have three hour window where you're still shaking from the night before, and you don't know what to do with yourself and there's like no excuses. You can jump right into football and but and Just how you guys know my rules. I have to have a brown and I have to have a job. You know your rules and I have to have I'm looking right now. Yes, the jets do have a prime time game, weak six,
seen thursday night against the jaguar. Oh hell again, we see that gives the jaguar Jaguar right. I'm going to write night accede in rome precisely to go off that game. Better, make sure my amazon prime, is a guy. I saw were right so so the way we blue orange rerunning backs in four rounds. Tell me what we got in round five, not another running back. No, we actually went John you're, good, good, plum. Ah I just stopped like having there's really only like three or four quarterbacks, really wanna know ruts wasn't been going in a lot of bees. no he's just it's a sexy jack. You know We love it begs the assets, s. Ok, this feel like will move in the right direction here
Then then, things got a little dicey, arm The computers were, starting to like say, different things for me, because I have a number of websites that are giving me live life for me: as to who should be picking so the numbers were it sort of like it was like crypto. It was. I didn't understand or like a high speed trains that you pay for so many services that will actually coach you through your draft. If you're slowing down you're also probably confusing, because in round six they were probably like now's a good time to take brees all you're going to be really upset, but I was afraid he was gonna. Leave us and gets taken up the board. Melvin Gordon next, because I really robotic not normal, ariovistus logic. Okay, so we now have a hidden covered round, laugh but winch, avanti Williams, when he like pose a hamstring. The link to wear
kissinger's toes smart to get a handcuff of our back up running. we cannot always be because I'm busy I want to thank you for your confidence, but- b c and you put in charge of this public loud and I'll, be a lousy. But I just want to just remind everyone. I have a feeling that our starting running back Scruby Derek Henry embrace all because the gens stuff, so now we have on our bench handcuff. we can, but one is a lot of sea area like he's going it about good value, great value, greyshot fleeced, you know I I just want to say I'm not going to doubt myself cause that some like derrick blouse stuff, when you're, like kind of shaky in like oh gosh, oh gosh, I'm not doing that. Like I stand by these decisions like the Some of these other you know julius and all and jury Pereira and seek him a column. They were like picking all over the place and I wanted to make sure that I had a handcuff just in case
You know last season because it was auto picked and we had the first pick. It shows Mister MC capri and I didn't have chubby hubbard. Mamma when he went down and one of you, The goofballs in this league already had him and we were. We were fucked heart fucked in right in the dick in the, but I mean it was it really screwed up? season, so I'm not letting that happen again. You play also port my job as your manager as your gm is to protecting I'm here to pretend you and if you Giovanni, a ghost which A possibility cause the eritrean up. There don't know what that has to do with them, with the bones of bread or not, but like. I just want to thank you. I preach now. Ok, seven michael carter on the ground
Seventh round I took gum, oh I took gum, you'd be Upset because he is questionable, but I took galen model, he was still around. I like him in that often and is not cool densities someday and by the will and say: yeah. It's a boy. He was in, he was there and seventh round. I just I had to take him for computers were yelling at me in chechnya. ok yeah, then all this was interesting. This was interesting. I saw em up there and also bc. I agree with you. I think Can I have a good season? I took her cousin,
it was a girl. I know I know I know who these guys going to throw to pick at you saying that I don't know what I say all these eggs. I don't know Kirk cousins, you that mother fucker, who talk a lot about her or cousins having a good season and talking about Kevin o'connell by the way he's been coached by you, know: okay, you're, right, you're, right, you're, right, you're right. That is, you have to do that, your brother coaches, the vikings you have to do it and one could treat us for him. I just like tat he should do people and also I saw that a lot of other people and back me in the eighth round, hadn't drafted a quarter back yet and dumb. I want him there. Can offer us a trade right after that? hollywood, brown, hair, dylan, going online rounder tenth round pale, a steel Ah then, I think I took dawson knox because I had to get the young tight air.
And you're about to hear. I love buffalo and then I m o treatment. Burke's was still on the board, so I took it next. Skype more, I think, was my eleven towards block writer and they're not. Had he come. You know guys, I'm all about protecting you and he and cutting so I gotta assign haskins. that the running back over at tennessee to handcuff with the jet carrying case he brings herring. I see this is you he did. He had a couple of blips, but I feel like you corrected yourself here and then at that point my wife was Yelling at me, because the draft went a little long, I mean well julie's. Randal really tat, the entire document that study gives daddy that he gets am. I was yelling at me I had to go on auto draft, so I am, I didn't, get a kicker, but are good news
ah on the waiver. Why are we have a claim in, for MR crisscross applesauce himself run? go blinkered, who I think is up It's going gonna be the kicker for disease. I like that later I like him as cookery where's cool glasses and again it goes back to my my strategy of of amc, south players. If you get somebody from the courts or gets married from the titans or you get one there to defence is that you can pick up, maybe the waiver wire whenever they play against the texans or the jaguars. I think that's good death yeah! You know I did have Mr Blake consent one, a few of my teams last season and when he did decide to sit out that game and sort of just angrily pout on the sidelines. I know he was injured and it and it made me feel hatred for. Him and like now, when I see him in those glasses were or even any mention of him. It may be angry him but dumb,
I want to give ya get good heart. And allow the computer say, he's gonna be kicker. It okay that sounds good and we're going out. It remember nice. I feel personally, so it's a lot of depth in this link. So I don't hate that line up. I just I don't hate kurt cousins, as a player I just deep seated hatred form. so I don't actually hate him it just pointing at this point workers It's that something to do with the other big commanders and everything that happened. While he was a quarter back there. I was just he's kind of a nerd, but that's fine. I think you'll proper a decent year with your brother, that you're completely eating people's beliefs with being nerdy and there's nothing wrong with its beings. Yeah I mean, have you see how it could stake, though he puts learn foil, on the girl. Are you like that to be the only thing that really annoying was when he was in the air in the tunnel going you like that. That was I heard he brought a backdoor. I really did that in practice at some point this year, so we might have logical to act like people in their own country.
Back to jail, seen a second, but before we do his brow, by visible. We love visible here. We could talk about them. Long time. We're gonna keep talking about because they keep getting better. This will start a just thirty bucks a month for a single line plan taxes fees included no favor. The planned needed you unlimited data, talk text and hotspot refund included, which is great plus upgrade their networks. You can score a better than the best experience and it's all by verizon yep, that network and now, a new plan that includes five g, ultra white band and global, calling that's a too for two. upgrading your wireless plan set your Up for wireless win join viz. Visible. Great, you guys are gonna love, it's which today at visible com five g ultra wideband available only on visible plus plan for data management. practices learn more at www, visible dot com, additional terms apply, now, here's more jerry, o connell. Can I go through
Players reality here do not less tweet. What's your do not let this year the inner she west, what's that sovereignty and if you west, as a leader in LOS angeles, no ramps no rams at all, not one. Now. My hat, I'm going to tell you why I live in los angeles. I've lived here for a fan. I've lived here for over two decades and I have never met a rams fan ever until about seven months ago. Okay and for example, my agent, who knows nothing,
I talked to my agent about the ball ever ever and you guys know I come on your show. I talk football on the apple guy and he and he just wants to talk about the rams- would be no, but he wants to talk about it in like an annoying way like a call him on the phone and he'll be like hey Jeff and whom he like it hurts. You got that wrong. It's shearing and he'll say: oh hey your eyes. I know you football. How about da? How about our rams, pepper, bleed? I bleed, blue and yellow now means crazy or gal right, coop, cooper or hot, and it just in los angeles they're, just a pound of band wagoner said just drives me crazy. It drives me crazy and I can't root for any of 'em they're. Not it's not real. It's not a real
it's not a real dedication. It's not a lifelong points. Whenever cooper cups course does sound, is the tree falling in the yet doesn't mean anything no yeah game gave seats and like they don't pay for them, and they don't give that they give to every other client accept me. So I am glad that we ask- and I want to tell you I, like you too, you run allowed these recent wall of almost five yards and carry them cooper caught raw cooper cup score. And your them. I that's real full power the associated yesterday. Save associated what you're talking to bulgarian said. You were like I do not drew lock and andrew luck yeah. He he got to hear the tackle a lot after he got interested after got into cept had he had such a level must be safe but dumb. You know,
also, I will say this coach mcvay and something that annoys me about him a little bit and I have a friend who- and he like, gets his hair done and every time he walks past a mirror. He makes like a face and he like books in a mirror, and he just pushes up the front of his hair like he just get a perfect and then he does like a look like jagielka like cultural barrier. He looks like he just spins like a good twenty minutes on his hair before the game. You know- and it's just like- that's not what I want from which I want someone who's got a dip in his mouth and is crying. You know I want an who'd, you want route for the coach came along the lines, not the rams right right and we the story. Before jerry b we shall make vague. up to fifty and I in indianapolis combine and was like what you got against my beard, because we had made fun of his beer and that's what you're saying like we don't. We want to we,
coaches. We make fun of like arthur smith, we made his chin and he took it on. While he didn't have a chance- took it on wherever his chin should be his neck. I was saying and I should say it's a little scary because coach make it does lives. You know where I live in Calabasas in LOS angeles, where all the kardashians are from and coach mcbay lives around there. I don't wanna get trouble, but I I've seen him and he lives in the more wealthy section almond more like I'm in get I'm in the lower income area tell a I'm not negate a community. Men. Come but dumb.
There is a small, but I put it up up. I got it just from home depot, I put it up and it's like chicken wire but dumb, I'm afraid. If I do see him, I don't know it like in and out or something he's going to get my face, but he does look. little boy band, just the trash you know, there's it's interesting. You bring that up, because some people on this podcast that think he's the fourth er. Excuse me the third toughest coach in the nfl. I just thought that was trusting when somebody we did a battle of coaches, he's a little jack little he's a little jacked but I heard I hope is not awkward. If you run a lawyer, be in the energy west, absolutely no seahawks! This wasn't none on whatsoever on It took me so long to get off of nick rats. I can't watch p carol. It just makes wanna go by nick red immediately a penny whose there, sir
back is gonna, be injured or two weeks and then to staff walker, but no subarus, I'm not betting. Untrue. Fuck, geno smith is going to get punched and he'd be out for the rest of the season. I could just stay away if he can get you some points, if you're in a defensive league in tackles, though, he's got that chase down, speed ah You guys actually feel really bad for. I feel really bad for and dig actually you're in a weird situation. you know. I want to talk to you about the cardinals and obviously I was addicted tunic aurette. I said that earlier, but also to cigarettes which are super bad. No one should smoke but dumb. I also used to dip its little triggering watching hard, knocks. notice, they keep the they dont, do any shots of dan spitting, none at all, but
yesterday and yesterday in the actually miss weeks up, so you saw he was carrying a cup within a napkin in they aren't just sunlight school, some spittle on their way. If you choose, I bet he goes. Oh, I was just a copenhagen. I I didn't get my gold school redman just throw in the the on the long stuff. You can see the ten through his pocket, so I actually know what I'm gonna change I'm going to change my answer. I bet he goes for cherry. Oh wait! No! I disagree. There was an article that came out about Dan Campbell a couple of weeks ago and he says two things I like. taste in life, coffee and tobacco so he doesn't, it has put. Any law are senator in his coffee and he, do anything flavoured with less copenhagen straight, probably things I love to taste in life, coffee,
It's a jake, I'm ok, ah, but dumb I was, I did have a real call of duty problem it is an addictive game. Just sucks you right in and I get were. We're kyler is coming from, I mean you know they give you metals, they dangle these metals in front of you. You know you get like a kill streak, metal, Phyllis metal, just a few more hours. If you stay up, you get an anti specialist metal, you get, to kill metal, kick end of match middle kill, street metal beaches dangled them, and you can't stop because you're so close to the next metal, and I get it actually feel for him. I actually think kyler needs a little bit of help like getting out of that video in addition it sucks you will. I agree, I agree so were
drafting corners of tea. Can comment on. This could be a teacup can't play car. Do you? yeah. You know I used. I quit. I quit plan call you duty. Actually, I picked it up last year Is it an amazing. isn't amazing, how much more you do with your life when you stop playing will know, because I swear chauvinist light simulators. I do that more now, so I just which branches of the military again to the air force gets us. Oh yeah, secure, are still probably more people now sometimes orphans when I bombs miss but yeah, I'm in a fight at fifteen Are you ready for this some good to say something nice, but the honesty west, any forty? or so called already nurse. All them love them
their fandom is a little scary. I work with a gentleman who is a forty niners fan and every monday morning he's a large man and I don't mean to physically judge people, but he's heavily tattooed and he just dumb just every monday morning. He gets in my face and he's always like yeah. He liked he liked. He liked that you see that you see the manor status. He liked back to punch you in the mouth or ba. Put your mouth like that. You have a soft mouth aftermath. the fact that you, like the niners niners, now still they're a little scary there, France? I will I'm going to go as far as to say, as the niners fans are. Maybe the There is no. We over the raiders yeah your sense of pretty scary, we experienced a pre scary.
So you bought the story when I went to the raiders game with my wife and why I'm not allowed to duplicate one? I don't I dunno. If you have I am a chargers fan here. In los angeles, I was a fan when they were in a different city. We don't mention the organization doesn't like that, and so the los angeles chargers and all, but when they were in a different city, I had season tickets. And I was just stating my wife and I said I have season tickets to the chargers. Do you want go and my way Some northern california and I said they're playing oakland. We should go, and my wife was not familiar with football at all and I m a with raiders fans and charges fence a altercation broke out near us and um. My wife got hit with a beer of ST ever a beer everywhere and dumb, and we left em. You know in the parking lot my wife and I got to fight cause. My wife is like you too,
tell me like at the vulnerable there. Why didn't you protect me, and I had to explain to her that I'm afraid of readers sands and were lucky? We just got out with a beer. your spill. It could have been way worse and up. My life has not into a football game since actually take up. My wife went to a los angeles chargers, readers game again but- had to go to advise you to sit in my eyes, nice. Okay, so else on the list. So any forty niners, okay! Ok, let's get the old every decision, only gmt Kalen hurts no. One else is only I dont mind that no one I don't even have to talk about them. I'm sorry about commanders. sorry about hell boys, I'm sorry about just nothing. Just only german hurts I think, come. I think the innocent east is
be the worst in a sea. North is pretty bad too, but I mean I just ginger hurts, I don't have to say I think he's going to have a good season and drafted before Joe burrow Wiley that that that is internal, shocking, yeah, okay,. Nfc, north man: let's talk about hard knocks for a second, and this is going to get a little strange but dumb. Let's talk about the hutchinson yeah, okay, we also have this conversation, and I mean I'm a you guys know my mom married him. Happily unmarried. We have issues and at times it's a happy marriage. At times it's not a volatile marriage, there's not volatility, but at times there
some just disconnection, but I'm married so like this is like this is like an imaginary situation, but I would have relations with. This at the sisters were over usually with europe's relations with all the hutchinson mom, by the way, Fuck that I'm not sure, but I want to get on twenty three me. I want the christmas. I want that tat so much. I want to fuck that attire, agreed the means they are amazing there so supportive they watched the gains they the birth.
Raise nfl blunders and beauty, queens and semi me up. My father gave me an addiction jean what end and now debt and this family, and I want to be with them physically, I one obedience I have them all of them, and that includes Mr Hutchinson yell at their beautiful people. I think one of his sisters was miss michigan. So, as an iD p, you can take hutch, but I nobody god that's just gunnels back wilson talk network has mounted on remain, but the lions dump before DJ shark isn't doing anything. The season made up Only one in a sea northern player
Alan lazard, I think, is obviously nor am I like that. I think he's gonna get out of here. Ok,. Also any biking. I do like the liking. Sunlight I sat down and cook. I think they're going to be good this year, but no, I think if you, but if you have like a seven pick and he's up there, yet you had to take down cook and by the way, if you have like a tenth pick, he got to take lift. I mean like these aren't like hard rules, just tryin steadily down, ok onwards. What am I gonna see south because I should have thought: what's it like another silence on? What do you want me to resist? Expert? If you have, the seventh perkins zone is now take time casually god he advanced Derek Henry. I am we get handcuff quarterback in the six round with carcasses billy dry. hank handcuffed. The swift last year. Tap. That's true
guys. Let's all talk about the nfc south because- and this is actually something I could talk about and arm Tom Brady was in the news a lot and and he's quote going through some shit and. and he looks a g, a! U n t gone to g, u n t but dumb. He and I can sort of speak on. What's going on with him. I am and and and bear with me here. If you look it up hank, look it up, really look it up. I am married this week to a former my wife, I'm allowed to say this. This is not brad physicists back my way, we know superman, I think of remain. I think you grew up. I think it's one of those things that, if you're supermodel your suit model for life, not former put some respect. Why she ain't supermodel! I know, but I'm not coming on here and lying about my situation. I'm telling you.
Yet what is heavily record your arm over astor, like wind, you become a supermodel when you make that step for being a model and now boom supermodel. I think it comes from a a pay scale and my wife was represented. I think you are represented by that sports agency. I am jean So you're not just represented by some like model agent with a cigar hanging out of your mouth, your represented by a large sports agency that also integrates you with young men. You know and brands it's like a whole thing, so you're just on another level, so my wife is in that that prevent obviously sharing I'm not comparing herded chiselled giselle l is, I have to say one thing, so be it: I obviously know who your wife is cause. She was very famous and were growing up.
Just looked her up. Any just gave me this mark, like all fuck, yes That is a comparable you. Can I suggest someone who worked in the nineteen ninety six western issue. He had no idea who she was and he is. He is a noob. we'll be bass remaining to your wife tonight. It just see. No, actually I was about to complain about it's! I tell you it's it's that this happens, because I'm a man of a particular age, but I I'm gonna tingle the hell I lose funding los angeles when Billy met jerry for the first time he came across the bar and he was like hey my wife over there and I irene we'd like to buy you a drink, and then he's like oh you're, Billy football. He didn't realize, but I guess been really polite and and saying hi to nice. Young man is, I mean disbelieved,
Then maybe next year, every year everything jerry, you know that lights but dumb. I want to talk about being married to a model who my wife just doesn't get football. My wife actually dislikes football. She thinks its brutal and doesn't doesn't think there's Ness doesn't like doesn't get this doesn't get us doesn't understand. It doesn't understand on sundays. Why it has to take all. Why is it all day sunday? Why is it on thursdays, not wise it on monday, to what is this? is it on amazon, wise it on tv. Why is it everywhere and I think Tom Brady has to deal with a little bit of what I do with all the time which is living with someone who just doesn't get doesn't get in, and you know what
I mean you know, my whole thing is yeah. I just wanna watch a couple of quarters a weekend that poor guy has to do it. Sixties a week I mean it's gotta, be it's gotta, be tough, it's gotta, be we feel for him. and by the week after you talk in a coach arians yesterday, if you please The road I mean he's probably gonna, be doing it in a studio, but it sounds like you know working games is just as hard work is being afghan only ice. It becomes you life at some point now to compare you in your marriage to Tom brain his marriage. So Tom came Looking now you get back got, as you said, the agency's lindsey and others. speculation out there. Maybe Tom had some worked. I didn't say, a lot of people are saying it to compete with it like a thing were, You see how attractive your wife is in your like. I really have to keep a tight because I gotta keep her happy. Look at her dear sir
but there is a pressure about it. Are you in now like this part of my eye. You can see it if you really like getting close if you're on youtube. Please please subscribe. We gotta not a lot of followers these days, maybe doing something but unjust, so afraid of looking like. Siegfried and roy. You know I'm just so afraid of. Like I don't want anyone to ever make fun of me getting that. I you know I I don't want to talk on. Maybe him getting something done, or I just think he's I think he's, I he has to deal with a lot. Alright, let's keep moving on. Ok, so any see. Just to sum up Vienna see any party minors jacqueline. Words. Maybe somebody That's it! Ok, let's go to the aid of sea self. Now hear me out. This is gonna, be really random.
and you know, I love random teams. If, if you weren't bind, I believe Davis mills. Who went to stamper got a good head on his shoulders. davis, mills and brandon cooks could have ah could have that bree lynn. You're a candour senior that no one ok acting think is excellent. Their super cheap. I love a bargain. I need, like I love a bargain. Ok, I have no clue who else is on the texans. Please don't even ask me those the onto names that I know I'm really happy to say. I came on your pockets last time and I told you I like drafting jackson. That's when you invite me into a league- and you want me to give you but I said I'm not doing that, because I want us to remain friends the jackson. The jag, oh ok, the tags or back. Ok, I like the jack's again
of love, a love Etienne. I think he comes at a bargain. Love travel lawrence am I, sleeper this season. Evan Ingram yeah, because gonna have a good or a good year. Culture totals best agrees. News fast accept, told you poorer, we'll crisscross applesauce round, go a seat yet only the bills? gotta go to that bar uptown. All stars, if you watch bills game, it's in new york, all stars. It's a bill's bar. I gotta tell you I am married. I told you I'm married to rebecca romijn former supermodel moderately happy and I love, I think bills. Fans are the most attract. Really I don't know about the men. I can see
women. I just think there's just so out of them. There are you ever seen ever seen as bra just went to the bar all stars. You ever seen the other stripes everywhere on bills, like their fans where the zoo bass pattern like zebra stripes with different colors. That's like their thing, just thinking to myself allowed. Like logic Zoo ban would be bombed. Sixty midnight. Yeah I mean I'm just a bit: ok, no path can't walk, set up ants met jones. Getting three points. Last season in the game was just their debt to me. You know what I will say this breeding one village hackneyed already built check me to bring two simple, as that Abc north bangles, all them loved them ravens. I'm sorry, I just know ravens last season I had darwin's and then I
gus edwards and everybody blue their knees out in its like. You know, unlike week, one on come on. The t v has come on la tv, you're, hoping la tedious murray gets a touch. I can't deal with the ravens, I'm sorry now you gotta handcuff dobbins, to MIKE Davis and to urge kenyan drake pass I know steelers, except for that tight end up prior mouth. I named the male veterans, fruit or fair. Farewell and yeah I mean I root for trubisky. I really do but- and I am sorry but no browns. I know I talk about browns, but you know I do live in los angeles and I do I kind of want to get a cancelled. You can't. I can't like be an alcoholic fantasy league like you, guys, are in and near haft now
one player I wanted to draft from the rounds case will be drafting. We can speak, you know in the seventh round. Jerry takes hurry up and get your kid. There will be. No you getting too much trouble. I want you, listen he's there. I want you and you know everyone sort of looking at each other, virtually like who's going to do it as week. Twelve somebody could light it up. They've had a lot of rest and they are talented, but can't do at night touching it not it. Ah, sir and finally fc west, all of them except burke, except a running back. on pvc because they call me was Clyde Edwards earlier, but they just have no status that that was does my sight. So what we're gonna do I want means too, were someone on our team is going to make a graphic so that we will put it right away when the podcast comes out. Maybe sometimes,
Friday will put out a graphic, the gesture, was all the teams you ve stop so people can just add that cheap you goes jerry, Connell's, fantasy football our rules. Now jerry I had one a question for you because I I just saw you grab a piece of paper. It is the robot Why should you knew the robot question was coming or h, o b, a c k, dot com use code, take twenty percent off your first purchase or accuse it's hoodies, polos everything, rollback dot com, Do you have something for our good are good boy, william football yeah? I do I just I know many gummy. While we established that an dumb. I just thought I'd like to jot notes down about, lee throughout the year, and when I come on, I like to just stock. While I just
wrote about their views, and yes, I would love to hear the parting from Billy billy billy billy This is a duty for the man who seems to have it all made: billy billy billy, even though he didn't grow hair and his cuba's until the eleventh greed, billy billy billy. We, for your knowledge and how wide it does span billy billy billy like Wednesday, when you referred to the country of russia as one giant clan, billy billy billy. Yes, some of your takes shall we say strange, but billy billy billy, at least unlike hank, you seem to believe in billy billy billy. Sometimes
speak. We all turned to our radios and we shout billy billy billy. We can't hear you your internet going out billy, billy Billy, who are you exactly? We only have a few hints billy billy billy we know you have a hedgehog and live with them That's it. billy billy billy? as a man. You are mere perfect. Nothing would, you is broken billy billy Billy, but god do we wish we had video you're getting don't behind him. billy billy billy. We all need your wisdom, so give him a raise for god's sake, but billy billy billy. We all know you're just going to get a coupon to pardon my stick, merely billy billy. We love you billy and we love you with this crew and Billy billy Billy, never ever
Those that dog in you elaborate tat, was about two billion, a lucky guy jerry you I got the best, the best jerry. This is. We look for this so much. You're gonna have jan midseason for fur and update he's coming to europe. Yeah waiver. Why we are you? Are you calling I well I'm sorry I couldn't be. I wanted to say one last thing: are you coming new york and all this year? I do know, and when I come here be my first call upon the show called every guy airy, it starts earring september, twelve, all right on the box. check it out. You can now watch football and then now if your nfc games and then should love you guys. Thank you. You've got to cut up my god. That was good and you get to run the fucking. I think his wife was like what are you doing. He did it. I was going to say we need to have jerry o'connell come to the gambling cave for an entire sunday. It would nothing would make me happier if you just did the whole thing
and did a whole Monday episode. Will that that's? The thing is when we're in the gambling cave, we are paying it into our bets and we're not paying into at all defensible jury's going gonna, be all over the map with who he cheers for in those games. It's credit, yeah. I j c was brought in by three key, I'm not a drug guy, but emma three chee guy whether you live in a state where marijuana is legal or not. Three. She now offers federally legal. ben, great delta. Ninety eight see products that delivers, at your door, casey didn't know delta. Ninety eight see is the act. ingredient marijuana. That gets you. I wish me Three g is now selling the same edibles that you'd get from a marijuana dispensaries, but at Or price and they deliver tudor house. Possible sites. Three g has dealt a nine from him. which is the exact same, is taking it from marijuana, except it makes their products federally legal, get five percent off three cheese premium, tutsi products by gonna, three, she dot com. That's the
Three c h: I dot com and these promo code stool, five to take five percent off your order, promote stool, five take fibre off your order. You must Twenty one are older to purchase Ok, let's wrap up. We ve got fire fest of the weak henry. Would you like to kill us If I do, this is kind of a real fire fest. So you have to bear with me I'm going to try and explain it. Explain it all in the best way I can but it's very like it. It itself we kind of goes back earth like reminds me of old old barstool, like old, two thousand thirteen, two thousand fourteen days the inciting incident, but we. Did the mini golf like we didn't. We did a mini golf video. We saw some. There was some tweets from people that worked here like oh I'm, the best mini golfer, I'm the best mini golfer were like oh well we'll go would have when play around one white everyone, because you know it's pretty pretty wide open. Who could be many Gough person good cause We'll have everyone com, everyone can shop, I want, can compete.
and then we'll edit, a video and we'll figure it out after, like that was kind of like what we used to do back in the day where it's like. Oh we'll, just go shoot this video and figure out how to how to get it done. Yadda yadda yadda, but we had forty people like Won't cameras, a million different audio tracks and it it's a good event like everyone, you guys were there, it was. It was fun. It's good content. You guys both texted me after actually on the side be like. Oh, that was great good stuff, like old school, feel awe and the miscalculation that I mean aid on how how much was gonna have to go, and do it after was was me the biggest miscalculation that I've ever made in my entire life like something that I thought was going to be like a quick at it, it will be. If the content will put it out, it's supposed to be the end of the summer. It's now coming out two weeks, that's kind of why I wanted to bring it up, because people have been asked me like when is it coming? when the coming out into coming out Let's just say I get something like I felt was gonna take, maybe ten hours for the last
like three weeks. I myself, we have other enters we're gonna. Do too. I myself have been like going through this footage for probably you're forty hours because it sites, basically imagining pudding filming having everyone play a golf round and then, after the gall frowned putting it together, like adding commentary and so just live cutting at the way like any normal broadcaster and that is wasn't something we thought about before which again, like it's all my fault and. I've, just had like of, have obviously been like a very happy go lucky person like I'm. Never really that stress, I'd say out of his podcast. Unlike the least said person out. Ok, noble I've had really really really like bad anxiety like in, like just haven't like eating. Well, I haven't gotten like going. I wanted to do anything like this. This is golfing This will not just get off work and I d like to sit there and have like others. I have like really really really bad anxiety, and that's not something where it's like. You know I'll get like hangover anxiety or you get nervous about something. For a night, but I've never had like
lingering they the day. Anxiety that, just like you just don't want to do any time. You don't want to do anything in like now. I feel like we're cunt on through the hard part, and we were more like, though there is light at the end of the tunnel so and I've up talked about it. I not see my family it's after. It's like, I was going through it for a little bit, but it's just It was bad for awhile all as well as those words when it's all your fault, you're like how? How how did you fuck this up that bad, it's like geared us an idiot like there's, no one to blame, but yourself kind of me. But worse yeah I dislike I've. I do obviously like I tell you guys off off air whatever, but I I'll just tell you guys on air but yeah, it's been it's been. It's been a struggle over the last couple of we have forty people, forty plus people miked up and then to put it together, where we had a cot system mould. three rounds light? when he cameras, I
that's one of those ones. I was actually thinking about it the other day, because you'd mentioned something about how hard it was. If you I put me in phd in a room, and you can't come out till it's edited, I think, would be in the room forever, I think we'd diet, there's so much stuff because we are at it, but also like way to learn how to edit and then try to do it. We would be in the room for the cumulative amount of tape that you had had it to be like weeks worth of footage. Well, yeah and again it's one of those things where it's like. I I guess it's. The mini golf was the inciting incident and then like that, just like If you have you know, someone your plate and a new address, two giant thing in your plate than your play: breaks and you're. Just like a mess like it was it a kind, just like triggered me into just like being in a bad place. We're just like I just like ours overwhelm the dislike it. I was not use, have so much or do anything you need like focus on one thing, but it too three hours of footage, but in reality like your rounds. One hour you around is one our rights, that's forty hours and you have to
through all that figure out the best shot organism, whatever whatever it's not really about the many offers more dislike. I just wanted to plain like what that address having a bad like a fire festival of the last three weeks and I applaud not apologise, but it's just like I just I hadn't been myself. I want to get back to being myself and so such an excuse for my rushmore. How's your team, doing howard, how the editors mitt max backer, or maybe you can shed. Some light on this, which divide is a vibe like but they mad hank, None I mean I was supposed to help with them. golf and then I got brought onto the show- and I have a million things to do with this show I was also like another man down, because that was supposed to be my thing and then I came over here, but it is like a bare like the first couple Is I think hank was away, and I was. looking at it and it's like.
their show much heritage that you can't buy, rasp aware, to start, I yeah the really that's where it was like. It was like all yeah that was a great day and that's the thing where the takeaway was like. This was a great day. This is going to be great video and then you get in front of all the video and you're like, oh, my god, like the completion bar of like What needs to get done before this is completed is it was it was it literally was overwhelming and like spiraled, my my mental it is, it is good that was mini. Golf ball there, but it's good that you're saying a lot, because obviously pythia are we're on the other side of the camera. So we do something fun like that and then Like others, I was sick, it's gonna come out soon. and I think a lot of fans think that way they don't realize how much work goes in behind the scenes, its exponential compared to what we have to do.
And we could have again like that's where it's like it could have been thought out me beforehand or it could have been like yeah. If we had like you, know, prep better. We would have realized that the scope of this, but again like old school, just like yeah, we'll we'll we'll have everyone play it'll, be great and then we'll just edit after and it's like you get to the app when like oh, no, this this is impossible paul. It's good and its good. Like the first. so did another six episodes are gonna sarcoma out o from tuesday and it were it we're fine. In a place where it's like- I I I don't even want to talk about it because we will relate ones coming out would come out again at first cut, which was like like it's never coming out like it's an infernal humbling and anders gonna die, but now The persons coming out, you know we got a good plan for the rest of the ones like it's fine, but will you looking pretty slim from losing the stress here. That's true. I know I've been looking well. We other wove and slept you did what good it ass soon ass. The other day
yeah. I mean I I I want to get back again. I want to get back to just like being a normal person like outside of work and working out playing golf going out and shit like, but yeah, I dunno I just like was debating whether or not to talk about it cause I didn't want to like I didn't want us to go mini golf is, is coming out and, like it's delayed, it's coming out people going to go like what took so long. It's like wall. this would took so long and also like yes, I smile, but- good, I'm on the road on the road back I have a knows anything different by hag. That's good, yeah your great, as always, you're happy even exactly say, you're. So happy love you! I love you. I love you back. Billy, you allow me to what he has built. love. I love. You love you. I love you everybody loves yet everyone. Does
everybody, tweeted hag, and let him know that you love yes, yes and don't ask and win the many good things coming out on me. I'll, tell ya globally married or forty five to be a great service has done a great job once rather auditors do we have that. And Jake's doing the announcer data the play my boy, I was ass, good ass. It were in a way we put in the work we ve gone through it. We we ve gone through the bushes and it is going to be good at just was a lot of bullshit to go there, but ok, fifty my five rest of the week is. I had my follow of appointment yesterday for my elbow for they are you see anything to see if I needed surgery? Anything like that, and I just kept it So that's better. I kind of think that whatever is going on my elbow, that's probably going to be what's going on with my elbow for the rest of my life, and I didn't want to do this. I want to do it the right way where I was like I'm going to follow doctor's orders or that from where the brazen and the brace like two days and then I was his braces very uncomfortable, I'm not gonna wear it. I was supposed to get like a nighttime brace for it to wear. While I slept
I didn't do that- and I just figured ok I'll, just not use it for a couple weeks we'll see how it improves if it improves? and then I was praying playing. Frisbee golf with it. And ask of discourse gives me off often with it- and I just got a reach the point where I said fuck it. as I as I knew I would probably eventually get to the dmv, but I was trying not to try and do the correct way, but I Sometimes you just get stubborn about things and so My strategy now is I'm just going to resume normal life and then if it gets reentered, then I'll. Just re address it at that, but why we always just gonna happen in this, because you're, a gamer, its policy, Yeah, ok, get surgery during for policies and billy did give me the fucking research chemicals that he said he was gonna. Get me get those chemicals are on the way. I really fixes know they're not know they're, not those in my mind, you're, under arrest order them in his mind. You haven't you in order to minimise the ilo region, you just it. I need, I need something you actually want me to shoot you over this? Yes, ok, ok,
officially record, yet I'm not liable for anything. Yes, because I do not want my right elbow to be fucked up for the rest of my life right so little. I think this is going to fix everything yeah, but yeah research, chemical, all sorts of things. I was supposed to be doing that. I just haven't done I have been wrestling it though, for the most part I've been picked stuff up with it, but I would just for to not have done. a bell bone till I die. I degree at agree are my fire fest it's a stupid way but like I said earlier in the show my son's getting to a point where he's very funny and just saying should all time. When do you like playfully hits? his sister or me aegis, says bach I love that so they just racking my brain walk over me like I just bought my sister your idea, so this challenge is completely corrupted. What should be a key moment every single time he doesn't
Well, the blancs like five times a day and just like okay, well yeah. I love the idea. That's true! I love the idea that you're like a very, very much a living reminder of you having been horny at one time, walking around bonking yeah he's just like. Oh I bonk mommy, say: okay cool. It should be like a precious moment. That's just been completely corrupted by the internet. In this show, Billy so we are in the woods on Tuesday june, yet doing other frothy crossing is doll. You just we're dull thing is viewed through time out, so out in the woods a fair amount, the deep grass, and this last I was. You know itchy goes like with houses escapees again. and though I again your member, the ivory met him, though he scape socks, and then I realized that it will escape users to me bites and I have a child's oh yeah hashtag jake was right. When the
it comes out. Jake was being jake and was like. I was actually my fire fest to really revise her crazy, really yeah cause jake was complaining about the mosquitoes we literally got out of the car and he's like. I feel I feel like I just got bit and we all this cloud on him and then what three holes in and we're like jake was writing Billy's are a lotta. Why did you? Why did you pronounce it like that? Just curious, So I've only read it before so it's a really bad. What are they either there? These bogs were called. The tigers borough answer skin and eaten did you see a dry gigi arrests. Are they sought the really achieve because the genus doesn't kicking it first right, I'm way later, so the only way to the only
I you have joggers yeah. I know it's such a perfect glimpse inside buildings of the only can't cancel me for this bugs the elderly, so there's no cure once they bite you make it worse by not pronouncing it makes it infinitely worse. theirs just leaving no room for air, so don't ever tweet outward out yet so I was the only way to deal with it is like washing, but they said that if you really want to get rid of power which were how robbing alcohol I'm the bites. So then I put all this rubbing: outlaw the bite to kill the budget like burrowed into my skin and its dong like the worst thing ever like absolutely just dumping I'll call an open wound, moods and you start to get drunk. No, that's all I wish shut up We too
he said on tuesday, workers do finders house I'll drive cause. I will get fucked up on a tuesday. we will only have none of us know drinking, and I would like to ask that use house last time we were at sue's house, we were like chugging tons of beer, the actor said. Don't worry, I won't drink there and I was like I didn't I. I wouldn't said that I signed when you're driving you're not can do that's right last. I do last time we were there. There was just tonnes boot, yes out but if I were driving their, but nobody had planned on drinking on this occasion because we had to work while I quite literally from from ninety nine yeah, do you know what the vibe was. Its dues did you it, the bible. I knew I wasn't gonna get drunk on a tuesday regardless survived. You can always be like hey I'm working now. Last time was a thursday. I think we were going to an island. It was a wednesday because we'd never show we're going. We don't go into the islanders game, we're going there to have a full day. Okay, hang
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Only once you can't see it restricts bijou to the deuce directly, as you have the time, you're lucky yankee dutch support. Get out get out. I get the night what the spotter bore. No, you won't. Let me guess. and with these things, but my legs: the sea words.
I told you.
Transcript generated on 2024-01-12.